#orihime was gonna be a doctor man
youlovelythief · 8 years
gifts to Aphrodite
summary: Tatsuki and Orihime grow together.
pairing: orihime/tatsuki
notes: listen i know the post-686 ishihime angst is real but i thirst for tatsuhime so bad. tatsuhime was real too and we deserved tats and orihime living together post-graduation. instead all we got was forced rukia-orihime BFF shoved down our throats and NO THANK U. so here. i am more than willing to write the only tatsuhime post-686 angst fic out there. i accept my fate. also there is a second part to this / 694 words
Tatsuki says, “I want you to have everything you need in life.”
 It is spring, and they are twenty-two.
It has been eight years since a group of girls cut off Orihime’s hair in the middle school bathroom, since Tatsuki joined the judo club.
It has been six years since Orihime’s hairpins began to glow and Tatsuki began to see ghosts.
It has been four years since the war.
Three since they decided to move in together, broke college students just trying to keep living in Tokyo. Just trying to keep going.
One year since Orihime leaned over their kitchen tabletop in sweatpants and a coffee-stained t-shirt, a year since Tatsuki leaned in too, smelling like soap and deodorant and the leftover curry they’d ordered yesterday. A year since a kiss and laugh and nothing really changing but everything shifting.
Everything shifting, and everything looking like it’d be okay.
  Orihime sleeps with Kurosaki-kun because relationships aren’t just kissing and laughing at one in the morning, and hers with Tatsuki is no different.
Orihime sleeps with Kurosaki-kun because that’s what happens when two good friends decide to say fuck all to studying for anatomy and physiology and go out for a drink for the first time since starting medical school.
Orihime sleeps with Kurosaki-kun because Tatsuki is traveling for judo and their apartment, for all its Saturday morning pancakes and blankets on the couch and days recounted in front of the TV—their apartment gets lonely for weeks and stays lonely.
Orihime sleeps with Kurosaki-kun, and they agree it means nothing. She’d stopped loving him years ago, and he’d been thinking of moving to Soul Society for his gap year. Sober, he’d thought maybe two years. Drunkenly, he’d declared he would “stay for fucking good if that goddamn midget would just ‘fess up already.”
Orihime dresses and goes home. She zips her jacket all the way up to her chin against the December morning.
  She tells Tatsuki when she comes home, and forgiveness is not a road they’ve ever really had to walk before, but they do. It takes months, but eventually Tatsuki lets her back into their bed, and by this time winter has come and gone, and Orihime’s medical school graduation is coming up. It’s her last semester. She is in love with Tatsuki. They might even be—maybe, hopefully, wistfully—getting engaged. The snow has melted, and everything is shifting again, but Orihime can’t quite see it yet.
She’s looking so far up that she doesn’t see the porcelain bowl right under her nose. 6:30AM, every day. Like clockwork.
After two weeks, the remnants of her buttered toast floating in blue toilet water is unavoidable. Orihime’s not stupid. Just in denial.
She huddles next to the bathroom sink, long auburn hair pressed to her face, wet with toilet water, wet with tears.
She was this close to becoming a doctor.
  Orihime crumples in Tatsuki’s arms on a Sunday morning two months before her graduation date.
And Tatsuki—where she should have been anger and clenched fists and burning eyes and everything else she is on the mat—
Tatsuki holds her. Tatsuki looks down at her like a child holding the pieces of a broken toy.
 Later, Tatsuki sits in the laundry room, judo uniform slipping through her hands.
She lets it fall to the floor, unwashed. It smells like dust and chalk and sweat and tough plastic mats—smells like her high school gym, though she’s been training at a professional gym since college. Tatsuki thumbs the belt still looped loosely around the waist band, runs a finger down the collar. Clenches the white cloth in her fist.
She remembers joining judo club. Fourteen and angry. Remembers the way she had clumsily fought those girls, hair pulling and kicking and screaming. She’d wanted something more concrete—she’d wanted to turn her body into a shield.
She’d wanted to protect Orihime.
She can’t protect her from this.
  Tatsuki says, “I want you to have everything you need in life. I want you to be happy.”
Orihime more than understands.
  Kurosaki-kun graduates. He doesn’t go to Soul Society.
They agree on a summer wedding.
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m34gs · 3 years
For that ship ask: 6, 7, and 9 for Ikkaku/Yumichika.
Thanks for the ask friend! (regarding this post) hehehe, I am so excited to answer these questions. I love Ikkaku and Yumichika as a ship, and these are some great ideas!
6. Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
So, while I think that they both would be great parents, I think Ikkaku would be the one to be the single parent. Maybe he messed around a bit without thinking everything through and had a surprise baby with someone who wasn't interested in staying to raise the child, or maybe tragedy struck and his first love was taken away too soon. Either way, he now has this adorable little child, completely dependent on him. And damn it, he is gonna be the best dad. His kid is never going to want for anything, he will teach them how to fight, how to play, how to do everything they need. He isn't as good at some things, like cooking (I like to think he gets impatient and either undercooks things or turns the heat too high and burns everything), but he makes sure his kid gets the four food groups at every meal and snacks in between, even if it's pre-cooked or take out. (Which, in my opinion, there isn't anything wrong with those, and his kid is happy so Ikkaku is happy).
Ikkaku spends so much time doting on his kid that his friends worry about him, saying he still needs to take breaks and time for himself. Ikkaku is nervous at first (he would die before admitting it but he is worried about his kiddo), but he reluctantly lets someone (probably Orihime, who he is friends with through Ichigo) baby sit his little one and goes out to a pub with some friends to just have fun and relax. And damn if he doesn't see the most beautiful man he's ever met serving drinks and food to customers there. He's literally tonguetied. This man is so pretty, and he knows it. Lucky for Ikkaku, he is also a catch, and this man is bold. He slips Ikkaku a paper with his drink, and it has a name and a phone number on it.
They meet up a few times for coffee. Orihime is steadily becoming Ikkaku's number one baby sitter. (He trusted Renji once. Never again.) And Ikkaku is really into this guy. He doesn't have to pretend to be all tough, the guy, Yumichika, he gets it. He admires his strength, but also calls him beautiful and that is something Ikkaku is not used to hearing, but it definitely makes him blush. And he really enjoys his outings with Yumichika.
Then, comes the moment of truth. Ikkaku was open from the beginning about having a kid. He had to be. His kid is his world and he would never want to be with anyone who wouldn't love his child like their own. So Yumichika has been asking to meet his kid, and Ikkaku finally arranges it. He is more nervous than he was for the first date. He wants this to work so badly, but what if his baby is having an off day and acts shy or scared or throws a tantrum and scares Yumichika off? Or what if Yumichika is uncomfortable around children?
But then, Yumichika arrives. And Ikkaku introduces him to the kid. They stare at each other for a long time. Then Yumichika kneels down and offers a smile to the little one. The kid looks up at Ikkaku, who prompts him forward with a nod. So Ikkaku's child walks up to Yumichika and says, as is typical of children, the first thing on their mind, which is "can I wear colours on my face like you do?" (referring to his eye shadow and make up, which is of course flawless) and Yumichika is all for this. hell yeah. He says 'of course' and they spend the day doing make overs together, while Ikkaku watches them with a soft adoring expression he never shows for anyone else.
7. Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient?
