pinkpiggy93 · 1 year
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Noon snack is coming
In the middle of a busy and sunny morning, Rosie came to the rescue with a shoulder pole, carrying drinks and snacks. And her hat sprawls with flowers magically while Raven’s hat and others only have chains of pom pom 😂
I took a day off from commissions to draw this piece and it is so therapeutic. I hope you guys enjoy a sunny summer day, though here i’m waiting for the rain and thunderstorms, it’s been HOT 😂
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rebuiltproject · 11 months
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion   Atributo Vírus   Tipo Fantoche   Campo Soldados do Pesadelo   Significado do Nome Lanter de Jack O’Lantern, abóboras com velas que são símbolo do Halloween  
Durante as noites do Mundo Digital é possível encontrar-se com este curioso indivíduo carregando seu poste de luz até o meio de uma praça e atraindo alguns Digimons com uma série de truques e mágicas de encher os olhos.  
Lantermon é um jovem ilusionista capaz de criar imagens holográficas impressionantes, mas não se engane, já que não é para entretenimento que ele faz isso, e sim para deixar os espectadores hipnotizados enquanto ele furta todo mundo. Ao fim da apresentação ele vai embora na maior cara de pau e, quando finalmente percebem o ocorrido, Lantermon já está longe o suficiente pra não ser pego.  
Ele é tão arrogante que uma vez teve a audácia de enganar Devimon, que, irritado por ser feito de trouxa, passou a assombrar Lantermon e tenta levá-lo pra algo “pior do que a morte”, então, sendo o medroso que é, roubou um poste de luz de uma igreja e o carrega por todo lugar pra evitar seu destino terrível, apesar de que agora até os Anjos perseguem ele. 
Outro detalhe sobre este Digimon é que a máscara de abóbora e as luvas que ele usa foram roubadas de um Betsumon para que ele pudesse parecer mais poderoso, já que o confundiriam com uma subespécie, ou até mesmo evolução, de um Pumpmon.  
Mesmo sendo um patife, este Digimon é bastante organizado e usa seu relógio de bolso pra controlar sua rotina diária, inclusive por quanto tempo precisa “trabalhar”, justamente pra evitar os problemas e perseguições que ele mesmo provoca. 
Fogos de Artchinfício! (Fireworkatchoo!) Força um espirro, espalhando as chamas de sua cabeça pra todos os lados, como um show pirotécnico. Por causa das ilusões que ele cria, a explosão sempre parece maior e mais perigosa do que a realidade. 
Luz do Lampião (Lamp Light) Usa o Poste para atacar o inimigo, batendo com a região do lampião e causando queimaduras. 
A Hora da Bruxa (The Witching Hour) Seu relógio toca, indicando meia-noite (mesmo que não seja) e a área em volta é tomada pela escuridão, então ele convoca espíritos de Digimons Mortos-vivos que causam terror e atacam o oponente. Apesar de ser apenas uma ilusão, o efeito Placebo faz com que os Digimons atingidos sintam-se realmente afligidos pelo medo e feridas apareçam em seus corpos.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evoluções Solanumon Crazymon
Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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HipHop's 50th Anniversary: What 'Culture' are We talking about?
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I was in Elementary School back on Aug. 11th 1973. My family left The Bronx, but I spent a lot of time w/ my 'big cousins' in the Harlem River Houses. My cousin Mona babysat my brother & I, taking Us everywhere w/ her; including dates. I remember Mona taking Us to 'The Summer Of Soul Concert' in Harlem, & I remember going to a few of those Park Jams in Bronxdale & in Soundview. I think We saw more of King Mario than Kool Herc & Coke La Rock. My oldest brother formally introduced me to HipHop in the Spring of 1977 (b4 the Blackout). I remember coming home from School to find his Crew set up in Our Dining Room.
I got my 1st look from the 'Other Side of The Rope', & I was hooked! I wasn't a Rapper (yet), or a Break Dancer, but I had an ear for music. Like a lot of Old School Deejays (& under My brother's tutelage) I cut My teeth on Component Sets & BSR Turntables; rocking Line In switches b4 getting a [real] Mixer... I bought My own DJ Set in 1984 (B2s), & mastered my Craft as a Street DJ, & later in a few NYC Clubs. Most DJs are disciples of [Grand Master] Flash or [Grand Wizard] Theodore; I was more of a disciple of Jazzy Jay & Cut Master DC. We All have Our Unique Features, but EVERYONE went back to School when Jazzy Jeff introduced the 'Transformer Cut', back in 1986. Like a lot of DJs disenchanted w/ 'Gangsta Rap', I split time w/ HipHop's Twin Sister- House Music.
