#or rhizomes intact. Once out of the ground
Dig and Divide
“There are no happier folks than plant lovers, and none more generous than those who garden.” Ernest Wilson
Many years ago, I was considering adopting two miniature ponies. When I visited the ranch where they were living there was a small pond surrounded by a flush of gorgeous pink blooms that I had never seen before. When I asked the property owner what they were, she told me they were Naked Ladies, a bulb that boasted bright green spear-like foliage in the winter. When the foliage died at the end of spring, it was necessary to remove the brown leaves, leaving the turtle- shaped bulbs slightly protruding from the ground. Indicating that her Naked Ladies needed dividing, she dug up a bulb, instructing me to plant it in the sun “anywhere”, irrespective of soil condition.  “Wait for next summer’s surprise,” she said. I followed her directions, and that one bulb has evolved into many hundreds that blanket my hillside in a sea of pink perfection. Over the years I have divided, dug, and donated bulbs to many friends, offering them a summer surprise. Dig and divide! It makes me so happy!
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This time of year is a perfect time to divide a wide variety of bulbs and perennials. Besides increasing the number of plants in your garden, divisions can be given to other gardeners. Dividing overcrowded plants will give the remaining plants room to grow, maintaining their health, and rejuvenating your beds.  
Before you begin, water the area well a few days before digging. With a shovel or garden fork, dig a large area to remove a clump with the root ball, bulbs, or rhizomes intact. Once out of the ground, shake off the excess dirt and cut or pull apart individual crowns. For perennials, make sure you have roots and leaves. Bulbs and rhizomes need roots attached. To avoid having the roots dry out, plant immediately in another area at the same depth and water deeply. To conserve moisture, add mulch to these newly divided plants.
Overcrowded and overgrown plants will not bloom profusely, however, not all perennials or bulbs benefit from dividing. It’s best to leave Baptista, goatsbeard, lupine, milkweed, Russian sage, peony, red hot poker, bleeding heart, Hellebores, lavender, verbena, and oriental poppies alone.
Plants that need dividing every few years (two to five years) for peak performance include:
Bearded and Dutch iris
Daffodils and Narcissus
Cymbidium orchids
Lamb’s Ear
Blanket Flower
Naked Ladies
When dividing plants, follow these general guidelines:
Prepare the soil: Amend the new location with compost and choose a well-draining location for the divisions.
Water: Before dividing, water the plants thoroughly to ensure they are adequately hydrated.
Dig: Only divide healthy specimens. Be careful to not damage the roots or bulbs by gently digging up the plant clumps using a shovel or garden fork. Start at the drip line by creating a trench and work inwards.
Divide: The best time to divide is when flowering has halted. Once the clump is out of the ground, clip off the remaining stems at the base and trim any dead or dying leaves and roots.  Carefully separate plants into smaller divisions using your hands or a sharp knife. Make sure that each division has healthy roots.
Replant: Plant the divisions at the same depth as where the original plant was growing. Water deeply and mulch to conserve moisture.
Maintenance: To establish these new divisions, continue to water and watch. Remove weeds, leaf debris, and grassroots from beds and add a mulch of straw or wood chips. After the blooming season, spent blooms, as well as spent branches, can be removed carefully to keep your beds looking fresh and colorful. 
Bulbs should be divided when they are noticeably overcrowded. Bulbs produce offshoot bulbs and as they grow, flowers diminish although leaves flourish. This is when you know it’s time to divide. Let the foliage die back naturally as the plant needs that energy for next year’s growth. Although most plants can be divided in spring or fall, by dividing plants in September, the root systems are allowed to grow before winter arrives.  Sometimes when dividing in spring, the heat arrives before the roots have had a chance to develop. Ask for assistance from your nursery or gardening expert if you feel your plant has any specific needs. Follow best practices and you will be rewarded with a healthy garden with a plethora of flowers.
The agapanthus that I grow in my garden came from divisions. My favorite color is the midnight blue agapanthus followed by the pure white species. This season I will be dividing my agapanthus and my iris. The healthy green leaves of the iris will be left undisturbed until later this month, then I’ll trim the leaves to approximately six inches and start dividing.
If you are looking for easy-to-care desert-loving species that require minimal water, agave and prickly pear cacti may fit the bill. Agave is propagated by separating the pups from the mother plant and replanting in another location in sandy or gravel-filled soil.  If you enjoy eating the fruit of the prickly pear cacti, and admiring its pretty flowers, I suggest you plant one at the back of your garden so that the spines won’t interfere with your other gardening tasks. The fruit is delicious, the flowers are bold, yet the spines are ferocious. Make sure to wear heavy gloves when working with prickly pears. If you don’t want to cultivate a jungle of these cacti, make sure to pick up and discard any pads that fall on the ground. No need to divide a prickly pear…they spread on their own via dropped pads.