Yumichika is the doctor. He most definitely is. I think, he'd be a surgeon, maybe plastics? And Ikkaku is the patient. Ikkaku came into ER, severe work-related injury, needing immediate treatment, blood transfusion, and prophylactic antibiotics, the whole works. He got his leg crushed under machinery, there's blood and bone everywhere.
Once they get him stabilized, admitted, treated, and he's starting to heal, plastics is consulted. The top Plastic Surgeon, Yumichika Ayasegawa, is sent a referral, and he, of course, accepts, because he never turns down a challenge.
He finds Ikkaku attractive at first sight, but Yumichika is a professional. He would never date a patient. Instead, he focuses on his work, and does an amazing job. After about a year, Ikkaku's leg looks awesome and he's ready to be discharged from Yumichika's client list. Sure, there's scars (there always will be from an injury like that) but Ikkaku is highly impressed with Dr. Ayasegawa's work. And also his face.
Yumichika still wants to be careful. He may be in the same city, but he remains aloof and keeps his distance for a couple months afterward, but he can't help but flirt when he finally does see Ikkaku again, in the grocery aisle. Ikkaku is totally into this (the doctor has the most beautiful face he's ever seen!) and he ends up with Yumichika's number by the end of it.
9. Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this?
OK, ok, so. I have IDEAS. First, Ikkaku is totally the prince, first Prince of the kingdom and set to inherit the throne. Meanwhile. MEANWHILE. Yumichika is the King of Pirates. Yes. Yes. He is the most powerful pirate on the sees, with a notorious reputation for targeting any rich merchant or nobility he comes across on the seas. Ikkaku at first thinks this man must be fearsome and terrifying to look at, and he's a plague to the people. It makes his blood boil (and his heart race at the promise of a thrilling fight). He sets out on an expedition to hunt down this pirate king! But. When he finds the Pirate King, he is surprised (and entranced) by his beauty. And also a little confused, because even though Yumichika is beautiful and the Pirate King and says he loves to collect beautiful things, he doesn't seem to have retained a single piece of the wealth he stole. It's confusing, until Yumichika captures Ikkaku and brings him back to Yumichika's home island, where the wealth has been split among the people and shared. They are an island under the current king's rule, and they are heavily taxed to the point it is difficult to make any profit or survive. Yumichika shares all his spoils with them.
Ikkaku confronts him, demands to know why? Why, if Yumichika values beautiful things, is he giving wealth away? It doesn't make sense. Is this a set up to trap Ikkaku and manipulate him? And Yumichika just shakes his head at him and gestures to the people. "They're smiling," he says. "Is there anything more beautiful than a genuine human smile?" And that is when Ikkaku falls head over heels for this beautiful Pirate King.
Whew! This is a bit lengthy, but there you have it! I hope you enjoyed my answers and thoughts to those questions!! Feel free to ask more if you like, friend!
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future-dregs · 3 years
For the asks, Ichigo Kurosaki ❤️, 🏡, and ❤️‍🩹.
❤ - OTP. I'm a Ichigo/Chad guy all the way. Orihime is great, and I love her, but she and Ichigo work better as friends to me.
Also there's just something those two. Could it be the "I'll protect what's important to you and you'll do the same for me", and the fact that they fought back to back, and that Chad's powers really got going because of Ichigo and his need to protect him, and that Ichigo is always asking and looking for him, the absolute softness with which Chad always looks at Ichigo?
Every time they speak to each other, they have "I love you" on the back of their teeth.
I can not find the panel that I want and it vexs me, but this scene
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In the manga? All that Ichigo went through to protect that necklace, simply because it was important to Chad, even though he didn't know why? That's what sealed the deal for me.
Chad/Ichigo. OTP ftw baby.
🏡 - Domestic. Ichigo might be a doctor, but he's as much of a househusband as can be. That man is in love with his family. Cleaning, cooking, taking care of errands, playing whatever games his child wants, these things are a joy to him. He treats Orihime like a freaking Queen.
His friends tease him mercilessly because every time they meet, he has a new roll of film of his wife, his child, his sisters, his friends (which he definitely considers to be family) that he will show off. He cannot be deterred from it.
He's come so close so many times to losing everything, he's seen what happens when people lose who and what they love, and he's not about to take a single thing he's been given for granted. He's not perfect, but he's damn sure gonna do his best. (He was always very family minded to begin with).
(I can't see the emojis on my device) - Angsty. I mean, what is there to say? He's got massive trauma. And everything that comes with it.
Sure he's got a good life, a great life, even. But you can't tell me that some days he just...can't.
He can't focus. He can't keep his temper. And he sure as heck can't calm down because there is something out there, he knows it.
Those are the days when Orihime comes home, and nobody is there. They're in the panic/crash house far across town.
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tayman001 · 3 years
GrimmIchi (post epilogue): Includes some Anime characters and an original character of mine also using Anime terms. 2
Taylor: The maximum amount of kids a man can give birth at one time is 10 and the number in general is random each time so...
Grimmjow (visibly scared): shaking uncontrollably Ichigo: Great Tay now you've freaked out Grimm... tries to comfort Grimmjow Taylor: ...you have to wait another month until we know for sure how many at once you'll be having but I will say this 10 is the rarest amount and only a lucky few ever get only that amount. Grimmjow: Then I hope I'm not lucky because I don't think I'd survive that... Kazui: Awesome so if it is 10 I'd have 10 younger half brothers! Ichigo: Kazui don't you see your Dadjow is freaking out. Kazui: Isn't he an Arrancar? If so than shouldn't his Hierro protect him from harm? Grimmjow (visibly panicked): Ichigo: Please go to your room Kazui because you aren't helping. Kazui goes to his room Uryū: If you want I can be his personal Doctor to make sure he doesn't suffer any injuries during his pregnancy, Ichigo. Ichigo: Sure, Uryū. Taylor: You'll probably say no but I can inject something into him specifically designed to allow him to survive just in case it turns out he is to have 10 kids. Ichigo: You sound like Mayuri with his experiments so no. Taylor: If you think its an experiment you are wrong so no I'm not mimicking Captain Kurotsuchi since I actually test my experiments on clones of volunteers that are specifically designed to run tests on so that actual people aren't harmed so no the substance has already been tested and is unharmful in fact it actually will make him live longer but if you truly don't trust me or my science then fine, if Grimmjow does and 10 kids and ends up dying you'll have no one to blame but yourself. proceeds to walk away Ichigo: Wait... Fine inject him with it. BUT IF HE ENDS UP DEAD YOU'LL BE DEAD BECAUSE I'LL KILL YOU IN COLD BLOOD! Taylor: If I wanted him dead I'd never have said anything. injects the formula into Grimmjow Grimmjow (feeling drunk): his words are slurd and are not understandable Ichigo: What the fuck have you done to him! I TRUSTED YOU! Taylor: That is supposed to happen idiot and its only temporary it does that so he doesn't feel any pain during the procedure. Grimmjow (still feeling drunk): changes are happening inside him that aren't affecting his pregnancy *moments later* Grimmjow (is an immobile slob): What happened and why can't I move? Ichigo: What the fuck have you done to him Taylor! Taylor: He needs that wait to survive the 10 kids since the pregnancy needs blood to give birth and as a result of the pregnancy any fat he has is measured in blood for the pregnancy so each pound of fat is equal to a liter of blood and each child needs 100 liters of blood to be used to successfully be born and for the pregnant man to survive with 100 extra liters per child just in case the procedure takes longer than the estimated time so in total for 10 kids he needs to weigh 2000 pounds which he now weighs well plus the weight he had prior and if you are worried about his weight the formula makes it so he never suffers health problems again and I even have a formula solely for the no health problems just in cause you were worried about your gluttonous appetite might lead to those and I have another formula solely for always being mobile. Ichigo: Yes inject both of those sole formulas into me then inject the mobile one into Grimmjow. Taylor: does just that Ichigo: Now leave... I wanna go order 50 boxes of Pizza. Taylor leaves and so does Uryū A month later Ichigo (pigging out on some pizza): moans and chumping Grimmjow (feels 10 things kicking inside him as they form): moans in pain Ichigo: Grimm what's wrong? Grimmjow: moans in pain Ichigo: Grimm please say something! Grimmjow: moans in pain call... moans in pain ...everyone. moans in pain Ichigo: calls everyone An hour later Taylor, Kazui, Uryū, Brandan, Rukia, Renji, Ichika, Chad, Noba, Orihime, Nozomi, Karin, Yuzu and Riruka show up Karin and Nozomi: Ichigo why'd you call us like I don't see why... Karin: ...Nozy and me... Nozomi: ...Kary and me... Karin and Nozomi: ...had to come.
