#orion my dear sweet boy
seagullcharmer · 2 years
finished lesson one of the scholomance. absolutely adored it (will likely reread over the next few days) can't wait until the library has the next two available
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What Makes a Home
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Summary: When Sirius Black was still in Hogwarts, there were few places that he could ever feel that he truly belonged. At Hogwarts, with his friends, and a secret place that he held ever so dear. Somewhere he couldn't bring himself to talk about.
Pairing: Sirius x Aunt Reader (PLATONIC)
A/N: I was inspired a lot by the song Find You by Sing Street and listened to it a bunch when writing this story. I think at this point we can all assume that I like making cute stories where characters get to have nice mother like figures.
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Growing up for a young Sirius Orion Black was a bit difficult, he was not very fond of the rules of the house of Black, which is why he tended to be on the receiving end of punishment quite often. But there were two places in the whole world that the young Sirius felt that he could freely be himself, Hogwarts and the home of his beloved aunt (Y/N) (L/N) nee Black. A name that was usually said with vitriol if ever spoken at home and avoided when in the company of other wizarding families for formal dinners. 
But despite all that, Sirius loved getting to spend time with his aunt and running over to her place from time to time, even if it was not as often as he would have liked. The boy's rebellious soul felt freedom from the rules of his parents and getting to experience the warmth of being loved by his aunt.
Which is why, with his heavy suitcase in hand, Sirius had made haste to leave Platform 9 ¾ as soon as the train stopped. He said his quick goodbyes to his friends and booked it before his mother and father arrived to take Regulus and himself back home. He knew that they would have heard about his school antics and not been pleased, so with nothing else to lose, he left. 
When he finally arrived at her home was fairly winded and the bouquet that he purchased was a bit worse for wear, but he did not care. With how lovely his aunt was, Sirius knew that she would be pleased at just having the chance to see him. 
Sirius knocked on the door and loudly said. "Auntie! It’s me! Sirius! Please open up!”
The door swung open and there stood the woman of the hour. “My sweet, sweet boy!” she pulled him into a tight hug and pressed numerous kisses onto his ruddy cheeks
Sirius dropped his suitcase and hugged her. He was immediately enveloped by the smell that always made him feel better, a cozy homey scent of chamomile tea, parchment, and ink. 
"I missed you!" He said, hugging her a little tighter and burying his face into her soft sweater.
“Oh! you're getting so tall, stay little for a while longer won't you?” 
Sirius couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his face when she stroked his hair. With a grin, he pulled away a little to look at her and said, "Well, it's not something I can stop you know. But for you I’ll try.”
“Come in, come in and give me that suitcase of yours, you must be tired!” She said ushering him through the door.
“Okay.” Sirius obeyed, picking up his suitcase and entering after her. He immediately dropped down on the sofa. “I’m knackered.” He sighed tiredly, tilting his head against the cushions.
“Oh my sweet boy, it's always good to have you here” she said while setting his suitcase off to the side.
“I wish I could stay here forever,” Sirius muttered, closing his eyes. It was cozy here, warm and comforting. He didn't even want to think about returning home.
“Let's not think of that just yet, hopefully I don’t hear from Walburga too soon” she said wiping her hands against her skirt. “I actually have your favorite cookies in the oven right now.”
"Mmm, now you've given me a reason to stay," Sirius hummed in response, opening one eye and looking up at her. "You spoil me too much auntie.”
“I don't spoil you enough!” she said pinching his cheek lovingly.
"Hey!" He protested, wrinkling his nose at her with a laugh. "You really spoil me a lot. I come to you every summer and you feed me non-stop in the time I get to stay with you. I'm afraid I’ll put on weight and won't be able to recognize myself if I keep it up."
“Good! Wards the girls away and I'll keep you to myself” she teased. 
Sirius laughed and rolled his eyes, amused. “You act like a mother more than my real mother! I wouldn’t mind you keeping me all to yourself, you’re my favorite after all.”
She smiled softly, “I would keep you here if I could, if only your mother wasn't such a witch.”
Sirius smiled back, enjoying her caresses and soft voice. However, the mention of his “mother” darkened his mood for a moment. “Don't even mention her... “ He muttered bitterly, turning away and sitting up.
“I know, I know” she said with a sigh. “Just give me a moment and I'll be back with those fresh cookies and a pot of tea”
"Okay." Sirius mumbled. 
When his aunt left, he leaned back against the sofa with a heavy sigh. He really didn't want to think about his mother. Not when here everything was so comfortable, warm and nice. Here he could be himself and not the Black heir.
It took several minutes for his aunt to return. In the meantime, Sirius was staring at the ceiling, tapping his fingers on his leg restlessly.
"Auntie," he spoke up as she walked over to the table, “you’re positive that Father or Mother hasn’t called about me?"
“No, not yet!” She said bringing along her tray of cookies and tea
Surprisingly, this news left a strange feeling in his chest. A little part of him, tucked deep in his heart, always wanted their attention and care. But, on the other hand, he knew he would be better off not seeing them at all. Not while they treated him only as the future Black heir and not as their son.
Sirius looked at her and smiled, "That’s good. I can have all the cookies to myself."
“You'll take some of these to your brother, won't you? I worry when Regulus doesn't come for a visit.”
Sirius rolled his eyes at the mention of his brother and muttered under his breath but still nodded in agreement. He's going to give some of the cookies to Regulus. "But if you worry about him so much, why don't you just tell him personally?"
She sighed and poured him a cup of tea, “He never answers my letters or calls, your mother certainly has her clutches on that boy.”
Sirius grimaced and accepted the cup of tea, wrapping his fingers around it. The warm liquid warmed him, and he took a small sip, “You’re not wrong about that. Mother has her claws in both of us.” He looked at his aunt, his expression slightly bitter. "Why does it seem that she's always hated us more and more over the years?"
“She's always been bitter over the littlest things, she was a real nag growing up” she said. “Try not to take it to heart.”
Sirius chuckled at that description. He could easily imagine his mother being bitter, just like his grandparents, and always finding something to complain about. "Is there a part of her that ever loved us, I wonder? At least Father sometimes acknowledges that we’re children.”
“I wish I knew the answer my sweet boy, but if as her sister, she refuses anything with me, then I wouldn’t know.”
Sirius nodded silently in response, wrapping his fingers tighter around the cup, feeling the warmth and holding it tighter. "Yeah... I hope Regulus is alright. I doubt anything good awaits him at home." He said bitterly and took a large gulp of tea.
“But enough about your mother, how was school this year? Any new friends?”
Sirius visibly brightened up when she changed the topic. He took another sip of tea before enthusiastically answering, "It was pretty cool, honestly. James and Remus are still my favorites, of course. But we found a new friend Peter, he's cool too. It's hard to be with us, though. We always get in trouble," he said with a chuckle, as if being in trouble was something to brag about.
“Not too much trouble I hope,” she teased.
Sirius shrugged, the corners of his lips tugging up in a smile. "Not too much trouble, just a normal amount. James, Remus, and I have gotten detention multiple times this year, and Peter only once. But we've had a lot of fun.” He chuckled again, feeling a pang of mischief in his chest as he mentioned the pranks. He definitely had no plans on telling her about their pranks on Snape.
“That's good, have fun while you're young because you don't want to wind up like your auntie do you?”
Sirius burst out laughing, rolling his eyes a little. He shook his head and said jokingly, “No, no, of course not. I don’t want to grow up to be a lonely old cat lady.”
“Watch yourself boy, it's one cat and two dogs, thank you.”
Sirius grinned like a little kid. He reached out to poke her in the cheek, which he has done since he was younger, and said with a mischievous tone, “Still seems like an old cat lady.”
The skittering of nails against wood caught his attention and in just a moment, his aunt’s corgi ran into the room through the doggy door and jumped up excitedly upon seeing the boy.Sirius laughed, seeing the corgi run up happily to him. He loved animals and dogs were no exception. He leaned down and patted the corgi on the head and scratched his ears, "Hey, buddy!"
The dog barked with excitement, wiggling in joy at seeing Sirius.
Sirius laughed again and scratched the dog's head vigorously, clearly enjoying the pup’s excitement. He looked up at his aunt and joked, “Well, I think the corgi clearly missed me more than you did.”
“Well these old bones of mine aren't going to jump in excitement if that's what you want,” she joked with a sip of tea.
Sirius smirked, he was amused by her comment and the corgi's behavior. "Are you trying to hint that you're an old woman, Auntie?"
“You're the one that called me old, young man” she wagged a finger at him. 
Sirius chuckled and said with a cheeky smile, "It was in a humorous manner, of course. I know you're still full of energy and still a hundred years younger than Dumbledore."
She laughed, “Dumbledore has been hundreds of years old even when I went to Hogwarts.”
Sirius laughed imagining Dumbledore being old already when she was at Hogwarts. He sat up a little, still petting the corgi, and said, "Yeah, he must've been a fossil even then."
The dog barked again, licking Sirius' hand and demanding attention. Sirius smiled and continued to shower the corgi with attention, scratching its head and ears, and even giving it a little rub on the belly. "You know, I'm quite jealous of the corgi," he said with a cheeky tone, looking up at his aunt, "It has all your attention."
A thoughtful look came over her features, “He was actually meant to be yours, you know.”
Sirius looked at her in surprise, the corgi still wiggling in his lap. He thought for a moment before saying in disbelief, “Really? But you’ve had Pudgy for years!”
She smiled sadly, “When you were 5, I hoped your mother would finally set our differences and let me come to your birthday even when I hadn’t received invitations to the previous ones. He was supposed to be your gift, but she said finally responded that time and said I was never allowed to come. Not even over her grave.”
Sirius' expression darkened at her words, the smile disappearing from his face. He could feel the familiar bitterness well up inside him as he listened to her story. The anger at his mother only grew. "I honestly don’t understand her…" he said quietly, his gaze fixed on the corgi. He petted the dog softly, “Why does she hate you so much? You’re her sister, and you’re so much nicer.”
“Married your uncle who was a muggle, remember?” She reminded him gently.
“It’s honestly ridiculous…” Sirius muttered under his breath. He never understood his parents' obsession with blood purity and the importance they placed on it. He looked back up at her with an upset expression, "It doesn’t change the fact that you’re family. She should have let you come on my birthdays or let me visit you more often than I do.”
“She thought I would be a bad influence on you. But I just wish she hadn’t been so bitter. Your uncle would have loved to know you” she said sadly.
