#or tbh i know it's a common opinion but i just wish he had more aspects to his personality besides murdoc's airhead
pebblesun · 2 years
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i draw sweet 2D a lot, it's this smug ass' turn now lol
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angy-grrr · 2 months
btw, im not waiting a whole week just to see izu///ocha confession, and tbh I dont think hori would spend that energy in it -he didnt before after all. I just think a platonic interpretation opens up the possibilities for closing more arcs -for example, the whole control your heart, the future of heroes and villains, etc.
Doing a confession would actually be too abrupt in my opinion, considering she is here crying over Himiko, this isnt about him and loving him.
btw this doesnt mean im dropping bnha. Im just saying I dont think it makes sense to wait two weeks for a confession of a ship that has not that much development in the first place -and this isnt about time spent with them. Its about emotional investment. Ochako and Himiko dont have the spotlight that much when thinking about all the manga chapters and arcs, however it got a loyal fanbase because the times they are together they are impactful. We didnt even know she was this invested in Toga in those ways, like the lovely smile and liking it ever since she saw it for the first time, until she said it. After only two chapters, they felt like a very beautiful and tragic ship because they care for the other in ways incomparable with others, and their dynamic feels extremely romantic. In another hand, izu//ocha doesnt have that feeling at all even if they have more panels together -there were many ways to connect them in a relevant way, but their moments arent as emotionally charged.
When Ochako jumped to defend Izuku for example; it could have been like that but instead we have her thinking about who saves heroes when focusing on him -this isnt emotional for them together-, and when she talks about smiles, her mind jumps to Himiko crying -this is personal and emotional at the same time. If we had her thinking "who will save villains" for Himiko, it would come out as way less romantic for canon; and if we had her thinking randomly about Izuku like she did at the beginning, with drawings of her face with an embarrassing expression or starting accepting it, it would be more romantic*
Its not that they have nothing in common, or dont care about each other in a meaningful way, its just that Hori decided to focus on other relationships instead of them together. The togachako confrontation in comparison shows us how he can focus on mainly the pair without forgetting about other important characters or feelings -she thought about him, and confessed she fell in love with him, yet it hit me way harder when she remembered her sad smile.
They just are... casual? It doesnt get me invested in them because none of their moments are intimate, I think (I mean Himiko and Ochako feel way closer than Izuku and Ochako even when they share goals and have cute moments, maybe bc some of the themes that hori seemed to introduce in the beginning for them got dropped after Katsuki was chosen to remain as a supportive pillar for Izuku. I hope the phrasing comes out as I intended!)
*I guess the closer to this would be her wishing him to give his best when she was at the helicopter, but personally I dont count it as random because everyone was feeling the same -and Iida is the link to this, narratively speaking. It wasn't her in the helicopter in a different scene with nobody else discussing these topics, neither it was Izuku thinking of this aspect of her on his own. So it doesnt come off as impactful.
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presidenthades · 3 months
⚠️HOtD season 2 ep. 4 spoilers⚠️
Your thoughts on this ep🎤?!
Adding my two cents: SUNFYRE AND AEGON WERE SO CUTE, but wtf was that fight🧍🤨 Aemond bbg wtf?? Anyhow, cuties:
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TLDR: I’m not even mad anymore, I’m just disappointed (by the writing, per usual; the rest of the show is fine). I’m mostly still on the S2 boat because of the little moments like Sunny and Egg. It makes for great fanfic fuel!
Honestly, this was Criston’s best episode of the entire season so far. Getting him away from Alicent and putting him on the battlefield showcases his better qualities. Also, I love his interactions with Gwayne, it gives me life. Would totally watch a spinoff series where the two of them go on side quests.
I feel like the Harrenhal scenes aren’t super important narratively and the screentime could’ve been devoted to other characters. HOWEVER. The Harrenhal bits are just so fun to watch that I can’t really complain. TBH, it feels like Daemon is getting the best writing (in terms of character arc and narrative coherence) of all the main cast. But uh…one does wonder why he drinks a random-ass potion from a witch lady who just told him he’s gonna die at Harrenhal. (Speaking of whom, I am greatly enjoying Alys Rivers. I’m glad they haven’t made her a femme fatale. She’s just weird. Joff would love her.)
Opinion: they got rid of Kermit Tully and made Oscar the heir because the show wants to minimize Muppet memes. Very sad. 😔
If you’re following my blog, then you know I’m an Aegon fan, so I acknowledge I’m probably biased. But all of the Greens are just shitting on Aegon this episode, holy cow. I totally understand Aemond being snotty and excluding Aegon from schemes; even in the most generous interpretation of their brotherly relationship, they’re often at odds and Aemond looks down on Aegon. But Cole is the Hand of the King, not the Hand of Aemond. Even if Cole is on the front lines, he should be including Aegon.
Alicent has just completely lost the sympathetic traits she possessed in S1. I’ve never thought of her as an especially good mother, but she did love her children—definitely Aemond and Helaena, and there were the “do you love me” and standing between Aegon and the dragon scenes. She also seems to have forgotten that she was one of the people yelling at Aegon to step up and take the crown, and now she wants to hit the reverse button. 🙄 S2 Alicent is not the same character as S1 Alicent, and even S1 Alicent varied from episode to episode. For fic purposes, I’m just completely ignoring what the show writers are doing with her because it makes no sense.
I think TGC would’ve killed a scene where he gets to speak more fluent High Valyrian, but it makes sense that Aegon isn’t good at speaking it. Aegon has never been the scholarly sort, and High Valyrian (if you’ve been trying it on duolingo like me) is not an intuitive language for English-only speakers. I do think Aegon should’ve learned more dragon commands at least, but apparently Sunfyre decided to be the world’s first bilingual dragon and learn common tongue for Aegon’s sake. :3 At this point I’m convinced that Sunfyre is the only living creature who actually unconditionally loves Aegon. No wonder Aegon is messed up.
Back in Driftmark: we finally get confirmation of who the Hull boys are! Not explicitly, but it’s hard to deny that they’re Corlys’s kids like in the book. I kinda wish we got more scenes with Rhaenys talking about/interacting with them though. She seems to have had complicated feelings about the boys.
