#organising actions
How do I improve my workplace?
I don't think a single person has worked for more than 10 minutes and has thought "This is literally perfect. I want this 'til retirement."
There is always something that can be improved at work, even if it is incredibly minor. There are always micro-managing bosses, there's always broken equipment that never gets replaced or fixed, and there's always someone who has to bring in their own equipment because the office stock has run out.
And you won't be the only one who has these issues. No doubt everyone else is also thinking the same thing.
So how do we resolve this? Well luckily for us, we have a wealth of historical events that we can look into and find some great examples!
Of course, all of the following examples are most effective when coordinated with your co-workers. So make sure you've had a few one-on-one chats, got to know who you can trust, and get organised!
Be aware, your boss or manager will not take kindly to these actions, so be prepared to fight against pushback.
1. Slow down!
Productivity is all that matters to your boss. As long as "line go up" at the end of the day, they'll continue as always. The only way to grab their attention is to threaten that.
Slowdowns (or go-slows) are a very direct way of affecting that all-important line. Suddenly the boss is faced with an issue: "Line go down. :(".
The slowdown is a great way of showing just how much effort workers normally put in. Just how much they actually produce. And just how much is threatened when they take the gas off ever so slightly.
2. Good work, kid!
Sometimes affecting productivity will have unwanted negative effects. Doctors often worry that their patients' well-being would be affected, even temporarily. Bus drivers might be concerned that they'd be getting other people in trouble with their bosses by stopping service. Luckily, there is a way around it.
When you don't want to affect productivity, but still want to frighten the boss, hit them in the wallet. The Good Work Strike is a type of direct action where workers will continue to carry out their job but at a greater expense to the boss. Bus drivers might let people on for free, doctors or hospital administrators might not process medical bills, and extra admin work might not be carried out in favour of meeting the needs of a customer.
Quite often this means a better all-round service, as the worker is more focused on their work, rather than the "bullshit" work around the edges.
3. Complying... Maliciously!
How many times has your work been slowed down by needless reporting, strange and confusing rules, and bizarre workplace practices that the new manager has decided to implement? And how many times have you just ignored them, because you know that they make your job unworkable?
Well lucky for you, this can be used to your advantage...
Working to the rule (Work to Rule) is just that: following every single rule and regulation to the T, regardless of how long it takes. Suddenly, productivity goes down, and the boss starts to panic!
4. Sorry boss, I'm not feeling too well today...
Some industries in the UK, mostly public sector roles, are legally prevented from striking. This presents an issue when trying to figure out what to do to threaten the bosses' productivity or income. If you can't do that, then they can just ignore you. But there is a way around this.
The Sick-In is an action where several employees all report as sick on a given day. Sometimes, even the idea of a sick-in is enough to get results. And even a workplace all calling in to check how much sick leave they have left has done the trick.
Be aware that this can go south fairly quickly if someone decides to snitch beforehand. Find people you can trust!
5. Just Do It™
Historically, the best way to get something done is to do it yourself, bosses be damned. Organise with co-workers and pull something together without waiting for the boss to issue decrees from above.
To give an example, in San Fransisco, there was a coffee house with an owner who was incredibly poor at managing money (but he managed to get paid pretty consistently interestingly enough). Workers there would be paid weeks and sometimes months late.
The workers there took it into their own hands and began to pay themselves directly from the cash registers, leaving receipts to document where the money had gone.
Immediately there was an uproar from the owner, but the pay slips would arrive on time after that.
If something should be happening that isn't... Just do it!
6. Not just a Foo Fighters song...
I'll preface this with the following: these tactics are almost guaranteed to get you fired. Additionally, you might potentially piss off a load of co-workers as well. This should probably only be applied when tactically necessary.
You've tried everything. You're currently on strike, and the boss has brought in a load of scab workers. What's left?
As an aside, Monkey Wrenching refers to techniques used to sabotage, incapacitate, or destroy machinery or tools used for production.
In a railroad strike in 1886, scabs turned up to work to suddenly find that there was a load of equipment missing. Crucial small pieces of trains were missing, and couldn't run without them. Suddenly, the scabs were faced with the fact that there wasn't much they could do here and had to sit on their hands.
In one of my previous jobs, my manager had asked me to add a surcharge to a charity donation tool we were creating. There was nothing in the specification about the surcharge, and the money would be sent directly to his business account. There were only a couple of developers who knew the system well. And what a shame, our laptops would suddenly begin to bluescreen. A small drop of water here, a magnet placed too close to a hard drive there, these unforeseen events delayed the project enough that it was never taken up.
