#origami assassin
sacredflorist · 5 months
❝  all my life had been murk and depths, but i was not a part of that dark water. i was a creature within it.  ❞
Circe Sentence Starters | Accepting | @origami-assassin
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Aerith raises an eyebrow, not entirely sure of what it means. They don't know each other that much, after all, and the flower girl can't blame Jezebel for that. Aerith herself barely talks about herself; she totally hates it, especially if it means showing any trace of vulnerability. But this is not entirely what the other is saying either. It seems much more complicated. Maybe that's why she's this hard to read, too.
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"What... what do you mean ? If you don't mind telling me. I'm usually good at keeping a secret. You've been warned!" Aerith has a hard time describing herself. A Cetra. She doesn't belong anywhere. But she never speaks about this, of course.
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uzumakisavior · 11 months
“You know it’s rude to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation, right?” [ I have no idea what part of the timeline this would happen lol ]
"I'm sorry. I didn't get sleep last night." Suguru rubs his eyes. The dark circles against his pale skin made him look sickly. Some would say he looked dead. His eyes blink hard and slow. "What were you saying again?"
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hemoplagued · 1 year
@origami-assassin followed
“Your leash, it chokes you to death,” he whispers, crimson's eyes staring at her from the darkness if his seat. He could feel the struggle, the scent of blood, the mix of her own within her body. Halfbreed.
“Am I your target or is my court being requested of?”
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ravusnightblossom · 11 months
@origami-assassin (Moved to new post because legacy/beta: X)
“If you trust him--” she offers, taking in a deep breath, and exhaling the rest as she spoke, “Then I will too.”  Trust was something she could afford those who he felt were worthy of it.  After all, the Prince had endured the same hardships with losing him family.. his home..  Shared experience was certainly a boon in these circumstances. She gave in just a bit to rest against him as they began their walk.  “The gardens?”  Questioned the assassin.  Eyebrows risen slightly with growing interest.  She was about to ask something, but stopped herself with a look of light embarrassment.  “I suppose you’re not much for high places, are you?”  She questioned in a quiet tone, “The sort that require one to be efficient at free climbing.”  Eyes drop briefly with her hand absently gripping at the fabric of her jacket, “I was going to ask about trees we might climb to see the stars better.”
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Shaking her head, she focuses forward towards the direction they’re heading, “We are so different, and yet so alike, Ravus..  I sometimes wonder what my Mother would have thought of you.. had she still been alive..”  A touch of longing reached her eyes as they continued to walk, “She probably would have thought I was pulling one over on her.  Or I’d gone mad with my time under the Empire’s rule.  I think the whole of my kin would have had a heart attack had I shown up with you.” There’s that smile again.  The warmth in her cheeks and the quiet sadness in her gaze spoke softly to how desperately she missed them.  Knowing she’ll never see them again, she clings instead to what she has here and now.  For as long as the two remain together, nothing will ever be able to hurt her again.  No matter the pain, or punishment.. She had him.. That’s all that mattered. “I think she’d be quite fond of you.  Not for your status, of course.. We never cared for such things.  But because of who you are... beneath that grumpy exterior--”  A soft laugh followed at the teasing words, pulling away a bit in anticipation of playful retaliation.
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⋞⁘♔⁘⋟ Trees...? Ravus grimaced at the idea and reflexively looked upwards at the treetops that surrounded them. He had climbed those trees in his youth, but that had been a different time, a different body, a different mentality. Tree-climbing had been a recreation. He had also been about a third of his current size the last time he had.
"I have no qualms to heights," he explained. After as long as they had spent on Zegnautus Keep, he had grown desensitized to any fear of high places, not that there had been much of it to begin with. Fenestala Manor was littered with cliffs and canyons. They were part of what had once been the norm, for him.
"Unfortunately, I suspect I have far less grace when it comes to climbing trees." A brow arched as he glanced with mild amusement to Jezebel. "In case you have not noticed, I am... not a light man." His nose scrunched, as though that were some embarrassing admission. "I prefer to remain surefooted on the ground when possible."
Oh, he could jump though. Years of mastery, channeling the magic that coursed through him, he could use that to hurtle himself like a missile in combat. That was different, though.
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When the topic shifted to her mother, Ravus eyed Jezebel with surprise. As long as he could remember, he had no recollection of her telling him of her family. Was... this a monumental event to her? Was she opening up to him in a way that he had never seen before? He knew as well as anyone that she seldom let down her guard on such things.
