#or which of her two (2) going away parties i should attend
gideonisms · 1 year
hello lovely! do you have favorite bread drawer takes i just like sometimes thing about it and totally lose it
Well I'm not quite sure if you mean takes I have seen or just thoughts about it, but my take is thus:
On the ninth it's cold enough that if you leave food out it probably stays good quite a while. Not sure what the pest situation is but it's safe to say harrow doesn't know what happens when you leave food out in a warm coastal climate (ants at BEST)
harrow prefers bread to all of the other foods at canaan house. To her that's the best food. she also knows Gideon isn't picky about food and will pretty much eat whatever
harrow isn't sure what condition Gideon will be in when she wakes up but is obviously upset and guilty about the trial and probably doesn't think Gideon will want to see her first thing. so instead of getting food for her she leaves a meal she thinks is good and sends cam who has more medical expertise to check in
Basically I read it as a genuine gesture on harrow's part. she's just bad at genuine gestures
Gideon would probably have preferred harrow and a full meal but alas. she got drawer bread instead and then decided to die for the weirdo who gave it to her
when you think about it drawer bread is a reminder to all of us that although we may be atrocious at figuring out how to show our affection there is probably at least one person in the world who will eat our drawer bread with only a little bit of eye rolling
Maybe try asking that person what they'd like to eat?
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theitgirlnetwork · 4 months
Earn It
Ch. 4: Perfect
Baby Pics:
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Birthday Looks:
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Note: Okay, the love this story is getting is insane! I appreciate it so much because I love these characters and hearing what you all think. Thank you for the reblogs, notes, likes, comments and messages, I love hearing your feedback and all of the interaction. Apparently this obsession isn't going away anytime soon so I should update frequently. Also, I feel like Long Way 2 Go by Cassie is the perfect song to describe where Art and Heaven are right now. And Boyfriend by Dove Cameron gives me Heaven and Tashi. Best Friend by Rex Orange County reminds me of Heaven and Patrick right now. Let me know if you guys want me to keep giving song recs. There is a trigger warning in this one, pretty mild mention of eating disorders. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading! MDNI! Love y'all <3
Warnings: Mild sexual content, mild eating disorder, strong language.
Taglist: @spookystitchery @anehkael @fkaams @butterflyybabe @sun2flower @holierthancunt @silkenthusiasts @wolflover384 @liziihorta @summerssover @jackierose902109
“It’s supposed to be right up here, on the left.” Art instructs, pointing to try and guide Patrick along the cobblestone road to the large black metal gates. “Are you…left not right.”
“Okay! Well, you said both so-”
“Yeah, right up here on the left.” Art laughs, shaking his head and resting his forearm on the hot leather under the window on the passenger side. 
“Would you chill out? It’s…we’re not even that late. Plus, I’m not especially excited to be meeting two sets of parents today.” Patrick drums his fingers on the steering wheel, leisurely turning onto the road and pulling up to the gate.
Art scoffs, looking at his friend out of the side of his eye. “I guess I’m not under the same pressure as you.”
Silence falls over the car as they wait for the man at the gate to place a guest sticker on the windshield of Patrick’s car. The brown haired man sits with a wry smirk, staring forward while willing himself not to glance at his friend. He was happy that overall, things haven’t changed between him and Art despite the fact that they were no longer going to school together and his sweet, sweet best friend is clearly desperately into one if not both of his girlfriends.
To be honest, it was nice to see Art want something. He’s always been a, you get what you get and don’t have a fit type of kid. The kind of guy who agreed to race Patrick to the dorms when they were kids and slowed to a jog at the first sight of Patrick pulling forward slightly. But this time things were different. He wasn’t stupid. He could see the looks. He could hear the little snarky remarks Art hides behind his easy smiles and feel the pats on the back that are suddenly leaving behind a little sting.
But he was also still his best friend Art Donaldson. The guy he taught to jerk off. The friend he shares everything with. The best partner he’s ever had. Maybe that’s why he thinks he’s okay with how he looks at them. It’s interesting to watch these two women they met draw out a side of his friend that he could never. That doesn’t mean he’ll let him have them, though. 
Which is why, he made sure to take the weekend off of his tour, to the coordinator’s outrage, to attend Tashi and Heaven’s joint birthday party back in their hometown. 
People used to say that Patrick and Art were crazy close, but Tashi and Heaven were on another level. Apparently, the two were born a couple hours apart. Tashi on the night of September 15th and Heaven the morning September 16th. So here they were, driving to Heaven’s big ass house for their birthday party. 
They pull up to the imposing home, and see various balloons and streamers. Next to the columns bracketing the stairs are two blown up pictures, the one on the right is clearly a baby picture of Tashi posing cutely with her hand out. The left is of a little Heaven, smiling hard with little pigtails on the side of her head. 
Art hangs back a little as Patrick argues with the valet who is apparently parking the guests' cars, demanding he treat his truck with kindness. The blond man smiles softly at the picture of young Heaven and discreetly snaps a photo, sending her a text.
8:30 p.m.: Oh god, burn that shit. We’re out back. Tashi’s gonna come get you guys.
He laughs to himself and glances over to see Patrick reluctantly handing his keys over to the clearly annoyed valet. 
He had been worried he and Heaven were gonna stop talking after he basically begged to finger fuck her and eat her out over the phone. There was an awkward lack of calls and messages for a few days and he grit his teeth and gave her space. But when he was sitting in the cafeteria with Tashi, she mentioned that Heaven’s first rehearsal was later in the afternoon and he couldn’t help himself. A quick message telling her he thinks she’ll do amazing revived the conversation between the two.
The large dark wooden door swings open and reveals Tashi in all her glory. She has her hair pinned up to look shorter and curled. She’s wearing a tight white shirt with light washed baggy jeans and golden hoop earrings. She looks great. A bright smile fills her face as she sees them, jogging halfway down the steps before tugging Art into a hug. “Hey, you guys made it.” she pulls away from him and Patrick steps forward giving her a kiss on the lips. Art doesn’t bother looking away and is surprised by how little the action bothers him. “You’re late. Heaven’s in the back with everyone else.”
Patrick rolls his eyes with a scoff to Art but otherwise lets the girl drag him along, Art following behind. The house looks even grander inside. Marble floors, long wooden tables with floral arrangements. A balloon arch leading into the backyard area. 
Tashi moves about the place like she owns it, like she does with most rooms. But it was something about knowing she and Heaven had grown up spending time here together that made the men curious. 
She steps out into the grass and smiles brightly at a group of girls that neither man recognizes, waving hi and accepting the ‘happy birthdays’ like a fucking celebrity. Music booms through several speakers and crowds of people stand in the grassy space. The gift table is filled with presents, split down the middle, one side labeled Tashi, the other Heaven.
“Tashi come dance with me.”
And there she was. Her silky dark hair is down and curled with a colorful scarf wrapped at the top. She was also wearing large gold hoops with a tight, white crop top and baggy jeans. So baggy that Patrick and Art got a clear shot of her underwear peeking through. She’s standing on the edge of the crowd with her hand outstretched for Tashi to take.
Tashi smirks as the pair of men drool over Heaven, pushing from in between them and going to take her hand. “One second. You’ve got to say hi. The world’s worst boyfriend and friend are finally here.”
“Hmm,” Heaven hums, wrapping her arm around Tashi and resting their intertwined fingers on her hip.  “Late, aren’t we?”
“Uh, there was traffic-”
“He said we didn’t need to leave so early-”
Patrick and Art look at each other briefly before back at the girls.
Tashi shrugs, pulling Heaven along with her to the drinks table, ignoring the fact that Art and Patrick were tailing behind. “Did you invite my cousin Vivian? She's over there boring my hitting partner to death.”
“No,” Heaven snorts, grabs a solo cup, putting it between her teeth as she reads the different punch flavors they had in supply. “She’s a bitch, it was probably your mom, or mine-”
“Cousin Vivian, she’s the one who-” Art begins.
“Tried to drown me at Great Wolf Lodge? Yeah, fucking lunatic. I can believe you remember that story, I told you that while you were half asleep.”
“I told you I was listening, it’s fucking wild.” Art laughs.
“I don’t know it.” Patrick cuts in, eyeing the exchange with a smile. 
Heaven shrugs, passing the first cup of punch she poured to Tashi and grabbing another. “Oh, baby, the story is dorky and boring.”
“Yeah and speak of the devil and she shall appear.” Tashi chuckles, bringing the drink to her lips.
Patrick reaches into his back pocket, glancing around before producing a flask, waving it between them. “Should we, uh, make these drinks more interesting?”
Tashi’s face immediately drops and Heaven rolls her eyes, kicking Art in the shin lightly underneath the lawn table, nodding her head in Tashi and Patrick’s direction. 
“We have matches coming up. No alcohol.”
“You’re going against college kids, you’re gonna win regardless of whether you have a drop of tequila.” 
“Yeah, that’s not the point. And Heaven’s in rehearsals-”
“Heaven is a big girl-”
“Heaven, what do you want to drink?” Art pipes up, grabbing a solo cup himself and walking around the end of the table Heaven is on. 
She clasps her hands together, glancing at the first jug she sees and decides on that. “Just, some lemonade would be great.”
“Okay.” Art smiles, starting to pour. 
“I know Heaven is in rehearsals. But it’s her fucking birthday.”
Heaven’s eyes widen at that, immediately shooting to Tashi’s face. Her scowl is set in stone as she leans down into Patrick’s face. Her grumble of  “You think I don’t know that?” drowns out Heaven’s correction of “Our birthday.”
A second barely passes before Tashi is flipping her hair over her shoulder and storming off in another direction. Patrick scoffs, as if he didn’t already take a step forward to follow her, being propelled even further by Heaven’s mouthing of “fix it”. 
Art sips his own lemonade, looking to the ground and shaking his head.
“I don’t want to hear it. Seriously.”
“I wasn’t gonna say a damn thing.” He laughs, ignoring Heaven’s small fist colliding with his muscled arm. He bites back a smirk when she winces, pulling her hand back to herself. “Did you…hurt your hand?”
“Could you like, shut the fuck up? Thank you.” Heaven whines, rubbing the wounded hand with the other. “You think you’re all big and bad because college tennis is doing you good? Giving your scrawny ass some muscle.”
“Glad you noticed.” he says playfully.
Heaven opens her mouth to respond, her lips part and no words come out as she drops her gaze to the ground, taking a swig of the lemonade. Two women step out of the backyard doors and make their way over to the pair, dressed in workout clothes. One of them is a black woman that could only be Heaven’s mom. She looked exactly like what Art envisions Heaven will look like in about 20 years and if you asked Art the future is fucking bright. 
The other is an older white woman with a kind face and eyes that reminded him of Tashi. They looked like extremely unlikely friends. Heaven’s mom holds a stern face that makes Art feel like maybe he should take several steps away from her daughter right now while the other woman looks like she’d probably made the sugar cookies that people have been shoveling since he’d gotten there. 
Despite having spoken about her family, Art knows very little about Heaven's mother. All she ever mentions about the woman is that she's very invested in her dance career and has always been pretty strict. Beyond that, whenever Heaven recounts pleasant memories from her childhood with Art, they always involved her stepdad, Tashi and her family, or when she was performing. Her mom is notably absent from almost all of her stories.
Heaven’s mother lowers the dark shades rested on her face to get a good look at Art before pushing them back into place, letting go of the other woman and wrapping her arm around Heaven’s shoulders.
“Hi, mom.” Heaven smiles in a way that doesn’t quite reach her eyes, placing the cup Art poured her down on the table.
Her mother picks the cup and sniffs it before putting it back down. “Let this be the last drink you have that isn’t water, Hev. I think we’ve had enough calorie intake for the day, we don’t need you slow when you go back to rehearsals this week.”
Art’s brows furrow as he watches Heaven deflating, nodding quietly as her mom pats her stomach and talks about not eating any birthday cake on her birthday. He can’t envision anyone finding her to be anything other than beautiful, dancing or not. But he rolls his tongue in his cheek and stays silent. Maybe her mother knows something about her health that he doesn’t. 
But from Heaven’s face with the verbal lashing is over, that’s not the case. Heaven’s sad brown eyes land on Art’s and she remembers that her mom hadn’t even taken the time to introduce herself. “Mom, this is Art Donaldson. He plays tennis for Stanford.”
The inspection is on him now. Heaven’s mom scans him from top to bottom before fixing him with an unimpressed look. “Is he any good?”
“Oh, I’m…I’m pretty okay-” Art says nonchalantly, cheek dimpling with an easy smile. Heaven’s mom simply blinks at him before shifting her gaze to Heaven.
“He’s great, Mom, full tennis scholarship.” She tries. “And…Tashi says he’s really good too.”
“Well, good for you.” The older woman says, nodding at her friend waving her over. “We’re going to give you kids some space and have a late dinner over at the Duncan’s house. Nothing but fruit and water, Hev.”
Heaven just dumps the lemonade into the grass, and refills the cup with water. Art watches as her mother murmurs a patronizing ‘good girl’ into Heaven’s hair, pressing a kiss there before slinging her purse over her shoulder and power walking away. 
He searches his brain for something, anything to say that might make her feel better as she tugs her crop down a little in an attempt to cover up as her eyes follow her mother.
Heaven’s face is hot with embarrassment. She was used to her mother’s comments about her weight, her looks, her focus on dance. She knows that it's for a reason. She wants her to be the best dancer she can be and so she prioritizes that over all else. She’d given up her life to put Heaven in the best position possible to become a prima ballerina. Heaven is…grateful. She should be grateful. But it’s pressure. She’s doing what she loves, but it's never enough, there’s always weight to lose. She can always be stronger, faster, and work harder. And her skin could always be thicker. But even diamonds crack with the right amount of pressure. 
Heaven just hates when people are there to see it.
Tashi is fucking pissed. Her hitting partner was sick and she needed to practice for a tournament coming up, so she’d asked Heaven to fill in. She couldn’t count how many times she’s sat up with Heaven, watching her dance, standing in as a partner, plotting what dance she should master for which audition. She doesn’t ask for much else in return. So, the fact that the bitch failed to show up at the courts knowing what this meant to Tashi…
She’d better have a good fucking excuse.
The tennis player storms around the back of the house, not bothering with the front door and streamlining for the stone elephant statue that kept the spare key to the back door to the house, Tashi snatches the key out of the trunk hole and pushes her way in. 
Mrs. Whitlock’s car wasn’t in the driveway so she doesn’t bother stopping by the woman’s office to say hello, opting instead to stomp her way straight to Heaven’s studio. She pushes the sliding door open and prepares to tear Heaven a new one, her bag clutched tightly in her fist. She can hear her inside. She knew she’d be here. She probably found some kind of new dance she just had to learn. Or she’d forgotten her while daydreaming. Or she was late. 
Tashi fucking hates late people.
“So, it’s fuck me huh?” Tashi asks, crossing her arms as she leans in the doorway. She was right, Heaven was inside. Facing away from her, standing in front of the large mirrors, something white at her feet. When the girl doesn’t even acknowledge that she’s there, Tashi rolls her eyes and steps into the room. “Fuck you, Heaven.” 
She fully plans to whirl around and stomp her way out of the house. If she wants to forget her, ignore her, fine. Plenty of people would fucking love to be Tashi Duncan’s girlfriend. 
But then she sees that the floor is soaking wet. Heaven’s bun is curling up from the water. The girl is drenched, standing in a pink leotard, her shoulders shaking. “Heaven?” Tashi powers forward, grabbing a wet shoulder, not letting her shock show on her face as she cups the girl’s cheek, forcing her to look at her and sees the tears streaming down her face. “What the fuck’s wrong?” She leans forward to see what’s in front of her. 
A scale. 
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m-” Heaven wipes a hand roughly at her cheeks, turning in Tashi’s loose grip. “Nothing, what time is it?”
“It’s…it’s uh, four.” 
Heaven’s watery eyes widen, a stray tear manages to escape as the girl glances down at the bag in Tashi’s hands. “Shit, babe, I’m late. I…got caught up. M’sorry. Let’s go practice. Really, m’sorry, let’s practice. We can walk to the court’s at the center.”
Tashi’s eyes flick between the scale and Heaven’s determined look. “You good?”
Heaven sighs, scrubbing a hand down her face. “Let’s practice.”
“Yeah?” Tashi asks, tilting her head to the side as she observes her girlfriend. The girl impatiently shifts on her feet, looking off to the side and Tashi nods. “Okay.”
“Um, so,” Heaven clears her throat. “I think my dance partners are busy. You wanna dance?”
Yes. Art thinks. Immediately yes. But, was he supposed to pretend he didn’t see that interaction? Was he supposed to act like he didn’t watch how quickly her mother was able to stomp out the light in her eyes? The flirty smile she offers him isn’t the real thing that makes his heart beat fast. “Heaven-”
“Look, Art, it’s my birthday. It’s not gonna get better in one day, and right now I want to dance with a friend.” She sighs. Heaven pulls his own drink from his lips, placing it down on the table and taking his hand as she backs towards where the crowds of people were dancing. “Is that gonna be you, or do I need to find someone else?”
The pleading look on her face wears Art down and he lets her pull him to the edge of the makeshift dance floor. “I’m not a good dancer.”
“It’s not about being good, it’s about having fun.” She grins, this time genuinely as Art lifts her hand, spinning her as she leads them the rest of the way. 
“Yeah,” he laughs sarcastically. “Says the best fucking dancer in the world.”
“Okay, okay, it’s a little bit about being good.” Heaven giggles, pushing up on her tiptoes and raising her own arm, eyebrows lifting as she waits for Art. He shakes his head chuckling.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, go.” she snorts as he rolls his eyes, ducking down under her arm so that she can spin him too. “Okay, ow, my arm, too tall.”
“See?” Art snarks, hooking his finger into her belt loop and tugging her closer, rocking them side to side as Heaven wraps her arms around his neck. 
“Okay, normally I’m the one being turned, so that’s on me.” She shrugs. The music changes and Long Way 2 Go by Cassie starts blasting through the speakers. “I fucking love this song. You know this one white boy?”
“What is with you and Tashi and calling us white boys?”
“Is that not what you are?” She asks, spinning away from him as gracefully as she had the day he’d watched her at the school theater. But this time he’s part of it. He’s not just an observer, even with her just dancing casually he’s hypnotized. He hadn’t even realized he was moving with her. She’s all there is. It’s just Heaven. “It’s about how it makes you feel. Dancing makes me feel better.”
Art nods, watching her intently as she turns in his hold, back pressed to his front, hands in his hair. “I think it feels just fucking amazing dancing with you.”
“Well,” she smiles, sliding her hands over his where they’re resting on her hips. “I think it’s fucking amazing watching you play tennis. I wanna see you play again.”
“I wanna play for you.” He says desperately. 
“You really mean that, don’t you?” Heaven grins, facing him again, pressing their fronts together, giggling as he turns his face into her palm, pressing a kiss there. “You want to play for me?”
Before he can answer, the smile drops from her face, her head turns to the left slightly as she looks off to the side. Art turns his head, his gaze follows hers and lands on Patrick and Tashi. Always Patrick and Tashi. He brings his hand up to her jaw, gently guiding her face back to his. “I want you to look at me.” 
“I am.” she whispers, looking up at him.
“Just me.”
“Art.” she says, stepping away from him with a disappointed frown.
"I know, I know, but-"
"Jesus fucking christ." She huffs, pushing his hands away completely and stomping off.
Art’s eyes scan the party carefully, as he tries to nonchalantly flick the ash from his cigarette to the ground. He has seriously cut back on smoking since he doesn’t have Patrick everyday to share them with and Tashi and Heaven turn their noses up at them. But, to say he felt anxious was an understatement. 
He’d thought they were having a…thing when they were dancing before. To be fair he’s thought they’d had a lot of ‘things’ and each time they do, she retreats back. He’d like to be able to just shrug her off. To decide that she’s more trouble than what she’s worth and obviously the opposite of available and fuck off. But he can’t. It was something about her. Her eyes, the way she moves, her smile, laugh, just…Heaven. It’s what she is. The name just fucking fits.
Which is why he’s turned away three girls since she’d scrambled away from him into the house with one look back over her shoulder that had him wanting to follow behind her like a lovesick puppy. 
So, here he was, blowing smoke into the night’s air while he stares at this pristine, glass back door that the girl he’s obsessed with that happens to be, at minimum, fucking his and her best friends, disappeared into. 
He should have some self respect. 
He should find a girl…hell he should find Tashi, the other girl who seems to occupy his mind, albeit less and less. 
He should let Heaven fuck off if that’s what she wants to do. 
How long can he beg her to like him back, to be interested in him? 
How much more can a man take?
Art, apparently, can take at least a little more.
He flicks the bud of the cigarette to the ground and pops a piece of gum into his mouth, worried that Heaven will smell the smoke on his breath when he finds her. Art pushes the door to the house open, glancing back once to see if Tashi and Patrick were still “talking” back by the garden area. 
When he’d first walked through the house he took the time to appreciate it in its glory. It’s a fucking ritzy house. It reminds him of Patrick’s house. Large and beautiful. It echoes. It’s not like his parent’s house at all. His is a family home, nicely sized but nothing as grand as this. Patrick always hated his own home, ever since he’d gone home with Art one Christmas, he almost refused to spend any holidays there. He said Art’s house seemed more ‘lived in’. Even when Art finally did get to see his best friend’s house one summer, he felt like his friend looked out of place there, even though it was where he was raised. 
But Heaven…she looks like she belongs in a place like this. A place full of beautiful things is where she should live. 
After searching the lower level Art stops at the bottom of the spiral stairs. His mom would kill him if she knew he was considering going through someone’s upper level without explicit permission like this. But, if…if there was a chance she was up there…
He respects the place enough to take his shoes off before making his way up the cold stairs. The upper level is dark and several degrees cooler than downstairs. He knows her mother stepped out about an hour ago, so he’s a little more confident as he slips through the long hallway, peeking his head in the open room doors, searching for her.
“Can we please not do this now?”
“So when, Heaven? I broke up with you and you don’t seem like you give a fuck. You haven’t checked on me once.”
Art pauses, hearing what he knows to be Heaven’s voice accompanied by a distinctly male voice in a room he can see is lit through the bottom of a sliding door.
“What was I supposed to do? Beg? I have too much shit to do. We didn’t work, that’s fine.” 
He can almost envision the shrug she must’ve given. Her voice is so unfeeling, indifferent as the man spoke passionately, voice raising that has Art stepping closer to the door. 
“So you don’t give a fuck?”
“Do you really want me to answer you?”
I wouldn’t. Art thinks to himself. 
“Fucking-you can be such a bitc-”
Heaven flinches as the door to her studio slides open roughly, wood slapping into the wall as quick, heavy footsteps make their way into the room and suddenly Trevor is ripped from in front of her. 
“Who the fuck are you talking to?” Art grits his teeth, his fists balled in Trevor’s shirt, the men stumble away from Heaven a little due to the momentum of Art rushing his way into the room. 
Heaven’s eyes widen at the act of aggression from the gentle man who literally refuses to bring his voice above a soft tone when speaking to her and it's almost humorous. Like, she didn’t know what was throwing her more, the fact that he’d basically appeared and darted in to defend her honor, or the fact that he felt like he needed to defend her from the literal nobody that is her ex Trevor that clearly came to her party because he was some kind of masochist. “Oh my god, Art, that’s not necess-”
“Jesus, Heaven, how many guys are you fucking at this party?”
Oh. Well.
 Now that he said that, she doesn’t feel bad when Art’s fist goes flying into his face.
Shocked? Yes. Bad? No.
A little turned on…maybe. 
And that tennis must be doing more for the blond man than just making his muscles look good, because Trevor fucking hit the deck. She’ll acknowledge that she was attracted to the way Art’s jaw ticks in anger as he positions himself in front of her and plays knight in shining armor. A nice guy like him getting so mad on her behalf…
“Oh, shit.” 
Trevor sputters, gripping his nose and looking up at the man in front of him. “Did you just hit me?”
“Don’t fucking talk to her like that-”
“Okay, okay, Arthur…um, wow,” Heaven chuckles humorously as she stands between the two men, nodding her head toward the door. “Trevor, get the fuck out, you dumped me okay? You win. Get the fuck out.”
The red-headed boy grits his teeth in annoyance, pushing off of the floor but opting not to do much more than give Heaven a sneer because, truthfully, this blond, preppy looking kid she has guarding her knocked the shit out of him. But as he makes his way to the door, he stops and turns, unable to hold his tongue completely. “I wouldn’t bother, man. She plays games. They only give a fuck about each other. It’s not worth it.” He finishes as he cups his aching nose, turning and leaving the room.
Heaven looks at Art at that, carefully watching his expression. She can’t tell what he’s thinking as he stares after Trevor, tight muscles still tense.  
“What am I supposed to call you my hero or something?” she jokes, awkwardly trying to break the silence. The room suddenly feels too full with Art’s presence in it, despite the fact that Trevor had left. 
“He shouldn’t be yelling at you like that.”
“Pft, Art,” she giggles, wrapping her arms around herself. “I am not afraid of Trevor. Trust me. It doesn’t matter-”
“No one should talk to you like that.” he says seriously. He doesn’t take the bait at all, and suddenly, Heaven realizes they aren’t just talking about Trevor anymore, and not only does the room feel small, she suddenly feels naked, for his examination. His eyes are somber as he looks at her, he steps forward and she’s even more crowded.
“Did you know you have heterochromia? Your eyes are a little blue…a little brown.” She tries, taking one step back for his two steps forward. Art stops, eyes flicking down at her movement before trailing back to her face. He takes a non threatening stance, shoving his hands into his pockets and tilting his head down as he looks into her eyes with the softest gaze anyone had ever given to her. He won’t push. Not if she doesn’t want him to. “Are you enjoying our party?”
Our. Right now she’s running. And he’s chasing. It seems to be how they like it. Both of them.
“I am.” He says breezily, a small smile gracing his face. “I even danced with this girl.”
“Was she hot?” Heaven jokes, walking out of the middle of the room and resting her hands behind her on one of the bars on the wall.
Like a string is pulling him, Art follows. She leads this dance. Bringing him in, enticing him to follow her, giving him a taste before pulling away for him to trail behind her again. It’s like an invisible string is pulling him when he steps forward, wetting his bottom lip as he moves to stand before her again. “Fucking gorgeous. But she left me on the dance floor.”
“What a bitch.”
He chuckles, shaking his head no. “She’s just got a lot going on.” He shrugs, looking down at his feet. Art sucks in a breath at the next thing that pops into his brain, but he can’t stop it. He looks back up at Heaven with a wry smile and releases his breath. “But I’ll wait.”
The offer hangs in the air. And Heaven retreats. Her hand shoots up to her name chain as she uses the other to clutch the bar even tighter, dragging herself closer against it. “Why?”
“Because she’s…perfect.”
Heaven’s head drops immediately at that, she purses her lips, looking over to the large mirrors to the left of them, staring at herself. “No. She’s not.”
“Yes, you are.” He says indignantly, dropping the facade and taking away the privilege of space. He reaches out and encases her wrist gently in his large hand, tugging her closer to him. Art walks them over to the mirror and pushes Heaven to stand in front of him, rubbing his hands along her sides. “You’ve got perfect everything.” His hands slide along her hips and squeeze, eliciting a gasp from Heaven. “Perfect hips. Perfect legs-” they move to the front of her thighs before trailing over her pelvis and along her stomach, “Perfect stomach and arms,” Art’s hands squeeze Heaven’s shoulders before dropping back to her stomach, holding her against him, “Perfect shoulders, and neck-” he murmurs against the soft skin of her shoulder before dragging his way up to her neck, placing deep kisses there.
He expects her to push him away. He feels her hand slip up into his blond curls like it had when they’d danced, but she just pulls him closer. Her back arches forward slightly as she tugs his hair and he kisses her neck. “Art-”
“You’re so fucking perfect, please let me touch you.” he pleads. And forces himself to wait. All he wants to do is bruise her perfect neck. Leave his mark. Make her feel good. Know that he did it. Art knows he’s playing the long game. The first match that he lost to Patrick, it was just the first set. The game isn’t over. Art wants to win.
So he fucking waits.
He’s easygoing, and offers her a smile when she wrenches herself from him, breathing heavily and rushing off to a bathroom to get a first aid kit from his hand he hadn’t even noticed started bleeding. 
“Does, um…does that hurt?”
“No.” He says, sitting criss-crossed on the polished wooden floor with Heaven perched in front of him, refusing to look up from his hand. “Thank you.” he smiles sweetly.
