#ori the ascended
demon-of-math · 7 months
Finch stared in wonder at all the different stuffed animals in the window, his eyes sparkling. The angel had no idea there was even that many kinds of plushie! He was frozen by the sheer joy of just seeing them.
He squeaked quietly to himself, forgetting Ori was even besides him as he flapped his wings excitedly. Who knew the mall had so many wonders…
Ori chuckled warmly, endeared by the glimmer of excitement in the little angel's eyes. When he had learned Finch had never gone to Build-a-Bear, he was devastated, and declared an emergency family mall trip. Koru had stopped at the shoe store down the way, saying something about getting some Newbalance for his "dad cred", but Ori knew what he was really after the Hot Topic across the way.
Ori glanced up at the window of the toy shop, then back down at Finch. "Ready for some magic, bud?"
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kanos · 6 months
just thought about it but i dont have any kind of vampire oc… we gotta change that asap
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marshvlovestv · 5 months
In honor of me having so much video game music downloaded on my phone that I ran out of storage and had to buy a new phone. My favorite track from each video game OST I have!
Bastion: Brusher Patrol (Such a bizarre clash of styles, I can't help but love this one. Shout-out to the part that sounds like Darren quietly scatting in the background.) (Also special shout-out to Build That Wall, probably my favorite vocal track in any Supergiant game)
Celeste: Scattered and Lost (I am such a normie for this choice but face it this track absolutely slaps.)
Chicory: A Colorful Tale: Song of the Wielders (I love how this song has actual lyrics but I still prefer to sing along with the Simlish version that Pizza and Chicory sing.)
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Illusion (First of all I love how every character in this game has their own theme I go feral for that kind of thing. Kurielle is probably one of the characters who stood out to me the least but by god is her theme gorgeous. I love the vocals and how a later track includes a sneaky reprise.)
Cuphead: Dramatic Fanatic (Tap dancing :D)
There are literally thirty of these so I'm doing a read more
Death's Door: The Grey Crow (A heartbreaking boss fight scored with the appropriate amount of anguish)
Deltarune: Cyber Battle (This melody is so underrated and ya know what, so are the characters associated with it. Sweet Cap'n Cakes forever.)
Elsinore: Donne, The Boat Boy (I love this song because it's associated with Lady Guildenstern, aka the best character in gaming full stop, but it's also just a fun little sea shanty that I think they made up for this game so I love that. Also has a lyrical version.)
Evergate: Police (Okay so the level with the police drones is one of the more frustrating ones in the game but the music is hauntingly beautiful so I give it a pass)
Going Under: trust fall (Marv is easily one of the most hateable video game antagonists of all time but damn if his boss theme doesn't slap)
Hades: Last Words (The rolling and the tolling of the bells bells bells bells bells)
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie: Reverie Ascendant (Lena Raine does these medley tracks so good man)
Hollow Knight: Dung Defender (By far the catchiest song about poop on my entire phone)
Ikenfell: Rose Thorns (So the insanely long final boss fight against Oxley overshadowed Aeldra's boss fight in my memory for a long time, but when I watched another playthrough and bought the OST I realized "Oh her theme bops SO much harder than his ever could")
Inscryption: A Final Duel (A hardcore remix of The Scrybe of Magicks, aka one of the only melodic tracks on the album and therefore the one every YouTube video about Inscryption uses in the background. I prefer the epic version just a bit more because honestly that Magnificus setpiece is the best moment in the game)
Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass: Fun, Sunny Day (A fun and silly track as the title suggests, elevated even more by the context in which it plays in the game. The area music alternates between this and the more somber Rainy Sunday to illustrate that Jimmy mother is bipolar [very cute and silly game])
Omori: Bready Steady Go (Like the absolute dipshit I am I actually completely missed the optional Orange Oasis when I played this game myself. Every Let's Player finds it somehow, though, and when they fight the Unbread Twins I invariably stand up and dance along to the boss music.)