Wrapping things up
These are a few tools that workers can use to prove to their boss that he needs them more than they need him. Of course, it should go without saying, these tactics can and will get you in hot water. Discretion is advised.
Additionally, these tactics can only be effectively employed with help from your fellow workers. A single worker carrying this out will only ever be crushed. Sure, sabotage feels great, but at best it only really resolves one bad day, at worst it's adventurism. A collective of workers carrying this out can absolutely scare a boss onto the straight and narrow. It also leads to more permanent changes in the workplace - and sometimes across the whole industry!
This is also not an exhaustive list of everything you can do, only some of the more militant actions. Sometimes you will be lucky enough to have a boss that doesn't immediately reach for the chopping block. Tactics should be applied where and when they are necessary.
Notice as well that I didn't specifically talk about strikes. Strikes are GREAT. But once they've been employed, there isn't much room to escalate (legally) should the bosses refuse to back down. Of course, if needs must, strike away, but it's not the only tool in our arsenal.
As always, stay safe, and remember you're stronger together than you are alone.
Stay safe and solidarity, fellow workers! xox
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merrymorningofmay · 7 months
hey guys! here's a ukrainian activist in poland looking for people to organise and protest with (they're planning a rally near the russian embassy on feb 24, and maybe more).
if you're a ukrainian/pole in warsaw, please consider joining (and if you're not, sharing her tweet would be great).
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
ABC News in Australia covers the story of how community groups all over the country are coming together as a community to provide for returning Gazan families.
El Rahman Inc. stands at the forefront of this community effort in Naarm/Melbourne, and on the organisation’s Instagram page, regularly posts updates on what supplies are currently needed. It accepts monetary and supply donations at drop off points (which are currently closed until the 28th Dec).
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The PCIA has also been instrumental in organising resources for returning Palestinian families. For more widespread support not limited to Melbourne, please consider donating to the Arab Council of Australia, another independent non-profit which has a long history of supporting their community. They are based in New South Wales, which is home to Australia's largest population of Arabic-speaking Australians.
ABC's news report also highlights that between October 7 and November 20, Home Affairs granted 860 visas to Palestinians, including those seeking to depart Gaza. However, what they fail to give proper attention to is the fact that Israel has been preventing Palestinians from leaving.
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[ link ]
Of the around 860 visas distributed, only 143 Palestinians have managed to successfully arrive in Australia, with the number of new names being added to 'the list' falling to a pathetic degree. To understand the grave conditions of Palestinians awaiting safe passage, this is a great article to read. And although politicians like Penny Wong insist they are doing everything in their power to help Palestine in this time, Australia still shamefully stands by its strongest ally, the US, and actively provides military surveillance of the Gaza Strip to Israeli sources through Pine Gap, a military base in Alice Springs.
In this time, it is imperative to maintain pressure on the Australian government. Protest and vocal pro-Palestine movement is the only thing that caused Australia to eventually vote for a ceasefire in the recent UN resolution, after their cowardly performance earlier. Resources like vic_socialists on Instagram, regardless of where you may stand on their performance as a party itself, has been outstanding in organising regular protest movements across all of Victoria. APAN also maintains a list of pro-Palestine events all around Australia on their website, although I'm not sure at this point if it's exhaustive.
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nando161mando · 10 months
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🚨NATIONAL MASS DIRECT ACTION: December 14 in Cambridge, MA. We will make it the first Elbit Systems of America location to permanently shut down.
Come from near and far. Info about transport, affinity groups sign-up, & international calls to action coming soon.
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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whorejolras · 9 months
i'm saying it. i don't think joly would work in a hospital. i think his medical career would be informed by his politics + radicalisation and his + his friends regular drug use, he would be outraged at how the medical industry handles drug users, also at the medical industrial complex in general, so he would find a reputable community led harm reduction organisation to work for 🫶🏻
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ukrfeminism · 7 months
If you’re a UK-based radical/gender critical feminist interested in irl meetings with other women, please get in touch. I’m going to try to start organising again.
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fellhellion · 1 year
Self admitted Miguel girlie here sure, but I’m just. honestly floored by takes that assume small inconsistencies between Miguel’s story about the collapsed dimension and how canon events operate = that he’s lying, and its not the story asking you to understand and accept a particular kind of lens to its stakes (what canon events represent and allow the characters to confront is more important than a scientific understanding to the pure mechanics) plus the fact that well.
