#orange and pink. this is almost like the lesbian flag
jetsetlariat · 1 year
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coolcattime · 4 months
One day Jordan finds Capsize messing around with a flag. That's not exactly unusual for a pirate, but it doesn't look like any pirate flag he's ever seen and the colour scheme doesn't make it look like anything to do with Ianite.
He ends up asking her what it means, and Capsize raises an eyebrow and asks if he genuinely doesn't know to which Jordan affirms that he doesn't. There's a bit of a back and forth as she seems almost sure that he's joking, but when she finally realises that he is being serious she reluctantly goes to tell him. Only for Redbeard to interrupt with:
"Oh that flag represents Capsize's undying loyalty to Ianite and how she just never stops thinking about her ever."
He promptly takes off at a sprint with Capsize chasing him yelling a number of murder threats. When Capsize gets back (one murder and revival spell later) she finds that Jordan is gone, realises he definitely took Red's words as the wholehearted truth and definitely does not feel like sorting out that issue.
Tom later finds Jordan painting some very particular oranges and pinks onto his quiver, and immediately feels the need to ask what he's doing. Jordan tells him about what Redbeard said with the undying loyalty to Ianite which leds to:
"Okay, but you know that isn't actually what that flag means, right."
"No, it is. Skipper said that's why Capsize has one."
Tom proceeds to die of laughter and decides its so much funnier to not tell him.
About six months later in Ruxomar, Jordan is talking with Andor about Ianite and ends up showing the painted quiver and explaining the story. Andor, after a tiny bit of debating, decides to tell him.
"Jordan that's the lesbian pride flag."
Needless to say, Tom is killed several times that day. His defence of having tried to tell Jordan that Capsize liked women really not helping. Though, even with losing most of his stuff and his life several times, Tom stands by that it was worth it and funny.
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darth-aces · 1 year
Orange Hour
Bella Ramsey x Reader
A short one for this week. Some feedback or suggestions for other stories is always welcomed if you wanted to share any by the way!
Walking towards Bella’s trailer, you unravel a clementine. One hand held the orange, the other hand-multitasking-began peeling away as it held onto a second orange. It’s small volume made it easy to peel and divide, making it even easier for you to share with others.
By the time you reached Bella’s door the clementine was completely peeled. Holding the peel and oranges in one hand you used the other hand to knock. Almost instantly the door opens to a smiling Bella.
“I see my daily dose of vitamin c has finally arrived.” When they say this they bring their hands up cupping them signaling me that they wanted some.
You and Bella do this at the end of each day after filming. You two have even coined this time of your day as the ‘orange hour’. A play on words to it’s ‘golden hour’ counterpart and an attempt to mark a time of the day dedicated to each other.
Surrendering the clementine to them, you place it in their hands and they begin tearing the pieces apart in pairs.
“Lets get going or else we’ll miss it.” You say.
With this ritual you and Bella share the first orange as the both of you make your way up a nearby hill that overlooks the set, giving you a great show of the color changing sky ahead of you before the sun disappears casting a dark blue. During the ‘orange hour’ you two sit and talk about your day and anything that came to mind as you shared the remaining clementine.
“How do you always peel it in a swirl like that?” Bella asks.
“Practice, I guess. Making smaller peels are harder to carry before throwing it out, it’s also less pleasing.” You explain, your eyes fixated on the sky.
“These are good today, sweet and cold. They’re the best when they’re cold.” You nod in agreement. They truly were the best when they were straight from the fridge or a cooler, enhancing it’s taste.
“They’re even better shared.” You say handing them the last slices. They hum in response before letting out a small ‘thank you’.
Suddenly you ask, “what do you think the sky taste like?” Bella snaps their head in your direction, with a humored expression.
“The sky, like right now. What’s it taste like?” A chuckle came from their growing smile.
“I wish I could tell you, but I haven’t tasted the sky before.” They confess. “Although, right now when it’s all orange like that, I like to think it’d taste like the oranges we just ate.”
You nod, agreeing with them. “Yeah, I always thought the sky would taste fruity too.” This garnered a laugh from them and an immediate smile from you, satisfied from hearing them enjoy your joke. “I’m serious. It’s orange, pink, red, there’s even some white from the clouds. The sky is just one gigantic lesbian flag.” They find this irresistibly funny, giggling with you.
“But it’s blue most of the day.” Bella points out.
“That’s what makes ‘orange hour’ so special,” you point at the remaining peels in between you, “The sky is blue most of the day until it smells the citrus from the clementine because it reminds her of her lover. She gets so excited and she can’t help but change colors: red, orange, pink, and white. Lastly, she tries to change her taste: a citrusy, cool, orange flavor. Then she realizes that she’d been mistaken and her lover hate’s oranges causing them to ignore the sky’s attempts completely. The sky then returns to her blue state, only now its a darker blue because she’s saddened by how little her lover likes oranges.”
After intently listening to you, Bella says “You made that up.”
“Maybe I did, but you liked it.”
They hummed in agreement. “I think it deserves a better ending. I mean, why would the sky want to taste like an orange? You know, if her lover hates it so much.”
“They taste good, she can’t help it. I think I’d want to taste like a clementine.” Impulsively confessing trying to be funny.
A snort emerges from Bella, making you realize the accidental innuendo you made.
“Not like that. I meant like if someone were to kiss me.” You looked down at your shoes blushing, hoping to avoid eye contact.
