#originally for treasure jeongwoo
goingtreasure · 1 year
whitebeard and the blackbeard's son | p.jw
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pairing: park jeongwoo x reader (f)
word count: 8.3k
genre: angst, adventure, slowburn.
warnings: violence, death, toxic relationships, mention of kidnapping.
synopsis: jeongwoo embarked on a quest to prove himself to his father, blackbeard, by attempting to kill his nemesis, whitebeard. however, he was unaware that whitebeard's true identity would completely alter his path.
author's note: after two years since my last update, i'm back! i wrote this fanfiction some months ago and decided to post it now since the reboot is coming (i'm so excited!). i think of this as a origin story for pirate jeongwoo hehe. i hope you enjoy it as much as i did!
author's inspirations: show - our flag means death (max). song - i bet on losing dogs (mitski)
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Jeongwoo had finally accomplished it. After years of meticulous research, tracking ships in secret, studying combat skills, habits, and victims, he had gathered almost all the information he needed to defeat Whitebeard, one of the most notorious pirates of the sea. This was his chance to avenge his father and prove himself once and for all.
As the son of Blackbeard, the infamous pirate, Jeongwoo had grown up in a world of ruthlessness and violence. Blackbeard had collected countless enemies and was feared by even the most dangerous pirates. However, when a new pirate named Whitebeard emerged in the Caribbean, he became Blackbeard's worst enemy, taunting him with his name. Determined to confront the newcomer, Blackbeard engaged in a battle at sea.
During the fight, Blackbeard's crew seemed to have the upper hand, but Whitebeard's intelligence and strategic prowess turned the tide. They damaged Blackbeard's ship, disabled his strongest crew members, including Blackbeard himself, and plundered all the treasure. Whitebeard, however, never showed his face or set foot on their ship, maintaining a mysterious identity. Many believed he suffered from a terrible disease that prevented him from engaging in direct combat. Now, Jeongwoo was about to uncover the truth.
Under the guise of trading treasure on a nearby island, Jeongwoo secretly planned his move. He knew that Whitebeard's crew frequently replenished their supplies on a small island to the east. After carefully avoiding attention and hiding in the island's woods for several days, he spotted a large ship docking on the beach. Observing from a distance, he became certain that it was Whitebeard's ship.
Waiting for most of the crew to disembark, Jeongwoo infiltrated the ship, incapacitating anyone who stood in his way. He intended to execute a silent assassination, killing the captain and escaping and leaving behind a letter signed by himself. Jeongwoo was confident that Whitebeard, who never left his room, would be there. However, as he cautiously opened the door, he discovered an empty room, devoid of any presence.
"Where could he be hiding?" Jeongwoo whispered to himself, feeling a mix of relief and unease. This was the moment he had prepared for all his life, yet something felt off.
He scanned the room, filled with disarray—clothes, medicine, and books scattered around. A large world map adorned one wall, while a plush bed covered in fabrics and blankets dominated the center. Suddenly, he noticed a slight movement coming from beneath the blankets—a rhythmic rise and fall. There was no doubt about it; Whitebeard was concealed there.
Jeongwoo steadied his weapon, standing before the bed, prepared to end the man's life. However, a strange feeling compelled him to see the face of his father's greatest adversary before delivering the fatal blow. With trembling hands, he slowly pulled back the blanket, but the sight that greeted him was unexpected.
Instead of Whitebeard, he found a young woman with white hair, dressed in a beige satin dress with long sleeves. The boy was momentarily paralyzed by the sight before him. This innocent girl had been mistaken for the fearsome pirate captain.
"A girl?" he murmured to himself, unintentionally waking you from your slumber. Your eyes opened slowly, leaving him with no chance to hide within the cabin.
"Hello," you greeted, your voice filled with sleepiness.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Jeongwoo asked, his voice filled with surprise, unable to comprehend the calmness in your demeanor despite the danger you were in.
"You seem nervous." you remarked, observing his reaction. “My name is Y/N.”
"I came here for Whitebeard." Jeongwoo stated, trying to make sense of the situation.
A faint smile graced your lips. "Well, then you found him. I'm Whitebeard."
Jeongwoo's heart pounded in his chest as he processed the unexpected revelation before him. The girl with white hair, Y/N, claimed to be Whitebeard—the very person he had intended to kill. The tremor in his hands intensified, betraying his nervousness. He took a step back, struggling to comprehend the truth. It seemed inconceivable that someone so young could hold the title of a feared pirate captain when he himself struggled to gain respect among his own crew.
"You're lying! Where is Whitebeard?" Jeongwoo demanded, unable to accept the reality unfolding before him.
Your laughter filled the cabin, carrying a hint of amusement. "I'm not the lying kind. The truth is, my name was originally intended to be Whitehair, but people misheard it as 'beard' and I went along with it. I must say, I'm quite surprised you managed to reach here without facing punishment from my crew. You must be a formidable pirate."
Jeongwoo's confusion deepened even more, his conviction wavered. He found himself unable to act upon his murderous intent as he looked upon the spirited girl who awaited her fate.
"I don't understand," Jeongwoo stammered, his disbelief evident. His grip on the knife loosened, his hands dropping to his sides. The confusion within him battled against the impulse to carry out his revenge.
Chuckling lightly, you settled onto the bed, examining the young man before you. "I can see why you're surprised. Most people react the same way, especially new crew members. By the way, that's a good choice of weapon you have there. Sharp and effective for breaking bones. Luckily for me, I've been feeling like dying these past few days. So, what are you waiting for?" you asked, your gaze fixed upon him.
"I... I can't do it. You're a woman," Jeongwoo confessed, his voice laced with uncertainty.
A glimmer of curiosity danced in your eyes. "You've never killed a woman before?"
In fact, Jeongwoo had never killed anyone before, regardless of their gender.
From a young age, Blackbeard had trained Jeongwoo to embody his strength and eventually succeed him as captain. However, the weight of taking a life was a burden Jeongwoo couldn't bear. Fear gripped him, rendering him unable to follow in his father's ruthless footsteps. Consequently, Blackbeard became increasingly ashamed of his own son, distancing Jeongwoo from perilous battles and treacherous islands, effectively dismissing any notion of him becoming his successor. The once-promising young pirate had been reduced to a mere kitchen assistant.
The very reason he was driven to prove himself, came from his father's relentless pursuit of molding him into a fearsome assassin of the seas.
The absence of a response made it clear to you that he wasn't a killer. Despite your preference for staying in your room, you had a knack for understanding people through their behavior due to all the books you’ve read. The boy, who was around your age, appeared scared and confused. It had been a long time since you last talked to someone young. It made you question if this was how you were expected to behave. Should you also be afraid of life and death just like him? You wondered what those emotions were like.
"Well, if it makes you feel more at ease, I could take my own life and you can pretend it was you," you suggested, trying to ease his discomfort.
"What? Why? Why would you do that?" Jeongwoo asked, bewildered.
"Why wouldn't I?" you responded with a nonchalant shrug.
Jeongwoo felt like you were toying with him, playing games with his mind.
"Cause... you're Whitebeard! You possess wealth and power beyond imagination," he argued.
"I can understand why you might think that," you replied calmly. "But having everything doesn't guarantee happiness or fulfillment. There are things in life that money and power can't provide."
Your words brought a pause to the conversation as Jeongwoo tried to process this perspective. The idea that there could be something missing from the life of someone as influential as Whitebeard intrigued him.
“For instance, I've never had a pet dog because I’m afraid it might fall into the sea. Why would I live if I can't have a dog?”
Wanting to die because of a dog? It didn't make sense to him. After all, many ships had dogs as companions, and the fear of losing one to the sea seemed excessive and irrational. The boy couldn't help the thought that perhaps you were just a crazy person, he found it difficult to take your words seriously.
You rose from the bed, stepping onto the wooden floor with your bare feet, standing directly in front of Jeongwoo. The boy remained frozen, unable to move in your presence. Your intense gaze made him feel self-conscious.
"Will you do it?" you asked, your voice filled with anticipation.
"No..." Jeongwoo admitted, his voice filled with resignation. "I can't."
"Coward." you snapped, your anger replacing your previous calm demeanor.
Without warning, you forcefully pushed the knife out of Jeongwoo's grip, catching him off guard. A struggle ensued as both of you fought for control of the weapon. You pushed the knife towards your own neck, while Jeongwoo desperately resisted, pushing back.
"Stop it immediately!" Jeongwoo pleaded, his voice filled with fear.
"No! I want to die!" you exclaimed, your voice filled with frustration and despair.
The fight abruptly stopped as you both heard the sound of an explosion coming from outside. The sudden noise caught your attention, momentarily distracting you from the intense struggle and bringing a sense of uncertainty to the room. Momentarily stunned by the unexpected blast, you released your grip on the knife, which clattered to the floor. The urgency of the situation overshadowed your previous conflict as you instinctively turned your attention towards the chaos unfolding outside the cabin.
"The ship is on fire!" one of your crewmates screamed, her voice filled with panic, as she desperately tried to open the door to your room. Despite her efforts, the door remained stubbornly locked.
Jeongwoo's eyes widened in alarm, and he turned to you, searching for answers. But instead of panic, he found you smiling to yourself, a strange gleam in your eyes.
"The ship is on fire," you repeated softly, almost in awe.
Confusion and concern filled Jeongwoo's voice as he asked, "What are you talking about?"
Ignoring his question, you hurriedly rummaged through your belongings, searching for something specific. Your hands found a large box of gunpowder, and without hesitation, you tossed it onto the floor of the room. The contents spilled out, forming a dangerous circle of flammable material.
Realizing what you were about to do, Jeongwoo lunged forward, desperately attempting to stop you. But it was too late. The room was already filled with thick smoke, making it difficult to see and breathe.
A struggle ensued between the two of you, the suffocating smoke clouding your senses and heightening the chaos. You fought against Jeongwoo's attempts to restrain you, pushing him away with a desperate strength fueled by a strange determination.
In the chaos of the struggle, Jeongwoo lost his footing and fell to the floor, his body slumping unconscious. The smoke continued to billow around the room, its suffocating grip tightening with each passing second.
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Jeongwoo had made many mistakes in his life, but none compared to the decision to kill Whitebeard. Despite knowing that it could lead to his demise, he had hoped for an honorable death, a valiant battle against one of the revered kings of the sea. Now, he was dead, and his crew would remain in perpetual waiting, unaware of his fate.
However, as Jeongwoo surrendered to the embrace of death, a peculiar sensation washed over him. Instead of the anticipated darkness and stillness, he felt a gentle breeze upon his face, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of the ocean. In the distance, a captivating voice sang a haunting melody, unfamiliar yet oddly comforting. It was not the symphony of death, but something entirely different.
Slowly, Jeongwoo opened his eyes, his surroundings shifting from darkness to a blinding brightness. And there he lay, not in the clutches of death, but on the sandy floor of a beach, safe and unharmed. Beside him sat Y/N, the source of the melody that had captivated his senses.
Confusion and relief washed over Jeongwoo as he struggled to comprehend his current state. "Am I alive?" he questioned, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and gratitude.
You turned your gaze towards Jeongwoo, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. "No, my friend, we both died and unfortunately, we didn't make it to heaven. Welcome to hell." you joked, adding a playful smirk.
Jeongwoo looked at you, slightly taken aback by your remark.
"No, we're not dead. Well, at least you are not dead," you clarified, your tone now more serious.
As Jeongwoo settled down, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight, he couldn't help but inquire about the fate of your ship. "What happened to your ship?" he asked, evident worry in his voice.
"Oh, it burned down completely. I had to carry you all the way up to the beach cause you refused to wake up." you explained, a tinge of exhaustion in your voice. "My crew already gave up on trying to find me. Whitebeard is finally dead."
The weight of your words lingered in the air, mingling with a sense of irony and regret. Jeongwoo absorbed the gravity of the situation, his thoughts drifting to the consequences of his actions and the unpredictable path that lay before them.
"What are you going to do now?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
"I don't know," you replied, your eyes tracing the vastness of the ocean. "But I'm happy I'm not really dead. And now you can say that you killed Whitebeard as well.”