Visually, the battle was amazing to watch. Some of the best shots I’ve seen during the entire show. But, as I often complain about, the characters’ actions don’t make sense. If you’ve been on social media, then you’re probably aware that Aemond attacking Aegon has been very controversial, and for good reason. I cannot comprehend the Aemond stans (I’m an Aemond fan, but I’m very aware that he’s a flawed character who can act stupidly sometimes) who refuse to acknowledge that this was NOT a good move. Vhagar is a formidable dragon but she can’t win a 1 v 4 against Caraxes, Syrax, Vermax, and Moondancer (and those aren’t even all the dragons the Blacks will eventually have). Vhagar could take out some of the other dragons, but she’s definitely dying in a battle like that. So no, this was not a smart or strategic action on Aemond’s part, at all.
It could be explained as an action taken in the heat of the moment, with Aemond overcome by adrenaline and his anger toward Aegon. But we just saw Aemond two episodes ago being sad about killing Luke, against whom he held a grudge for years because of his eye. Aegon is his brother, and their interactions in S1E8 indicated that even if they’re not besties, they do operate on the same wavelength. Aegon was an idiot for making fun of Aemond in S2E3, but that should not have pushed Aemond over the edge to attempted fratricide/regicide.
At least Cole and Sunfyre care about Aegon, since clearly nobody else does. 🥲 *author shoves a Jacaera toward Aegon*
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creativesplat · 4 months
💘, 🐳, ⛩️, 🙊?
💘, 🐳, ⛩️, 🙊
💘 MIPHLINK!!! Do I have to say it? Absolutely 110% Miphlink. Honestly they are a pairing that I love more than all the other ships I have ever shipped, and I come back to them whenever other hyper fixations fizzle out or I want something comforting. I love them both so much. AoC is one of my favourite zelda games for that reason. (BoTW too, but the tragic lovers vibe is so sad)
Skyward Sword Zelink, a little bit, I wasn’t head over heals for them, but SS Zelda reminded me a fair bit of Mipha (if Mipha had been brought up in a less dangerous time and with less royal duties they would have probably been more similar), so that was that! 
I really wish I shipped Revali with someone, because I love the birb because he is stupid and fun to draw, initially I was a pining Miphvali shipper, but like, I wasn’t a massive fan of that, so maybe ZelVali? Some people ship that, and I’ve got to say the Revali and Zelda talking scene is one of my favourite cutscenes in BoTW, not to mention Zelda’s dialogue to Revali; If not romantic, definitely platonic. 
Teba and Saki are the adorable birb parents so I quite like their couple dynamic? Im not really the biggest shipper outside of Miphlink tbh.  
I honestly have no idea? Probably a Hylian (boring answer sorry!), but maybe a Rito. I love the decoration styles, and bright colours, and also they live in a cool climate and I do not like hot weather. So maybe a rito. 
I think my favourite dungeon would have to be the Ancient Cystern in SS, I just love how beautiful the whole thing is, with all the lotus-y patterns and the pinks and turquoises and the flowers and stuff. ITs just so dang beautiful!! I also really loved the Sandship Dungeon. I think in terms of play through that was my favourite from start to finish. Location is SO much harder. Aesthetically Satori Mountain, and Rito village, story-wise and where I spend my most time in BoTW Zora’s domain, I also Love the Zora’s domain and Rito Village music. Also sweet cozy little skyloft is so nice and permanent and homely. The great plateau is so nostalgic and I love that too… AAA I don’t think I can pick! In AoC it has to be Scero’s Supplies, I know you can’t really go there, but the merging of Zora and Hateno architecture is just so beautiful and I LOVE IT SO MUCH! 
Ohhh… Unpopular Zelda opinions… I have quite a few of those. Ok. Here we go. 
ToTK is AWUFUL. Hot dang it is the worst thing ever. It wasn’t even the story that made me stop playing. It was one line from an NPC in Rito Village. Molli wants to make elemental arrows, and has an idea for arrow inventions, that can freeze enemies! No way that’s so cool, except… that is literally one of the main things in the last game. You can buy elemental arrows from the shops. Like what the heck? At least explain to me why a very common commodity that EVERYONE but Particularly the people who’s job it is to look after Bows (Harth and Moli) know about and have access to is somethign they want to invent now. I hate is. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I ha- anyway. I despise whatever Lazy idiot decided that was the way to go. Who cares about lore? Not us apparently. I also have a massive problem with the imperialist mass-destruction weapon wearing zonai as well. And as a historian I just love BoTW so much better than ToTK. It treats its history with respect, and nuance, and good golly thats not how ruins from 10,000 years ago would work and o my word stop suspending my disbelief!?! 
Anyway. I could rant for far longer about far more things, but I’ll leave it at that. 
Way more unpopular, and Zelink shippers please ignore this: I think BoTW Zelink is creepy. The power dynamic is insanely bad (princess and her servant who literally cannot disobey her father), and the age gap is also awful (16 turned 17 for one day and “20 something” from the BoTW art book). 
Also, the women deserve better from that fandom. But that’s not news.
Thank you so much for the ask Stars!
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mammothartist · 1 year
Reasons why Ijin is great :)
This is going to be partitioned In sections because actual essays are for school. :/
All this is gonna be my opinion and what I see, so yeah.
Reason #1: He is so genuinely kind.
    What I’ve seen is that it’s a common theme that the main characters of manhwas are kind, but it feels like Ijin wishes the best for people. For example, he never brings down others emotionally. What I’ve seen is that people make MC’s inherently jealous to add flaws to their character, but with Ijin his flaws come from his inability to be vulnerable ( we’ll come back to that later). It’s really refreshing.
Reason #2: He cannot lie for his life.
    I just find it so funny that he is only able to lie by omission and when he actually gets a ‘good’ lie out , they see right through him. That leads to our next point
Reason #3: He has no poker face.
    Sure, he is able to hide his past, but by other characters he is extremely easy to read. Like how Maya was able to find out that he didn’t kill the numbers just by his face alone. I just find it funny because of his non- existent poker face it we get those bulging eyes shots. 
Reason #4: He is pretty. 
     Do I have anything else to say ?
Reason #5: He is so hot .
    I swear my heart skips a beat anytime we get a handsome Ijin shot. 