A silence brew as you waited for their response, and you get nervous hoping you hadn’t just embarrassed yourself any further with your honesty. Your anxiety from the quiet was soon overcome by curiosity, wanting to see their reaction. Moving your eyes toward Bella’s face you see them looking right back at you. Their expression had a hint of seriousness but it was mostly made up of something that you couldn’t describe.
Keeping their eyes locked on yours, they softly ask, “Did you want someone to kiss you?”
With a shy tone you say, “Only if they liked oranges”, jokingly trying to regain control of the conversation again.
Quietly Bella says, “I like oranges.” They’re eyes never leaving yours adding weight to their honesty.
“Good, I like bringing them to you.” Gaining some confidence you added, “I’d like to bring more though”, as you start to slowly lean your head toward them.
With the remaining space between you two, they look down at your lips. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Another odd question comes to your mind. “Do you think I’d still taste like the clementines? Like the sky?”
“Could I find out?”
The sun disappears and the dark blue begins to take over. The only remaining sign of any red, orange, pink, and white that night was up on the hill, sharing a kiss with their lover.
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buddy-barks · 3 months
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[id: id: three photos of the Tortoise Butch, Yellow-Belly Turtle Futch, and Sea Turtle Femme flags
Tortoise Butch flag has is anine striped flag colorpicked from a tortoise, from up to down, dark brown, dark orange, medium orange, light orange, yellow, light yellow, light beige, medium beige, dark beige, dark grey, with a tortoise footprint on the top left corner.
The Yellow-Belly Turtle Futch flag is a nine striped flag colorpicked from yellow-belly turtles, from up to down, dark grey, dark brown, medium brown, light brown, very light beige, light green, mediurn green, dark green, and very dark green, with a turtles footprint on the top left corner.
The Sea Turtle Femme flag is a nine striped flag colorpicked from a green sea turtle, from up to down: almost black brown, dark beige/purple, medium brown, yellow, almost white blue, very light pink, medium-darkish pink, dark pink, very dark pink, with a sea turtle fin at the top left corner, end id.]
Tortoise Butch + Yellow-belly Turtle Futch + Sea Turtle Femme
• Tortoise Butch: a butch person who identifies with tortoises, who feels the stability and safety of their masculinity and/or butchness, and wears it like armor.
• Yellow-Belly Turtle Futch: a Futch person who Identifies with turtles, who feels stability and safety in their androgyny/masculinity/femininity and/or futchness, and wears it like armor.
•Sea Turtle Femme: a Femme person who identifies with sea turtles, who feels stability and safety in their femininity and/or femmeness, and wears it like armor.
Coined by me and @cosmos-tent , designed by me.
Anyone can use this, you don't have to be lesbians or women. If you like these, use these! With credit, ofc.
This was very self indulgent, but I do plan on making more in the future!!
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[id: a dark brown rectangular box with a photo of a side profile tiger growling/roaring on the left side, with the center in light brown words saying "DNI: otherkin + furry haters, exclusionists, homophobes, racists, radqueers (transid, transabled, transrace, ect.), anti-endos, intersexists, transphobes, anti mspec lesbian/gays, gaybians, turigirls, lesboys, ect, zionists, HP kins, ect." end id.]
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fastwiemagie · 1 year
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I had a mighty itch to sew something new for this year's Vienna pride parade! I have my amazing rainbow dress of course, but I kinda wanted to add to my rainbow closet. I have a couple more clothing ideas, but due to what fabric I could find last minute I went with a rainbow flag skirt, with the 6 classic colours.
(So, red - orange - yellow - green - blue and purple.) Doing something with the updated flag would be cool aswell, though I see that one more as a top. I don't know why, but that's how it is! Anyway, for this year's new rainbow skirt I went with linen fabric - because linen is amazing and I love it dearly. Linen always makes me happy and I DEFINITELY need more linen clothes for sure!!
The skirt is made up of 12 stripes (/rectangles) of fabric: each 66cm wide and about 70cm long. I used the pre-made edges of the fabric for the hem, because I like the effect that gives the hem (and it also saved me a ton of work with hemming the almost 8m hem circumference the skirt ended up with!!). Each of the 12 stripes of fabric was gathered down to about 16cm at the top, (after sewing together all the sides) and then attached to the purple waistband.
And yes of course the skirt also has pockets!!!
There was a hole in the green fabric, which I immediately had to mend before it gets bigger. I covered it with a fabric patch cut from a scrap of the green fabric (see pic 5 for what I did, I folded the scrap around the paper shape I've drawn, removed the paper and hand stitched it over the hole).
[id]9 pictures in total:
First two show freshly bought fabric in rainbow colours: red - orange- yellow - green - blue - purple arranged in semi-rainbow-shape on a wooden table. The fabric is folded up in different rectangles. Under the fabric are 5 rolls of satin ribbon arranged. The satin ribbon is in the colours of the lesbian pride flag.
Pic 3 shows the washed fabric hanging on a metal drying rack, so it can air dry.
Pic 4 shows the cut to lenght individual pieces of fabric lying next to a purple/violett sewing machine, all ready for action!
Pic 5 is a close up of a paper pattern piece about to be cut out, with a pencil, a cute purple ruler, sewing thread and a brown muffin shaped pin cushion arranged aesthetically.
Pic 6 shows the rectangles already joined into a skirt, with the top edge gathered down, lying on the wooden table next to the sewing machine.