Jeongwoo clutched his knees tightly as he contemplated the implications of your words. A mixture of guilt and disbelief washed over him, realizing the weight of his actions and the role he inadvertently played in Whitebeard's demise.
"Can I ask you something?" Jeongwoo said. You nodded, signaling your willingness to answer.
"Your room was full of medicine, what is that for?" he inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
"Oh, that. I have a weak body, you see. That's why I never actively participated in battles. The medicine I had in my room helped me manage the pain and discomfort that came with it." You maintained a positive demeanor, even when discussing serious matters. "I should've thought about that before I burned my room down. Now I have no access to those medicines anymore."
Jeongwoo listened intently, realizing the extent of your struggles and the sacrifices you had made. It deepened his understanding of who you were beyond the legendary figure of Whitebeard.
"Can I ask you something too?" You said with a hopeful look in your eyes.
"Of course," Jeongwoo replied, curious about your request.
"Could you take me with you on your ship?"
Jeongwoo's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"
"See, I want to experience life as a pirate without being the captain. I've always been sheltered and protected, spending my days confined to that room because my crewmates feared for my safety. I want to be a regular crewmate and see what life is like beyond my previous duties. Please, bring me along to your ship."
Jeongwoo hesitated, taken aback by your request. "I'm sorry, but..."
"Please, I promise I won't be a burden. I was always the brains behind our quests, I can help out if you need it. I'll be good company, and once I find a new place to live, I'll leave, I promise!"
"Y/N," he interrupted, seriousness in his voice tone, "I'm a Blackbeard pirate." He braced himself for your reaction, unsure of how you would take the news.
But instead of being devastated or shocked, you looked at him with a knowing smile. "Oh, I already knew. The moment I laid eyes on your knife, I recognized it. That type of blade is exclusively crafted for Blackbeard's crew. I intentionally left yours in my room to make it look like you're the one who caused my death."
Jeongwoo's eyes widened in surprise, his secret now out in the open. "You knew all along?"
You nodded, a playful glint in your eyes. "I told you I'm smart."
"And you still want to join my father's crew?" Jeongwoo asked, concern etched on his face.
"Father? Oh, that's news to me," you replied with a hint of surprise. "But yes, I do!"
"Listen, if he finds out you're Whitebeard, he might do something drastic. I am his son, but I have no idea what he's capable of." Jeongwoo warned, his worry palpable.
"That's a risk I'm willing to take. After all, I'm already familiar with pain." you said, a tinge of determination in your voice as you alluded to your health condition.
Jeongwoo carefully considered the situation, contemplating his father's nature and your resolute spirit. Finally, he made a decision.
"Alright. You can come with me. I'll help you get the medicines you need and we'll disguise your appearance so that your crewmates won't recognize you if they happen to come across us. Having white hair won't exactly blend in well with my crew."
You listened attentively, ready to fulfill your part in the plan.
"But there's one more thing," Jeongwoo continued. "We will have to convince my crew that I killed you, I mean, Whitebeard. It's crucial to ensure your safety. Can you do that?"
A mischievous smile crossed your face as you accepted the challenge. "Consider it done. Together, we'll weave a convincing tale that even Blackbeard himself won't question."
With an agreement in place, you and Jeongwoo embarked on a journey filled with secrets, transformations, and the unpredictable dynamics of a notorious pirate crew.
The crew of Blackbeard was going about their usual activities. Some pirates diligently cleaned the deck, others sharpened their weapons, and a few studied maps. Amidst this routine, the sharp-eyed navigator, Jaehyuk, spotted a tiny boat approaching their ship. He recognized it instantly—Jeongwoo had returned after two long months.
"Jeongwoo is back on the ship!" Jaehyuk’s voice echoed through the air, grabbing the attention of the sailors.
The crew quickly gathered, eagerly awaiting their comrade's arrival. As Jeongwoo stepped onto the deck, he was warmly embraced by his friends.
"Welcome back, mate!" Jihoon, Blackbeard's trusted right-hand man, exclaimed with joy.
However, Jeongwoo's demeanor betrayed a sense of terror rather than excitement. He surveyed the surroundings, his father conspicuously absent. Soon, he would have to reveal the lie he had planned.
"Where's the captain?" Jeongwoo inquired, his voice tinged with apprehension.
"Blackbeard is in his cabin. We're preparing to dock at a new island." Jihoon responded, noting the unusual behavior displayed by the young pirate. "Is something the matter?"
Without uttering a word, Jeongwoo swiftly made his way towards his father's quarters, leaving Jihoon with unanswered questions.
"Well, look who we have here..." Doyoung, the ship's chef, remarked with a sly grin as he peered down at the boat beside the ship, catching sight of you.
Jeongwoo hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to knock on his father's door. He did it and Blackbeard's voice boomed from within, "Who is it?"
"It's me, Captain. I'm back." Jeongwoo responded, his voice slightly shaky.
There was a brief pause before Blackbeard granted him entry. Jeongwoo pushed open the door and stepped into the room, which resembled more of an office than a living space. A large desk cluttered with papers and boxes of weapons dominated the room's center.
"Hello, Father," Jeongwoo greeted, standing before the imposing desk. Blackbeard remained engrossed in his maps, not bothering to look up.
"I have something important to tell you," Jeongwoo continued, his voice earnest. "I lied about going to trade treasure. In truth, I've been working on a plan to eliminate a rival captain. And... I succeeded. I killed him and burned his ship, leaving one of our knives as proof. I'm certain the news will reach you soon."
"I understand. But you didn't mention the crucial part," Blackbeard stated, his voice laced with curiosity. He fixed his intense gaze on Jeongwoo, waiting for the revelation. “Whom did you kill?”
Taking a deep breath, Jeongwoo summoned his courage and spoke, his voice tinged with both apprehension and resolve. "I... I killed Whitebeard, sir," he confessed, the weight of his words hanging in the air. The significance of his action was not lost on either of them.
He looked down, awaiting his father's reaction, but to his surprise, Blackbeard remained focused on his maps, seemingly unperturbed by the revelation.
"Father?" Jeongwoo stammered, seeking acknowledgment.
Without looking up, Blackbeard replied with a dismissive tone, "I heard you. If what you say is true, then I will wait for the news to reach me in due time."
"Additionally, I brought someone back with me to the ship. I hope that's not a problem." Jeongwoo said.
"Your guest is your responsibility. Now, return to your usual duties. "
Jeongwoo's heart sank at his father's lack of response. It seemed that his confession had fallen on deaf ears. He couldn't help but wonder what lay behind his father's impassive facade.
After leaving his room, Jeongwoo hurried to the boat to bring you up to his room. However, to his surprise, you were no longer there. His crewmates had already taken the initiative to escort you to Jeongwoo's quarters. As he entered the room, he noticed Doyoung lingering by your side, a flirtatious smirk on his face.
"Here's some clothes from our shortest crewmates. These are men's outfits, but it might fit you for now!" Doyoung said, placing the garments in your hands. He made a subtle move, his hand briefly brushing against yours in a flirtatious manner.
Jeongwoo's annoyance grew as he witnessed Doyoung's advances. It seemed that his friend couldn't resist flirting with any woman he encountered.
"Oh, Jeongwoo. Hi!" Doyoung greeted, his playful tone evident. "Did Jeongwoo tell you he's my assistant?"
"I think that's enough, Doyoung" Jeongwoo interjected, his voice tinged with annoyance.
Noticing the tension, you decided to break the ice. "Hey, how did things go with your father?"
Jeongwoo glanced at Doyoung and then turned to you. "Doyoung, could you excuse us for a moment? I need to talk to Y/N privately."
Doyoung shrugged, his flirtatious demeanor fading slightly. "Sure thing, Jeongwoo. I'll catch up with you later."
As Doyoung left the room, Jeongwoo closed the door behind him, creating a sense of privacy for your conversation.
"Did you tell him?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
"Yes, I did. But he didn't believe me," Jeongwoo replied, frustration evident in his voice. He paced back and forth within the confines of the small room, trying to process his father's disbelief.
"I see," you nodded, understanding the situation. "Let's not dwell on it for now. It's only a matter of time before news of my... his death spreads throughout the Caribbean."
Jeongwoo sighed, releasing the tension in his brow. "I hope you're right," he murmured, his thoughts preoccupied with the uncertainty of their plan. He shifted gears, changing the topic. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm doing well," you replied, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "The medicine we got on the way is helping a lot with the pain. Your crew has been welcoming and friendly."
Jeongwoo's expression softened, glad to hear that you were finding some comfort amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.
He took a better look at you, taking in your changed appearance. The clothes you wore were clearly mismatched and of questionable quality, and your long hair was concealed beneath a knit cap. The shoes on your feet seemed ill-fitting and out of place.
"Once we land on a commercial island, I'll make sure to get you proper clothing," Jeongwoo assured you, his voice filled with determination.
You nodded appreciatively, grateful for his consideration.
"This is my room. It's very small compared to yours, but it's the only one on the ship. At least I have one advantage as the captain's son," Jeongwoo chuckled, a hint of self-deprecating humor in his tone. "You can keep it to yourself."
"Really? But where will you sleep then?" you asked, concerned about his sleeping arrangements.
"With the other crewmates on the deck," he replied nonchalantly.
"Well, if you can sleep on the floor with them, you might as well sleep on the floor here," you suggested.
"I'm fine, don't worry," he assured you.
"Come on, we've been camping together all these past days. There's no difference between that and sharing a room," you reasoned.
"Fine, I'll think about it. But for now, I have to attend to my duties. Stay here, and we can talk later," Jeongwoo said, his attention turning to his responsibilities.
"Your duties as the cook's assistant?" you teased playfully.
"Hey, stop it!" he exclaimed, a faint smile gracing his face as he left you alone in the room.
The rest of the day deviated from your usual routine. In your previous life as Whitebeard, your days were consumed by studying and strategizing. However, in these past few days with Jeongwoo, you had taken on the role of his mentor, teaching him the art of combat and imparting your knowledge. It has been an enjoyable experience for both of you.
Now, with a moment of solitude, you seized the opportunity to remove your knit cap, allowing your hair to cascade freely. As you explored Jeongwoo's belongings, you stumbled upon a knife. Remembering his words from earlier, you made a decision. Determined to embrace this new chapter in your life, you courageously chopped off all of your white, long hair, leaving it shorter than Jeongwoo's own hair. It symbolized a fresh start, a declaration of your commitment to this new identity.
When Jeongwoo returned to invite you to dinner, he was taken aback by your new visual. The sight surprised him, but it also reassured him of your determination and commitment to this new chapter. You informed him that you weren't hungry at the moment, so he kindly brought you a plate of food to enjoy later.
As the night settled in, Jeongwoo made the decision to accept your request to become roommates. He settled himself on the floor while you took the bed, contemplating what the future held in store for both of you.
The next morning, a loud knock on Jeongwoo's door jolted him awake. Doyoung's voice came through, urgently informing him that Blackbeard wanted to see him. Panic surged through Jeongwoo as he realized you were no longer in your bed. He sprang into action, hastily making his way to the deck, anticipating the worst.
To his astonishment, instead of a tense confrontation, he was greeted with lively music and jubilant celebrations. The crewmates were in high spirits, reveling in the festivities.
“He’s awake!” Doyoung called out, drawing everyone's attention.
Blackbeard turned towards his son, his eyes filled with pride and joy. He opened his arms, welcoming him with warmth.
"My son," he said, placing a hand on Jeongwoo's shoulder. "Last night I sent Jihoon to the nearest island to verify the information you shared. He found this." Blackbeard retrieved a newspaper from his coat and handed it to Jeongwoo. The headline read: "Pirate Whitebeard killed by a member of Blackbeard's crew."
Jeongwoo looked up, his confusion deepening as he saw his father's wide grin. "I am proud of you, son." Blackbeard proclaimed, turning to address the rest of the crew. "My son has killed Whitebeard!" His words were met with cheers and applause, filling the air with jubilation.
Jeongwoo stood in disbelief, his emotions swirling. The truth had been accepted, and his father's pride washed away any doubts he had carried. It was a moment of validation and a turning point in his journey as a pirate.
