#or nsync's this i promise you
cal-kestis · 1 year
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THIS I PROMISE YOU (2000) – *NSYNC “I give you my word, I give you my heart. This is a battle we've won. And with this vow, forever has now begun.”
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lostdathomirian · 2 months
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millennials need to be studied
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 18, 2021 12:00 a.m. keeley's
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jtrocks · 3 months
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90s-2000s-barbie · 1 year
*NSYNC - This I Promise You / Bye Bye Bye / It’s Gonna Be Me (Live 2000)
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mcfiddlestan · 11 months
I finished the reworking of a fic I wrote back in the early ‘00s when I was still pretty new to fic writing. It originally started as a standalone*NSYNC fanfic. Then I edited it to fit into a trilogy I had planned. The first fic was centered on Chris, the second on JC, and the third was supposed to be about Justin, but I never wrote it. I had a shitty boyfriend around that time that made me feel foolish about my fangirl ways and I stupidly allowed him to shame me into abandoning everything. I’m still salty about it bc I missed the whole last active year *NSYNC was a group.
Anyway. I digress.
I got back to writing in 2007 when I moved back home (away from Shitty Boyfriend) and found all of my old notebooks. So I got the idea to write the trilogy. And while working on that I had the bright idea to rewrite both stories with original characters. I managed to write the first two stories but never got around to that third one.
Even before this *NSYNC renaissance, I decided to try to get that third fic written. But in OG form. Not with *NSYNC. But first, the other fics needed updating especially since my writing has changed over the past decade or so. It took almost the whole year but I finally finished the first fic.
Now it’s on to the second…all while I am actively working on plotting and writing the third fic.
Also, just to randomly throw it out there, it’s funny how some of the plot points for my third fic that I’d jotted down before Britney Spears’ memoir was released just happen to be quite similar to her experience. Not the same! But similar. Interesting…
If you read this far, your prize is a pic of my cutie puppy. He’s waiting for his auntie to get home from work. That’s her spot.
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harrisx28 · 1 year
Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸 at Trump National Doral 🌴
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chris-hartley · 2 months
Hello!! Your song is 🥁:
This I Promise You by *NSYNC
And my favorite lyrics from it are:
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn’t be living at all
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taevisionceo · 5 months
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Good Morning ☕️ Have y'all a beautiful and blessed Tuesday
I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it. ~ Groucho Marx 👍💫💯
Connecting… 10:00am Tue, May 07
In my "Home Station" playing THIS I PROMISE YOU - *NSYNC
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dailyquotes6563 · 8 months
Every word I say is true, this I promise you.
NSYNC, This I Promise You
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juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Since your doing the DP and Wolverine prompts does this mean that Nora’s used Jaunes dead body as a weapon or just his sword?
Deadpool used Logan's bones because they are metal, so in this case I chose a third option that I came up with. --------------
Nora arrives at a forest where a cross marks the site of a grave.
Nora: (Narrating) For a long time, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be back. VIZ Media bought RWBY, there was a whole boring rights issue, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But then, it turned out that they wanted me! the one girl who shouldn’t even have her own show! That was all so stupid. Look, we know the title of this thing, so I know what you’re wondering. How are we going to do this without dishonoring Jaune's memory? And I’ll tell you how. We’re not.
Nora then starts digging
Nora: (Narrating) I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Jaune is not dead. Sure, it made for a perfect ending to a very sad story, but that’s not how his Aura boosting thing works. You think I want to be out here in beautiful downtown North of Vale, digging up the one and only Rusted Knight? No, thank you. But the fate of my entire world is at stake. He may not be living his best life, but he sure as hell ain’t dead.
Nora finally reaches the bottom and finds the coffin.
Nora: Bingo... Yahtzee...
She then begins to tear apart the coffin.
*Smack! Tap! Scratch! Bang!*
Nora: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
She makes a hole in the coffin and then…
Nora: Damn it!
She didn't like what she found.
Nora: Son of a bitch! *Hits the cross* Fuck! Motherfucker! My world is fucked!
Moments later....
Nora leaning against a fallen tree
Nora: *Talking to his right while the camera is only focus on her* That was weird. I’m much calmer now. Look, I’m not a woman of science, but you seem incredibly passed away.
The camera zooms out to show a very dead and skeleton-like Jaune, but still wearing his armor.
Nora: But it’s good to see ya. I gotta be honest, I’ve always wanted to ride with you, Jaune. You and me, getting into a Ladypool and Rusted Knight. Just fucking shit up. Can you imagine the fun,... the chaos,... the residuals?