Yuzu: Karin you do realize I was called to so don't go assuming Ichigo called you and your girlfriend on a whim since he probably has a reason for calling all of us. Chad and Noba: silence Rukia and Renji: Why did you call all of us? Riruka: I bet something stupid. Orihime: Maybe it has something to do with Grimmjow's pregnancy? Uryū and Brandan: Probably. Kazui and Ichika: But why were we called aren't we still too young to hear where babies come from? Taylor: I doubt that is why we were called here since if that were the case they would have only called the two of you not all of us. Shinji, Shunsui, Nanao, Momo, Suì-Fēng, Nelliel, Marechiyo, Kensei, Shūhei, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Rose, Izuru, Isane, Kiyone, Byakuya, Tetsuzaemon, Atau, Lisa, Yuyu, Mashiro, Tōshirō, Rangiku, Kenpachi, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Mayuri, Akon, Sentarō, Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro and Chizuru show up Taylor: Hi, Captain Hirako, Head Captain Shunsui, Lieutenant Ise, Lieutenant Hinamori, Captain Suì-Fēng, Nel, Lieutenant Omaeda, Captain Muguruma, Lieutenant Hisagi, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Captain Ōtoribashi, Lieutenant Kira, Captain Kotetsu, Lieutenant Kotetsu, Captain B Kuchiki, Captain Iba, Lieutenant Rindō, Captain Yadōmaru, Lieutenant Yayahara, Lieutenant Kuna, Captain Hitsugaya, Lieutenant Matsumoto, Captain Zaraki, Lieutenant Madarame, 3rd Seat Ayasegawa, Captain Kurotsuchi, Lieutenant Akon, Lieutenant Sentarō, Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro and Chizuru. Shinji: ...Taylor I told you, you can call me Shinji I don't care much about formalities. Shunsui: Hey Taylor. Nanao: You'll never get promoted Taylor if you slack off and don't do what your ordered to do! Taylor: Lieutenant Ise who said I wanted a promotion? Since I'm perfectly fine staying unseated even if I have the strength of a Captain. Momo: Nanao why not just let it go? Nanao: I might as well since he seems to have his mind set. Suì-Fēng (focused on Yoruichi and not realizing she is talking out loud): I wanna marry Lady Yoruichi! Yoruichi (hearing Suì-Fēng say that): flash steps over to her So its a promise then? Suì-Fēng (shocked and embarrassed): I, uh... Yoruichi: kisses Suì-Fēng Suì-Fēng and Yoruichi leave to spend some alone time Taylor: Well that was kinda unexpected but I had a feeling that info would soon come out. Nel: I fell on my face when I arrived since I keep tripping out of the sky Garganta. Taylor: If you don't look wounded than its clear that your Hierro is strong enough to protect you from the impact. Nel: True. Marechiyo: I kinda knew Captain Suì-Fēng was a Lesbian all along! Suì-Fēng returns and kicks Marechiyo so hard he passes out and needs medical attention Taylor: I would have told him to shut up but it was already too late since as soon as he opened his mouth I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. Kensei and Shūhei: Yeah he can be a idiot sometimes. Taylor: Say how is your lives treating you after the two of you tied the knot? Kensei and Shūhei: Pretty good. Shūhei: And I'm Pregnant and he is due next month. Kensei: I'm still kinda scared to be a father. Since the last time I tried to handle crying all I could come up with was "Laugh or else!!!!" Shūhei: Yeah and that was 100 years ago when you were yelling that to me when I was a kid. Kensei: Yeah but I'm still confused on why you stopped crying? Shūhei: I saw your chest and 69. Kensei: Oh come here. Kensei and Shūhei make out Kisuke: I wish Tessai could have been here... Taylor: Why where is he? Kisuke: Hospital... Someone ran him over in a hate crime. starts crying Taylor: He is gonna be ok, Kisuke after all he is your husband and you know how strong he is. Kisuke (stops crying): Yeah you're right. Rose: playing his guitar Izuru: guarding the perimeter Isane: gets bumped into I'm sorry that was my fault. Kiyone: Isane its not your fault you were the one bumped into not him since he bumped into you. Byakuya: Ichigo Kurosaki why the fuck did you ask all of us here like really. Taylor: Captain B Kuchiki, I think it has to do with his husband Grimmjow's pregnancy.
