#order araneae
kingofpeacows · 10 months
I've started redesigning some of the dancestors just for fun/maybe putting them into a more alternian setting than beforus one. If anyone's interested in the design choices/personality aspects of these redesigns feel free to leave an ask!
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(You may have to click on the image and zoom for quality lol)
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lamamasjamas · 1 year
I want Miguel’s pedipussy.
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Me and Miguel:
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sbnkalny · 2 years
I did it would BE perhaps easiest for me to bare, without the feet.
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waning-wings · 6 months
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triptychgardener · 5 months
i saw you mentioned that transfem!calliope was practically canon, could you maybe elaborate on that? (im not dissing your hcs btw im just confused on where its suggested in canon)
Hey so it took me a while to get to this just because I wanted to solidify some thoughts about it! Won't go into as much detail wrt my other posts, but we can at the very least start with her handle: uranianUmbra
Uranian is an old-fashioned term, generally used for gay men, though also used in different ways to describe other-gendered people or ways of being, occasionally used as a catch-all similar to how Queer is used today. Its history is complicated and occasionally uncomfortable, as a lot of queer history can be, but notably, one potential root of this idea came from Urning
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Now obviously conceptions of gender and sexuality were a lot different then, and I don't want to simplify this, but in Homestuck, it's pretty undeniable that Calliope is a woman stuck in a man's body, and this is likely why Hussie used that very specific word in the first place: to foreshadow the eventual Cherubian Twist.
And not that framing: a woman trapped in a man's body. Cherubs (at least as we are told) have two equal halves who can predominate. But the framing of their entire dynamic makes it very clear that this is Caliborn's body, not Calliope.
Callie's ideal self, in Callie Ohpeee, her Trollsona, is positioned as something to be taken off to reveal her true self. She feels that she needs to conform her exterior to match her interior self, something Caliborn never has to do.
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Hell, even as she goes to sleep for the last time, she removes her jacket to reveal Caliborn's shirt underneath. It's his body, not hers.
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Not only that, but throughout the story, we see that Callie experiences something close to either dysphoria or body dysmorphia. She hates the way she looks, and affects an especially sweet demeanor in order to not scare people away. She sees herself as a monster because her body becomes the most hideous masculine monster the story has ever known! Literally Lord English.
And shockingly, even though it (in my opinion) handles it poorly, the Epilogues do give us a brief insight into cherub gender, where it basically illuminates that Aranea was kind of talking out of her ass about cherub reproduction, and that Cherubs have no actual biological sex or gender. Meaning that somewhere along the way, Caliborn and Calliope CHOSE their genders, likely influenced by the human and troll internet they were permitted. Callie perhaps forming her own gender in opposition to her brother. This also probably created the ouroboros through which gender became a thing in the first place but thats besides the point. Point is, Callie was likely not a woman until she chose to be a woman. I.e. transgender.
Now the epilogues took it in what I find to be a kind of boring direction, i.e. "well cherubs have no real biological sex so that means I have to be nonbinary now" which is just such a lukewarm take on the imposition of gender but whatever. Point is that Callie is transgender end of story goodnight!!!!!
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nekropsii · 5 months
Why do people call Porrim an MRA??? it's such a bad take I can't even begin to fathom the logic.
Uuuuugh. Okay, to my understanding, the logic is predicated on two concepts:
Kankri is Correct, there is no Misogyny on Beforus.
Since Beforus has a Matriarch, "complaining" about the Oppression of Women on Beforus is the exact equivalent... Men complaining about men being oppressed, despite us living in a Patriarchal society.
This is a terrible argument, because... Porrim literally explains in detail that that is not the case.
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Yes, Beforus has a Matriarch... A Superficial Matriarch, where the woman in power is more of a Figurehead than anything. Law Enforcement and Politics are handled mostly by "Higher CIPs" - Ceruleans, Indigos, and Purples - which are predominantly born (hatched?) as men. ... If all of the Social Order and Politics are Enforced and Dictated by men... Then that... Is a Patriarchy.
