#or the “HitLer sHould hAvE fIniShEd wHat hE sTarTed”
fairykery · 11 months
I cant believe Tumblr/Twitter/TikTok/YouTube is gaslighting Jews about not being anti-semitic. I stand with the Innocents of Gaza and am extremely against the Israeli Government. (Emphasis on "Government"); but pretending y'all aren't neglecting and vanilla-izing what HAMAS did(is doing EVEN to its own people) just because y'all want to be the right "amount" of aesthetically progressive is disgusting. Both Hamas & the Israeli government is hurting their own people and the innocents on the opposing sides. And a Great deal of people) civilians from BOTH sides want and have been wanting each other's deaths/genocides because they fear/hate each other AND because they both feel entitled to those lands(Fun fact: they BOTH have native/blood/cultural/religious ties even if one more than the other I won't say who because people will use that to justify the genocide of the other). Not to mention the propaganda of each other their governments/leaders have been imposing on them for years. BUT I've only seen people "justify" what Hamas is doing to the other side. I've seen people chant a fancy genocidal phrase towards the Jews in Israel. I've seen people call the slaughter of Jews "justifiable" because they are "evil light skinned goblins". I've seen people neglect the ancient history of Jews and how Jews even got to that situation in the first place. I've seen people encourage propaganda about Jews in order to justify the slaughter of Jews. I've seen people neglect facts and I've seen them say that "this issue is NOT complex" just so the side that they took can seem more justifiable in their slaughter. I've seen mourning Jews get harassed. I've seen Holocaust survivors whose only crimes were to simply show sympathy for their love ones "get harassed". I've seen people tear down posters of missing jewish people(like what does that have to do with being against the Israel government? The Israel government will probably bomb their own people just to get to hamas. But y'all only then show "fake worry" for jews when the Israel government shows little signs of caring for them. Outside of that you guys hypocritically justify their violent deaths and harass people that just want their loved ones back?). I've seen videos of radical liberals spitting on Jew protesters who have only been singing peacefully for their loved ones(they've been persecuted for ages they are allowed to AT LEAST mourn). My point is that I'm against both hamas and the violence of the Israeli government. My point is that a great deal of civilians on both sides have been wanting the death/and complete termination of the other side. My point is that taking a stance with either form of government/leadership is contributing to the support of genocide. Feeling more sympathy for civilians that have lost more is not wrong. Obviously that's where your attention should be. But saying this issue is not complex and immediately taking a side IS genocidal thinking giving the stance/ideals of most people on BOTH sides. Saying this issue is not complex and turning it into something that is not(racial issue) to justify your genocidal stance IS anti-semitism. Both sides have been radicalized but they don't deserve death. People just want to live.
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themalhambird · 11 months
Aaaaaand now, for a little post-bar-late-night-chit-chat between the boys....
It should be bliss. The bed is soft, the flat is warm, and for the first time in what feels like a decade or three Charles Whiteman can go to sleep with the absolute certainty that he’s not going to wake up bombed to pieces. But he can’t sleep, because he keeps straining for the tell-tale hum of the sodding luftwaffe. He’s still bracing for the sirens to start blaring, and the streetlights fading softly through the curtains are making his chest tighten, convincing him that right now, this street is thrusting its arm up in the air yelling pick me- actively volunteering to be Hitler’s prime target. He stares up at the ceiling for another ten minutes then gives up, rolling out of bed and making for the sitting room. This television thing is smashing- stuffed to the brim with rubbish that has no right to be so mindlessly entertaining and of course, a whole lot of good looking women in short skirts. Some really short skirts. Whiteman wonders-
The thought drops dead when he takes one step through the sitting room door, going for the lightswitch before he clocks Hillinghead. The man’s sitting in the armchair nearest the window, curtains open (that damned street light) but otherwise  in complete darkness. Reading. “No wonder you need glasses,” Whiteman says. 
“Whiteman. Can you not sleep either?” 
Whiteman drops his hand from the lightswitch without flicking it on. “Too quiet,” he says. Hillinghead does that hum-snort-scoff thing of his that Whiteman figures is amusement. 
“Too loud,” he counters, turning the page. 
“Mind if I get the lamp?” It’s not escaped Whiteman’s notice that the other man finds electric lights uncomfortable, even more than they make him feel. It makes sense, Whiteman guesses. They’re bright by his standards- he doesn’t know if Hillinghead even has electric lights in his home. 
“By all means.”  
Whiteman crosses to the right hand corner of the room and grabs the metal stem of the standing lamp. It comes on with touch. Fascinating. He throws himself on to the sofa and stretches out, angling himself so that he’s looking at Hillinghead. “Do you sleep in your suits?” he says. The man is, no kidding, wearing a tie at four o’clock in the morning. 
“No, I just- get dressed if I’m leaving the bedroom.” Hilinghead closes his book and stands. For a second Whiteman thinks he’s chased the guy off, but he just says
“Tea? Coffee?”
Whiteman hides a smirk. Electric lights might get on his nerves, but electric kettles, Hillinghead really seems to like. And the abundance of tea and coffee is something that they both appreciate: for Whiteman, a combination of rationing and supply problems can make tea in particular tricky to get hold of; for Hillinghead, coffee in particular was a rarely-consumed  luxury. And, Whiteman was convinced, the man just really likes using the kettle. A bit of a weird quirk, but everything about this situation is weird. “Sure,” he says, “Whatever you’re having.” 
Hillinghead nods and leaves the room. Whiteman gets up to pilfer his book and throws himself back down, studying the cover. Lady Audley’s Secret, the front cover declares- flipping to the title page, Whiteman sees that it was first published in 1862. When Hillinghead comes back five minutes later with two mugs of steaming black tea, Whiteman waves it at him “Reminds you of home?” he asked. 
“My wife- before we were married, we were…fifteen , I believe. Her mother said she wasn’t old enough to read it so she asked me to buy her a copy and to read it to her while she sat with my mother on a Tuesday afternoon.”
“Your mum didn’t mind?”
“My mother was ill, by that time, she would be asleep on the sofa twenty minutes after Charlotte arrived, more often than not,” he pauses. “She died before we could finish the book. We both did finish it, but separately - I read it myself and then I took off the cover and rebound it with-” he breaks off abruptly, and takes a long sip of his tea, avoiding Whiteman’s eye.
“What,” Whiteman prods. “What did you do? Cut a novel sized hole in the Bible and shove it in?”
“No.”  Hillinghead takes another long sip of tea and then confesses, sounding a little embarrassed: “...it was a collection of Hymns, Psalms, and other Spiritual Poetry.” Whiteman starts to laugh. “When my father found out he whipped me so hard I still had the bruises a month later,” Hillinghead adds. “It was his book, I shouldn’t have taken it.”
“Still,” Whiteman says. “Neat trick.” There’s genuine fondness in Hillinghead’s voice when he speaks about Mrs Hillinghead. Whiteman wants to ask more about this “Arthur” Hillinghead mentioned in the pub that afternoon, but without that 21st century daylight, and without Hasan’s and Maplewood’ casual acceptance, it feels like a topic too dangerous to be broached. Whiteman doesn’t care, per say- he’s always been one to turn a blind eye, or even shoot off a quiet  warning to the odd blokes not quite being discreet enough with the eyes they’re  making at each other. But it’s not something you openly talk about, not for him and certainly not for Hillinghead. So instead he sips his own tea and says,
“When I was a nipper, my dad caught me eating the biscuits my mum had made to take to this meeting, her and her friends got together once a week and they took turns bringing the cake or whatnot.”
“Oh? What happened?”
“He helped me finish them off, then we figured out how to make more.” Whiteman grins. Hillinghead actually laughs. “We got away with it, too,” Whiteman says. “Mum said she couldn’t figure out what she’d done differently that time to make them taste so good,” Hillinghead’s laughter grows. “If I can get the stuff together, I should make them for Esther when I get back.” His good mood dims a little. “If I get back. If she’s alright when I get back. I gave her a couple of people to go to, if - if I went out one night and didn’t come back. The bombings…y’know. Rabbi Goldstein. Inspector Calloway. Either of them would look out for her- but only if she goes. It’s been hard enough convincing her to do what I say when I am around.”
“I am sorry,” Hillinghead says quietly. “If nothing else, from what you’ve said the child sounds like she has a knack for survival.”
Whiteman snorts. “She does that.” 
They both turn their attention to their tea, each  sinking into their own thoughts. But it’s a companionable kind of silence, the knowledge that the other man knows at least a little something of how he’s feeling is a comfort to each. Whiteman hasn’t told Inspector Hillinghead that his daughter’s name’s a household one in his time, that Vera Lynn, Charlie Chaplin, and Polly Hillinghead keep Britain marching on, and he wonders if he should. He wants so badly to know about Esther. But Maplewood has said they need to limit their knowledge of the future as much as possible, or their knowledge of the immediate future of their own times, at any rate, and Hasan had agreed - citing the authority of “science fiction” in general and “Doctor Who” in particular. So mum’s the word- he hasn’t even told Maplewood or Hasan. And much as he wants to, he isn’t going to attempt to try and  trace Esther. Right now, he can just about convince himself that she’s out there somewhere, an absolute rogue of an old lady with an army of  grandchildren, like his mum had always wanted to have. He’ll take Esther to meet his mum, when this is over. If he presents a sort-of grandkid, she might stop nagging him about a daughter in law. Well, a man can dream, can’t he?
…but he doesn’t, not for the rest of that night: the first he knows about falling asleep is Maplewood yanking the blanket off him. “Oi!” he complains, and then: “...where did that even come from?”
“Budge up, I want to eat my cereal and you’re hogging all the sofa space. You didn’t grab the blanket?”
“Nope.” They both look over to the armchair. Hillinghead has nodded off, a blanket of his own and his still open book held limply on his lap. “Soft touch.” Whitehead mutters affectionately. 
“Don’t wake him up!” Maplewood whisper-hisses. 
“Hey- you woke me up, yelling about your bleeding cereal,” Whiteman counters, but he makes room for her on the sofa as he says it. “So,” he says. “What’s the plan, for today?”