Byakuya: ...wasn't he married to Orihime Inoue? Orihime: He was but I divorced him once he told me the truth so that he could marry the one he loves. Tetsuzaemon: Atau I'm gonna go take Sajin for a since he is is bugging me to walk him. Atau: does ok in sign language Taylor: Let me guess Captain Iba, you are taking care of Sajin Komamura who was your captain back when you were the Lieutenant of Squad 7 but who was turned into a wolf after using the Humanization Technique back during the war with the Quincy. Tetsuzaemon (ashamed): Yeah... Taylor: There is no reason to feel ashamed after all he was your captain for a long time and you still care for him and its not in your nature to leave anyone behind, now is it. Tetsuzaemon: That is true. Taylor: I can look at ways to reverse his condition if you want I just need to clone him genetically so he doesn't end up dying in case a formula doesn't work. Tetsuzaemon: I'll have to ask him. Taylor: If he is in the form a normal wolf he can't speak in any language that we as humanoids can understand so how can you understand his wolf speak? Tetsuzaemon: He taught me it when he was still a werewolf. Taylor: Oh. Lisa: Hey Taylor. question do you have Line? Taylor: Uh no but I have Facebook. Lisa: You should get Line! Yuyu: Yeah get line!~ Taylor: How about stop asking! Mashiro (using her Hollow mask): Mashiro Super Cero! Taylor: jumps out of his body, puts on his hollow mask and blocks the cero with his hand Mashiro: Big deal so you countered it... Here it goes Mashiro Drop Kick. Taylor: grabs her foot and throws her across the room Mashiro (dizzy): I was just getting started... passes out Kensei and Shūhei: She deserved that. Tōshirō: Why is it that everyone is so manic today? Rangiku: Relax Captain. Kenpachi: attempts to attack Taylor Taylor: cuts Kenpachi's arm off Kenpachi: Asshole! Taylor: I warned you never to attack me. Ikkaku and Yumichika: Well it looks like we need to take the Captain to Orihime again... Mayuri: I would like to test a new drug on you Taylor. Taylor: Too late you are already testing new drug of mine. Mayuri: Huh? Akon: Captain... Get off me your crushing me. Mayuri: Well now look what your drug did Taylor, I can't move and if I don't get off of Akon quickly I'm gonna end up killing him. Taylor: checking Akon's vital signs Nope he is lying in fact he is too ashamed to admit it that he is actually aroused by all of this and is in fact not being crushed to death. Akon: blushing Mayuri: blushing Oh so he likes this huh? Maybe this isn't so bad after all. Sentarō: I'm gonna go fight with Kiyone for old time sake. goes over to where Kiyone is to pick a fight Tatsuki and Chizuru: making out Keigo and Mizuiro: making out Taylor: Ichigo please tell me you didn't invite anybody else. Since I doubt this place can handle anymore people. Ichigo: Nope this is everyone. Kazui: Dad I'm sleepy can I rest on your belly until I can reach my room? Ichigo: Sure Kazui. Kazui: climbs onto Ichigo's fat belly and falls to sleep Ichigo: starts eating more pizza Hours later Ichigo (looking like a immobile blob): I think I ate too much pizza. Kazui: still sleeping Taylor: Well you aren't immobile even though you look like it. Rukia: GET THE FUCK UP ICHIGO! Taylor: Captain R Kuchiki there is no need to yell like do you wanna wake Kazui? Rukia: Oops sorry. Kazui: still sleeping so... comfy... love... dad's... fatness.... so.... soft...... Ichigo: Please tell me he'll wake up eventually since I don't intend to have him sleep only on my belly. Taylor: Depends on his actions. everyone eventually clears out except for Taylor, Rukia, Renji, Ichika, Orihime, Riruka, Chad, Noba, Karin, Nozomi, Yuzu, Uryū and Brandan Kazui: still sleeping Ichigo: Why has he still not woken up like did he fall in love with my belly or something? Taylor: That is a likely reason. Grimmjow: If he loves it why not teleport him in and have him stay there until I give birth to his half brothers. Ichigo: Yeah I'm not gonna risk digesting Kazui, Grimm.
Noba: I have that risk when I do my job as a living Taxi. So I release my passengers as soon as I start burping just so I don't digest them and they never reach their destination because of it. Rukia and Renji: Yuck. Chad: What's so yuck about it, its hot. Karin and Nozomi: We have to agree with Rukia and Renji since YUCKY! Yuzu: I agree with Mr. Giant since if my Future Husband went around and did that I'd be turned on by it. Uryū and Brandan: We are agreeing with Chad and Yuzu. Taylor: I like it as well. Orihime: Of course you would after all you made this Gigai for Noba since Kisuke decided against making them any new Gigai for the three of them... speaking of which where is Ririn and Kurōdo? Riruka: I wouldn't know since I have never met them. Meanwhile Ririn: showing off her new sexy look which she's been doing for years Kurōdo: showing off his new handsome look which he's been doing for years Meanwhile Taylor: I have a feeling they haven't stop doing what they said they were gonna do when I made and gave the three of them their new Gigai. Sometimes I wish that I didn't ask them what they wanted and just remade their original Gigai and only asked Noba what he wanted. Meanwhile Gō Koga returns to Karakura Town for the first time in years Koga: I really hope those kids don't assume I'm here for revenge. Meanwhile Noba: A Bount! Meanwhile Ririn and Kurōdo: BOUNT! Meanwhile Ichigo: But the only Bount left would be the one with the Doll known as Dalk the one who Yoruichi said Thanks me for defeating Kariya. Uryū: You think he is here for revenge. Taylor: Doubt it since I can sense him and based on his Spirit Energy he isn't here to fight in fact he is here for peace. Rukia, Renji, Chad, Noba, Ichigo, Grimmjow, Orihime, Riruka, Uryū, Brandan and Ichika: HUH? Kazui: still sleeping gay Taylor: Um.... where'd Kazui decide to say that out of the blue sure he is sleeping but still it must have been a reason. Rukia, Renji, Chad, Noba, Ichigo, Grimmjow, Orihime, Riruka, Uryū, Brandan and Ichika: Beats us. Gō Koga shows up in the house Koga: Sorry to barge in uninvited but I wanted to say sorry for my actions years ago... wait... I must have the wrong house since none of you look familiar. Taylor: The ones who you've never seen before are myself, Grimmjow the blue haired guy, Kazui the little orange haired guy who is sleeping, Ichika the red haired little girl with violet eyes, Brandan the auburn hair guy and Riruka the magenta haired lady with the magenta eyes. I'm pretty sure you remember Ichigo, points to Ichigo Uryū, points to Uryū Rukia, points to Rukia Renji, points to Renji Orihime, points to Orihime Chad, points to Chad and Noba. points to Noba Koga: WAIT HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN? Taylor: 10 years and 20 months since you and the other Bounts showed up about 3 months before the fight with Aizen took place and its been 10 years and 17 months since that fight with Aizen. Koga: ...I might as well leave since it seems I waited to long to apologize. proceeds to leave Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Chad, Uryū, Renji and Noba: There is no need to leave. Koga: OK if you... Ririn and Kurōdo show up Ririn: Stop there this is no place for someone of your kind Bount. Kurōdo: If you don't leave we will have to destroy you. Taylor: Ririn and Kurōdo back down he isn't an enemy any longer. To Be Continued
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bansept · 4 years
Ichihime on Halcyon Days
Rambles and stories by Bansept
Part 2 : When we talked future
After the highschool graduation, the future was unsure.
For Orihime, it was certain that she was going to study to work at a bakery, because it had been one of her many dreamed careers. Most of their friends had been worried at first, knowing that the young woman had... peculiar tastes when it came to cooking. But, to their surprise, her unordinary skills made her a perfect candidate, with news ideas everyday.
Everything was traced for her, and Ichigo would support and encourage her. Always.
But for himself, that was a different story. Did he want to become a doctor like his father? He was unsure. Did he want to work as an intern, or a trainer in martial arts, since he was praised by Tatsuki and many others. He was good yes, but because he had to be, so he could protect everyone.
Ichigo sighed, rubbing his temples furiously. He felt ridiculous, stupid and so, so useless to not have thought about it before. A 20 year-old young man was supposed to know what he wanted... He grunted once again, laying his head on the wooden table at his home.
Isshin, Yuzu and Karin had gone shopping, giving the orange-haired young man a break from all the chaos this house usually had.
"And when I think about the others... Uryu's gonna be a doctor, Chad is training to be a boxer... Not even talking about the ones in the Soul Society. Tch, being a Soul Reaper, you don't got to worry about that..."
He mumbled and grumbled like that for some time, until he heard the entrance door open and close, followed by a soft hum. Ichigo didn't raise his head, didn't want to, feeling way too angry to put on a sweet face with a nice smile. But soon, he felt a delicate hand go to his hair, scratching his scalp lightly, while Orihime leaned onto his back, hugging him.