So, we have it directly explained to us that Beforus is Superficially a Matriarchy, with a Governing Body largely composed by Highblood Men, who canonically benefit from the subjugation of women, because having women be of generally lower class than men means that... Men can cull women, potentially on the basis of being women. You know, that social system, enforced by the predominantly male-lead government that allows for what is essentially the ownership of people you deem incapable of caring for themselves as pets? The system that will take any excuse in the book? Sure, that may have been a social rule implemented by their version of HIC, Feferi fucking Peixes, but it's still being used as a weapon. Just because something was made by a woman, does not mean it cannot be used as a weapon against women in the name of misogyny. You think Alternian Culling doesn't work the same damn way?
There's a sharp cut of irony you have to feel at the fact that Porrim literally says that conversations of Misogyny on Beforus are often shot down using "The Matriarchy" as an excuse. If Misogyny wasn't a thing, why the fuck are Rufioh, Kankri, and Cronus literally, textually, purposefully Misogynists? Why the hell is Latula like that, then? I don't think this is a 1-to-1 allegory for the real world, man- Troll World Building has NEVER been a direct, clean allegory for the real world. I do not think she was ever intended to be read as an analogue to Men's Rights Activists, I think she was intended to be read as an Alien Feminist. If anything, this feels less like an MRA, and more like someone getting shut down for trying to have a conversation about how Misogyny Exists in, like, Thatcher-Era England or something. Well, there's a Female Prime Minister, isn't there? Misogyny is over, clearly.
Porrim is constantly posed as an Exposition Fairy on the same level as Aranea, just... With Politics and World Building rather than Character Analysis. Porrim is portrayed as cool, collected, and correct. Do you think Andrew Hussie - literal Andrew Hussie - would portray a fucking Men's Rights Activist with that level of grace and style? Because the answer is no! Every time a character is a Misogynist in Homestuck, they are comically terrible! Rufioh, Kankri, Cronus, fucking Caliborn! Hussie is a lot of things, and yeah, some of these things are bad, but none of these things include the label Misogynist. Hussie is well known for... Not doing that, actually, that's, like... A major appeal of the comic. The female characters in Homestuck are known for being really, really well written and really, really well handled!! If there was a Men's Rights Activist in Homestuck, we would know about it, because that character would be comedically terrible, constantly dunked on by everyone around him, totally bitchless, and posed as a relentless fucking menace who does not deserve to breathe the same air as any of the women in the story. You know, like Cronus! And Not Porrim!!
Also, can we all take a moment of silence to ponder how much of an L it is to have your entire point of discourse be based in the idea that straight up literal actual Kankri Vantas is correct? That is capital e Embarrassing.
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spac3-vinni3 · 14 days
Homestuck dub in 2024???? more likely than you think!!!!!!!!!!
Closed temporarily.
Hey there homestucks!!!! i am thinking of making my very own homestuck dub!!!!! but in order to have a new dub i am gonna need voice actors!!!! just dm me @ini_vinnie on discord asking for one of these characters with a audio clip of you voicing said character here is the list:
Narrator: Me :33
John/june: waiting on voice clip
Rose: @mulchergeist on discord
Dave: @Bana_biohazard on discord.
Jade: @sugar_rave_rabbit
Jane: free
Dirk: @nyazzy.wad on discord
Roxy: waiting on audio
Jake: free
TROLLSSS (dancestors included)
Karkat: @chewychows
Kankri: free
Aradia: pending voice
Damara: free
Tavros: free
Rufioh: free
sollux: free
Mituna: free
Nepeta: free
Meulin: @auenknown on disc
Kanaya: @aeroargonic on discord.
Porrim: free
Terezi: me >:]
Latula: @auenknown on disc
Vriska: @sunnyskulls on discord
Aranea: free
Equius: free
horuss: free
Gamzee: @spoopybois903 on disc
Kurloz: @spoopybois903 on disc
Eridan: @spoopybois903 on disc
Cronus: @bardofhope on discord
Feferi: free
Meenah: free
Calliope: free
Caliborn: free
I will edit this when voices get taken!!!!!
also just letting you know i am a minor and if you aren't comfortable with that do not audition.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 4 months
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"There was a drifter passing through that little valley She had promised she was coming back to town (Coming back to town) They didn't know her by her face Or by the gun around her waist But she came back to burn that town to the ground First there was fire Then there was smoke Then the preacher man was hanging by a rope And then they all fell to their knees And begged that drifter, begged her please As she raised her fist before she spoke I am the righteous hand of God And I am the devil that you forgot And I told you one day you will see that I'll be back, I guarantee And that hell's coming, hell's coming Hell, hell's coming with me"
"Hell's Comin' with Me (Poor Man's Poison)"-Cover by Annapantsu
Hello Hello everyone <3
Allow me to share this small reference artwork that I did for Aranea and her own appearance during her century spent in Cania with Mephistopheles!
