#or my fancy cakes i make
jakeperalta · 1 month
my mum is getting married next weekend and when they asked me last year if I'd bake the wedding cake I foolishly said yes and now I have to make 120+ individual brownies with my one little oven and minimal equipment and nowhere to store them
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neptunym · 1 year
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@post-it-notes7 's party au (midnight masquerade?) art gave me the inspiration i've been needing :D so here's a dapper little kirby
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plenilune · 3 months
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good birthday 🤘
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dimdiamond · 2 years
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Happy (belated) birthday to the disasters! Their birthdays are one day apart so they have one party and cut the cake at midnight!
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yesyourstalker · 3 months
Oshi: I don't know what to tell you koi.... We're married. We've been married around 40 years. It really wasn't my choice in the matter but you know I didn't object to it....I'm..... I'm settled
Koi-koi: you shouldn't settle. You're young-
Oshi: hehehe I'm not young
Koi-koi: well you certainly are beautiful and very accomplished I just hate seeing someone like you settle for something less than she deserves
Koi-koi:...*sigh*.. If this is what you want that's fine but if you're not happy you have options. You can work on your marriage and your relationship with Shimi or you can just leave him. My opinion you leave him
Oshi: koi
Koi-koi: you can do better I'm just saying
Koi-koi: That's my fligh. I had fun Oshi we should do this again
Oshi: we really should.... Be nice to my husband koi-koi
Koi-koi: I won't.
Oshi:.........*sigh*......... hello?.............. Yes, I remember the interviews for tomorrow....... Yes, I have time.... Yes, I'll be there at 6:00..... Not even out of the airport. I'm already back to work
Baja: hey zuzu
Zuzu: hey sweetie! Congratulations! you're trending! I knew you were going to be popular cutie
Baja: yeah...ha ha ha ha...[inhale].............[exhale].......... those comments
Zuzu: Don't worry sweetie those comments eventually will mean nothing to you. I remember a picture of me mid-sneeze went viral it's been a meme ever since...hahahaaha anyway...
So the third interview is just a meeting with the owner and co-owner of ink lab studio... It's not an actual interview.... The fourth is an interview with the producer, that one's real.
the last one.... If you get the job is going to be an actual interview with a celebrity and it will be filmed so...... Be prepared
Baja: ok.
Zuzu: great....so how are you liking the others are you getting along with any of them? You know vibing with some of the co-hosts you might work with?
Baja: I talk to some they seem nice..
Zuzu: well that's nice I would suggest you actually make friends with one of the co-hosts It's better to actually like the people you work with, so be friendly.
Baja: I'll try............. I'm not really good with making friends
Zuzu: ohhh hun..... Just be confident. find someone who has that same energy as you and it'll just click trust me . Have you seen the results for the survey yet?
Baja: no they should be coming out tonight though
Email: hello Baja, this is a email coming from Valerie The results are in and they will be airing tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. after a commercial break, we just wanted to inform you in advance that you have been selected to be in the top six applicants for 'midnight music' The other applicants who have made it passed are Tammy and Gill for host. Ash, Ramone and Lake for co-host. We wish you luck and hope the best in the future outcome
Baja: I made it past...
Owner: I would like to thank you all for wanting to be a part of the ink lab family. I'm Denzel and this is my co-owner Lyra
Lyra: charmed ..... We are just waiting for one of the producers to show up she should be here around 6. :00 at the moment. Feel free to look around the studio where you will be working. Down the hall will actually be the set for two of you will actually be hosting the show.... Down on the left side is the food court where we provide fresh meals for you from various chains. You are also free to leave the building, but you must be back within 30 minutes..... The break room lounge is over here or you're free to eat your meals and enjoy your breaks and Converse with other people in the studio.
Oshi: I'm here I'm so sorry for being late traffic...*ok*.... hello everyone I'm Oshi Octavio you can just call me Oshi..... It's very nice to see new people here. ....... They will be joining ink Lab studio?
Denzel: Yes at least two of them will be.... The show will be airing on the sister channel O.E.T. network.... Octarian entertainment television... And it will also be streamed on the ink lab studio Plus
Oshi: yes.... yesyesyes...... I remember that meeting. So we will have to do one-on-one interviews with the six of you. Let's start with.....you..uhh..... Tammy.
Tammy: HIII!! It's such an honor to meet you. Mrs Octavio. I love your movies
Oshi: thank you sweetie go to the office and will be there to interview............................. I thought we agreed that this project was primarily octoling and or non inkling run. How did she make it through?