Reason #6: He has androgynous features and Characteristics 
    To be honest, he has so many ‘feminine features/Characteristics’ that aren’t his strength,skill in fighting, and like- his hair. I swear if you were to turn him into a woman he should serve that exact same purpose in the story. He has such a gender neutral role in the story. But tbh,I think it’s my bisexual ass speaking but 🤷‍♂️
Reason #7: He’s so traumatized 
    I have a love-hate relationship with this fact because yes, it’s the main reason why he is a pretty 3 dimensional character but also it’s like , :’( . He acts the way he does throughout the story because of his grueling past, for example…
his food insecurity- food was probably not a main concern to the camp.
His constant paranoia- when those girls asked for his number in the most recent chapters, even when they did nothing wrong, he still had that jolt of fear before they asked. 
His inability to be vulnerable- not allowing people that aren’t hospital staff to tend to his wounds, was taken advantage of by the people in the camp.
His stare- he’s gained as a way of warning people to not harm him. 
He seems to dissociate when under stress- I noticed this when we where showed the first time he got a nightmare while he was in Korea, and instead of crying or reacting strongly ( What I would’ve probably done) he blanks out.
He has trouble rationally thinking when under intense stress- when his grandpa and sister was kidnapped and he was pitted against the numbers, instead of killing the numbers , he just squeezes his eyes closed like he is a child waiting for a bad thing to pass. 
He has an extremely emotionally damaged inner child- We’ve seen Ijin get sentimental over things that would be considered the bare minimum ( it’s a bit of a stretch but eh) but we as the readers know that he has experienced one of the worst things that could happen to him at a young age . But, he never grew up with a frame of reference of what a normal life is . I believe this also leads to how he never matured at a normal pace, he is just allowing his inner child to have some fun, we’re told this by the other characters.
( This is the ones I could list off the top of my head) He becomes an inherently ‘flawed character’ due to how emotionally stunted he is. He gets a lot of character development that revolves around him being more honest. That leads me to my next point. 
Reason #8 - Character Development 
         He gets a lot of character development, like him progressively opening up to his family, him making deeper connections to the people he cares about. Not being on edge all the time. One that I’ve seen the most is his ability to be merciful. He progressively becomes better at determining who deserves mercy or not and I think he’s awesome for that.
These are the reasons why I think Ijin is pretty awesome. I could write down more but it’s 11:55 and my brain is melting. Let me know if I got anything wrong about trauma response stuff. And if you disagree I’d like to know why! I don’t bite :) ( sorry the grammar sucks, I have no excuse ). 
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deanmafia · 9 months
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Before I post my super long spam on all the clerks content/Eltingville content I’ve made on here I thought I’d share my doodlez for today (this is just an excuse to rant abt httyd)
Ok so in my opinion I think they ruined Snotlout in the 2nd movie I mean overall it’s an ok movie my issue was that we didn���t get to see their dynamic a lot but I understood cuz this was abt hiccup but Snotlout’s relationship with Ruffnut pissed me off cuz the 3 of them were like brother and sister in the tv show but they made Snotlout have a crush on Ruffnut which was weird, hard to watch, but funny too. I don’t think it’s really THAT good just ok.
Httyd 3 ok overall it’s a poorly done the villain was good the other stuff was bad The light fury, Toothless acting like a dog, Them giving away their dragons it just could’ve been done better. Part 2 and 3 were so weird becuz after the 1st movie the entire gang became the main characters like I said it’s a lil understandable for 2 becuz it was focused on Hiccups mother and his family but 3 was insane they had no screen time it was just Hiccup and Astrid like we get it already 😭 A lot of ppl disliked Snotlout becuz of his “crush” but it wasn’t really a crush it was more like “I admire u” I think the writer or someone who worked on the script had said it not really being a crush but more “ur so cool” typa thing. I didn’t really mind the “crush” tbh I felt like it was such a Snotlout thing to do what ppl ignored was Snotlout’s envy towards Eret and it’s my fav ship becuz u can tell he likes him but would never admit it. And I wouldn’t blame him for being pissy either eret is just automatically accepted by everyone wen he literally used to be the bad guy. We all know Snotlout isn’t shy abt his feelings but I always felt like he was the type to be pissy if he REALLY liked someone. That’s just how I saw it. Snotlout’s outfit ATE tho like all their outfits did 😭
I think both movies could’ve been better ecpecially part 3 and I had wished they kept the sibling dynamic of the twins and Snotlout. I just CANNOT see Snotlout and any of the twins together as a couple they r too much like siblings in the show in my eyes I can see fishlegs but Eret and Snotlout they just go together u know wat I mean? They have a lot more in common etc and yet r so different literally just *muah* perfect🤌🏾
I love Snotlout sm and wish other ppl liked him and eret together too😭
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isagrimorie · 1 month
For the character ask game: Seven of Nine
for the character ask game:
Seven of Nine
How I feel about this character
I love Seven of Nine. She's my favorite and in the top tier favorite Trek characters! She's complicated and has sharp edges, she started out as a villain and a Borg drone who clearly loved
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I ship her with a lot of people:
Janeway, Raffi, and Chakotay with the understanding they're both in love with a third person in the shadow (Janeway).
Ship them but see them more as friends, but still will read their fic: B'Elanna.
And then, out of left field -- but in a messy, toxic, totally fascinating I want to dig through and find out more: Bjayzl.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Her brothers: Tom Paris, Harry Kim, Cristobal Rios, and Jack Crusher.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I guess, first that as much as she's changed over the years -- when push comes to shove, under pressure Seven is still the same brusque, and blunt person underneath. 'Rude' as B'Elanna once described her. She's learned a lot in between that time but if she's pushed she's gonna default to that.
Despite the events in season 2 of Picard, I still believe Seven still struggles with her identity as Borg and Human. Season 2 only marginally addressed her issues about being Borg and Human.
Also, I... don't believe she's as emotional as some fanfics seem to portray her to be. This isn't just talking about new Picard-era fanfic, but I've been reading Janeway/Seven and there's some purple prose there about Seven that doesn't jive with how I see her.
Seven of Nine doesn't like the beach or sand, no matter how much David Mack wrote that in Firewall. I am actually not sure about his characterization of Seven in Firewall (or how he wrote the Fenris Rangers tbh but that's a longer conversation).
