#or returned to again. there must have been a body here in moments past and honestly i'm certain she was some percent sincere
cxie · 2 years
0 notes
briefalpacashark · 7 months
~Ghost of the Past~
=Part Two=
Warning: Violence, death, graphic scenes.
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Cleared area your ass. You saw three of your former team. Jamie was standing out in the open. He was dazed stumbling around while holding his gut. He didn't see the enemy, but you did. You crash tackled the poor lad behind a piece of felled debris as bullets rained down upon you. You felt a hot pain travers up your arm. You checked to see only a bullet graze. Jamie on the other hand. 
“Fuck,” You whispered seeing his spitting shoulder hit. And the hole in his lower stomach. Readjusting you gun you peeked over your cover taking out a few of the advancing enemies. At your returned fire they all moved for cover. It gave you a really short amount of time to bind Jamie shoulder with a pressure bandage. You checked in the bullet had gone straight though his stomach only to see it hadn't. You returned fire again before stuffing gaze into the hole. All the while Jamies head rolled around with disoriented pained grunts.
“This is Doc. Requesting medevac,” you spoke into the coms. What greeted you was static. 
"It's gonna be ok Jamie, I got you mate," you said.
“This is doc, is anyone there?” you spoke again. Your eyes widened when the click of metal got you attention. A grenade had landed beside you. Faster than your brain could comprehend you grabbed it chucking it back over, throwing your body on Jamie. The blast rocked you slightly, throwing all manner of barbies and dust over you.
“THIS IS DOC! IS ANYONE THERE OVER!?” You yelled into the comm. Across the way you saw your other old team members pinned behind a building.
“I NEED assistance. Im pinned down,” you spoke again. 
“Well, this sounds familiar,” Adam's cold voice invaded your ears. Turning the swirling storm of panic into a sharped edged blade. He had cut your comms of from everyone else's. Set up a line just for the two of you.
“The fuck is happening Adam. You said this area was cleared,” you hissed.
“Oh did I. Must have been my mistake,” he muttered.
“I need assistance. Jamies down,” you hated him, you wanted to kill him. but you hoped that he still had some good in him. if not for you then for Jamie.
“Pity, sorry can't help you. It looks mighty dangerous over there,” your eyes wafted over the battlefield. You found Adam standing a way away. With a shit eating grin on his face. Half of your team was with him. They were moving away from the action, towards the exit. the panic stabbed right through your heart at the all to familiar sight.
“What the fuck are you doing Adam?” you asked. They were leaving you.
“We got orders to retreat. But it seems like they have a comm blocker. Can't get into touch with team bravo,” your blood ran cold, panic sweeping the breath from you lungs. Bravo team. The boys. 
“Looks like our intel was wrong to. Seems to be a lot more bogies than originally thought,” he stated a cackling chuckle leaving his lips.
“Good luck Maddog,” he smiled giving you a mock salute before turning and leaving. If it was any other situation you would have taken a moment to let the situation sink in. But this was battle, one moment could mean the difference between life and death. 
“GET OVER HERE!” You yelled across the way your old team members grateful for the sanctuary of orders in their blind panic. Rising up you provided covered as they rushed towards you.
“Mad dog,” Anna greeted your briefly. She swallowed unsure of what you were about to do. She was surprised when you placed you hand on her shoulder.
"You hit?" you still wore the same concerned frown you always had. She didn't understand why you still cared for her. Not after what she did. She numbly shock her head the other doing so as well.
“Take him and get your asses out of here,” you ordered nodding down to Jamie.
“Yes ma'am,” she nodded. You pulled a pin of a grenade and threw it. 
Your heart hammered in your chest as you sprinted down the hallways. Everybody you passed you searched for familiar features. Soap's mohawk. Ghosts mask. Prices hat. Gaz cap. It was a brutal game of tag between dread and relief. Then you saw them. Standing around a group of captured soldiers like it was a Tuesday lunch.
“Comms are on the fritz,” Gaz announced.
“Anyone got Doc's location?” Price asked.
“I'm here!” You announced. They all turned to you taking in your appearance. you were covered in dust. Sweat lines dragging through it like art.
“You look like shite,” Price grinned at you. Relife, utter relief filled you. They were ok. They were alive.
“Your hit,” Soap took notice of the blood first as they moved towards you.
“Just a scratch. We've got orders to retreat,” you stated. The boys frowned.
“But we completed the mission?” Gaz stated. They had. Lucky bastards cleared out the whole base themselves. 
“Those are the orders. Comms are being blocked,” you stated. 
“Alright, let's get going lads,” Price announced. You quickly made your way from the base and back to the transport. As you drove back you couldn't help but stare at the boys. Your heart was still pounding. The boys were joking about something or other. You looked down to Ghost hand that rested against his thigh. You were suddenly overcome by the need to see if it was real. If they were real. To make sure it wasn't some fantasies you had conjured up in your head. Ever so slightly your fingertips took ahold of the lose fabric. A deep breath left your lips as you held it tightly. He was there. They all were. Throwing you head back you rested it against the side of the truck tears glistening between your lashes. Ghost looked down at your hand, at your spaced breathing pattern. At the slight pinch of your brows as you finger clung so desperately onto his sleeve. Feeling pressure on you left side you opened your eyes to see Ghost had pressed himself against you. Your relished in the warmth and reassurance it gave you. It was subtle, unnoticed by the other boys. But it grounded you. Pulling your head out of the 'what ifs' to the now. 
When you got back to base your eyes locked in on Adam. He was laughing with his team. When they noticed you guys, they seemed shocked. Understandable, not many could do what your boys could.
“So, they weren't joking when they said you guys meant business. Gotta say I'm impressed,” Adam stated with a wide blown smile. Your team stopped in front of them.
You didn't.
It took three large strides to close the distance between you. And only a second for you to pull your knife from its holster and shove it against Adams neck, your other hand gripping his collar to hold him stead. 
“Whoah hey hehehe,” he held his hands up in surrender.
“DOC STAND DOWN!” Price's order went over your head.
“I swear to god, anyone touches me, and I'll cut his throat,” you threat was real. You wanted them to give you an excuse to do it.
“Its alright Maddog. The fights over. Your safe,” Adam went to put a hand on your shoulder. His movements only stopped when you pushed the knife flush against his neck slicing the skin ever so slightly.
“How fucked up in the head are you? What makes you think you can get away with this huh?” you asked. The sly smile pulled over his lips.
“I dont know what you mean,” he said innocently. Fury, utter fury raged within you. You could feel you hand wanting to move. Wanting to slice his neck open and watching him bleed out infront of you.
“Y/N,” Price called softly. You were breathing erratically as you hand shock. Most thought you would actually do it. You flinched lightly as a hand encompassed your own. You looked to the side to see Ghost. His gaze soft. 
“Its alright. We got you,” he whispered softly. His hand trailed up your arm. to your hand which he gave a soft squeeze before pulling it back. He gently took the knife from your grasp. And you let him. 
“Good choice,” Adam swallowed. Your fist snapped out cracking into his face sending him on his ass. Ghost wrapped his arms around you pulling you back where Soap took the other side of you. 
“Enough!” Price yelled stepping between you two. 
“I don't give a fuck what you do to me. But the next time you throw my boys under the bus like that again it will be a bullet I put though your face. Not my fucking fist,” you seethed glaring dagger at him. He chuckled whipping the blood from his broken nose.
“And that's why she's called mad dog,” he uttered getting to his feet with the help of his men. Some which held guilty looks.
“Keep that one on a short leash captain. She can tend to wander,” you tried to get a second hit in, but the boys held you back.
“Walk it off sargent!” Price deamned pointing you in the opposite direction. 
“Yeah, walk it off,” Adam tainted. Price turned to glare at him.
“You stay the fuck away from her you understand boy," Price got into his face talking to his as if he would scold a child. And Adam hated that. Ripping yourself form the boys grasp you turned on you heel and stomped away. 
You were all informed that another mission would take place the day after. After the whole ordeal the boys had looked for you. They were worried about you. You had completely disappeared. Nobody knew where you were. You hadn't signed out of the base. So, Gaze tracked your phone.
So there you stood hidden in the bushes as you stared at a certain grave not to far from you. You heard the boys walk up to your side. You were wearing a hood an a medical mask to cover your features.
“Visiting an old friend?” Price asked. They had all lost someone special to them. Whether it be a fellow soldier or family. You had hardly talked about your past, so they didn't know who you lost. 
“You guys shouldn't be here,” you whispered softly. Then from the hill emerged two people. And older man in his late fifties. Under his arm sat a bottle of whiskey. He had lanky legs and a beer belly. With a kind old smile on his face.
“Come on. You know how she gets when were late,” he called behind him. 
“Coming dad,” a teenage ran up to him. He had tosseled brown hair and stood just about as tall as his dad.
“Who are they?” Gaz asked.
“My family,” you whispered.
“You sure lass. Height dosent really add up,” Soap joked softly.
“What can I say. I lost the gene lottery,” you shrugged.
“You gonna go say hi?” Price asked.
“No,” you whispered solemnly. Getting the message that you wanted to be quiet they all slipped into silence.
“Still ordering me around huh?” A woman with olive skin and black hair walked up to them. A steak of silver shone in her perfect updo.
“We were married for eighteen years. I think I deserve some penance for my sentence,” the two smiled at each other. The divorce had been amicable, and they had become good friends after it. 
“Goodmorning sweetheart,” you father called softly a solemn smile gracing his features as they approached the grave.
“Sup cunt,” Your brother stated earning a slap from your mother.
“Dont be mean. Go on tell her what you did,” she encouraged him.
“So rember when you said I had a knack for engine and stuff. And I laughed and said I was just gonna become a millionaire,” he trailed o scratching the back of his neck. “Well, I got a scholarship to this really good school. Everything paid for. Dad was really happy about that,” the joke had your family smiling.
“It turns out you were right. I'm doing well. Really well. Skipped a grade. And I'm really enjoying it,” he stated.
“Got his cherry popped to,” you father said earning a blush from you brother.
"Her names Ella. Sweet little thing. Shes got him by the balls," your mother stated.
"Mum," he groaned with a heavy blush.
“I meet a man. His name is Greg. I think I'll being him next time,” your mother said.
“He's a cunt,” you father stated. 
“He's better in bed than your father,” she stated. You smiled as they slipped into their usual banter. The insults having the weight of jack shit. 
“Found this hidden in your little secret compartment,” you dad tapped his nose with a knowing look. The boys watched on as they talked to the grave like it was an actual person.
“Have a drink with your old man yeah?” he suggested. The drink was passed around as they all poured some in their cups. An extra cup was set atop the grave. 
“To our little girl. Shortest little shit I've ever meet,” they cheer.
"Happy birthday darling," you mother said. It was silent after that. Your family moved to hold each other as they mourned. Tears falling to the freshly cut grass.
“She would have been so proud of you,” you mother whispered running her hand through your brothers hair. 
“She would have been proud of us all. Thats just how she is,” he whispered back. You watched as they drank and talked about there lives. What they had been up to. The sun had begun to set when they decided to leave. Your bother lingered slightly tears rushing down his face.
“I miss you bitch,” he mumbled knocking his knuckles on the edge of the grave. The boys knew that move. You would do that to them wherever they went in for a fist bump. He turned and walked away. With a heavy heart you watched them leave. “Why didn't you say hello?” Soap asked. You didn't answer, instead you walked up to the grave and took the drink in hand. You swirled it around watching the car pull away. The boys slowly walked up to you examining the grave.
Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. 
Beloved daughter, friend and soldier.
“The fuck is this?” Soap asked in shock. They were all shocked, but they quickly put two and two together.
“It was part of the deal,” you rolled the words on your touge.
“What deal?” Price asked. You wanted to tell them. No, you needed to tell them. You couldn't go on another mission with the bloody hells. You had gotten lucky. Extremely lucky. Sure, telling them the truth might put you in a dangerous situation, but you would do it to protect them. And you trusted them.
“Way back there was a mission. Things went south. Adam got his hands on some valuable information. I stayed behind to make sure everyone was safe. And when I went to regroup with them,” you trailed off your throat becoming tight.
“They didn't wait for me. They left. Leaving me in a deep hole of shit. I was captured. Tortured for the information Adam had stolen. When they realized I wouldn't break they proposed a deal. The information for me. Adam didn't agree,” you recalled the events.
“The information wasn't intergyral, but it did make him rich. I don't know what he did with it. Probably sold it to a third party. When I realized, nobody was coming to save me, I got myself out. Came back here only to find out that they had all given reports that they had seen me gunned down. That they confirmed I was dead. Head office chucked it up to some bull shit Mirical. Having escaped I had a lot of heat on me. I had fucked around with some pretty important people. Friendly and otherwise. Turns out a lot of important people had their hands all over that mission. They went after my family. I made a deal with the military. In exchange for my families safely I would become there lacky,” you said nodding to the grave. “If I stayed quiet about it all,” you added.
“By all official records I am dead. Only a few choices military know otherwise. They thought I was a nifty little card to hold. Someone they could send where every they want to do whatever they wanted. No red strings attached. Someone that technically didn't exist. A ghost,” you chuckled bitterly.
"I was actually doing their dirty work when we first meet. I was surprised when they gave the green light to join the 141," you took a sip of the drink.
“In the end I was supposed to die on that mission. They used my family as leverage to insure I had,” you whispered looking deep into the dark liquid.
“Why are you telling us now? Wy not before?” Price asked solemnly.
“He threated you guys, told me to behave,” you admitted.
“So why tell us?” Ghost asked.
“Because I'm scared,” you admitted honestly. Your breath shock as you turned to them your eyes welling with tears.
“On that mission. He cut the comms. He lied bout the numbers. He sent you guys into a trap and he fucking smirked at me while he did it,” your hands trembled as they gripped the drink.
“I was so scared I had lost you guys,” you said. 
“I was scared to lose another family,” you cried. It meant a lot to the boys to hear that. That word. Family. That exactly what they were to you. And that's exactly what you were to them.
"But were here love. Were all alright,” Gaz tried to lighten you up.
“By sheer dumb luck!” you snapped.
“I know I might lose you one day. I've known that for a long time. Were soldiers. That comes with the uniform, but I'll be dammed if I let that fucker be the one that does it,” you huffed. Silence washed over you as you looked each of them in the eye stopping at Ghost. “You guys mean too much to me,’" you added. "So please. Don't send us on another mission with him,” you begged turning to Price. 
“He can't know I told you about it ither,” you added. Price walked up to you his expression deathly serious. 
“Then why would he risk you coming back here?” he asked. You shrugged frustrated with it all.
“I-I don't know. I don't know if he's goanna hurt my family. If he's gonna hurt, you. If he wants to finish the job he started?” you gestured to him. There it was again. That anxiety. Seeing the start of your panic Price stepped forward again. 
“Come er,” you were slightly surprised when he pulled you into his chest. He held you firmly as he tucked you head under his chin. 
“It's gonna be alright love. You've done well,” he whispered. It felt like the hugs your father used to give. You reached up gripping the back of his shirt and hugging him tightly the tears free falling.
“We got you,” he whispered.
On the drive back you were sandwiched in the back with Ghost and Soap. You had been silent since the graveyard. Which wasn't like you.
“Can we get hungry jacks?” You asked. It was a relief to the boys to hear that. At least you were still hungry.
“Yeah, we can do that,” Price nodded. It was quite funny watching price try and order for the whole car. Especially because the drive thru guy couldn't understand there accents half the time. And Soap yelling from the back just made it worse. After getting the food you picked away at it happily as you drove back to base. Ghost paused as he felt a wight drop against his shoulder. He looked down at you to see you fast asleep. You mouth open mid chew. A burger in one hand and a drink in the other. Soap smiled when he noticed taking a quick picture before taking the food from your hands. When the car stopped, they all piled out, except Ghost and you.
“Coming?” Soap asked bending down through the door.
“I'll stay a little bit,” Ghost whispered. Soap smiled knowingly giving a nod and silently closing the door. 
It was two hours before you stirred awake. 
“We here?” you asked finishing chewing the remnants of the burger.
“Yeah,” Ghost murmured getting out of the car. You followed after him frowning when you saw a wet patch on his shoulder. Whipping the dribbled form the corner of your lips you shrugged.
"You got a wet patch there," you stated.
"No I don't," he stated.
The next day you and the boys sat down decided on what to do. When you explained in more detail about what went down in the mission the boys were furious. 
And lets just say that the 141 gets even. 
The mission involved clearing out a safe house of sorts. A back up base. During the next mission you walked into a room, gun raised with Gaz on point. You were right behind him. Everything was going perfectly. Till it wasn't. 
The movement was so quick you only saw what had happened when you turned. Gaz stood, with Adam behind him. A gun pressed against his temple. Terror took ahold of you as you mad eye contact with Gazs own fear filled pupils. You paused in the doorway. Adam didn't know the other two were there. 
“Let him go Adam, lower the gun” you demanded. Price and Ghost pressed themselves against the wall. 
“Come on Maddog. You know I can't do that,” he stated. You glanced out the doorway as Price held up five fingers. He was asking how many were in the room. You glanced around. It was only Adam. 
“Looking for your friends?” he asked. Price had told him the team would split in two. It was part of your plan. Price slowly put his fingers down.
“Of course,” You answered when Price got to one. Price turned to Ghost giving him hand signs before nodding him off. He looked back at you tapping his watch. 
Buy some time. They were your orders. The comms was open so you could hear Ghost rapid footsteps.
“Unlike you I know they have my back,” you said.
“Cute. Drop the gun,” he ordered.
“Or I can shoot you,” You suggested.
“I know you're a good shoot but that's cutting it a bit close huh?” he asked sliding further behind Gaz. He was right. You ran the risk of hitting Gaz. 
“Get him Doc,” Gaz encouraged you. Your face scrunched up as Adam shock him slightly pressing the barrel painfully further into his skull. Chucking you gun to the side you glared.
“Good girl. Now on your knees,” he demanded. You obeyed.
“Put those on,” he kicked forward a pair of zip ties. 
“What are you doing Adam? Whats your plan this time huh?” you asked.
“Well, this plan is a little more brutal than my last. After all I tried so hard to make it look like an accident. I knew you bleeding heart wouldn't leave that kid. I even told then to target you as well. But no, you just won't die huh? You should have just died Y/N,” he hissed. You stared at him. 
Adam was more than just your former commander. He was your best friends since diapers. You had grown up together. Your bond used to be the strongest in the world. You had entered the military together, built up your carrers and skills side by side.
“What happened to you Adam?” You asked. The man before you was a shadow of the one you once loved so dearly.
“I got smart, that's what happened,” he spat.
“This isn't like you. The Adam I knew would have never sold me out for a lousy paycheck,” you were buying time. But you were also trying to reason with your friend. 
“Would you just quit it. I've always been on the bottom run. Always poor. Do you know how differently they looked at me with my raggy shoes?” he asked.
“So you sold me out to get rich then?” you asked.
"Wow. Smart you are. And no, I didn't sell you out. You were just a chess piece. A tool to get what I wanted” he said.
“You know that's not true,” you murmered. You could see it, the conflict inside him, however small it was it was still there. 
“Please, just put down the gun,” you begged. For a second he saw you, only a younger you. And instead of begging to put his gun down you were begging him to stop shooting you with a water gun. You wore such a bright smile. Perhaps he had loved you once. Along time ago. But that side of him had died a long time ago.
"I really should have killed you that day," he admitted.
"Then why didn't you?" you asked.
"Because I was weak. I let you live because I didn't have the guts to kill you myself," he hissed.
"Thats not a problem now," Your eye's widened as the gun turned to you. The window shattered as Ghost emerged from it having sung down from the higher level. The distraction allowing Gaz to shove Adam back. All the while you pulled your handgun from its hoister and pulled the trigger.
Two shots' still rung out. 
Pain split through your left chest as the bullet cleaved through you. 
“GAH!” you hit the ground. Adam body following shortly after a bullet hole sizzling between his eyes, his brains splattered over the wall.
“DOC!” Your vision blurred with tears as you hand was forced away from your wound. 
“Fuck,” Ghost grunted as he ripped you vest from you. With your luck the bullet had just missed the vest. Since you were still gasping for breath, you gathered it hadn't hit your lungs or vital organs, but it stung like a bitch. You were jostled up into a seated position. Where your sanity somewhat returned to you.
“Theres and exit wound,” Ghost stated. 
“FUCKING HELL!” you yelled as they started to shove gauz into the hole. 
“Gaz?” you blindly searched for him.
“Right here Doc,” he said giving your leg a squeeze. You gaze focused to see them crowded around you. Price standing guard while Soap tended to the wound and Ghost held you up. 
“That really hurts,” you chuckled a laugh before grunting again.
“You are one lucky little fucker,” Price huffed.
“Who me?” you asked.
“Can you walk?” he asked as Soap finished tying off the bandage. His eyes glanced down at the bandages that quickly became soaked in blood. He didn't like how fast it had happened.
“Walk? I fell like a running a marathon,” you joked. 
“Ghost,” he nodded to Ghost who nodded back.
“Let's move,” he said. With Ghost taking most of your weight you started making you way from the base. With a fleeting look to the dead corps, you felt your eyes close.
You had passed out somewhere between leaving the room and getting back to the transport.
While you were unconscious Price made some bullshit excuse for Adams death. The excuse worked well. Nobody questioned anything. After all missions go south all the time.  He was simply listed as a casualty. That was all the respect he deserved.
When it was time to go home you at in the plane your shoulder in a sling. You were on strict orders not to use it for a bit. Your mind reeled with Adam dead gaze. At the moment you took aim and pulled the trigger. Did you want to kill him. Never. Would you have done it save on of your boys. Defiantly, without a moment's hesitation.
“Y/N,” you stood as you saw Jamie run towards you stopping at the plane ramp. Well waddle as best he could in his state.
“What's up kid?” you asked.
“Thankyou, for everything,” he yelled as the plane started up. He was a good kid.
You gave him one of your signature smiles. The one you always gave him before everything went to shit.
“Look after yourself alright,” you yelled.
“You have friends here Y/N. Whenever you need. We owe you that much!” he called. You nodded.
“Goodby Jamie,” you called as the ramp lifted. Silently you walked over to your seat struggling with your buckle.
“Need help?” Ghost asked. You nodded. Reaching over he quickly buckled you in pulling the strap tight.
“You know I've been wondering. Why Maddog?” Soap asked. A melancholy smile graced your lips. 
“I bit the finger off the doctor that was giving me a shot. Adam was there for it. The doc called me a mad dog. Name kinda stuck,” you shrugged.
“So you did bight his finger off?” Ghost asked.