"Where's Y/N?" Jeongwoo inquired, scanning the surroundings.
"Your new companion? She's over there, reading books to the boys!" Blackbeard pointed towards the stairs where you sat, engrossed in storytelling for the crew members. "It's a rare find to have someone so smart and well-read among us!"
Jeongwoo's heart swelled with a mix of emotions as he watched you captivate the crew with your storytelling. Gratitude, pride, and a lingering sense of guilt churned inside him. He had never felt valued by his crew before, and his father had never expressed pride in him until now. The conflicting emotions gnawed at him, but he couldn't deny the happiness that bloomed within.
Doyoung, ever exuberant, nudged Jeongwoo towards the festivities. "Let's celebrate!" he exclaimed, urging him to join the merry chaos unfolding around them.
And so they celebrated, laughter and music filling the air throughout the day. Jeongwoo revealed the joyous atmosphere, savoring the newfound recognition and acceptance. Yet, underneath it all, the weight of his guilt remained, a constant reminder of the choices he had made.
The following day, Jeongwoo found himself relieved of his duties in the kitchen. Blackbeard had a different plan for him - to train his battle skills under the guidance of Jihoon. It was a clear indication that his father saw potential in him beyond being a mere cook's assistant.
Meanwhile, you were slowly carving out your own place on the ship. Your ability to read and your intelligence had garnered respect from the crewmates. You found yourself aiding them with your knowledge, and even Blackbeard himself sought your assistance. In return, you received new clothes more suitable for a female pirate, as well as supplies of medicines and books to feed your thirst for knowledge.
Jeongwoo, too, experienced a transformation. He was bestowed with a new sword, a stylish monocle, and a pirate hat that accentuated his growing stature within the crew. Everything seemed to be falling into place, almost too perfectly.
As the months passed, Jeongwoo vowed to prove himself even more, to earn his place honestly and make his father truly proud. Yet, deep inside, despite the newfound recognition and joy, he couldn't fully embrace it without confronting the truth that simmered beneath the surface.
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"Land ahoy!" Jihoon shouted, breaking the silence in the ship.
Blackbeard, standing beside Jeongwoo, turned his attention to his son. "Do you think that's the right island?" he inquired, testing Jeongwoo's knowledge and instincts.
"Yes, sir." Jeongwoo responded confidently, his gaze fixed upon the island ahead.
You, too, recognized the island. It held a special place in your memory, as it was rumored to be the location of an ancient treasure. However, you had never had the opportunity to search for it, as your fellow sailors deemed it too dangerous for you to venture ashore.
“Let me see…” Blackbeard assessed his crew, pondering who should accompany him on this expedition. After a brief pause, he made his decision. "Jihoon, Junghwan, Jeongwoo... and Y/N," he announced. "The four of you will join me. The rest can remain on the ship."
The crew members were taken aback by his decision to bring you, a girl, along on the expedition. They were well aware of the island's dangers, knowing that other pirates might be lurking there. However, despite their surprise, no one dared to intervene or question their captain's choice.
Blackbeard's trusted right-hand man, approached you with a serious expression. "Can you handle a sword?" he inquired, assessing your combat abilities.
"I'm actually better with guns," you replied confidently, recognizing your own strengths.
Jihoon nodded in understanding, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a gun, which he handed to you. "Good choice." he remarked, acknowledging your preference and arming you accordingly.
As you accepted the weapon, a sense of determination washed over you. “Thank you.”
You noticed Jeongwoo stealing glances at you with his familiar anxiousness. Understanding his concern, you nodded reassuringly, silently communicating that you were prepared for the journey ahead.
After the ship docked on the island, the five of you disembarked and ventured into the forest. The dense vegetation made progress difficult, but Blackbeard and the other two crewmates forged a path ahead, diligently following the directions on the map while clearing obstacles along the way. Jeongwoo and you trailed a few steps behind them, engaged in a quiet conversation.
"You should have said you didn't want to come," Jeongwoo voiced his worry.
"Why would I? It sounds like an adventure," you replied with a hint of excitement in your voice.
"But it's dangerous, especially for you." he expressed his concern.
"Don’t underestimate me, Jeongwoo. Despite my limitations, I still possess a wealth of experience." you assured him confidently. "I was once a great fighter before my health condition started to manifest. In the early days of my crew, I always embarked on new adventures.”
Jeongwoo's apprehensive expression softened as he took in your words. He couldn't help but appreciate your bravery and determination, even if it worried him.
"I'm actually glad you came with us..." Jeongwoo admitted. "I don't think i could do it without you."
"Absolutely, we're a team now," you replied. "A crew within the crew!"
The boy couldn't help but think about how different you and Blackbeard were. While you were known for your kindness and care, Blackbeard was renowned for his strength, brusqueness, and his position at the forefront of battles. The juxtaposition of your gentle nature and his fierce demeanor struck a chord with Jeongwoo, prompting him to realize that not every captain had to conform to the same mold.
As you continued your trek through the dense forest, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught your attention. Your instincts heightened, and you swiftly halted your movement, causing Jeongwoo to turn towards you, a questioning look on his face. With a finger pressed to your lips, you silenced him, your senses alert and focused.
A strange, almost imperceptible sound reached your ears, causing a shiver to run down your spine. It was a sound that didn't belong in the natural rhythm of the forest. Gripping the gun that had been entrusted to you, you prepared yourself for the unexpected.
Breaking the silence with a commanding voice, you called out into the surrounding wilderness "We know you are here! Show yourselves!"
The declaration startled not only Jeongwoo, but also Blackbeard, Jihoon, and Junghwan. They turned their heads, scanning their surroundings with wide eyes, suddenly aware of the imminent threat.
In a matter of moments, the once seemingly tranquil forest came alive with movement. Figures surged from the foliage, surrounding you and your crew in a threatening formation.
"I see you have a map here," one of the enemy pirates jeered, a mocking laugh escaping his lips. "Give me that, big boy," he taunted.
The audacity of the pirate's words sent a ripple of amusement through the crew, as they witnessed someone daring to challenge the infamous their captain. Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the air, a deep, menacing sound that reverberated with power.
Without hesitation, Blackbeard drew his sword and his crewmates followed suit. The clash of steel filled the clearing as the two opposing forces collided in a fierce battle.
You and Jeongwoo fought side by side initially, hwever, the sheer numbers and tenacity of the opposing pirates overwhelmed you. In the chaos of the skirmish, you found yourself pushed back, stumbling and falling to the forest floor. But Jeongwoo remained in his protection, his unwavering loyalty shining through.
The battle raged on. Each swing of a sword, each evasive maneuver, and each determined strike propelled the conflict forward. The forest floor became a battleground, marred by the footprints of those engaged in the struggle.
Despite the enemy's relentless assault, Blackbeard's crew fought with a ferocity and skill that set them apart. The enemy pirates, though formidable, paled in comparison to the experienced warriors under Blackbeard's command.
Finally, the tides of battle began to turn in your favor. The enemy pirates, weakened and disheartened, succumbed to the relentless assault of Blackbeard's crew. The forest grew quiet, the heavy breaths of combatants punctuating the stillness.
As the final enemy pirate fell, defeated and broken, a sense of triumph and relief washed over the clearing. The remaining combatants stood tall, their bodies bruised and bloodied, but their spirits unyielding. Blackbeard's crew had emerged victorious, their reputation for strength and indomitable willpower reaffirmed.
Blackbeard firmly grasped the pirate who had dared to speak insolently before, his powerful hand closing around the young man's neck. Bloodstains marred the defeated boy's battered face, yet he still managed a defiant smile through the pain.
As you struggled to rise from the forest floor, Jeongwoo hurried to your side, concern etched across his features. He noticed that your white hair, previously covered by a knit hat, was now exposed. A sense of urgency filled the air as you frantically searched for the lost hat amidst the sand. Jeongwoo, ever attentive, joined in the search, determined to find it for you.
However, before the hat could be retrieved, Blackbeard's commanding voice broke through the commotion. "Jeongwoo? Come here, son," he beckoned, his grip on the pirate tightening as he pressed him against a nearby tree.
Jeongwoo obeyed, making his way towards his father's imposing figure.
As Jeongwoo stood beside Blackbeard, his father's piercing gaze bore into the captive pirate. Blackbeard's free hand reached into his coat, retrieving a knife adorned with the unmistakable mark of Blackbeard's crew. The knife, reminiscent of the one he had used when he first encountered you.
"Take this knife," Blackbeard commanded, placing it in Jeongwoo's hand. "Let's teach this kid a lesson. Show me exactly what you did to Whitebeard."
Jeongwoo's heart pounded in his chest as the weight of his father's expectations settled upon him. He tightened his grip on the knife, his fingers trembling ever so slightly.
Blackbeard callously dropped the defenseless pirate to the ground, creating a space for his son to reenact a murder that had never occurred. His request bore down on Jeongwoo, leaving him disoriented and unable to think straight. He had never imagined his father would be capable of demanding such a horrific act, yet deep down, he knew he shouldn't have been surprised.
"Go ahead, son," Blackbeard urged, his voice cold and demanding. "Kill this bastard and burn his body afterwards. Show us that you're capable of being my successor."
Jeongwoo stood frozen, his mind in turmoil. Every fiber of his being rebelled against the notion of carrying out his father's command. The weight of the knife in his hand felt like an anchor, dragging him into an abyss of moral conflict.
Time seemed to stand still as a deafening silence enveloped the forest. Blackbeard's frustration boiled over, his anger erupting in a primal scream that reverberated through the air.
"SHOW US!" Blackbeard bellowed, his voice filled with rage and disappointment.
But Jeongwoo couldn't bring himself to carry out such a heinous act. He refused to become a mere pawn in his father's ruthless game, to succumb to the darkness that Blackbeard represented.
"I won't..." Jeongwoo whispered, his voice barely audible.
"What? What the hell did you say?" Blackbeard seethed, his face contorted with anger.
Summoning his courage, Jeongwoo spoke with a newfound strength. "I said I won't kill him!" he declared, his words clear and resolute.
Instantly, his father's fist collided with his face, a brutal punch that sent Jeongwoo sprawling to the ground. The force of the blow reverberated through the air, the sound of impact echoing in the silence that engulfed the scene. The crew stood frozen, their gazes fixed upon the fallen young man, a mixture of shock and disbelief etched upon their faces.
"Enough!" a commanding voice rang out, cutting through the tension. Surprisingly, it was you.
Standing tall and defiant, you aimed your gun directly at Blackbeard himself.
"Put an end to this madness, Blackbeard," you demanded, your voice steady and unwavering. "Your son has made his choice, and you will respect it."
A stunned silence descended upon the forest as all eyes turned to you, the unexpected voice of reason in this chaotic scene.
"Who do you think you are to talk to me like this?" Blackbeard screamed, his voice filled with fury and disbelief.
"Whitebeard..." a voice interjected, joining the tense conversation. It was the defeated pirate whom Jeongwoo had refused to kill. He spoke slowly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I've always heard whispers on my island, rumors that a young girl was kidnapped from our church to serve as a scribe on a pirate ship, but instead she became the captain. The girl with the unmistakable white hair. Now I see, my people were right all along.”
The revelation hung in the air, casting a spell of astonishment over the assembled crowd.
Blackbeard's face contorted with a mixture of emotions—shock, denial, and a flicker of recognition. The realization that the formidable Whitebeard, revered as a fierce male pirate, was in fact a kidnapped child who had seized her own destiny.
In that moment, the power dynamics shifted, eroding the foundation of established hierarchies.
As the crew stood frozen in shock at the revelation, the fallen enemies seized the opportunity to strike back. Swiftly, they immobilized Junghwan and Jihoon, their movements deft and calculated. Meanwhile, Jeongwoo remained sprawled on the ground, still recovering from the forceful blow he had received.
Blackbeard regained his senses and unsheathed his sword, charging towards you with lethal intent. His eyes burned with rage and his sword gleamed menacingly in the sunlight. But before he could reach you, a resounding gunshot pierced the air, causing Blackbeard to halt in his tracks.
He clutched his chest, his hand stained with crimson blood, as his body crumpled to the ground.