"I would have loved to have him in my life too." Sirius muttered quietly, continuing to pet the pup who was still wiggling in his lap. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke up again in a slightly bitter voice, "She didn’t even let us come to his funeral, just because he was a Muggle."
A few tears slipped down her face even as she tried to keep smiling for his sake, “I know he wouldn't have held that against you, he was always so proud that his nephews would be wizards.”
Sirius felt that familiar pang in his chest as he watched her wipe away the falling tears. He had always known she was saddened by his uncle’s death, but he hadn’t realized just how much. He gently put a hand on her knee. "We probably would’ve been his favorite nephews," he said with a half smile, trying to lighten the mood.
She smiles at his comfort, “I actually have something that he asked me to set aside for you and Regulus.”
Sirius' expression was surprised as he listened to her words. He hadn't expected that his uncle would have anything left for him. He was both intrigued and curious, and his gaze became more attentive. "Really?" he asked, his grip on the corgi tightening slightly.
She nodded, “Just give me a moment and I'll go get it”
Sirius nodded and watched as she got up from her seat to go get the things his uncle had left for him and Regulus. He continued to pet the corgi, its soft fur helping to calm his anticipation.
While he waited, Sirius sat in his chair, thoughts swirling in his mind. He wondered what his uncle had left him and what significance it would have. The fact that his uncle had set aside something for him and his brother was unexpected, especially considering his mother’s bitter rejection of his aunt and the family's strict beliefs. Losing the boy’s attention, Pudgy the corgi waddled out of the room. 
“Here... it... is!” she said struggling a little beneath its weight.
Sirius laughed again, standing to help her with the heavy present. He looked down at it, intrigued, "What did Uncle even leave us, anyway?"
“I’m not sure, your uncle was so secretive about this thing. He wanted to be sure you wouldn't open it until you were 14 or mature enough for it.” 
Sirius’ eyebrows raised at her words, his eyes now fixed on the present. It was clear that it was something important. He weighed the box in his hands thoughtfully. "Well, only a few more years until I can finally find out then. What about Regulus? What’s in his?"
“Boy, don't play with me. Your 14th birthday was a few weeks ago and I think you’re mature enough,” she sassed. “And I wouldn’t know about Regulus' gift either, he said they were for the two of you.” 
Sirius' cheeks grew warm and he let out a sheepish chuckle. He wasn’t for much fuss about his birthdays and tended to forget about them. Feeling slightly embarrassed, he rubbed the back of his head and said with an amused tone, "Oh right, I guess I am a year older. It slipped my mind."
“Well, go on” she said encouragingly. “See what he left for you.” 
Sirius looked down at the present in his hands once again, his curiosity now growing. He took a deep breath, the weight of the present felt heavier than any Christmas gift he’d received before. He slowly began to unwrap the packaging, pulling off the paper and revealing the contents of the box.
The wrapping paper was tossed aside, but Sirius eyes were transfixed on what had appeared once it was removed. He stared at the gift in stunned silence for a moment. He didn’t know exactly what he’d been expecting, but it certainly hadn’t been this. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest and his mind whirling. He hadn’t been this speechless in ages.
His jaw dropped as he stared down at the guitar, amp, and leather jacket (his main focus despite the other knick knacks). His mind was in a flurry of thoughts and emotions, but there was one thing he wanted to do more than anything else. He reached into the box, gently pulling out the guitar and running his fingers down its surface. His hands trembled slightly as he held it, his mind already filled with visions of him performing with his friends.
“These were his,” she said softly. 
Sirius looked up at her, his eyes wide and full of wonder. He could never have expected that his uncle would give him something like this. He held the guitar tightly in his hands, his heart filled with gratitude. The knowledge that these gifts had once been a part of his uncle's life made them all the more special to him.
"He loved music so much, didn’t he?" He murmured, still awestruck.
“He loved it,” she said wistfully. “He once came with this guitar to serenade me and my father and sister were furious. How could a muggle come and traipse around the family home?” she laughed fondly.
Sirius chuckled, imagining a much younger version of his uncle playing the guitar and trying to impress his aunt and her family. To most pure-bloods, it would be a major disgrace to bring a muggle anywhere near their family home and yet it sounded like the most romantic, exciting thing in the world to Sirius. "I can only imagine the look on our family's faces.”
“Horrified!” she laughed, “but I loved it and couldn't imagine anyone else but him after that.”
Sirius felt his heart warm slightly as she laughed, the sound filling the room. He could sense the love and adoration she still had for his uncle.
It reminded him once again of the fact that he had lost the opportunity to really know his uncle.
"I wish he'd been around longer." He said quietly, his fingers tracing the strings of the guitar.
“I know, sweet boy” she placed a hand on his in comfort. “But he was sick and in so much pain, he couldn’t keep fighting it.”
Sirius felt her warm hand on his and his heart ached at her words. He knew that his uncle had been ill for a long time before he passed away, but he hadn’t really understood the extent of his pain. He nodded silently, trying to push down the feeling of sadness that was welling up inside him. He swallowed and his voice was hoarse as he quietly replied, “Yeah… I know…"
“But make sure to check the box, I know that he wrote you a letter too” she said confidently about what she remembered.
Sirius looked up at her, his eyes widened slightly. His thoughts were distracted from the sadness for a moment at the mention of his uncle's letter. He reached back into the box and began searching through the items in search of the letter. His fingers finally brushed against a folded piece of paper and he pulled it out, holding it carefully in his hand. He stared down at the letter, his heart beating in his chest. He could see the familiar writing of his uncle's name on the front, but he couldn't bring himself to immediately open and read it.
He looked back up at his aunt, his expression a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. "I'm... I'm not sure I'm ready to open this just yet..." he said quietly, his grip on the letter tightening.
“And that's okay, sweet boy” she said softly. “You can read it whenever you're ready, that letter is for you only.”
Sirius nodded, feeling a weight lifted from his chest. He was grateful for her understanding and the fact that she wasn't pressuring him to open the letter right away. He carefully placed the letter aside and looked back at the guitar and amp. He couldn't resist the urge to hold the guitar again, so he picked it up once more. He strummed a few chords awkwardly, feeling the weight of the instrument in his lap. "I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time with these..."
“You'll learn eventually and I hope if it isn't too much, would you let me be the first to hear when you can play a full song?” 
Sirius's heart fluttered a little at her request, and he smiled warmly. He was honored that she wanted to be the first one to hear him play. He clutched the guitar in his arms and nodded vigorously. "Of course, Auntie! You'll be the first one to hear me play."
He was determined more than ever to learn how to play the guitar and make his uncle proud, and to express his emotions in music. He could already imagine all the songs he would write, all the pain and love he would pour into them. He looked back at her, his heart full of gratitude. "Thank you… for everything.." He whispered.
“It's my pleasure, sweet boy” she said comfortingly. “I hope you know that.”
Sirius continued to hold the guitar, staring down at it with a mix of wonder and determination. He wanted to become the best guitar player that the world had ever seen, maybe even better than that group his aunt liked, The Beatles.
"I'm going to work hard and learn everything I can," he mumbled, mentally making a plan to practice for hours every day.
“Are you going to want to try on the leather jacket he gave you?” She asked looking into the box again.
Sirius's face lit up at her question. How could he not want to try on a leather jacket? Especially one that had once belonged to his uncle.
He carefully placed the guitar down, then reached over and took up the leather jacket from the box. He held it up, admiring its sleek, cool appearance, and his grin widened.
"This looks awesome... I can't wait to see how it looks on me." he said excitedly, already anticipating how cool he was going to look. He slipped the jacket over his shoulders and zipped it up, taking a step back to look at his reflection in a nearby mirror. 
But it was slightly too big, as his uncle had been a much taller man. Sirius scrutinized his reflection, a hint of disappointment washing over him as the jacket hung a little loose on his frame. He pouted slightly, pulling the edges of the jacket tighter. 
"Yeah... it's a little big," he admitted, looking up at her with slight sheepishness.
She laughed fondly, “Nothing a little spell can't fix, want me to give it a try?” 
Sirius perked up at her words, his disappointment quickly disappearing. He had completely forgotten about the countless spells they could use as wizards. A small, sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Yeah, why not.” he chuckled, running his hands over the jacket, feeling the material against his skin.
He closed his eyes for a moment. Her hands came to rest gently on his shoulders and he focused his mind to her next words, as she murmured “Resizamento.” 
He felt a familiar tingly sensation washing over him as the jacket began to shrink and mold to his body, conforming to his form. Sirius eyes fluttered open, and he couldn't help but gasp as he looked at his reflection again in the mirror. The jacket now fit him perfectly, molding to his frame and accentuating his lean body. He spun around, admiring himself from all angles, a feeling of pure elation washing over him. 
"It's perfect..." he breathed, grinning widely.
She hugged him tightly from behind and pressed a kiss to his hair, “He seemed to know it would be.” 
Sirius smiled widely, feeling a burst of affection as his aunt hugged him from behind and kissed his hair. He could practically feel his Uncle's presence in the room, as if he had known that his gifts would fit just right.
He ran his fingers over the material of the jacket once again, a sense of belonging and happiness filling him.
"I'm never going to take it off," he teased, spinning around in her arms to face her.
“You’ll have to at some point, leather is a material that needs to be cared for” she said.
Sirius rolled his eyes dramatically, a small laugh escaping his lips. He knew she was right, of course, but the idea of parting with the jacket for even a moment felt like a small tragedy to him.
"Ugh, I know," he sighed, pretending to pout. "But it's sooo comfortable. I just want to wear it forever."
“Well with a little magic, you probably could” she said nonchalantly.
Sirius's eyes widened with excitement at her words. He hadn't thought about that before. If he cast spells to clean and care for the leather, he probably could wear it indefinitely without wearing it out. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, a mischievous smile on his face.
"Hm... now that's a thought. I could do that, can’t I?”
“Don't you get any ideas mister,” she said playfully.
Sirius put on a look of mock-innocence, fluttering his eyelashes and holding his hands up in defense. 
“Who, me? Get ideas? Never.” He giggled before continuing, “But can you imagine? I’d become known as the wizard who wore a leather jacket every day. I’d be a living legend.”
“As long as it isn't for the worst smelling, then that's all you. Have at it” she said taking a seat.
Sirius feigned shock, bringing a hand to his chest and looking deeply offended. “Worst-smelling? Me? Aunt, you’re underestimating my grooming skills.” He leaned forward, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “I’ll charm the jacket to smell like new and fresh leather every single day. You won't be able to tell the difference.”