“I did. Rember that next time you fuckers try and give e a shoot,” you said clacking your teeth together in a biting motion. 
“God help your future partner,” Soap shock his head. You all chuckle. 
When you were back at base you sat out on the little patio a beer in hand. You were simply thinking. about it all. You wondered if you had done something different if it would have changed everything.
Ghost silently walked out stopping by your side to offer a cigarette. You shock your head.
"He was more than a team leader to you, wasn't he?" Ghost asked.
"How did you know?" you asked.
"The look of regret you had when you saw his corps," he stated simply.
"We grew up together. Thought I was gonna marry him for a bit," you whispered.
"You did what needed to be done," was he trying to reassure you?
"Doesn't make it any less painful," you whispered.
"I faced something similar. Had to end two of my teammates. Their brains had been corrupted. They had changed," he began telling his story.
"Did you ever forgive yourself?" you asked.
"I'm not sure," he answered honestly.
"Well, I have no regrets," you stated.
"Really?" he asked.
"I'll never forgive myself for killing him. But I'll never regret it," You stated standing up and finishing your drink.
"Whys that?" he asked.
"Because no one messes with my boys and gets away with it," you stated with a cheeky smile patting his should.
"Thats for trying to reassure me. Ya big softy," you smiled brightly.
"I'm not soft," he grunted.
"Yaha of course you're not," You cooed in a baby voice.
"I will end you," he threated making you laugh.
That night you and Ghost would drink till the early hours of the morning, simply talking.
"We should get to bed Ghost," you stated standing upon your wobbly legs.
"It's Simon," you head snapped around to him.
"What?" you asked.
"My name. Its Simon. You can call me that if you like. But not in front of anyone that's not the team," he said.
"Well Simon. Its officially nice to meet you. My names Y/N," you said holding you hand out for him to shake. He shook took you hand covering it completely from view.
"Big ass hand mother fucker," you grumbled drunkenly before trotting off. Simon following after you making sure you didn't run into anything.
--COD Master List Here--
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Hey, a while back you did a bunch of Genshingirls walking in on their S/O with a body pillow of them. Why don’t we flip the script this time? S/O walks in to see the girls (or guys!) with a body pillow of *them*!
One character I do ask for is Bernadetta.
(Genshin Impact/FE3H) Furina, Ayaka, Yae, Shenhe, Kokomi, Bernadetta, Edelgard, and Marianne with a body pillow of their S/O
The implications of someone making a body pillow of yourself is both hilarious and terrifying.
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Furina's eyes go wide once the door opens, leading her to rush something underneath the blanket seeing her S/O.
(S/O) "Hey, I'm ba-...Furina?"
She has her usual smug expression as she dramatically blew a kiss to them.
(Furina) "Ah, welcome back dear! I must say you are home far earlier than I expected!"
(S/O) "Is everything alright? You're sweating a lot."
(Furina) "Ah? This? I just summoned one of my little friends to cool me off is all!"
(S/O) "On our bed?"
S/O walked over to them and immediately put their hand on her forehead, stunning her for a moment.
(S/O) "Your face is burning hot! Jeez, no wonder you needed them. Let's get you a change of clothes-"
(Furina) "W-WAIT!"
S/O ripped off the blanket and saw themselves on a pillow, forcing them to make sure they weren't going insane.
Furina for her part was doing her best impression of a tomato, with her two fingers awkwardly tapping the blanket and doing everything in her power to not look them in the eyes.
(S/O) "Why do you...H-How...?!"
Furina began pouting as she put the blanket up to her face, probably about to explode from embarassment.
S/O was flattered at least, but...who even gave this to her?
(S/O) "Where have you been hiding this whenever I have been home?"
(Furina) "...Closet."
Her muffled voice responded.
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Ayaka felt that having a body pillow of her S/O felt so...strange.
It was so weird, who even has this kind of thing of their significant other?!
But...it was not too dissimilar from keeping a picture of them, so maybe....?
Ayaka hides the pillow from everyone, and not a single soul besides her knows about it.
Whenever she was missing them, Ayaka would hold onto the pillow, counting the days until S/O could return.
...Until her door slid open.
(S/O) "Surprise! I'm here early-"
Ayaka's absolutely mortified expression speaks for itself as its inches away from a picture of S/O, pasted onto the pillow.
The two said nothing as they kept unblinking eye contact.
(Ayaka) "...Please don't tell anyone about this."
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Yae commissioned an artist that she knows to put S/O onto a pillow.
There was something similar going on with Ei, which gave her this idea to begin with.
Yae put the pillow right smack in the middle of the bedroom and waited for S/O's arrival that night.
She could already imagine their reaction, but why imagine it when you can just see it?
Finally, Yae could hear the door creak open, and her smirk increased tenfold.
(S/O) "Yae, I'm home. Hm, what's that on-"
Yae bursts out laughing when S/O pauses and their face scrunches up upon seeing themselves.
Wiping away a tear from her eye, she greets S/O.
(Yae) "Is something the matter, I thought you'd appreciate me always thinking of you."
(S/O) "Why is it so well drawn?"
(Yae) "I paid someone a substantial amount of Mora to get your likeliness down well, little one.~"
She starts laughing again seeing their exasperated sighing.
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Shenhe was gifted a body pillow of S/O, strangely enough by Cloud Retainer.
(Cloud Retainer) "One believes that you would appreciate a reminder of your loved one in physical form. At least, that is what the Traveler has spoken."
And Shenhe not really knowing how ANY human interaction works, took it at face value as well.
After all, Shenhe does feel that strange longing in her heart for S/O, there was at least this nice picture of them to keep her satisfied until now.
S/O eventually comes home to find Shenhe hugging the pillow of themselves in the living room, making them do a double take.
(S/O) "...Shenhe?"
(Shenhe) "S/O. It's good to see you again."
Her eyes slightly narrow.
(Shenhe) "Is something wrong? Your expression is changed."
(S/O) "Is...that a pillow of myself?"
(Shenhe) "Yes. It was a gift from master."
S/O noticed how tightly Shenhe was holding onto the pillow, before they came in, and she proceeded to hug them just as tight.
(Shenhe) "It brings...some comfort when you are not here."
S/O sighed, but gave her a smile.
(S/O) "That's touching...in a weird way."
(Shenhe) "How is a pillow of you weird?"
(S/O) "Hoo boy..."
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Kokomi's body pillow of S/O: +1000 Energy
It embarrasses her to no end that the pillow actually boosts her energy.
But if she couldn't cuddle with her S/O, then there was the next best thing!
At least, that was the plan until the real one walked into her hideaway.
(S/O) "Kokomi, I brought some sna-"
She was so tired that she didn't even notice them.
Kokomi has a soft smile, hugging the pillow of them tightly as her shoulders relaxed.
S/O walked up to Kokomi, unsure to call her name again or tap her in the shoulder.
Both would equally startle her, considering.
They would have to do neither, as Kokomi opened her eyes and saw them standing in front of her.
(Kokomi) "AAAGH?! S-S/O?!"
She quickly tried to hide the body pillow behind her before giving up and sighing.
(Kokomi) "I'm...s-sorry."
S/O gave her a smile before hugging her, letting her relax into their embrace.
All the while, respectfully not looking at themselves.
(S/O) "...How long have you had that pillow, Kokomi?"
(Kokomi) "Please don't tease me about that, dear."
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Okay, even Bernadetta could admit that having a pillow of her boyfriend/girlfriend was weird.
But...it brought her comfort, and no one really entered her room anyway, so who cares?
It's not like anyone was gonna see it.
She holds onto the pillow like a lifeline, sighing in content.
(Bernadetta) "Oh, Pillow S/O, thank you for bringing me comfort in my times of need..."
(S/O) "...I don't do that?"
(Bernadetta) "Of course you do! Like nothing el-"
She realized that it spoke up, and slowly turned behind her.
(S/O) "...H-Hi."
Bernadetta was completely frozen in place, eyes widened in absolute terror.
(S/O) "Please tell me you didn't get Ignatz to draw that for you-"
(Bernadetta) "I-IT WAS A GIFT, I SWEAR!"
(S/O) "I'm...not sure that's any better, sweetie..."
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It was absolutely disgraceful to Edelgard to have a pillow of her S/O!
The Emperor of Adrestia needs to have more tact than...whatever the hell this was.
But at the same time...she didn't have the heart to throw it away.
She instead keeps it, but WELL out of sight of anyone that could find it.
Honestly, Edelgard would rather a thief find her gold than this pillow.
Unfortunately for her, someone worse found it.
(S/O) "Edelgard, is my clothes in the closet? I can't seem to find my jacket."
(Edelgard) "Hm? Oh yes, it should be-"
Her eyes shoot wide open as she quickly spins around, and rushes to the closet door.
She slammed it shut, giving S/O a panicked look.
(S/O) "WOAH! W-What's gotten int-"
As if on cue, the door instead fell over to the side from Edelgard's strength, and out flopped the body pillow of S/O onto the ground.
(S/O) "..."
(Edelgard) "..."
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Marianne truthfully didn't even want this body pillow.
It was gifted to her by Raphael, and she couldn't say no.
The picture portraying S/O was tasteful and quite well drawn, but who keeps a picture of someone they love on a pillow?
It just felt extremely awkward, and Marianne did not want to deal with it.
She was in her room with Hilda, not sure what to do.
(Hilda) "Wow, okay that's kinda creepy. But sweet too, in a weird way!"
(Marianne) "I suppose, but it seems rude to throw it away if it's so well crafted."
(Hilda) "Iunno. Maybe hang it on a wall? It is a picture after all!"
The door to her bedroom opened, and both of them saw S/O enter.
(S/O) "Hey Mari-...Oh, Hilda! What are you doing in here?"
(Hilda) "Heya. Just trying to figure out what to do with this gift."
(S/O) "What gi-....Oh."
All three of them stared at the picture, unsure what to do.
(S/O) "Um...did you?-"
(Marianne) "I did not make this..."
(S/O) "O-Okay good..."
(Hilda) "Well whatever you guys decide to do, just don't let Claude se it!"
Marianne and S/O gave each other an awkward glance, putting it gently into their closet and deciding it'd be best to figure that out later.
They forgot about it, and Marianne gets jumpscared by the pillow of S/O sometimes.
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3nni3 · 16 days
What happens in teledisko, stays in teledisko...
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cw: +18, nsfw, rpf, consumption of alcohol, smut (handjob), cursing, lowkey exhibitionism. f! reader
a/n: when the idiots get an idea for a story, i make it happen. this is my first smut i've ever published, and english isn't my first language, but i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this. also if you find any mistakes, no you didn't 😅
no word count because idfk i wrote this in my phone's notes app👍🏻 kinda short one
okay let's go
The night had started out with getting drinks at the nearest Späti. You two had been wandering around Berlin for a few hours now, getting drinks at every corner store. After seven different spätis, and six beers (one stop was to get a bottle of water, even though the tall man who accompanied you wasn't that excited about your drink of choice) you started feeling tipsy and tired.
Sightseeing in Berlin was amazing, but tiring. You felt the energy being drained from your body and ready to return to your hotel, but the man who was sat next to you in this tram had other ideas.
"Found it!" he basically dragged you after him, holding your hand gently but firmly as you approached the teledisco booth. This was a mutual agreement earlier today, before you felt too tired, but your time together was getting closer to an end so you pushed past the exhaustion and enjoyed the moment.
You stop in front of the screen to choose a song, and he stands next to you, his hands now in his pockets.
Scrolling through the music lists, looking for the perfect one, you find something. "Can we do Gimme Gimme Gimme by ABBA?" you ask and press the button, without waiting for an answer. He grabs you by your shoulders and pushes you in the booth, closing the door behind him laughing.
The first notes of Gimme Gimme Gimme starts playing, lights flash and the vibe is intense. You scream out the lyrics together, your arms against each other as you feel the beat of the music in your body.
The space is small, not much air left between you two as you glance up at him, noticing his eyes on you, the hot air in the booth making him sweat and his face glisten. 'He looks so fucking hot' you think to yourself as you suddenly get pressed against the wall, startled. His chest is flush against yours as he gently tilts your head up, feeling his breath against your lips as you look him in the eyes.
"You're gonna be the death of me..." his voice is a whisper, but loud enough for you to hear. He captures your lips in a heated kiss, the music fading in the background as you feel his tongue brush against your lower lip. The intensity of the moment drowns your thoughts and your mind gets blurry. The blonde man's hands explore your body as yours find their way to his hair, pulling slightly as he moans against your lips. That must be the most gorgeous sound you have ever heard. You pull away to breathe, he smiles against your lips as the song nears it's end and you hear the last chords of it playing.
"Another song or do we get the fuck out of here?" he asks smirking. You push him away, laughing, as you pass him and step out of the booth, going back to the screen to choose another song. Joost stands behind you, and you feel him take a step closer. His chest pressing up against your back and you feel lips on your neck, making your breath shaky. Shaking him off of you, you open the door to the booth. "Ladies first," you joke as he rolls his eyes laughing, entering the booth.
Stepping in the booth after him as Call Out My Name by The Weeknd starts playing, and everything feels like a fever dream. Beautiful man in front of you, smiling his charming smile, you both surrounded by music and flashing lights.
"So this was your song of choice huh?" his voice low as he presses you against a wall once again. You feel his hand dragging down from your chest, over your stomach, to the hem of your skirt, lifting it up as his fingers trace your inner thigh. Whimpers leave your mouth as he grins at you, pressing his lips slowly against yours.
"What's up with all the teasing?" you ask, pulling away for a moment, playing with the buckle of his belt, and it opens...accidentally? Oops. Your fingers find their way to the waistband of his boxers, sliding ever so slightly underneath it. As a shaky moan escapes his lips, he laughs quietly, his eyes closed and his head slightly tilted back, mouth staying open. You slide your hand a bit further and his eyebrows furrow as he whimpers, begging for any kind of friction with the desperate sounds leaving his mouth. He drags his hand up your thigh, thumb getting dangerously close to your heat, turning the tables as you're now the one who's desperately trying to hold back the whining.
"Oh so this is how you wanna play?" you smirk as you slide your hand fully in his boxers, placing your fingers firmly around his length as your thumb brushes over the tip. He lets out a loud moan, slapping a hand over his mouth to muffle the beautiful sounds as you stroke him up and down. His head falls back, eyes squeezing shut and his concentration drifting away enough so he drops his other hand down from your thigh, fully at your mercy now.
"You sure you wanna keep doing this here?" you ask as he moans again. "I truly do not give a fuck." he answers with his head still tilted back and eyes squeezed shut. You grin and move your hand faster, as he grabs your shoulders to gain some kind of balance. As if it wouldn't be hard enough to maintain your own balance with how tipsy you are, you now need to hold up the man who's literally towering over you. His head falls forward on your shoulder as your thumb brushes over his tip again.
"I'm not gonna last much longer, liefde..." he lets out a chuckle, but not amused one. More like an 'embarrassed about how strongly he reacts to your touch' one. Proud smile creeps up on your lips as you try to hold the man up while he moans shakily in your ear. "The song isn't that long either." you remind him, and the exciting realisation hits you both that anyone could open the door any second and see this all.
You feel yourself getting more wet by every moan he lets out, every breath you feel against your neck. He presses his mouth on the soft skin of your neck, nibbling as he tries to muffle out his begging whimpers. You work your hand up and down, earning more and more beautiful sounds that get louder by every stroke.
You feel him twitch in your grip, his teeth on your neck making sure there's going to be a mark to remind you of this later. "Don't stop... please liefje, please don't stop," his weak words can be heard repeatedly against your neck as your strokes get faster and faster. His hips thrust up to meet the movement of your hand, chasing the high. The last chorus of the song starts playing in the background and your hand works it's magic on his length, feeling the twitching again.
With a final few strokes you feel your hand being coated by his warm release. High pitched whimpers leave his mouth, turning into breathless chuckles as his forehead remains rested on your shoulder. "Fuck...liefde..." he tries to catch his breath, "you're insane..." he finally manages to mumble, still chuckling, as he lifts his head up from your shoulder to meet your eyes.
You laugh, pulling your hand out of his pants and fixing his belt as the song's final chords fade out. He opens the door, places a soft kiss on your lips and steps out as you walk behind him, wiping your hand to a tissue you found in your purse.
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writeonwhiskey · 2 months
the skz house: ch 21
a/n: brace yourselves. thank you to @bahablastplz for editing!
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[ read chapter 20 here ]
Chapter 21: Of Rotations and Doors
The first thing you hear the following morning is Hyunjin’s voice mumbling next to you. At least, you assume it’s morning. Without any windows in the basement, you can’t tell if the sun has risen or not. You blindly feel around you for your phone, then remember its way out of reach where you left it, on the bar. You peek an eye open and see that Hyunjin is talking incoherently in his sleep. The past few days of getting readjusted to the time zone must be doing a number on him, because he only does this when he’s extremely tired.  
You rub your eyes and look to your right. The space Chan previously occupied is empty.
The lack of his presence makes you think last night could have been a fever dream, but the way your body aches reassures you it was not. You are terrifically sore. Considering the marathon of sex over your vacation with Chan, followed by this impromptu threesome, your body is feeling extremely used—worn out even. In the best way possible, of course. Your jaw, the muscles in your thighs, your pussy. Each throbbing ache is a pleasant reminder of your boys.
You’re hit with a string of quick flashbacks. You lift the blanket up to cover your face and hide your smile beneath it even though no one can see you. The depravity of it all is still thrilling to think about. And you want to experience it again. You liked having them both at the same time. No, you loved it. Every second of it. Both of their hands on you at once, kissing you, touching you…then both of their cocks at either end of your body. You pull yourself together before pushing the blanket down and turning your attention to the sleeping man at your side.
“Hyunjin,” you say, shaking his shoulders until he stirs. “Wake up.”
His eyes blink open and he looks at his surroundings, an expression of confusion on his sleepy-eyed face.
“We slept down here? What time is it?”
“I worry about you sometimes, and I have no idea.” you tell him. “Let’s go upstairs.”
He sits up, watching as you find your sweatshirt and shorts to put back on. He eventually starts gathering his things too, moving at sloth speed. He stands, only wearing his boxers, with his clothes hugged tight against his chest. You grab the blankets you all tainted and shove them into his chest. He stumbles a bit at the impact, then secures them in his arms with a grumble.
On your way out of the basement, you pick up both of your phones from the bar and see that it’s just about to be 8:00am. You keep the phones in your hand to hide the time from Hyunjin. He’d probably collapse on the stairs if he knew it was this early.
You drag him along for a pitstop to the laundry room and throw the blankets in for washing. Upstairs on the second floor, you send Hyunjin off to his room and continue to the girl’s bathroom alone. You head straight for the shower, but on second thought decide to run a hot bath. Your body needs a good soak.  
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The next time you see Chan, you feel unreasonably shy in front of him. He winks at you, and you have to look away as you feel the blood rushing to your face. When the three of you are in the same room together again, your face flushes once more as the memories come crashing back. You can’t stop picturing their faces as they pleased you, and you them. They don’t make it awkward for you, though, which is comforting.
Chan steals a moment alone with you and asks if you enjoyed yourself while tucking a stray group of hairs behind your ear. You can only nod your head enthusiastically in response.
“Good,” he replies.
By December 31st, everyone except the “L Trio”—Felix, Lee Know and Allie—have returned. It had only been a few weeks without everyone, but you’re glad the house is filling back up. You hadn’t realized how quiet it was without Seungmin and Changbin’s constant bickering until they are both back under the same roof. To be honest, you kind of missed hearing the nonsense they would choose to argue about.  
The majority of the last day of the year that has undoubtedly altered your life, is spent lounging around and conserving energy to stay up until the New Year. You, Charlotte and Rhiannon do some light laundry and cleaning—mostly whatever you hadn’t finished the other day while you waited for Chan to come home. Around 7:00pm, the boys get the grill going and you, Charlotte and Rhiannon work on making the side dishes.
Charlotte is washing the rice, Rhiannon is on veggies, and you’re trying your hardest not to ruin the japchae and be on the receiving end of Changbin’s wrath as a result. The man does not play about his food.
“So, y/n,” Rhiannon begins, “The basement seemed off limits for quite a while the other night…”
You pretend to be super concentrated on mixing the soy sauce and sesame oil in a large bowl, thankful that your back is to them. You clear your throat before speaking, hoping to shake off the embarrassment of being called out.
“We just played pool then watched a movie,” you reply, attempting to sound casual about it.
Rhiannon appears at your side and leans against the counter with a carrot still in her hand.
“You little liar,” she says with narrowed eyes. “Changbin specifically got a text, from Chan, saying not to enter the basement.”
“So did Han,” Charlotte adds.
Of course they did. As embarrassing as it feels that they all know something was happening down there…it is quite thoughtful that Chan warned them off. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m a good girl.” you tease, giving Rhiannon’s shoulder a playful nudge.
“Uh-huh. Good girl gone bad,” she says, wagging the carrot in front of your face.
She leaves your side and returns to the island to finish chopping the carrot.
“How was it?” Charlotte asks, sounding genuinely curious.
“Uhmm,” you falter, searching for the right word to describe the experience. “Earthshattering?”
“And they were both into it?”
“Extremely,” you tell her.
“Have you? With Seungmin and Changbin?” She asks Rhiannon.
“Yeah,” she replies. “In, like, the first month of being here.”
Your jaw drops and you turn around at that. You try to picture Seungmin and Changbin double teaming Rhiannon the way Hyunjin and Chan had done with you but immediately shake the mental images from your head. You cannot see them in that light—as attractive as they may be.
“That soon?” you ask.
She shrugs, “I told them for me to keep my emotions with this whole situation in check, that I needed to do it.”
That’s definitely one way to get a grip on the way things are in the SKZ House. A month into your time with Hyunjin and Chan, a threesome would have absolutely been out of the question. It probably would have mentally destroyed you that early on. And maybe Chan, too.
“Did they argue the whole time?” you can’t imagine it going down any other way.
She laughs at that.
“I didn’t let them—I told them who was putting what where and they didn’t push back about anything.”
“Do you think they always do this?” you ask. “With all their assignees?”
“I dunno…maybe not. Judging from how excited they were for it. Though I think any college aged boy would be excited for a threesome no matter how many times they’ve experienced it,” she replies with a shrug. “It probably depends on the assignee and the pairings.”
“Have you had a threesome with Han and Jeongin?” you turn to Charlotte and ask.
She’s setting the rice pot into the rice cooker. She closes the lid and presses cook before turning around to face you and Rhiannon.
“No,” she shakes her head. “I don’t think I could—or that they would.”
“Why not?” Rhi asks.