She then starts playing with Jaune's helmet.
Nora: (Mimicking Jaune's voice) That's right Nora. There’s nothing that’ll bring me back to life faster than a big bag of RWBY cash.
Nora: Me too, Jaune. *Gets upset* No, no, no, no. Ugh, he had to get all noble and die for real. God damn it! *Looks back at Jaune* I could really use your help right now.
Suddenly, a group of futuristic soldiers appear out of nowhere. Nora sees them and hides along with Jaune's corpse.
Nora: Wait! I’m warning you! I’m not alone!
Soldier: Nora Valkyrie! You’re under arrest by the Time Variance Authority. Too many crimes with this, come out!
Nora: I hate this guys.
Soldier: Last chance! Throw out your weapons and come out peacefully!
Nora: I’m not gonna give you my weapons! But I promise not to use them. *Looks at you the reader* Did you know that Jaune's armor is made by a lot of pieces together? Here we go, maximum effort.
Nora jumps out of her hiding spot, and uses Jaune's corpse as cover. The soldiers are confused.
Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC It starts to play.
Nora: *Looks at Jaune* Okay, Jaune. I guess we’re getting that team up after all.
Nora grabs a piece of Jaune's armor and throws it at one of the soldiers, killing him instantly. The other companions of the deceased are stunned, but seconds later they run towards them as more soldiers appear.
Nora takes two pieces of armor from Jaune's shoulders and uses them to stab two of the soldiers. One in the back, and the other one she slashes and then stabs him in the head. Following with a kick that makes the piece come out the other side of the guy.
She then uses her leg armor and begins to swing around, hitting the soldiers in the face. She knocks one to the right, another to the ground, and one to the left. She then takes her phone and takes a photo of herself kissing one of the deceased on the helmet.
She then takes both of Jaune's arm armors, bones and all, and begins to slap each and every one of them like it's a game. With what remains of the armor already shattered, she kills the remaining ones. I use Jaune's fingers to stab one of them. Jaune's head to hit another one in the genitals. What's left of the legs to stab quite hard right into the chest of another soldier who was running.
Nora: What is this?
Nora notices a part of the armor that looks like a sword handle and pulls it out. And just at that moment a blue sword blade appears as if it were a lightsaber.
Nora: I am soaking wet right now.
Nora: (Narrating) To be clear, I’m not proud of any of this. The wanton violence, the whiff of necrophilia, it isn’t who I am, it isn’t who I wanna be. Who I wanna be? Well, to help you understand that, I gotta take you back. My little joy ride I took through space and time, to the day that changed everything.
Nora: (Narrating) But that will be for another day, because the idiot who wrote all this is a little tired.
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This I Promise You | Music Travel Love ft. Dave Moffatt & Francis Greg (NSYNC Cover)
Beautiful song, amazing scenery...
Listen and relax....
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trashpandato · 1 year
It’s a good afternoon. No, scratch that, it’s a great afternoon. Kara has been home for a few hours, the city finally quiet for a bit. It’s the first time in weeks that she’s had time to herself, to relax, to do what she wants.
And what she wants is to dance in her kitchen, her music as loud as she dares to play it in her apartment building.
It’s loud enough that apparently she doesn’t hear Lena come in. She lets out a surprised squeak when she feels hands touch her shoulder and whirls around only to see her friend in her kitchen with an amused smile on her face.
“Lena! I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I can tell. I knocked, but you didn’t answer. I could hear you in here, though. I hope it’s okay that I let myself in?”
“Of course.” 
Kara pulls her into a hug. A new song is just starting and Kara can see Lena wrinkle her nose in that adorable way, a sign that she might not be a fan.
“What do you have against Maroon 5?”
Lena steps back from their hug and shrugs. “It’s just not my kind of music. Wasn’t their lead singer caught sending inappropriate texts to a younger woman while married?
Kara pauses as she watches Lena shed her coat and hang her purse up by the door. 
“Was he? I missed that. What a jerk.”
Lena shrugs again. “I mean, sure. But I guess that’s his personal business. If you like their music, don’t stop dancing on my account.”
“You sure?”
Kara would be more than happy to switch to a new playlist. She knows how much Lena loves NSYNC, for example.
“Mm. Though, I did like them better when they were still called Kara’s Flowers.”
Kara is in the middle of unlocking her phone to open up her music app. She frowns.
“Their band,” Lena confirms. “Maroon 5. It was called Kara’s Flowers initially. Apparently they all had a crush on the same girl when they named their band.”