Miguel doesn’t linger on these inconsistencies because he blames himself. Of course he Occam’s razor-s his own traumatic event and assumes his presence was inherently destructive, of course he’s unwilling to play mad scientist with billions of lives and see for sure what triggers will ensure dimensional collapse.
Even if blaming himself is the one of the worst, most isolating burdens, at least it’s an answer. It least it provides a path forward that will protect people, however stained that path is.
And if he’s wrong, not only does he have no answer for why he’s suffered, why an entire dimension suffered, even if it was never a moralised answer - but he has no certainty as to what to even do now. Every action that he took knowing the moral concession it asked of him as Spider-Man meant nothing, and he’s accidentally doomed people all over again.
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gayfour · 2 years
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They are trans boyfriends. Because I said so
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What did you do today to work towards a general strike?
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drumlincountry · 2 years
to remember:
Most effective social change comes not from paying passing awareness to all social issues, but from working with deep, sustained focus on a specific social issue.
You don't have to ignore everything that isn't your area. But you don't have to fight every fight with equal energy. limit guilt.
"Only when large numbers of people demand everything immediately do we ever get anything  eventually." Cleve Jones
"I'm not saying we'll live to see some sort of paradise. But just fighting for change makes you stronger. Not hoping for anything will kill you for sure." Leslie Feinburg
People need to eat.
You are people.
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litres-of-cocaine · 2 months
‘’we need a revolution’’ shut up the revolution is growing your own food and sharing it with your neighbours, it’s mending and recycling your old clothes. the revolution is teaching the kids on your road how to ride bikes and playing football with your friends at the council-run public park. the revolution is building ramps and accessible *free* bathrooms. the revolution is libraries and youth centres and public transport and food banks and benefits and unions and strikes and good teachers. the revolution is ignoring shoplifters and setting up support systems for vulnerable people and challenging the biases that are stuck in your head. the revolution is fighting and protesting in every seemingly insignificant act that you do. the revolution is when you help somebody. the revolution is kindness and you are missing it.
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kivaember · 5 months
here's a little snippet of 621's time in CIT before he was put into stasis... the time is not fun, as a forewarning, and it gives a bit of info about the other assets. Not really spoilers for APV since the other assets will never come up in any detail... so enjoy!
"Asset 04's performance is finally starting to slip. Pretty impressive it took this long."
Jack didn't look up at his coworker's observation, too busy carefully adjusting the parameters for the simulation's next run. Blinking in the top right corner of the screen, the numbers 36:26:10 proclaimed how long the simulation's session had run.
It was inhumane, he knew. Simulations were used extensively to train baseline and augmented humans alike, and their safe useage was strictly regulated because of how ubiquitous of a training tool it was. Baseline humans were recommended to spend only an hour at a time in the simulations, whereas augmented humans could push it to three.
Asset 04 had been in there for over thirty-six hours non-stop.
There was a reason for it - there was always a reason for CIT's cruel acts - but Jack still had his misgivings about it all. He was a new hire, though, came recommended by the UEG to help CIT with their hush-hush augmented human project - walked into a carnival of horrors instead. He knew some lines had to be crossed for the overall advancement of the human race but... god. The things he saw, the things he had to do...
But work was work, and legally the Assets weren't considered humans anyway. Labrats, at most, with the government approving of their medical and experimental torture so long as it gave them useful results for their various projects and what not. There'd be no point in whistleblowing, in trying to do anything to reverse these monstrous acts - Jack would just die, and he liked living, so he just kept quiet and kept turning the dial.
Literally and figurative. He finished the simulation adjustments and finally turned to his coworker - Aiden.
"The next course run is ready but, should we keep increasing the difficulty? As you say, Asset 04 is starting to struggle with exhaustion. I don't feel like we'd get any valuable data continuing like this."
Aiden just gave him a half-shrug. "Well, the bosses like us testing them to failure. They specifically want 04 pushed to its physical limits in the simulations before its taken for examination, anyways."
"If they want to observe his body's response to physical and mental distress, there's a more efficient way of doing it," Jack muttered, but he knew he was edging a bit too close to belligerent, so began the simulation.
Asset 04 was in the observation room over, situated in a pod with a glass cover that simulated his cockpit within his Symbiotic Core (SC, for short). Jack couldn't see the asset's face, the glass reflected a lot and he wore a protective helmet with an opaque black visor, but he could still see the asset's body twitch slightly as the simulation renewed.