Pic 7 and 8 are close ups from the pride parade: they show a young fat white woman with long brown hair wearing a sunny-yellow summer top with big poofy sleeves and a red sports bra underneath. She's got classes and for accessories magenta coloured felt flower earrings (with yellow flower middles) and a rainbow flower necklace. You can see her friend in the background of the close-up (with her head cut off). It's a thin white woman, wearing a shiny silver-white close fitting cropped bodice and a circle skirt with pink, white and purple srtripes on it. Pic 8 shows the above mentioned two young women hugging and enjoying a moment of peace. There's a rainbow banner ceiling above them.
Finally, Pic 9 shows the young fat white woman with long brown hair standing ontop of a relatively empty pride parade truck, she's smiling and showing off her rainbow flag skirt. A green cloth scarf is tied like a belt around her waist and you can now see that she's wearing dark red velvet shoes with socks in a very similar colour. [/id]
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voidberryart · 1 year
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Prints and Stickers for Sale!!!
Here's a list of all items I currently have for sale in my shop! If you are interested in purchasing any items please head over to my Ko-Fi shop.
[ID: An information sheet formatted as two purple boxes outlined in green over a black background. The first box is at the very top of the page and takes up only a small portion of room, containing only one line of text written in light purple font. The text reads "Awpie Redacted Prints". The second box taking up most of the rest of the page contains a series of images and text.
The first and largest image, in the top left corner, shows a realistic scene of space, with a large Jupiter-like planet taking up the foreground, a smaller Mars-like planet aligned to the first further towards the background, and a pinpoint of light like a close star aligned to the two planets further in the background. And in the background itself can be seen distant stars. This image is labeled with text next to it as "Convergence / 18x15 / $30".
The next image is to the right of the first and it shows a stylized drawing of a black fluffy cat with bright green eyes sitting up and looking to the viewer's right. The cat's head and tail both wisp off its body like smoky goo, and the head and tail and underbelly of the cat are all painted with a purple/pink/blue nebula. The cat is outlined in the same greenish yellow as its eyes, and the background behind the cat is another, more pinkish scene of a nebula in space. This image is labeled as "Void (holo) / 6x9.7 / $20 + free Pride Kitty sticker".
Below the left-side image are two more with a shared label beneath them. The image on the left shows Chell from Portal falling through a portal with another above her as she points her portal gun downwards, and is wearing a smiling, almost excited expression. The image on the right shows The Prisoner from Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye as a burnt photograph looking outside a large viewport aboard the Stranger towards the Eye of the Universe, with the signal blocker mechanism next to them. These two are labeled as "Freefall" and "Lost Reel" respectively with "11x14 / $20" underneath.
Two more smaller images take up the right side of this section. The top of these two images is a morning sunrise painted scene with colorful dense foliage framing the view. The bottom of these two images is another painted scene showing snow-capped mountain peaks and dense snowfall, with a night sky filled with a vibrant view of space and a large moon above. These are labeled as "Sunrise" and "Snowy Peaks" with the additional information of "7.2x6 / $10".
The last section of the page shows two sets of nine stickers each, both ordered in columns and rows of 3. The stickers on the left are all of a fluffy cat's face colored in with various different scenic backgrounds. These backgrounds include, from left to right/top to bottom, a scene of a bright green meadow, a blueish pink scene of space with a bright star shining down from the center, a purplish view of a cityscape through a dusty window, the cat's face painted in bright neon colors evoking an abstract vaporwave vibe, a view of a black hole and its accretion disk in purples and yellows with the face's outlining inverted from black to white, a pink and orange sunset with clouds, a blue and pink underwater scene with coral in the foreground, another sunset scene but with vibrant plantlife and in colors of the whole rainbow, and a midday scene of a grove of cherry blossom trees in colors of pink and blue and yellow. The other set of stickers all show the same simplistic drawing of a black fluffy cat much like the Void cat above, all holding a flag in its mouth but each flag showing a different pride flag. In order from left to right/top to bottom those flags are ace, aro, nonbinary, lesbian, rainbow, trans, pan, bi, and progress pride flags. This whole section is labeled with "Painted Kitty / 3in / $5" and "Pride Kitty (holo) / 2.3in / 1 - $3 / 2 - $5 / 9 (full set) $22" respectively. End ID.]
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sylveongender · 10 months
quick tauriel! my favorite lesbian
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image description under the cut
[ID: a drawing of tauriel's side profile facing towards the right. you are only able to see her face and hair which is wavy with different shades of gingery orange, a braid at the top of her head going around it almost like a head band, another braid that lays down in the back of her hair and a bit of hair falls in front of her ear framing her face. she has pointy elf ears, pale skin, light olive green eyes, sharp pointed eyebrows, button nose, pouty powdery pink lips and a bit of very light pink blush to her cheek and tip of nose. on her cheek is a sticker of the lesbian flag. End ID.]
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trans-wojak · 7 months
though for the person you called a woman, I think that's the nonbinary flag, lesbian is orange and pink... or something else since that one changes constantly anyways and I can't keep up with it nor care to. But you also called the other person a woman with he/him and no pride flags, yet you get mad when people they/them you though?
I don’t get mad, I am apathetic in almost all aspects of my life. I just dislike when people use the gender neutral pronouns for a man because he’s trans and think it’s progressive. I don’t care what pronouns people use for me online. People use the correct ones for me irl cause I actually look male and I’m stealth. Plus, non binary flag = woman in majority of cases.
That’s my secret… I’m always trolling. I don’t troll like a leftist woman, I troll how it’s intended: no limits. Too many ftm larpers think they’re untouchable but I can sniff out woman behaviour like a dog. Pattern recognition and all that.