“Really? How do you know all that?”
It’s then that Lena’s demeanor visibly changes. There’s a bright blush staining her cheeks and her ears look hot. She’s fiddling with her fingers, unable to meet Kara’s gaze.
“I, um, I might have Googled songs and your name one night and it came up.”
The admission stops Kara dead in her tracks.
“I wanted to make you a mixtape,” Lena stammers, her voice quiet. “Well. A playlist. Unless you want an actual tape. I’m sure I can sort that out, too. But you would need something to play it on, so just let me know if you’d prefer that.”
The admission unleashes something in Kara, something that’s been buzzing beneath her skin for a while.
“Come here,” she whispers, her hands reaching for Lena and pulling her close. 
She lets one hand trail up along Lena’s arm, along the side of her neck, feels Lena’s pulse quicken where her palm rests against warm skin.
Then, she leans in.
It’s slow and measured. She wants to give Lena every opportunity to stop her, to pull back. But Lena doesn’t. Instead, she closes the distance first and presses her lips against Kara’s. Lightly at first, waiting, and Kara knows it’s a question that she’s more than happy to answer. She pushes back against those lips more firmly.
Kara’s not sure how long they stand there, kissing in her kitchen, Maroon 5 still blaring in the background. When she pulls back, Lena looks flushed, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“If I had known that this would be your response to me promising to make you a mixtape, I would have done it long ago.”
Kara huffs out a laugh but leans back in for another kiss.
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jtrocks · 11 months
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notakugelblitz · 2 months
Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Viktor
just imagine these songs being in the OST and playing during those “scenes” ;) you’re number 8 btw. english isn’t my first language so sorry if you spot any mistake. enjoy ☂️
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/ your power : telepathy /
"I'm going to miss you..."
"I'll miss you too..."
Against his broad chest, you held back your tears as his hand gently caressed your scalp.
"We'll talk every night, won't we?"
"I promise..."
You pulled away and looked at him for a long time. He fixed his gaze on your lips, weighing the pros and cons of his intentions. Just as he was about to close the distance between you, your father burst into the room.
"It's time to go, Number 1. Clear out, Number 8, this isn't the time to distract him."
Luther finally planted a quick kiss on your cheek, leaving you breathless, a terrible frustration swelling within you.
Days, months, and years passed. Every night, you would retreat to the roof to gaze at the moon, talking to Luther thanks to your telepathy ability. You often fell asleep first, and Grace would come to cover you with a blanket when the nights grew a bit chilly. Luther loved to hum a song, Flares, as if to remind himself that you would always be there for him, sending him out flares.
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/ your power : see the future /
A soft light filtered into the gymnasium's basement. A faint music coming from upstairs woke you up. You grumbled and stormed up the stairs. Wearing nothing but an old t-shirt belonging to your brother—and, incidentally, your boyfriend (no, thankfully, it’s not incest)—you flung the door open and saw Diego dancing with a mop in the ring. You burst out laughing, which made him jump.
"Am I dreaming, or are you laughing at me?"
You tried to respond, but tears were welling up in the corners of your eyes. Bent over with laughter, you suddenly felt warm droplets splash across your face: he had just splashed you with the mop. You stared at him for a long moment and jumped on the ring trying to catch him.
A wild fight ensued, in rhythm with the music, with the floor becoming extremely slippery due to the water. You delivered several kicks at him, which he blocked with the broomstick. It was a fight worthy of a Bruce Lee movie. Since both of you were very skilled in martial arts (and because you could anticipate each of his moves thanks to your power of visualizing the near future), you lowered your guard to let him win for once. Diego grabbed you by the waist, and you both tumbled near the entrance.
You ended up on top of each other, just like in all those wonderful clichés. Just as Number 2 was about to kiss you, the boss of the place stormed in. He flew into a rage and rushed toward the radio. Unfortunately, he slipped and crashed face-first onto the floor, making you both burst out laughing. Well... you had to clean up everything afterward, and in silence. Still, those moments of total hilarity were and still are the best ...
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/ your power : water manipulation /
Having become a renowned actress, Allison traveled extensively. As for Patrick, he worked a lot. You were the perfect candidate to look after Claire. Having left the Umbrella Academy at the same time as your sister, you were inseparable, and whenever she returned from a shoot, you were so happy to spend time together.
Claire adored you, and you managed to calm her tantrums easily, greatly relieving Allison.