She laughed heartily, “Now I know all the girls will swoon with you around, the jacket and guitar are a powerful combination.” 
Sirius smirked, a hint of pride in his expression. He couldn't deny that the thought of making girls swoon was appealing. He was a teenage boy after all.
“You think so…?” He asked, running a hand through his hair with a cocky confidence. “I bet they'll be fighting over me with a guitar and a leather jacket.”
“Well it certainly worked on me back then.” 
Sirius raised an eyebrow, a cheeky grin on his face. “Did it, now? I guess these gifts were quite the winning combination.” He smirked, eyeing her up and down, his tone teasing. “So are you saying you have a weakness for leather jacket-wearing, guitar-playing boys?”
She sat back comfortably, “Well I married the "bad boy", didn't I?”
Sirius let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back. He thought that was a very accurate description of his uncle. He had definitely fit the part of a "bad boy." He ran a hand through his hair again, grinning. 
“Ah yes, I guess you did. And I assume that all of this...” he said, gesturing to his new gifts, “…had something to do with it?”
“Some of it, because despite all appearances, your uncle was a gentleman”
Sirius smiled warmly, his heart filled with a sense of pride and affection. He could imagine his uncle acting like a gentle and courteous gentleman around his aunt, even with his bad boy looks. 
He chuckled slightly, his tone teasing. “A gentleman with a bad boy image... he really was the complete package, wasn’t he? I bet all the girls fell head over heels for him,” Sirius continued, his grin widening. “He probably had them all swooning left and right.”
She shrugged, “I suppose so, but your uncle just always made it a point to make sure I knew that I was the only one for him.”
Sirius's heart melted a little at her words. The devotion and commitment his uncle and aunt had for each other was incredibly romantic, and Sirius couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing for a love like that one day. He let out a soft sigh, looking at her with a mixture of admiration and hope. “He really loved you, didn’t he?”
“Til death did us part,” she said softly.
Sirius felt a lump form in his throat at her words, a bittersweet smile on his face. He knew that his uncle had loved her deeply, that their love had been strong and passionate, right up until the very end. He reached out and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
He looked up at her, his gaze intense. “Auntie…” he started, his voice a little hoarse. “Is it okay if I ask you something? Something a little personal?”
“Of course, sweet boy. You know that I try to be as honest as I can with you?”
Sirius nodded, feeling a sense of appreciation wash over him. He knew that she would always be honest with him, and he felt comfortable asking her personal questions. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before asking, “I... I was wondering... what it was like? You and him, when you first met. What was he like…? How did you know that he was the one…?”
“It was all the little things coming together that let me know he was the one for me,” she said swooning a little at the thought. “But we were young, your age actually when we met by chance.”
Sirius smiled at the dreamy look in her eyes as she recalled their first meeting. He had a feeling he knew what she meant. It wasn’t just one thing, but a combination of things that had drawn her to his uncle. 
“By chance…” he repeated, his voice soft. “Like fate?”
“Don't know what else you could call it, because to think that the bad boy would do all that he could to see a girl he had met only once, it couldn't be anything else but fate“ she said fondly. 
Sirius chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. It sounded like something out of a romance novel. A bad boy seeing a beautiful girl, and then doing everything in his power to get her attention and make her his own.
He smiled warmly. “He really wanted to make sure you were his, didn’t he?”
“Oh yes, I was dressed all prim and proper on our outing as a family and that sneaky scoundrel snuck his name and address into my skirt’s pocket.”
Sirius let out a loud scoff, both amused and surprised at his uncle's sneaky tactics. He could imagine his uncle slipping his details into her pocket when no one was watching, a cheeky smile on his face.
“Sneaky, but effective. I guess he was pretty determined to get your attention,” he said, his tone teasing.
“He certainly had it alright, because I had never met a muggle like him before or ever,” she said honestly.
Sirius chuckled again, imagining his aunt’s confusion and curiosity encountering a muggle for the first time. He could only imagine how different his uncle must have been from the other pure-blood wizards she was familiar with. He leaned back, his tone light hearted, “I bet that must have thrown you off. A muggle boy having that effect on a pure-blood witch.”
“It certainly startled me, because most young wizards wouldn't even talk with me because the family name was intimidating but also because Walburga was meant to be the first choice.”
Sirius's expression softened as she spoke, feeling a pang of sympathy for her. He could understand that family name bringing about some hesitation and intimidation, as the Black family held a lot of status and influence within the wizarding world.
He reached out to take her hand, squeezing it gently. “I bet those wizards were idiots then, not wanting to get to know you because of the family name.”
“For the best really, gave your uncle and edge over the rest” she shrugged. 
He smirked, his tone teasing. “But, I bet that wasn’t the only reason you chose him over the rest. You just couldn’t resist a bad boy in leather, could you?” 
“You think all of the boys with ties and sweater vests could have made me swoon?”
Sirius laughed heartily at the image of stuffy, straight-laced boys in ties and sweater vests trying to make his aunt swoon. It was a comical sight, and he couldn’t imagine her being even remotely interested in them.
He shook his head firmly, a teasing grin on his face. 
“No, definitely not. Those boys would have had no chance against a bad boy in leather. I mean, come on. It’s not even a competition.” He chuckled again, his tone mischievous. “Besides, I think you’ve got a thing for leather-wearing bad boys, don’t you?”
He waggled his eyebrows jokingly, trying to gauge her reaction. He was just teasing, but he wouldn’t be surprised if she actually did have a soft spot for bad boys like his uncle.
“Bad boys tend to be misunderstood young men, and they hold a special place in my heart” she affirmed. 
Sirius felt a warmth spreading through his chest at her words. It was a testament to her kind and understanding nature, that she saw beyond the surface of things and understood people on a deeper level.
He smiled warmly, his tone soft. “Yeah, I guess bad boys are just misunderstood sometimes. They don’t all live up to their reputation, do they? And you can see through that, and still love and care for them despite their flaws.”
“When we learn to look past the appearances, we can have the honor of knowing those worth having in our lives,” she said kindly. 
Sirius nodded, his expression thoughtful. He could sense the wisdom in her words, and he knew that she was speaking from years of experience and insight.
He squeezed her hand again. “You’re right, I guess. It’s important to look past the surface and really get to know someone before making judgments. It helps us understand them and love them for who they truly are, flaws and all.”
She squeezed his hand in return with a smile, “Now, how about you try and play your guitar a bit, while I make us a quick dinner. Okay?”
Sirius felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of trying out his new guitar. He had been itching to play it ever since he unwrapped it and now he had the perfect opportunity. He gave her a quick hug before hopping off the couch and darting into the living room, guitar in hand. As he settled on the couch, guitar in his lap, Sirius began to strum the strings, his fingers plucking at them with a bit of clumsiness. He closed his eyes, a smile on his face as the music filled the space around him. He let the music take him away, his fingers moving over the strings, creating a simple but beautiful melody that echoed throughout the house. He forgot about everything else and lost himself in the moment, feeling free and alive as he played. 
His aunt from the other room hummed along and Sirius smiled to himself as he heard his aunt’s humming to his playing. It was a small moment, but it added to the warm and cozy feeling that filled the house. He continued strumming the guitar, playing with increasing confidence and feeling a sense of accomplishment at the sounds he was creating. Every now and then, he strummed a wrong note, but he didn’t let it bother him, correcting his mistake and carrying on.
Oh yes, moments like these were truly what made it feel like home. 
Which is why he never spoke about it in adulthood, because he lost it.
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leviathanspain · 2 years
innocent son
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regulus black x reader, sirius black x reader
synopsis: regulus was a messed up person, but he made you feel just as bad as him
“god, regulus!” you pulled your arm out of his tight grip and walked towards the door.
“no, no no.” he shook his head and slammed a hand down on the door before you even pulled it open, “stay, y/n, please stay with me.” his voice cracked slightly and you heard the rumble of orion’s voice from down the steps and you shivered slightly. leave now and deal with the consequences of the black family patriarch who had a creepy fondness for you.
you let out a huge sigh and paused. your lips felt dry as you thought. your parents weren’t expecting you home, you lied and said you were spending the night with lily. but you and lily hadn’t talked for weeks since the incident.
sirius was walking just ahead of you and you moved quickly to catch up to him, “black!” you yelled and sirius turned around, rolling his eyes as he saw it was you. “yes, oh my dear y/n.” he remarked sarcastically.
you laughed dryly, “i suppose that you can’t help me study for my potions exam? i heard you had a rather interesting talent for it.”
sirius stopped walking and smirked slightly, “and just who, told you that?” sirius looked at the planes of your face and took in its image, a small blush was on your face as you thought.
“your brother.” you whispered.
sirius’ smile fell slightly and he hummed, “oh.” and continued to walk.
you, were blissfully unaware of the friction between the two brothers. you had just met regulus the other day after your friend decided it would be a good idea to try her new bat off the field, sending a slugger to the back of reg’s head.
“what’s wrong?” you reached out for sirius’ arm and pulled him back. sirius looked surprised that you had pulled him back, and raised an eyebrow, “nothing.. nothing.” he gave a stiff smile and looked at the floor, “i’ll help you. hardly do i ever study but for you, it wouldn’t hurt for a few hours.”
you practically squealed in happiness when he finished. you jumped up and down, reaching up to peck his cheek, “thank you, you handsome man!” you yelled, and ran off, seeing a group of girls from the class and catching up with them.
you flickered between that memory and the pain creasing regulus’ face.
you pulled him towards you, and you held him, “i’m sorry.” you had overreacted, regulus needed you, and as much as you didn’t want to believe it, you needed him too.
lily, james, remus and sirius were all gathered in the gryffindor common room when remus finally broke the silence.
“and you said yes?” sirius nodded and james let out a bitter laugh.
lily looked between them all and shook her head, “y/n is sweet! i don’t really see the issue.” she looked at sirius who was avoiding their gaze, and shrugged, “she’s just a friend, right?” she asked but lily seemed to already know the answer.
remus looked at lily and sighed, “she’s friends with regulus, that already makes her tainted fruit.” james agreed and sirius stayed silent.
he didn’t know why he had said yes.
“at least she called pads handsome.” james reminded him and nudged sirius, who was smiling shyly.