Jack remembered how uneasy he had felt when he had laid eyes on Asset 04 for the first time. With the later assets it was easier, because they had been augmented as adults and the procedures were less invasive and horrifying (not by CIT's choice, but the galactic Coral shortage had them rationing out that miracle substances), but Assets 00 to 05 were...
Asset 00 barely looked older than ten, their physical development permanently halted by their experimental Coral augmentations. Asset 00 was also basically brain-dead, barely able to perform basic tasks and had to have a minder 24/7. A failure, but the "biological immortality" of their augmentations interested CIT. Jack had only seen them once, and only in brief passing - understandably, Asset 00 wasn't trained as an SC pilot or used in the same experiments and taskings as the other Assets. They were too valuable, research wise.
Asset 01 was far more comfortable to deal with, as he had aged normally and acted like any resentful child soldier all grown up. He jumped when ordered to, and he didn't bite, but Jack could see it in his eyes every time they ran experiments - Asset 01 wanted to rip them limb from limb with his bare hands, and there was always a taut undercurrent to his 'understood' and 'yessir'. If any of the Assets were going to snap and go on a murderous rampage, Jack would put his money on Asset 01 (and honestly, he wouldn't blame him).
Asset 02, Jack had only seen twice, and she had filled him with an aimless sort of sadness. Her aging was slower than most and she looked like a young adult. But she was mentally shattered, susceptible to periods of dissociation and unable to really care for herself at times. She could still pilot an SC, and she did so very well as one of CIT's 'procurement agents' (kidnapper/assassin), but she had to be dragged into her cockpit and strapped down, prone to simply going limp and being as uncooperative as possible. She reminded him of a captive animal that had given up and was simply waiting to die - or someone who realised that the only way she could protest her treatment was to simply not engage at all. CIT were routinely frustrated and annoyed at her actions, he knew that. Maybe it vindicated her.
Asset 03, Jack had never seen but had heard about. Youthful looking and 'somewhat stable', she was 'on loan' to Arquebus, a potential partner in future collaboration in augmentation. Jack had heard that particular avenue of research was promising some interesting things, and CIT were very closely scrutinising the 'Coral Supplement' that Arquebus was developing 'thanks to Asset 03's contributions'. Jack tried not to think too deeply about how Asset 03 contributed to that scientific breakthrough.
Asset 05 was who Jack dealt with the most, aside from Asset 04, and that was because Asset 05 occupied a very strange position within CIT. If rumours were to be believed, Asset 05 was the offspring of one of the CIT's leadership, offered up as a sacrificial lamb on a gamble that had miraculously paid off. Asset 05 was remarkably stable and has integrated well with his Coral augmentations, showing no sign of mental trauma, illness or any other 'unseemly defects'. Asset 05 was also incredibly intimidating in ways Jack couldn't really articulate, because even when Asset 05 was strapped down to an operating table completely naked utterly emotionless, Jack felt an oppressive sort of pressure on the back of his neck, like he had a snarling beast just inches away from snapping his head off.
Needless to say, none of the researchers liked handling Asset 05.
Then, there was Asset 04: the golden child fallen from grace.
Jack came after the 'Incident', but he understood that Asset 04 was a terrible tragdy. Much like Asset 05, he'd been a very stable prototype with very interesting qualities that had demanded further investigation and research. CIT had even trotted him out as an advertisement tool to the UEG leadership, a template of 'look, look, this is what all of you can have in a few decades, if you keep funding us!' Asset 04 had all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks: extraordinarily long-lived but youthful, a near perfect immune system, a stunning intellect, amazingly well-socialised and emotionally intelligent, sweet-tempered...
Then the Incident happened, Asset 04 suffered from debilitating injuries that had given him irreversible brain damage, fried a good chunk of his neural implants, and rendered him amnesiac and mute. Jack had been brought in when Asset 04 was relearning basic things like 'walking' and potty training.
Maybe that was why he was always so conflicted and unnerved when it came to Asset 04, then. He looked young, was small and slight, and his wide, guileless eyes and soft face made him look younger still. Jack didn't have kids, but he had a younger nephew with a passing similarity to Asset 04. Teaching him to walk, watching him 'grow up' in a compressed timeline all while strapping him down and tormenting him in senseless experiments like this...
Jack didn't believe in heaven or hell, but some days he wondered. He knew he'd never sleep well for the rest of his days, at least.