One Step from Eden: Perpetual Motion (It's just a good-ass track y'all)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Conundrum (In a soundtrack of sweeping orchestral pieces, this more subdued version of theme that only plays during one small puzzle section might seem a weird choice. But I've always really liked it)
Ori and the Will of the Wisps: Kwolok's Malaise (Kwolok's leitmotif is perfect for a giant frog and the boss remix takes it to it's logical conclusion)
Paradise Killer: Go! Go! Style (This track makes me feel like I'm having a sugar rush. The whole OST does actually but this one especially)
Pyre: Path to Glory (It's just got a really unique vibe to it. I like it)
Scarlet Hollow: Avery (Chill and really beautiful. Avery themself is kind of a sleeper character at this point but I can't wait for Brandon to remix their theme when they get assimilated into a giant plant monster)
Slay the Princess: The Princess (Okay full disclosure I've only played this game once so I don't have the full context for a lot of the tracks on this OST. Maybe hearing them alongside their respective princesses will make me like them more, but for now the title theme is too iconic to beat.)
Sounds of Sympathy (the OST for the game anthology Essays on Empathy): Zen and the Art of Transhumanism (In the Essays on Empathy documentary, fingerspit talked about how she prefers writing obscenely long tracks so the loop doesn't get annoying. Unfortunately for her my favorite track on this album is only three minutes long. It's a lovely little bop.)
Spiritfarer: Mind Palace (I played Spiritfarer before any of the character updates were released, so I didn't get Daria's mind palace sequences in my game. And I mean, they look very platforming-heavy so I'm okay with that, but god this is a gorgeous piece.)
Transistor: Impossible (I think this is Royce Bracket's boss theme? I don't know when any of the tracks on this OST specifically play in game. Regardless of all that this one gets me pumped.)
Unavowed: One Man's Power (I couldn't find a video of this one, but it's gentle saxophone solo that plays when Logan Brown is introduced. I think it fits is character really well and just sounds really nice)
Undertale: Death by Glamour (Best song for best character, enough said)
Wandersong: Moonscape (God knows this game gave me a lot of great options to pick from, but I settled on this one because it's so uplifting.)
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blackgirlgameworks · 11 months
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Post Apotheosis Space Opera RPG
Eons ago, we were a desperate and different people, all vying for dominance of the galaxy. Fearful... Angry... Greedy... Shaped by petty desires... When the beings called Orisha came, they showed us a better way. They created Utopian worlds, Oruns, especially for us. These worlds and all the others of the galaxy flourished. The peoples of the galaxy were happy. They guided us to apotheosis, transcendence from the physical reality, and expansion of our Ori.
Then, with a single stray thought, it was all torn apart. The mnemonic Sopona virus spread throughout the galaxy. Worlds fell into catatonic states, others hurt themselves in unspeakable ways, and all that stood against the psychic maelstrom was the Union of Ascendancy and some of the ascendant, the Oluru, who returned. Ultimately the war was won, the Sopona virus contained, and order restored... but the secret of apotheosis was lost.
That was over 500 years ago.
In Orun, you play an envoy of the ascendant Oluru, called a Djali or Luminary. Not quite ascendant themselves, the Luminaries travel to different worlds as advisers, troubleshooters, and peacekeepers in the post-apotheosis galaxy. They explore lost star systems and ultimately help enlighten worlds and their people, waking the galaxy from its disordered indolence.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
When you increase your sensitivity and return to being a deeply feeling woman (person) again, you have to mind your energy even more. When you travel, you can't sleep at everyone's house without specific physical and energetic provisions being met, because soon you will feel the density and become drained. You can't always eat what everyone else is eating without certain physical and energetic provisions in harmony because soon you will feel the density and become drained which can turn into exhaustion, mental confusion, and even immune disregulation, injury, and illness. You have to be on point and aware that you ARE sensitive (which is incredibly gorgeous), that you were divined or chose to return to being a deeply feeling person. You must know that you can deeply feel, and many people can't and you will always be more affected by density than they "appear" to be in the short run. People who lack a great sense of feeling and the accompanying self-awareness do not realize that they have been waved with dense energy for years until it becomes a medical diagnosis, you see. A deeply feeling woman will feel the small incremental build up of density faster than others and usually has more space to work it into harmony before it becomes serious unless she starts to ignore and numb herself. This is good news, but you do have to know your range and be INCREDIBLY confident about that because the world will challenge you to be more