“Yeah, for sure.” She stammers, finishing off with the last of her band-aids. “Sorry, they’re all my skin tone-”
“No, it’s fine, thank you, Heaven.” He tries to soothe her nervousness. “She’s a fucking medic too, ladies and gentlemen. See, fucking amazing.”
Heaven rolls her eyes and leans down, pressing a light kiss to his hand. “All better.”
Art hangs his head, laughing breathily and before looking back at her, scrubbing a hand down his face. “You suck you know that?”
A small grin forms on Heaven’s own face as she rocks from side to side. “What? Why?”
“How is a guy not supposed to fall in love with you when you’re doing shit like that?” He says, laying back on the wooden floors, absently thinking how nice it would be to see her dance again as he envisions what it's like in here when she’s alone, letting go, dancing for herself.
Heaven shrugs, laying down beside him, nudging his arm. “I dunno. Remember that I'm dating your best friend…and mine…and that you walked in on my ex basically calling me the wicked bitch of the west-”
“He’s stupid, you’re a goddamn princess.”
“I just dance like one, Art,” she turns her head to face him and wiggles her eyebrows. “It’s all an illusion.” 
“No. It’s not.” He says, reaching over and taking her hand, bringing it to his lips before resting it on his chest, toying with her fingers with his own. Heaven groans loudly, kicking her feet up and letting them slap back to the floor sloppily. “What?” he chuckles.
She sits up, twisting her body and planting both hands on the floor, one on each side of his head, her hair dangling around them as she stares down at him. His blue and brown eyes swirl with something she’s not willing to acknowledge as she stares down at him. Heaven leans down, bringing her face close to his. “You’re not making this easy for me, Arthur.”
He offers her an innocent look back, willing himself not to tug her down the rest of the way. “Can’t help it.”
“Hev,” a voice calls from the doorway. Heaven scrambles back from Art, leaping to her feet and sees Tashi leaning in the doorframe, an easy smile on her lips. Her arms are crossed as she takes them in. “We’re ready to sing happy birthday. It’s a few minutes ‘til midnight, you’ll officially be 19. You done here?” She asks, a cocky smile on her face as she raises her eyebrows.
“Um,” Heaven smoothes her hair out, glancing down briefly at Art who is still on the floor, staring up at her. “Yeah.”
Walking straight for the door, Heaven grabs Tashi’s hand and leads her out of the room, powering forward as she drags her girlfriend out of the room. She doesn’t bother looking back for the blond man she left behind, painting a smile on her face as they made their way back outside. 
As their friends and family countdown from 10 she and Tashi are guided to the middle of the backyard with a large cake in front of them, their names scribbled next to each other. Heaven squeezes Tashi’s hand, pulling her closer and wrapping her arm around her as they look at the blue and pink candles lit in front of them. “It wasn’t anything, T.”
“S’okay, babe. Seriously.” Tashi says through her smile as one of the girls from school takes a picture of them, cupping Heaven’s face and kissing her deeply. She knows that he’s watching. That they’re both watching.
So Art won a set. So the fuck what? Tashi smiles to herself as Heaven grins at her, murmuring a happy birthday as they hug each other. She can see the two men standing together, watching them intently, not knowing if they were jealous of them or because of them, and she knows the match isn't over.
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the older sister SECRETLY !!! So sunghoon has 2 sisters and heeseung is dating the younger sister , but the more he hangs out with sunghoon and sees the older sister , the more they fall in love with each other . And that’s where the cheating starts ! IF THIS DOESN’T MAKE SENSE I CAN TEXT U PRIVATELY . If u do this for me I consider u as my sister 🥹😚💗
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“I like her, but I love you…”
Warnings: College boy Heeseung cheating in secret, older fem. lead, smut....rough smut....kind of animalistic, craving, like 'oh-my, oh-my God! this c*ck's pumping crazy' smut. unprotected smut. 9k word count, so get your popcorn out.
Bday gift for @hoyeonheeseung
PS: H/N stands for “her name”. Left her name blank.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my stories and drabbles. To show your support, please consider donating into my ko-fi account ♥️
“Hey man, how are things going with you and h/n?”
“Good, she’s my little troublemaker.” Referring to his girlfriend and the younger sister of his best friend, Sunghoon, Heeseung chuckles as he dwells into the little tidbits concerning his established relationship.
“Yeah she can be a handful. But don't forget, she’s only eighteen, it’s not like she’s our age.” Sunghoon responds in jest, chuckling as he winks over to his friend.
“Yeah, I know. I keep that in mind all the time, which is probably why I let her get away with a lot, and am more patient with her than I should be.”
Nodding his head, Sunghoon pats Heeseung’s shoulder as the two walk over to their parked cars.
“So I was going to ask you, are you planning on coming by tomorrow?” Sunghoon asks. Raising a brow over from across his vehicle, Heeseung answers loosely. “Yeah, h/n says she wanted me to meet some of her friends from school, and they were all going to be over at your place. You guys having a party or something?” Tossing his books into the front passenger seat, Heeseung turns back towards Sunghoon.
“Yeah I figured she had already asked you to come by, her friends are all going to be at the house because, well, our eldest sister moved back to the area after accepting a new job. Guess she wanted to be closer to the family, so my parents are throwing a homecoming party for her.”
“That right?” Twirling his tongue, Heeseung had known Sunghoon since they started college, nearly four years ago. Being on their last year together, Heeseung furrowed his brow, slightly surprised. “I didn’t even know you guys had an older sister.”
“Oh yeah man, I probably forgot to mention her because she’s been living abroad. She left the year I started attending college, right before I met you. She normally calls in and emails us, but hasn’t visited because her job is so demanding. But she says this new job is going to give her a lot more free hour.”
“Huh, I was wondering why H/N mentioned that all of her friends would be over. Makes sense now. But yeah man, I’ll be there. I’ll probably take H/N to the movies or something after the festivities are done with.”
“Cool man. See you tomorrow then.”
“Yup, see ya.”
You woke up early the next morning to the soft light of the spring sun peeking through the bedroom window. Laid out on the side table was a list of residential neighborhoods and apartments nearby, some circled in black ink. You had moved in with your parents and siblings, only just for a period until you could establish your own place. For now, you took the opportunity to enjoy lost time with them. Getting dressed, you chose a simple yet elegant floral dress, that fitted your form nicely. The hem of the skirt tastefully flows inches above your kneecaps, while the tie straps gently rest on top your shoulders. Walking down the stairs, you meet with your mother inside the kitchen.
“Oh, hi mom.”
“Good morning y/n! Did you want some coffee?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Pouring you a cup, your mother sits down and enjoys the one-on-one moment with you, while you both sipped on your favorite latte’s. Turning your gaze over to the window, you spot your mother’s garden in full bloom. While you were away, she had planted your favorite flowers to remind herself of you during your absence.
“Oh mom, I really like what you did with your garden.”
“Thank you, baby.”
Chuckling, you giggle out your words as you playfully bite your lip, a small habit you’ve had for as long as you could remember. “You planted my favorite flowers?”
“Of course! I had to have something to remind me of you while you were gone for so long.” The tone of her words reflected her happiness in having you back home. Reaching across the table, you take her hand and reassured her that you wouldn’t be away from here on out.
“I promise, I'm here to stay mama.”
“I know. But you don’t have to rush, you can stay here with me, your dad, your brother and sister.”
Looking down at your cup, you gently sip while you speak. “I’ll stay for a bit, but you don't have to worry Mama. When I move out. I’ll limit myself to a 10-mile radius so I can be close to home. I promise.” Winking, you watch as your mother smiles sincerely at your resolve. You felt guilty for being away for so long, not to mention your career limited you from gaining the opportunity to travel and visit home. Now, things would be different. Sure, you had to take on a position that was slightly less pay than what you were making before, and you had a wonderful team that you left behind, but that all didn’t matter anymore. You had set your priorities firmly to put family first, and everything else following second. With your brother finishing up college, and your sister beginning her first year at the same university in the following months, you knew that your parents would have been too lonely, so you made your decision and submitted your two weeks’ notice to your boss three months ago, and had been enjoying the time missed ever since.  
“Oh, how did you sleep last night? I tried to get H/N to give you back your old room for just a few nights, but you know your sister…”
Chuckling, you bit your lip again as you playfully shook your mother’s hand. “It’s okay. The guest room was nice and quiet. Plus, I’ve always liked it up there.” After you had moved out, your sister took over your old room, which happened to be the second largest bedroom in the house, with your parent’s master suite being the biggest. The bedrooms all shared the same hall, but the guest bedroom was nestled away up on the third floor, originally as the attic.  However, your parents designed it to be formatted as a guest room for family visits and had kept it as such ever since.
**** photo of bedroom
When finding out that you were moving back home, your mother went through great lengths to fix up the guest space after H/N had initially begged, then later refused, to give back your old room. Yet you didn’t mind, the guest room was laid out with gaudy floral wallpaper but was actually, quite cozy, and nicely tucked away from the remaining bedrooms, which all were located on the first level. The second floor had a nice family room, along with a guest bath, additional office spaces that your father used as his private study, and a small sitting room. The way things were set, you felt like the little princess you always used to dream yourself as, locked away in your tower with all of your favorite books and a great view of your mother’s garden.
 You turn your head over to the sliding door near the dining room and watch as H/N runs over and sits next to you. “Can I borrow that one dress you have? The red sexy one! Pleeeeease!” Bouncing in her seat, your sister eagerly begs as she taps her artistically extreme manicured nails on the table. Adorned in clusters of jewels and painted in neon colors, you took a moment to notice how lengthy the exaggerated pointed acrylics were.
“Yeah, sure.”
“EEEEEEEEEK! YAAAY! Thank you Y/n!” Hugging your neck and placing a quick peck on your cheek, h/n runs up the stairs, causing quite the clamor on her way up. You chuckled and smirked as you heard her run up, scurrying through your closet and dressers for that simple red dress you wore for work. It was a formal piece, one that you wore under a blazer whenever you went into the office, and it was a bit too sophisticated for a homecoming party, but you already knew that once your sister had her mind set on something, there was no changing it.
The visitors started to show up, collecting out in the backyard where all the decorations and food was nicely laid out. Your mother and her friends had displayed a massive spread of assorted dishes on a long picnic table. Sunghoon assisted with placing the decorations up, while H/N mingled with her friends. You were taking one last glance over the residential properties on the rental ad before placing it back down on your side table. You head down towards the kitchen, however, upon arriving on the second floor, you run into H/N and her group of friends as they walk up to catch you in the guest room. “Oh! Sis! Perfect timing!” H/N runs over to your side and links her arm with yours. “Guys, this is my sister y/n.”
“Wow….you’re so pretty.”
“Your hair is so long and shiny!”
“Gosh why is it that older girls are always the prettiest?”
“Its probably because they learn from each other’s makeup and hair styles in college.”
One by one, h/n’s friends all admire you while talking aloud, taking a moment to feel your hair, stare at your dress, and ask about your makeup tips. They displayed a look of shock when you exposed that you were wearing minimal products, keeping it simple with blush, lipstick, and some eyeshadow. You were always one to avoid heavy makeup, opting to keep things real and simplistic.
“Thats it?! That’s all you’re wearing? How are you so pretty with so little makeup?”
“I can’t wait to be older so I can be just as cool and sexy as you. I like that womanly confidence, my own older sister has that same vibe.”
Chuckling, you playfully side eye H/N as she proudly presents you to her posse. “See? I told you! My older sister is the prettiest!”
Skipping as she drags you along, H/N finally lets you go when you all reach the kitchen. “Sis, you coming out?” H/N screeches out. She was always so flamboyant and quite loud, more than likely due to the excitement she had in showing you off. “Come out so we can show you some of our cheers that we’ve been practicing!”
“Oh alright, gimme a second. I’m just going to grab some water and I’ll be right out.”
“Okay! Hurry up!” She shouts out and leaves. You had nearly forgotten that H/N was continuing her cheerleading curriculum, even in college, and planned on entering the cheer competitions. Pouring yourself a glass of water, you quietly gaze through the window and watch as the number of guests grew larger. Minutes past, and more people enter through the gate in the yard. A sudden scream of excitement is heard from afar outside, and you knew it was H/N and her friends. Shaking your head while you smirked, you sipped on your drink as you checked your phone on some work-related matters, before placing it down on the kitchen island and prepared yourself to walk out and greet the guests.
“Oh my God Heeseung!!! You’re here!”
Running towards him, H/N jumps up as Heeseung catches her in his arms. Gripping onto his hair and overbearing him with kisses, Heeseung winces his eyes shut and gives it a moment before finally speaking out. “Okay, okay. I get it, I missed you too.” He chuckles as he lets her down.
“Come meet my friends! They’ve all been dying to meet you and oh my Gosh! Can we go to the mall later? I want to show you off to all my friends that are working at the stores today!” Jumping up and down, completely hyperactive as she holds onto his hand, H/N eagerly waits for Heeseung to answer. He couldn’t lie to himself, as much as he cared for her, her hyperactive personality could overwhelm him sometimes, much like her friends. It was nothing out of the ordinary, however, for him it wasn’t something he was quite used to, given that all of his other girlfriends were his age and in college. This was the first time he decided to dip into someone as young as H/N. At times, he felt he needed to break away whenever she had her moments where that teen spunk was over the top.
“We’ll see.” He answers.
“But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Please please please!” pulling on his arm, H/n expresses her pleas in a shrill and loud voice as she displays a puppy-eyed countenance, pouting her lip to exaggerate her desperation.
“Let’s just see how the day goes, h/n. Besides, after the day is done, I was planning on taking you to the movies.”
“Oh! The movies!!!” She jumps up with excitement while her mother gently shushes from the side. “H/n, shhh, quiet.” your mother whispers over secretly to H/N. “You’re making a scene.”
Huffing out, H/N shrugs off her mother’s warning before resuming her gaze back to Heeseung. “Can my friends come?” She asks excitingly.
“You don’t want to go together? Just the two of us?” He calmly winks over. “Oh my God!! Heeseung!!” She shouts out and giggles, stirring a commotion among the guests, which had caused Heeseung to immediately grow wide eyed and shoot a hand over her mouth, all out of sudden instinctive reaction.
Heeseung eventually met up with Sunghoon, and the two standoff at a distance enjoying a beer while H/N and her friends all swoon over the newest kpop group stepping into the scene of popularity. “Oh my God he’s hot as fuck!” H/n can be heard admiring aloud, once again earning a quick tap on her arm from your mom, gesturing her to be more polite and quiet. Never minding that Heeseung could hear, in h/n’s mind, it was okay for her to openly swoon so long as it wasn’t with someone that was realistically achievable, plus, she was a young girl with a lot of emotions and hormones that caused her to be overly expressive, as well as experiencing a change of heart nearly every day. One moment she was into one particular thing, the next she was into something entirely different. Zoning off as he watches the girls indulge into their typical gossip, Heeseung takes another sip out of his beverage before engaging in conversation with Sunghoon.
“So, how is your other sister holding up being back home?”
“She’s loving it. Which….where is she? She should be out here since this is her party.” Sunghoon looks around, yet the lack of your sighting caused him to reach out to your guy's mom for confirmation. “Mom, where is y/n?”
“Oh well she should be– oh! There she is.” Catching the sight of you walking out through the back sliding door, your mother’s sentence is cut short with the pleasant note of your appearance. “Y/N, over here!” she calmly shouts out your way, waving for you to come to her direction.
Walking calmly, you nod and say hello to everyone you walk past, flaring a sweet and soft smile as you greet them before reaching your mother.
“Oh hey, Y/N! Let me introduce you real quick before mom steals you away, this is my good friend, Heeseung. He and I had been friends since our first year together. He’s also h/n’s boyfriend.”
Surprised, you pleasantly smiled towards the young man and extended your hand to shake and greet him. You heard all about H/N’s boyfriend, especially since the latter couldn’t contain her excitement and talked of nothing else since the moment they started dating, sending you at least a handful of emails a day talking about him. It was just surprising since she never revealed him to be an older college male, nor did she mention that he was good friends with Sunghoon.
“Nice to meet you, I’ve heard alot about you from h/n. She’s really taken with you.” flashing a charming smile, you delicately shift the pieces of your hair framing your face and tuck it behind your ear as the gentle breeze blows through it. Unlike H/N, you opted to leave your hair un-styled, letting it fall freely in its natural state, which enhanced your features and placed you above all the girls Heeseung has ever laid eyes on, to include the girls at his college, and H/N.
“Yeah…nice to meet you.” Stunned by your natural and yet sophisticated sense of manners, your appeal had struck Heeseung out of his right-minded state and he found himself at a loss for words. Leaving his response short and simple, you nod and make your way over to your mother. Sunghoon went on about one thing or another, yet Heeseung paid no mind, he tried to keep it from being obvious, but it was hard. Fortunately no one really noticed. Keeping his face towards his best friend, his eyes kept shifting over your way, glancing periodically as he did his best to get an eye full of your image before reengaging with Sunghoon.
“So yeah, we were doing this in class the other day when….”
“And then the dude literally started to get into this argument with my professor….”
“Oh yeah? …..”
“Right in front of the entire class.”
“Crazy man.”
Noting Heeseung’s spurt responses, Sunghoon pauses in his storytelling. “Heeseung, you good man?”
“Hm?...Oh yeah, no I'm good. You were saying? The guy argued with your professor and what now?”
“Oh. For a second I didn’t think you were listening.” Chuckling as he sips on his beer, Sunghoon continues, not catching on to Heeseung’s habitual habit of roaming his gaze over where you stood. Admiring the calm, mature, and graceful woman that you are, he was becoming smitten with you.
 It was strange, he thought that he’d seen every type of woman there was to see. The college girls at his university, or H/n and her friends, all of whom shared similarities, but carried minor differences in their character. Yet despite all that, they were nothing compared to the level of true feminine beauty that you held. All in all, when it came to the girls his age, they were all somewhat stuck up and believed that they had their lives completely figured out, but lacked the will to prioritize their days appropriately and spent more nights partying and sleeping around campus. Then there were girls like h/n, younger, filled with life but had no clue as to how to deal with it. Often living rather childishly and carrying no balance when it came to expressing themselves or developing their feminine nature. They didn’t have life figured out and it showed, and most times, they flared off exactly what they were, a bunch of teenage girls, nothing more.
Then there was you, a young woman in her prime that had already surpassed the stages of her teen years, and survived her college days, albeit you handled it gracefully since Sunghoon had already mentioned that you spent your entire time in college taking online courses, so you could stay home and help out your family. You ignored the typical college life of rotting away in a classroom, dealing with the pressures of your peers, and the late-night partying. Instead, you worked your way through during the day, diligently on your home computer, and then carried on your free time to assist with family matters. If that wasn’t already virtuous enough, you graduated with an excellent standing in your class and obtained a respectable career. You were nothing like the women and girls he’s been exposed to. The way you carried yourself confidently, gracefully, so smooth, elegant, and your pretty appeal had a sense of smoldering essence, which he found devastatingly sexy. What type of woman were you and where had you been all this time?
Throughout the entire event, Heeseung remained out of character and rather on the quiet side, which he claimed was all due to tiredness from late night studying, or so he lied when telling Sunghoon and h/n. By the end of the event, he lies once more and tells H/N that he had too much to drink to drive out to the movies or the mall, and opted to stay back with Sunghoon until the alcohol wears off before safely driving back home. H/N didn’t seem to be too upset about the ordeal, considering one of her friends had a license and a car of her own. Bidding Heeseung goodbye with a quick peck on the lips, h/n departs with her posse while Heeseung and Sunghoon assist with the cleanup.
“I’ll take this inside for you.” Taking the load of stacked plates, Heeseung effortlessly carries them away and heads towards the kitchen. “Oh thank you Heeseung.” Your mom gently responds back with.
Sunghoon helps out your dad with taking down the festive decorations and lighting, white your mother picks up the remaining trash. Placing the dishes in the sink, Heeseung turns on the faucet to lukewarm and begins filling it with warm soapy water. You walk in, inadvertently sneaking up behind, which was the most pleasant surprise for him, unbeknownst to you.
“Oh hey, you don’t have to do that, I can take care of those.” You gently speak out as you walk up to the sink. He turns his head and sees you enter the kitchen, gasping out of bewilderment. God, you were a sight for sore eyes. Where did you come from? Surely not the same way h/n and Sunghoon came into this world, you were far too ethereal in his eyes.
“Oh, it’s fine. I don't mind helping out, I do it often actually.” Knowing his way around the kitchen, he takes a sponge and starts to wash each dish. You stood next to him and grabbed a spare sponge and helped out. He was awfully tall, and despite being quiet, he seemed very nice, you could see why your family liked him. H/n had often talked about Heeseung spending a great deal of time over at your parents house, spending days after classes hanging out with her and Sunghoon,. With as much time he spent over, he was practically part of the family, it's no wonder he knew where everything in the kitchen was.
“Are you excited to be in your last year of college?” You asked calmly, making conversation as you scrubbed, and he rinsed. Displaying a wide and overly happy grin, he chuckles bashfully as he bites his lower lip. “Yeah, I am. I bet you were pretty happy when you finished.”
“Yeah, I was.” you nodded with a smile and a small giggle. “But I can’t lie, I do miss the days where all I had to focus on was being a diligent daughter and student. Being on your own and facing the world head on can be scary sometimes.” you softly state as you glanced over to him with a tender smile.
“Oh God don’t do that….don’t look at me with those beautiful shiny eyes…and that gorgeous smile of yours…..you’re making me melt…..and you don’t even know it.” 
Mentally noting the greatness of your appeal, Heeseung gently shrugged off the image of your face in order to avoid staring.
Spending the next thirty minutes washing the plates had to be the greatest highlight of his life. His heart felt as if it was going to explode, you were a bewilderment to him and he couldn’t get enough of the way you smiled, sound, and laughed. Your large dark eyes, that shiny black hair, and that damn olive complexion. God had spent extra time on you, perfecting his craft as he created the greatest gift to earth, you.
Over the timespan of weeks, Heeseung spent a great deal over at your parents’ home, which didn’t seem at all odd considering he was already coming over well before you had moved back home. Using Sunghoon and even H/n as an excuse for his visit, he relished the moments you came down to grace everyone with your presence. It was actually quite impressive how no one sensed or caught on in seeing how enamored he was with you. All those moments when he and h/n were watching Nextflix in the living room, snuggling in the corner end of the sectional couch with Sunghoon on the opposite end. You’d walk past through the hallway and enter the wide, open floor concept and head towards the kitchen when Sunghoon would gently invite you to join them.
“Sis, what’re you doing? Have you watched this show? Come sit and watch it with us, it’s getting good.”
Whenever you accepted the invite, and took a seat on the large couch, Heeseung took advantage of the lack of lighting, with only the TV being the source, and used it to hide the fact that he would stare and admire you during the entire show. With you facing the TV and paying attention to the plot, as did everyone else, no one ever could suspect that Heeseung was falling for you, hard. That obsessive and uncontrollable stare was something that only he knew about, and it made him yearn for you more as each day passed.
“Hey Heeseung, the company y/n works for is hosting a weeklong internship program. I know we don't have any plans to work for that corporation, but figured, why not take a week-long break away from campus and classes. You in?”
“Her company is hosting an internship for a week?”
“Yeah man. I asked her about it and even asked if she can pull some ropes and become our aid, show us around, pretty much just hang out. We can take that time to chill out.”
“Yeah, I’d like that. I’m in.”
He was in, alright, but for entirely different reasons. He could care less about taking a rest period away from campus and classes, he would spend his days in a grueling classroom for hours, wasting away, if it meant that he’d be with you.
It didn’t take much to get Heeseung and Sunghoon accepted, you pretty much had established a decent reputation within your company, so taking on the tasks of showing the two internees around, out and about, was something that was accepted without any hesitation. The first day, the two men showed up wearing proper attire of business-casual suits; you walked past the security after exiting the elevator, flaring your VIP pass. Greeting the two, Heeseung caught himself widening his eyes for the thousandth time when he saw you. You carried out your typical habit of wearing bare, minimum makeup, but this time your hair was nicely styled, and you wore an elegant haltered, collared button up midi-dress, paired with black stilettos. You not only looked professional, but sleek and powerful, much different from your carefree style you flaunted when lounging at home.
“My God…this woman is a queen…she’s classy, sexy, pretty, and smart….she’s just….she’s everything.” he thought.
“Hey, were you guys waiting for long?”
“Nah, we just got here. Pretty nice place you work at, sis.” Sunghoon comments as he winks in your direction, remarking the incredible building and strict security.
Giggling at your brother’s sense of humor, you playfully narrow your eyes at him. “Thanks.” chuckling, you tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, something that you constantly did since you always opted to keep your hair down, even when styled. The way you would delicately finger the strands behind the helix of your ear, revealing your pretty earrings, had Heeseung swore up and down that his heart was going to stop beating.
“Should I take you guys up and show you around?” you ask, to which both men nod in agreement. They had looked so suave and handsome, and you couldn’t help but admire, whenever he wasn’t looking, that Heeseung had a very dashing smile and looked very nice in a suit. You had to admit, there was something about the way he would chuckle or smile at you; you figured he had that same effect on everyone else, yet little did you know, his countenance was far more special whenever he was looking your way. You, the woman who was stirring a rumble of chaos in his heart, all out of love and infatuation. How was he ever going to get over you? How was he going to move on if he stayed with H/N? Knowing that you’re her sister. Or…worse….how was he going to live? If things didn't work out between him and H/N…knowing that he may never see you again. As shameful it was for him to admit, but never hating the fact, he was merely keeping his relationship with H/N alive for the sole purpose to keep in constant contact with you, and even…his friendship with Sunghoon. His relation to his best friend was still dear to him, but he found it hard to find any other reason to come by your parents home, other than to see you.
During the internship, you spent a great deal of time with Sunghoon and Heeseung, even after the event had ended, your bond with both Sunghoon and Heeseung continued to grow. Since H/N was in her own little world and spent much of her time with friends and hanging out after cheerleading practice, Heeseung found himself available to build a steadfast relationship with you.
Another week later, your bond started to become much closer…with Heeseung. With Sunghoon attending his classes, some of which he did share with Heeseung, others were separate, your younger brother had aspirations for a career that differed from his best friend, not to mention the presence of a young lady he had been frequenting with. Heeseung knew about her, and encouraged his friend to take the chance after the young woman had expressed interest in his dear friend. Sunghoon agrees and ever since, you had been seeing less of him around the house. But Heeseung remained, always dropping off H/N and spending some time with her at the house, normally watching movies or tv shows. However, when H/N became more engrossed with her friends and attending house parties thrown by people she knew, her presence became lacking. Heeseung never had any interest to attend events that were filled with younger teens, so of course, he would spend more time hanging out with you. In no time,  Heeseung and you had started to become close, and even had each other’s phone numbers.
You had sold your car before the move, and had the means to get a new one, yet when Heeseung frequently offered to give you rides and encouraged you to contact him whenever you needed transportation, it became a railroad that connected you two together. You had long forgotten about buying your own vehicle, it became routine for Heeseung to meet up with you, that he did it without you even texting him. He knew your schedule and would show up promptly to take you to work, pick you up, or stop at the store along the way home. During the weekends, whenever you felt like getting away, you would call him and invite him to a day of leisure, which he happily and always accepted. He was enjoying the amount of time he got to spend with you, it became the highlight of his time. Since meeting and forming a bond with you, there hadn't been a single bad day, even when classes were overbearingly long and going past schedule, his heart and mind was only filled with the image of your face and the sound of your voice. He couldn't wait to see you every day after his classes ended.
On a gloomy Saturday morning, you had the entire house to yourself. With your parents gone on a trip until Monday, H/N out on cheerleading camp, and Sunghoon taking his new lady friend out for the entire day on a date, you felt a bit lonely and bored. Taking your phone, you text Heeseung to see if he was up to go out to your favorite cafe. He was delighted and expressed he would be right over.
Pulling up to the driveway, Heeseung steps out and heads for the front door. Having been treated as an extending member of the family, he unlocks the door with the house key that once belonged to H/N, but her terrible habit in losing the previous spare copies had allotted your parents to encourage for her to give it to Heeseung to hold on to. Since he had always picked her  and her friends up after cheer practice, and dropped them off at home, it had made sense for him to keep hold of it, especially now with H/N away at camp. Entering the house, he calls out gently to make you aware that he arrived.
“Y/N, I’m here.” 
Hearing his voice from downstairs, you make your way over to greet him. “Hey, sorry for the wait, just going to grab my phone and wallet and we can go.”
He didn’t hear a single word you said. Only the sound of your voice and the image of your perfect visual was all he could process. You chose a flirty and tasteful summer dress, which had fit you so beautifully. It was without patterns, just a solid teal color that complimented your features greatly. Your hair swayed with every move you made, and he lost his complete train of thought as you shut of the lights. With the entire first floor darkened, the dim glare from upstairs peered in through the staircase. “Oh shoot, I must have left the light on in the guest room. I’ll be right back.”