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ru-fiction · 10 months
Unknown Territory:Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2: We only see each other at weddings and funerals part 2
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Five is aged up here.
Characters talking...
Everyone else talking is white.
Everyone stares at Luther waiting for him to speak. He stands up ready to make his point.
"Um..I guess..."
"C'mon speak up, Luther."
Luther sends Five a glare.
"Before that, I figured we could have some sort of memorial service. You know in the courtyard at sun down."
Klaus flies over to the bar and pulls out his cigarette, smoking away from the group.
"A few words at dad's favorite spot."
"Dad had a favorite spot?"
Luther looked at her confused, how could she not know.
"You know the spot under the oak tree."
Everyone shrugged.
"We used to sit there all the time. None of you ever did that?"
Klaus flies back over, now having two drinks in his hand. He hands one to Five before drinking some of his own.
"Will there be any refreshments?"
Everyone turns towards him.
"Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."
Luther's brows furrowed at the question.
"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."
Five, Diego and Klaus all rolled their eyes at the statement.
"Dad didn't allow a lot of things, Luther."
Luther rolls his eyes at Five.
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"
"Yeah? Like what?"
"Like what?"
Five and Diego were tired of him talking in circles and wanted him to get to the point.
"Like the way he died."
Diego sighs and Klaus sits down.
"Here we go..."
"I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack."
Luther nods at Vanya.
"Yeah, according to the coroner."
"Wouldn't they know?"
Vanya was confused at what he was saying but Diego knew exactly what he was saying.
Allison gives Luther a concern look.
"I'm just saying at the very least, Something happened."
"Something, like someone killed him."
"Exactly, He told me I should be careful who to trust."
Diego shakes his head and stands up.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."
Luther shook his head in disbelief.
"No. He must have known something was going to happen."
He looks directly at Klaus with a pleading look in his eye.
"Look, I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to dad."
Klaus scoffs and Allison does the same. Klaus shakes his head he was way too high for this.
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call.'"
Luther looks at him annoyed.
"Since when? That's your thing."
"I'm not in the right...frame of mind."
"You're high?"
"Yes, Yeah!"
Luther points to the ceiling.
"You were just flying."
Klaus lifts up his feet moving his toes around, Vanya moves his foot from in front of her face.
"My flight and my seance powers are two different things. I take my shoes off I fly. I get high, the ghosts go bye, bye."
Luther glares at him as he takes another drag from his cigarette.
"Well sober up. This is important."
"It's nonsense, that's what it is. There are more important things. Like the end of the world."
Luther quickly turns on Five.
"How could you say that? Our dad is dead."
Five shrugs.
"And the world is better off for it."
"I'm with Five on this one."
Luther shrugs him off.
"Then there's the issue with the missing monocle."
"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?"
Everyone just stares at Luther as he acts like he made a good point, he starts ranting about how it was someone who held a grudge against Reginald.
"Where are you going with this?"
"Isn't it obvious, Klaus?"
Five glares at Luther and Diego followed along finishing the rest of Five's statement.
"He thinks one of us killed Dad."
The room went silent. Five and Diego continued to glare at Luther, Allison looked offended, Klaus was in disbelief and Vanya was confused.
"You do?"
"How could you say that?"
Diego just shakes his head at him.
"Good job, Luther. Way to lead."
Diego walks away from him. Five gets up as well, flipping him off.
"Our oh so great leader everyone. Screw this."
Klaus gets upset and stands up ready to leave as well when Luther tries to make up an excuse for what Diego said.
"You're crazy, man. You're crazy."
"I'm not finished."
Allison and Vanya also stand up ready to leave the room.
"Sorry, I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back."
"That's not what I was saying."
After everyone left Luther was left alone to process what just happened.
17 years ago....
A crowd of people hover outside of a bank. An alarm goes off from inside, the SWAT team pulling up at every corner of the place.
Different news channels showed up to get a peek on the action from inside the building. From a building far away Reginald watched along with his adopted child Vanya.
"This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News."
"This is Rebecca Coleman, giving you the inside scoop on a recent robbery..."
"John Hughes from Channel 8, three hours ago a group of armed men entered the Capital West bank at main and sixth."
Inside the building a man walked around yelling at his walkie talkie. One of his other partners was struggling to get people to stay behind the desk, he had to wrestle with some of them.
The man on the walkie doesn't notice the younger uniformed girl skipping up behind him until it's too late.
"Hey, get back with the others."
The girl smiles at him leaning in as if to tell him something.
"I heard a rumor."
The man squints his eyes at her.
"What? What did you say?"
He leaned in more towards the girl which made her smile grow wider.
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."
The man stared off into space before his eyes turned pure white. He turned his gun towards another man wearing a suit that had a similar mask as him.
His partner panicked as he watched him trying to convince him not to shoot but it was too late. The man screamed out in agony causing everyone around him to panic including the people outside of the building.
During the commotion, Luther scrambles across the roof of the building before breaking through it, he slams one of the men against the table before throwing him out of the window. The police looked confused and pointed their guns to the window.
Diego ran from wherever he was hiding before throwing two knives into the shoulder of another goon.
"Guns are for sissies, Real men throw knives."
The man that was near Allison climbs up on the desk, his gun now pointed directly towards the children and he kept backing up trying to put a lot of space between him and them.
"Stay away freaks."
Diego pouts at him playfully.
"Hey, be careful up there, buddy."
"Get back now!"
Allison grins at him.
"Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Or what?"
The man turns towards the sound of another voice to find Five smiling up at him cockily. He pulls the trigger shooting at the boy but he disappears. He hears a whoosh sound behind him turning to find the same boy but this time he was glaring at him.
He goes to shoot him again but this time his gun was replaced by a stapler however that didn't stop him from pressing on it multiple times in desperation. Five grins at the man, amused.
"That's one badass stapler."
Five grabbed the man's hand that was holding the stapler and used it to knock him out. He hops down joining the rest of his siblings. They all faced the door where they were told more people were. The crowd looked at them in shock, tape still around their hands and mouths.
"Do we have to do this?"
Klaus and Five pat their brother's back before Luther pushes his towards the door giving him a stern look.
"Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault."
Ben sighs before walking inside.
"I didn't sign up for this."
The hostages all run out of the building scared for their lives leaving the kids to watch as blood splattered onto the door and windows. Moments later their brother comes out shivering and covered in blood.
"Can we go home now?"
The kids walk outside the building, watching as the police start to put their guns away and the cameras start to focus on them. Diego, Luther, and Allison smiled proudly at the cameras while Klaus and Five do too, Ben stares at his feet shyly.
"Why can't I go play with the others?"
Vanya looks at her dad with questioning eyes. He only looks at her annoyed which causes her to look away from him.
"We've been through this before, Number 7. I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you."
Vanya looks down at her siblings sadly, watching them wave at the people in front of them. She didn't notice A woman watching her back. Reginald leaves Vanya up on the roof by herself making his way over to the others.
"Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."
The children all grin at each other and the audience. The woman moved her attention from Vanya towards the children in front of her. The people around her got rowdy, all trying to be heard.
"Mister Hargreeves! Mister Hargreeves. Channel 9 News. What happened to their parents?"
"They were suitably compensated."
"Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?"
The kids all look towards their father, wanting to hear his answer.
"Of course, as I am for the fate of the world."
The woman looks around making sure no one was following her before stepping into the water. She walks deeper and deeper before completely emerging herself into the water.
Her legs started to fuse together before turning into a beautiful coral blue. She dove deeper into the water, gliding against different types of fish until she reached a golden castle.
She swam towards her room before lying on a mattress someone brought that she took from a shipwreck.
She sighed trying to make herself comfortable and closed her eyes. She opened them again when she felt the presence of another beside her.
"How was your trip to the human world, my love?"
The woman stared into the eyes of her husband.
"It was fine. Though I saw the weirdest thing today."
The merman looked at her with interest which she chuckled about.
"Apparently the humans have gotten themselves a group of supernaturals."
The mermaid sighs, looking towards the ceiling.
"Unfortunately, they're under Hargreeves care."
Her husband's eyes widened at the statement she made. While the two are not anywhere near close to being friends with Hargreeves, they have worked with the man before.
"I hate to think of the paths those children would go down under his care."
She looked back at her husband with a deep frown on her face.
"There was another kid that he had left on the roof, almost like he didn't want her around the others."
She laid her hands down on her stomach and started to rub it softly.
"Promise me, that if we have a second child. We won't make one feel better than the other."
You look around the room, staring blankly at the walls. You were bored out of your mind. You knew this was your punishment for trying to leave without completing your mission and you knew it could be much worse with the way they handle things here, you were surprised you got off this easy.
Though the cuffs around your hands were starting to make your wrist hurt. No one has been in since the handler earlier that day and the quiet was starting to get to you. They knew the best way to break you was to isolate you from the people you loved, it was something Five picked up on when he met you and something the Temps picked up on when they would lock you up for days to see how long you'd last. It was like a game to them however they did stop after Five threatened to kill them after finding out about it.
You sighed to yourself until you heard Five calling for you from inside your head. It scared you a bit and you were going to visit him until you heard the sound of footsteps from further down the hall. It was one of the different mermaid powers you unlocked. When you were younger, you always wondered how your mom could talk to the whales back at home, she said it was a gift that mermaids got when they were older, she explained how they communicated with sound and part of you didn't understand until one day when you were on a kill mission with Five and suddenly everything was louder than normal.
You heard the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder as the person got closer. The door to the room opened to reveal Herb with a tray of food in his hand.
"Oh, the Handler decide she's too good to see me now? I'm hurt."
You send him a playful smile to show you were kidding, you always like Herb. He was a nice guy, always kind to everyone and helpful. You did wonder how a guy like him could end up working for the Temps.
Herb smiles back at you placing the tray at your feet.
"Too bad, you get me instead."
Your smile grew until you looked at the tray below you which caused him to get worried.
"What's wrong? Do you not like it? I picked it myself."
"It's not that."
You gesture to your cuffed hands.
"I can't very much eat with my hands immobile."
Herb sighs before playing with his hands.