Finally, my most unpopular opinion: I always believe that Seven would have ended up in Starfleet. Fenris Rangers was a good long wandering road that Seven needed to do and explore. She needed to form her own identity outside of the Borg, and outside of Voyager.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Picard and Prodigy canon acknowledge Seven of Nine is an engineer and along with B'Elanna Torres, they were the reason why Quantum Slipstream Drive is a viable and working star drive.
I wanted to see more of Seven dealing with the xB in the Artifact.
I wish Picard season 2 had more than 10 episodes because I wanted more Seven and the Borg Queen -- they have unfinished business. Seven and Agnes bond and find they have more in common than not.
Seven telling Raffi onscreen about Icheb -- because by the way Raffi mourned for Elnor it felt like she didn't know about Icheb and honestly, Seven is not the type of person to share that grief. Or how she actually lost two sons. One and Icheb.
What I hope to happen Seven clashes with the Fenris Rangers -- the Rangers calling her out on switching allegiances.
I hope to see Seven assigned as a liaison with the Jurati Borg despite Seven's ambiguous feelings with the Jurati Borg. And Jurati Borg Queen.
Also, I want Seven to meet her mother -- de-Borg'd time has stopped for her physically so she only looks a little older than Seven. Mother Issues, hello!
Or, Seven meeting someone who is a foil to her an xB who is on the opposite end of her thoughts about being Borg. A good antagonist who isn't a bad guy for Seven to clash with philosophically.
I miss a good philosophical episode in New Trek, where the ending is murky and questionable and leaves it for the audience to parse the answers.
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bragganhyl · 3 months
Can you do kana for the character thing please? And Eder if you want 😘
I sure could, thank you :D
How I feel about this character: Sweet angel boy, too good for the world, I learned so much about different chanter builds just so I can keep him around along with my chanter Watcher lmao but also his arc hits harder with every replay
All the people I ship romantically with this character: As I recall, he only ever shows interest in Maneha and well she's obviously not interested. So... idk at most the Watcher, I bet a romance would have been very cute and very - for the lack of better word - romantic with him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Hiravias, I'm probably repeating myself but I do very much like how Kana brings out his more scholarly side. Hell, I'm pretty sure Kana is one of the very few people if not the only one (aside from the Watcher potentially I mean) who sees and treats him as an intellectual. So yeah I like their nerd dynamic a lot.
But also Maia, ofc, just... give me all the Rua family interactions, it's fun, it's tense but the love between them is undeniable still.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I feel very ambivalent about his post-Crookspur cameo in Deafire, because on the one hand I'm always very happy about more Kana but why did he have to join the navy 😭😭😭 That's not what I meant when I told him that Rauatai should seek common cultural links with other nations, babyboy nooo 😭😭😭
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: This might be obvious but he should've been in Deadfire more. Tbh I think the faction companions could've worked better if we had 2/faction and we could see their different attitudes and maybe see them play off one another but that may be just me I definitely would have liked if I had both the Rua siblings on board and see their friction more. And ofc see how the last 5 years changed Kana - aside from him joining the navy I mean
I'm putting Edér under the cut bc it's getting long
How I feel about this character: Do you need to ask, Anon? I love himst, I love him so much it's not even funny at this point 😭
All the people I ship romantically with this character: The Watcher, like... a lot. His devotion for them is through the roof, the Watcher is in some ways the light of his life who pulls him out of the dark and apathetic mental space where the Saint's War and its aftermath placed him. Like how am I supposed to be normal about them? Especially if you throw in lines like "I wish [the gods] knew you like I did" or the personal +5 to deflection line seriously who's idea was that and why does it sound like that
also if you've been around this household then you might know that I also like the Team Gilded Vale throuple but like a) i'm not ready to submit that 5 page long essay rn and b) I kinda can't separate the dynamic from my Watcher in specific rn so yeah ask me about that some other time I'm very sorry my brain is a mush
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tbh he's got good chemistry with like most of the companions in either games, but ngl I do like the idea of him befriending Grieving Mother a lot. They only interact once but even then Edér calls her a "nice, stranger lady" - despite GM's aura of unpleasantness - and GM seems really heartbroken over being unable to help him during his personal quest. And they both end up in Dyrford potentially, I'd like to think they end up bonding between games.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's not a himbo, he's not dumb enough for that tho deadfire does dumb him down ngl and he can be very mean at times too so... yeah.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Elafa should not have died. It does her dirty because obviously. It does Edér dirty because he ends his story still holding onto a version of Elafa that hasn't existed since the Saint's War. In some ways it even does Bearn dirty because the only way to establish a substantial link between him and Edér is to navigate the boat scenario in a very specific way that most players won't even think to aim for (you need to run out of convo options with Bearn while he's still undecided to push Edér to talk him down himself)
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lestappenforever · 11 months
Hi. Someone just posted how they were watching Team Redline yesterday and people were spamming the comments section with “Lestappen” and mentioning Max’s lisps. I don’t know how to feel about all this because allegedly someone who was posting about Lestappen got blocked from the comment section after 20 minutes.
What scares me is that of course Max knows what Lestappen is now if he didn’t before, thanks to his team posting it. And of course, Redbull would never post something their golden boy hasn’t approved but that doesn’t give anyone else the right to ask Max about it. Max is not Charles tbh (not that Charles should be asked about it either) but Max is the kind of person who never talks about these kind of things. If he gets pissed, he’ll just stop streaming altogether or ask his team to shut it down (by it I mean Lestappen) because it’s getting out of hand. Charles faces issues head on (like that time he asked fans to stop camping outside his home because it was making him uncomfortable).
I would also like to point out it is not necessarily Lestappen girlies in the comments but rather people who have no boundaries whatsoever or people who want Lestappen girlies to look bad. I was once in a fandom that had no boundaries whatsoever and it ended badly and the ship can’t be mentioned without people wanting to pull out their hair. It’s just sad that Max has to deal with all the bullshit and that’s why he hates social media and being in the spotlight. Can we just enjoy what he and Charles offer us and in extension Redbull and F1 (sometimes even Ferrari) without making it weird? Thanks.
Hi anon!
I didn't watch the stream yesterday, but I can't say I'm surprised at what you're sharing. Now, I am absolutely certain that Max knows very well what Lestappen is, and has known for years. And even though I also believe that Max is also the type of person who doesn't let things like that really get to him, I am still of the opinion that it's a line you shouldn't cross.