"Ichigo-kun? Are you alright?" She worried, her normally cheerful voice turning quieter. He sighed heavily, humming a lazy 'yeah' but she didn't pull away. Orihime kept pressing onto his back, one hand still in his hair as the other was around his shoulder.
It took some time, maybe a few minutes, for Ichigo to stop sulking and talk to his girlfriend, to share his so weirdly human anguish.
"I don't know where to go, what to do. I have no idea if I should be like my dad, and stay here, or do something else. I don't feel good enough to be anything..." He admitted, head down but now he was seated back straight to the chair. Orihime, nodded, understanding, and started to think of ideas Ichigo might like, one finger on her chin.
Wasn't it incredible that, after that moment of feeling lost and stressing over simple things, the simple fact that Orihime being here was making him smile? She didn't have to say much, really, she only had to listen to him and hold his hand for him to have the will to continue.
Before, Rukia would have come up to him, may be punched him, certainly yelled at him to get his head back on track. Now, with Orihime being so gentle and comprehensive... He liked that way of cheering for someone better. By far.
"Ichigo-kun, I don't think you need to worry so much about this. Because you can be anything you want. You can do what you want. And whatever you choose, I will stay right by your side." Orihime smiled, beautiful, beautiful smile on her sunny face, and Ichigo quite literally felt all the fog in his head go away.
He smiled at her, looking at her eyes before taking her hand in his. It was still smaller than his, smoother also. Those hands who healed the one who protected...
"Thank you, Orihime."
That was life. Being worried about not so trivial human things, feeling angsty because you couldn't decide. He would have to get a job, to have money so they could grow old without issues. It was another type of danger, very different from protecting the city from a traitor captain who wanted to be a god, or defeating a man that wanted to fuse life and death together.
But he had chosen this human life, and did not regret it, as he held Orihime close, and promised himself to keep holding her like this for the years to come.
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rinusagitora · 4 years
Another empty seat in the city of ghosts.
Fandom: BLEACH
Characters: Isshin Kurosaki, Kisuke Urahara, Tessai Tsukabishi, Orihime Inoue, Rukia Kuchiki, Ichigo Kurosaki, Karin Kurosaki
Pairings: HitsuKarin, others not mentioned
Words: 1.5k
Summary: Shinigami!Karin AU. Chapter 6/8. WARNINGS- mentions of suicide, dysfunctional families;  Karin has taken her life. What follows is a maelstrom of emotion.
Isshin sat with Kisuke and Tessai, some of his only friends. Confidants.
He missed his daughter and she wasn't yet gone. Oh, but soon she would be. Given away to a boy he once knew well. It wasn't her wedding, though. He wished he got to see that. Karin in a beautiful kimono, glowing with happiness, next to someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Instead, he got to watch her run away, never to be seen until his expiration.
And in the meantime, his children torn asunder. Hopelessly drifting in rivers of pain and confusion. He wished he was more like Masaki in those times. Empathetic, wise. But he was just a silly old man with nothing to offer but platitudes.
God, it hurt. So much so he couldn't sleep that night. Isshin sought refuge with the Urahara house in the wee hours of the morning. Tessai made tea, and Isshin cried.
"This is a fucking disaster," he said as he rubbed his eyes.
Kisuke said, "They're children. They'll understand down the line."
Isshin wasn't so sure. He leaned his head on his palm and stared at the wall as his thoughts spun. What could he have done to protect them better? To have not isolated them? And Yuzu... sweet Yuzu, blind to her siblings' tribulations until her twin couldn't take it any longer. What should he have told her? What could he do to ease her pain?
He shook his head as he wept. It was so overwhelming. "I don't think Yuzu will speak to me ever again... A fucking disaster."
Isshin blinked when he saw Kisuke pass him smokes. Isshin smoked irregularly. Socially, at Masaki's grave. That was all. He knew better. He was a doctor.
It seemed like an appropriate time to smoke, though. God knew he needed a buzz.
When he felt Karin die, he lost his legs. He wanted to run, run, run until it wasn't true anymore. Until he stopped feeling his lungs clogging with water and the agony of losing a child.
Was Karin lost? It felt like it, but she was only moving onto another world, the world she pined for day and night, year after year.
A world far away from them. From him.
Isshin curled his lips into his mouth. "I'm... I don't know how to fix this." How he was supposed to get his baby girl back.
Tessai said, dripping with only the utmost sympathy and understanding, "We're past fixing. Now... now it's just damage control. Repairing your relationship with Yuzu. Giving Karin your best."
Isshin shook his head. "Will they even hear me out?"
"Maybe. Hopefully."
"I can try talking to Karin," Kisuke said. "I don't have a rapport with Yuzu, however.
"No. No, no. I've done enough damage. Anything I say will only worsen this." Only alienate himself from his babies more.
He remembered when they were still in cribs. Chubby and giggly. How they snuggled against his chest, how their heads smelled like love. How, once upon a time, Karin and Yuzu curled up with each other in their crib.
God, he missed his babies.
"She's a bright girl, that Karin," Tessai said, extinguishing his cigarette in an ashtray. "She knows what she wants. How to get there. This was the avenue she saw most expeditious. I'm sure she still regards you all fondly."
Isshin knew that wasn't it. He shook his head. "That's the thing, she hates us all. They all hate each other now." Isshin wiped his face with his thumb. He hadn't stopped crying for days. "Karin's always hated me. Now Yuzu does too because I kept this secret for so long. Ichigo may come to hate me too for all this... They may never speak to me again." All alone, with all his babies gone.
"It's true. This is a disaster," Tessai agreed, But as was your loss of powers. And you made it through that." He held Isshin's hand, rocking it. "Your children are of the resilient ilk. Green and adaptive. They will mend. Grow. Their roots will rejoin yours."
Isshin nodded. He held Tessai's hand in both of his, nodding, sobbing. How he hoped that was true. How he yearned to hold his babies again.
He glanced at the clock. It was almost five-thirty. "I should go home." He needed to get ready.
He hadn't worn his black suit in years.
"Stay as long as you need," Kisuke reminded him.
"Thank you... but my daughter..." He smiled, thinking of Yuzu.
"We understand. We'll see you in a couple of hours, Isshin. Take care."
Isshin let himself out, feeling dreary, exhausted.
He returned home. None of his children were downstairs. He leaned against his poster of Masaki, petting her face with the back of his hand. "I miss you," he said. "I wish you were here. For our children, for me." If Masaki were still around, could she have saved them? Kept them from falling apart?
Isshin pulled away. He couldn't ruminate too long, he needed to get ready.
A black suit. He hated it. How it was loose in his chest, tight in his gut. He'd let himself go, just like his family.
Yuzu was gone by the time he returned downstairs. Ichigo, with Karin in tow, as well as Rukia and Orhime, accompanied him.
Orihime approached him and squeezed him in a hug. He returned it, squeezing her. She was such a sweet creature. Loving to everything and everyone.
"It's gonna be okay, Dad," she whispered. A precious girl. He was glad Ichigo found someone who loved him so much. Someone unconditionally kind.
"Thank you, dear," Isshin said. He cupped Orihime's cheeks. "We love you so much. You have a loving heart and my unconditional adoration."