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butcharo · 2 years
for my first (un)original post on this blog, i'd like to, respectfully and with credit, repost some arospec flags that were/are very important to me and that i'm sure others will find connection with too!! reblogs are greatly appreciated if you like them!!
the coiner + designer is @/L1M3S0DA on twitter, who has officially gone private for the foreseeable future. OP, if you see this and would like it taken down, whether because you are also on tumblr now or otherwise, just let me know and i will do so ASAP!!
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[ID: a flag with 5 stripes: white, lime green, hill green, forest green, and a greenish-gray. there is a lime green heart with a stiched outline in the middle. a twitter screenshot follows it, reading: "the sticker arospec flag!! for aro people who have only experienced romantic attraction once in their life, but that experience is an important part of your identity, like how a sticker can only be used once but can be in your journal or diary forever!! <3 #/inclustwt #/flagtwt" /End ID]
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[ID: two sticker aro flags, edited in colors to match the sunset lesbian and original bisexual flags a little more. the lesbian one is the same but has a faded orange and pink replacing the bottom stripes. the bi one has the first two green stripes shifted to look more teal, while the bottom two are desaturated purple and pink, almost like a gradient. the lesbian flag has a pink stitched heart, while the bi flag has a purple stitched heart. they are followed by a twitter screenshot which reads: "the sticker arospec lesbian and bisexual flags!! for sticker arospec people who also identify with lesbian or bi. requested by (my username, which is censored for privacy reasons)!! #/inclustwt #/flagtwt" /End ID]
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[ID: two flags, consisting of six stripes each. they are both the exact same thing, but the one on the left has a noise effect applied. the first three stripes are similar shades of hill green, getting lighter from top to bottom. the last three stripes are similar shades of gray, getting darker from top to bottom. there is a twitter screenshot below them, which reads as follows: "// possible eyestrain maybe? the blurry arospec flag!! for people on the aromantic spectrum who are sure they are arospec, but have trouble telling if they experience romantic attraction or not. requested by an anon!! #/inclustwt #/flagtwt" /End ID]
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farcillesbian · 2 years
UHM btw ... today I went to the thrift store to look at dresses for biology banquet and I ended up also finding a striped sundress but the stripes are literally lesbian flag colours. like. look at this.
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[id: a photo of striped fabric. the stripes alternate between white and colours. the coloured stripes are lilac, magenta, dark pink (almost purple), bright pink, light orange, and dark orange. aside from the lilac, the colours are nearly identical to the shades used on the actual lesbian flag. /end id]
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elskamo · 2 years
TD Brain Dump
Nowen Headcanons
- Owen loves all reality shows including GBBO, although they can't compete he and Noah watch it every year and Noah orders fancy snacks for them to eat while they watch. - Although Owen loves going to parties with the rest of the TD cast he knows they burn Noah out so he always makes sure there's a box of Noah's favourite tea and a new book waiting for him when they get back home so Noah can wind down the way he enjoys. - They double date with other cast members with varying levels of success: dates with Geoff and Brody end in chaos although Owen always has fun Noah ends up outnumbered, Duncan and Noah are still pretty snarky with each other and Alejandro is still warming up to Owen but Aleduncan double dates work pretty well, Owen and Duncan can be goofy together while Alejandro and Noah chat over coffee, they don't talk about the one double date they went on with Courtney and Heather.
A Midsummer Night's Dream AU
- Adding to my original post to have the TD boyband whose name I can't remember in place of the players. They're having a bad band rehearsal where nothing's going right and Harold claiming he could easily take on all the roles in the band because of his mad skills isn't helping. The band temporarily splits and Harold ends up with Bottom's plot from the original play. At the end of the story the band gets back together for their performance which the main characters watch after they finally return home. - Originally only had Bridgette as the fairy queen and Katie and Sadie sharing the role of Puck in my outline but decided that Geoff as the fairy king is a good shout. He and Bridgette are having relationship problems and fighting over how Geoff is too lax with their kids which makes Bridgette seem like a strict mom. Katie and Sadie can't agree on how to resolve this relationship dilemma either and make Bridgette fall for Harold by mistake while they're still arguing about what they did with the main group.
High School Comic AU
- Duncan acts as Brick's mentor in the second year of high school... he's not good at it XD but Brick is able to make it through his Freshman year without too many issues. Alejandro and Duncan ship Jo/Brick almost immediately after seeing the two interact for the first time and Duncan gives various pieces of bad advice in regards to befriending her. Duncan also exclusively refers to Dawn as Gelfling after meeting her, mainly because Ron finally watched The Dark Crystal and has added it to Duncan's interests XD - Duncan and Heather's bedrooms reflect their journeys throughout the comic. Both are still quite childish to begin with so their rooms have a lot of stuffed toys and bright colours etc., their rooms look a lot darker and barren after they’ve been at high school a little while and attempt to lean into the whole grownup/hardass aesthetic, towards the end of high school their rooms finally incorporate the best of both worlds where they more accurately reflect how they’ve grown up but still show off their personalities. Heather's also incorporates lots of orange and pink tones to match the lesbian flag.
Drag Race Artwork and Potential Story/Drabbles
- Duncan’s first time attempting drag involved reusing Courtney’s blonde wig and princess dress with very basic makeup. As he grows more confident with his drag persona and making his own outfits, his looks incorporate lots of fairy tale and fantasy elements. He brings Lindsay on board as his makeup artist as he still struggles to do more than nails and eyeliner. Courtney is unamused to be branded his drag mother, instead taking on more of a managerial role and helping Duncan to secure gigs.- Alejandro’s experimented with more androgynous and feminine looks for as long as he can remember. He gets mistaken as solely a fashion queen at first glance due to how highly polished his outfits, hair, and makeup are, but he equally has the acting and dancing talent to match. Heather assists Alejandro with his brand and social media image, ensuring he always looks perfect and runway ready.