Walking back up the stairs, you enter the guest bedroom that featured all of your belongings nicely staged amidst the furnishings your parents had prepared. Walking over to the lamp, you glanced over to the window next to you and noticed how magnificent the moon had looked. It was bright and full, glowing in a range of orange and golden hues. Staring off into its glorified image, you thought of the last time you had seen the moon this beautiful. It was back when you were H/N’s age, and you were about to graduate high school, immediately preparing for college entry. Lost in a sense of nostalgia, you drifted so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t even hear his footsteps going up the stairs, entering the attic, and walking up from behind. You didn’t hear his shallow breath as he breached closer, and like you, he continued to take in a sight of something dazzling, one that wasn’t pearly perched in the middle of the night sky, but was equally, if not, more beautiful.
Coming up from behind you, he calls to you. “You okay?”
“Hm? Oh…sorry. Yeah, I’m fine, I was just looking at the moon and it got me thinking for a second.”
“Yeah?...” Softly dashing a side smile, he looks out the window and peers at the moon for a moment, then looks back over to you. “What are you thinking about?”
“I just…I don’t know, I was just thinking about when I last saw the moon like this. I was h/n’s age.”
Biting down on his lip, his eyes shift down to your hips before as he takes one step closer. Looking back up at you, his gaze was more stern, hungry even, and intense. “Yeah?....Were you just as amazing back then as you are now?”
Shifting backward, your breathing becomes deep and shaky as you take in his rather fierce stare. He looked so ruthless, yet his tone was soft and gentle. “He-Heeseung….?” You spoke out nervously.
“Answer me…” he softly tells you, as he takes another step forward, and watches as you take one back. His aura and stance was intimidating, much different than his usual persona. He faintly tilts his head to the side and widens his eyes as he stares directly into you. “Tell me….y/n…..were you always as bright as the moon? And as warm as the sun? Were you always as gentle as the fluttered wings of a butterfly, and as swift as the summer breeze?”
He continues to take his steps forward, speaking in a near whisper. You kept the distance in between your bodies while taking your steps back, until you felt your shoulders meet with the wall. Lowering your hands and reaching behind, your palms contact the cool surface, and your fingers tap along the small threaded grooves of the wallpaper, desperately trying to find something…anything to get a grip or to get away from the tension…which was starting to make you cave in. “Heeseung….He-Heeseung….don’t….we….we can’t…”
“Just….please….” sensing the intense desire he yearned for you, his eyes become glazed with the lust of passion and hunger. “Can’t what, y/n?” he softly speaks out, now closing the distance and meeting you chest to chest. “Heeseung…please…” you whimpered out softly. His gaze was doing something to you, it was almost as if he was calling for you, and your body was responding against your wishes. There was something about the way he was whispering your name, thirsting for you with his hungry eyes, and pressing up on your body, trapping you against the wall. There was something about the way his whispered words were antagonizing you to bid a suitable answer, one that you could not think of, yet he kept asking you…
“Can’t what?....” Raising his hands, he places both palms on the wall to each side of your head. Leaning into your ear, he whispers your name. “Y/n….”
You turned your face away, winced your eyes shut and avoid any sort of both, physical and eye contact. His hard chest presses against your breasts, and his groin meets with your pelvis. “Heeseung…..sssstop…..this is wrong….”
“If it’s wrong then push me away….come on baby….push….me….like how you’ve been pushing me.”
Turning your face straight forward, you looked at him confused. He nearly glares at you as he speaks in a firm tone. “Yes….that’s right, I said ‘push me’. You’ve had no problems doing it all this time. Pushing me over the edge…pushing me out of reality….pushing me into a state of madness and hunger……pushing me to love you harder….”
Widening your eyes at what seemed to be his confession of love to you, you shift around and placed your hands on his chest, gently pushing him outward, yet you weren’t pushing hard enough. You were shocked. Was Heeseung really in love with you? But more importantly…were you just now realizing that you might be feeling the same about him? You shook your head, trying to come back to a rational sense and reminded yourself of h/n and her relationship with Heeseung. Keeping your hands on him, you push just slightly harder, yet he leans forward, causing your arms and hands to retract back.
“Push harder….” He whispers against your cheek.
“Heesung we can’t…..we can’t do this…”
“Then push harder…” grabbing onto your hand as it lays plastered on his chest, he strokes the back of your palm as he continues to whisper onto your skin. “Come on baby….push harder.”
The way his pursed lips grazed against your skin, and the way his voice sounded when he called you ‘baby’, it may have been weakness or desperation, maybe it was a little bit of both, either way, you stopped caring. You came to realize the truth behind the close bond you built with this man, and how you came to be so fond of him. How his smile always caused your heartbeat to escalate, and how his voice sounded whenever he said your name, causing your stomach to flip upside down. Once more, he whispers deeply, this time, it was against your lips, all the while he stared into your hazy eyes.
“Push it…..keep pushing it y/n……”
Whimpering, you falter. “I…..I…….”
“Yeah?...” his voices begin to peak.
Smothering his lips against yours, you melt in his sudden embrace. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, further going numb when you felt his arms grip around your waist and lifts you to deepen that hold he had on you. Softly moaning into your mouth, he deepens the kiss and feeds his tongue as deep as he possibly could. Running out of air, you both wait til the very last second upon reaching the pinnacle of lightheadedness, before faintly breaking the kiss. With his nose pressed against yours, he tightens his wrap and lifts you higher, causing you to close any remaining distance as you wrap your legs around his waist. Walking over to the bed, he gently lays you down on the plush bedding. Your arms fling up and over your head, with your hair gracefully spread all around. Reaching up, his hands smooth their way above your head and grab onto your hands, slowly intertwining your fingers together. From there, his kisses trail down to your chin, and to your throat. He smothers you with one kiss after another, before coming back up, just below the lobe of your ear. With your face peeled to the side, and your chest heaving upwards from the denseness of his weight on top, you arch your back and dip your hips low, craving for more of his touch. Whispering into your ear, he unleashes the depth of his braved confession.
“You have no idea….just how much I’ve been wanting you. How many days and nights went by where I thought about you…just you. There’s nothing in my life that I ever wanted more than what I have right before me….pretty girl you should be mine….only mine….and I should be yours.”
Fluttering your eyelids up, growing weak from your shaky breathing and the throbbing tingle that taps your core, there was no way you wanted him to stop, but the thought of h/n came to mind and you gave it your last shot to be mentally strong….despite your heart wanting him all for yourself.
“Hee—Heeseung…..but….what about….m-my sister…?”
Keeping his lips latched onto your neck, he whispers in response. “I like her….” propping himself up, he hooks on the hem of his t-shirt, slowly lifting it up and over his head, revealing his hardened muscles. Flinging it off to the side, he stares down at you with almost a cynical stare, one that was psychotic, but filled with love. “But I love you….”
Gasping at the sight before you, you moan and whimper as you reach up and reaffirm the hold around his neck, bringing him closer to you. Never have you felt such intense love from someone. You have dabbled into the dating life and had a couple of boyfriends since college, but nothing too serious. This….this was something far more crazy….intense….insane even…..but it was a love that you knew that was too good to deny.
Draping your hands down onto his biceps, you arch your back sharply, pressing your breasts against his chest upon feeling his hands traveling low. Swooping under your thighs, he lifts and guides them to wrap around his waist as he rolls the hem of your dress up and coils it around your waist. Hooking his fingers on your panties, he starts ripping them apart. So eager to have you, he couldn’t quite understand anything other than satisfying the hunger he had been feeling since meeting you. He became a beast, a ravishing monster that needed to be tamed, and the only one that could do it, was you. You gasped upon feeling the tugging of him ripping the fabric of your underwear apart, yet were quieted down when he faintly breaks the kiss and places a single finger atop of your lips. “Its okay…..baby, I’m not going to hurt you….I’m just going to feed on you….” Resuming the kiss, he twirls his tongue inside, ever so lovingly. You feel his hands tug on the straps of your dress and pulls them loosely over your shoulders and exposes your breasts to the warmth of his chest as he cradles you in a sweet embrace. Your thighs begin to shake as you rub your fingers up and down his biceps, and moan into his mouth.
Locking your lips in, he delivers a single, sharp buck from his hip, hitting you semi-hard in between your legs. Yelping out of intense pleasure, you release a trailing moan into his mouth as he prevents you from breaking the kiss entirely. Sensing your nerves calming, he delivers another hit from his hip, this time grinding the clothed bulge into your core. You gasp for air upon feeling the mixture of pleasure and friction, causing you to become delirious and lost in the heat of passion. Smirking into your mouth, knowing full well that he was getting you weaker by the second, he delivers a series of repeated dry thrusts that gets you yelling out a trail of gasping moans.
“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”
“Yeah?…yeah? Come on baby….” Clenching his jaw, his thrusts become harder. “Show me how pretty you look, as MY girl...my pretty woman..”
You nearly lose your voice as you continue to moan slurred words and incomplete sentences, all starting off with his name. Propelling his weight off, he unbuckles his belt, and removes his jeans. His nude body now fully connects as you remain mostly bare, with only your flirty dress rolled around your waist, leaving you exposed beneath the tatters and loose ends of the fabric. Kneeling between your legs, he remains propped up high and mighty, leaving you merciless beneath his glaring smirk. Taking you by the waist, he drags you closer, and grinds into you as he takes his shaft and strokes it in between your plush folds. Watching as the skin surrounding your slit caresses his shaft, he triggers your body to secrete the hint of slick moisture, gently glazing his member. Chuckling while admitting a dashing smirk, he looks into your eyes directly, giving a harsh and relentless stare. He didn’t look as soft and gentle as he had all this time since you’ve known him. His eyes were much sharper, defined, and narrowed, and he had a dashing yet devious smirk that was much different than the traditionally handsome one he flares off. It was as if he was taken over by something, a hunger that manifested out of the great desire and love he had developed for you, almost immediately after seeing you for the first time. Was it love at first sight? Or were you just everything he had always dreamed of, yet thought too good to be true to exist? Either way, the moment was here, where he finally had you in his arms. Even he, himself, doesn’t know what exactly was coming over him, but that remained irrelevant as he gazed on the magnificent view beneath him. The suppleness of your skin on your breasts, the smoothness of your legs, and the loveliness of your delicate slit, which he could not wait to plunge in.
Licking his lip, his lids grow heavy and for a moment, you somewhat came back to your senses, but it was too late. With his hand firmly gripping your waist, he takes the base of his shaft and slowly begins to enter. You grab onto his hand immediately upon feeling the bulge pushing past your enclosed cavity. Your body hitches up and forward, reacting to the sting of his rather large and lengthy muscle, only for him to drag you back towards him.
“Ah! Wait…..I….” your breaths transition into raging pants from the immense pressure. It had been too long, and you had forgotten that unique and painful sensation of your walls breaching, but with Heeseung, it was ten times more blistering given his thick girth and exaggerated length.
“Shh….its okay baby….I’m right here. I’m going to make you feel good…”
Feeling each inch sliding in, your thighs start to shake, and your pelvis grows numb. The beat of pain starts to disappear and after a few seconds, all you feel is the pressure of your walls separating. Deep inside lays your soft and tender spot, and after looking at seeing how largely endowed he was, he reaches it, as you expected. Your chest deeply heaves and your back arches even more, expanding the volume of your moans to beat off the walls. Your body rolls and curls, causing your hips to surf up and down, gently tapping against his groin and letting him know that you were wanting more. So more much. Your hands move up but could only reach his naval region as he remained on his kneeling position, while you laid restlessly taking in the plunge. Your fingers delicately drag down and tap against his skin, shakily. He lets out another deep chuckle.
“Heh heh…you ready for me?” Trailing his hand across your chest, he firmly takes hold on the side of your neck. Answering him, you nod eagerly, but nervously. Smiling while breathing out unsteady exhales, amidst feeling the pressures of your tight walls hugging his cock, he releases a shaky chuckle. “My woman…”
Thrusting in the remaining bit of his shaft, he pelts himself all the way in. Your eyes jolt wide with a look of pain and slight fear as you gasp out a yelping moan.
“Oh fuck….keep looking at me like that….you’re so……fuck….” He gasps out as he picks up the pace and thrusts harder and deeper. Faster and faster, he expands the horizon of his sight as he views your facial expression, the movement of your breasts bouncing at high velocity, and how his cock was violating your womanhood. Just as much he was enjoying it, so were you. Seeing how monstrous he was in fucking you, had only thrilled you. The level of intimidation of his manhood and abrasiveness, all accompanying his will to please you, and himself, became the best feeling in the world that you could ever experience. Shifting your grip, you grab onto the blankets to each side of your face and moaned out every inch of ecstasy that he gave. Beating it into you, his cock throbs and pulsates, causing him to fuck you even faster and deeper. This man, your younger sister’s boyfriend, was giving it to you so good, you didn’t want it to end. At that moment, you didn’t care about the outcome of all this, it felt too good to give it up, the more he plunged in, the more you screamed out his name. He went on, and on, and on.
“Ugh! He-Heeseung!”
“Fuck…..” With his hand still maintaining a side grip on your neck, his thumb swipes up and down the center of your throat as he continues his merciless thrusts. “Oh fuck…fuck fuck fuck…..” he gasped out in whispering groans. “You’re so fucking perfect….I could fuck you forever……”
Going in even faster and harder, your body becomes a blur of your tone and complexion as it succumbs to his aggressive thrusting, causing you to bounce relentlessly up and down against the bedspread. Your head pins down on the pillow as he keeps you steady with his hold, using it as leverage to bring you in each time he thrusts back inside.
“Oh my God…!!” You gasp out in a smoldering tone, causing him to twitch inside as he heard the pleasures within your voice. The moment you felt the knot snap, you had the entire penetrating area soaked as you continuously gush out the pleasures of your orgasm. Watching as his cock glistens in between his thrusts, he growls out your name. His hand twitches its grip, and you feel his fingers faintly digging into your skin. Shifting his hold, his hand moves upwards, caressing your cheek, while his thumb swipes over your lips as you catch your breath. Releasing his essence, he remains buried inside and pumps every ounce of his hard labor inside of you. Sliding out, he exits out of your cavity, leading out a trail of his cum to not only seep and pool inside your walls, but to also decorate the exterior of your sex as he spills his seeds on your clit.
Leaning into a crawling stance above your tired and weakened form, he trails the tip of his nose along your throat and up to your chin. Embracing you in a passionate kiss, he rests his body next to you and pulls you in to a tight hug, leaving small kisses along your helix while he simultaneously tucks your hair behind it. Caressing your face with his fingers, he continues to show every ounce of his love, even after displaying his vigored performance in filling you with it. After catching your breaths, you broke the ice, even though you were enjoying the soft silence.
“….What happens now?....”
Heeseung remained aloof. He knew what he wanted, and nothing, even your eighteen-year-old sister, wasn’t going to keep him from keeping you. Hugging you tightly, whispers as he buries his face into your hair.
“What’s going to happen….is you continue to be mine, and leave everything else to me. I’ll deal with H/N. Just stay here and be mine…and only mine.”
You turn your face half way to flare your side profile at him. “Promise you’re going to be nice and go easy on her?”
“Why wouldn’t I be nice? I’ll be as nice as I can about it, and to her. But I’m always going to be nicer to you.” Leaning into your ear once more, he whispers. “Because I may like your sister….but I love you.”
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
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ankoluvly · 3 months
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ྀི Part 2 to my lil Lorenzo prompt, find it here
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . You stand still, thinking of what just happened. how he just casually pushed his way back through the crowd, as if he didn’t just threaten to blackmail you.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “that’s not love Y/N.” You hear the voice of your friend, Pansy Parkinson say, coming up next to you. staring daggers at where Lorenzo pushed his way away from you. “You..You don’t know him like i do Pansy..” You mutter in response.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . dammit, ‘why are you like this?’ you thought to yourself. you hated him but you couldn’t help but defend him at all times. and you truly couldn’t imagine living everyday, going to hogwarts, attending classes, et cetera, without him. and he truly could be such a sweetheart at times, he loves you, and you love him. you could feel your chest tighten in pain at just the thought of losing him. him not waking you up everyday, his romantic notes, forcing you to cuddle with him, his empty threats..well…half empty threats..or just, threats, would be more accurate.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “blackmailing you? i don’t think i need to know much more about him,” Pansy remarks sarcastically, taking a shot before dragging you into the crowd of people dancing, towards a secluded area.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “Look,” Pansy said pointing towards a couch just a couple feet away. you wish you could say you were shocked at the scene. “He just blackmailed you and then he just goes back to making out with that slut.” she added sarcastically. Pansy has had it out for Daphne for quite awhile, ever since she made her move on Draco (which he not so respectfully declined)
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “That’s just Lorenzo..and he’s drunk. how many times have i cheated on him when dr-“ you couldn’t even finish before Pansy cut you off.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “Girl don’t even start that shit, you guys were practically broken up. You’re the victim, not him.” she said, taking a sip of her drink. glaring daggers at the both. you sigh in defeat, you knew she had a point, but you’re only human, you can’t help the fact you’re attracted to him.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . After a couple seconds of silence and awkward, staring around at people at the party, Pansy sighed frustrated. “Look i will support you either way, so atleast get that whore off your man.” she exclaimed, giving you a slight, pitiful smile.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . You looked over at Lorenzo and Daphne, debating. you couldn’t deny you’d love to ruin Daphnes night tonight- but part of you got excited at the thought of frustrating Enzo even more, the sex afterwards is so good. but then again- Daphne would also tell you things about how she could take Lorenzo away from you- and bragged about how he ‘cheated’ on you with her, because she fails to understand how you guys were broken up at the time. hm..what should you do..?
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “Fuck it,” you muttered to yourself, making your way over to Daphne and Lorenzo.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “Enz? what the fuck?” you say frustratedly, crossing your arms as you stared at the two, Daphne frustratedly turning to look at you. “Just hanging out with Daphne love,” Lorenzo replied almost amused, “Don’t you think you could wait a little bit? me and her were having lots of fun.” He added with a smirk.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . You rolled his eyes at his amusement, you knew what he was doing. “Get the fuck off of him, fucking whore..” You muttered as you pushed Daphne off.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . “Let’s go, like now?” You said as you grabbed Lorenzos wrist tight- as if you were trying to snap it.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Lorenzo was looking at you almost in awe at how demanding you were acting- you were hot this way. he didn’t even care about your bruising grip on his wrist as he chuckled to himself, “Sure thing, sweetheart.” He says as he gets himself up, quickly forgetting about Daphne, who stared in frustration at the two of you. As Lorenzo gladly let you pull him along towards the exit of the Slytherin common room.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . You two were in for a long night.
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₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Written by Ankoluvly, 2024 on tumblr!
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Could you tell the end was rushed? lol. i’ve been so fucking busy but finally have some spare time so i decided to rush and get this out. Might make part 3 with the actual smut but i’m not that confident in my smut writing yet 😔 people were also asking for part 2 so i really wanted to release this! hope you guys don’t mind
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Here is part two! i’m so sorry for the delay, @yashneyx @hisparentsgallerryy
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hobeemin · 2 months
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genre: angst, fluff, smut, fantasy, romance, greek god au
pairing: hades!min yoongi x oc (persephone)
summary: while they met under the most unconventional circumstances, there seemed to be a spark bloom about which each was uncertain. what can the future hold for them?
rating: 18+
warning(s): swearing, mentions of an orgy, greek gods being over-excessive, jealousy, drinking, self-consciousness, mild depression
word count: 1.9k
credits: thank you to @okiedokrie for beta reading
banner resources found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
a/n: this is for @k-vanity summer event "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
prompt(s): love affair; "I’ve been alive for seven hundred years, and you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met."; "Why are you falling for me?"
this is a prequel to dionysus and jamais vu, my own little hades and persephone universe. def more to come in the future 🌼
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Why was he here?
He watched with bored scrutiny as his brothers mingled among the partygoers. Why had they talked him into this, he’d never know. 
He would have much preferred the solace of his home, his dogs by his side, and the comforting glow of the cooking channel. A faint frown creased his face as the raucous laughter filled the air. 
He needed alcohol. And tons of it.
Pushing himself off the wall, he made his way over to the bar. With some effort, he squeezed through, waving his hand to get the bartender’s attention. Just as he was about to order, someone slapped him on the back, making his knees buckle. Yoongi’s expression darkened as he turned to the culprit. The party host himself, Taehyung, stepped back with his boxy grin.
“Why the long face, Yoongs?”
“Trying to get a drink,” he mumbled.
“We gotta get you the good stuff,” his speech slightly slurred as he gestured to the vast array of drinks.
“I’m not trying to get fucked up like you,” Yoongi warned.
“I’m pretty sure no one can out-drink the God of Wine,” Taehyung teased.
Yoongi rolled his eyes as Taehyung ordered a bottle of Ambrosia, filling his cup to the brim. “Stop mopping around and go mingle. If your brothers can do it, so can you!”
“I wouldn’t call what they do mingling,” Yoongi muttered. 
Sure enough, Namjoon whispered to a giggling nymph–shocker–and Hoseok had two sprites in his lap. No doubt they’d be leaving soon, if not now. Figures the God of Thunder and the God of the Sea would abandon their brother in his time of need.
He glanced at his phone with a sigh. She wasn’t coming. He should have known he’d get stood up. It wasn’t like he and Minthe were “official”, but it would have been nice for her to attend the party with him. Secretly, he felt things were going downhill over the past year. She became distant, always having an excuse to reschedule a date.
Yoongi thanked Taehyung for the Ambrosia, sipping it slowly. It perked up his mood a bit as he walked around the party. People would attempt to bring him into a conversation, but he shied away, giving them a sheepish wave.
Instead, he walked into another part of the house, looking at the paintings and sculptures with interest. He had to give Taehyung credit for his collection. Of course, Athena and Apollo deserved their flowers, too. After all, he bought some of their pieces from them. Just as he entered another room, his eyes met bright ones…in a state of undress. She shrieked as he spun around, red blooming on his face.
“I-I-I’m s-sorry. I didn’t think anyone was in here!”
The voice that spoke almost put him in a daze. The melodic tone reminded him of wind chimes. She rambled on as she slipped on the white strapless dress.
“N-No, I should be apologizing! I spilled red wine on my dress…well, my friend's dress, and I couldn’t find the bathroom–gosh, why did I come here? I’m not supposed to be here! I can’t believe Artemis talked me into coming and her stupid brother, argh…my mother is gonna kill me!”
Tears began to form as she started to hiccup.
He turned to look at her, breathing a sigh of relief to see she was fully clothed. Her beauty enchanted him. Yoongi blinked as the haze dissipated, set his drink down, walked up to her, and pulled out a handkerchief.
“It’s going to be okay. The stain isn’t so bad.”
She took the handkerchief, mumbling out a thanks, and plopped down on the couch. “It’s a silly thing to cry over. I just…I don’t know, but I feel like I don’t belong here.”
He snorted, grabbed his drink, and sat beside her. “Don’t I know it?”
She glanced at him curiously. “What do you mean by that?”
Yoongi took a sip of his drink before answering. “I got dragged here by my brothers. Apparently, I've been sulking too much than normal.”
“It sounds like your brothers and my friend could be friends. I got dragged here by her, too. For her, it's because I don’t get out enough and only study.”
“What’s wrong with studying?”
“That’s what I said! I’d rather be in my garden or curled up on the couch,” she pouted.
Wow, she looked cute, pouting like that, he thought. Even the flowers in her hair seemed to move on their own. Fluttering their petals whenever she spoke, or her expression changed. He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’m missing my dogs right now.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You have pets?”
“Uh-huh,” he pulled his phone out, searching for a picture to share, “Too many to count. They’re my babies.”
She scooted closer to look at his phone screen. She let out a squeal as he flipped through the pictures. “That’s Cerberus. Don’t let him fool you; he’s the sweetest. That’s Holly…the brown one. He’s spoiled…well, they all are. And that lil furball, the black cat, is Pluto.”
“They are the cutest! I love animals. Never got to have pets growing up–mom wouldn’t allow it, but I love them.”
Yoongi smiled, putting his phone away. “Whose your mom? Have I met her before?”
She bit her lip, looking away from him. “Well–”
Panic crossed her face at the sound of her name. Just then, a muscular man stumbled in with an equally attractive woman in tow. His face was completely red from the ambrosia, and he pointed at her before looking at the woman.
“See sis, I found her!”
The woman sighed in exasperation, walking over to her. “Persephone! Is this where you’ve been hiding the whole time?!”
I’ve been alive for seven hundred years, and you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met, she thought to herself.
Persephone seemed to shrink away on the couch. “Hey, Artemis.”
“Don’t ‘hey Artemis’ me. I’ve been looking everywhere for you! I’ve been babysitting this dweeb for the past two hours!”
The man’s face twisted in annoyance. “Listen, no one told you to watch me.”
“I told you not to try to drink with Dionysus, Apollo.”
He sucked his teeth before settling his attention on Yoongi. “Uncle Hades!”
Yoongi’s lip slightly twisted as the God of the Sun lifted him in a bear hug. “I didn’t think a sourpuss like you would come to one of these!”
Persephone watched in wonder as he was lifted like a ragdoll. She tried not to snort at the expression on his face. He was anything but amused.
“Hello, Apollo, Yoongi is just fine.”
Once he was set down, he brushed his jacket with a frown. “I see you’re starting to take after your father.”
“Not too much, but that’s what everyone else says.”
“Uh-huh,” he glanced at Persephone with a tiny smile. “Nice meeting you, I’m gonna go find Namjoon and Hoseok.”
The thought crossed Persephone’s mind as she watched him walk away. There seemed to be an ache deep down. But why? Why did she want him to stay? 
Artemis poked her friend with a frown. “Earth to Sep. You in there?”
She shook her head. “Y-Yeah.”
“Let’s get you a drink. A real one this time.”
She let Artemis and Apollo lead her back to the bar. By now, things had taken a wild turn. People’s inhibitions were loosening more. Persephone stayed close to Artemis as she ordered them drinks. She tried looking for Yoongi in the crowd but couldn’t find him. So that was Hades. The big evil God of the Underworld, at least that is what her mother had been known to say.
”Stay away from those Olympic Gods!”
Persephone held back the urge to roll her eyes. Sure, Zeus and Poseidon had a less than savory reputation, but Hades…Yoongi didn’t seem like that. Artemis handed her a champagne flute and turned to observe the rest of the party.
”Are you alright?”
”How do you mean?”
”Yoongi didn’t try anything, did he?”
Persephone blinked at her in disbelief. “Why would he?”
Artemis shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. “He is one of the big three; they got a reputation.”
”He’s different. I don’t think he’s like them,” Persephone thought aloud.
”Whatever. They’re all the same,” the Goddess of the Moon grumbled.
Persephone loved her best friend, but she didn’t get it. Artemis made a vow of chastity long ago, as did her mother, Demeter. While it had been an option for her, there had to be more to life than vows and rituals. She felt she was destined for something greater. It didn’t take long for her to be shaken from her thoughts as the host returned to the crowd.
Taehyung appeared, jumping on the bar. “I hope everyone is enjoying themselves! It's that time of the night when it's about to get nasty!”
The cheers grew louder as the young Goddesses watched everyone remove their clothing. 
“What the hell–”
The lights darkened as the music took a sensual tempo. People began pairing up all around the room. Persephone tried not to gasp, seeing what a particular nymph and Zeus were doing in the corner. Moans grew louder, making her discomfort grow. Naked bodies writhed around her. She backed out of the room, reaching out for Artemis until she got pushed backward. She almost cried out until someone caught her. The warmth of their hands radiated on her skin. She could barely make out who it was until she was led outside to the backyard.
She blinked a few times as the torches surrounding played tricks in the night.
He nodded, still holding her hand. Persephone glanced down at it, and he dropped it, as red covered his cheeks.
“Sorry. Are you alright?”
“I-I’m fine; just was not expecting all that.”
He chuckled nervously, pushing his hair back. “Yeah, I didn’t sign up for that.”
She returned a smile. “Same.”
He cleared his throat trying to grow the courage to ask her more questions, something about her. She wasn’t like her. Far from it. 
“So Persephone–”
She turned away from him to see Artemis running towards her. She carried two coats and purses in her hand. “We’re leaving now! I’m gonna kill Taehyung for that! Wait until Athena and Hestia hear about it!”
She continued to fuss as Persephone gave Yoongi a look, making him snort. 
The Goddess of the Moon punched in a number angrily. “Damn, rideshare won’t be here for another ten minutes! I’m going up front. You coming?!”