I say all of this, to qualify myself as a 'bonafide Shorty' of 1st Generation HipHop, & a full fledged Member of The New School Era. My point, is to say that 'In The Beginning', there was just The Culture. It didn't have a formal name- but it was being done ALL OVER NYC. I associate the '1520 Sedgwick Avenue' Story of HipHop w/ Afrika Bambaataa; he's The First Person that I remember telling this Story. Disco King Mario predated Kool Herc by years. Herc copied Mario's Style- down to his equipment! King Mario wasn't alone, Pete 'DJ' Jones & Hank Spann & were dueling Frankie Crocker & Gary Byrd On The Radio (WWRL vs WBLS), while DJ Flowers, DJ Spotlight, DJ Smokey, DJ Hollywood, The Disco Twins, & a number of Club DJs were also mixing it up.
A major argument is whether Disco is connected to HipHop. The Cats up in The Bronx say HELL NO, while the rest of NYC says HELL YES! People need to understand that when We talk about 'Disco', we don't mean 'The Sound' or Studio 54; We mean 'The Disco Fever', 'Harlem World', 'Sugar Hill', & 'The Factory'. The DJs that spun @ these Clubs molded the format that HipHop DJs still follow Today. Kool Herc is credited w/ The 'Merry Go Round'- his mix of Break Beats, but he wasn't the only DJ mixing Breaks or James Brown songs. The Black Spades that were interviewed, speak on King Mario spinning 'Soul Power' & how they chanted 'Spade Power'- as early as 1971. This creates a schism between Bronxdale & Soundview.
Black Americans say HipHop started in Bronxdale, as late as 1971. West Indians; Jamaican- Americans in particular, say it started on Aug. 11th, 1973. Puerto Ricans [Nuyoricans/ Puerto Rocks] say it started between 1975 & 1977, when Afrika Bambaataa incorporated Latino Breakers into 'his' HipHop scene. While there is debate over When & Where in The Bronx it started, EVERYONE AGREES that HipHop was created to Stop Gang Violence. The Culture involves individual expression through Graffiti, B- Boy Style of Dress, & Dance, Spoken Word, & the ability to keep The Party going non-stop. The Original Gangs splintered into Crews that now 'battled' each other w/ Turntables & Mics, on the Dance floor, & w/ Spray Paint Cans (Bombing).
The vernacular of HipHop is based in The Nation Of Islam & The Nation of Gods & Earths, so it's big on Black Power, Black Excellence, & The Traditional Black Family. Both Organizations are Pan Afrikan in their Philosophy, so The Black Diaspora is represented. The same is true w/ The Zulu Nation. Before the rise of The Nation of Latin Kings & Queens, you would find Latino Zulu Kings & Queens- it was All Love! Afrika Bambaataa coined HipHop's 'Mission Statement' of: "Peace, Unity, Love, & Having Fun!", in a song w/ James Brown by the same Name. He also defined the existing '5 Elements' as the fundamentals of HipHop Culture. The Zulu Nation were the unofficial Ambassadors of HipHop; first taking it Downtown, & later taking it Globally... No One questioned Bambaataa's actions.
As We celebrate 50Yrs of HipHop, Afrika Bambaataa's Legacy is tarnished @ best. He has been Radio Silent, since allegations of Child Molestation rose against him 7Yrs ago. Every Move that Bambaataa made is being questioned- Was it a good move for HipHop to go Downtown to SoHo? Did it open the door to the current 'isms' that plague The Culture? It was a Black Specific art form, but it opened itself up to integration w/ Sexual Deviants, Drug Abusers, & White Record Executives. In retrospect, We can see what lured Bam Downtown. I'm curious- is the current manifestation of 'The Culture' Bambaataa's intended goal? It goes against his language, but it's in line w/ his actions.
In the wake of Afrika Bambaataa's 'Fall from Grace', people began questioning his narrative of HipHop. Original B- Boys are still walking The Streets, so it wasn't hard to fact check. DJ Phase has spoke on many Youtube videos under 'The Culture', where he breaks down the Foundation of what became HipHop. According to DJ Phase, HipHop was born on June 7th, 1971- in the Bronxdale Houses. He said that it wasn't organized; Mario simply set up on the grass & spun records. Later that Summer, in July- DJ Phase said that they were more organized w/ more sound & records, so THAT was when Brothers got serious about what they were doing. Disco King Mario did a series of Jams that culminated in the legendary 'Rosedale Park' Jam, that lit up The Bronx & inspired future pioneers.
