#or the time i was hallucinating his arms around me and his breathing on ky forehead
expressionless-fr · 5 months
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of him.
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imaginesteverogerss · 8 years
Imagine Steve, Peggy, and Sam in a poly relationship while they all fight together under the cap title. Not a single one of them has a single self-preservation gene in their body, and their battle plans are always reckless and spectacular.
“—only option, James. Youknow Sam can do it.”
“I said no. That’s final,Pegs.”
Oh,sweet Jesus. Not again.
“Buck, we’ll be fine. It’s nomore dangerous than th—”
“I dare you to finish thatsentence, Rogers.” Damn, he sounds hot like that. Sam bites away a smileas he rounds the corner. He’d left them alone for ten minutes to suit up andthey’re already at each other’s throats. It’s almost enough to take theexcitement out of wearing wings. Flying. He can fly.
“You are not doinganything reckless,” Bucky continues. “Sam’s only been out of the hospital fortwo months. You will not drag back into some harebrain—”
“Bucky, please.” Sam walksinto the cargo hold and up to his boyfriend. Peggy smiles at him tiredly. Hegrabs Bucky’s hands and pulls him close. Physical touch always grounds Buckyeven though sometimes he can’t handle it. He knows how worried Bucky can get,how worried he had been when Sam was hit. And he hates making Bucky worry, hehates making Bucky doubt and yet… “I’m completely capable of taking care ofmyself. I’m fine. I was cleared by Dr. Cho herself. Regeneration tech isthe future.”
Bucky flushes, caught. Hisfingers tighten their hold on Sam’s. “You just got out of the hospital. I’m notletting you go into a situation where you can get hurt again.”
Sam softens. He rests hisforehead against Bucky’s for a moment. “But that’s not your choice to make.We’re superheroes, sweetheart. This is what we do.”
Bucky swallows heavily,looking down on their entwined fingers. When he looks up, his face is carefullyand completely blank. “Do whatever you want.”
He’s out of Sam’s hand andthe room before Sam can react. Shit.
Steve starts after him, butPeggy pulls him back. “We don’t have time, Steve. He’ll be fine.” She rests herhead on his arm. “We’ll all be fine. Bucky’s simply overthinking it. We haveonly have twenty more minutes to come up with a solid plan. That’s the bestthing we can do right now.”
Steve sighs and nods. Despitehis aching heart, Sam smiles and opens his arms to let Steve fall in. “Peggy’sright. It’ll be fine.”
“THIS IS NOT FINE! THIS IS SOFAR FROM FINE! STEVE, 5 and 8. PEGGY, BEHIND YOU.” Sam swoops down between twowarehouses and knocks out two of the HYDRA agents as Steve round kicks thesoldier who crept up on his five and somehow simultaneously just about beheadsthe other guy with the shield. Despite all the practice he's had with it, hestill can't quite manage it like Steve does.
Sam touches down for a momentand uses that momentum to get back in the sky. Soaring between whizzingbullets, he gets his eyes on Peggy again...who is nowhere to be seen.
“Carter, you get in?”
When he doesn't get ananswer, “Red, I need eyes.”
  “Red? RED! No! Goddammit.”Sam sweeps back down, landing where he saw Carter last. There were no soldiersaround, nothing. He couldn't hear anything, not the bullets, not Steve or theshield, not Bucky or the quinjet.
It was too quiet. Deadsilent.
“Peggy?” Sam whispers. Why,he doesn't know. Probably because this is Creepy AF and he doesn't do creepy,much less Creepy AF. He likes his life just fine, thanks.
See, here's the thing, he'sbeen in enough combat situation to know this ain't normal. Which means 0-84.Which means he should contact SHIELD. But he can't. Because his communicationsare dead.
Just...so fucking great.
Sam pulls out his glock anddoes a perimeter check. Nothing.
So. She’s inside. She wentinside the creepy base without backup. Now, to be completely honest, Samtotally understands why Bucky’s always harping on them. Because they pull shitlike this. Unnecessary shit. Not that she can’t take care of herself, butthere’s three of them for a reason.
He remains alert as he slipsinto the base with an open door. No locks, no keypads, nothing. Again, creepy.
Maybe Wanda and Nat should’vetaken this case. They probably have a better background in this sort of stuff.
He clears each room as fastas he could while also being thorough and keeping an ear out for the commsgetting back up again. He goes to the basement before the upper levels. Hetouches every piece of equipment he can. He touches half-filled coffee mugs andtoasters. They’re all cold. There’s no one around. It’s like there’s never beenanyone around except all the equipment is state-of-the-art and there are nocobwebs anywhere. It’s clean. Perfect.
Could he be hallucinating?
He can’t see Peggy anywhere.He can’t hear anything aside from himself. Not the ventilation systems. Thequiet...the quiet is almost deafening. It can’t be real.
This can’t be real.
Sam sprints down the stairsand outside. The sun feels  warm. He can feel the breeze on his skin. Hedarts between trucks, cold trucks, to where he saw Steve last, but there’s noone there. No Steve. No fallen soldiers. No bleeding guards. Nothing exceptabandoned vehicles and buildings.
This isn’t right.
He has to get outta here. Hehas to find Peggy and Steve. He has to get back to Bucky. He hasーhas toー
The quinjet.
He needs to get back thequinjet.