“Y-Yeah, I’ll follow you out.”
“Better be. Bunch of horny, sweaty gods ruining a perfectly good party. Stupid orgies!”
As she stormed off, Persephone gave Yoongi a pout. “I guess I gotta go.”
“Oh, I understand. It’s crazy in there. Don’t want to get caught up in all that.”
The flowers in her hair closed slightly as her mood saddened. But why? Yoongi wished she could stay outside with him and talk all night, but it was selfish of him to think that. He didn’t deserve any happiness, and that wasn’t in his future.
“It was nice meeting you, Yoongi,” she whispered.
“You too, Persephone.”
“Maybe I’ll see you again,” she said, her eyes hopeful. 
Damn. What was happening to him? She seemed to have him under a spell.
Why are you falling for me? He wanted to ask.
“Persephone! Hurry up!”
She winced, frowning at her friend’s voice. Glancing at Yoongi, she took a purplish flower from the ground and handed it to him. “It’s a pomelia. It kind of reminds me of you. It means kindness. You’re not like your brothers; you’re more than that.”
She squeezed his hand before running off in the direction Artemis called her in. Yoongi glanced down at the flower as a small smile appeared. 
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yankstrash · 2 years
Seven Minutes In Heaven ~ Rutger McGroarty (x Fantilli sister)
Warnings: Making out, underage drinking
You felt a rush through your body as you downed your second drink of the night, already feeling slightly tipsy. The hockey team had just won a big game against Penn State, and were throwing a party to celebrate. Of course you were attending, being Luca and Adam Fantilli’s sister, you didn’t really have a choice. Not like you minded though, you loved to party and you loved your brothers teammates. 
Well, most of them anyway. 
Just as you were about to pour yourself another drink, you heard the familiar voice that you despised heavily behind you.
“You sure you can handle that much alcohol, Y/n?” You stopped what you were doing and rolled your eyes as you turned around to be met face to face with the one guy on the team you did not like. 
Rutger. AKA, your brother's best friend.
“From what I’ve seen, you really can’t.” He said, shrugging his shoulders and grinning. “Stop acting like you know me and what I can handle.” You spat back as you turned back around to continue pouring your drink.  
“I’m just saying, being a baby and all, maybe you should slow down.” He said, which caused you to stop what you were doing once again and whip back around. “Stop,” You began, pointing a finger at him. “Calling me that.”
You were over 2 years younger than Luca and 3 months younger than Adam, making you the baby. You hated when people brought it up, because you always felt like you were being compared to your brothers. Sure you weren’t a big time hockey star like them, but you were still your own person and deserved to be treated that way. 
Rutger knew that, which is why he always picked on you for it. 
You can’t even remember when or why you and Rutger started disliking each other, you just know it’s been this way since the start. You met him when you first got to UMich, and ever since the two of you have not gotten along. 
You can’t ever remember a time where he was nice to you. Whether it be teasing you, making fun of you or just flat out being rude to you, you and Rutger have never had a friendly interaction with each other. 
It’s not like you wanted it to be this way. He was best friends with both of your brothers and is with them 90% of the time. According to everyone else, Rutger is a nice guy who’s a lot of fun to be around. However, you are yet to see that side of him. And you’ve known him for almost a year now. 
Along with all that, he is also insanely attractive. Not nice, sure, but hot as hell. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on Rutger when you first met, and sometimes you think you still do, but how could you with the way he treats you?
Rutger put his hands up in defense after you told him to stop calling you a baby. “Just looking out for my buddies' baby sister, that’s all.” He replied, smirking. Just as you were about to reboot, Luca walked up to you guys.
“Sup guys!” He said, throwing an arm around your shoulder. 
“I was trying to help Y/n with her alcohol intake, but she doesn’t want my help.” Rutger said, grinning at you.
“You are such a fucking-” You began to say, but your mouth was covered with Luca’s hand. “Okay! Let’s go over here, shall we Y/n?” He said, and ushered you away from Rutger, leaving him laughing at you in your tracks. 
“Can you two ever not be arguing with each other?” Luca asked you once you stopped walking. You crossed your arms and said “It’s him not me.”
Your brother laughed as he shook his head. “Pretty sure you give it back 150%, Y/n/n.” You rolled your eyes and shrugged. 
“You know, if you guys would stop arguing long enough to get to know each other you’d probably really like each other. You’re both a lot more similar than you think.” Luca started. You just rolled your eyes in response. “Plus, Rut’s a really good guy, I think he would actually be really good for you. And you for him.” 
That comment almost made your eyes pop out of your head. Your brothers have always told their friends you were off limits. 
Do the rules not apply to Rutger McGroarty? 
“How many of my friends have I ever said that about?” 
Guess not. 
“It’s not going to happen, Lu.” You said. 
Luca rolled his eyes and said, “You both need to get over yourselves.”
Before you could respond, Mark came over to you guys. “Hey we’re all playing a game in the living room, come on!” He said, and darted towards the living room.
You and Luca made your way over to where everyone was gathering. You all sat in a circle as you took a seat between Luca and Johnny. Rutger was right across from you, and when he caught your eye he sent you his signature smirk. 
You rolled your eyes in response and broke eye contact. “What are we playing?” You asked to no one in particular.
“Truth or dare.” Ethan answered. Your face scrunched up at his answer. “What are we, 10?” You asked sarcastically. 
“Oh c'mon Y/n, it’ll be fun!” Johnny said from next to you, nudging your arm. “Yeah, we play it a different way.” Gavin said from his spot. 
“And what way is that?” You asked. 
“You’re banned if you refuse any of the truths or dares.” Mark said.
“What?!” You asked in disbelief. “You guys aren’t serious.” 
They were serious. Not one of the guys had a joking expression on their face.
“We are. Some freshman a few years ago refused to do his dare and we never let him back to another party again.” Keaton said. 
“That’s ridiculous.” You said.
“Our house, our rules. Now, who wants to start?” Ethan said. 
Multiple rounds of the game went by with the stupidest truths and dares you have ever heard. Finally, someone picked Rutger.
“Rut, truth or dare.” Grano asked him.
“How many girls have you slept with since getting to UMich?”
There was a chorus of whistles from around the circle as all the boys were curious to know his answer.
For some reason, this question sent a pang to your chest. You didn’t want to hear his answer.
But why? Why did this question bother you?  
“I need a refill.” You said before Rutger could answer the question. You quickly got up and made your way to the kitchen, thankfully missing his answer. 
When you returned, Luca was finishing a dare.
“Okayyyy, hmmmm.” Your brother said as he looked around the circle. His eyes landed on you and he smirked. 
“Y/n, truth or dare.” He asked you.
Your brothers already knew everything about you, besides everything you really didn’t want them knowing. Not trusting the questions they’d ask you, you went the alternate route.
Luca looked at Adam, then at Johnny, then back at you before a huge smirk took over his face.
“I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Rutger.” 
His response nearly stopped your heart.
If this was your brother's attempt at getting you and his best friend to get along, it was a low one. And one you did not want to participate in.
“Luca, no.” You said in all seriousness.
“Oh, is someone refusing a dare?” You heard Mark say and you shot him a death glare.
“Luca, that’s not even funny. Pick something else, or at least someone else for me to do that with.”
You truthfully had no interest in playing seven minutes in heaven with any of your brother's teammates, but at this point you were willing to do it with any of them as long as it wasn’t Rutger.
“Nope. You and Rutger. Go, now.” He said as he waved his hands to usher you away.
“What if I don’t agree to this?” Rutger finally spoke up from his spot across from you.
“Then you’re both banned.” Ethan said.
“WHAT?” You both yelled in unison.
“How is that fair? It’s Y/n’s dare, not mine.” Rutger asked, getting annoyed.
“Don’t care, you’re a part of it now. Now both of you get a move on it.” Ethan responded, pointing to the bathroom down the hall.
You turned to your brother and glared at him. “I hate you.”
He just laughed in response as you and Rutger both got up and made your way to the bathroom. 
“See you in seven minutes!” Someone yelled as you closed the door behind you.
You sighed heavily as you and Rutger stood a couple feet away from each other in the tiny half bath. 
“Thanks a lot.” He said.
“Me?! What did I do?! This was all my brother, not me, so don’t even try to put the blame on me.” You responded as you raised your voice. 
You both stood in silence for another minute, but you couldn’t take it anymore. If you were going to be stuck in here with him, you were going to get answers.
“Maybe while we’re stuck in here together you could tell me why you’ve always been such a jerk to me.” You said. 
Rutger looked at you like he didn’t know what you were talking about. “What do you mean?” He asked.
You looked at him in disbelief.
He could not be serious.
“What do you mean what do I mean? Rutger, ever since the day we met you’ve been nothing but mean to me. You always tease me, you always call me a baby, you always try to start an argument, and for WHAT? What did I ever do to you?” You asked, growing frustrated. 
Rutger stayed silent for a moment, getting lost in his thoughts.
You took his silence as a sign that there was no real reason, and he just did not like you. You were over this, you couldn’t care less if the sophs banned you from parties at their house, you were leaving.
Just as you turned to leave, Rutger stopped you.
“Y/n, wait.” He said as he gently grabbed your wrist to turn you back around.
You snatched your wrist out of his grip as you waited for him to say something.
“It’s stupid.” Was all he said.
“I don’t care.” Rutger sighed as he said “You’re not going to believe me.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked at him. “Try me.”
Rutger sighed as he looked down at the ground. “It’s because I like you, Y/n.”
Your scowl immediately fell as the words came out of his mouth. 
“What?” You asked.
“I like you, Y/n.” He started, as he looked up at you. “I’ve liked you since Luca and Adam introduced us.” 
“But, they’re my best friends. And you’re their baby sister.” He said, then immediately closed his mouth when he said it and saw the look on your face when he did.
“Sorry.” He said. For the first time ever, Rutger apologized for calling you that.
“I didn’t want Luca and Adam to hate me, so I just started being mean to you in an attempt to get over you.” 
You were very taken aback. With every word that came out of his mouth, you were more and more shocked at his confessions.
“Teasing someone is a pretty shit way to try to get over them.” You said with a hint of sarcasm in your tone.
Rutger nodded and said “Yeah I know, and I am sorry. I never wanted to be mean to you or make you think I didn’t like you, Y/n. I just didn’t know what else to do.” 
“And then Luca started telling me how he wished we got along because he could see us together, but it was already too late at that point. I figured you hated me and there was no coming back from that.” Rutger confessed. 
“I’ve never hated you, Rutger.” You said, causing him to look at you. “Hate is a strong word.”
Rutger smiled at you and you returned the gesture.
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a little crush on you too when we met.” You said.
Rutgers eyes widened as you admitted your crush. “Really?” He asked, grinning.
You rolled your eyes and said “Don’t get too excited, you almost ruined it by being mean to me.” “Almost?” He said, as he took a step towards you.
“Yes, almost. I’m forced to see you almost everyday, how could it have just gone away completely?” You said. 
Rutger shook his head as he said, “I know mine didn’t. I never got over you, Y/n.” 
You looked at him confused. “But what about the other girls?” You asked.
Rutger scrunched his eyebrows together as he asked, “What other girls?” 
“The ones you slept with. Remember, Grano’s truth question?” 
Rutger laughed as he shook his head. “Well, if you would’ve stuck around for the answer, you would’ve heard me say none. I haven’t been with any girls, Y/n.” 
His answer shocked you. You figured he was off with a new girl every weekend and after every game. 
“I didn’t think it would be fair to any of them since I was so into you.” He said.
“I am sorry though, about everything. I know it was a shitty way to go about things, and I apologize for that.” 
You nodded as you gently smiled at him. “It’s okay. I’m sorry too, I was never the nicest to you either.” Rutger laughed at your response. “Yeah but I deserved it, you had no reason to be nice to me.”
At least he’s aware.
“So,” He began, as he took another step towards you. “Am I forgiven?” He asked, staring down at you.
You smirked up at him and said “Under one condition.” “Name it.”
“Stop calling me a baby. It really does piss me off.” You said.
Rutger moved one hand to the side of your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. 
“Deal.” And with that, he closed the gap between the two of you. 
Your lips moved in sync as you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
The kiss deepened and grew more heated as Rutger turned you guys around so your back was against the bathroom counter. He moved his hands so they were under your thighs and lightly tapped them.
“Jump, baby.” He said against your lips as he pulled back slightly.
Out of force of habit from the past almost year, you moved your head back and glared at him.
“What?” Rutger asked, confused, before he caught on.
“Oh. OH! I’m sorry, I- I didn’t mean it like that I-” He stumbled over his words in an attempt to apologize. 
You just laughed in response. 
“I didn’t mean it like that, Y/n. I swear.” He said.
You laughed at him again and said “I know.” Before pulling him back to you and jumping like he asked so he could place you on the counter.
Your make out continued for a few more minutes before there was a loud bang on the door, causing you two to separate.
“TIME’S UP!” You heard someone yell. 
You rolled your eyes at the loud and unexpected noise that caused you two to break apart.
“So…” Rutger said, smirking at you.
“So….” You said back.
“Are we good?” He asked. 
You smiled widely at him. “We are good.” 
You two connected your lips again before he helped you off the counter.
He turned and opened the bathroom door, signaling for you to walk out first.
“M’lady.” He said as you smiled and walked out.
Once you two returned to the group, there was yet another chorus of whistles and cheering going around.
“So, how was your seven minutes?” Luca asked.
You both looked at each other and glared, trying to hold back smiles.
“Terrible. Worst seven minutes of my life.” Rutger responded as you both went back to your spots in the circle.
You caught onto the sarcasm in his voice, you knew he was joking.
“Oh yeah? Your hair says differently Rut.” Johnny said as he motioned to Rutgers hair.
Rutgers hands immediately flew to the top of his head, fixing his messy hair.
“That’s some nice lip gloss you got on too, Rutty. When did you get that?” Luca asked him teasingly.
Rut’s hands went from his hair to his lips as he wiped your lipgloss off of him.
Oops again!
“Gross, that’s my little sister.” Adam said.
Rutger shrugged. “This was your guy's idea.” 
Let’s just say after that night, there was no more arguing between you and Rutger. 
You still scowled at Rutger anytime he called you baby for the first few weeks, but he assured you it was a term of endearment, not a tease, and eventually you grew to love his everyday pet name for you. 
Luca almost regretted his little plan to get the two of you together, seeing as now you two could not keep your hands off each other. 
Oh well, it was his dare. 
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castawavy · 5 months
November Save MEGA summary (part 2)
before / next
hope you all enjoyed the previous summary, it was a nice walk down memory lane for me 😁❤ anyways let's just jump into the next one
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so basically overall steve was really HATING working at Hogan's but June was just doing really well in general (enough to be the main earner in the household essentially so steve was able to quit his job)
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june attempted to wingwoman raj again because things didnt really work out with kamala... LMAO
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on friday she took a day off and decided to go for a job interview to join an in-house legal team
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and very quickly she learned shed got the job 😁🤸‍♀️💖
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on monday she let her manager Margot know she was resigning and officially handed in her resignation to the boss, boss, Jared. they were all super happy for her, and june was grateful to have had a good time working with them all
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THEN, after that she visited her mom for awhile (who lives in Brindleton Bay, and caught up with her without steve or the kids)
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that same weekend it was adelaide's birthday and they threw her a modest party (they are always paycheck to paycheck kinda ngl but june's recent job change / promotion means that things are getting better
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bonus shot of the kids being EXTRA cute (they get on really well) 💖
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very VERY soon after that, june attended a conference in Tartosa with her new team, which was a great chance to get to know everyone...
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UNFORTUNATELY things got a bit flirty at the dinner 🌹😢 and the brunette guy behind june flirted with June and she did it back 😵 and yeah... nothing else happened but YIKES. my interpretation of june is honestly that she got a taste of what her life could have been like, without steve... the kids... bills etc, and she got a bit carried away by the glitz and glam of it all 🤷‍♀️ (sorry I do like my sims to have flaws, & like everyone else june is not perfect </3), but yeah as I said nothing else happened and june immedietaly felt AWFUL about it as she should (shes a loyal trait sim) 😘 but she did look stunning that night
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when she got home it was extra bad as well because she had to face steve (and the kids) and it made he realise how lucky she had it, cuz steve also got her some champagne to celebrate her new job ☠😂
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so... june confessed and told steve about what happened, and ngl even I was suprised he took it so well and was understanding + I think he appreciated she told him right away
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also right after he mentioned marriage??? I think the two of them needed to talk about it cuz june always saw herself getting married I think and steve hadnt really considered it...
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BUT YEAH drama / crisis averted AHAHAH sorry this seems really fast but I promise it had been brewing for some time - I think out of the two of them, unfortunately june is just a little bit more insecure than steve, because she has set so many expectations on herself & her mother growing up was very strict with her </3 overall I know she invisioned her life going differently, but when faced with that actual opportunity she didnt take it 😘❤🤸‍♀️
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bonus picture of steve because we havent seen him for awhile now and hes gotten a lot healthier recently / working on himself and his mental health a bit (not quit smoking yet though) also raj came over and june seemed more like his best friend than steve because they were joking around so much 😂😂😂
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also omg then adie had a bear phase...
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😁 and that's a wrap for this summary but PHEW a lot of focus on june this time (I always love giving my sims really complex spouses)
before / next
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atiny-desire · 2 years
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Pairing: Ghostface! Wooyoung x fem! Reader
High-school! AU
Summary: You had to find out the hard way that your friends aren't who they seemed to be.
Word count: 7.8k
Disclaimer: I'm in no way condoning, justifying, encouraging nor promoting this kind of behavior. This is not supposed to represent Wooyoung in any way.
Warning: Stalking, yandere behavior, gore, murder, a little bit of cursing
A/n: This was supposed to be finished by Halloween, but a writer's block stopped me from completing it ;-; I hope you can still enjoy it! I'm also considering a second part for this, but don't take my word for it.
Pt. 2
"Awh come on, this is the last year of our high-school years." You sighed in annoyance for the hundreds of times now. Your best friend Mingi was chewing your ear up about a Halloween party that was this weekend, he wanted you to attend even though he knew that you didn't like parties. He wanted to go with you in a partner look and pestered you about it ever since he found out about the party.
Jongho who was walking together with you and Mingi down the school hallway was also annoyed with him. "It's like you never learn, Mingi."Jongho shook his head and glanced at his tall friend who was walking on the other side of you. "We know each other since kindergarten, did you ever see her go to a party?"
The three of you were now walking out of the main entrance, you were met with the cold breeze of the autumn. Orange and red leaves were dancing around in the wind, the sun was shining but it didn't spend any warmth.
You stretched your arms a bit while you mumbled, "Jongho is the only one here who gets me."
"I'm hurt!" A loud and dramatic voice yelled. The person pushed himself between you and Mingi and threw his arm around your shoulder. You glanced toward the person to see his face, it was Wooyoung, which you already knew because of the lack of personal space and his loud voice. His black hair was disheveled as if he had just woken up and he was grinning from ear to ear as he leaned against you as much as possible.
"I get you too!" You grimaced your face he was basically screaming in your ear. "You were talking about you not going to the party right?"
You tried to push him away from you but it only resulted in him clinging to you even more. "Ever heard the concept of personal space," you huffed, as he leaned his whole weight onto your shoulder.
Wooyoung skillfully ignored your broad hint to give you some space and instead leaned his face even closer to yours, to the point where you could feel his hot breath right by your ear. He lowered his voice into a dangerous whisper, "But are you sure you don't want to come?" He stopped for a second to give his sentence some sort of dramatic effect. "Maybe the killer is going to be out there, preying on girls who are home alone."
You promptly pushed him away from you into Mingi and glared at him. Wooyoung and Mingi were both laughing, even tho they knew that you were scared.
Two girls have been murdered during the last week, the first girl was Choi San's ex-girlfriend. Her throat was slit and the word slut was carved into the skin of her stomach. The second girl was killed in a more brutal way, but seemingly without a motive. Her murderer cut her open from her chest to her lower stomach and hung her from a tree with her own guts.
"Did the police let San go?" Jongho suddenly asked and stopped Wooyoung and Mingi from making fun of you.
"Yep," Wooyoung answered, locked his hands behind his head, and fixated his gaze on said person. San was walking through the school gates, you could see the dark circles under his eyes even from a distance. "He has an alibi so they let him go pretty quickly."
You hummed and nodded your head. You wondered how he still managed to come to school after what happened, if it was you would have stayed at home for a few days, alone for the fact that you didn't want everyone to stare at you. "Should I ask him how he's doing?"
Mingi snorted letting you know that you said that out loud and didn't just think about it. "His ex-girlfriend is barely dead and you already think about swooping in?"
"Mingi!" You yelled at the same time as Jongho asked, "Swooping in?" Ignoring Jongho you glared at Mingi, but the latter was just sheepishly smiling at you. "I'm just worried about him, nothing more."
"Swooping in?" Wooyoung repeated Jongho's question. You noticed the slight scowl on his face, as his eyes were wandering between you and Mingi waiting for an answer.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance when you first told Mingi about your crush on San he promised you to not tell anyone, but you should've known better than to trust him with this matter. "It's nothing, just a small crush and I want to know how he's doing."
"You have a crush on San," Wooyoung asked a bit too loud for your liking.
You grimaced your face and quickly shushed him with your hand before he could say anything else. "Why don't you just yell it across the whole school, huh," you whisper yell at him.
"You want me to?" He provocatively raised his eyebrows and watched you in satisfaction as you were ready to jump him in order to stop him.
You warningly gripped him by the sleeve of his jacket while hissing between clenched teeth, "Don't you dare!"
Wooyoung unimpressed by your try to intimidate him just smirked and leaned in a little closer to you. "Who is going to stop me?"
"Alright, that's enough you two." Mingi interrupted your staring contest and pushed himself between you and Wooyoung, claiming his original place beside you. "Let's talk about the party instead, we still haven't finished that conversation." With that, he redirected the attention to the original topic.
You sighed and with a last glare directed at Wooyoung you said, "The discussion was over Mingi, I'm not going." While you were talking you saw how San disappeared into the building. You scrunched up your nose, you weren't going to ask him how he was doing after Mingis and Wooyoungs teasing. "Even if I wanted to go I can't. My parents are gone this week and I'm supposed to watch the dog."
"So you're really alone?" Your expected Wooyoung to ask but it was Jongho, who till now just quietly listened. He didn't mean it in a teasing way, you saw it by the way his eyes held real concern for you in them.
"Yes, but I have the dog with me so I'm not all alone." Wooyoung of course didn't let go of the topic he grinned when you mentioned your dog, and you knew he was about to mock you even further. "Ah yes, do you mean that Doberman of yours who runs away at the first sign of a threat?"
You grit your teeth in annoyance, till now you weren't worried about being alone, but their teasing started to get to you. It was true that your dog, Leila, wasn't the bravest one out there, but the thought of having her around still put you at ease.
Wooyoung grinned, he tried to get closer to you but Mingi pushed him away, earning himself a murderous glare from him. "Do you want me to stay with you over the weekend," Wooyoung asked. He didn't try to get closer again and instead ran his hand through his black hair and winked at you.
"I would rather spend the evening with a Killer than with you," you mumbled.
Instead of whining about how mean you are he just laughed. "Be careful what you wish for!"
An unsettling feeling spread itself inside your stomach. To you, Wooyoung's words sounded more like a threat than a warning. You searched for eye contact with Mingi, to see if he was feeling the same thing, but he just continued making stupid jokes with Wooyoung.
A shiver ran down your spine, you weren't sure if it was because of the bad feeling or the sudden gust of wind. "By the way, why did we even go outside? I'm freezing!"
"Because Yunho wanted to meet us out here," Mingi answered while checking his phone for the time. You took a peak at it too, it was 11 am.
"Well, if he isn't here in five minutes I'm leaving." You hid your cold hands in the sleeves of your jacket and cursed Yunho for wanting to meet outside.
As if on cue said person's voice piped up from behind you. "Impatient as always." You turned your head to look at him, the first thing that you noticed was his hair. The last time you saw him it was a bright blue but now it was a less eye-piercing orange.
"I think I figured out who the killer might be." That was the first thing he said. No Hello, or how are you doing, he just got straight to the point. His eyes were shining with determination and triumph as if he had already caught the murderer.
"And here he goes again," Mingi sighed and shook his head. Yunho was the geek of your group and he probably watched every slasher movie under the sun. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if he didn't always come up with conspiracy theories about who could be a serial killer and who they would kill.
You sighed, this could only mean that you weren't getting back into the warmth of the building for quite some time. "Alright, let's get it over with. What have you got Yunho?
Yunho pushed your group to a more secluded area before he started. "So I was thinking-," You started to zone out after not even one sentence, you heard Yunho's theories so often that you could already imagine who he was thinking about. You bit your lip trying not to laugh, every time he got like this he reminded you of that Charlie conspiracy meme.
Yunho kept rambling for quite some time, he talked about multiple people and why they could or could not be the killer until he finally landed on his two prime suspects. "That's why I think that it was Hongjoong or Wooyoung!" All of you watched him with skepticism written all over your face, but he wasn't bothered and just continued, "Hongjoong is one of San's closest friends, he was extremely angry when he found out that San's girlfriend cheated on him. He wanted to take revenge for his best friend and killed his ex-girlfriend."
He stopped to take a deep breath while fixating his gaze on Wooyoung. "But I can't really imagine that Hongjoong would do something so reckless, that could also bring trouble to San." Yunho narrowed his eyes and now glared at Wooyoung, the latter didn't flinch one bit and just watched him in amusement. "That's why my second guess is Wooyoung. We all know how loyal he is, especially towards Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and San! I can totally see him doing something as reckless as killing someone, just to get revenge for his friends."
For a few seconds, it was just silence until Wooyoung's laughter broke it. "Nice one, but why would you tell me that you suspect me?"
Yunho crossed his arms over his chest he looked at all of you with a confident smile, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. "Because I am protected now. If you kill me now everyone here will know it was you because I suspected you."
Wooyoung smirked and crossed his arms too, he gave him the same attitude. "But now I can kill you. If I kill you now no one would suspect me, because they now think that I wouldn't kill you because you suspected me."
At first Yunho's confident grin faltered, but it returned even bigger than before. "See?" He accusingly pointed at his prime suspect. "He even thinks like a murderer!"
"Why do I even hang out with you idiots," Jongho sighed and crossed his bare arms over his chest. It was 1 C° outside but he still chose to wear a T-shirt, your eyes wandered to his arms and there wasn't even a hint of goosebumps on them. He cocked his head to the side, and a frown formed on his face as if he was thinking about something. "Even if one of them is the killer, why would they kill the second girl, if the first one was for revenge?"
The eyes of your orange-haired friend began to sparkle with excitement. He clasped his hands together and pointed with both of his index fingers at Jongho. "Good question!" His eyes wandered to Wooyoung again, it looked like he was dead set on the idea that Wooyoung did it. "My guess is, that whoever did it, liked it the first time and wanted to do it again!"
Wooyoung clenched his jaw, he was getting visibly annoyed now, but who wouldn't if they were accused of murder? "Why don't you talk directly to me," he snarled.
"I did," Yunho blankly said. They both continued to glare at each other, and they would have kept doing it if it wasn't for you intervening.
"Yunho, I think you're crossing the line a bit! You can't just go around accusing people of murder." Fights luckily didn't happen often in your friend group, but if they did it always cost you all of your energy. Somehow you always ended up between the front lines. Wooyoung and Jongho on one side, and Yunho and Mingi on the other side.
"But-," Yunho wanted to start again, but you quickly cut him off.
"No, it's enough!" Another gust of wind made you shiver "I don't know what you're doing, but I'm going back inside." You took your phone out of your pocket to check the time. "Our break is almost over anyway."
Mingi and Jongho decided to stay a little longer with Yunho, while Wooyoung decided to follow you back inside.
"Do you also think that I did it?" Wooyoung asked when you were finally back in the comfort of the heated school building.
You scoffed, the image of Wooyoung killing someone was ridiculous to you. Now, doing something stupid like accidentally stealing someone's pet because he thought it was cute, was something you could see him doing, but killing someone? No. "Don't be ridiculous, someone who cried like a baby during Lion King can't kill anyone."
You glanced at him and saw how his eyes widened before he narrowed them. "You little-," He was about to grab you to put you in a headlock, but you, who already teased him about it a lot of times, were quicker. The two of you were running down the hallway to your classroom, while you were laughing, Wooyoung was yelling after you to stop.
"Watch it!" You were taking a peek at him, to see how close he was when he warned you.
You stopped just in time to avoid running into a boy from your parallel class. A few strands of his white hair hung over his eyes, he had a smile on his lips that showed off his dimples. His hands were in front of his body, ready to catch you in case you would run into him.