“I mean…I really enjoy foreplay—making out, touching, all the things that happen before sex. Sex…I like it, but maybe not enough to take on two at the same time.”
You had been naïve enough to believe that all the other girls were having similar sexual awakenings to you. Maybe not to the extent of what Chan has done to you, but their own version of it. Rhiannon seems to call the shots with Changbin and Seungmin, while Charlotte, Jeongin and Han appear to be copacetic.
“And why don’t you think they’d like it?” Rhiannon digs further.
“You’ve seen how shy Han can be…I think I get to see a very different side to him when we’re intimate. One that the boys don’t know about, not even Jeongin. The three of us being together in that sense would cause Han to be completely vulnerable and I don’t know that he would do that in front of the other members. While having sex, at least.”
You think back to Han and how nervous he was to give his speech and how helpful the other members were when he practiced. He is already vulnerable with them. But, perhaps, being vulnerable with someone while you’re naked and fucking a girl could be something entirely out of his comfort zone. You try to push the thoughts from your head. It’s something you can’t, or maybe don’t want, to imagine either.
Once all the food is ready, everyone sits at the table. Since there are only nine of you at the house currently, no one sits at the head of the table. Instead, you all fill in the middle seats. You sit next to Hyunjin and Chan is right across from you.
“Anyone want to share a lesson they learned this year?” Seungmin asks. “Good or bad.”
“Picturing your audience naked for a speech is a terrible idea,” Han announces.
“I told you to just imagine them all with handlebar mustaches,” Changbin comments.
“That sounds even more uncomfortable. An audience of Vaudevillians?” He shivers at the thought.
“That’s why no one takes Changbin’s advice,” Seungmin quips.
“Well, I’ve learned that Seungmin’s mother loves to take my advice…among other things,” Changbin rebuffs.
Seungmin shoots him a dirty look and throws a spicy cucumber at him.
“Ya,” Chan cuts in just as Changbin catches the flying cucumber slice with his hand. “Sijak hajimara.”
Changbin tosses it in his mouth then winks at Seungmin, but they both settle down after whatever Chan said. Everyone else proceeds to share actual things they’ve learned over the past year and how they’ll proceed moving forward with it as a life lesson.
“I’ve learned a lot about patience,” you say when it’s your turn.
The patience it took to break through with Chan, the patience he forced you to have when he was edging you to the point of no return, and the patience that Hyunjin had for you to be ready for him.
“It’s best not to rush things and, as they say, good things come to those who wait,” you continue. “I was honestly tempted to leave the SKZ house after my first week of being knee deep in this chaos, but I’m glad I had the patience to see it out. I’m grateful to have met you all and have you in my life, even if it’s only for a little while.”
A silence hangs in the air after your statement. You know you’re not the only one that has to come to terms with the dissolution of these bonds after the spring semester is over.
“I’ve learned that some rules are meant to be broken,” Chan speaks up and his words take you by surprise. “You can’t push forward; you can’t figure out who you really are, if you’re playing it safe between the lines.”
You look over at him and offer a small smile.
Hyunjin is the only one that hasn’t gone yet. Everyone looks at him expectantly.
“Me?” he asks rhetorically. “Well…I did learn that turpentine or mineral spirits work best for cleaning your brush when dealing with oil paint.”
Another silence hangs in the air after his extremely lackluster statement.
“Boooo!” Han jeers, and laughter fills the dining room.
After the meal is over, everyone helps to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. It’s amazing how quickly things can get done with nine people. Over the next few hours everyone splits up and does their own thing in mixed-matched pairings. Some watch a movie, some play beer pong downstairs. You go to the backyard with Seungmin and Jeongin to get the fire started.  
It's fucking freezing. Like, see your breath when you speak, kind of freezing.
You try not to focus on the cold and busy yourself with turning on the TV. It’s mounted on the wall near the outdoor table and grill. You find a channel that’s doing a New Year countdown and leave it on that. You then grab the cushions from the seats around the table and take them to the firepit. The sitting area surrounding the firepit is made of stone and with the current temperature, it’d be a death wish to sit directly on it.
You watch as Jeongin douses the firewood in lighter fluid before setting it ablaze, grinning like a mad man as he watches the flames rise. The others eventually come out to join once the fire is going and providing warmth. Hyunjin brings out a blanket for you and you cuddle up next to him underneath it. When your body shivers, he offers you his cup and you take a small sip of the alcohol inside to warm up.  
Chan and Han disappear into the house before re-emerging with the fireworks picked up the other day. They lay the larger ones on the concrete next to the covered pool and leave them for later before handing out sparklers to everyone and lighting them. You sit up as it fizzles, not wanting any of the sparks to land on Hyunjin or your shared blanket.
Chan then comes to sit on your other side. He watches you, taking in the child-like amusement on your face as you wave the sparkler around in front of you. He lights each one you have in turn, until there are no more left.
You move to lay back against Hyunjin, but then pause. Should you lay on Chan? You don’t think they’d care either way.
Chan’s hand comes to your shoulder and lowers you back down to Hyunjin’s side. You lift the blanket, offering him to join the warmth. He takes the blanket and covers his lap with it before laying his hand on your thigh, beneath the blanket. You place your cold hand on top of his. He jumps a little at the contact and then moves his hand on top of yours to warm it up.
Everyone else gets comfortable around the firepit, cuddled up for warmth in similar fashions—assignee to members.
“How long until midnight?” Hyunjin asks.
“About twenty minutes,” Chan replies, glancing at the TV.
“Y/N might freeze to death before then,” he adds as you shiver again.
“I’m okay,” you say. “I have you both to keep me warm.”
“Is that all we are to you?” Hyunjin asks with mock hurt.
“Tonight, yes.” You tell him.
“You’re lucky we both run warm,” Chan says, before addressing Hyunjin in Korean.
Hyunjin drapes his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. Chan moves with you, staying close to your other side to keep you warm.
Changbin and Seungmin speaking in suddenly raised voices waft over the burning fire.
“I wouldn’t put my hand in for $100,” Changbin is saying,
“$500 then,” Seungmin says.
“That’s a leg…maybe.”
“Nobody’s jumping in the pool,” Chan cuts in flatly. “It’s partially frozen.”
“Oh,” Seungmin says, as if he wasn’t aware, “In that case I’ll pay you $2,000 to do it. Do it, Binnie.”
“Don’t.” Chan says in a stern tone you’re all too familiar with.
“He wouldn’t anyways, he’s bluffing,” Seungmin says.
“I would,” Changbin remains defiant.
Chan shakes his head and rolls his eyes. These are the young men he’s in charge of and those two, specifically, are probably the hardest to wrangle. Especially when they’re together. How they both got paired with one girl is beyond you. Rhiannon, you assume, must have a whole different set of problems compared to what you’ve gone through with Chan and Hyunjin.
You look over to Jeongin, Han, and Charlotte. They’re in their own little world as usual. Han is playing something on his phone while Charlotte and Jeongin watch with him. She, too, is in the middle of them. They seem like the calmest trio in the house.
You wonder what the dynamic is like between Allie, Felix and Lee Know. You wish they were here. Well, maybe not Lee Know. He can stay in Korea with his shenanigans.
“It’s almost time!” Jeongin jumps up to announce, grabbing the utility lighter.
Chan stands, too, and your left side immediately feels the lack of his warmth. He walks to Jeongin and takes the lighter from him. Seungmin grabs the other lighter before Jeongin can get to that one too.
“I can do it,” Jeongin says, sounding very much like the youngest member.
“I don’t want any repeats of last year,” Chan tells him.
“That was a fluke. The firework wasn’t placed correctly.”
“Okay, Innie,” Chan tells him with a curt nod but still proceeds towards the fireworks with the lighter in his own hand.
As the others rise, you and Hyunjin follow suit. He wraps the blanket around both of you and you walk towards the TV together. Chan sets up a perimeter of sorts around the fireworks, warning everyone not to stand too close.
The 60 second countdown on the TV begins.
Part of you can’t believe this is how you’re ending the year. The things you’ve seen, the things you’ve done…never in your wildest dreams would you have imagined. Now, here you are, with this newfound community. You’ve endured a lot of pain, confusion and heartache, but you’re ending it happier than ever. More bonded with this group than ever.
When the 10 second countdown begins, Chan returns to your other side.
You reach out and lace your fingers through his as everyone continues counting out loud in unison.
These two men on either side of you have taught you so much about yourself these past couple of months. How to get out of your comfort zone, how to hold your ground, how to rely on someone, how to submit and trust. You’ll never get to experience this again, but you’re glad you get to right now.
Chan turns your face to his first and places a hard, but chaste, kiss to your lips, followed by a few short and quick pecks. He releases you and leaves your side to attend to the fireworks. You then turn to Hyunjin. He wraps his arms around your waist and yours move up to his neck; his kiss is deeper. Your eyes flutter shut as his tongue enters your mouth, seeking out your own. You kiss him back and everything around you feels oddly quiet.
Until the sound of fireworks startles you both and you break apart. You look up to the sky in awe, watching as they burst into huge, bright, colorful spectacles. You slip your arms beneath Hyunjin’s and hold his waist, face pressed against his chest. Still cold…but content.
You return to sit near the firepit as Seungmin and Chan finish setting off the fireworks. Then you all watch the others going off around the city as they light up the sky, too. It’s beautiful.
When the fire dies out, everyone goes back inside. Your limbs start to defrost the second you step into the house. Everyone hangs out for a while longer but as it approaches 3:00am, they start to disperse. Chan kisses you on the forehead before going up to his room, and not too long after you and Hyunjin head up too.
In his room, Hyunjin acknowledges how sore your body feels—but he still asks to taste you. He insists it’s good luck to enter the new year this way. And you let him. After all your interactions with Chan, it’s nice to just be worshipped by Hyunjin. You don’t have to think about anything, you can just relax and feel. And he knows exactly how to make you feel good.
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The start of the new year in SKZ House is relatively calm. When Allie, Felix and Lee Know return home everything is complete. The house feels whole again. You all settle back into your routines and get adjusted to your new class schedules when the semester starts. You’re surprised when Hyunjin shows up in the biology course you’re a TA for. You’re happy to see him there, but you’re stern with him after the first class that he has to work for his grade, there won’t be any favoritism. He seems a little offended at that.
You keep up the same schedule—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights with Chan, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with Hyunjin. It doesn’t give you any cause for concern as it once had. You are now certain that there is no jealousy, and you can relax when you’re alone with either of them, and when you’re with them together.
On one of the Sunday nights when you get to choose where you sleep—you proposition them both and they agree. In Chan’s room, this time. Hyunjin buries himself between your legs while Chan teases your nipples and kisses you. You bounce on Chan’s dick as Hyunjin fucks your mouth, but this time you ask them both to cover you in their come. They grant your request with ease.
As February approaches, you can honestly say that you’ve found a happy balance between the two men. You’re very aware of how quickly the time that you have with them flies by, but you continue to push it to the back of your mind. You must live in the present.
On Friday, when you and Hyunjin return home from your shared afternoon class, you can immediately tell something in the house has changed while you were gone. With the exception of Chan and Lee Know, everyone is sitting in the living room when you both walk in. They turn to look at you, and the girls stand from the couch. Charlotte beckons you to follow them to the den.
A sense of worry starts to flurry in the pit of your stomach as you walk behind them. You close the door once you’re all inside, then the four of you sit on the plush rug in the center of the room.
“What’s going on?” you ask. “You guys are scaring me.”
“There was an announcement,” Allie says, taking a deep breath. “A two-week rotational is being enacted.”
You furrow your brow.
“A what?”
“From the rotational clause in the contract?” Charlotte, bless her heart, sounds confused by the fact that you haven’t memorized the contract from start to finish.
That damned fucking contract.
“I must have skipped over that part…what is it?”
“For the next two weeks, we are going to be with a different member pairing. Lee Know and Chan are upstairs working out who will be with who now.”
All you can do is blink. You’re hearing the words coming out of her mouth quite clearly, but they’re not making sense when strung together. You’re being assigned to new members? For two weeks? That can’t be right.
You have only recently come to a level of comfortability with Chan and Hyunjin, only to presumably have it destroyed by this. With Hyunjin, maybe not so much…but Chan, you can only wonder how he’s handling this while setting up a schedule for which of his fraternity brothers will have you next.
“They say you don’t really have to do anything sexual,” Charlotte adds. “But it’s not off the table. It’s encouraged actually—with proper protection.”
“But…why would they want this?” You ask.
“It promotes the idea of community or something, I don’t know…I think it’s really so we can’t get too attached to any one specific person or set.” she continues.
You try to see yourself being intimate with anyone else in the house besides Chan or Hyunjin. But again, it’s difficult for you to imagine. You’ve done well, so far, keeping everything platonic and respectful with the other members. Why would they want to complicate things with this?
The girls continue discussing the upcoming rotation, but you’re caught up in your thoughts. When you go back out to the living room and see Lee Know on the couch, you immediately turn for the stairs.
You knock on Chan’s door, and he calls out for you to enter. He’s lying flat on his bed, legs crossed at the ankles, hands intertwined on his chest, eyes looking up at the ceiling.
“Is it true? This is really happening?” you ask.
“Yes,” he replies sullenly. “Starting Sunday, you’ll be with Seungmin and Changbin for two weeks.”
You stand at the side of the bed, willing him to look at you but his gaze remains on the ceiling.
“Can you look at me?”
He lets out a sigh before turning to face you. You sit down on the bed and scooch closer to him. You need a better understanding of where his mind is with this.
“Do you guys do this every year?”
“No, we don’t,” he tells you. “It’s an order coming down from higher up.”
“Higher up?” you repeat, “Your father?”
His silence confirms your assumption.
“You know why,” he says plainly.
And you do. His father wants to make sure Chan is not getting too attached to you and straying from the path he has been on since before he was born, probably.
“How are you feeling?” you ask.
“I don’t think I’m really allowed to feel anything about it. That’s kind of the point of it all.”
“What if we just say we did this rotational bullshit, but don’t actually do it?”
“No…we should,” he tells you.
You arch an eyebrow. Not too long ago he was saying he couldn’t handle the thought of you fucking anyone else in the house besides Hyunjin…now he thinks this is a good idea?
“He’d find out if we didn’t…he always finds out everything.” He continues, sounding defeated. “It’s not required, but you can fuck them if you want to.”
It’s been a while since anything he’s said has felt like a punch to the gut. You climb on top of him and straddle his waist. He remains limp until you grab his hands and place them on your hips. You lean forward to place a quick kiss to his lips.
“I don’t want to,” you say softly, shaking your head.
“You say that now, but you can be open to it.”
“And you’re not just saying that now?” you counter.
He shakes his head.
“The other girls are great,” he says, “but they’re not you.”
“And none of the other members are you.”
How can he not see it from your point of view? He’s being adamant that he wants no one else, yet can’t seem to grasp that you don’t either.
“Maybe we should just go along with it.”
You cross your arms in front of your chest. You feel offended at the suggestion and don’t respond to it. You can’t without getting angry. And you don’t want to be angry with him…this situation, the way he’s feeling…none of it is his fault. You can see he’s struggling to cope with what he wants from you and the reality of what’s to come.
“We are forbidden to speak about what happens during rotations, anyways. You could do it and I would never know.”
“I don’t want to,” you say again.
“But you should.” he replies. “You should want to. I should want to. That’s why he’s doing this.”
“And you’re going to let him win?”
“I don’t see any other options,” he shrugs. “We are going to have to move on from each other at some point, y/n. Maybe this will help.”
It’s not often Chan seems powerless. Right now is one of those rare times. You slide off his waist and onto the bed. He doesn’t even try to stop you from moving away. You can see the conflict within him. Wanting to be with you, but also wanting to finish the school year as his parents intended.
“I should go,” you say, sliding off the bed and standing up.
This is a losing battle for you.
He gets up from the bed, too, and walks behind you towards the door without saying anything. You reach for the handle to turn it, then pull the door open. His left hand immediately shoots out and palms the door, shutting it. He leaves his hand on the door, and you can feel his warmth, hear his breathing directly behind you.
You close your eyes and sigh.
“Chan. If this is what you want, you have to let me go.”
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” he says darkly.
But it does. It really does. And you wish he could see that. Does he think he’s doing you a favor by suggesting you get over him now, before the semester ends? That somehow fucking the other members in this house will rid your feelings of him.
“I’m gonna go.”
You pull the door open again. He slams it shut.
“No.” The word comes out like a plea from his lips.
He grabs ahold of your waist and spins you around so you’re facing him. His grip on you tightens as he pushes you back against the door. In the next instant his mouth is on yours while his right hand yanks down your leggings and underwear. His hand cups your pussy, rubbing against it as his tongue claims your mouth.
You can’t stop the moan that escapes your lips at his touch. He rubs your pussy until your hips are bucking against his hand and you’re dripping wet. Your body always betrays you, with him. You shouldn’t want him as much as you do, after all he just said.
He pulls down his own pants then grabs you by the hips and lifts you up. You wrap your arms around his neck, legs around his waist. He positions himself at your entrance before pulling you down onto him so hard that you scream out.
“I’ve never wanted or needed anything, or anyone so fucking bad.” he says, lifting you up and slamming you back down onto his cock.
“You think I want to share you? You know I don’t.”
He lifts you up slowly, once more, before forcefully pulling you back down again.
“You could fuck every single guy in this house, y/n, and the thought of it fucking kills me.”
His hands move down to your ass, gripping it for better leverage as he fucks you.
“Rub your clit for me.”
You reach a hand down between you and start rubbing your clit. He keeps fucking you, his breath coming out in anxious spurts as he slams your pussy down on his cock. His eyes are watching his cock enter you, your fingers on your clit.
“My girl. My fucking girl. My pussy.”
“Chan,” you moan his name.
“Wait for me,” he demands, recognizing the look on your face.
You bite your bottom lip between your teeth as he keeps thrusting into you. You lean your head back against the door and fuck him back with your hips. The sounds of your body hitting the door is anything but quiet. Neither of you care.
“Come on my cock, baby,” he says. “Tell me you’re mine.”
He brings a hand to your neck, squeezing it and pressing you back against the door frame as he fucks you. You press your lips firmly together and shake your head—you don’t want to give him the satisfaction right now, after all he’s suggested. He growls and holds you still while his hips drive into you.
As his thrusting and breathing become erratic, you let yourself go, too. The walls of your pussy clench around his cock as you come. His thrusts slow down, but they’re still just as forceful, knocking you back against the door as he comes too.
He rests his forehead against yours as he withdraws from you. You set your legs back on the floor and drop your arms from his neck.  
“Mine,” he whispers.
You pull your leggings and underwear back up, eyes hardened as you stare at him.
“Everybody’s apparently,” you say coldly.
His jaw tightens. You place your hands on his chest and push him backwards before turning around and opening the door. He slams it shut after you exit and you grit your teeth as you walk down the hall, fighting against every atom in your body telling you to turn around and go back to him.
You don’t want anyone else besides Chan and Hyunjin. But ultimately, you can’t have either of them. Will it be easier to break the physical ties you have with them now? Rather than waiting a few more months and suffering then? You haven’t decided what you’ll do in the coming weeks. Whether you sleep with anyone else or you don’t, it has to be your decision.
[ read chapter 22 here ]
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a/n: i am asking you guys to trust the process of my story telling haha. we have a chan POV coming up in ch 23 to look forward to!
since the tag list has not been working, i created a mailing list so i can email those of you who want to know when the chapter is being posted. if you'd like to sign up, click the link below. the email may initially go to your spam folder, it will be coming from [email protected]. not spam, just me :)
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chheolie · 2 months
hey! i love your writing so much! i was wondering if you’d be open to writing a comfort fic where y/n is feeling a little sad and lonely (feeling left out from their friend group) and scoups comforts y/n?
Ohhh hello, I'm glad you enjoyed reading this blog. And well, I hope you like this post too! ♥♥♥
seungcheol unlocked the door to his home, his shoulders heavy with the weight of weeks of intense work, and let out a sigh of relief as he entered. the past weeks had been a whirlwind of recordings, rehearsals, and meetings. his eyes searched for you, whom he hadn't seen as much as he would have liked lately. soon, you rushed to meet him, hugging him tightly. he smiled, feeling your warmth, wrapping his arms around you, and kissing the top of your head.
"i'm home," he murmured, holding you tenderly.
you didn't let go, remaining glued to him. seungcheol noticed the difference; normally, even after time apart, you maintained a certain distance. today, however, you seemed unwilling to let go.
"what's wrong, love? is everything okay?" he asked with concern, caressing your face.
"nothing, i just missed you," you replied quickly, trying to force a smile.
he frowned, unconvinced, but decided not to press the issue at that moment. "i missed you too, y/n." you both headed to the living room and settled on the couch. you lay down in seungcheol's lap, feeling his fingers gently run through your hair, a gesture that always calmed you.
you picked up your phone and started scrolling through your instagram feed. suddenly, your body tensed. seungcheol noticed the immediate change and looked at your face, analyzing your expression. on the post where you had frozen, your friends were all together at a dinner, without you.
"y/n, what is it?" he asked, worried.
you sighed, your eyes still fixed on the phone. "my friends went out to dinner," you finally said, your voice tinged with hurt. "and i didn't even know about it. i wasn't invited. again."
seungcheol felt his heart ache seeing the sadness in your eyes.
"that's not fair, y/n. are you sure they didn't mention anything in the group chat?"
you shook your head, tears beginning to form.
"no. and this isn't the first time it's happened. i just... i feel like i'm losing my friendships. i feel so alone."
seungcheol pulled you closer, enveloping you in a tight embrace. he could feel your pain. "i'm sorry, my love. i know how much this must hurt."
you finally looked at him, your eyes shining with unshed tears. "i just... feel so excluded, you know? like i'm not important to them."
"you are so important, y/n. to me, you are everything. and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't deserve your time or energy."
you nodded, the tears now falling freely. seungcheol gently wiped your face with his thumb, leaning in to kiss your lips softly.
"let's take some time just for us, do something you enjoy. maybe watch a movie, order food... what do you think?"
you gave a small smile, feeling the comfort and security that only seungcheol could provide.
"i'd love that, cheol. thank you for being here."
he kissed your forehead, holding you even tighter in his arms.