“just study with her. control your emotions and that whole word vomit thing that you do that always works for you but you end up regretting it later on.” lily warned sirius who nodded, “yes ma’am.” he held up a hand over his heart and his other to salute her in a sarcastic jab. the two boys laughed as lily rolled her eyes.
sirius found it harder and harder to keep himself contained next to you. he was like a boiling pot of water, threatening to spill with every hair flip and coy smile you gave him.
but he knew that there was one thing that would suppress him.
“how do you know my brother?” he cut in awkwardly, as you were reading the textbook silently.
you stopped, and looked up, “my friend batted a ball at his head. i walked with him to the infirmary when he remembered me in potions.”
sirius nodded, letting out a silent ‘oh’ before he carried on.
“what do you think of him?” he prodded, and you shrugged, “he’s nice. everyone else doesn’t really seem to think so, i see him alone most of the time, but he’s really sweet. and cute.” you mentioned, “i guess it runs in the family.” you looked up at sirius, who was struggling to hold his words in. he had a look in his eyes that you had seen only a handful of times, always when you were alone.
“i guess it does.” sirius muttered absentmindedly. and as you looked up, you felt hands cup your cheeks, and sirius kissed you.
for a second, you were frozen, until his tongue met yours and you were entangled in the kiss. gripping his hair, you pulled sirius closer to you as he grabbed your neck roughly. you moaned into the kiss as you felt his fingers press into the nape of your neck.
days passed by and you had avoided sirius. horribly bad timing, that night as you had finally torn your lips off sirius, a flush of regret washed over you, and even more so when regulus saw you walking down the corridor. it was late, late enough to warrant detention, but regulus was hardly ever caught. he saw you, and pulled you into the shadows where he stood.
a slip of moonlight showed your face to him and regulus noted the swollen lips, clearly from kissing someone. he swallowed thickly, “holiday is coming soon. my pretentious parents want to go to france, come with me.”
a boy whom you had just met a few days ago was now asking you to crash his family vacation.
“will sirius be there?” you asked and regulus shook his head, “no.”
“then yes.” the words left your lips before you could even think. regulus held you for a moment before nodding, “thank you.”
regulus was in front of you. your hand was in his as you breathed slightly on his neck. the bed was large enough for the both of you, and regulus had hardly moved in the last hour, frozen in your embrace.
“reg?” you asked and regulus hummed quietly, “why did you ask me to france?” why did you drag me into this, you wanted to add but you withheld that question, knowing it would only make him freeze you out.
“he wanted you. i saw the way he looked at you, how he gazed at your hands, your face, even the way you walked.” he swallowed thickly, “i couldn’t let him have you.”
him. him? the thought passed around in your head until it landed on the most obvious.
sirius who was utterly heartbroken to hear you were going with regulus on holiday, seemingly sealing your fate as regulus’ bitch, the boys had forbidden you to see him. lily had communicated the thought and you couldn’t even protest. you could’ve stopped the kiss, could’ve told regulus no. so many decisions on your part that seemed to be all a jumbled mess anyway.
so you swallowed your pride and nodded, looking at lily, “tell sirius im sorry.” you whispered and lily nodded.
she wasn’t your friend, none of them were. so why did it hurt so bad to be shunned by them for hurting their golden boy?
you had been rubbing your thumb on the back of regulus’ hand, which ceased movement as he said that.
“what?” you asked, your voice sounding suddenly very far away.
your hearing moved to a buzz, a harsh buzz that made you blink in shock.
“are you telling me, that because sirius liked me, you sabotaged me?” regulus was not good for you. you had come to terms with that. the boy had too much emotional baggage that it was nauseating. not knowing how to feel, you pulled away from him and sat up on your side of the bed. you gripped the sheets slightly and regulus sat up.
“it’s not how i wanted to tell you. but, i fell in love with you! sirius would’ve thrown you away like a used tissue the minute you opened your legs for him, he would’ve used you.” regulus hissed and you shook your head, “that’s not a decision you should’ve made, reg!” you stood up, and knew very well this was a screaming match in the process.
orion would most likely have to break it up, and walburga would have to sit with you until orion had sorted regulus out. this was all predictable because it always happened. regulus said stupid things, and didn’t care how they hurt you.
“you cant say you love me, regulus.” it had been just weeks since school had started back up since the holiday. “we have sex under the moonlight, both drunk and emotional and suddenly that’s love?” you referenced the last night of your trip in france. heavy on the neurotic, little less romance, it could’ve passed for a really bad rendition of romeo and juliet.
“yes.” regulus looked at you, his eyes were red rimmed and his hair was a mess, “i told you i loved you then, and im telling you now. i love you!” he yelled, and the doors down the hall cracked open and you felt your ears heat up.
you didn’t want to go through with this again. you couldn’t deal with the consequences.
so you shushed regulus, who was shaking now. you turned his back towards the door and you embraced him tightly. regulus didn’t question it as he buried his head in your shoulder.
orion had opened the door, “everything alright?” he had a permanent frown on his face. his disdain for his own sons was clear, but he thought you had changed regulus for the better, the frequent fights were just a bump in the road. he was convinced you would be married by the end of hogwarts.
you nodded and the door shut quickly.
regulus hugged you, kissing your neck, “i’m sorry. im sorry.” he repeated, “tell me you love me.” he whispered.
“i love you.” you exhaled.
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
Wonder what would happen if TFA Optimus got yeeted into earthspark
Y'know it's gonna be funny between an unofficial prime with no holy tits and have no idea why the warlord having beef with Autobots meeting a prime with holy tits who also have history and make peace with megatron the slagmaker
Im so sorry for phrasing it this way it's just funny and my brain isn't braining anymore it's just a jello with lots of shenanigans-
I also love your writing ahaha
I love this so much omg ?
Tfa Optimus in my opinion is basically Orion Pax (in general any orion). Like who I imagine Orion to be before taking the matrix. He is sweet, loyal , brave but is still struggling to be this leader but he's trying his damn hardest to take up the mantle.
ES Optimus would immediately be so drawn to TFa oppi because that's him , literally who he was before, young and not alot of experience. But also sad that this oppi has had to go through so much in such a small time. The losses he has suffered. He feels for him so much.
They are dads btws. This is two big bot dads with dad jokes. A young dad and aolder dad that goes
"I've been at this for years watch and learn ~" //finger guns//
Does the sickest ax move you've ever seen
I do think TFA would think ES is a lil goofy but admires who he is and what all he's had to go through to get here. He hopes to be like him one day.
And I know TFa is probs just as big as ES. But funny to think he'd be smaller cause tfa Cons are just HUGE.
Also yes tfa may not have tits for days, BUT THOSE HIPS DONT LIE, #respectthehips lol
Now comes ES Megatron. Oh dear he's not use to this. When comes to the size and the fusion Canon on his arm. Tfa can't help but be uneasy. ES oppi would reassure him that this megs is ok and has changed. Its hard for tfa to wrap his mind around. So he trys to talk with him a little. Tfa oppi is a bit awkward but Megs sees he's trying so agrees.
He's so blown at the different personalities and history they share. Even a bit envious but happy that this Megatron saw the error of his ways and wnates to change. Meanwhile his was stuck as he was,, evil and murderous..
Megs is more than happy to show he's happy to talk. But hearing what tfa megs is like just makes him disgusted, particularly guilty as some traits he used to share maybe even struggles with right now.
But Megs is also like that Dad who's been around is trying turn his life around be there for the kids. Literally lol so Tfa Optimus and these two big boys get along well.
I know the kids would love TFa oppi so much omg. I cry.
I'm also happy you like my writing !!! Thank you so much
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skepticalcatfrog · 18 days
My Secret Shanghai Playlist
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Finally, the playlist is FINISHED! I gathered all the songs a while ago, the reason it took this long is because I wanted to make a nice cover for it, which I did! See above.
Click here for the playlist!
Now when I say "finished", I don't believe any playlist is ever REALLY finished. I may add songs later on, and if I do, I'll add them to this post! I'm also always open to suggestions.
As promised, under the cut I'll be putting brief descriptions of why I added each song! If you want a full, line-by-line analysis, I definitely encourage you to send an ask about any specific songs to my inbox!
Song List:
1. Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers - Everyone already knows my feelings about this song and OVE-era Benedikt (if they looked at this other post I made that is).
2. Stiletto by Billy Joel - Again, if anyone looked at this second other post I made they'll know why this is Roma and Juliette, but SPECIFICALLY from Benedikt's POV.
3. Killer by Phoebe Bridgers - This is Roma and Juliette, specifically in TVD/OVE (see also the drawing I made inspired by this if you so choose).
4. Salt in The Wound by boygenius - This is Rosalind and Dimitri to me, they may also appear again later in this list.
5. Eat Your Young by Hozier - I mean. I feel as though this is quite obvious if you've heard the song.
6. The Bomb by Florence and the Machine - See, as I said up above, this one is Rosalind and Dimitri once again.
7. Wish That You Were Here by Florence and the Machine - I've posted about this before too, not in as much detail, but this one is Benedikt and Marshall to me, specifically in early OVE.
8. Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers - This is on here for Juliette, I need to go in depth about this someone PLEASE ask me about it.
9. Please Stay by Lucy Dacus - If you read my fic you already know, this is on here for Benedikt and Marshall.
10. Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier - Honestly this one is on here for pure vibes, feel free to match it specifically with whoever you like.
11. Queen of Peace by Florence and the Machine - It's possible that this one may not fit EXACTLY exactly, but it just really gives Celia to me and there are enough lines in the song to prove it.
12. Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine - Again, this is Rosalind and Dimitri, I know this is happening a lot but it's because I listen to just enough songs about messed up relationships.
13. This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race by Fallout Boy - This one is also on here for pure vibes, it just works very well.
14. Sedated by Hozier - This one is sooooooo FLF/FHH, I don't make the rules.
15. Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons - This is Roma to me, in the way I interpret this song and these lyrics.
16. No Choir by Florence and the Machine - I've also posted about this but I don't think many people saw it, this gives me sooooo Roma and Juliette after they flee the city.
17. Dinner and Diatribes by Hozier - Roma and Juliette. I have no explanation for this other than how antisocial Roma is and how absolutely horrendously they want each other throughout the entire series but specifically LVC.
18. Hospital Beds by Florence and the Machine - This song can be associated with so many things in these books that I will simply let YOU choose what it means.
19. Alone Together by Fall Out Boy - This gives me many feelings about the main four in TVD and where they all end up after the two books.
20. Fourth of July by Fall Out Boy - This one is for Roma and Juliette, specifically in OVE when their relationship has become infinitely more complicated.