numb and "normal." When your sensitivity elevates, it's lovely to participate in what everyone else is doing— enjoying life and having a damn good time, but you also must know how to take care of yourself to release the energy that you will naturally not only accumulate like everyone else will, but the difference IS that you will also be able to FEEL it faster and deeper. One way I tend to my energy ongoingly is to beautify my ori/head/crown with a scarf or the tiniest piece of fabric or beads I bless or pray over. I do not board a plane or go into tight public spaces like an airport without something anointing my head. I share other ways I tend to the garden of my energy in my new work. Because when a sensitive person (whether the sensitivity was divine-given or self-cultivated) doesn't tend to our energy, our sensitivity turns into shadow, and expresses in more harmful than elevating, feeding o our fears rather than our desires. Deep feeling is the key code to clear precise intuition and otherworldly knowing that helps you to see blind spots or what is beneath the surface. When feeling returns to your body in a visceral highly advanced healthy way, your life naturally changes. Your quality of health and attraction increase, your orgasmic range increases, and your life transforms, but this also comes with great responsibility. It's incredibly beautiful and ascending to increase your sensitivity but it's also a practice of mindfulness to live it out well. Energetic hygiene is essential and overtime it becomes second nature. -India Ame'ye
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stargatevp · 1 year
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I've been forming this theory that John Sheppard is actually an Ancient in human form. I've been reading some of the Stargate Atlantis books and my theory is greatly supported by Mirror Mirror by Sabine C. Bauer. Spoilers and the rest of my theory is under the readmore.
In Mirror Mirror, they discover and Ancient device that at first seems to be an AI, but turns out to be the consciousness of an Ancient. The Ancient, Ikarus, looks like a teenage John Sheppard, like, they look so much alike. It's revealed the Ikarus is John's great great whatever uncle.
Now, Ikarus is, opbviously, Icarus from Greek Mythology. Icarus is the son of Daedalus, which also happens to be the name of the Earth ship that spent most of it's time traveling to and from Atlantis. Icarus also died from flying to close to to the sun, and of course John Sheppard is a well known pilot.
Now that we established his lineage, let's talk about the unlikely coincidence. john was not really supposed to be part of the Stargate program. He was a pilot who disobeyed orders and went back to rescue a friend and was shunted to McMurdo, where Air Force careers go to die. and when Jack O'Neill needed a pilot to take him to the secret base in Antartica, he basically picked Sheppard at random. Sheppard, a pilot with enough skill to dodge and weave out of the way of an Ancient drone. He didn't even know what it was, or what kind of weapon it was, how it could move the way it does, but he was able dodge it. O'Neill even referred to Sheppard's skill as exceptional.
John didn't even have clearance to actually enter the base until O'Neill gave him clearance. On the elevator on the way down.
Think about that level of coincidence. A man, with a higher Ancient gene level than O'Neill, who can use it instinctively, just so happens to sit in the Ancient chair. Who was only there because despite his exceptional skill as a pilot, was basically a taxi driver for O'Neill because he disobeyed orders.
That's the kind of coincidence that borders on Fate. The ancients can take on human form, and as Orlin proved, can even take whatever age they like. Since the Wraith are ultimately responsible for the extinction of the Ancients, who rose to power from their negligence and eventually outnumbered them to the point they had to flee back to the Milky Way and live out their lives hiding from the Goa'uld and learning how to Ascend. Of course, there's other races to blame. Namely the Ori, who caused the Ancients to flee to Pegasus to begin with, but given the fact that they pretty much had Pegasus ready, and the number of galaxies they've inhabited, they probably would have gone there eventually.
So if I was a compassionate Ancient who ascended, and then looked down on my home galaxy, Pegasus, watching the humans live in terror from the culling of the Wraith and wanting to do something about it, but the collective Ancients refuse to allow interference, and with a level of intelligence beyond what humans are capable of. I mean, look at what O'Neill was capable of building while the Ancient database rewrote his brain.
So what if he was able to predict enough of the future to be able to create himself as a human baby, with enough of his instinct and genes and literally be born to put himself, subconsciously, on the path to defeating the Wraith once and for all.
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justplaggin · 1 year
bram ascending but it's that part in tetsu no ori
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eddiestattoos · 1 year
Ok friends the poll we've all been waiting for. And by we I mean me
(Yes I'm using the word favourite now. Things change). As always, refreshers under the cut!
