#or maybe i'm thinking of separate events but hmmmm
hood-ex · 10 months
Oh oh oh oh! That’s so good! I love your thoughts on the whole Dick and Bruce vs. Kory and Myand'r. There’s also Kory and Kom vs. Dick and Jason. I saw someone else mention that Kory was like a wandering star and how it’s kind of never touched on how much of an important part Dick played in her life outside of just the romantic aspect people think of. Like thinking of how for Kory the titans was kind of like a family but outside of that most of the characters did have other families or were part of other titles etc. like Dick is still part of the Batfamily and Donna has the Wonderfam and Roy with the Arrowfam and some of them have children and etc. like even where do you go once that team is disbanded? When Dick for everything he said can still has a place to go back to where you can’t.
Idk this is why I have a tiff with people who write Kory and don’t really think about like what it might feel like to be Kory. Like she’s very much an immigrant and a lot of those feelings apply. So much of her education of earth was from friends but also Dick. Like one can’t downplay the big part he had. Not to say they can’t be friends after have been lovers but I feel like writers really downplay like a lot to the point where you feel like these characters are mere acquaintance and not like two people who were part of each others lives for a big part of their growing up.
Like I was reading marriage advice on this site and one of the things it was saying was that marriage is seeing the ugly. In that it’s not a pretty picture where you are happy all the time. Marriage you see the sickness and you see the person when they aren’t on their best, but in that there is so much love. And it just made me think how Dick and Kory never made it to get married but they experienced all the ugly and still choose to love each other and really the grew up along side each other.
I’m sorry this wasn’t meant to be a long response or anything but I got way to excited and started rambling. I just think Kory would be very lonely.
Happy Holidays!
Omg yeah! I was literally thinking about this the other day because I was reading the issue where Kory mentioned that the Titans were her family, and I thought it was so sad that if the Titans are in a period of disbandment or are busy with their personal lives, she doesn't get to be with her earth family.
And so true about Dick being important to her life and integration to earth. I think it's sad that we don't say that Kory is one of Dick's best friends and vice versa, and that most people just view them from that romantic standpoint. I mean, am I bugging or wasn't there a panel in TNTT era where Kory said Dick was her best friend? Gah, that's gonna eat at me. If someone remembers that panel then please let me know where it's from.
No yeah, I agree, I definitely think Kory would get lonely or would mourn those days when the Titans were interacting as a family a lot more. Of course, the Titans are living in the Tower again at the moment, and they are interacting more lately, so it's not so much a problem as of right now.
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
I am already intrigued by Hartley/Barry/Cisco with the same shitty ex (Eobard) mention
So I'll have to take my time to workshop this some, but the event isn't until July 14th so I've got plenty of time to shine this idea up. But.
AU-land here, where Professor Thawne works at CCU. Or did. He's being fired after a grad student - Barry - came forward to admit that he'd been taken advantage of by the Professor and now lots of current and former students are coming out of woodwork because Thawne threatened their grades if they didn't sleep with them or etcetera.
There'd be some establishing flashbacks as they all had very different experiences with Eobard. He wooed Hartley then stole his research and ruined Hartley's relationship with his parents by outing him to them. While he was in the screwing Hartley over stage of things, he took up with Cisco who was able to get out of the relationship before things went sour and was only really aware in retrospect that it was a very toxic and power imbalanced relationship for him and that Eobard probably pitted him against Hartley deliberately so as to prevent them from realizing how he was using them. Barry was not directly one of Eobard's students but quickly realized he was being used for a.) his research and b.) as revenge on his parents for his mom snubbing Eobard when they were much younger... well...
So they all meet on campus, Barry's worried that this could affect the PhD he's about to finish up, Hartley and Cisco are reluctantly apologizing to each other and admitting they've got more in common with each other than they realized... and both vowing to make sure that Barry gets his degree since he was the first one out of so many who was brave enough to speak out about what was going on. And the three of them wind up at the campus coffee house just talking until a ridiculous hour of the morning when one of them jokes about this being what a nice first date really ought to be like. And...
They're like... why not? Why not have this be their first date? Why not go on more dates, to see if they work as a trio.
Fast forward to Eobard catching sight of them a year later and realizing they're on a date. His three most hated exes. And they're just kind of like 'ah, thanks, if you hadn't been a shitty, toxic influence on our lives then we never would have found such a healthy relationship with each other afterwards.'
Eobard - *life ruined, steaming with rage, blaming these three in particular for rallying the rest and Barry especially for being the first domino*
Hartley/Barry/Cisco - *too busy being happy together to give Eobard the time of day*
Admittedly, there's room for a canon AU in there too as an alternative take on the prompt. But I feel like a non-canon AU gives more breathing space for having Eobard date and break up with all three of them separately before they all meet up with the intention of destroying his reputation beyond repair.
I'm eying several other prompts on there going oh this one's a good Westhallen prompt (Love triangle? No!) or thinking how I've never written Len/Mick/Sara before but the criminal 4 criminal 4 criminal one could be fun for them, there are several I'm kinda going 'hmmmm, Barrisco???'... and I haven't done Oliver/Felicity/Dig since Telephone, but the friend group goes through trauma prompt does seem very them...
