#or there were great shots but i couldnt get a cap where everyone looked good
23meteorstreet · 2 years
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fave caps of the gang - season 2
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 158
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
i thought i found this one shot in your married tag but i couldnt find it again when i looked :( basically steve and bucky get married when theyre kids and everything still happens and steve tells everyone hes married and bucky gets sad that steve got married and that hedidnt even tell him and he remembers marrying steve when they were little and then steve tells bucky its him that hes married to thank you if you can find it!!!
Anon sent in  Best friends and married since childhood by StuckySituation (oneshot | 1,141 | G)
lindsey-of-north sent in  Let this be light work by caughtinanocean (oneshot | 8,628 | T)
Anon 2 said:
Hi, I am having trouble finding a fic where Bucky comes home from a bad mission (people died), rims Steve and fucks him against the sink. I’ve been looking for it for a while, it’s relatively short and afterwards Steve reassures him that he can’t save everyone. Thanks
do-and-hope said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Bucky leaves the Tower to go get coffee, gets hit on by a guy at the shop, and ends up asking the Avengers (sand Steve) if sexually hitting on people is how one gets dates now and do they have advice on dating. I remember his more subtle attempts at using the Avengers' advice don't work (Steve doesn't like coffee) and some of them just straight up tell Bucky to make sexual overtures like random coffeeshop dude.
Anon sent in Learn How To Bend by nerdwegian (oneshot | 6,405 | E)
Anon 3 said:
Hi do you guys know the name of the fic where Steve and Bucky are neighbors and don’t like each other at first? I remember Natasha was the landlord and Steve smoked medical marijuana. Thanks!
hellaqueerangelofthelord said:
Hi! There was a fic I read a while ago that seemingly has vanished from the interwebs :( The basic premise was a stucky x reader fic where the reader faked her death and the boys found her again. A few specific details I remember: the chapter names were all colors (I think one was peach and another was lime green), and the reader had been pregnant and then lost the baby prior to the beginning of the story, she was also a scientist with a background secret from the boys
lesbianhozier said:
hey! i’m looking for a crack-y fic set during catws where bucky keeps trying to lean in and kiss steve mid-fight. bucky doesn’t really know what’s going on, steve doesn’t know that he’s the winter soldier is bucky yet, and natasha can’t figure out what kind of fighting technique bucky is trying to pull off when he does it. thank you so much!!
Anon 4 said:
hey could you help me find the fic where its modern bucky and cap steve and bucky is at the bar with the howlies and steve is with the avengers and the howlies dare bucky (who is drunk) to go ask steve for a piggy back ride. steve has a moment of discomfort that someone comes up to him but likes that bucky respects his space even though he's drunk. i think he ends up piggy backing bucky home jsdkjhdk it was really cute 
princessniitza sent in  Save a Horse, Ride a Captain by galwednesday (oneshot |  2,708 | T)
Anon 5 said:
hi! i'm so desperate to find this fic and i'm not sure if i've sent this ask in before but if i have i apologise! it's one where bucky worked for pierce (some sort of legal profession). pierce owned an apartment building which nat + steve lived in and they used one of the rooms as a ballet studio. bucky was told that he had to to shut it down. bucky obviously falls in love with steve and they get into a fight bc bucky's unhappy w his job but won't quit (for becca). it had a happy ending!!
Anon 6 said:
I was hoping you might be able to help me find a Shrunkyclunks fic where Bucky is a musician who is performing in a bar when Steve walks in. I'm pretty sure Bucky is singing Jackie & Wilson by Hozier and he only has one arm, which Steve only notices after a while because he's so captivated by Bucky's performance. Does anyone happen to know which fic this is? Thank you!
ekeshet sent in His Arms Held All the Songs I Needed by The_She_Devil (oneshot | 40,181 | E)
ummvengers said:
hey I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. It's a highschool au and steve and bucky hate each other and i think tony makes a time travel machine and steve and bucky get sent to the future? They find out that in the future bucky loses his arm and steve gets big (in hs he was small) and they're married in the future and they have to figure out how to get back to the present.
lindsey-of-north sent in It’s All Tony’s Fault by Anxiety_Baker02 (complete | 38,245 | T)
atgirlstwobirds said:
Hi there! I was wondering if anyone knew of a preWW2 get together fic where Bucky asks relationship/sex advice from a gay guy he knows at the docks, maybe called Jack? It might’ve been called something like the sexuality crisis of 1930 but I might be getting two separate fics confused. Any help would be great!!
princessniitza sent in Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen by Laura JV (jacquez) (oneshot | 7,533 | E) - bucky/ofc
Anon 7 said:
I'm looking for two fics about Steve and Bucky but can't remember the titles! One is an modern AU where Steve is a comic book writer and Bucky is a vet with PTSD that moves downstairs. The second an AU set in the last where Steve draws naughty cartoons for money and he meets Bucky who lost his arm in the war. They move in together as roommates and slowly fall for one another.
therandomravenclw sent in To Be Vulnerable Is Needed Most Of All by perfect_plan (complete | 118,363 | M)
miraishu sent in  Through The Open Window by 74days (complete | 28,661 | E)
mischiefs-hawk said:
Hi, looking for a fic for a friend. It's modern-setting, with Peter as Steve's son. Bruce is the science teacher at Peter's school. Hope you can help!
Anon 8 said:
Um, hi? I really appreciate what you guys do, and want to say thanks for that. Ummm, I've been looking for this fic, and can't find it anywhere! It's about how the serum has... Unexpected side effects and it makes Steve really horny??? He tries to hide it, and when Bucky finds out, he's 'angry'. Uhhh, it's really good and I want to reread it. THANKS! (If you don't find it, don't worry about it, have a good day!) ((sorry if I was to vague))
dolphinqueen10 sent in Six or Seven by 13Queen (oneshot | 4,175 | E)
therandomravenclw sent in you know I'd quench that thirst by napricot (complete | 38,027 | E) - bucky/steve/peggy, steve/others
Anon 9 said:
Hi! I'm looking for a fic and it's canon-divergent TFA. Bucky falls and loses his arm but he gets found by Steve. Peggy is disappointed by how dedicated Steve is to Bucky and they kinda fall out? Bucky and Steve move back to Brooklyn. Bucky has to adjust to having one arm and both to civilian life. They get a flat together and realise they aren't happy there so they then move to California. Steve becomes an artist and they end up admitting their feelings to each other. Thank you!!!!!
Anon sent in  Malibu by glitteratiglue (oneshot | 13,065 | M)
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just-for-cal · 6 years
She’s Jealous - [c.h]
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word count: 2885 warnings: swearing summary: (y/n) reads some thirst tweets and gets a bit frustrated
(y/n) loved Calum, she always did and it’s likely that she always will.  Especially when she never plans to never act on these feelings.
So it felt unfair to her that she was getting so upset scrolling through Twitter.  Dozens upon dozens of fans thirsting over him.  The other boys too, but she only had narrowed eyes at the comments directed towards Calum.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Luke threw himself over the back of the sofa she was sat on, scooting close to her and looking onto her phone.  
The first thing he saw being an all caps message about Ashton’s arms, and something about choking.
“Jesus love, into Ash now are we?” He chuckled, but (y/n) glared at him.  “Alright, not in the mood for funny” Luke muttered to himself.
“Have you seen all these?” She asked him in a quiet voice, eyes still trained on her phone as she scrolled.
“Thirst tweets? I look sometimes, some of them are kinda funny”
(y/n) simply hummed, clearly that wasn’t the answer she was looking for.
“What’s got you all worked up? I thought you’d be agreeing with some of ‘em” Luke jabbed (y/n’s) side with his elbow, and she tried to force a smile, but her nerves seeped through.
“Everyone’s just so… so into him,” She explained, and before she could keep reading, Luke took her phone, and closed the app.  “I feel like maybe it diminishes my chances even further”
“Your chances? Please, (y/n/n), you’ve got the biggest head start of all chances, it’s less of a chance more of a, eh, hundred percent guarantee”
The girl just rolled her eyes at Luke’s words.  He always tried to convince her of how he thought Calum returned her feelings, but she never felt that way.  He always seemed glued to their platonic relationship, so she never acted on the feelings she’d harbored for so long.
“I’m not kiddin’ babe,” Luke told her.  “Ya should hear what he says about you when you’re not around, he loves to talk about you”
(y/n) blushed, but she still shook her head and took her phone back from his hands.