Lyra: her father is one of our biggest investors.
Oshi:.......*sigh*..... ..... All right.....
Ramon: (chewing).......hey .....(chewing).... You want one?
Baja: hem?
Ramon: gum.....(Chewing)...... Octoberry blast.....(POP)..... It's pretty good.... I mean I like squidmelon Punch little bit more but it's not a bad flavor....(POP)....
Baja: oh....thank you ..... I like your watch
Ramon: oh this? Thanks it's a mulex dupe. It's their hip-hop line. This one is based off of the group 'undertow terror'
Baja: oh undertow I'm a fan of them. Little flux, Big Eazy-E and Medium Manuel
Ramon: you like the classic group huh? B.B.S. Before Big Sal......
Baja: I like them both equally, both of them contributed to their voice and talent to the rap group......tho I did enjoy Big Sal's record scratches and remixes in the early days. How he mixes the smooth and easy listening jazz music he got from the surface and mixing with urban hip hop from the underground he grew up with. Breaking it down, constructing and morphing it into his own genre of music really shaped modern music today
Ramon: I agree. I can't argue with that .......but compare it to Big sal's freestyle and his excellent wordplay. Nothing can beat his double entenders and his lyricisms. "gotten close to my goal. Got in touch with my soul". Getting in touch with his soul, explaining his journey to self-discovery but also the soul of his shoes.
Baja: He went hiking a lot when he got to the surface. One of his music videos from 'wise up' was in the woods
Ramon: I remember the commercial he used to do for Rockenberg. . When they used to be an outdoors and camping store.
Baja: actually it's a triple entender you see during 1992 Big Sal was in another rap group called ' journey into the soul' and in 94 they broke up and weren't on speaking terms. It was only until he made it to the surface in 97 he actually started to reconnect with them. So it could also insinuate that he was back in touch with his old group
Ramon: wow you know your stuff man
Oshi: Ramon? your interview is up next!
Ramon: That's me..*uggh*..... It was nice meeting you. I didn't get your name.
Baja: Baja.
Ramon: Nice to meet you man...
Baja: yeah... yeah you too......
Koi-koi: mommy's home!
Merv: hi darling
Noiji: MOM!!
Ikkan: hey mom
Koi-koi: oh my precious boys *kisskisskisskisskisskisskiss* I missed yoooou!...... I missed you..hehehe *kiss*
Merv: hehe we can catch up tonight
Koi-koi: ooooo hehehehe
Ikkan: oh my cod! we can hear you
Noiji: eugh! Stop
Koi-koi: you two hush up. How the hell do you think you got here.
Warabie: hi Mrs Kane!!
Koi-koi: Hi sweetie *peck*..oh ..look at you.... Look at those arms. You've been doing a lot of work.
Warabie: hehehe yeah.... I've been...... I've been working hard.... been lifting.
Warabie: what?
Cirrina: grandma!!
Koi-koi: Cirrina! *Kiss* hey sweetie...... Shimi
Shimi: koi
Koi-koi: hm
Shimi: hm
Merv: you called and told me you were going to be home by tomorrow. Was your flight delayed hun?
Koi-koi: I would have gotten here a lot sooner except someone........ decided to text me and asked me to bring their suit to be tailored right after I got off the plane. I had to buy another ticket to go to your apartment, pick up the suit........
Ikkan: sorry mom
Koi-koi: head back to the airport to buy another ticket to krillarney and now I'm here. ...... Here you go.... You owe me $200 for plain tickets
Ikkan: thanks mom
Koi-koi: hmmm...... Neta says hi and he loves you very very much and he misses you.....he said a lot of things I couldn't keep up but overall he loves you and misses you
Ikkan: sounds like Neta
Koi-koi: also he gave me your dress to try on Cirrina....... it's from Lilith Bay collection
Cirrina: the floral mesh!?! AHHHHHHH! He told me it was too expensive!! i have to try it on now!!!
Ikkan: well I guess I need to try my suit... Mom do you think you can tailor it
Koi-koi: no
Ikkan: why? Mom you know how to sew
Koi-koi: nooo nooo absolutely not. I don't want to see my baby in his suit until his wedding day. Go to someone else, I know Mr Higgins across the road used to do it
Merv: Mr. Higgins passed dear
Koi-koi: oh.......oh......well you can go into the city and get it tailored somewhere.
