#or perhaps [redacted]
milogreer · 6 months
if milo had a listener-type pet name he would 100% be loverboy
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raceweek · 6 months
ANYWAY. look at this🧸
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Is it just me or is Porter heavily Chase Atlantic and Arctic Monkeys coded?
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sheepb1t · 5 months
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Do you think if she was real she would have fans on Twitter being like “ANYWAYS stream Invincible Rainbow Arrow ✨✨”
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stupd000 · 3 months
whenever I see a new design for a redacted character, I see them as that design every time I listen to them until I see a new design and then the cycle repeats
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Okay, I'm betting on Calvin as the researcher.
The Research unit does sound like the Court of Owls, and Calvin's whole thing is joining the court willingly, but bolting when he finds the targets too human. Which is pretty much what the researcher is going through.
The researcher seems to have a crush on Dick (my assumption, going by the file... You really don't go poetic over the eye color of a research subject, even one you're fond of).
You were in the middle of the Calvin Phase before this AU took over, and you haven't written anything starring Calvin yet.
Calvin is 100% the kind of adorable dumbass who would throw himself into a leviathan's tank to do the right thing.
The Redacted can be Cobb. The older Talon concerned about the younger one he trained, but too loyal to the institution to fully side with him...
Very solid reasoning! And I totally agree that fussing over the right eye color is decidedly not… usual… for a researcher. And the MR seems to be doing their job well enough but secretly despises it to no end. So they’d need to have more than passable acting skills not to become a target for potential betrayal.
And yes, Calvin absolutely would be stupidly brave enough to throw himself in a Leviathan’s tank to set them free. A suicide mission, sure. But one that, in his mind, will pay off either way.
Cobb is a bit of a gray area. The “asshole” part certainly fits him, but why would he forsake the institution he’s usually so loyal to in favor of one rogue researcher who could end up doing more damage than good, even if he did train them? That man is pragmatic and doesn’t easily form attachments. What about Calvin/ the Mysterious Researcher would be different? 👁️🌊
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running-tweezers · 3 months
My favorite thing in this world is coming up with random little facts for my ocs. My other favorite thing in this world is hearing about other people’s random little facts for their ocs.
So it follows that I absolutely ATE THIS REDUCTIVE AUDIO UP
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lwdsial · 4 months
I was gonna post my chronically ill treasure hc that I haphazardly wrote at 4am but I can’t seem to find it 😭
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penncilkid · 3 months
Might fuck around and be silly*
*Make a new tag on my blog for my niche as fuck Redacted pairings
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Hey love! ♡♡♡,
I'm curious, what is your grandad like? How was it growing up with him around?
(Also, because of course I should ask this as well, do you think he'd like me-?)
Darlinnnnnnnnnnnn~!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
*pounces on you in a hug*
My favorite Heartslabyul-shaped Diasomnian! 😹
As for my Grandpaw… I didn’t just grow up with him around, I grew up with only him around. I don’t really remember my parents. They were unfortunately lost to what every Cheshire willingly and lovingly makes their worst enemy, so I was raised by my Grandpaw!
He is very fun! I still haven’t guessed his first name, even after all these years, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually! 😼 My Grandpaw likes to tell lots of stories and you’ll never know if they’re true or not… sometimes the ones you’re so sure are the lies are the truths.
One time, he told me a story about this giant egg man sitting on a wall that was so well-to-do that a KING gave him a cravat (or was it a belt? 🤔) as an Unbirthday present and promised to fix him if the egg man broke his shell. I was pawsitive my Grandpaw was just telling tall tales with that one… nope! Learned years later that it did happen… in a different universe. Grandpaw is just sneaky like that! 🤭
He’s great with kids - he’s who I want to be when I am as old as he is. He was always so patient with teaching me how to appear and disappear, teleport, and [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED]. I don’t know where I would be without him. 🥰
And I think he would adore you, Darlin! You’re important to me, which means he’s already going to like you, but also? You gave me earrings. And I’m wearing them. He’s gonna know that means I really like you. So that means he won’t just like you as an accessory to me, he will sit you down and get to know you so he can say fur sure that he likes you. 💜
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whyeverr · 6 months
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What a strange, strange world we live in...
But somehow it all makes perfect sense!
Surely Tyler knows better than anyone what Cherry is going through right now! It was really complicated navigating the earliest days of his relationship with Octavia, figuring out where they could fit into each other's lives around her responsibilities as a new mom, figuring out what his relationship to Lydia was — with it shifting and changing as things got more and more serious.