Gardening and sharing the bounty results in joy and happiness. I’ve been fascinated by the flocks of mourning doves that have decided to call my garden home. They do devour my mulberries, but they also eat enormous amounts of weed seeds. Each night I go to sleep to their calming cooing. These peaceful birds don’t seem to mind me photographing them, even in their nests. (See photo).
I didn’t adopt the adorable miniature ponies because the family decided to keep them (smart move), yet I am forever grateful for that single division of the Naked Lady as these belladonnas have brought such beauty to my landscape and the gardens of others. Divide, share, and be happy!
Mark Your Calendar:
On Saturday, September 30th, Be the Star You Are!® will host a booth sponsored by the Lamorinda Weekly Newspaperand  MBJessee Painting at the Pear and Wine Festival in Moraga. Stop by to plant seeds and pick up bags of free potpourri. More info at  https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events-1/2023-pear-and-wine-festival
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing. Divide and Delight!
For more gardening advice for all seasons, check out Growing with the Goddess Gardenerat https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/books. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com. 
Her newest children’s picture book, Family Forever, from the series, Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures is available now at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store. 
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]  
Read Lamorinda Weekly: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1714/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Divide-and-delight.html
©2023 Cynthia Brian. Photos and Text, All Rights Reserved.Subscribe
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading: remove these pesky plants from your garden borders
Flowerbeds full of dandelions? Paths covered in chickweed? Our tips on how to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading will come in handy if these pesky intruders are driving you round the bend.
There are all manner of weeds lurking in our gardens and sowing seed wherever they get the chance. The general consensus is that they’re a pain – especially when they’re encroaching on our prized flowers or vegetables and sapping the nutrients from the soil. In the case of some (Japanese knotweed, poison ivy, stinging nettles – we’re looking at you) they can also do more harm than simply spoiling the look of a border. Everyone knows about the nasty allergic reactions that occur from a run-in with nettles or poison ivy, whilst knotweed can tear through structural foundations at breakneck speed. Naturally, none are ideal.
You're reading: How to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading: remove these pesky plants from your garden borders
Luckily, there are a good few methods to zap these plants from our plots and restore order. And, most approaches don’t require reaching for the bottle of chemicals, either. We’ve rounded up lots of tips on how to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading below. Your plot will be free of them before you know it.
How to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading: 12 easy tips
1. Dig them up by the roots
Want to know how to get rid of weeds the traditional way? A weed puller, like this one from Fiskars, will make the job easier
(Image credit: Fiskars)
True, it’s a little old fashioned, but it’s certainly stood the test of time. Digging up weeds is one of those trusty, all-natural methods that, when done properly, works wonders. Use a garden fork or a hand trowel, and gently lever them out of the soil, aiming to remove all of the root system to prevent rapid regrowth.
This is ideal if you only have one or two weeds in your garden, but if you have a lawn full of them, you might want to invest in a weed pulling tool. These enable you to insert the claw around the weed, then step on it, before effortlessly pulling the intruder out of the ground. Look for ergonomically designed styles that let you work from an upright position.
Some weeds require extra care with this method, as new plants can grow even from the tiniest fragments of their roots or rhizomes (couch grass, for example). Japanese knotweed is another one to watch out for – but removing it by hand generally isn’t an aggressive enough measure anyway. If you’re dealing with this difficult plant, our Japanese knotweed guide has more advice.
2. Keep on top of mulching
Mulching is a simple way to battle the weeds, and will add nutrients to your garden soil, too
(Image credit: Future)
Mulching is one of the easiest ways to suppress weeds as it is simply added on top of the soil. 
Biodegradable mulches, such as garden compost, wood chippings, processed bark, leafmould, straw, seaweed and rotted manure all suppress weeds while also releasing essential nutrients back into the soil, helping your plants to flourish – a win-win. However, since it breaks down over time it will need to be replaced every few years. 
Our ultimate guide to mulching has more tips.
3. Mow them down
Frequent mowing will weaken lawn weeds
(Image credit: Cheryl Fleishman/Alamy Stock Photo)
Battling with a weedy lawn? Frequent mowing is a good way to deter them. It weakens the plants and stops them from setting seed, which can eventually get rid of them altogether. 
Just make sure you attach a basket to your mower, rather than leaving the clippings on the grass. The latter can spread the seeds around, escalating the problem. Once your lawn is weed-free, you can remove the basket and leave the clippings on the ground, which will act as a natural fertilizer.
If you need an update this season, take a look at our best lawn mower buying guide. And, for more advice, our tips on how to get rid of lawn weeds will come in handy.