"I'd love to let you down but the Handler said if I did, she'd doc my pay again."
Herb then taps his chin.
"But she's sending some guards in later, like two or three of them."
He looked into your eyes and you instantly knew what he was hinting at. You wouldn't get him in trouble if there were other people down here instead. You smirk at the thought.
"Could you at least feed me then?"
Herb nodded his head with a smile reaching down to grab the food.
Klaus stood at the bar staring down at the framed photo and ashes of his adopted father with a pout on his face.
"Listen up old man. You know, if I was murdered, and one of my sons--"
He stops himself.
"Adopted sons-- happen to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about, I don't know, I don't know... manifesting!!"
He was laughing about it but the better part of him was annoyed with the thought of having to manifest the man that tortured him most of his life. He wasn't too keen on having him around him but if it'll get Luther off his back, why not.
Klaus starts to move his hands around upset with the fact that he couldn't conjure him. He stares down at the photo, anger and frustration growing more and more.
He sighs and tries to patiently wait for something-- anything to happen but nothing does.
He tries to clear his mind, still nothing and that made him more upset.
"You always were a stubborn bastard!"
He points an accusatory finger at the picture in front of him.
"I don't know about you, but I need a drink."
Klaus goes to grab some alcohol but ends up knocking over his father's ashes instead.
In the other rooms in the house everyone just sits in silence waiting for the funeral to start. The family never felt more like strangers than they did in that very moment.
The family now stood outside in the pouring rain holding umbrellas in their hands. Five gave Ben's statue a somber look. He had wondered if he had been there would Ben had still suffered the same fate.
Grace looked at her children with a confused smile on her face.
"Did something happen?"
They all looked at her concerned.
"Dad died. Remember?"
"Oh, yes. Of course."
Most robots wouldn't feel anything but Grace felt an odd sense of embarrassment, sadness, and a small sense of relief.
"Is mom okay?"
Allison looked at Diego.
"Yeah, yeah, she's fine."
He turned to look at Grace, his gaze softening.
"She just needs to rest. You know, recharge."
Pogo walks up finally meeting up with the others before asking Luther to proceed. Luther walks up opening the top of the container which held the ashes of his father, he pours it on the ground but not much comes out. Klaus cringes knowing he was the reason it happened.
"Probably would have been better with some wind."
"Does anyone wish to speak?"
No one steps up, they all look at the other instead. Considering no one had any good memories of him. Grace stepped up facing her children.
"He wasn't the best father.. and an even worse husband.."
Diego nodded along with his mother's words.
"But if he was guilty of anything-- it was caring for the world so much that he sacrificed his personal relationships.."
Diego frowned deeply at her statement.
"Unfortunately, he never asked us how we felt about that. But that doesn't make his death in vain. we must--"
"Stop. Stop."
Diego walks up to Grace, touching her shoulder.
"Mom, You don't have to defend him. He's gone now."
"He was a monster."
Klaus laughs.
"He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him."
Luther glares at him and Allison tries to get him to be quiet again.
"My name is Number two."
He looks at her which makes her look away from him.
"You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us names."
He gestures to Grace.
"He had mom do it."
Grace tries to discuss the situation.
"Would anyone like something to eat?"
"No, it's okay mom."
"Oh, Okay."
Everyone looks down, contemplating Diego's words. Klaus and Vanya were in agreement, Five was indifferent, Allison was sad, and Luther felt torn.
"Look, you wanna pay your respects?"
Diego turns to look at each and every one of his siblings.
"Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was..."
"You should stop talking now."
Diego turns to Luther annoyed.
"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."
"I'm warning you."
Klaus bites at his nails feeling stressed and Five just looks away from the scene already expecting a fight to break out before making eye contact with Klaus.
"He had to ship you a million miles away."
"Diego, stop talking."
Luther got upset. He didn't want to believe Diego's words.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"
Diego stabs his finger into Luther's chest which makes him retaliate by pushing it off and swinging a punch however he misses as Diego dives under his arm. He swings another but ends up missing again. Allison watches with a disappointed look in her eyes, Vanya pulls Grace back not wanting her to get hurt, Pogo tries to stop them, and Klaus puts a protective arm in front of Five which earns him a glare and a smack on his arm.
The two continue to go at it getting closer and closer to Ben's statue. Vanya begs for the boys to stop as Klaus eggs it on. Diego uses technique on Luther which throws him off guard as he felt he was stronger. Luther tries hard to use his physical strength against him but Diego kept slipping away.
"I don't have time for this."
Five shakes his head before heading inside.
Diego stand in front of Ben's statue, taunting Luther and as Luther throws a punch, Diego moves out of the way causing him to punch Ben's statue, breaking it.
The rest of the remaining siblings stare at the statue upset about what they did. Allison rolls her eyes at the two before following Five's lead and heading inside. Diego pulls out a knife throwing it towards Luther and slicing his arm much to the dismay of Vanya.
Luther walks inside the house taking this as a personal loss. Vanya walks up to Diego disappointed.
"You never know when to stop, do you?"
"You got enough material for your sequel yet?"
The two stare down each other before Vanya walks away.
"He was my father too."
Diego walks over to Grace before leading her inside with the others. Klaus watches everything with a cigarette in his mouth, stressed about the whole situation. After everyone leaves he walks up the pile of ashes on the ground.
"I bet you're loving this. Hmm? The team at its best. It's just like old times."
He takes another drag before placing his cigarette on the ashes.
"Best funeral ever."
You looked up when you heard footsteps coming in your direction again. The door opened to reveal to people both in the Temps uniform without their masks. One was a woman she was a few years younger than you, she had light blue eyes and blonde hair dyed orange at the bottom to match the suit she wore, she did not look happy to be there, on the other hand the man beside her had the opposite reaction especially when seeing your face. He was the spitting image of the girl except his hair was dyed brown.
"Arin, Johnny, long time no see."
You smile at the two getting a big one in return from Johnny.
"Hey Y/n, Looks like you've gotten yourself into trouble since lunch yesterday."
You shrug as he laughed though Arin didn't find it very funny.
"How's it hanging?"
"Not great. Can you believe how boring it is?"
"Ugh, I bet. I once was on stakeout by myself, worst five hours of my life..."
You nod along knowing the feeling.
"Speaking of Five, how's he doing?"
You shrug again.
"Who knows."
"It must suck to be away from him."
You sigh, leaning your head back against the wall.
"You have no idea."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!!"
Arin claps her hands together getting both of your attention.
"Stop this."
"Stop what?"
Johnny rolls his eyes at his sister before gesturing to you.
"She's our friend. I'm just having a conversation."
"She's a prisoner. We don't Kiki with prisoners."
Your smile instantly drops.
"Really, Arin."
"Shut up. You and Five did this to yourselves. I mean really trying to leave the commission are you serious?"
You scoff sending the girl a glare.
"You're lucky that this is the punishment they gave you. Honestly could you and Five had been any stupider."
Johnny tries to calm her down but she just turns and jabs a finger into his chest.
"Johnny, our jobs are on the line here. We don't have time to play 'friendly', You get me?"
She leaves the room for a bit, Johnny whispers a small apology before she comes back throwing a plate to the bottom of your feet causing some of the food on it to fly off the plate. She sends a fake smile before pulling her brother out of the room with a slam of the door.
You ball hands into fist.
Five sat on the stairs, leaning his head against his hand. He had been trying to get you to come but you hadn't shown up since earlier. He watched as each one of his siblings passed, each one more upset than the last. It was a pretty shitty funeral.
He sat there to himself for a few more minutes until Vanya came down throwing on her jacket and heading to the door.
"Where are you going?"
Vanya stopped with her hand grazing the door knob, she was still getting used to finally being around again. She hesitates before turning to face him with a shrug.
"I'm headed to a meeting. I'm already late so I'm hoping to catch up with them before it's too late."
Five just nods his head and the two just stare at each other in silence. Vanya figured he wouldn't say anything else turns towards the door again but Pogo came and stopped her again.
"Don't waste your time. Diego's right, I shouldn't have come."
"This is your home and always will be."
Pogo walks up to Vanya.
"Should I get you a taxi?"
"I already called one. But thanks."
Five smiles at the interaction between the two. Pogo has always been more of a father figure to them than Reginald was, Hargreeves was more of a teacher.
"I hope you know that your father loved you very much. In his own way."
"Yeah well that's kind of the problem. isn't it?"
Five chuckles in agreement, raising a hand slightly as a goodbye. Five watches Pogo walk up to the door to check on Vanya before he gets up and walks to the kitchen in search of caffeine. Unfortunately for him there was none. Klaus somehow found his way into the kitchen getting not much attention from Five. Allison later joins them.
"Where's Vanya?"
"She's gone."
Klaus holds on to a guitar, kicking his feet up.
"That's unfortunate. An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."
Five was annoyed to say the least, he hadn't heard from you since you talked earlier and now the sky was darkening. He was worried something might've happened to you and he had no way of knowing, no way to get to you. Now there wasn't any coffee to help him calm his nerves.
He couldn't talk to his siblings about it, no way would they understand. They don't even have their lives together. Not to mention the world was about to end.
"I'm taking the car."
Five moved to walk out of the kitchen. He wanted, no he needed coffee. Something to make him feel like he had some semblance of his life together.
"Where are you going?"
Five looked at Klaus like he just asked him the dumbest question in man kind.
"To get a decent cup of coffee."
Allison looked at him skeptically.
"Do you even know how to drive?"
She thought her question was valid, if the world was going to end, according to Five, there would technically be no need for them.
Five however just glared at the girl.
"I know how to do everything."
Five teleports away from them and into the car. He realizes he doesn't have the key and hops into the house for a second before jumping back, starting the car and pulling off.
He pulled into a stop in front of a place called Griddy's, somewhere he, Ben, Klaus, Allison and Vanya would sneak off to when everyone else was asleep.
He walked into the building not seeing anyone there so he approached the counter before pressing the bell. Another man walks in sitting next to him. The waitress comes from the back apologizing to the two men before taking their orders.