I'm exactly who they should be talking to about this stuff — but I probably wouldn't have felt comfortable putting it all out there with someone else at that point either...
(To be clear, Tyler's galaxy brain moment connecting Cherry's sudden reticence to Mya's inaccurately jumped-to conclusion about Alicia being a parent is woefully inaccurate. But come on, it's year 3. You know what this guy's like. 😁)
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taniushka12 · 6 months
from time to time i think back to the bookers like... a (true) crime writer married to a financially struggling artist, sounds familiar? theres a clear parallelism there with alan and alice, its such a shame that they kinda appeared at the start, you get one or two manuscript pages about them, you get to hear their inspiration in the dark place's echoes, and then...? they're gone? what HAPPENED to them? didn't ed get like kidnapped or something? did he die?? i kinda wanna hold on hope that they'll appear in a future remedy game 😔
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daincrediblegg · 2 months
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Real friendship is letting your best friend ( @prismatica-the-strange) send you fake anon hate to amuse themselves for a bit of cyberbullying that you refuses to participate in <3
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ephxmerrxl · 1 year
bestie telling blake to off some dude they don’t like because now bestie has scary dog privilege:
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wundrousarts · 2 years
It’s officially 2023, meaning that Silverborn comes out this year!
I feel like the title is likely going to refer to something specific that we don’t know about yet, but here are some ways that silver has come up in the series and what it all might mean:
Nobility/The Rich + The Silver District
The description for Silverborn says that we'll "travel to places in Nevermoor that we've ever seen," and a lot of folks think that we'll be visiting the Silver District, which is where the rich reside. Some theories relating to this include:
— We could see Noelle again, which might be the character that we haven't seen in a while as teased by one of Jess's Instagram stories.
— Morrigan could come from nobility or a rich family. While she does come from some sort of wealth and privilege in Jackalfax due to Corvus's status as a politician, it doesn't really matter. Going with the Nevermoorian theory, perhaps Mog's mom comes from the Silver District. Additionally, Morrigan being from nobility could be another parallel with Lam.
— The [redacted] snippet could be a scene set somewhere in the Silver District. The redacted word was confirmed by Jess to be a surname, one that we haven't seen before. Perhaps it could be Mog's relatives on her Mom's side?
— Since the Silver District is where rich people live, it's likely a place where lots of Wundersmith monuments and etc. were commissioned. Morrigan might discover them and learn about some past Wundersmiths, and perhaps even run into a few Ghostly Hours on the way.
Another way that the "nobility" angle could come in, especially with it being something to be born into, could be Morrigan's status as a Wundersmith. Wundersmiths used to be put on a pedestal and even almost deified by the end of their time. Morrigan is born into this legacy and is starting to explore what it means.
The phrase about being "born with a silver spoon in your mouth" is one that's been thrown around since the title was announced, and refers to being born into a wealthy family. Perhaps it refers to Mog coming from a wealthy family, or perhaps it refers to her being born into the illustrious legacy of being a Wundersmith.
Additionally, while it's not something that people are born into (unless you count knacks, maybe?), the fact that Wunsoc folks have more privilege than other folks is definitely something we could see being explored more in this book and beyond.
Side note: Later in this post I discuss silver as it relates to inferiority. Perhaps if Morrigan goes to the Silver District and meets rich folk and/or Noelle, there'll be some sort of dynamic wherein Morrigan is just unintentionally superior to them in some way despite their wealth due to both her Wunsoc and Wundersmith status, and they are inferior because they lack these things.
Silver as it pertains to Witnesses
There are two moments where Witnesses have described a silver instance.
The first moment is this part in Wundersmith:
Jack looked at them a minute, frowning in concentration. ‘That loud one dressed as a clownfish would much rather be at home. Or somewhere else, anyway. There’s a … it’s like a thread, or something. Silver thread. Keeps trying to pull her right out the front door.”
The second moment is this part in Hollowpox:
Jupiter held the rabbit closer, examining every inch of fur, a frown deepening the crease between his eyebrows. “Her handprints are all over him. Cloudy silver smudges. Big hands, little hands. Hands a bit like yours. Twenty-odd years of them, layer upon layer.”
“Mog,” he said quietly. “I think, perhaps, this rabbit belonged to your mother.”
Silver relates to both a desire to be home or be elsewhere (the thread) along with the past and identity and ownership (the fingerprints). Here are some ideas for how this could apply to Silverborn and beyond:
— Morrigan is searching to learn more about herself, where she comes from, and where she belongs. She seeks to "return to her roots".