"Got a ghost chasing you," he asked and dropped his arms back to his sides.
You nodded a bit out of breath, you didn't interact with him often but you still knew that his name was Yang Jeongin. "Something like that."
Wooyoung quickly caught up to you, he threw his arm around your neck and ruffled your hair with his other hand. "I told you to let it go," he hissed but it was obviously in a playful manner.
His impact caused you to stumble a few steps forward, forcing Jeongin to take a few steps back. "Ah, I see." He said. Only now did Wooyoung acknowledge his presence.
"And I told you to not touch my hair!" You tried to fix it, but it was no use, a few strands remained out of place.
Jeongin's whole demeanor changed as soon as Wooyoung showed up. The smile vanished off his face and his eyes were nervously flicking between you and Wooyoung. "Well, I'll be going now! My friends are waiting for me."
He basically sprinted off before you could say goodbye to him. Confused you looked at Wooyoung, it seemed as if Jeongin was scared of him. "What was that?"
He shrugged, his eyes were fixated on Jeongin's back until he disappeared behind a corner. "No idea." He turned his head to look at you and asked, "Are you driving with me later?"
"Do you finally have your license?"
He mischievously smiled at your question. "Almost. So does that mean you want to walk home?"
You rolled your eyes of course you didn't want to walk home. The advantage of having someone who almost had a driver's license was to never walk or go by bike again. "See you later!" You didn't directly answer his question, but you knew that he would get the hint.
The rest of your day went by in a blur, school ended, Wooyoung brought you home, went on a walk with your dog Lila, took a shower when you came back, and you spend the rest of your day watching movies.
It was in the middle of the night when the house telephone suddenly rang, your heart almost stopped since you were in the middle of watching an intense scene from the horror movie you chose. You sighed annoyed, who would call you at this time?
You stopped the movie and picked up the phone. "Hello?" No answer. You tried again, "Hello!" But again, the person on the other side didn't answer you.
You were about to hang up, more annoyed than before because you thought that it was a prank call when the person finally said something. "What's your favorite scary movie?"
Confused you moved the telephone away from your ear. You were hoping to see the number on the small display, but the number was suppressed. "Who are you?" Instead of answering you decided to ask a question yourself.
"What's your favorite scary movie?!" The person asked again, now a bit harsher than before.
You noticed that their voice was changed by a voice changer. "Listen, if you don't tell me who you are, I'm going to hang up!" At this point you were sure that it was just a prank call, who else would call you at this time, just to ask you what your favorite horror movie is?
But the stranger on the other end didn't appreciate you not answering his question, as he promptly yelled, "Hang up and I'll gut you just like the other two girls!"
You stopped and felt your stomach drop, did you hear that right? Just like the other two girls? "My.. my favorite scary movie?" You repeated his question, but you got no answer.
Prank call or not, you weren't about to risk it. "Uhm, it's Halloween."
"One of the classics, huh?" The person chuckled, it wasn't a nice one, the voice changer made it sound a bit static. "Good choice as I expected."
"Who are you?" You asked again. You stared at the frozen screen of your TV and nervously picked the skin on your wrist.
"Who am I?" The stranger chuckled, there was a short silence before you heard the voice again. "Wouldn't you like to know? Let's just say, I'm someone who's watching you, very closely."
Out of reflex, your eyes moved to the big front window, which allowed you to see the empty main street and the few street lamps that illuminated the sidewalk. "What do you mean by that?"
You heard a chuckle again. "What do you think?" Squinting your eyes you hoped to see more in the dark, but there was nothing. What were you even looking for? "Don't worry, I'm not in front of your house."
This sentence made the hair on your neck stand up, your head shot in the direction of your kitchen. If someone wanted to they would be able to see you through the kitchen window.
"Ah no, don't worry! I'm not in the back either." The person tried to stifle their laugh but you could still hear it. They had fun messing with you.
"What the hell," you whispered and finally moved to the front door, checking the lock there first before going to the back door in your kitchen. But nothing both doors were locked. "Where are you," you asked and wandered back into the living room.
Leila has by now woken up due to you pacing around the room, she was attentively watching you. "Close."
You anxiously started to bite your fingernails, a bad habit that you got rid of a long time ago, but was now coming back. "You-,"
"I bet you're dying to know why I called you." They cackled as if they just heard the most hilarious joke ever. Their voice dangerously lowered when they said, " This is a warning call, if I catch you whoring around again I'll gut you just like the other two."
You were at a loss for words. First of all, how were you 'whoring' around, and second of all even if you did, how was that any of this person's business? Of course you didn't say that out loud, if this was the real killer you didn't want to risk it.
You were speechless while your mind was overflowing with thoughts, after a few seconds of you not saying anything the person spoke again. Their voice was cheerfully mocking you when they said, "Thank you for your time, have a nice evening!" And without giving you a chance of saying another word they hung up.
Your body moved on its own accord, letting all the window blinds down, but only downstairs. You didn't dare go upstairs, because you swore you heard a sound coming from there.
While you were pacing around, checking everything twice just to make sure, you dialed Mingi's number. Three times did you call him, but nothing. Of course, you thought. He always had his phone on silent. Wooyoung was your next pick, the phone rang for a few seconds before his voice reached your ear with his usual cheerful, "Well, hello there!"
A breath of relief escaped your mouth. "Thank God!" You closed your eyes to gain a bit of composure, but you still felt like throwing up. "Can you please come over? I think someone is watching me."
"In the middle of the night? That's one hell of a persistent fan right there." He laughed but you weren't in the mood for his stupid jokes.
"It's not a joke!" You were mindlessly petting Lila, who must have sensed that something was wrong because she refused to leave your side. "Someone called me and told me they were watching me! At first, I thought it was a prank call, but then they started to describe what I was doing!"
You heard the rustle of keys through the telephone before Wooyoung said, "Don't worry I'm coming as fast as I can!" He hung up without saying goodbye and left you alone with your dog again.
He arrived not even ten minutes later, you were so relieved to see him that you didn't even question him on why he was so quick since it usually took him around twenty to thirty minutes to get to your house.
Wooyoung put his hands on your shoulders as soon as you let him in, concern was swirling in his eyes when he asked you, "Are you okay?" You nodded but he didn't let you go, only when you told him twice that you were really okay did he calm down a bit.
"Wait here. I'll check if someone is in the house." And with that, he made his way upstairs. You were glad that he was willing to do that, but at the same time, it also surprised you, as you knew that he was just as much of a scaredy-cat as you were.
You were already sitting on your couch when he came back down, Lila was sitting at your feet and had her head laying on your leg as if she wanted to comfort you. Wooyoung plopped down beside you and shook his head. "I checked every corner but nothing."
You nodded to show him that you understood. "It's okay. I'm just glad you're here." Exhausted you put your head on his shoulder. "Can you stay tonight," you asked. There was no way you would be able to sleep alone after that call.
Wooyoung put his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. "Of course!" He laughed when he said, "Can't let my favorite friend die, can I?"
"Mhm." You only mumbled since you were already half asleep. The comfort of having someone around, let your body finally relax enough to let your guard down and sleep.
"Do you want me to play the movie?" His eyes were on the unmoving TV screen trying to figure out what movie you were watching. He turned his head to look at you when he got no answer, just to see you already sleeping. Wooyoung forgot about the movie and watched you sleep instead, to him there was nothing more interesting.
You both contemplated to just skip school the next day, but you decided that school would be a nice distraction from the night prior.
Mingi was already waiting at the gates when you and Wooyoung finally arrived. "Girl, why did you call me in the middle of the night?"
"Someone was stalking me," you whispered once you were close enough to him, you didn't want anyone else to listen to your conversation.
He first grinned at you thinking it was a joke, but when he saw that not only you were serious, but Wooyoung too, his grin faltered.
"Shit, do you want me to stay with you tonight," he asked after you and Wooyoung explained to him what happened last night.
You shook your head, you didn't want Mingi to miss the party he was already excited about, and besides Wooyoung already offered to stay with you. "No you don't-,"
"I'm already staying with her!" You were annoyed by Wooyoung interrupting you, but you didn't have the energy to fight him over it.
"If you need me call me, I'll keep my ringtone on." Mingi ignored him and tried to comfort you.
You thankfully nodded at him, even if your friends teased and annoyed you a lot of the time, in the end, they would always be there for you.
In the end, school wasn't much of a distraction as you thought it would be, your thoughts were constantly revolving around the unknown caller. You should probably tell the police what happened, but you didn't want to do it alone. You decided to ask Wooyoung later to do it with you.
Another thought infiltrated your mind, no matter how hard you tried to push it away, it always came back. The person's message was quite personal, which probably meant that they knew you and could be someone close to you. Yunho's words crossed your mind again and for a second Wooyoung's face flickered in your mind. But it couldn't be him, you shook your head. No. Definitely not him, but who else?
It was at the end of the school day when you bumped into San, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong, you were on your way to meet Wooyoung at his car. But now you had the opportunity to ask San how he was doing without Mingi or Wooyoung around.
San still looked tired and it also showed in his lackluster answer. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm okay... I guess."
You awkwardly bit your lip, what were you expecting? That he was going to pour his heart out to you in the school hallway or tell you that he was completely fine? Luckily for you, Hongjoong tried to get you out of the situation by asking you how you were doing.
Maybe you weren't so lucky after all because now you were at a loss for words. "Uhm... I'm fine. A little tired tho, Wooyoung and I watched some movies last night." You weren't doing fine at all, but at least it wasn't a complete lie.
"Speaking of Wooyoung," Hongjoong started and brushed a strand of his fiery red hair out of his face. "I've meant to ask this for a while now, since when are you and Wooyoung a couple?"
"Huh? We're not a couple." Both of you were confused now and the atmosphere was more awkward than before. "Where did you get that idea from?"
"Well...," he paused and exchanged an unsure glance with Seonghwa before he continued, "Wooyoung has been going around telling everyone not to get too close to you."
Seonghwa grimaced his face as if he bit into something sour. "I think he already told me off thrice!"
You awkwardly smiled at them, as if it didn't bother you at all. On the inside, however, you were furious. Who did he think he was, that it gave him the right, to tell people to stay away from you?
You quickly said your goodbyes to the three and rushed off to confront Wooyoung. Once you reached his car and got in you slammed the door shut.
"What's wrong? Did someone ruffle your hair?" He was laughing and reached out to try and dishelv your hair. He stopped laughing when you slapped his hand away and glared at him.
"Why are you going around, telling people to stay away from me?" You didn't waste any time and came straight to the point.
"Who told you this?"
"It doesn't matter who told me! Why did you do it?"
He seriously had the audacity to not answer you, he instead started the car and started driving. "Why. Did. You. Do it?!" You repeated a bit more aggressively.
"Because they're not good for you! I just-"
Hearing him say such nonsense almost made you speechless, but only almost. "And why do you think you could decide that for me?"
He didn't answer you again but you saw how his grip tightened around the steering wheel. You had a hunch about why he did it and you didn't like that idea one bit. You stopped pushing him for an answer, but the more you thought about it, the angrier you got. But still, you didn't want to hear his answer because you knew that you wouldn't like it.
You were tempted to tell him to leave you alone, but the thought of staying home alone terrified you. You couldn't ask Mingi or Jongho since you really wanted them to enjoy the party and Yunho wasn't an option because he would drive you insane.
The tension and awkwardness wouldn't disappear the whole day. You didn't talk a lot and honestly, it didn't bother you at all. In the evening you decided to watch a slasher movie, the two of you sat on the couch with a good amount of distance between you.
"I'm going to the bathroom," Wooyoung excused himself at one point, which you acknowledge with a short mumbled okay.
With him gone you were finally able to relax a bit, your eyes were glued to the screen you've watched this movie before and now the best scene came on. You heard a rustle from behind you, announcing Wooyoung's return, which also meant the return of your tension. After a few seconds, you wondered why he wasn't sitting back down, in fact, you didn't hear him walk somewhere else either.
You turned your head to see what he was doing. But behind you wasn't Wooyoung instead you saw a person dressed in a black cloak and with a scream mask covering their face. You froze and stared at them it lasted for what felt like minutes, in reality, however it was just a few seconds until the person started to walk toward you.
Your body reacted without thinking, you jumped up and ran towards the kitchen so you could escape through the back door. Funnily enough, the character in the movie did the same as you.
You tried to unlock the door but you didn't have enough time. Your hands were shaking while fidgeting with the lock, and on top of that you couldn't properly see it, the only source of light was the dim light of the movie that was still playing in the living room.
You decided to change your plan and get a knife instead, you knew where the knife block was standing and you didn't need any light to find it. When your fingers finally touched the metallic hilt of the knife the light's turned on.
The stranger's gloved hand was still on the light switch when you turned around to face them. Your eyes were drawn to the glint that was coming from the same hand, they had a knife too. Adrenaline was rushing through your body while you watched the stranger.
You were ready to fight, but they just stood there in the doorway with their head cocked to the side, staring at you. "Get out of my house!" It was nothing more than a breath, you weren't sure if they were able to hear what you were saying. It didn't matter anyway. The person stopped staring at you and finally moved towards you again.
You clenched your hand around the knife. You could've yelled for Wooyoung to help you, but it completely slipped your mind that he was in the house too. It was within the blink of an eye that they were standing in front of you.
The stranger grabbed the wrist of your hand that was holding the knife, you tried to pull away but it was no use. They twisted it, forcing you to drop your weapon. You saw how they raised their own knife, but you were able to catch their wrist with your free hand before the metal could make contact with the skin of your neck.
You struggled to keep it away and you would have lost if it wasn't for you raising your knee and striking them in their crotch. The force disappeared and they toppled over while groaning in pain, their voice gave away that the person under the mask was a man.
You ran towards the living room, now you had the chance to escape through the front door. However, the stranger recovered quickly and was bolting after you, shattering your hopes of escape. You weren't even able to get into the living room, he caught you by the doorframe and pulled you back into the kitchen. With the short glance you had at the TV you saw that the movie was still playing, reminding you that Wooyoung was still there too.
You ran behind the kitchen aisle trying to gain as much distance as possible while you yelled Wooyoung's name over and over again, screaming for him to help you, but nothing. He didn't come nor did he answer your calls.
Your attacker hopped onto the aisle and landed on your side of it. Running away wasn't an option since he swiftly caught you by your hair to pull you back to him. He pushed you against the counter and you found yourself where you started, the difference was that this time you weren't able to hit him with your knee again. He stopped this from being an option by pushing his body between your legs.
You tried to fight back by hitting and scratching him, but since you had no experience in fighting and no space to move freely, it did little to no damage.
His chuckle made you eventually stop, trying to fight him. The sound was muffled by the mask but you still recognized it. You stared at the mask before you raised your hand to remove it. He didn't try to stop you.
Now it wasn't the mask looking back at you but Wooyoung. Anger rose inside of you, in an intensity you have never felt before. "What is wrong with you?!" Your voice was cracking while you screamed at him. "Do you think this is a joke? I thought I was going to die!"
Wooyoung didn't react, you expected him to smile and laugh, saying that it was just a joke and that you should calm down, but he did nothing of it. Instead, he held the knife against your neck, his eyes were empty while doing so. "What are you doing," you whispered. A lump formed inside your throat, which no matter how often you tried to swallow it, wouldn't go away. You realized that Yunho was right, Wooyoung was the killer.
"Don't worry," he said as if that was going to calm you down, if anything this unnerved you even more. "Remember? I could never let my favorite friend die. But apparently, I do have to teach you a lesson."
Teach you a lesson? For what? You tried to think about what you could've done but nothing came to mind. "No don't look at me like that, you know exactly what you did," he hissed when he saw how confused you were.
"A quick reminder maybe? Yeosang, Yeonjun, and apparently the next one is San, huh?" He bit his lip in annoyance when you still didn't get it. "You choose everyone, literally everyone over me! I was in love with you ever since we first met, yet you never looked at me!"
He kept talking faster, his breath becoming erratic with his chest raising heavily. "I try to do everything for you! I drive you everywhere you want, buy you the food that you like, and comfort you when you're having a tough time, yet it's never enough! Hell, it bet you would even consider that moron Mingi over me!"
You felt nauseous listening to him talk while he was still holding that kitchen knife against your throat, but you had to be calm now. Maybe you could calm him down enough to escape. "Wooyoung, how was I supposed to know that you like me? You flirt with everything and everyone that crosses your path, I thought you treated me like everyone else!" You took a deep breath and carefully thought about your next words before you continued, "I always thought you had no interest in me if I knew I..."
Wooyoung slightly lowered the knife. "If you knew what? That I liked you?" He scoffed. "You and I both know damn well that I made it more than obvious."
He was right. You always knew that Wooyoung liked you and it became especially apparent when you were in a relationship. You noticed how Wooyoung distanced himself from you, every time you had a boyfriend. And as soon as you broke up he came back into your life, with his first question being, "Are you okay?"
You were hurt when he distanced himself the first time and annoyed the second time. You told yourself that you wouldn't take him back as a friend, but you were down from your breakup and really appreciated him asking how you were doing and bringing snacks so you two could have a movie night to distract you.
Obviously, you liked Wooyoung, even though he often annoyed you, but never in a romantic kind of way. He was more like a brother to you, cliché, you know but that's just how you felt.
"Well obviously you didn't," you snapped, just to immediately regret it as you saw how Wooyoung dangerously narrowed his eyes. "I mean if I knew, I would have told you that I liked you too!"
"Don't fucking lie to me!" He yelled. The sudden raise of his voice made you flinch. "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you don't love-"
You interrupted him and yelled back, "But it's the truth! I do love you Wooyoung, what do you want me to do to prove it?!" It was a risk to raise your voice at him in this situation, but at the same time, it might help you come across as sincere.
To your surprise, he threw his head back and laughed. He bit his lip and looked at you when he calmed down, his eyes were sparkling in amusement while traveling down to your mouth and back up to meet your eyes again. You knew what was coming even before he said it. "You want to prove it? Then kiss me!"
You tried to subtly take a deep breath before you put your lips on his. It was awkward, while he was moving his lips against yours, you were just frozen. You couldn't believe what you were doing. It wasn't until he bit your lower lip that you finally kissed him back.
You felt guilty, kissing him. To you, it felt like you were disrespecting the lifes of the girls he took. It was like you were in a trance, just doing what you had to, to keep him calm. But then you felt Wooyoung's hand creep under your shirt. The feeling of his gloved hand against the warm skin of your stomach sent a jolt through your body and ripped you out of your trance-like state. You caught his wrist before he could trail up any further. "Stop," you whispered against his lips when he pulled back to look at you.
A lazy smirk formed on his lips as he whispered back, "It's okay, we'll have enough time for this in the future."
He took a few steps back and pulled you with him by your hand. He held you against him by your waist when he softly said, "I'll be going to the bathroom, for real this time."
"Wait!" You stopped him before he could leave, one particular question was burning on your tongue. "Why did you kill them?"
"They deserved it." And with that he was gone, leaving you in shock at his indifference. You truly never believed that he could do something like that. You felt betrayed.
You waited until you heard the click of the bathroom door before you ran into the living room to grab your phone. You quickly dialed the emergency number, but you didn't even get to hear the first ring, since the phone was ripped out of your hand.
The phone was flung across the room after he ended the call. Wooyoung placed his hand on your stomach and pulled you closer. Your back was pressed against his chest and his head was on your shoulder when he asked, "Do you think I'm stupid?"
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat. His other arm found its way around you too, he was basically hugging you from behind now. "Hm, tell me, do you think I'm stupid," he asked again when you didn't answer him, his voice was coated with false sweetness.
You slowly shook your head, it was as if someone glued your mouth shut, no word wanted to come out, no matter how hard you tried. "No? Then why did you think that this would work?" His voice was barely above a whisper as if he was too lazy to talk.
Still, no answer came out of you. You heard his soft chuckle right by your ear before he suddenly planted a kiss on your neck. "You'll do as I say now," he mumbled against your skin and kissed you again
The feeling of disgust took over you, every cell of your body wanted to escape his touch, but you didn't dare to tell him to stop. "Go and pack some clothes, we're leaving."
Why? Where are we going? Questions were floating around in your head, but you didn't voice out any of them. Instead, you wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. You were about to go past him when his voice stopped you. "By the way, if you want to run away that's fine, but then I'll kill San."
"What-," the hell, is what you wanted to say but he cut you off.
"Or maybe Mingi, if San doesn't convince you." He huffed and furrowed his brows in thought. "But your parents are an option too, of course!"
Wooyoung glanced at you and asked, "You get the message, right?
You nodded. You would've gotten his message without him threatening to kill the people close to you too. "I'm not going to try anything!"
He smiled and pat your head. "Of course you won't."
After he finally let you go, you rushed up the stairs to your room. Letting Wooyoung wait seemed like a bad idea, so you swiftly stuffed some clothes into a big bag and went downstairs again.
Wooyoung was already waiting by the front door, he was staring down at his phone and typing away quickly. Strands of his black hair were covering his eyes, but he brushed it away when he heard you approach him.
"Let's go." It was as if he was in a hurry to get away since he opened the door and pushed you out by the small of your back. Everything about this felt surreal to you. One of your closest and longest friends was not only a Killer but was now also abducting you.
A black car that you didn't recognize was already standing in front of your house, and Wooyoung kept pushing you toward it. You couldn't see the driver through the dark, only a dark silhouette sitting in the driver's seat. But once you sat in the car you recognized him. "Jongho?!" Your eyes widened in shock, was he in on this? "What are you doing here?!"
He didn't get to answer you because Wooyoung got in on the passenger seat. The door was barely closed when Jongho started to drive. "Did you take care of Yunho?" Wooyoung was fastening his seat belt while asking.
Jongho stiffly nodded as an answer, you saw how his knuckles turned white with how hard he gripped the wheel. Wooyoung leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "Good."
"What do you mean by taking care of Yunho," you asked, a bad feeling settled in your stomach. Neither of them answered you, it made you want to rip your hair out in frustration. If there was anything you couldn't stand then it was people ignoring your questions, but you weren't exactly in a position where you could demand an answer.
You stared out of the window and helplessly watched how they took you further away from your home, your family, and your friends. Eventually, you even left your small town behind.
"Does Jongho even have a license?" You mumbled your thought out loud and didn't expect an answer.
To your surprise Wooyoung turned his head to look at you, he smiled when he said, "Don't worry, I taught him."
Great. That wasn't reassuring at all.
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raihann1 · 6 days
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PROMPT: 2 Characters: Jeff, Sally, Lazari
"FUCK!" Jeff screamed
"Do we have a problem?" (You got a bone to pick? Okay am done :c)
Slenderman sighed as he stared at the both of you.
"I just need you to babysit the children, it should not be that hard." They said crossing their long arms.
"Yeah but why him?!" You said glaring at Jeff who glared back.
"He's the only one avaliable right now. Now so help me and sort it together! Dismissed." His tone was serious and that meant it was final, no arguing. ---------------------------- "Y/N, Jeff!" Sally's upbeat tone caught their attention.
"Lazari and I are playing house! Come play with us!" Jeff grimaced while Y/N shurgged and joined them.
"So, lets set roles!" Sally said happily while Lazari quietly nodded smiling softly.
"We'll be sisters and Jeff can b-" she was rudely cut off.
"The badass uncle, am not being the father." He said flipping his knife around.
"I guess.. I'll be the older sister/brother?" Y/N said.
"So its settled!" Sally said and dragged all of them into a big room where there were 4 beds. One for sally, lucy, lazari and LuLu.
"Ahem!" Sally began "Lazari and I will be attending a tea party! Now.. we must invite big sibling Y/N and.. uh the creepy uncle Jeff."
Jeff looked offended.
"Ah yes, uh.. I will bring the tea!" Lazari said scurrying away quickly.
She returned back with a pink tea pot with a uncanny smile and a top that opened. Sally got 4 cups and a few fake cookies.
"Alright! We can now start!" Sally said beaming.
"HANDS UP BITCHES!" not only 10 minutes later Jeff had a toy gun and pretended to shoot the imaginary guests.
"Oh no! Crazy uncle is going insane!" Sally said and tugged on Y/Ns clothes.
"Big sibling will help!" She handed y/n a nerf gun.
"Standoff!" They said smirking as the two children looked up intrested.
"Wait!" Sally dashed off and grabbed a bowl of candy and came back and handed lazari some gummy worms which she left untouched.
"Playing hero huh?" Jeff said mocking Y/N
"Always playing the villian huh? Your gonna lose!"
"You sure about that?!" jeff said pulling up his toy gun, Y/N did the same.
"Pew pew!" Jeff expected nothing to happen instead water came out and he stared confused. "A water gun?.."
"Jeff." Y/N said furious.
"Alright kids go to bed! Uh me and Y/N are gonna have a real standoff!" They both ran off.
"GUYS!" sally said pouting while Lazari crossed her arms dissapointed.
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ewanmitchelll · 8 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (XVI): Love Story.
Imagine you are the Lady of Mercia and Osferth is your knight.
Warnings: soft smut, drama, angst.
Warnings 2: slightly divergence with “The Last Kingdom”’s events, with you being the daughter of Æthelflæd and Uhtred, prepared to the role dutifully.
• We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts… I'm standin' there on a balcony in summer air. See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd and say, "Hello". Little did I know…
It all starts when you two are young. Osferth has just recently met Uhtred, promptly embraced by this warrior who is to be half Dane, half Saxon, when lady Æthelflæd thought wise to prepare you to succeed her.
By then you and him are in your late teenager days. You do not know yet, though you may suspect, that Lord Æthelred is not your father, a man who inspires no sympathy of his subjects, dismissing you a paternal concern that, how curiously, Uhtred doesn’t hesitate in giving you.
“Lady Y/N”, Uhtred side smirks when seeing you. He can tell this growing beauty has his eyes and the man takes pride in gazing at you. But the secrecy must remain what is, a secret. “What a delight is to see you again.”
Due to recent events, which are a mix of your father’s death and the treachery of some of the Mercian aldermen, this infamous pagan warlord comes to protect your mother as part of his vow to the House of Wessex.
“My lord Uhtred”, you nod your head, unable to explain the instant sympathy the man inspires you, notwithstanding the differences in your creed. “I pray to find you well, my mother has been looking a great deal to seeing you again.”
He laughs, a sound you are most familiar with. It is a secret to none that he is your mother’s lover.
“Likewise, young lady. This is Osferth, by the way”, Uhtred presents one to the other, unknowing he’s planting a deadly seed.
Osferth steps forward. This tall man inspires you butterflies in your stomach, a feeling that you, however, promptly dismiss.
“My lord”, you curtsy graciously.
“Lady”, he avoids your gaze, nodding his head. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Osferth is a very good warrior, Y/N”, says Uhtred, amused by the teenager awkwardness. “He’s proven his worth and thus is here with me. Osferth, stay here with lady Y/N all the whilst I have matters to attend.”
Just like that he leaves you both. There is an awkward silence hanging between you two, so you opt to make things easier by breaking it:
“Is this the first time you stay on Mercia?”
“Nay, lady”, he slowly raises his eyes only to meet a pair of y/c irises staring at him. “I’ve been at Uhtred’s service for a few years since…eh… since I left my order.”
“Order?”, you repeat, rather intrigued. “Is my lord a priest?”
Osferth chuckles. You particularly swoon at his smile, at how handsome he is, but the pride that comes with your station prevents you to show it.
“I was, or rather am, a monk, lady.”
A small exchange of smiles occurs between you and him.
“How a monk then came to serve the great warrior Uhtred Ragnarsson?”
“This is a long conversation, lady.”
“Well, Monk Osferth, I have the time.”
• That you were Romeo, you were throwin' pebbles and my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet". And I was cryin' on the staircase. Beggin' you, "Please don't go, " and I said…
Æthelflæd raises her eyebrows when seeing how all of a sudden you are engaging in a conversation with Osferth when you have never had eyes to somebody else.
“You should not be so demanding to her”, says Uhtred, as they all gather at the table for a supper. “She found in Osferth a good companion, is all.”
“I can see the way she looks at him”, says the lady in a disapproving tone. “She will, when God wills it, be my heiress. She should know where this will lead her to.”
Uhtred limits himself giving her a look that she understands well. At times he wishes he could be more… present in your life. But in many ways he is.
As he observes you and Osferth cautiously now, he thinks wise to interfere.
“Y/N…”,Uhtred calls you. “Your mother wishes you to be more focused in your duties.”
“I do what she asks and more”, you sigh. “She is never pleased with anything I do.”
“It is the way of things. Kings and queens put duties over their sentiments”, says the warlord. “Most times they require personal sacrifices.”