Shipping is a thing that belongs in fandom. Sure, the social media teams of their teams see the appeal and know they can make a huge profit from using certain parts of shipping in their own channels, but that is something very different to people spamming comment sections with those types of things.
It should be (and for the most part, it is) common knowledge that you don't bring up those parts of fandom to the real-life people involved in those ships. The way I see it, there is absolutely no reason to try and shove those parts of fandom down the throats of the people involved, which is unfortunately exactly what is being done when you spam a stream, a comment section or anywhere else with shipping content, etc.
The majority of Lestappies are without a doubt reasonable, respectable people who would never even consider bringing those things to Max and Charles. But, as it sadly is with every fandom, there are going to be a minority of people who don't understand, care about or respect those boundaries. And then there are people who aren't even part of the fandom who just take some weird pleasure in being cringe and disrespectful towards drivers, and for some reason try to make it their life's mission to try and expose drivers to parts of fandom they shouldn't be exposed to. And as much as we wish it wasn't the case, those people are always going to exist. And they are always going to be loud about it.
Now, I personally don't think we need to worry about Max getting upset by any of this at all - he is notorious for not giving a shit, and I highly doubt Lestappen would be the thing to change that. I'd honestly be more worried about Charles being affected by it than Max, but I don't see it becoming a big deal for either of them. But that doesn't mean that people should try to shove Lestappen down their throats, either on social media or in real life. It's just a matter of common decency and being respectful towards other human beings, which unfortunately seems to be a bit too complicated a concept to grasp for a select few individuals.
Keep shipping and those parts of fandom away from the drivers, and enjoy it where it's meant to be enjoyed - such as in our delulu world of Tumblr. It's that simple. Nothing good is going to come from trying to force the two together.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
“Anon who straight up spoiled the loft scene for me last week, can you come back with your thoughts for the rest of the season? I'm curious to see your line of thought and I'm so sorry I doubted you 🩷”
i don’t know if you mean me or not but i DID send you a message recently about how the buddie loft scene could parallel the bucktommy loft scene… i’m shocked that i was sort of right honestly 😭
i know it wasn’t an exact parallel but… the dark warm lighting?? the soft discussion?? the Moment (kiss/hug) in the exact same spot between the table and island?? tommy/eddie leaving with advice to call eddie/tommy?? the final shot of buck letting out a sigh of relief??
gotta be on purpose surely??
i haven’t had the chance to think about the rest of the season yet lmao but in my opinion, last nights episode wasn’t bad for buddie i don’t think? there were lots of lines that could be revisited in the context of canon buddie if they choose to go there, like bobby’s advice, the catholic guilt, “i wish i could help” lmaooooo. and the interviews too! ryan basically saying women are all eddie knows but he thinks eddie will start exploring what he doesn’t?? lou saying it was meant to be eddie/tommy?? so queer eddie was/is on the table, the writers can see that a queer arc would lend well to his character/storyline just like we can??
slightly unrelated, but people are already saying that ryan is against kissing boys lol so that’s why it was bucktommy instead… 1. we definitely know that’s not true and 2. he’s right that a queer arc wouldn’t fit eddie right now? starting s7 he was with a woman but buck was single, so it made sense to be buck even though i wish with every fiber of my being that they had still gone with eddie haha
idk i’m always gonna be hopeful for buddie until the series finale and even then i’m still gonna ship them (save me fix it fics). but i do not understand people closing on buddie, it really feels like they’re keeping the possibility more open than they ever have before for their relationship to change in the future ❤️
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is you because I think that was the only ask I got about the loft scene paralleling the Bucktommy kiss and I legit was like "dude the anon was right" and had to race here to check kspsksoaksokas I really didn't think they were gonna be as on the nose as they were but they really were and I'm still ???? about because the whole you're not sure of your feelings thing with Maddie and everything with Tommy, Buck still not knowing what he wants but the VERY obvious parallels between both scenes are gonna drive me crazy lol please come back and tell me the thoughts once you figure them out, I'm genuinely curious to see what you think because you did get the vibe right and vibes are the thing that keep confusing me tbh
And honestly, Ryan acts like his main purpose in life is to be allowed to get paid to make out with Oliver, what do you mean he doesn't want to kiss boys? I don't think switching this arc around would work as well as it does for Eddie, I think realistically, freshly single Eddie would be a lot more freaked out if a guy he's known for a few weeks just kissed him, I don't think the progression we are seeing with Buck would work the same way because Eddie sexuality is set up differently, Buck has always been more casual about the physicality of a relationship, we literally haven't even seen Eddie kiss someone besides Shannon until last night. I know it wouldn't be a direct one on one switch, but I think letting Buck figure out with someone else's help while letting Eddie think about what it could mean for him that Buck is a guy and he's dating a guy, and he's dating a guy Eddie has a lot in common with that could get Eddie to be like "huh, maybe they do have the right idea" and look into the possibility of him being attracted to men on his own will makes a lot more sense, if that's the thing direction this is going. It was the impression I got from Eddie's contemplative *huh* upon finding out Tommy is gay, because considering how the show established how similar Eddie and Tommy are, to have Eddie be a little "oh i didn't know this was an option for us" even more since they are finally adding the religious trauma angle to canon, like, we knew, but good to know Eddie knows now too, could lead to something interesting. It's like we've all been saying, Buck's needs to figure out he's into men but Eddie needs to figure out he's into Buck. Buck is already there, and Eddie could trip into the realization whenever they want him to. Dude has been there ever since the end of season 5, Eddie knows how to soul search, he just needs the right trigger. This might be it. This feels like it could be it. It's getting too close to the point for them not to get there. All I know is I will be on the boat until the show ends and then stay on the boat because what if there's a revival and they suddenly decide it's time to make them canon yk? No one will ever take the hope away from me.
Also, thank you for coming back 🩷🩷
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zorilleerrant · 2 months
3 8 & 9!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I don't screenshot these for my own mental health but. I've genuinely seen someone - more than one person, actually! - claim that Jason Todd never killed anyone. And I don't know if it was just a joke that didn't land or if they're talking about Robin!Jason or something else, but I think there's a growing contingent of people who genuinely believe that every claim Jason killed anyone is a smear campaign. Which is like. That's the point of his character actually??? Like the whole point of Red Hood is exploring the morality of killing and what it does to a person regardless of morality. He wouldn't be an interesting character without the murders!!! The Cass misunderstanding (that she's an assassin) I get more because that's an easy mistake to make.