“Thanks, Luke,” She sighed, and smoothed out her skirt before standing.  “Are you coming out tonight?”
“Yeah I’ll tag along,” He said and stood up with her, outstretching his arms.  (y/n) chuckled quietly, stepping into his arms and letting him hug her tight.  “Besides, I'm already all done up, can’t cancel now”
She was laughing when she pulled away, smiling to see he has in fact put on a shimmery eyeshadow to change up his usual leather jacket and jeans look.  Even going so far as to put on his heeled boots.
When she looked away, Calum was coming down the stairs, but he stopped at the bottom and just stared at her.  He looked frozen, lips parted, eyes set on her.  (y/n) crinkled her brows as though to silently ask if he was alright.  
“Wow,” He mumbled, finally walking over to her and his best friend.  She still looked confused.  “You look amazin’ sunshine”
“Oh,” She chuckled nervously, ducking her head down and pushing her hair behind her ear.  Luke rolled his eyes and left the room, unable to handle all the pent up tension that had filled it.  “You had me worried there for a sec”
Calum grinned at her, this girl he’d had in his life now for a few years and couldn’t ever get a long enough look at.  She was blushing under his gaze, and it only made him smile more.
“You ready for dinner?” He asked, and she nodded, letting him guide her to the front door.
Luke was there waiting, looking at his phone and chuckling to himself.  Mike and Ashton were planning to meet them at the restaurant, and we’re probably already there.
“What’s so funny?” Calum asked, and Luke showed him he was on Twitter.
“These thirst tweets about you, they're hilarious”
Calum blinked in surprise, not having expected that response, at all, and looked to (y/n) with raised brows before back at Luke.
“Cause she was lookin’ at ‘em earlier, and I wanted to know what the big deal was.  These are great!”
Calum looked at (y/n) again, a smirk on his lips to know that she’d read thirst tweets about him.  But before he could make a cocky comment, Luke spoke up again.
“(y/n/n) you’re in this one,” Luke snickered as he read one, and then proceeded to read it out loud.  “It’s a retweet of a pic of Calum, zoomed in on his thighs, and it says ‘@(your handle) sure is one lucky chick, i bet @CalumHood lets her ride his thighs whenever she wants’ can you believe that?”
If she hadn’t been blushing before, she certainly was now.
Luke was laughing his ass off, all the while (y/n) avoided looking directly at Calum, who was staring at her.
“Alright, on that note, let's get going,” Cal suggested, letting Luke out so he could walk with (y/n), his hand resting on the small of her back.  When she looked up at him, he leaned a bit closer.  “We’ll talk about why you were reading thirst tweets about me later” He told her quietly.
(y/n) winced.
Dinner went by well, besides the fact that Calum had his arm slung around the booth behind (y/n’s) shoulder, his fingertips grazing her shoulder every now and then.  But no one said anything about it.
“So, (y/n/n), you comin’ back to the house after dinner?” Ash asked.  She began to shake her head, but Calum spoke up for her.
“Yeah, we’re all gonna chill back at the house,” He said, his hand caressing softly over her shoulder now.  “Probably watch a movie or something if that sounds good to you guys?”
“Yeah that sounds great” Ashton agreed.
While the other boys proceeded out of the booth to head to the car, (y/n) shot Calum a look.
“What are you doing? I can’t hang out tonight, I have class in the morning, that’s why we did dinner instead-“
“That’s really too bad, love, because you and I need to have a bit of a talk, don’t we?”
She raised her brows at his bold comment, but didn’t argue with him again.  Simply followed next to him out of the restaurant.
She continued to stare at him, waiting for him to give her some sort of sign of what was going on in his head.  Clearly something had happened, but he wasn’t budging at all.  The only sliver of a sign he offered was pulling her in close to him when they got in the back of Luke’s car.  Which only made (y/n) more anxious for answers, because it was now obvious to Luke that something was up.
Ash and Mike were already at the house when Luke pulled in, and everyone went in together, deciding on drinks and just hanging out and chatting.  (y/n) didn’t understand why Calum needed her to stick around for this, but she wasn’t going to question him in front of everyone.
She was sat curled up on one end of the sofa, and surprisingly, it was Ashton next to her, not Calum.  And Luke on the other side of Ashton.
Calum was in his own seat in a recliner, sat upright and solid, completely isolated from the group.  Michael was also sat alone in a similar chair, but still made the effort to join in on the laughter and conversation.
At this point, (y/n) was not only confused, but a little pissed off.
She took a long swig of her beer, gave Calum a pointed look, and then excused herself to the kitchen for another drink.  Where she waited for him to show up just seconds later.
“You alright love?” He asked as he strolled into the kitchen, words sweet, but voice cocky.  (y/n) crossed her arms as she leaned back against the counter.
“What the hell is up with you? You drag me back here with the guys because you need to talk to me, and then ignore me, when you know I shouldn’t even be here in the first place-”
“Babe,” Calum cut off her irritated rambling, and she gawked a bit at the pet name, but before she could continue, he took a large stride forward, practically caging her in against the kitchen counter.  “Why are you so upset?” He asked, feigning concern as he leaned in even closer to her.  His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he spoke again, hands on either side of her on the counter, now actually keeping her their against him.  “Why are you so tense, angel?”
(y/n) pushed herself further back into the counter, trying to put some space between their bodies as their eyes met again.  There was a coy smirk on his lips, telling her he knew exactly what he was doing, messing with her like this.
“Was it all those tweets you were reading, babe?” He asked, and she liked her lips, suddenly they felt very dry.  Calum chuckled as he caught the action.  “I knew it”
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked him breathlessly.
“Didn’t you want to have that talk now? That is why you wanted me to follow you in here isn’t it?” Calum asked, and the irritation in her eyes dissipated into something else he recognized all too well, just not so much on her.  
“Did all those thirst tweets from random girls make you a bit jealous baby?” He cooed, hands finding her hips and sliding just a bit under the hem of her shirt, just enough to run the rough pads of his fingers over her skin.  He cocked an eyebrow at her, telling her he was impatient for her answer.
“Maybe,” She murmured out, unable to find her voice due to his distracting touch.  “Just a little bit”
“Really?” Calum chuckled, letting one of his hands trail from her waist to cup just under her jaw, pulling her in closer.  He was leaning over considerably by reason of their height difference.  “I can tell when you lie (y/n), we’ve been friends for years” His ring clad fingers ran delicately down her throat.
When he leaned forward, her eyes fell shut, and a chill ran down her spine as his lips brushed over hers.  It almost seemed unintentional, but (y/n) knew full well that Calum was in absolute control of what he was doing.
“We should get back to our friends before they come looking for us” Calum practically muttered into her mouth, stepping back a bit to leave the room.
Before he could, her small hands grasped the collar of his leather jacket, pulling him back in against her and connecting their lips in a desperate and passionate kiss.  Like her life depended on it, she’d never thought twice about kissing him, she just knew that she needed to before he could leave.
Calum reacted immediately, kissing her back with fervor, his hands setting back on her hips so he could lift her up and set her on the counter.  Her skirt rode up a bit, but she didn’t have a care about it.  Their kiss broke for a moment as she readjusted to be comfortable, but he didn’t let her do much before tugging her right back into his chest, neck craning down to meet her lips again in a fiery kiss.  She tasted of alcohol and her strawberry chapstick and he was addicted to it upon contact, each kiss more desperate than the last, until she was panting against him in silent plea for more.
“Cal,” She murmured his name out softly as he hiked her legs up his hips, so that he could run his hands under her bare thighs and hold her securely against him.  He trailed a few kisses along her jaw, making her tilt her head back in bliss.
He pulled away, eyes flickering over her features and taking a moment to fully appreciate her in this state.  Her eyes were shut, long lashes casting small shadows over her cheekbones.  Lips swollen and pink because of him.  She looked like a piece of art like this.
(y/n’s) eyes opened when she realized he wasn’t about to kiss her again, and a blush settled on her cheeks as she found him staring at her.  She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from smiling too wide and looking like a dork.
“What?” She murmured after he’d just stared for long enough.  Calum shook his head, smiling one of his infamously happy grins, his eyes crinkling and his teeth on display as he looked at her.
