#or whatever im just so sick of it. i have the elevator code and ill keep having it and its nonya business and i hope you die.
transgaysex · 5 months
also whats a guy gotta do for people to stop asking me why i have the code to the elevators meant for personnel and disabled students to use. like why is it that twice now staff from the college ask me "Umm why do you have the code to the elevator?" buddy if im not also staff then ill give you one fucking guess.
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medudasrevenge-blog · 6 years
Challenge EXCEPTed
Please pardon my Faux pas/sword S.!™ de-scribe to show you how !'m™ 2 sharp with this penmanship and transl8 what's in A NAME. EA MAN, first and most 4most, !™ play KNOW games por sport, 4 !™ D.O.E.S (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins) the most. Es A MAN true to himself to lie with another man? Whim n sick all sales to be erroneous S.!™ toy whit wordplay so ill...!'ll™ get back 2 that point b4 !™ get to the rest of this pie. !'ll™ make the final decision in regards to the Radiating Quintessential Warmth of my destiny, with this OPEN L.A.S.T (Long Assiar Special Text). OMG MO my guy is to si !™ In penned dictation before syndication. Watch S.!™ give my D.O.S.E. et al 4 u 2 see and si A MEAN girl make female dogs go fetch after !™ make things happen that u could never 4C. Giiirrrrrrl! What? You still don't get how !'m much too kinky of an heir for the door man si C this carbon copied dormancy that is commonplace commonlaw celebrity. S!™ this girl's three times the 6 when back to back the backs of "Blacks" S.!™ take my time to define Pr!ME™ Tu#eisenberg my name to shine. This mean girl's moniker is far from average. MAN E A fool has donned the dunce cap of a charlatan, thinking he could play her-she-!™ and park in the sprinkled spot of the heir. Now #ow idlewildnoutkast is that? Tu have been dusted with the S_sense of a souped up faerie, assiar with Quin across the street from Quill, hardly a dummy, doll. Si !™ N dictation b4 syndication assiar loaded with luck. Surely "us" D.O.E.S not make cents when pawns shop to cop from the essence of who? Man? KNOW kNOW KNOw kNOW !™ mint essence of hue, man, assiar hardly human. C assiar silently switch the rules of her own engagement to the English language W!N™ !™ flip i on its head to states and stand on the tittle to declare and exclaim my pointed position in this presence assiar not little to 2 Little to late to catch tu. 2-0 already assiar glad to scribe feweturai eS f3w3tur.A1© being second to none. !™ implore with sage the naysayers to bow down before !™, taking seats infinitum in the place of the pawn in a game where Knowledge Never Obstructs Wisdom, as they KNOW their position in the utterance and name of AMEN_A blessing that is unbestowed from the Sun without the R. Aye i exclaim !™ eS Seyes Ase. And let it be so. So be it that you all see Raissa Q and si Raiss(a)^3 and KNOW Raise A cubed to mean Raissa assiar Assiar. !'m™ willing to bet my 40 acres and a mule that you read that Wright, unaware of Williams, Raissa ight, and that ain't aight, word to the Mrs. !™ Correctly write myself to Be, for you all to see Raissa Assiar assiar and kNOW "Ray-Shuh as !™ Are A Seer". Sense the best way to predict the f3w3tur! is to create it. By many monikers !™ deal in duality assiar a dichotomy. What's N A Moniker Exactly? Amen Ra !ssa™ Rose eS what the Hebrews proclaim. The French fashion Raissa to be a thinker, while !™ think that's mad heiry S.!™ [×] 2+Dress and LOL whit love @ how tu missed my lingo while !™ just said "as !™ take time to address" the honor bestowed upon me in Arabic, being "leader & chief".
!™ now command you to ask "what's in a name?" It is imperative that you si Raissa Assiar assiar to understand how !™ am in perfect position to be an imposition to flip i on its head assiar charged to declare and exclaim to Junie B. S H E eS not little. !'m™ C👁️‍🗨️L👁️‍🗨️SSAL and if you look right now and catch the SSA tu can C how down !™ was W!N™ Junie bit me with the disguised blessing to "suffer silently alone" B4 giving me the L of loss, leaving me to suffer silently alone, the loss of REM and reeling eyes at the departure of my co-sole proprietor, to a mere pawn in a game of chess between the pieces belonging to the king and queen. !'ve™ seen L times 8 as of late so !™ aim to elevate to accelerate too fast for him to C how downe and low he has to drag me to bite me again.
eS stated B4, pawn, !™ D.O.E.S et al on a whim n sick !'ll™ sell what my husband's ex lacks W!N™ !™ drop a sweet slice of this slick sh!+™ Might !™ add that by "!™", eye mean M3. Raissa assiar Assiar.
