#or if you're a devil hunter you gave up your sense of sight for abilities
meownotgood · 1 year
Recently I've had this idea of aki with a blind s/o and him getting flustered when they ask to feel his face and call him cute/handsome... what do you think?
ever since you sent this ask, I haven't been able to stop thinking about this... just... aki with a blind s/o or with someone who's lost their sight...
gosh, aki would be so doting and patient, he holds your hand everywhere you go, guides you whenever you need help. be careful, there's a step right here. grab onto my arm, I don't want you to trip. he blushes from his cheeks to his ears when you tell him he has the nicest voice, you place your hands on either side of his face, feel the shape of his jaw and fiddle with the earrings on his lobes and say you bet he's handsome too; aki clears his throat, and he tries to sound normal so you won't know he's freaking out.
he's stuck to your side like glue, careful to make sure you don't get into any trouble, especially with devils. you're the only one who doesn't know how he's constantly staring at you, how he smiles at every little thing you do. he'll describe things to you, all the things you can't see but he wishes you could: the sunset, the ocean, the view of the forest he remembers from his childhood home in hokkaido. you'll ask him to hold your hands and draw the shapes he's describing on your palm with his fingertips, his voice will get real quiet and he'll get shy from the feeling of your hands in his.
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pretoriafics · 3 years
If I wasn’t a goddamn werewolf - Pt. 2
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Hi! First of all, thank you for my first 100 followers !! I can't believe someone really likes all of that crap I write here haha! I really don't know about the future of these imagines, so let me know if you want a part 3 or something. So, I just posted it here because I really want to break your heart. Here it goes!
Seems like Peter and Talia just figured out why Derek's plan to keep away from you is bad. But unfortunately for you, Peter is the one who does something about it. Word count: 2.052 Pairings: Reader x Derek Contain: Pure angst!! Warnings: English is not my main language <3 TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST PART 1 | PART 3 Gif credits here
Talia had tons of things that made her respected in the supernatural community. However, one of her most meaningful abilities was her smartness. Well, she was convicted that Derek made the best choice when he left you. But then, after thinking about the whole situation for a few days, her judgment changed entirely.
"Do you really think Derek made the best choice about back away from that girl?"
Talia was driving, with Laura at the passenger's seat. The question arose so suddenly inside that silent car that Laura looks at her mom with arched eyebrows.
"Are you still thinking about (Y/N) and Derek's drama?"
"Why? Shouldn't I?"
"Uh, well..."
"I think if someone dangerous knows about her and Derek, she could be caught easily. She doesn't know anything about the supernatural, so she's easy prey."
Laura blinks her eyes repeatedly, still trying to fit herself in the matter who suddenly appeared into the car.
"Mom, wait, I just can't understand. What are you talking about?"
Talia breaths in and talk slowly.
"I think (Y/N) is Derek's weakness. If I was someone trying to get him or manipulating him, I would love them to keep away from each other."
Laura finally caught the point her mom was talking about.
"Because she would be defenseless and easy prey. Someone could use her to get to Derek. Oh. Gotcha."
"We should do something about it."
Laura arched her eyebrows with a soft smile on her face.
"C'mon, mom. If you want to meet her, just ask her for a dinner night. I know you're curious about her."
It was Talia's turn to let escape a soft smile.
"My curiosity about her is just a secondary matter to keep her close. The main one is her safety and Derek's as well."
Laura's smartphone rings in her hands. It was Cora.
"Laura, you and mom are near?"
"Yeah, we're just a few minutes home. We are just coming back. I know something happened just from hearing your tone of voice."
"It was Peter. Come quickly. God, Derek will kill him."
Reform the old Hale house would put everyone into an aim to the hunters. So, Talia did something not too evident and bought a new home - where the exact location was unknown by the hunters. Talia parks her car in front of the new Hale house. She and her daughter get out of the car and walk inside the house with wide footsteps. When both of them enter the living room, Isaac, Boys, and Erica were frozen on the couch. Cora was on her feet, mad with rage.
"Are you fucking insane?!"
Peter was in front of her, with hands raised in front of his chest in surrender.
"But it makes sense! Look, she is completely defenseless without Derek. The Argent's could take her to manipulate him, and it would put all of us in danger. I just gave her a way to defend herself."
Laura and Talia look at each other. They don't need any explanations about what the heck happened.
"This was not your choice, Peter." Yelled Cora, with her eyes glowing with her inner wolf. It was Laura's turn to walk towards Peter, entirely pissed off.
"What the hell do you did?"
"I just bite (Y/N). Oh guys, really? Why all this drama? Now she will take care of herself, and Derek would finally take the girl."
The room is plunged into incredulity silence. Suddenly, Talia walks in Peter's direction and grabs him by his shirt. Her eyes were glowing red.
"Did you bite her after all the thing with Paige?"
"But what's the chance (Y/N)'s going to reject the bite as well, just like Paige? Don't you think it would be huge bad luck? I mean, two Derek's girlfriend dying for it? Oh, no, chances are minimal."
"There's no way for you to know, Peter!"
Talia knew that arguing with Peter would be such a waste of time. With this thought on her mind, she unleashes his shirt and lets out a long sigh.
"Where is she?" Talia looks for everyone, trying to focus on a problem per time. Erica's voice could be heard from the couch.
"She is upstairs, in Laura's bedroom. After the bite, she had an anxiety attack and just simply passed out."
"She saw you?"
"No, but she saw Cora. She was the one who found (Y/N) with Peter."
Suddenly, the front door opens. Derek got into the house just like the Devil himself, with glowing red eyes and a killer gaze. Without any hesitation, he runs in Peter's direction. Scott runs inside the house, and all of that action makes Talia predict what would happen - as well as Scott.
