#original horse breed
blizzysnowolf · 2 years
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I said i would upate my Lumineser species since i wanted them to look a bit more drafty so i did- I guess you can consider these generation 2 XD Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/13480266.lumineser-breed-guide
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canisalbus · 29 days
I work with horses for a living and I’d like to hop on the bandwagon and suggest some breeds. I can’t remember if your beans are Italian, but that’s the assumption I’ve been going with so I apologize if I’m wrong!
Machete: Sardinian Anglo-Arab or Cavallino di Monterufoli
Vasco: Salernitano or Lipizzano (they come in colors that aren’t grey)
I have other recs if they aren’t Italian. I would add Neapolitan to Vasco, but you won’t find many (if any) photos of them. It went extinct in the 50s as its own unique breed. The Lipizzano is a descendant.
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The Norwegian Fjord Horse
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1. Johannes kirke på Christiania Torv, Oslo, sett fra Kontraskjæret. Croppet versjon (1904) a photograph by Anders Beer Wilse (1865–1949) from the Oslo Museum collection.
2. A Farm at Lysaker (1892) by Jacob Gløersen (1852–1912). Oil on canvas. From the Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.
3. Salvage Depot at Vaterland by Hans Ødegaard  (1876–1943). Oil on canvas. From the Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.
4. Study of a horse (1844) by Adolph Tidemand (1814–1876). oil and fiberboard on paper. From the Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.
(Picture source for Johannes kirke på Christiania Torv, Oslo, sett fra Kontraskjæret. Croppet versjon, A Farm at Lysaker, Salvage Depot at Vaterland, and Study of a horse)
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shiroselia · 1 year
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Me and the bad bitches I pulled by having questionable at best taste in horse breeds and playing this game for so long that I've gone through multiple changes in personal gameplay philosophy
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thelastspeecher · 2 days
I'm at work so I can't do my whole thing when I usually reply to a comment but I wanted to get this one responded to now bc I liked it
@elishevart suggested that in my Horse Boy Stan AU, since Stan and Ford aren't Irish descent like the McGuckets, their horse forms aren't Irish Draught horse.
I've already wrote and posted a thing with Stan being identified as an Irish Draught, so I'm not going to change it for him. But Ford on the other hand...
I think it still makes sense this way. Stan is an Irish Draught bc he got the gift from someone who got it via an Irish fae. But Ford got it from someone who wasn't Irish, who didn't get their gift directly from an Irish fae. So it makes sense for it to show up differently in him.
Anyways I'm changing Ford's horse form breed. He's no longer a horse. He's a pony. Specifically, a quarter pony, which is a breed that started up in the US and first got a registry in the 1960s. So he's a pony, but at least he's a fun new breed.
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02/23-2023 🦄 Horse: Enbony-corn Reference by Helen Peppe
Unicorn requests are open! 💕
if you're able to provide a flag for reference that'd be great, but it's not a necessity.
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tearlessrain · 5 months
someone in the notes of the arabian post described them as "the most apeshit warmblood you'll ever meet" and for the record that's because they're not warmbloods, they're a hot-blooded breed like thoroughbreds. that's why they're like that.
and then halter lines are worse because they're actively bred to be neurotic disasters so they'll be agitated/prance around a lot in the show ring and look pretty.
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alexofasinfulnature · 2 years
Stolen by the pale horse rider,
once beatific dreams of ambition,
hopes of bringing self worth to fruition,
everything that made life brighter.
Yet breath from lungs left behind,
left half alive to mimic a forward motion,
devoid though of any true devotion,
no visible cage but still confined.
Fettered to a necessity to survive,
a blind crawl towards no goal,
living without a soul,
the horseman took every reason to thrive.
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rakuensart · 2 years
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Everyone Boston, Boston everyone.
I was planning on his desing for a few days now, he is owned by my OC Glenn ''Midas'' Expósito. A bastard cowboy who wants to own everything and is obsessed with money.
Boston is a young grumpy stallion, the offspring of a wild Mustang grulla mare and an unknown Quarter Horse. He was broken by Glenn after he was captured from the wild west.
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blizzysnowolf · 2 years
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So did i mention i love horses? no? well here's another oc/mascot of a more realistic horse breed i decided to make since it's fun to do so- me having a problem? naah- Her toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/19296990.mocha-dream-afserra-1 Afserra Breed toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/19296565.afserra-breed-guide
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
i got a snapchat memories story today of me and my could’ve-been soul horse and it hurt my heart so much :’) the old boy is still around to my knowledge but man do i miss him. will never stop wishing we met at a place and time where i had the skill and the free time to be the human he needed
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wandering-wolf23 · 1 month
Kiri, why do you think that there should be a registry for mixed breed dogs? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Not really, IMO. Registration is tracking lineage, mostly, and keeping an accurate headcount of what you've got. It makes avoiding inbreeding easier, because you can see who is related to who and how, and also makes it a bit easier to shape what you're working with. Ideally, there would be DNA proof of who the stud is and mandatory health testing on the parents. So no, it's not a stupid idea. Anyone trying to keep track of what dogs they've produced and other data is probably doing better than most.
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shiroselia · 1 year
I think it's really funny with my alt because I buy every single horse on that account knowing I'd never buy 90% of them on my main and that there's an incredible exception to the breeds where I like more than one colour (and also haven't bought all the colours I like on my main already), so I don't expect to want any of them on my main and that isn't the plan either
But then Both of the breeds where I'm like "Yeah I like these breeds enough and they have good colours so I want them on my alt" and I'm Not settling but just going for like 2nd or 3rd best, they just blow my expectations out of the water, and it's kinda predictable that the horses that have done that is a) my favourite breed and also my favourite colour (dark dapple gray is my cryptonite in this game and y'know, percheron), and b) the only pony breed I've ever Loved in a solid shade of black and it's just funny how I literally plan my horse purchasing on my alt around mostly buying horses that are "fine but not That good" precisely because I wanted to avoid doubles and then the game went "Lmfao cool we're gonna completely subvert your expectations on two horses have fun"
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homunculus-argument · 4 months
I love it when modern adaptations of old books opt to be loyal to the book's cultural context instead of the specific details of the characters/settings. Like if one character written in a specific era is depicted as being annoyingly obsessed with pocket watches, specifically as a way of illustrating that this man is a fashion-obsessed airheaded fop, it wouldn't make sense in the same way in the 21st century, pocket watches would be an extremely odd and interesting hobby for a modern young man, so it doesn't have the same context. Make that mf a sneakerhead.
Or a specific scene that's constantly used as an example for arguments of "I don't like [the book heroine] because she hates horses", when originally the point of the scene was that all this talk about horse breeds and some specific stud's ankle angles is also going over her head, and it's more of a "send help, car guys won't stop talking about cars" situation.
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🐴02/05 - 2023 Horse Mule
Requested by Anonymous
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
I am aware that Colonel Hamilton Smith, who has written on this subject, believes that the several breeds of the horse have descended from several aboriginal species – one of which, the dun, was striped; and that the above-described appearances are all due to ancient crosses with the dun stock.
"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" - Charles Darwin
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