4. Cover in boiling water
Boiling water is a useful (and cheap) trick for removing weeds from paving
(Image credit: William Andrew/Moment/Getty Images)
Looking for a simple solution on how to get rid of weeds? Pouring boiling water on the base of the plants causes instant shock and will not only kill the weed but also any seeds that may be dormant in the soil. 
It’s a brilliant solution for walkways, garden path ideas, and driveways, as the weeds will die within a couple of days. However, it is not recommended for use on lawns or in borders with other plants as it can cause fatal damage to these too.
5. Make a homemade weed killer with baking soda
Looking for more budget-friendly ways to eradicate weeds? Try this trick, with something that you probably already have in your cupboards.
Since baking soda is a powder, you’ll need to wet the plant in order to make the powder stick. Then, sprinkle one teaspoon of baking soda over the weed’s leaves and let it work its magic. This is a great method if you want to target specific weeds that have popped up amongst flowers or plants that you don’t want to harm. Reapply in four to six weeks if the weeds have not disappeared.
If you’re looking for ways to prevent weeds from cropping up in your paving ideas, then sprinkling baking soda in the cracks can stop the weeds from appearing in the first place. Repeat every couple of weeks.
If you like this tip, you might like our cheap garden ideas, too.
6. Line your flowerbeds to stop weeds appearing
Try weed-suppressing liners for your raised beds
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The easiest way to deal with weeds is to prevent them from cropping up in the first place. Lining your patio ideas, driveways or paths with a weedproof membrane before adding gravel, slate, bark chippings, or similar will help to keep them at bay. 
For your raised garden bed ideas, garden centers and DIY stores often sell specific lining sheets (it is sometimes called landscape fabric), which will also retain moisture and reduce the need for watering. Alternatively, if you have old carpet tiles or a shower curtain these are a great DIY solution and are a good way to recycle unwanted household items.
7. Use vinegar to kill weeds
The active ingredient in vinegar, acetic acid, is also very effective at destroying weeds. Your standard brown fish-and-chips vinegar will go a decent way to helping with your problem. Simply pour into a spray bottle and spritz onto the desired plants.
If you want something that packs a bit more punch, there are also horticultural vinegars, which usually have a higher concentration of acetic acid and as a result are more effective. However, they also require handling with greater care as they are corrosive and can burn the skin, damage eyes and erode the surface of your tools.
Read more: How Oscillating Sprinklers Work
With either types, it’s important to be careful not to spray the plants that are meant to be there. Vinegar is non-selective and will destroy any vegetation in its path, including your prized blooms.
8. Try an eco-friendly heat gun
(Image credit: Parkland)
Environmentally friendly, very precise, and a lot more exciting than pulling weeds by hand – a weed burner works by surrounding the weed with an extremely high temperature (between 80°C and 600°C) which destroys its leaves. 
This prevents it from photosynthesizing and subsequently kills the weed. However, the roots remain intact, so multiple treatments may be required.
9. Dispose of them properly
Once you’ve learnt how to get rid of weeds, don’t be tempted to throw them on the compost
(Image credit: Ekaterina Kuzovkova/EyeEm/Getty Images)
Whichever method you use to get rid of weeds, it’s crucial that you dispose of them properly. Collect them all in a work cart, small wheelbarrow or strong garden tub to make it easier to transport them for disposal, suggests the team at B&Q. Don’t add them to your compost, they add. Instead, throw them out with your other green or general waste.
If you love a bonfire, you’ll be pleased to know that most weeds can be added to the heap. However, some weeds are dangerous to burn, such as poison ivy. When set alight, it releases its toxic oil into the air. If breathed in, it can cause significant harm (which will require immediate medical attention). Find out more advice in our guide on how to get rid of poison ivy.
It’s also worth knowing that Japanese knotweed is classed as ‘controlled waste’ in many regions. This means it can’t simply go out with the usual trash, or be dumped in the local tip (unless yours has the right environmental permit). In the UK, it’s also illegal to dispose of it in the wild. Professionals can be hired to take it away.
10. As a last resort, use a herbicide
Need to know how to get rid of weeds, fast? Herbicides are effective, however they’re not suitable for organic gardens
(Image credit: Lucas Ninno/Moment/Getty Images)
Chemical herbicides are no good for wildlife garden ideas, and are certainly out if you’re following an organic gardening approach. But, if you’ve tried absolutely everything else and are on the verge of giving up, then they can be an effective last resort.
You have two options. One is a targeted formula, usually a gel, that you apply to the leaves to destroy the weed from the top down. This is ideal if you only have a few weeds, or if you don’t want to put any of your other plants at risk. Alternatively, if your problem is more widespread, then opt for a solution that is sprayed or watered onto the plant.