She returned his smile. "Thanks. I love you too."
Ichigo clapped his hands. "Let's go. People will start arriving at the wake soon, we best be there before it reaches critical mass."
They all packed into the car. Karin sat in the back, in his rearview mirror. Translucent and unemotional. Ichigo hovered next to her.
It took everything in his power not to cry. Not to scoop her up and tell her how fucking much he loved her.
"We're gonna stay in the back," he grumbled at Karin, "so you can watch all the people you hurt."
Karin snort. "Ironic, coming from you of all people."
"Guys... stop," Rukia sighed. Orihime shifted uncomfortably. "Let's just have a quiet ride."
"No. What Karin did was the epitome of selfishness. We're not gonna tiptoe around that."
Karin stammered, enraged. "The epitome of selfishness?" she screamed. "Me? You're the one who refused to teach me how to protect myself against hollows, Ichigo! You left me to the wolves, all of you!"
"That's not fair to us!"
"Fair? You wanna talk about fair?"
"Enough!" Rukia boomed. "Both of you. You're fighting like children. You're adults. Warriors. This is unbecoming of both of you. If I hear anything above a whisper while we're in the goddamn temple, I'm going to choke both of you out!"
Isshin was grateful Rukia was able to act so quickly, while simultaneously embarrassed he, their father, didn't put his foot down.
He parked behind the temple and they headed in through the front. There were many people already there.
Kisuke met Isshin only minutes after his arrival. They hugged. Isshin was so grateful to have the Urahara there.
He sniffed. "Thanks for coming. Ichigo's been awful to Karin. I don't know what to do about it... he won't listen to me."
Once he gestured to them in the corner, Kisuke nodded. "I'll talk to him."
Once Kisuke left, Isshin took a seat in the front row, lost in thought, in grief, in the din of the room.
His eyes were glued to Karin's altar. Surrounded by lilies and marigolds. Smiling in her picture with her friends. Did Isshin have any of her? Of all them together, smiling and gleeful?
Isshin was not a religious man. Masaki was, though, a devotee of Kannon, goddess of mercy. Was Karin religious like her mother? Would Kannon listen if he prayed for the areligious?
He asked Kannon to watch over his baby girl Karin in the Seireitei, nonetheless.
The ceremony began with the priest stepping to the front of the room. Isshin's breath caught in his throat.
He cried through the entire ceremony. The blessings, the kind words... Utterly overwhelming.
It came to an end. He only wanted to hold Karin more.
Isshin tore himself from his chair and found Karin. Ichigo intercepted them. "We need to go," he said, "handoff is soon."
"I don't care. Karin is my daughter. I'm going to say goodbye," he snapped at Ichigo. They stared off before Ichigo stepped aside.
Karin stared numbly. "I love you," Isshin said. "I always have, and always will. You are my daughter. I will never stop loving you." He hugged her. "Never forget that. Not for a minute."
She separated from him. "Bye, Old Man."
It broke his heart. A farewell so impersonal. Still, he swallowed, cried, and nodded.
There was no fixing this.
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darisu-chan · 6 years
Yes It Is
My take on this prompt, shamelessly based on The Beatles song by the same name. I genuinely thought it was about this song, lol.
Hope you like it!
You can also read it here.
Prompt: red is the color that makes me blue
Summary: When his new girlfriend wears a red dress, Ichigo remembers his only date with Rukia.
If you wear red tonight
Remember what I said tonight
For red is the color that my baby wore
And what's more it's true
Yes, it is
Ichigo could see Orihime’s happy face when he went to pick her up at her apartment that night. She giddily opened the door and gave him a dazzling smile. She wanted to be looked at. Girls don’t wear that scarlet color to go unnoticed. What’s more, they don’t wear dresses with a v-neckline if they don’t want something to happen that night. Ichigo felt his breath hitching for all the wrong reasons. Orihime seemed to take it as a compliment as she smiled bashfully at him. Even though they had known each other for forever, they had just started dating. She couldn’t read him yet. Not that Ichigo expected her to. None other but one person knew him inside out. She would have noticed in a millisecond something was wrong. Not that was any use in comparing the two for she was gone.
“So… how do I look?” Orihime batted her eyelashes coquettishly.
“You look nice.” He replied.
Truth be told, she looked stunning. Orihime was the kind of girl who had curves in all the right places. Any other man would have felt lucky to be able to call her his. Ichigo didn’t. That accursed red color was making him want to go home and cry.
“Shall we go?” She asked him, still smiling, no doubt having mistaken his speechlessness for being love-struck instead of feeling sick.
Ichigo nodded despite himself.
The date passed by in a blur.
The restaurant was nice.
The food was nice.
His date was nice.
But he didn’t care about any of those details.
The restaurant felt as if it would collapse on them.
The food was tasteless in his mouth.
And Orihime… well… Ichigo had wanted to ask her to change into another dress, preferably in another color. He couldn’t focus on whatever she was blabbering about during the whole date, his mind completely distracted.
It wasn’t as if she was a bad girl, though. She was kind and beautiful and funny. Ichigo could’ve been happy with her by his side, but there was one tiny yet significant detail. Deep down, he was still in love with another girl. He just couldn’t forget her. That woman had made her way into his heart and she refused to leave. It was her home, after all. If Ichigo closed his eyes and focused on the girl in front of him, he could probably pretend to forget the one he actually wanted. But not tonight. Not when Orihime was wearing red.
Crimson red as blood.
That same red Rukia had worn that night.
It had been two years ago. Ichigo was just about to finish college. He had been excited about the future. He had been even more excited about her. Kuchiki Rukia. The whirlwind of a woman that had changed his life upside down. He had met her during his first year at college. He had mistaken her for a middle school girl due to her short stature. A kick to the shin was enough to make him understand that no, she wasn’t a middle school girl, that she was in her second year of college, thank you very much. He had been smitten ever since. Well, no, that wasn’t the right word. At first, Ichigo had been merely interested in her. In the same way one is interested in storms, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, avalanches and other natural disasters. She was dangerous, he could tell, with her short, midnight hair, her wide, violet eyes, and that sassy smile of hers. All of his senses told him to escape her. He didn’t. Because Kurosaki Ichigo liked challenges and there wasn’t a greater challenge than Rukia.
They had started talking, because they happened to run into each other very often.
“I’m a Literature major.” He had said one day in the cafeteria as they both sipped their cups of coffee. “My father wanted me to be a doctor like him. I wanted to be a cop.”
“Oh? Then why you didn’t become a cop?” She had asked him, leaning on the table to get closer to him.
“I got tired of playing hero.” He had answered honestly.
“So you decided to read about heroes instead?”
“I wanted to become an artist.” Rukia muttered suddenly, her eyes getting a faraway look.
“Then why didn’t you?” Ichigo found himself asking, leaning closer to her as she had done before.
She shrugged. “Brother wanted me to study business, so here I am.”
“Maybe one day you can become an artist.” He had replied, not knowing what else to say.
She beamed at him in a way that made his heart stop beating inside his chest. “Maybe one day you’ll become a hero.”
Ichigo had found ways to hang out with her more after that conversation.