So I'll see what I write between now and July and maybe I'll hit a few of these. :D
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the-pen-pot · 1 year
Fandom Creator's Self-Rec Game!
Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
Tagged by the wonderful @zaharya (whose post I have now bookmarked for later reading!)
Five of my own favourites, hmmmm. All right. Four of these are super long (all 200k+) , but the first one is relatively short for me, at somewhere around 15,000 words, for people looking for lighter reads! 😁 All are complete except Hiraeth.
Deliquesce (Merlin - Merthur - 15k)
The creatures stepped forward, long, narrow muzzles agape. The sun did not deter them, merely setting their subtle scales agleam. Thick saliva dripped from their jaws, smattering on the ground, yet they did not lunge forward to strike. Instead, they waited, their gaze unblinking as they stared. At first, Arthur thought they watched the knights, but when he shifted his stance, their eyes did not follow him, Instead, it was someone behind him who held them captivated. Merlin. ----- A chance encounter with a monster in the woods makes Arthur realise just how powerful Merlin's magic is, and the lengths he would go to in order to keep him safe.
This was meant to be a ficlet and got away from me. I particularly loved the ideas in this one, also BAMF Merlin ftw every single time! Written from Arthur's POV with some Merthury goodness towards the end.
Sorcerer's Bane (Merlin - Merthur - 264k)
Arthur gave Merlin his cloak thinking only of the warmth it would offer in a snowstorm. He never thought his manservant may be mistaken for him and snatched by bandits. Nor did he expect his dashing rescue of Merlin to turn his world so utterly on his head. Because the bandits hadn't kidnapped a prince. They'd snatched a sorcerer, and now captivity is the least of anyone's problems. A golden age awaits, but can they claim it together, or are they doomed to fail?
My first big Merthur fic, and the one where I healed from all the psychic damage done by the finale. This was my plotty, happily ever after fic, and I love it with all my heart!
Hiraeth (Merlin - Merthur - Work In Progress - 214k so far)
A hand grasped his arm, sending a brief thrill down Merlin's nerves as he was forced around to face the person behind him. Armour gleamed in the firelight: supple chainmail glinted, and the solid iron of a pauldron curved lovingly over one broad shoulder. The length of a sword blade separated them. The point hovered, steady and sure, over Merlin's heart, braced to run him through, but he did not care about any of that. He was too busy drinking in the sight of the man before him. He could never forget him, no matter how many centuries had passed. 'Arthur?' When Merlin ultimately fails in his destiny, the fading remnants of magic that linger in the modern world fling him not just back in time, but sideways as well. He ends up in a Camelot where all his friends are alive, well and aware of his magic. He ends up in a Camelot where his alternate self died almost a year ago. Can he, Arthur and their friends still forge the golden age he was once promised, or will grief and suspicion tear them apart?
Couldn't not mention my angsty, plotty wip. This fic is five billions miles outside my comfort zone. I'm currently in the "I have bitten off more than I can chew freak-out" stage of writing it and I'm still having so much fun. This fic owns my soul. Maybe one day it will release me, but I doubt it.
The Gilded Cage (Sherlock - Johnlock - 326K )
In a world where Omegas are the property of the elite Alphas, locked away and treasured by those wealthy enough to buy them, John never questioned his flatmate's secondary gender. Sherlock Holmes was an Alpha through-and through. Wasn't he? A chance discovery turns the world on its head, and John is left grappling to come to terms with Sherlock's past as events conspire to threaten their future.
The Johnlock omegaverse that nearly killed me, and the longest thing I have written (so far). I had such fun exploring potential gender dynamics and imagining how this world could be, while doing my best to keep the characters strong and true to themselves. An oldie, but according to most readers, a goody. Mixed POV
Riven Crown (The Hobbit - Bagginshield - 254k )
‘We may have won the battle, but I fear the war with winter is just beginning.’ The aftermath of war is no laughing matter. Those who died must be honoured, those who are wounded must be healed, and those who remain need food and clothing, peace and sanctuary. With Thorin's life hanging in the balance, it is up to Bilbo and the rest of the Company to rule the rag-tag remnants of Erebor in his place. Then there is the matter of the gold... Can Bilbo save both king and kingdom, or is Erebor destined to fall deeper into ruin?
My battle of the Five Armies fix it, political intrigue, everybody lives/nobody dies effort to make the the Peter Jackson movies hurt less. I think I succeeded. A much loved favourite, because my style feels like it's particularly suited to fantasy 😁
Tagging (with no pressure and apologies if any of you are not writers!) @the-reading-lemon @writingfanficsfan @cbk1000 @ajpendragon and @mojoflower (as well as anyone else who sees this and fancies it!