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neopronouns · 3 years
Why are you using the toothpaste flag?
a few reasons:
i'm a gay man and i like it. i think it's gorgeous!
i also liked the flag it's based on, which was created in 2016, and was happy to see a version with stripe meanings and a more distinct color scheme (here's some history if anyone's interested)
it's easily recognizable and widely used
i'm not going to stop using a flag because people think it copied the lesbian flag (the first version of this flag existed before the orange-pink lesbian flag. plus, the majority of pride flags take inspiration from each other), that the color choices are stereotypical (that makes it easier to recognize. plus, the lesbian flag uses pink, why can't the gay man flag use blue?), or that they personally don't like it (they can request that i use a different flag for their specific request, but i prefer using the most recognizable flag unless asked)
also, now that i think of it, we often call the orange and pink lesbian flag the sunset lesbian flag. does this flag have a fun name? i hate 'toothpaste flag' because almost everyone who says it means it in a negative way.
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rating barbie outfits by how gay they are
(and how much I like them, because it’s my list)
This was supposed to be a quick joke with like four outfits but when I went looking I found So Many and was compelled
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#23 Barbie in Barbie’s vlogs
Rainbow hair and makeup - automatically gay. While I always love hair colouring, I’m not a huge fan of how this actually looks jfs;ldfhs;dfhkas;f but I guess it’s the thought that counts
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#22 Isla in Dolphin Magic 
Accessorises her purple top with pink shells and a blue starfish to show her bisexuality, very nice but quite minimal
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#21 Mariposa in Mariposa and her Butterfly Fairy Friends
Her flower crown is the non binary flag colours! I’m a little biased here because as a nonbinary kid I Loved that she had a really deep voice, so her accessories having those colours was such a great detail to notice as an adult, unfortunately only a small part of the outfit
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#20 Courtney in Rock n Royals 
A beautiful trans dress! This dress would probably be higher but it’s only featured in the music video and was almost impossible to get a screencap of (hence the arm moving), and it’s still on the minimal side
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#19 Catania in Mariposa and the Fairy Princess
A bisexual ballgown, with a more pastel purple, blue and pink. It’s also worn during an insanely gay scene, and is very sparkly, but the way the colours go together doesn’t work quite as well as some other dresses on this list
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#18 Elina in Magic of the Rainbow
She gets a rainbow transformation with rainbow wings and a top when she uses the magic of gay the rainbow to defeat the villain. It’s okay but I’m not a huge fan of the tones or the way the colour stops on the wings
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#17 Viveca in The Three Musketeers
Another bisexual ballgown. this one just has such pretty detailing as well as the different sections and sparkles, it comes together very nicely
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#16 Liana and Alexa in The Diamond Castle
When these two girlfriends are in their magic ballgowns there’s not a single shot where one’s without the other, so I figured I’d do this one together. Liana’s is the only lesbian ballgown on this list, and Alexa’s makes the third bisexual ballgown! They’re both pretty, sparkly dresses with some true lesbian/bisexual solidarity
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#15 Talayla in Mariposa and the Fairy Princess
The top-part of her dress fades through the bisexual flag! And she has bisexual wings! She’s a very minor character but it’s still a lovely look
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#14 Patricia in Spy Squad
Bisexual hair! This is what Barbie wished she could have done with her rainbow hair. This is an impeccable look and if I was bisexual and had money I’d dye my hair in this style instantly. The rest of her outfit has blues and pinks but is unfortunately not as bisexual, otherwise this would be higher up
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#13 Erika in Princess and the Pauper
A trans ballgown! The blue and pink is more subtle, but still so lovely and this dress is wonderful. Bonus because she’s literally coming out of a closet when she first shows it off. 
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#12 Merliah in Mermaid Tail 2
Kind of hilarious that in the sequel when she gets a rival/friend/girlfriend in Kylie, Merliah gets a magical lesbian transformation. There’s the white, orange and pink, and they fade into each other like the flag. Very nice
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#11 Alexa in The Diamond Castle
Alexa’s everyday outfit actually gets higher than her ballgown, because the bisexual colours are more clear and it’s just such a pretty outfit. 
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#10 Nori in Mermadia
I’d say she’s the most bisexual coded of any Barbie character, and she’s got an outfit to match! Her tail alone has all the bisexual colours, and her top continues this (the purple’s a little less obvious though). There’s a lot of detail and fun in the outfit, basically I love her and this is is a great look 
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#9 Carlos in Mariposa and the Fairy Princess
Carlos is the only guy on this list, obviously more attention is paid to the ladies and their outfits (fair, this is Barbie), but Carlos gets to represent mlm with this outfit which is literally the colours of the gay flag. It’s a nice outfit, the colours and details work well and match his wings. Good stuff.  