"always, my love. i'll always be here for you."
you both decided to order food from a restaurant you both liked, choosing dishes that brought back fond memories of other moments together. while waiting for the delivery, seungcheol put on a movie he knew you adored. he adjusted the cushions on the couch, making sure you were comfortable before sitting next to you again.
as the movie progressed, you felt the day's tension begin to melt away. seungcheol kept an arm around your shoulders, occasionally kissing your temple or whispering funny comments about the movie scenes, making you laugh. it was a welcome distraction and a reminder of how well he knew and understood you.
when the food arrived, seungcheol insisted on serving you, telling you to relax while he prepared everything. he returned with plates full of your favorite dishes, and you ate together, talking about light and fun things, putting aside worries for a moment.
after dinner, you stayed cuddled on the couch, talking about everything and nothing. seungcheol listened patiently as you spoke more about how you were feeling regarding your friends. he didn't try to offer quick solutions, but instead, listened attentively, validating your feelings and offering words of support.
"maybe it's time to find new people, make new friendships that truly value you," he suggested gently. "but remember, i'm always here for you, no matter what."
you felt a wave of gratitude and love for him. seungcheol always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. you snuggled closer, feeling the warmth and security of his arms around you.
"i don't know what i'd do without you, my love," you whispered.
"and you'll never have to find out because i'm never going anywhere," he responded, with firmness and affection in his voice.
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lady-ashfade · 2 months
hello :) i’d like to a strawberry cookie for jace (hotd) maybe the stress of the war gets to reader and he helps her out? tyyy 🫶🏼
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Warm Embrace
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!reader
Bakery Event is closed
╰・゚✧☽ Strawberry Macaroon: Imagine + custom trope.
╰・゚✧☽ words: 649
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: terrible thoughts, reader needing comfort, reader just panicking, thoughts about war and loss.
⤻ changed it to macaroon because that’s the sweet you get with your own trope.
˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ *˚ 🥞 ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ *˚
The sound of tapping at the widows, the whistling of the wind and the angry sea was unsettling. Horrible events have taken place in past weeks, there wasn’t much time to process or show weakness. And it slowly drove you mad. Walking the halls felt like a haunted and angered place, the silence of only your thoughts and steps are as loud as dragons.
Comfort was a scarce resource lately and only found in the arms of your newly wed husband, Prince Jacaerys. Late at night he’d sneak in at unreasonable hours thinking sleep had come over you, while taking you into his arms to rest as well. There was never a night where you found yourself truly asleep without him near, so when he wasn’t there, it was only cruel moments of being alone with the thoughts and fears.
Again, like every night, you had been cursed with not being able to fall in the warm embrace of slumber. Today was different, you did not try and lie down nor read, but sit at the mirror and continue to comb throughout your hair- unconscious to the world around you. Fear entranced every crevice of your mind and made you envision horrible things. Death of those you love, torturing of yourself- horrible and panicked thoughts that you couldn’t pull out of. 
Unknowingly to you the door had been opened and your husband entered your shared chambers, exhausted from his duties. Tonight he found you in a light room and awake, staring at yourself. “My love,” his voice was soft and low so when you didn’t reacted he changed his tone. Once he called it again, and again, then he used your name with still no answer. He was terrified.
It took him a few more tries mixed with him taking your shoulders and bending down next to your neck, eyes looking back at you in the mirror- you finally noticed.
“Jace?” Once you realize he was here you wondered how long you’ve been out, he usually comes back right before sunrise. “What time is it?”
“Just before dawn, my love.” turning his head he placed a kiss on your temple, a exhale left his nose, “What is happening in that little head of yours?”
Look at your hands and picking the skin of your nails, you felt aware of all the emotions coming through. “I am afraid,” you admitted while tears filled your eyes. “Forgive me, you have endured far greater then I have. I must sound like a heartless fool for being under stress.”
A fool was the final thing he’d ever call you. Throughout all of this he saw no signs of worry, or fear from you that it caused him to worry. While Jace has been falling into your arms he failed to return the favor- something he regrets desperately now.
His arms swept themselves around your body, his head rested onto of yours. He was always warm like a true dragon.
“This war is taking a toll on us all, but if anyone is a fool it has to be me. I have failed my duty as your husband to keep you safe from danger, even if that means from your own worries.” You shook your head in protest.
“No one will blame you for being frightened of what’s to come. I, myself am fearful of the bloodshed, even more so to the one’s I love. But we mustn’t let our fears take over,” losing his hold he traveled his hands up to your jaw and titled your head upward.
“Fear controls us, letting us down the path we dread.” you could feel his breath getting closer and his lips almost touching yours, becoming something you craved.
“I will protect you with all my will, the gods have given me the strength to do so.” And once again, your husband’s embrace takes all worries away.
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Difference of Opinions (Part 1)
Fandom: Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara, f!Reader Summary: You went against the man you loved and helped Miles escape. Now you must face Miguel's wrath. Word Count: 1821 TW: Angst, Betrayal, Anger, Glitching, Left for Dead, Miguel has a temper Notes: I told myself I wasn't going to get sucked into writing for this movie, but this idea wouldn't stop nagging at my brain so here you go!
Prequel, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Masterlist
*Spoilers for Across the Spider-Verse*
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As you watched Miles disappear in a flash of the Go Home machine, you couldn’t help but smile. For a moment, you had been afraid that he wasn’t going to make it. That despite everything you, Hobie, and Margo had done to help him, Miguel was going to stop him before he could escape. But he got to go home to try and save his father. He had a chance.
However, the smile slowly faded from your face as Miguel roared and ripped the arm off of the Go Home machine. You had been so focused on getting Miles off of Earth-928 that you hadn’t considered what happened afterwards. This was going to be bad.
The room had filled with other Spider-people who had all been involved in the chase for Miles and they all just stared at Miguel. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Margo’s avatar disappear and you sighed in relief. At least she would escape Miguel’s fury. 
Right now, his focus had turned towards Gwen. As they began yelling back and forth at one another and Miguel dragged her into the Go Home machine, you started to back out of the room as inconspicuously as possible. While part of you wanted to run to Gwen’s aid, she was being sent back to her own universe. It was heartbreaking to watch– especially knowing what was going to happen to her father when she returned –however, she was getting off easy considering her part in getting Miles involved in the Spider-Society in the first place. Things could have been a lot worse for her. As they would probably be for you if you didn’t let Miguel cool down for a while before confronting him.
You had just about made it to the door when you heard a snarl behind you. “And where do you think you’re going?”
Red webs coiled around your arms and legs pinning them to your body and making you fall to the floor. Before you could try to squirm your way out, Miguel yanked hard and you flew backwards into him. He caught your chin with one large hand, his nails sharpening into claws and digging painfully into your skin as he held you off the ground. 
His red eyes flashed dangerously as he roared in your face, “Did you think I wouldn’t see you trying to slink away? You helped him escape! You! Of the hundreds of us in the Spider-Society, you were the last one I ever imagined turning against me.”
“I haven’t turned against you, Miguel. You know I love you too much to ever do that.” With your face still pinned in his grasp, you tried your best to keep your expression calm and non-confrontational. You knew how he got when he was like this and it was better to not get him even more agitated. However, your voice remained firm and unwavering. “But right now, you’re letting your past cloud your judgment and you’re not thinking clearly. I was just trying to–”
“He’s trying to alter a second canon event! We still haven’t dealt with what he did in Mumbattan and you just let him get away to do it again!” He bared his sharp teeth at you as he growled deep in his throat. In all your years together as friends or as lovers, you had never once feared Miguel would hurt you…. until this moment. All reason seemed to have left him and all you saw when you looked at his face was fury and pain. There was no trace of the man you loved before you.
Trying to keep the quiver out of your voice, you calmly said, “You said it yourself. Miles is an anomaly. He was never supposed to be one of us so who’s to say he has to uphold the canon events? From what I can tell, the Peter Parker of that world already lost his captain before he died. So maybe Miles has a chance none of us ever got. Maybe he doesn’t have to bear this loss like the rest of us. Maybe he can change his fate.”
“‘Maybe! Maybe! Maybe’! You risked the lives of an entire universe on maybe!” Miguel’s grip on your face tightened and you mewled slightly as his claws broke skin. “Whether or not he was supposed to be Spider-Man, he is now. And that means he must follow the canon. If he was different than the rest of us, he wouldn’t have already lost his uncle.”
“Or may– possibly becoming the Prowler is what got that Aaron Davis killed, not because he was Miles’s uncle.” You tried to reach up to stroke Miguel’s cheek, to calm some of his anger, but your hands were still pinned to your side by his webs. “Miguel, don’t do this. I’m begging you. Please, let Miles try. Trust that I know what I’m doing.”
Slowly, Miguel’s fury faded from his face until there was nothing left but pain. Pain that you knew you had caused. He lowered you to the floor and loosened his grip on your face though he didn’t release you. Then, as he stared deeply into your eyes, he spoke in an agonized whisper. “I did trust you. I would have gone to the ends of the multiverse and beyond for you. I gave you my heart even after I swore never to open myself up to anyone again but you turned your back on me the first chance you had.”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you squirmed against the webs, desperate to touch him. To hold him and make him feel that your love for him never wavered. “You know that’s not true. I’ve stood by your side from the very beginning. I’ve loved you and helped you build this Society so we could uphold the canon across hundreds of universes. But I just… I just couldn’t stand by this time and not at least give Miles a chance to try and save someone he loves. I’m sorry.”
For just a moment, you thought you saw a glimpse of compassion or love in his gaze but it was quickly replaced by bitter cold indifference. “I’m not.”
His claws slashed through his webbing, freeing your limbs. But before you could move, Miguel grabbed your arm, ripped your portal watch from your wrist, and hurled it against the wall where it shattered into pieces. Still holding your arm, he tossed you across the room. You crashed into the floor and slid another dozen feet or so on your side. And just as you slowed to a stop, you glitched as this unfamiliar universe attacked your cells. 
You felt like your body was simultaneously being compressed and stretched in a hundred directions at once. When the glitch ended, you let out a small whimper but the sound didn’t cull Miguel’s rage any. Even as you lay in a heap on the ground, he tossed a disk in your direction and suddenly a red transparent field surrounded you. 
Unable to believe he was really doing this to you, you called out to him but he ignored your plea. Instead, he turned his back on you and growled, “Jess, Ben, come with me. And somebody catch Spot.”
Jess glanced at his retreating form then back to where you were now confined. “Miguel. You can’t just leave her like this. Without a watch–”
“She made her bed, now she can die in it,” he snapped without turning around. He simply opened a portal and said, “Let’s go.”
Ben fell in behind him, but Jess hesitated, her hand reaching out towards you. But you shook your head. Miguel had judged you and once that happened, no one could change his mind. Jess had too much to lose by trying to help you and despite hating to see her leaving to track Miles down, you knew she was just as trapped now as you were. So, reluctantly, she turned and followed Miguel and Ben into the portal.
Now alone, you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your face in them. You didn’t regret helping Miles, but you never imagined this would be the consequence. Miguel had a right to feel betrayed yet the fact he would go this far– that he was alright with you slowly glitching out of existence – broke your heart. Miguel had never been a saint but you never imagined he could do this. Not to you. How could his love sour so quickly that he was willing to let you die rather than try to understand why you did what you did? 
No. I won’t accept that.
Miguel was just not thinking clearly after everything that had happened today. Deep down, he still loved you. He had to. Just as you still loved him despite him leaving you to die in this cage. If you could only show him that you were right and Miles was different, then maybe Miguel could forgive you for going against him. And maybe there was still hope for the two of you. Or maybe he would still want you dead. 
Wow, Miguel was right and you did rely heavily on “maybe”.
However, there was just something about this situation that made you believe in those maybes. For years you had protected the multiverse by Miguel’s side and you had never questioned his decisions or a canon event. But something in your gut– in your spider-sense –was telling you this time was different. That Miles really could break from the canon without the same consequences as the others. But you would never know unless you found a way out of this cage!
Suddenly, you remembered how Miles managed to escape the same sort of prison an hour before. You might not have his Venom Blast powers but maybe Miguel presented you with your own way to escape. Spreading your arms and legs out as far as you could, you pressed yourself against the force field so you covered as much area as you possibly could. Then you waited.
About four minutes later, it happened. You glitched again but this time, you were ready for it. Using all the strength you could muster, you fought against the glitch and kept yourself pressed against the field. As your body began to flicker and change, so did the force field. When things finally corrected themselves and you were left moaning on the floor, you opened your eyes to see what was once your cage had been transformed into a pile of random junk from across the multiverse.  
Giving it a slight push, the pile collapsed and you walked out of the remains of your prison. You were free. Now, you just had to find a way off of Earth-928 and back into the multiverse to find Miles before Miguel did. And you thought you had an idea about where to start….
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Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and/or rebloging! I am planning a prequel to this fic showing how Miguel and Reader met and I may also do a sequel fic to this one. If you are interested, please let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! Thanks!
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goosita · 10 months
working as young!politician!coryo’s secretary is usually a fairly calm job, not too stress inducing.
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most days, you greet people who come in for meetings with coriolanus, send out emails and faxes, make and take phone calls for his office, and keep a steady flow of fresh coffee at all hours. then, you tidy up your desk when the day is done and you wait for your best friend to come pick you up and drive you home from work.
today was going according to plan, having been an especially easy day. mr. snow had been out for most of the afternoon, only returning about an hour ago. the phones had been quiet as well, giving you time to finish all of your work on the computer you had put off. it was rounding out to be quite the easy day, until your best friend called 5 minutes before you were due to clock out for the evening.
“i’m sorry! the tire just exploded, literally. and now i’m stuck waiting here for god knows how long for a tow truck. i’m so sorry,” they babble, clearly feeling incredibly guilty.
“it’s fine, i promise. i can just call a taxi or something.”
out of the corner of your eye, you see coriolanus leave his office, turning to lock the door behind him. he glances at you curiously.
“are you sure? i don’t know how long it’ll take but—“
“yes, i’m sure,” you cut them off, sighing. “cab fair to my place is only a few dollars, i’ll survive. let me know when you make it home though, alright?”
your friend laments and agrees to send you a message when they’re home, hanging up. you barely hold in a heavy sigh, sliding your phone into your bag.
“need a ride?” coriolanus asks, tilting his head to the side just-so. it startles you for a moment, having forgotten he was standing right there.
“oh, no. thank you, mr. snow, but i’ll be okay. i can call a cab,” you tell him, cheeks warming.
“nonsense, can’t let a lovely young lady like you risk getting into some seedy cab,” he insists. he gives you that charming grin, the one that makes the smile line near his cheek deepen prettily. you hesitate for a moment longer before he steps closer, offering his arm.
you try not to let it show that your fingers tremble just slightly, slipping your arm through his and resting your hand in the cradle of his elbow. coriolanus smiles even wider, leading you outside to the parking garage reserved for the building.
“thank you, mr. snow,” you say quietly as you walk beside him. he shakes his head and chuckles under his breath.
“it’s past business hours. you can call me by my first name, you know.”
you don’t know what exactly to say to that, simply offering a hum in response. coriolanus leads you to a sleek black car where a man in an equally sleek black suit stands at the driver’s side door. coriolanus holds his hand out to the man, who gives a look of surprise but drops the car keys into his palm.
“i’d like to drive myself this evening, gerald. thank you.”
he leaves no room for questioning as he walks you to the passenger side, his driver quickly disappearing. coriolanus opens the door for you and gently holds your hand as you slide in, giving you a soft grin as he closes the door. when he walks around the front to the driver’s side door, you speak up.
“i live on pr—“
“i know,” he cuts you off. you swallow, watching him sit down and start the car. he must sense your confused before he sees it on your face, because he speaks again.
“i have a good memory. i saw it on your application last year and remembered you live on the same street as an old friend,” he explains. you nod, looking down at your hands in your lap.
coriolanus smoothly pulls out of the parking spot, resting his hand on your headrest as he turns to look out of the back window. it’s so hard not to stare, to look at the way his neck is exposed like this. his jaw is so sharp, skin smooth and pale. you can smell his scent lingering in the small space between you; that intoxicating mix of roses and spice and metal.
“it’s not polite to stare,” he teases, turning his body back to the front. his hands settle comfortably on the wheel, his icy stare focused on the road.
“i-i’m sorry, mr. snow. i didn’t mean to.”
“coriolanus,” he purrs. “coryo, if you prefer.”
coryo. not just his first name, but a nickname. your hands feel clammy.
“coryo,” you say softly, almost under your breath. he hums in acknowledgment, the corner of his mouth quirked upward.
it goes silent in the car after that, your mind working overtime to try and figure him out. the last few weeks have been nothing short of dizzying, his lingering gazes and teasing quips, just shy of innuendos. you think back to the way he had watched you with the lollipop in his mouth, the way he had dragged his tongue over the red candy and the stain it had left on his plush lips. the way you’d been unable to stop thinking about what those lips would taste like against your own, sticky with cherry and sugar.
a warm hand settled on your thigh, breaking you out of your thoughts as you jump slightly, looking over at him. still, his eyes are glued to the road, as if he wasn’t doing anything at all besides driving.
“coriolanus…?” you murmur, glancing down at his hand. his fingers are long, spanning over your clothed thigh almost completely. his fingertips just barely brush the inseam of your trousers, but he’s still about it. he doesn’t move to stroke or caress, just rests there in your lap.
“yes, darling?” he says evenly. you don’t know why, but the petname makes your breath hitch. “everything alright?”
you breathe out slowly, slightly shakily. “yeah— yes.”
coriolanus smiles, eyes flickering to you just once before returning to the street. after a few more moments, he’s pulling onto your street and parking outside your apartment.
“here we are,” he says unceremoniously. like his palm isn’t burning through your pants on your leg, making you hold in a shudder. “home, safe and sound.”
it takes you a few moments to find your voice again, nodding. “thank you for the ride, mr. sn—….coryo.”
“you’re very welcome, my darling,” he says; and there it is again. that endearment. “i’ll see you in the morning.”
you nod and go to open the car door, letting his hand fall from your thigh. you grab your back and close the door behind you, turning and quickly hurrying up the sidewalk to the front steps of your building before you hear his voice call out again.
“miss y/n?”
you stop and turn, seeing that he rolled the window down.
“sweet dreams.”
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avonne-writes · 4 months
Happiness, you’re a cat
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A HS AU one-shot inspired by @alienoresimagines 's post
I'll probably post this on AO3 tomorrow. Edit: posted on AO3
Bucky hates hospitals. The sterile smell, all the sick and dying people, back-breaking waiting room chairs. Thankfully, he has never had to stay in one overnight, but he did hit his head in a goal post once when he was ten, and his mom spent hours in the ER with him to get his concussion looked at. It was just after his dad left. What a miserable fucking time.
Unsurprisingly, he isn't keen to go back there anytime soon.
He feels like he might have to though, because at the rate things are going, they’re gonna have to amputate his right arm. A few months ago, Brady showed him a gory Reddit thread about a guy who, apparently, fell asleep in the lotus pose and his legs got so fucking wrecked that they had to cut them off. The pose restricted his blood flow or something and they couldn't restore it. He can’t remember how long the man was contorted like that. What's the point of no return?
His elementary school teacher used to tell his mom that Bucky would do crazy things for the people he liked. Well, she must have been right because Bucky's going to risk his arm just to let Gale sleep for an hour longer.
Gale. Gale, Gale, Gale.
Bucky's heart skips a beat every time he lets himself stop for a moment and think about things. Happiness floods his chest and makes his limbs thrum with excited energy. Three of them. His right arm is currently fighting for its life, crushed under Gale’s curled up body. But he puts the pins and needles out of his mind and concentrates on the positives.
Gale has been his boyfriend for a whole month now. A month! Bucky's longest relationship so far lasted three. He doesn’t let himself think about the fact that this means that they may be past one third of their time together. He can’t think about that or he’ll get anxious. Who knows, perhaps they'll stay together forever. It was their one-month anniversary today - Gale said it was stupid to call it anniversary because the word literally comes from "year" in Latin, but he did accept Bucky's invitation to watch a movie with him in Bucky's room.
Since Gale is a total movie nerd, Bucky was looking forward to showing him Moneyball, but Gale pillowed his head on Bucky’s chest and fell asleep ten minutes in. The movie is at two thirds now, and Bucky's arm is on fire from being pinned so long.
He doesn’t care.
He turns his head to look at Gale the best he can, and he knows that all the pain is worth it a thousand times over. So close that his eyes can’t focus, he sees the slope of Gale's nose, his long, pale eyelashes and the soft, parted lips he spent an hour kissing yesterday. Bucky has never had anyone sleep on him before. It’s the most amazing, comforting feeling he has ever experienced. They breathe together. Gale's body is warm against his, and his arm draped across Bucky's torso fills Bucky's stomach with butterflies. God, he wants to reach out and stroke it. There are small moles sprinkled on it. There’s one on the heel of Gale's palm, and he’s aching to pull it to his mouth and kiss it.
Ah, why is he such a loser? Gale is right here in his arms, in his bed, and he’s still in pain because he wants more and he knows it's too much and his crush is so bad, so... ugh, it's fucking embarrassing. Bucky flushes hot and cold, then hot again. Happy in his misery.
He'd feel it if his arm was beyond saving, wouldn’t he? Or, technically, he wouldn’t feel it. That would be the sign, he thinks. Prickling pain is good.
Gale told him he had trouble sleeping lately. What's a better anniversary present than letting him rest as long as he needs it?
It's a bigger problem that Bucky can’t pay attention to the movie anymore. His senses are entirely consumed by Gale. The weight of him. His blond hair. His smell. Bucky takes a deeper breath, trying to memorize it. If it clings to his clothes, he’s gonna hide them from his mom and sleep with them tonight. Gale is like an angel in his sleep, and he just wants to - to squeeze him tight and never let him go. Man, he needs help...
Unable to resist any longer, he raises his - still alive - left hand and brushes Gale's right with a fingertip. When Gale’s breathing doesn’t change, Bucky smiles to himself and starts tracing the lines of Gale's bones with his index finger, then the divots of his wrist. He draws a J over the back of Gale's hand, then a heart. He’s just about to start a G when the skin shifts under his touch, and Gale’s inhale hitches.
The moment Gale's consciousness returns, he shoots up into a sitting position, lifting all the weight that has been crushing Bucky's arm at once. Bucky whines and sobs dramatically in pain, so much so, that after a moment, Gale starts snickering.
"What are you doing?"
"Pins and needles." Bucky gasps and sits up too, shaking his arm desperately.
Gale rubs his forehead like some middle-aged dad looking at his dumbass kid. Bucky grins in return. He doesn’t know why but he enjoys this. The sight of his smile makes Gale laugh again. His chin-length hair is flat on the side that rested on Bucky’s chest, and there's a blush creeping up his neck.
"Sorry for falling asleep." He says. Bucky can’t look away from the blue of his eyes. He’s hypnotized.
"You can always sleep here."
Gale casts his gaze down, then glances back up, a little shy. "Thanks, Bucky."
"I would've let them amputate it for you." Bucky tells him, holding out his arm.