Five talked to the man for a bit, they talked about early memories before the waitress came back with their orders. The man offered to pay for Five much to his relief because he forgot to grab any money on his search for his caffeine. The man had given Five an address that he asked after awhile before leaving the building.
Five was now left alone again as the Waitress went back to where she came from. He was now deep in thought, worried about your safety. He knew how the Handler could be and for some reason she didn't particularly like you. Most would say that she was jealous of you; you were likeable and kind hearted, She however was not. But Five knew better, the Handler had some type of infatuation for Five and that didn't go unnoticed by him and because of that his relationship with you, platonic or not; angered her greatly.
After a while a group of agents walked into the building. Five recognized the orange, yellow and black costumes from anywhere. They found him.
"That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me."
All of them instantly pulled their guns to his head but he didn't show any fear.
"On your feet, come with us. They wanna talk."
"I've got nothing to say."
"You think I wanna shoot someone today? Go home with that on my conscience?"
Five smirks while picking up the knife beside his cup. This was a new agent, Five had seen him around the commission. He was good at his job, Five was better.
"I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home."
Five quickly teleports behind the man, stabbing him in his neck causing him to shoot his gun in shock before falling to the ground dead.
The other agents try to look for him as the lights start to blink from getting hit with the bullet. Five watches them look around in confusion from under the table before he teleports onto another one laying down.
"Hey, assholes!"
All of them quickly turned to the voice pulling their triggers but it was too late, he had already gone. All they succeeded in doing was shooting the lights out in the signs that were around the building.
Five smirks at them from outside of the building. You would have chastised him about making this longer than it had to be, you didn't like killing people. Sure you could have had any other job in the commission but the thought of Five being out there risking his life scared you, so you stuck it out. Though you'd rather do a fast and easy kill than drag it out. Five on the other hand could care less about torturing these agents, they took you away from him. They had to pay.
You tap your fingers against the medal around your hands. Your eyes shift to the door in anticipation. You start to hum the tune of come little children as soon as the door opens. Arin locks eyes with you as you continue your song, her eyes start to turn silver, you smirk as she walked closer to you while pulling out her keys.
You smile as you land on your feet, softly rubbing the bruise that formed around your wrist. You were happy that Herb and Johnny weren't the ones down here at the moment otherwise you'd feel bad.
"Thanks Arin, You're a doll."
She smiles as you softly pat her shoulders and You send her a guilty smile.
"I'm so sorry about this, buddy."
You punch the girl super hard, knocking her out as soon as her head hits the ground.
"No hard feelings..."
You smiled down at the body before slipping out of the door and heading towards the direction of the suitcases.
Though as soon as you turn the corner you bump into Johnny causing him to fall on his ass. He looks up at you in shock before sending you a big smile.
"No way, Arin changed her mind and let you out?"
You grimaced at him.
"Not exactly..."
His eyebrow raised in question. You were weary about how he'd react, the twins were super protective of each other, hurting one was like hurting the other and neither would let it go.
"What do you mean?"
You couldn't really hide the fact that you knocked his sister out because he would find her body if he walked into the room.
"I knocked her out."
You started stumbling trying to think of something to say so that he wouldn't be upset but there was nothing you could say.
"I'm sorry but I can't stay here any longer."
Johnny stands up from the ground dusting himself off while sending you a glare.
"I have to get to Five and help him save the world and unfortunately Arin was in the way of that. I will fight anyone I have to, If it means I can help him."
Johnny's face softened and he shakes his head with a small chuckle.
"You really care about that man, don't you?"
You nod at him.
"Fine. I'll help get you out of here."
He smiles at you and you quickly pull him into a hug.
"Thank you!!"
The two of you break away from each other and make your way down the hall looking for the suitcase room in the dark corridor. Once you make your way there you find two different guards outside the room with three inside.
"Ugh. I thought they'd be patrolling around right now."
"Don't tell me you're not up for a challenge, Johnny."
Johnny sighs.
"Not tonight."
You smile at him.
"I got a plan."
Johnny walks up to the two agents that were guarding the door with a smile on his face.
"Hey, Guys."
"Hi, Johnny."
Johnny's smile falters.
"The Handler is asking for everyone to meet up in the training room."
The two looked at each other in confusion before turning to Johnny.
"Apparently Y/n has escaped so The Handler needs all hands on deck."
"What about the suitcases?"
Johnny looks at them sternly.
"She says this is more important."
"Right. Lets go."
"Go on ahead you two, I'll let the others know."
The two nod before heading in a different direction once Johnny is sure they are completely gone, he sends you a thumbs up before walking in the room.
The other three agents turn towards him with their guns pointed but instantly point them down when they see it's just him.
"Oh, John. Sorry, We thought you might be someone else."
"Like who?"
One of the agents shrug.
"I don't know, Y/n is a sneaky little minx. We thought maybe she escaped or something."
Johnny starts to chuckle nervously.
"No way. I was in the room they're keeping her in earlier, she's bound tight. No way she's getting out of there."
"Right, obviously they wouldn't let that sneaky little siren just roam in a cell somewhere."
One of the other guards butt in.
"You guys hear something?"
Johnny and the agent look at him.
"Weird, I hear someone humming."
Johnny knew what he was talking about, You were using your song on the agent. Johnny was currently wearing his headphones, something he received after The Temps found out you had the power to control people with your voice, of course not every agent received a pair, only the ones that worked with you which is why he and the other two agents couldn't hear you at the moment.
The other agent however had his eyes change into a silver color which quickly alarmed the other two however it was two late as he quickly shot one of his teammates in the leg. The agent on the ground screamed in pain of the shot before firing one of their own.
Johnny quickly backed out of the room before you slipped in and knocked the agent whom he was talking to into the wall, knocking him out as the agent you sirened shot the other in the head.
You let out a shaky breath, watching the blood drip from the agent's head causing you to close your eyes before turning to the sirened agent.
"Alright get out of here."
The agent nodded before leaving the room and heading in the direction of the two.
You quickly grab a suitcase before turning to Johnny; who had come back into the room. You pull him into a tight hug and your eyes filled with worry.
"Be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place as you know."
"I'll miss you."
"And I will miss you."
Tears started to fill your eyes and you were starting to regret letting Johnny help you.
"It'll be okay."
You pull away from him, looking deep into his eyes as he sends you a smile.
"It'll be okay. Now go."
You nod before holding onto the suitcase and disappearing in a flash of a light.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Arin frowns looking down at the floor finding herself unable to make eye contact with the handler.
"You had one job. Not to let her escape and what did you do?"
"We let her escape."
"You let her escape."
Arin backs away as the Handler advances towards.
"Actually. It was my fault."
Arin's eyebrows pinched in confusion as she turned to find her brother at the door.
"I let her out."
Arin shakes her head at him, her eyes were telling him to shut up though he didn't listen.
"I don't know why I did it, It was just hard watching my friend being held captive."
"Johnny, stop."
"Arin, had nothing to do with it."
The handler walked up to him with a glare on her face.
"How do you explain the fact that we found her knocked out on the ground."
Johnny makes eye contact with his sister. He had hoped this would get his sister out of trouble.
"I knocked her out, she was adamant about keeping Y/n locked up so, I helped her escape."
"You weren't in the camera footage."
"I snuck in and deleted it in hopes that I wouldn't get caught."
The Handler looks him up and down. Her eyes showed suspension.
"And yet you're giving yourself up now. Why is that?"
Johnny looks down at the ground as the handler continues to stare intensely at him.
"I can't let my sister take the fall for what I did."
The handler turns her attention towards Arin motioning to Johnny.
"Is this true?"
Johnny nods at his sister wanting her to let him take the fall. Arin looks down again, her jaw tightening.
"Arin, leave the room."
Arin hesitates but heads towards the door when her brother smiles at her, she grabs his hand on the way out and he gives it a squeeze before she walks out the door, closing it behind her.
Tears started to stream down her face at the sound of a gun shot ringing through the halls.
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describe-things · 2 months
Just fyi: I'm German. I have nothing to lose or gain from the election, and can't even vote.
However, Trump will kill *more* Palestinians than Biden. Trump is the right-wing guy that - first thing in office (January 27th 2017) tried to ban Muslims from entering the US. He is the guy that moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, thereby recognizing it as the Capital of Israel.
He presented a "peace plan" together with Benjamin Netanyahu that was widely criticized for requiring too few concessions from Israel.
The Ambassador to Israel under Trump stated that "that Israel “does not have to wait” to annex settlements in the West Bank and Jordan Valley."
Trump said that during the last debate about Palestine and Biden: "Actually, Israel is the one [that wants to keep going], and you should let them go and let them finish the job. He [Biden] doesn’t want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian. He's a weak one."
This is the man you want to vote into the White House? The one who wants to let Israel "finish the job"?
Obligatory friend tag (sorry y'all, describing-things claims I want to hide from my friends by using asks): @reboot-the-dog @kerri-the-skunk @catboybeebop @autistimnerdis @i-love-linux-and-reject-gender @nyateisback @vampire-bat-boy @whyredzero @yourlocalnerd07 @ill-steal-your-tea @martinwithagun @fluffylandshark
so you would Literally have voted for Hitler if this election were taking place in Germany in 1933 instead of the United States in 2024. Ok. Thanks for that info.
Why do you think admitting that is helping you prove you're not a white supremacist fascist.
So at any point are you gonna stop insiting that it's good and moral to sacrifice Palestinians for the sake of privileged white people in a country you've literally just admitted you're not even in?
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[Image description start. The three panel, “Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power” meme, now edited so that the first panel shows the TV host asking: “Do you think you are protecting democracy by voting blue no matter who?” The second panel shows someone responding, “Yes, of course.” Panel 3 has the TV host asking, “Do you think you are protecting democracy by announcing to all politicians who will ever exist from now on that they can commit as many genocides as they want and they’ll still get elected because you literally don’t care what they do as long as they don’t do it to you?”. Image description end.]