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#8 Barbie in Barbie’s vlogs
Barbie’s rainbow prom dress gets two pictures because it looks so different from the front and back. This is a really cool dress, I’m not the biggest fan of the tulle on the outside, but the colours and how they change are really amazing
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#7 Annalise in Princess and the Pauper
Her beautiful pink and white gown is paired with a blue cape making an amazing trans outfit! This outfit is iconic and the colours and details are So Good, I love this outfit. The blue cape is only worn for this one (iconic) scene unfortunately, but it’s still amazing
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#6 Barbie in Barbie’s vlogs
Ace shirt!! It’s an ace shirt! Ok so it’s not exactly the ace pride flag but it’s close enough. This is the simplest outfit on this list, but the colours are great and it’s a nice shirt and I would wear definitely wear it. It’s also sadly the only ace related outfit I could find, but I still love it
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#5 Barbie in A Fairy Secret
These pansexual wings are absolutely gorgeous!! And, unlike so many of the other outfits, the colours are actually in the right order for the flag?? Someone knew what they were doing, mad props to them. Like the ace one, sadly the only pan related outfit I could find. The outfit she’s wearing is nice too but not gay unfortunately, otherwise this would be even higher. But those wings!! Amazing!! 
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#4 Erika in Princess and the Pauper
The other Princess and the Pauper outfits on this list are also wonderful for trans icons Erika and Annalise, but this one is definitely the best. The dress is so sweet, the details wonderful without being too much, and the colours are so soft but still clear, and everything comes together to make this beautiful trans dress!
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#3 Mariposa in Mariposa and the Fairy Princess
This outfit is incredible, with the wings and the dress coming together so wonderfully. The pink and orange works well together and is covered in white sparkles - so we get an amazing lesbian fairy outfit! Another magical lesbian transformation after she gets a girlfriend in Catania jf;sfhsldfhsdf
Mariposa and the Fairy Princess has the most gay outfits on this list, and Mariposa having a lesbian outfit and Carlos having a gay outfit makes their relationship so funny to me. They’re supposed to be “love interests” but they barely spend time together and never hold hands or kiss and just act like friends - so in conclusion they are a great example of wlw/mlm solidarity
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#2 Raquelle in A Fairy Secret 
Whoever designed the wings in A Fairy Secret deserve an award - one girlfriend gets pan wings and the other gets bi wings in a transformation after they finally connect. That’s extremely gay. These bisexual wings are gorgeous, so colourful and sparkly, and her outfit is bisexual too, with the purple dress having layers of blue and pink underneath! Stunning!
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#1 Summer in Barbie Life in the Dream House
Coming in at first place is Summer with the single gayest outfit anyone could imagine. She’s wearing a rainbow striped dress with a jacket striped in the trans colours. I don’t understand how this got made, but the artist deserves an award! The colours are also done in such a pretty way, and the dress has sparkles, and it’s a cropped jacket?? It’s a great outfit, has gay and trans colours, what’s not to love!
I don’t understand how there are so many gay outfits (like think of Disney, they don’t have this going on?) but considering how gay pretty much all Barbie movies are I figure there are a lot of LGBTQ+ people doing great work behind the scenes. Cheers to them. Happy pride month!
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beignetbenny · 4 years
I like to think about the Jasmine Dragon during pride month.
The first flag he hangs up is the classic rainbow in the window because Zuko came out to him like a few days before and he wants to show his support. The fact that it’s already pride month and a lot of stores have various rainbow decals isn’t lost on him but he mostly did it for the look on Zuko’s face when he realizes it’s there. Zuko doesn’t cry. In fact, he makes an even faster dash to behind the counter to get to work. Iroh doesn’t tell him he sees how often Zuko glances at it and smiles though
He puts an order in for the lesbian flag when he sees Ty Lee and Mai coming in with matching chinese ladder style friendship bracelets that were all orange and pink. Iroh noticed it on Mai first because it was the only drop of color she wore that day. Mai says it’s because Ty Lee made it too tight to take off even though a few moments later Mai switches hers so Ty Lee and her have it on the same side. When it comes in the next day he puts it along the display window. 
He learns about the bisexual flag when Sokka comes in and steals Zuko away on his break while he’s breaking in a pair of sneakers with pink purple and blue stripes along the side. It’s Suki who tells him what it is though. It’s also Suki who insists he gets this gay pride flag instead. The rainbow is classic so it takes the window spot right next to the lesbian one with the bisexual flag beside that. The pride flag redesign gets the coveted door space.
Smellerbee gets in on the fun and tells him about the trans flag. Toph doesn’t know what the ace and nonbinary flags look like but she sure knows they exist. Aang flashes the pan flag headband he bought for the parade. So on and so forth until the windows are almost blacked out by all of the rainbow flags. He moves them to hang along the walls instead but keeps the main one in the door. 
He gives his employees the day off for pride (It takes more convincing for Zuko to enjoy the parade but Sokka manages to help with that) Since the Jasmine Dragon is right along the parade route he premakes a bunch of iced teas of various sweetness and flavor, puts them in a cooler out front, and sits himself there with a folding chair and an over abundance of those funky little flags of various sexualities to give away for free with the drinks while wearing one of those “I’m Proud of You” Shirts.
The flags stay up when the month ends
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godofdystopia · 2 years
Sashannarcy Week 2022 Day 7: Pride
Whelp, here we are at the final entry for this year. I may do this again next year idk.
This entry ended up way shorter than i would have liked, but considering my real life isn’t doing too hot and i usually write to let off stress i’m proud to have gotten this done at least. Anyway, as someone who lives in a rural state and has never seen how the big cities do there Pride parades, and has only heard about it from internet friends, i decided to keep this entry to what i do know:
Gathering together before a pride event and hanging out and catching up before moving on to the main event.
In this story... It’s pride. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy get ready for pride. That’s it. We’ve got Trans Anne, Bi Sasha, Lesbian Marcy, She/They Lesbian Terri and their wife Jan. Bi Jess and Pan Ally. Supportive parents Oum and Bee. And they meet up before a pride parade.
That’s really it.