You are tempted to argue, but seeing reason in his speech, what else is there to speak? You nod and giving Osferth a meaningless look, you depart without saying anything.
Osferth watches you go and, when noticing where his eyes follow, Uhtred clears his throat.
“Be careful, boy. Some prizes are too high to aim.”
The monk blushes at once.
“What is it you say, lord? I am but a bastard, a monk who, by chance, follows you in your wars.”
Uhtred side smirks in response.
“Youth can be misleading, this is all I can offer as an advice.”
But some part of the younger male wishes he’d have more time with you… however impossible it is.
• Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"…
You do not see him again. It takes years until tragedy reunites one with the other. Until then you slowly grow into a different woman.
Your mind is well versed in politics and languages, at least knowing enough of Latin to understand the scriptures. You try to follow your mother’s steps, but this comes with a price.
Even Lady Æthelflæd is aware of the subtle changes in your personality. Where’s that characteristically joy that used to spark behind your y/c eyes? She misses it. As well as your innocence. Would time steal it from you?
At first she opts to ignore it. But not even her loyal adviser is blind to the loneliness you go through.
“It would do well if Lady Y/N had some companions to spend her time with. However is her position now or in the future ahead, she must not live isolated.”
Æthelflæd considers. But whilst she asks him to look for suitable companions, the role of a mother, which she often mistook as the same of a queen, leads her to a shadowy road.
“Y/N”, she comes to your chambers and doesn’t like seeing some sort of melancholy in you.
“Yes, my lady?”, you stand and curtsy.
Æthelflæd swallows the hurt when seeing it’s the queen you greet, not the mother.
“We must speak.”
“Have I done any wrongs?”
“It is not about that. I fear I have isolated you. I was… concerned you might suffer mundane influences which I attempted to prevent you to succumb.”
A flash of anger is perceived in your eyes. To your mother this is better than apathy.
“I am never good enough for you, aren’t I? You take the few friends I have and send them away. If I recall your words, all was done under the pretense of following duty.”
An argument is inevitable. There is only so much you can do to hold back the temper that is an inheritance of your mother and your father, though Æthelflæd credits the latter for it.
She hears the accusations in silence. An explosion is better than a cold storm, so the queen judges.
In the meantime the royal household is trembling, Osferth has been living quietly, fighting his wars and drinking his ale. The monk clearly breaks any celibate oath by getting himself involved with women.
“It so appears that our baby monk is not a baby anymore”, so Finan cackles.
“A man does what he does”, he shrugs his shoulders.
How can it be, though, that his thoughts never left aside the only lady he’d commit his heart to? Remorse soon comes when thinking that you’d not do what he did, knowing your character. Glooming soon comes… washing away what he judges to be weakness of his flesh.
As Uhtred likes to quote, though, destiny is all and soon it works to tie his life to yours.
Despite amending relations with your mother, you have never been the same. Duty has forged you into an iron lady prepared to embrace the arduous task to inherit a crown that deep inside your heart you’ve never wanted it.
Nonetheless, once you prove how dutiful you are and how sharp is your wit, the witan somehow feels at easy when looking at you as your mother’s heiress.
And the day where you are expected to become Lady of the Mercians comes sooner than expected.
“I have to deliver grave news to you, child”, and without wasting time, she tells you that she’s dying.
Naturally, you are shocked.
“This cannot be!”
“It is the will of God and we must respect it. Soon, transition will occur as we have planned all these years. Listen to me, Y/N, you are ready.” For the first time in a while she looks a mother to you. “I am proud of you, my daughter.”
You lean against her forehead and, letting a sob escape, you say:
“I shall not disappoint you, mother.”
“You could never”, and she kisses your forehead, thus reconciling permanently with you.
As she secretly requests the presence of Uhtred, you are going outside to fetch a messenger when you are surprised by his presence.
“My lord!”
“Where is she?”, by the grave expression on his face, you know he’s already been informed of her condition.
“At her bedchambers”, and it’s when you see him.
Osferth stands in the corridors, his eyes reminding you of those of a lost puppy’s. Courties come and go but you two freeze in time and space.
He knows and you know. With a movement of your head, you indicate him to follow. Discreetly he does, going after you somewhere that you know it’s not well guarded—in the past it used to be the spot where your mother welcomed Uhtred.
“Lady Y/N”, Osferth isn’t sure how to address you, how to even look at you.
For one moment neither do you. It seems as these last years turned one stranger to the other, and perhaps to avoid this odd sensation, you are the one to take his hand in yours.
“My lord”, you speak in short breath. “Osferth.”
“I thought we would never meet again”, says he, daring to raise his eyes.
Studying you, Osferth sees how grown you are. How beautiful you have become with eyes dark as coal and softened features, with y/c locks falling in one long braid. There is sadness behind your y/c eyes and God knows how he wishes to take it away.
When leaning his hand to stroke your cheek, you lean it against his palm, searching for comfort. For the very first time in years you shed a tear.
“I am alone in this world, Osferth. My life is not mine. They forbid me to nurture sentiments of any nature. I am caged.”
“This is not true, lady. I’m here and will never leave your side, this I vow. I did try to forget you in the past”, he admits. “The deep affection there is in my heart admonished my weakness. I cannot nor will I ever be so blunt in letting you to yourself.”
“I am expected to remain chaste”, you sob. “Or at least to marry someone else. Save me, my lord. Save me from my fate.”
“There is little need to protest against destiny”, says Osferth. “You were born for this, lady. God has put you where you should be. I’ll be here for you. Whatever comes, I’ll be beside you.”
You bury your face to his neck, bursting into tears. Osferth is tensed at such proximity, but when he embraces you, his concerns dissipate. Your smell brings him peace and as he rocks you in his arms, he realizes how much he loves you.
Oh, what a misfortune to love a star that is too high to grasp! But Osferth has been accustomed to the night to be drowned in hopelessness. What is he but a moon in search of the sun, contemplating the vast of the galaxy?
Nevertheless, the love he feels for you is inexplicable, inexpressible, irreversible.
“My lady”, he speaks in his husky tone, reluctantly parting from you. “We must go. We cannot take so long. I wish we had more time…”
“Can you do at least one thing for me?”
“Anything, lady”, he takes your hands and presses a hand in each.
“Stay with me. Never leave my side, no matter the circumstances. Be the knight I want you to be.”
Osferth knows what you ask is too much of him. Especially now how acutely aware he is where came from this pair of dark coal eyes that stares at him.
Nevertheless, he’s been too weary to stay far from you. Even if he cannot have you, the warrior monk knows he has no strength to stay away from you anymore.
“I will do as my lady commands me to.”
That being said, Osferth does a bold move that surprises you both. He takes you by your waist and kisses you at long last.
• So I sneak out to the garden to see you. We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew. So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while, oh oh…
You are promptly acknowledged as Lady of The Mercians, the rightful successor of Lady Æthelflæd. Duty compels you to act as honorably as you can, showing the witan and your royal uncle how sharped is your wit.
There present is Lord Uhtred, who ensures his natural daughter is safe, that the transition to power occurs smoothly.
But at the end of the day you wish to see only one person. And when everyone else is sleeping, your loyal friend lady Ælfgifu brings him to your privy quarters.
“Lady”, Osferth is surprised at your summon. “Is there something wrong?”
He drinks the view of you, trying not to succumb his lust. Years have passed since he took the oath of not letting be slaved by his flesh, especially regarding his feelings for you.
Now, the sight of your long loose hair and the nightgown that covers poorly your body, letting be captured in glimpses your firm breasts, makes Osferth face an internal battle.
“There is nothing wrong, my love. Fear not”, you short the distance between you two feigning a confidence you lack. “I am my own mistress here, Osferth.”
He gives you a cautious look.
“Time has played with us, has it not?”, the monk muses. “However, my lady, we must not be imprudent. I stand here as you wish, but I am not going to be unwise and put you at risk.”
“I understand my mother has done a vow which I intend to keep. In the meantime she has met the man I know now as my father in secrecy. We could do the same.”
“If you are certain this will not…”
But his words die at how close you two are. What time has repressed, no iron is suffice to hold back now it’s loose. Osferth himself forgets reason when his lips collide against yours and his arms are all around you.
Sighing in content, never before you felt a mistress of yourself as in that moment. When his breath and yours are combined, his strong body warming yours, your fingers let loose in his face, his features, his hair.
All the whilst his tongue dances with yours, his long and callous hands play with your hair and work quickly to remove your fabric. Once he leads you to bed, he pauses a moment to hold your face gently:
“My lady wife.”
“My lord husband”, you beam at the secrecy with which you and him express at last the true sentiments and desires to each other.
Even if this love story is not having the end you’d like, it is already written more pleasant than you’d conceived.
As his mouth drinks in your skin, his tongue twirling around your neck, his hands gently spread your legs, placing himself in between as his mouth starts to cup each nude breast. Devouring your nipples like a hungry man, Osferth for few seconds forgets he is the one experienced…
“Why did you stop”, you moan in protest when seeing this handsome and strong man right where you want him to be.
Osferth smiles at you, a smile that brightens his face which in turn makes you beam at such a view.
“I remember my lady that I must have utmost care with you, considering you are a damsel.”
You narrow your eyes at him.
“Is it a way to remind me you have had others in your bed, lord?”
Osferth’s smile quickly dismisses as he crawls over you.
“Lady, whilst it is true I have not behaved well in the past, I am being careful to you. We are already doing it unlawfully…”
“Oh shush! This is not the moment nor the time to…”
And here you are pleasantly swallowed his fervent kisses. Where Osferth is shy and discreet when he’s with others, right here with you he’s every inch the man you’ve read in books. Even more.
When his hand slides to your womanhood, there is no shadow of doubts or jealousy, but two hearts united in one purpose. And this is as holy as mundane, as sacred as profane, from the moment he slides in you only soon to seed you, providing a new delight never before you considered proving.
• Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you, but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, "Marry me, Juliet. You'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress. It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes". Oh, oh, oh. 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
You receive a visit of Lord Uhtred, who’s been too suspicious of the reason you’ve been keeping Osferth wherever you go.
“Lady Y/N, may we have a word?”, he is somewhat surprised to see you fitting well in your new role.
In spite of the burden that being the sole ruler of Mercia carries, you’ve been continuing with the hard work of your mother. Some advisors, already perceiving that you hold a favourite in the person of your dearest knight, who does not meddle in politics, keep a blind eye to his person. But will others do the same notwithstanding your utmost discretion?
“Yes, lord Uhtred. You know you are welcome here”, you dismiss the council and receive him like a daughter receives a father.
The tender gesture does not go unnoticed by the man, who softens before you.
“So much like your mother”, Uhtred whispers, a sad smile crossing his lips. “Even in temper.”
“We had our differences”, you say, leaving a hint of a resentment that never truly healed. You wish you had been better as a daughter, more committed to the cause she stood for. You try amending the remorse by doing what she’d do… though this does not mean you forget your secret vows exchanged with Osferth.
Uhtred studies you for a moment and it’s almost as if he can tell what’s been left unsaid.
“We all did, but you are doing a good work here. She would be proud of you. Leaving these matters aside, I am not here to discuss the rather unpleasant businesses King Edward’s been having with Mercia.”
You ask servants to fetch yourselves wine and food before gallantries are set aside for politics. To your surprise, however, what Uhtred comes to discuss with you is in regard of your relationship with Osferth.
“There is no need to protest. I am not here to admonish you for what I’ve done myself”, says he. “Whoever you lies with is your problem, Y/N. But the point is…the oath your mother took was only performed after you were adult and well looked after. You need to continue the lineage if you do not wish that Mercia falls onto the hands of Wessex.”
“I do not think the aldermen will accept Osferth as my husband”, you hesitate.
“There may be some elements they might consider”, Uhtred strokes his chin. “Do you love this man, Y/N Y/LN?”
You smile at the question posed. Uhtred can tell you do love his baby monk, unbelievable as it is that Osferth conquered the lady of Mercia’s heart. He scoffs at it.
“I do”, and then as if hesitating, you ask: “Will you give us your blessing?”
Uhtred never considered that you’d outwit him and your mother, but looking at the sagacity with which you’ve been conducting Mercian affairs, is it really difficult to believe you’ve known all this time?
“I personally think you deserve better”, the warlord teases you. “But alas, aye! He will look after you, I’m sure.”
You nod your head, thankful for his blessing. Then a moment of silence passes before Uhtred says:
“How long have you known?”
“Long enough”, your smile spreads. “What a shame is that I will never be able to acknowledge you as my father in public.”
“It matters not”, he says. “What is more relevant is that you are well and conducting your affairs properly, something of which I’ve never harbored doubts. I’m proud of you.”
A delight this reunion proves to be, giving your heart the balsam you need.
You are lawfully married to Osferth before selected witnesses on a sacred day. You ensure to bring your half-siblings for the ceremony, particularly bonding to Stiorra, who, despite the differences in creed, proves to be the sister you wish you had back in your youth.
At the feast, the aldermen present themselves. Not many are content with the choice, but if the blood of Ælfred does not meddle in Mercian matters, then all is well.
“You look beautiful, lady”, Osferth smiles as you two dance beautifully in your own ways after receiving the blessing of the priest. “I never thought I’d see this day come.”
“It did, husband”, you smile back and he notices the old glee once spotted in your eyes long time ago have now returned. “I’ve always had my faith this would somehow end well for us.”
“Praise the Lord”, says he.
An exchange of loving glances is enough before the bedding parade is announced. You see Uhtred is sighing heavily, opting for not partaking of the boasting. Some aldermen snort at it for its pagan nature.
But some traditions survive the time. Therefore, you play the role of a damsel, whose gown is stripped on your way to your bedchambers, as Osferth does the same. He laughs as Finan teases him, as well as their other mates, considering they were more than familiar with Osferth’s history before you came along.
Now here you two are, alone at last.
“It brings me great relief, in all honesty, that we are no longer hidden in secret”, he admits, lying on his elbow as he admires you openly.
“As it does to me, though what we have is not a burden, never was.”
“I know”, he takes your hand and brings it to his lips. “I only wish we had not taken such a long time.”
“It all happened in due time”, you smile before pulling him to you.
One kiss is enough to make Osferth’s mind go blank as well as yours. Thus it is this love story is sealed with a carnal union that mirrors that of the soul.
• Epilogue.
Some years later…
You pat your growing belly, watching with concern as Osferth teaches Edgar how to manage a sword.
“You must first learn how to unsheathe the sword, boy”, he speaks patiently. “And only then you will swing the basis like this…”
Edgar has the dark eyes of your father, but the hair of your husband. Except by these features, it’s a common consent that Mercia’s next ruler is very much like you.
“Be careful, husband! Edgar is not yet five”, you say, at the same time keeping an eye to the maids who look after Ædyth, 3, and Osbert, 2.
When Osferth meets your gaze, you still freeze, mesmerized by the unique kind of joy only a man like him could make you feel. After all these years? Always, you’d say to your sister.
“I will, my love. I assure you that, whatever has Finan told you about me, I’ve grown prudent”, he chuckles.
“I’m just assuring you, this is all.”
“You are fussing”, you hear a familiar voice that makes you turn your head to. It’s Stiorra, the happily queen of York. “You didn’t think I’d miss your labor, would you?”
At times you forget your belly is heavier…
“With many matters to attend, my sister, I honestly wouldn’t expect you to. But you know how grateful I am by your company.”
The thread is briefly interrupted as you are distracted by the shout of your youngest children. Osbert is crying for a reason and Ædyth is claiming she can hold a sword.
You give Stiorra a look before playing the role of a mother. As Osferth fussed with his son’s hair, thus finishing the training, his eyes linger at the familiar scenario.
“Who’d ever known we would come all this way?”, when he turns it’s Finan who speaks.
Today, he came with Uhtred for a familiar visit that has, however, political implications. It appears that Brida has been planning a vengeance at Uhtred, so the northern warlord came to ask for Mercian aid—specially when your royal uncle is not excited at the prospect of borrowing your father some men to impede this alleged Danish invasion.
“God writes in mysterious ways”, says the former monk.
“You deserve this, my friend. You have a wife who loves you, and she is rich, possessing lands and enough silver for a lifetime”, both friends laugh at his remark. “And what about your children? I’ll ensure that Edgar is training by my sons’ side when time is come.”
“You can always bring them here”, suggests Osferth. “Y/N doesn’t want to acknowledge but in due time our boy will have his own household, so he must be surrounded by good and loyal friends.”
“I’ll consider it with my wife. It’s an excellent suggestion”, Finan agrees.
As the day turns into night and the guests, as well the children, are set to sleep, Osferth and you finally have a moment to yourselves.
“What a day”, says he in the moment he slides at his side of the bed.
“Indeed. Grandmother has been very, uh, busy with our children. I fear she might spoilt them too much”, you shake your head, in reference to the King Ælfred’s wife who’s been with you since your mother’s premature demise.
Osferth is on his elbow, stroking your hair as he ensures you are comfortable.
“She enjoys a privilege few do: meeting her great-grandchildren, another generation of the old king’s blood.”
You lean into his touch, locking hands with his, watching your husband blow away a few candles.
“You bring me great delights, my love.”
“The seed is strong”, he teases you, making you chuckle quietly.
“Don’t be silly, Osferth.”
With moonlight finding its way stubbornly through half closed curtains, you see the gaze your husband casts at you. You lift your hand to play with his short hair before stroking his face.
No words are needed.
As you smile and he smiles too, you peck his lips. It is a love story and both of you said yes to it. Such is what the pens of future scribes will register.
Others will write songs. The Lady and Her Knight will echo through the centuries, with your descendants still on power somehow by the 18th century…
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nana-ur · 1 year
Corruption: Intro.
Pairings: Yandere!Taehyung x Reader || Jimin x Reader
Genre: Yandere, Romance (?), Psychological, Angst, Smut
Disclaimer: I do not condone, nor support or encourage anything I write in this fanfiction. It is purely fiction, means of entertainment, and should be treated as such. I do not think any of the BTS members would act remotely anything like what is represented here, which is why it’s called fiction. Other than that, please enjoy, and read at your own discretion. 
Trigger warnings and Tags; +18, Yandere elements, Possessive and Obsessive behaviors, Toxic Relationships, Unhealthy idealization, Drug and Substance Abuse, Mommy/Daddy Issues, Slow Burn, Smut (in future chapters), Artist!Tae, Rich!Tae, Lowkey SugarDaddy!Tae, BDSM, Power Dynamics, Manipulation, Slight age difference, Naive!Reader, Easy to Manipulate!Reader, Virgin!Reader, Virginity Kink, Corruption kink.. (There’s gonna be a LOT of kinks in here for further chapters, so I’ll save the wall of text LOL.) 
Intro  Part. 1   Part. 2   Part. 3   Part. 4  Part. 5  
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Boring, he thought.
Everything about this stupid fucking event was excruciatingly boring.
First off, he didn't even want to be here. His mother forced him to come, practically dragging him outside by his own ear. 
"If you still want me to sponsor your pathetic little project, it'd be smart of you to come along with me this evening." Ah yes, the typical threats of estranging him financially in hopes of him spending time with her. Typical Mrs. Kim. 
The outing was a simple event where selected students who had won his fathers Academic Scholarship were rewarded a ‘party’ for their hard work and efforts. The scholarship was offered to college students who managed to make the highest ranking grades throughout their entire university. Impressive, to say the least, which is why each student present was granted $45,000 USD straight towards their college funds.
That sort of funding was simply pocket change for a man like his father.
His father was the CEO of Kim’s Legal Law Firm. It happens to be the third largest law firm in the country. Taehyung’s father has a tender soft spot for college students, especially ones who attend the same school he graduated from. Which is why he did events like this yearly, specifically for them.
But Taehyung? He could give two shits about a "Scholarly Party". He wasn't in school, nor did he want to be tied down by the ropes of education ever again. High School was more than enough, and that was years ago. He barely graduated. Though, after having his parents ``talk" to the principal of his private school, he suddenly went from having a D grade point average, to being at the top of his class in under an hour. He remembers clearly how Kim Namjoon glared daggers in his skull when he walked up the stairs leading to the stage at their highschool graduation, accepting his honors award that rightfully belonged to him instead. Taehyung couldn't really blame him, either. He'd be pissed off too if someone's rich parents paid off a school to make their irresponsible child graduate, whilst stealing his honors award that would've surely benefited him if he tried to enroll in college. 
Taehyung wasn't stupid by all means, no. He was actually pretty fucking smart. It's just he hates doing work, and he hates being told what to do. So instead of attending classes, doing homework, and going to exam days; he skipped classes to smoke weed, do things he wasn't supposed to do, and fuck around. What was stopping him? Surely not his parents. They barely bat an eye when he stayed away from home for days on end when he was only 15 years old. He remembers walking in after being away for 5 days straight to his dad barely sparing him a glance, and his mother wrapping herself up in a scarf so she could go out for the night. She walked right past him, not saying a word. 
Easy to say that his parents had their priorities straightened out already, and Taehyung wasn't one of them. But he doesn't care. 
Or that's what he tries to tell himself when he has emotional outbursts, or when he gets arrested for DUIs, or when he gets questioned for being under the influence, and more outlandish things his parents had authorities shove under a rug. 
His parents had money and generational wealth. Taehyung could do anything, say anything, and be whatever he wanted. So who cares if his parents were a little emotionally unavailable? He didn't care. Nope. Not at all. Not one bit.
But sometimes, just, sometimes, he finds himself yearning for motherly love. He finds himself wishing he had a father to look up to, instead of the stone cold businessman his own father was.
He desperately wanted to be loved by someone.
And he hated that feeling. It made him feel weak.
The feeling that gnawed at the emptiness inside of his own chest. The empty void that hurts and caves into himself whenever he sees someone receive the unconditional love he could only wish for. 
Oh, how he wanted someone to love.
To hold, to cherish, to smother with affection, to be loyal to and never let go. 
Never let go. 
Taehyung has had his fair share of relationships, of course. He was pretty, tantalizing, rich, and he likes to think of himself as quite the charmer. 
Those relationships weren’t too serious or noteworthy, honestly. Most of the women he dated were trophy girlfriends his friends set him up with. Most just dated him for status, sex, and money. Surprisingly, he had no problem with this. 
It's just how the world works, isn't it?
No matter how pretty or sweet, though, he's never fallen in love with any of those women.
He's never been in love at all.
He’s felt the intense feelings of infatuation and lust, but none of those feelings lasted for more than 2 weeks. He often finds himself getting bored of the same repetitive types of women that came into his life. 
There were two categories of women that Kim Taehyung seems to attract. 
One being the typical spoiled woman with daddy’s black card. This type didn’t need him at all for financial reasons, they were set for life, and possibly even the afterlife. They always had a certain aura to them, that look in their eyes, that pep in the way they walk. All of which seems to remind him of his own mother. Yeah, he knows it’s weird. It’s weird to date women that remind you of your mother, but Taehyung was the farthest thing from normal. 
What did Sigmund Freud say? Taehyung would think about the little bit of psychology knowledge he gained when he used to half pay attention in class often. Something about how mommy issues can lead down an unhealthy path of romantic relationships if not addressed in therapy, and so on. He thought it was quite interesting how he felt called out at that moment, which is why psychology became one of his favorite subjects while he was still in school. He may have skipped a lot, but when he was there, he tried to pay attention to the lectures.
The second category of women who Taehyung attracts were models. Not the runway, nepo baby models everyone sees on social media. No, not those. 
The models who were oh so pretty, but also had that vacant lost look in their eyes. They were signed to agencies who barely let them on the runway. Not because of their looks, but because of their raging reliance on drugs and substances. The walking stereotype of a ‘The Weeknd’ song is how he would describe these women. 
These women were with him for a completely different reason than the others. 
Taehyung was a bit guilty when it came to having a “hero complex”. He isn’t a saint by any means; he’s done his fair share of substances. He was peer pressured to do a lot of things when he was younger. 
Though, whenever he gets with these women, his goal is to “fix” them by giving them endless attention, affection, and care. He was always there when they went through withdrawals, when they were puking into plastic bags because they failed to eat prior to drowning themselves in narcotics and powder. He would rub their backs, help them take a cold shower, fix them soup, and hold them until they fell asleep. 
Taehyung had a soft spot for these women. Because he understands.
He understood the pain. The desperation to feel nothing. 
To fill that empty void with something. Something. 
These women were crying for help, so why not help them?
It filled him with a sense of importance after helping these women get clean. It was like he was healing his inner child in a sick, twisted way. Though, like most things, those relationships came to an end.
Although it was never really his fault these relationships would end. 
He was too “demanding”, “controlling”, “possessive”, he’s been told by most, if not all, of the women he’s been involved with.
They never truly accepted him for who he was. They were the foolish ones, not him. 
If they just understood him, if they would just understand.
Which is why he’s never fallen in love before. 
That was the ‘love’ life of Kim Taehyung. It was sad and depressing, but it’s something he had to get used to. It was all he was ever exposed to growing up. It was all he knew.
Maybe one day, things would be different. Happen differently.
Perhaps, authentically, unlike his past.
Perhaps he could fall in love.
He dreamed about such things. It would keep him up at night with a beating heart.
He was a disgusting hopeless romantic. 
“Are you paying attention?” Taehyung quickly blinked out of his short-lived daze and cocked his head down towards the voice. It was his mother, looking at him with those judgemental eyes he once used to hide from. Now, it doesn’t scare him anymore. 
But it made him feel significantly small nonetheless. 
God, he hated being here. It was so tacky.
Everyone was instructed to wear white. Though Taehyung, obviously, chose to be a little shit to piss off his mom and wore a black turtleneck, with a black blazer and even blacker slacks. His black hair was styled to where his fringe was covering most of his forehead, and slightly his eyes which were a light gray today, due to his contacts. Black on black.
He nodded his head towards his mother, ushering her to continue on with what she was saying even though he dissociated for most of it. 
Something he learned how to do at a very young age with ease.
“As I was saying,” she snapped, “your father wants you to greet some of the students. It would be beneficial for you to ask questions about college life, possibly even make some new friends tonight," Taehyung groaned internally, rolling his eyes in a way that his mother wouldn’t catch on. Here comes the “you need to go to school and study” talk. He would always shut it down. He’s 27 years old, too old to even be considered a senior at this point. 
To please his mother and to make her stop talking, he walked away from the railing he was leaning on and looked down into his wine glass, swirling it around to watch the red liquid create ripples. 
Looking up, he immediately spots his father speaking to what he presumes to be a student. The student was dressed in a plain, silky short back-out white gown with spaghetti straps. 
With her rear side facing his direction, it was hard to make out what the conversation was about. Maybe his father was being the creep he always was when it came to hanging around girls decades younger than him.
He can usually tell by the look in his fathers eyes, which seemed innocent to others, but Taehyung knew better than that. He knew his father well, even if he had no desire to. 
But all he could think about was how enticing she looked, even from behind where her face was hidden. The curve of her torso allowed the silky dress to hug her body perfectly, creating a silhouette that would give any Greek sculpture a run for its money. Dragging his eyes up and down her figure, he finds himself absentmindedly outlining the perimeter of her body with his irises, imprinting it into his own memory. 
Taehyung had an excellent photographic memory. 
It was strange, really. He was never someone to be enticed by “energy”, and he was never one to approach women. Not that he didn’t want to, it’s just that he didn’t have to. Any woman he was interested in came to him first without fail. But something was pulling him forward, beckoning him to approach the mysterious girl.
Which is exactly what he did.
His steps were calculated, precise. Making good first impressions was a piece of cake for Kim Taehyung, something he was often praised for from time to time. Which is probably the reason why his parents forced him to come to this tedious event. They used him as the token golden boy, utilizing his charms and making him talk to perverted, older guests that came to their events, hoping that he’d win their favor in exchange that his father gets to strengthen his connections. They started doing this when he turned 18, making use of his good looks and people skills.
Earning his parents' respect as their son isn’t easy. Especially a son who belonged to the Kim family. He had to attend the same university as his father, and to not make a mockery out of the family name. In which, he failed to do both. Saying he has their respect now is a stretch, but they found him to be useful when it came to winning over disgusting old CEOs and Chaebols. 
His brother, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He graduated from university with high honors, even went ahead and attended graduate school as well, then he went to law school. He completed all of this by the time he turned 30. 
Taehyung appreciates that his brother took up all the responsibility, and the burden of expectations off of his shoulders.
Deep inside, real deep inside, he could only dream of being the center of his parents' life the way Seokjin was. They loved him. Doted on him. Spoiled him. Gave him all the extra love and affection that should’ve gone to Taehyung instead. 