Gale gives him a look of pained amusement. "Do I even want to know what you're talking about?"
"Brady showed me this thread -" Bucky launches into the story, happy to be able to talk to Gale again after more than an hour of silence. Gale listens to him attentively, and when he slips his hand into Bucky's, Bucky's suddenly aware that none of the nerves died in his palm. They're very much alive and pump giddiness into his veins. Moneyball draws to a climax in the background, forgotten.
It's 4 p.m., and the bright-hot light of the sun blasts Bucky's face through the window of their apartment. He’s lying on his back in their bed, and Gale is asleep in his embrace, his head resting on Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky's arm tingles with pinprickles of pain. Volume so low it's almost muted, a movie drones on in their TV.
It's Moneyball again.
The irony isn’t lost on Bucky. Every single time he tried to watch this thing with Gale in the six years they’ve been together, Gale fell asleep. Every. Single. Time. He’s starting to think it’s some sort of message he's supposed to understand. John, stop making me watch baseball films and footage. Or, John, I have a Pavlovian reflex to nod off as soon as I hear the word baseball. He can hear these things in Gale's voice, although Gale would never say them, only Bucky would if he did an impression of Gale. It would make Gale laugh, so Bucky grins up at the ceiling just imagining it.
Fuck, his arm hurts like a bitch. And the sun feels like fingers made of light trying to pry his eyes open. His t-shirt is growing damp with sweat at the collar. Over his head, with some effort, he manages to grab Gale's actual pillow, the one Gale discarded in favour of Bucky's chest. Bucky puts it on his own face to block out the light and tries to fall asleep too.
This exam period has been a real clusterfuck. He was on coffee 24/7, would have walked around with an IV drip of the stuff if he could, just to push through. Gale simply reverted to his antisocial insomniac persona, and they decided by mutual silent agreement not to even try to touch each other until it was over.
It's done and dealt with now. Grades added in their college accounts, pat on the head received gracefully by Gale for being the only one who passed Applied Nuclear Physics on the first try. Obligatory Let's get wasted! party attended two days ago, call with Mom suffered through hungover yesterday. Now, there's nothing else on Bucky’s agenda but sleep for 48 hours straight. And making Gale watch Moneyball.
He's gonna make him do it before they get married, he swears.
Gale is so tired that he’s sleeping with his mouth open. Bucky can tell. It doesn’t take a genius, given the suspicious damp spot he feels on his shirt. He doesn’t mind a bit of drool. Or a lot. He’s gonna let Gale sleep as long as he needs.
But by God, his arm feels like it’s gonna skip the whole amputation step and just fall right off. He yawns against the pillow on his face and tries to take his mind off it.
He can smell Gale's scent on the fabric, he notes happily. Gale's left leg is tangled with his own, Gale's once icy foot tucked against his calf, now warmed by Bucky's heat. You have the coldest feet in the whole fucking galaxy, he informed Gale a few weeks ago, sitting on the couch with Gale's legs on his lap. Gale just pressed one of those feet to the tender skin of Bucky’s inner thigh, half inside his shorts, and told Bucky to guess the size of the Milky Way or lose a piece of clothing.
There's a reason why Bucky isn't the one planning to be an Astrophysicist...
He wonders what it’s going to be like once they graduate. His heart skips a beat. Does Gale hope for the same things he does? They've talked about marriage in the abstract, playing around with the fantasy of it for a bit, but it's not a fantasy anymore. It’s within reach, Bucky can feel it. And that suddenly makes his hopes so much harder to share - he’s scared of losing them all on a mistake.
But now that their exams are done, it can occupy all his thoughts again.
It's time. Anticipation thrums through his bones. He has been aching for it long enough. He’s got the ring. All he needs to do is ask.
Drifting between daydreams and reality, he reaches for Gale’s hand on his abdomen. He traces his knuckles with his thumb and lingers on his bare ring finger, lost in thought.
When Gale pulls in a sharper breath, he shifts his touch to Gale's wrist.
Gale groans and lifts his head away from the wet spot on Bucky’s shirt. Blood flows rapidly back to Bucky's arm and makes him grunt in pain. He tries to shake the pins and needles out of his limb, while Gale just climbs over him like some lazy cat and collapses on his other side. He takes up the same pose he had before, just mirrored, but upon noticing the pillow on Bucky’s head, he nuzzles his way closer until both of their faces are covered by it. They're pressed so close together that the tip of Bucky's nose brushes Gale's cheek.
"We've blinds." He mumbles.
Gale hums and falls back asleep. Bucky’s arm lies squished under him. Moneyball stays on until the end credits roll down.
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moonwayne · 1 month
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logan x gn!reader
warnings: angst, cussing, mention of blood and injury, arguments, my rushed writing
Request: i love logan and i love angst!!I would like to read about an argument (one that is difficult to resolve or forgive) because I haven't seen much of that around here. That would be great! Thk 🫶 - @daugheroferuri
first time writing for Logan, let me know if you like it!
Logan had always struggled with his past. The reminders of trauma showing themselves in arbitrary moments and the constant battles he faced as part of the X-Men was no help. You had been with him for a handful of years now and as a fellow mutant you had stuck by his side for years, supporting him through countless fights. Your empathetic healing and manipulation abilities had come in handy whenever it came to persuading an enemy or alleviating a teammate’s pain. But this wasn’t without a cost. Every change of the mind or lapse in judgement you inflicted on to others no longer had an effect, but removing and forcing pain blockers took its toll on your body. Every use had left you exhausted, nearing a dangerous line of losing consciousness on multiple occasions. Needless to say, Logan was against you using your pain-relieving powers.
In recent days, the strain of the distance forced between you and him at his hand, had been damn near debilitating. As you sluggishly strolled into Charles’ office, you noticed him and Hank talking lowly in the corner. With a heavy sigh, you plopped yourself into a nearby chair, waiting as the two finally noticed your presence.
“Ah! Y/N! H-How’s your day?” Hank stuttered out, face burning with a embrassed blush, as if he’d been a child caught with something he shouldn’t have. You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously before turning to Charles, who matched Hank’s guilty expression and strained smile. You moved your eyes from one to the other a few times, before focusing on Hank and feeling around in his mind.
“Hey! Don’t d-“ He sputtered, cut off by your determined voice. “Hank.” You said, pleading with a tilt of your head. “I can practically see your guilt. You’re very bad at hiding things. Just tell me what you know.”
His face burned again, and he flicked his gaze towards the professor in apology before mumbling out a quiet “Well.. Logansortofdiscoveredanewthreatthatcouldendangerallofourlivesandcountlessinnocents. Heleftlastnight.“ He finished with a meek smile.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You breathed out, exasperated at the confession and the situation as a whole.
“Y/N, you must understand-“ Charles injected then. “No Charles! Don’t you see? I’m tired of understanding.” You rose your voice, digging your nails into your palm harshly. “He thinks he’s doing the right thing.”
You scoffed. “He only wishes to protect you.” Charles finished, having found his way over to you in the process, and wrapped a hand around yours comfortingly. “Logan does not know any better.” You rolled your eyes as you yanked your hand away from his harshly, standing up.
“I can’t do this any longer. I won’t. I am so tired of being pushed to the outside just because he simply ‘does not know better’, that’s some bullshit, Charles. And I know you know that.” You stated firmly, making your exit. “If I don’t return, I thank you for all you both have given me.” You spoke, hand grasping the door anxiously. “Truly.” Hank and Charles nodded, and watched your figure fade as you walked off.
+- -+
After searching and finding Logan’s plans in his room you concluded the threat would have been dealt with by the time you arrived to where he was in France. After a long flight and some more traveling later, you caught up to him. You strolled into the hotel and by turning up the charm, you convinced the poor receptionist to let you into where he was staying. It only took around an hour of you pacing the carpeted floor with a frown etched on your face for Logan to come storming in the room, his face already set in a hardened expression. “Y/N?” He questioned, taking in your form as you did his, noticing the healing bruises and bloody knuckles.
“What are you doing here?” He rushed over to you, hands on your shoulders as he began to push you towards the door.
“Logan, I’m here for you!” You said, planting your feet and staring up into his eyes. He shook his head in disagreement and began to push you out of the room again. “You shouldn’t have come here. It’s too dangerous.”
“L-Logan. Stop pushing me.”
“Shouldn’t be here.. not safe..” He mumbled, gathering your bags and placing them in your hands. “Logan!” You yelled now, dropping the bags at your feet and making your way over to his cowering form.
“You should be at home.” He grunted. “I need to leave. The threat isn’t dealt with.” He said, turning to leave you alone once more.
"Logan, you can't keep doing this!" You exclaimed, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear. "Every time you go on these missions alone, you leave me behind, unsure of your safety. You need support with you.”
Logan's jaw tightened. "I can handle it. I've been doing this long before we met. It's what I do."
"But we're supposed to be a team," you shot back, voice breaking as tears welled up in your eyes. "How am I supposed to just be okay with you shutting me out, okay with you making me feel like I don't matter in your life?"
Logan's eyes softened for a moment, and you thought he might wrap you in his arms and speak to you his apologies, but that was only a thought. He stiffened up and turned away, his voice gruff. "This is not about you. It's about keeping you safe. I can't risk losing you." A crack in his voice was the only sign of emotion. You shook your head rapidly, frustration and sadness boiling over. "Logan don't you see? Every time you go out there alone, I feel a piece of you slip away. I can't do this, Logan. I can't keep living everyday unsure, waiting for the day you decide you simply do not need me anymore.” You spoke, voice trembling with every word. Logan's shoulders slumped, the weight of your words seeming to have had an effect. He sighed and turned towards you again, his eyes filled with a mix of pain and regret.
"I... I don't know how to do this any other way." He mumbled, avoiding your gaze. You took a step closer and reached out for one of his bloody hands.
"Then we need to find a way together. Because I won’t continue letting you push me away. We need to stick together." You breathed, regaining some composure. “You know I’m capable of helping. I don’t understand why you don’t let me come with you.” He pulled his hand away from yours aggressively, that stony expression returning to his face.
“Y/N. Enough.” He said, “You’re not strong enough to join me on these missions.” You blinked rapidly, feeling the burning sensation of tears returning to your eyes.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that you’re weak, Y/N.”
“You don’t really mean that.” Your voice lowered.
“Right now, I do.” He gritted his teeth, baring that once charming smile into a grim line.
“You’re fucking pathetic, James. We’re supposed to be together, in everything.” Your sadness slowly morphed into a rising anger. Logan's eyes flashed with anger at your statement. "You don't get it, do you? I don't need a partner. I don’t need back up. I need you to stay safe. And out of my way. If that means you hating me, or you leaving me entirely then so be it.” He told you, jaw tightening. “I tried the domestic life once. You know what happened. I won’t do it again. I mean, just look wherre it fucking got me.” He flashed his claws, a pained frown spreading over his face.
“I don’t recognize you anymore, Wolverine.” You stated. “I didn’t fall in love with this version of you.”
He sighed and looked into your eyes, his mind’s pain and uncertainty filling the air around you so thick you could nearly feel it choking you.
“I am sorry, Y/N.” He lifted his bags off the floor and with a single glance into your eyes, he turned and walked out, leaving you standing there, heartbroken and riddled with doubt. You didn’t know if you could ever bridge the massive chasm between you.
sorry the ending was a bit rushed. hope you liked it <3
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2chopsticks2eyes · 4 months
(Part Two)
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This is part two of a multiple part series, please be sure to start from part one!
(Part One) | (Part Two)
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Angst, (Smut), (Fluff)
Word Count (all parts): ~21.8k | AO3
Summary: You were penniless and working tirelessly at a seedy club when you were assaulted. As soon as you resigned yourself to your fate, Lee Minho saved you, albeit grudgingly. You received treatment and you didn’t have to pay them a dime under one condition: You must be confined to his home for the remainder of your recovery.
Author’s Note:
The overall plot line was based off a recommendation from @linoots from Tumblr (I received permission from them to write this type of content)
(I’ve missed you all dearly. So sorry it’s taken so long 🥺)
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You silently watched as the doctor removed the IV that had been pumping fluids into your body for the past 48 hours and you rubbed the uncomfortable bandage he replaced it with.
You refused to make eye contact with him. In fact, you did not look or talk to anybody since you woke up in that same home-hospital room you had grown accustomed to. Not Chris, not Felix, and definitely not Minho.
You were a shell of your former self and you didn’t know if you were upset or relieved that you were revived. You didn’t know what to make of it. But now, there was one emotion you knew that burned brighter than your numbness.
You couldn’t quite believe Felix’s words when he said that Minho was the one who came to your rescue… again…
But that was preposterous. The bastard probably told the younger man to say that to make himself look better… Whatever, fuck it all.
You allowed yourself to be led back to your room to get some rest. However, when Felix left and Minho walked in, you fortified your walls even further. You felt your face turn sour with each passing moment without even looking at the man and you rolled over in bed so your back was facing him.
There was a long pause of silence that seemed to drag on for hours.
You finally heard a long sigh and then the sound of him plopping down into the chair by your bed. “You know…” He started, and you squeezed your eyes shut. “There’s a reason I bothered to do all of this...”
You tried your hardest to ignore him, but you couldn’t control the fact that his words piqued your interest, your ears already tuned-in to his velvety voice.
“Not just this time, but… the reason I brought you here in the first place.” After a moment of silence, he realized you weren’t going to respond, so he huffed in frustration. “Forget it.”
You suddenly heard the door open and you peered over your shoulder. Without turning to face you, he blankly said, “You are now required to have 24/7 supervision, congratulations.”
And with that, the man walked out while Felix walked in, a meek smile on his face and hands full with baked goods.
“In the mood for cookies?” You sighed and just returned to your side as you balled up in a mess of frustration and confusion under the covers, mind still tingling with the thought of what Minho was going to say.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Felix. I’m a grown woman.”
Felix just huffed, obviously sick and tired of your complaints. “You know why it’s this way, sweetie. Don’t blame me for doing my job.”
The topic was a constant now. He was obviously there for your physical therapy, but he was also everywhere else. You loved the man, you did, but there is only so much time you could stand without a little alone time!
You wanted to watch TV? He was there. You wanted to nap? He was there. You couldn’t even go to the bathroom without having to leave the door open so he ‘has access to you at all times’. Thank god he stayed outside while you did your business…
After a week of this bullshit, you decided to do something about it…
Throughout your exploration of the house, you found some rooms with names on them. Evidently the ones that Minho once said were strictly prohibited. A couple of the rooms had names you were completely unfamiliar with, but others, you remembered well. Chan, Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, and finally some large double-doors with the initials L.M.
Lee Minho.
The man had supposedly been ‘out on business’ the entire week, but you knew for sure he had come back today with all of the ruckus of the house staff.
So, when you were positive that Felix had finally passed out on the sofa in your room for the night, you, as quietly as humanly possible, snuck out of the room and tip-toed down the hallway and downstairs to the doors you knew by heart now.
The room was surprisingly extremely secluded and you thanked the heavens because you knew for sure you wouldn’t be able to keep cool once he was in sight. You were fully prepared to bang your fist all the way through Minho’s door to meet the man himself if that’s what it took, but as you raised your fist to knock, the door suddenly opened.
Well… shit…
You really didn’t want to admit it, you really didn’t, but… the sight before you was absolutely, without a doubt, mouth watering. He looked just as surprised as you, but you found yourself focused on something other than his face for once…
The man was completely shirtless, pajama pants riding low on his hips and revealing the prominent V of his abdomen. Speaking of abdomen, the dude was of course ripped. Well, maybe not Dr. Chris (Or Christopher, or Chan, or what the fuck ever you want to call him) kind of ripped, but enough to make your eyes bulge out and glue themselves to every inch of impeccably toned abs and pecs.
And another thing that stood out in particular was the sleeve of tattoos twisting and swirling around the upper half of his right arm. You had only seen him in button-ups thus far and, even if he rolled up his sleeves, you somehow hadn’t ever noticed it. You were usually hyper-focused on his face, but at that moment, all you could see was the vast amount of skin on display.
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“What are you doing here?” His stern words snapped you back to reality and you had to rapidly blink to regain a semblance of consciousness.
What am I doing? You shivered and grimaced at yourself for your intrusive thoughts before meeting his eyes.
“Uh-uhh I–” You halted your words when you noticed he was clutching something on his side. Curiosity got the better of you and you peered around his towering frame to see a soiled and basically useless bandage dripping with blood. “Holy shit! Are you alright?!” You said stepping towards him instinctively, catching yourself once he tensed and stepped back, correcting his posture as if to defend himself.
Psh, what could you possibly do to him? You couldn’t even defend yourself…
He glanced at the cloth he was currently pressing to his side and made a disgruntled noise. “I’m fine.” He said with a curt and slightly annoyed huff. “Why don’t you have anyone watching you right now?” He grumbled, obviously frustrated as he looked around behind you in search of your babysitter.
You furrowed your brows, still peeved but also worried about the still-bleeding wound on his side. “I had to sneak away because I don’t necessarily appreciate being babysat like a fucking child! Now you need to refresh that bandage before it gets infected!” You borderline shouted.
You could almost feel the daggers he shot at you with his eyes pierce through your flesh. “I said I’m fine! Now go back to be– Hey!”
You cut his sentence off short when you saw a first aid kit that looked like it had been through war and back on a small table behind him before you marched your way in, not giving two flying fucks that you were invading his room. “Get your ass in here, we need to clean you up first.” You demanded, collecting the kit and marching into what looked like the ensuite, completely ignoring his protests.
Jesus, is this much luxury even necessary? You thought as you passed through his behemoth of a room. Gray, white, and covered in smooth marble and chandeliers, it housed all of the amenities to be considered its own wing of the house. The gray material of the sofa and bed looked so soft and luxurious you were tempted to walk over and run your fingers along them. But that would have to wait.
He slammed his bedroom door shut with a huff and turned around. “You can’t just–!” You ignored him as you strolled into the bathroom (Still unnecessarily gorgeous).
“Just get your ass in here and sit!” You shouted from the bathroom. When you saw him stop in the doorway and glare at you, you just proceeded to open the first-aid kit and then pointed at the black and white marble countertop next to the sink. “Sit.”
He rolled his eyes before squeezing them shut and breathing out a slow sigh. “You… You’re a pain in my ass.” He groaned before dragging his feet over to you and hopping up to sit on the counter like you asked. If you hadn’t been right in front of him, you would have almost missed the slight hiss of pain he breathed through clenched teeth.
Why you had felt a pang of sympathy for the man, you had no clue.
He watched you apprehensively as you washed your hands and moved to face him. A brief moment of awkward silence had permeated the air before you tentatively raised your hands to remove the soiled bandage.
Minho visibly stiffened, but he made no move to stop you as your shaky fingers slowly peeled back the gauze.
Holy shit. That was 100% unmistakably a bullet wound.
Your mind was automatically transported back to that first night where you witnessed this guy casually gun down those men, effectively splattering five different brains on the fresh snow without even batting an eyelash. Who the fuck is Lee Minho? And what all was he capable of?
“If you’re going to just stand there and stare, then kindly leave me the fuck alone.” His gruff voice made you jump slightly as you were pulled from your thoughts.
You cleared your throat as you proceeded to throw away the red-stained dressing. You avoided his eyes as you grabbed the saline solution and a towel, still feeling his eyes bore into you with every movement.
However, you froze as you held the saline up to the mangled skin. “U-um… Did you take out—?”
“Yes, I already removed the bullet. Get on with it.”
Your stomach churned at his affirmation of the cause of injury, but you were getting sick and tired of his assholery as you glared up at his blackened eyes. “You know, a little gratitude goes a long way, shithead.”
He seemed stunned for a moment, looking at you as if you had gone crazy before returning to his deadly glower. “Look here, Tinkerbell—“ You bristled at that stupid-ass name again… “YOU’RE the one that barged in here. YOU’RE the one who has been a pain in my ass ever since you got here. So, no, I won’t give ‘gratitude’ where it’s not deserved. Plus, you’re the one to talk…” He murmured the last bit, but you still clearly heard him.
“Then why bother saving me in the first place?!” You basically screamed at him.
Silence and a shocked disposition was all you got in return.
“I had nothing to live for anyway, so why bother?! You could have just as easily ignored what was happening and went on your merry fucking way. Could have left me behind that dumpster to freeze and bleed to death so you wouldn’t have to deal with this ‘pain in the ass’. Could have also left me alone to OD and suffocate on my own vomit the other day. So what gives?” You finished with a seething remark while gesturing to yourself.
His face was stark blank. “You want to know why I saved you?” He said through gritted teeth. You just responded with a curt nod. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before his expression morphed into something more solemn. It seemed like he was having an internal battle before he began to speak. He finally sighed and leaned his head back against the wall mirror with closed eyes. “I once… I had a cousin, one that was very close to me. I would always be overbearing and protective and she would always tell me to stop babying her.”
He chuckled fondly as he reminisced and you found yourself latching onto his every word. You chalked it up to the fact that you were finally learning something about this enigmatic man and this whole fucked up situation.
“Anyway, as we got older and I got busier, I began giving her more space. She was becoming a woman and I accepted the fact that she could begin to take care of herself.” He paused, but considering the faintest waver in his voice and his dry swallow, it didn’t sound like it was because he was waiting for a response… “I thought she was safe… but there were… others… vile pigs that knew how close she was to me…”
Another beat of silence and you watched his face slowly morph from sorrow to unbridled rage.
“I found her in almost the exact way I found you…” His words felt like a punch to the gut and painful images flooded your mind as you swallowed the bile that rose to your chest. “But, in her case, the scum that had… done that to her had already fled and I… I couldn’t save—” He squeezed his eyes tighter and his jaw clenched hard around the emotions before they could spill out.
You both knew he didn’t need to finish that sentence.
You felt the numbness that had taken over your soul begin to crack once again at the feeling of sympathy towards his cousin, and that shit scared you like none other.
“So, yeah. You might be a raging bitch and I might be a pretentious motherfucker. But even so, I couldn’t just leave you… I just couldn’t…” You felt something churn in your gut and you furrowed your brows in frustration as to what it was. You watched him take a deep breath and sit up a bit straighter. “So, with that being said, I can’t just allow you to throw away everything you’ve worked for so far.”
As if indicating that he had enough of the back-and-forth, he attempted to grab the saline bottle from your hand, only to be met with adamant resistance. You gently pushed his hand away (thankfully without any struggle) and brought the saline and towel up to his ever-bleeding wound that was dripping down to the puddle it created, causing a concerning amount of deep crimson to flood the marble countertop.