The source of the gunshot was not you, however; it was the defeated pirate who had found an opportunity for redemption. He had chosen to intervene, taking justice into his own hands.
You rushed to Jeongwoo's side, your hands cradling his face gently as you tried to convey the depth of your emotions. The confusion in his eyes slowly gave way to clarity as the reality of the situation settled upon him.
"Jeongwoo..." you whispered, your voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and compassion.
He looked at you, his gaze filled with uncertainty and searching for answers. "Y/N... What happened to my dad?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.
"Jeongwoo..." you began, your voice catching in your throat as tears welled up in your eyes. "I'm so sorry..."
Before you could finish your sentence, the assassin who had intervened earlier, stood before you, interrupting the somber moment. He addressed you respectfully, seeking confirmation of his suspicions.
"Milady," The boy spoke, his tone filled with reverence. "Was I right? Are you the girl who was kidnapped from Pueblo Esperanza?”
You nodded amidst your tears, acknowledging the truth. "Yes. It is true."
"My name is Haruto. I lived there as well. I think I recall seeing you when I was young. A white-haired girl like is not easy to forget.” He said, extending his hand towards you. "We should leave. Their crew is now aware of our presence, and they'll come searching due to the gunshots. I can guide us to safety."
Your gaze shifted briefly to Jihoon and Junghwan, who were bound and held captive by Haruto's crewmates. Then, your attention returned to Jeongwoo, his expression clouded with conflicting emotions.
"Jeongwoo, please, come with me." you pleaded, tears streaming down your face.
"Did you kill him?" He asked, his mind still confused because of the attack he suffered.
"I didn't kill your father. I never wanted any of this."
Jeongwoo's eyes narrowed as he processed your words, the weight of his own emotions evident. He uttered his thoughts slowly, his words heavy with regret and pain. "I should've killed you first."
The anguish in his voice pierced your heart, and you recoiled as if struck by his words. Desperate to reach him, to bridge the growing chasm between you, you moved your face closer to his, your voice filled with a mix of sorrow and determination.
Desperately, you pleaded with Jeongwoo, tears streaming down your face. "Please, listen to me… I can't do this without you…" you begged, your voice filled with anguish.
But Jeongwoo's response was a soft whisper, barely audible. "Don't touch me."
The weight of his words struck you like a blow, leaving you stunned and heartbroken. Slowly, you rose to your feet, your eyes devoid of any remaining hope or emotion. In that moment, you felt a profound emptiness settle within you.
You turned to Haruto and accepted his outstretched hand. "Don't kill them," you uttered, your voice barely a whisper, but filled with a resolute plea.
Haruto met your gaze, his expression unreadable. "As you wish," he replied, his tone tinged with a mix of understanding and restraint.
As you bid farewell, there was a bittersweet feeling in the air, knowing that your time together had come to an end. And thus, your journey took a different path from Jeongwoo. The circumstances had led you to part ways, each pursuing your own destiny.
After regaining his senses, Jeongwoo found himself confined to his father's bed on the ship. For two weeks, he secluded himself in that room, needing time to process the overwhelming events that had unfolded. Memories and emotions swirled within him as he struggled to come to terms with the loss of his father.
When he finally mustered the strength to step out of the room, the crew's solemn faces confirmed the grim truth—Blackbeard was no longer alive. The weight of grief settled heavily upon Jeongwoo's shoulders, a reminder of the void left by his father's absence.
In the midst of this somber moment, another revelation awaited Jeongwoo. The crew had chosen Jihoon as the new captain, recognizing his strength and leadership qualities. However, Jihoon surprised everyone by stepping down from the position. He declared that Jeongwoo had always been the true successor, even if his father had never explicitly acknowledged it.
Jeongwoo's heart swelled with a mix of emotions — grief for his father's passing, astonishment at Jihoon's unwavering support, and a newfound sense of responsibility. The weight of his heritage and the expectations of the crew now rested upon his shoulders.
For his first order as the new captain, Jeongwoo didn't request weapons or treasure. Instead, he had a different goal in mind. He gathered the crew together and instructed them to bring forth all the maps they had in their possession. It was time to embark on a quest to uncover a specific place, a place of significance.
As the crew members spread out their maps on the deck, Jeongwoo's eyes scanned the collection. He studied each map carefully, searching for a particular name that held deep meaning to him.
"I found it..." Jeongwoo spoke the words aloud, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and determination. With a steady hand, he traced the outline of a small island on his own map, marking its location.
Pueblo Esperanza, the village you were born in.
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You awoke in a cozy bed, the gentle breeze and melodious chirping of birds filling the air around you. As you rose from the bed, the cool touch of the concrete floor greeted your bare feet.
Casting a glance at the mirror, you took in your appearance. Your hair had grown, cascading down to your shoulders, and you wore a comfortable nightgown. With a sense of purpose, you reached into your bag and selected a simple dress, swiftly changing into it. Slipping on a pair of shoes, you completed your morning preparations.
Exiting the room, you made your way to the living room of the house. There, seated at the table, was a woman dressed in a religious outfit. As she patiently waited, a warm smile graced your lips.
"Good morning," you greeted her, your voice filled with genuine kindness.
"Oh, good morning, dear," she responded kindly. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes," you replied. "I'm still adjusting to being on land instead of the ocean, though."
"Well, you better not get too used to it if you plan on returning," she responded, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Haruto seems quite eager to come back to the sea."
You contemplated her words for a moment before expressing your thoughts. "Well, he only came here to visit, but... I still haven't decided if I want to continue my life as a pirate."
The woman nodded with a sense of understanding. "That's perfectly alright, my dear. You are welcome to stay here at the church for as long as you need."
"I appreciate that," you replied, a sense of gratitude in your voice. "I have a feeling that Pueblo Esperanza has many things in store for me."
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author's note 2: i'm so sorry about the sad ending T-T... please don't be mad a me haha. i'm thinking about writing a part 2, but i'm still not sure... anyway, i'm sorry again!
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atinyjules · 6 months
I'm loving your recent renjun series 🥰 anyway I've been wanting to request a pool date scenario with doyoung (treasure). I hope youre having a great day author-nim🫶
Pools and Kisses Ft. Kim Doyoung
A/n: I'm back! Thank you for the support! I'm so happy and thankful that people out there actually like my work 🥹✨️And I'm happy you're enjoying the Renjun series!
Omg a pool date scenario is so cute ngl! So I hope you like it!
So here it iss!
Genre: Fluff, romance, established relationship au
Pairings: Boyfriend!Doyoung x Aera (fem oc)
Warnings: Doyoung being an endearing boyfriend!!
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You and your boyfriend were originally supposed to go out for a picnic date by Han river but due to it being too hot and the both of you being to lazy to walk or cab all the way there in the harsh summer heat you had to cancel. That was until your brother Jihoon suggested the both of you to have a date at home by the pool.
Which didn't sound too bad...you could eat snacks, talk and spend time together all in the comfort of your house by the pool! So you get quality time with your boyfriend while staying cool! You and Jihoon were currently getting ready for your date with Doyoung before Jihoon left to go out on a date with his own beloved.
"Okay, everything looks perfect. I'll get going but please...no funny business. You and Doyoung are far too young." My amazing brother Jihoon said making me roll my eyes.
"Oh please, we haven't even had our first kiss yet. At least I'm not like you who made out with your girlfriend into the horizon...in the kitchen-" I said before he covered my mouth with his hand and patted my head.
"Okay, okay, I get it! No need to dwell too much into detail. But still, no funny business. I'm going!" He said and left making me roll my eyes as I went upstairs to my bedroom to get ready.
Since we're gonna be by the pool and will definitely get in the water I decided stay minimal and only to stick to sunscreen and a tinted lip balm. As for my outfit I decided to wear a baby yellow tube crop top and white shorts. While waiting for Doyoung to arrive I made some final touch ups.
"Should I wear the short sleeve white button up or the grey nike tee she got me for my birthday?" I said as I held up the two choices by the hanger infront of Jeongwoo who just looked at me with a clueless expression.
"Does it matter?" He said making me groan when Haruto entered.
"Haruto! Help! Which one should I wear?" I asked as he took one look at the choices and went back to scrolling on his phone.
"The white one, If you wear the grey tee it'll make you look too desperate." He said making me smile as I changed into the white short sleeve button up.
"Thanks bro." I said before styling my hair.
"Are you finally gonna kiss her?" Jeongwoo asked making me choke on air.
"Damn, you guys still haven't even had your first kiss? How's that working out for you? No wonder she's so miserable." Haruto said without looking up from his phone making me widen my eyes.
"What? Miserable??" I asked, getting worried as he hummed in response.
"I'm her best friend. She tells me everything." He said making me panic as I grabbed my things and ran out the door.
"Did she really say that?" Jeongwoo asked Haruto who chuckled lightly.
"I was just messing with him." He said making Jeongwoo hit his facepalm.
After rushing to Aera's place 30 minutes early Doyoung rang the doorbell revealing a surprised Aera.
"You're here early-" Doyoung cut Aera off with a small and quick peck on the cheek.
"Uh..." Aera trailed as her face turned red.
"I wanted to surprise you, woah, you look really pretty!" He hyped her up before entering the house as if nothing happened.
"Thanks! Sorry, it doesn't look that nice." Aera said motioning to the pool set up.
"No, no! It looks so cool, thanks for preparing so much." Doyoung said before pecking Aera's cheek again making her turn red.
After talking and snacking, the two of them were currently laying on the floaties when Aera spoke up.
"Are we finally gonna address the elephant in the room?" She asked Doyoung who looked up at her cluelessly.
"The what?" He questioned making her roll her eyes as she splashed some water at doyoung.
"I know you're very affectionate but today you seem to be super affectionate, care to explain?" She asked as Doyoung straightened up quickly causing him to fall into the water in the process.
"Doyoung! Are you okay?" Aera asked Doyoung before chuckling at his flat hair that covered his face.
"Wait-come here." She said and paddled to him before fixing his hair for him.
"Thanks...Aera...are you miserable because I haven't kissed you yet?" Doyoung suddenly asked taking Aera by surprise as he stared at her with a serious but sincere look on his face.
"W-Where's this coming from?" Aera asked as he kept the eye contact, only blinking once.
"Just...are you not happy with me?" Doyoung asked making Aera break into a smile.
"Kim Doyoung, I have never been so happy in my life...like ever. I feel like I can be myself when I'm with you. And if you think so otherwise...you're an idiot." She said and cupped Doyoung's cheek before pressing soft kisses on his forehead and cheeks making him chuckle.
"But Haruto said that you told him you feel miserable because we still haven't had our first kiss." Doyoung said making Aera burst out laughing.
"What?! He said that?! But I never told him anything about that!" She said while laughing causing her squeal before falling in to the water.
"Aera! You okay?" Doyoung asked with worry lacing his voice when Aera began splashing him with water.
"Stop-AERA! YAH! So you wanna play?" He said making her gasp before trying to escape.
"Wahh!" Aera squealed when Doyoung picked her up and dropped her in the water and attacked her with a big splash of water.
After playing for 30 minutes the couple stopped and laid down on the marble floor, catching their breath.
"That was fun." Aera voiced out as Doyoung agreed before sitting up and looking down at her with a loving gaze.
"Thanks for today...it was so fun. I hope your brother won't get angry at the mess we made." Doyoung said looking at the big puddles of water outside the pool.
"It's fine! At least we had fun." She said before sitting up and leaning on Doyoung who wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Yeah..." Aera trailed as they watched the sun slowly start setting.
"I'll get going..." Doyoung said for the third time as the couple stood out the door of Aera's house, both of them not wanting to part just yet.
"Okay...see you..." She trailed as they both stared at each other with a fond look.
"Uh...yeah...see you at uni..." He trailed before turning and beginning to walk away.
"Yeah!" Aera said as she waved and turned to go home when Doyoung called out her name.
"Aera!" He said making her turn around as they stared at each other before Doyoung ran to her and pulled her by the waist before pressing his lips with hers. It was a short but sweet kiss which left the two a blushing mess after they pulled apart.
"I-I...love you a lot.." Doyoung stuttered as Aera nodded with a big smile before hugging him.