As a teenager, he was resentful towards his brother for the obvious showcase of favoritism his parents did. They didn’t even try to hide it. They would compare the two any chance they got; rubbing in the accomplishments of his elder brother in his face, reminding him that he will amount to nothing in life. 
Nothing but a burnt out artist, is what his father says. 
But whatever, Taehyung didn’t care. Not one bit.
“Hello, son,” His father greeted him once he noticed Taehyung's formidable figure saunter over, the tone of his voice evidently curt and strict in contrast to the lighthearted conversation he was having with the young lady. 
Ah, great. It was just as he guessed. His father was being a creep, and was actively flirting with this poor girl. Good thing Taehyung was here to save her from his fathers inappropriate stares and invasive questions.
Sparing his father a tight lipped smile, he walks past the young lady to align himself right next to his father, finally.
Finally, he could see her face.
And wow.
Everything around him became blurred, every sound that tried to meet his ears became all jumbled together, like indecipherable radio signals.
All he could focus on was you.
With his unexpected appearance, you instinctively looked up at him, his gray eyes meeting your own. He tilted his head to the side and gave you a cheeky grin, in which you reciprocated with your own, skittish smile.
That smile. 
He’ll never forget a smile like that, that’s for sure. 
The apples of your cheeks were rosy with dew and the afterglow of being in such a warm venue. Taehyung thought the sight of it was absolutely breathtaking. 
His gray eyes stayed on yours, unwavering. He intensely scanned your face, jotting down each little detail into his mind. 
Noticing the fervor of his gaze, you tore your eyes away from the fervent unwarranted stare-off and looked down at your feet, your face flushing with heat.
He wanted to look into your eyes for a little bit longer. 
But that’s okay, he’ll get your attention one way or another.
After all, he just couldn’t help himself. 
Your face was just his type.
Would it be a stretch for him to say everything about the way you look was just his type? Perhaps, but Taehyung was known for moving extremely fast.
In more ways than one. 
“I’d like for you to meet Ms.____,” his father uttered out your first name. It sounded like a symphony to Taehyung's ears. A pretty face and a pretty name, huh.
How unfair. 
Your name began to replay like a broken record inside of his head. Sounding out each syllable internally, his tongue dragged across the side of his cheek before testing the name out loud in a hushed whisper.
The way your name began to reiterate persistently in his head – It would drive any sane person crazy.
Good thing Taehyung was the latter. 
“Well, Ms.___,” Taehyung scooped up your hand into his own, hoping the abrupt swift action will bless him with your soft gaze once again.
And it did.
With wide eyes, your neck nearly snapped as you rose your head from its previous position of looking down. You stared at him with big doe eyes, confusion swirling in your irises. 
That expression on your face was dangerous.
Especially for a man like him.
He brought your delicate hand up towards his red tinted lips, all while maintaining eye contact. He could feel you trembling in the palm of his hand.
What were you doing to him?
He felt slightly bewitched by you. He’s met his fair share of gorgeous women. Hell, he’s even met some of the world's most infamous models. 
But none of them compared to you. 
None of them had this effect on him. 
None of them took his breath away like this.
None of them at all.
He placed a soft kiss onto the back of your hand, a mellow smile spreading across his face when his lips met your soft, warm skin. 
“It’s a pleasure, pretty girl,” He whispered loud enough for you to hear, his breath fanning onto the skin of your hand. 
He slowly backed away, not letting your hand go just yet, leading it downwards but still holding it firm in his grip. He had to savor your reaction before he retracts completely.
He could tell you were wary with the sudden public display of affection, especially right in front of his own father. But truly, Taehyung didn’t give a fuck. He was someone who didn’t care if anyone was watching, especially his own father. Social anxiety or upholding social status wasn’t something for him to worry about.
And you’ll come to find that out very soon. 
Sooner than you think. 
Your eyes glossy, blown out, and your mouth was slightly gaped open from shock; it sent a concealed chill down his spine. Was a pretty girl like you not used to such things? The thought alone baffled him. 
Impossible, he thought. 
“U-uh–,” you stammered out incohesive words, your eyes darting between him and his father, worry, confusion, and conflicting attraction clear in your eyes. It was cute, how worried you got over something as small as a hand kiss. 
“Nice… to meet you too? Mister…” you were dodging every attempt at eye contact Taehyung was throwing your way, but he wasn’t having it. Wherever you looked, his head would follow with a tilt and a smirk, teasing you in a playful way you weren’t used to. 
“Taehyung, but for you? My name can be whatever your heart desires.” 
He’s used that cringy pick-up line many times. Most of the time it was just to please the other person, give them something they want to hear. Usually never what he wanted.
But he meant it when he said it to you. 
That same, irresistible nervous smile crept back onto your face at his words. Your neck once again flushing hot. This time, though, your eyes were focused on how his hand was still grasping yours. 
Taehyung took this as an opportunity to grab another reaction out of you, he began rubbing soft circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.
At this, you jumped softly, clearly not used to someone touching you like this.
Or touching you at all.
And for some reason, that thought alone excited him like nothing else. 
Suddenly, Taehyung felt his fathers hand creep onto his shoulder.
Unexpectedly this annoyed him.
More than it usually does. 
“It seems like you are already acquainting yourself with Miss.___,” his father spoke in a way that seemed placate to others, but Taehyung knew better. He was being a passive aggressive shithead. 
“Oh you know, just doing what you wanted me to, Father,” Taehyung quickly retorted back, a tight smile forming on his lips. 
His father had the nerve to get pissy as if he didn’t force him to attend this mundane event in the first place? Yeah, sure, Taehyung was grabbing the attention of the girl his father was openly flirting with, but didn’t he see how uncomfortable you were? 
He could tell how tense the mood was when he got closer to the two of you earlier. The way you were holding your left arm with your right hand, folding into yourself as his father got closer and closer to your personal bubble. 
You clearly weren’t interested.
At Taehyung’s smart aleck comment, his father shot him a look that only he caught, and walked away slowly after retracting his hand from his shoulder. 
It was better to not make a scene where people were watching. His father was extremely anal on how he was perceived; he wanted others to see him in a specific type of light. He was probably on his way to bother some other college student, anyway. Either way, Taehyung was glad he left.
Finally, old fuck. 
It’s about damn time he developed erectile dysfunction or something, how old is he again?
Regrouping himself, he finally let it sink in that you two were finally alone. 
“Oh god, did I,” you stammered, “did I just make it really awkward? Oh my god.”
How peculiar. It was obvious that his father was the one who ruined the mood to begin with, but you resorted to blaming yourself instead. 
How peculiar. 
“Sorry I’m just not, you know… used to this,” you gestured your free hand around the venue you two were currently in the middle of. Everything was glistening with marble, glitter, blinding shades of white, and overly priced furniture. To anyone not used to such a lifestyle, it would of course be overwhelming. 
But to Taehyung, it just seemed tacky. 
Tacky and distasteful. 
If it were up to him, the whole idea of everything being white would be thrown out the window.
What’s up with rich people and their odd obsession with things white and marbley?
“Not used to try-hard rich people and their shitty interior designing?” Taehyung quipped, a smirk present on his lips as he raised his wine glass for a sip.
“What?! No! No. I, well… no!” the screws in your head were visibly malfunctioning, fighting with each other, trying to decide whether or not you should directly insult the interior of the venue right in front of him. Given the fact that he was the son of the man who invited you to such an event, and granted you a scholarship.
And possibly the son of the man who came up with the interior design of everything you’re looking at.
A chuckle rumbled in Taehyung's chest as he watched your internal and outward struggle. He could tell by the quick glint in your eyes that you agreed with him, but were too afraid to say something that would cause conflict. Tilting his head to the side, he raised his wine glass once again to his lips, taking a swig of it while he looked you up and down over the rim.
To his surprise, you still haven’t retracted your hand from his.
Lowering his drink, his tongue pressed to the side of his cheek once again out of habit. 
You still weren’t looking at him. 
“You know, it’s rude to refuse eye contact, pretty girl,” he said matter-of- factly in a teasing tone, fauxing disappointment.
“Oh,” you breathed out, clearly flustered at the recurring pet name and with the fact that he just called out your inability to maintain eye contact. 
With hesitancy, you looked up at him, your eyes shifting left and right a few times before settling on his intense gray orbs. 
It seemed to have surprised you that he was staring at you intensely this whole time because the moment your eyes connected with his, your body shifted. To his disappointment, you slowly retracted your hand from his, putting it back to your side. 
With his now free hand, Taehyung lifted it towards your face. And like any normal person, you flinched and moved backwards a bit. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.
But, he couldn’t hold himself back.
He had to do something. 
He tested the waters first, nudging his fingers against your jaw, caressing the outline of the bone before cupping your right cheek. His hand gently melts onto your warm, soft skin. He looks at you intently, deep in thought.
You were so beautiful.
Dangerously so. Taehyung wasn’t the type to be bewitched like this. 
His fingers caressed your warm face, your wide eyes trembling at him with uncertainty, confusion. He dragged his thumb from your cheek down to the supple lumps of your lips. He began gliding the digit left and right on your bottom lip before slowly pulling down on the muscle, revealing just a peak of your bottom teeth and the soft wet flesh on the inside, your gums a pretty pink. 
Even with all of this going on, he still maintained eye contact with you. His gaze never wavering. 
And his mind began to wander. 
It began to wander to menacing thoughts. 
Taehyung was known for having… an acquired taste, when it came to certain things. He’s been told so by many women in his life. It’s not like he wanted to like those things, it just happened by default. Things that excite him, that shouldn’t excite him. Things that he likes to do to others, to the people he’s interested in. Things such as bending and twisting them at his will, pulling a leg here, doing a thing there, just to pull a reaction out of them. He knew such things were red flags, concerning even. But if it was between two consenting adults, what was the problem?
Which is why he began to envision this woman he just met a few minutes ago sucking on his thumb. He imagined the look you would have in your eyes; innocent, glossy, excited, scared, unsure. He imagined the soft, spongy texture of your tongue, slick on his finger, how you’d open up for him like a good girl. And those eyes. They were dangerous, Taehyung decided. Looking at them for too long already had him spiraling with these thoughts.
You knew what you were doing, didn’t you?
Like a twig, he snapped out of his daze. His eyes finally focusing on you quickly taking a step back, wiping away the inkling of spit that dripped out of your mouth as a result of your bottom lip being pried open. With a red face, you looked at him, completely disoriented and confused.
Taehyung didn’t even notice the wetness on his thumb, or the spittle that trickled down the digit onto his knuckle.
Ah, oops.
“W-what was that-,” you stuttered out, your hand clasping against your mouth in shock, eyes frantically looking around, relief sagging on your shoulders when you noticed no one was looking. But there was a cloud hanging over your head, weighing down on you. 
A cloud you didn’t quite understand.
Just yet.
“Become my muse.”
“What-,” You blinked at him, completely caught off guard.
“Let me paint you. Be my muse.” He cut you off before you could question him any further. 
Taehyung had already made up his mind the moment he set eyes on you. Even when your back was facing him; he already knew what he wanted.
And Taehyung was a man known for getting exactly what he wanted. 
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scuttling · 1 year
Devil You Know
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairings: Damon Salvatore/female reader (future) Word Count: 2,107 Tags: Just canon typical violence/blood so far, Episode related 2x14 Crying Wolf Summary: Damon's in love with Elena, would do anything to keep her safe—including forming an alliance with a mysterious newcomer who just might change everything. A/N: I consider this a teaser I guess, as plan to write the rest of season 2's storyline! I hope you like it :)
Keep reading below!
Damon goes to the historical society tea party because he needs to confront Elijah. 
It’s absolutely the last thing he wants to do, after blowing off Jenna’s friend Andie, who will almost certainly be in attendance; the last thing he wants to do, knowing that Elena and Stefan are on some romantic getaway to her family’s cabin by the lake. But he needs to protect her, which means finding out more about Elijah and the deal he’s made with her, which means he gets dressed and goes to the party, puts on a smile, charms the pants off everyone like he always does.
It’s not easy, but someone’s gotta do it.
Damon is just walking away from Alaric, heading into the study on Elijah’s heels, when a pretty young woman grabs him by the elbow of his jacket. She fits in at the tea party, in a white sweater, long, tan skirt, and heels, but he can’t remember ever seeing her around town.
“Whatever you’re about to do, don’t,” she says in a low voice. A human wouldn’t have heard it, her lips barely move, but he can and she must know that. 
“And who are you?” he asks, cocking a brow. He doesn’t take advice from people he does know, and definitely not from people he doesn’t; all the same, something about her intrigues him, though he can’t quite put his finger on it.
“Someone who’s not about to let you make the biggest mistake of your life — or afterlife, whatever you call it.” She lets go of the fabric of his jacket, then smooths it out where she’s wrinkled it. “Trying to kill an Original is suicide, so don’t.” 
She says it with an air of finality, almost authoritative, then turns away from him like she’s going to leave. 
He can’t let this girl leave, but he can’t let Elijah go either. He’s torn, feels two warring senses of urgency, looks briefly toward the study and then back to her retreating frame.
“Wait—who are you? How do you know–what you know?” She turns back, hair falling over her shoulder, and shakes her head like she’s frustrated that he’s even bothering to ask.
“I know, and that’s all that matters right now. Look, I have to go; I shouldn't have come as it is.” 
Damon grabs her arm to stop her from turning again, to stop her from leaving, but she frees herself with one firm, no nonsense tug and walks out the door without ever looking back. 
A mystery for another time. Elijah’s in the study, and Damon’s going to do what he came for in the first place.
He gets stabbed in the neck by Elijah because of course he does; he never claimed to be rational or sensible, to think things through or weigh the consequences like his brother. He acts on instinct, with more emotion than most people probably imagine him capable of, and then deals with the aftermath as it comes. 
The aftermath of this situation is a very sore throat, and a growing headache, as he mulls over what little they know, over and over and over in his mind. 
“Today was a bust,” he punctuates with a sip of bourbon. He says it to himself, to the room at large, but Ric answers anyway.
“Yeah, that Elijah’s one scary dude. I’d think twice before I trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job. You’re gonna need more info.” Damon frowns.
“But I’m out of sources.” Ric stands to pour another drink, grabs Damon’s glass and does the same. When he hands it back, Damon has a flash of memory from earlier in the day—the tea party, the mystery girl who knew more than she should—and he smiles a little to himself, pleased. “Actually, you know what. There might be one person who can help us out.”
“I’ll take anything we can get,” Ric says, drinking down the remainder of his bourbon in one sip. Damon stands and does the same, grabs his jacket from the back of his chair. 
As they head for the front door he starts brainstorming, deciding where they are most likely to find her. Strangers always seem to gravitate toward the Grill, so they should probably start there, ask around, find out if anyone who’d been at the event remembered her.
Those plans are cut short by werewolves. Goddamn werewolves.
“You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage,” the one he knows to be Jules says, the one he hates with every fiber of his being. 
They’ve got him chained to a chair—an antique that’s going to be a bitch to restore after this—with some kind of inverted spike collar on him, and he is leaking blood from a hole in his neck for the second time today. It’s a new method of torture for him, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little terrified of the potential outcome.
This is how he knows he loves Elena, really, truly loves her, he thinks. For anyone else, he’d have given up a long, long time ago, out of both boredom and self-preservation. Damon would kill for almost anyone—he kills mainly for himself, anyway—but she’s the only one he’d die for now that Katherine has fucked them all for the last time. 
“Where is the moonstone?” Jules yells, pulling him out of his thoughts with a cock of her gun. One of the wolves pulls on the collar, which hurts like hell, but Damon just shrugs, smarmy as shit. Jules rolls her eyes. “Vampires.”
“At least vampires have the decency not to enter someone’s home without permission,” someone calls from the foyer. Damon can see that it’s his mystery guest, still dressed for the party, as she strolls casually down the hallway and into the parlor, toward the werewolves. Jules takes a good look at the girl, brows tight, as if she’s trying to place her, but the other wolves growl—actually growl—at her, nostrils flaring. It’s clear they know who she is… and that they actually fear her. “If I were you, I’d go. Now. Before another one of you gets hurt.”
Whether she’s referring to Mason or someone else he doesn’t know about, it doesn’t make a difference; the male wolves run out of the house in a blur, and Jules must trust her pack enough to know to follow, because she speeds past the girl and out the front door with the rest of them. 
Damon is impressed. Very impressed.
A minute later, when the house is quiet and the girl seems satisfied the wolves are gone, she steps toward Damon; her heels click across the wood floor, and in that delicate skirt, that pristine white sweater, she yanks at the chains that have him bound to the wooden chair. They nearly crumble in her hands, breaking apart and freeing him from captivity.
Now he’s kind of terrified again. Terrified, and a little turned on, and really fucking confused. 
“Should have let them kill you,” she mutters as she unlocks the collar, her hands slick with his blood but no less precise. She pulls each wooden stake carefully away from his neck, and he sighs his relief when the device is completely off, discarded on the ground. “Do you always have such a knack for getting yourself into dangerous situations, or have I stumbled upon a no good, very bad day?” 
“Hey. They broke into my house,” he reminds her, standing, and what’s left of the chains join the collar in a heap on the floor. The girl lets out a long sigh and puts up her bloody hands in a gesture of irritation.
“Because you’re fucking with, quite literally, the most powerful, ancient beings, things you know next to nothing about, even though I told you not to.”
“No offense, but I have no idea who you are, what you are… Those guys obviously did, and I’m getting now that you’re kind of a big deal, but it takes a lot more than a mysterious girl leaving a cryptic message at a town event to get me to change my mind.”
With another sigh, she sticks out one of her hands, and after a pause he gets what she’s after, reaches out to complete the handshake. 
“Hi, I’m the new resident vampire slayer. Happy to make your acquaintance.” He tries not to show that his mind is a little blown at this, that the prim and proper, frankly beautiful girl in front of him is a killer of anything.
“Vampire slayer? Is ‘hunter’ not cool enough this year?” She drops his hand, then wipes the blood from hers against the fabric of his black henley; it’s not enough to clean them fully, but now they’re merely stained red and no longer dripping with the evidence of his prior torture. 
“Hunters are usually guys with personal vendettas, who spend too much time shopping at the army surplus store,” she says with a completely unsubtle look at Ric, who remains dead on the Persian rug. Either she doesn’t care, or she’s spotted the Gilbert ring, knows what it means. “Slayers are different; we’re born with innate power, similar to what you develop when you transition—though I guess it’s all the same when you’re on the wrong end of a wooden stake.”
She takes a step back as he takes a step toward her—toward Ric, really. She watches as Damon lifts him up and drops him onto the sofa, so he can wake up with a little more dignity, at least. “So, vampire slayer. Are you from around here?” he asks as he turns back. He grabs their glasses from earlier, and a third, and fills them all with bourbon. He offers her the drink, which she accepts, sips. 
“I get around,” she says lightly, carefully avoiding his question. She walks around the room, exploring, as he cleans up, rolls up the soiled rug so he can dump it later on. “This is my first time in Mystic Falls, though I know all about its… rich history.” She takes another drink, this one deeper, like she’s tired after such a long day. He knows he is, so he can understand the feeling. “I’m drawn to where I’m needed, and I wasn’t needed here until the moonstone came into play. Now you've got doppelgängers, werewolves… I’m just fortunate you dealt with the vampires in the tomb on your own, or we’d be in a hell of a lot more trouble.”
“Hey, I’ve changed since then; I was an idiot in love,” he explains, then he fully realizes that’s bullshit; he’s still an idiot, and still in love—or, more appropriately, in love again. 
He throws her a playful smirk, but she’s not laughing when she comes closer and locks eyes with him. It’s the first time he’s looked at her and seen what must be her darker, more dangerous side.
“Love is not an acceptable excuse for your actions, and if you ever give me reason to, I’ll put you down without hesitation. It’s important that you know that.” Her eyes flick over his, as if ensuring that he’s gotten the message, that he understands her loud and clear. “Even when I help you—if I help you—my loyalties are to the slayers who fought before me, who fight alongside me. No one else. If any of you harm an innocent person with intent, I will kill you.”
Damon contemplates that for a moment, he really does; there’s no shortage of people who want him dead, so adding one more to the list isn’t really as impactful as she may believe. He can’t help thinking, though, that if she’s on their side—if she’s willing to fight with them instead of against them—they might actually have a chance against the werewolves, the Originals. They might actually have a shot at eliminating the threat instead of outrunning it, at protecting Elena once and for all. 
It means giving up human blood, which isn’t his favorite thing to do, but he’s done it before, can do it again. Will do it for Elena, if that’s what it takes.
“You have my word, slayer,” he says, peering down seriously into her eyes. For once, he means it. “You help us keep Elena safe, and we’ll all be on our best behavior, or you get to wipe out every creature of the night that lives in Mystic Falls.”
She nods, after a moment, then drains her glass of bourbon with an exaggerated, satisfied smack of her lips. 
“Alright then. First things first: who’s Elena?”
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paganwitchisis · 5 months
Always There For You Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Revelations
Rated E (Explicit)
Word Count – 2,769
Pairing – Astarion/ AFAB Female Tav
Chapter 1: A Solution to the Problem
Chapter 2: Here
Chapter 3: Redo of their Special Night
AO3 link here
Warnings – mentions of alcohol and blood being drank. Sexual teasing/mentions
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Some months later, Astarion had admitted that his time with Tav was the counterweight to two hundred years of misery, and then as if on cue, the following day a letter had arrived in a familiar handwriting. It was an invitation to their first camping ground, a place with many memories for the two of them that Tav wanted to attend. She didn’t have to convince her husband as he was just as interested, but he seemed to have something on his mind regarding the party. Maybe it was because of the travel? They could always get some horses, even if Astarion wasn’t a fan of the creatures. While Tav tried to contemplate what was wrong, Astarion came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach and kissed her neck, startling her back to reality.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Just thinking we should get a pair of horses for the trip.” Tav admitted the partial truth.
“We only need one,” He said with a sly smile. “But you may be right. Especially with the little one.”
Tav smiled. She was not that far along, and yet Astarion was already doting on both her and the baby. He was working on making clothing for the baby in his spare time and Tav found it endearing. Who would have thought the man she met near the grove they were traveling to soon would flourish to be the man smiling and laughing with her today. The man who was excited to create an embroidered baby bib saying “Baby Ancunin” on it just a few nights ago. The man who made love instead of luring victims. The man she married a month ago.
Astarion saw her looking at him with an odd expression and asked what the matter was and she told him.
“Would you believe how much has changed from the grove were going back to till now?”
“If you told me then what I know now? I wouldn’t believe you, but I am so thankful to wake up to this reality every single day,” Astarion said as he kissed Tav on the forehead. “I have a beautiful wife who is…close to my level of beauty…a close second, and eventually a little thief or what not…just please don’t be a bard….” Astarion whispered the last part.
“What was that, honey?”
“Nothing. I’m just happy to have a wonderful family.” Astarion quickly replied.
Tav smiled, knowing what he said but choosing to ignore it. In the end, it took some careful planning and preparation, but the Ancunin family were able to make it to their old stomping grounds and camping location. That isn’t to say they didn’t have difficulty. They ran into bandits a few times, which worked out as the bandits didn’t expect to find a vampire in the sun, and likewise, Astarion needed to eat. Additionally, Tav was unhappy having to store her old armor away for now and having to buy adjustable armor, but her old armor no longer fit with her breasts now a full cup size bigger than they were and Tav filling out a little on the sides. She hated the changes, yet Astarion was finding her more and more attractive. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself and when they camped for the night and relived being in a tent again, he couldn’t wait to make love to her again like old times. Tav could still fight, at least, and Astarion would be a fool to say otherwise so he didn’t deny that she could, so when the bandits did descend, thinking they were easy prey, they quickly learned otherwise. Astarion found himself full of more blood and Tav found quite a bit of more loot.
As they neared their old camp, familiar locations came into view. As it did, they spoke about their misadventures and hijinks. Tav reminded Astarion that he wanted her hit for a goddess of pain and seemed to be getting off on it when they mentioned getting into the goblin camp.
“I may have encouraged it, dear, but you did it.” Astarion came back with sass and a fake mask, but she knew he wasn’t happy to have suggested it in the first place.
“I did it because you enjoyed it. I’m not sure if you picked this up yet, love, but I was smitten with you back then.” Tav replied.
Astarion slowed the horse down a moment and turned to face her.
“I know. If we came across the same situation now? I would have pulled you along and kept you walking. I never would have let that man or anyone else harm you. I was starting to care about you then….I just was scared, as you know.” Astarion said before kissing her lovingly.
“You don’t have to explain. I know. I’ve always known. Now…” Tav, trying to make things a little more lighthearted, cupped her husband lightly between the legs without touching him but enough to give him the hint “one of these is the controls right? It steers the horse?”
“I’m not sure if I should take it as a compliment you’re comparing me for controls for a horse, my love, or if I should bend you over and show you real steering.” Astarion joked and smirked at her. His words had bite but his tone was playful. “Now, if you would be so kind as to move your hand before I have a problem I can’t quell before we get there. I promise you can play with it some other time honey” Astarion chuckled.
Since the confession and conception of their child, Astarion and Tav found themselves kissing and sharing quiet moments together more often. They made love three to four times a week while they paid attention and cared for one another. Astarion would rub Tav’s, and when the morning sickness came, much to Astarion’s happiness and Tav’s misery, he held her hair and made her teas to soothe her disgruntled stomach. Tav would in return hold Astarion in bed all night to ward off nightmares, although lately they seem to be coming less and less. Tav sincerely hoped this meant that Cazador’s grip was starting to loosen on the pale elf’s mind at night, but she doubted that it would be that easy.
Finally, after what had been too long of a trip, the couple finally made it to their destination. The sounds and smells reached them long before the sight of their old camp came into view. It would seem the party was beginning to get underway and the couple weren't late, as Tav worried they would be so. When Astarion dismounted and helped his wife off the horse, both were happy to return to where their adventure and love had started so long ago. Tav pulled Astarion down to give him a kiss before being greeted by Withers and eventually setting off to mingle with the others. Astarion stayed by his old patch of dirt where his old tent used to be and he would drink, sit at the table and watch as Tav would have fun as she hugged almost each and every one of their old friends. Astarion watched with a smug face as it appeared Shadowheart was the first of their friends to figure out that Tav was with child.
“Of course a cleric…Although I thought a druid would…I half suspected Halsin would have known first.” Astarion said to himself
“I think I am the first, but I didn’t want to make it obvious.” Halsin startled the vampire who was too lost in thought to realize the bear was so nearby. “Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thank you. I’m so thankful for this gift. A wife…a child…I…I never thought I’d be granted these things.”
“Yet you more than deserve them, my friend.”
“A sentiment my wife echos often.”Astarion fondly replied with a smile as he watched Tav laugh as Lae’zel, in her astral form, now joined Jaheira and Shadowheart in forming a circle around his wife as they spoke animatedly about her condition. Lae’zel could not understand how a vampire could give seed that could give life, and Tav refused to give any details that would appease the Githyanki, instead she jokingly commented: “When a mommy and a vampire love each other very much…” to which Minsc thought made perfect sense as he stood near the Harper in the crowd during their laughter, and further tried to educate the woman who stormed off. It may look like she was frustrated, but the Githyanki had a smile on her face. She missed them too. Astarion heard them all clear as day as he watched it play out, almost missing what Halsin next said.
“You two are going to have your hands full…I mean…it’s a bit early to tell, but twins have never occurred with vampire pregnancies as far as I am aware. Do you have someone skilled to watch over the pregnancy and for the birth? If not, I’d be happy to lend my assistance, of course.”
Astarion immediately sputtered his drink and started coughing a moment before snapping at Halsin. 
“What did you say?” Astarion’s eyes were wide and he finished his glass of blood before setting it down on the table. He almost didn’t realize his wife was coming up to him with concern.
“Are you okay?” Tav asked as she wrapped her arms around his strong but thin waist. “I saw you coughing. Not something a vampire does often.” Tav mentioned as Astarion’s strong arms wrapped around her and he kissed her briefly.
“I’m fine. Halsin just gave me very surprising information,” Astarion replied as he looked up to the druid “Which I would hope he wouldn’t mind repeating now that you’re here.”
Halsin smiled. “I was only telling your husband how it is a bit early to tell but you both seem to be blessed with twins, and should you have me, I would be happy to offer my help with your pregnancy and birth in any way you see fit. Congratulations!”
Tav dropped a hand to her stomach and held her hand over her belly, unsurprised when she felt a cold hand cover hers before he took her lips deeply. Tav had to remind herself where she was when she stifled a moan, the months of being alone in the privacy of their house spoiled her into feeling she could be loud with her husband, but thankfully she was aware of her surroundings once more. Not here, not now…even if Halsin was the most understanding of their companions. Hells, Tav had to be the one to pull back because it seemed Astarion had no intention on letting her lips go.
