#or i’ve been up for like 6 hours atp
svnoohe4rts · 2 years
oh my i’ve never seen someone so attractive before help me ????? the eyes i cannot breathe please why can’t i live in peace for ONE day i’m begging u heeseung 💔
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m00n-pr1sm · 1 year
my life was getting so sad w/o a media to chew on (recently the shows ive been into r only for a month like on & off) so I’m literally regressing & finally watching s5 of arrow. I thought I would just obsess over laurel again (but specifically e-2 laurel) but I think it’s actually Felicity???? like you KNOW the brainrot is getting bad when you search up what media the actress has been in (I watched funny story last night & it killed me, like I usually skim just for their scenes but I watched this whole thing through) anyways it’s been a year since I last watched so my memory is super fuzzy abt the earlier seasons but I really don’t wanna rewatch from s1. From old rants I didn’t really like her in s4 at some points but I’m honestly so convinced A LOT of the hatred towards her is due to misogyny (same w Iris tbh w racism thrown in)
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wqnwoos · 1 year
you only wake up when wonwoo’s about to go, almost like you can sense him leaving. it just takes one sleepy whine from to stop him in his tracks, and he bends over your curled up figure with a soft smile.
“where are you going?” you demand childishly, opening your eyes.
wonwoo laughs quietly, cupping your cheek for a moment, brushing it with his warm hand. “we’re out of eggs. and milk. i won’t take long, okay?”
“no, wait for me, i’ll come with you!”
which is how you ended up behind wonwoo in the early hours of the morning, as he looks for the groceries and you trail sleepily along with him, holding his hand and stifling your yawn.
wonwoo casts a sideways glance at you, shaking his head fondly. “i told you to go back to sleep, baby.”
“i’m needy,” you admit shamelessly, squeezing his hand when he laughs a little — and then your eyes are brightening, and you’re tugging him towards the end of the aisle. “babe! let’s get pancake mix for breakfast!”
wonwoo sends a glance to the eggs inside the cart already, but you catch it and beam at him. “eggs for tomorrow. they’ll keep. pleaaase.”
wonwoo shakes his head finally, lips lifting in amusement. “of course, baby. get whatever you want.”
“when you say whatever i want…” you start, bright-eyed and mischievous.
your boyfriend only presses a kiss to your temple. “i mean it. go on. whatever you want.”
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an / requested by an anon but i accidentally deleted the ask 😭 sorry anon!! anyway this is AWFUL but i’ve been rewriting this since like 6:30 in the morning and i give up atp
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nanthegirl · 6 months
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• I went to bed around 5am cause this TikTok about dying before your siblings made me sob for a long ass time.
• I attended my online class at 8:30am and skipped the one by 15:30. I wasn’t in the mood and it was just the introduction. I really hope I don’t do it again lmao.
• I’ve been borderline overindulging in the Ben and Jerry’s sale at the grocery store. It’s hard to believe I have a choice atp. I love brownies smmm.
• I spent most of the day reading Lies We Sing To The Sea. I was in bed for about 6 hours and I ended up finishing it. It wasn’t what I expected and I was pleasantly surprised cause I read the synopsis and assumed the worst. Like I always do with books like this.
• I need to be serious tomorrow.
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percepeony · 2 years
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Been giving few of my ocs some attention
Also because I chose this oc of mine in my drawing class as a character design ref sheet and facial expression assignment last week
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Introducing one of the fucked up ocs I have 😌
Most of my ocs are fucked up anyway lmaoo
Name: Eike (he doesn’t have a last name because he doesn’t want to)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Half human, half parasite
Nationality: Half German, half Filipino
Likes: Chaos and danger
Dislikes: Time/watches/clocks and people
Rival: Fumihiko Morikawa (his former boss, unwillingly)
Skills: Intelligence
Ability: Parasite & immortality
Weakness: Blood types A and AB
Occupation: Detective
Alignment: Chaotic neutral (tho he tends to switch sides whenever he feels like it)
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Eike is a two people in one body type of character (I don’t know how to call it lol)
Emir - the black haired
Elijah - the pink haired
The stitches that mended his splitted face is only down on his neck with an ‘X’ mark in which is slightly covered with his grey sweater
He’s a pretty complex character because at first you would’ve guessed he’s just a serial killer like any other villain characters but the second you’d catch on, he’ll act like an innocent prick
Overall, he likes causing chaos between two opposing sides and sometimes prefers being a spectator
Q&As (more questions can be added):
1. How do you address Eike if he’s made up of two people? Do we call him a ‘he’ or a ‘they’?
Answer: His pronouns are he/him since Elijah is mostly the one in control as Eike (he also picked up that name to hide his identity) also because Emir’s half decapitated face is unconscious in Elijah’s control so he won’t be able to control everything for the time being unless Elijah wakes him up and lets him have control but atp Emir’s looking like he’s gonna be ‘dead’ for awhile.
2. Who is the parasite and how does it work?
Answer: Elijah, to be more specific, that’s his ability. He can control someone’s body by merging his blood with someone else’s. As long as that person he’s targeting has the same blood type as him, which is O, or else he’ll be dead in an instant. Mixing his blood with a different blood type is like feeling drenched up acid to him.
3. If Eike’s occupation is being a detective, wouldn’t his co-workers be suspicious of his conditions to his face?
Answer: His face is usually covered up with his hair and he only uncovers it when he’s alone so don’t worry 👌
4. How did he managed to get a certified occupation with the way he looks??
Answer: In the beginning, they picked him up in the alleyway beside a garbage bin during an investigation. At first he was gonna be placed in an orphanage as a joke until he told them his age and “dream” which was to become a detective. They doubted him at first based from the way he presents himself until during another investigation (someone had to keep watch on him so they suggested on bringing him on work lol) and was surprised on how well-observant he was throughout. So there, he was immediately hired and he's still wearing that outfit despite being told to wear something formal.
5. How did you come up with a character like Eike?
Answer: After listing my ocs, I noticed that I never had a neutral character before so there, I started coming up with a few concepts. He was supposed to have elf ears but that small detail is scratched from my sheet because it’s useless. It took me half an hour to think about it because I wanted this character to have a chaotic appearance and personality but still complex. I decided that the mix of black and pink would suit him. I thought of black and white at first but nah, I don’t think I’ve seen any characters with the mix of black and pink that much before so I chose those color palettes.
6. If he dislikes any items involving time, why does he have a pocket watch?
Answer: He’s wearing it around his neck as a spiteful way towards Fumihiko for treating him like shit for 3 years so he stole it from him (and a very useful thing at that because the pocket watch he’s holding onto right now is someone else’s life so if he ever breaks it, that someone will die, though, he doesn’t know it yet)
7. What are the backstories of Elijah’s and Emir’s?
Answer: You’ll know it soon once I fully make an mv of it 😉
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B. E. N./Behavioral Event Network
Two Face by Jake Daniels
Brain & Heart by Melanie Martinez
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i figure ur followers probs love 323rd content (cause they should) so im going to interrogate u.