That Armand never really loved Louis, he was just convenient, which like. No he's not did you even watch the show? That's the most inconvenient motherfucker anyone could ever date. But also... none of the dramatic tension plays out unless he's in love! (Some of it I don't think played out anyway.) There's no reason for him to do anything he does unless he's head over heels and going crazy with it. And there's no poignancy to the breakup if neither of them care I mean. What about it then. (Also how can Daniel heal Armand's heart if it isn't broken, come on now.)
I've also been getting mad at people a lot for saying that Faith is a lesbian or has 'obvious lesbian coding' when like... she's one of the straightest characters on TV. Literally, no, people, you are just a lesbian and into her! That's the opposite! You're the opposite person from Faith in that equation!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
That any of the Batfamily smoke. Rich people just don't smoke anymore, haven't for quite a while, and certainly wouldn't be okay with their kids smoking. Which means they only do it as rebellion - except that Bruce had no parents to rebel against, and everyone else did superhero stuff for their rebellions. Even the ones who grew up in environments with a lot of smokers were too young to be smoking regularly when they were out on their own. Alfred might smoke, depending on his backstory, but not in front of the kids. Steph you could convince me was rebelling against her very health conscious mom, but you'd need to motivate an antagonistic relationship. Babs I feel would just think it's gross.
That Niko is aromantic. She literally decided two starfish were in love, just because they were next to each other and had contrasting color palettes. That's, if anything, an example of amatonormativity, not a thought that aromantics have all the time. I mean I think she just saw the starfish and had her own romantic thoughts, because she likes romance and thinks about it all the time, and if you want her to be arospec then make her aego!!!
That Xander is any more sexist or awkward than any of the other characters. Sure, a lot of his lines didn't age well... but neither did any of theirs, and no one decides they're evil for it. Well, except for the handful who have really violent things to say about Willow. I wish I could find more Buffy fans who watched it on the air tbh. He literally doesn't do anything except for normal teenage stuff like all the other teenagers also do.
9. worst part of canon
Alright, everyone's going to come at me for this one but like. I don't think Dick and Bruce should have an antagonistic relationship. Or even a tense one. Or even like 'well, Bruce is controlling and Dick is learning to be an adult, so they clash'. No? They really mostly shouldn't ever have problems. They're THE Batman and Robin; they know exactly what each other is thinking. They think in the same way and agree on 99% of stuff and don't ever misunderstand each other because they grew up together. They learned how to be heroes together. I don't need false conflict added to make the story world all dark and edgy and I don't see why it was. Dick is a kid who has normal growing up problems and Bruce is a supportive dad who sometimes gives the wrong advice because he didn't have the exact same problems, that's it.
The worst part of Invincible canon is that they specifically made the main character half asian and then didn't do anything thematic with it. Guys! His human half is asian, always seen as other, seen as a visitor or tourist even in his own home. His alien half, which is a visitor and tourist (and nefarious dictatorial influence), looks white, and thus is categorically instead of contingently accepted. Both halves would make him feel othered and outside of society, but one half people would reject outright for not looking othered, and the other half people would reject because they don't like to listen to asians having opinions on things. His dad was never racist to his mom because he didn't know how, and that helped her fall in love with him, but then the dude turns right around and has opinions about all humans that really sound a lot like the same orientalist arguments! And they just didn't SAY anything about it!!!!
The worst part of Buffy is Season 7.
lol probably everyone should specify a fandom
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thoseyoulove · 2 months
@probablynottola thank you for tagging me! I love this games and also love Ted Lasso! I almost used it here, but thought the answers would be too repetitive so went with something different hehe.
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
@black-market-wd4o, @voiddusk, @kaokhss, @ellavrena, @jaypentaghast, @andy4yippee, @unhinged-nonsense, @gayboymolloy, @hearfrost, @waterghoulcalamity
P.S. As I edited this on my drafts, some of the blogs I'd successfully tagged got unmarked and I don't know why? So I'm keeping it anyway in case it does show up on the notifications or people see it on their dash and want to play. No pressure tho. ^^ x
I choose:
Interview With the Vampire.
Stranger Things.
Shadow and Bone (going with the books because I'm not caught up on the show, but I did love season 1!).
The first character you loved:
Lestat, but things shifted pretty quickly to Louis, Claudia, Armand, Louis again and so on... But I guess he was the first because I wish I had his confidence.
The character you relate to most:
I relate to a lot of things with all of them, the least would be Daniel, but I still have one or two things in common with him. It's hard to say, but I think Claudia is a safe choice. She's definitely one of them and could definitely be the very first.
It depends, but Alina or Genya.
The character you'd slap:
ALL OF THEM except Claudia.
Lonnie. Would happily kill him with my bare hands.
The Darkling. Would happily give him the slowest, loneliest and most painful death in the world tbh.
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
Like I said, at this point it really depends on the episode. Sometimes I don't know who to choose even on one scene with just two people. Things are that balanced for me, which is a testimony of how mind-blowing the acting and writing are on this show. It's so satisfying to not be able to choose because all the options are amazing, I hope that never changes.
Will, El, Mike.
Alina = Mal, Genya.
A character you liked at first but don't like anymore:
Santiago. I hate him as a person, love him as a character, cheered when he died and applaud Ben Daniels for his amazing work. All reactions can and do coexist in me.
The only one I can think about is One? I mean, he is supposed to be the character you root against because of spoilery reasons, but I did like him at first. And I did see that plot twist coming from miles away. And it was still one of my favorite scenes from all time anyway because it was that powerful to see. Emmy material. And while I root against him, I still love him as a character. Wow. Such an upgrade in that category of specific type of characters. I love it.
I don't think there's one? Now that I'm thinking about it, I believe this story actually didn't have any traitors or characters that frustrated me? I started and finished the books loving/hating the same people, the only ones that I changed my opinion about grew on me after their development, never the other way around. Unless I'm forgetting something.