He was drawn from his brooding thoughts by the simulation indicating another course finish. He examined the results, and felt disappointed that Asset 04-
"Another success," Aiden whistled. "This is nuts. It really is a killing machine."
"I think he's just terrified of failure. You'll be surprised how much fear can motivate a person," Jack said unthinkingly, and studiously ignored the look Aiden gave him. "We should probably break here. He 'passed' but his performance was abysmal. It's technically a failure for him."
"You're such a bleeding heart, Jack. That won't get you anywhere in CIT," Aiden sighed. "But... yeah, I'm getting bored just watching these print outs. He isn't even doing anything in the pod."
No. Asset 04 was very still. Jack would've been worried his heart had given out from exhaustion if it weren't for his vitals on the screen still going strong. Pulse elevated, oxygen levels up, heartrate going fucking crazy - but still very much alive.
"I'll handle clean up and return Asset 04 to his enclosure," Jack said, officially concluding the simulation. He'll likely get a smack on the wrist for it, but he'll just use Aiden's excuse: it was boring and not giving them anything new in terms of results. That tended to sway CIT leadership more than basic humanity. "If you compile the reports."
"Sure. The report's'll be easy to do." Aiden pushed himself up out of his chair. "Have fun cleaning up the labrat."
Jack said nothing. He waited for Aiden to leave the control room before releasing a loud and heavy sigh, his mouth twisted into an uncomfortable grimace. A bleeding heart...
He wasn't. If he really was a bleeding heart, he would've done something to stop the madness happening in CIT's labs. Their brutal experimentations on their assets had no real rhyme or reason - not any that Jack could divine, anyways - and they routinely crossed every single moral line in existence to pursue this human perfection. That was CIT's mission statement, after all: the perfection of the human race.
What that perfection was, and who was going to benefit from said perfection, Jack didn't know. At this point he felt like he didn't want to know.
"Don't think there's a hole deep enough in hell for us," Jack murmured, and shook his head. Well, he can grouch and brood all he liked, but here he was, willingly perpetuating it, because he was in too deep now. He's seen too much. Done too much.
The Assets will continue to suffer, and Jack will continue to standby and simply watch it - continue to participate in it. He may not want to see this perfection CIT claimed to pursue, but he was still curious about how far these augmentations could improve mankind - desperately hoping that it'd be worth it, that later he can say "well, we made a small handful of people suffer horribly, but it resulted in medical science that saved millions", because that would be worth it, won't it?
Was it an equal exchange? Their suffering for humanity's progress? Maybe.
Was it excuseable?
Definitely not.
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To people who don't know what happened :
Basically another chat got leaked between what seems to be Build and someone else , where he's seen asking for money multiple times , and cursing people who exposed his old problematic tweets on twitter , being homophobic (as a joke 🙁) and other things among many.
As any sane person would think , i also had doubts about the authenticity of the texts and all , but then everyone basically unfollowed him on Instagram and build also tweeted an apology.
Apology confirms that those are genuine right??
He genuinely badmouthed his costars who were there working their asses off for a show that got cancelled once and had to begin production again.
Like , he does not seem like a good coworker , all things considered. And he's so much trouble to the company as a whole , which has pretty ungrateful fans following it's artists.
(idk some tweets just make me go , it's a tough industry . They're atleast still getting work from a show that's been done airing for a year and with no hope of season 2 . They can't create work , but they're still doing very well for a smallass company)
I initially read his fans' responses which were along the lines of "if your texts with your bestie leaks then will you be safe?"
And although that's a very .... Erm ... creative way to view things , I don't think that's barely enough here.
He was badmouthing basically apo , jeff and barcode, and nodt and mile(?) I'm unclear on the details. I get that you may be angry at your coworkers , there may be squabbles but that's not what this was about?? Jeffbarcode were accused of being boc's favourites (??????) and had more pictures taken than everyone else(??????????????) They had like 15 mins of screentime. What is this man on about?
I just straight up don't trust this man anymore.
I don't care about his story. He's so much trouble than he's worth and every day there's something up with him.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Something on individualism
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theplanisinruins · 6 months
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milgram characters sorted on what i think their stance on vriska would be (assorted thoughts under read more)
kotoko and fuuta would definitely have strong thoughts on the topic of whether or not vriska did anything wrong. i'm not 100% sure they'd both fall on the 'everything wrong' side of the debate, though?
shidou i think would see vriska's actions as necessary to survive
es WOULD see a girl even younger than them born into a bad home life and say she's unforgivable. i love them but i also know in my heart they would not forgive vriska
muu and vriska bug girl solidar8y. i'm right about this. you know i'm right about this.