I liked to imagine that, in order to fulfill her part of the bargain with Mephisto, she would pick upon herself to literally harvest souls for him around Faerun, indiscrimately, in exchange for the unlimited powers that he provided her with (I like to imagine that Aranea is a sort of mix between Thanatos/Persephone to Mephisto!Hades, so to speak). It was fun to use as a reference my first artwork of her, and show how her descent into darkness would also reflect in the way she carries herself, while still holding some elements from her "previous" life above ground.
Also, that necklace that she carries around her way it's, infact, a shard of her own frozen heart, a shard that contain the only emotion that she allowed herself to carry and feel (plus, Mephisto would actually grow quite possesive of that heart, in time, so chances that she would get it back are slim lolol).
Well, that being said, I hope you will like this <3 Cannot wait to share more about Aranea and Mephisto and the Infernal Squad lolol <3 <3
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 8 months
MEENAH: i wish couples that are like "tall calm buoyfrond" and "short anxious gillfrond who cant order her own food" were oppressed
MEENAH: n dont even think about respondin with "me and jakey!!! 🥺" i hope jakey dies
ARANEA: Hi! I'm an AFA8 en8y with major social anxiety and my partner is an AMA8, masc-presenting en8y who 8a8ies me appropriately. I know this is talking a8out str8 couples, 8ut you can't tell 8y just looking.
ARANEA: You can't tell my partner and I are non8inary just 8y looking. Str8-passing queer couples exist and don't deserve h8 just for appearing str8. Str8 couples can even have queer individuals involved; one or 8oth could be 8inary trans, or one or 8oth could 8e 8i.
MEENAH: i hope nonbinary jakey also dies
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derseprinceoftbd · 7 months
This is a rant I've been meaning to get off my chest for a while, but the conception on Tumblr, AO3, and sometimes here, that Jake is capable of "teasing" Dirk, and all that implies, irks me deeply.
Let me be clear: Jake English is not self-aware. He, in Canon, never does anything resembling self-awareness, maturity, emotional boldness, or anything else that requires a spinal column. This includes apologizing to anyone, talking about his problems in a way that doesn't end up being selfish, teasing someone, particularly Dirk, or transitioning. (I maintain this especially; he does not have the boldness, maturity, self-awareness, or nerve to have transitioned his gender presentation pre-Act-6.)
He has an *understanding* of pranks, if we allow Paradox Space as evidence, but that's it. He makes *Tavros* look like a fully-roleplayed-into-Class-shift Lord.
You know what the popular Fandom perception of Jake, as a member of a DirkJake relationship, lines up with? *John*, before his main writing trait became a deep, all-consuming depression and repression thing.
Like, John’s original Act 5 and earlier characterization before his underreaction to his dad's death and the spiral that sent him down towards his current "transition would not save her" characterization is what people use for Jake (charming, funny, actually seems to have his shit together enough to maybe be transmasc (man, remember *transmasc John*?), and, most importantly, seemingly capable of dealing with the levels of vaguely sociopathic bullshit that an even-close-to-accurate Dirk would throw at him), but DirkJohn/JohnDirk is less popular, to the point of not having a consensus order, simply because Jake and Dirk are *coded* as liking each other.
I think a lot of people miss that DirkJake is fundamentally the Equius of relationships; Hussie isn't one of those writers that feels pride in finding pathos in the ridiculous, but spiteful glee and humor. He genuinely does not care if he accidentally touches people's hearts in a way that doesn't involve Dave, or *maybe* Vriska. The fact is, DirkJake is a joke relationship, which is spelled out very clearly in their conversation.
You know, their conversation. The one they have together. The time we see someone who is actual Dirk Strider, not Hal pretending, not Aranea co-opting a memory, not a Brain Ghost, talking to Jake. That time.