Thank you all for keeping up with my entries for this, Even if Tumblr wiped Day 4 and Day 5 off of tags but you can find those elsewhere. Although if they wipe this then Staff is homophobic.
Thank you to @phrogfrommars for hosting this week. It was a pleasure and an honor to participate and I enjoyed writing every entry.
Words: 1.9k Like I said, it’s short.
“Cmon Anne, just hold still a little longer.”
It was almost midday at the Boonchuy-Waybright-Wu household and things were currently in a rush of activity. Marcy had rushed into their bedroom to gather various things she thought she would need to bring for the parade, meanwhile Anne and Sasha finished touching up.
They would need to be ready for the Pride Parade.
They’d gone to many others before, of course they had! Ever since they were ten they'd go together to Pride and they hadn’t stopped since. It’d been touch and go every now and again: Keeping Marcy’s parents from finding out, Marcy moving away, getting lost in Amphibia, high school. But they still went no matter what.
They’d gone when they were friends, they’d gone when they were girlfriends.
And now would be the first time they would go when they were married.
Sasha currently sat on the floor, a paintbrush in her hands as she carefully dragged it across Anne’s cheeks. Blue, pink, and white decorated her cheeks in little flags and Sasha had to finish it up before Anne put the glitter on it. A massive, hand-stitched trans flag was wrapped around her shoulders and she would be forever proud of Marcy for making it for her.
Sasha had forgone decorating her cheeks but had learned enough about stitching and leather work to stitch a giant Bisexual flag to the back of her leather jacket. The front of her jacket was absolutely covered in pins and buttons. Usually the pins would be of bands, anime, and various puns but now her jacket was covered with nothing but Pronoun pins. Other than the jacket she had dressed like she usually did in a long skirt and simple blouse.
“Sash, come on!” Anne whined, her hands tapping rhythmically on the floor. She loved her wives dearly, but she also liked going to Pride and also telling the world at large that she had married these two wonderful women. She was very impatiently waiting for the chance to do both.
“Just a sec… and done!” Sasha said happily as she leaned back and looked at her wife carefully, at first looking to see if she’d screwed up the paint but then just… looking at her.
Frog, she loved Anne so much.
“How do I look? Come on, tell me!” Anne said eagerly.
“Beautiful as always.” Sasha said with a smirk. She laughed as Anne blushed, she loved doing that.
“Don’t start flirting without me!” Marcy said as she charged down the stairs two at a time, tripping and almost falling had Anne not gotten up to catch her in her arms. Marcy blushed and laughed from Anne’s arms.
“You look gorgeous as always Anne!” She said happily as she got to her feet. A massive flag rested on her shoulders, the familiar oranges and deep pinks happily woven on the homemade flag.
“Still impressed by your stuff Mar-mar.” Anne said with a whistle as she saw the careful stitching on the flag. It was very well made. Years of making her own fan merchandise, and then merchandise of her own stuff, made her amazing at making pride stuff to hand out during the parades.
Usually she would also make her own pronoun pins to give out but this year Sasha had taken over that department, wanting to help Marcy in this regard.
“Thanks Sashy, always great to hear.” Marcy answered distractedly as she looked over her phone, hyer brow furrowed in concentration as she wondered how long it would take to get to the meeting place and whether it would be more time efficient to go down a different route than usual.
A beautifully manicured hand took hold of the phone and lowered it, and Marcy looked up into Sasha’s comforting eyes. “Marbles, don’t sweat the details. Everything will be okay.”
Marcy yelped as Anne grabbed her from behind in a hug. The Thai woman held her tight as she rested her head on Marcy’s shoulder with a smile. “Yeah Mar-mar, it’ll be fine.”
Marcy sighed and pocketed her phone. She then grabbed Sasha and pulled her into a hug, the three wives now hugging one another. They stood there for a moment, just enjoying holding each other before the clock on the wall began to chime and they realized they sort of needed to go now.
The red convertible flew down the streets of LA.
Marcy was holding her lesbian flag between her legs so it flew proudly in the air while they drove and used her free hand, the one that wasn’t currently holding Anne’s, was off the side of said car and was just waving in the air like a sail. Her head lay on the back of the seat as she rested, waiting for them to arrive.
Anne meanwhile was vibrating with excitement. Even after all these years she couldn’t stop being excited for pride like a kid on Christmas. Ever since she came out to her parents as a girl she’d always been giddy about June.
“C’mon Sash, hurry hurry hurry!” She cheered as Sasha drove them towards where they were meeting with the others.
“Hold your horses Anne, we’ll be there in a second.” Sasha said as she kept driving.
The streets changed slowly to Anne as it felt like they were moving at a snail’s pace until finally, finally, they arrived at the meeting place. Currently only four people were standing around talking so two more would arrive before they were ready to go.
But right now two of those people were just who Anne wanted to see.
Anne leapt out of the car and rushed over to the elderly Thai couple who turned to her with happy smiles and open arms.
“Mom! Dad! You came!” She cheered as she caught them up in a giant hug.
“Of course we did, we’ll never pass up an opportunity to spend time with our daughter.” Oum Boonchuy said to her daughter. The Thai woman had aged gracefully, her hair dyed brown to stay the same color as her daughters. The only signs she had aged at all were the gray roots that were showing and the deeper lines on her face. She was wearing a shirt decorated in the Trans flag with the words ‘Trans Women Are Women’ written in cursive along the white middle.