There is a lot of controversy today concerning the Origins of HipHop. Jason Black, of 'The Black Authority' had the best comment on the subject: "Success has many Fathers, but Failure is an Orphan". As We question the running narrative of HipHop's birth, We also have to question WHO gets Credit for WHAT. No One questions the contributions of Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, & Panamanians to The Culture, but the claims being made by Busta Rhymes, Pete Rock, Fat Joe, & John Leguizamo are disrespectful. Busta & Pete Rock assert that Jamaican Culture DIRECTLY INFLUENCED HipHop; Busta says 90%. He goes on to say that Kool Herc brought the Sound System & Jamaican 'Toasting' or 'Ranking' to the Bronx Youth. Puerto Ricans weren't really prominent in HipHop b4 'Beat Street' & the 'Break Dance Movies', but Fat Joe & John Leguizamo say Puerto Rico contributed 50% to The Culture... They ALL sound ridiculous.
In an effort to get ahead of King Mario predating Kool Herc, people have gone as far as saying that Disco King Mario is [half] Puerto Rican. When it was proven that Mario came from North Carolina, a Story came out that his family migrated to (Jim Crow) North Carolina back in 1912. Mario's Sister says they aren't Puerto Rican- They're North Carolinian & 'Country'... His Mother just liked the name Mario. This effort to remove Black Americans from a Black American genre is confusing. Making a contribution 'to', or an innovation 'of' something, doesn't make one 'The Originator' of it. DJ Phase made a point to elaborate on The Energy behind HipHop, & what inspired it. Our Family from The Diaspora mostly arrived after The Civil Rights Movement; They really don't know what AmeriKKKa was like before 1970.
Contrary to what Busta Rhymes, Pete Rock, or Fat Joe may say, HipHop begins w/ The Black Spades. As a boy in Harlem, I remember how revered The Black Spades were. They were respected, but I didn't understand why... Before The Black Spades, Blackfolk in The Bronx were being victimized by Whitefolk; 'Authur Avenue' Italians, in particular. According to The Black Spades, they couldn't go ANYWHERE w/o being attacked, so they organized & struck back. The Black Spades- essentially Black Teens, didn't just beat those Racists back; they opened up The Bronx for EVERY Black Person, giving them The Right of Autonomy. That Energy or Spirit of Revolution was celebrated in Song & Dance, & King Mario was The Conductor.
Kool Herc got to see King Mario & The Black Spades at 'The Tunnel'. He heard the Breaks & saw how the Black Spades reacted- He heard the chants of 'Spade Power!' Herc himself said that he analyzed what 'they were doing' & came up w/ The Merry Go Round. That, is an innovation. Herc never said that he introduced Toasting to those Baby Spades; in fact, Herc admitted trying to play Jamaican Music, but The Crowd didn't take to it. If Busta & Pete Rock were right, We should have some Reggae among familiar Beat Beats. All of these Cats talk about 'Culture', but they just sound ignorant. A 'Culture' is defined as: 'The sum total of Social Life'. If West Indian (i.e. Jamaican) and/or Latinx (i.e. Puerto Rican) Culture plays such a major role in HipHop, why did ALL of them adopt Black American Social Mores? Kool Herc admitted that he was clowned when he arrived in The Bronx; he thought Cowboy Boots were cool.
If we're going to run w/ the: 'Kool Herc is The Father of HipHop' Story, Coke La Rock should @ least be mentioned. He is credited w/ being The First Emcee. He was Herc's Partner. Busta & a literal Legion of Yardies want to coronate Herc as 'King of HipHop', but it was Coke La Rock that transformed 'Clive' into 'Kool Herc'. Clive DIDN'T KNOW THE CULTURE. Coke La Rock took him down to 125th Street, showed him what to buy, & how to sport it. Somehow, Coke La Rock was written out of the narrative. Again, Bambaataa started this. Another issue w/ Herc being hailed as 'The Father' of HipHop, is how easily he Bowed Down to U- Roy. Herc referred to him as 'his King'. Big Respect to U- Roy, I- Roy & ALL the Pioneers of Ska, Reggae, Lover's Rock, Dub Poetry, & Dancehall! That said, Black Americans BOW TO NO ONE! This is a Problem.