“I just love you so damn much, I don’t know why you’d ever be jealous of a stranger, angel” He murmured, a hand cupping her cheek.  She wasn’t sure how he’d gone from irresistibly sexy to adorable and sweet in a matter of seconds, but it didn’t matter, because her heart was swelling beyond maximum capacity and the smile she’d tried to hold back broke free.
“You love me?” She asked, even though he’d said to her clear as day, she needed to know that her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her right now.
“Course I do sunshine, you’re my best girl, always have been” He said, shrugging his shoulder and cocking his head to the side.  (y/n) smiled at him, her hands finally releasing their death grip on his collar to take his face in her small palms, gently guiding him down to kiss his lips softly.  Gentle, and pure, and sweet.
She kept her forehead pressed against his, her hands still holding him close even as their lips parted.
“That’s how I should’ve kissed you the first time,” She whispered to him.  “After a date, all nervous like”
Calum chuckled softly, his hands taking her own and his lips brushing the back of them both before cupping her face in his hands, and kissing her sweetly, as she did him.
“I love you too,” She murmured between small kisses.  “I love you too” She repeated, their noses bumping a bit as their lips met again in a slightly more sloppy kiss.
“Hey where’s the- woah hey!”
Calum and (y/n) pulled apart upon hearing Michael’s surprised words from what he’d walked in on.  The bassist swiftly pulled down her skirt from where it had ridden up pretty high on her thighs, and gave his friend an awkward nod of acknowledgement.
“Guys! They finally did it!” Michael hollered into the living room.
(y/n) sighed, giving Calum a bashful and apologetic look before she slid off the counter she’d been sitting on.  Luke and Ashton came rushing in, one with his arms up in cheers, and the other staring wide eyed and gawking just at the close proximity of Calum and (y/n).
“It’s February, you guys owe me twenty, I guessed the closest!” Luke hollered at the other two.
“You bet on us?” (y/n) asked.
“Luke, you guessed January, it doesn’t count ‘cause it passed.  Ash wins, he guessed May” Michael ignored (y/n’s) comment, while fumbling for his wallet to pay Ashton.
“But I was closest,” Luke argued.  “Doesn’t matter if it happened past my guess, my guess was still closest-”
“Hold on, hold on,” Calum spoke up, taking the twenty dollar bill from Michael before Ashton, or Luke, could.  “You guys are not paying each other over (y/n) and I getting together”
“We’re together?” (y/n) asked softly from next to him.
“Course we are baby,” Calum winked over at her.  “If you’ll have me, but give me a moment,” He turned back to his friends, holding up the money.  “(y/n/n’s) got classes in the morning, so we are taking this, I’m taking her home, and we’re using your money to get her breakfast for the morning”
“Fine,” Luke muttered.  “Congratulations by the way, I knew you two would crack”
“Crack?” Calum muttered, but shook his head, deciding he didn’t want much more of an explanation.  “Okay, we’re gonna head out, ready?” He asked (y/n), who nodded and took his offered hand so he’d lead her out of the house.
“Don’t forget to carry the bride over the threshold!” Luke hollered before they could be out of earshot.
Calum turned to (y/n), squeezing her hand and kissing her temple.
“When’s your last class tomorrow?” He asked, and she thought for a moment.
“I should be finished up by two,” She answered.  “Why, you free?”
He giggled, actually giggled at her response, and nodded his head.
“I say we go on that date you were talking about earlier,” He suggested, opening the passenger door of the car for her.  She hummed and got in, Cal quickly closing the door and getting in on the driver’s side.  “Well? Am I taking you out tomorrow?” He asked, and she grinned, nodding and leaning over the center console to meet his lips in a kiss.
“You sure as hell are” She agreed, and Calum grinned before kissing her again.
They should have done this long ago.
xoxo ~ jordie
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pwnyta · 5 years
Full Endgame spoilers/review:
(TL;DR: It was really fucking good. Theres some bad obviously but overall worth it. Even after reading the spoilers and feeling like I may not like it as much as I thought I would... I actually liked it more.)
- - So as I said I loved the movie I had some gripes but overall I thought it was one hell of a fun, entertaining movie. I'll go by each characters story in my review saving Cap and Tony for last.
Natasha- Honestly? Though I think the MCU dropped the ball on the 0G6 being a believable family... I think Nats role in this movie was sweet. I really like the scene where Tony Nat and Bruce were laying down talking about Strange and the stones. It was really cute but it really made me wish we got to see this earlier. Joss dropped the ball hard in AoU. Ive said it one and I'll say it again. AoU should have been the movie where the Avengers were a solid unit throughout the movie.Nats death was... heroic but honestly her and Clint beating the shit out of each other because neither could stand the thought of the other being sacrificed was kinda funny and cute which is jarring to the story. It kinda sucks that she was fridged before the final battle though.
Clint- What are the fucking odds that every one of his family was dusted? But w/e. Clint having a wild sword battle in Japan... it was ridiculous and weird and IDK what they were thinking with that scene but it was played really dramatically but I laughed? Cuz it was so over the top and silly... even though he just slit that guys throat and Nats like :c Clint~ honey no its fine... and they hold hands over the guys warm corpse. LMFAO WHAT!? Im at least happy his kids got him back if nothing else.
Bruce- ... Bruce with Hulks big green body? NICE. Thats gonna have some interesting fanart I can already tell and I lift my glass to you. I once tried to draw a little comic where Bruce and Hulk separated but also had swapped bodies.... so Bruce had Hulks body but I never did finish it I wonder if I still have it saved somewhere. Anyways. Honestly? I found Bruce in this movie to be equal parts funny and annoying? Like it was a bit jarring sometimes that he was so lighthearted despite everything.
Thor- When I read the spoilers I thought I was gonna really dislike Thor but watching it I understood where Thor was coming from and I couldnt really blame him for spiraling and its not like anyone close to him seemed to even check up on him despite clearly knowing where he was. Im really sad that it took all those years and only until he was needed for someone to try and talk Thor through what he was going through. Im not annoyed with Thor. Im annoyed with the rest of them (minus Tony and I guess Clint? Considering.). Bruce was his friend in Ragnarok, Nat keeps talking about them being family, and Steve is their leader where the hell were they? Unless im missing something... I guess Valkyrie too but shes been picking up his slack as a leader and was holding the Asgardians together so I can cut her some slack. ANYWAYS. Thor was kinda funny in the movie but it was kind of hard to enjoy his goofiness. It kind felt like Tony in IM2. Speaking of Im glad Tony seemed really tolerant of Thors drunk behavior... I was sure he would throw a lot of shots like Rocket did. I wish they had a moment to talk about Thor self medicating with booze... Tonys been there. I get why they couldnt really but.. His scene with Frigga was really nice. Frigga is a bad bitch raised by witches and shit.... she knows all~ A wise woman that Frigga.
Scott- HOLY SHIT Did I love Scott in this movie. He was soo funny and cute... and bullied a lot. You know I have a thing for easily bulliable character. And Scott just got spanked left and right. His helpless goofiness reminded me of Harry from KKBB a little. He bounced off everyone well and it makes me kinda wish he was one of the OG6 instead of Clint. He was more of the heart that kept the Avengers together than anyone. Also him and Tony talking about Caps ass? HILARIOUS. Bisexual icons honestly. 'That suit did nothing for your ass.' 'No one asked you to look!' 'I think you look great Cap as far as Im concerned thats Americas ass!' and then later Caps all 'That IS Americas ass.' Unbelievable. But his best scene is still him reuniting with Cassie. She was so big! Im so happy she got her dad back... but Bruces failed time travel machine scene.... that was a close second. 'Somebody peed my pants... idk if it was baby me or old me........ or me me.' Also the 'whats up regular sized man' scene is longer and more hilarious than the preview showed. FUCK YOUR TACO SCOTT. At least Bruce is nice to him. I ship GreenAnt a little. Rocket petting Scott and mockingly calling him a puppy. SAME.