Bee had streaks of silver through his hair, with more lines on his face than his wife. He was wearing a tie-dyed rainbow shirt with the same ‘Trans Women Are Women’ written on it as his wife. He grabbed his daughter in a giant hug and tried to lift her, quickly giving up with a groan as Anne giggled happily. “You’re old man is happy to see you Anne. Always happy to go to these with you. Does Marcy have any of those pins?”
“No, but Sasha does.” She said as she pointed to Sasha, who was currently bringing out a bag filled with pins. Currently the others were surrounding her and grabbing the appropriate pins.
“These are Great Sasha! You made these?” A blue haired woman said as they pinned a ‘She/They’ pin on their shirt. She was taller than last time Sasha had seen them, their hair had grown past their back and she had ditched the lab coat and uniform for a pair of comfortable jeans and a ‘Down With Cis’ shirt underneath a Trans-flag hoodie jacket. Marcy was still laughing herself silly about the shirt.
“Yep. Pretty proud of it actually.” Sasha said as she noticed the golden band with a sparkling gem on Terri’s hand. “So you and Jan…?”
“Getting married in November, yeah!” Dr. Jan said as she kissed Terri on their cheek and picked up a ‘She/her’ pin. Her wife blushed and gave them a shove, laughing. Jan was wearing her work uniform because even the government wouldn’t be able to take her comfortable khakis from her. Though she had exchanged her UFO earrings for a lesbian flag earring in her left ear and a general pride flag in the other. Despite this, both earrings were still shaped like UFO’s.
Sasha was only slightly jealous. Really, she wasn’t kicking herself for not thinking of something like that to wear.
“Here are the invites, by the way.” Terri said as they handed out the fancy looking invites to Sasha and Marcy. “Make sure to give one to Anne for me since she’ll probably be talking to her parents for awhile.”
“Probably not, they’ll be bringing up grandchildren soon and I guarantee you she’ll come running over here in embarrassment.” Jan said happily as Marcy and Sasha started blushing up storms. Grandchildren!?
“She talked with us about it on the way over.” Terri said as way of explanation to the two blushing girls. 
“I mean, we might have talked about adopting once or twice. But not for awhile!” Marcy said panicked as her mind ran a mile a minute. Her face was burning bright red and Sasha wasn’t much better.
“Oh, so you have been talking about it?” Terri teased the two.
Before any of them could respond, an older van pulled up and two women hopped out and rushed over.
“Oh good, we didn’t miss the meet up.” Ally said happily as she rushed to grab a pin for her and her wife. Her hair was cut into an undercut with hot pink tips all around it and little pansexual flags were painted on her cheeks similar to Anne and her trans ones. She had exchanged her dark blue jumpsuit for a light blue one that was open at the front to reveal it was worn over a bright yellow shirt and bright pink arm sleeves.
Jess happily pinned her ‘She/Her’ pin to her Bisexual flag shirt. Her hair, now longer than last time Sasha and Marcy had seen her, was braided into a single bun atop her head. Her Bisexual Flag shirt was the same as always, with simple jeans. She’d gotten rid of her sweatshirt and exchanged it for a pride flag worn around her shoulders much like how Anne was wearing hers.
Speaking of Anne, she was now rushing over to the group with a madly blushing face while her parents chuckled behind her and walked over at a slower pace. Anne looked at the others, from Jan and Terri’s smirks to Sasha and Marcy’s blushes, and covered her face with her hands.
Once they were caught up with what was going on, Ally and Jess joined in on teasing the two girls only for the tables to be turned when Marcy, blushing madly, loudly asked them when they would be getting a kid.
Ally and Jess, blushing as madly as the three girls, tried to change the subject.
“Oh, the parade should be starting soon! We should get going.” Jess said loudly as everyone nodded and smiled, agreeing to drop it for now. They gathered together to get ready to move. Today was going to be fun.
As they walked together to meet up with the majority of the parade, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy all smiled at one another as they held hands and walked together.
They didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, if it would be a better day or a worse one. They didn’t know anything but that they loved one another more than anything else.
They were, by universal prophecy, literal soulmates.
They had faced down tyrants, herons, monsters, robots, and The Core. And they’d come out of it stronger, and more in love than ever.
They had chosen each other. And they would always choose each other.
The three soulmates walked on, surrounded by friends and family and were certain that no matter what happened tomorrow, today would be wonderful.
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just-antithings · 3 years
I hate that the two lesbian flags I think are the best looking also happen to be the ones with the most troubled history. Based on aesthetics alone, my favorite is the pink lipstick lesbian one (probably just because I love pink lol) but don't wanna be seen as supporting the creator. Sunset one looks nice too, I like orange almost as much as pink, but not cool with the creator being an aphobe (I'm ace lesbian myself). I guess it's good that she seems to have apologized, but not sure how sincere it is, it could be less of a change of heart and more of an "ugh okay fine just get off my back".
The only other one I know of that's at least someone commonly recognized is that pink purple green and yellow one, I don't know anything about the creator but just aesthetics-wise I hate it because to me it looks like Easter colors which automatically makes me think of being bored and uncomfortable at family gatherings and eating gross food. But I guess that's just a highly personal association lol.
I know there's plenty of other smaller lesser-known flags, and while those are fun, (I've even been trying to come up with 'demiromantic grey ace sapphic' one just for myself for fun) I think them being barely known besides to maybe a hundred Tumblr users doesn't really do much to serve as a unifying symbol.
yeah, I think the lipstick flag is cute as well, but between the creator’s views and the fact that it’s not representative of all lesbians it’s kind of :/ I like the pink purple green and yellow one, but I can see how that could be off putting for some people aesthetically
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