Fav character (can be one you created)?
Fav character (can not be one you created)?
Fav duo
Fav trio
Fav ship
Fav headcanons
<3 enjoy
interrogation accepted
1. obviously I’ll have a bias for Kyr and Sora because I made them n stuff, so I guess you can say they’re two of my favs. defo not the only ones though!
2. I cannot choose a favorite out of all of the 323rd ocs cause there’s so many of them and I heart them all, but I’ll choose my fav oc from each of the people who’ve made ocs for the battalion. my fav from you would be ukiyo, from sam would be patch, from exo would be taciturn, from moon would be flynn, and from gali would be skratch (gali only has skratch so far but he’s still one of my favs.) so yeah!
3. there’s so many duos we’ve conjured up but I’d have to say my favs (cause I can’t just choose one…..) are Kyr and Flynn, and Sora and Patch (or Sora and Scorn. I feel like they’re kinda interchangeable). all the other ones are great but those are the ones that are constantly in my brain :3
4. as of right now, definitely sora patch and scorn. they are just the silliest…. but also I always love brontide tacenda and ukiyo or taciturn glum and scorn. the classic trios!!!!
5. patch and oharhi <33
6. most “headcanons” we end up making are just canon atp….. BUT I’ll say them anyways!!!!!
-three Sora related ones first cause I’ve been talking abt her a lot more recently: the fact that Sora literally gets adopted by Patch and by default Oharhi is now also her dad, as well as the fact that Scorn random decides to hit the hay in her ship and snooze for hours and she just kind of deals with it, AS WELL as well as the fact that she literally just gets a pet acklay a while after o66.
-Ukiyo randomly sleepwalking and Tacenda staying up to follow him and guide him around the base while he does so to make sure he doesn’t get hurt
-Mercy always willing to drag Flynn to the medbay because of how much he hides his injuries
-Skratch teaching Kyr mando’a and in turn Kyr teaching Skratch a variety of swear words in basic
-Chain acting more like the commander than Checkmate (the ACTUAL commander) does
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fairy25 · 1 year
I need some advice. I recently was broken up with and I'm reeling from it. We met when i was 19 and he was 32 and we ended up hooking up 6 years ago. He didn't tell me until after we hooked up that he had a wife which started a crazy feud, but he eventually divorced his wife and convinced me to be in a relationship with him. The relationship was pretty rocky at first because he was very emotionally abusive. Like he would constantly reprimand me for doing the wrong thing and saying the wrong thing and would lecture me for hours and not let me sleep until I agreed with him. I used to live with him sometimes because my mom got evicted and i couldn't hold down a stable job because I had an untreated learning disability and he would pick fights with me every day when I would say/ do the wrong thing and sometimes he would even kick me out.
While he did all this its v confusing bc he was also very good to me at the same time?? He helped me out when I was evicted and let me live rent free with him. He helped me get my diagnosis and helped me look for a job. He helped me get over some of my insecurities and would urge me to go to therapy and helped me get my driver's license. The last 2 years he started becoming more spiritual and became a lot nicer to me (He would still reprimand me but not as often) and urged me to do yoga and meditation. He started getting serious and during that time he was throwing ideas around of leaving everything behind and going to a yoga center etc. I was so drained atp from the constant mistreatment and feeling like I wasn't a priority so I went outside the relationship to explore my options. i met a guy that I was going to meet for dinner and just talk to, but I was drugged and assaulted. I felt so guilty that I told my boyfriend and he broke up with me. This was a year ago. Since then, we've been on and off because he would come back but couldn't commit because he couldnt trust me. Early this year he moved to a different state and he reached out to me to ask if I wanted to visit him out there in the summer. I was cautious but I agreed because I missed him. We started calling and texting every day and he started hinting that he wanted a relationship with me again. I started catching feelings again and was grateful for the opportunity to make things right because I fucked up. I bought the plane tickets and two days after I bought them he told me that he was getting women flirting with him out there and that he wanted to explore his options. I was so upset and I asked him why we couldnt work things out, he told me he still couldnt trust me after what happened. He told me it's best if I get a refund on the tix and just stay home. I felt so crushed, I felt like I was lead on and I feel so ashamed and guilty over what I did. The worst part is I felt like I ruined everything and it's my fault that the relationship ended the way it did. What do I do???? I have no friends and no one to talk to.
I’m sorry you feel like you have no friends and no one to talk to, I’ve been there many times myself. I think putting aside any feelings you have about your breakup/ex, you should try to focus on what would make you feel better right now. And I think that would be making a friend and giving your brain a break from analyzing what happened with your ex and trying to solve it. It sounds like you’ve been stuck in a spiral of negative thinking and blaming yourself, and honestly the only way to get out of that spiral in my experience is to change how you’re thinking and living your life. Small changes are best. Choose to join a group you’re interested in, try to make a friend. You can hangout and just talk about silly inconsequential stuff. You can try new restaurants together or go see a movie. Or you can do those things by yourself if you want. I often go to the beach and just walk around taking pictures by myself. I’ll spend the whole afternoon there and I don’t feel anxious at all. Sometimes it’s the only break I get from my anxiety. And a little break is much better than no break at all. I can’t fix how you’re feeling (I wish I could) but I can tell you that it’s normal to feel how you do, it’s okay to be confused, it’s okay to miss him, it’s okay to feel alone. Just allow yourself to feel it, then allow yourself to not feel it for a little while too. If you overwhelm yourself with these thoughts all the time, you’ll be stagnant. You need to live in the present if you want to move forward. Your body needs to process the trauma of this relationship, because it sounds like this relationship was absolutely traumatizing for you. I have been in several abusive/traumatizing relationships with men and every single time I blamed myself. Even when they hit me and sexually violated me, I was still the one who ended up apologizing. I was always the problem to these men. There was no other scenario. I would always be the bad guy to them, and I felt like that said something about me rather than them. I didn’t realize how much I hated these men until many years later. I was so used to being blamed and apologizing that I couldn’t even understand that it wasn’t shame and regret I was feeling, it was anger, rage, fury. I can’t speak to your ex’s character but I can tell you that positive, healthy relationships do not end with one person feeling like they’re to blame for everything and being overwhelmed with feelings of confusion and regret. It’s possible to find love that is easy and effortless. That kind of love won’t leave your head hurting and searching for a fix. You’ll feel calm and safe. I hope you’ll be gentle with yourself as you detox from this relationship. I think making a friend or just spending some me time doing something relaxing like photography or learning an instrument or painting could make a really positive change in your life. Sending love & calming energy 🕊️
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tuesdaysinbed · 8 months
18 Jan 24
20 days since the last kiss with no end in sight. And another stupid fight, this time because of him giving me a hard time about looking to buy a lamp/lamp set for the bedrooms so we can have light in here aside from his one random desk globe he found. He made a point of telling me he can see which one of us is more frugal, I made a point of being confused why I work 50 hours weeks, pull in 6 figures, are bills are all being a paid, and can’t look at a lamp in peace since we don’t have some sort of agreement on a budget between us anyway.. just his emotions of when he feels like I’m over spending. He mentioned he showed me a spreadsheet he wanted to use five months ago, I pointed out that he had $48 in transactions today alone for random subscriptions that he apparently didn’t even know about, and it went from there. I made a comment that I didn’t know if he was ever going to get my point, but did he want me to try and explain again - he said no and went downstairs and play Xbox. We haven’t spoke since and I know next time we do, he’s going to take some big time about how he can’t believe I’m dragging on some sort of fight / silent treatment when he’s always been so ready to talk and approachable and why don’t I try for our marriage more? I’m not even going to waste the atp to explain that my silent treatment and lack of trying have a hell of a lot more to do with my depression and withdrawing away at this point in my life and not an ounce to do with trying to waste my time trying to punishing him.