"I love you too!" She said making Doyoung's eyes sparkle as they finally went their own ways for the day.
I might have gotten too ahead of myself causing the pool date element to disappear into the back drop and focus on their first kiss instead but I still hoped you guys liked it!
Well that's it for this one! 💖✨️
Likes and reblogs are appreciated 💖✨️
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diverseinsertknet · 2 years
Navigation by K-pop Group Names T- Z and Numbers
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Look for the K-pop reader insert fic you want at DiverseInsertKNet with links organized by Group Names T through Z and Numbers below. This list will regularly add groups and idols as more stories are reblogged to the network. Entries without a link are currently in the queue and waiting to be published. Desktop/web browser users- the original version of this post on DiverseInsertKNet will always be the most up to date.
Our navigation page has links to groups with other names listed alphabetically as well as fanfic labeled by Gender and other kinds of diversity.
The Boyz- Jacob Bae, Choi Chanhee, Ji Changmin, Ju Haknyeon, Kim Sunwoo, Kim Younghoon, Lee Jaehyun, Lee Juyeon, Lee Sangyeon, Kevin Moon, Eric Sohn
The Rose- Kim Woosung, Lee Jaehyeong
Tomorrow X Together- Choi Beomgyu, Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Huening Kai, Kang Taehyun
Treasure- Choi Hyunsuk, Hamada Asahi, Kanemoto Yoshinori, Kim Doyoung, Kim Junkyu, Park Jeongwoo, Park Jihoon, So Junghwan, Watanabe Haruto, Yoon Jaehyuk
Twice- Chou Tzuyu, Minatozaki Sana, Yoo Jeongyeon
Victon- Choi Byungchan, Do Hanse, Han Seungwoo, Jung Subin, Kang Seungsik, Lim Sejun
WEi- Jang Daehyeon
VIXX- Jung Taekwoon, Lee Jaehwan
Xdinary Heroes- Goo Gunil, Han Hyungjun, Kim Jungsu, Kwak Jiseok, Lee Jooyeon, Oh Seungmin
xikers- Choi Hyunwoo, Choi Sumin, Ham Jinsik, Jung Yujun, Kim Junghoon, Kim Minjae, Lee Yechan, Papungkorn Lertkiatdamrong, Park Junmin, Park Seeun
ZEROBASEONE- Han Yujin, Kim Gyuvin, Kim Jiwoong, Kim Taerae, Park Gunwook, Seok Matthew, Shen Quanrui, Sung Hanbin, Zhang Hao
2PM- Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul, Hwang Chansung, Jang Wooyoung, Kim Minjun, Lee Junho, Ok Taecyeon
8TURN- Alex Moon, Yang Minho
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outsidereveries · 1 year
hello Li! i’d like to ask about treasure jeongwoo’s career (in group and individual). i’m interested because he’s considered the new main vocal since yedam’s departure, will yge push him more because of this? thank you!
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— jeongwoo (treasure) career reading: group and individual
disclaimer: i know nothing about him and treasure (except that they were originally 12 and were formed through survival show). my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
[group] 5 of cups rx, the moon, ace of pentacles rx, the high priestess, strength • six of swords
currently i don't see him being pushed more bc of his popularity tbh. "you're popular = more money to you"! honestly, i can see his career in treasure being stable but not now. it will be unstable for now.
[solo] three of pentacles, king of cups, the magician rx, wheel of fortune, king of swords • the chariot
his solo career is tied with his group one. there's unseen potential for him 100%, but after a while, someone will see him in different way and only then, his solo career will start. there might be delay for now about that tbh.
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trejohui · 2 years
ꔛ navigation ꔛ
work in progress
all of the wip are all open for characters! i am solely writing for treasure as of this point, but would prohibit writing mature content to minors or those younger than me.
list of my work with no character in mind:
⤷romance, mentions of smoking and potential lgbt leads. a friends to lover trope, but may be platonic in nature. still comtemplating.
leaping girl
⤷ i thought of this two years ago and it worries me since it might not be as compelling story as i thought it would be.
code blue
⤷this one was a classic work of mine on my previous wattpad account! it was an originally yangyang ff which i took down last 2020 due to some inaccuracies. thankfully, i might be restoring it and will adapt it into any potential treasure members.
paint me
⤷basically, have explicit themes.
choi hyunsuk - not yet available! park jihoon - not yet available! kanemoto yoshinori - not yet available! kim junkyu - not yet available! takata mashiho - not yet available! yoon jaehyuk - not yet available! hamada asahi - not yet available! bang yedam - not yet available! kim doyoung - not yet available! watanabe haruto- not yet available! park jeongwoo - not yet available! jung junghwan - not yet available!
other works
other writing accounts
ao3 account
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i-am-teume · 1 year
A TREASURE alternate universe (AU) where Asahi has a cousin, who is half-Japanese/half-Filipino, that he is close to named Akira. This is a slice of life look of Akira's relationship with TREASURE. While some events may follow canon, this work is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Any similarities with the real people based off of these stories are purely coincidence.
Chapter 1
The name Asahi is primarily a male name of Japanese origin that means Morning, Sunlight.
In Thai, Akira or Arkira (Thai: อาคิรา, อาคีรา, อาคีระ) is a unisex name meaning 'the sun' or 'sunlight'.
Akira leans over her desk while writing potential song lyrics in her notebook when her phone rings. She pauses and stares at her phone which indicates 🤖 was trying to FaceTime her. She taps her pen against the table and her brows furrow as she mulls over answering it before swiping to the right. She answers in Japanese, “Moshi moshi?”
She sees her cousin in his studio with two of his members eating snacks at the coffee table; seems like they called her from his mac. A chorus of greetings accompany them waving at her from the table.
“Ki-chaaaan!” "Noona!" "Nee-chan!"
Akira grins and waves at Jeongwoo and Haruto, “Ru-chan, how are you? I have something for Ai-chan that I'll give to you once you get here.” Haruto smiles and nods at her.
“Ki-chan...” Asahi looks at her with a pained look on his face, “I think I need you to teach us more Tagalog words.” Jeongwoo frantically nods across him. She rolls her eyes and tells him they don't need any more and just needs to practice sounding out the ones she sent over the previous week. He pouts at her statement, and she threatens to end the call if he doesn’t quit being a baby.
“Ok, let's start with the very basics from the list like kumusta ka or salamat for the others, you already know this Hi-kun.” They start sounding out the greetings and phrases when Jeongwoo groans, “Will I remember how to say all of this when we get there?” and Akira smiles at him and replies in English, “Don't worry Woo, you can always use English there; it's an official language in The Philippines after all.”
The door suddenly opens, and Yoshi enters the studio, telling the occupants that practice will start in 30 minutes.
“Yoshi-kun!!!! Have you practiced your Tagalog yet?” she beams at him while waving.
Yoshi smiles at the monitor and greets her gently before shaking his head saying they’ve been busy with rehearsals, so he never got the chance. Akira smirks and beckons for him to join them before they need to leave for practice, “You need to get them right to get your fans’ hearts fluttering.” Asahi moves to his desk chair and Yoshi takes his place on the couch. Asahi complains on why she's all sunshine and flowers when it comes to Yoshi and she rolls her eyes at him while telling him no one can beat the anime prince as her favorite. Yoshi just laughs as he replies to her, "I thought Kyu was your favorite? He was your YGTB crush after all." Akira quickly shuts him down - I'm already over it - while the others laugh. She clears her throat and steers them back to the Tagalog lessons.
While they were repeating kumusta ka and mahal kita between conversations around their itinerary, Akira starts thinking of their upcoming visit to Manila and Bangkok when Akira pauses and excitedly asked them if they asked their Lisa-sunbaenim for help with Thai words and Asahi scoffs saying she was too busy for that; there was another Thai staff who helped them out. Akira deflates and turns back to doodle on her notebook while Haruto continues to practice saying maganda. "Now, who's being a baby Ki-chan? For someone older than me, you can be immature at times."
Akira dramatically gasps, "How dare you Hi-kun! I'm only 356 days older than you, we're practically the same age and you're calling me immature? Have you looked at yourself lately, you little shit?" She finishes her rant off in English while Asahi clearly struggles to hold in his laughter with the way his dimples are showing.
Somebody laughs from the door and Akira can see a black-haired head peeping from the studio door.
"Speak of the devil and the even more annoying little shit appears," Akira comments in English while glowering at Jihoon through the screen.
He comes in and shrugs as if to say he doesn't care and grins at Akira. “I need to get my members now or else they will be late for practice.” Asahi turns and tells her he'll call her back when he can. Akira absentmindedly throws out a mata na and ends the call but not before hearing Jihoon call out to her “Don’t miss me too much Ki-chan!” Akira mutters buang under her breath and rips off the page that she was doodling on.
A month and a half later, Akira finds herself following a staff member who was leading her through the hallways of the Mall of Asia arena. She sees one of the managers standing outside who spots her, waves and he immediately goes into the green room to get Asahi as they agreed she wanted to see him alone first. 
She sees Asahi step out first before he does and she runs up with her arms open and collides into him. They bump each other's heads but it doesn't matter when Akira starts tearing up as she clung to him and Asahi starts patting her head like he used to when they were little. He tells her hisa shiburi and she nods her head in reply as she buries her face on his shoulder.
Jihoon, Junkyu and Yoshi observe them from the doorway as the Hamadas whisper and nod at each other and Yoshi comments in Korean, “They really are like twins. She's almost the same height as him, I didn't realize that.” Junkyu nods in agreement while Jihoon replies to Yoshi, “Didn't think she'd be this much of a crybaby though with how tough she acts online.” Junkyu responds that he doesn't think it's an act and that she's just soft for their Hi-kun. They all hum in agreement at that when suddenly an excited ball of energy rushes past them and joins the duo in their hug. 
“Ki-chan!!! We finally meet in person and you're so pretty! I know our Hi-kun is handsome and it's creepy how you both look so much alike but you're on another level darling, it must be your Philippine genes! Did you have a safe flight coming here? Were there problems getting into the venue?” Hyunsuk rattles off in a mix of Korean and English.
The 00-liners could hear Akira burst out laughing as she responded to Hyunsuk with a squealed Darling! and a tight hug. She then spots the three observing and her eyes narrow and places her hands on her hips as she sees Jihoon but then she throws him a wink. Yoshi laughs and says, “There's our spitfire.” Jihoon grins and waves at her while Junkyu hides a smile behind his hand.