Rhodey- JESUS RHODEY. Speaking of hilarious idiots. Im glad he got a bigger roll in this movie but he didnt hug Tony when he got back so whats the point? BUT W/E... He was hilarious and amazing. It was nice to see him step up as one of the sorta leaders after the snappening. But he was also A HUGE FUCKING DORK THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH. Thinking that a secret cavern with a spooky name would be boobytrapped like in Indiana Jones and trying to convince Nebula to be careful. Naming a bunch of shitty time travel movies to prove a point about time travel (with Scotts help) and going back in time to kill baby Thanos...and Bruce was like 'yeah... no...' and him fucking TRASHING the magic of the iconic opening scene of the first GotG where Quill is dancing.... 'so hes an idiot?' RHODEY PLEEEEAAASSSEEEE have mercy. Him and Nebula are a trip. Also I made a note to mention Don Cheadles BEAUTIFUL soft voice. So here it is. I love Don Cheadles beautiful soft voice. He had too few scenes with Tony but their first scene when Tony starts freaking out and hes trying to get Tony to calm down was pretty good... and god that ending.... ;-; How come Rhodey got NO lines while Tony was dying? But also in the same position I dont think Id have any words either. I too would just cry. And did... for Tony. But yeah besides his lack of scenes with Tony I really loved Rhodeys scenes. I usually do. Hes adorable.
Nebula: Sweetie... You are just amazing. Shes legit one of the best most solid characters in the movie. The opening scenes between her and Tony? FUCKING adorable. Im sad we dont see more of them after the time skip. I also wish we got a longer scene of Neb and Rocket talking when she gets to earth... I guess just seeing them sit together sadly was enough to portray the emotions but.... I MEAN. More Nebula wouldnt hurt anyone. Having to see two tortured versions of Nebula was upsetting. Future Nebula who lost so much and past Nebula still under Thanos' thumb. 'You can change!' 'He wont let me' OOF. Im sad that past Nebula was killed... but appreciate that even in that moment past Gamora was upset to see her be killed. Im glad with Present Neb, Gamora was so easily heel-face turned. She loves her sister. Also their moment after past Gamora beats up present Quill was hilarious 'Really? This is the guy?' 'The choices were him or a tree.' WHAT ABOUT DRAX, NEBULA?! I know I said I may not watch any MCU movies after this but I might tune in for GotG3 for Nebula (and Thor).
Steve: I actually ENJOYED Steve in this movie for the most part. For the first time in any movie... even by himself I kind of enjoyed Steve. Especially the scene when hes fighting himself and his past self says 'I can do this all day' and hes like 'Tst... yeah I know... okay' Like he was sick of his own damn bullshit. And frankly? Same. Also him whispering 'Hail hydra' to get the scepter? Hilarious. I cant help but see it as a knock at that shitty Hydra Cap comic that everyone hated. But despite me enjoying Steve for most of the film... the MCUs inability to write a good romance and pretending like Steve and Peggys relationship was a peak or something completely undoes it all. It would still NOT BE GREAT regardless but the fact the RUSSOS are the ones who brought Sharon into TWS in the first place makes it SO MUCH WORSE that Steve dipped out. Steve should have moved on... even if it wasnt with Sharon. They could have at least MENTIONED HER but they knew they couldnt because then it would be too highlighted that Steve is a fucking FUCK BOY who used the niece of the woman he loved as a surrogate and that him going back to the past means hes gonna be meeting little Sharon at some point. Also? Really? Steve you have this whole new family you supposedly love and can live your life with but you rather go back in the past because the first woman who was nice to you was there? Move on. Its so fucking weird that hes so obsessed with her. You have your childhood friend and the rest of your new friends... and supposedly a girlfriend. IDK how anyone could be happy with that ending for him. But I guess its in character... remember the note he sent Tony 'I've been on my own since I was 18.' What about Bucky? He was there with you and you had family in the Avengers supposedly. Natasha seemed to think so. YOURE SUCH A FUCKIN SCUMBAG STEVE. Jesus.
Tony: First of all Id just LOVED his scenes with Nebula as I said. He sat there patiently teaching how to play paper football and held her win. It was REALLY cute. When he passed out she picked him up off the floor and sat him down on the chair and pat him. REAL CUTE. He nicknamed her 'The Blue Meanie' its cute and he tried to give her the last of their food but she insisted he eat it. Bobbos eyes never looked more gorgeous than in that scene where Carol finds them honestly. Tonys I told you so was really really sad. It had a lot of feeling like that scene in AoU when he laughs hysterically and starts ranting? Rhodey tried to calm him down but he just ripped into Cap. Also he yanked off his arc reactor and I FULLY JUMPED IN PANIC because I forgot it wasnt in him. I fully flinched. But he pulled his heart out and gave it to Steve and then passed out. Tony and Peppers daughter is ADORABLE. And her interactions with Tony are so sweet. Domestic Tony is lovely. I love that when Steve and the gang roll up on him Morgan runs out during their discussion and is like 'Mom told me to come and save you....' and hes like 'Well Ive been saved!' REAL CUTE. Also he swore and his daughter copied him and hes like NOOOOO!!!!!!! LMAO. LANGUAGE Tony. Tony is motivated to fix things seeing that pic of him and Peter. Hes such a softie. IM REALLY REALLY SAD that we finally see Pepper kinda GET Tonys need to be Iron Man and is like 'But could you rest?'. The one time she encourages him to go back to be Iron Man and he fucking DIES. Im so sad for Pepper. But that scene between them where shes like 'We'll be ok.... you can rest now.' FUCK. Im crying again. That scene between him and Steve- 'Someone shoula warned you~' 'You did...' 'Oh did I? Thank god Im here' has the same energy as 'Who taught you how to dance?' 'You did.' 'Well Ive done a marvelous job!' It was pretty great. Tonys nicknames for Scott are 'Pissant' and 'Thumbelina.' Im not OVERLY fond of his scenes with Howard. But honestly? My brother is the same way with our dad... he just chooses to forget the bad stuff and focus on the few good times. I cant do that but if it made Tony happier then VERY WELL. I wish Tony coulda talked to Jarvis too tho... just a word... anything? Best Tony scene is Peter babbling about how he musta passed out because Tony was gone and and and and Tony just hugs him so tightly and Peters hugs back and is like :D 'this is nice'! Though that STARK contrast of them after Tony uses the gauntlet... and Peter is like 'Mr Stark... we won... we did it... no Mr Stark...' Big Simba and Mufasa feels (and kind of Hughes and Elicia tbh). Not cool Disney. I was already crying. Rhodey was the first to reach Tony and Tony couldnt say ANYTHING to anyone and Rhodey just pets his cheek... Tony was just looking around as his family just has to watch helplessly as hes dying and Pepper tells him its ok. His funeral was really nice. He recorded a message for everyone kind of like his message for Pepper on the ship. Everyone was there... I think even Harley (Im really sad we didnt see them get reunited even once). The scene with Happy and Morgan was really sweet. 'I'll buy all the cheeseburgers you want....' It was cool to because... ya know.... Jon Favreau. He got a really beautiful end. I wish he could just retire and live with Pep and Morgan... but if he had to die... that was a really lovely sendoff. SO ALL IN ALL. Awesome movie. I didnt get to see past elderly Steve passing the shield off to Sam... I'll have to rewatch it again when theres a better version. Especially for that fucking STUNNING end battle. Even with the shitty cam I watched it looked AMAZING and I cant wait for it in HD.
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Doughnut Friday (AA Stony fanfic)
HEYA. It's Rory here... Welcome to my bad AA Stony one shot with absolutely no plot and boring fluff! Now about the Story. It's basically a random thing I came up with well listing to a song and finished when I was doing my math. So its weird. I've gone back in forth between deleting it completely or deleting parts of it, but I had already done a lot of work on it so I decided not to bother. I'm also running around in it being annoying, just because. Sorry in advance for the whole thing. (This was originally on Quotev) and I suck at spelling, ok?
  "​​​​Sir..." Jarvis had said this repoachfully more times then Tony could count, and yes, there was some numbers even a super genius couldnt count to. "For the last time Jarvis, I'm fine." Tony groaned, he was not in the mood, "Sir, I don't believe your current lifestyle is considered remotely fine." Tony sighed and turned away from the computer, and looked at the ceiling. Why he looked at the ceiling, he didn't know, Jarvis did not live there or anything, but it was a habit he couldn't break, "Jarvis, you know I'm busy. Don't keep nagging me about this." "Of course Sir." If AI's could sound miffed Jarvis certainly did sound like that just then. Tony, satisfied (if not a bit guilty for being that cross with Jarvis), he would have no more trouble about this, went back to furiously typing at his computer. He was wrong.