Read the packet very carefully, and follow the application instructions whilst using all safety precautions necessary, such as wearing protective clothing. Also, be careful when selecting your herbicide of choice. Some are selective (so will only affect certain types of weed), whilst others will destroy anything which crosses their path – so are no good for spraying over your flowerbeds. It’s also a good idea to dedicate one specific watering can or sprayer for weed killer – and use it for nothing else.
Take a look at our best weed killer buying guide for our favorite picks.
11. Tackle weeds fast
Once you know how to get rid of weeds, tackling them as soon as they appear will make things much easier in the long run
(Image credit: Fiskars)
Whenever you see a small weed popping up be sure to get rid of it quickly. What’s small this week will soon be elbowing your other plants out of the way. 
Be vigilant and do a regular ‘sweep’ of the garden, looking out in particular for invasive weeds such as nettles and dandelions. Once this type of weed takes hold they’re tenacious and don’t give up easily, so try to prevent them from getting established in the first place.
12. Weed little and often
Set aside a dedicated time every week to tackle weeds in the garden to make it easy to keep on top of things.
It’s a known fact that weeding can be therapeutic, so take it as an opportunity to step back from your busy schedule and unwind. Not only will you be doing the garden a favor, but also yourself.
How do you get rid of nettles?
Nettles are good for butterflies, but not so good for neighboring plants
(Image credit: Alamy)
If you’ve been thinking about how to grow a butterfly garden, you might be interested to know that nettles are a valuable food source for these pretty creatures. However, they can swamp corners of your garden quickly, and cause a nasty sting when touched.
The RHS advises to prevent the seeds from setting by cutting down plants in mid-summer, or earlier. You can also dig out isolated clumps, or those that have grown in light soils. This can be done anytime of year, they add. Nettles also cannot withstand repeated mowing.
If you want to use weed killer to tackle a neglected area that’s been overtaken by nettles, opt for a glyphosate-based variety, continues the RHS. Spray over the plants in June, before they flower.
How do you get rid of chickweed?
Learn how to get rid of weeds and stop them from spreading to eradicate the likes of chickweed from your garden
(Image credit: Alamy)
Hand-weeding or carefully hoeing beds and borders can be an effective way to control chickweed, as suggests the RHS. However, aim to do this before the plants flower and their seed sets. Choose a dry day so disturbed weeds shrivel and die rather than re-rooting, they add.
The team also suggest to apply weed suppressing sheets, or bulky mulch to a depth of at least three inches, to smother new seedlings and prevent germination.
If you want to use weed killer, opt for contact herbicides containing acetic acid, fatty acids, or pelargonic acid, the RHS continues. However, be careful not to get these herbicides on your other plants as they are non-selective.
How do you get rid of bindweed?
Don’t be deceived by bindweed’s pretty blooms, its vines will quickly take over your hedges and flowerbeds
(Image credit: Alamy)
Bindweed produces thread-like vines that wrap tightly around other plants, and eventually strangles them. It’s easy to spot with its trumpet-shaped flowers, but don’t be tempted to leave it. Soon after the first flush of blooms are over, it will take over and ruin your flowerbed ideas.
‘Bindweed is an especially clear example of the need to get in quick,’ says Graham Rice for Amateur Gardening. He reckons that for every foot of twining bindweed stem above ground there’s the same amount of invasive root underground. ‘Keep pulling away the top growth,’ Graham says, ‘excavating as much root as you can.’ Eventually, the roots will exhaust themselves trying to make more shoots. If you’re digging downwards to try and remove the roots, go deeper than you might expect.
Getting rid of bindweed takes patience, willpower, and several attempts to pull it up, as any root left behind will sprout again. ‘You have to keep at it, and that’s where most of us fail,’ Graham adds. Allow the shoots and leaves to develop and they’ll fuel underground spread day by day.
How do you get rid of horsetail?
You’ll want to know how to get rid of weeds fast if you find horsetail growing in your plot
(Image credit: Emma Farrer/Moment/Getty Images)
Horsetail, sometimes called mare’s tail, is given its name due to the appearance of its fine foliage. If you want to know how to get of weeds, you should know that this one is particularly tricky to eradicate, but it can be done.
The reason why it’s so difficult to remove is the depth of the roots, which can be up to a whopping 6ft long. Your best bet is a commercial weed killer – try bruising the leaves immediately before the treatment.
How do you get rid of ground elder?
Ground elder grows fast, but isn’t too tricky to tackle once you know how to get rid of weeds like these
(Image credit: Erik Agar/Alamy Stock Photo)
Ground elder is another vigorous-grower and will spread across your plot quickly when given the chance. However, its roots are only shallow, so it can be easily removed by hand. Watch out for leftover fragments though – shoots can grow even from the smallest pieces of root. You can also cover the weeds with black polythene to starve them from light, as suggests the RHS.