Yeah, that doesn't exist. DirkJohn has as much conversational basis as DirkJake.
DirkJake is a joke, a long, subtle one being made on everyone who saw Dirk's affections and immediately wanted him to get together with his disabled(?) ongoing harassment victim. Hussie was having a lot of fun making it seem like Jake found it important in the Masterpiece, I'll tell you that much.
@thelifetimechannel/@geejaysmith/@clonerightsagenda did magnificently wringing blood from this stone, I really do mean that, their Alphas are genuinely written better than Canon for 3/4, but that's all it ever was; every DirkJake writer is the YouTube comments under [this video](https://youtu.be/B7bpv5xyrOY?si=wYTCFDHM5ZzOY8fp) saying Equius could ever have been more than what he was.
1, Jake is pathetic, and we should remember this.
2, Hussie is a jackass who hates us one and all for the sin of caring and everything he has done with this franchise since maybe EOY2 has had an ulterior motive, and we should remember this.
3, Most people who write longfics set in SBURBless AUs, whether normalcy or fantasy, and want to ship Dirk and Jake should really be shipping Dirk with John, since now that history of Dirk-Jake interactions that justifies the ship in-Universe is gone at the Author's leasure, John would have the dynamic they want, and they talk *exactly as much*.
4, If you want to trans Jake, [there's a sensible way to do that](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8619856), but there's no in-character way to make him transmasc.
5, Read DDOTA, I beseecheth of you. Like yeah the Striders are emotional to a kinda weird degree but apart from that they really got everyone down right.
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Today’s anime insect of the day is: this moth from Dungeon Meshi (with bonus spider)
Order: Lepidoptera + Araneae
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conceptofjoy · 29 days
How is Aranea wrong abt this? It was a loooong when i last read the openbound
misinformation is handled so interesting in hs, the main three perpetrators that i can think of r doc scratch, aranea, and callie. scratch is actively malicious w his misinfo, using deception and his unreal debate bro strats to dance around outright lying.
... i was going to screenshot some of his text but its like actually impossible.
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in order he says:
Jokes are only temporary lies. If the falsehood is never exposed, there is no punchline. If the punchline is never delivered, the lie is sealed forever, regardless of initial humorous intent. Lies are not funny.
My joke was objectively funny. Who would know better than I?
No, that would be something closer to a prank. I don't play pranks very often.
I am allowed to do whatever I want. I choose never to lie. I also choose to tell jokes now and then, and to play pranks quite sparingly. But I can say that I have never played a prank on you, and no statement I have made to you thus far, or will make in this conversation, will contain any trace of falsehood for the sake of setting up a joke or a prank, with the exception of the joke I just made, and another one I will make very soon.
he plays fast n loose w his speech to get his way, using the audience's automatic trust in a narrator to get away with saying things that feel like are obvious.
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like the lecture he gave damara, it was entirely self serving. damara didn't need to hear it, he was talking to US. every bit of twisted information about alternia's "history" was essentially propaganda to insert the world view of LE into our perception of the story. his speech is even ended by him getting jumped by hussie as if it wasn't something he wanted in the first place.
both aranea and callie's information comes from this tainted backlog of history. it's almost comical how aranea wears the signless' symbol despite not being a follower. its not a symbol of the signless to him, but what he wants to strive for regarding ancestors and heroism. despite being genetically the same as mindfang, he looks up to her like saaaaay. dirk does his bro. while dirk realizes its not possible for him (though by thinking that its his fault, and not that its not an attainable nor healthy ideal), aranea goes off the deep end and learns this the HARD way.
he has rose tinted glasses about the happenings on alternia, and the values reflect his view on his friends and their relationships towards one another. he doesn't inspect power structures and how they would manifest, only reading them surface level. his exposition is just like what scratch was doing in the aforementioned speech, but HE'S the sucker here. he believes it.
callie is representative of the fanbase obvs. there's quite a bit of above, being duped by the clown tome right. but she adds something else to her readings. she analyzes general alternia and sburb happenings based off of that misinfo, which um. has some consequences. despite having a viewport into the lives of the humans, her view is tinted by expectations of how they'd act or what she thinks she knows. its rlly funny how so many of what callie said got wedged into fan theories despite being a commentary on said fan theories.
