#or the time i heard him making something in the kicthen
expressionless-fr · 5 months
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of him.
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toasttt11 · 8 months
blood on the ice
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December 26, 2022
The third time that Carter was playing in the Word Junior Championship and probably the last year Carter would accept joining the team, she is about half way done her rookie year for the Vancouver Canucks and had been able to be released to play in the WJC.
It was 2-2 against Czech, starting in the second period with Carter scoring the first goal of the game and Czech scoring two goals after that and Connor scoring goal with an assist from Carter before the end of the first period.
Carter was skating down the ice as her teamate had shot the puck into the air towards the Czech goal and as she went to reach for it suddenly something fast came towards her and smacked her right into the face making her fall back right into the ice. Carter could feel her cheek getting wet and held a hand to her cheek feeling her whole face throbbing in pain. She rolled over on the ice trying to take a deep breaths that seemed to make the pain even worse she looked at the ice seeing it bloody and knew she bleeding and pretty heavily from how much blood was already on the ice.
Connor looked over from where he was skating on the ice seeing a player on the Czech team swinging his stick right into Carters cheek and her falling to the ground, there was blood all over her gloves and he saw the blood all over the ice as she turned over, he quickly skated right to her placing a hand on her back as the medics rushed onto the ice and helped Carter stand and they took her off the ice and down the tunnel.
Connor watched her leave and has never seen in her in that much pain he bent down grabbing her stick from the ice and skated to the bench handing it to the equipment manager. Connor saw their coach was talking with the referee making sure the player gets the right penalty.
Connor was the standing the closer to Czech bench and heard a group laughing he listened in, “She’ll now know that she shouldn’t be playing with the men, she should be in the kicthen where she belongs.”
Mason Mctavish saw Connor jaw clenching and his eyes sharpened at the player and suddenly the player was laughing again and before anyone could even stop him, Connor had left his gloves on the bench before skating right to the player and punching him across the face before slamming him into the glass.
“Now you’re so quiet.” Connor angrily sneered at the player who was staring at Connor with wide eyes, Connor slammed his shoulders into the glass, “What not so funny now is it.”
“I-“ The player stuttered genuinely frightened from the angry Connor. An angry Connor that has never had gotten into a fight on the ice before, but hurting his best friend can easily change that.
“I-“ Connor snapped mocking him before leaning closer so only the player could hear him, “If i ever hear a word about her come from your fucking mouth again, you’ll never be able to pick up a hockey stick. Understand.”
“I said do you understand.” Connor snapped pushing the player into the glass even more.
“I U-understand.” The player spluttered out.
Connor gave a curt nod before pushing him into the glass and letting the player go as the referee had grabbed Connor’s shoulder and led him to the penalty box, but it was a penalty Connor would gladly take a penalty if that player didn’t open they mouth about Carter again.
Carter was led into the medical room. Her parents and Luke quickly headed to the medical room from where they were watching from the stands. Carter got set onto the medial bed and reluctantly pulled her hand from her cheek making Ellen wince slightly seeing her daughter already bruising and all the blood that is covering her face. Carter looked towards Luke and he immediately walked over gently taking her gloves off for her and held her hand squeezing it.
Carter let the doctor clean up her face and x-ray her face, hoping nothing is broken. Carter has a deep gash across her cheekbone from the hit so the doctor stitched it up stopping a lot of the bleeding before putting ointment and bandaging the wound. The doctor left the room to look over the x-rays leaving Carter in the room with her family.
“How are you feeling sweetheart?” Ellen pressed a soft kiss on the top of her daughter’s head.
“I’d like to be on the ice.” Carter mumbled angry that she was injured and even worse the first game of the whole tournament.
“We know.” Ellen sent her daughter a comforting smile rubbing her back.
“Did we win?” Carter looked at her dad for anwser who eyes turned away from her slightly and that anwsered her question completely.
“Damn it.” Carter cursed trying to not to groan having a feeling that would hurt her face more.
The doctor walked back in, making the four of them all quickly look towards her, “Well it’s good news, it’s not broken or fractured.
That made them all breath out a sigh of relief.
“Can i play.” Carter pipped up desperately , The doctor hesitated, “Please doc, I’m the captain.” Carter knew she would most likely never come play for WJC and would likely be the last time she is the captain for Team Canda, and this may forever be the last time she can ever play with Connor as he’s getting drafted in a few months. Carter held onto Luke’s hand tightly.
“I suppose, as you don’t have any broken bones and you’re stitched up.” The doctor reluctantly agreed as Carter X-rays showed she didn’t have a break so she could play, and the doctor knew most hockey players will still play with stitches.
Carter breathed out a sigh of relief that didn’t help the pain coming from her face, “Thank you! Thank you!”
Carter, Luke and her parents walked back to the hotel and Carter was sharing a room with Connor like they sue to always do on road games. She let her parents go to their room and Luke go hang out with his team, reassuring they she would be fine. Also maybe because she wanted to spend some time with Connor.
Carter took a slow shower making sure not to get her face wet not wanting to mess up the stitches, she changed into her canucks sweats pants and Connor’s team Canda t-shirt before grabbing her ipad turning on the Canucks game and sliding into her bed.
Not even a few minutes has passed by before she heard the door quickly opened and slowly looked up seeing Connor rushing into the room, throwing his bag on the floor his eyes staying on Carter as he quickly walked over to her sitting on the bed next to her.
“Are you okay? They wouldn’t tell me anything!” Connor quickly rushed out gently holding Carter’s hand.
Carter gave him a very tiny smile trying not to move her cheek much, “Yeah, i’m okay.” Carter softly squeezed his hand back. Connor breathed out a sigh of relief having been worried since the second he saw the hit, his whole body slowly relaxing.
“I’m glad. How bad?” Connor looked at her in concern seeing the good four inches of stitches across her cheek bone, and the brushing that is already very dark on her cheek bone and under her eye.
“Not bad, i can play.” Carter replied making Connor smile softly and slowly nod glad that Connor is okay, “Can you get that please.” Carter pointed to the ice bag she left on the desk when she walked in. Connor quickly nodded getting up grabbing the ice bag and gently handing it to her.
Carter eyes widen grabbing the ice setting it next to her before grabbing Connor’s and pulling them closer to her with frown looking at the blood around his knuckles, she looked at her best friend in question.
Connor sheepishly brushed a hand through his hair, “I might’ve got in a fight.” Carter raised a shocked brow towards Connor making him laugh slightly, “I know, i don’t usually fight but he touched you.” Connor looked down at the girl he’s been in love with for years and would fight everyone for her if she even asked.
Carter eyes soften she pressed a gently kiss to his bloody knuckle grabbing his attention, “Thank you.”
Connor nodded with red cheeks, “Always.” He sent her a smile as she gently let go of his hands.
“I’m gonna shower but i’ll be right back.” Connor leaned down pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head as Carter nodded once before Connor headed with his bag into the bathroom.
Carter curled up in her bed watching the game and her teammates and brother playing, listening to the shower in the background before it shut off a few minutes later.
Connor walked out in a pair of Lululemon sweatpants and a Regina Pats shirt, he threw his bag onto his bed slipping his phone in his pocket before looking over at Carter who lifted the other side of the blanket making Connor smile.
Connor slid into the spot next to Carter making her scoot over and rest her good cheek againt Connor’s chest.
Carter and Connor have enjoyed the last week together being able to share a room and bed like they use to when they were on the same team.
Carter slowly dowsed off to the feeling of Connor playing with her hair and the sound of the Canucks game.
January 3, 2023
Carter winced slighty as she opened her jaw but bit her lip from anymore noise escaping her mouth, she knew something was wrong with her cheek as it’s been healing on the outside skin but it’s not feeling any better and it’s getting worse when she moves but she had two games left before going home so she could worry about it then.
Carter skated onto the ice of the second match against Czech and the game they have to win to make it to the Gold Medal game. She taped her stick to Connor’s stick as they do before every game before focusing on the puck.
Carter had quickly gotten the puck and skated down the ice right to the goal, she spun around the player that had hit her in the last game before taking a shot right at the top of the goal, getting the puck into the goal. She could heard the crowd go wild as she took her bow after the goal, getting her revenge for the hit she took.
Connor scored the next two goals both assisted by Carter, making the third period score be 3-1.
Carter hit a slap shot right into the net making the score become 4-1 right at the end of the third period and she tried not to groan in pain after that shot and the shaking from all of her teammates.
Canda was going to the Gold Medal game.
January 5, 2023
Carter took her last two pain pills she was given right before they were heading out to bench, she quickly swallowed them ignoring the pain as she did so.
Carter saw the concerned looks from Connor, a look that has been more common the last few days but she ignored it having a game to focus on.
Carter gave a nod to Luke who was on the other side of the ice, who gave his little sister one back before they focused on their game.
Carter blurred out most of the game not even noticing her pain as they fought for the gold medal the entire time against USA.
Carter cheered as she got the winning OT Goal in the 2023 Gold Medal Game.

Connor who passed her the puck quickly jumped on her shaking her like crazy as the the rest of the team all surrounded her as they cheered and jumped around like crazy getting the second back to back gold medal.
Carter got handed the trophy and cheered as she skated towards her team holding it in the air, the adrenaline so high she didn’t even notice how bad her pain was in her face, such a high she didn’t even realize how bad the pain was until the next day when she woke up to her whole face pounding and knew the plane ride home was going to be bad.
Quinn who was waiting at the airport for Carter, smile quickly changed into a frown when he saw how sluggishly she was and how pale she looked, she quickly stumbled into Quinn who caught her making her groan in pain as her whole body has been moving for the whole eleven hour flight and she’s been in nonstop pain, especially as she had said goodbye to her parents and brother the night before as they had earlier flights home to Michigan so she just got on her flight in pain quickly realized that she made a stupid decision to get on the flight, A Jack kind of stupid decision.
“What’s wrong Cart.” Quinn quickly asked in concern gently brushing a piece of her hair from her face, her hair that was sticking to her face from sweating.
“Something is wrong with my cheek.” Carter slowly grunted out feeling even more pain by just moving and talking isn’t very helping.
“I thought it was just stitches?” Quinn hurriedly asked as he guided her to car grabbing her giant hockey bag and suitcase.
“I thought it was too.” Carter grunted out panting as she sat in the passenger seat, she looked at her big brother feeling tears welling up in her eyes from being so overwhelmed and having felt some sort of pain from the last week and a half, “It got worse.”
Quinn nodded pressing a very soft kiss to her forehead before looking at her, “Let’s get this figured out.” He loaded her stuff into the car and quickly drove to the emergency room.
The news wasn’t what they had wanted, the doctors immediately took her into emergency surgery because the doctor in Turkey had completely missed the break in Carter’s Cheekbone, she should’ve of had surgery a week ago but she’s been playing a hockey tournament instead.
Quinn called their parents telling them everything that happen and they promised they be there as soon as possible, He facetimed Jack and Luke telling them everything as well but neither could move their schedules to come out.
Quinn sat alone for the first few hours she was in surgery letting everyone what’s going on, he let the Canucks team know everything of Carter’s injury as she won’t be playing for a few weeks.
Quinn let the team know in their group chat and immediately Brock, Elias and Cole were driving over together and coming to the hospital. Quinn also called Connor to let him know about Carter in surgery.
Carter surgey was done six hours later, and when she woke up she felt very mild pain compared to the pain the last few days, her eyes blinked a few times before she looked down seeing Quinn holding her hand and Elias, Brock and Cole sitting on a couch in the room. She saw a stuff animal Kangaroo with a bouquet of flowers on the bedside table, multiple balloons and different flower blowup.
She squeezed Quinn’s hand not sure if she could talk after her surgery. Quinn head snapped up at the feeling of her moving, “Your awake little bird!“ He gained the attention of the other three who all quickly looked to Carter.
“Don’t talk, not for a little bit.” Quinn told her seeing her lips move, Quinn grabbed the notepad and pen off the bed side table and handed it to her.
Carter quickly wrote on the notepads handing it back to Quinn, “How Long?” Carter needed to know how long she wasn’t allowed to play.
“Four weeks max, faster depending on your healing.” Quinn sadly and soflty explained knowing she might not be able to make her first all star game.
Carter determined pursed her lips knowing she heals fast always had, and she didn’t want to miss out on her first all star game because of an injury.
Carter did make her first NHL All Star game, having got cleared the day before. The second she was allowed to be moving at all she got on the ice that day taking it slow but still practicing she missed three weeks of games but came back right after the All Star game was over, coincidentally her second game against her brother Jack.
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theallblue · 1 year
a shakey hand holds a single golden earring, the same one he's worn throughtout his time as a swordsman . three always on one side of his ear in order to show his three styles , each earring symbolizing each sword that was around his waist . it was simply what they had meant to him . they were important , and after meaning a certain cook they only got more important . he wanted the earring to symbolize his love thst stuipd blonde who drove him crazy . he just wondered ... would sanji want too wear it . his stomach tied and knots as he pushed the kicthen door opened clitching the earring tight in his first . face crismon as he saw the cook cleaning up thr table .
" curly . " he uttered the nickname he used for sanji for so long , maybe as way to try and his own nerves . " do you have a mintue ... ? "
Sanji had noticed that Zoro had been acting a bit off for awhile especially when everyone was sitting at the table for the evening meal. He didn’t know what to make of it while it seemed that this wouldn’t be the place to talk for now. Especially with the curious crew members who tend to be a bit too nosy depending on the situation and a few who don’t know how to keep their mouths shut. Three obviously played a big role in the swordsman’s life which was a number that was reflected in the blonde’s name. It was true that their strong bond was the reason for how important he became to Zoro, he wouldn’t hesitate to protect him. Three swords, three earrings. It was unknown what else the green-haired was going to claim as his for the sake of that number. A number which most likely was his favorite. 
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With dishes in hands, he glanced up from the table seeing the nervous flush which rested against his face. Curly? That was a name he hadn’t heard used in awhile, was something wrong? “I do, is something wrong? You’re red in the face, Zoro.” 
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catb-fics · 3 years
I just want to share that sometimes (aka always) I think about Van coming right after you in the kicthen, you try to grab something on the top shelf and he just go right behind you and grab it for you. You can feel his body and his breathing 😩🥴, and you know how things would probably turn out after that. Sharing because I know you're a weak for kitchen sex too. Sharing is caring 🤣 luv ya! Xx
And he’s wearing his grey sweatpants 🥴
*checks time* It’s a bit early for horny hour!!!