When We talk about Culture, HipHop embodies The Spirit of Revolution. Lay it out on the Black American Timeline, & it's a natural transition; from Work Songs, to Ragtime, to Jazz, to Rhythm & Blues, to Soul & Funk, to HipHop. It's the tireless spirit of Black Liberation in AmeriKKKa. Where does Jamaican or Puerto Rican 'Culture' fit in? They were 'Lovers, not Fighters'. We were Angry! What were they angry about? They were in America- Everything was 'Irie'! When DJ Phase was asked about this [Kool Herc] narrative, he cut to The Chase & said that this narrative gives Whitefolk a 'lane of claim' to Our Culture. It was Too Black, Too Strong, but it's been watered down. When We raise Our Heads, We will see that the people claiming ownership of Our Culture, are the same people representing Us in Government. They are the ones allowing Benign Neglect to continue & contesting Our Right to receive [Lineage Based] Reparations. They also represent Us 'On Screen', but they rarely depict Us in a dignified manner; We're either Ghetto, or Cowards.
While We're on the subject of 'Culture', let's point out how the level of deviance & violence has risen w/ the number of Jamaican & Puerto Rican Rappers. Boogie Down Productions gets Full Credit for setting off the 9mm talk. Just- Ice's 'The Original Gangster of Hip Hop' was just plain Raw... Also, B- Girls didn't dress like or behave like Dancehall Girls; compare Shante, Sweet Tee, & Latifah to Lil Kim, Nikki Minaj, & Cardi B. White Record Executives, like Lyor Cohen, have rerouted HipHop's 'messaging' to target Suburban Whitefolk eager to hear about 'Ghetto Life'. Today's Artists have been set up lovely by those who came before them, but I wonder if the New Jacks know The History? Do they know what it took for Us to maintain this? Cats had to show restraint, because Authorities were just waiting for Us to mess up. U can literally count the # of times U heard the N- Word b4 NWA... Do they know Themfolks tried to shut Us down in 1982; leading to the 'New School/ Hardcore Era' that started in 1983- 1984 w/ Run-DMC, T- La Rock & Jazzy Jay, & LL Cool J?
Truth be told, The Park Jams faded out by 1986- 1987. The Crack Wars began to make large gatherings dangerous. The 1st Crack Dealers (in My Hood) were The Dreads, who sold out of Weed Spots. The 'Rude Boys' weren't concerned w/ 'protocol', so things got Hot pretty quickly.... I understand that there is an effort to make HipHop EVERYONE'S genre, but it isn't; not anymore than Motown or Bebop. The World is welcome to enjoy HipHop, but make No Mistake- it's a Black American genre that just happens to be globally appreciated & adopted by many. That said, notions of people like Kool Herc, or Eminem being the 'Father' or 'King' diminish the effect that those 'Baby Spades' had on The Original Concept. We can appreciate their contributions, but HipHop Culture is bigger than them. It has a purpose, & it's NOT making Non Indigenous Blackfolk wealthy.
It was a youthful expression of Black Power & Creativity, but outside forces have turned it into a Golden Goose that only benefits White Record Execs & their Proxies. We treated Her like a Debutant, but She has been reduced to a Crack Whore that EVERYONE can get a piece of. Young Family has to go back to The Root. A Race War is looming, & i'm not sure that their music is up to task. Most of today's Artists are more concerned w/ their 30 pieces of silver, than The Culture it represents. Cats like Busta & Fat Joe aren't concerned, they're taking the money & running. Fat Joe wasn't even a Rapper back in The Day, he was a Stick up Kid; so he's always been about the 'Vic'. Immortal Technique & Big Pun R The Real Deal... HipHop has become symbolic of Black American Courtesy- We say: "have some", & Our 'guest' proceeds to help themselves to Everything. NO ONE is allowed to be more than a Guest in the genres of Jamaican & Latinx Music, so why do they expect ownership in Black American Music?
When We talk about HipHop Culture, We need to remove All the noise in The Room. ANYONE making a claim to Our Culture should be Checked quickly. This 'Back to School Party' Story doesn't make sense! It's supposed to be inspirational, but it's narrated like just another Party. What's so special about it? What exactly motivated Herc's Sister to have this Party, several weeks before School started? How does this 'Party' spark a Movement? Compare it w/ HipHop being a Celebration of Black Youth in The Bronx [dramatically] winning their fight against White Supremacy & their Right of Autonomy- An UNAPOLOGETIC DISPLAY of Black Power. There was a REASON why NYPD left Mario & the Black Spades Deejays alone. When they were 'Jamming', The Black Spades weren't beating down White Racists... No disrespect, but Immigrant Family weren't Here, so they don't know what sparked this Movement.