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taxonomytournament · 5 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Arthropods
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Araneae. This order is made up of spiders, eight-limbed arthropods with fangs generally able to inject venom and spinnerets that extrude silk.
Xiphosura. This order is made up of horseshoe crabs, marine arthropods whose bodies are covered by a hard carapace. They mainly feed on worms and molluscs on the ocean floor. The blood of some species is harvested for LAL, which is used to detect and quantify bacterial toxins
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sbnkalny · 4 months
I was at least aware that crawling around on all four legs and fuzzy Black feet.
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smallpoxlarry · 2 months
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my final (mass) attack for artfight! a walkcycle that features vampire ocs throughout the decades starting from 1850s to 1920s <3 character credits below the cut
(in order of appearance)
lipstickdoves 's Samira
@vampp-ires 's Oscar-Auguste
ghostellipsis 's Isadora
Noodelic_stein 's Claus Neumann & Fengming Bàoli
@slayknif 's Wilfried Coubert
@8trackaxolotl 's Aranea
hunnehunne 's Jeannie
hunniedham 's Salem Lavande
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I have to be honest, and this post is going to be without my buffoonery or tomfoolery.
I am entertaining the idea of getting back into writing a bit more, because my eyes really can use a bit of rest from the long hours I spend artworking.
But , and I am not exaggerating when I tell you this, the idea literally make me paralyzed with anxiety.
Yesterday night I managed to write those 400+ words for the artwork because I felt like "the main protagonist of the post is going to be the drawing anyway, so even if I fumble, it's going to be ok".
Also, while I am just a hobbyist, I am still a seasoned artist that has been working on her skill for more than 23 years. So, in a way, I feel, if not entirely confident in my skills, at the very least competent enough to know that I can create something pleasant to look at; but even then, I have always my anxiety hanging on my back like a freaking monke that has nothing better to do but bother me.
But with writing, I just become paralyzed with what I assume is fear.
Of what, I am still figuring out.
Because I feel this specific fear and block when it comes to writing an original character with a canon character (specifically, this was caused by my resurgence for Ardyn and Luscinia).
For example, when I was brainstorming for Aranea, even if my knowledge of the setting was limited to BG3 and before I started to actually deep dive into Forgotten Realms, I felt I was going like a breeze, with no fear, no uncertitude, just the brain never stopping talking and branching out by itself (which made my work immensely easier to be honest).
With Luscinia and Ardyn (but it can be even extended to Jacob and Dorothea, if one wants to talk about OC/Canon pairing), the same doesn't happen.
There is a block, a literal wall of nothingness that prevents me from writing and entertaining myself, despite all my willingness and WANT to just dive right into it, and allowing myself to have fun, and it's HORRIBLE. It feels like a freaking bubble in my chest that doesn't leave enough space for my lungs to breathe.
And while yesterday I was too tired to actually do some self-analyses of what the reason might be, this morning, after a good dose of coffee, I think I found one possible reason.
With canon characters there are limits that sometimes cannot be crossed, lest one goes OOC with them.
They are pre-made characters, with set personalities that one must respect in order to write them, and that, I found, put a crapton of pressure over me that only fan and fuel my anxiety, and this without even considering the high standards that I set for myself EACH and EVERY time.
Also, take in consideration that when it comes to creating and imagining, the only limits I like are the one I set for myself, not the one set by others (as it had happened with Dottie and Jacob, something that has partially ruined the fun I had with them), and that do WONDERS (*sarcasm*) for my ADHD.
On top of that, add the fact that if I see someone else with even a remotely similar idea as mine, I have the tendency of not pursuing it anymore because then my inner saboteur starts doing numbers.
Sometimes I am extremely good at ignoring the voices and doubt in my head that just mock me and ridicule me and fuel my anxiety, but sometimes they are just there to stay, like unpleasant roommates that cannot keep the kitchen clean and party at all times of the night😂
All this to say that I am basically a ball of anxiety in my little corner, rocking back and forth until this too shall pass, because I want to pick up the pen again for Ardyn and Luscinia, and I am utterly terrified by the idea.
But I so want to get back on track and write. I miss that so much.
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