I was gonna say how did you know I had a thing for kitchen sex but then I remembered it features in nearly every smutty imagine I write ha ha! I first opened this when I was cooking dinner in the kitchen earlier and it sent me feral so I wrote a little blurb for you… 😘 xxx
* * * * *
You hum absentmindedly to yourself as you wait for the kettle to boil, opening the cupboard door above you. You can see your favourite mug peeping out from the top shelf, just out of reach. You stretch up anyway on your tiptoes, straining, your fingertips just brushing the handle, only serving to push the mug further out of reach. You curse under your breath, frustrated.
“Need a hand with that?”
You hadn’t heard Van behind you, his bare feet silent on the kitchen tiles. The sudden sound of his voice makes you physically jump.
“Where did you come from? You scared the shit out of me creeping up on me like that!”
He chuckles as he steps up behind you, so close that his body’s pressing yours into the kitchen counter. “Sorry love…”
“Mmm… it’s okay. I’ll forgive you,” you mumble, trying to steady your breathing as you feel his solid warmth flush against you as he leans into you, reaching upwards to easily grasp the mug which he plants on the counter top next to you.
You’re expecting him to move away but he doesn’t. His hands smooth down over your hips, fingers curling gently around them as he presses more firmly into you, his head dipping down to hover over your shoulder. He moves a hand upwards, sweeping your hair aside so that he can nuzzle into the crook of your neck. Fresh out of bed he’s not shaved yet and you can feel his stubble lightly scratching your sensitive skin. The ticklish sensation sends warm shivers through you.
“That tickles,” you giggle, attempting to shrug him away but he’s insistent, his fingers slipping forward around your waist, holding you tightly now. “Anyway, what do you want for breakfast?”
You can feel the heat of his breath on your neck as he tilts his head to whisper softly into your ear. “Actually babe, I want you…”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Back to the old days
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He groaned at only feeling empty and cold sheets beneath his hand when it went it seatch for another body that was suppose to be cuddling with him... man doesn't even have a break on this life and now his songbird couldn't even stay in bed with him...
Stretching his arms up, he hummed at the pooping sound his neck and arms did when he was stretching. Today was the start of the heavenly one week of vacation the hero comission offered for him to take it. And he brabbed the chance with a smirk and almost broke the window of his agency due to how fast he wanted to get home. Get to you.
He looked at a little sticky note you had left, warning him you had to get out for groceries but would soon be back and promissing to bring some chicken even.
"What a angel I have ladies and gemtlemans..." he sighed before plopping back face down on the bed.
But he sadly couldn't fall back asleep so he had to push his lazy ass out of his bed and walk to the kicthen to at least have the decenty to drink the rest of the carton of milk.
Funny thing that the more he walked, his place was getting bigger and bigger for some reason. He shrugged off as being his slowly mind still processing and went to the fridge...
Only to see that he had to stood on his tip toes to get to open it.
"Huh?" He hummed and gasped at childish sound it came instead of his normal voice. Cupping his mouth in the process.
He slowly took off his hands from his mouth and brought to his vision to not see his normal hands, the ones whose carried scars from his battles and feel co cois about it before you washed them off.
No no. It was baby hands right there. BABY HANDS, NOT GROW ASS MAN HANDS.
"He.. hehe... " he giggled desperate before slapping his own face before wincing.
That was not a dream....
He started to shake just a bit but got the strenght enough to open his wings and fly until a neat mirror of his two-story apartment just to confirm this was a nightmare or not.
You hummed a song while carrying the bags, stopping in front of the door to get your keys until a high pitched scream left you to wince and drop your groceries.
You opened the door and found a blond little boy looking in horror at the mirror. Vermillion wings wide open as the golden eyed kid grasped on his looks and pushed just slightly... wait. He was way too much familiar.
"K-...K-Keigo?" You sluttered and the boy gasped when he noticed you entered. Groceries forgotten and dropped on the ground.
"N-No.. dont look at me. Dont!" He went to fly and stood at the heigh of the ceiling as you entered and look up at the blond boy covering half of his face.
"What happened?!" You exclaimed and soon guards of the hero comission entered your flat.
"NO! GET OUT! BOTH OF YOH GET OUT!" He shouted in ager as the two body guards mistaken him with a normal child and went to get to him.
"Is Hawks!" You grasped onto one of the bodyguards shoulders as they widened their eyes beneath their sunglasses.
"Hawks sir?! What happened?!"
"G-Get out now!" Tears started to form on his eyes as he rubbed them "I DONT WANT TO SEE ANYONE OF THE HERO COMISSION ENTERING HERE!" he shouted and flew to the room, banging the door loudly as you blinked in shock.
"Please. I will text you guys when to come back, but while that, please serach for a cure or something for him." You spoke gently as one bodyguard grabbed your groceries and you went upright calling your boyfriend, now in a body of a child, name.
"Keigo?" You knocked softly to be met with silence "Handsome they are gone already, talk to me? Please?" You forced a pout as you heard his voice muffled.
"Spare yourself dove. I dont want you seing me... like this."
"But is the man I love there." You said softly and desperate for him to open up "No matter what, Keigo I dont mind and you shouldn't mind either. Maybe it was a quirk from yesterday you were hit and it will be gone in one or two days... please let me in? Werent we suppose to stick together this whole week?" You smiled when you heard the door clicking and Takami hesitantly, yet with eyes to the floor as he opened the door to reveal his childish form, clothes hanging on which fir into adult Hawks into perfection.
"You do have a way with words, don't you love?" He mumbled as you kneeled fo be on a decent eye level with him.
"Had to learn since I have a snarky boyfriend." You giggled and he let out a chuckle, still not looking at you until you cupped his cheeks on your hands.
"We're going to figure it out Keigo, and we will enjoy the week like you told me okay?"
You swore you almost went to a panick attack when you saw the sign of tears on your boyfriend's eyes despite them being wide open.
"K-keigo I'm sorry! I didn't meant for you to cry!"
"Is not me! IS THSI BODY DAMMIT!" he sobbed before succumbing to crying as he searched for a hug as you only could gulp and hug your boyfriend back.
"The viĺlain you thought yesterday maybe was the cause Hawks." The man spoke nonchantly as you nibbled on your bottom lip as Hawks glared at them. "Since searching for a cure will leave you on a state to not work, we discovered it will cure by itself on a matter of one week."
You didn't like it one bit the way Keigo clenched hsi hands on the couch beside you as his feathers ruffled.
"Better for us even to say that it wont even cost your reputation. Imagine this, "the second pro hero turned into a child". It will hit Negatively on Hawks agency."
The two man in tuxedo discussed before Keigo got uo and you called his name worriedly before he only clapped his hands with a smirk. One anyone would buy that he was chill... but you knew him better.
He was furious.
"Well, lucky that I got this weekend eh? Too bad I can't take my girlfriend out but anyway glad to see ya! But is time for all of you to get the fuck out of my apartment." He showed the door to the males as you and them widened your eyes at him cursing and the threatening tone he uses it even with a childish voice.
"Hawks, language and-"
"Listen here." Hawks's smiled creepily as one vein almost popped "I am cleary not having a good day so I would LOVE for you fuckers to get out."
They signed and gave you a expecting look. One that made you grimace like they were dealing with a animal and thing which you had to control it for them. Hawks was not the only one who felt trapped. When they discovered you two were dating, it was their mission to make Hawks's life a living hell... until they saw how well the public had take your guys relationship and decide sto remain on that.
Hawks gave a also fake smile before slamming the door shut. Slumping and having his two arms to support him as he hinged his head low.
"Keigo..." you cooes before coming close to him as he only breathed in and out slowly before speaking in a teary voice.
"I just wanted to make you happy... have time with you but this had to happen and they cant e-even h-he-" a sob escaped and he made a effort to gulp it down until he felt your arms around him before he turned around to bury his face on the crook of your neck.
"Its okay. Keigo you already make me soo happy. Corny jokes, you being a lovable jerk and all... we can still have fun." You spoke softly as he breathed in and out and clenched on your shirt as his feathers form his wings slowly ease down as you petted both his hair and them.
"We can still do a bunch of things." He mumbled something in your neck before you pulled back "What was that?"
"Not one thing we can do that we both were looking forward to it."
"Eh?" Your boyfriend only deadpanned at you before mumbling back what you two were thinking with a faint blush.
"We can't be... intimate."
"We can still cuddle Kei and also-"
"In bed (Y/n)." He gave you a knowing look and realization hitted you finally.
"Out of all things you were throwing a fuss becaus eof that?!" You yelped in utter embarrassing as Keigo opened his arms wide open.
"Why you're so grumpy baby?" You giggled at the loom of his face when he climbed the bed and stared at you laying down as well.
"Why? Because you will take aadvantage of this and not let me be the big spoon."
"You guessed right my handsome." You blinked at him and he cuffed cutely before you opened your arms to him "Cmon~ you cant deny that you always liked to sleep with your head on my chest."
"Is different." He mumbled but still hot into your embrace, sighing heavenly when he met your warmth as he nuzzled on you.
"Comfy?" You yawned as he nodded, smilling you closed your eyes and fell asleep while petting his hair.
On the other day you woke up before Keigo and went to make some breakfast until you heard footsteps and whinning.
"Babe..." he whined, still sleepy as you try your best to not have am overload of cuteness at seing child Keigo with morning hair and yawning cutely.
"Hey birdbrain. Good morning." You returned your attention to the eggs and soon felt a little press on your forehead and more whining as he tried to hug you. "What now you big baby?"
He looked at you with the most adorable pout and made grabby hands at you.
"I cant hug you like usually! I cant even surprise you with neck kisses!" He whined more and hitted his head on your hip while you shook your head.
"Fine fine..." you crouched down and hugged him tightly with a kiss on his cheek "Better now?"
"No.. didn't got my kiss." You giggled as he smirked before feeling extremely betrayed when you kissed him on the forehead. "Dove I meant on the lips yeah?"
"Not until you are like this baby! Now come on eat something."
You swore you could hear Hawks saying he was sit on the corner, due to all the sad he got just because of a kiss.
Which movie honey?"
"A scary one I guess?" Keigo's winds flapped as he closed the microwave after taking the bow of popcorn.
"Kids can even watch this?" You joked and he flashed dyou a smirk.
"Well, yeah after all you watch sometimes."
"Excuse me Takami Keigo?"
"What? Did I say anything? I didn't say anything." He chuckled at your irritated face as he took some popcorn and munched as you sitted down with a huff.
"You're lucky you're in this state or else I would have put you to sleep on the couch."
"You wouldn't." You giggled at the henuily scared tone of his childish voice speak before the movie started.
Apparently you were a scary cat, and since Keigi didn't have that glorious delicious chest to hide your face, Takami agreed to watch another movie.
Although not even it reached the half of it and you felt Hawks's head falling your lap... asleep. Cuddling on your leg as if his life depended on it.
"Keigo? Honey?" You whispered while brushing his golden looks out of his face as he only hummed "If your fired than go to sleep sweety, I wont mind."
"No... you.. like... then not... sleeping... just resting eyes..." he mumbled as you softened your gaze and petted his hair.
It must be due to how his childhood body reacted because no way Keigo would be sleeping at 8 p.m. Especially being acustomized to work work work work and ocassionaly take five minutes of rest.
This was actually a pretty good way for him to relax. Keigo himself wouldn't let him relax mostly on his breaks. So this was really good for him.
Although you miss the actual body and face of your boyfriend, you couldn't help but to give another kiss on him, but instead on his nose as soft snores and breaths come out of him.
He got down the few stairs and stared at you opening a box of cake and tilted his head at your actions.
"Can I ask what my little dove is doing?" You looked at him and showing him a ate of a already piece of the cake.
"Tjought on a little dessert to give some more sugar to your life!" You giggled as he sighed.
"All the sugar I need is so close yet so far." He sighed as you rolled your eyes and offered a spoonful of the spongy cake for him.
He blushed crinsom red before looking away.
"I can feed myself (Y/n)..."
"I know bit I thought it would be cute!" You pouted at him as he only looked at you in unpleasant bit with a smirk coming back to life. "Pleaseeee? Honey???"
"Fine..." he rolled his eyes with a smile before parting his lips enough to receive the spoon. "You're enjoying this arent you?"
"For all the teasing you made me when through. Karma is a bktch isn't it? Here comes the airplanes~"
"You do know that I wont stop teasing you after this right?" He smirked at your defeated look before taking the spoonful on his mouth.
"... KEIGO GET BACK HERE YOU-" you ran after the winged hero as he laughed at your distress.
"Hey... dovey?" He mumbled one night as you grunted "... thank you."
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him as he held the tears back.
"Is just... my life was marked by loneliness, you know? Before you it was all just an act but ... just looking at you was necessary for me to fall in love. Fall hard you"
you heard in awestruck and with tears of happiness to hear him talking about something so beautiful.
"basically." he laughed before finally looking at you properly "You filled all that emptiness of my childhood in just five days. In that time it was enough to fill the life of the street kid caught by the heroes commission ... with love. So once again-" he cupped your cheek in his much smaller hands with a smile "Thank you (Y/n), my love, for staying and loving the real Takami Keigo."
It was silent for a while until you burried your face on his little chest as he chuckled.
"You're crying babe?"
"N-no.. is just something on my eye." You sniffled as he petted your head.
"Right, so what is in your eye?"
"TEARS YOU JERK! OKAY?! HAPPY?!" you laughed when he laughed at your response.
Hee groaned, but this time he rubbed his hand on your thigh with his hand.. sighing in bliss at your warmth until he forced his eyes open.
The sun lights were bothering you on your sleep and in a common act and without thinking he covered you with his gigantic red wing and returned to bury his face on your head.
He sitted up with wide eyes, staring at his hands. Which returned back to normal with scars and all as he chucked. Suck that hero commision, it took FIVE DAYS not seven.
You grumbled and asked him on your sleepy state to him what was happening as he crawled on top of you and kissed you passionate, ignoring your yelps of shock and surprise. He needed that kiss let him have the kiss
"Keigo!" You breathed out in shock amd glee at seing him back as he chuckled and pressed more than one hundred kissed on your lips, cheeks and neck. You both panted as Keigo looked down at you with adoration as you cupped his cheek, lovingly how he nuzzled on it searching for your touch even more.
"We so we have two days still on your break birdbrain? What you want to do?" He hummed with eyes closed before going down to kiss your neck and gently suck on your earlobe.
"Maybe catch up on what we planned on the start?" He rotted his hips against yours as you gasped at feeling he was well awake in more ways than one.