The Original Concept of HipHop is rooted in stopping Gang Violence. It was a creative alternative to the death & destruction that We brought on each other. The current version of it is so far removed, it's almost unrecognizable. Today's manifestation is literally a Death Cult that offers little to no benefit to The Artist. White Executives seem convinced that it's only about Beats & Rhymes, but the Crap being presented is vulgar & cookie cutter; which defies HipHop's demand for Originality & Excellence. After 50+Yrs, it's apparent that HipHop is best represented when it's Culturally connected to the Experience of Black American Life. EVERYONE ELSE is a House Guest & should behave accordingly.
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zhxk5h0csx · 30 days
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stanmahana1971blog · 1 month
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giobun143 · 1 month
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Chae-rin is lucky…anytime I redraw her, she’s happy and well. This time, she gained muscles and height (she’s 173cm now)
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celtichammerclub · 2 years
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Here is my artistic rendition of a clan of Celtic warriors on the march to battle! I leave it open to interpretation what tribe of Celts these guys are. They could be Gauls or Britons on the march to kick some Roman butt. They could be Picts on the march to battle with invading Saxons. They could be Gaels looking to put down a rival clan. Regardless of how you see it, the ogham inscription at the center sews a common thread among all interpretations. It reads, “VICTORY!” Apparel, prints and more with this new artwork can be found at this link --> https://celtichammerclub.threadless.com/ ➖ #celtichammerclub #celt #celtic #celticart #celtictattoo #celticknot #celticspiral #irish #scottish #welsh #cornish #british #warrior #fashion #style #history #celticmusic #originalart #originalconcept https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0oZhOOv_g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sealbro · 1 year
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Characters from the world of OCLO, an original concept of mine.
OCLO is about a team of heroes who maintain the balance of two overlapping universes using a special type of glass that lets people see that other universe and gives liquids magic powers.
Middle schooler Innez Reyes thinks she needs glasses, but in reality her eyes are just perceiving another universe full of strange creatures that normally can't interact with our universe. But lately, the beings seem to be crossing the divide...
You can watch a full length thumbnail animatic for the first episode here on my blog, or check out an extended version here: https://youtu.be/CeIXkNELKLg
I made all this a couple years ago and haven't really been sure what to do with it! So if you enjoy it please let me know
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lumacruz · 1 year
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Battle Angel
Version 1 - 6/26/2023
The "Battle Maiden" line
Character Items: Round Shield
This is my design interpretation of a Battle Angel in my art world. I like to mix futuristic and fantasy styles.
The Battle Angel is designed with an open sleeve top exposing a peek-a-boo space under the chest, the top extending down to a two tiered mini skirt held up by a metallic belt, an asymmetric shoulder guard with a floating spike, an abstract metal sleeve, a ribbon wrap on the other arm, short gloves, flared thigh high leggings with buckles at the top, and platform ankle boots.
Battle Angel - 05 uses balanced shapes as a design influence. For this set, I used my original character Ember as a base model and muse for this design. The base model isn't accurate for her since she's intended to be a petite girl and the youngest among the muses (older petite teen). I went for a blue color scheme, goes well with the blonde hair :) I'm going to continue sing the brown body outline (also looks nice around the hexagonal palette!). Approached the coloring for this piece similarly to the last upload, with a little extra lighting to make it pop. I also wanted to try to render the metal on the armor a bit better to give it that shiny look. It turned out "okay", still need some practice lol
Edited in Clip Studio Paint
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swarmm-cod · 2 years
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I’m just as excited as you are Cab for the Kaiju Kruzer vinyl production 😁🤙(image in picture may be larger than real life😄) swarmmco.com #scottmartinthomas swarmmco.com …… #kaijukruzer #beastboard #skateboardmonster #skateboardkaiju #monsterskateboard #originalconcept #mechacreatchsidekick #mechacreatch #swarmmsidekick #swarmm #skateboardingweirdaliensrobotsmusicmonsters #kaijucruiser #skateboardingisfun #skateboarding #skateboard #skateandcreate #skateanddestroy #thrashermagazine #transworldskateboarding #thenineclubexperience #thenineclub #sk8 #skatelife #thegonz #skateboardworld #markgonzales #skateboardart #skateart #designertoys https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhBb0cL8nk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pinkpiggy93 · 1 year
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The sun is up and the weather is getting hot again here 😂
As there are many holidays in Vietnam, Raven is constantly busy making lanterns for the festivities. And when i was searching for references, a century ago there were many kinds of lanterns that were much bigger than today’s and traditional toys in all kinds of colors made from local traditional ingredient like plants and flowers, and this is why he has a special friendship with Rosie, a student of the agriculture branch, who will have her own illustration next time.