Don’t be tempted to plant the variegated version, adds the Amateur Gardening experts – its seedlings will be plain green. 
How do you get rid of Japanese knotweed?
Japanese knotweed is one of the worst weeds out there – it’s best to seek help from the professionals if you spot this in your plot
(Image credit: MASAHIRO NAKANO/amanaimagesRF/Getty Images)
It’s no secret that Japanese knotweed is one of the most trickiest weeds out there. It grows incredibly fast – up to 10cm a day in summer. And, it takes little mercy on its surroundings, hurtling through pipes and structural foundations wherever it gets the chance. It’s no surprise that for many regions around the world, you legally have to declare its presence if selling your property.
Trying to remove it yourself is no easy task – it can take many years to combat it with commercial weed killer. And even then, you can only take the waste to specifically licensed tips, and dumping it in the wild is a big no-no. The best way to know how to get rid of weeds of this nature, therefore, is to call in a professional. 
How do you get rid of annual meadow grass?
Annual meadow grass is often a result of a slightly-neglected lawn maintenance routine, but can be easily eradicated
(Image credit: Nigel Cattlin/Alamy Stock Photo)
Read more: 8 Supermarket Vegetables You Can Plant & Grow At Home To Be Self-Sustainable In 2021
Annual meadow grass, otherwise known as Poa annua, is a course type of grass that grows around the world – from all across the Northern Hemisphere to the most southern tip of South America. 
It can spread into borders from poorly-maintained lawns and mulches of grass clippings. As the RHS explains, you can identify it in your lawn by the flowering, which can occur below the height of cut. The small, pale seed heads will give your lawn a peppered look.
To prevent it, the best thing to do is to take on a good lawn maintenance routine – our guides on how to mow a lawn, how to scarify a lawn, and spring lawn care tips are all full of useful advice. You can try to remove larger clumps by hand. Lay fresh soil where needed and scatter in new grass seed, to fill in any gaps.
How do you get rid of docks?
Broad-leaved docks are easy to spot with their large leaves
(Image credit: Emanuel Tanjala/Alamy Stock Photo)
Docks have large, easily-recognizable leaves and can appear in borders and lawns in spring. There are two kinds – broad-leaved and curled (the latter have wavy-edged leaves and slightly shorter stems). 
They commonly grow across the UK, and have long taproots. They produce lots of seeds, which can survive for up to 50 years in the soil. So, if you spot them, it’s worth learning how to get rid of weeds like these quickly.
The best thing to do is dig them up by hand. Only the top few inches of rootstock can regenerate, so if the top 12–15cm is removed, the risk of regrowth is kept to a minimum. The best time to do this is in spring, as docks are most vulnerable at this time.
How do you get rid of herb robert?
Even though herb robert is quite an attractive plant, you’ll still want to know how to get of weeds like these if you’re after a clean and contemporary garden
(Image credit: Paul Starosta/Corbis/Getty Images)
Herb robert, also known as red robin and officially named Geranium robertianum has small, pink flowers and fragrant foliage. It’s one of the prettier weeds. But, its vigorous growing habit can make it a nuisance, especially if you’re after orderly and modern garden ideas.
To tackle it, dig it or pull it up before it flowers or seeds – its roots are only shallow so this is typically easy to do. You can also cover it in a layer of mulch – the RHS suggests using coarse bark.
How do you get rid of couch grass?
Couch grass is one of the tricksiest weeds out there, with an ability to grow from the tiniest fragments of rhizome
(Image credit: Alamy)
Couch grass is renowned for being a nightmare weed as it produces a vast network of underground stems and roots that travel through the soil. These then push up new shoots every 5–10cm along their length. Watch out for newly emerging tufts of grass because instead of dying at the end of each season, they keep on going through winter and beyond.
To get rid of it, be extra vigilant with pulling up shoots, because any pieces remaining will resprout if given the chance. To clear your plot, dig up what you can then cover the soil with thick black polythene to exclude light for a couple of seasons.
How do you get rid of dandelions?
Dandelion seedheads may look pretty, but they’re a pain for gardeners
(Image credit: Westend61/Getty Images)
The thick taproots of the dandelion delve deep into the soil and cracks between paving slabs, making them tricky to remove. If tiny pieces of root remain after digging the soil, they’ll resprout and take over.
To get rid of dandelions, it’s best to dig them out with a garden fork, especially before the bright yellow daisy-like flowers turn into fluffy ‘clocks’ and release their airborne seeds. For larger areas, a plastic sheet with mulch on top will prevent dandelions from getting a foothold. 