I’m tired. Emotionally, it that even needs to be stated. I spent all day today thinking how odd it was that people can show up to work and be happy with people, but have miserable personal lives. And it isn’t Mitchell that has made my personal life miserable, it’s everything to do with me. Something about me has consistently been un-lovable, un-wantable, un-connectable with everyone in my life.. I’m beginning to feel desensitized to the confusion of it. Why should I be confused or shock of it? We’re going on past 33 years of relationships where only two people ever seemed to find anything consistently admirable in me.
And I feel stupid and frustrated. Thinking, like I suppose everyone thinks until they realize the great laugh of it, that marriage was going to be something happy that would reach some kind of joy in me. Settle this idea that I could be someone’s anything worth having. That someone would want me in their arms, in their bed, want to kiss me goodnight every night.
I thought about divorce and living the rest of my life in some sort of bubble of accepted loneliness, if it’s going to be this hard. But, I have a sweet kid. Mitchell is a great Dad and Clay deserves both of us, if he wants us. I don’t mind supporting the lifestyle if that’s wanted too, or worth anything (I’ve been told that it’s not)… And I don’t really give a damn anymore about what I used to think I deserved.. I don’t know if I deserve anything anyway.
Lord, mind keeping me warm tonight? I’ll try and it feel so alone.
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oceanstarsvoyager · 2 years
20th of Jan 2023. I have completed my type rating on the Airbus A320. That is the new floating on the surface. Let me tell you how I got here.
A week before this i was sick, forcing myself to wake up and trained at 6 in the morning on a consecutive day. Of course my brain got a tantrum and i couldn’t function well. I had five days off and while that was happening I had a lot of stress that causes me to sleep just 4-6 hours per night. I called my family during those time because they have a different time zone and thank goodness they are awake most of the time. The fact that i got stressed is theres no exact date that i could prepare for so i constantly overthink of how the plan would fall out if one doesn’t work. My mind most of the time is me reviewing my procedures and the light and switches and everything thing I have to prepare for my Checkride. As a pilot when you are not flying you will need to remember those procedures because spending extra on the simulator would cause you more money. With good memory and imagination i was able to be up at night and overthink. Here’s the fun part.
They called me up a day and a half before the Checkride and said its going to be at 4 a.m. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if I haven’t heard what the check instructor is like. People who had a check with him including the upgrade said he shouted and it is the worst check in his life.I don’t know if luck is on my side or I’ve been studying and impressed him on the oral but he is not like everyone said at all! Yes he is intimidating at first, it might be too early or the internet is down and he is fed up. The part where the Checkride start is when he is a completely different person. The night before, i studied with my partner who just got back from Virginia so he helped with the oral because you need someone to cross check your answers. From 12-7 pm we were studying. The scheduler, he called to confirm if I am still ok with that 4 am schedule and its a system go situation by that time even if i was about to collapsed. I said yes.
By 7 pm i crashed into bed with 2 alarms setting for 1 am. At first I couldn’t sleep because i still have those procedures running around in my head so I took a pill. Yeah don’t do it if you’re don’t need it i do! at least i get a few hours of sleep since I haven’t for so many days now. Guess what i woke up before the alarm. 12 i am so grateful for my sim partner he is able to wake up and take me to school.
Alright here we go 3:30am we arrived at the classroom no one was there obvi. Then a few mins later, the check is here i got in. Still fazing. The other person who also suppose to check isn’t here he was at the hangar so he have to go get him. Got back he checked for my documents and he said I couldn’t check because i required a ATP written exam so he sent me home. I said i had friends who can do the check without the written because this is a type rating check. He said he’s not sure so.. he can’t do the check. So my sim partner was able to come back and pick me up of course disappointed so we went to McDonald to burn off steam.The check instructor called me back to do the check while he was ordering at the drive thru. I got back we started the check. The other person from Lebanon started the check first so i was sent to the other room. It was about 12 mins and then i starting to hear him begging for a second chance on the check. Crying. Yeah. Look he has 2700 hrs on the actual aircraft. If he failed on the oral. What am I. Barely touch the exterior of the plane while i boarded it.
Turns out he didn’t study he said he is confident he knows everything already and he is the best in his company. Lesson learned that day ego will not pass your check. Period.
Ok then its my turn, the check instructor calls out my name. I went in the other person still don’t want to leave the room. Harsh day for him.
I told myself Rita give it your best shot here we go. It’s like a ping pong. He asked i answered he asked i answered trying not to miss the ball. He seems to be impressed he started to become more calming we got into the walk around part of the check. You haven’t got a clue how many videos and time i spent on watching that video on youtube. Thank you captain joe you saved my life. He asked i answered boom boom boom. I got to the part where he asked about the safety pin i said that should be removed before flight. Correcto. Then he asked so we as pilot removed it ? I said yes. Too quick Rita too quick. Sooo that not quite the answer he want. He gave me the look. Shit. Shit. Second chance Rita. Before you speak what is the answer. GRound crew. He nod thats right someone might put it there for maintenance purposes if something is wrong you don’t just do it it will be your responsibility. So he taught me during the check. Surprised, nervous and thankful. From that onward he adds additional information. It’s around 5-6 we have to switch to the hangar, someone might need the room. He have to drive me there i don’t have car. Lol. Sitting with the check instructor . Anyways we got to the hangar he started with the light and switches . Spend five days on that particular subject you better not messed this up Rita. It was very relaxing at that point. There’s a woman from accounting coming to talk to us during the check. He told her i was doing great so far yo. Let’s just say if i had emotion then i would be jumping already, but i just smiled to the nice lady. We got to the Adirs. I got all the points right. Then i know I understand that shit . I got all the point right but do i even understand it, so of course he had to ask about the point again and then he started to explain to me and I just realized i know this shit but I couldn’t quite remember how to explain it. Although t it was really helpful and i like how he explained it also. He said the aircraft was asleep and then some guy decided to move it during the shutdown and when she wakes up she’s lost. Lol same plane. Same.