— She wants to properly "be at home," something she's been struggling with her whole life and is still trying to juggle with, even if it's not something she quite understands.
— We could learn more about Mog's Mom in this book, along with Mog's maternal family in general. See: the earlier thoughts about the [redacted] snippet.
— Squall is also someone longing to go home, because he wants to return to his beloved Nevermoor and the apprenticeship with Mog is a step towards that direction. I bet if a Witness looked at him, there'd be a silver thread pulling at him (towards Nevermoor?).
— When it comes to ownership, Morrigan is learning how to be a Wundersmith and take control of her powers and the history that come with them. As a teenager now, she's starting to figure out who she is and become her own person.
Silver as a key to Wunder
Morrigan's silver umbrella tip, given to her by Jupiter, is used to unlock the Hall of Shadows, which definitely seems wundrous, especially after we learn that Shadowmaking is a sub-art of Veil.
In Hollowpox, Jupiter gives her and Jack a silver key to unlock the frozen lake room so that they can ice skate. The room is as wacky and wundrous as the rest of the hotel. Morrigan makes a specific connection between the two things:
This wasn’t, after all, the first time that Jupiter had given her a slightly odd gift. It wasn’t the first time he had given her a key.
A memory came to her of a strange locked door on a quiet floor of the Hotel Deucalion. The tip of her oilskin umbrella—a birthday present from Jupiter—turning in the lock with a satisfying click. An enchanted lantern-lit room full of shadow-monsters within.
I just think it's interesting that twice now we've had something silver be a key to unlocking something Wundrous. I think we will probably see this continue.
Another line in the Silverborn description says "we'll meet people from Morrigan's past who will be very important in untangling the mystery of who she is." Perhaps whoever this is will be the key to unlocking Morrigan's past, whether it's related to Wundersmiths or her mother or both. "Key to unlock" and "important in untangling" feel like the same sentiment, just with different wording.
Silver as it relates to the Wintersea Republic
When Morrigan meets Maud, she sees this:
There was a double door made of dark wood, with an unusual set of silver handles that interlocked to form a large, ornate W.
Was she back at Wunsoc?
We quickly learn that the W stands for Wintersea and not Wundrous, but it's still interesting because it marks a clear distinction with the cool silver compared to the warm golden Wunsoc W.
The gold color related to Wunsoc comes from the golden color of Wunder, so perhaps the silver relates to the absence of Wunder in the Republic.
Some folks in the Discord brought up how silver has a connotation with second place and inferiority. Given how Squall helped create the Republic, this could make sense. It'll always be second place and less than his beloved Nevermoor, as it's just a temporary way for him to hold power until he returns. However, he's also the second most powerful person, as Maud is more powerful than him and even scares him.
I think that Maud and the Wintersea Republic are going to become more powerful and more important as we go into this second act of the story, and silver being associated with them is definitely something to keep in mind.
Silver + Secrets
Added 2/23/23
I'm currently rereading Nevermoor and have found some fun possible associations with keeping secrets and things being hidden that I wanted to share:
— Morrigan's umbrella unlocks the Hall of Shadows, which is in the renovated wing that she isn't supposed to be in
— Squall uses a silver scarf to hide his face on Hallowmas
— Expanding on the aforementioned silver Witnessing associations, being a Witness is essentially being able to see the secrets of people and things
Silver + Celestials
Added 7/22/23
Wrapped up my Wundersmith reread and found something fun.
— Jupiter receives a "note sealed with silver wax" from "the Celes-"
— This could mean that we might learn some more about Celestial Beings in Silverborn, or perhaps the term is related to them somehow
—— Could relate to a Celestial Being being born, someone born of a Celestial Being, or perhaps someone born under / during an important celestial event (cough cough Eventide)
—— Could also tie back to all the theories of Noelle's knack being related to, and even possibly stolen from, Celestials. Especially interesting since a lot of folks are hoping to see her again in the book.
— A side note: some of the emotions Mog describes in relation to Israfel's voice are reminiscent of some of the themes of family, longing, nostalgia, etc.
— Also: the Eventide phase on the Skyfaced Clock is referred to as “inky, star-strewn blackness”. If silver is related to Celestials and perhaps stars….. what if “Silverborn” is just another term for being born on Eventide?
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purplesoup-lad-le · 1 year
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brant day!!!!!!!!!!!! day of the babygirliest bitch!!!!!
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