#or sarah just... being sarah lol
dangerliesbeforeyou · 9 months
taskmaster champion of champions 3 or as i like to call it 'cries in gay at how hot all the women are'
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kazz-brekker · 4 months
was reading the blurb for an upcoming fantasy novel that says that the main character became a librarian in order to avoid dealing with people which is like. the MOST obvious way the author could possibly show that they have never worked in a library themselves.
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thrumbolt · 4 months
It will never stop being amusing to me that the warning Ianthe gives Tamlin in the beginning of ACOMAF about how Feyre will get either killed or abducted by other high lords and kept for breeding essentially came true.
How Feyre ended up exactly how she feared she would with Tamlin: A waifu who does basically nothing except have her little art studio and her little desk job and pops out babies for the high lord. Sure, what you want in life can change and consent makes all the difference, but it is still an absolutely WILD narrative choice.
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goldlightsaber · 5 months
This is so good.
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They gave Topper a girlfriend— devastating actually, I hope he stays fucking insane and obsessive and possessive and a little bitch cause otherwise what’s the poooiiinntttt
I need my kooks PATHETIC and USELESS. She better blow up on him for ignoring her to do whatever Rafe’s asking of him this time, I need him to be the worst boyfriend ever cause there’s no way that man can Be Normal for a second lol
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agentsnickers · 7 months
a fully formed phineas and ferb au just popped into my head and i'm not going to write it but it would be hysterical
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maybege · 2 months
btw i am still alive now that i have recovered from swiftkirchen and i hope you are all doing super well this summer! i am FLYING through my reading list atm which is amazing and i am feeling more and more inspired for things (footballer!paz anyone? roommate!paz as well maybe?) so hmu in the inbox it is TIME TO THIRST
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smilesrobotlover · 5 months
Abel and Ammon are chilling at a cafe together. What do you think they’re talking about?
Give Linebeck and Rusl hugs for me <3 And Ammon, really, but I’ll let him vibe with some coffee. Or whatever he drinks to caffeinate/energize. (Abel has known about coffee his entire life because Castle Town has Gerudo beverages and he’s 100% addicted)
Hope you’re doing ok <3 <3 <3
Oh boy, they could be talking about their duties, how wonderful their wives are, how crazy their kids are, maybe even talk about how much they hate the yiga lol. There’s a lotta things!!
Rusl is affectionately crushing your ribs and Linebeck is pretending that he’s disgusted by the hug but deep down he’s a big softy <33
I don’t think Ammon has ever had anything like coffee so….. this is a first time for everything!
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howaboutwedont · 1 year
imagine joys dad (whats his name??) and mr sweet having a little group chat like "whats the worst way we can treat our children?? ideas?"
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marybeatriceofmodena · 4 months
Honestly if anyone wants to recommend a Sarah/Krolock fic to me, I just want one where she realizes she stepped into a gilded cage, and at some point she just goes apeshit and commits bloody murder and succeeds because Krolock is too smug to see her coming and causing his own downfall. Because honestly it's the only way I can see it ending. (No disrespect to shippers, ilu)
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acourtofquestions · 4 months
The true villain of Heir of Fire MISSCOMMUNICATION
because for the love of wyrd CHAOL CELAENA DORIAN just sit in a room together and talk and please especially the latter SOMEONE FILL DORIAN IN🤦‍♀️😅😂
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raisedbythetv89 · 5 months
So I started watching btvs in 2020 and spuffy especially really got me through a lot during that time. I maybe watched the show 40-50 times in a 3 year span but this week three separate details from season 6 ABOUT SPIKE have been brought to my attention and I fear every rewatch I have just been entirely too horny and distracted just staring at James to properly pay attention to his performance and process everything he’s got going on 💀😭💀😭💀
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rotteneldritchhorror · 2 months
I simply CANNOT deal with people genuinely stating Topper is “deeply in love” with Sarah and doesn’t just love the idea of her lol
He literally has a conversation with John B about what love feels like and John B says normal shit like “I just like her” and shit like that, whereas Topper fully just says “she makes me feel crazy” which like… sure… feeling crazy can be a part of love— but him saying that her making him feel crazy IS love and that John B liking her and enjoying her company IS NOT???
He’s literally just obsessed with her- that shit is not “true love” or whatever lol, he’s obsessed with her and feels she owes him her love and attention and time. He throws a tantrum when she backs out of sleeping with him because it just doesn’t feel right, literally all the good things he does for her boil down to him having a saviour complex, feeling like him helping/saving her means she owes him something, and then yelling/being aggressive towards her when the outcome isn’t what he wants
He’s literally just an obsessive controlling brat who thinks he’s owed love/sex/time/attention from Sarah because he dated her and THINKS he’s in love with her
Like— he’s insane and I love-hate him and find his dumbass fascinating, especially since he’s somehow comparatively the most sane seeming man in the vaguely-villain squad (cause he’s mostly just- normal rich nice guy shitty instead of attempted murder against family like 5 times and full blown murder once shitty lol), he’s not a bad character, and it’s fine to like him or think he’s interesting or think that his trauma gives context or even explains his actions, but claiming that he’s genuinely deeply in love with Sarah and that Sarah is a bitch for not reciprocating is insane to me
/lh /nm, I’m just word-dumping lol
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enbeemagical · 2 months
I really love The Magic Thief because Conn is such an enticing protagonist (all sassy and snarky but 90% of it is his internal narration, not spoken aloud, he observes so much, and he's clever!) and also because Nevery, despite his seeming aloofness and the *gestures* crotchety old wizard vibes of him, he's JUST as chaotic as Conn
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compacflt · 1 year
no, no, nooo!!! Compacflt, please, you can’t just tell us that Slider marries Sarah in 2022, and leave us hanging like this with no other info… 😭💔 For some reason (maybe, ‘cause I’ve placed EDTS Sarah on a nice little pedestal in my mind), when Slider was all Ooo, Tom’s sister is pretty, I thought: Nah, son. She ain’t falling for you. She’s ✨Sarah✨. And here we are!!! 🙀🤧 I love Slider with my whole heart, I do, but for Sarah?… I don’t know why I thought that maybe it’s a long shot? 🤡🤯 I guess, like me, Tom’s gonna be a teeny-tiny bit surprised and then, enormously pleased?
see this post for why my vision of sarah is just an author self-insert… she’s not antimilitary she just ends up a normie lib like me (so slider is not an immediate no-go for her & she gives him a chance)
the actress who plays her is unreasonably pretty imo (and yes ik she’s supposed to be ices wife, who gives a shit, she’s out of his league by several timezones)
there was a reason i cut the “slider marries Sarah” plot point lmfao it was too cheesy even for me (even if in my own heart of hearts that’s what ends up happening, and, yes, ice is like what? And then he’s like omfg no way [overjoyed])
i just want them to be Family okay
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bellamysgriffin · 2 months
so if im thinking what my ideal ending for amy/rory would have been i think we would have nixed the whole river is her daughter storyline for so so so so so so many reasons, but the reason she leaves is... yeah she gets pregnant and realizes she wants to raise a family with rory. OR! something more like she knows rory's still going for her but he's ready to settle down and live life one day at a time and she kind of does it for him. like another version of her choosing rory/a family with rory/family life in general over the crazy adventure life with the doctor which i think suits her arc
alternatively, i think god complex is a good ending if it had been the proper ending.
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