 Two hours later he heard someone open the door to his lab behind him. Brilliant. He decided not to shout at the person to get out of the lab, because he didn't know if it was Nat, and yelling at Nat was generally not a good idea. He couldn't look behind him because he was right In the middle of soldering an important piece in his suit and he didn't want to mess it up. Judging by the fact that nothing hadn't been broken yet (That crossed out Thor and Hulk), and the person wasn't shouting vine quotes already (That rulled out Rory and Clint), that left three options, Sam, Nat, or... "Jarvis seemed to think I should try to bring you back to the land of the living." ...Cap. He definitely didn't feel bad for being cross with Jarvis now. He finished he soldering and spinned around in his chair to grumpily face Steve, who was obviously trying not to smile,"Jarvis...Why?" "Your demand for me to stop nagging you did not cover requesting another Avenger to take up my battle." Jarvis said so smuggly that Tony seriously thought about donating him to a college, "Jarvis, how long has Tony been in the lab, and also much sleep has Tony been getting the last week?" Tony now really started to regret being cross with Jarvis again, " Jarvis...Don't Tell him, I'll give you more memory? New Wi-Fi?" Tony bribed, but unfortunately it didn't work. "Mr. Stark has been in the lab the last 48 hours, and has gotten a total of 12 hours of sleep this week, and I have to add only eating a bag of chips occasionally when I threaten to turn the power out. This is all despite my attempts to change his routine Sir." Tony decided not to look at Cap, and decided to turn on Jarvis instead, "Jarvis. Why? What did I do to you?" "Sir, I'm only trying to make sure you don't kill yourself working like this. Now, is the Wi-Fi offer still up?" Jarvis said innocently, "No. Deffiantly not." Tony said angerly. Cap cleared his throat, and Tony looked at him with out thinking, which was a mistake. He was glowering at Tony from the other side of the room with his arms crossed, clearly not amused anymore. Oh boy. "Seriously Tony?" Tony nodded mutely, now looking out the window. He made a mental note to never trust Jarvis ever again. He started when Steve grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the chair. "Um, what are you doing?" Tony complained, "Getting you some food then getting to your room for sleep, dragging you if I have to." Steve said exiting the lab, with Tony trailing resined behind him.
 The living room-Kitchen-dining room was chaos as usual. Thor and Hulk were playing fortnight currently being watched with a mix of fear and awe by Sam, Clint was alternating between shouting at them to let him play, or yelling with/at Rory about... Something. Nat would ocaisionly make comments in their conversation, making Rory cackle and Clint wave his arms ferociously. Vast amounts of sunlight poured in from the window. All of this (and probably only getting 2 hours of sleep a week, and ditching last night all together, though he wouldn't admit it) was making him a bit dizzy and very lightheaded. He leaned slightly against the wall and blinked. Steve noticed and frowned worriedly.Tony cursed inwardly, but before he could think of an excuse, Clint noticed them. Which was bad, but of course you probably guessed that. "GUYS. These two have got it all wrong, Leo was CLEARLY meant for Hazel!" " NO HE WASN'T! HE WAS MEANT FOR CALYPSO, AND HAZEL WAS MEANT FOR FRANK. REST YOUR CASE." Rory said passionatly from the couch, and Nat nodded fervently. Tony had no idea what was going on. "Uh..." Tony tried to make any sense out of this, but couldn't. Steve clearly didn't either, and Clint seeing this gave a wail of dispair, " THEY DONT KNOWWWW!" "Which means I get the pickles. Suck up Clint. " Said Rory firmly, and Clint, moaning, handed her the jar. Rory started to eat one before seemingly realizing something. "Tony's out of his Lab." Clint gave a screech of suprise like he hadn't just talked to Tony 30 seconds ago. Nat just rolled her eyes. Steve, also remembering this, and Jarvis's little stunt to get Tony "Into the land of the living" grabbed his arm again and dragged him over to the table, "Stay. I'm going to cook something, if you try to sneak off..."  He ended ominously. Tony rolled his eyes but didn't argue. Once Cap started on this track Tony had learned trying to stop it would only make things worse. He sat down at one of the stools embarrassed. The shippers (Clint, Rory, and sometimes Nat's nickname) looked at them strangely, trying to understand the exchange. Nat was the first to speak, "Um..." Steve responded in a way that Tony didn't find neccessary, "Jarvis?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the stove, and Jarvis recaped the other Avengers on Tony's schedule. Even Thor and Hulk looked up from their video game to stare at him. Tony facepalmed. "Guys, chill. It's not like I'm going to pass out or anything. " "Actually Sir, that's a very real pos-" "Shut up Jarvis." Tony said, giving the roof a death glare.
 ~The next day~
 " BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." Tony groaned and rolled over, then gave a yelp as he fell off his bed. Ow. "JARVIS. KILL THE ALARM PLEASE." He shouted groggily, "Sorry Sir, but I have been trying for quite awhile now. It's Friday Sir." "What does that have to do with anything?!?! Wait...Oh NO." Tony scrambled up quickly, "What time is it?!?!" He asked nervously, "It's 11:46 am Sir..." Jarvis said. Tony cursed. PLEASE let them have saved one for him...He ran frantically from the room. You see, every Friday they got doughnuts from Krispy Kreme for breakfast to celebrate the "Start of the weekend" as Clint had called it when he had first brought some to the tower( for some reason weekends started on Friday to Clint), and it had become a tradition ever sense. Today was Rory's turn to pick them up, which meant that she decided how the "Rules" worked. Rory's rules were she'd get three boxes, divide them amongst the team, and if you weren't there with in an hour then your portion goes to her. She also got extra to begin with, and you had to be nice to her all week to get any (hard to do). She generaly ran the Monopoly on doughnuts and was unforgiving when it came to the rules. Which was why Tony was running rather crazily down the hallways hoping that she had decided to get the doughnuts two hours later then normal and she had experienced bad traffic on the way back. Unfortunately, only the bad traffic seemed to have came true...As the team appeared to have eaten their doughnuts already. Tony let out a groan of doughnut-deprived despair. "EARLY BIRDS GET THE WORMS!" Said Clint happily, licking his powdered sugar covered hands just to anoy Tony. "Maybe Rory could give you her second one, she still has two-....Where'd she go?" Said Sam in suprise, for the patch of ground where Rory had been standing two seconds ago, was missing a Rory. Tony heard a loud hiss from somewhere high up, and looked to see Rory crouching behind the cereal boxes on top of the fridge, growling like an angry cat. "I'll take that as a no..." Tony said nervously. "NO.ONE.TAKES.MY.DOUGHT" She hissed, retreating farther into the shadows of breakfast food. Everyone backed away slightly. Tony sighed. Now hed have to wait a whole nother week. Just great. This was karma he supposed for living in his lab for a week, the universe had decided to revoke dessert privliges.
 Steve spoke and jolted Tony out of his pastery oriented thoughts, " Here." He said handing out half of his plain cake one. Tony looked hesitantly, all to aware of the team watching him (for whatever reason, he didn't know), and also this WAS Steve's doughnut...But it did look good. Steve seemingly knowing what he was thinking, smiled, "Oh come on, I already had three." And Tony took it, "Next time you need...I don't know...Urg I can't think of anything. Well whenever you need a favor, just ask. " Tony said happily, staring at what was now his breakfast. Steve nodded, the corner of his mouth twitching. Tony was about to start to eat it, when he heard a thump and a squack, like someone had fallen out off a fridge. Rory stood up fast, the doughnuts now forgotten at her feet. When he considered the fact that she looked ready to fight to the death over them a miniute ago, he didn't think this was a good sign at all, "Um...Are you ok?" Sam asked nervously, and offered her a hand to help her up, but she waved it off, eyes wild. Oh boy. "Did you just give him half your doughnut?!?!" She asked schreichly at Steve. Tony thought this was kinda obvious as he was holding it, but decided not to say anything. "Uh...Yes?" Steve said confused, and even more confused as Rory let out a very loud and high pitched cackle. "I KNEW IT. CLINT, NAT, WITH ME NOW. WERE WRITING A FAN FIC!!" And they all ran off into the depths of the tower laughing crazily, leaving the remaining Avengers unsure on how to react in the kitchen. Sam was the first to speak, "You do know what their doing, right?" He asked Tony and Steve, they shook their heads. "No...What? Is it bad?" Tony asked, wondering if doughnuts were worth this, it was clearly looking like they weren't. "Very." Said Sam gravely, "I even helped them once. Id take that doughnut, grab a jet, and leave the country. Or at least before they post it..." "Post what?"