Ikkan: alright
Oshi: Baja! You're interviews next
Ramon: you got this
Baja: [inhale].......[exhale]...... Okay
Oshi: so you're Baja Genson..... Tell me about yourself Mr. Genson what's something interesting about yourself but you would want the audience to know about you
Baja: ohh....well what would you like to know?....I'm 22.....I have several siblings too many to count hehehe ...um...I play the saxophone... I'm actually in a community band We play jazz, classical and other various genres. We actually have a concert in the couple months
Oshi: that's interesting...... Why do you want this job really
Baja: oh um . ......... I'd say I want this job because I love music but mostly were people involved in music. I love musicians I love their history. I love their backstories and their origins and how they came to be. Not only as musician but also a person. A vast array of knowledge and trivia about artists that a lot of people don't know about and I'd love to share it with the public...
Oshi: hmmm
Baja: I'd also would love to ask the artists themselves about the trivia and maybe give me more insight on it. Like maybe they have a funny story or....... Maybe more context....
Oshi: well..........ok.....my son. You know him right? Can you tell me something about him that many people don't know?
Baja: I guess it depends on which son you're talking about. I know a lot of people know about warabie and his music career. His first ever track that he was credited was actually turquoise October when he was 13. it was on a demo track.... Which was only 3 minutes long.... But you could also be talking about your oldest son Dashie who used to make jingles for commercials.
Personally, I feel like that's a very underappreciated form of art in the music world. He specifically made music for food chain shanty's. But the height of his success was when he made the theme song and composed music for 'the Donnie dock show' back in '08. Though he asked not to be credited directly. He was under the alias of Dave. He's won at least two cabbies for best music composition in the kids entertainment category.
Oshi:........................................................................................................................... I think I'm done with this interview
Baja: oh.....ok........uhhhhhh..... I... I'm sorry I know some people get uncomfortable when I know a little too much about-
Oshi: We'll be shooting the pilot at 9:00 a.m. on the 35th. Come back tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. for your photo and ink lab studio ID...... We're also going to be taking promotional pics with you and Ramon.
Baja:........... I got the job?
Oshi: yes. You're very respectful, you seem very kind , you're very handsome and you show off a genuine love and care for artists.......... Congratulations Mr. Genson You're now part of the ink lab team.
Baja:......*huff*.. ..*huff*....ha!...*huff*.....hu....*huff*..huuuuu........................ Where's the bathroom?
Oshi: The hall on the right
Baja: thank you
Ramon: (washing hands)..........hay man how'd your interview-
Baja:UGGGGGGG.....*cough*....*cough*....uggg..... .... .... ....
Ramon: oh........*sigh *.....you okay man? Hey? It's all right. This is just your first audition you know. There's going to be a lot more opportunities for you... I mean you can put this on your resume. You made it do the top six
Baja:......*huff*.....*huff*.....I got the job!....
Ramon: Right on!...... Weird way to celebrate... (flush).... Let me help you up. Come on let's get you something to drink.
Baja: Hahah...[inhale] [exhale].... alright ...heh...let's go
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haruchuiyo · 10 months
ok since it’s my bday imma list down stuff my blorbos would gift me 😼
#ok so nanami gets me books!#either from my tbr#or books I’ve randomly mentioned to him or he gets me books he thinks I’d enjoy reading he’s so perfect#then he makes me my fav dinner#he made it with only a apron on btw 😍 jokes he’d never but if I asked politely…then maybe 🫣#satoru gives me loads of sweet cakes#+ he gets to eat them as well so ww for both of us#he gets me ice cream filled mochi’s specifically oreo flavors#then cheesecakes because they’re just so delicious#I havé à feeling he’d try to make something himself but probably fails#so he hides it in the fridge (I end up seeing it and he pouts and feels embarrassed by such a ugly cake but it’s delicious!!!)#ran would definitely take me to some extremely fancy expensive restaurant because we don’t go out to such restaurants all the time#then he gives me a fake flower because idk how to take care of real ones + some jewelry 😍#denji would craft me something + he’d give me loads of hugs and pecks and say ‘that’s your gift from me’ like ok Dennis whatever you say#(I loved it actually)#then we have my mr british simon ghost riley#me and him at home alone having fun 😍#the fun being playing board games because we two don’t celebrate milestones so huge just intimate 🩷#it’s the same with jingyuan except he gives me credits for some reason#+ he tries to take a day off from work to spend time with me :( isn’t he so perfect ugh he sends me bouquets of REAL flowers with a card#attached to it telling me happy bday then some instructions on how to take care of it (it is much needed)#and blade gives me his time as a gift so we do fun stuff at xianxhou as disrcreetly as possible because he’s a wanted man ofc or idk#then we have yuuta he takes me to a empty classroom and we make out and that’s my gift#thé gift being seeing his cheeks flushed#hair messy and breathless 🩷#ok I’m done talking 😍 happy bday to me 🩷#kei talking!