I learned so much for the oral check to be honest. Okiedoks the Checkride. The nice lady came in said that my payment hasn’t been recieved so I can’t continue the check i said oh hell naw. But i said ok thats fine. I’ll wait till next week. Mr Dave Santo came and he needed to do an opc check. So he asked me to be his seat support obvi what else am i going to do for the rest of the day. He said get in the aircraft start it up and put my flight plan in. I said say less. So i ran up to the simulator alone and set everything up for him. I got to practice my mcdu set up but at the same time i better not screw this up because it is his check not mine. He came in sit in the left seat and start checking. Approved! 2 jet blue captains in the simulator and a baby pilot. Great. Here we go. Check started. He speaks and tell me every time he do something i like that. Doing my seat support job. Reminding him of the correction he need to make. I don’t know how i did to be honest during that time. He is a captain he would have so many better f/o then me along his years of flying. I did my best though. He passed his check. So.. he went back into the the briefing room. I thought I would go home but he started talking with each other and then he looked at me and said we will get you done. Still no idea what it meant. Like i said its lagging my brain she’s trying her best. So i went into the sim again. Got everything set up and there i go doing my check. Look. It’s more of a lesson to me Mr Dave santo was my seat support who else better i would i asked for? He’s a gift i would say.He’s correcting me. I would bust my minimum and fail if he didn’t. Do i have have a pressure with two captain in the sim and me acting as captain in command. No. I was too focused trying not to f* up its my check but looking back. Holy smoke. I am the captain of that flight . Overall, it was quick learned so much and got so much feedback after that check. After the Rejected take off. Mr Dave Santo asked Mr Charles my check instructor we want the answer does she pass and he said yes, then and there i got jolly but couldn’t really expressed it. Then Mr santo gave me a feedback on my flight during the check. I am super grateful and honored to have a Checkride with JetBlue captains. As a baby pilot that is a core memory.
So hello, my name is Tithsocheata and I am an Airbus 320 rated pilot.
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yourlocalnews · 2 years
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awkward-gay-bro · 4 years
A New League
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Before the accident Seth Rollins was on top of the world and now he was stuck in this stupid hospital bed. People can say wrestling is fake all they want but these injuries are definitely real. Seth miscalculated a jump during a table ladder chair match and things weren’t looking good. He broke a few bones, pulled a few muscles, a little internal bleeding. Nothing he hadn’t done before. But some news station took it a little too seriously. Then twitter mobbed about it. And now the WWE is taking it way too seriously trying to cover their asses. 
Seth leans up in his hospital bed as Vince McMahon walks into the room. “How bad is it Seth?”
“The doctor said I’m never going to be able to wrestle again. He’s full of shit, though. I’ll be back in the ring in no time.” 
“We can’t do that Seth, not with you in this condition. Your injuries were pretty well documented, and we aren’t going to take the bad publicity if you get hurt further,” Vince said rather coldly. 
“Ten years. I’ve been wrestling for ten years and you are just gonna cut me loose? There are people a decade older than me that are way more worn out still going at it. I’m not ready to be done.” Seth wasn’t about to give up. This was his life and he wasn’t going to give it up without a fight.
“I’m sorry, Seth. Their injuries didn’t make the five o clock news the way yours did,” McMahon said, turning around to leave the room. 
The reality of the situation was really starting to sink into Seth. He stared down at his multiple casts, his hair falling down into his eyes, and with a hint of begging in his voice, he said, “Mr. McMahon, I’ll do anything.”
Stopping in the doorway, turning just his head, McMahon said, “Well, there is one thing we could try. You may not want to go through with it.”
“What is it?”
“Well, we’ve been funding a medical research center who has been doing some interesting things when it comes to physical therapy. We wanted to find a way to speed up the healing process or even better prevent the need for one.”
“Did you find one?” Seth said as the light returned to his face.
“Well they have created a process, and they’ve had some success in their initial trials. Of course, the last few of your peers they tried it on had some pretty severe side effects.” But none of that mattered. All that mattered was that Seth Rollins was going to get out of this hospital bed and back in that ring. 
“I don’t care what the side effects are. I’m in. As soon as I can.”
“Alright, well let’s get it scheduled on the book. How does tomorrow sound?”
It was the morning after the procedure and Seth was laying in a bed in the research center. Another day, another hospital bed. Seth wiped the sleep out of his eyes, stretched his arms out wide, and yawned a massive yawn. That’s when it him. The aches and pains from his recent injury were completely gone. Hell, the longer persisting ache from his old knee injury, from his previously torn ACL, everything, they were all gone. He hadn’t felt this good since he was 18 years old. 
“Good morning, sleepy head.” Vince McMahon was standing at the foot of his bed while a young guy who must have been with the research company started jotting things down on a chart. As the man left the room Seth couldn’t help but notice how nicely the scrubs hugged the guy’s perky little...
Woah, that’s not a thought Seth had ever had before. Nothing wrong with it. He’d caught that closet case Ambrose checking him out in the locker room and it never bothered him. But he definitely wasn’t the one having doing the checking. 
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling great Mr. McMahon. Does my voice sound weird to you? Never mind, doesn’t matter. I feel so great I think I could get back in the ring tomorrow!” Seth said, speaking a mile a minute. 
“Slow your roll there Rollins. You’re going to notice a few changes, so I thought it would be best if I was here to talk you through them all. Some might have already become apparent to you...others might take a little time.”
“Hey the only change I care about is how strong I feel right now.”
“Well Seth, strong might not be a word I would use to describe you anymore,” Vince said with a snide chuckle.
“What is that supposed to mean? I feel better now than I’ve ever felt in my life!” Seth excitedly shouted.
“Maybe it would best if I showed you,” McMahon said. As the 74 year man walked closer towards him Seth started to notice how much bigger and bulkier he was looking than usual. Vince kept in great shape for his age but damn he was looking huge. 
“How long was out for? The gains you’ve got...that had to have taken months,” Seth said as Vince reached down and grabbed his hand. Vince’s hand was massive, too, it was almost twice the size of Seth’s. How was that even possible?
“The initial procedure only took about an hour. Everything else happened while you slept last night.” That couldn’t be right though. Vince was huge. And as Seth stood up he saw just how huge he was. Seth and Vince were the same height of 6 ft 1 but Seth wasn’t looking into McMahon’s eyes anymore. In fact, Seth’s eye line was now level with McMahon’s nipples. 
“Holy shit McMahon, did you have them do something to you? You’re massive. Can they do it to me, too?” Seth said excitedly. What ever made McMahon so huge he wanted in. Shit, was he already going to grow huge? McMahon said some changes may not be apparent yet. 
“I’ve never gone through the procedure, Seth,” guiding Seth to the other part of the room. As he did the cute male nurse from earlier came back into the room, fiddling with something in the closet. From a laying position Seth hadn’t noticed how tall he was either. No wonder those scrubs were so tight around his ass, it must be hard to find ones that fit right. 