~Well. Sorry for putting you poor readers through that. That's the only part I feel guilty about, my horrible writing skills. As for shipping Stony, I will NEVER-EVER fell bad for that. :)
Ps. It's Clint's turn to pick up the doughnuts this week, and he added a new rule. Ship Stony or no doughnuts. Deal with it.
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apolla62200 · 7 years
Summary: Bucky has always thought he was damned to never find his soulmate, Etkatrina always thought she was damned to walk the earth alone forever. Apart these two have had a cursed existence, but together maybe they came finally see how one word can mean such an unbreakable bond.
Warnings: depictions of torcher 
A/N: This gets deep fast, trust me @lovelynemesis
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Chapter one:
The quinn jet had an alomst pallable tension as the team crossed the sokovian borders. Bucky reconized this and instantly knew the team had been thrown back into the fight with Ultron. It seemed as if they were competley hollow inside,  but as time passed he began to pick up the old soviet bounderies he was forced to learn and quickly guessed they were quickly approching the base along the outskirts of Moskow. As shaken as the team was with the wounds barly healed over from sokovia and the mending wounds from the recent civil war, both physical and emotional, he knew this wasn't going to be an easy mission for anybody, especially since they were dealing with Hydra.
 Landing the jet, it seemed was the easiest part, because once landed the team sat  frozen in their seats, unwilling to move. It wasn't until Steve stepped foward, that the tense atmostphere began to fade into one of determination. " Avengers". The word rung through the quinn jet, an alomst forgein term to the team now. Everyone turned thier atteition to Steve, giving him the floor. Steve took his time looking at everyone of his teammates before taking a deep breath. 
" Our mission is simple. Get in. Free any captives. Destroy the base. Get out. Panther, Widow, and Hawkeye will take the south entrance. Scarlett , Ant Man, and Vison will take the west entrance. Spidey, Iron man and the Iron patriot will cover the east entrance. Falcon, Soldier and I will take north. Go in head strong and rendezvous here" he said pointing at the main room where the electrocution chair was. When he found it Bucky would take great pleasure in reducing it to scrap metal. That machine had caused him to lose too much of his life. He refuse to lose anymore.  Looking to the group one more time Steve sent the a subtle nod, and turned to unstrap his shied.  " Avengers, take'em down."
It worried him, how quiet  the base seemed. The halls seemed to have been neglected for some time now, dust covering everything , as if this place hadn't been touched in years. This on top of the years of wear and tear lead bucky to believe this place really was abandoned. " Cap, this place seems a little empty" Hawkeye said over the coms. "Yeah capsicle, this place is deserted" Tony put in. " Indeed,  further exploreation of the base may not yeild any conclusive  results Captain Rodgers , No one is here." Vison added. Bucky looked to Steve for any new orders but Steve just shook his head. He had a hunch.  " Tony run a full scan of this place. Look for any hidden passages or secret entrences we can't pick up  from here." It took a moment for Tony's  reply but as usual Steve's hunch was correct. 
" SouthEast corridor Cap, near Widow, Panther, and Hawkeye. Theres an elevator switch hidden behind an old portrait. the elevators behind the bookcase." Suddenly there was laughter over the com units. " Could Hydra be a little less cliche. " Falcon snorted. Steve's face went from a smile to sullen. " They are expecting us." The unit went silent. " How" ,Hawkeye inquired, " We didn't even know we were going to be here until this morning durning the breifing?" Bucky's eyes narrowed at the sudden movement down the hall, and glared as the shadow began to take form. 
"Steve, we have company". He whispered, pulling his pistols from the hidden holsters. That's when all hell broke loose. Bullets tore through the air, percing the silence that had once consumed the base. Ricocheting off the walls a bullet managed to lodge itself in his shoulder. A small grunt a pain escaped his lips, but that was all the acknowlagement he allowed himself to give the wound. Pain was just an illusion, a self preservatory defense the body concived as part of the fight or flight responce.  He shut it down in his mind  putting aside all thoughts of the wound, and pushed forward opening up with three sharp recise shots, each finding there victim with percise accuracy. 
" We need to get to that elevator." Steve shouted, while simotainously battling with two hydra soldiers. Bucky looked to Falcon who gave him a nod, signaling him to help Steve. The trio faught thier way to the southeastern wing of the base, while somehow miraculously managing to maintain minimal injuries. When they reunited with the rest of the avengers, they quickly assesed the state of each teammate, and upon deciding no one had any life threating injuries, proceeded to activate the elevator.
Etkatrina had never seen her gaurds so paniced. Thier movments were ridged, and they continueously paced  the halls, wary of every movment or sound. They had accumilated a thin layer of sweat above thier brow, and could not for the life of them stay still. Not that she could blame them with the sounds of gunshots and screams of pain  ringing throughout compound above them. It wasn't until she heard the sound of the elevator coming down, did she allow a sliver of hope to rest upon her heart. The moment the elvator came to a stop her gaurds took aim at the strangers. 
They moved as quick as lightning. Flashes of blue, red, black, and gold crossed her vison, but in her drug indued state she could barly make out thier forms. From what she could gather, thier were twelve of them, a team of people obviously well endowed with gifts that allowed them to work well together in combat. So it did not suprise her that they were quick to dispatch all the gaurds on her cell block. When the sounds of gunshots and screams of the gaurds ceiced, she knew the battle was over. What felt like an eternity later, a woman with the most vibrant red hair came to the window of her cell door and gave a small gasp. " Cap you might want to see this." Etkatrina could hear the shuffle of footsteps coming towards her cell door, and suddenly the scent of blood overwlemed her. She let out a shriek as the scent hit her throat and burned away her senses. The footsteps froze. Suddenly a laughter was heard in the hall
. " You think freeing her is a good idea. You have no idea what she is." The fallen gaurd croaked, his face forming a cruel smile as blood dribbled from his lips. There was a single gunshot heard followed by a strangled chocking sound, then a thump. " Buck, was that really neccessary" She faintly heard the one they call Cap complain. There was a small grunted, followed by a sigh from the Captain. The brillant red headed woman opened the door to her cell, and slowly made her way next to Etkatrina, careful of her every move. " She's bound and muzzled, lacerations to the  ankles and wrists, badly brusied everywhere else. Cap, I should be able to...." Etkatrina watched as the woman because speechless at the sight of her mark, her eyes growing wide in disbelief. "Steve". The woman yelled turning back towards the door. 
A man entered the room upon the summance. Most of his face was disorianted but she could clearly make out the symbol on his chest. She understood the Cap refrence now. The man that stood before her now was none other than Captain America. "What is it, Natasha"  The red head, or Natasha as she had just learned, gently unbound her wrist and showed it to the Captain. Etkatrina watched as a smile slowly crept upon his face until it was a full blown grin. " I told him" was the only words he spoke before leaving the room. Natasha smiled down at her while she stroked her hair, and whispered the words Etkatrina had wanted to hear her entire existance. " He's here. He came for you."
Bucky couldnt beleive it, that any of it was real as the truth struck him. After all these years, there she was just beyond that door. Bucky looked at Steve for reassurence, and Steve gave him a small nod telling him it was okay, that he wasn't dreaming. Coming back to himself, he took cautious steps as he made his way into the cell. The sight before him both made his heart swell, and crushed his soul. His body tensed as his mind tried to digest the scene before him. There she lay, his chosen, bound like wounded animal. That itself was enough to enrage him, but what set him off was the muzzle, one just like he had been forced to wear. The moment he saw it, it sent him reeling back to his time as the brainwashed assasin. Faces flew acrossed his memory, each one reopening wounds he had worked so hard to close, each scar hurting  worse than the day the wounds were inflicted.  Without comprehending his movments, he stalked up to her and deafly unfastened the muzzle of shocking both Natasha and his chosen. He bent down to her level and finished undoing all her bindings, unable to see her like this, like he had been so many times before. It was then he noticed the tiny dots covering her arms, Injection sights. It was the only probable dedution. He followed the trail of dots down all the way to her right wrist, and gently traced he elegent scrawl of her mark with his thumb.