"Oh?" He questioned softly, a palm moving to rest on the small of her back while he lead them both toward the car, opening the door for her. "I feel I would have quite liked to meet her as well," Ravus said, a tender smile offered to her.
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frostbounddevotion · 8 months
They were acting strange. Curious. Head tilted slightly with just the edges of her eyes visible as she regarded Uraume, "Is something the matter?" Not that she expected much of an answer, but it brought attention at least, to the fact Jezebel had taken notice.
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Uraume had been searching the entire residence for a particular item. Closets, luggage, storage, cracks and crevices all have been explored. "I must have left it behind at our last stop. No sense in returning now. We've traveled too far..." They thought. "I'm fine." They retort through their teeth. "Perfectly.fine." Uraume pats themself down, searching for an important item. "Just...please- tch!" Eyebrows press hard together. Teeth grind as they speak. Eyes are piercing through anything they look at. "Whatever you do, do not look at me. I'm going to need extra garments today. In fact...." Uraume grabs their wallet from deep within their sleeve. Then, tosses it by Jez's feet. "I might need you to make a run to a clothing store. Would that be a problem?"
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cosmosoracle · 1 year
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐀𝐬 𝐀 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧?
You succeeded with your plan... right?
You stand atop the peak, and you look down at the wreckage. It was righteous wreckage, you think. It was necessary. Now, you can begin to rebuild; a new world that will be better than the last. You don't care that your hero's body lays at your feet-- dead and useless. You don't care that they were technically doing the same thing as you: trying to make what they thought was a better world. It doesn't matter that, really, it was pure chance that it was you who came out on top. It doesn't matter. It doesn't.
I'll keep crying my tears for you too, until the moment I close my eyes again.
Tagged by Stolen from: @origami-assassin Hello, thanksies! Tagging: you! Please tag me back, I'm curious!
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vessuna · 9 months
@origami-assassin asked:
"I'm curious ~ Is he really all bad? Living with a parasite can be adventurous at the best of times."
          " in terms of  ' living with ' ...  i guess it could be worse ,  he can't really do anything as we are right now .  i hope he's bored to death in here , "  yuuji gently knocks at the side of his head as he speaks ,  followed by a shrug of his shoulders .  " but he did kill me .  brutally ,  too !  it really hurt .  and fushiguro had t' watch it happen ...  maybe he's not that bad while he's contained ,  but he's a total nutcase !! "
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          and doesn't keep his thoughts to himself sometimes ,  too .  yuuji thinks back to after junpei's passing ...  and for a moment he looks weary ,  before he tries to hide it with a happier expression .   " though ...  if i hadn't swallowed his finger ,  i wouldn't be training to be a jujutsu sorcerer !  and i wouldn't have met so many amazing people ,  so i guess you're right about the adventurous part ~ ! "
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redscaled · 8 months
what calms your muse down after a bad day?
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honestly, there's really nothing that can put him at ease as much as just being near his siblings. maybe that might be pretty on the nose lol, but for him, knowing that they're ok, and simply being in their presence it does a lot for him ! there's also some smaller things he does to keep himself grounded after a bad day. like !! he doesn't realize it, but he tends to keep his hands busy. he'll focus on whatever's in his hand (like something as simple as a puzzle/game piece or as complicated manipulating his cursed energy into something) until that bad feeling eventually disipates.
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sacredflorist · 7 months
❛  here, you look like you need this more than me right now.  ❜
Random Dialogue Starters | Not Accepting | @origami-assassin
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Aerith blinks a few times at the of the Elixir. Does she really look this injured ? She is alright. Maybe she's not doing perfectly fine, but she won't make a big deal of it. And anyway... she has her magic. It's not written all over her face, but she definitively can fight.
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She clears her throat and laughs awkwardly. When she offers the other a smile, though, it's a genuine one. "You sure ? I'm fine, really! Actually, I'm much stronger than I look!" she proudly assures.
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uzumakisavior · 11 months
"Someone likes me...."
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ofovertime · 1 year
origami-assassin asked: "Stay the hell away from me."
Angsty sentence starters! || accepting @origami-assassin
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"..." the man stared at the other for a moment. seeing how what was going on wouldn't be the best situation. Though the other was hurt part of him knew better than you leave them alone. a frown stayed on his face as he moved closer to the other. offering his hand to the other he stared down throw his glasses for a moment.
" No. now can you get up? I'm not here to hurt you, but to help you."