"Horny bird.." you whispered teasingly to him as he got up on his elbows to look at you, giving a simple gentle kiss as your hands went into his head to welcome his tongue to twirl against your own.
"Your horny bird." He mumbled between the kisses as you nodded eargly "and you are my baby bird. Mine and mine alone."
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - III
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 5303
Rating: NC-17
Sorry that it took forever, my head is messed up.
Chapter I  Chapter II  -  Chapter IV Chapter V  Chapter VI Chapter VII
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For the first time in years Jungkook woke up on his own, when his body asked for it, without anyone waking him up with a bucket of cold water, or to meet some schedule. He felt numb and heavy, relaxed, rested. He stretched, sitting against the headboard in the dark room. He couldn't tell the time, since there was no clock, making him feel a little disoriented in space time. After so many years without freedom to come and go the boy was not sure what to do now. About ten minutes went by without anyone showing up to tell him to get up - and he didn't want at all, the bed hugging him - hunger settled in his stomach, as well as the urge to go to the bathroom. But could he really leave? He got up and tested the door. It wasn't locked. So he could leave the room, in theory. Without making a sound he closed the door again and went back to bed, thinking about what to do to make the best impression on the first day in his new home. He decided to make the bed and tidy up the room. When he opened the curtains, bringing light to the room, a pile of clothes on the armchair caught his attention - a pair of sweatpants shorts and a oversized t-shirt, a new toothbrush, a pink post it on top. These clothes are mine, but it’s for you to wear while we don’t buy some for you. I think it'll fit. By the smell it was obvious the clothes were yours, he didn't even need to read the note to know. It fit, but not the way Jungkook likes to dress up - he likes big clothes on him, to feel comfy, and your big clothes, wich are big for you, who are smaller than him, are just right to him.  Right now he was in clean clothes, smelling of fabric softener and you.  He put on his shoes and his cap too. Outside the window the now busy street was full of cars and people, making him excited to go out. But yet again, can he? Determined to be a good boy and not disobey, for you to love him, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed and waited. More minutes passed before he heard light knocks on the bedroom door. He crossed the room in one step and opened the door as fast as he could, his tail wagging from side to side, but it wasn't you in the hall, his smile fell. It was the cat. "What are you doing?" Yeri asked, taking him by surprise. "I... I'm..." He stammered. She crossed her arms "You've been up for almost half an hour, why haven't you left the room yet? Are you alright?" "Yeah" He spoke so low that if Yeri didn't have feline hearing she wouldn't have understood a word. "I was waiting for Y/n." "Oh" Her confused expression softened. "She went to work." "She is not home?" Yeri couldn't understand the slight panic in Jungkook's voice at asking it, or why he didn't left the room by his own choice. She don't know the feeling of rejection like he does, or the pain of being treated like a animal. She knows she is privileged though, she don't need to understand to be empathic... And you asked her to be nice to Jungkook so... "No, and she asked me to keep an eye on you until she back." She smiled softly "Go wash yourself, Y/n let breakfast done for you." Jungkook loved the restroom, for no especial reason, he just he just never saw a bathroom so ... happy - all colorful and with little plants in cute pots, and smelling and clean like he never imagined a bathroom could be. Out of curiosity he decided to try the shower, turned the register slowly, and when the water started to fall he put his hand under it and ... oh, it was so warm. "Yeri!" Jungkook ran into kicthen , where the cat was waiting by the table, scearing her off. The white hairs on her tail were all standing on end when she answered in a hiss. "What?!" "Where do I find towels and shampoo?" He excitedly asked. Not quite understanding Yeri pointed to the hall. "In the closet under the stairs in the hall... But..." Before she could end the sentence he was gone, and the sound of the door of the bathroon closing againg. Jungkook love to shower, stay clean, water. This was often the only medicine he received after being beaten until he was unable to get up. After a while, the cold, limited water shower became the safe spot for him, where the world couldn't hurt him anymore, and he could just breathe. In the shelter the water was not so cold anymore, but there was still a time limit for each shower, it was still Jungkook's favorite time of the day, because he didn't need to think about anything other than himself. Now the water was hot and pressurized, massaging his sore muscles, more than the room you give to him, this felt like home. Of course Jungkook felt a litlle bit upset that you weren't home when he woke up, after all he wanted to see you, he never liked an owner so much that he missed them from one day to the next. But he wasn't going to complain, it's not like he's used to getting attention, in fact being alone was more common than anything. He understands that you can have more important things to do than show him the apartment or prepare and have breakfast with him... You are already too good to be real. He was rinsing his hair and ears, massaging his own scalp, when voices came from outside, caughting his attention. It was two voices, female. You were home. _________________________________________________________________________________________ You entered the apartment with arms full of shopping bags and document folders. You quickly dropped everything on the table or on the floor near the door, took off your coat to hang on the rack and kicked off your shoes. Your eyes searched the living room and kitchen, looking for Jungkook, without a sign of him. You tried to complete all your tasks at the office as quickly as possible and rescheduled some visits for other days of the week to be able to get home early to see him, you were anxious to know if he slept well, or if your male clothes fit him . The breakfast you prepared for him before leaving still wrapped on the counter. You frowned. "Where is Jungkook?" You asked to Yeri, who was lying on the couch by teh window, jumping through the channels. "Taking a shower. He just woke up." She said without looking away from the tv. You hummed. "Ok. Can you put on the news for me please. I didn't have time to check it today." Yeri complained despite obeying anyway, but you paid no attention to it, busy putting the mess you brought with you in its proper place. The TV journalist was talking about the economy updates, which was not the topic you wanted to see. The explosion of the shelter last night ended up on twitter trending topics, but you wanted to know what the official media outlets have to say about. On the internet your organization is seen as justice, everything you do is seen as a heroic act by many, and that brings strength to the movement. Those in favor of the slavery of the hybrids also speak out against you, but their ignorance only strengthens the abulutionist discourse too - in a slow process of difficulty, but there are so many people working for equality that you refuse to be shaken by these rotten people full of hate. This polarization of ideas, of course, also divides politics, and it is this part that interests you the most, because it is from the government that the rights of the hybrids will be guaranteed. Mess with the economy and popular opinion that it is possible to change the government, which is why you and your camarades love that much to explode some state buildings. "Why are you home? I was expecting you only in an hour." Yeri looked at you from the other side of the room with lazy eyes. "Ah, I have to go out to do some more sttuf, but I needed to come pick something... And maybe eat. I skipped lunch."   You decided to warm up the pancakes you made for Jungkook in the morning, and add toast and eggs to your meal. You heard the bathroom door and fast steps and was about to ask Jungkook if likes coffee, the moment you turned around he was already behind you, with a big smile and open arms to hug you. "Y/N!" You were enveloped by jungkook's long arms and squeezed against your chest, losing your balance the way he hit you with his whole body. By instinct and with no regrets, you hugged him back. His tail, which was already swinging from side to side, started to swing even faster. His dump hair was wetting you, and his litlle happy sounds were malink you soft. "Hi, Jungkook...." You give light taps on his back and opened up space between you two. " Let me see you... I knew the clothes would fit quite well. But if you don't like them, fine, they are only temporary, so you don't have to walk around in that shelter's hideous pajama." "I like the smell of it." He said smelling the shirt collar fabric. "Good. Because I'm a little paranoid about laundry." You really are. Actually you are kind of crazy tidy. "Are you hungry?" You softly said, still looking to how the clothes were wrapping his body. You didn't notices but you were making him blush with your stare. "Yes." He said in tiny. "Me too, lets eat breakfest together.". You reaffirmed your theory that Jungkook wouldn't be too picky about food, and that basically anything you put in front of him he eats happily. He just doesn't like coffee. And sweets are really his favorite. He ate the pancakes and egg with toast, plus a very large bowl of cereal, some fruit and a glass of juice. It wasn't just because everything was good, but he was happy you were eating with him, and that made him even more hungry. "Lucky me I have money." You still have a lot of questions in your head to do to Jungkook. You were curious about him in so many levels. Since from his habits and tastes to his past ... One doubt you have is: How is he so docile? His file said that he spent almost a decade in illegal dogfights. Most hybrids take less than five years to lost their and go feral, and then when they can no longer be controlled the owners put them down. But Jungkook doesn't. Furthermore, despite being a pitbull, he does not have his canine ears clipped, which is not common in the middle of where he came from. You wanted so much to ask... but you decided oposite it, thinking that it wasn't the moment. "Want more juice?" Jungkook offered, he was pouring himself more and saw your empty glass. "Of couse, thankyou, sweetie." You didn't notice the blush on his cheeks again, intending to pay more attention to the TV in the living room. Jungkook was not used to hearing praise like that, the most he heard from his former owner was 'champion' or 'good boy' when he won a fight and there was nothing satisfying about it. Your 'sweetie', on the other hand, accompanied by a smile from you, just because of a glass of juice seemed like the world to him. "Updates on the terrorist attack on a shelter in downtown Seoul last night: It was confirmed that despite the magnitude of the explosion and the damage to the building's structure, there were no victims, either by the hybrids or by the local staff. According to the authorities, the 100 hybrids that lived in the shelter were kidnapped by an anti-government organization as a form of protest, on social media entities defend that they were released by the Set Us Free movement." You got up and crossed your arms to watch the jornalist talking as aerial recordings of the burning building and post prints talking about took over the screen. "Early in the morning, a series of complaints linked to the shelter came to the knowledge of the police, involving corruption and money laundering, as well as mistreatment of resident hybrids. Among the evidence presented a list with names involved in the scheme ..." As the jornlist listed names of businessman and politicians. Many of these names you already knew, once your group that investigated and made the report, others were a surprise to you. In that moment you were so interested in the news that you sat on the end of the chouch supporting your elbows on your knees,  watching the TV without blinking. Jungkook recognized the images from the shelter last night, but he didn't find it so interesting, because seeing the explosion live was much nicer, and none of the information said anything to him. But seeing you so serious was interesting, he took the bowl of cereal and sat at your feet, looking more at you and your reactions than at the TV itself. "Senator Y/L/N spoke earlier in a news conference.." The image of the journalist was replaced by one of a man in a suit speaking in front of several different microphones. "Violent acts can't and won't be encouraged, but we need to pay attention to where it comes from. The social injustice and slavery of hybrids needs to be tackled in some way, and since the government is slow to guarantee the rights they deserve as similar to humans, manifestations of marginalized groups are to be expected. It is not giving them what they want, as the conservators say, it is guaranteeing them what should already be theirs by right. Situations like last night are nothing more than a symptom of the disease that we think we are entitled to own a hybrid." Jungkook thought it was cute the way you were biting the inside of your cheek or how it looked like you were narrowing your eyes with each word said. "Ya... Dad is so different when speeching..." Yeri mumbled.  It took Jungkook's attention away from you. "Dad?" He asked with his mouth full of cereal, looking from Yeri to you and to the man in the TV. "Yes." You awnsered, lying in the couch. "This is my uncle... He is cool isn't he?" Jungkook frowned, not thinking the guy is so cool... but since you say so... "Does he protect hybrids like you do?" You smiled to him, slightly petting his head. "On his way." At the same time that the news changed to weather forecast, your phone started to beep with messages. You praticaly jumped from the couch to your feet. "I need to go." You said. From the floor, Jungkook looked at you with doe eyes and a pout. "You are leaving again?" "I have something to do... But you can come with me. If you want." "I do." Jungkook jumped on his spot, finishing his cereal as fast as he could. "Then go put on that hoodie I gave you. Is kind of cold out side." You didn't need to say twice. Jungkook ran to his room to obligue, he came back finishing putting on his sweatshirt and putting on his shoes midair. He was so excited, and the look on your face when he took your hand was so affectionate towards him, just like the good dreams sometimes he have. He was intending on livig his best life with you while it lasted, as long as you wanted him, after so many bad, terrible things that he was forced to go through during his short life, Jungkook got used to not waiting for things to really improve, but he also learned to enjoy each of the good moments, whether they were truth or just dreams. Maybe he will wake up at some point and realize that he is still in the shelter ... or in the cold room, using a muzzle ... Until then he will not stop receiving all the affection that you are willing to give. Among the good things he was not expecting to happen, going out for a walk is one of Jungkook's favorite. "I'm ready." He told you with a cheekie smile, even if you could clearly see it for yourself. You just smiled back containing the urge to grab him by the cheeks. So cute. "Do you want a ride home,Yeri?" You picked the keys. "No thanks. Irene will pick me up in half of an hour." She didn't even looked at you to awnser, to busy scrowling throgh her phone. "Ok. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave," Said that you two left the apartment, and Jungkook got your attention all for himself again. ________________________________________________________________________________ It wasn't your plan to spoil Jungkook so much. Of course, you already intended to go shopping with him, and maybe, who knows, give the world to him if he wanted to, but the idea was that things would happen more slowly.  