21. The Calendar by Panic! At The Disco - This one is on here for OVE-era Roma and his conflicting feelings about Juliette.
22. Hungover in the City of Dust by Autoheart - Dear god this song is so good, and it's here for my beloved Benedikt, once again in his depression era.
23. Share Your Address by Ben Platt - I feel like this one could be very sweet for Rosalind and Orion, from his POV. I just like it for them.
24. New Invention by IDKHOW - If you like Orion Hong and you want to feel MISERABLE about him, this is the song for you I promise.
25. Guns for Hire by Woodkid - Another pure vibes one. Give it a listen.
26. My Immortal by Evanescence - This is another one that I feel could have a number of interpretations, but to me it is Benedikt Montagov (in early OVE, obviously).
27. Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys - An unconventional choice, I know, but I put this here for Roma and Juliette, because wouldn't it be nice?
28. Romeo & Juliet by Peter McPoland - I mean. Come on.
29. Vienna by Billy Joel - Again, so many interpretations, choose your own adventure.
30. Francesca by Hozier - I don't know if this is more romajuliette, more benmars, more rosorion, or more olivercelia. Obviously I lean towards benmars (you know me) but there's evidence for all of them
31. I Love You Too by Peter McPoland - This one is for Oliver and Celia, in honor of that one scene in FHH. You know the one.
32. Back to December by Taylor Swift - Thinking about romajuliette to this song makes me incredibly sad so it goes on the playlist.
33. peace by Taylor Swift - Again. Romajuliette. I'm right.
34. Ease My Mind by Ben Platt - This is benmars to me and no one can change my mind.
35. Run Away by Ben Platt - Think of this as Roma and Juliette and if you don't become deeply emotional I don't know what to say to you.
36. Absinthe by IDKHOW - Pure. Vibes.
37. Bleed Magic by IDKHOW - I dare you to listen to this song and NOT think it's FLF.
38. I Wish I Was by The Avett Brothers - Something about this just feels like olivercelia to me in a way I can't describe.
39. Marjorie by Taylor Swift - Imagining this as Alisa after Roma “dies” made me very emotional so I had to add this one.
40. Just A Girl by Florence and the Machine (or whichever version you prefer, but this cover is my favorite) - I feel like if I say Phoebe Hong I won't need to explain more.
41. Things We Lost in the Fire by Bastille - This definitely gives OVE to me in a major way.
42. Mermaids by Florence and the Machine - Okay this song does reference England twice but if you just ignore that then the vibes are ON POINT for specifically TVD.
43. Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift - Chloe Gong herself said this is Benedikt, so I must add it.
44. Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift - Same as above, but for Marshall.
45. mirrorball by Taylor Swift - Again, same as above, for Celia this time.
46. Murder in the City by The Avett Brothers - Just the very first verse of this is Marshall to me, but the rest of it (give or take a few lines) is very Roma.
47. Soon You'll Get Better by Taylor Swift - WHATEVER YOU DO, don't imagine this as Roma visiting Alisa in the hospital in TVD.
48. Hunger by Florence and the Machine - This is very very TVD duology Rosalind.
49. ivy by Taylor Swift - I know this song is about infidelity, but through another lens, it's actually about romajuliette.
50. Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift - This is here for TVD/OVE Alisa and her only.
51. Honest Man by Ben Platt - Sooooooo rosorion.
52. Agoraphobia by Autoheart - This song is Benedikt to me, not in any particular instance just in general.
As I said above, I 1000% encourage you to ask for more details about any songs you're curious about! I'm happy to discuss. Enjoy!
53. Impossible Year by Panic! at the Disco - This is really everyone at the beginning of OVE, but I put it here specifically for Roma.
54 (Addition #1). Love From The Other Side by Fall Out Boy - This is romajuliette in the TVD/OVE era.
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amber-lucca44 · 1 year
Poll winners ⭐♥️
Artists / Bands:
Favorite thrash metal band: Metallica
Favorite emo band: My Chemical Romance
Favorite metalcore band: Bring Me The Horizon
Favorite vocalist: Chris Motionless
Favorite Fall Out Boy member: Patrick Stump
Nirvana or Pearl Jam? Nirvana
Deftones or System Of A Down? System Of A Down
Pierce The Veil or Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil
Drake, J. Cole or Kendrick Lamar? Kendrick Lamar
Other random poll winners:
Anthrax and Brand New (tie)
Atreyu and Carcass (tie)
Avril Lavigne
Green Day
Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden
OutKast and Taking Back Sunday (tie)
Pierce The Veil
The Pretty Reckless
Favorite Fall Out Boy album: Folie Á Deux
Favorite Taylor Swift album: folklore
Favorite Asking Alexandria album: Stand Up And Scream
Favorite My Chemical Romance album: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Favorite Metallica album: Ride The Lightning
Favorite Attack Attack! album: Someday Came Suddenly and This Means War (tie)
Favorite Avenged Sevenfold album: Waking The Fallen
This Is Why or The Jaws of Life: This Is Why
Hybrid Theory or Meteora: Hybrid Theory
Opinion on Blink-182's One More Time: Loved it!
Favorite Asking Alexandria song: "Not The American Average"
Favorite Motionless In White song: "Reincarnate"
Favorite Pierce The Veil song: "King For A Day" (ft. Kellin Quinn)
Favorite Slipknot song: "People = Shit"
Favorite Metallica song: "For Whom The Bell Tolls"
Favorite Metallica instrumental song: "Orion"
Favorite The Pretty Reckless song: "Make Me Wanna Die"
Favorite Avril Lavigne song: "Complicated"
Favorite Blink-182 song: "I Miss You"
Favorite Green Day song: "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"
Favorite pride song: "I Want To Break Free" (Queen) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Favorite song on After School EP by Melanie Martinez: "Field Trip" and "Glued" (tie)
Songs with "black" on their title: "Welcome To The Black Parade" (My Chemical Romance)
Songs with a color on their title: "Green Light" (Lorde)
Songs with "cry" or "tears" in their title: "my tears ricochet" (Taylor Swift)
Songs with "scream" or "shout" in their title: "Screaming Suicide" (Metallica)
Songs with "mother", "father" or similar on their title: "Daddy Issues" (The Neighbourhood)
Songs with "war", "gun" or "bullet" on their title: "21 Guns" (Green Day)
Songs with "sad" on their title: "Summertime Sadness" (Lana Del Rey)
Songs with "happy" on their title: "Happy Song" (Bring Me The Horizon)
Songs with "friend" on their title: "Boyfriend" (Tegan and Sara)
Songs with a swear word in their title: "Bubblegum Bitch" (Marina)
Songs and artists that both begin with an A: "About A Girl" (The Academy Is...) and "Alice" (Avril Lavigne) (tie)
Songs and artists that both begin with a B: "bury a friend" (Billie Eilish)
Songs and artists that both begin with an S: "Sugar" (System Of A Down)
Songs and artists that both begin with a T: "this is me trying" (Taylor Swift)
Favorite song called "My Apocalypse": "My Apocalypse" (Metallica)
Opinion on "DEATH" by Melanie Martinez: Loved it 💖
Opinion on "Nobody" by Avenged Sevenfold: 4/5
Other random poll winners:
"Complicated" (Avril Lavigne) and "Dear Maria, Count Me In" (All Time Low) (tie)
"Drown" (Bring Me The Horizon)
"Holy Roller" (Spiritbox)
"Hypa Hypa" (Electric Callboy)
Other results:
Do you like black metal? Yes
Black metal or death metal? Black metal
Is Panic! At The Disco emo? No
Have you ever dedicated a song to someone? No
Would you listen to music in a different language? Yes, don't care ss long as it sounds good
Favorite decade in music? 1980s
Breakdown or guitar solo? Tied!
Do you play any instruments? Not besides my voice
Subculture you identify with the most: Grunge
You start a punk band, you are... Clean vocals
Dancing, singing or playing an instrument: Singing
Do you like video game OST? Yes, love it
Do you listen to nightcore? Just sometimes
Music video poll #1: Bad Blood (Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar)
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theink-stainedfolk · 6 months
Trouble (Close To Him)
Everyone said... "He would bring you trouble" he was someone who I shouldn't be close with.
He entered the school on the day I wasn't present. On the day I had attempted to get rid of myself and my pains. The next day, I saw people staring at the boy seated in front of me, with his head down as his arms shielded it from the curious glares from the whole class. He had bandages on his arms and fingers.
"So similar yet so different" I thought as I gripped on my sleeve that hid my scars and walked to my desk quietly.
The teacher entered the class with a scowl on his face.
"Crazy wife, crazy kids and now I have to go through this crazy class!" I went through his mind. Guess he didn't have a good day at home. After a few minutes of teaching he noticed something.... Me..? Or so I thought... It was the boy in front of me.
"Mr. Rioz.... Mr. Rioz!..... ORION WINTRINGHAM RIOZ!!" even the people who weren't sleeping jolted from his loud voice. The boy... Tarquin, I suppose, lifted his head very slowly in a very relaxed manner.
"what?" he groggily asked.
"I suppose you were too busy with your 'business' yesterday. However, this doesn't mean that you will sleep in class... That is also mine! If you want to sleep, please get out and arrange another place for yourself, for this class is the place for people who wish to succeed in their life! " he said.
Orion got up with some books and a pen in his hand " Aight.... " and left the class leaving the students and the teacher speechless. The teacher took a deep breath and calmed his anger.
" At least, the problem is gone from here. " he said and continued teaching, but I couldn't focus ever since he left.
I suppose I shouldn't be getting close to him... Because he brings trouble....
He got detention 2 times a week since the first day I saw him. He talked back to Mrs. Mcgee. Which in my opinion he shouldn't have. And the second time was because he fought with the higher class student named Edmund Houston. He is the class vice president. But Orion claimed that Edmund insulted his family. But why would anyone even bother listening to the school's bad boy?
The school principal called me on a chilly Tuesday morning.
"Miss Raven Nunez. How are you?"
"G.. Good morning... S.. Sir... Wh... What have you.... You called me... Me here for?"
"I believe that mister Rioz is in your class?"
"Ye... Yes"
He intertwined his fingers together and sighed. "You must be very aware of his shenanigans. That boy is out of control."
"yo... You must be thi.... Thinking of me to gui... Guide him... Am I.... Am I right sir?"