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cheylouwho · 1 year
i’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and i want to hear someone from SPHS’s thoughts.
i know you’ve noticed the “tiktok” fan base- the ones that only watch clips of the show and then say they’re fans. i read one of your posts talking about these types of fans and making blatantly incorrect headcanons. that’s something that bugs me, but another thing that bugs me is the fact i do not believe south park is tiktokable. i’ll use family guy as a comparison for my points.
first of all, compared to family guy, the humor is different, pretty much everything they explained in the cartoon wars two parter explains what i mean, m&t are not fans of interchangeable jokes and are able to give characters emotional progression throughout the episode. that’s one huge factor, i hope you get what i’m trying to imply with that. m&t are passionate about their story telling and it pays off in their episodes. i know not EVERY SINGLE joke follows this, but there are jokes made better by understanding the characters and the circumstance of the episode. the episodes work best in their entirety. (that was difficult to explain so i fear it can be misinterpreted easily)
the characters are another thing i want to mention. i watched the episode TSST with two friends awhile ago, one of which who had never seen an episode and didn’t understand cartmans character. she kept asking questions about him, or said how weird his hitler obsession was. the other friend hadn’t finished south park and said he hated cartmans character and it’s hes one of the bad pieces of the show. i believe even if you don’t like cartman as a personal preference thing, you should at least appreciate him as a character and his placement, it’s hard to understand him (despite us watching an episode that really dives into him, they still didn’t know much about him before). with family guy, one episode is enough to grasp the character, hell, even a single scene is i’d say, while m&t are very good at developing and fleshing out character personalities over time. it’s why they can pull off making sad episodes (like kenny dies and assburgers), heartwarming episodes (like tweek x craig and even bits of episodes like in raisins) all while still being a comedy show. they understand how to make the characters react in a way that can make you feel something while maintaining a good amount of jokes in the episode.
i dont know, theres more i could add but i’m just writing whatever comes to mind first so it might make no sense or it might be wrong. also, i’m by no means an old fan. i’ve rewatched the series quite a few times, watched commentaries, researched through wiki pages and am constantly trying to better my knowledge of the show, but i know i’m not quite there yet and could just be making a mistake GAHAH
No anon, I actually totally get this and agree 100%. SP as a show is not something that works well with out of context clips (and even then, the ones that do work are usually from very early in an episode before the plot fully gets established and stakes as drawn). Until pre s18 when they started soft continuity (and then s19-21s full continuity, after that is a whole other discussion entirely), the shows syndicated nature did make it easier to hop into any episode and watch it in its entirety and enjoy it without much prior knowledge of the show or it's characters. However, even then, you really needed to watch the *whole* episode to get the big picture of it's message.
And I get it, SP full length episodes are not as accessible as they once were. People these days don't know how or aren't willing to pirate things if they don't have the streaming service SP is hosted on, and beyond that, south park used to be free to watch on their website. Like, that's how I ended up catching up on the show when I finally decided to take it all in other than a handful of episodes and scenes I'd seen during my childhood back in 2013. It was all entirely available (save for Super Best Friends, 200 and 201, which I had to go track down on other websites) for free, with ads unless you used an ad blocker, right at your fingertips. And that's how M+T wanted SP to be consumed, because they explicitly noted that they didn't care about making money on streamed episodes, they cared about getting their show out there. (I will have to go find that interview, I know it's somewhere).
But still, regardless of that, you're right. SP is not something that you can consume short form as a brief tiktok video, and that's why I think we have newer fans with such big gaps in knowledge that seem like they would be easy to fill in. It's not that they're being willfully ignorant, they're just being fed a very piecemeal version of the show through social media, which is how we get people thinking Pip is a he//llpa//rk OC (augh!!! dont get me started) instead of realizing this dude was actually in the fucking show, or headcanons that are very easy to contradict with canon itself by watching like 3 episodes. That's not me knocking HCs btw, go wild and do whatever you want, but these people don't even know it's ooc, and that's a little troublesome. I've made some outlandish character decisions in the past but I at least KNEW they were not evidence based.
What that means for the fandom down the road I don't know, and its made a lot of discussion and analysis more shallow-- it's so hard outside of my SPHS friend group to find good breakdowns these days. I'm hoping maybe something will change, but who knows.
TLDR fuck tiktok and its watering down of media
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azhdakha · 9 months
The situation with zionism and support of Palestine in Russia has as everything here does took some fucked up forms. Before I start I will say that I dont think there is any excuse for supoorting the genocide of Palestinian people and what I write about here is my thoights on masses behavior.
Antisemitism has always been a major issue here, despite people mostly took it as a crazy conspiracy theory thing. Recently it kind of woke up or something. People started being openly and aggressively antisemitic in the media claiming things like that Gaza is a proof that Jewish people are evil Satanists and cannibals, Hitler was right and we should exterminate Jewish people. You basically cannot grounder a post that somehow mentions the ethnicity or even doesn't and people will bring them up and call for another Holocaust. Basically I'm not surprised because the same thing has been happening directed at Ukrainians since 2022. Majority of Jewish people meanwhile seeing this and getting their information solely from Jewish sources that are deeply interwoven with zionism are fed with the propaganda that they are in a grave danger, that the world is again turning against Jewish people and trying to kill them. That Palestinians all as one want them dead. That if there wont be a Jewish state they will be all exterminated (another quwstion about how everyone else is allowed to have a country and Jewish people arent because the world wants them marginalized and weak but thats another subject). In 2023 information isn't a problem so obviously isn't not an excuse to support the genocide of Palestinians, yet I do clearly see how people's opinions is being dragged and manipulated and it's frustrating. The same people who stood up against Russia's genocidal war against Ukrainian people are turning to support Israel. And wether people like it or not, I do think that russian antisemitism is very to blame in this. The fear and anger people get seeing all that Hitler was right sad that he didn't finish his deed shit combined with a complete zionist info bubble is driving things to the worst possible state. It requires a lot of work to unpack and dismantle, undo all of that.
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uten4 · 1 month
The musical chairs arc of Liar Game was also not that enjoyable to me... It was another tug of war with the big players just struggling and begging and bribing other players into supporting them, and not a lot of Actually Being Smart and Coming Up With Plans. Like, my favorite arc so far was the 3v3 Revival Round. In that one there was no recruiting to be done. It was simple and sharp, but each part was very nuanced and genuinely felt super smart to me.
However I do understand that starting from Game 2, many of the games have always involved characters breaking up into factions and trying to earn each other's trust/detect each other's lies. So I should expect that kind of stuff at this point.
I think the smuggling game was a good example of this to me, because even though there was a big emphasis on recruitment, there were also a lot of really good schemes that went into it, and a lot of gaming and deconstructing the system!
For musical chairs, there were no mind-blowing schemes to me. And there was only one system (voting) and one way to exploit it (convincing people to vote for you). I just didn't feel impressed by anyone! The only real scheme to me was, again, Akiyama's finishing blow. However it was a bit underwhelming to me forrr reasons I won't get into since they're big spoilers for the arc.
At least Fukunaga was there ^_^ Though she didn't really influence the plot 😅 Don't get me wrong, I still loved seeing her, but she was kinda just hanging out and providing commentary and helping out in ways that anyone could help out. Also, the numerous instances of inaccurate, transphobic scanlating (🙄😡), and the one instance this section of a character actually being transphobic to her, made me sad :[ Like it makes sense that Yokoya would be transphobic since he's a Hitler fanboy (what the heck), but it feels bad because there aren't any counter instances of a character unambiguously affirming Fukunaga's gender. Nao did once, but then got confused about which pronoun to use 😔 I hope that she or Akiyama do it more clearly in a future chapter.
As for Fukunaga influencing the plot, it seems like she'll almost certainly be doing that in this next arc! Yay!!
And another actually cool thing from the musical chairs arc was whole thing with Abe! She was a great character :D
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New York Times publishes op-ed claiming that Donald Trump's popularity is due to fact that he is a moderate.
What happened. On Monday, the NYTimes published a guest editorial by Matthew Schmitz entitled, “The Secret of Trump’s Appeal Isn’t Authoritarianism.” (The article is behind a paywall and I am not wasting one of my gift subscriptions to make it available.)
Mr. Schmitz's thesis is “Mr. Trump enjoys enduring support because he is perceived by many voters — often with good reason — as a pragmatic if unpredictable kind of moderate.”
Schmitz then attempts to normalize Trump's hate speech, racism, calls for violence, and erratic behavior as something we should expect from a lovable old uncle who doesn’t know when to stop saying stupid things.
Why it matters.  Democrats rightfully feel that the media is sleepwalking into a fascist regime by normalizing Trump with false equivalencies, reckless “both siderisms,” and inane “whataboutisms.” They do so in the pursuit of alleged “fairness” that obscures and denies the truth. While the media rises to the challenge on occasion, they relinquish any progress—and credibility—they achieve by pandering to the likes of Matthew Schmitz.
As I was preparing to explain why the NYTimes is acting recklessly by publishing Schmitz’s laundering of Trump's Nazi rhetoric, a reader sent me a piece by Jonathan V. Last in The Bulwark that does a better job than I ever could. See Jonathan V. Last, The Bulwark, The New York Times Is Part of the Effing Problem.
I urge you to read Last’s essay, start to finish. But if you don’t, the following gives the gist of his criticism of the Times:
The piece is filled with both euphemism and the passive voice, all in an attempt to obscure reality from readers and present a sympathetic case for Trump.
Look at this passage:
“To be sure, Mr. Trump’s wild rhetoric, indifference to protocol, and willingness to challenge expertise have been profoundly unsettling to people of both political parties. His term in office was frequently chaotic, and the chaos seemed to culminate in the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021.”
This might be the most misleading passage ever published in the paper of record.
It was not Trump’s “indifference to protocol” which was “unsettling” to people. And the “chaos” of Trump’s term did not “seem” to culminate in a “riot” at the U.S. Capitol.
If you came down from Mars and simply read today’s NYT op-ed, you would have absolutely no idea that [January 6 was a violent insurrection]. Instead, you’d think that Trump was some kind of a ne’er-do-well or scamp. [¶]
But you gotta have both sides? I guess?
The Times does this a lot—running cover for authoritarians by publishing outrageously misleading “opinion” pieces in the name of airing “both sides” of the debate.