How do you get rid of cleavers?
Cleavers germinate and grow quickly from seed, so if you spot these in your plot, act fast
(Image credit: Alamy)
The stems and seeds of cleavers are sticky, which allows it to scramble around the garden and spread further afield by hitching on to your clothes and animal fur.
Seeds take just two months to become established plants. So, aim to lift them out as soon as the seedlings emerge in flowerbeds and before they flower in mid-spring. Mulching weed-free soil with a good layer of bark chippings will help to suppress the seedlings. Both tasks make good additions to your list of spring garden jobs.
How do you get rid of hairy bittercress?
Hairy bittercress is a fast-spreader, so learn how to get rid of weeds before it takes over your garden
(Image credit: Alamy)
This weed is super-efficient. It’s able to complete its lifecycle in less than a month and disperse thousands of seeds from its seedpods. It grows anywhere and everywhere, from bare soil to garden wall ideas. It’s often imported in potted plants bought from garden centers, which can go on to take root in the garden.
To control its spread, it’s essential to pull up the young plants before they get a chance to flower and set seed. This occurs from March to August. Cultivating the soil will bring up new seeds, although mulching will help to prevent them from germinating.
How do you get rid of shepherd’s purse?
Shepherd’s purse will grow in all kinds of environment
(Image credit: Alamy)
This has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. It’s a prolific weed that’s not fussy, growing in sun or in shade garden ideas, and on most soils. From a rosette of hairy leaves, it sends up flowers on tall stems, followed by pods that hold up to a dozen seeds.
Buried in the soil, seeds can remain viable for years, so aim to pull up weeds before they flower. Or, regularly hoe seedlings soon after they appear to sever rosettes from their taproots. 
How do you get rid of groundsel?
Try to eradicate groundsel from your plot before it flowers
(Image credit: Alamy)
A native annual, groundsel gets busy flowering and setting seed throughout the year. Even seeds that have been buried in soil for up to six months will germinate when exposed to light. 
When looking to remove this weed, it’s important to tease out the plants before the small yellow flowers and fluffy seed heads appear. Left to get a foothold, the leaves become host to rust fungus, which can spread to your plants.
Will saltwater kill weeds?
When wondering how to get rid of weeds, you may have come across saltwater as a natural approach. General table salt is the way to go (plus, is inexpensive) and works by dehydrating the plant. 
To apply, mix it with water and then spray directly onto the weed’s foliage. It’s a good solution for gravel or patios, but be careful in terms of flowerbeds as too much salt can affect the pH balance of the soil, as well as damage other nearby plants. For these reasons, it’s not recommended to use this approach on your lawn ideas.
Some people say that mixing the saltwater solution with vinegar increases the effectiveness. But again, watch out for neighboring plants as vinegar will affect whatever it comes into contact with.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-get-rid-of-weeds-and-stop-them-from-spreading-remove-these-pesky-plants-from-your-garden-borders/
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winterrrrwindss · 7 years
Excellent Tips For Growing An Organic Garden
Anyone can delight in the leisure as well as productive benefits of growing their very own organic garden. That claimed, novices often find it hard to get comfortable with the rhythms of organic cultivation. As a result, just how should a novice obtain their first yard started? Well, check out the following tips.Choose the varieties of plants that will create a greater return. In several instances, a disease-resistant or cold-tolerant hybrid will certainly produce a greater return compared to a typical variety.Use mountain climbers if you desire to cover any kind of fences or wall surfaces. Climbing up plants can cover a wall after one growing period just. They also function to cover up old, and possibly dead, plants. A variety of mountain climbers have to be connected to a support, but others simply care for their very own accessories by means of tendrils as well as stems that twine. Superb ranges consist of honeysuckle, wisteria, jasmine, climbing up roses as well as clematis.Use proper soil for the very best outcomes. Relying on the sort of plants you desire in your yard, your natural dirt might or could not be suitable. You could also isolate a certain area, and fill it with simply one sort of soil.Autumn not just implies chillier weather condition but new veggies to plant. As opposed to putting typical clay vessels right into usage when growing plants of lettuce as well as kale, think of utilizing pumpkins instead. To make use of the pumpkin as a planter, it is essential to prevent it from decomposing. To do this, you just spray the whole inside as well as any sides with a horticulture spray called Wilt-Pruf. This is done after you have actually opened the pumpkin on top as well as got rid of the ins. Afterwards, your pumpkin planter prepares to use!Vegetables need to be grown in an area where they will certainly get a minimum of six hours of daily sunshine. Many veggies need at least that a lot sun exposure to grow correctly. Some flowers likewise call for straight sunlight for a section of each day.A set of knee pads is a fantastic financial investment if your garden has a whole lot of low-growing plants. If you spend a big part of your gardening session on your knees, it can produce discomfort with time. Having a great set of knee pads will support your knees in comfort.Using boiling water to kill weeds is both effective as well as natural. Boiling water could be taken into consideration as an herbicide, and it