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Armand. It was more of a neutral opinion than dislike or hate. There wasn't much to know about him on season 1, but now... I'm obsessed. Assad is a wonderful actor, he stole the scene several times and gave me some of my favorite moments in the history of television.
Steve. I think the writers didn't know what to do with him at first, so he behaved in bad ways that really don't make sense with the person he turned out to be. It wasn't even like "wow, what a great character development", because he has absolute no signs of that guy anymore. It just feels like a totally different character at this point, but in a good way. He's my favorite among the teenage characters.
Three OTPs:
So I don't have OTPs that easily, it depends a lot on the writing, chemistry and the characters having a good amount of screen time for a pairing to get on OTP level for me. But here we go:
SHIP that has potential to become otp depending on future development
Ship I like and I root for, but some things are still missing for me OR there's probably not enough time left for it to become a full otp at this point
LOUSTAT? Okay, these two I'm not sure if they are a ship or straight-up OTP to me, I'm still figuring it out, but they're my favorite so far. Also, the church scene and the hug are my top 3 of favorite scenes on the show and some of my favorite on anything I've ever watched. I think Loustat will go down in history not only as one of the biggest pairings on TV shows, but also as the only one that fully explored all the depths of a relationship and even the depths of existence for the characters as individuals. The good, the bad, the ugly, the complicated. There's nothing else out there with that caliber of writing, chemistry, details and layers. At least not so far. And I'm in for it. ARMANDIEL, I need more time, but I'm invested. I haven't read the books, but everything I hear about Devil Minion sounds so compelling. And that scene with young Daniel is the other scene from my IWTV top 3. It's one of my favorite scenes ever as well. The chemistry was out-of-this-world and I hope they develop their dynamic on both timelines. LESMAND, I need more and I'm incredibly invested too. Everything about them on the books just sounds so insane. That scene they had alone, the chemistry was fantastic and so hypnotizing... They could be as explosive as Loustat, but in a totally different way if the writers want. I'll probably still root for the endgame ships, because that's what they'll spend more time with anyway, but I could accept any, each and everything they give me because the chemistry between all the duos is that incredible. Even Loumand, that sank pretty fast in the narrative, I loved their flirty and courtship phase so much. I'd also accept a large polyamorous ship if they gave me, but we know those vampires would kill each other and themselves because they can't really share lol. But I'm just enjoying the ride and having a great time.
BYLER, Jancy, Elmax.
MALINA, Genya x David, Nadia x Tamar (tbh that's the only other ship I remember/think that exists on the books and I'm neutral, but Nadia is AWESOME and I love her).
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Hello! For the choose violence ask game: how about 8, 16, and 22?
oooohhh boy i forgot i had added that to my queue jfdkg thank you, enjoy my honesty :P ❤ 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about The idea some people have that Makoto is some sort of martyr and an all-around amazing person. That boy is bland as fuck, basing his entire life around another person. Yes, he IS kind and sweet, I'm not dismissing that, but I personally don't think he's one bit interesting. He does have potential (particularly when he FINALLY gained some sense of self and independence as he began tutoring kids), but all of that was wasted, especially during TFS. I also highly disagree that he has a "almost telepathic" bond with Haru, his entire perception of Haru is mostly based off of assumptions and not actual observations, other characters (even strangers) have repeatedly been able to tell Haru's emotions better and way earlier than Makoto did. Whether that's due to just not acknowledging it, idk, but every time I rewatch the show and movies it becomes more and more clear that as much as he may know Haru, he doesn't actually understand him. Haru doesn't always make it easy for him, I know, but still
16) you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) I don't like the previously common characterization of Rin as this weak, fragile, pathetic person just because he gets overwhelmed by strong emotions. god forbid boys cry, right? It was an integrated part of the fandom to joke about him, and while it was mostly harmless, it always irked me so much, still kinda does. So many people sounded like schoolyard bullies or bigoted boomers whenever they talked about headcanons for Rin tbh 22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores Gou. Enough said. Even the creators forget she exists. (also wish more people would remember and acknowledge Nagisa's massive impact on everyone around him. my boy deserves more recognition)
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arthur-lesters-balls · 10 months
i have! so much! i wanna! talk about!
i know i got to stop wasting my free time thinking and go back to listening. however, before i do that theres only one thought i really need to put somewhere so lets go i'll make it quick
i just wanna talk about the confession arthur made about the cannibalism that happened in the dreamlands
im not going to talk about the faustian bargain, im not going to talk about how great was the choice of cannibalism since the act of eating meat is well known when it comes to representing earthly desires, and im not going to talk about how they made the value of this exchange very clear with not only john's suffering but also how arthur looks back at it. yeah, i wanna talk about it, its beautifully written! but i wont because i said this would be quick
my favorite part, the chosen one to stop me from talking about the faustian bargain, is the wonderful "twist" that was made to this relatively common narrative moment, and what it says about john and arthur!!!
it was not that difficult to guess arthur had to resort to killing someone, not only because of the nature of that prison but also because they were calling that piece of bone they had by a very specific human name (otherwise that would be so funny lmao) but i hadnt really given a thought about what that meant to john with his ability to see peoples death, so that surprised me
its obvious that his ability is directly connected with humaneness, theres no way to make it clearer than the fact that john started to have it after arthur's coma (or that it literally makes an immortal being experience death). but arthur being the responsible one for that death just adds so much to it
and once again i could go on and on about how thats (to me) similar to a bunch of other events in the story where arthurs perspective of humans doesnt match his own actions, and how the consequences of some of his choices help john to experience humanity, but i wont, because i said it would be quick
arthur lied to john because he wanted to be extra cruel while killing that man, and then john was the one who was forced to empathize with him, reliving that death thousands of times. and the unnecessary cruelness arthur chose had its weight
in my opinion, as we can see with larson too, arthurs regret about his daughter is currently being coped through lashing out at anyone who commits any sin that comes any close to resembling his mistake. arthur judges john for killing in a non-reactive way, saying those are the acts of a monster, but hes starting to find ok to do something that fits the same classification, as long as he sees this specific fault in the person
and its funny because they had their most recent fight precisely because john also killed someone (two people actually) in a non-reactive way and arthur reminded him of it
i think theres a lot of potential around this. i hope that now that john is back this also turns around and john receives an opportunity to question arthurs choice about faust (and the wish to kill larson too i guess). knowing john itll probably be quite different from the way arthur did it, he'll probably be trying to help arthur to think straight about what hes doing, but that just makes it more interesting tbh
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seaweedbraens · 11 months
I think I’ll go ahead and come off of anon xD. Mostly cause I have thoughts and would like to have someone to talk to lol.