Bucky parked the quinjet 1.3miles from the base, 17 degrees southwest.
“That’s.” Sam gulps.“That’s…alright, so the sun’s over there and so I need to...over here. There.Somewhere. Right. Sam, you got this. You gotーIs...is that smoke? Please tell me itain’t smoke. Oh, no no nononononono.”
All thoughts of a solid planslip out of his mind and he runs towards theーyep, smoke. Smoke means fire. Fire never meansanything good.
Panic bubbles through him andhe tries to regulate his breathing before he passes out or something equallystupid. The closer he gets, the stronger the pungent smell of smoke is, themore ashes float to the ground and here he is, running into a forest fire. Anyother day, he’d be hightailing the other way, but this is Bucky. This is Bucky.His lover, his family, their forever.
Sam shrugs off his jacket andballs it up to cover his face as he moves closer, slower, more careful. Buckyhas to be okay. Bucky will be okay. And then they’ll go back and find Peggy andSteve. It’ll be fine.
It’ll be fine.
It’ll be finー
“Sam? Is thatー”
“Peggy!” He runs towards thedirection of her voice only to bound back when the air around him burns.
“Sam!” A shout.
Sam runs.
He waves a hand in front ofhim, trying to clear the heat from blurring his vision, but that only makes himcough.
Covering his face almostcompletely, he searches for her voice. Her voice. That’s what’s important.Forget everything else. Forget the heat. Forget the panic. It’s okay. It’ll befine. “Peggy, talk to me. Hey girl. Please. What are you doing out here?”
“Iー” she coughs then chokes. “I’m okay.I came toーfind....Bucーky. Somethーing was s-strange. Iー”
“Yeah, me too,” he repliesand peeks over his covering. His vision blurs and dances, but he can see her onthe ground, Steve hovering on her side overー
“Come here,” Steve gasps out.“I’m trying to wakeーhim up. But he won’tーyou were a paramedic.”
Steve looks up at him, hiseyes wide. He was trembling. “Sammy, you gotta save him. You have to savehi-im. Sammy please.”
Sam makes himself move. Hehas to. He has to try.
A sob ripped out of Peggywhen he comes closer. He feels her cold touch on his arm, gripping.
“I tried to help,” she says.
“I couldn’t get him out, shesays.
“He was alreadyー”
Sam can’t take his eyes offBucky. Burnt, bleeding, broken and bruised. He’s not moving. Every secondbetween Steve’s desperate CPR, he’s not moving. He’s just...there. He’sjust...a body. Like Riley had been. A pile of bones and marred flesh. He’s just
 Peggy’s hand falls away.
“Sam! Sam, I need you to hearme, okay? I need you to breathe. Count and breathe. Deep breaths. For me. Foryour Bucky. Please.”
Bu “ーcky?”
He doesn’t wake up toincessant beeping.
Sign #1: he’s actually deadand in heaven
He doesn’t open his eyes tobright white lights either. He’s in the dark and warm. He takes a deep breathand feels a familiar touch on his sternum. He looks down and there’s nothingthere. There’s no one here.
And then, the noises reachhim and he almost dies in relief. Sounds. Thank god.
He swallows dryly and triesto move. He manages to get an arm up before it flops back down as exhaustionfloods his system.
“ーrrified,but he’s okaynow. Tony came by to visit. You know what he’s like. Pepper was with him which was nice. We talked…”
Is thatー
Sam opens his eyes, blinkingagainst the lights until a dark form appears before him. “Peggy?”
“Yes, Sam, I’m right here.”Her arms encircle his.
“Peggy...you’re…” alive.
“Yes, I’m okay, Sam. I’mcompletely fine, darling.” She soothes away the frown between his eyebrowsbefore kissing him on his forehead.
“What happened?”
“Magic. It was a spell.”Peggy grimaces. “Strange helped us with it.”
He catches her arm and dropsa kiss in the middle of her palm. When she smiles at him, he tugs her close togive her a real kiss. He tangles his fingers in her hair and holds her steady.She’s warm under his fingertips, moving and smiling. Oh, thank God she’sokay. She’s here. Right here. She’s safe. Sam, it’s okay. She’s safe. Hepulls back a little to look at her. “Are you okay?”
Pain flits through her eyesas she nods, echoes of his own, of whatー
Sam jolts up in his seat,almost butting into Peggy.
“SAM!” Peggy tries to pushhim down, but Sam’s out of the bed and out the door before she can.
He follows the voices downthe hallway to the living room where Steve andーBucky. Sam’sacross the room in a flash and in Bucky’s lap. Bucky who is warm and moving.Bucky who isn’t burned or broken.
“Whoa, darling. You alright?”Bucky grins at him.
Sam dips down to kiss hisboyfriend before he starts crying. Blindly, he reaches for Steve and pulls himclose, sliding an arm around Steve’s neck.  He gasps when Steve joinsthem, his face smushed against Sam’s, his hard body pressed against his side,his back...just present. He pulls away from Bucky to pull Steve into adeep kiss. You’re okay. You’re all okay. Thank God.
ThankGod. Thank God. Thank God.
Steve wraps himself aroundSam, his warmth sinking in Sam’s skin and he basks in it. Peggy joins them afew seconds later, pressing a open-mouthed kiss on Sam’s exposed throat and heshudders. They’re all here. They’re all safe.
It’s okay. It’s gonna beokay.
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