Instead, early in the morning on your way to work, you saw a beautiful jacket in a shop window and thought it would look beautiful on him, without hesitation you went into the store and bought it, and as a bonus some other pieces of clothing for essential use. Now you were supposed to go to the grocerie store, get an order of yours, and that's it. Kess than one hour and you both would be back home. Now its been almost two hours and your SUV is stuffed with shopping bags of clothes and other random things that made Jungkook's eyes sparkles as you strolled in front of shop windows - you let him buy a skate and an air freshener, for exemple. The tour was a big new world for him, clearly he was having fun just running around the store shelves and you had to pull him back into focus more than once. Like when he decided to try on all the hats in a store, first one hat at a time then all at the same time, it was cute, and you took the ones he seemed to like the most and added to his shopping pile without him paying attention. "Jungkook, do you want to choose some underwear? I have no idea what you like or what size you wear..." He was no where to be seen but you knew he was listening to you, especially after a few seconds, when the sound of the new boots you bought him two stores earlier approached fast, and then the hybrid's happy face appeared among the jeans racks beside you. "Oh, this is important, the only underwear I have is drying on my bedroom window." He said starting to look through the pile of new underwear, ignoring all the colored ones, and separating only the black and white ones. "Wait, what?" You blinked at him. "I washed in the shower and didn't know where to leave it, so I hung it in the window." He simply said. You were kind of shocked. "Jungkook... Aren't you wearing underwear? Like right now...?" He just made no with his head, too entertained in choosing several identical boxer briefs.. You looked around to see if anyone around heard it, taken with modesty but finding the situation a little funny. "Did you have more at the shelter? Why didn't you bring it when I said to get your things?" "I had it, but I didn't think about it at the time." You just laughed at him and hurried him so you would soon pay for everything and move on, with the promise of returning to buy more things later. You still needed to go to the grocerie store... Where together you filled a shopping cart with your list - last night he said he wanted to have a barbecue, so you were going to prepare one for him, lots of meat, charcoal and side dishes - and things that Jungkook thought might taste good by the look of it. "Jungkook, you will find some hygiene products for hybrid in this corridor. Take a look and choose, I'll be right back ... ". "Wait." He looked arond. The grocerie store was way bigger than the clothes shops you went before, with a lot more people, he was not comfortable being alone here. How would he know where to find you if you go too far? You read that in his expression and give his hand a squeeze. "I'll just pick a package. Three corridors from here to the right." You poited. "But don't worry I'll be right back. Can you look the cart for me?" "Of couse I can." He said, more confident now. "Thankyou, sugar." You gave him another of those smiles and then left him alone to choose deodorants and soaps for hybrids. But you didn't lie, as fast as you're gone you're back, now with a wrapped paper package in your hands. Out of curiosity Jungkook sniffed the package over your shoulder while you put it in the cart, but for some reason he was unable to identify what could be inside. "Please don't put anything on top of that, it's fragile." You said. "Ready to go?" "Yeah." Jungkook droped one of one soap bar into the cart, not seeing which of the two fragrances he had been choosing before. "What is it?" You gave him a mischievous smile, hooking an arm around his and then guiding him through the corridors to the cashiers. You knew he would be curious, and you specifically asked them to wrap the package in a special paper that will outwit his dog nose. "Its a surprise." Jungkook was convinced. He never had good experiences with the idea of 'surprise', but coming from you he did not imagine anything bad. If you were saying that he was supposed to wait to find out what was in the package, then he was just going to wait. ____________________________________________________________________ When you got home, you parked once again at the back of the building, the light from the florist indicating that although it was time to close, the employees still haven't left. The same thing in the office on the second floor. You thought it would take a lot of coming and going to take all the bags up to the apartment, but while you picked up some and thought it was too much for you, Jungkook picked up almost all the others, hanging them in his arms, and when he left the first batch on living room ran to get the rest alone. It had been a while since he had space to run a litlle, without even being able to remember the last time. He only slowed down when he heard voices on the second floor, adjusted the bags in his hands and tried to go unnoticed. "I want to finish this before call it a day." A soft voice spoke. "But I want to go home. I'm hungry..." Another male voice answered. "More fifteen minutes, Tae." The office door opened just when Jungkook was passing, and he felt like he was caught doing something he shouldn't have, even if he wasn't, two guys looking right at him. The one at the table in front of a computer and stacks of paper smiled and waved at him. The other, holding the door handle, didn't even blink at him, looking serious. Jungkook just bowed his head and continued on his way, stopping only after reaching you in the kitchen. You felt his arms embracing you from behind and his forehead on you sholder. The guy at the table was a hybrid, he couldn't tell what kind, but the smell was like a cat, and probably, since as far as he knows they both work for you, the two shouldn't be bad. Still, Jungkook couldn't make his heart slow down. Men scare him. You turned to look at him. He didn't let you go tho. "What's up?" You asked noticing his distress. Jungkook bited down his bottom lip. "Got tired." You smiled and pet his head for the second time today making him sigh and close his eyes. Without knowing it you made him calm down. "Go put your things on your room, the new clothes in the closet... When you're done, go up to the terrace." "And then we will eat a lot of meat?" "Yep" _______________________________________________ You were just finishing making the vegetable skewers, and putting the meat on the grill when Jungkook went up the stairs to the floor where his room is and the terrace, where he hadn't gone yet. Like the bathroom, the terrace were filled with plants, but here the vases and plants are much bigger. The starry sky was beautiful, and the movement of cars and people on the street is comforting and full of possibilities. Jungkook stopped by the glass door and just looked at you, who didn't noticed him yet. You were now in comfortable clothes and messy hair, drumming his fingers on the table to the beat of a song that was playing only in his head. Once again the thought that you seem inoffensive crossed Jungkook's mind. But that's a lie. You are powerfull in a way he isn't. During the tour of the city he saw your surname in names of shops and street signs more than once, your uncle is an important guy who appears on TV, and your friends do illegal things using guns and bombs... And you are human - and that's enough for you to be scary for any hybrid. You are not harmless, and one thing that would certainly hurt Jungkook hard would be if after today, when he felt at home after years of not knowing what that feeling is like, you decide that you don't want him anymore. That would be worse than every time he thought he was going to die in a fight. Rejection. Like in the shelter, Jungkook was trying to figure it out a way to be loved. To be so loved that someone would want to live with him forever and never leave him. But he doesn't know how to do it. "Do you want some help?" He approached you. "No. Now just don't let the meat burn." You proudly put your hands on your hips. "But I wantou to sit here... and close your eyes." You made him sit by the wooden picnic table and ran inside. He closed his eyes as you said so. You came back with calmer steps and put something in front of him, an instant after the smell of phosphor and sugar entered Jungkook's nose and you said... "You can open it now." In front of Jungkook was a cake with the words "Welcome home JK" written on it and some candles on top. His eyes got wet instantly. "This is an welcome party." You said softly, holding his hand. "And every party need a cake. Surprise, Jungkook." Jungkook wiped away the tears that began to flow with the sleeve of the hoodie - the hoodie that was yours and still smells like you. Seeing that he was crying, you tentatively rubbed a hand on his back and waited for the sobs to pass before you spoke. "Jungkook, we need to have this conversation sooner or later... But I don't want to be your owner." You said and he got freeze. He looked in shock to you and more tears ran down his face. He was so confused. The cake made him so happy and then you said exactly what he was afraid of hearing. A knowing look reached your eyes and you wiped the boy's face yourself. "Don't cry. Let me explain, ok?" He nodded, without realizing that he was holding your hand with all his strength. You couldn't care less. "I never intended on adopting or buying a hybrid. You are the only exception." You smiled sweetly. "When you said you wanted to come with me I couldn't say no. You were so sweet, trusting on me... You are very special to me, even if we've only known each other since yesterday." You took his face in your free hand. "But I'm unable to own a person. It may be strange for you to understand what I am saying now, but my intention in having you with me is for you to be free. If you want to live with me forever, in the simplest way in the world, I will take care of you. If you want to live your life in any other way, even if it is somewhere else, I will also take care of you, and support you. Because the choice is yours. Of course, you don't have to choose anything now. Today or years from now ... It will remain your choice." Jungkook relaxed but remained confused, not knowing how to respond. "What do you want?" He finally said. Your eyes saddened, the thought that your wanting to be more important to him than his own bothering you. "I want to be your friend." His answer seemed to be what Jungkook wanted to hear, because he opened a huge and beautiful smile. "That's enough for me. Can I eat the cake?" "Of couse!" You served him a piece and one for you, chattering like you never cared much for dessert after a meal, and that if he wanted to eat the meat and the cake together you wouldn't judge. His daydreams are cute, he concluded, determined to love you so that you love him. "Y/N... There are a lot of things about me that I don't like, and I know you won't like it either... And I don't like to talk about it, or to think about it at all... But since we are friends I feel like I should... " "That you should tell me?" He nodded. "You dont need to. Jungkook, I already know a lot of bad things about you." You made him freeze again. "Nothing personal, but enough that if it bothered me or changed the way I see you, I wouldn't even have brought you home. But I don't care, and if you don’t feel like sharing it with me now, or ever, okay, you don’t owe it to me just because we’re friends." He smiled to his cake. "Seriously, I have a lot of secrets my friends don't know. You can have yours too." "Thankyou, Y/N. I like you a lot, and I think I want to be with you forever." That was your time to smile to your cake. "So you are stuck with me forever then." Having a friend has always been more important to Jungkook than having a good owner. But for him the only friend he had stayed in the past, he was already sure that it would never happen again and that he was alone for the rest of his life. But now he had you, and that is enough. Regardless of the situation, friends are forever. If you are friends, he doesn't have to be afraid of you kicking him out, even with all the bad things he has done or all the fears he has.
And that good feeling tastes like cake. _____________________________________________________________
Tag list: @stayunderthelights  @deolly  @panconte @serendipityoreuphoria @madygswich
If you want me to tag you, pls tell me.
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toplinetommy · 4 years
Three Times Your Brother Got in the Way + One Time He Was Nowhere to be Found
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Words: 2.8k
It was both you and your twin brother, Ryan’s, birthday, meaning that a way too large of a celebration was going on. Between the two of you, Ryan was the one that favored the overly large gatherings, whereas you were the twin that liked to party with just their friends. That’s how you ended up here; at a bar in downtown Philly with half of the Philadelphia Flyers roster and a few of your girlfriends. If it were up to you, which is usually wasn’t when your brother was around, you’d be at your shared apartment on the east side of the city with only people the two of you knew.
It was okay though, your twin was your best friend and you were thankful you got to celebrate with him. You were also pretty thankful for the tall dirty blonde he had befriended a little over a year ago that was seemingly always around now. 
Ryan was somewhere on the dancefloor with a few of his work buddies and a girl he introduced you to earlier that night. You chose to sit at the long table where part of your group had situated, sitting with Carter, Travis, Kevin, along with your friends Haley and Maddie. 
Carter was sitting next to you nursing an IPA you had never heard of while you were drinking your usual margarita, “Hey! Does anyone want to do tequila shots with me? I’m thinking I need to be on Ryan’s level pretty soon.”
Cheers came from around the table, signaling everyone wanted one as well. You and Haley got up from your chairs, her volunteering to walk over to the bar with you.
“So, you finally gonna make a move on Carter tonight?” She yells over the music once you guys reach the bar. You scoff in her direction as the bartender asks for your drink orders, telling him you wanted six shots of tequila.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You yell back, tapping your heeled foot on the wooden floor beneath you. You look over your friend’s shoulder towards Carter’s general direction once you’re done speaking, only to see him look at you as he took a sip from his beer.
The shots get handed to you right as you turn your head back to Haley and you walk back over to the table, setting them down on the table for everyone to grab. As you all lift your shot glasses to meet in the middle for a toast, Carter cuts you off, “To the gorgeous birthday girl!”
A warmth fills your chest and covers your shoulders as the rest of the group echoes the toast and takes the shot. Once you shoot back the shot you settle back into your chair, only to notice the blonde’s lengthy arm slung over the back of it. Pushing your feelings to the side, you lean back into anyways. If Ryan was going to come back and make a comment about his best friend being a little overly friendly with his sister, you’d blame it on the alcohol.
Chatter fills the table once again, the guys all making jokes about Ryan’s god awful dance moves and the girls laughing along with them. You feel Carter lean a little bit deeper into your side and suddenly he’s very close to you.
“You having a good time?” He asks, the softness in his voice sending shivers through your body. You turn your head to him, nodding your head yes in response, a light blush and shy smile on your lips.
“On a scale of 1-10 how drunk are you?” He questions loudly.
You knit your eyebrows at the odd question, “like a four?”
“Okay, cause I want to make sure you’ll understand what I’m about to ask you.”
The calmness and smoothness in his voice sounds like honey and even though he’s fighting over all the background noise he still sounds like he’s whispering to you. A tightness pulls in your stomach, and you're not entirely sure if it’s because of the man’s face that’s four inches away from you or all the tequila you’ve consumed in the past hour.
“I wanted to ask you if you wanted to, like, do something sometime. Ya know, like not with-” He starts before a very heavy and large, Ryan tumbles into you.
“Y/n!” He exclaims in a slur, “It’s our birthday, why are you over here and not hanging out with me?” He pouts at you and you know it’s time for you to get dragged away by him. Standing up, you turn towards a flushed Carter and give him a soft smile.
Football season was coming to a close and with a hopeful happy ending for the city of Philadelphia. The Eagles had made it to the NFC championship game, meaning the city was on a whole new level of crazy, hoping they could pull out a win to go to another Super Bowl in the weeks to come.
Ryan and you, being the football fanatics that you are, had decided to host some of your friends over for a watch party. To no surprise, Ryan had invited a few of the Flyers over, while you had invited your best friend.
Ryan was outside on the back deck grilling, showing Travis the new grill he had gotten for himself, while you and everyone else sat comfortably in the warmth of your home. The guys hadn’t been over for long so when Carter finally walks up to greet you by the back patio door, you’re shocked at the midnight green hoodie he was wearing.
“Getting into football now, huh?” You joke around, poking at the flying eagle on his chest.
He chuckles lightly, looking down at your hand as you pull it away, “Being in a sports town like this rubs off on you, what can I say.”
“Fly, eagles fly, baby.” You smirk, raising your Coors Light to clink with his IPA.
“Fly or die.” He agrees as your two glasses meet in the middle with a sharp clink. His clear blue eyes watch yours as he brings his glass away from his mouth, licking his lips. “I might have to ask you a few questions, there’s still some stuff that confuses me.”
You take half a step backwards, leaning on the kitchen counter behind you, looking out the back patio door to see your brother chatting Travis’ ear off.
“Just stick with me and you’ll know all the ins and outs of the game. You do the hockey and I’ll do the football.” You joke lightly, turning back to the goalie in front of you. Football had always been your favorite sport growing up and you had only really gotten into hockey once Ryan had befriended Carter and a couple of the other guys.
“I like that plan.” He says softly, taking a step towards you, making up for the step you had just previously taken away from him. “Speaking of hockey, we have a day game next weekend if you wanted to come?” His voice raises in infliction as he asks the question, nerves taking over his body.
“Actually, yeah, that’d be nice! I haven’t been able to go to a lot of the games Ryan always tries to drag me to.” You cheer. “Let me see if he can go too, but I imagine he can.”
You start to turn towards the back patio, planning on asking Ryan if he was free next weekend. You slide open the door a bit, poking your head out into the winter Philadelphia air, asking if he wanted to tag along to the game with you. As he lets you know you can make it, you turn back towards Carter, who seems to have a slight awkwardness in his slouched posture.
“Well, actually, I was, uh, thinking if you wanted to like, do something after with-” He starts, scratching at the back of his neck with his free hand.
Suddenly the door slides open and Ryan barges in with an overflowing plate of burgers, sliding right between you and Carter. “The burgers are ready!” He announces, Travis following close behind him as everyone rushes towards the kitchen for some food.
Waking up, you squeeze your eyes tighter shut, trying to block out the sun peaking through your bedroom blinds. A groan slips past your lips, as the pounding in your head starts. The memories of last night flood through you. You had drank way too much tequila, the reason being Ryan getting a promotion at work.