No. It wasn’t pursuing, as his friends had mildly put it. It was finding ways to spend more time together. So what if his interest in her had increased? It wasn’t interest anymore. It wasn’t quite infatuation either, no matter what his friends said. It was friendship. It went beyond friendship. It was finding the one person you could understand and that could understand you without asking questions. Rukia never asked him deep, personal questions. She never pressed him to share more about him than what he was willing to give. That was a first. Ichigo liked to keep things bottled up deep, deep within himself. He was a mystery to those around him. Many had tried to pry things out of him. None had succeeded. Rukia hadn’t even had to try. He found himself opening up until all words had escaped his mouth and went tumbling down into her ears. She was a great listener. She didn’t give him advice. She didn’t even try to make things seem insignificant compared to the pain of others. She cheered him up in her own Rukia-way.
Rukia wasn’t a sharer either. She just said what was necessary in every situation. Ichigo came to know her through her body language instead of her words. She liked her coffee just with one spoonful of sugar, no cream. She played with her fingers when she was nervous. She preferred dresses to pants. She used sarcasm to conceal her true feelings. She went to an orphanage every month and read to the kids. She also liked to read like him. The difference was she only read adventure and horror books. She imagined herself as her own savior, helping her escape the tower she was trapped in. She was mischievous and annoying and kind and caring and smart and just everything Ichigo had ever hoped to be. Rukia didn’t see him as a prince charming or someone who was destined to save her. She saw him as an equal. He was enough for her as he was. But, still, he wanted to do better, be better for her and for himself.
“I don’t need someone who can sweep me off of my feet.” Rukia had told him once.
“Of course not. You’re tough. You could sweep him off of his feet instead.” He had retorted.
She had laughed and it sounded like bells. “Won’t I hurt his macho pride?”
“You wouldn’t date that type of guy.”
They had gone silent and then Rukia had gotten close, close to him, bare legs brushing against his. “And what about you? Will you sweep a girl off of her feet?”
“Only if she wanted to.”
She had given him an inquisitive smile.
And after almost four years of knowing each other, after countless dreamless nights evoking her in his mind, after all the bickering, the heart-to-hearts, the secrets shared with a cup of coffee, Ichigo had managed to ask her out. “I’ve got a reservation, you see.” He had said. “I won a reservation at a fancy restaurant.” He had added. Nervously, he had asked, “Do you want to go with me?” Rukia had grinned at him and then had pecked his cheek. “Did you even have to ask?”
It wasn’t a ruse.
His father did give him a reservation at the restaurant Las Noches for free. Isshin had claimed he had won it fair and square. Ichigo hadn’t believed him one bit but hadn’t wanted to miss the chance.
It wasn’t as if they had never gone out just the two of them. But it had never been a date. Not really. They had never held hands or kissed or done anything of the sort. It was always just the two of them hanging out. But this was different. It was meant to be a date. The restaurant was fancy and classy, just as she was used to. Ichigo wore slacks and a blue dress shirt as well as his nicest shoes. His hair was as disheveled as ever but he had shaved. He was presentable enough. He had arrived early. Rukia had claimed she would meet him there. It was better. Less nervousness. So he had waited at their table, fumbling with his napkin when she suddenly appeared.
“Sorry I’m late!”
Midnight hair combed to the pack and pinned with a comb.
Gold eye shadow on her eyelids, making her eyes sparkle.
Lips red, red, as if she had bitten a cherry and they had gotten stained.
And the dress!
God, the dress!
It was scarlet and tight on her body, fitting in all the right places.
It had a sweetheart neckline, which made her breasts seem fuller.
The black high heels only made her legs look smoother.
She was gorgeous.
Ichigo had become speechless and Rukia had laughed. “I’m gonna take that as a compliment.” She had said, winking at him.
He had made a strangled noise before standing up and greeting her properly. “You… uh… you look very pretty.”
“You don’t look bad yourself.” She had said, a slender finger tracing his chest.
His Adam’s apple bobbled. “Do you want to sit down?” He said, gesturing to the table.
“Lighten up, Ichigo! It’s fine!” She had said, referring to how nervous he had looked.
Everything went great after that.
Ichigo couldn’t have been able to tell you what they had eaten and drunk that day. He didn’t even remember if their food had been fine or if it had been gross. But he could retell bit by bit every conversation they had had. Rukia had graduated a year earlier and had been working for a company. Her work sucked, she had said. She felt like a mindless zombie most days. Ichigo had cheered her up, saying she could take anything. She had smiled at him differently, then. As if she had wanted this moment to never end. He had felt the same way. Every moment they got to be together, was the best moment of his life. They ate dessert and then Ichigo walked her home. She didn’t live that far away. They enjoyed a comforting stroll through the streets of the town he had grown up in.
“Do you ever wish you could make time stop?” Rukia had suddenly asked him, standing near a fountain.
“All the time.” He had said as he stared right into her eyes.
They had kissed, then.
It was soft.
It was sweet.
It was passionate.
Rukia tasted like roses and strawberries and chocolate, and he didn’t know if it was because that had been what they had had for dessert or if that was the way she tasted regularly, but it felt as the very taste of love.
It was all he had ever wanted.
They parted and Rukia had pulled him close for a second kiss and then a third and a fourth. And time passed by and they were suddenly in front of her apartment. She looked so shy, embarrassed even, as she played with her keys.
“We should do this again sometime.” He had blurted out before he lost all sense of bravery.
She had beamed at him. “I’d like that.”
There had been one last kiss before they had parted ways, and if Ichigo had known it’d be their last kiss, he would have made sure it lasted longer. He would have cherished it with all of his soul.
But he hadn’t.
A week later, it was announced Kuchiki Rukia, heiress to the Kuchiki Enterprises, was getting married with the son of a mogul, of such an unremarkable name Ichigo had since long forgotten it.
They hadn’t seen each other after that or spoken to each other over the phone or anything of the sort.
But Ichigo had been unable to forget her.
That dress haunted his dreams as did the kisses and everything he had gone through with Rukia. He couldn’t believe all those carefree days were over and there was only loss and regret awaiting him. There were many what-ifs. If only he had asked her out sooner. If only he had confessed his feelings to her. But there was no use in imagining such scenarios. Rukia had once told him that her days of freedom were counted. That one day they would be over and she would have to return to the life she so wanted to escape. He had told her to escape. She had countered she would need a hero. Ichigo had had to bite his tongue unless he said something corny like “I’ll be your hero,” and he instead had told her she could be her own hero. She had smiled at that. But, at the end of the day, neither had been the hero.
All that was left were the plans they never got to do, those kisses shared in the calmness of the night, and that red dress.
Ichigo had hated the color ever since.
He had gotten rid of all the red clothing he owned.
For red was the color that made him blue.
And not even his new girlfriend wearing it or using it to seduce him would be able to change his mind.
Nothing would be able to get him to forget Rukia.
That was his curse.
That was his pride.
Understandably, he and Orihime hadn’t dated for long. That red dress was just the beginning of her dawning realization that he would never love her in the way she wanted to be loved. Orihime had broken up with him rather sweetly, if he said so himself. She had explained her reasons. She hadn’t blamed him even if he was to blame. They had parted ways and Orihime had soon started dating someone more deserving of her. He was happy for her. He truly was. But Rukia was still on his mind, now more than ever.
That had been six months ago.