 " I'm sorry" he whispered to her in a deaf tone, one so quiet only she could hear. It was the only thing he could say to her. The only thing that mattered was that she understood how sorry he was for letting her go through this, for not getting here sooner. But the moment was ruined the second the scent of his blood hit her. Once again she shrieked, but recoiled from him grasping at her throat in a vain attempted to rid herself of the flames that licked at her throat. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the wound on his shoulder, and she tried her best not to inhale through her nose anymore. " Knock me out" she croaked to him her eyes pleading with him to comply. T
o say he seemed shocked was an understatement. " What? NO!" he argued unable to comprehend why she would say such a thing. He went to move closer, to comfort her in her pain but she moved further away from him. " If you don't knock me out, then i'm giong to hurt you" she rasped the burning in her throat intensifing at the close range of her chosen. Her eyes flashed red and he recoiled in surprise. She knew her hunger was getting the best of her, but she didn't know how long she could fight it off. " Please, I promise you wont hurt me" she pleaded. He looked at her closely noticing the way her face contorted in pain. Bucky blew a deep breath from his nose, and reached up to lay a soft kiss againt her forhead. 
Trusting her judgment, he lent forward and whispered. " Close your eyes." not being able to stand the thought of what he was about to do. She did as she was told, and in a few seconds she went limp in his arms. He picked her up bridal style, cradling her agaist his chest and carried her out to meet the others. He looked to Natasha in obvious distress, guilt for his action clearly displayed. " You did the right thing, she was in pain and we don't know what she's capable of yet. If she believed she was dangerous, then we did what was best in following her wishes" Her words did little to comfort him but it eased his mind for the moment.
" Does any body else feel as if this was way too easy" Falcon asked as they begin to exit the compound. Hawkeye groaned and turned to Sam. " Don't make me shoot you Bird Boy, you never say that on a mission." Tony laughed at the pair. " Come on guys Sams probably just....." But Tony never got to finish his sentence because in that moment an explotion with the intensity of two suns, shook the entire compound.
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clarkgreggreporter · 7 years
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The Reddit MarvelStudios AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Clark Gregg, May 16, 2017 (click here to read all the questions)
A: (out of sequence, so no question): Well, this week I'm really missing Bill Paxton and Powers Boothe because we lost them and they were both such excellent guys.
A: Missed a few questions there. I'll try to answer some. I love the MCU and love watching the movies and I miss my friends in those casts. That said, I am really proud of where we've gone with Agents of SHIELD and I love this bunch of actors and writers (and crew) as much as any I've ever worked with.
Q What upcoming MCU property are you looking forward to the most? Tahiti is a magical place! A: Anything with Adam Warlock and that may have just been teased in GOTG2
Q Do you have any stories and/or favourite memories of working with the late Bill Paxton? Thanks! A: So many. Just the big grin he'd show up with every day and say, "Bud-dy..." Just a great guy and a wonderful actor/filmmaker with more stories than anyone I've ever met.
Q: What is your favourite MCU movie? A: Pretty damn psyched for Captain Marvel especially with the amazing Brie Larson
Q: Hi! Thank you so much for being SO awesome. In Avengers, when Coulson has been stabbed by Loki and gets to shoot him with the massive gun, he says "oh, that's what that does". What do you wish that gun had done? A: Gone off on its own a minute earlier.
Q: Hi! Thanks for doing this. What's your favorite hand? And if you could have any new hand for your character, what could it do? Thank you! A: The SHIELD attachment does not suck
Q: Hi Clark! Thanks for doing this AMA and everything you've done for the MCU. Love your portrayal of A.C. (Daisy needs to bring that back imo). Have you had any input or influence on the development of Coulson? A: I have some input but most of the great stuff on our show is straight from the writers.   Dream storyline involves saving the Defenders and the Avengers and the Guardians and the Royal Family and everyone in Legion when they get themselves in trouble with Thanos. In a musical episode by Lin Manuel Miranda. (Hamilton)
Q: u/70astralaxe wanted to ask you those question but he coudn't so I'll Phil in [sorry for the pun...]    Favourite Star Wars movie.    Favourite MCU movie.    Whether he had any "holy shit" moments during script-read/when filming a scene.    What he wants for the future of MCU/SHIELD.    If he is planning on doing non-MCU stuff anytime in the near future.    Favourite Ice-Cream Flavour.    Favourite Holiday Destination. A: I'll pick 2. Empire and that coconut something from Ben and jerry's
Q: Clark, it was great seeing you at Denver Comic Con last year. I was the one who told you I loved Choke as well as the intro you wrote for Avengers: Endless Wartime. My question though, do you have any projects coming up that you are writing/directing? Choke was 2008, and Trust me was 2013, so I was hoping we were due for something else soon. Thanks, love your work. A: Writing a film and a sci-fi pilot. Hope to make something next hiatus.
Q: When Joss called you up about Much Ado About Nothing, what was your reaction? Did you get any say in your role? Have you done any other Shakespeare? Thanks for doing this AMA today! A: I was terrified when Joss called, but excited because I had just had a dream I was doing some Shakespeare and it felt ordained. And I love Joss.
Q: Have you watched GOTG Vol. 2 yet? A: Yes. Laughed my ass off.
Q: Hello, What's your favourite MCU movie? Also, what does RDJ smell like? A: I'm a big fan of the Avengers and anything with Cap. Or Stark. Or Thor or the Guardians. Or Strange. Let's face it, I'm a Marvel slut. Robert smells like warm beaches and babies laughing and a freshly washed thong.
Q: What kind of changes in perspective on your character did you work on to bring the 3 different versions of Coulson to life this season? We've had Agent Coulson, Robo Coulson, and Mr. Coulson. What was the most fun about doing that? Also, minor question, do you happen to know what brand / model of glasses you were rocking in the Framework? (I tweeted @amandalynnriley, but alas no response). A: It was fun to have new takes on Phil. Amazing work by the writers. Especially geeking out teacher Phil with his soap. The glasses are called Barton Pereira (sp)
Q: What would like to do for a living if you weren't an actor, besides dominating in lip sync battles? A: Music something. probably not very well. But I loved being in a band. A lot.
Q: Hi Clark! Awesome for you to do this before the big season finale. How do you think your character has changed between now and the beginning of Iron Man 1? In other words, do you think your acting of Phil Coulson has changed that much in 9 years? A: Ah, jeez, I don't know. The character has been through a lot and gotten older, so maybe he's less innocent and a little darker, but I probably am too. I don't know about the acting. I try to forget that's what it is.
Q: Do you read your fanmail? If so, what's something cool a fan has sent you? A: I do. I get amazing stuff and try to answer it all. I've been sent crocheted blankets and lola pillows and maybe some underwear.
Q: Thank you for putting your all into Coulson. He's my favourite character in the entire Marvel universe. As for my question, how much of Clark has gone into the role? Specificially the frequent Star Wars references... is that your input or does it come purely from the writers? A: The writers and I love Star Wars and couldn't imagine Coulson wouldn't as well. There's a bunch of me and then some stiff that's verrrrry different from me.
Q: More serious question: One of the things I love about AoS is how men and women fight each other as equals. But I've wondered if that took the male actors a little getting used to, going all out punching and kicking female actors. Did you find that awkward at first? A: Definitely. Really did not like punching May or Daisy even though neither was a real punch.
Q: Hey Clark! Huge fan of your work in the MCU. My question. Did you know that when you died in the Avengers that you would be brought back for SHIELD? Thanks! A: I did not. Neither did they. #CoulsonLives gave them the idea. So thanks.
Q: What's the weirdest thing a fan ever asked you to do? A: Sign a boob. But it was a big boob so I wrote my full name and then Agent Coulson.
Q: With the amount of time Coulson has been spending in the field in AOS, it has become more and more unlikely that the Avengers wouldn't know that Phil is still alive. Do you personally think any of them know? A: I really wish I had a good answer for that, but I don't. Some day.
Q: Yo Clark! I'm sure you're gonna get a bunch of marvel questions and that's awesome. But I know you're a basketball fan so this is my first question. Who ya got winning the finals? And secondly: Any advice for someone who's dream is to work within marvel either on the tv side or movie side? A: Warriors look soooo good. To work for Marvel it helps to love comics and marvel and then just try to be really good at what you want to do there.
Q: Hey Clark! Read any good books lately? A: Yes. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Mirukami
Q: What was it like meeting Melissa Benoist for the dubsmash battle? And have you met any of the other CW heroes? A: I think she's amazing. Loved her in Whiplash. And the fact that she took part in that for charity made me love her even more.