You silently flushed the deep cavern with the solution until you deemed it was properly cleaned before moving on to the peroxide. “This might sting a bit…” You warned as you watched his jaw clench. He closed his eyes as you disinfected it and you wondered how he could keep so cool after having a bullet plunged into his side.
Once he was properly cleaned and covered in antibiotic ointment, you picked up the gauze and searched for some tape. Your eyes widened as he wordlessly moved to hand you a long compression wrap.
You emitted a noise that sounded somewhat like a sputtering engine and your face flushed as you saw his suppressed smirk. To wrap that thing around him, you would have to run your hands all over his muscled torso… fuck.
“Something the matter?” He lilted in that nonchalant, annoying timbre. Teasing. “If you don–”
“It’s fine!” You cut him off, maybe a bit too loudly as you refused to make eye contact. “It’s just… just… don’t you have any dressing tape?” You said as you coincidentally eyed his well-defined pecs and abs.
He shrugged. “Nope. Not with me anyway. I just have this—“ He said while waving the fabric in front of your face again with a challenging brow lifted.
You nervously chuckled and squeaked out, “O-okay… Stand up…” You instantly felt goosebumps rise all over your flesh as he hopped off the counter, keeping the gauze pressed to his wound, and stepped a bit too close for a man you barely even knew. Deep breaths, you can do this…
“Hey…” You slowly raised your eyes to meet his own at the sound of the softer change in his tone. He took the tiniest step back to make it easier for him to look you in the eyes. “If you're uncomfortable… I mean… I’m not…” You don’t think you had ever seen him struggle so much with his words. He sighed and closed his eyes before sadly looking at you again. “You have nothing to be afraid of with me… I wouldn’t even think of…” He huffed and shook his head in disgust as he seemed to be thinking of the exact same thing that had plagued you day and night since arriving here.
Before he could even drive his point home, you gently laid your hand on his shoulder, causing his gaze to return to you. “I know…” You replied. “You hardly scare me, Lee Minho.” You teased with a wry smile that even surprised you.
His disturbed face was slowly replaced with a pleasantly surprised grin similar to your own. You watched with feigned mockery as he raised the wrapping once again. “Then prove it, Tink.” You just scoffed and rolled your eyes at the shortened version of his unrelenting name for you and snatched the elastic cloth from his hand.
“Fine.” You huffed defiantly before looking at his abdomen once again. You tentatively pressed the end of the wrap against his heated skin that made you blush. You could feel him watching you and you suddenly felt like hiding.
You wrapped the bandage over several times, feeling yourself tense up every time you touched his bare skin, and secured it tightly once you were finished. “O—“ Your voice cracked when you tried to speak and your face heated as you cleared your throat. “Okay, you’re finished…”
You wouldn’t look him in the eyes, how could you after you basically forced him to let you run your hands all over his tan, muscular, and absolutely gorgeous skin?
“W—“ He hesitated and, despite yourself, you found your eyes instinctively seeking his own out to somehow read the words through his dark irises. You found he was searching your eyes as well with pursed lips before he looked away and cleared his throat as well. “Thank you.”
“Channie-hyung wasn’t available when I returned home so I tried to take care of it myself. I guess my half-assed effort didn’t do much, huh?” He chuckled and looked back at you with a meek smile.
Who the fuck is this man and where did Lee Minho go?
He nervously chuckled and you realized you’d been staring at the man far too long. You took a deep breath and stepped back. “Well, I kind of owed it to you now, didn’t I?” You said it lightheartedly, but he furrowed his brows.
“You don’t ever have to owe me anything.”
You arched a brow, but he just turned and began packing away the first aid kit again. You watched his back, trying to remember why you came to his room in the first place. “Minho?”
He stilled his movements.
“What do you even do?” He turned and arched a brow at you and you rolled your eyes, stepping forward next to him to lean against the counter. “Like, you are obviously loaded…” You said gesturing to your luxurious surroundings. “You have a full staff with a doctor to patch up nasty bullet holes like this and god knows what else…” You both looked at his bandage. “And not to mention the bullets you cleared through those guys’ heads without even blinking an eye that night…”
He bit his lip and you followed the action with your eyes. You instinctively wet your own lips. After he was done staring at the marble countertop for an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time, he hesitantly turned his body to face you.
“You could say I sort of run something like a… secret organization?” He said tentatively like it was a question unto himself and you furrowed your brows.
You squinted skeptically at him. “So… you're telling me—“ Is that worry on his face? “—that you're a secret agent? Like a spy?” You looked at him in disbelief.
He sputtered a restrained laugh and looked at you with a suppressed smile. “I suppose you could say I’m like a spy.”
“LIKE a spy?”
He looked up like he was deliberating. “Sure. Like a spy.”
“But not actually a spy?”
He groaned at your questioning and ran a hand through his messy hair. Come to think of it, this is the most dressed-down look you’d seen on him. Gone were the button-ups and slacks, now replaced by sweats and a compression wrap over his shirtless body.
He stood straight and crossed his arms, obviously ready for the conversation to be over. “Does it matter? Look, it’s already really late and Yongbok will panic if he realizes you ran off.”
Oh shit, that’s right. That’s the whole reason you were even there. In Minho’s bathroom. Standing closely to him. With the man half naked and you in your flimsy, silk nightwear. Your peaked nipples seemed suddenly way more apparent as you crossed your arms over your chest. You rapidly blinked as if suddenly waking up and quickly stepped back.
“I-I wanted to ask you something…” He arched his brow and you continued. “Can you please call off the reinforcements? I know I made a bad decision and all, but I will honestly go crazy if I have to use the bathroom with the door open one more time.” You found yourself begging rather than demanding like you had initially intended.
Why, though?
He looked hesitant and you quickly added, “I don’t even mean all of the time! Like, I’ll keep my bedroom door open so he can check up on me and he can even watch me secretly while I’m around the house, I just want at least a little sense of privacy!”
You knew you sounded like a pathetic child, but you had resigned yourself to that fate as soon as you had to take a massive, violent shit earlier that day and you knew Felix had heard everything from the other room. Without any doors to create that sweet, sweet sound barrier? Ugh… You were still mortified to look at him.
You silently watched him with imploring eyes as he tiredly rubbed his brow. “You…” You widened your eyes with a hopeful energy pulsing through them, hoping to portray as such as he looked into your pleading eyes. He sighed. “I suppose those terms are fair…” You lit up like a Christmas tree before he raised a finger. “BUT, if you are EVER alone ANYWHERE, you need to let him know where you are and give him regular updates on your whereabouts to let him know if you are okay. Okay?”
You vehemently nodded your head and perked up. “Thank GOD!”
He smirked and crossed his arms again. “I think I like you calling me a god. Have I upgraded from a narcissistic asshole?” He tilted his head with raised brows and you were, once again, reminded how gorgeous this man really was.
You rolled your eyes and went to shove his shoulder, but before you could even touch him, he grabbed your wrist in the blink of an eye. For some reason, you both looked surprised as he froze with your wrist in his hand from less than a foot away. Your heart was racing and you chalked it up to being from fear of someone grabbing you.
But why did that conclusion not feel quite right…?
Before you could ponder it, he dropped your arm and quickly stepped away. “Fuck. I-I’m sorry.” He shook his head and you watched worry swirl in his eyes.
No, you weren’t afraid of this man. You don’t know why, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you intentionally. Even after everything… “It was just instinct! I swear! I would never intend to—“
“I know, Minho.” You cut off his panicking, but his brows gave away his lingering concern. “I guess I’m just going to have to take your word for it on the whole spy thing, though, because those were super fast reflexes.” You chuckled to ease the tension and his face softened slightly.
It was silent for a moment and he cleared his throat again. “Well, I should walk you back to your room, it’s late and I’ve had… a very long few days.”
You took a large breath and promptly left the bathroom. “I’m perfectly fine on my own, you know?” There’s that twinge of irritation again…
”I know, I know. But if Yongbok is awake, I want to be able to ease his worries and update him on his role in taking care of you.
Taking care of…
Not treating, not monitoring. Taking care of. You supposed that’s what they were doing, huh? Felix was, in fact, doing much more than treating or monitoring. He waited on you hand and foot and you were being a bitch about it. You made a promise to yourself right then and there to let him know as soon as possible how much you appreciated his care and apologize for your behavior.
You nodded, both to yourself and to Minho’s reasoning before making your way back to your room with the mysterious and intriguing man just a few steps behind you.
Felix was a saint. Not only did he forgive you when you apologized, but he went as far to say it was his fault for being overbearing. Which was obviously preposterous.
With your new parameters in effect, Felix decided to leave the estate shortly, before quickly returning with gifts for you. Among them were several jigsaw puzzles and you perked up at the sight of them. Over time, you had come to really appreciate those puzzles. So much so that you had already finished all of the ones currently at the estate, strangely enough. All kinds of different collections displayed on random tables throughout the mansion.
Felix was true to his word and gave you your space, only briefly giving you regular check-ups as you sat in one of the many living rooms that giant freaking place held and began the therapeutic work of putting together an adorable puzzle of a litter of kittens.
You would love to have cats…
When a sudden ruckus erupted down the hall, you furrowed your brows and looked behind you to the source. Down the corridor you saw the same seven men that you had seen regularly around the house (obviously minus Felix) dressed in what looked like active-wear gathering around the front entryway.
The men never approached you, but that was most likely because you tried to make yourself scarce once you saw one of them. Maybe Dr. Chris, Felix, and Minho you trusted, but you didn’t know those other men and it made you sick to your stomach thinking of being alone with a stranger without one of those three men accompanying you.
”Okay, guys, this is just routine training today, so no fire hazards, alright Hyunjin?” You heard Minho announce to the group.
Training? Like their super-secret-spy type training?
You felt yourself stand and march over to them without even formulating what you were doing. Who needs rational thought anyway?
If you were remembering correctly, the one named Jeongin spotted you first with a look of surprise. “Come. On. Hyuuung. We need to be prepared for anyth—“ Jeongin harshly elbowed the one who you assumed was Hyunjin and quickly spoke up.
’Hy-Mr. Lee, sir. I think someone is here for you…” He nodded a bow to you and you returned it, giving a meek smile to the group before meeting Minho’s gaze.
He looked slightly surprised before giving you… was that a smile? No, surely not…
You cleared your throat as Felix made his way over with hurried steps and a worried expression. You, then, glanced over at the other men who had become quiet as death upon you stepping up next to Minho. You scanned over them before slightly bowing. “Um… Good morning…” You introduced yourself before hearing a small ‘oh’ from the man beside you. You turned your head as he stepped forward and turned to face you again.
”I guess I haven’t really introduced them all to you yet… These are my… This is my inner circle.” He hesitated and turned to gesture to each of them. “Some I’m sure you already know. Like Channie-Hyung, Yongbok, and Jisung.” The three nodded politely with soft smiles. “But to formally introduce you to the others, this is Changbin…” The shorter, muscular man offered a shy smile. “Hyunjin…” Your eyebrows raise at the incredibly handsome man as his full lips formed a smile as well. “Seungmin…”
”Nice to formally meet you.” He said with an amused grin and you nervously chuckled as you informed him likewise.
”Then there’s our maknae, Jeonginnie.” Hyunjin cooed at the youngest when he also gave a shy smile and he received a death-glare in return.
All of the men remained incredibly polite, bowing their heads when introduced and maintaining their distance. Shit, they probably already know everything about you and your situation… especially considering the fact that no one asked you who you were or why you were there.
You guessed you understood and you were actually somewhat grateful. It saved you from having to explain it yourself and relive all of the pain again…
”It’s very nice to meet you all.” You gave the men a polite smile before turning to Minho again. You were on a mission. “Minho, can I please come train with you guys?”
You could hear a pin drop with how silent the room got. “You… you want to train?” You gave a determined nod before slumping your shoulders at his shake of the head. “No. No way.”
“What?! Why?!”
”Um, I think it’s best we head out first. We will meet you there sir.” The youngest quickly relayed before walking out the front door with the other men in tow, Felix quickly retreating to some other corner of the estate.
After watching the mass leave, you fixed your glare on Minho’s resolute expression. “Not only are you not employed by me, but you also have an injured arm—“
”It could be good therapy for me! And I can even raise it horizontally now!” You demonstrated the movement with gritted teeth, trying to hide the pain, and he responded with an unimpressed visage.
“You are already receiving therapy and you would just be a liability. So, no. End of discussion.”
A liability? Ouch.
You felt anger rise up in you and you took a step near him, his features remaining stone-cold. “You… You’re a… ugh!” You couldn’t even muster up the will to call him an asshole anymore. What the fuck was WRONG with you?
With the lack of anything better to say, you furiously stomped away up to your bedroom to fume in private, but not without flipping him off the entire way there.
“Knock knock, love.” Felix announced before stepping through your open doorway. It hadn’t been long since you petulantly curled up on the plush armchair by your window to angrily watch the rain outside.
Of course it would rain. Apparently fate had decided to mock you as if you were an actress in some sort of sad music video. Surely Felix would agree.
You watched with hesitancy as he held out his hand to you. “Follow me.” He said calmly with a smile. “I want to show you a new room.” You perked up at that notion. You had been running out of places to explore recently and the prospect of seeing something new was like a kid going to a playground.
You took his hand and allowed him to lead you to one of the many locked double-doors on the estate. What you saw made you gasp in awe. Bookshelves upon bookshelves lined the walls of a massive, two-storied library that was stocked to max capacity with what looked like brand new books as well as older than hell pieces of literature. All surrounding a cozy living area with couches, armchairs, and even a fireplace.
”Minho-hyung must really trust you to let me show you this. These books mean a great deal to him and many of them are extremely fragile as well.” He trusts me? You thought as you watched Felix’s eyes widen. “I-I mean Mr. Lee…”
You furrowed your brows and turned to him. “Why do you do that?” You asked and he just blinked at you with worry written on his features.
”D-do what?”
Playing dumb, are we? “That! Those other guys do it too! Why don’t you just call him Hyung? You all are obviously close. Why try to hide it?”
Felix nervously rubbed the side of his neck and looked down. “It’s not like we are trying to hide it, necessarily. We are just trained to remain professional. It’s just much harder when we are all home and much more relaxed.”
You nodded your head in understanding. “But why do you try to hide it with me? I’m not exactly here on business.” You arched your brow and he smiled sweetly.
”It…” He seemed hesitant to speak until he sighed and lowered his head. “If we keep things professional with you, it might be easier when we have to see you go…” You were taken aback. Easier? Is he saying they would miss you? Why? You were a nobody, and you were honestly kind of a bitch. No, that can’t be it.
”What do you mean by easier?”
He seemed confused by your question. “When you spend so much time with someone, it’s easy to get attached. Even the coldest heart can find warmth in someone they find trustworthy and important.”
Trustworthy? Important? You? What in the world did you do to earn those titles?
Felix must have read the disbelief on your face because he continued. “You and I have spent a lot of time together over the past months. I’ve learned a lot about you and your habits.” You blushed. He most definitely knows a lot about you. He’s seen a lot too. “I know you are a good person. I have an eye for these things.”
He winked at you and you huffed a chuckle.
“And Minho-hyung knows you are a good person too. He just has a different way of… expressing his feelings.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “No, it’s true! We discuss you and your progress often and the kind of leniency he gives you in this place is unheard of for anyone other than our circle. Even some of the house staff haven’t been allowed in some of these rooms you’ve seen.”
What on god’s green earth did you say to them to trust you? I mean, of course they can trust you. You bear no ill will toward any of them, not seriously anyway. But why do they think so? Felix could definitely see the confusion on your face when he gently placed a hand on your upper back and guided you two further into the treasure-trove of books.
“Don’t think about it too much, love. Just know that everything we do, we do out of good and pure intentions.”
You definitely thought about it too much.
You were determined.
You were going to get out of that damned house, even if just for a minute, whether he liked it or not. By exploring the house, you ended up finding a board room, like true business-official type shit. A long table surrounded by office chairs and even a projector screen. And with a small tip from Felix, you knew they all happened to have a meeting that morning.
An actual business meeting. Not the one including half-naked women this time.
So, after gearing up in some serious workout attire, you marched yourself to that exact room, not even bothering to knock. You were on a mission. ”Lee Minho, I demand to be included in your training. I won’t take no for an answer!”
His were the first eyes you seeked out when you entered the room and you willed yourself to not back down.
You, then, remembered the presence of the other seven men in the room and how silent everyone had become. It was as if they thought, if they move even slightly, all hell would break loose. And by looking at Minho’s facial expression, they might have good reason to think as such.
”I. Said. NO. Now please see your way out. As you can see, we are clearly busy.” You were pissed, no, more than pissed, but you squared your shoulders.
However, before you could utter a word, Jisung spoke up. “Hyung. I think we should let her. She is obviously passionate about it.” Minho glared at his friend and then back at you. He was silent for a moment, as if he was deliberating, before speaking again.
”FUCKING HELL, MAN! I have been sitting on my ass here for months now for a reason I’m sure everyone here already knows about—!“ You watched guilty expressions color the room. “—and now that I’m getting better, you’re not going to help me defend myself if something like that happens again?” You witnessed his eyes widen as a traitorous tear fell down your cheek. “Fuck. You. Lee Minho!”
Resilience be damned, you were itching to escape that suffocating room and the problem within it. You stormed away once more with a harsh slam of the door and a burning fire inside you fueled by hate and anger.
Fuck this.
You felt a plop on the couch next to you and you jolted in place with a tiny squeak.
After the meeting room fiasco, you had been spending all of your time in the library. You were so immersed in your book that you didn’t even realize there was another presence in the room.
With a quick whip of the head and an incredulous look on your face, you watched Minho smirk next to you in amusement. “For someone who is super quick with their tongue, you sure are slow with everything else.” He chuckled as you came down from your fright and you placed a hand on your rapidly beating heart.
That motherfucker just about killed you! Well, not literally, but still! You closed your eyes to collect yourself before opening them again to glare at him.
However, instead of that same annoying smirk, his face turned into one of regret. “Shit, I’m sorry… I didn’t even think if that would make you… fuck, I didn’t—“
”It’s fine!” You quickly cut him off, knowing where he was going with that statement. “I-I’m fine… you just startled me a bit.” You calmly placed your bookmark before turning back to him with narrowed eyes. He looked a bit more relieved.
”Still, I need to be more… considerate.” He looked down at his hands, avoiding your eyes. “In more ways than one…” You furrowed your brows in suspicion before he returned your gaze once more. “I’ve thought about it a lot and I realized that I haven’t necessarily been easy on you throughout all of this. I might have played a part in helping you physically, but I didn’t consider how this would all affect you mentally.”
You were speechless. Was this the same man? He’s actually being… remorseful…
“So, yeah. Sorry about all that…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while averting his eyes. He clearly wasn’t used to apologizing so much. “I, um… I wanted to ask you if we could, like, start over?”
You had never seen the man fumble so much since meeting him and it was quite a refreshing sight. “Why? Are you about to drop another ridiculous rule on me and you’re just saying this to lessen the blow?” You huffed a bitter chuckle.
You could see his temper start to rise before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m saying this…” There was a slight edge to his voice before he opened his eyes again with a much more gentle demeanor. “—because I am tired of us butting heads.” He slumped into the backrest and you arched a brow. “And also because you were right.”
Okay. Something is seriously wrong.
”I thought it would be dangerous for you to train with professionals and be subjected to a room full of random men.” He limply turned his head your way while remaining melted into the cushions. “And yes, there will be other men there. All of my subordinates use this training center. It’s one of my most used gyms for my… industry.”
You scoffed. “Pft. ‘Industry’” You mocked with finger quotations.
He smirked. “Yes. Industry.” His face gradually returned to a more serious disposition. “There is also the matter of secrecy.” You nodded your head. Yeah, that made sense considering his occupation, but who were you going to tell? “Not saying I don’t trust you—“
”Why do you trust me?” You blurted, the question still buzzing around in your mind like an annoying pest. He furrowed his brows as if he didn’t understand. You continued. “Like, yeah, I get why you saved me now and all, but why do you trust ME?”
His brow slightly softened and he cleared his throat. “Y-you have given me no reason not to trust you. Why? Did you do something?” He said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “No, asshole. It’s obvious to me that you should trust me, but you’re just going to take my word for it? You must be a really shitty spy.” He guffawed loudly, sitting up with a bright grin as he seemed like himself again.
”You haven’t seen what I can do, Tinkerbell.” You rolled your eyes, but you did find the notion intriguing.
”Oh yeah? What can you do?” You could see a spark light up in his eyes as he stared into your own and you had to gulp down the saliva that pooled in your mouth from the sight.
”Well…” He shifted to face you, elbow now propped up on the back of the couch. “You’ll get to see some of it when we train you.”
You felt your heart jolt. “When you train me?” You felt the corners of your mouth slowly lifting and his followed right behind.
”We leave at noon. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He mused.
”No! No, I want to!” You looked at the clock. 11:30. Shit, he couldn’t have told you a little sooner? You sprang to your feet and he stood as well. “Just let me go change and I’ll meet you in the foyer.”
He just gave you a brief nod before turning on his heel and leaving you giddily buzzing in your skin.
Somehow, you had plenty of options to choose from, but you opted for a simple T-shirt and joggers. Not the cutest, but who were you trying to impress?
A vision of Minho flashed in your mind and you reeled from the thought. Ugh. Why did my head think of HIM? In fact, why were you thinking so much about him in the first place? You chalked it up to it being from interacting more frequently nowadays. Yes. That must be it. You resolutely threw on a hoodie over your shirt and marched your way to the foyer.
“You ready? It won’t be easy.” He said from where he was leaned up against the staircase banister. You took in the sight of his workout attire, not really taking the time to fully appreciate it until now.
He wore a loose pair of sweatpants and an airy tank top that allowed you to gaze at his intricate sleeve of tattoos once more. He would almost look human if he hadn’t been blessed with his other-worldly beauty.
You blinked away the thoughts and gave a firm nod to him in response. “I don’t want easy. I want effective.”
He smirked and stood up straight when you approached. “We’ll see soon how confident you are in that statement.” You glared and he gestured his head. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Instead of heading out the front, he made his way further into the house. You furrowed your brows. “Where are the other guys? And where are you going?”
”Tsk. So many questions!” He mused and grinned at your responding scowl. “The guys are already there and, as to where we are going…” He stepped up to a large door located in the next room and opened the door for you to enter first, your face surely gawking at the luxury. You heard a chuckle from behind you. “Your reactions are always so adorable.” He smoothly teased.
You whipped around and glared at him as he just continued walking past you. “Now…” He turned back to face you again. “Which one do you want to take?” He said plainly as he gestured to the plethora of extremely expensive cars.