His family and friends had all been worried about him ever since. As if Orihime was at fault for his mood. She wasn’t. It wasn’t Rukia either. It was just the accursed color. Ichigo saw red everywhere. When the sun began to set. On the stop signs. Street lights. People walking around. While eating apples. Everything was red. Meanwhile, he felt blue. He still went out. He went to work and he went to the gym and he occasionally hit the bar with Keigo and Chad. It was just that the nostalgia and the feeling that maybe he could have prevented all of it were too much for him sometimes.
And now he was here. In Las Noches again.
His father had told him to go there for a nice, family dinner. But he was nowhere in sight. Neither were his sisters. Their reservation had been at seven and half an hour had passed with no signs of them. Ichigo sighed. Maybe it would be better if he went home. He was about to call his father again when a voice startled him.
“Sorry I’m late.”
There, in front of him, wearing a tight red dress, was Kuchiki Rukia herself, smiling brightly at him, as if not one day had passed since their date, almost three years ago.
“R-Rukia!” He exclaimed, instantly standing up and walking towards her. He couldn’t believe it! Was it possible? Or was it just a mirage?
She closed the distance between them and kissed his lips. It was soft.
She really did taste like roses and strawberries and chocolate and all delightful things.
“Sorry I came so late.” She said, wrapping her arms around him.
“No.” Ichigo replied, managing to find his voice. “You arrived just in time.”
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brokenangelwings22 · 3 years
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I posted 965 times in 2021
45 posts created (5%)
920 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 20.4 posts.
I added 1,178 tags in 2021
#ichihime - 250 posts
#ichigo kurosaki - 207 posts
#orihime inoue - 192 posts
#my ultimate otp - 175 posts
#bleach - 86 posts
#ichigo x orihime - 67 posts
#ichiori - 57 posts
#lucifer spoilers - 51 posts
#renruki - 49 posts
#renji abarai - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#gotta say having a degree in english doesn’t exactly apply to a japanese comic
My Top Posts in 2021
Isshin: My four year old grandson checked me over with his doctors kit and said "you're too old. I think you should stop breathing now", then told me to give him 600 thousand. His bedside manner is appalling and I need to remortgage my house to pay him. Do not recommend.
24 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 00:09:24 GMT
Here's probably my only entry for IHweek. I've finally returned to writing. This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of my story Come Back Down to Earth. You can read the first chapter either on AO3 or FanFiction
Confession (IHweek 7/4) Please enjoy!
Chapter 2: Crawled In and Never Left
Give me the chance to tonight
I'll prove to you what's in my eyes
(It’s My Turn To Fly - The Urge - Titan AE soundtrack 2000)
Ichigo considered himself a reasonable man, but his patience was growing thin with his roommate.
“C’mon, man! You had a solid chance with Hime last night!” Renji pleaded with him. “Why are you so obtuse?”
“That’s an awfully big word for you.” Ichigo rolled his eyes at his friend. “Ever think of taking your own advice with Rukia?”
Renji let out a long suffering sigh. “You’re both hopeless, and therefore perfect for each other.”
“I’m perfectly happy with how things are with Hime. I don’t want to chance it.”
Renji pulled out a box of pretzel sticks from the cupboard. He fixed a concerned look on his face, and the seriousness unnerved Ichigo.
“Look. I’m not gonna force you. Even if I think you’re absolutely nuts not to. I will, however, point out that you’re an idiot for not telling her how you feel.” Renji pulled out a piece of pretzel and pointed it at Ichigo to emphasize his thought. “You’re gonna lose her one day if you continue to be ridiculous.”
Ichigo narrowed his eyes as his scowl persisted. “You think I am not aware of that?”
Renji placed the stick between his teeth and grinned toothily. “Yup!”
A sleepy noise came from behind the two men just as Ichigo opened his mouth to snap at his friend.
“Mm morning guys,” Orihime yawned as she stepped into the kitchen. “Any coffee? It’s too early.”
“Sorry Hime. Were we too loud?” Ichigo asked, his previous scowl morphing to something more kind.
“No,” she murmured. Her voice was still thick with sleep. She stumbled a little, bumping into Ichigo. “Oh hi wall. You smell nice.” Orihime leaned into his chest and snuggled him.
There was a strangled sound from Renji as he watched the young woman wrap her arms loosely around Ichigo’s waist. Instinctively, Ichigo wrapped his arms around her to steady her.
“Renji,” Ichigo said softly as to not disturb Orihime. “Please brew some coffee for her.”
“Jeez if I had known that Hime could instantly dissolve your sour mood with an embrace, I’d handcuff you both together.” Renji grumbled and shook his head, walking over to the coffeemaker on the counter.
Ichigo hummed a distracted acknowledgement as he idly stroked Orihime’s long auburn hair. She snuggled into his broad chest further. “Thanks. I’ll move her back to her room.” He was already moving towards the living room as he heard Renji’s snarky reply.
“Oh take your time. I’m merely here to serve.”
Ichigo sighed heavily as he stepped out from Orihime’s room and shut the door behind him quietly. He turned to walk down the short hallway, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw his two friends standing a few feet away with evil grins on their faces. Squaring his shoulders and fixing a glare at Renji and Rukia, he taunted “Don’t you both have something better to do? Like, absolutely anything?”
Rukia’s grin sharpened further. “Nah, we’re more interested in heckling you.”
Ichigo grumbled, raking his fingers through his unruly hair. “Yeah yeah. You’re both insufferable.”
See the full post
24 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 20:00:41 GMT
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Future dialogue to Gravity’s Ascension, an IH RR dystopian AU fanfic I’m currently writing.
26 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 05:17:05 GMT
Renji: my 8 year old asked what happens when you drive over a stick of butter. I said "it'll flatten". She asked how I knew
Renji: *gesturing to the tire covered in butter* that's how we got here
Renji: So what I'm saying is, when we have a hypothesis in this house, we test it!
Renji: I'm also saying, my wife was away
30 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 00:18:13 GMT
Rukia: Our daughter is now refusing fruit for breakfast, saying she doesn't "like sweet things in the bitter morning"
Renji: So I guess it's safe to say that 3rd grade is when reality first kicks in
33 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 00:05:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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veryheartcandy-blog · 8 years
Ukitake the kindest character in bleach is dead while Mayuri shinigami dr. mengele is still alive and experimenting .Ishida one of the most selfless characters is alone again but self centered bitch ori got rewarded for her selfishness and thirstiness .
Kubo has a weird taste in Happy endings. My fiancé is quite likes orihime and he really didn't like I quote 'how the author just gave her the thing she wanted instead of giving her a proper development. If she was suppose to be made to contrast Rukia she still should have qualities that should be at par with her. Orihime is such a waste in bleach.' I still cannot comprehend why Uryuu was alone..On the roof. As a doctor. Quincy war means no shit since homeboy can't get even a proper panel of himself at the ending. Ukitake could bring in sense into Rukia wanting to marry Renji. I really do believe his not just gonna sit there and let it happen. So Kubo brutally killed him. As for Mayuri. Sigh... I actually do somewhat enjoy his character but punishment should still be fall on him. Like maybe he has to help rebuild the Quincy empire by helping Uryuu get a perfect female specimen? Or something in that line idk (I'm just spitballing here) if that happens at Uryuu won't be alone and his can somehow avenge his beloved grandpa. Sigh. Kubo is fuck up man. He needs to stop writing. Period.
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