I won’t catalog the many ways that Schmitz attempts to excuse, minimize, and normalize Trump's hate speech—Jonathan Last does that ably in his article.
So, should you cancel your subscription to the NYTimes? As I suggested yesterday, the better strategy is to write to the Times to let the editors know what you think about their decision to normalize Trump immediately after he invoked Hitler’s “poisoning the blood of our nation” speech.
Many readers have asked how they can reach the journalists and editors at leading newspapers. Please see the helpful links posted in the Comment section by readers in response to yesterday’s newsletter: Comments - Help shape the narrative! - by Robert B. Hubbell (substack.com).
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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inmirova · 1 year
interesting how tumblr "leftists" who have been posting antisemitic shit since day one but have gotten away with it bc they reblog posts about secret neo-nazi dog whistles so they're all just ~ignorant goyim~ are now learning that Hamas has stated for years that they want to finish what Hitler started and instead of forming complex opinions like "zionism and the current state of Israel are bad, support Palestinians, but don't support the new nazis" they're all like "the rich lizard people could just move away from Israel because of all the money they have and it's not like anyone there has ever been arrested for trying not to serve in the military. we should support the nazis because at least THEYRE taking action against the jews. it wasn't hitlers fault because his brother died and that made him sad and he didn't even get to go to art school in Vienna :^(" and yall are eating it up. crazy how none of you were deciding every Russian citizen deserved death or could just move during the Russia/Ukraine conflict bc you got that that would be evil and there are circumstances beyond people's control.
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alexdelray1 · 1 year
Spider-Noir x Reader Part 2.
That was the first part.
Ordered by: RynnaZSurykatki.
-Damn Germany and the USSR have nothing to fucking shoot at. - I assessed the situation. It's 1940 and things are a bit old for us. Well, except.
-Don't worry. Because of me, they won't shoot each other for a long time. - Peter commented and kissed my collarbone. Okay, we started dating and we're engaged and it's even nice.
-You'll see, Stalin and Hitler will kill each other one day, or they will die some ironic death. - I said. I closed the newspaper and stood up.
-You know, maybe soon your lastname will be Parker .- replied Peter and lit a cigar.
-You should stop smoking. I don't want to bury you yet. - I said and took his cigar.
-You don't want me to look handsome?- he grumbled and I crossed my arms.
-For me, you look handsome even without pants.- I commented and put the cigar on the table. Someone knocked on the door.
-Who's that?- I asked without opening them.
-Polizei!- I widened my eyes. I quickly put a bag under the dress to make it look like a pregnant belly. Peter put the gun in his pocket just in case.
-Wie kann ich dir helfen? (How can I help?)- I asked.
-Sind Sie Emilia Meyer? (Are you Emilia Meyer?) - he answered the question with a question.
-Ja, ich bin es. (Yes, that's me.) - I replied.
-Und das ist Ihr Mann, Paul Meyer? (And this is your husband Paul Meyer?) - he asked about Peter.
-Ja, das ist mein Mann. Er ist stumm, also versuchen Sie nicht einmal, ihn etwas zu fragen. (Yes, he's my husband. He's mute, so don't even try to ask him anything.)- I said. Let these pigs eat lies.
-Ich hätte gerne Beweise. (I'd like some evidence.) - He stuck out his hand.
I took the evidence out of my pocket and gave it to him. Peter was prepared for the possibility that we might be discovered, so he stood behind me with his arm around me and one hand in his pocket.
-Du bist rein. Es ist gut zu wissen, dass es hier noch anständige Deutsche gibt. Wie werden Sie Ihre Tochter oder Ihren Sohn nennen? (You're clean. It's good to know that there are still decent Germans here. What are you going to name your daughter or son?) - he changed his tone to a pleasant one.
-Wenn die Tochter Hannah ist und wenn der Junge Adolf ist. (If the daughter then Hannah and if the boy then Adolf.) - I said with a fake smile.
-Nun, ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend. (I wish you a good evening.) - he said and walked away. I closed the door. The last thing I heard was that they were planning to go to the cinema today.
-Only pigs sit in the cinema. And putting on all this ballast is terrible. - I commented and took off the bag from under my dress.
-You know, if you let me finish in...maybe you won't have to wear it.- he joked and I laughed slightly.
-Dream, dream. My dreamer.- I said and went to the kitchen.
-Very nice of you.-Peter grumbled and followed me.
-I'm always nice. You just don't see it.- I said.
-Let me guess... just like colors?- he asked.
-Just like colors. By the way, I have something to do. - I replied and took a gun from one of the cabinets.
-Are you going to kill someone?- he asked me.
-I don't plan on it, but it might happen. You know I'm not in PLAN anymore. I have to take matters into my own hands. - I said and started heading towards the door.
-Just come back. I love you. - he said and I opened the door.
-I love you too, Peter.- I said and left.
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stra-tek · 1 year
Yet another excerpt from I Survived Kirk, my forthcoming fanfic autobiog from the POV of a bitter redshirt on Kirk's crew
I’m going to step outside the usual retelling of events in a vaguely chronological order here to talk about hypotheticals in a particularly vague manner.  Perhaps I’m just making up bollocks to sell more copies of my book, or maybe I’m dancing around subjects that were deemed “no no” by Starfleet Command.  You decide.
The Vulcan Science Directorate determined that time travel was impossible, centuries ago.  That’s what they claimed, at lest, and what they drilled into generations of Vulcans.  “It’s not possible.  We tried it.  You don’t need to try it, just take or word for it.”
WHAT IF… what if… it were possible?  Some of you might have heard of Zefram Cochrane’s legendary drunken rant and rave at Princeton, about cybernetic creatures from the future attempting to interrupt his warp flight.  What if he was telling the truth?  Maybe the Vulcans were lying because the implications of time travel being possible could be devastating.  Or perhaps they were just plain wrong?
So… strictly hypothetically, if time travel WERE possible… surely some of the ancient aliens we know of would have discovered it too, yes?  They’d probably have perfected means of using it.  And used it repeatedly, to go anywhere and anywhen in time and space.  Probably for all the reasons any of us would want to use it today.  Changing things.  Big things, like maybe the equivalent of stopping Hitler or Green, or preventing the Xindi attack or the Romulan war, or small things like saving a loved one or completely trivial things like getting to see a famous concert.
Which opens up yet another quantum fuckton of worms. How would you feel about finding out the life you live is in some kind of heavily modified timeline?  The whole word you now is the result of someone else fucking with the universe?  Perhaps things are better than they might be otherwise.  Or maybe it’s much, much worse.  You don’t know, you never will and it’s something you had no input in. You’re not who you’re supposed to be, but some weird alternate you that exists as the result of some douchnozzles tampering with something, somewhere. Even little tiny things can have massive consequences.  Imagine for a second, your Dad was doing something important, heard a suspicious noise outside (our hypothetical time traveller running through your yard) and your Mum’s the worrying type so she made him check it out, he never finished what he was doing.  What was the important thing he doing?  YOUR MUM and because he didn’t you were never conceived.  Imagine every life you’ve affected.  Even if you REALLY don’t matter, even if you have no friends and never had sex with anything other than your left hand and are the biggest failure ever.  Even then, you’ve slightly impacted the day of your schoolteachers, or your doctors or even random passers-by have looked your way and either seen or not seen something that had a similar crazy spiralling effect on their lives. It’s called The Butterfly Effect, named after some theory or other that a butterfly fluttering its wings can cause some kind of wind-related chain reaction that ends in a hurricane somewhere else.
So maybe, due to obscure and completely unpredictable effects of ancient aliens altering events in time, your life might not be what it should.  Does that bother anyone else?  It drives me nuts.  It makes my skin crawl.  Fuck whoever the hell it was who may have affected history on their planet or maybe even mine which rippled through time and made my life different to how it should be.  What would the universe be like if none of this happened?  And what’s it going to become when more and more aliens figure it out and start doing all the bad things?  What happens when we figure it out?  Once there was a Basic State, a history untampered with.  Am I a better person there?  Worse?  More or less successful?  Am I happier there?  Was I even born, or are my parents meeting off-chance knock-on effect of one of these tamperings?
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theartisticcrow · 4 months
Fuck it, I'm making a post about this because I've never before have I watched such a wild fucking film as the 2016 BBC film A Midsummer Night's Dream. So in my English class, we've been discussing the works of William Shakespeare a bit, more specifically, William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. For those who don't know what it's about here's a rough explanation of the plot: It takes place in Athens in the Elizabethan era. It revolves around the marriage of Theseus (the Duke of Athens) and Hippolyta (Queen of the Amazon) and several subplots that are more or less connected to said marriage. Firstly, there are the four Athenians that run away to the woods (a pair of couples: Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius). Then there are the Mechanicals, a group of guys (Quince, Bottom, Flute, Starveling, Snout, and Snug) who are soon meant to be performing a (really bad) play for the royals. They go off into the previously mentioned woods to rehearse. And finally there is Oberon and Titania, the King and Queen of the Faeries, who are arguing about who should get to keep this little Indian boy (indian as in india, not first nations).
So here's the big plot points: Bottom get's turned into a donkey and Titania is magicked into falling in love with him by Oberon. Helena and Demetrius enter the stage then, with Helena saying she could love Demetrius better than Hermia is able to love him and Oberon orders the faerie known as Puck to take the same flower juice used on Titania and spread some of it on the eyes of the "Athenian man." But remember that other Athenian couple I mentioned earlier? Well Puck makes a mistake and puts the flower juice on the eyes of Lysander, not Demetrius. Basically, Lysander falls in love with Helena and later both men are magicked into falling in love with Helena (who thinks they are mocking her). Stuff happens, later they all wake up in a field or something and are found by Theseus and some other people who were all on a morning hunt. Oberon also undoes the thing that he did to Titania and Bottom turns back to normal. Then the wedding happens and the Mechanicals, now back together, perform the worst play imaginable for these royals and somehow make it out alive. And that's about it, as far as I'm concerned.
Still here? Cool. So after we watched the play, we talked about it a bit then we were told we were going to do a comparison of two films based on the play. This is where things start to get interesting.