Tbh, my emphasis on her fatal flaw being self sacrifice is probably a bit of a knee jerk reaction to how it tends to be portrayed in the fandom at large. ‘Cause it seems a common thing to portray her hubris as arrogance and I don’t think she’s very arrogant at all.
If I remember correctly she never really tries to place herself above anyone else. Heck, at the end of TLO she says that Percy saved the world and he corrects it to “us”. She’s even the first person to give credit to Tyson at the of SOM.
How it does manifest the majority of the time tho (at least in my opinion) is via reckless overconfidence. There are 3 instances which are usually used as examples to her nearly dying from her fatal flaw. The sirens, the sphinx, and Arachne. Of those the ones that are more overtly arrogance are the the latter two (tho I personally hesitate to include the sphinx because the dialogue to me sounds more like she’s having a neurodivergent breakdown but that’s another discussion). Everything else tho? The sirens, the manticore, the sky, the helicopter, fighting after getting stabbed, etc? Heck, volunteering for quests in general? Either reckless overconfidence or her just moving without thinking in defense of someone else.
TLDR, it’s not that I think she isn’t prideful, I just think she’s more likely to die to protect someone else.
Also, I think it’s kinda funny you say she’s not one to forgive when I personally think she’s one of the most forgiving people in the series. She forgives Luke and her dad, after all, even if, as you said, she never quite forgets. The only exception is probably Hera, which, I mean, is fair xD
- (Formally) A’s oath anon.
PS. I do write actually! Nothing for PJO yet tho not for lack of trying. I’m still in a bit of a writing rut unfortunately. Not to say I’m not interested in a collab with @glove23. I just don’t know how effective I’d be.
oh my GOD i love this!!! completely agree on her pride manifesting as reckless overconfidence, it's very much a sense of "i could do it and i could do it BETTER" that reminds me of the sirens' vision she had in the sea of monsters. honestly, her explanation of it hits the nail on the head - i think she says something along the lines of "but sometimes you just see the bad stuff/what if i could take everything down and rebuild it from scratch' which is so interesting to me!! i've said this before about her more emotional reactions, but annabeth, the supposed 'logical one', acts more on raw emotion than just about anyone. she gets angry and mad and JEALOUS, and she doesn't even attempt to hide it - that's what contributes to the way i write annabeth, which is pretty much as an emotional disaster. i love her so much
GOOD CATCH on her being forgiving; i really do think ive been confusing canon!annabeth with the version i have in my head?? either way, thank you for reminding me! annabeth is better than me frfr
i'd love to see what you've written, or if you ever get around to writing for pjo! i understand writing ruts, and i wish i had more advice on how to get those good ol' creative juices flowing, but all i can say for now is: don't force it. when you get into the mood, the words will f l o w.
@glove23 could probably help w that, tbh. they've been writing fics EVERY WEEK for what feels like 90 million years. i could never.
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papirouge · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
NEVER forget despite what pathological liars say, mainstream medias were in their vast majority, pro Amber.
Social media/the people, on the other hand, was siding with Johnny.
That's why so many pro Amber freaked out at the actual hate movement against Amber : they simply cannot stomach the fact that media don't control people anymore and that the common citizen can now make their own voice heard (no pun intended) loud and clear.
It was very interesting to see pro Heard complain about "the media circus" surrounding this case, as if the "society of spectacle" wasn't already a well documented observation of modern communications dynamics for the last few decades - and most importantly, not exclusive to the Depp v Heard case or society's (alleged) rampant misogyny.....
They precisely act like legacy medias which, feeling their power & influence significantly lowering by the time, attempt to remove any credibility to grassroot reinfo movement, calling them conspiracy theorists, fake news, etc.
... this reminds you of something? Pro Heard obsessively called the movement in support of Johnny "PR smear campaign" or bots. It wouldn't remotely occur to them that Johnny Depp overwhelming support in the general public was genuine, and could be rationally explained by the fact he's been one of Hollywood's most popular actor for decades with iconic roles (Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, Cry Baby, etc.) and mostly importantly interpreted one of Disney live action movie most beloved character: Jack Sparrow. Heard was a literally a 'who' next to him, which explains why she would never be able to leverage support in such a conflicting case (so no, it doesn't necessarily has to be misogyny)
They are obsessed in controlling the narrative, even if that means lying consistently about factual reality.
Look at them obsessively keeping tabs on whoever liked Johnny Depp first post trial Instagram post, and making entire lists off of them to be canceled....
Unsurprisingly they also suddenly started cussing out popular jury who aren't "law professionals" just because the court decision didn't give the ruling they expected... Those activists pretending to care about the people are actually the biggest elitists.
Their coping about "the tide is turning" or "I can't wait for the documentary exposing how we all wronged Amber Heard" never fails making me wonder: "who's the we?" Mainstream media were and are still in their vast majority pro Heard. The general public? They mostly moved on and rejoiced at Depp winning his case. They will never apologize or feel sorry for Heard because they don't think she deserves any apology. People don't owe nothing to celebrities. Crime of thought or opinion isn't a thing.
This is the internet: Amber Heard is not the first, last, or the only laughing stock it collectively decided to pick on for any season. And the internet will never feel sorry. Deal with it.
Tbh I also blame the #freebritney movement that made too many of you believe that TMZ and paparazzi harassing celebrities represented regular citizens and that people actively sought out to ruin her... Zoomers don't seem to grasp early 00s people were much more removed from "field reportreport" as we are today, which means they had a more apathetic perspective on celebrity struggles. If media decided to milk this repentance shtick regarding their collective coverage of Britney antics back then to revamp their image, that's on them, but expecting this dynamic onto random people (not media news) who didn't have any say on media narrative is wishful thinking....
Amber Heard is none of your friend, sister, wife or mother. None of you know her. None of you talked to her, and never will. So it's weird to me how some of you are hellbent acting like we owed anything to her.
Why elevating your parasocial involvement in a millionaire celebrity civil case as a cautionary tale for ALL women?
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