Language Notes:
moshi moshi - hello (used primarily to answer the phone in Japanese)
kumusta ka - how are you
salamat - thank you
mahal kita - i love you
sunbaenim - senior
maganda - beautiful
mata na - later (kansai dialect)
buang - crazy
hisa shiburi - it's been a while
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sungtaro · 1 year
mdbsjsnsj T5 is it supposed to be like F4? Bc that was my immediate thought esp if it was determined by looks. also I had no idea they were supposed to be 2 units originally that's interesting I'm kinda happy they're not bc unit based groups are harder for me to keep up with (like nct ejdhsjsj ) but doing a unit for a specific cb could be cool!! Thank u for updating I'll def rely on u to be in the loop and will probably be screaming w u as it happens 🐇🐇
i think the like weirdest thing abt why they DIDN'T end up being units is because 1 guy left before debut like . as 13 they were going to be 2 units but as 12 they were like you know what ... JKDGJH like when ygtb wrapped, treasure was 7 (hyunsuk, junkyu, jaehyuk, yedam, jeongwoo, haruto, junghwan) -- but then they announced they were bringing back 6 other contestants as a second unit that was called magnum (😭) and that was jihoon, yoshi, mashiho, asahi, and doyoung + the 6th member is the one who left the group before they ever became what would have been 'treasure 13'. so that's your trsr lore of the day LOL i'm really glad that they ended up just combining the groups bc those units i feel like would have had. the weirdest dynamics ???? anyways . yes pls come and yell with me !!! i want teublr to come back to life kajbdgjhb
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rrxnjun · 1 year
yeahh stress is pretty bad and it got to me so🤕🤕 but doing much better now so that's at least good!! ahhh i hope u don't stress much as well!!!! and sometimes it's good to just take brakes from studying so i think u should count being on tumblr as that🫠
chenle hit hard dude and i'm so happy about it in a way cuz at least i relate to something🥲 but what took me off guard in the middle of wiping my tears is when i saw my birthday as one of the dates so that made me laugh so hard for some reason🫡 well it will be a while till i know the results so we will see but i don't think it will be better🥲 ahhh thank u for saying that i appreciate it i kinda needed to hear that so thanks;-;-;-;💓💖💞u are too lovely;-;💖💞
well i'm very glad that u translated it to me so u are the best slovak person out there imo🫡🫣
oo god🥲 IDK WHY PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO RUDE ABOUT NOT SPEAKING A LANGUAGE☹️SOME PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB AND RUDE MY LORDDD☹️☹️and german is a hard language anyways🥲 that's probably more than enough german words a person should know🫡 well let's just hope and pray u only run into nice people in hungary!!! I WILL GLADLY HELP WITH ANYTHING NEED IN HUNGARY🥳🥳🥳 (ofc sending it right now as i write/j)
i'm not gonna lie i will call myself a stan of treasure but still have trouble with jeongwoo and jaehyuk for some reason AND I HAVE BEEN FOLLWOING THEM FOR LIKE A YEAR NOW AND ITS NOT LIKE I DIDNT WATCH A CRAP TON OF STUFF WITH THEM so🤕🤕🤕 and i genuinely don't know why i switch them up so often🫤 i'm praying for u hopefully u won't die from laughing too much cuz they are very funny (and i tend to be the same way so i feel u on that one🫣) DUDE I LAUGHED OUT LOUD LMAO u really said the communist bugs bunny meme with that one🤣 i knew it wouldn't be long till i have to share him💔he his just too amazing🤭 YEAH I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED IT TBH🫠🫠that's what got me as well and his whole style tbh
U NEVER DISAPPOINT!!! AND U JUST NEVER MISS!!! i think my thoughts were kind of a mess cuz of the crying but it was amazing i loved the whole story so much!!! thank u for being an amazing writer!!!
(u are going to get me blushing for real i'm glad to hear that!!! ur replies usually make my day u are just too lovely🥹) (liebestraum anon💕)
awh i hope you relax even more soon, stress is a bitch. me personally i dont feel it but thats just bc i supress it a lot LMAO 😭😭 but thankyou for saying that yes i do consider tumblr as my mental health brake SJSJS
chenle did hit hard poor boy 💔 also omg no way???? which date 🤭 (if u feel comfy sharing ofc)) i originally wanted to add my bday too but it didnt fit with the timeline so i had to change it 🙄🙄 i did write abt marks and renjuns bday altho i did manage to sneak hyuck's in as well🤭
AHAHA no bc i was telling myself when posting it like "this is my promise that im gonna finish the fic" AND THEN I DIDNT DJSJSJ so i dont want that to happen again. i was clearing out my notes ((where i keep all my fic ideas) and found the liebestraum idea dated all the way back to 2021 😶 SJSJ i really do need to finish it soon
it was a middle aged woman tbf i shouldve expected her to act like a karen ☹ german is a hard language and also austrians sound completely different than germans do 😭😭 their dialect is kinda different and they even have different words for some things LMAO but thats not the point. also im arranging the budapest trip as we speak /j
AHAHA i think im a baby teume now dont tell anyone and after binging most of treasure map i can confidentely tell the three i mentioned apart like 70% of the time so 😶 im so sorry everyone. THEY ARE INSANELY FUNNY and also very very genuine i feel 😶 they are just some guys doing things and being real and i respect that AHAHA its like watching friends hang out and feeling like youre a part of their circle. altho every time yedam appears on the screen my heart breaks bc ive had the biggest soft spot for him ever since seeing him on the stray kids survival show 💔 he has a special place in my heart SJSJ when the news came out i was like oh that must be heartbreaking to hear im glad im not a treasure stan and look where we are now 😭👍THE COMMUNIST MEMEMSHSJSK STOP no but im afraid this is the reality i did not steal your boyfriend we are sharing. HIS STYLE!!!! but also his personality he is a menace (affectionate) and for some reason thats my type of men
also it breaks my heart to hear that ppl cry to my fics oh noo😭😭 but at least that means my words can move someone ig??☹ thank you sm for supporting me and for being great i always look forward to interacting with you
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kimuramasaya · 3 years
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happy Jeongwoo day (040928) ↳ Park Jeongwoo x emojis
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bbmyungho · 3 years
reasons it wouldn’t work out with me and groups i like: treasure edition
*new turn chapter tomorrow but until then have this lmao
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hyunsuk isn't included in this, i'm literally painting his nails as we speak, he’s my best friend 😵‍💫
jihoon would cross a line teasing me and i’d get my feelings hurt; other than that, we're just entirely too alike
yoshi is just too good for me or anyone for that matter; i’d self sabotage
junkyu and i would probably get along, but him and jihoon are basically tweedle dee and tweedle dumb and if i didn't get along with jihoon, i wouldn't ever be able to hang out with junkyu either
mashiho scares me. also, i'm too much like jihoon.
jaehyuk is a leo. i love him in theory but there's just gotta be something
asahi and i wouldn't necessarily dislike each other, we'd probably just sit in complete silence the whole time we were hanging out and leave without any advancement in our friendship or knowledge of each other.
yedam would be scared of me.
doyoung would probably just be annoyed by me but i can't read social cues to save my life so he'd end up silently hating me
haruto tall
jeongwoo is very talkative/loud and in between my inability to read social cues and my sensitivy to noise it just wouldn't be a good mix, at least for long periods of time.
junghwan is literally 12, like what would we talk about? what he did at school that day? tf?
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goddamnosamu · 2 years
sick? i just miss you
Prompt: “y/n told me they’re sick so I'm just really worried—”
“Since when did you get here?!”
pairing: idol!jeongwoo x reader
a/n: this was SOOO long overdue jesus but the inspiration behind this fic is from another fic i read and the prompt is a bit similar to that so yeah! This was originally for junghwan but i felt like jeongwoo would fit this prompt more so enjoy! I’ll post another fic for compensation for the lack of works i post so pls dont forget to leave a like and reblog this post if you enjoyed it!
You knew what you signed up for when you started dating THE park jeongwoo of treasure. You knew how busy his schedule would be and all the hardships that come with an LDR relationship, but that’s what made your relationship special. Despite the conflicting schedules, missing calls, or lonely nights, it was all worth it whenever you both share the same sentiments with one another.
Finally having a 2-week break from your university, you decided to book a flight immediately to South Korea to visit your boyfriend. But you knew you couldn’t just appear anti-climactically. And what better way to come visit is with a bang.
“I’ll try to call you back, I’m going to visit the pharmacy for meds.” You said with your best sick impression, even adding a cough at the end of the sentence to make it realistic.
“(sigh) alright, text me when you get home. I really wish I could be there with you right now.” jeongwoo said with a worried tone. He tried not to show it, but he was panicking from the inside. Your exaggerated “sickness” made jeongwoo act like he wanted to book immediately to you because of how anxious he was about you being sick.
“alright, (sneeze) I’ll text you in a bit.” you said while putting the remaining things in your luggage and fixing your plane ticket and passport.
You tried not to chuckle because he wouldn’t end the call. He always insisted you end the call because his excuse was he would always forget to press end (he really just wants to hear your voice longer). After insisting on ending the call, you immediately texted hyunsuk to say that you were on your way to the airport for your flight.
leader-nim hyunsuk 
Aigoo, I overheard your conversation with jeongwoo and he always looked like he wanted to cry.
You chuckled and told him to try and cheer him up because sulky jeongwoo, even if it was something you love to tease him about, always pinches your heart and you try to comfort him (he secretly fakes it so he could be babied, but you don’t know that).
“Jeongwoo, focus! The concert is in 4 days.” Jihoon scolded, as he can see jeongwoo not focusing in the studio. Jihoon knows you’re coming to their dorm at night to surprise jeongwoo, but why not make the most out of it and prank him as well?
“I know hyung, I’m sorry.” jeongwoo sighed. He really had a hard time focusing because he’s too worried about you. He drank some water to help calm down and sat down on the studio floor to catch his breath.
“yah jeongwoo, what’s up with you today?” Jihoon said in an annoying, teasing tone. He really is having the time of his life pranking the poor boy.
“y/n is still not replying to my texts when I told her to update me. What if something happened hyung? What am I gonna do?” jeongwoo looked at jihoon with teary eyes as he desperately looked at his hyung’s eyes, as if finding an answer under his mischievous eyes.
Jihoon sat beside him, and gave him a pat at the back. “Don’t worry, she’s a stubborn one just like you. I doubt a sickness like that will get to her.” He tried so hard not to giggle, but he really couldn't help sympathize over a worried jeongwoo whose girlfriend isn’t even sick.
Unconvinced, jeongwoo stood up and said a small thanks, and continued working on the choreography. Jihoon just smiled, ruffling the worried boy’s hair and earning a small whine from him.
“Why don’t we just head home for today, and take a rest? Overworking yourself here will do you no good.” and while jeongwoo was packing his stuff to leave the studio, jihoon got a text from hyunsuk that you were already at the dorm. Jihoon teased jeongwoo saying they don’t come home quick, they wouldn’t have any food delivery back at the door.
At the dorm, you were conversing with the other members, trying to catch up on all the latest updates when hyunsuk got a text saying they’re almost at the door. All the members were happily munching their food delivery (courtesy of you because of the never-ending teasing of junkyu and junghwan), you tried to blend in with the members as much as possible to not get caught immediately.
Once the two boys arrived at the dorm, jeongwoo immediately went to throw his stuff in his room and sat beside doyoung. Jeongwoo, with an indescribable look on his face, went on a typing spree as if he’s fighting someone on the internet.
Doyoung, who offered pizza to jeongwoo who took a grateful bite, asked who was he texting.
“my girlfriend, she still hasn’t replied to my texts yet and I am getting frustrated.” jeongwoo said as he took another bite from doyoung’s pizza earning a chuckle from the others.
“y/n told me they’re sick so I'm just really worried—” he wanted to explain your situation to the members, even when they know it already.
“Why don’t you try calling her?” you asked with your best doyoung expression, you and the other members trying not to laugh at the oblivious boy.
“She probably won’t reply, but i’ll try again.” jeongwoo, who couldn’t care less about why the other members were giving him looks, took another pizza out of the box when he heard the familiar ringtone of your phone, which was him screaming his lungs out when they had a t-map episode in iksan.
He looked at it puzzled, wondering why your ringtone (even if he was embarrassed because it was blaring) and his name with a heart was on the table. His eyes frantically looked at all the members when his eyes landed on you sitting beside haruto and yoshi trying to hide your laugh but failing miserably.
“Since when did you get here?!” he pointed at you, accusingly. As if his dramatic ass witnessed the worst betrayal ever. Everyone started laughing, throwing their bodies to the people beside them, and clapping frantically. Some members (jihoon and junghwan) couldn’t help but tease jeongwoo from the side.
But jeongwoo didn’t pay attention to any of them and went straight to you. Engulfing you with his hug, tightening his grip on your hold as if scared that you’ll be gone when he lets go. He started to tear up a bit but brushed his face on your shoulder to remove the tears and you couldn’t help but laugh again.
He cupped your face and looked into your eyes while you’re still trying to stop your laugh
“stop laughing, this is not funny.” he whined to you while shaking you a bit to show that he’s starting to sulk.
“oh, it was really funny.” you teased while copying his stance when he pointed a finger at you when he saw you. He tried to stop you by hugging you, which was always effective when stopping your teasing. But the hyungs started doing the stance as well, and he knew they will never live this down.
after the laughter died down, and everyone’s conversing about the concert and sharing their excitement with you. jeongwoo just kept playing with your fingers and looking at you from time to time to admire you while you talk with the members. He was giving you your time with the members now so he could have you all for himself later.
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muilkyu · 4 years
Cooking With Treasure
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Word Count: 1k (1490)
Warnings: None (as usual pure fluff)
This was requested a million years ago lol.
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🐷 Hyunsuk
"The website says 4 eggs. Do we have eggs at home?" 
"We have a full carton of eggs." 