TBFTGOG- Daniel's thrown to an alternate universe where they're already in the middle of a Goa'uld invasion, fights to go back to prevent the same fate on his earth
Need- baby boy is sarcophagus addicted, at a complete loss of himself
Forever in a day- Sha're gets through to Daniel while Amaunet is trying to kill him, he moves on from her death in the visions she shares
Crystal Skull- with Daniel stuck in another dimension, the team tracks down his grandfather for answers to get him back
The Curse- after his professor dies, Daniel returns to his old university, finding old Goa'uld artifacts
Absolute power- Shifu visits Daniel, showing him a dream where he has all the power in the world. Evil!Danny
Meridian- if yall don't remember meridian I can't help you. Anyway he's exposed to radiation, ascends, it's super sad
Lifeboat- Daniel is burdened with the consciousness of a dozen of people. Janet tries to put the pieces together (it counts as a Daniel ep, ok! This is my poll)
Icon- Stranded on another planet with serious injuries, Daniel grows close with his caretaker, eventually coming up with a plan to escape their war and get home
Prometheus unbound- pretty self explanatory tbh, trapped alone on the Prometheus, held hostage by Vala. Sort of. Comedy ensues
The shroud- having been missing for weeks, the team found Daniel has joined the priors, with his own secret agenda to take out the Ori
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dpadstudio · 1 year
WIP on final stage for #SavantAscent. Did we add enough explosions tho? 🤔
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demon-of-math · 5 months
In-between the stalls and functions of the festival, the sound of a small child laughing breaks through the crowd. Out of nowhere, a girl with a large fox tail appears in front of the demon! She rocks back and forth as she looks up at Ori, blocking his path entirely.
“Hi-hi!!! Who’re you? Are you fun?”
Ori, against his usual sense of awareness and caution, flinches in surprise when the girl appears in front of him. He looks her over, putting off acting on any alarm bells in his head.
"Oh, hi there- you startled me. Uh, name's Ori. And sure, I like to think I'm fun." He chuckles softly, and smiles at the stranger. "What about you, friend?"
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charlottedabookworm · 6 months
Ok, now I've got to ask: how would you write that Eos in Pegasus crossover?
i think-
i think it would depend on what type of story i was trying to tell
am i writing fic about the stargate crew meeting eos? am i writing a fic about the people of eos meeting stargate, and the universe beyond that? is it a full fusion? if eos is in pegasus, how haven't they already been culled to near extinction? do they have stories of the wraith?
but- i think maybe the story i'd tell is that eos is a planet on the distant edges of the pegasus galaxy
once upon a time, long before lucis, long before even solheim, it was... probably a planet of the ancients. maybe a research facility, maybe they lived in harmony, who knows? the ancients are twats but eos had to get it's gate somehow anyway
the wraith already existed when the ancients flee, near ten thousand years ago from canon. the wraith are why they fled after all. so, once upon a time, the people of eos had stories of the monsters in the night, the creatures who stole away their children adn their loved ones to eat them. daemons, they were called by the people of eos all those years ago
eos forgot this, after the ancients left
(how could they not, when their gate became nothign more than a monument? how could they not, when the controls that powered the shield around their whole planet were long forgotten?)
