#originally was a fic but then i procrastinated by adapting the beginning into a comic
fourinoneitellyou · 1 year
Part 1/?? of a little AU I created on a whim
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pov you wake up inexplicably as a robot
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randomstupidchaos · 3 years
Mega List of Writing Asks!
I’ve been really into reblogging writing asks so I figured it was only fair I come up with a list of my own while I procrastinate on folding my laundry today. These can be used for fanfic or original fic. I suggest listing either your story titles, fandoms, or characters in the tags. I used (story) or (character) in some of these questions for any specific tags but feel free to answer the best way that fits for you!
PLEASE: if you reblog this, ask the person you reblog this from some questions so we can all learn a little more about each other’s writing. :) 
The Basics:
A. What is the plot of (story)? Be as specific or vague as you’d like.
B. Which character did you think of first in (story)? 
C. Do you think of character or plot first?
D. What is your favorite fandom and/or genre to write? 
E. What is a fandom and/or genre you would/could never write?
F. Favorite trope to write?
G. Where did you get your idea for (story)?
H. Do you have characters/character types who show up frequently in your stories? (Example: the jock, the rocker, that weird kid next door with suspiciously useful knowledge of questionable things)
I. Are there any stories you have been brainstorming but haven’t written yet?
J. Do you prefer to write short or long stories?
K. Favorite character?
L. Least favorite character?
M. Original fiction: Character you think the fandom would love most? Least?
N. Share your favorite piece of dialogue in (story).
O. Which writer(s) influenced your style? Alternately: which writer’s career do you wish you had/hope to achieve?
P. What draws you to a story idea? (Example: themes, a fun character, Aesthetic, etc.)
Q. Do you write ideas down by hand, have computer/phone notes, or just hope you remember ideas? 
R. How long does it usually take you from the point when you first think of a story idea to actually start writing?
S. Are you a pantser, planner, or plantser? (How much planning do you put into your stories?)
T. Have you done/would you do NaNoWriMo?
U. Do you prefer vague or specific writing prompts?
V. Original fiction: Do you have a face claim for (character)? 
W. Do you have a writing group you chat with? Give a shout out to your support group.
X. What do you find the hardest part of writing: the beginning, middle, or end?
Y. Describe the first story you ever wrote.
Z. What is the most drafts you have written for a story?
The Weird Stuff:
AA. What is a conspiracy theory in your story's universe?
AB. Which character could be transported from (story) to (story) and fit right in?
AC. If (story) had a soundtrack, what are 3 songs that would be on it?
AD. If (story) were adapted in another medium (comic, tv show, etc) what would it be?
AE. What is one word or phrase you catch yourself using weirdly often?
AF. Have you ever had characters 'misbehave' or do things you did not plan to do?
AG. Which characters' relationship do you find yourself writing about over and over? if you write original fiction, which characters could you write a whole series about their relationship?
AH. The characters of (story) become real and show up at your house. How screwed are you?
AI. Do any of your characters have unusual hobbies?
AJ. What is one piece of worldbuilding you came up with for a story and never used? 
AK. The characters from (story) are trapped in a setting of your choosing (think escape room). Who panics? Who takes the lead? Who figures out an ingenious way of escaping? 
AL. Original fiction: Your characters are suddenly changed into another species (humans into dogs, aliens into pigeons, etc). What are they changed into and how do they react? Do they embrace the change, get depressed, vow to fix things...?
AM. For (story): find one or all of the following words in your story and share the section: red; shrug; old; bird; shoe; knife; wild; book.
AN. If you could collaborate on a story with any author, living or dead, who would it be? 
AO. If (character) was a food, what would they be and why? 
AP. Describe a scene from (story) using song titles.
AQ. Original fiction: All pairings will inevitably happen in fanfic. What is the Worst pairing you can imagine from your characters in (story)?
AR. You are a famous author (you are to me!) and someone comes to your house to interview you and take pictures of where the writing magic happens. What is your ideal writing space and how does the interviewer describe the meeting to their audience? (IE: what kind of vibe do you hope to give off as an author?)
AS. All or some of the characters from (story) are in a life-threatening situation unrelated to the plot of the story. What happened? Who saves the day? 
AT. You must kill off one beloved character from (story) who you do/did not plan to kill off. Who is it? How do they die? What are the other characters reactions?
AU. Your characters are transported to an AU of your choice. Only one character is aware they are in an AU and must find the other characters. Who is the easiest to find? Who is hardest? Do they try to convince the others they are in an AU or do they just roll with it?
AV. Flip the genre of (story) to something completely the opposite. (Example: a comedy becomes a tragedy, a fantasy epic turns into a coffee shop romance, etc). How would the characters fare in their new circumstances? 
AW. A villain of your choosing is down on their luck and accidentally runs into the protagonists. Do the protagonists help the villain? Do they fight? If the protagonists are part of a group, do they have a debate about what to do? 
AX. The characters of (story) swap weapons. Who is okay with this? Who is upset? Who is going to hurt themselves and/or others without lots of training?
AY. The characters of (story) are on vacation or otherwise taking a nice break from the plot. Where do they go or what do they do? Are they happy to have down time or do they prepare for some inevitable conflict? 
AZ. The characters of (story) are transported to a conflict or disaster from human history (a war, the sinking of the Titanic, etc.). How do they fare?
BA. Tag some Tumblr users you appreciate for helping you with your writing, giving feedback, liking your writing posts, or just otherwise being awesome and encouraging people
BB. How do you come up with titles? Do you dread this or love it? 
BC. What do you think is your writing weakness (writers block, tone, etc)?
BD. What do you like most about your writing?
BE. Original fiction: (story) is getting published and you get full creative control for the cover. Describe what you envision.
BF. What is one question you have always wished someone would ask about your story/writing/character? Answer that.
Please reblog! I just really love seeing people talk about their writing. :) 
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