One evening, as your sister came home late, you put Claire to bed. She was having trouble falling asleep. So, you waved your finger over a glass, filling it with fresh water, and placed it on her nightstand. Then, with a soft and soothing voice, you hummed the lullaby Wendy sings to the Lost Boys in Peter Pan, her favorite cartoon. It was a routine that worked every time. Allison arrived in the middle of your performance and deliberately stayed behind the door to listen. Once Claire was asleep, you chuckled.
"I know you're there," you whispered.
"I know you know." she giggles.
"I heard a rumor that you stop spying on me."
"You know I can’t help it. It’s adorable. Thanks for everything."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. It didn’t bother you at all. You went downstairs and opened a bottle of wine to celebrate her return. Patrick left you two alone, and you silently thanked him because these moments with your sister were the best.
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/ your power : animal metamorphosis /
It was an evening like any other. Or at least, that’s what you hoped. You were waiting for Klaus outside the nightclub he was in so you could take him home. You preferred to be the one who did so rather than letting him leave alone in a terrible state. As the agreed-upon time had passed, you sighed and stormed out of your car. You entered the club without any difficulty, as the bouncer recognized you immediately. It had its perks to be a member of the Umbrella Academy back then. You searched the entire club for Klaus and finally found him on the rooftop. He was shouting incomprehensible things while walking along the edge of the building. You rushed to join him.
"Klaus, get down. Right now," you ordered, pulling on his sleeve.
"Oh Y/N, I’m so happy to see you!" he chirped, his persistent sniffles confirming to you that he had relapsed again.
"It’s not funny, Klaus, you could..."
Before you could even finish your sentence, he slipped off the edge of the building and fell into the void. Immediately, you transformed into a falcon and dove toward the ground, but it was too late: he had already crashed. Blood was pouring from the back of his head, but that didn’t stop you from kneeling beside him and resting his head on your lap.
"Damn it, Klaus..." you cried, pressing your forehead against his. "You’re such an idiot..."
It was as if your world had just collapsed, all because of some damn white powder and a brother who was a little too dependent. Suddenly, he took a huge breath, coming back from the dead. You were completely shocked.
"Oh! I knew you’d catch me. You always catch me," he chuckled, pressing his temple against your chest like a little child.
And then he fell asleep. You were stunned and took him back to your car. He had been dead... and then alive. High but alive. You didn’t quite understand what had just happened, and you never talked to him about it until he discovered his ability to resurrect in 1963. That explained a lot …
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/ your power : healing /
Since Five disappeared, not a day had passed without you searching for a way to find him. You studied all sorts of science books, looking for theories on time travel or anything related. Then, you expanded your research to history books, wondering if he might have done something that left a mark on time. When you were too tired to read, you helped Viktor make peanut butter sandwiches just in case he reappeared.
After leaving the Umbrella Academy when you came of age, you continued your research, scouring every library. But what you didn’t know was that a certain organization known as The Temps Commission had taken an interest in you and was considering recruiting you. Whether it was for your relentless determination, your knowledge of time travel, or your healing abilities, you could only be an asset.
When The Handler found you in an aisle of the Dallas Central Library, you immediately accepted her offer. If anyone had information on Five, it would be them. But your disappointment was immense when you found no trace of him once you were there. That didn’t stop you from continuing your search for many years, so much so that, after a while, Herb secretly helped you through the Infinite Switchboard. And that’s how you found Five, in the middle of the apocalypse. Having no right to interfere with the timeline, you begged The Handler to recruit him as an agent, just like you.
"I’ll think about it," she had said, even though she had already been watching him for 30 years.
Then, one fine day, you were summoned to The Handler’s office. Five was there too.
"Five, I present to you your partner, Y/N Hargreeves. Well, you already know each other. I’ll leave you to it."
She left the room, leaving you two standing there, arms hanging by your sides.
"I found you," he let out.
"I found you," you replied. "I trusted the signs, so I made my way back to you somehow."
"Pathetic," he chuckled, though a smile tugged at his lips.
"I'm glad to see you too, Five," you sighed, smiling just as much.
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/ your power : invisibility /
As Ben was reading, an upbeat music filled the house. The 11-year-old boy went to the living room and saw Grace and you dancing the Rock'N Roll while laughing. Mom was teaching you some steps, her eternal pristine smile fixed on her face.
"Oh, Ben, you’re here! Do you want to give it a try?"
You jumped at the sight of your brother and suddenly disappeared, your cheeks turning red.
"Y/N, show yourself…" Grace sighed, amused.
"Yeah, you were doing great!" exclaimed the young boy.
You reappeared, looking at him with hesitation.