The garage definitely looked like it belonged in a spy movie, but you were stumped. He said he was like a spy. Not a spy. Like a spy. You were still racking your brain as to what that meant.
Your eyes grazed over the fancy marble interior of the museum-like garage and the cars on display. How can someone have this much disposable income?
You didn’t know the first thing about cars, why did you have to pick?
When you just pointed to some random car, he raised his brows. “Really? The Rolls Royce?”
“Well, shit I dunno! Why do I need to pick? You obviously know more than I do when it comes to this!”
He cackled and led you closer to your chosen car. “Oh, I know waaay more than you, Tink.” You grumbled and he chuckled as he opened the door for you, letting you slide into the disgustingly luxurious vehicle.
”Why do you even have all of these cars? Don’t you have someone else to drive you?” He donned a cocky half-grin when he slipped into the driver seat.
”Sure, when I’m on business I do. But we are just going to train.”
In the blink of an eye, his face was directly in front of yours as he reached across you, eyes fixed on your seatbelt strap as he grasped the material. As soon as he stretched it across your body, he seemed to notice your surprise.
He froze, blinked at you rapidly, then quickly averted his gaze back down to the strap to buckle you in. He cleared his throat and gulped before starting the car. “Plus…” He added with a slightly strained voice. “It’s not nearly as fun riding as it is driving.”
“Was the bag seriously necessary? Who would I even tell?!” You seethed as you threw the black, silky fabric at him.
Before you two even left the driveway, he forced you to shove your head in a stupid black hood so you “couldn’t know the location” once you left the estate later. You told him that it was unnecessary and stupid, but the man insisted.
You ripped the damned thing off as soon as he put the car in park.
”Have you forgotten what I told you? About my work? Why are you surprised with the secrecy?” He explained calm and composed as he discarded the bag in the car again.
”Well then blindfold me next time! I could barely breathe!” You were over exaggerating, of course. That material was extremely airy and breathable, you just wanted to feel superior to such treatment.
”Well excuse me, your highness…” He rolled his eyes as he pulled out his keys and walked up to the door of a large, nondescript, concrete building. Unlocking and opening the door for you, he gave you an exaggerated bow.
You narrowed your eyes at him as you passed the threshold, and marched into what looked like a massive gym complex of some sort.
However, the entire building was devoid of life. Of course that’s not including the seven familiar figures you saw fighting on the far end of the room. ”I thought you said all of your employees train here?” You said with an arched brow.
Minho passed you with a shrug. “Not today they don’t.” Well that answered nothing…
”Hey there, girly! Ready to get that blood pumping?”
”Calm down, Changbin. She is still going through therapy, remember?” Dr. Chris told the younger muscle man from where he was doing crazy heavy deadlifts off to the side.
”I know, I know, grandpa.” Changbin smirked at the doctor’s glare. “But just remember: ‘What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow.’”
The other men groaned in tandem and you found yourself slightly smiling. “That’s a great motivational outlook, Changbin.” You said to the group as you watched Changbin’s face light up.
”Okay, enough, enough.” Minho declared. “Today’s training is obviously a bit different than usual.” He gestured vaguely at you. “We have a base level trainee and she needs to be trained from ground zero.” He gave you a side-eye and a cocky smirk. “Maybe even lower than that…”
”Hey!” You made a move to give him a lighthearted shove, and then was immediately reminded of what happened last time as his hand shot to your wrist to stop the action. You tried to free yourself, but his grip was like stone. “Let me go, asshole!”
”Make me.” He said as he suddenly faced you, pulling you closer. “Come on, show me. What would you do if you wanted to be released?”
You didn’t have an answer for him. Any move you could possibly make would be caught by his cat-like reflexes. You just challenged him with your eyes before his own softened, along with his grip on your wrist.
Just as your wrist was released he gave you a couple pats on the head. “Don’t worry Tinkerbell. I’m sure you will figure it out eventually.” You just about growled at him as he walked over to stand by Chris who was now seated on a bench nearby. “Channie-hyung and I are just here to observe and critique ALL of you, so do your best.” The man made an annoyed expression and waved the back of his hand in front of him. “Well? Get on with it!”
With that, you found yourself surrounded by six (frankly gorgeous) men looming over you.
“Hey! Back off! Don’t all go at her at once! I said ground zero you pabos!” Minho shouted from the sidelines before the others retreated and Changbin stepped in front of you.
”Calm down, Minho. This is what I’m here for.” You breathed in a resolute huff and nodded at Changbin. “I’m ready.”
“Watch out for her arm!”
”Don’t actually try to hurt her, idiot!”
”That’s too rough!”
The entire training session Minho had shouted at each and every one of the men trying to teach me at least once and it was growing tiresome. “Why even let me train if I can’t even, I dunno, actually train???” You grumbled at the stubborn man as the group was taking a break. “I have legitimately learned nothing with the parameters you have set!”
”For real, hyung. You aren’t letting her show her full potential. She needs—“
Minho instantly cut Changbin off. “I will decide what is needed and I think that it would be better for her to just watch for now. It’s obvious that she is not ready.”
”WHA—?” You squealed with widened eyes and a disbelieving expression.
”Actually, I think she is doing quite well in her recovery…” Dr. Chris stated matter-of-factly where he stood next to the other six men drenched in sweat.
You watched Minho slowly turn his murderous expression to the doctor, but you stepped into his line of sight before he had the chance to retaliate. “Please let me continue… I promise I will take it easy, I just…” You looked down at your restless hands before returning your gaze to his blackened irises. “This is just really important to me…”
You watched as the man’s face minutely softened and glanced at the seven men around you that also awaited his instruction.
”Please?” You implored, not used to such pleading from your end. His eyes darted back to you before he moved to rub his temples with a sigh.
“Fine.” He groaned. “But base-line self defense only. We can move on to more advanced training once you have recovered a bit more.”
You don’t know why you felt such relief come over you. Maybe it was the satisfaction of even marginally getting through to him, but you let a wide grin escape as your body involuntarily moved to hug the man.
What the fuck?
Just as quickly as you embraced the man, you retreated just as fast with furiously heated cheeks. Why in the world did you do that? You were FAR from hugging terms with him! He probably just about shot you in the head from the unexpected touch!
However, you couldn’t help but notice the citrus and sandalwood scent emanating from his solid, warm body. His skin felt like flames against yours and you welcomed the heat. It didn’t last long, but the simple contact with him made your blood boil and quickly reddened your entire face.
When you pulled back and cleared your throat, you witnessed a millisecond of bewilderment on his stone-cold face before it was immediately schooled back into place (but that did nothing to cover up his bright red ears). “Th-thank you.” You mumbled before you escaped to the water fountain that was, blessedly, on the other side of the room. Never mind the fact you had a water bottle already with you by the group…
By the time you and the rest of the boys finished (which was a very productive start if you do say so yourself), Minho had informed he was called in for an unexpected ‘business meeting’ across town and that training would finish early for the day as he needed to take a couple of his men with him.
You were a bit disappointed, but at least you got to do something. Which was more than you expected honestly.
As you requested, you were blindfolded for the car ride back instead of the stifling bag he donned you with on the way there, but you rode back with only five of his men instead.
You could feel all of their eyes on you as you rode in silence. Jeongin drove the unnecessarily expensive limousine, Changbin, and Hyunjin sat across from you, and Felix and Chan bracketed you on each side.
The silence was even more suffocating than the bag you wore earlier as you felt yourself start to become antsy. “For the love of god, please someone say something! I feel like I’m an exhibit in a museum right now.” You whined and buried your face in your hands (even though you couldn’t see anything anyway).
”And what a lovely piece of art you are, darling~” Hyunjin lilted before you heard a slap of skin and an over dramatic squawk from said man.
”Yah! Don’t be a creep!” You heard Changbin exclaim as the precious Felix giggled next to you.
”It was supposed to be a compliment!” You heard someone click their tongue before Chan decided to speak up.
”It’s interesting isn’t it…” He commanded the whole group’s attention with practiced ease and you quickly realized the hidden influence this man had over the lot of them. Which would make sense due to the fact that the doctor had probably saved most of, if not all of their lives at some point in time. “I haven’t seen or heard of Minho ever taking it easy on a trainee before… Most of them have to come see me even after their first session with him.”
”For real though, the man is ruthless with everyone else! He will even push them through the pain of broken bones!” Hyunjin exclaimed incredulously.
”He wants to make sure they are prepared through anything, even excruciating pain.” Jeongin stated simply from the driver’s seat.
Holy shit, these guys are no joke! “What the fuck? Why can’t he do the same with me?!” The entire car went dead silent in response. You could feel the annoyance creep into your bones. “Is it because I’m a girl? Seriously?!”
You heard Felix scoff next to you. “As if.” He sputtered in amusement. “The female trainees are some of the toughest among all of us.”
Then why?
”Maybe he just has a soft spot for you…” You heard Hyunjin mumble and you outright cackled at that one.
”Are you kidding?! Have you seen the way he treats me??” You question with an incredulous chuckle.
“You never knooow~” Hyunjin stated with a teasing lilt to his voice before you heard another smack.
And before another word could be said, your blindfold was removed and you were ushered into the estate once more.
A soft spot? What a joke.
I hope you guys are happy with the turn-around. 😏
I’ve missed you all so dearly and I apologize for the wait. 🥺 I would say that the next part will come out sooner, but I don’t want to guarantee that if life decides to fuck with me some more. 🙃
As always, please like, follow, and share!
Thanks baby Stays! Love you and missed you guys! 💋😽💋
And of course my squad and tag list:
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
As a counter to you sending me a scrumptious request, I SHALT DO THE SAME.
So, there's like a lot of drama going on rn (kinda juicy lols)
How about, Bakugou Katsuki whose best friend, Reader, (who he's secretly in love with) gets confessed to by a handful of people within two weeks' time or something.
Pwetty please? ✋😔
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Warning(s): Cursing, kabedon kinda, Bakugou gets kinda possessive, short but sweet, confessions, reader is obliviously in love, just fluff
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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•────•°•❀•°•──── ʟᴏᴄᴋᴇʀꜱ ────•°•☁︎•°•─────•
“I swear to ever loving fuck yer gonna be the death of me.”
You swat Bakugou’s arm, half joking, half serious.
“Bakugou! Don’t swear you idiot. Plus I think it’s sweet.” You chide, returning your gaze to the mess of gifts that lay on your desk. It was your third year- you would all be graduating next week. And over the past week, you were bombarded with love notes wherever you went, finding three in your locker one morning, 4 on your desk, and even one slipped into your gym back when you returned from training.
Bakugou clicks his teeth, and rolls his eyes. “I seriously have no idea what those idiots see in ya. Must need glasses like Four Eyes or somethin’
You snort at that, ignoring the sting you felt in your heart as he said the words. You knew he didn’t mean it, it was just Bakugou being Bakugou, so why did it hurt so much?
Thankfully, Aizawa chose that moment to walk in, sparing you the obligation to respond to Bakugou’s confusion when you went silent. 
Class was a drag, per usual, and you were packing up your stuff, planning on heading to your locker, when you were ambushed by yet another secret admirer. 
This person however, was bolder, deciding to give you flowers and a box of chocolates in person. You recognize him, a boy from one of the business courses, in the year below you. 
“L-L/N-san!” he says brightly, thrusting the box and bouquet into your arms, catching you off guard. “I like you a lot, ever since my first year here…! Would you go out with me? Just for one date, I promise you won’t regret it!”
To be honest, you really hadn’t thought about dating much - you were so caught up with school work and work studies that you never really focused on romantic relations. However, Hawks, your work studies mentor, allowed you off for the summer before you’d return to his agency as a sidekick.
You weren’t sure what to say- sure the boy in front of you was sweet and caring, but he wasn’t what you thought of when you thought about an ideal partner. 
But damn did you hate rejecting people.
Luckily, you didn’t have to. 
Bakugou storms in behind you, slamming your locker for full effect, his own way of self restraint. 
“Fuck off.” he growls, and you can tell it’s taking everything in him to not throttle the boy into the ground. 
The latter swallows thickly and throws his hands up, attempting to talk himself out of the situation. 
“Bakugou-san I was just-”
“Fuck. off.”he seethes, and with that the boy bolts down the hall.
You both stand there, not saying anything before you hear Bakugou’s voice again. 
“Bakugou…?” you ask warily, and he slams you against the lockers, caging you against it with his body. You can almost feel the rage emanating off of him. 
“Do ya know, how annoyin ya’ve been these past few weeks, huh? Fuckin runnin around gettin love letters left and right.” he grumbles and you feel yourself getting a little angry too. 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that. Plus, I thought ‘you didn’t know what everyone else saw in me’. You can’t call me fucking ugly and then expect me to come trailing after you like a damn puppy.” you snap, and Bakugou’s eyes widen. 
“Goddamnit.” he groans, pulling off of you and his face turns red. 
“I..” he starts, and he groans again. “I fuckin like ya okay?!”
Your eyes widen, and you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You smile, and step closer to him, pressing a small kiss on his cheek.
“C’mon, Blasty. Let’s go back to the dorms.”
400 notes · View notes
Payback is a bitch
Summary; Reader and Lucien have had enough of Azriel and Elain spending every day together so they make a plan to make them jealous.
Warnings; swearing, sad Az
The house of wind was filled with laughter as the inner circle was having a dinner party. Everyone was there including Lucien and you, only your mate Azriel was missing, today is the day of his return from the mission Rhysand sent him so you knew it wouldn’t be long before he arrived. You glanced at Lucien, your throat felt dry as you thought about your plan again. Lucien looked at you and sent you a wink, a silent indication that everything was going to be alright. You felt bad for what you would make Azriel and Elain go through, but they deserve it. Ever since Elain was made Azriel has been by her side, spending most time of his days with her. You knew that nothing was going on between them, Rhysand and Feyre had asked him to do it because his presence was always calming and that’s what Elain needed. You also noticed the looks Elain was giving to Lucien for the past month, it was clear that she would like to get to know him, give him a chance. You also knew that Azriel loves you more than anything and he couldn’t even think of his life without you by his side. But it became a habit for them to hang out together and they couldn’t notice they were hurting you and Lucien.
“They are together in the garden. Again.” Lucien said, his voice filled with rage.
“I know…” you replied with a sigh.
“I can’t stand it anymore y/n, we have to do something…”
“I have an idea…” he gave you a curious look and you continued “next time we all are in the same room we will spend the whole time together…flirting…”
His eye widened “I do not have a death wish…”
“I won’t let Azriel hurt you, we just need to show them how we feel every day” you rolled your eyes.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard the familiar beating of wings and boots hitting the floor of the balcony. You moved your chair closer to Lucien’s and he smirked. Azriel walked in the room, his cheeks rosy and hair dishevelled from the flight. The moment he spotted you his lips turned into a smile, and he crossed the room with long strides grabbing your jaw and leaning to leave a kiss on your forehead. You smiled at him and turned to Lucien, “How long are you going to stay here?” you asked. Azriel’s smile turned into a frown by the lack of attention. You bit your lip and grabbed the table in order to stop yourself from jumping on him to apologize and tell him that you love him and only him.
“About 2 weeks” Lucien replied and turned his body so he was facing you, showing everyone that you had his full attention. Not even a glance spent on Elain who was watching you like a hawk.
“Maybe you can show me around the city, I’ve been here so many times, but I’ve never explored.” He continued noticing your body language and encouraging you.
“Yes of course, it would be my pleasure” you purred.
Azriel was now sitting next to you, his expression a constant frown. He turned to Elain, who paled and stared at him with a panicked expression. The others seemed to notice too and were glancing at the two of you as they continued their conversation.
You spent the whole dinner flirting shamelessly with Lucien, caressing his arm and laughing at everything he said. Azriel and Elain were silently watching you, and at some point everyone else was just staring at the four of you. Azriel was shaking and you could swear that you heard one of his siphons cracking. Lucien must have heard it too because he gulped and pushed his chair back to create some space between the two of you. You knew Azriel was patient, and it would be hard to get a stronger reaction from him. Yeah, you were wrong… He stood up knocking his chair back, in a blink he had thrown you over his shoulder and ran to your shared room. Everyone’s jaw dropped they had never seen him acting like that. He threw you on the bed, his shadows filling every inch of the room and his scarred arms were tight fists by his sides.
“Stay here.” He growled and turned to walk out. “Where are you going?” You furrowed your brows in confusion.
“To fucking kill him” his voice was lethal, each step he took seemed to tremble the house. You jumped in front of him, placing your hands on his torso gently pushing him back until the back of his knees hit the bed. You expected him to take a seat like he usually did when you pushed him like that, but he moved to the side, his hands pushing through his hair.
“Don’t fucking do that” his voice was raw and filled with pain.
“Az talk to me, what’s the matter?” you asked wanting to make him say how bad it hurt him so you could make your point.
He scoffed “What’s the matter? Are you serious right now?”
“If you don’t tell me what’s bothering you, I will just go back downstairs and enjoy the rest of the night with our friends” you replied and crossed your arms.
“Like hell you are” he shouted “You know what’s bothering me…. My mate almost fucking fox boy on the dinner table in front of everyone is bothering me” The ground was trembling by his power, and you were half expecting Rhysand to burst in and order Azriel to calm down before he levelled Velaris.
“Are you kidding me? I was just talking to him because no one else did. I was just trying to be nice” “I’m not stupid” he snarled. “You were fucking flirting” he paused and narrowed his eyes, he studied you for a moment and then he took a step back.
“Wait a second…. You suck at flirting…what the fuck was that?”
Now it was your turn to scoff “Thank you” you rolled your eyes.
“What-the-fuck-was-that?” he asked again pausing between each word.
“How did you feel?” you questioned him cocking your head. He didn’t reply, he just shoved his emotions through the bond. Pain, anguish, jealousy, sadness.
“That’s how I feel every day” your voice was soft.
“Why?” he croaked.
“Because you spend most of your time with Elain, and I miss you” you stared at your feet.
“That’s why you did that?” he questioned. You only nodded.
“I didn’t know you felt like that angel, I’m so sorry.” He grabbed your face, his thumbs caressing your cheeks, you leaned into his hand turning your head to leave soft kisses on his scarred palm.
“Fuck I was an idiot, I just wanted her to feel like she had someone she could trust in this side of the world…I didn’t even think how it would make you feel.” Tears threatened to leave his eyes.
“It’s okay…we’re okay.” You whispered and hugged his waist pressing your cheek on his chest.
He leaned his head on yours, his wings embracing you both and keeping you safe from the rest of the world.
“Payback is a bitch” you giggled earning a chuckle from him before he threw you on the bed and jumped on top of you tickling you.
“Yes, it is” he laughed as you squealed.
Feel free to send your requests.
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writeonwhiskey · 5 months
the skz house: ch 16 (18+)
a/n: see, i didn't keep you waiting that long this time. thank you to @bahablastplz for editing! and thank you to @ashleighland for helping me brainstorm through this scene!
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[ read chapter fifteen here ]
Chapter Sixteen: Of Cuffs and Chan
A wave of embarrassment washes over you—drenches you. You had intentions of being drenched tonight, just not like this. You feel the heat in you rising to your face as your eyes begin to prickle. Chan has now walked out of a room twice to get away from your advances. You have never presumed to be some expert level seductress, but him thwarting your attempts and leaving you alone with your thoughts feels soul crushing.
This was a terrible idea.
How could you have been so incredibly mistaken to think this would work? You have to get up, get out of this room. You hope Chan has at least left the hallway. You don’t want to see him when you leave. You can’t face him again tonight.
You try to blink away the tears, but a few fall down your cheek anyway. You look to the nightstand where you left the key, previously having hoped if he saw fit to uncuff you at some point he could because you obviously can’t do it yourself. You should have read the back of the packaging. It mentioned something about a safety release button. You sit up on the bed, angling your head to inspect the cuffs through your water-blurred gaze. There are enough chain links connecting the cuffs that you have a bit of slack to bring it closer to you.
The sound of the door opening again draws your attention away from the handcuff debacle. You want to be stubborn, to keep your eyes focused on the handcuffs and not turn to see who it is. You wouldn’t put it past him to send Hyunjin to take you away at this point. You’d be mortified for him to see you like this, cuffed and crying.
The door closes and your curiosity gets the best of you. You turn your head slightly and see that it’s Chan. His face is hardened, unreadable. Your heartbeat immediately quickens, but you’re not put at ease by his return.
You sit up straight, back against the headboard, arms hanging above your head and knees still pressed firmly together. You suddenly become aware of the tears on your face and avert your eyes to your knees. You don’t want him to see you like this. Why had you opted for the handcuffs? Now you can’t even wipe the stupid tears from your face.
You sniffle as his footsteps approach, stopping next to you. His room isn’t small by any means, but it feels so tiny now. His presence fills up every square inch. You silently plead with him to say something, anything to drown out the deafening sound of your loudly thumping heart.
You take a deep breath, trying to find all the courage that was within you moments ago as you slowly lift your head to look at him. You could be wrong, but there is a slight softness to his gaze. Hardly noticeable to an untrained eye.  
“If you uncuff me, I can leave,” you say quietly, jerking your head towards his nightstand where the key is. His eyes flit over to it, then back to you.
He remains silent as he takes a closer look at you, eyes roaming over your body. They linger on your exposed breasts before trailing down your lace covered torso and stop at your knees. He leans to the side, head tilted to peek at the gap between your legs. Without any underwear, your pussy is exposed. He lets out a puff of air at the sight.
“Why would I want to do that?” He asks in a low voice.
From his reaction—coming back, staring at you like this, saying he doesn’t want you to leave…that must mean there’s still a chance. At this point, though, you don’t even know what you really want to use the chance for. To win the competition or just to let him have his way with you.
You rock your hips upwards once and his tongue snakes out, licking at the corner of his mouth. He stands up straight and takes a step forward so he’s standing right next to you.
He reaches out with his other hand, gently cupping your face and wiping away the tears on your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You turn your head into his hand and close your eyes, submitting to his touch. You have the sudden urge to word vomit, to tell him how badly you want him, how much you’ve missed him, how you don’t care about the competition—he can fuck you and you won’t tell anyone. You’ll stay so, so quiet that no one will hear anything. You’ll tell everyone your plan failed just please, please don’t stop touching you.
“I haven’t even touched you yet,” he says, “and look what you do to me, y/n.” He grips his growing bulge through his jeans.
You feel the tiniest bit of relief dousing your worries.
“Do you wanna feel it?” He asks.
You nod eagerly in response.
He grabs the key to the handcuffs from the nightstand and makes quick work of releasing one of your hands. He takes your free wrist in his hand and guides it to the top of his jeans. You fumble with the button, all anxious, excited and nervous at the same time, but eventually slip it through the hole. As you tug down on his zipper, he takes off his hoodie and tosses it to the ground.  