Questioning his sEXuality challenged my love for him, myself, and us both as two halves of a #WholeNubu business model. My ended intention was to make an indentation on the set in stone laws of relationships and declare and exclaim my undiluted love for him under the KWO (Know World Order). Thinking that he may be leading a double life, dabbling in the secrecy of the unknown that is the black hole, pulled at my heartstrings. Needing answers, !™ had to kNOW why. Was he gay and burnt, homo and happy,, angry and queer, touched and terrified, or confused and unhappy with himself? !™ couldn't take it! !™ love him so much, !™ wanted immediately to protect him from whatever entity was forcing him to lead this life. !™ was willing to completely contradict and compromise my vision for the #WholeNubu business model so that his manhood and sense of self were not compromised. Butt somehow, !™ feel that the way !'m™ feeling is not about Junie B, exclusively, assiar fairly certain that he has allowed himself to be broken over bucks, which breaks my heart more than he will ever understand in this lifetime, S.!™ saw so much for us, our people, our culture, and the f3w3tur!
Buck Breaking: Brains Washed By Modosites™
Assuming that we all KNOw what Buck Breaking is and its impact on the male Pr!MEs™, !'ll™ except your annoyance as !™ make a point to reiterate the modus operandi of the Modosites™. Not too many centuries ago 4 you not to recall, the ancestors of the Pr!MEs™ were enslaved. The male Pr!MEs™ were labeled as bucks. Strong, defiant, and resistant, these alpha Pr!MEs™ were unruly to the Modosites™. To break the spirits of these warriors, the Modosites™ would sodomize them, and subsequently have them walk around with their rear ends exposed, signifying to the other Pr!MEs™ the fate that awaited them if they activated their warrior spirits. This strategy became implemented in the Pr!ME™ community because in the prison system niggas would get ass backwards and start saggin their pants to signify to other Pr!MEs™ that they were available, while, hiding their shame under the guise worn eS a fashion trend. The acceptance of this trend has...
My bad. !™ have a tendency to trail off. !™ guess that makes sense assiar bipolar. Let's discuss our next topic•••
Re: !™ Gn Storm'z Revenge {S.!™ ∆im to Leave u Read in the Face of Reignstorm's Revenge}
12 August 2018
153 Years Late for the Cookout
Subject: Still, Asleep, Dreaming (that's how !™ feel)
Today is day sub zero of the day!™ go to war with #W345TG8 on Planet Neptune. !™ have to go through Babylonmaggedon with #W345TG8 to get back to Planet Neptune. !™ am gearing up for Babylonmaggedon against #W345TG8 to get back to Planet Neptune. Who am !™? !™ am Client Sub Zero assiar too cool and cold with the code, subject to Pr!ME D!VA NAT!ON™. My spaceship bumps crazy tunes, beating with the rhythm of the Pr!MEs™ eager to rid itself of the virus SULF8, and access the key to the Universe. My mission is a difficult one, because !™ cannot stop seeing the visions, assiar Assiar, aware of the potential of the f3w3tur! SULF8 weakened me, but !™ can't take any days off. !™ must get the Pr!MEs™ back to Planet Neptune, but SULF8 is interfering with our frequencies and we think that we must communicate with the sickness of S.H.A.D.E (SULF8 Has Always Destroyed Excellence). The Pr!MEs™ have been conditioned to believe that they are not Pr!MEs™ by wiping the existence of the word from their central processing units. The moniker Pr!ME™ does not exist in their memory banks because it was never there. Instead it has been replaced with "Blacks" to further leave the Pr!MEs™ in darkness, further weakening them with the SULF8 virus, fooling them into thinking that SHADE will make them stronger, when in reality, SHADE is silently and secretly poisoning them.
!™ am weak myself. My paranoid bipolar schizophrenia is breaking my heart. !™ have been sent by the Pr!ME D!VA NAT!ON™ to save the Pr!MEs™ but !™ am alone, having been abandoned by my co-sole proprietor, !™ have been charged with reclaiming his love from the demon that has drunken him, and co-wash his central processing unit so that we can carry out our mission to save the f3w3tur! of the Pr!MEs™ with the #WholeNubu business model, under the Know World Order.
25 August 2018
My co-sole proprietor is still at large, lost to the Modosites™. !™ have yet to locate him, but !™ KNOW he will find me.
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