As you rubbed your eyes awake, you could only imagine the mess that would be in your living room. Moving around you pull on a pair of running shorts and pull your hair into a quick braid. 
Walking down the hallway into the living room, you could still distinguish the scent of beer, causing a slight gag in the back of your throat. You make your way to the kitchen, on a mission for the biggest glass of water you could possibly get and anything that was overloaded in carbs. Once you get your water, you realize you left your phone in your room and make your way back to grab it.
Walking back to the kitchen you notice the large sleeping figure flopped onto your couch. The large, pale, shirtless figure with light brown hair all over the place. Carter Hart is sleeping on your couch and you look like you aren’t even wearing pants. 
You decide to ignore him, going back to the kicthen to find some food to make, trying your best not to wake anyone up in the apartment. As you pull the carton of eggs out and shut the refrigerator door, the same shirtless figure appears behind the once open door once it’s shut.
A soft ‘fuck’ slips past your lips as your eyes naturally fall onto his pale, toned abdomen. 
“Do you have water?” Carter asks in a raspy voice, breaking you from your thoughts. 
You nod your head, whipping open the fridge door once again to grab your Brita filter. You stick your head in the fridge for a little longer than necessary to avoid the shirtless man standing next to you. You finally hand him his glass and he takes it going to sit at the kitchen island. You choose not to follow him and instead start grabbing things to make some eggs.
“Hey, instead of making breakfast, did you maybe want to go grab breakfast? There’s a place nearby I’ve been to that’s pretty good.” He shrugs, spinning his glass around on the countertop.
You face the stove, contemplating the idea for a moment before turning around to face the shirtless hockey player in your kitchen. “Yeah,” You answered, “that sounds a lot better than homemade scrambled eggs right now.”
“Okay, awesome, uh, I just have to grab my shirt and I’ll be good to go.” He says, downing the rest of his water and setting it back down on the island. 
“I just have to change and I should be good, too. Just give me a few minutes.” You shrug, putting away the ingredients you were planning to use. As you round the corner to head to your room you run into a large body, Ryan.
“You guys going to grab breakfast?” He asks, running his hand through his bed head.
You and Carter look between one another before you look back at your twin. “Uh, yeah, Carter said he knows a place a few blocks away.” 
“Cool! I’ll just go change and throw on a hat and I can join you guys!” He exclaims before turning back around and disappearing back down the hallway towards his room.
plus one
Sitting on the couch of your apartment, your thoughts are pulled away from your laptop as you hear a knocking on the front door. Setting your laptop on the cushions beside you, you move towards the door to see who it is.
Swinging the door open, you find Carter in the hallway holding a box of some sort. Ryan hadn’t let you know he was coming over, so you’re confused as to why he’s standing at the door and even more confused at the mysterious box in his hands.
“Hey,” Carter greets, sensing the confusion written all over your face. “Is Ryan home? He said I could swing by anytime today.”
“Uh, yeah, I think his girlfriend is still here. I’m not really sure what he’s up to.” You let him know, moving to the side so you can let him into your entryway. You close the door behind him, and move back towards where you were previously sat on the couch, pulling your laptop back onto your lap.
“What’s in the box?” You ask, your curiosity getting the best of you. Carter walks further into the apartment, setting the box down on the kitchen island with a large ‘thud’.
“Tax stuff? I don’t really know what it all is. Ryan said he’d help me with my taxes and said he’d make sure I was doing everything right.” He answers.
“Oh, yeah, it’s getting to be that time of the year, huh?” You say, remembering that the tax season is coming to a close soon. You look up from your laptop to see him continuing to stand by the kitchen island, his hands awkwardly stuff into his sweatpants pockets. “You can come sit while you wait for him.”
Carter moves to join you on the sectional in the middle of the living room, sitting on the opposite side as you. “What are you working on?” He asks, pointing to the laptop you're typing away on. 
“I’m actually looking for a new job,” You start. Carter nods his head, urging you to go on. “I didn’t really plan on staying at the place I’m working at right now anyways.” 
Although Carter seemed to be around quite frequently over the past few months, you guys never really got to get to know one another other than the basic things. You knew he was a goalie and that he was on his season and that he was Canadian, which you had picked up on instantly due to his accent. 
“What exactly do you do? I think Ryan mentioned to me that you worked in communications?” He asked.
A smile spreads across your lips, the passion evident in your voice as you begin to speak. “I work in communications and marketing, or at least that’s what I’m looking for right now. I want to be a marketing coordinator but I’m just a PR assistant at my current job.”
Carter leans further into the couch, adjusting himself so he’s facing you. His head is leaned against his hand that’s resting on the back of the couch. He nods his head along as you speak, and he finds himself immersed into the conversation, asking more questions about exactly what you do.
The conversation flows for a little while longer before footsteps come from the hallway, signaling that Ryan and his girlfriend had finally emerged from his bedroom. 
“Oh, hey, man. When did you get here?” Ryan asks, slapping his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
Carter looks back up towards your brother, “Not too long ago.” 
“Hopefully y/n hasn’t been too annoying.” He jokes, smirking at you, as he walks his girlfriend out. You roll your eyes with a scoff at the chirp, a slight blush rising on your cheeks.
“Not at all.” Carter responds with a smile, looking back towards you.
“I’m gonna grab a quick shower then I’ll be right out to help you.” He says before disappearing back towards his room. “Y/n don’t bore him to death!” He chirps as he shuts his bedroom door.
You get a little quiet after that, focusing back on the computer screen in front of you. Carter stays silent as well, trying to feel out the now-awkward atmosphere in the room.
“Hey, y/n?” He asks, grabbing your attention. You hum in response, turning your attention back to him where he continues to sit on the other side of the couch.
“I’ve been trying to ask you out for, like, weeks now, and now that your brother is finally not going to interrupt, do you wanna go out sometime? Like, on a date? Just you and me.” He asks, rambling a bit. A wide smile falls on his face as he finishes, watching your reaction at every word he speaks.
You smile softly at the blushing boy in front of you, your own blush starting to creep up your neck. “Yeah, I’d really like that.” You agree.
His smile widens further as he fishes in his pocket for what you assume is his phone.
“Awesome,” he affirmed. “I’ll look at my game and practice schedule and I can let you know what days work for you?”
“That works perfectly.” You smiled, “And by the way, Ryan is always going to get in the way.”
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moonstruckholland · 4 years
Ma'am if youre taking requests i woulf like to see peter and y/n dancing in the kicthen while cooking cuz we be craving some intimacy in this quarantine 😔
I feel you, honey 🥺 we're always craving intimacy over here, especially during this quarantine 😔
Being stuck inside the apartment for weeks on end wasn't exactly ideal, but you were making the best of it. If you weren't cuddled up on the couch with Peter bingeing a new show or having some sort of movie marathon, you were trying something new.
You did a bunch of pretty diy decorations projects you saved on Pinterest even though in the past you knew you'd probably never do them, you read new books, started playing around with all those makeup products you bought after watching many convincing reviews from Nikkietutorials.
Your biggest project though was cooking.
Sure, you knew how to make a few things, enough to keep you and Peter alive, but with school usually keeping you busy, you typically got takeout.
Each time you made something different. One night you made tacos, another you made homemade macaroni and cheese. For the most part you were pretty successful at the dishes you were making.
Peter would watch you the whole time, admiring the way you looked when you got really into a recipe, your determined eyes never leaving the kitchen. Sometimes you'd ask him for help, but most of time you wanted to try doing it all on your own.
Tonight's dinner was relatively simple, chicken parm with spaghetti and those yummy rolls Peter would eat like 10 of in one sitting.
You didn't really feel like doing it by yourself this time, feeling a bit lazy.
"Hey, Petey, baby," you looked over to where he was sitting on one of the chairs he pulled up from the dinner table to just to be in here with you, "You wanna help me?"
"Yes!" You couldn't help laughing as he jumped up practically running over to where you had left the cut chicken breast.
You explained to him what he needed to do, which was bread the chicken. It was only a few pieces, considering it was just the two of you eating but you cut up extra just in case.
While you waited you put on some music, before filling up a pan of oil and letting it heat up.
The process went by a lot faster with Peter helping you, and you had to admit you having the best time, singing with him, making a mess of the kitchen.
20 minutes later your chicken was in the oven and you were setting out the spaghetti you'd put to boil soon.
The song "thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran came on and you heard Peter gasp from behind you.
"Baby! Come dance with me, our song is on!"
You had a bright smile on your face as you felt Peter's hand lace through yours and he gently spun you around to face him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your waist and you just swayed to the music.
Your laughter filled the air as he tried spinning you around without properly letting you go, making both of you stumble around the kitchen.
"Peter you're gonna make us fall!" You tried chastising him, but it was obvious from your expression you were having too much fun to actually care.
"C'mon, princess, You know I'd never let you fall."
You gave him an unconvincing look that made him burst into laughter. He looked like the picture of happiness, practically glowing with pure joy.
You had a sudden urge to kiss him, so you stood up on your tippy toes, and pressed your lips to his.
He melted into you quickly, moving on his hands from your waist to gently cup your cheek.
You pulled away after a minute with a smile and he rested his forehead against yours, eyes glossed over with bliss.
"I love you so much, baby."
"I love you more, Petey."
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thequeendesi · 5 years
Tumblr media
Title: Never Forget It
Alt Title: You mean me?
Warnings: Vaguely mentioning reader's been assulted before
Pairings: Scott Reed x Reader
Disclaimer: i dont own you or the 13 Reasons Why franchise, i do own the writing.
Rating: PG-13
You sighed, your hand flat on the door. Your mother suggested the group to you. A support group, though you couldn't help but still feel like you weren't victim enough.
"You going in?" You snapped out of your thoughts as you made eye contact with brown ones. "Oh.. hi." You moved out of her way. "I'm scared too." You let out a soft laugh.
"I was my first meeting too. You want me to walk in with you?" Tears threatened to spill as you nodded. The girl reached out her hand as you took it.
The room smelled like vanilla and pop. A few girls had already sat down and made small talk. "Jess! Nice to see you again." The older woman said who sat at the north of the circle.
You bit at your lip nervously as you sat next to Jess, your denim purse in your lap, your ankles crossed.
You watched as Jess conversed with the other girls, smiling happily. "Will you be going to Liberty High?" A girl sat next to you. "I'll be starting the week after your guy's first week."
"My name is Nina."
"What grade are you in?" She asked, trying to make conversation with you. "Senior." You rubbed your shoulder. "I'm taking extra classes so i can graduate earlier."
"That must be a lot work." Nina smiled at you.
Honestly, you could feel your nervousness leave your body.
You listened to everyone talk about how they were coping.
"Now would anyone else like to share… new girl?" The woman looked at you. "Can… can i stay sitting down?" You fidgeted with your thumbs.
"Of course, as long as your comfortable."
"Oh.. alright, um.. My name is (Y/N), I'm 17, turning 18 (Y/BD), my favorite color (color), and I moved here a week or so ago." You cleared your throat. "I don't know what else to say."
"And that is perfectly fine. You're doing just fine (Y/N)." Everyone began to chime in, telling you it was fine and you're doing well.
You sigh, and rub your knuckles as someone approached you over at the snack table. "I think you're really brave for coming here."
You turned around, "thank you. Justin, right?" You tucked some hair behind your ear. "Oh yea." He laughed a little.
"So, where'd you come from?" He asked, grabbing a red cup of Sprite. "Dothan." You said, looking over at his confused expression. "Alabama." You chuckled nervously, you hadn't really been that close to another person since..
"Have you gone too our towns movie theater yet? Me and Jess we're going to go see that new comedy."
"Oh are you and Jess..?" You asked, looking over at the caramel skinned girl, who, surprisingly, thrown a thumbs up at you.
"Yea. She thought you might need some friends who.. get it."
That's all you needed, honestly, you felt alone and wanted friends who understood.
Soon, you were included into Jess and Justin's friend group. Upon that, you met Zach Dempsey, Tyler Down, Clay Jensen, Tony Padilla, Alex Standall, Sheri Holland, Courtney Crimson, Scott Reed and Sheri Holland. They'd allow you at the table at Monet's, you definitely had a strict 'no-touching-me' rule. Which everyone ahered too.
"Did anyone do any of the math homework last night?" Zach asked, sitting down in his usual spot. "I did." You said. "Do you all need it?" You asked, looking up from your other classes' homework.
You ended up discarded your wants to graduate early. The high school experience seemed to suit you.
Your friends nodded, making you give a soft laugh and get the paper out of your binder, putting it on the middle of the table.
You looked over to the other side of the table. "So, (Y/N), got any plans for the weekend?" Alex asked you, prompting you to shake your head.
"Want to go see that new movie with me and Zach?" Alex rose an eyebrow.
Zach and Alex had been dating for a few weeks. "I wouldn't want to intrude." You laughed a little.
"I, honestly, just wanted to stay home this weekend, watch both Zombielands, eat pizza and just… just chill." You messed with your knuckles. "Not to say that I don't really like hanging with you guys, but I just want a weekend in." You dont say love, you haven't in months, not since him. "Calm down (N/N)... you don't have to explain shit to us." Tony who sat next to you, moved to nudge you, but stopped before you could notice.
"I know a pretty good pizza place. I could bring one over." Scott said, looking over at you, holding a mug in his hand. "That sounds... nice. Thank you."
You sighed, you wore a pair of grey baggy sweats and a Repzion hoodie, two sizes too big. You sat on the couch, legs crossed. Commercials started as you checked your phone for the time.
A knock at the door made you jump up and walk over to it, looking through the peephole. "I bring gifts." Scott smiled, holding up 2 boxes of pizza and a bottle of Sprite.
You unlocked the door letting him in. "Welcome to my humble adobe." You watched as he found his way to the kicthen with ease. "Wow… you really know this house."
"I actually lived here as a kid, then moved to my current house 8 years ago." Scott said. "I got plain cheese and a pepperoni meat pizza." You walked behind him. "And in case you had an allergy or something, gluten-free."
"Well, don't just stand around," he laughed. "Grab a slice." You nodded, grabbing a (pizza) slice. "So, what made you come here?" He asked as you both ate a slice of pizza.
"I don't like talking about it." You said, discarding the crust. "I can respect that." You nodded. "Do.. you want to stay?" You looked at him. "Watch the movie with me?"
"Are you comfortable with that?" He asked.
You paused, before nodding. "Yea. I am."