They were fast: Scott grabs Derek's arms in an attempt to hold him. Talia got in his way, staying in front of Derek and between him and Peter. Laura and Talia gave a step forward, prepared to put aside a fight. Isaac, Boyd, and Erica got up from the couch, full of adrenaline through their veins.
Then, Derek let out a loud and threatening roar to Peter. The one that made everyone shiver and cringe, and the one that echoed to far distance indeed.
Derek couldn't be put things straighter with his message to Peter.
The room dived in a deep silence after that. Trying to solve things - because of course that Derek was being unable to do this at that moment - Talia breaths in and break that heavy silence in the living room.
"You and you" She points her finger to Isaac and Erica "I want both of you upstairs, watching the door of Laura's bedroom. I don't want Peter near that door."
Isaac and Erica walk in wide footsteps in the direction of the stairs, going to the door of Laura's bedroom without questioning. Talia's sight was now focused on Boyd.
"I want you to take Peter to the basement. Don't let him leave, and watch him closely."
Well, after Derek's roar that did the entire house shakes, Peter even protested. He just goes in the basement direction, with Boyd near him. Now, her eyes were at her son. Without saying any word, she just shook her head in the couch direction in straighter request to Derek sit - which he did after Scott unleashes him.
Talia runs her hand through her face, already tired of all that mess. Why is it always Peter who causes the problems?
"Derek, look" She started, trying to call her son to reason "I know you are pretty pissed of and-"
"I will kill him!" He said, his eyes glowing red.
"It wouldn't solve anything, Derek. What's done is done. There's no way to come back. We need to deal with this now."
Derek let out a long sigh, with his eyes coming back to usual green. His gaze was lost in somewhere of the room. He was worried as hell because, well, he would never give you the bite. You could die, just like what happened with Paige.
Cora sat on his side, looking at her brother. With a soft voice and trying to calm him down, she said:
"Hey, calm down. She's fine."
"She's not fine, Cora." Now, Derek's voice was not full of angry, but worries. He was afraid of losing you definitely "I can smell her upstairs, and she smells like fear. She's terrified!"
It was Scott's turn to say something.
"She just needs some time, and she's not alone. We can help her to adjust. You did it with me, so you can do it with her."
"You forgot to say 'if she doesn't reject the bite'"
Cora's voice resurged into the discussion.
"Derek, she's fine. I took a peek at her, and I didn't saw any negative reactions to the bite. She's just pretty scared. I mean, of course, she is. Peter simply mutated himself in front of her."
Laura crosses her arms and looks for everyone.
"So... What will we do now?"
Derek stood up from the couch, with his mind cleared and the answer ready to be spoken.
"We will do what Scott said. We will help her and train her. She's one of us now."
No one protested. After all, it was exactly what should be done.
Derek goes upstairs, letting Laura, Talia, Cora, and Scott in the living room. When Derek approach Laura's bedroom, Isaac and Erica let the door behind and goes downstairs. They knew Derek would need some time alone with you. When he put his hand on the door's handle, he could smell your fear.
Derek breaths in. Damn, it would be so freaking hard to see you right now. He knocks on the door softly and opens it slowly. The vision of you broke every inch of his defenses.
You were hidden in the corner of the room, shrunken like a frightened puppy. Your knees were close to your chest, with your arms around your legs, sitting on the floor. Your face was wet, and your eyes were red in tears. When you saw Derek, you shrank yourself even more.
You were afraid of him.
In fact, Peter not just mutated himself in front of you. He actually told you the truth about Derek - and if he had just a few minutes more, you would know the truth about Cora and Laura as well. Now, knowing that Derek could turn himself into that creepy thing, you can feel only but fear.
Derek just stopped in front of the door. He wouldn't dare himself to take a step forward to you. Completely broken, he looks at you. His voice was low and soft.
"Cora told me what-"
"Please, call Laura."
Your voice was low and trembling. Derek could already see your cry approach. Your heart was racing, and your breathing was heavy. Derek didn't know what to say to you. At first, he just stays silent for a few seconds. Derek determines that he should take care of you and calm you down. But when he gave the first step in your direction, you shrive even more with new tears running down your face.
You were terrified by him - the one who, until yesterday, you wanted so much. Derek's heart ached with that vision of you, so scared. Scared to him, the man who loves you so much.
"(Y/N), please. I would never do anything that could hurt you."
"You already did."
His heart ached one more time with your words. It was true. Derek really had hurt you with his sharp words when both of you took different ways. Remembering all that tough words he said to you, Derek's gaze goes to the floor. He had his own reasons to say those awful things to you: It was just to keep you safe. However, you didn't know about that.
"I'm sorry." He said, after a few silent seconds.
"Call Laura. Please, call Laura."
Your voice was tired and almost a whisper. Gosh, all of that was so hard for to Derek absorb. He could deal with you making out with another man. But your fear of him...
It was too much.
"Hey. Can I talk with you?"
When Derek look back, he saw Laura with her crossed arms and a worried face. Without saying anything, he walks out of the bedroom. In the corridor, Laura just looks at him.
"Give her some time, Derek. She just needs a break. Her mind should be a full mess right now."
"I just wanted to see if she's okay."
"I know, Derek. But don't worry. We'll take care of her. Mom's making tea to calm her nerves. I'll keep you warn about everything. But, look, I think you should stay..."
"...Stay away from her for a while. Yeah. I got it."
Laura let out a long sigh, with her heart being broken into small pieces.
"Peter got everything worse, didn't he?"
It was his turn to let escape a long sigh. Derek crosses his arms.
"What do you think?"
"I'll solve this. I promise."
"Good luck with that."
Derek just simply walks away from his sister, going downstairs. Without saying a word for anyone, he took the car's key from his pocket and goes out of the house.
Derek just needed some time alone.
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