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rebuiltproject · 2 months
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion  Atributo Vírus  Tipo Descendente Dracônico Campo Área Negra (DA) / Soldados do Pesadelo (NSo) / Rugido do Dragão (DR) Significado do Nome Night, noite em Inglês; Dra, vem de Dragon, Dragão em Inglês
Um Digimon orgulhoso com velocidade extrema proveniente da amálgama de dados entre dragões e dinossauros raptores que causaram sua evolução.
Conhecido popularmente como Flecha Negra, Nightdramon pode ser visto nas noites do Mundo Digital como uma sombra em movimento que deixa para trás um pequeno brilho azul, um tipo de rastro de energia que implica na passagem deste Digimon pelo local. Apesar da aparência de um espécime caçador, Nightdramon possui uma personalidade heroica e altruísta, embora extremamente egocêntrica, sempre esperando por elogios e agradecimentos dos Digimons que, em suas próprias palavras, "Presenciaram a magnificência das atitudes do Flecha Negra, o herói mais veloz do Mundo Digital".
Assim como Dino V-mon, Nightdramon possui um potencial oculto que ainda há de despertar antes das crises que levarão ao potencial fim do Mundo Digital. Nightdramon nutre amizades com Digimons orgulhosos e sempre desafia adversários que julga serem honrados. Seu forte senso de dever o chama para proteger aqueles que precisam dele, levando-o a se afeiçoar especialmente por Drakainmon, a quem jurou proteger a todo custo.
Suas técnicas especiais envolvem disparar uma rajada de energia de sua boca (Rajada Eclipse), envenenar seus inimigos com uma chama mágica disparada de sua cauda (Lâmina da Lua Crescente), avançar em velocidade supersônica contra seus oponentes (Impacto da Lua Cheia), utilizar técnicas de subterfúgio capazes de enganar até mesmo o olho mais treinado (Ilusão da Lua Nova) ou, por fim, auxiliar na proteção dos Digimons a quem acolhe sob seus cuidados (Benção da Lua Minguante).
Rajada Eclipse (Eclipse Blast) Nightdramon dispara uma rajada de energia super concentrada de sua boca. Para disparar esse movimento com mais poder, ele deve ser realizado enquanto o Digimon está parado no lugar.
Impacto da Lua Cheia (Full Moon Impact) Após entrar em alta velocidade, Nightdramon dispara contra o oponente com suas garras envoltas em chamas, ferindo-o com um golpe fatal.
Lâmina da Lua Crescente (Crescent Moon Blade) Ao girar seu corpo, Nightdramon desprende chamas de sua cauda na forma de uma lâmina, que ao atingirem o inimigo, causam um tipo de queimadura mística em que as chamas continuam a queimar seu corpo magicamente sem cessar.
Bênção da Lua Minguante (Blessing of the Waning Moon) Nightdramon utiliza as chamas em sua cauda para criar um tipo de aura protetora sobre um alvo de sua escolha. Essa chama é capaz de impedir que ferimentos sejam causados e ajudam Nightdramon a ver a localização daqueles a quem protege
Ilusão da Lua Nova (New Moon's Illusion) Ao se movimentar em alta velocidade, Nightdramon cria uma sucessão de clones sombrios feitos de resquícios deixados por seus movimentos. Esses resquícios de imagem se movimentam enganando o oponente e camuflando as ações do verdadeiro Nightdramon.
Informações Adicionais
Chamas Azuis De origem desconhecida, dizem os rumores que a chama que brilha na cauda e no corpo de Nightdramon se originaram da Área das Trevas do Mundo Digital. Embora não tenha certeza, Nightdramon acredita que sua chama esteja se desenvolvendo para o bem, onde usará sua luz para iluminar o caminho que irá trilhar e o caminho daqueles importantes para ele.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evolução Dino V-Mon
Criado por Jonatas Carmona Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex do Orgulho 
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- Getting Older - An older milktea ✨ I imagine they wear alot of those thick wooly cardigans when Thier older to keep warm and such.
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memikesworldoffun · 2 years
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daisamart · 3 days
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Deku Princess
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kfhu8tgutb · 6 days
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