You ended up asleep, your head on the side of his chest. Your breaths were slow, calm, anxiousless. Scott hasn't even noticed, his arm was draped over your shoulder.
Your parents ended up coming home at around 11pm at night. This wasn't the first time Scott had been over, however it was the first time with out Jess, or any one else for that matter. Scott came over loads of times in the few months you has began hanging out with the group and your parents quite liked him, kind, respectful, 'a good pickle' as your dad said.
They nodded to him as they put the pizzas in the fridge along with the soda. "You get sleep soon Scott." Your mother said too him as she went down the hall to her bedroom with your father, closing the door behind them.
Scott sighed as he turned his head to the TV, watching the remainder of the movie.
Morning came and assuming Scott left you let out a disappointed sigh, sitting up you pushed your hair from your face and stretched.
"Good morning sunshine." Scott said before handing you a biscut and a cup of coffee he had gotten at the local breakfast place. "Oh, good morning." He had went into the kitchen, placing down two other coffees and biscuts on the counter before drinking his own walking back over too you.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked sitting next to you on the couch.
"I slept… fine." You said, even shocked yourself at the end part. "Well, I gotta start getting back to the house." He said before reaching his hand out. "Goodbye handshake?" He asked. "I know you don't exactly like touching, but what's a handshake got to hurt?" He asked, smiling softly. It make your stomach flutter as you grabbed his hand, shaking it.
"Come back another time?" You asked, a tinge of hope in the question.
"Maybe Saturday's can be our movie night." Scott smiled before taking his hand back.
"Maybe." You smiled a little.
And so it did, just about every Saturday, you two would watch a movie, eat a box of pizza, drink a liter of soda, fall asleep, Sunday, Scott would bring you and your family breakfast and a coffee for each and then leave around midday.
This went on for an entire school year, and in that school year, Scott had immense joy watching you change into someone new.
You were still socially awkward and wary of new people, but it wasn't as bad as it was when you first got here. You didnt wear as many hoodies anymore either, it was upgraded to teeshirts and jackets, his jacket sometimes.
There was no doubt about it. Your best friends definitely went Jess, Scott and Tyler.
"So... plan on telling me the details with Reed?" Justin teased. "(N/N) definitely has a crush." Jessica teased. "Even if I did?" You rose an eyebrow, sitting at the lunch table. "Why dont you ask him out?"
"I don't want to mess anything up with him." You sighed. "With who?" Scott asked, sitting next to you. "My dog! Uh, we're training professionally." You said, making a quick excuse up.
"You don't even have a dog." Scott rose an eyebrow.
"We're getting a Dobbie." You said. "Oh, cool. So what's gonna be the movie for tomorrow night?" He asked, eating a french fry. "I was thinking The Grudge? In theaters?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Oh dude, that's sick. Hell yea. Let's definitely do it."
You heard Jessica snort a little, she could obviously tell your attempt of asking Scott out on a date was, to say the least, failing.
"What are we gonna do for food though?" Scott asked. "I got paid yesterday.. we could go out for dinner too." You paused. "Finally could actually go to that pizza place you talk about." You looked at him.
"Oh, uh, sure." He laughed a little.
"Pizza and a movie? Don't you guys do that every weekend? Switch it up a little. There's a new restaurant opened next to the theater, just gotta go next door." Jess winked at you two.
"What kind of restaurant?" Scott asked, his hands in his pocket.
"Hibachi next to a theater… sounds sanitary." You laughed a little bit, causing your friends to look at you. "Hibachi sounds fine." You cleared your throat, shoving your hands in your pocket.
You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't even remember the last time you wore makeup, you wore a smokey eyeshadow look and black lipstick. "Why not do something different?" You asked yourself outloud.
"(N/N)?" Your mom walked into your room, her eyes welling with tears as she saw you looking at yourself in the mirror, a smile on your face. "It seems so long since you've smiled at yourself." She walked over to you.
"Is he here yet?" You asked, rubbing your arm. "Living room." She smiled at you. "No later than 2."
"Alright mom." You said, walking towards the living room, messing with the scrunchie on your wrist. "Hey Scott." You said, making him stand and face you. "Oh wow." He chuckled, looking up at you.
"Ready to go?" You asked, grabbing your wallet.
You laughed as you leaned back in your chair. "You didn't!"
"Oh, but I did." He smiled, obviously beeming with pride. "All I've done is talk about me. Why don't you ever wanna talk about you?" He asked, putting a forkful of his food in his mouth.
"I'm not very interesting." You laughed a little.
"C'mon. Tell me something from your past." He grinned.
"Hm.. When I was 13 I dyed my whole head green because I was watching some anime and I wanted to look just like the main character." You chuckled a little at the memory.
"Have you ever gotten into a physical fight?" He asked. "A few times." You looked up at him.
"I didn't expect that from you." He joked.
"I was a pretty scary person at my old school." You paused. "Was the the all mighty 'goddess' there. No one really fucked with me… but it uh.. it changed because..." you trailed off, staring at Scott's hand.
"Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. Don't stress it." He held your hand.
"Thank you." You whispered. "Ever had a boyfriend before?" He asked.
"Not really." You looked up at him.
"Is there someone you want? 'Cause I could hook y'all up, just say the name."
"Scott Shellings, Scott Quinn, Scott Brown?"
"Scott… Reed."
"We don't have a Scott Reed… oh… oh… oh! You mean me?" He asked, smiling a little.
"Nevermind, it's stupid, I should've figured you didn't like me like that."
"Hey, stop." He squeezed your hand a little. "I… figured it was the other way around." He chuckled.
"What?" You picked your head up, looking at him. "I've... I like you. You're sweet and funny and kind and… you're my best friend." He chuckled.
"You don't have to lie to me." You looked down. "Have I before?" You looked back up at him after he asked that question. "No."
"Do you think I am now?"
"Do you think I will ever?"
"No Scott." You said.
"One more question, how would you feel about being mine?"
"I feel… okay with that." You smiled at him.
"Just ok?" He chuckled, kissing the knuckles of your hand. "I'm not gonna say I love you just yet. But when I do, you'll never forget it." He grinned.
"I'll never forget this night."
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jack-andthestalk · 6 years
Our Son, Chapter 4, Foundations.
By the time myself and Willie were up and showered the following morning Jamie's jeep was gone from outside his cottage. Good! I thought I would just ignore him for the rest of my time here, we could resume our contactless parenting as soon as I got back to Boston. Willie and I wandered down to the main house for breakfast, checking over plans with Jenny for her imminent big day and catching up properly with Ellen. It was soothing to be in their company, no matter what had happened with Jamie and I, the women in his family had loved me unconditionally, which for me with no real family to speak of assides from Lamb well it was very much reciprocated and appreciated !
As the morning wore on, Ellen and I moved out to her garden to do some weeding and choose the flowers for Jenny's wedding bouquet, Willie came to help 'Gwanny' but really causing more destruction than anything else, digging up flowers and turning the watering can upside down drenching himself in the process, I was just finished pruning Ellen's rosebush when I felt a shadow looming over me.
I didn't turn to see who it was, I heard Ellen say "Ach Jamie, there ye are mo Graidh will ye clip that top rose for me there, Claire and myself are too bitty to reach it". He didn't respond but suddenly I felt his big body reach above my head and clip the rose Ellen was speaking off. He was right behind me now, I could feel his breath on my back, "what have ye planned then Jamie?", Ellen enquired. "Ye have a look of purpose about ye" I heard him exhale. "I was thinking we could go for a ride Claire", he said ignoring Ellen's question. His voice sounded gruff and hoarse as if it hadn't been used much.                                              
I dug my hands into the clay below the rose bush, wishing I could sink into it and disappear altogether. I felt completely exposed by our argument the evening before, I couldn't bring myself to turn and look at him, instead I just answered "il get Willie a dry jumper and he will be ready to go with you" I made to stand from my knees, "I dinna mean Willie, I thought just you and I would go, Mam will be fine with willie?" He obviously had looked at Ellen for approval as she was nodding vehemently at me saying "oh aye, me and Willie are due to start making some scones, are we not Willie?"
I swallowed the lump threatening to build in my throat. Why the hell was I such an emotional mess, I didn't want Ellen's sympathy, she must know about how Jamie felt about Willie's conception. I was mentally spent from it all. "no thank you Jamie, I want to finish these plants for your mother and...", A hand gently rose from behind me and rested on my shoulder, "Please Claire." A plea.
Ellen was watching the two of us curiously now, what she had first thought was as a simple invitation to go horse riding, was now apparently something else completely. She took another look at Jamie and seemingly made up her mind. " Go Claire", she said softly, "the plants will bide", a simple tilt in her head and a pleading look in her eyes, told me she was asking not telling me to go.
I turned to look at Jamie, his blue hooded eyes, watching me intently to see what I would do. "fine", I said with resignation, " I'll need to wash my hands".
Once we got to the stables, Jamie began mounting a horse he referred to as 'Donas', I looked around wondering why he wasn't saddling a horse up for me when he stretched out his arm indicating for me to mount Donas with him. I didn't move to join him but merely looked at him sceptically, "where is my horse?",  "Its easier if ye ride with me".
I hissed back,"don't be ridiculous I am perfectly capable..." he gave me a grave look, "i dinna say ye were not capable but we have a bit of ground to cover and it will make it easier as ye are not familiar with the route". He outstretched his arm again, his eyes met mine for a second, please. "Fine", I murmured and took his hand. I settled myself between his legs but did not allow my body to rest against his, leaving a polite distance between us. He just wrapped his arm around my stomach and hoisted me into his body, "Ye will nay be too comfortable if ya ride like that, rest against me, aye". 
“Where are we going?” I asked sometime later, I was lulled by the heat of his body and his strong arm wrapped around me, his other arm managing the reigns easily, the muscles in his arms twisting and turning, guiding Donas.
“I have something in mind I wanna show ye” he said gruffly. With that he used his strong thighs to squeeze Donas down a grassy pathway I had not been before.
We were riding for well near an hour, my little knowledge of the Fraser lands told me we were near coming to the border of those lands, or what I remember to be the border. All of a sudden Jamie turned Donas and we trotted through a small clearing of trees before mounting a hill, once at the top Jamie stopped Donas tied him to a post on a fence and said we would walk from there.
I could see it almost immediately, it was the a half built house, little more than the foundations but all internal walls were well on the way to show the outline of each room, whoever was building it had started to clad the external wall with the most beautiful natural stone that I knew to be very similar to the stone used on the tower in Lallybroch.
Jamie turned to me and put his hand out to help me down the hill, he turned to look at me, as I carefully traced my hand over the beautiful stone fronting the house, "the stone is it from the main house?", "Aye, its from the tower, it was a wall that had crumbled and I kept the stone for this", he said pointing at the house, "Its beautiful Jamie, are you doing all the work yourself?", he looked pleased at this, "Aye, when I can..I usually spend the weekends doing it..there is nay rush as such..I hope to have the roof on before winter though and then I can start thinking about windows and such".
I nodded, "well give me the tour then!" Jamie looked so pleased with my interest, my heart nearly burst looking at him. He took great time in walking me through each room and why he had chosen its position, for the light or a view. When he was finished I turned to him and said "its lovely Jamie, I hope you have many years of happiness in it". He looked at me bewildered, "its nay for me Claire...Its for Willie!"
"for Willie?" I asked incredulously.
“Mmm aye, well I ken he lives in Boston” he looked at me earnestly “and no matter what ye think of me Sassenach, I would never interfere with that”. He kicked stones forming the foundation, “but when he gets older and feels like maybe spending a bit of time here or having a place to bring his own family, I want it to have made it for him .., somewhere he can come.”
 "Jamie", I said in almost a whisper,  "its such a wonderful thing to do, Willie is so lucky", I realised he was still looking at me intently, "I have no brought anyone up here asides you, Mam and Da", he smiled then and said " I brought Willie up once, and he told me he would prefer a treehouse". We both laughed at that. "C'mere he said there is one more thing I wanna show ye", he led me to the back of the house where there was the foundations of another dwelling, much smaller, perhaps a garage I thought. It had the outlines of three rooms, and one tiny room, which was either a closet or maybe a washroom. I noticed on the blocks that were lying ready to use in centre of the dwelling, sprayed in some sort of paint was the words 'CB bedroom' and 'CB Kicthen', I supposed they were to identify where the various blocks were to be used. I looked at Jamie curiously "this is rather big for a garage?", he shook his head "its no a garage" a smirk forming on his lips, "its a granny flat" he said proudly.
Confusion written all over my face, he nodded in my direction and said "for you Sassenach", I shook my head as if to say I don't follow, he turned away to fiddle with a piece sticking out of one of the half built walls. "I ken that if Willie comes home from Boston either with a wife and kids or just for College, he will want you to come too aye, at the very least at holidays and such? so I thought it best to have yer own, so ye wouldna be on top of the other". My mouth was hanging open agape, "ye will always a place here Claire", he said softly. I literally was lost for words "Jamie I don't know what to say, I..I..".
He smiled pleased that he had left me speechless, "ye dinna need to say anything, I hadna planned on showing ye it until it was finished but after last night...weel I wanted to explain to ya", Jesus was I going to cry again? " Claire, what I said last night came out all wrong..I ken the truth of how Willie came to be" he looked into my eyes and they were so soft I could have drowned happily in them, memories of our night together written on his face, "I was worried that someone who didna ken, or didna know us!", 'Us', "would someday tell Willie that he was only the result of a one night thing, which in practice may be true", he smiled ruefully, "But we ken you and I, that there is more to it than that, Aye?"
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes" I said weakly, he continued "So when Da talks flippantly like that, I get worried that he will say something in front of Willie and he will no ken the truth from us, so he will get the wrong idea".
He moved to an arms reach in front of me and tentatively touched the back of my hand, "I couldna ask for a better mother either Claire, I hope ya ken that?", his eyes searched mine to see if I believed him.
"Yes, thank you Jamie", My eyes were filled with tears but I was determined he would not see me cry again.
We eventually made our way back to the stables on Donas, the atmosphere was lighter between us, we were joking and happy to be in each others company. It was so long since I had seen this side of Jamie, probably the last time I was here, before we had the strains of co parenting affecting our relationship. Jamie was pointing out various landmarks on the Fraser lands, when he slowed Donas and pointed to a cave hidden up high on a hill, "do ye remember that cave Sassenach?", A knowing smile formed on my lips but I added rather noncommittally, "yes something familiar about it alright"
He stopped Donas and rested his chin on my shoulder, the act was so intimate, my heart started beating madly in my chest, I hoped he didn't notice. Even though there was no one around us for miles, he bent down and whispered into my ear "that's where ye pinned me down and kissed me for the first time, aye?" was he flirting? 