"... Absolutely right..... But Raven dear... I'm not pressuring you into doing this. But please consider this. I can't think of anyone else other than you. You have good grades and you are really sweet and you don't get angry quickly. You even tamed Vania Dunn. And I know that you can do this too. "
But I can't speak.... I can't speak like a normal person and I have continuous break downs and suicidal tendencies.... How can I help someone when I can't help myself?
" I will think..... Will think about it.... "
" Thank you so much Raven. "
I walked out of the room. I bit my lips and dug my nails into the skin of my hand. I probably need to go to the washroom again.
I looked at my wrist, it had a fading scar. I took out the blade from my pocket with trembling hands. I gulped as I tried to calm myself down. "One last..... last time..... One last time." I whispered to myself as I pressed the cold blade on my skin and watched the warm blood dripping down my wrist. I sighed. But the loud bang of the washroom door opening caught me off guard and I hid my hands behind my back.
"Va.... Vania..." I smiled at her "I was searching for.... For you".
"And I knew that I'd find you here Ven." she said as she strode towards me.
"Why we.... Were you looking for... For me?" I nervously spoke.
"Show me." she said.
"Sh... Show what?"
"The blade...." I widened my eyes. How could she know that?
"What... Do you mean?"
"Cut it out Raven! I know what you were doing! Pull it out!"
I dropped the blade in front of her and showed her my hand. 'This girl..... I fucking swear to god I'll kill her before she does more harm to her body.' I went through her mind. She had her eyes closed and she tucked her bright red locks behind her ear. As her green eyes bore a hole on my head, I quickly looked away.
"Sit on the sink.." she said. She rummaged through her bag and pulled out bandages and medicines as I sat on the sink.
"God dammit...." she grumbled while applying the medicine on my hand "if it weren't for you I wouldn't have carried this extra load in my bag"
I stared at the floor. "So..... Sorry."
"For what exactly?"
"Fo... For making you wo.... worried..."
"Yes! You should apologize for making me worried! You should apologize for doing this to yourself and you should also apologize for thinking that you deserve all of this? What the hell makes you think that you do not deserve love like any other people?"
"But I do.... I don't.. Dad says that no.... Nobody would love a stuttering fool like..... Like me... And that I should be.... Be more like Jocelyn...."
"That bitch should be more like you! That s$#&!! Walking around the campus like she owns the school! And stupid boys following her around! Such dumb f#c&$!!"
"You shouldn't.... Shouldn't curse so much Vania.... It is no.... Not good for your health!"
"And bathing in one's blood is good for health?!"
She may be right..... Maybe I am the stupid one.... Maybe I am dangerous for myself. Suddenly, Vania gripped my shoulders tightly and sighed.
"Raven, you just need to be yourself. You don't need to live on other people's opinions and expectations. You know what's the best for you. Even if he doesn't love you, there are many people who do. I am your best friend for a reason. And it is because I found you amazing. And not the version that wants to be the best, but your real version. Your true self. I want you to realize how important you are. It doesn't matter how long it takes for you to realize it but one day..... I hope you do. Raven I can guarantee you that I can not find anyone better than you. I will never choose that Jocelyn bitch over you. "
I smiled at her. " Th... Thanks Vania.... It will... Will really help me.. "
'I hope it does.' she thought and helped me get down.
" Why did you come out of Mr. Castro's office? Did something happen? "
" It's nothing, He asked.... Asked me if I could help him gui..... Guide Orion. A classmate. Because he is.... Is a troublemaker and I technically ta... Tamed yo-"
"You did Not tame me! I just began seeing you as my best soulmate and I'm an untamed dragon flying freely in the sky nobody dares to-"
I chuckled at her words.
"Alright... How about you try and see.... If he is really out of control then you just drop him.. It's not like he will resent you for it." she said and stopped in front of my classroom. 
"What if..... If he does? If I can't do a work pro..... Properly, such a minor task, then won't..... Won't he think I'm use..... Useless?" I looked at my feet..... That's what everyone does. That's what 'he' does. I'm useless to him, Jocelyn is everything to him. He might as well kill me for being useless. 
" No." I can sense her glaring at me. " If you can't then you can't. Nobody can force you to do something that you can't. He asked you to do this and if you can't then drop it. And even if he does hate you then I'll kick him out of the school for eternity. "
"Okay. Thank.... Thank you Vania. See you tomorrow." I said and went inside the class and waited for the class to finish. I knew that the teachers would never ask me the questions. They don't have time to waste on me.... A stuttering fool.
Finally the school finished. 
Orion sat on his seat waiting for the detention teacher to come. His deep blue eyes were dull, his brown hair tousled and his freckled nose and cheek had bandages. Even though my heart was thumping loudly against my chest, I walked up to him. 
"He.... Hello...."  a shiver went up my spine as his dull blue eyes gazed at me. "Sir Castro asked me-"
"I know" he cut me off. "Old man told me this morning" his gaze went back on the black board in front of him. After a few minutes of silence I spoke
"My name..... Name is Raven Nunez. Nice to.... To meet you."
"Orion Wintringham Rioz....." silence filled the class once more.
The teacher entered the class
"Miss Nunez.. What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I... I was just going out to see... See you later."
Before I went out, it went through his mind 'Mrs Mcgee was it.... I'll make sure she goes through hell along with me'
His words made me laugh.. I guess sometimes, the day gets better.
Weeks passed by, the scars on my hand increased. Vania tried to stop me. But I couldn't help it. Today I was at the library, with Orion. He was reading a poetry book. Which was very unlikely of him. And he asked me to tag along with him. Which was even more unlikely of him. Sir Castro said ever since I was assigned to him, he has changed. I don't know if he was saying this to motivate me or if he actually has changed. But come to think of it... He hasn't been going to detention lately. Nor has he been getting into fights, as the bandages that used to be on his face for like forever are nowhere to be seen now.
'It is so easy for me to love you that it frightens me. 
I've never been good at anything. 
But I've never wanted anything so much as 
I want to hold you' 
I get lost in the head of Orion . His voice was musical. With his brown hair and freckled face and when he puts his glasses on, he looks more like a sweet nerdy guy than the loner bad boy. Even though I admired him for being able to say no and being able to do whatever he wants regardless of the people's opinion, he would never like to be friend of a freak like me.
I tune back into his head and read along.
'every walking minute 
And every night while I sleep. 
The question has ceased to be 
"How do I love you?" ' 
Then he stops, looks me in the eye and finishes the last line. 
'and has become 
"How would I ever stop?"
Because the bond we hold is as unbreakable as the thoughts we share in the stubborn mind of ours.'
I stayed there in utter shock... My eyes widened as I tried to process what he just said to me. In my head I whisper. 
' Can you hear me?... '
He whispered back a faint 'yeah' with a small smile on his freckled face as if he was scared to answer. I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or to feel happy.... That I'm not alone in this world. All I could do was give him a smile and he smiled back. The silence around us was like a warm hug to me. I've never had a comforting silence in a while. 
I know I shouldn't be close to him because he brings trouble ..... But I can't help it..... I can't help but get close to him. I'd rather fight all my troubles along with him..... I'd rather be..... Close to him.... 
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proxylynn · 11 months
[Hey, I looked up everyone's names :3
Ann: "Grace"
Alan: "Handsome"
(Lol all the other yans: "press X to doubt.")
[Nah, they just hatin'. That name is good on you, Alan! And since your last name means "The Hunter", Alan Orion is "The Handsome Hunter".]
Ann: ...That's... actually kinda cool...I guess.
Bo: "To live in"
Charles/Charlie: "Free man"
Damon: "The one who tames"
(Ooh...is Damon a brat tamer? lol)
Douglas: "Black River" or "Dark stream"
Friend: ...Friend (?)
Jack: Also is "Grace".
Ann: Hey, we got the same! :)
Jacob Alden: " Be Behind an Old Friend"
John Doe: "An anonymous man"
Liu: "Famous Warrior"
Maison: "Stone Worker"
Malachy Doe: " Anonymous Messenger"
Pedro/Peter: "Stone" or "Rock"
Ann: Ha! Get it? Cause he's as dumb as a---
Ann: *innocent smile with big pretty eyes* What?
[Be nice. And don't try "puppy dog eyes". Only Alan can do that.]
Ann: Fine. Just continue the names already.
[Okay then! *Clears throat*
Ren: "Water lily" or "lotus"
Tate: ..."Cheerful"
Ann: DEFINITELY not what I was expecting, but okay...
And Victor Anderson: " Manly Conqueror".
Oh, and Lynn/Lynsie: "Living/camping by a waterfall".]
Ann: That's cool! I've always wanted to visit a waterfall! Visiting Niagara Falls is on my bucket list.
[Yep, hopefully one day I'll go there...]
[Anyway, that's all the boys names in alphabetical order! :D How do the guys (and Lynn) react to finding out the meaning of their names?]
Elias: What would my name mean?
Lynn: *looking it up* Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: the Lord is my God.
Elias: Oh...*blushing* Oh my, that's quite the meaning.
Lynn: Bless your soul you're adorable. Hmm..."Living/camping by a waterfall"? Goes well with the English origin, meaning "Lincoln's marsh" and “island of the linden trees." I am the embodiment of a sheltered bit of land that is flowing with water that is calm or rushing. Neat!
Victor: Manly Conqueror? Oh, now that's an ego-stroking meaning.
Tate: Heheheheh. Cute.
Ren: That's sweet meaning. Shame this isn't my real name. It's actually [REDACTED].
Peter: The irony.
Pedro: I know. Why do we have to share so much with each other?
Doe: Does this mean we're related?
Mal: Thank god, no.
Maison: Quite fascinating.
Liu: Famous Warrior? ...cool. *smiles*
Alan: Handsome? *blush*
Bo: *stuck in a game* Ha ha...I see what they did there.
Charles: Free man? Wonder what that means. *Charlie: How fitting.*
Damon: Brat taming? No, dear Ann...But I do like bondage~.
DG: But if you want, I can tame you too~.
Douglas: "Black River" or "Dark stream"? Huh...That's mighty interesting.
Friend: I'm kinda tempted to tell my real name to know what it means.
Jack: Grace. So soft and friendly.
Jacob Alden: Be Behind an Old Friend...uh...Not sure how to take this.