is a safe one. One easy layer across the weeds with a pot of boiling water will certainly care for the trouble, yet you need to remember the very same puts on your plants, also. Exactly what this does it basically their website doctor gardening kill the weeds by harming their roots. The outcome is that those weeds are unlikely to regrow.Instead of leaving clumps of irises intact, separate them to ensure that your blossoms can grow in an extra healthy manner. If you broke up globs of them, you will eventually have even more of this blossom. When you see the vegetation is certainly dead, raise the round irises. The bulbs will divide up naturally in your hand, as well as when replanted, will commonly blossom the following year. Use a knife to thoroughly split roots. You can divide the Rhizomes production by removing slim portions from the outside and throwing out the continuing to be withins. Each item requires one solid offshoot. Plant immediately.Start your peas in a protected inside environment instead of outdoors. By originally planting them indoors, the seeds tend to sprout far better. The seed starting sprouts will certainly be heartier, providing a better chance to grow into a healthy and balanced adult plant capable of rejecting conditions. Once the seedlings are tough sufficient, they can be transplanted to their rightful place in the garden.You must acquire a wheelbarrow, as well as a stooping feces in order to help you yard. Investing a whole lot of time near the ground working is very difficult on the knees, so a light-weight and mobile garden stool will certainly make gardening more comfortable. Due to the fact that horticulture implies transferring a lot of heavy things, a wheelbarrow will likewise can be found in handy.To give them an assisting hand, pour the water you acquire after steaming vegetables over your plants. You need to also try using a little bit of coffee premises or tea to boost the level of acidity of the dirt for your gardenias or your rhododendrons. Chamomile tea can be used as an effective fungicide for potted plants.Make certain you protect your knees well while you are gardening. Lots of people find it tough to flex over for prolonged amount of times when standing. Kneeling is a fantastic means to reach your plants without creating anxiety to your back. You could buy a knee pad, placed it on the ground and kneel on it to ensure that you wont have to manage knee pain.Now you should have the ability to see why natural horticulture could be such an enjoyable task to take part in. Cultivation is not only a beautiful art yet also a rewarding as well as stress-free means to spend your time. These tips are your key to becoming a top-flight natural garden enthusiast.
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sapphicpeebee · 7 years
Tips To Improve Your Home Horticulture Experience
Cultivation is a remarkable means to expand more compared to blossoms; you can likewise expand vegetables and fruits in your yard. Fresh produce from your very own yard cost-free from pesticides is the most effective means to enjoy tasty veggies. This short article is loaded with a range of easy as well as effective gardening ideas that any individual can use.If your plants have a fine-grained mildew, don't use expensive chemicals on them. Mix a little bit of fluid soap and some sodium bicarbonate right into water. Spray this on the plants my website once each week up until that mold goes away. The baking soft drink is safe to your plants and also a very effective remedy.To get the very best lead to your garden, you require to utilize a top quality dirt. Depending on exactly what kind of plants you have, your soil could or may not be adapted. You can mark one area of your garden to use one particular kind of soil.When you make a decision to add vegetables into your yard room, realize that they should be placed where they will receive straight sunlight for a minimum of 6 hrs daily. Lots of veggies need this amount to correctly expand at a quicker speed. This likewise proves out for several of the flowers.Sometimes the soil you desire to utilize for your garden has a high alkaline web content. Combine coffee premises with the dirt to reduce this. This is an easy way to renew your dirt with acid. When you utilize them, you will certainly begin to notice that your veggies are tastier and much more lively in color.Protect your tender deciduous bushes. Fragile hedges that are sitting in pots must be protected from the cool weather condition. Loop the tops. When the walking sticks are well with each other, placed a sheet over the wigwam. This approach is better than covering the plant in plastic, as it enables air to distribute, which could stop rotting.To conserve your knees from the wear and tear of gardening, spend in some knee pads if your garden includes a whole lot of low-growth plants. Too much time spent kneeling frequently causes considerable rigidity as well as pain. Purchase a terrific pair of knee pads; they will give a padding for your knees while making horticulture a lot more comfortable.You can utilize boiling water to obtain rid of weeds normally. Boiling water is an excellent, natural compound for use against weeds. Simply put boiling water straight in addition to the weeds cautiously to stay clear of destructive your plants. Boiling water is not excellent for the weed origins as well as will certainly stunt more growth.Instead of leaving globs of irises intact, separate them to ensure that your flowers could expand in a healthier fashion. Boost your iris populace when