I snorted "I did not pin you down", you Mr Fraser, made up an excuse that you had lost something in that cave and made me go with you to find it, when you got me there, you put your foot out tripping me up and YOU then pinned me to the ground"
I could feel his chest vibrating behind me, "Aye weel" he said lightly, "ye clearly enjoyed yerself cause I see ye have no forgotten one single detail Sassenach".
I reached back to slap his thigh.
By the time we reached the paddocks I was fully resting my body on Jamie, his arm strong around my middle holding me there. In the distance I could see the figurate of a woman leaning against the paddock fence, looking out at the direction we were coming. I could tell she was smallish with long blonde hair.
"Who is that at the paddock Jamie?"
He hesitated in answering, sighing first, "Eh..that'll be Laoghaire, Sassenach".
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peterpcrkcr · 6 years
mom | p.p imagine
Of all the days it was going to rain, today was the day. The city fell silent as the rain drenched everything. It dyed the sky grey and dotted tears in the eyes of people without their umbrellas. Cars slowed down on the streets to keep others dry. An unspoken kindness spread as they witnessed the downpour. The rain had stopped most things. It stopped the sun from shining, the flowers from blooming, the people from singing. Everyone knew that once the storm ended, things would be extra bright, but for now they would wait in the quiet. With nothing but the sound of rain.
"Morning." Your quiet voice curled around his tears and halted them if only for a moment. He wasn't dressed yet. He was only wearing his boxers. Hair disheveled, eye bags heavier than usual. One kiss to his salty cheek made your heart strings strum wrong. You heard him suck in a breath as he closed his eyes. "Please talk to me, Peter."
"I'm not ready." He said with a broken, quiet voice. The rain pattering against the kicthen window almost covered his words.
"I need you to talk to me." You placed your hand on his cheek in an attempt to guide his eyes to you. He pulled away and stared at his hands. "Please, Peter. I want to help."
He shook his head and sucked in a harsh breath. You watched as fresh tears fell onto the smooth table. He closed his and clenched his jaw and let out a soft son. He'd cried like this a week ago when it happened. After that for another week he was silent. Three weeks later and he's fallen apart on himself once more. You felt his pain, of course you did. You loved her too.
"Let me help you." You said firmly.
He shook his head, lowered his face to the table. You lowered yourself onto your knees and set your palms on his lower arm. Squeezed. Leaned him toward his gaze. He didn't look at you, but he did glance at you briefly.
"Peter, everyone is going to be here for you today. I'll be right by your side. I know this is hard, you don't even have to talk to anyone else there. You just have to get dressed. People will be here within the hour. Even with the rain. No one would miss this, Peter. We are all here for you."
This made him cry harder. This made him crumble into himself entirely. You watched as he pulled his arm away from you so he could rest his head on himself, but you reached for his far shoulder and pulled him into you. You wrapped your arms around him and straightened your spine to catch his weight. He curled into you. Tightly wrapped his arms around you. He sobbed into your hair and your neck and you kept him from slipping each time. Everytime he breathed in you rubbed his back. When he shuddered from the heartache you kissed his burning forehead. When he looked into your eyes, you kissed him softly. He kissed you back just the same.
"Will you help me?" Peter asked the question you'd already confirmed the answer to as he gazed right into your eyes. tears filled your eyes as you nodded as helped him to stand. He didn't let your hand go, and you'd never ask him to.
You lead him into your shared bedroom. He hadn't slept in it for a couple days, but he did lay in bed with you until you fell asleep. Most nights he went downstairs and sat in the laundry room. It smelled like her and he found a tiny comfort in that. You knew eventually he'd have to find other ways to deal with the greif, but this wasn't hurting anyone.
In the bedroom, you sat him on the bed while you reached into the closet for his suit. Tears started to fall again, but he wasn't sobbing.
"I know. If you want to wear something more comfortable, we can do that." You suggested. He shook his head and stood up. Peter kissed your cheek and took his uncle's suit from your hands.
"He needs to be here, too." He said as he pulled the clothes off of the special hangers. You helped him pull his shirt off and put the next one on. You helped him button it up. Helped him with the pants. He did the button. It wasn't that you felt the need to do everything for him out of sympathy or empathy, he was just too weak to do it himself.
As you helped him into the jacket, standing behind him, you ran your hands over his back. He sobbed once and very hard. You wrapped your arms around him and set your chin on his shoulder.
"I can remember the last time she washed my back." He whispered. You closed you eyes and focused on the way you rose with his breathing. "She always had my back. Always. Even when I made her mad. She supported me."
This was everything you'd wanted for the last few weeks. He was opening up. Even though the wound wasn't healed, pulling off the scab was helping. The skin underneath seemed to almost be healed. You shed a tear as you thought of how many times his boo-boos had been kissed by her.
"Will you tie my tye for me?" He asked with a crack in his voice. You nodded and proceeded to tie the exact tie she'd helped him learn how to do. He closed his eyes the entire time, trying to forget, perhaps trying to remember.
He was fully dressed, now you sat him on the toilet with the seat cover down to do his hair. You wet it and brushed it and occasionally wiped his tears away as he felt those familiar feelings you were giving to him. He kissed your palm and wrapped an arm around your lower torso and rest his head against your stomach. You set a hand on his head and rubbed his back and tried to hold it together yourself.
You were right there with him. All the pain and grief was coursing through you, too. She'd been like a mother to you as well. The day she and Peter asked if you'd like to move in was the best day of your life. She cooked their family's ancient lasagna recipe and burned it to a crisp. You all went out for Chinese food. It rained that day too, but there were too many good things happening to worry about the storm.
You kissed the top of his head and tried not to be too forceful as the doorbell chimed. You pressed a cold rag to his eyes to lessen the swelling and redness.
"Ready to head downstairs?" You whispered against his head. You felt his nose press up and down in a nodding confirmation. You helped him up and took his hand and lead him back downstairs. He sat on the couch and tried to keep himself as together as possible. The tears stopped, but his eyes were marbled over with the once laying in wait.
You answered the door and saw Ned Leeds there with a bright bouquet of yellow flowers. You pulled him in with one arm and kissed his cheek. He pulled away and nodded and sniffed back tears. He found Peter and while you put the flowers in a vase you watched as they held each other so tightly you thought they might both pop. They held each other long enough for the next guest to arrive.
"I'm so sorry, guys." Sam Wilson handed you a casserole of funeral potatoes. Bucky set a comforting hand on your shoulder and then they made their way into the living room.
Sam ragged on Peter's last mission and you saw a small smile grace Peter's face as Bucky shamed Sam for being insensitive. You wiped away your own tears as you set the potatoes in the kitchen.
Michelle Jones had a grocery store tote-bag around her shoulder full of food. She was quiet as she helped you set all of it out. As you placed silverware in the containers for dishing out food, Michelle watched your tears slide down your cheeks. You listened in on Ned sharing a memory of him and Peter getting caught setting fire to a machine. Michelle pulled you in to a hug where you let silent tears fall against her long sleeve shirt. When you pulled away she kissed your cheek and then walked out into the living room to tell them the food was ready.
More people showed up. The others that'd been saved and had survived. They ate and talked and hugged and kissed and supported the two of you as the rain fell upon Queens.
"Thank you for being here today." Peter said to the silent and loving room. He was looking at you when he said the words and you wiped away a single tear. His eyes then moved around the room.
"I know you all didn't know her the way I did, the way some of us did, but you being here has helped me in a way that i was not willing to be helped. Your presence has helped this house feel more alive to (y/n) and I." You stood next to him, rubbed his back as he cleared his throat and pushed back tears. "My Aunt May was the most loving and generous person anybody could ever wish to know. She was funny, and smart, and incredibly strong. She was a rock when the wind was too powerful. When I thought I'd blow away, she held me down."
"Aunt May and Uncle Ben raised me after my parents passed away. Several years later she consoled me when we lost my uncle, Ben. She would never show the true weight of her pain to me because I was already falling apart, but sometimes I heard her crying in private. When I asked her why she didn't cry in front of me she said, "it's not because I want you to think crying is weak. It's because I just talked to him and he reminded me how much love I still have left to give." Can you imagine turning such heartbreak into something profoundly uplifting?"
"She loved everyone who ever loved her. And she loved those who didn't. Her heart was open to anyone with pain in theirs. She took me in after I'd moved out. She told me she needed the help, but I knew that it was to help me. I was struggling to stay afloat. Between crime fighting and my job, I couldn't breathe. She helped me get out of that. She said, "do what makes you happy, Peter. But please pay the water bill or something." She never once made me feel like a burden."
"When she found out my secret," Peter let his tears fall. "She was angry at me for the first time in my life. Not because I was putting myself in danger everyday, not because I traveled around the city with a questionable mode of transportation, but because I hadn't told her the truth. I hadn't confided in her with the truth and she yelled at me for it. The only time in my entire life that she ever yelled at me. And I deserved it. I'm thankful she found out because everything got easier when she knew. Telling May the full truth was like giving her a million dollars."
"The last day she was here, I held her close. I told her all the things I'd never said. I'd told her how thankful and grateful I was for everything she'd ever done for me. I told her about each time, too. We cried together. We knew what was coming, but never admitted it. She never said goodbye, she never said see you later, she simply said, "Peter, you are the love of my life." I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life than the day she left."
You rubbed his back, looked around at all of the people crying. You handed him a tissue, he wiped away his tears.
"Uhm... I..." His voice shuddered and caught in his throat. "I miss my mo-" but he didn't have to finish. You'd wrapped him in a hug and everyone else followed suit. Peter stood in the middle of the group as everyone silently loved him. He burried his face in your neck and breathed deeply. After a long moment, everyone pulled away.
Then they chatted to themselves, with Peter, with you. They offered sympathy and words of wisdom and thanked you for inviting them over. The last person to leave was Ned, because May was like his aunt too. Peter and Ned talked quietly about memories once again for hours and hours and you cleaned up the place in the meantime. Chiming in when you felt like you had something to say. Peter pulled you close every once in a while and kissed your cheek. Or squeeze your hand. Or tell you he loves you. As you washed the last spoon, Ned came to wish you goodbye. He kissed your cheek once more and then headed outside. As you closed the door behind him, you noticed it had stopped raining.
"Peter, will you come here please?" You asked and in a short moment he was right there next to you gasping at the scene.
Every flower was blooming. The sun was shining. The patch of grass was greener than ever before. Birds chirped, kids played in the street. When you looked up there were bright, fluffy clouds, and a shining rainbow across the sky. Peter pulled you close to him and you watched the clouds go by.
"Showers bring May flowers." He said in a strong voice, but with tears in his eyes. You nodded and leaned into him.
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crash-landed-love · 6 years
Out of all the Mercs, the one who took the longest warming up to E was actually Heavy (Scout came very close). The reason being that Heavy could not shake the sterotypes about aliens, something about the concept was..scary to him, to say the least. It also hasn't helped how small E was, but how tough she could be. What really hit home for Heavy was during a fight against the BLU team, while he was mowing down enemies, he caught sight of E taking down the BLU Heavy and taking his gun. At first he was proud standing next to the 'little girl' firing a minigun as well, until she ran out of bullets. So she hurled the minigun at a group of the enemies and dove head first into an attack. That's when it flipped from being a proud team member, to a standoff-ish stranger for Heavy.
It probably hasn't helped that Heavy was the one the most subjected to E's very tired behaviour, causing some weird silence between the two. During one of E's massive painting crunches, causing her to stay up for days on end. One night, at 4 am, Heavy walked in the kicthen from not being able to sleep to see E half asleep at the kitchen table with some work in front of her.
"What is little girl doing awake?" Heavy's overprotective spirit came out at the sight of the tiny woman sitting at a table. "I..need to work." She barely kept her eyes open, she got up and went to the coffee pot. "What is little girl doing?" She grabbed the pot of freshly made coffee, pouring in some sugar and cream and stirring it up.
Heavy's face dropped as he watched the tiny alien chug the entire pot of coffee in one massive go. She put it back, setting it up to make another pot and went to the fridge to steal 2 of Scout's Bonks. Plopping back into her spot, she glanced at the paintings in front of her and then set her head down.
"Is little girl..feeling okay?" He kept his distance but eye on her, he's very health conscious due to spending so much time with the doctor. She mumbled, "I can feel my teeth growing."
Heavy had a sense of fear he wasn't sure he had experienced before. This wasn't the first, or last time. There was the pudding incident, where he caught her making 4 boxes of pudding at 3 am. The jello incident where he watched her eat a gigantic bowl of green jello, the countless times he watched her mix Scout's Bonks into a pot of coffee and chug it, or even the time they sat next to eat othet during a meeting where she ate a family sized box of Lucky Charms.
Don't even remind him of the nail gun incident.
This all changed one night when Heavy feared going into the kitchen at 4 am when he couldn't sleep, knowing full well that E was probably in there. It changed when he heard sniffling, not from a cold but he could tell it was from crying. He poked in and saw E at a table, looking through photo albums, eyes puffy from tears.
The older brother in him took over, and he went over to her. "Why is little girl crying?" She jumped a little at his voice and tried to wipe away the tears, "O-oh uh, nothing. I was just heading to-" "No lies little one, tell Heavy what upsets you." He took a chair next to her, and listening to her story.
She showed him pictures of her parents and old friends, telling stories about her past. Heavy realized that E may be an alien, but she wasn't that much different from him: A family person, only trying to survive and protect those she cares about. But she was different, because..she lost everyone, and it hurt.
Heavy shared stories of his struggles helping his mother and sisters in Russia, both good and bad memories. It's why he took the job as a merc in the first place. E became a space merc since she's been training as long as she could remember, which only came full force when she lost her planet.
That's when they started laughing, both from stories and being overly tired. That's when E said something that made Heavy's heart warm, "You know, since joining RED I thought I lost my mercenary family a long time ago. But you guys..are like the crazy uncles I never got to have, and I wouldn't change a thing."
"L..little girl sees Heavy, as uncle?" She smiled, "Yeah, I do." Since that day, Heavy made it his mission to be the best 'uncle' he could be. Giving praises for good jobs on the battlefield or training, inviting E to play poker or watch sports with the boys, even every now and again trying to spoil her by buying her her favorite sweets or even letting her touch Sasha. And she does the same for him, which is usually making lots of Heavy's favorite Russian foods (or she tries to come close), or even just speaking to him in Russian (and having him correct her grammer mostly). Its definitely now an uncle - niece relationship between the two (even if E does still scare the shit outta Heavy sometimes).