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safyresky · 3 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 26/52: "I got up, standing tall and proud in my fluffy socks."
—Jacqueline in Year Five of The Twelve Years of Frostmas
I went OFF on those fuzzy socks, they look SO GOOD!
And I GOOFED her face, hence the thick sharpie attack eyebrows. I had a lot of forehead space and went "lemme add eyebrows!" After colouring her in. My inking pens did not like this. It smudged. EVERYWHERE. I tried my best to gently dab it off (which only made it worse), grabbed the THIN TIP SHARPIE and tried that (which had the same effect), rinse and repeat (more smudges) and grabbed the BIG SHARPIE and the results: voila! Bon appetit 😭😭😭
This scrimble was from last week. I may scan it later today and see if the photo quality is better. I LOVE traditional art but DAMN if phone cameras aren't the WORST way to share the lil doodles 😭😭😭
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mistbornhero · 4 months
*lounging in the floor with a drink and dark glasses, even indoors, for the aestheticTM
Hello my dear, what it's your favorite cake. Assuming you like cakes. Describe it to me.
Excellent aesthetic TM
Sorry for the delay in reply, yesterday a podfic event was closing so it was The Rush to finish followed by Too Tired To Think lmao
I think my favorite has always been Tres Leches Cake? Asked for it for most of my birthdays, she makes the cake itself with pancake mix, because why not, and then while it is hot you dump in a can of sweetened condensed milk and a can of evaporated milk and leave it (best overnight, because it has more time to soak up the flavor). And then once it's cooled down you take heavy cream and powdered sugar and whip up chantilly cream and (artfully) cover the whole cake.
So it's wet, I guess, and very sweet?
I also love chocolate cakes. All kinds? I have a great recipe for pecan chocolate cake, throw a ganache over it and ta-da. That one is less wet, but still moist? And has more cake texture because it's not as wet.
I do love cakes other people make, but my mom is great at baking so I'm also somewhat picky about it
Love Devil's Food cake? partially because of the name, partially because chocolate.
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vexacarnivorous · 1 year
i won't post it for now since i use real names in it, but i sent the website i made for one of my best friend's birthday to her and she liked it :)
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digitalbeachrave · 1 year
you cannot shame me into complying with bullshit social conventions, i WILL be bringing my pillow and blankets into the movie theatre
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aldieb · 1 year
well maybe the office closing midway through fridays is kind of a slay. already solved one major life logistics issue and finished up an art thing and it’s still breathable outside for now so i can go to the park and read?
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m3m3shadow · 1 year
One thing that's been on my mind is how android are Aporia (and by extension the Tenors), Antinomy, and Paradox?
My personal take is that Antinomy is an android in a sense similar to that of Synths of Fallout 4 since he's able to eat and drink. Fully passes for human in every way, but there is evident cybernetics and robotics inside of him. Sorta Gen 3 synth but not at the same time. Since he was closest to Z-one, he got the most special treatment when getting his android body.
Aporia and the Tenors are your classic Androids that are fully cybernetic underneath the artificial skin and armor. They can eat and drink too, but the process is much more complicated and too scientifically for my puny dumbass brain to properly explain. (I HC Primo, despite what he says, really likes strawberries and rarely can be seen snacking on them when Lester and Jakob aren't in the same room as him. His mind is fucking BLOWN when one introduces him to toppings, especially whipped cream toppings.)
Paradox is also akin to Antinomy, being built similar to a Gen 3 synth, but with one key difference: since his particular mission was to go back in time and turn Pegasus into the highest quality Dragon Food and if it were successful would p much wipe him from existence a la his namesake, his body wasn't built to last as long as Antinomy's. So because of this, he usually needs maintenance at some point in my AUs where he lives, and that leads to a whole heap of shenanigans I won't go into right now.
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whump-it-like-its-hot · 8 months
freedom lies in the “no one else is home and to celebrate I’m gonna spend all day in the kitchen making an unnecessarily extravagant three course meal for myself and myself only”
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pokemonruby · 6 months
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umilily · 1 year
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i tried baking bunnies for easter, but my family thought they were frogs lmao
also, please check out the absolute unit of a teddy bear i bought the other day.
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bardcharms · 2 years
yes im a hedonist……yes im poor as dirt…….yes we exist, albeit quite miserably..!
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