“Excuse me sir, how tall are you?” Seth asked, ignoring the part of his brain that was ogling the equally tight front of the guy’s scrubs. 
“Oh, I’m just over five nine,” he said as he pulled a full length mirror out of the closet. 
“That’s impossible, I’m six...” Seth started to say as his new reality started to piece together. Standing there, mouth aghast, Seth finally realized what those side effects were. Seth was a runt. It looked like he had deflated in on himself. He was tiny. His head didn’t reach the top of the mirror. He had to be around five foot four. Being short would be one thing. He could live with short. But he was a twig. His once broad shoulders were now slimmer than this hips. His veiny, hairy, muscular arms were now half the size of what he was used to. When he squinted his eyes he could see there was still a peach fuzz of hair coating them, albeit light, blonde, and sparse. He was just glad that his shapeless hospital gown was sparing him the embarrassment of knowing what the rest of his body looked like. 
Not that his face was any better. His signature scruffy beard was completely gone. His face was smooth for the first time since puberty. His once rugged jaw and manly features had softened into an almost angelic visage. His already long hair looked fuller and fluffier on this shrunken body. His lips were full and rosy and his eyes were the only thing on his body that looked bigger. Well, that was until he turned around to see why the cold air was coming through his hospital gown. 
Seth had always had a nice muscular ass. He’d seen enough pictures of it pop up online. But while the rest of his body shrunk it looked like he lost no muscle mass from his disproportionate globes and gained a small layer of fat. The globes defied gravity the way the stood up like a shelf on his lithe new frame. 
“We don’t want you exhausting too much energy just yet, let’s get you back to bed,” said the male nurse as put his arm around Seth’s hip and guided him back to bed. As the nurse moved Seth across the room his hand brushed against Seth’s cheek which caused both to jiggle far longer than Seth thought they should. Oddly the feeling of another man’s hand on his ass made his wood spring to attention. Seth immediately blushed red as he knew a hospital gown wasn’t going to hide anything and then blushed even harder when he realized it did. 
“How...how could you do this to me?” Seth asked, whimpering.
“I told you there were side effects. You said you would do anything,” Vince said, looking down at the much smaller man. 
“I said I would do anything to wrestle again. How am I supposed to wrestle like this? I’m ruined,” Seth said, tears in his eyes.
“Well you can’t wrestle in the WWE that’s for sure. Hell, Trish could take you down with one hand behind her back. But you can still wrestle,” Vince said, stifling back laughter as he did. 
“Where are on Earth could I wrestle like this?”
“Well like I said, you weren’t the first person to go through the procedure. And with results like these you won’t be the last. Hell, we’ve already made deals with other sports organizations for their injured athletes. The NFL. The NHL. FIFA. Hell even the ATP. And all those athletes are going to want to work somewhere. Soon enough we will have a whole new league for you to wrestle in. Of course, you’ll need a more fitting stage name and costume. Here, I brought someone along to illustrate the look I am going for,” with that Vince stepped out of the room and quickly came back in his arm around a tiny little twink of a man with long curling red hair. The boy had porcelain white skin that was coated with the lightest dusting of freckles from his face down towards under his shirt. His lips were a rosy red made all the brighter contrasted against his snowy skin. His eyes were sparkling an emerald green while his red eye lashes softly fluttered as his wavy curls fell in front of his face.  
“This is one of our first wrestlers in our new league, you may know him as...”
“Sheamus??? Is that Sheamus?”  Seth interrupted. The boy looked nothing like he 6ft4in brick of muscle but no one had seen the behemoth since he’d had an injury not unlike Seth’s own.
“We call him Lucky now. Lucky, why don’t you step into the bathroom and switch into your wrestling uniform?” With one hand Vince picked up Sheamus’ bag and wrapped his other around the slim of his waste. Sheamus could have easily carried it himself or found the bathroom in the small room but Vince loved showing these former monsters of muscle just how small and weak they’d become. 
After a few minutes the new “Lucky” walked out of the bathroom. It was obviously a leprachaun play on the wrestler’s Irish heritage that fit a lot better now that he’d lost over a foot in height. Lucky’s costume had a small little leprachaun hat with an emerald green bowtie. The sparkly green booty shorts rode up showing off the amazing pair of globes on Sheamus’ new body. Sheamus turned around and touched his toes, showing off the glittery gold “LUCKY” that was written across his rear. Seth was used to wrestler’s not wearing much, a pair of black trunks was Sheamus’ old outfit, but this little Leprachaun costume was so much more demeaning...more sexual. Seth had to admit, Sheamus did look pretty sexy standing there, though. Part of him wanted to tear those shorts off and help Sheamus get lucky. But he was realizing a bigger part wanted the old Sheamus to do the same to him. 
“We’ve already got athletes lined up to join the program, some pretty big A-Listers who don’t know the exact side effects that come along with our procedure. But until they are ready we think that you and Lucky will be our head line act. And don’t worry, we’ll still have theme matches like in the WWE. Maybe not table ladder chair matches, but I’m sure tag team will still be popular. Maybe something with oil.” Vince said, his mouth watering while looking at Sheamus who still had not broken his toe touching pose. “Sorry, I trailed off. We will need a new outfit for you. A new stage name if you’d like. I am actually prone to you staying Seth Rollins. And I always loved your leather get up, we could definitely still work with that in this new ring. Maybe a leather fishnet combo.”
Shit. Everything was spiraling so quickly. Seth just needed to breathe. He needed to be away from everyone. “When can I go home?”  
“We find it best if people aren’t alone right after the procedure,” the male nurse said, “There are a lot of things that are going to be different for you now and it’s best to have someone there with you”
“I don’t want anyone to see me like this. Not right now. I can’t deal with”
McMahon interupted him, “You’re alright. We have already set up accomdations for you. Go get dressed your new roommate is waiting out in the lobby for you.”
The clothe’s Mr. McMahon provided were embarassing as helll but none of Seth’s clothes fit anymore and he didn’t want to keep walking around with his giant new ass jiggling in the wind so it was that or nothing. So there Seth was in a light pink crop top that showed off just how slim his arms and stomach were now. The leather leggings he was wearing reminded him of his normal wrestling attire, albeit they used to bulge more in the front and a heall of a lot less in the back. The only solice he had was that the lacey pink panties were skimpy enough that the leather pants hid them perfectly. 
“Damn that ass looks good,” Seth heard a man say, his voice low and sultry. As he turned around to hear the voice a hand spanks his ass hard, “That jiggle, too! I am so glad I volunteered for this.”
There stood Dean Ambrose. Now a foot taller than Seth and a hundred pounds heavier. Everyone looked big to Seth now, but this was the first time he felt truly intimidated by another man. “Let’s you and me get home Sethy, there’s some things I want to show. I’m pretty minimilistic so I do only have the one bed, but I don’t think you’ll mind sharing, will ya bud?”