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truxicanfalconer · 2 years
@origami-assassin: "Are you trying to develop a sense of humor or am i going deaf?"
“Develop? I got a sense o’humour a mile wide. Shows how much you don’t know me.” Mordecai cocked his leg up on a chair and gave her a shit-eating grin. According to him, he was the funniest mother fucker around here and no one could tell him differently.
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yinjiyang · 1 year
Where should you be kissed?
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you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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Tagged by: @origami-assassin and @ofengineers
Tagging: Whoever would like to do this, including you~
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
An origami butterfly seems to have randomly appeared on a nearby stone structure. Nothing of particular note about it. It appears to be stationary except - did its tiny antenna move a little? Must be the wind, right?
What a curious little creation. Why exactly it drew Miles's attention, he isn't completely sure -- but he pauses his steps to stare at it nonetheless, wondering over how out of place it seems amidst the general chaos of Twinside.
Had it been folded by the restless hands of a child? Or perhaps a grieving adult, seeking a distraction from their woes?
The Cursebreaker approaches the object, picking it up with great care to place it directly in the center of his gloved palm. Then it's brought in closer to his face so that he can study it more, brow furrowed all the while.
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astarab1aze · 5 months
"All I am guilty of is surviving, and for that, I will not apologize." [ Kaede :3 ]
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He glared at her for some time. Not without much to say, rather rendered too irritated to speak his mind properly. Everything about her pissed him off, from the way she talked and thought about everything she'd faced, with him or not, to how up her own ass she seemed to be. Playing with her own life, ignoring others, did she even care about herself? The people subject to the same curses they fought each day, powerless without them? He hated that, that coldness about her. So matter-of-fact that she was the most important person, her life came first--
So contrarian in his frustration, position as the oh-so dutiful dog-on-a-leash he was glaringly obvious in his thought processes, even to him. A certain hypocrisy, where the pendulum swung the other way. Too willing to throw his own life away in sacrifice for anyone but himself, and maybe, in truth, that was why he couldn't open his mouth. It's not that he didn't understand, or didn't sympathize, rather that he couldn't do the same, that the collar around his neck was really made of his own hands. Differences in opinion born of different responses to similar pains, one of a more decisive urge to survive where the other would be fine without. He took on responsibilities that weren't his and had been forced to endure it, stronger than all in his family yet ever at their mercy because unlike them, family meant something to him. It meant everything. It was all he had. He knew less about her, however, but he knew it had to have been similar, if only a little different.
Why he couldn't let it go, falling all over himself in his head in the worst way, was beyond him, however. Mulling it over and over and never coming up with anything new, just irritation, a twitch to his fingers and a grind of his teeth. Was it the assumption he demanded an apology of her? That he assumed he'd been owed something? No, no, it wasn't even about him. They were fundementally the same in all different ways, too many dots connected proving so no matter what exactly he thought in the moment, because he'd have given anything to live for himself and his motivations, not for anyone else. To live, and to die, for no one else but himself, without apology.
Was it irony? Circular logic throwing him for an idiotic loop?
He wrinkled his nose, arms crossed tightly over his chest; He didn't look at her then, drawing his gaze away and crossing his legs at the ankle.
Making mountains out of molehills, burying himself in petty envy.
"Dunno what you want me to say to you. No one told you to apologize and no one cares anyway. Apologies are meaningless. It's what you do with yourself that matters. How you live, how you treat other people, how you treat yourself," and maybe that was the best he could do, the best comfort, argument, amicably put line he could drop. "If given the chance, I wouldn't have lived my life this way." She'd take that wrong. "That is, not perpetually deadlocked in a broken sense of duty. Dead altogether, more like."
No one could use me again that way. No one could hurt me either. Maybe I'd feel differently if I cared enough about power, or myself... if I had the same drive to survive she does.
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ofbattlcs · 6 months
@origami-assassin x
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There is a little-known alley 'round these parts. But a short walk from the Citadel, and away from prying eyes - civilian or otherwise. The young guard lights up her reprieve from the day, at her leisure with a cigarette in hand. Left to ponder but one thing:
Is she being followed, or is this a coincidence?
Honestly, she'd almost rather the former. It means her place of peace will remain uncompromised once the trespasser is dealt with. But it's unlikely. Insomnia is secure - people like her see to it. Rolling her head slowly in the direction of the stranger, she lets out a puff of smoke as her large, deceptively innocent-seeming brown eyes make contact. ❝I'm off duty. If you're looking for a fight, at least let me finish this.❞
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