Hyunsuk checks the item off the list moving to the next, "It says we need breadcrumbs." 
"Plain or seasoned? Wait just breadcrumbs or panko specifically?" 
Hyunsuk is thrown off guard by the question he looks up from his phone head tilted, "There are different types?"
"Yes, there is. They all taste different too." 
"I officially give up. Here you take the list, I'm just gonna follow your lead."
Hyunsuk is actually pretty good a cooking 
So he agrees almost immediately to cook with you
Rather cook than eat out anyways 
Whenever you ask to cook with him he gets really excited asking if you need to run to the store or not
🐼 Jihoon
“More pepper in mine please?” you request. 
Wordlessly Jihoon pours a little more pepper into the egg mixture, “Is that enough?” 
“Yes thank you,” you chirp, turning back the strawberries for your fruit salad. “Since you don’t want a fruit salad do you want a smoothie?” 
“It’s okay you don’t have to make anything else.” 
You stop cutting to turn around, “It’s okay, it’s not much and you need more fruit in your diet.” 
“Hey, it’s too early in the morning to take jabs at me.”
You just laugh, “It is never too early to tease you. Now you know how your friends feel. Also your eggs are starting to burn.”
You are both great independent cookers
Both follow your own rhythm in the kitchen 
Loves bring a recipe to you that you can both try together 
🐯 Yoshi 
“The recipe says we need some brown sugar,” Yoshi reads from his phone.
“I have some at home. Those cookies I made a while ago needed some,” you tell him placing a carton of baking soda into the basket on his arm. 
“I never knew cookies required so many ingredients,” he says looking down at the basket that's filled to the top with ingredients. 
“Yeah, but that’s the fun part. We get to run around the kitchen trying to remember measurements and spilling flour all over the place.” 
“I have a feeling we are going to be cleaning dishes all night,” he says.
I feel like Yoshi would be fine in the kitchen 
Follows your lead though for sure 
Yoshi’s partner would totally be a baker (gut feeling idk)
Has his own apron that matches yours 
🐨 Junkyu
"Smell this and see if it's bad." 
Pushing away the bottle Junkyu is pushing towards your face you reply, "If you have to smell it to see if it's bad you shouldn't use it."
“Why do you want to cook anyways?”
You shrug crossing your arms leaning against the counter, “We always eat out. It's a nice change to our usually routine.” 
“I see, well if we want to cook anything we should head out to the market.” 
“Or we could head to my dorm because I have everything we need, but tomorrow we are going to clean out your fridge.” 
Junkyu groans, not liking the idea of cleaning, “Does it have to be tomorrow?” 
“Yes it does now come on I’m hungry.”
Junkyu doesn’t cook for himself 
All the food in his fridge is packed by his mom
Cooking with Junkyu goes south very quickly
1000% messes up measurements
You might have to start over a few times...
🐹 Mashiho
“Which plate should we use the pink ones or the green ones?” 
Turning around Mashi just shrugs, “You can choose.” 
“We’ll do the pink ones then they match the lemonade,” you decide, placing the pink plates down on the table. 
“Okay! Are you ready to eat?” he says, carefully he brings the pan over from the stove. You sit down capping your hands. “Dinner is served.” 
“Thank you so much for helping mte today.” 
Mashi shakes his head denying it all, “No thank you for letting me help you. Now let’s dig in.”
We all saw T-Map episode 34...he knows his way around the kitchen
Honesty cooking with Mashi is just full of giggles
Since you both know what you are doing no mistakes happen 
100% serves both of your plates
🦁 Jaehyuk
"How much of this?" 
"Half a cup. Stir it slowly," you instruct slowly pouring milk into the measuring cup.
He follows instructions slowly pouring in the milk, "Speed one or two?"
"One first and then two so it doesn't fly everywhere." 
Jae doesn't seem to have listened because he pushes the machine onto four. The milk goes flying everywhere, soaked all of his shirt and face. He scrambles to turn the machine off,while you just watch. 
When he gets the mixer off he looks up at you with milk and bits of flour falling from his face, "Oops."
He's excited about cooking together
Always follows instructions
Yet all seems to make mistakes 
The food still turns out amazing, but he's on cleaning duty after you finishing cooking
🤖 Asahi
"Let's just order some food." 
"That might be too expensive. We can just make something." 
"It'll take longer, we should just order." 
"There is a perfectly good kitchen right there," you point out, "Plus we shouldn't waste food."
He thinks for a bit before agreeing, "What are we gonna make?"
Asahi would rather order out than cook
You have to push him to cook
Definitely forgets to set the timer to check on the food
🦊 Yedam
"We should bake a cake." 
He looks up from his phone confused at the sudden proposal, "Tonight?" 
"Yes, I think we have all the ingredients." 
"Okay, what flavor?" 
You think for a second then reply, “Mhh, chocolate cake.”
Goes along with it
He's a little lost but he's good at following the recipe
The food always turns out fine with a few minor casualties 
🐰 Doyoung
"Let me help."
"No, I'm going to cook." 
He attempts to pick up the pasta sitting on the counter, but you slap his hand with the back of the spoon. 
"Please? I don't want you to make all of this alone." 
You glance down at the ingredients on the table, before agreeing, "You know it wouldn't hurt to have a little help."
Really wants to help you out 
He's really only in the way half the time but he really tires
You let him help out whenever he begs because you secretly like cooking with him
100% asks his mom to teach him how to cook because he wants to impress you
🐏 Haruto
"How much longer?" 
"I just put the pan on the stove." 
He plops down on the couch groaning, “Maybe we should just order some food.”
“Nope, I already started the noodles,” you reply, sitting down on the couch next to him. 
Haruto grabs a hold of you pulling you into his side, you giggle letting your head falling into his shoulder, “Thank you for cooking for us.” 
“Mh, and thank you for helping.”
Doesn’t offer to help because he is terrified of messing up your work
Always helps clean up
You always try to incorporate both of your cultures food into your cooking  
🐺 Jeongwoo
As soon as you open the door Jeongwoo is already pulling you into a hug. 
“I missed you so much.”
You slightly hug back pulling away, “You just saw me yesterday.”
Pouting he tries to pull you back into the hug. Successfully you dodge him trying to avoid letting the spoon in your hand get any sauce on you both. 
"Why are you staring at me?"
"What's behind your back?" he questions, extending his neck to look behind you. “A spoon.”
"It's nothing," you insist, trying to change the subject you push the spoon behind your back and invite him in, "Just take off your shoes and come inside." 
“Did you cook?”
You nod, “Just a little bit. I still have to make the rest of the salad and dressing though.”
“I can cut up the rest of the vegetables and you can finish up the dressing then.” He decides to slip off his shoes heading to the kitchen.
Always wants to help 
Usually clueless, but the food is never ruined 
Doesn't really care for cooking himself but finds it more exciting when it's with you
🐮 Junghwan
"Are you sure this is correct?" 
"I've done this a million times." 
“I don’t think we put enough milk,” you say looking down at the recipe. 
Junghwan stops stirring to look at the red clumpy in the bowl. “Just give it a few more minutes.”
“It’s already been 15 minutes,” you remind him. “We should add some more milk.”
"Just a few more minutes I promise it will come together."
Takes the lead
He insists what recipe you should make, but adds his own twists 
Cooking together either turns out amazing or at the end the night you end up having to order food
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Thank you so much for reading!
Also this was a request from months ago I don’t even have the original request anymore.
I am trying out the ‘keep reading’ feature so my blog so it doesn’t take forever to scroll lol. I don’t know how I feel about it yet, but let’s just give it a try.
Requests closed. 
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lyjikyu · 3 years
KISS YOU ✧ 박정우
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lowercase intended! and this one's pretty long aswell. I couldn't put a "keep reading" button since Im using my phone (and I don't know how to put one in mobile) so please bare with this until I could use my laptop !! (ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ)
"It took a lot of confidence for me to say this, though It seems like you don't feel the same, so if you could ..maybe just... kiss me once?"
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jeongwoo, your best friend since your start of junior high (and your crush since junior high) asked you to have a date with him near the beach on your neighborhood. well technically he originally said if it would be okay for you two to take a stroll on the side of the beach, since he wanted to tell you something important. but it still sounded like a date to you.
also, what did he want to tell you? was he switching schools and leaving you by yourself from now on? no no no it can't be that bad. ignoring all the thoughts and physically shaking your head you chose to just forget about it, you didn't want to stress yourself before your date!
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"jeongwoo hey!" you wave your hands at the boy standing infront of you. "o..oh y/n hey! Im sorry about that. I was just thinking about some things ... in school" he laughs awkwardly. he sure is acting a bit weird..
"alriight. so what did you want to tell me?" you smile and started walking to anywhere at this point. the beach was very beautiful this afternoon so you couldn't help but just want to admire it from everywhere.
"well, its pretty....embarassing" he sighs. what is this "embarassing important" thing he wants to tell you? did he get a girlfriend and you just assumed this whole date thing?? you couldn't stop overthinking, you just wanted him to spill it all. "I uh y/n?" jeongwoo looks away, biting his lower lip. he looked really nervous and you were too aswell.
your heart was beating so fast, it wasn't because you were excited, you were actually feeling really anxious. never in your years of friendship you would think that jeongwoo could make you feel this anxious. it was quite scary.
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"uhm.. this is all of a sudden but I originally wanted to tell you this last valentines day. but I chickened out. so before I do it again, I would just want to tell you that... I like you" you stopped walking. he likes you? he likes..you. your heart dropped as his words repeat in your mind. he actually likes you back!
"It took me a lot of confidence for me to say that, though It seems like you don't feel the same, so if you could ..maybe just... k..kiss me once?" he stutters. what is he saying? you thought to yourself. you sigh – to contain your laughter and walked back to him.
did he really think you didn't like him back? "huh? jeongwoo what are you saying? I like you back idiot!" you laugh, you couldn't see his reaction since you were laughing too hard but you did hear him say "oh my gosh" quietly. "I can't believe I just made a fool of myself by saying that. can I just erase my whole existence" he covers his face with both his hands.
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you've seen flustered jeongwoo before but it felt different knowing you caused this whole thing. then suddenly – without thinking, you grab both his hands and removed them from his face. leaving him confused and still flustered. "w..what are you doing? y/n?" he looks at you – feeling so many emotions as you lean in close to his face, giving him a quick peck on his lips.
apparently that caused you two to go insane inside. and now your both looking away from each other. if anyone was ever at the beach at the same time as you two were, this whole thing would be such a scene to look at.
"why did you that!?" jeongwoo whines. "Im sorry, I didn't know what I was doing???" you whine back. well you two were stubborn. "..I thought you wanted..me to kiss you" you spoke, looking down. "Y..yeah! I did say that but.. I wasn't expecting you to actually...kiss me" he was speaking so quietly you almost didn't hear him. you sighed, defeated by his stuborness. "It was just a peck but.. If it makes you feel better ..that was my first kiss..if it counts as one" he – finally turns to look at you and says "same"
your smile finally came back and so was his. this day was definitely chaotic but atleast you got yourself a boyfriend now! a goofy and shy one.
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AAAA!! Its finished, my bestfriend @tigeryoshii helped me with this one so credits to her aswell! hopefully everyone found this great, and wasn't cringy ㅠㅠ. have a nice time everybody ! 'till next timee ( ꈍᴗꈍ) <3
og post for jeongwoo's picture
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jikyuz · 4 years
♡ first meetings ♡ c. hyunsuk
“helloooooo hope you’re doing good <3 i’m so glad i found your blog bc your writing it’s truly amazing ❤️ can I request a scenario with hyunsuk (if you have time ofc) where the treasure members discover that he has a s/o? something really fluffy idk I just thought it would be funny since treasure can be so extra in the best way 😅😅 thank you have a nice day <3” - anon
words: 1.5k warnings: none! a/n: i hope this was fluffy enough for you sweetheart! ;-; also, this sort of morphed from ‘discovering’ to just ‘meeting’ so i hope you don’t mind ^^ also yes i agree, treasure is extra in the absolute Best Way - bee
“I promise you they are gonna love you, there’s no reason to be nervous, baby.” Hyunsuk’s thumb rubbed the back of your hand as you walked. You knew your palms were probably sweaty but it seemed as though Hyunsuk either took no notice of it or didn’t care.