“No,” Seth said, drooling as he looked up at he muscular man in front of him. 
“Arlight, nice. Once we settle in, you can meet some of your new competition."
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Plus & Minus Live Blogging
I don't know if I'm in the mood for this right now after watching 2 Taiwanese BLs that were very meh to me but I guess I'll give it a try.
Episode 1 (Jul 20/22)
Is this the show where one of the friends kisses the other whenever drunk then forgets? I've been searching for it
lol i took like a 36 hour break halfway through watching this
I love the physical and verbal teasing between Zheng Zeshou and his sister Cheng Xue Qing. I wasn't expecting a sibling relationship here so I'm very happy to see one
lmao their acting during these blind dates
Episode 2 (Jul 22)
lol we all live the same lives: our parents trying to search for people to marry us to despite us being like hmmm idk about this
omg this has a lot more family and parental stuff than I expected (at least on Zheng Zeshou's side), so that's interesting. I enjoy seeing familial relationships and pressures in shows
lol is this the 2nd time they've kissed while Zeshou's drunk or has it happened more often?
k the flashback seems to suggest it's the 2nd time
Despite the first time we saw Zeshou and his dad together it was a fight, they're cute and Zeshou's cute with his dad
The Kato Yuki and Jian Ying Ze romance seems like something I won't give a fuck about but maybe they'll surprise me
Episode 3 (Jul 23)
It's not really the show's fault that I keep reading VegasPete fics or watching Love Mechanics clips on tiktok instead of just watching this
LiGong really just gives in to whatever ZeShou wants. Cute but maybe conflict later on?
This show isn't really boring, it's just that I don't care rip
Episode 4 (Jul 23)
I just don't give a fuck is the thing lol
bruh, random ambush and murder attempt? i just don't careeee. I wish i could just drop a series lol but I still have like ~4h of episodes left. I'm watching it at 2x atp
Episode 5 (Jul 23)
Also, yesterday and today people have been like ? Are the mains from this confirming they're a real couple? b/c they've been very heavy on the fanservice on insta
lmfao such a silly fight scene
I should be more into the side couple than I am: the high-strung divorced father with a routine life being pursued by the handsome, younger bartender who takes everything casually
loll Yuki and YingZe waking up together
Eyy, Aaron and Hank from Be Loved In House: I Do
Episode 6 (Jul 24)
The LiGong and ZeShou kiss + aftermath is so awkward yikesssssss I can't
Yuki is so forward and affectionate considering they're like technically not dating yet
the girls' indirect kiss via the straw which isn't emphasized at all because they don't care about the gl I'm guessing but like. i noticed
the manager lady is so freaking beautiful
Episode 7 (Jul 24)
Alright, they kissed and confessed. I fully do not care to see any more of LiGong and ZeShou's storyline. What if I skip all their scenes and watch only the side couple?
I think the second couple is definitely more interesting than I thought even though I don't love them or anything. I just think it's an interesting dynamic + always enjoy it when there's a child involved
I think LiGong and ZeShou have a sweet breakfast here but I am not watching it so
lol the scenes of Hank and Aaron's characters so dramatic
Episode 8 (Jul 25)
Bro I don't care, I have to finish watching this today before I go to sleep bc what do you mean I've been watching this since the 20th. I need to move on to better shows or at least worse ones that are more engaging.
Watched the episode in uhh 5 minutes because I'm skipping 95% of the main couple scenes (just watched them with the lady coming to get divorced) and only watching the second couple. + I'm watching at 2x speed.
Episode 9 (Jul 25)
Yuki threw away the clothes at the laundromat that have been there for 10-20 years (it needed to happen but a conversation beforehand might've been good) and ZeShou's father does not approve for him and LiGong
ZeShou has to cry a few times in the show, especially in regards to his mom, but I think he's kinda bad at it
Episode 10 (Jul 25)
Omggg Yuki and YingZe both acknowledge what they could've done better in that interaction? bare fucking minimum but after Kinn (especially) or Porsche acting callously or hurting the other and not apologizing or acknowledging faults, I'm like woah some personal responsibility
I wanted the bar owner lady to have a girlfriend so badly but she likes LiGong? bruh I'm skipping over this storyline and still know too much
Episode 11 (Jul 25)
I think it's funny that I skip every scene ZeShou and LiGong are in together but if they're with clients or parents I watch it
Episode 12 (Jul 25)
I like how Ling Ling and Yuki interact, it's cute. I enjoy a character interacting with their partner's child
Naurr YingZe covering Ling Ling's eyes as they kiss aw and her asking "What are you guys doing?"
I like how there's like 0 angst or confusion about Ling Ling's father dating a man. She's so cute and supportive, all "I'm not nervous, this is a small stage. I'll play the violin at your wedding as well."
Speaking of, is she playing at ZeShou and LiGong's wedding? I thought that was a special episode but guess not
Is this the History 3 MODC cameo? "Have we met before" etc
There's nothing much to say about this story. I didn't care about the main characters or their story, so I almost all of it at 2x and after like ep 6 skipped everything where it was just the 2 main leads. The family and job dynamics/scenes were kinda interesting though.
I liked the side couple better with the high-strung divorced father with a routine life being pursued by the handsome, younger bartender who takes everything casually. They were cute and grew with each other and I liked them with the daughter Ling Ling.
Rating: 5
0 notes
dpinoycosmonaut · 3 years
by Bert A. Ramirez / May 17, 2021
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                La Decima.  Ten championships.  Now, Rafael Nadal has completed double figures in championships won in four events in his career when he beat world No. 1 and defending champion Novak Djokovic 7-5, 1-6, 6-3 to win his 10th Italian Open title.
               The victory, completed after two hours and 49 minutes of riveting tennis, enabled Nadal to raise the total of ATP championships he has won to 88, moving him just six titles away from Ivan Lendl for third-most career ATP titles in the open era behind only Jimmy Connors and Roger Federer.  He has compiled more than half of these in four events – 13 in the French Open, 12 in the Barcelona Open, 11 in the Monte-Carlo Masters, and 10 here in Rome – a phenomenal feat when others struggle to win just half of that in their entire careers.
               “It’s amazing.  To have this trophy in my hands for the 10th time, it’s just something impossible to imagine,” Nadal said after his latest victory, which came against no less than the player who has made it hardest for him to win.  Rafa also won in Rome in 2005 (the year he won his first of 20 Grand Slam titles in the French Open as a 19-year-old), 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2018 and 2019.  
               “I’m super-happy.  I can’t thank my team enough, and life for all these opportunities, and everybody’s support has been huge during all these years,” the always-grateful Spanish legend said.  “To have the trophy on this day, this year, it’s amazing.”
               The victory did not come without a struggle though, as it’s almost always been against Djokovic, whose edge in head-to-head battles against Nadal has been narrowed down to 29-28 in this their 57th meeting as they gear up for the year’s second Grand Slam event at Roland Garros at the end of this month.  