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zoroara · 9 months
if possible throw me some hibari and haru headcanons~
Little Late on my end but, doesn't mean i'm not going to answer! I'm assuming more separately(because that'll be easier to answer)
For Haru, I actually have more of a for fun headcanon inspired a bit by the haru-haru interviews that after the events of the series she decides that she wants to go out and learn more about the people that Tsuna will supposedly eventually work with... much to tsuna's dismay. She gets to do this though with managing to get Reborn on board for some protection(how could he not want to watch the chaos this will lead to).
It leads to some strange places, and meeting a lot of strange people, but she ends up learning a lot about the mafia, it's people and the places they live. While she does this, she also learns a bit how to fight, and also sends post cards and letters to kyoka about her little adventures.
For Hibari, hmmmm~ I'd have to say I like to think that though he understands music pitch by sound he absolutely cannot for the life of him learn how to play an instrument, and though he thinks the namimori school anthem would be lovely to play on piano he could not. So he ends up secretly envious of Gokudera's ability to play the Piano. Maybe in the future he'll actually talk to him about it instead of being annoyed by it-
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belltrigger · 1 year
Hmmmmanonymous thing! What's a crazy story from your life that you tell other people just casually? And theyre like :o
Hmmmm! Gotta think of a real "your experiences are not universal" type story! ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭
So I don't have any stories, specifically, that are long with a big woah! moment. But, what I do have are little things of note that I remember as a kid. Most of my personal shenanigans happened before my siblings were old enough to walk, so I'm under 7 in all of these.
I was an only child for 5 years but I was a huge extrovert at the time. I would apparently break into song a lot, and that did not stop just because I was in public. 😤 Apparently, I stood in front of (I think) one of the museums in D.C. and sang at least one song. No fear! I, uh, also tried to climb on the outside displays at one of the art museums.
During this time of my childhood, my parents seemed to think I was lonely as an only child. I guess my parents didn't think I had enough friends, despite my gathering the neighborhood kids together to play after school, and got me a Cricket doll for Christmas. When I came downstairs, they had already put the tape in and turned her on. According to them, I said "My friend came to visit for Christmas!" I was convinced she was a real person, even though I had to change the tape in her back for her to keep talking.
I don't know what was going on in my head as a kid, but I believe most of it was encouraged by being my dad's first child. My dad is great and awesome, but I do not think he understood that balance of where little kids are just like adults and where they are not. Like. I was given, on separate occasions, a pear and an apple. He did not learn from the fact that I nearly suffocated on an orange slice (trying to put it in my mouth like a smile despite it being too large). When he asked me for the remnants of the apple and pear, I gave him back *just* the stem. Because, of course, you can't waste food 😤
I have to find the pictures, but the other wild thing he did with me is something I don't remember. Apparently, the mall near where we lived had a special event going on! Or maybe it wasn't a real event but it sure was going on!
So imagine, if you will, the American tradition of going to see the Mall Santa or Easter Bunny! Now, I *did* see the Easter Bunny because he is my favorite holiday mascot. (That was 100 percent because Easter is close to my birthday so I again considered him my *friend.*Plus rabbits to kids? Easy sell haha) But no, in this case it was someone with little baby animals! (❁´◡`❁) Baby cats. Like tigers. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
My mom was not too thrilled when I came home and went "I held some babies today!" and held up pictures where I held a puma, a snow leopard, and a cheetah. ( *^-^)ρ
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magicstormfrostfire · 2 years
thoughts on the new sonic movie 👀👀
Ooooh let's see hmmmm....
Okay, well, first off, id like to say that SHADOW'S APPEARANCE WAS SPOILED FOR ME THE DAY IT CAME OUT. I was so mad. Idk who the person was that spoiled it for me, i just saw their post on tumblr and unfollowed them, whoever they were (they hadn't posted in months).
Other than that, I had fun! The movie was kind of cheesy and weirdly paced, but I didn't mind that all that much (could've done without the dance number though, that was...hm) BUT overall I enjoyed it. I loved Sonic and Tails interactions, and Idris Elba did an amazing job with Knuckles as a character. He really nailed it, like seriously.
I think that was the most important part to me; the characters being portrayed well in a different setting, and they totally were! Not to mention they looked fantastic and as cuddly as ever. The inclusion of the owls and echidna lore makes me think that maybe the owls were inspired by some notable ones in Archie/older Sonic canon, like Harvey Who or Sophocles. But who really knows?
Another thing I enjoy is Agent Stone and Eggman. They just get more and more gay each movie its just PERFECT.
Also. SUPER SONIC SUPER SONIC! HE LOOKS SO CUTE! HES SO PRETTY! I love him. And he kills. He has no problem killing. Good for him he deserves it.
Im excited to see Shadow in the next movie, but I'm also kind of worried? No offense to the movie itself, its handled heavy topics of loss in the psst but im not really sure how well it will handle the events of the Ark with the kind of respect and weight it has in the sonic community. That's a heavy task! Also, with Knuckles having a redemption, what will happen with Shadow? Will he be redeemed too or will they let him die in the movie? I hope not. I hope he gets to live, maybe just on his own separate from the others.
Anyway, overall I enjoyed the movie, and I'm both excited (and a little worried) about what's in store for Sonic 3!
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