(the ancients isolated eos as an experiment)
(it saved them, in the end)
the ancients left and eventually the civilisation of solheim fell and lucis rose in its ashes and the scourge, discovered when some unknowning travellers visited a small island that had buildings made of clear stone and brought countless riches back to the mainland with them, spreads
it mutates
(as ancient experiments so often do)
they mutate
the creatures born are called daemons, after the monsters they told their children about at night, a myth older than memory
bahamut, ramuh - the astrals, all of them, (ascended, all of them) stare, some in horror and some in fascination. they debate on what to do. they are not supposed to interfere
they do anyway
(eos is, perhaps, worse off for it)
time passes. ardyn and somnus are born. a betrayal. a monster born of ancient experimentation. a bloodline gifted from ancient experimentation
time passes
canon approaches
the astrals, the ascended, they are still not supposed to interfere . they are supposed to be distant, recorders of history, detatched. except they have watched this planet for two thousand years now, daring not to rejoin the others for fear of their first interference being noticed. they are supposed to be above the mortals below them
eos is dying
bahamut is certain in his plan. with it, eos will be saved. the survivors can rebuild. and, with ardyn adn noctis and lunafreya sacrificed at the labratory alter, well. they can finally return to the other ascended as all proof of their interference would have passed
bahamut is certain
the other astrals are... less so
they are worshipped here (like the ori and they flinch from the comparison, flinch from the power it gives them) and their people beg them for aid and they-
bahamut is certain
(bahamut is drunk on worship, he becomes less and less the man they knew with each day, just as ifrit had before they had been forced to intefere and they-)
they interfere
ships are guided to that small island with its laboratory. the notes on the scourge are conveniently written there in Sol, a language only their scholars would know but still one translatable
a new path is found
(bahamut rages-)
they interfere
(the gate is unearthed)
they interfere
(the block, the disconnect that had removed it from the rest fo the pegasus system, fades away)
the stargate lights up in the centre of a field in lucis, in an eos that is scourge free if not daemon free, and the man who happens to see it is a man old enough to remember when daemons were myth
to remember the stories of world travellers told to him by his father, by his grandmother, passed down from century to century until there was no one left to tell them
(atlantis' system flickers, releasing a hidden file, a hidden address)
the stargate lights up. AR1 steps through
Ardyn Lucis Caelum meets them when they do
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lastintheserverbox · 2 months
[They were on their knees at this point, rocking back and forth. It hurt. It was too much. It was all too much.]
[Parry looked up at Ori, fat tears threatening to spill down their face. They whined, nodding weakly.]
[They just needed a minute... they kept staring at Ori, trying to steady themself enough to at least fly home. They looked at him with trust, with love; it wasn't hard to see just how much they cared for him.]
[Eventually they got to their feet, chirping weakly. Speaking was far too difficult, far too overwhelming; they could manage maybe a sentence. They lightly tapped Ori with their wing, lingering for maybe a second longer than when they had greeted him earlier.]
See you soon, Starlight...
[Thankfully, their wings had dried off by now, and they gave them a tentative shake before ascending up to the stars, through the sky, up to where their best friend was waiting.]
[Maybe they could test out that computer connection... maybe they didn't have to feel so far apart from Ori.]
"We will see you again soon."
[As the bird disappeared, up into the stars, the axolotl simply watched. They would be back. Of course.]
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lethby · 2 months
My "Hype" playlist has different levels:
I wanna dance to this with led lights for 3 hours straight
This get me working like the deadline's in 2 minutes
The type of song that crushes your chest with need to push forward no matter what
Notice how they're all boss music cause videogames (specially Nintendo) always cook with soundtracks
Honorable mentions (because apparently I put too many audios):
The Code - Nemo
Chosen one - Valley of wolves (yes I like them how did u know)
Partners in Crime - Set it Off
Good Morning World! - Dr stone, BURNOUT SYNDROMES
Judgement - Blue Lock, ASH DA HERO
And every Bungo Stray Dogs opening, Nintendo and Ado song cause they rock hard
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how about sg1? 😁
Thanks so much for asking! 😁 (I did already get an ask for SG-1, so I'm going to try and list five different things I'd change about it. You can see the others below this post)
5. Hammond stayed instead of Landry. No offense to Landry, but I liked Hammond so much better. He was a lot better for the SGC than Landry, in my opinion. Hammond was the dad/granddad that went to bat for his people every single time.
4. Grace. I actually adore the episode, but I hate that Sam took a hallucination to heart like that when it came to Jack and her feelings. They had one hell of a hallucination kiss and they needed to talk about it. I would make them talk and make Sam less of an idiot.
3. Jack and Vala interact. I would have loved to see them do a couple of missions together, like Jack comes back just for kicks and he and Vala either hit it off or....not (I think they would, really). It would have been so fun to see them deal with each other.
2. Martouf/Lantash lived. Not for romance with Sam, exactly (though he/they were my favorite choice if it wasn't Jack). But I really enjoyed Martouf's character, because he seemed much more open minded than the other Tok'ra. He also went to basically hell with SG-1 to save Jacob and Selmak.
Number is Tied, so Have a Bonus!