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shes-a-badkid · 2 years
Thoughts while reading “The Blood of Olympus” with my nephew-
1. Jason sending out a message to his dad asking him to look out for Nico- I just want them to be besties
2. Oh shit- Jason got stabbed and with imperial gold! (Although I love that Annabeth is the one to panic a little and Piper is being the clearheaded one- because Piper has to be clearheaded and Annabeth can afford not to be)
3. Seriously- I am obsessed with how much Jason is worried about Nico
4. I don’t like Juno/Hera, because she’s caused a LOT of issues, but also, I love the drama. Plus, Jupiter/Zeus is the worst and if he’s mad at her, then I know who I stand with
5. My poor sweet Nico just working his poor butt off with this shadow travelling
6. Do I ever find out what happened in Albania? Because I need to know
7. I’ve said it several times and I’ll probably say it several times more- Octavian is the WORST
8. Seriously, I love Leo and Calypso and I want him to find a way back to her so bad. I just want my boy happy
9. I love that Percy physically can’t not be sarcastic to just every god/goddess he comes across. No restraint, only sass
10. “Change the plans and then stick to it.”
11. Clarisse still manages to be angry and caring all at once and I adore her, also I’m obsessed with Hedge leaving his pregnant wife in her care
12. Hades, my love 🖤 (I may or may not be influenced by my love of the Disney-Hercules version of Hades… 🤷🏻‍♀️)
13. Nico’s concern goes from Hazel then to Jason then Percy and the rest! My Nico/Jason best friendship is thriving
14. Hades wants his boy to be happy! This chapter is killing me
15. Piper and Frank are kind of sweet together as friends- just chill vibes until they need to fight
16. Buford the wonder table- an icon, a legend
17. “Piper McClane, that was without a doubt the dumbest risk I’ve ever seen anyone take and I date a dumb risk taker.” Annabeth- you think Piper taking a literal leap of faith into that pit was dumber than any risk Percy ever took? Girl, you must be blinded by love because I’m pretty sure dumb risk taker is one of his defining traits
18. I really like Piper and Annabeth as a combo- Annabeth is all plans and logic, while Piper is all about her emotions. Plus this whole chapter with them fighting with Mimas and Piper having BIG Percy energy- love it
19. Reyna is a badass. That’s it, end of thought.
20. Orion is an incel- makes sense
21. Hylla is also a badass- gotta love the Ramirez-Arellano girls
22. “I’m breathing Dylan!?”
23. Nico may say that Hades isn’t the best dad or whatever, but of the gods/goddesses- he seems alright. Like most of the others are indifferent at best, but Hades actively has tried to help his kids. Poseidon only seems to care about Percy and maybe a smidge about Tyson, but then we learn about Kymopoleia. Ares is… Ares, and only seems to care if his kids win/fight. Aphrodite seems like she’s just there for the drama. Of the godly parents we have seen more of he’s doing okay. (My love of Hades popped out full force here)
24. My son, Nico, is the best and I adore him and Bryce got what was coming to him, the little psycho
25. Hedge may always be ready to throw down and be just over the top all the time, but he is a real one- he cares so much for his charges 🖤
26. As much as I am team Nico/Jason besties, Reyna/Nico friendship is dear to my heart. Plus team Parthenos (as I’ve dubbed them in my head) is wonderful
27. Apollo is ridiculous and emotional and I love it
28. I don’t know why, but Asclepius prescribing Jason glasses amuses me more than is should
29. Rick… what the fuck?! Why my sweet son, Leo?? And he’s just so accepting? Fuck you!!
30. Tyson, my love 🖤🖤
31. Reyna continuing to be a badass and I love that she gets to kill this absolute incel of a giant
32. YES! Bringing in Pipers indigenous heritage! The song of the snakes! I love it 🥰
33. I may have complained previous about Piper in “House of Hades” but I see she was saving all her badassery for this book, because she has just been killing it the entire time- being the most emotionally intelligent, being an incredible team with Annabeth. This is the Piper I missed in “House of Hades.”
35. Will just stepping up and telling Nico no to his shadow travel so he doesn’t do himself more damage- okay, get it [yes I have been spoiled about the future of Will and Nico, but I love that the first scene of them together is Will being all medic guy and stubborn about Nico not doing himself more damage with his shadow travels, telling Nico that his feeling about the campers thoughts about him are in his head, and just in general being a little shit]
36. I’ve said it so many times and here is one more- Octavian is the WORST!
37. Hell yeah- God fight!
38. God fight seems done, giants are all destroyed and Leo is still okay, but Gaea is awake and I still have like 8 chapters…
39. And we are talking vaguely about Leo’s death again and I DON’T LIKE IT
40. RIP Argo II and questioning what happened to my boy 🥺
41. I love the insane differences between the Romans and the Greeks fighting- Romans are so organized and just proper. Greeks is just chaos and enthusiasm.
42. FESTUS! And my boy right there with him! 🖤
43. Oh no….. Jason and Leo are fighting Gaea… I don’t like it
44. And I’m crying and plotting my revenge on Rick
45. Bye bitch! (Me to Octavian)
46. And I’m crying over Leo again (still- my nephew is only slightly concerned)
47. Awwwww! Hedge is so proud of his baby! And Clarisse is the godmother 😊
48. Okay, seriously- Renya/Nico friendship reigns supreme (sorry Jason/Nico besties- I still love you)
49. Nico teasing his sisters boyfriend should happen always
50. And once more crying about Leo- fuck you, Rick
51. Ooohhhh Nico trying to suppress his crush on Will- I see you
52. Just when I say Reyna/Nico friendship reigns supreme, Jason comes along and talks with his bestie and even gets a hug and is so excited that Nico is staying at Camp Half Blood! (And they are besties and NO ONE can change my mind on this)
53. Will scolding Nico for not stopping by to say hi while he was busy in the infirmary and then telling him he is getting at least three days of rest in the infirmary 🙌🏻
54. Percy’s brain processing in the slowest possible manner over Nico telling him he used to have a crush on him, but that he’s not really his type is kind of precious
55.. Piper once again with the emotional intelligence!
56. Leo 😭
57. HELL YES FESTUS! My wonderful, beautiful dragon!
58. And he gets to find Calypso! (Okay, Rick, you are forgiven- a little)
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
mahonia and jasmine for Carey-bear and Jacko please?<3
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
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Carewyn: "...Well, music in general tends to be very inspiring. And if it is, well, then I suppose the logical way I'd express myself in response is to sing along."
Especially Christmas music. That always brings back such good memories...
Carewyn: "I also love visiting the ocean, when I can. When I was growing up in Liverpool, I always loved it when Jacob and I could take a trip to the beach. And Orion lives close to the shoreline near Montrose now too, so when I visit him and Eos, we can go down there sometimes. I always love listening to the selkies when they play music celebrating the Equinoxes."
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[Ooh, romantic poet boy Jackson loves this question!]
Jackson: "Why, what can more inspiring than life itself? A clear, blue, open sky -- a blustering breeze -- the scent of grass and flowers in the air? Or perhaps a train car rattling under you as towns rush past the windows and fellow passengers chatter all around you, all swept up in their own little dramas? Or perhaps a library, old and ancient, with tomes unopened for centuries, full of secrets and wisdom yet to be tapped...the faint must of the books when you open them, the almost ethereal echo that comes from every step in such a tall, seemingly endless room?"
[Jackson grins from ear to ear.]
Jackson: "As you can see, any of these sweet, marvelous little wonders can leave me reeling. It's all such perfect material, for anyone poetically inclined."
Indeed, my hand aches for a quill. I must write these thoughts down in a proper sonnet and share them with my dear Montelimar, at some later date.
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
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Carewyn: "Most Muggle fairy tales, quite honestly. I enjoyed them when Jacob read them to me as a little kid, but ever since learning Mum and I were witches, rereading stories like Hansel and Gretel where witches are evil cannibals and end up getting burned alive at the end just became incredibly unsettling, for me. I even refused to read Roald Dahl's The Witches as a kid because their depiction of witches upset me so much."
At least I had the Oz books to read instead. Those had both good and bad witches.
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Jackson: "Sad to say, The Tale of the Three Brothers. A great shame too, given its literary significance to so many magical children and its timeless themes...but I'm afraid it's become difficult for me to enjoy such a story as I used to. To know that the story was so central to Gellert Grindelwald's whole world view -- to know that he chased those mythical Hallows so doggedly with the intention to use them to assert his dominance over the Wizarding World and mold both it and the Muggle World in his own twisted, blood purist image..."
[Jackson takes a heavy, solemn breath.]
Jackson: "...Regardless of how true the Hallows' existence may or may not be...the idea of these artifacts making one powerful enough to overthrow the very concept of life and death...it's little wonder that it was so attractive to a man who wished to terrorize others with no fear of consequence. However much the myth of the Deathly Hallows enchanted me as a boy...I've tried to wean myself off of it, as an adult, seeing what other sort of men consider themselves above both nature and the rest of mankind."
Plant Ask!
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charmantevamp · 1 year
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They Build Coffins (Ben x Audrey - America loses AU)
My Shot - Hamilton
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
Dog Days are Over - Florence & the machine
Harlots - opening titles - Rael Jones
Heaven & Hell - Let’s Play Dead
Harlotoccata - Rael Jones
Turpin Hero - from TURN
Bonny Portmore
Hush - theme from TURN
The Hanging Tree
Bedroom Hymns - Florence & the machine
Elastic Heart - Sia
Icarus - Bastille
Fire Breather - LAUREL
Hunger - Florence & the machine
Fire meet Gasoline - Sia
Oh Death - Rising Appalachia
Here’s to health & company - the longest Johns
Anti-hero - Taylor Swift
The Queen of white lies - the Orion experience
Take me to church - Hozier
Heavy in your arms - Florence & the machine
Big God - Florence & the machine
Martyr - depeche mode
I feel you - depeche mode
All I’ve ever known - Hadestown
Let’s Hurt Tonight - one republic
Vampire weeknight - Jenny Owen Youngs
Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
Lovesong for a vampire - Annie Lennox
Sweet dreams - Beyoncé
Sweet William’s Ghost
The Unquiet Grave
My boy builds coffins - Florence & the machine
Gallowdance - Lebanon Hanover
Boys Don’t Cry - The Cure
The Hanging Garden - The Cure
Flowers - Hadestown
Jenny of Oldstones (Game of Thrones) - Florence & the machine
Dear God - originally by XTC - sung by Lawless
Tagging: @honorhearted
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His Birthday
Alright, have a sad thing for the new verse. I will not apologize. Be warned of possible onions. Now to tag a few bitch that I know will want to see this.
“Don’t cry. I promise I will love you and protect you to the best of my ability until death.”