“But there’s so many of them, it’s intimidating.” You looked over at Hyunsuk with a pout. The walk to the company was getting shorter and shorter with each step you took and you were getting more and more nervous. 
Originally Hyunsuk had come over the night before, surprising you with a romantic dinner and then asking you to come to the company the next day to meet the members. “They all want to meet you, they see my phone wallpaper all the time and they’re starting to think you aren’t real.” Hyunsuk had all but begged you, his hands clasped and his lower lip jutted out.
You agreed, thinking it would be great to finally meet his members after a few months of dating, but as you got closer and closer you only thought of the bad things that could happen. What if they didn’t like you? What if they thought you weren’t good enough for their leader? 
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t realize you were standing in front of the company building. Hyunsuk pulled you back into reality by squeezing your hand, leading you through the glass doors and up to the front desk. He waved to the receptionist, not needing to sign in because they had seen him walk through those doors too many times for him to count.
Stepping in the elevator, you let go of Hyunsuk’s hand, wiping the sweat on your jeans and biting your lip in anticipation. You wanted to meet the members really badly, it was like the next step in your relationship with Hyunsuk, but you were also worried about what they would think of you.
“Hey,” Hyunsuk snapped you out of your thoughts once again, his hand slipping around your waist and squeezing. “We don’t have to do this if you really don’t want to. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Shaking your head, you flashed a quick smile. “No, it’s okay. I want to meet them.” You grabbed Hyunsuk’s hand, pulling it from your waist in favor of interlocking your fingers. “It’s like the next big step in our relationship and besides from all the stories you’ve told me I really want to see what they’re like.”
“It might be overwhelming at first,” Hyunsuk chuckled, bringing your hand up to his mouth and kissing your knuckle, “but I promise they’re going to love you.”
Just as the elevator doors opened you heard screaming coming from one of the practice room doors. You laughed, listening to the commotion and trying to make out words but all you got was excited yells and cheering.
“Okay,” you took a breath in as Hyunsuk led you to the room with the screaming, “let’s go.”
As Hyunsuk opened the door, you heard the room be reduced to almost silence. There were still two of the boys running around and doing some sort of dance, but the others were staring at you as you walked in. Their eyes traveled from Hyunsuk to your connected hands.
“Guys! I want to introduce you to Y/N, the one on my wallpaper, my partner.” Hyunsuk said, pulling you so you stood next to him. He smiled at you, squeezing your hand and encouraging you to talk.
Before you could get any words out, however, one of them walked up to you, squinting his eyes and looking at you up and down. You felt a wave of fear hit you, thinking about all the bad things he could say.
“So you are real!” The one boy you recognized, Jihoon, yelled while one of the others behind him let out a groan. “You owe me 20 dollars Junkyu!”
“They had to be real from the way Hyunsuk has been so happy recently.” One of the boys walked up to you, sticking out his hand. He looked young, and while you knew all their names you couldn’t connect those names to their faces. “I’m Jeongwoo, Hyunsuk’s favorite younger brother.”
A chorus of “hey!”s echoed throughout the room as you reached forward and shook Jeongwoo’s hand. Jeongwoo laughed loudly, skipping back to his place on the bench.
“Don’t let him fool you, Y/N, I’m Hyunsuk’s favorite.” Another boy walked up to you, his teeth were so white and straight that you almost got blinded by his smile. “I’m Doyoung.”
As Hyunsuk began introducing all of the members, saying their names and pointing to them so you could try and fit their names to faces, you waved to them all. Some of them walked up and shook your hand, others, Asahi and Junghwan, chose to wave and smile back.
A loud scream erupted from the corner of the room, where Jeongwoo was playing some rendition of tag with Junkyu. They were running around the room way too quickly, their feet in danger of slipping out from under them.
“Be careful!” You said, bracing yourself for some sort of impact as they rounded a corner, waiting to hear a sound of pain but nothing came. Instead, they looked up at you and for a moment you were afraid you said the wrong thing but then Jeongwoo let out a soft laugh.
“You sound just like Hyunsuk, no wonder he loves you so much-”
“Okay, okay that’s enough for today. I don’t want you guys overwhelming Y/N.” Hyunsuk said, his cheeks turning pink at the mention of the word love. He scratched the back of his neck, looking at you and you were sure you looked just as flustered. You had never talked about that word before, but you figured if love was real, it was what you felt when you were with Hyunsuk.
“It was nice to meet you guys!” You said excitedly. Of course you had nothing to worry about, these were the most chaotic and hilarious boys and it didn’t look like they had a mean bone in their body.
“You should come over to the dorm for movie night! Hyunsuk said you're good at games and as the god gamer in the dorm I want to see how you stack up.” Jihoon said, his hands planted on his hips and eyebrows raised.
“Well I will say I’m extremely good at card games.” You mimicked Jihoon’s posture, smiling when Jihoon burst out into laughter. “Really though, I would love to come over, more time I get to spend with Suk and more time to get to know you guys!”
All the boys that weren’t preoccupied with their own corner of chaos nodded, the ones that were busy shouting agreements as they wrestled or played games on their phone. You looked around at everyone, knowing that as your relationship with Hyunsuk got more serious, that you would be able to be really good friends with all of the boys.
“I’m going to walk Y/N out,” Hyunsuk said, grabbing your hand and smiling at you. Somewhere in the corner, one of the boys made a gagging noise that caused a small giggle to escape you. “I’ll be right back and we can start practice.”
As soon as you walked out of the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding. Sure, it was the best case scenario for what happened, but that didn’t make you any less nervous the entire time.
“I told you that they would like you.” Hyunsuk squeezed your hand, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing each one of your fingers. “And if you want you can come over to the dorms tomorrow for movie night.”
“Sounds great.” You smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Hyunsuk’s cheek. Just as you let go of his hand, turning around to leave, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist.
“Oh, baby.” Hyunsuk trailed off, letting go of your wrist when you looked back at him. “It might be too early to say this, but since the members already said it it really made me think and…” he stopped talking for a moment, looking up at you, a soft smile gracing his features, “I think I love you.” He was no longer looking you in the eye after he said that, his hands buried in the pockets of his pants.
“Hey Hyunsuk,” As soon as he looked back up at you, you leaned forward, kissing him quickly on the lips once before you pulled away just enough to look him in the eye again. “I think I love you too.”
From behind the practice room door you heard cheering before someone, you can only assume it was Jihoon or Yedam, yelled, “you guys don’t know how to eavesdrop, do you?”
You giggled, pressing one more kiss to Hyunsuk’s lips. Seeing his red cheeks and soft gaze made you smile. It had been less than a few months of dating but you already knew your feelings for Hyunsuk would only grow stronger.
“I’ll call you later, Suk. Have fun at practice.”
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Just some of my random kpop thoughts 😆
I’m originally Hyunjin biased but then Felix started bias wrecking me and now I think I’ve completely swerved into Lee knows lane. For some reason I’ve been watch Lee knows Vlogs and his Vlives and they’ve been so comforting that now I think he might be my SKZ bias. So I guess I’ll just except my fate as Dancerach trash 🙃
I’m a Jihoon (treasure) bias but recently I’ve been watching some content and was biased wrecked by Yoshi. He is so cute 🥰
I’m so happy to watch GoSe with all the members again. Seeing Hao and Jun laughing with the rest of the boys made my heart so warm 🥺
Also I don’t know if I will ever recover from SKZ’s Venom.
- 🫒
Baby I love your random thoughts lmao😂😂
Okay so, Danceracha are legit the biggest bias-wreckers in SKZ and I'm seriously not kidding. My original bias was Hyunjin (I got into them when he visited GOT7 on Weekly Idol back in 2019), but then it shifted to Felix after the "Uwu" incident (I'm still so soft for him). It stayed that way for a short while until I fell for Chan. It was in Miroh era but I didn't realize it then. Instead, I realized it only months before God's Menu and he's been my bias ever since😂
Yoshi is wrecking everyone lmao and I'm seriously enjoying it😂😂I personally just can't move away from Jihoon--- He has such a strong hold on me and I wouldn't want it any other way💕My original bias (I think I've I've you this before) was Jeongwoo, but I'm never trusting him again after he said his name is actually Jungwoo😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭And there's obviously Hyunsuk💕
I know right??? I missed my OT13 Wednesdays so much😭And Hao and Hoshi hugging each other in that extra af way of theirs made me smile so much!! And then when they were forcing Hao to be angry and he just couldnt- and Jun forgot his entry and came in late and I was like, "Welcome home💕." Also, Hao danced to Horangi Power at Caratland today--- istg that guy is the biggest supporter of Hoshi's tiger agenda😂😂
And Venom is chef's kiss I swear to god--
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sunqyu · 4 years
~ Treasure reaction to you getting the corona-virus pt. 2
Request: Nope, just wanted to make this myself. Feel free to send in requests here! You can find part 1 with the rest of the boys here.
Stay safe and hope you enjoy! - Nova
wouldn’t worry too much
actually worries more about you worrying than about you being sick
turns on the sound of his phone-notifications for the first time in his life because he wants to help you asap when you need anything
records little snippets of the song he’s working on to ask for your opinion
makes a ‘beating the rona’-playlist for you with loads of calm but happy songs
knowing you could use some distraction
late night phonecalls while he’s working or drawing
with peaceful moments of silence when he’s focused
and sweet little comments to check if you’re still awake
‘The moon’s a really cool shape right now, can you see it too?’
sometimes you’ll hear him hum little tunes while you doze off to sleep
incredibly caring right away
would probably ask your parents what helps you the most when you’re sick
‘Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her.’
every time you ask him for something you need he’d bring something extra
even though he’s super caring I don’t think he’d want to call or text the entire time
because he seems pretty chill and knows you’ll let him know whenever you do need anything
also very aware of how important it is for you to rest
so instead of constant questions or worries he’d text you a few times a day
and then calls right before he goes to bed at night
‘I’m so happy to hear you’re throat’s starting to feel better. Can’t wait to hold you again.’
in his soft sleepy voice
sickness? what sickness? 
all you have is laughing fits from the weird youtube-vids he sends you
even though laughing does kinda hurt but it’s better than just coughing
no one better at keeping your mind off the soreness than Doyoung
he wouldn’t be too worried except for the occasional ‘How u feelin’?’-text
which he sends along with a meme
not being able to see you for so long does make him realize how much he likes spending time with you
so be ready for a list of original date-ideas he found on twitter came up with all by himself for when you feel better
would get a liiittle whiney over not getting to hold you for so long
googled how long it usually lasts
‘Only 4 more days to go!’ ‘That’s not really how it works, though.’ ‘Well google said so and I don’t think I’ll survive 5 more days without you.’
later on you hear from the others that he mentioned getting sick on purpose so you could be sick together as if it was the best and most romantic idea ever
but luckily they told him what a terrible idea that was and he eventually agreed
still thinks it would’ve been romantic though
sends you a plushie instead to keep you company while he can’t
even put a mask on the plushie so it “can’t get sick”
can’t believe your ‘emergencycovidresearch’-date to prevent the both of you from catching the virus wasn’t effective enough
immediately switches to plan B and researches again 
because he’s determined to help you out as much as possible
more worried than he’ll ever admit but you’ll notice it anyway
you’d get a new corona-tip every couple of minutes
‘oh wait no, that one only works for stomach flu. don’t do that one! abort! DON’T!’
while you were still reading a ‘headache’-article he sent you about 7 tips before that one
‘I wish there was a magic word to just make it go away.’
endless cuddles when you feel better to make up for lost time
‘Pffft, I wasn’t worried.... but never get sick again. Promise?’
video-dates all day, everyday
from when he wakes up to when he goes to sleep pretty much
props his phone up on random unstable objects and apologizes 28197x times when “you” fall
wants you to feel like he’s there so you don’t get lonely
and because he misses you obvs
but probably still too shy to say that out loud
would leave one of his shirts in front of your door to wear because ‘it’s more comfortable’
but really just loves seeing you wear them, especially now that you’re not with him
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