you split up overgrown clumps. After the vegetation passes away, get bulbous irises. As quickly as you grab the light bulb, it'll divide into pieces. That's all right -in truth, it's desirable. You can replant the light bulb pieces and also following year you'll have a healthy bed of brand-new irises. For plants with rhizomes, use a knife to split them. Cut numerous new pieces from the outside and eliminate the old center. A strong spin-off is needed on every item that you choose to plant. Establish your cuttings into the ground right away.Grow heather so that you could draw in beneficial insects. Heather is great for obtaining to quit by at the start of spring, as heather plants have nectar available early in the period. It is usual to locate all kinds of insects inside of an undisturbed heather bed. With this in mind ensure you put on some handwear covers when you are working with the heather.When horticulture, securing your knees is crucial. Flexing over for a long while is quite hard for a whole lot of individuals. Kneeling is a recommended means to get to your plants while reducing neck and back pain. Knee pads will prevent any pain you might feel as a result of this position.It's simple to rapidly prepare your soil
for the planting of a perennial yard. Make use of a spade to go into the lawn, transform the grass over, then spread out the area with approximately 3 inches of wood chips. After a few weeks, dig, then grow your perennials.You should use around 3 inches of compost that is natural in your blossom beds. Compost will reduce weed growth and maximize nutrients and wetness. As an added perk, a nice compost can assist make your garden look even more finished.Be effective when operating in snapper mowers your garden. Don't squander your time by looking all over for your devices. You can prepare exactly what you require in advance, keep everything useful in a toolbox or a shed, and you will certainly be prepared to operate in your yard at a minute's notification. If you have to utilize a tool belt, try making use of some pants with pockets in them.As formerly mentioned, gardening is a superb means of expanding veggies in your backyard. Offering a meal that includes the vegetables as well as fruit you grew in your personal yard will certainly leave you feeling satisfied. Adhere to these tips to garden successfully and appreciate it.
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evelynrsickler · 7 years
Six Ground breaking Methods To improve Your Emergency tree removal service.
Gardening Is As Simple As It Really Is Fun
Lots of people use gardening as a way to relieve stress and pass enough time. Lots of gardeners make inquiries like what sort of equipment they need to buy, what kind of soil if they purchase, or whenever they should plant seeds. Continue reading for many expert gardening advice.
Make sure you lay the sod properly. Before laying the sod, the soil has to be prepared. Do a little weeding if necessary, then break the soil until it is not really packed. Compact the soil lightly and firmly, and make sure to generate a flat surface. Water the soil until it is actually saturated. The optimum layout of sod rows is usually to stagger all of them with offset joints. Even the top of the sod by firming it down flat, filling any available gaps with a handful of dirt. Water the sod every single day for a couple of weeks. Then it should be rooted well and prepared for foot traffic.
Shoveling clay soil is tiresome since clay is hard, and it will also adhere to your shovel for twice the issue.
Simplify the procedure by putting a bit of wax on the shovel. The clay won’t stick then. By waxing the shovel head, the clay will be unable to adhere to the surface.
While operating in the garden during the fall season, watch out for those stink bugs! These bugs like to eat beans, peppers, tomatoes, and many forms of fruits. If left uncontrolled, they are able to cause substantial damage inside your garden, so make plans for a way to protect your plants from all of these pests.
Once you decide to include vegetables into your garden space, keep in mind they should be placed where they will likely receive direct sunlight for no less than 6 hours daily. Most vegetables need at the very least so much exposure to the sun to develop properly. This arrangement will likely benefit some types of flowers.
Rather than leaving clumps of irises intact, divide them so your flowers can grow in the more healthy manner. Splitting up overgrown categories of irises will enable you to easily increase the volume of irises inside your gardeneast bay tree removal Once the foliage has died off, lift your bulbous irises. When you split the bulbs which you pull up, and replant them, they will likely bloom the subsequent year. You must separate rhizomes through the use of a blade. You may split the Rhizomes production by cutting off thin portions from your exterior and discarding the rest of the insides. Be sure that every cutting has a viable offshoot. For maximum viability, plant your brand new cuttings into the ground without delay.
As now you have discovered, gardening can be quite a fun, productive and rewarding activity when you invest some time into gaining a certain amount of knowledge before you start. The garden will start providing you with enjoyment after you realize there is the abilities to get it done. Following these simple tips, you will end up prepared capable to take advantage of the pleasure of producing a beautiful garden that can meet your needs and desires..
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from Stimulating Beliefs http://www.tarot-buch.net/six-ground-breaking-methods-to-improve-your-emergency-tree-removal-service/
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