Q: I've been marvel fan since my early childhood, having been born without half of my right hand, my parents and superheroes have always been the biggest source of inspiration. Even in my wildest dreams, i couldnt have predicted these last 10 years, what MCU has achieved and how popular these stories would become all around the world, in that way im living my childhood dream- to see it all done well on the silver screen. What is even crazier- I wouldnt have predicted that the Son of Coul, a shield agent from phase one movies, would start his own show- his own team. Over the years, Aos became , in my humble opinion, the best that superhero tv shows can offer right now, and most recently, even a better source of fun than some of the MCU movies. Past week, i have been buzzing, that we re getting another season. Mostly, i want to say THANK YOU, to everyone who helps to make this show what it is, a source of inspiration and fun to look forward to almost every week. Thank you Mr. Gregg, for breathing life into this awesome character, and also for motivating me in my own studies, and career. I just wanted to express my gratitude, and ask, recently, the Ghost Rider, LMD and Framework arcs have cemented the greatness of this show. When you got first approached to make a shield show, did you think it would end up as such a compelling characters, stories, effects and going for 5 seasons on a small screen? Did you have any doubts? Was there ever a moment when you got a script/shot a scene, where u said to yourself : "Wow, this is amazing" ? Thank you, wish you and the whole cast/crew all the best in making another successful season. A big fan, all they way from Slovakia A: This made my day. Thank you.
Q: What did you think of Iron Fist on Netflix? Do you think it deserves the criticism? What would you have done different if you were the showrunner? A: I love Iron Fist. Both seasons. (then...another reply) Oops. I meant Daredevil. Didn't sleep too well.
Q: Do you remember your time on The Shield well? Great performance. Any fun stories from the set? A: My friend David Mamet directed and the character was so uhinged I felt wrong afterwards. Also, Billy Gierhart who has directed the most eps of AoS was the cameraman on that ep.
Q: As a big fan of What Lies Beneath and Choke, can we expect to see you work behind the camera on Agents of SHIELD any time soon? A: I may direct an episode in season 5. if I don't pass out from exhaustion just thinking about it.
Q: Jed Whedon recently made his directing debut in SHIELD's episode Self Control, which is probably my favorite episode of the show now. What was it like having him direct? Do you think we can look forward to more episodes helmed by him? Great job this season by the way! Coulson's speech a few episodes ago rocked, Captain America would be proud A: jed was amazing and that may be my favorite too. He better direct some more or we'll drag him down to set and make him.
Q: Hey Clark! Thanks for coming by! In about a year we'll be coming up on Iron Man's 10th Anniversary, which means you'll have been playing Coulson for 10 years. How does that feel? And, if you could have Coulson appear in any Marvel-related property, what would it be? A: Wow. Ten years. I feel very lucky. I could have been stuck that long playing a character I didn't love in a world I didn't care about. #Grateful
Q: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has been renewed for a fifth season, but does not appear on ABC's Fall schedule. Obviously, it will start later, but we've been getting mixed signals. Do you know if Season 5 will be a full, 22 episode season or has it been shortened? A: Yes. Full season after the 8 eps of The Inhumans. Then we do our whole run. Could be cool that way.
Q: Can you tell us anything about today's AoS finale? A: Coulson will change.
Q: This is also a question from my girlfriend, who is at work and can't ask herself: Do you think Phil and May will have a happy ending? A: I won't touch that one.
Q: How would coulson react to meeting the defenders? A: He would geek out. But who knows, maybe they would too.
Q: Two questions: first, I'm currently binge watching the West Wing and I have to ask what it was like working with dialog written by Aaron Sorkin?  Second, are we ever going to see your wife, Jennifer Grey, on AoS? A: Aaron's dialogue is like no one else's. I did Sports Night, TWW and A Few Good Men on Broadway. So I'm lucky. He did a lot to put me on the map.
Q; Hi Clark! Thank you for doing this! I can’t wait for tonight’s finale. Can you take us through what it was like auditioning and successfully getting the role of Coulson? Did you ever imagine that the role would develop and expand like it has over time? A: Never auditioned. Got an offer to play a part that was two scenes in IM. Then they added more and more scenes. Cut to Phil nine years later about to walk into the season 4 finale where he will finally (REDACTED)
Q: Clark, you all have been doing such a great job over the last few years. Why do you think Agents of SHIELD has resonated with so many fans around the world? A: Because thanks to the cast, crew, the writers and Marvel the show keeps getting better all the time. That's very rare.
Last Words From Clark: Thanks so much of the great questions. Sorry I couldn't answer more of them. Acting in an independent film today so I have to run. Join me on the twitter for the S.4 finale tonight. Love you all.
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notravinsorry · 7 years
1-99 do not ignore
jesus christ dude
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Move- Saint Motel, Kim’s Caravan- Courtney Barnett, Kill v. Maim- Grimes, Joyrides- Mutemath, Ascension- Gorillaz, Loves in Need of Love Today- Stevie Wonder
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Janelle Monae
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“…He chose to send us His only Son to effect our redemption by His death at Calvary”
4: What do you think about most?
Living by myself in a luxury apartment 
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“ok”6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
depends7: What’s your strangest talent?
i can do weird voices8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are ethereal
Boys are back in town9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
sadly no :/10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
last week11: Do you have any strange phobias?
dark open spaces and/or loud noises from no known source12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
…yes13: What’s your religion?
i used to identify as catholic but im atheist now14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
riding my bike are just hanging out15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Saint Motel at the moment17: What was the last lie you told?
this gross but “yes i brushed my teeth”18: Do you believe in karma?
nah19: What does your URL mean?
my name is Ravin-Marie and freshman year one of our vocab words was ravine and my friend called me that and so i just added marine20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
weakness: negative self image
strength: forgiveness21: Who is your celebrity crush?
janelle monae22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no23: How do you vent your anger?
i start ranting24: Do you have a collection of anything?
bottle caps25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
depends on who im talking too26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
not yet27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
i hate the sound of people chewing and i love nintendo switch sound thingy28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if i become famous29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
not ghosts but i believe in aliens30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right: pillow and left: dresser31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
air32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
psych ward33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
east34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
the weekend35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
anything you want tbh36: Define Art.
anything that gives the viewer a look into the mind of the artist and/or strong emotions37: Do you believe in luck?
nah38: What’s the weather like right now?
perfect39: What time is it?
11:3040: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
no and no41: What was the last book you read?
whats a book42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
ya43: Do you have any nicknames?
ladybug, ravy-baby, ravine, ray44: What was the last film you saw?
Paris is Burning45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
hit my knee and i couldnt had to use crutches for weeks46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
griffin mcelroy48: What’s your sexual orientation?
bi49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really50: Do you believe in magic?
no51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
only if it really hurt52: What is your astrological sign?
pisces53: Do you save money or spend it?
spend it…54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
a book55: Love or lust?
both56: In a relationship?
nah57: How many relationships have you had?
058: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
no59: Where were you yesterday?
Arlington, VA60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yeah61: Are you wearing socks right now?
ya62: What’s your favourite animal?
all animals63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
i pay attention to what they like64: Where is your best friend?
at home65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
all of my mutuals66: What is your heritage?
im black but idk what else67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
on this hellsite68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Perkins69: Biggest turn ons?
idk good listener, gentle, eye contact??? idk70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
no, i could do better71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
save the dog72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
A) yeah B) spend money C) kinda73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
trust74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
my type- saint motel75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
8008 (lol)76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
trust, understanding, openness, and honesty77: How can I win your heart?
compliment me, buy me things, take time to talk to me about what i like78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
yeah79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
none80: What size shoes do you wear?
981: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
skate and die82: What is your favourite word?
darling83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
love84: What is a saying you say a lot?
my dude/ my guy85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Bang Bang (my baby shot me done)86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
pastel yellow87: What is your current desktop picture?
mauve color88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
trump89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
whats ur kink?90: Turn offs?
being self centered91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
ability to stop time92: where are your parents from? 
moms from dc and dad is from new orleans93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
telling my dad i was suicidal for the first time94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
hozier95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Greece96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
lmao hopefully not97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think so98: Ever been on a plane?
yeah99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say
please dont be mean to me
fuck u this took me more than an hour
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