First film we watched was from 1999 and I didn't care for. Boring, sappy, romantic with an entirely white cast and bland characters. It took place more in the 1800s it seemed (it didn't even take place in Athens) and the women in it were often portrayed as sort of dumb and helpless. I didn't like it, I feel asleep for fifteen minutes while it was playing. After we finished it, we talked about it and no one really had anything positive to say.
And then we started to watch the second film... My english teacher told us before hand that it was weird and so I went into it expecting it be a little weird and maybe confusing, however I greatly underestimated the weirdness of it. So we start watching it and it's sort of the opening credits and almost instantly*BAM*
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Yep, off to a great start already. Everyone in the room was very taken off guard by this and I wasn't able to stop thinking about it for the rest of that class. So in this film, Theseus is basically Hitler now and Athens in under this nazi dictatorship. And though it's not actually a swastika they're wearing, it is most certainly meant to looked like it. But it doesn't stop there. So it's the opening of the film, there are fucking nazis already and quickly we are introduced to Hippolyta. However, Hippolyta in this film, much like Theseus, does not fit into the usual depictions of the character. This is the Hippolyta we are introduced to:
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Hippolyta is no fair lady, she is a hostage, and presumably a dangerous one at that.
Continuing on, let's talk about a few other changes made. Firstly, in A Midsummer Night's Dream the Mechanicals are traditionally depicted as being all men. However the 2016 film actually depicts Quince (the sort of leader of the Mechanicals) as being a woman. And this is never made to be any kind if joke. If anything, it shows her as holding certain power and knowing how to use it. Secondly, the Mechanicals lives are actually on the line if they mess up. Theseus will and does intend to kill them if he dislikes the performance. Thirdly, I really like how they depicted Titania in this version. She is no helpless faerie queen in this film, she is depicted much more as this powerful, savage, warrior queen of the Faeries. In fact, all the faeries are depicted as these strong warriors and I quite like that version of them (especially over the 1999 version).
Oh and also for a moment, Demetrius is gay for (notorious Harry Potter lookalike) Lysander.
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Oh yeah, and while Titania is magicked into falling in love with Bottom, she's actually a LESBIAN AND SO IS HIPPOLYTA (who is a faerie, not a human in this version) AND YES, THEY KISS.
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Oh also there's gay nazis, which really doesn't seem like two things that should mix, yet here we stand.
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And then Theseus (basically Hitler) drops dead of a heart attack in some random hallway while the lesbian faeries watch him just fucking die.
All in all, weird film, I was not disappointed. Super camp and I love it. You had no idea what to expect and 10/10, it was so funny to me and way more entertaining that the 1999 film.
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fashionablejelly · 9 months
Unconcsious search for symbolism vs. choices having consiquences
Yes, I am trying to post it since last saturday
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(Is it true that in Lviv schoolchildren lined up in the shape of a swastika on Hitler’s birthday?)
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Many Russians found this image in this context in spring of 2022 on Twitter, Telegram and VK.
The link I attached to translation will take you to the rebuttal of the posts. There you can find that these are not schoolchildren, not in Lviv, not on Hitler's birthday, and it happened a long time ago. Moreover, if you look at the photo for more than 2 seconds, you will see that this is not a swastika, but very stupid decision to make a sharp-angled 55.
Unfortunately, my first encounter with the image and the context was not on the Internet where you know you should believe nobody.
Storytime: my dad, who works in subsidiary of Gazprom, got an invitation to a conference for the workers on the topic of world history. He did not have time to go, so he invited me, mentioning that there will be some discussion of "Ukranian special operation". I knew what that meant: state-owned company will talk about the war, they will try to justify it in all ways possible. But I thought that I need to hear arguments from both sides, so I went to this conference.
And then I learned that arguments from this side of the argument is A STREAM OF UTTER BULLSHIT LIKE THIS STUPID IMAGE "Oh look, schoolchildren are in a form of swastika. And you say that there is no nazism in Ukrane?" WTF?! OPEN YOUR EYES, NATASHA! YOU HAVE BEEN USING THIS FUCKING IMAGE AS AN ARGUMENT FOR ALL DAY OF CONFERENCES TODAY AND NEVER SAW THAT IT'S NOT EVEN A SWASTIKA??!
I wanted to say something in the end, but she chose to emotionally manipulate to finish up this circus, and put a video of Russian kids talking about their dead fathers, who went to the Ukranian war, and started crying herself as well. So it was a little awkward to say "Um, sorry, but this is 55", shy little me in 2022 couldn't do it (I think me from the present could)
When I think of this propaganda conference, I remember a term 'the firehose of falsehood' which which Wikipedia kindly defines as
"a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency."
This conference did not attempt to be truthful or consistant (for example, the video with crying children was really an argument for the war to end, but other arguments were pro-war). The content of the conference was high-volume (there was a lot of images, maps, and "nazi" passages from Ukranian student books). And if we put the posts and the conference under one umbrella of propaganda, then it is multichannel, rapid and repetitive to fit the definition.
This technique is so stupid, I wrote an essay on it in WTAI (beloved object who? I hate mine), so I won't write it here again. But the lecture with Maxime and Devin's stories made me imagine, what if this kind of shape was tattooed on someone.
All this preface (I needed to share this story) leads to three unfinished thoughts about this beatiful photoshop I made.
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Soo, this tattoo is definetely a chooice... The person would have to think that he will be living in society, where people look for symbolism and have bad eyesight
From one side, tattoo is only about a person tattooed. But actions have consiquences: an ensamble of getting this tattoo and showing it to people will provoke negative reactions. But if you do not have one or the other - people do not care.
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And getting back to this picture. Can we say that the people in the photo and their organisator unknowingly became ambassadors of the propaganda? Yes, they do not talk, but their bodies (kinda) justify the propaganda's argument, without them there would not be the argument.
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Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
THE FOLLOWING MONDAY, Steve and Hodge were late.
"There you are! We were so worried!" Mrs. Erskine pulled the pair into her home. Smoothing her hand over Steve's hair like his mother would.
When Steve had first moved out on his own, he had joined another male omega, a non-binary omega, and a female beta. Dr. Erskine and his lovely wife, Greta, lived next door, and eventually became second parents to the younger neighbors. Helping out with emergencies such as: The Time Carol Almost Fell Off the Fire Escape Trying to Catch a Firefly and The Time Sam Almost Choked to Death on a Marshmallow. Dr. Abraham Erskine, he was German with a thick accent, he was a retired professor, and he wrote a series of adventure books for children that Greta illustrated.
Now, every month or so, Steve and Hodge had dinner with Abraham and Greta. They were far better cooks than Steve could ever hope to be, even if Greta gave him the same recipe, it never came out right. But the same happened with the cards his mother gave him, so maybe it was just Steve.
Greta asked, "How're you? How was the move? How do you like it so far? Have you met the neighbors? Are they nice?"
At the barrage of questions, Greta's dear husband asked, "You moved?"
"We're sub-letting," Hodge answered, toeing off his shoes.
"Oh?" Abraham opened a bottle of wine, "And where should we be sending the housewarming gift?"
"Stark Tower," Steve took a seat at the already set table.
Startled, Steve, Hodge, and Greta directed their attention to the older man. Concerned, Greta asked her husband, "Darling, are you alright?"
"Fine. I'm fine."
The answer was too quick though and Steve knew that he wasn't the only one who knew Abraham was lying. No one was going to call him out for it though. Instead, Hodge crouched so he could help clean up the mess from the shattered bottle of white wine. While Greta went to Abraham, Steve went to the hall closet for the broom.
"You nearly scared me to death," Greta chastised her beloved.
"I'm sorry, dear."
"Is your arthritis acting up?" Hodge asked, disposing of the larger pieces of the bottle.
"No," Abraham assured. "I was just surprised."
"Surprised?" Steve's brows furrowed, putting the broom away.
"Well," Abraham began cleaning his glasses, "Yes."
Hodge good-humoredly scoffed. Greta, on the other hand, was giving her spouse a stern look. The older betas clearly having a silent conversation. It reminded Steve of his parents. Reminded him of how his mom would look at his dad whenever a conversation was inappropriate for Steve to witness.
"I'm not sure if you're aware," Abraham started, avoiding Greta's looks. "But Stark Tower had a rather unpleasant reputation in the beginning."
Steve glanced over at Hodge, seeing if he had any idea what the older beta was going to say. Hodge looked just about as curious as Steve did.
"It doesn't have a bad reputation anymore," Hodge shrugged. "In fact, everyone seems to be dying to get in."
"It's still where the She-Witch of the S.S. performed her experiments, and where Agatha Harkness held her parties. Silvan Jules lived there too; and so did the serial killer, Cletus Kasady."
"Who was the She-Witch of the S.S.?" Hodge asked, and Steve asked, "Who was Silvan Jules?"
"The She-Witch of the S.S.," Abraham started while Greta busied herself with finishing the pasta, "Was Hilda von Hate. She killed several children in hopes of reanimating them for an unstoppable army of Hitler Youth."
"Lovely," Hodge commented, looking at the empty wine glass in front of him as though he wished Abraham hadn't dropped the bottle.
A shiver ran down Steve's spine, horrified and heartbroken for those poor children and their families.
"Silvan Jules practiced witchcraft. He made quite a splash by announcing that he had succeeded in summoning Satan. Apparently, he had a handful of hair and some black claws. Whether or not it was true, some people believed him. Enough people, at least, to form a mob that attacked – and nearly killed – him in the Stark Tower lobby."
"You're joking," Steve gaped, never having heard of anything like that happening.
"He's serious," Greta answered, setting the serving dish with pasta primavera on the table.
"I'm not sure how Howard Stark's son managed to turn the reputation around, but he did it and made it one of the most desired buildings to call home. Instead of, of course, what they used to call it, Stank Tower, where sensible people stayed away."
Looking over at his husband, Steve wasn't as thrilled about the upscale apartment as he had once been. After all, how could soil like that not stay sour?
"Oh, c'mon, Erskine," Hodge chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, "Awful things probably happen in every apartment now and then."