"Cross my heart!"
"Alright, kids, let's continue! Take my hand and follow my steps!"
So you listened to him, dancing awkwardly on the living room carpet. Your siblings watched you from the walkway. At one point, Ben let go of Mom and made his tentacles appear. He began making sort of waves in rhythm, which made everyone laugh. Your father and Pogo were in the surveillance room. The chimpanzee glanced at his master: he was smiling discreetly. Eventually, all the other children came to join you, even Viktor, who had always felt excluded. These moments of joy and freedom were rare. Your gaze met Ben's, sparkling. So, this was happiness.
After Ben's death, whenever you felt sad, your radio would turn on by itself to play that eternal song, warming your heart. Much later, Klaus told you that Ben's ghost had been watching over you and, not wanting to scare you, this was the most discreet way to comfort you.
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On this September 6th, 1997, everyone felt relaxed because it was Saturday, and every first Saturday of the month was a day off for the Umbrella Academy. No training until Monday. Of course, the children were encouraged to study, but that was certainly not on your mind, nor on Viktor's. As you were watching TV, sitting on the floor, a news flash interrupted your documentary on Canadian otters. Lady Diana's funeral was being broadcast live from London.
"She was so beautiful," you sighed, resting your chin on your knees, which were encircled by your arms.
"I'm sure it wasn't an accident," Viktor murmured conspiratorially, looking absent-minded.
His pale face suddenly lit up, and he immediately straightened.
"Look! It's Elton John!"
Immediately, you pressed your little noses against the screen to watch the singer enter the abbey. The presenter announced that he was going to sing a final tribute to his late best friend.
"Move away from the screen, you'll hurt your eyes," Grace gently instructed, holding a tray filled with cookies.
“Mom! Can you record this, please?" you exclaimed without even turning around.
“Of course, Number 8," she replied.
"Imagine if we could play this song ! You with the violin and me with the piano !" you giggled.
Viktor nodded with a large smile, still absorbed by the man's performance. Ever since, you've watched repeatedly the tape Grace made you, learning the partition thanks to your perfect pitch. You'd usually play along to distract your father who appreciated it. Oh he never said so but his silence was quite approving.
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damonlakes · 1 month
Descendants as quotes my friends have said over the years
Ben : I don’t blame you for being gay, or rizzing, as long as you’re happy
Carlos : She’s emotional *under his breath* an emotional wreck
Jay : DON’T call my feet baby feet 😤
Chad, dancing to music on a speaker, then trips and falls : ow, i jiggy too hard 😞
doug : they broke up like nsync
Lonnie : what’s you guys’ favorite flavor of ice? I love me some whataburger ice
Mal : something something libarian
carlos : it’s librarian
Mal : shut 👏 the 👏 heck 👏 up 👏 please 👏
gil : this is my band it’s called the chunky monkeys
evie : the hannah montana movie is actually so iconic it hurts
Chad : i can’t see out this windows cuz this window is so … window… ee
Jay : my favorite color is square
Harry : i’m hungry *starts biting chair in the middle of chick-fil-a*
fairy godmother : what’s the first thing you think of when i say california?
the vks : fire
chad : do you like dick? Serious question
Mal, referring to evie when she goes off to flirt with some guy : somebody better get her horny ass back on this bus 😾
Ben : mmm tea yummy
dude : hey fur nation, where all my wolves at *growls*
fairy godmother : you haven’t been sniffing any pixi sticks have you ?
Ben : my knee belongs to me
Chad : NoOooo you have to shareeee
Doug : i hate comic sans time new roman is where it’s at … *thinks to himself and zones out* times old roman…
jane : HEY that’s a wordy dirty 😠
whoever the music teacher is idk : maybe play it a little bit softer
jay : but it’s Triple ✨ F 💫 Accented‼️
mal : oh look, a pedophile van
chad : how do i turn on the buttson burner?
ben : the what?
*elevator shakes* Chad : why is the elevator twerking?
Jane : what happened to your finger?
Ben : i got smashed … WAIT-
audrey : it’s not a hate crime if i’m mexican
carlos : chicken nuggets are my world
chad, pointing to audrey : you see that woman over there?
Carlos : that’s-
chad : ahem
carlos : THAT’S MY AUNT
chad : she keeps trying to tell everybody that i’m pregnant with my brother’s child
carlos : WHAT
chad : but the fact of the matter is, it’s hers 😔
ben : *drops cup*
evie : she’s been cheating on me?? 😟
i promise i’ll post part two soon
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