               As expected, this year’s clash for the Italian Open crown was a battle throughout, despite Nadal’s mostly lopsided win in his last match against his Serbian rival in the French Open finals last October.  Djokovic drew first blood by breaking Rafa to go up 2-0 in the first set, but Rafa broke right back, and the two titans exchanged holds for seven straight games before the Spaniard broke Nole in the 11th game to go up 6-5.  He then served out the set, clinching it with a sizzling inside-out forehand that was too far for Djokovic to reach.
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               As in the two rivals’ last championship clash in the event in 2019, however, Djokovic would not go away, waiting for that break where Rafa would loosen his grip just a bit before pouncing to regain the advantage.  And this came with Nadal a point away from breaking Nole with the score tied at 1-1.  Once the Serbian survived that break point, he went on to break Rafa twice en route to winning the next five games to send the match into a deciding third set.
               That set had the makings of a humdinger as it started at 2-all and Djokovic then earned two break points on Nadal’s service game.  But instead of giving the game away to his arch-rival, Nadal found a way to hold in the end for a 3-2 advantage, then went on a four-point spree in the next game to break Nole at love for a decisive 4-2 edge, which he never relinquished until the end.
               The victory is almost poetic in terms of record as it gave Nadal his 36th ATP Masters 1000 title, which puts him level for the career record with Djokovic at that number, and also evened his head-to-head matchup with the 18-time Grand Slam champion in 14 Masters 1000 finals at seven victories apiece. And it looks like a virtual repeat of the 2019 finals between the two in the same event where the Spaniard beat Djokovic 6-0, 4-6, 6-1.  Rafa lost in the Rome event last year when it was played under pandemic conditions during the quarterfinals against Diego Schwartzman, who went on to fall to Djokovic in the finals.
               This year, however, Rafa reasserted his Rome dominance with the help of his lethal forehand.  In his championship win over Djokovic, he hit 26 forehand winners, accounting for the bulk of his 37 total winners in the match even as he committed 23 unforced errors.
               “Well, I think I have been playing better and better with my forehand the last couple of weeks, getting to the confidence point,” Nadal assessed. “Yes, today has been a positive day, but I think I could change more times down the line than what I did, something I can’t keep doing, and I can keep improving.”
               Both Nadal and Djokovic, to be sure, did not arrange their 14th Masters title showdown without going through their own battles.  Djokovic, for example, had to spend almost five hours on the court the previous day just to complete a 4-6, 7-5, 7-5 quarterfinal win over Stefanos Tsitsipas and then hold off hometown boy Lorenzo Sonego in the semis 6-3, 6-7 (5/7), 6-2.  Nadal, meanwhile, had to survive the challenge of youngsters like Denis Shapovalov, who he had to overcome in a third-round bloodbath where he had to surmount a 3-6, 0-3 deficit in the first two sets and two match points in the third before prevailing 3-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7/3).
               “Well, I was lucky at some moments this week, especially against Shapo,” Rafa recalled when it was all over.  “I think I played a good tournament here in Rome this week.  I think I’ve been playing better and better, finding my rhythm on clay, and I think I had a very positive week, and I’m very happy.”
               All this, of course, still came down to his famed matchup against Djokovic, whom he has now beaten in five of their last eight meetings, including that decisive straight-sets victory in the finals of last year’s French Open.  Djokovic had beaten Nadal seven straight times between 2015 and 2016 during the latter’s worst seasons when he failed to win a single Slam, while Rafa had also beaten Nole six straight times between 2008 and 2009, and that makes up all the difference in their head-to-head career matchup.
               With his latest Italian Open victory, Rafa now has a 4-2 edge against Djokovic in their head-to-head clashes in the finals of this event, and has an overall 6-3 edge over the Serbian in Rome.  He also has 12 finals appearances in this tournament while Djokovic has 11, the most in the latter’s career in any event.  The duo, in fact, has won 15 of the last 17 Rome championships, with only Andy Murray in 2016 and Alexander Zverev in 2017 breaking that duopoly in the Italian capital.
               "I really wanted this title,” Nadal said after beating Nole.  “This had been one of the most important titles in my career.  I'd won 10 in Monte Carlo, Barcelona and Roland Garros and really wanted it here too."
               It’s no doubt a momentum-building victory going into the French Open, where Rafa is gunning for a record-extending 14th title and a record 21st Grand Slam victory that will put him one clear of Roger Federer for the all-time record in this category.  Will he continue his dominance in a tournament that he loves and on a surface where he thrives most of all?
               We shall see about a month from now.
 Photo captions:
1) Rafael Nadal poses with the 2021 Rome Masters trophy with his trademark bite at the hardware.  (Photo from rafaelnadalfans.com)
 2) Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic shake hands after their tough finals battle.  (Photo from rafaelnadalfans.com)
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thisdaynews · 5 years
US Open 2019: Kyle Edmund loses in five sets to Pablo Andujar in first round
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US Open 2019: Kyle Edmund loses in five sets to Pablo Andujar in first round
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By Jonathan Jurejko
BBC Sport at Flushing Meadows
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Kyle Edmund also lost to Andujar in his first ATP Tour final in Marrakech last year
US Open 2019 Venue:Flushing Meadows, New YorkDates:26 Aug – 8 Sep Coverage:Live text and BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra commentary on selected matches on the BBC Sport website and app. Click here for Live Guide.
British number one Kyle Edmund made a first-round exit from the US Open for a second successive year after losing a five-set marathon to Pablo Andujar.
Edmund fought back from behind to take a fluctuating match into a decider.
But his game deserted him in the final set as Spaniard Andujar won 3-6 7-6 (7-1) 7-5 5-7 6-2 in four hours 21 minutes – the longest match at this year’s tournament so far.
Johanna Konta and Dan Evans are now the only Britons left in the singles.
Edmund has not progressed past the third round at a Grand Slam since reaching the Australian Open semi-finals in 2017, losing in the first round in three of the past five majors.
“I’m still enjoying my tennis, absolutely,” he said.
“It’s a great sport – you work on your physical condition, mental, tactical, so many avenues to get better at. It is exciting.
“I’ve been training very well and putting in the effort, of course you love to see results from that but tennis doesn’t work like that.”
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Edmund, the 30th seed, led by a set and a break against 33-year-old Andujar before his grip on the match was loosened by an increasing number of unforced errors.
The 24-year-old Yorkshireman steadied his game – built around that explosive forehand – to take a fourth set, where 25 winners outnumbered 11 mistakes off his racquet.
Edmund had only taken four of 12 break points in the match before finally finding a ruthless edge when he needed to most.
On Andujar’s serve at 6-5 in the fourth, Edmund walloped three winners to tee up three break points and forced a decider at the first opportunity with another precise backhand which left his opponent wafting.
But all that hard work was undone by a poor final set where fatigue in warm New York conditions, albeit nowhere near as hot and humid as last year, may have contributed.
Initially it looked as though Edmund would go on to win after he broke in the second game, only for the Briton’s game to quickly unravel.