You cautiously slip your hand through the opening in his jeans and cup his dick in your hand. When you give a squeeze, his hand grabs your wrist again, stopping your movements. It was a short-lived freedom but you enjoyed it, nonetheless.
He raises your arm back above your head and slips your hand back into the cuff. He trails his fingers down your wrist, down your arm, down your neck, back and forth across your collarbone, then down some more. The trail he leaves behind makes you burn with desire—your nipples harden just from this light touch and you press your knees together even harder.
“This outfit? The handcuffs? Why?” He asks, stopping his hand just above your breast.
“To fully offer myself to you,” you say slowly. “To relinquish complete control.”
“Is that something you actually want to do?” He counters, hand still hovering above your breast. You want him to touch it so badly. “Or is it just to bring an end to the competition?”
“The first one,” you reply, squirming on the bed, yearning for his touch now that it’s so close to actually happening. “I want to do this with you, not for you or because of the challenge.”
And it’s the truth. In this moment you don’t give a damn about winning anything.
His hand skips over your breast. He brushes the back of his fingers along the lace covering your torso, up your thighs, over your knees, down your legs and you can’t keep still. He skirts around the off-limit areas, so you don’t know what he’s playing at.
His hand leaves you and goes to his pants. He pulls them down along with his boxers, kicking them both aside. At the sight of his cock springing out, you lick your lips in anticipation. It almost feels unreal. This is the closest you’ve been all month, and you want to touch it, taste it, clench around it while it’s inside of you.
“What am I gonna do with you?” He asks as he grips his cock in his left hand.
It sounds like a loaded question. What is he gonna do with you in this current predicament? Or in general?
“Whatever you want,” you say, licking your lips again, watching him hold his cock. How can he make you feel jealous of him? You want to be the one doing that. You want to touch and please every part of him you’ve been deprived of for weeks.
“Hmm,” he hums, stroking himself while he reaches out to caress your exposed skin again with his right hand—still steering clear of the forbidden zones. “I never really cared much about the competition, you know.”
“Chan,” you whisper, unable to tear your gaze away from his cock and hand at work, desperate to take on the burden for him.
“Not about winning, anyways,” he continues, fingertips grazing across your body, “It’s more about keeping a firm line between me and my assignee. To make it clear that I don’t need them…don’t need you.”
You look up at him, trying to focus on what he’s saying rather than the way your body is aching for him.
“When this ends…it ends. And normally it’s not an issue,” his tone remains calm, almost warm, as he speaks. “But look at you, y/n.”
His hand finally lands on your breast, gripping it firmly in his palm, squeezing as it slips through his fingers until he has hold of just your nipple. He pinches it, twisting slightly. You gasp softly, arching your back.
“You’re fucking perfect,” he declares.
You could squeal, you could cry, you could fucking die of happiness from his admission. You open your mouth to speak, to beg, but he lets go of your nipple and rests his hand on your knee. He releases his cock and shakes his head.
“Are you trying to ruin me?”
A look of confusion takes over your features at the question. Why would he think that? If anything, you should be asking him that.
“No,” you shake your head, pure innocence radiating from you at the accusation. “I would never.”
His lip twitches and a smirk appears for a split second before he regains his composure. He’s in his element now, enjoying teasing you. His hand on your knee slides down the inside of your thigh, eyes locked on yours. Your body responds immediately, hips jerking as he moves closer and closer to your center.
“You make me feel like I’m going to lose it—go insane,” he says as his hand reaches your pussy. “Do you feel it too?”
He uses his pointer and ring finger to spread your lips apart, stroking between your folds with his middle.
It’s impossible to concentrate on what he’s saying when you finally have him touching you again. You certainly know what he’s done to make you feel like you’re losing it…but what have you done to him?
Before you have a chance to respond, he removes his hand. Without a word, he turns and walks to the bathroom. You watch him, wanting to scream for him to come back to you, to keep touching you.
He walks straight to shower and turns it on. He doesn’t even wait for the water to warm up before stepping in.
He’s going to leave you like this?
Of course he is.
You could find the release button on the handcuffs and leave, but you won’t. This is what he wants from you, and this is what you want to give. Your obedience. So, you stay put, sliding your legs against each other to create some kind of friction between them in the meantime.
You’re not sure how long passes before the water turns off. It doesn’t seem like he wanted to intentionally drag out his time in the shower. Your eyes are on him as soon as he steps out. You watch as he grabs a towel and dries off. You chew on your bottom lip, wondering if he’s going to put on clothes and just sleep with you here next to him like this. Now that you would not be in to. Or would you?
He starts walking towards you, naked, toned, fucking chiseled as he dries his hair. His cock is still hard, and you can only imagine what kind of scenarios were playing out in his head as he showered to keep it that way.  He stops at your side once again, his fresh and clean aroma filling your senses.
He hooks a finger under your chin, tilts your head up, then leans down to kiss you. Just a quick peck. His hand slides around to the back of your neck, lightly stroking the nape before pulling you forward. He grips his cock with his other hand and you part your lips, eager to take him in your mouth.
“Is this what you want?” he asks as he stops pulling you forward, gently wagging his cock in front of you. Like he’s teasing his pet with a treat.
“Yes. Please,” you reply, damn near salivating.
“Please what?”
He pushes his hips forward to close the distance, rubbing the tip of his dick from one side of your chin to the other, stopping just beneath the middle of your bottom lip.
“Please fuck my face, Chan.” You say, looking up at him.  
He pats your cheek and nods. To your surprise he then steps up onto the bed and stands directly over you, feet on either side of you. Now this is a fucking view.
You drop your jaw. Your range of motion is severely limited, being cuffed to the bed and all, so he takes it from there. You swirl your tongue around the tip as he slowly slides it in while groaning, then side to side along the bottom as he goes in further. You’ve missed the taste of him is all you can think.
He stops about two-thirds of the way in and you use the opportunity to take a deep breath, exhaling through your nose. He strokes your cheek with the back of his hand, gazing down at you as if he’s trying to save the image of your mouth stuffed with his cock to memory.
He pushes forward a little more then withdraws, moving faster each time he repeats the process. You bob your head forward, as much as you can, to meet his thrusts. You focus on keeping your jaw and throat relaxed, meanwhile you’re unable to control the sounds coming from your mouth.
“Fuck, y/n,” he groans, gripping your hair with one hand as he furiously fucks your face.
You don’t want to imagine how you look—deepthroating Chan, all the saliva that’s built up and spilling out of your mouth and around his dick. It doesn’t sound like a pretty sight, but he seems to enjoy it.
He starts grunting and groaning as he thrusts and suddenly pulls away from you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He releases your hair and steps back before getting on his knees, essentially straddling you, dick hovering just above your stomach. He rests his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily. He must have just narrowly stopped himself from coming, is your guess.
“Chan,” you say his name softly.
He turns to look at you, raising a hand to wipe the dribble around your mouth.
“Please touch me,” you try your best to sound like you’re not whining as you rub your legs together.
“Here?” he asks, wrapping his hand around your neck, squeezing it.
You moan in response.
He leans forward to capture your lips, kissing you deeply. His tongue invades your mouth, greedily lapping up the taste of himself on you. You kiss him back, your head slowly following his lead, tilting from left to right as he does the same.
His teeth graze your bottom lip, tugging on it as he pulls away from you. His eyes lock with your for a moment, feeling like less of a mystery than ever before, but you could just be delusional at this point.
He slides back on your legs and rearranges himself until he’s lying flat on his stomach. He hooks your legs over his shoulders and gets comfortable.  
“Incredible,” he says while looking at your pussy.
“Yeah?” You ask, uncertain.
“Fuck yes,” he replies with a curt nod.
He moves his face directly between your legs and takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent. He nuzzles your pussy with his nose, circling the outside of your lips. You tug on the restraints around your wrists, cursing yourself once more for choosing this particular set up. You want to run your fingers through his damp curls, over his broad shoulders, down his back. But you can’t do any of that.
All you can do is watch. In fucking awe at his uninhibited actions.
He slides his nose up your slit, making it glisten with your slick. You can’t help but shake your legs and thrust your hips forward. He lowers his head again, as if to repeat the same move, but this time his tongue slips out and follows his nose. He laps at you playfully, eliciting moans and silent pleas from you.
When he finally takes you in his mouth completely you gasp. He wastes no time then, licking, sucking, slurping your most sensitive parts. He readjusts himself to slide three fingers inside of you, eyes locked on yours as he does.
“So fucking tight,” he breathes.
You rest your head against the headboard and resist the urge to let your eyes roll into the back of your head. You can’t look away.
“You like my fingers inside of you, y/n?”
“I do,” you nod.
“Filling you up,” he continues, curling his fingers against your walls each time he withdraws. “You’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t you?”
“Chan,” you say his name as a warning as your arch your back.
He stops talking and puts his mouth back to work. He keeps fucking you with his fingers while he sucks on your clit.
“I’m. Gonna. Come,” you manage to get out between panting.
He doesn’t acknowledge your statement; doesn’t make you ask for permission and you take that as a sign to let go. You rock your hips against his fingers and face as you come, biting your bottom lip to keep from being too loud but it doesn’t work. You don’t know what time it is or if anyone can hear.
Chan keeps at it until you start squirming your hips away from his touch.
He chuckles as he resurfaces, nose and mouth glistening. He takes his fingers out of you, spreading them apart and watching as your juices stretch between them. He reaches forward, offering them to you. You open your mouth to accept, circling your tongue around them clockwise, greedily cleaning each digit.
When he takes his fingers out, he sits up, positioning himself so the back of your thighs rest on the front of his, legs hanging on either side of him. His eyes dance across your body again, hands moving up to grip your breasts. He kneads them, pinching the nipple each time he gets to the top.
“Can I keep you here like this?” He asks teasingly, a playful glint in his eyes.
You don’t trust yourself to respond. You’d say yes, and you don’t know if he’s serious or not, but you wouldn’t put it past him.
“What am I gonna do with you?” He says again to your silence.
“Fuck me,” you suggest.
He lets out a breath, trailing one hand down your torso, scratching at the fabric of your lingerie with his nails. His hands start moving you, turning you onto your side then once more until you’re on your stomach. The chain between the handcuffs become twisted, restricting your hand movements even further. He grips your hips and pulls you up until you’re on your knees. He holds you in this position, pressing himself against you and rocking his hips forward.
He leans down over you, his chest against your back and it’s so fucking warm. You close your eyes at the feeling of him covering you. His right hand releases your waist to prop a pillow up in front of you to lean against. It’s these little details that remind you and allow you to see how thoughtful he can be. Granted, it’s while he’s having his way with you, but on some level he’s still concerned with your comfort.
He kisses along your shoulder blades, to your neck and stops at your ear.
“Bite the pillow,” is his whispered command.
You shiver and hold onto the headboard for dear life. His right hand grips your shoulder while the other remains at your hip. You feel him shift around behind you until his dick is positioned right against your opening. He grips your shoulder as he enters you and a long, slow moan escapes your lips.
His hand on your shoulder moves to your neck, forcing you down towards the pillow.
“Bite,” he repeats.
You open your mouth and clamp your teeth around the pillow in front of you as Chan starts to relentlessly plow into you from behind.
The pillow serves its purpose, suppressing the loud sounds you’re making as he fucks you. He slams into you quick and fast at first, resting inside for a moment before pulling out and slamming right back in. Then he picks up the pace, thrusting in and out at his own rhythm, releasing your hip to slap your ass every so often before gripping it again to force you back against him.
Your face is contorted against the pillow, and you don’t even care that you’re drooling all over it with your mouth clamped around it.
“Can you come for me again?” He asks, reaching around with his hand to rub your clit between your legs.
The way Chan is making you feel is insurmountable. Pussy dripping, walls stretched with him inside of you. And it’s been so long. Too long. You give a nod and he pulls out all stops, the sound of your thighs smacking against each other echo throughout the room accompanied by your muffled moans.
Your pussy clenches around him as you come. You bend down even lower, arching your back and bouncing your hips against his as you do.
“Fuck yeah. Take it,” he groans. “Make it yours.”
Encouraged by his words you thrust back against him even harder, gripping onto the headboard for leverage. You lift your head and release the pillow from your mouth, tossing your hair back over your shoulder. Chan seizes the opportunity to grip your hair in his hands, forcing your head upwards as you keep fucking him.
He starts meeting your thrusts, one hand on your hip pulling you back against him with all his might. You feel him tense up behind you and he quickly withdraws. In an instant you feel his warm release coating your back. He groans with each spurt that pours out of him.
He smacks your ass once more for good measure before allowing you to collapse onto the bed—as much as you can with your hands still cuffed. He takes a foot off the bed and leans over to grab something before you feel him wiping his come off your back. He then grabs the key to the cuffs and unlocks each wrist. You twirl them around and stretch each finger once they’re free.
You didn’t know before how much you needed that. Needed him. You wonder, for a brief moment, if the closeness you shared will go away now. Will he stop talking to you and sharing things about his life now that he can just fuck you and call it a day again?
He splays out on the bed, laying on his back as he catches his breath.
“I lost,” he announces.
“Are you upset?” You ask, turning on your side to face him.
“Upset?” He repeats. “No…concerned? Maybe.”
You feel like you could ask him to explain that more and he would. But you don’t, you’re afraid of the answer. A part of you wants to remain in this delusion. Though the Fall semester is coming to an end, you still have the Spring semester to get through. You don’t want to acknowledge or even think about what the end of the school year will mean for the bonds you’ve built with Chan, Hyunjin, and the others.
Not right now.
You scooch over closer to him.
“Is this okay?” You ask—meaning, should I go back to my own bed?
He’s silent for a few seconds, but then his arm wraps around you, pulling you even closer.
“Do you want to take that off?” He asks, pulling at the strap of your lingerie.
“Are you tired of looking at it?”
“Nah,” he says. “You could wear that every fucking day and I wouldn’t get tired of seeing you in it. You look amazing.”
You’ve never heard so many compliments from him in one sitting. You snuggle up closer to him, hooking one leg over his. You stifle a yawn as your adrenaline levels return to normal, reminding you of the long weekend and even longer day you’ve had.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
He chuckles loudly at that. The sound enters your ear against his chest and fills you with a foreign warmth. As much as you worry that his guard will go back up, you’re growing even more terrified of him bringing it down and letting you in.
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On the 1st of December, Lee Know is crowned champion. He abstained—much to Allie’s chagrin. She swears she’ll never offer anal sex to him again since he wanted to be so stubborn.
The other members congratulate you with literal pats on the back and head as if you’ve accomplished something major. Chan seems to take it all in stride. He doesn’t seem embarrassed or ashamed that he lost in the slightest. He woke up the next morning and wrote his name on the board before you both headed to class together.
You, Charlotte, and Rhiannon have won your trips. Wherever you want to go. As you mull it over the next couple days, you decide to use it for winter break, knowing your parents won’t be home.
Lee Know also just so happens to be in charge of getting everything coordinated for you.
“You get to take one member,” he advises you, sitting next to you on the sofa as he absentmindedly scrolls through the TV channels.
“That I’m assigned to?”
“Any, really but…I guess it would be awkward if you took someone else.” He says with a smirk. “Is this your way of asking me to come with you?”
You arch an eyebrow before rolling your eyes. Though you’ve gotten even, you still haven’t forgiven him for teasing you.
“Absolutely not.”
“Well then.” He shrugs. “Your loss. But I need to know the name of who you’re taking to book flights.”
“Hyunjin,” you say without missing a beat.
The thought of spending winter break on a warm, sunny beach sounds amazing. Did you just have an unforgettable night with Chan? Yes. But you want to enjoy your time on vacation and not be fraught with worry or second guessing everything you do. You know Hyunjin will put you at ease in every way possible.
“You might want to run that by him,” he replies. “I think he’s planning to go back to Seoul.”
You rack your brain for any conversation you’ve had with him recently where it was mentioned but can’t come up with any. The boy hates making plans so much he can’t even remember when he actually has them. He’s lucky he’s so fucking adorable.
“What if they both are? Can I go alone?”
“This trip is funded by our allowances,” he explains, “You have to go with one of us. Maybe choose different dates?”
You scrunch up your face at the thought. You had your heart set on this impromptu Christmas vacation.
“Talk to Hyunjin and Chan, then let me know.”
You nod and stand from the couch.
“Y/N?” He calls out to you as you start to walk away. You turn back around to face him. “Tread lightly.”
“What do you mean?” You ask, confused.
“Chan has never lost this competition before and I don’t know what’s going on between you two but…there’s only one way for this to end.”
“And how is that?”
“With you on your own,” he shrugs. “Chan, Hyunjin—none of us can have any contact with you after the school year is over. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt. Especially Chan.”
You’re puzzled at his frankness. Lee Know cares? About anything? But also, you don’t think Chan is capable of hurting. He can be wounded, sure, and lash out. But hurt? Like, actually feel feelings? And because of you? No way.
But as you think back to the night you got him to break…maybe his façade is failing him. Maybe his walls are coming down. Well, fuck. That’s what you’ve always wanted and now you’re not sure if it’s such a good idea or not. You have no doubt he’ll do what he’s supposed to when this is all over—leave you. But what will you do? Can you move on from both him and Hyunjin without ever looking back?
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you tell him before turning back around and walking towards the stairs.
Yes, you will keep it in mind. In the furthest, deepest corner of your mind. Right now, you want to focus on enjoying the time you have left with both of them.
[ read chapter seventeen here ]
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a/n: a lot to unpack there. hope you enjoyed! like, comment & reblog to show your support. i am working on the next chapter already, however next week i'm having all the carpet in my house replaced with wood flooring and am not sure how much time i'll have to write with all that chaos going on.
taglist: @iflmho / @stayatinykatsy / @blackhairandbangs / @ayoitschannie / @idunnomanmynamewastaken / @charmer-c / @ihatemen55 / @channniesslefttt / @jiwoos-babygirl / @krayzieestay / @kayleefriedchicken / @sunnyhonie / @cotton-candycloudz / @lubsungie / @conwunder / @puckmaidens / @ashleighland / @hyunjiinnnn / @bmnyy / @ihrtlix / @maqqiekwon / @teti-menchon0604 / @you-make-skz-stay / @zandra-42 / @seungminindabuilding / @slytherinatheart / @loveuwoo / @hyunjinhoexxx / @chartrucewhore / @torothecatt / @fun-fanfics / @yaorzu-blog / @yjeonginlvr / @tenshimara / @a-person-with-void / @ilovetheworldilivein / @dhillomilo / @skzfelixlove / @luvvvash / @blondechannie / @sailor--sun / @stephanieeeyang / @msauthor / @grlcbrd / @bangtancultsposts / @jenniferlr / @hynxnelly / @kpop-kink / @okkkcausewhet /
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elfyelation · 1 year
𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 | oneshot
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pairing—astarion x gn!reader summary—nightmares were nothing new to astarion, he’d been living one long before the tadpoles settled themselves inside your heads. now, however, it seemed there was something he feared even more than the possibility of returning to his former master… warnings—mentions of slavery, nightmares, indication of past abuse/trauma, mentions of astarion’s past, angst, some fluff word count—811 rating—teen
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He tosses and turns in his sleep, another cruel nightmare tearing through his slumber.
You hear him mumble, hot sweat running across his creased brow, “No... M-master… please… No…”
His body is still trembling when his words trail off, the discomfort never leaving his face. His eyes squeeze themselves even tighter shut in a frail attempt to push the thoughts from his mind.
You were awake now, concern threading through your brow as you shushed him and ran a gentle hand over his cheek.
“Astarion? Astarion, wake up.” It is no use, your voice is but a distant echo — a whisper in the darkest depths of his mind. There is no way to free him, he is a prisoner of his own mind. All you can do is wait for him to open his eyes himself.
You sit up then, moving to pull his head into your lap. Quietly, you comb your fingers through his ice-white hair. His skin is hot to the touch as if he were stricken with a fever so foul it scorched from the depths of all hells.
Softly, you called out again, “Astarion.”
Still, he does nothing but stir, head rolling from side to side in agony.
Leaning down, you press a light kiss to his crumpled forehead and finally, his skin smooths out. It takes a moment but soon his eyes flicker open and look up at you with wide, startled eyes.
“It’s okay,” you remind him, continuing to run your fingers through his hair, “You’re with me, you’re safe.”
He smiles but it only lasts for a moment and his eyes close again as he readjusts to his surroundings. His hand reaches up to rub at the tense skin on his face and even he seems to be surprised by the heat he finds there. He was always cool to the touch, even on the warmest summer day. Another side effect of his foul affliction.
“It isn’t me I’m worried about,” he all but whispers, as if he is unsure whether he wants to show any more weakness in front of you.
Then he sits, lifting his head from its comfortable place in your lap, and turns to you. His eyes flicker over your body as if searching for wounds and he closes his eyes again as he takes in a deep breath. “You are safe, that is all that matters.”
When you involuntarily raise a brow in question, he sighs and returns to his charismatic persona. “I was dreaming of you, darling. Although that dream would not be my preferred scenario, I must admit.”
Still, you watched him, waiting until he was ready to tell you the full truth.
He knew what you were doing. He knew you too well. You did not need to say anything for him to know you were waiting for elaboration. He could confide in you, he knew that. It was just… difficult at times to speak it out loud.
He seemed to shrink as his eyes flitted away from you, glancing at the ground for a moment before he looked back up at you again.
“Cazador had captured you. Captured us both. Instead of hurting me, he was hurting you. He was hurting you to hurt me and I could do nothing but sit by helplessly as it happened.”
You reached out, placing a gentle hand on his cheek, and he leaned into your welcome touch.
“It was just a dream. I’m here and I’m safe. We’re safe. He can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let him.”
Usually, he’d have laughed at your words and told you that you were a fool for thinking he was truly out of his former master’s reach. One day Cazador would find him for in his search he was relentless. He would not let even a single slave escape him, not while he still lived.
Someday Astarion would have to face the music but, until that day came he wanted to enjoy the time he had with you. And, after hearing you speak that way, sounding so sure of yourself, he found he wanted to believe it too. That you would be by his side when the day came and that the two of you would emerge victorious, standing over the vampire lord’s corpse.
Until then, he’d offer you an honest smile and wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him as he pushed his lips to yours.
He wasn’t sure when he stopped being afraid for himself and rather became afraid of losing you but it was a small price to pay in comparison to the joy you brought him. You had given him a purpose in life. A purpose that was more than just survival. You had shown him what it was to truly love and for that, he would forever be in your greatest debt.
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