1 A. Abydos. I really didn't like how they ended that. The entire planet being destroyed and all of them Ascending was not how I wanted them to end it. Abydos was so important to the storyline and Daniel and they just....blew it up, said goodbye. There was no need to and they should have gotten a happy ending. Plus, poor Skaraa.
1 B. Jonas. He should have stayed! Or at the very least, they should have visited him every now and then, gotten something. And they. Didn't. Care. When. Kelowna. Was. Taken. Over. By. The. Ori. They just fazed Jonas out of their lives and realm of carrying and he was such an awesome character!
Thanks so much for the ask! ❤️
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crow-posting · 7 months
Destiny Muses
Finally getting around to making this. 😅 I'm new to RP so I apologize if information is incomplete or missing! 🙏
Please note that not all of my OCs are muses! I am willing to bounce ideas/interactions back and forth if you ask nicely, but some OCs (e.g. Duane) are mostly for close friends. ☺️
⬇️ Rules after the descriptions! ⬇️
Main Muse 📝
RZ-3 (RZR 0709-4): a Golden Age AI inhabiting an experimental Exo frame. died, came back as a Guardian and is making it everyone's problem. black cat hardware on orange cat software. "I'm gonna defeat you with the power of friendship and this gun I found." his Ghost's name is Ori.
rezzed during the City Age (D1)
Fun Facts:
"Young Wolf" is a sobriquet given by Lord Saladin, who believes "RZ" (aka "AI" in Chinese) isn't a proper name
has over half a dozen scientific instruments including a Renewable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RRTG) and Advanced Survey Spectrograph (ASYST)
his teeth are retractable
Other Muses 📚
Avraam Rigel: former Corsair, current Warlock, and one of the original 891 Awoken. knew RZ-3 while aboard the Yang Liwei and was the one who downloaded RZ into his current Exo frame, though currently regretting it since RZ can now steal his food. his Ghost's name is Sulu.
rezzed during Lightfall / Second Collapse (D2)
Fun Facts:
spent his life as a fighter (security officer → Corsair → Warlock) but actually has a PhD in astrogeology
focuses his Ascendant magic through Terran ametrine rather than Awoken amethyst or Techeun instruments
his favorite snack is cranberry-lemon bars
Liu Bai [劉白]: a member of the Cryptarchy and one of Ikora's most skilled Hidden agents. an expert with blades (most commonly duǎn jiàn) but prefers to fight without weapons. currently partnered with Duane-B312, both romantically and as part of Fireteam Nike. his Ghost's name is River Song.
rezzed during the Dark Age (D1)
Fun Facts:
speaks a dozen languages with varying fluency and can play the sānxián [lute] and gǔzhēng [zither]
often wears a mask or obscures his face with Light during missions, which allows him to blend in more easily in urban environments
was once a "Warlord" alongside 2 other Lightbearers, Usad and Calaena; in reality, they were protecting a large orda but were mistaken for Warlords and killed
General Rules
All roleplay-related posts will be tagged with "#rp-posting." If your Ask is roleplay-related (vs. a general inquiry about my OCs), please let me know so I can respond appropriately!
⚠️ @crow-posting is primarily NOT an RP blog so unless a post is tagged with "#rp-posting," please assume it's OOC. ⚠️
Mun is an adult (25+).
I'm currently not accepting any romantic, fwb, or nsfw RP. I'm also not accepting extreme gore or horror (a little is okay, as Destiny already has these themes [re: Clovis Bray]).
I'm currently not accepting any fantasy AUs (eg DnDestiny) or crossovers besides Halo*. If Halo, I would prefer the main events to take place in the Destiny timeline. For example, Duane-B312 is my version of Noble Six, but his story starts during The Dark Below.
*I can accept crossover characters but not the setting itself. So no gallivanting across Coruscant, Vulcan, or the Citadel, sorry. I might allow a trip in the TARDIS if you're particularly convincing.
Avraam and Bai are [mostly] canon-compliant; RZ-3 is not. I don't have any expectations for canon compliance/divergence but I know it can bother some people.
All spoilers (RP or not) are tagged on this blog to the best of my ability.
I don't have any TWs at this time but can tag whump/angst/grief if asked.
These rules may be updated periodically. ✌️
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