After Andujar immediately broke back, Edmund missed three more break points in the fourth and was eventually outfought in a fifth game where he had saved four break points.
Andujar, never ranked inside the world’s top 30, powered an ace down the middle to set up two match points, needing just the first when Edmund’s frustrations were summed up by a framed backhand which flew off court.
“Obviously I feel disappointment losing like that, you want to be rewarded for your efforts,” said Edmund, who has suffered endurance problems and struggled with a knee injury in the past two years.
“I think I’m in a better place than I was a few months ago, I’m playing better and competing better throughout the match.
“But being a break up in the fifth, getting broke back and then 0-40 – it is small margins and I’d love to take advantage of those opportunities.”
BBC tennis correspondent Russell Fuller
Kyle Edmund’s thoroughly dispiriting Grand Slam year came to an end after four hours and 21 minutes of hard toil on court 13.
He has failed to advance beyond the second round of a major in 2019. Knee problems held him back in both Melbourne and Paris; physical issues at Wimbledon; and here in New York he was not quite able to put all the pieces of the jigsaw back together.
It was alarming to see him lose the last six games of the match, but it was only Edmund’s 29th tour-level appearance of the year.
He needs matches, and will play five tournaments in six weeks when the tour resumes after the US Open. That should in turn boost his fitness, form and decision-making.
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technologyinfosec · 5 years
Kyrgios edges Medvedev to win ATP Washington Open title
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Shaking off back spasms to blast 18 aces, Australia's Nick Kyrgios kept his composure and captured the ATP Washington Open title on Sunday, defeating Russia's 10th-ranked Daniil Medvedev 7-6 (8/6), 7-6 (7/4). The 24-year-old Aussie, who struggled through the opening set, claimed the $365,390 top prize and his sixth career ATP crown at the US Open tuneup event. "This is probably my best memory of a final," Kyrgios said. "I left it all on the court." Kyrgios, 5-1 this year against top-10 rivals, won his second title of the season after Acapulco in March and will jump 25 positions to 27th in Monday's new rankings, his first top-30 appearance in 43 weeks. "This has been one of the greatest weeks of my life. I've made massive strides," Kyrgios said. "This whole week has been amazing. It's a week I won't forget." Known for his fiery temperament and inconsistency, Kyrgios was resilient all week, breaking racquets but holding his emotions together - "super proud" of his composure. "In the past six months, it's crazy to think how much I've been able to turn it around," Kyrgios said. "I'm working hard to be better as a player and a person. "I lost faith that I could still have weeks like this and be happy. I've got to thank (my family) for not losing faith. "I just wanted to clean myself up and have a healthy attitude. I showed what I can do this week." While saying his best memory of the week was "how professional I was off the court," Kyrgios also noted, "I've got a long way to go." American Jessica Pegula captured her first WTA singles title by ripping Italy's Camila Giorgi 6-2, 6-2 in the Washington women's final. The 25-year-old daughter of NFL Buffalo Bills owner Terry Pegula took a $43,000 top prize. Kyrgios won a match that featured no break points or deuces after 94 minutes with back-to-back aces, the last his tournament-best 110th of the week. Medvedev, 23, was broken only twice this week but lost his lone sets to Kyrgios. He'll equal his career-best ranking of ninth on Monday. "I know how well Nick can play when he wants to play. This week, I think he wanted to play and it was tough," Medvedev said. "He was determined and it seemed like he wants to win. And that's what we don't see all the time." Kyrgios, who beat Medvedev on Rome clay in May in their only prior meeting, would face him again in the second round next week at Montreal if Kyrgios beats Britain's Kyle Edmund. "It's never easy to play Nick," said Medvedev, adding with a laugh. "I hope Kyle wins." Kyrgios first grabbed his back at 2-all, stretching and twisting during a changeover but having no troubles after treatment between sets from a physiotherapist. "I just happened to get through that first set, which was massive," he said. His running and service speed were hampered at times during his seventh match in as many days counting doubles, but while Medvedev took 24 of 25 points on his serve, Kyrgios matching up into the tie-breaker. Kyrgios denied Medvedev on set point with a 124-mph ace, then hit a passing winner and won it when Medvedev sent a forehand wide. In the last breaker, two Kyrgios aces made his Washington's first unseeded ATP champion since 2011. Pegula's only other WTA singles final was last September at Quebec City, where she lost to France's Pauline Parmentier. Pegula, who will jump 25 spots to a career-best 54th on Monday, broke early in each set and closed matters just inside an hour with an ace. "It's extremely gratifying," she said. "The journey makes it all that much sweeter because it's hard. I really pushed myself this week. It's amazing. I'm excited. "Hopefully I can take the momentum and keep riding it."  Read the full article
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ratherembarrassing · 7 years
any tips on how to study science so your brain actually absorbs things? i love science and math and i've been trying so hard and studying for an insane amount of hours every day but my grades are still pretty crap and i don't know what to do. i don't have friends to study with so i'm on my own and i've tried flash cards and writing out notes and reviewing the shit out of things but nothing seems to be sticking :(
that's really rough, friend. there's been a few different things i've gone into thinking OH HEY THIS WILL BE FUN only to get to the end of the semester wondering if i actually learnt a damn thing. and it's really discouraging. but there are tricks for once you recognise it's not working! tricks!if it's a matter of memory, I FEEL YOU, and unfortunately a huge part of science is simply remembering a huge amount of information. but! something that helped me with remembering all the lists of information you're supposed to remember is getting a really good handle on what those lists were supposed to be about. by which i mean, okay, an example. the krebs cycle can be broken down into a list of different molecules. and you could just learn each of the things on the list and the order they go in, and you know the krebs cycle. but if you happen to forget one of the things on the list for whatever reason, then you're boned. but if you know what's operating on the molecule to change it through the cycle, then even if you can't remember that isocitric acid goes to ketoglutaric acid goes to succinyl COA, you can at least remember that a 6 carbon structure gets a carbon ripped off it by NAD+ twice, and then you have a four carbon structure that fucks around with ATP etc etc. at this point i'm going to tell you i wrote that out and called it the creb cycle. so you know. nothing ever really sticks. but I can tell you my law school notes used to have explanations for things that involved phrases like "fucks around with". and if it's a matter of understanding the substance, then my main advice is to read a bunch of different books, tutorials, explanations. hell, read wikipedia. but there are a lot of different online courses these days, and eventually you'll probably hit on an explanation that works for you. most of the time i just need something explained to me in a slight different way, an emphasis on something that wasn't quite highlighted in another explanation or a different way of setting out a process in order to understand what's going on. memory is pretty much useless in academia if you can't explain WHY something is, and if you can explain WHY something is then you don't really need to remember a long list of names of things if you can just remember the system, which is really just a different way of explaining things. don't let one text book trick you into thinking you don't know something. tell that textbook it sucks at some things and find a different one that can make up for it.
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