“Twins?” Tav murmured against Astarion’s lips. “Is that normal?” Astarion shook his head but kissed her again.
“Darling, If anyone can make the impossible into something possible, it’s you, my love.”
Tav shook off the haziness of being stunned to realize that Halsin had offered his services. “Did you tell him?” Tav asked Astarion.
“Not yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have both. I mean…She can’t be up until the birth anyways, and even then she doesn’t have druidic magic. We could use all the help we can get, especially considering the new circumstance.” Astarion expressed to Tav’s agreement who smiled back. Tav was a bit worried considering how possessive Astarion has been since the marriage, let alone the pregnancy and the fact that Halsin was at one point and time considered competition in one way or another. Considering how intimate birth was, She could understand another woman, but Halsin? Tav was a little curious herself why he was being so sensible when they know that as of late he has been anything but.
“Halsin, we have Dalyria, one of the other spawn that was under Cazador’s control available to help, since she used to be a physician before being turned, but I would personally appreciate having you around for the pregnancy and birth as well. Just in case anything happens.” Tav asked, and Halsin smiled before hugging her again.
“I’d be glad to.”
With that, Tav wasn’t surprised to feel her her husband’s arms circle around her hips and pull her back into his arms.
“I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone, but I have one final parting bit of news.” Halsin said with a large smile.
The couple looked up expectantly. Astarion held Tav tighter.
“You’re having both…a girl and a boy.” Halsin whispered before his smile spread to Tav and Astarion and he retreated elsewhere to leave the happy couple alone.
Tav was stunned silent while Astarion leaned in and whispered into her ear. “I think this may be the perfect time to tell you, my sweet, that I have a surprise for you. Once things start to calm down here, I want you to follow me.”
Astarion pulled away and kissed her briefly before he reminded her to mingle, that he sees her every night and he told his love he would always be there. With that, Tav flitted around and spoke to the others at length, noticing occasionally that her husband was missing, but she wasn’t too concerned because there was a lot going on. Volo had shown and was already threatening to forge her signature, something she had to remind herself to inform her husband about soon in case illegitimate books cropped up claiming to have been endorsed by herself. Although Volo had been in fact been with them for a good chunk of their journey, Tav would trust a snail in writing their story over their dear lying friend who claimed a dragon at one time was involved in a simple goblin raid.
There was a new bard who seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else. Leaflets and letters were on a table and against a wall to show the adventurers the consequences of their actions, and to Tav’s great surprise, everyone seemed to be happy and having a better time thanks to their actions. Tav even held on to a letter from Sebastian she thought her husband would like to see, since the last time they parted, it wasn’t on the best of terms. She couldn’t find him. She even stumbled onto Withers, who asked her if she had essentially spoken to everyone for the night. She told the man that she did, but Tav was determined to find Astarion later if need be with the help of the ring, and followed Withers out who made a wonderful speech, but at one point, there was to be a toast.
“They’re looking to you, darling.” Astarion whispered in her ear, making her jump as he replaced her small bit of alcohol for a goblet of juice, and Tav added “To family!” because all the faces around her were just that…family.
Shortly after drinking the juice in her cup, she found her husband’s arms around her waist once more as he pulled her against him. “What were you doing with this? Hmm? You know very well you can’t have any…it isn’t good for the baby…Well…Babies.” Astarion chastised her as she turned around in his arms.
“It’s a toast, dear. What else was I going to use?”
Astarion just gave her a look and Tav relented.
“Fine. I figured a small amount wouldn’t be a problem. If it was, I didn’t see Shadowheart stopping me.” Tav tried to rationalize.
“Really? The woman who drinks wine by the bottle instead of the glass is the one you look toward to stop you from making poor alcohol decisions?” Astarion said with a little sass and a smirk. The party was coming to a close and their companions were either, in some cases too drunk and sleeping at the provided shelter, or making their own lodgings in forms of tents and pilfering the pillows.
“It…was a good idea at the time…”
Astarion shook his head and kissed her before he released her waist and grabbed her hand. Interlocking his fingers with her own, he went to led her away when Karlach stopped them.
“Oi! Where are you two going?” Karlach wasn’t far away so thankfully she only asked. She was fairly loud, but then again, Karlach usually was. When Tav shrugged, Karlach continued to prod but thankfully as a whisper “Sneaking away for some fun?” as a question at Astarion.
Note: Chapter 3 is smut and discussion/fluff. Coming soon!!
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vemaro · 9 months
alone again
[PART 2]
A link to PART 1 and PART 3
Pairing: Astarion x Tav (female Tav)
Word count: ~2100
Notes: Two down, one to go! Once I finish the third bit, I have way more ideas I hope to write. I hope no one minds that these aren’t super cohesive. Everything will be set in the AU, but it won’t necessarily be in order. As usual, thanks for reading! Any feedback is appreciated!
As soon as the ceremony is over, Terrick informs his wife of some business that needs attending to in the Upper City (a party). He gives her a kiss on the cheek (they are in public) and leaves without so much as an invitation (not that she wants to go). Unfortunately, he takes the carriage they arrived in, which means she’ll have to walk all the way home. In the tight dress. In the uncomfortable shoes. With an irate little boy. Perfect.
A pull on the skirts of Tav’s dress brings her attention downward. “Mama, I saw a bunch of our friends. Over there. See?” He points to the back of the crowd. And there they are, gathered at the lip of an alleyway. Callum waves at them and they wave back.
She plays with his hair, purposely messing it up. “I saw them, Callum.”
He yanks on her arm, trying to pull her offstage. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
His eagerness is infectious. “We’re going, we’re going,” she laughs. Tav makes sure to signal them to stay put where they are, she and Callum will come to them.
Most of the people have dispersed by now, either having gone inside to use the food bank or left after the speeches. It’s not difficult for the little boy to navigate through what’s left. Tav can’t deny her own eagerness to reunite with everyone. She’s missed them all dearly. It’s been years since so many of them have been in the city concurrently, not since the final fight against the Elder Brain. Lae’zel immediately ran into a battle to save her people from Vlaakith. Wyll and Karlach went to Avernus. Gale stayed behind for a little while, but eventually left for a position at Blackstaff Academy. Astarion is no longer safe from the sun so he went into the Underdark. Shadowheart stayed the longest, but she too ventured out of the city, following Aylin and Isobel.
Tav considered asking to tag along with someone, but she felt it wasn’t her place to insert herself into their lives. If they wanted her around, surely they would’ve invited her … right? So she stayed, in wait for when any of her friends would pass through the Gate again. She grew very lonely, then again, she should be used to solitude. That was her life before the Nautiloid, why would things change after?
Karlach breaks away from the party and meet them in the middle. “Oh look, if it isn’t our fearless leader and the brave little soldier!” She snatches up Callum, who squeals with joy. “Don’t you two look ready for an adventure out in the woods.”
Tav rolls her eyes. “Shut it.” She didn’t pick this ridiculous frock.
Gale, the gentleman he is, steps up to defend her honor. “Well, I think you look positively radiant, Tav.” He takes one of her hands and presses a chaste kiss to her knuckles.
Tav does a small curtsy in return. “Thank you, Mr. Dekarios.”
“The color doesn’t suit you,” Lae’zel says. That’s it. No proper greeting.
Shadowheart points a sour look at the gith warrior. “Tactful as always, I see.”
Wyll joins the conversation. “Lae’zel, does the phrase if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all ring any bells?”
“No,” she says, slightly defensive. “And I fail to see why you mention it. The color of her dress isn’t visually appealing and by informing her, she won’t make this mistake again in the future. If anything, I’m being very nice.”
“To be fair,” Tav says, in Lae’zel’s defense. “I have half a mind to take a dagger and cut myself out of the bodice. It’s suffocating.”
“A dagger? Darling, you know I always carry one or two on me.” Astarion steps out of the alleyway carrying an enchanted umbrella in one hand and a dagger in the other. And not just any dagger, but the Sussur dagger she forged specifically for him early on in their travels. Back when they fooled around like a couple of innocent teenagers and she thought she had a chance. Back before she knew what he’d been through and gave up that chance. “Allow me the honors?”
Tav has to make a show of pretending to be flustered, while actually being flustered. “As tempting as your offer may be—” And gods, is it tempting. “—I’ll have to pass.”
Oddly enough, instead of dropping the smirk, it ticks up a little higher. He tucks his weapon away. “Boo. No fun.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Astarion,” she comments dryly.
He does a sort of half bow. “And it’s always a pleasure to see you, dear.”
Karlach must’ve put him down at some point and now her son is charging at Astarion. Tav’s heart seizes in panic. “Wait, Callum, be careful!” The enchantment only works within the perimeter of the umbrella. If Callum accidentally knocks the vampire over, not only would it hurt him, it would also cause a huge scene.
Thankfully, Gale plucks the child up before any harm can be done. “Hello, Callum. Don’t you look dashing?”
The little boy frowns and tugs on his collar. “I don’t like these clothes. I can’t play in them.”
The wizard frowns in sympathy. “I can’t play in my clothes either.”
Feeling shy, Callum looks away. “But … can you still do magic?”
“Hmm. Let’s see, shall we?” With a flick of the wrist and a couple hand gestures, Gale conjures up a small glowing prism. “It appears so,” he says with a smug grin.
Callum cautiously reaches to touch it, but when the prism abruptly changes shape, he flinches back in surprise. Now it’s in the form of a sphere. The boy claps with excitement. “I love magic!”
“Me too.”
Astarion clears his throat. “Yoohoo! Hello! I'm the one you were going for. Not Professor Chatty.”
Gale tuts at the vampire. “If I hadn’t stepped in, you would’ve turned to ash”
“Gods below,” Astarion mutters. “I can handle a toddler bumping into me.”
Shadowheart arches a challenging brow. “Are you sure?”
“I have my doubts,” Lae’zel interjects. No one can tell if she’s being serious or only teasing. Either way, it has everyone else (but Astarion) laughing.
Callum sees that he’s upset and holds out his arms. He makes grabby hands. “Don’t be sad, Asty. I love you.”
Those three little words still do a number on the man’s unbeating heart. Gale holds out the boy enough that Astarion can safely grab hold of him. Once he’s situated on his hip, he takes a deep breath. “I love you too, as long as I’m still your favorite.”
The Blade of Frontiers detects a lie. “I wasn’t there, but I heard you weren’t his favorite.” Astarion glares at him. Wyll holds up his hands in surrender. “Unless I heard wrong.”
Karlach snorts. “You didn’t.”
Shadowheart rolls her eyes. “You’re not the favorite either.”
And the tiefling drops her head in shame. “Ah, don’t remind me.”
Gale perks up at the news. “Wait, am I—”
And he too drops his head. “Oh …”
Lae’zel shakes her head. “Chk. Of course his mother is his favorite. Only a fool would believe otherwise.”
Astarion glares at the fighter. “Tav shouldn’t count. Everyone loves her. She’s always the favorite.”
She’s certainly not Terrick’s favorite and that is a fact. Tav gasps, feigning defensiveness. “Excuse me? I don’t count?”
If he could, he’d pinch the ridge of his nose, but alas his arms are full of children and umbrellas. So he just closes his eyes, too frustrated to look at her. “That’s the part you clung to?”
Now she’s preening. “Don’t worry, I also heard you say I’m your favorite.”
Fuck. Is he blushing? He fed on a deer last night. Would the shade from the umbrella obscure the change in tint? “I said you were the favorite, dear. Not my favorite. Do get your hearing checked.”
Tav cocks her head to the side like a curious owlbear cub. “So I’m not your favorite?”
“As of right now, no.”
She lays her head on his shoulder, feeling bold today. “You love me.” Not in the same way that she loves him (or so she thinks), but she’ll take what she can get.
Definitely not blushing. Definitely not blushing. “I tolerate you and your obnoxious goody-two-shoes personality.”
The druid is feeling very bold, perhaps a tiny bit masochistic. “Awe, I love you, too, Astarion.” And she pecks him on the cheek. The regret floods her mind and body as soon as she pulls away. Shit. But it’s fine! Friends can show other friends physical affection. Gale kissed her hand not five minutes ago. She plants one on her son next. “A-and I love you, Callum.”
“I love you, Mama!” Callum places a small kiss on Astarion’s other cheek. “I love you too, Asty!” He then proceeds to tell everyone in the vicinity that he loves them, therefore saving Tav from having to kiss each and every one of her friends in order to cover her own ass. Crisis averted. Gods, that boy is a blessing.
So is Gale. “So, Tav, do you have to stay here at the food bank or are you free for the day?”
Her heart flutters in anticipation. Is he going to suggest they all do something together? Robyn hopes so. “I’m done,” she says quickly. “Nothing left to do here. I have no plans.”
“Splendid! Since this is the first time in a long time we’ve all been in the city, I say we should spend the day together.” He looks around their circle of friends. “Any objections?”
Karlach shakes her head. “Nope.”
“None at all,” Wyll agrees.
It’s happening! She could weep from joy. “That’s a great idea, Gale,” Tav exclaims. “I love it.” She can barely contain her excitement. She has fistfuls of her dress in her hands—oh wait. “Uh, I do need to head home first.”
“No,” Callum whines, tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. “I don’t want to go! I want to stay!”
Gods, so does she. Tav stands with her hand on her knees. “Don’t you want out of these stuffy clothes?” He nods. “Then we need to go home to do that, okay?” She holds out her arms to take him from Astarion.
The boy doesn’t move. “Then we can come back?”
Tav taps the tip of his nose, drawing out a small giggle. “Then we can come back. Promise.” Satisfied with his mother’s answer, he climbs into her arms. “Give me two hours, tops. Wait for us in the Elfsong.”
“Why so long?” Shadowheart asks.
Tav deadpans at the question. “My wonderful husband took the carriage, which means I get to walk back to the Upper City.” She worries her lip between her teeth. “Unless someone has to leave soon, in which case, I will stay.” She’ll suffer through discomfort if it means spending time with everyone.
The cleric is quick to reassure her. “No no, that’s fine. No one has to leave yet.”
“Oh. Good. Thank you.” She adjusts her grip on her son and starts to walk away. “I’ll try not to take too long then.”
Karlach goes over and nudges the vampire forward. “Fangs, go with her. A proper lady like her needs an escort.”
Tav almost trips on a dip in the road when she spins around to face them. “O-oh, no, it’s fine. He doesn’t have to—you don’t have to if you don’t want to, Astarion. You can wait with the others in the tavern.”
Callum bounces in Tav’s arms. “Asty’s coming?”
“No, he’s going to wait—”
He holds out his arm. “I want him to come.”
Astarion turns and gives the barbarian a face that reads I’m going to fucking kill you. Karlach just gives him a shit-eating grin. When he turns back to the mother and son, he’s all smiles. “It seems the decision has been made for us, hm?” He ambles over then extends the arm not holding the umbrella. “Shall we?”
Tav hesitates. In that moment of hesitation, she comes up with several reasons she should continue to insist he stay. It takes another moment for her to convince herself to ignore herself. Tav ultimately switches Callum to her other hip then grabs his arm. “If you’re sure. Will the enchantment last?”
Gale scoffs. “Of course it will last. I cast the spell myself.” He shoos them along. “Off, you three. While the day is still young.”
A bundle of nerves settles itself in her gut. She trusts Astarion. She trusts him with her life. More importantly, she trusts him with Callum’s life. The one she doesn’t trust right now is herself. “Okay …” Tav looks up at the vampire and tries for her best imitation of a genuine smile. “Let’s go then.”
He smirks back. “Lead on.”
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madamelareinette · 3 months
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Marie Antoinette (2006) dir. Sofia Coppola / excerpts from Ambassador Mercy's epistolary to Maria Theresa regarding the rivalry between Marie Antoinette and Madame du Barry, translated in English by Olivier Bernier in Imperial Mother, Royal Daughter
Madame du Barry thought it necessary to go and pay court to HRH one morning. She was received simply and easily. It was done with dignity and in such a way as to displease no one. – 15 June 1770
[Marie Antoinette] added that [the Dauphin] showed pleasure and trust in listening to her [...] that he had nothing but contempt for the comtesse du Barry and her cabal; that when she asked him why he allowed himself to be part of those people’s circle, he answered that he had to be careful. – 20 August 1770
HRH is not always careful to greet the King with as much enthusiasm and obligingness as she should; besides, she still talks about the favorite and is always egged on by Mesdames. – 17 December 1770
I told her that the people who belong to the comtesse du Barry’s party were boasting about being treated badly by HRH and that they should not be given the impertinent satisfaction of thinking that Mme l’Archiduchesse was concerned with them, that the best way to punish them was to speak to them now and again with an easy and indifferent look, and that if Mme la Dauphine had spoken even once to Mme du Barry herself, I was very sure that this would have upset all the wicked plans of a cabal whose greatest illustration comes from the way they withstand the important efforts the royal family makes against them.
Mme la Dauphine, without disagreeing with my idea, stopped me on the question of the comtesse du Barry and said naively that the fear of displeasing Mesdames her aunts would always prevent her from saying a word to the favorite. – 22 May 1771
Mme la Dauphine, who was playing lansquenet with the King and the royal family, found herself sitting next to the comtesse du Barry; HRH put on an easy expression which showed neither disgust nor annoyance; she spoke to the favorite when the game made it necessary, all with a good grace, doing neither too much nor too little.
Besides, I have noticed that Mesdames, who urge Mme la Dauphine to remain severe and silent, do not forget discreetly to do little favors for the comtesse du Barry [...] It seems that Mme la Dauphine is always put forward and used as an instrument of a hatred they dare not avow. – 24 July 1771
On the tenth, I found out that the comtesse du Barry was to join the circle of ladies the next day. [...] HRH promised me that she would address a few words to the favorite but said that she wanted me to be there; that at the end of the card game I must find the favorite and speak to her; that Mme l’Archiduchesse as she went around would stop near me and, as if by accident, speak to the comtesse du Barry. [...] The card playing was ending, HRH sent me to the favorite with whom I started a conversation. Immediately all eyes turned toward me. Mme la Dauphine started to speak to the ladies, she was coming close and was only two steps away when Mme Adélaïde, who was watching her carefully, raised her voice and said, “It is time to leave; let us go: we will await the King’s return at my sister Victoire’s.” With this, Mme la Dauphine left and the arrangement failed. – 2 September 1771
In relation to Mesdames, Your Majesty’s advice is proving effective, and I see with great satisfaction that Mme l’Archiduchesse (at least in certain cases) frees herself from the domination Mme Adélaïde tries to maintain over her. What happened on New Year’s Day gave me a recent proof of this. It is customary for all women presented at Court to attend the royal family on that day. I was informed that the comtesse du Barry was expecting to do her duty, and on the last day of the old year, I obtained an audience from Mme la Dauphine, during which I used every imaginable means to convince HRH not to treat the favorite badly. It was not without difficulty that I was able to get a promise on that subject. The essential point was that Mesdames should not be consulted; luckily, that is what happened. In the morning the next day, the comtesse du Barry appeared at Mme l’Archiduchesse’s; she came with the duchesse d’Aiguillon and the maréchale de Mirepoix. Mme la Dauphine started by speaking to the first of these ladies; then, pressing on to the favorite and looking at her with neither awkwardness nor affectation, she said, “There are many people today at Versailles,” after which HRH immediately spoke to the maréchale de Mirepoix. – 23 January 1772
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yakii-m0chi · 1 year
Halloween Party (miguel o'hara)
warning: spicy content
🕷your insufferable, insanely attractive roommate seems to love pissing you off... but what else will he to do get you to tick?
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You and your roommate didn't always get along, especially with his naturally sarcastic nature and how he's kind of a snarky ass. It was annoying, having to always deal with how obnoxious he was. 
Did he have redeeming qualities? 
Maybe his looks. That's all you would give him.
An example comes from one night when he was making out with a random girl on the couch. you had come home from a 9-hour shift at work, and all you wanted was to eat some dessert as a reward for a long and tiring day, maybe watch some TV on the couch, and go to bed. but instead, you were forced to go to your room and turn up the volume on your earphones without a sweet treat. It would be useless getting him to stop and at least move into his own room, and you were not in the mood to have an argument with a wall. When you reprimanded him for it the next morning, all he did was give you a cocky smirk and a shrug.
The pattern of Miguel bringing girls over to your shared apartment was repetitive, and no matter how many times you had told him that he should at least have the courtesy of letting you know, it never worked. The worst part is that due to your financial situation, you couldn't afford to move out. So, you begrudgingly stayed with Miguel in a 2-bedroom apartment.
But, lately, there has been a shift in Miguel's personality. For some odd reason, he was a lot nicer to you. Sure, it was pleasant and you were a lot happier rooming with him, but you still had your guard up in case it was a farce. He was still his usual sarcastic self, and you already figured that it wouldn't change at all. 
However, there were moments between you two that made your heart race. Subtle lingering touches when he'd take a glass from you, catching his longing looks from across the room that was met with his smirks, and occasional flirty jokes or remarks to name a few. He even called you nicknames, which was kind of endearing, but you still have your suspicions. 
It was odd... very odd.
Now, Halloween was rolling around. It was mid-October, and you were sitting around in your room when there was a knock at your door. 
You looked up, seeing that Miguel had just barged in without even asking if he could come in. It took everything in you not to roll your eyes at him. A sigh left your lips, "What do you want?"
"Someone is asking for you at the front door."
This piqued your curiosity. You weren't expecting anyone, so who could it be? You walked to the front door and saw your best friend standing there, a big smile on her face.
"Good morning~," she engulfed you in a hug.
You chuckled and hugged her back, "Morning! What brings you here?"
"I wanted to know if you'd be willing to come to a Halloween party! It's at my house this weekend."
You looked at your phone, seeing that it was Tuesday. "Oh, sure."
"You can invite Miguel too if you want," she offered.
"Ugh... look, if you want him there, tell him that yourself. I'm not going to invite-"
"Invite me where?"
You turned to your side, seeing Miguel standing there, a snarky expression on his face. Your friend looks at him with a polite smile. "Oh! I'm hosting a party at my house this Saturday. Want to join?"
"Sure, I'm down," he says. 
"Perfect," she chimes, making you want to gag. It was annoying enough as it was living with Miguel, and now you couldn't even take a break to get away from him.
"Is... there a specific reason for wanting me to attend the party," you asked her, hoping to find an excuse for why you couldn't go. maybe i can finally get some alone time at home if Miguel goes to the party without me.
"Well, I've invited that cute co-worker from your office too!"
Never mind, now you kind of had to go.
"Why would you do that?"
"To set you both up, of course!"
"That's embarrassing! How will I even talk to him?"
"You'll figure it out," she snickered. "That's a you problem."
You rolled your eyes with a groan.
"So, I'll see you both there?"
"Yeah, we'll be there. What time does it start," Miguel asked from next to you. 
A scoff left your lips. "Speak for yourself."
"Well it's true, is it not," he said, giving you a teasing look with his eyes. 
"... whatever," you gave in. I'll probably be able to get away from Miguel at the party anyway. I shouldn't be so pessimistic. 
"8:30! Don't be late," She giggled, then left, closing the door.
You sighed, then shot an annoyed look at Miguel. "Did you have to accept?"
"Well, your friend seemed very eager to invite me. Why would I turn down an invitation?"
A scoff left your lips. "You can't be serious, you don't even know her!"
"Well, doesn't mean I can't go. Does she know that 'cute co-worker' of yours?"
"She knows of him," you groaned, knowing that he'll probably start teasing you for it. "And besides, that's none of your business! Don't butt in."
"How can I not when my roommate seems to have a little crush on someone? Tell me, who is this guy, mi tesoro?"
You pretend to ignore the nickname. "Why do you want to know?"
"Just curious," he said, shrugging. "Enlighten me."
Something in you decided that you should tell him, so before you could stop yourself, the words already left your mouth. "He's a co-worker that I'm partnered with a lot."
"Oh? And what makes him cute," Miguel steps closer to you. His height was pretty intimidating, being 6'9 and super muscular was kind of terrifying.
"What?" You gave him an incredulous look. What kind of question is that?
"Just answer the question," he said, then stepped forward, making you step back until you felt the wall behind you. He smirked at this, then put one of his hands near your head, pinning you. "What about him has mi tesoro so wrapped around his finger, hmm?"
"Why do I have to answer you?" You ignored the nickname.
"Well, you don't have to," he leaned down, lips inches away from your ear. "I just want to get to know you a little more."
You bit the inside of your cheek to prevent a shudder from running up your body. Something about the way he said that made a pleasant tingle shoot up your spine. Your ears felt hot, and you clenched your hands until you felt your nails digging into your palm. The tension between you two was thick, filled with unsaid desire for each other. But you wouldn't give the insanely attractive man in front of you the satisfaction of knowing that.
"Cat got your tongue, Chiquita," he asked with a chuckle, noticing your silence and the subtle shift in your body language. "What's wrong? Getting all hot and bothered?"
You felt your cheeks get warmed before you stepped to the side, removing yourself from his pin. "I-I don't need to explain myself."
"Well okay, if you say so," he teased, then walked back into his room, leaving you alone.
What the hell was that?! You wanted to scream, curse him for leaving you in your flustered state. Why did he have to do all that? For what, answers?! He left you with many questions and tinted cheeks, and this wouldn't be the last time.
Some time passed, and now you found yourself standing in front of the mirror, finishing adding makeup to your Halloween costume the day of the party. You had spent an hour getting ready, and now you were finished. Miguel came into the bathroom as you had left the door open, standing in his Spiderman costume that he had gotten. You had to admit, it looked good on him, the colors and the way it hugged his frame were very attractive.
"Ready to go see your little boyfriend, Chiquita?"
You rolled your eyes, looking back at him through the mirror. He was smirking, hands on his hips while you glared at him. "He's not my boyfriend."
"Oh? Is he not?" He walked up to you as you turned around, putting both of his hands on the counter on both sides, caging you in. Your hips were pressed against the sink as you looked at him, giving him an annoyed glare. "I could have sworn he was."
"You're so annoying, you know that?"
"I know," he says, then leans down by your ear. "But your reactions are too cute to pass up, you know that?"
A blush rose to your cheeks, "What are you even saying right now? Have you lost your mind?!"
"Maybe I did," he said nonchalantly. "After all, I'm doing this with you."
"Then why are you doing this-"
"What makes your co-worker better than me, Chiquita?"
Your eyes went wide with shock. "What?!"
"You heard me, don't act like you didn't hear me." He moved his head back, looking at you with a hardened expression on his face. He was somewhat leaning on the sink now, muscles flexing as he propped himself up. His face was still a comfortable distance from yours, but he was still close. "You never answered my question. What does he have that I don't?"
"Miguel, what are you even talking about-"
"Don't play dumb with me." One of his hands reached up, cupping your cheek. His other hand moved to your waist, holding you firmly against the sink. You felt your ears and cheeks heat up even more. "Now answer the question."
"Well... he's hard-working, respectable, and he doesn't just sleep around whenever the hell he wants," you scoffed, taking digs at him.
"I see," he said teasingly. "Well, you're wrong about two of those things. But... I guess I do have things that he doesn't have."
"And what would that be? I'd love to hear what your non-existent redeeming qualities are-"
"I have you in my grasp like this," he said, squeezing your waist harder as he said it. "Your little crush could never do this to you, Chiquita."
You groaned. "Why are you even comparing yourself to him?!"
"Because you're mine, mi tesoro."
"W-Who the hell said I belonged to you," you retorted, but the blush on your cheeks and the fluttering in your chest said otherwise. His possessiveness made you feel giddy.
"No one but you. Look at yourself." He turned you around, then grabbed your hips with both of his hands so you were facing the mirror. Your face was flushed. "Your expression says all that I needed to know. I have never seen you come home looking like this. Only I can make you like this, am I right?"
You don't answer his question, and he leaned forward and nipped at your neck, making you gasp a little. 
"Answer my question, Chiquita."
Before you could attempt and deny it, you found yourself nodding. His effect on you was undeniable, and you could only feel your heart speeding up as your grip on the edge of the sink was slipping from the clamminess of your hands.
He smiled at this, "Good girl."
Then, he spun you around and kissed you, holding you close to his body. The tension between you two, the primal need you both felt for each other snapped when your lips made contact. Your eyes immediately fluttered shut, returning the intensity and fierceness of his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. His tongue danced with yours, and he was quite rough. 
But you can't say you hated it.
He broke for air, both of you panting and feeling hot from the passionate kiss. A devilish smirk took over his lips, and he brushed some hair out of your face, his finger tracing the outline of your face from your ear to your chin. He took hold of it once more. 
"Better call your friend and tell her that we won't be coming to the party tonight, Chiquita."
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