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ukrfeminism · 8 months
A new survey of female cyclists from the London Cycling Campaign has unveiled the relentless abuse women are subjected to on London’s roads. Now, a new petition (link below) is calling on the Mayor Of London to take action.
If you’ve never done it before, the idea of cycling in London can be intimidating. Wrapping your head around all the different routes and cycle lanes can be confusing, and the roads are particularly busy and crowded. But these are things that get easier with experience. What doesn’t get easier is having to deal with abuse – something nine out of 10 women who cycle on the streets of London have experienced, according to a new report. 
The research from the London Cycling Campaign, which aims to make cycling in London safer and more enjoyable for everyone, is based on a survey of 1,000 women who travel by bike in the capital. It found that 63% of women experience abuse from other road users at least once a month, with that abuse including verbal, sexual and physical attacks – including women being groped or slapped on their bikes while stopping at traffic lights. 
Women were also concerned about the safety of cycle routes and the infrastructure currently in place, with nine in 10 saying they would start to cycle or cycle more if they had safer cycle routes – for example, protected cycle tracks – for their journeys. Currently, over half of the women surveyed said they were forced to choose between cycling on busy roads without any safe space or through isolated, quiet or dark places for their journeys.  
The campaign group says these experiences – especially the on-road abuse – have a knock-on effect on the number of female cyclists in the city, where two-thirds of the daily cycle journeys are currently taken by men. And the survey backed this up: over 20% of the women said they’d given up cycling, temporarily or permanently, because of abuse. 
Stylist’s deputy editor Ellen Scott knows all too well how scary it can be to cycle as a woman in London. “I cycle to and from work and I love the freedom of it, but every commute has at least one dangerous moment: most often male delivery drivers on their bikes speeding past or cutting you off without warning,” she says.
“I had an incident a few months back where a male cyclist pushed past me and another woman while we were stopped at a red light. He did it so forcefully that I was shoved off my bike and left with a massive bruise. 
“And it’s not just other cyclists, of course. I was egged while riding my bike by some people driving past in a car. The same week I had a man in a van chase me while shouting out of his window because he thought I’d gone through a red light (I hadn’t).” 
Strong Women editor Miranda Larbi has also faced unwanted attention as a woman on the road. “Cycling is a massive part of my life, and I truly believe that it’s improved just about everything – my mental health, concentration, fitness and mood,” she explains. “In the winter – when it’s not raining – cycling is straightforward, but I’ve found that in the summer you tend to get quite a bit of unwanted attention. 
“Just when it gets warm enough to cycle in shorts and a vest, that’s when the horn beeps and shouting starts. I’ve even had a bloke run up to me at the traffic lights and try to sit behind me on my saddle. Men have tried to run after my bike or kerb crawl in cars alongside me. I’m not intimidated but I can see how that would put new cyclists off.”
Following on from the survey, the London Cycling Campaign has put together a petition calling on Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, to take urgent action to improve women’s physical and social safety while cycling in London. The suggested changes include providing more high-quality cycling infrastructure so women feel safe cycling on their own and with children, and working to measure and reduce the abuse women are subjected to.  
The petition, which is still available to sign, also calls for local cycle networks around schools and businesses to be improved to encourage more women to use cycling as a way to get around their local area. 
The final petition will be handed to a representative from the Mayor of London’s office at the group’s central London LCC Women’s Freedom Ride on Sunday 3 March. 
“While more and more people are cycling in London and safe cycle routes are rolling out in many boroughs, there’s still too many parts of London where cycling isn’t and doesn’t feel safe enough,” Eilidh Murray, chair of London Cycling Campaign, said of the findings. “Women still face additional barriers to cycling and additional hostility when cycling.” 
Sophie Linden, London’s deputy mayor for policing and crime, also responded to the survey’s findings: “Every woman and girl should be able to enjoy the benefits of cycling in London without fear of violence and intimidation. Yet sadly, across the UK, we face an epidemic of violence against women and girls and today’s report demonstrates the significant impact this abuse and aggression is having on women cyclists.” 
She continued: “It is simply unacceptable, and the Mayor and I are committed to preventing violence against women and girls and challenging the attitudes that enable these behaviours.” 
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