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
The Vampire, The Zombie and The Werewolf
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Request: There's a Halloween episode of Buffy where there's a costume shop but the guy who owns it puts a spell or something on it so whatever costume you have on Halloween you become it. Could you have Sam and Dean and Cas get costumes from there but reader gets one from somewhere else or home made so she has to make sure nothing bad happens b/c all of the sudden there are monsters and the boys aren't hunters?
Pairing: none (Team Free Will centric)
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language
A/N: Non-supernatural supernatural stuff? Got it...
“Alright guys! You got two minutes before I drag you down here!” you shouted from the foyer of your shared house, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“Coming, ya little...well look at you, slugger,” said Dean. You glanced down at your old softball uniform, leaving the shirt untucked from the pants, your hair in a side braid under a backwards cap, your mitt in one hand. 
“Where’s your costume?” you said with a frown, Dean holding up a werewolf mask. “That is not a costume and you know it.”
“Boo!” Sam shouted, Dean jumping behind him as he saw Sam sporting some fake blood and some tattered clothes, trying to be a zombie from the looks of it.
“Scare her! She’s the one making us go to this party anyways,” said Dean with a grumble.
“Come on. You guys are doing me a solid. Janice keeps saying she wants to meet my roommates. Plus there’ll be free booze,” you said, twirling your hips.
“And girls in sexy costumes, right?” asked Dean, Sam rolling his eyes. 
“Sure,” you said, hearing Cas come down the stairs, wearing a bed sheet. “Very original buddy.”
“I thought so,” he said, tearing the sheet off and revealing his count dracula cape underneath. 
“So Dean’s the only one that didn’t dress up,” you said, cocking your head. He sighed and ran upstairs to his room and back down, sporting a pair of fake paws with claws, his mask on.
“Rawr,” he said, swiping at the air, making you laugh. “Lead the way slugger. It’s only a four block walk, right?”
“Yup,” you said, Cas locking up as you headed down the path and to the street, the guys muttering that you never got any kids to trick or treat on your block. You glanced around at the quiet street, the moon poking out behind a cloud. “At least it’s a nice night, not freezing like last year.”
No one responded and you kept walking, humming along until you got to the corner of the street and turned your head, the boys nowhere in sight.
“Guys?” you asked, looking all around. “Come on guys, don’t scare me, it’s not funny.”
You didn’t see them anywhere, clenching your hands into fists.
“Guys! I’m serious! It’s dark and don’t pull this shit on me!” you shouted, hoping if they thought you were actually scared they’d call off their plan to jump out at you. When no one came out of hiding a few seconds later you actually felt a jolt of panic. “Guys?”
“Hi,” you heard behind you, Cas nearly giving you a heartache as you spun around to see him smiling at you.
“At least one of you is going to be an adult. Where are the wonder twins?” you asked, Cas stepping forward, licking his lips. “Uh, Cas?”
“You smell very...good,” said Cas, leaning forward as you stepped back, holding your mitt up and catching his face.
“Dude! You’re seeing someone! Did you pregame or something? You’re being weird,” you said, walking away from him. “Don’t do that again, got it?”
When you got no response and spun around, he was gone, probably off to sulk at home.
“Drunk little shit,” you muttered, hearing a raspy groaning further up the next block, spotting a tall looking zombie. “Oh great, he’s drunk too.”
You stormed up to Sam, doing a damn good job of sounding like an undead creature, trying to grab at you but too slow for his own good. 
“Where is your brother, moose?” you asked, Sam groaning again. “Sit on the sidewalk and do not move, understand me?” 
Sam groaned as he followed you over before you took off farther down the street. Spinning back around two seconds later, Sam was gone, wandering through one of your neighbors yards most likely.
“What the fuck guys? I’m your babysitter now?” you grumbled, Dean jumping out in front of you, making you jerk back. “Get your ass home now!”
Dean didn’t say anything but snarled and swiped his paw at your mitt, the sound of the leather tearing. You glanced down at it, showing the deep cuts before back at Dean, finding the mask to be...off. It was formed a little too well to his head and the mouth was moving...
“Maybe there’s a gas leak,” you said, shaking your head, trying to grab Dean by the arm, getting a shove to the ground instead, Dean standing over you. “I am going to kick your ass if you don’t sober up in the next two seconds Dean.”
He growled and bent down, baring his teeth, your eyes widening when you saw that it wasn’t just a mask you were looking at. It was...real. Somehow it was...
“Dean? Good boy?” you asked, hoping you weren’t nuts. He growled and you reached up to pet his furry head, scratching behind his ears, Dean whimpering and nuzzling into it. “Someone drugged me. That’s what’s going on. There is no way in hell my best friend is currently a werewolf that is...fucking hell Dean!”
He’d rolled onto his back, looking for a tummy rub for the looks of it. You shook your head and you heard him snarl, your hand running over his stomach as you winced. 
“Good boy,” you said, Dean suddenly jumping up and sniffing sharply at your face. You pet his head again and that seemed to calm him down. “Okay, let’s get you home so I can figure out what to do with...shit.”
If Dean was somehow an actual real life monster, what about the other two? It’d explain why they were acting so strange. But a vampire and zombie weren’t exactly things you wanted running about on a night where kids were out and about.
“Dean, you’re such a good boy,” you said, hearing him bark as you rubbed up and down his back. “Can you...I can’t believe I’m asking this...but can you sniff out Sam and Cas? We need to bring them home with us.”
Dean tilted his snout up and sniffed, taking off down the street as you jogged to keep up. You saw Sam wandering around a front yard a few houses down, Dean running back to you, looking for more praise apparently.
“Good boy, Dean. I’ll give you a treat later,” you said, Dean barking and attracting Sam. He wandered over, snapping his jaw open and shut a few times that caused you to shiver. Dean wrapped his arms around his brother, Sam confused but not really minding as he just let Dean push him further along the street and back home.
Dean bumped into you and you pet him again, Dean walking the three of you down to your house where you front door was open. Dean went first with Sam as you shut the door and heard your kicthen being torn apart.
“What the...” you said, walking down the hall to find Cas with the fresh meat you’d picked up at the store earlier on the floor, the blood from the package over his hands as he sucked on a finger. “Ew. You’re getting salmonella poisoning for sure Cas.”
“No I won’t,” he said, Dean letting go of Sam as the both grabbed at the meat on the ground and started to tear into it.
“Guys, you’re going to get sick,” you said, Cas giving you a smile again. “You are not a blood sucking vampire.”
“Not yet,” said Cas, stepping forward as you held up your hands, your mitt being the only thing that seemed to stop them all from ripping you to shreds tonight.
“Alright boys,” you said, looking around, trying to figure out your next step. Dean was the least of your worries, especially with the way he would wrangle in Sam if told. Cas was the most level-headed at the moment but that wasn’t saying much. “Um, if you guys stay here in the kitchen, I’ll bring you back treats in just a little while, okay?”
“Or we could just have the treat in front of us,” said Cas. “I’m sure the thriller reject wouldn’t mind either.”
Dean growled at Cas and stood in front of you as you slapped a palm over your face. You weren’t sure to be scared or laugh at this point.
“Be a good puppy and you can have the heart,” said Cas, Dean loosening his fighting stance. 
“Dean...” you said, petting his head. “You got to help me out. Calm Cas and Sam down while I fix you guys.”
Dean growled at Cas and jumped on top of him as you pulled the kitchen door shut, shoving a chair behind it, not like that’d stop them. You went upstairs to their rooms, trying to find anything to help you, only the bags their costumes came in catching your eye.
“This is...oh we’re already nuts, might as well roll with it at this point,” you said, grabbing one of the bags and dialing the number for the store. It was late but the voice on the other end didn’t seem surprised.
“Kil’s Costume Shop, how may I turn you into a monster this evening?” the man said, a smirk in his voice.
“Listen up. My friends are literal monsters and you’ve got something to do with it,” you said, expecting an awkward pause or a big laugh.
“That’s kind of the point of the costumes. They make you a literal monster, hun,” said the guy, your jaw clenching.
“Well they kind of want to eat me so I’ve got a problem with that,” you said, the guy sighing.
“Oh, they’re harmless for the most part,” he said, like he was talking about a posion fucking ivy rash.
“One tried to suck my blood!” you yelled, hearing a commotion downstairs. “Listen pal-”
“I said mostly harmless. It only lasts until midnight. Keep an eye on them if you’re so worried then,” he said.
“Oh, well thanks for the update! I’m just swell now!” you yelled, the guy grumbling. 
“It’s basic witchcraft. Any idiot with google can figure out how to undo it. Good luck,” he said, ending the call. 
“Any idiot with google can figure it out,” you mumbled, grabbing your laptop, not sure what the hell to even look up as you heard your kitchen start getting torn apart. 
Fifteen minutes later you were holding a spray bottle normally meant for ironing, now full of the concoction you whipped up using stuff from your bathroom. You pulled the chair away and flung open the kitchen door, Dean sitting on top of Cas, Sam munching on a pack of beef jerky.
You sprayed the mist in the air a few times, hitting all three. Nothing happened for a few moments and you groaned, turning around to go find another solution. A hand caught your arm as you rounded the stairs to research again and you kicked freely, hitting the poor guy so hard he dropped to his knees.
“Ow,” said Dean hoarsely, bending over as Sam and Cas followed over with confused looks on their faces.
“What the...” said Cas. “What even...”
“Take off those costumes and throw them in a garbage bag. Now,” you said, Cas dropping his cape fast, Sam back a minute later in normal clothes and adding it to the pile. You grabbed Dean’s stuff up and tossed it in, putting the bag in the back yard in the trashcan and setting it on fire, putting it out with the hose a few minutes later.
“Did I eat raw chicken?” asked Sam, cocking his head. “The morning is not going to be fun.”
“Just sit on the couch and put on a halloween movie. We’re staying in tonight,” you said, changing out of your costume upstairs, coming back a few minutes later to find them all in their normal spots.
“Y/N?” asked Dean, now in a pair of pajamas. “Did you...pet me?”
“New rule. You three will never go near that costume store again and we will never discuss what happened tonight ever. Agreed?” you said, all three nodding their heads. 
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rapsrisingstars · 8 years
Out of nowhere, he came..to stay.
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Featured artist: Matbeezy aka MatyB aka Swaggkelly. Simple. - Out of nowhere, he came..to stay.
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Matbeezy aka MatyB aka Swaggkelly. Simple..
How did you decide to become an artist?
Matbeezy aka MatyB aka Swaggkelly. Simple.: Well, since I was able to hold my first, note, as a child, in my early years, listening to my father's old cassette tapes, of him recording and playing his guitar in the kicthen,sort a speak, I guess, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. So it was in me, but it wasn't until tupac came. He had such a passion , and he dropped a CD called Tupacalypse Now, that just I dont know, did something to me, it was banging. Then he was a big part of the classic Above the Rim soundtrack. I heard that, I was in. He has this one called "Pain". I loved, and still do that song, to this day. So I guess, hearing passion in a lyricist ..like Pac, because that's what he was to me, amongst other things, but he is and was. Hearing that all put in music , in a musically inclined and creative way, as he did, in order to get whatever message he was trying to relay, out, drew me in. That's my nicca, and he didn't even know it.
The biggest advice, I ever gotten as an indie ARTIST, was dont try and please everybody, because everybody isn't going to dig your swag So dont, get discouraged, when you get a bad review, because some artists, or should I say, most artists, are so critical of themselves, that a single negative, review, may and will, if you allow it, … turn them off.
- Matbeezy aka MatyB aka Swaggkelly. Simple.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
Yes. Actually I do. I have been as of recently, breaking from doing live shows, converts, and performances. At least, I told myself, just a year at least Mat. Then that year kinda ran by on me, though I got mission accomplished, as far as retooling myself as an indie artist, making a lane for myself, and basically getting where I should be as of material, and making sure, I'm more definitive, in who I am to the people, the followers, listeners, and all. So, I am getting ready to get back at it. So look for me y'all.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
I won't let y'all have best for free, nah…lol..but I'll give a very nice one.." -Im here now, I came 2 far 2 even think back, let alone go I wipe the tears now, no since in blind hate, like a blind I still go"…
- Matbeezy aka MatyB aka Swaggkelly. Simple.
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I am currently, midway through, my second mixtape project, entitled "ETA:NOW".. THATS Estimated Time Arrival: now. It was originally, suppose to be the one I released first, but hey, circumstances along wth other things, happened. Its going to be so sexy, and different, and refreshing. I think its going to bring us all back to the place, where we really loved our music. Like the times when we would buy a CD, 10times, if it got stolen 10times, type of Love our music . I also do have a project out, currently on DATPIFF.COM. So y'all go check that out. Don't cheat yourself. Something on that joint for anybody, well, not completely, anybody, but y'all get what I'm saying. Some soul, some hip hop, some rap, electronic, Lil sprinkle of alternative. I do many genres, which in my unofficial opinion, is really and advantage for an artist, like myself, with such unique creativity.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Actually I would sign a contract with a major label depending on the stipulations in the contract you see the thing is, I don't see myself signing a long-term contract with a major label because I feel like my personality as an artist is too strong I'm a leader therefore I can't subject myself to be with a major contract label for a long extended period time. The pros and cons of being with a major I would say the pros of course you know hands down is the lifestyle of course you know the money and all the materials and all the traveling and all the lifestyle the Limelight that's the pros that's easy now the cons and I would need more time to tell you about that but to just touch a little bit on it a lot of labels don't follow through in short terms in general I'm just going to say in general a lot of labels don't fall through a lot of labels want you to conform a lot of labels want to tweak, who you are as an artist and I just I don't like that. They want you to conform, and change, the very artist, that they discovered.
Any last words?
Of course, no doubt.. I'd like to shoutout to the almighty for the opportunity first and foremost. To all my followers, listeners, dont stop supporting, we gone so this, I love y'all. And for anybody and everybody that had hand I. MatyB getting where I am today, salute. I.e. producers, beatmakers, artists, promoters. Thanks, and most notably to you guys at RAP Mag, thanks for taking my story.. Triple D, Texas… Its tha movement.✌.
Where can we contact you?
Matbeezy aka MatyB aka Swaggkelly. Simple.: http://ift.tt/2ipQHGR
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
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This interview opportunity has been provided by RapBeats.net, the digital marketplace for urban production music .
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