"Now and then, sure," Abraham agreed. Taking a bite of the pasta, "The point is, though, that at Stark Tower awful things happen a good deal more frequently than 'now and then.' Including –"
"Abraham," Greta warned, clearly wanting the conversation to end. It wasn't exactly dinner talk, anyway.
"No, no," Hodge encouraged the older man, "Including..."
"Including the pack of feral pups who had been found in the basement feasting on a dead infant."
For a moment, the room was silent. Abraham kept eating as though he hadn't described a nightmare. Greta stood and, at first, Steve felt the need to comfort her, but then she grabbed another bottle of pinot grigio. Popping the cork, she set forth to pour it for them. Standing beside her husband though, she flicked his ear. Clearly, unamused with the topic of discussion.
"But just because a building has bad things happen in it, doesn't make it bad," Greta tried to soothe the situation.
"I suppose," Abraham considered. "Perhaps it's simply the notoriety of the She-Witch that attracts a Silvan Jules, and his notoriety attracts an Agatha Harkness, and eventually it becomes a rallying place for people who are more prone than others to certain types of behavior. Or perhaps there are things we don't know yet – like a magnetic field or electrons or whatever – ways in which a place can quite literally be malign."
Steve finished his bite of pasta. "Maybe there are good houses too. Houses where people keep falling in love and getting married and having babies."
"And becoming stars," Hodge added.
"There probably are," Abraham agreed.
"It's the stinkers that get the publicity," Greta smiled.
"Exactly," Steve said while Abraham toasted, "May Stank Tower stay in the past and Stark Tower bring nothing short of prosperity."
"Hear, hear!" Hodge clinked his glass of white wine against Abraham's.
"Hear, hear!" Steve and Greta echoed.
And bring forth a healthy baby, Steve privately toasted to himself, smiling at his husband, clinking their glasses together.
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eri-lessthan3 · 1 year
okay so, I once found this on r/amogus, and I think you too should witness the horror
“Hey,” Red mumbled, standing behind Cyan as he tried to tap two differently coloured wires together.
Cyan didn’t turn, but nodded in acknowledgement. “Hey yourself.”
He was engrossed enough in his task to not feel Red’s arms slip around his body and press his hands onto his ribs, and he didn’t notice, not until Red gently took the zipper at his collarbone and started pulling it down.
And as well as that, Red’s helmet was similar to a gas mask, so Cyan could feel his warm breath against his neck, and it made him shiver.
“… Ok, what are you doing.”
“Mmh. Nothing.”
As he started to register what was happening, Cyan thought about fighting back, but then he realised how badly he actually wanted- no, needed this.
I mean, come on, they’d all been on the same ship for seven weeks, and Cyan wasn’t desperate enough to wanna touch them (except sometimes he’d come in his pants like some sort of teenager reading Demetri comments on Reddit whenever he thought too much about Red).
Besides, Cyan did find Red kind of hot, and he was pretty touch-starved-
“If you wanna fuck me,” Cyan huffed almost impatiently, closing the wire panel as he finished the task just then and turned around to face Red, “then just say it.”
“Fine,” Red grunted, pinning Cyan to the wall. “I wanna fuck you. Hard.”
Cyan yelped in surprise when Red’s tendrils grabbed his wrists and yanked them above his helmet.
“And I want you screaming for me.”
“So. Leeches-” Green began, but then Yellow cut him off.
“We are NOT having this discussion again.”
White glanced across the table and at the pair, amused. “Aw come on, let the man speak - he has a point.”
“Shut up, you rip-off Hitler.”
“Fight me, suka—”
He grunted as Blue gently swatted his head, frowning in annoyance.
“Don’t be mean,” he mumbled. “besides, where’s Red and Cyan? It’s spaghetti today, and they both love it.”
“Maybe we can find them on the cameras?” Green suggested.
Then, as if in a silent agreement, everybody stood up, left their plates, and started towards the camera room.
Blue went ahead of them, entering the room first and turning them on-
And then surprised everybody by letting out some sort of noise of exclamation.
“Er. What is it, comrade-”
The other three froze as they stared up into the screen - and watched in surprise as Red fucked Cyan into the wall.
They all let out a collective ‘oh’ as Green fell backwards and passed out.
“O-oh fucking h e l l —” Blue covered his eyes over his helmet, while Yellow continued staring, reaching down to poke Green awake.
“We- we should probably t-turn the monitor off and-”
Blue stared at White, sputtering and steaming madly. “What do you m e a n, no?”
“I mean, ‘no’. This could be… Good research.”
Green finally woke up, and was blushing so hard that you could actually see the blush pass his helmet. “I- so we’re just gonna watch while they-”
“Fuck, that’s- kind of hot.” Yellow whispered, shaking a bit.
So without further ado, they all proceeded to watch the cameras without hesitation.
Cyan whined shamelessly, body quaking with excitement as Red’s stupidly long and slimy tongue wrapped around his length.
The scientist almost felt ashamed that he was enjoying this so much - he used to be one hell of a Dom before, and now he was nothing short of a writhing bitch under Red’s control.
The word stood out in his mind, hands clenching into fists as he THOUGHT he felt teeth, a heated grunt bubbling from his throat when his ears were filled with the sweet sounds of Red’s own moans around his member.
“Oh, Red,” Cyan gasped out. “please Red, please-“
He already felt his climax coming to hit him like a bat agains a baseball, his cherry ready to pop any second now, and he braced himself to cry out passionately-
When Red just.
His tongue removed itself from his member, and he got up, now level with Cyan, who was quivering with both utter rage and pure bliss.
“Not yet,” He heard Red whisper huskily as he reached down for his own zipper. “I wanna feel good too.”
Cyan was helpless - all he was able to do was whimper as the alien in front of him grab his own cock and start to circle the tip with his thumb.
He pressed his left elbow into the wall, right next to his head, panting softly as he jacked himself off.
Cyan struggled against the tentacles now, desperate to come, he was s o fucking close, but they were too strong; Red moaned a bit louder now, setting a quicker pace as he felt a feeling similar to having warm honey poured into his veins.
And then he came, the cum spurting in thick ropes over Cyan’s own member, aggravating him even further.
“Fuck’s s a k e, Red, lemme come already—”
And he yelled in absolute blinding pleasure as Red grabbed his dick and squeezed it, fisting and milking him for all it was worth, as Cyan practically choked on his own sobs, body wracking with them.
When Red’s tentacles finally let go of his now achingly sore wrists, he collapsed onto his big body, gasping for breath.
“Mm…” Red hummed, embracing Cyan lovingly. “You did so well, love…”
“L-love?” Cyan chuckled shakily, hugging back. “Well, if… You insist.”
Almost instantly did he drift to sleep.
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nijjhar · 2 years
Punjabi - Karra of steel is the father of Rakhrri of cotton threads. Kar... Punjabi - Karra of steel is the father of Rakhrri of cotton threads. Karra is the eternal sacrifice. https://youtu.be/0TOi8OBPgLw Hi, The True TATT Khalsas fight for the rights of people and they do not live in the family homes but in the wilderness. So, such Khalsas have sacrificed their own lives for Righteousness in honour of their Royal King Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji to glorify Akal Purakh, our Eternal Father. They put on the iron bangle called Karra that doesn’t wear away LIKE THE THREAD the Rakhrri put on the arms of Army soldiers defending the country. So, Karra is the father of the Rakhrri. Thus, the people seeking Khalistan are fake Malaish Khalsas of turban and beard called by Christ Nanak Super Donkeys. - NANAK TAE NAR ASSALL KHAR; JAE BINN GUNN GHARBH KARANT. Ask these fake Khalsas that Khalsa is the Third Panth; which are the other two Panths? Also, if Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji, Father of the Khalsas never entered the Harmandir Sahib Complex, what the hell would they do in the Second Panth Gurdwaras with mini Shori dangling? They are Terrorist trouble makers as this Terrorist Bhindranwalla was? Do you know that Sikhism is the continuation of Christianity and Christ Nanak was the Second of Jesus? These Sikhs of turban and beard should be able to render the exposition of the New Testament with ease. I do it and they hate me. Then, good luck to them. Sectarian riots are going to be common and they need an ARMOUR OF HIS WORD to seek PROTECTION from our FATHER. Couple of days ago, I happen to attend the webinar 20 years anniversary of 09/11 and told them that Sikhism is continuation of Christianity and Satguru Nanak Dev Ji was the Second coming of Christ = Satguru Jesus, they throw me out of the webinar. Who would call them a Sikh? Only the spiritually blind like them having Interfaith when we all know there is One God called Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. The spiritually blind say prayer, “Our father in heaven, he demiurge Yahweh,, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the Lord of the Nature at large is in heaven, which is the Foot Stool of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. The Third Panth Khalsa that carries weapons has nothing to do with the Amritsar Complex of Sikh Bhagatan and Nirmallae Santan or they were not compatible as demonstrated by Bhai Kaniah Ji. So, what the hell this TERRORIST BHINDRANWALLA WAS DOING THERE? Khatris created such characters and Khatris suffered the most during the 1984 riots. Also, a Sikh of common sense called Surtti could be judged by his appearance in Brahma, BRAHM KAE BAETTE SHABD PAHSHAATAH, that he doesn’t tuck up his beard as these fashionable Sikhs of appearances do; JAEHDI DARRI NAA MUSHH OH DO JAHAN DAA LUCH. Read the material well and if you know anyone interested, read Videos in support of Putin:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWxdHW_ZY0_o1k5xkUrjeAXM Videos on Super Hitler tribal son of Man Putin of the Udege tribe:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyxOtKjRu0ApMlj2BT_iQz8 Christ Jesus was killed by the Temple High Priest Hypocrite/Blasphemer against the Holy Spirit and so are these Bush and Blair who with the backing of Jewish people in the USA destroyed one country after the other starting with the cradle of Humanity Iraq, the Land of the forefather of the Chosen People who are no more faithful to Abraham but has become sons of the Highest Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. Blair and Bush’s blasphemies against Holy Spirit are bearing Fruit in economic chaos created by Virus https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs My ebook has been published by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO For a full description, please visit my website:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm I need IT Graphic help to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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