That was what he had promised her when they decided to marry. It had not been for love; no, she had never loved Lucio. Belladonna had always considered him a dear friend, so when their parents had brought up marriage, they agreed. Nobles like them did not get the benefit of love. It was something that she had accepted a long time ago. It wasn’t supposed to come to this; they had been such good friends. Was it how the relationship moved to have more benefits once they married and lived together?
A sigh left her as she moved to the closet of her spare room. It was pretty much empty, everything that had belonged to her little baby boy packed away. They had wanted to throw it all away. To burn everything that had to belong to her sweet boy. He hadn’t even been a year old. Names were not given until the child was at least two in their village. Even so, she had one picked out for her son. She had been whispering it to him when no one could hear her. Her dearest Ohpir.
Slowly she opened the closet to see all his things. Belladonna did this every year on his birthday. He deserved to be remembered, even if it was only her. Even if his father had chosen to forget his son had ever existed. She would not forget the small babe she had fed from her breast. Gently she removed the quilt she had been making for when he would turn two. Despite him having passed, she had still finished it. 
Slowly she unfolded it, tears starting to run down her face as she took in the pattern. It was a traditional quilt. Made for the child's second birthday to reveal their name. Her hand ran over the fabric, flowers, and fruits quilted into a pattern. His name had meant fruitful region. This quilt did represent that even though he was no longer here. 
A deep breath was taken as she pulled out the little pillows that matched the quilt. She ran her hands over it as the tears continued to fall. There was no sound, and she thought there was no one there to hear her. That belief was, however, broken as she heard soft footsteps behind her. Turning quickly, she was met with the lilac eyes of Orian. One of the pillows was now clutched to her chest. 
There were no words, she refused to speak, but she never needed to. Not even to write things down as she did with many others. He simply wrapped his arms around her tightly, tucking her head under his chin. That was what broke her. The tears flowed freely as she started to sob. It was ugly and loud. She hadn’t made this much noise in years. Belladonna wasn’t sure how many years, just that it had been very long. Part of her would freak out later over him hearing her voice, but her grief was too thick for that at the moment. To be held like this and allowed to cry was something she had not experienced in a very long time. 
At some point, she cried herself into such exhaustion and leaned against Orion. Belladonna recalls being picked up and carried. The little pillow still clutched to her chest as Orian curled up with her in bed. How he knew that she did not want to be alone, she did not know. Nonetheless, it was something she was very grateful for. Curling up, she rested her head on his chest, the soft sound of his heartbeat lulling her to sleep. Hopefully, he would still be there when she woke.
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hpcestfest · 2 months
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HP Cest Fest 2024: Week 4 ☕️
Please enjoy Week 4 of our Fest's fantastic collection of creative works!
☕️ Week 4 Cest Stats
💛 Pseudocest (5)
🖤 Blackcest (4)
❤️ Pottercest (4)
🧡 Weasleycest (2)
💙 Othercest (2)
💚 Malfoycest (1)
☕️ Week 4 Fanworks ⤵️
📖 Back to Black | E | 6300 🖤 Orion Black/Regulus Black/Sirius Black
Orion thought that he had expertly avoided the talk of birds and bees to his children. Turns out, instead of just talking about it, he is expected to enter the field and become the bird... ...While Sirius and Regulus would be the bees.
📖 Beautiful Little Miracles | E | 2700 💚 Scorpius Malfoy/Lucius Malfoy/Draco Malfoy
Every Malfoy heir carries the next, but when? That's for the Magic to decide. When his grandchild is touched by such Magic, Lucius cannot be blamed for his actions. He's a man of duty, after all.
📖 Daddy Dearest | E | 2000 🧡 Bill Weasley/Victoire Weasley
Bill struggles when Victoire gains her veela powers, especially when she learns how to use them to get what she wants from daddy.
📖 darkly deeply beautifully blue | M | 6300 🖤 Regulus Black/Sirius Black
Written for the prompt: Regulus has always been obsessed with Sirius. Following him around, taking pictures of him, stealing his clothes. He just loves him so much. Sirius has always told him his fixation is wrong, but how long can he resist Regulus's advances?
📖 Got Milk? | E | 1200 🧡💛 Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
When Hermione suffers with a nursemaid spell her breasts hurt, the twins offer to help her releasing pressure.
📖 Hers to Love | E | 12,600 💙 Alice Longbottom/Neville Longbottom
Alice doesn’t remember she has a son. All she sees in Neville is a sweet, handsome young man who visits her weekly and always brings her gifts. Desperate for his mother's love, touch-starved Neville will take any kind of love she is willing to give.
📖 keep your eyes on the stars (and your feet on the ground) | E | 1100 🖤 Orion Black/Regulus Black, Regulus Black/Sirius Black
Sirius says it's wrong for Father and Regulus to be together like this. Then why does Regulus still want it? Sirius says it's wrong, so why can't he stop himself from watching?
📖 Like Riding a Bike | E | 4200 ❤️ Harry Potter/James Sirius Potter
Prompt: Harry's taught Jamie how to ride a bike, now it's time to teach him to ride something different...
📖 my whole existence is flawed (you get me closer to god) | M | 900 ❤️ Harry Potter/James Potter
James Potter has never remarried, preferring to devote himself to raising his only son. No one ever wondered why.
📖 Perfect Doll | E | 1100 🖤 Narcissa Black/Walburga Black
Narcissa is a perfect doll, Walburga makes sure she knows just how perfect she is.
📖 The Final Piece of the Puzzle | E | 9800 💛❤️ Harry Potter/Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter
In a way, Harry had always been a part of Albus and Scorpius' marriage, so it only made sense to Albus that he should be invited into the rest of it.
📖 Training of the Disrespectful | NR | 1600 💛 Harry Potter/Vernon Dursley
After a real bad day at his job, Vernon comes home and Harry continues to disrespect him in his own house, he's had it, it's time to show the boy whose house he's in, however barging into Harry's room when the boy believed his uncle wouldn't dear do anything to him lead to Vernon discovering things about his nephew he hadn't expected.
📖 Trapped by His Uncle | E | 1400 💛 Draco Malfoy/Rodolphus Lestrange
Malfoy Manor was no longer safe with all the Death Eaters around, thank goodness it was his uncle who entered the library, he'd never hurt him, right?
📖 Unnatural Thoughts | E | 700 💙 Dudley Dursley/Harry Potter (fantasy)
Ever since Harry saved him from the dementor, Dudley hasn't been able to stop thinking, dreaming and fantasising about him, but he knows nothing can ever happen because it's wrong.
📖 we are family (i got all my siblings with me) | E | 3500 ❤️💛 Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, James Sirius Potter/Lily Luna Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Albus Severus Potter/James Sirius Potter, Scorpius Malfoy/Lily Luna Potter
Scorpius backed up as far as he could, but his back hit the wall after only three steps and suddenly, Albus was right there, in his face. “We are brothers,” Albus growled as his hands came up to lay flat on the wall on either side of Scorpius’ head. “If we weren’t brothers- I couldn’t do this.” Albus poured his pent up frustration into a bruising kiss. His lips crashed into Scorpius’ hard, sending his head back to collide with the wall; it was close mouthed and wet with Albus’ salty tears and satisfying in a way Scorpius couldn’t explain. It took a moment, with pain exploding at the back of his head, but Scorpius started to move his lips, to kiss back, like he’d seen their dads do- like he’d seen James and Lily do- and it felt- good. Scorpius didn’t want it to end, so when Albus pulled back abruptly, he stumbled forward with a whimper. “And no one else can,” Albus panted as he took a step back. “Brothers,” Scorpius nodded. “Do that again.”
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
the boiling rains are approaching and since Orion was not immune Colli puts him under his hat
Thank you for the request, my dear @importantnightwerewolf!
Drabble: Colli's Hat
It was a quiet day on the Boiling Isles. A certain small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold didn't fail to notice the approaching boiling rain. Colli removed his hat and wrapped his male baby griffin Orion into it.
The immortal and eternal child, who wasn't bothered by the hot raindrops, floated up to fly home. "Don't worry, Orion! We're home soon!" Colli said softly. The celestial boy had a sweet smile on his adorable multi-colored face.
The End
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messers-moony · 3 years
Lavender | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Fem!Reader
Summary: Sirius Black escapes Azkaban and Professor Black’s students have a lot of questions about it.
“Professor Black?” A Hufflepuff student raised their hand, “Yes, Ms.Abbott?”
The Hufflepuff - Hannah Abbott - swallowed thickly, “Are you worried?”
“Worried about what?” Professor Black queried with her signature sweet smile, “Sirius Black.” Hannah stated.
The Professor chuckled, “No, dear. Nor should any of you be. Sirius Black will not harm any of you.”
Quietness remained through the classroom, “You know what, we have about twenty minutes of class time left. Why don’t you ask me all the questions troubling your minds? No judgment. You ask me questions, and I shall tell you no lies.”
Hermione’s hand shot up, “Yes, Ms.Granger?”
“How do you inherit the Black surname?”
Y/n smiled faintly, “I was married to one of the brothers.”
“Which one?” Ronald Weasley interjected, “Regulus Black.” Y/n answered.
“Pardon me if this sounds rude,” Dean Thomas began, “But wasn’t Regulus a deatheater?”
Tension set throughout the classroom, “Indeed, he was Mr. Thomas. I congratulate you on your research, but Regulus was not an evil man.” Y/n replied reassuringly.
“What was he like?”
“Regulus Black was a kind and ambitious man but pressured by his parents - Walburga and Orion - to accomplish things he never had ambition for.” Y/n twisted the ring on her finger, “Sirius Black and Regulus Black had more in common than they liked to believe. In the end, it seems that they weren’t different at all.”
“What do you mean, Professor?” Hermione queried at the cryptic response.
Y/n stood in front of her desk with her arms and legs crossed, “What I mean is that they both sacrificed themselves for the people they loved.”
“I can’t go into Regulus’ whole background, we just don’t have the time for that, and I can’t speak for Sirius, but I can assure you, Sirius means no harm.”
Glancing at the clock, most students began to pack up and leave. Hermione seemed intrigued and wanted to ask more, but she left despite her craving for knowledge. Ron followed shortly after. Harry seemed to be packing extraordinarily slow. Both his closest friends leaving him behind while the classroom expired itself out. Y/n returned to behind her desk, and Harry stared at her with his bright green eyes.
“Professor.” Harry called, grabbing her attention, “Yes, Harry?”
“Did you know my father?”
“I did.”
Harry stuttered, “Can- Can you tell me about him?”
“Perhaps,” Y/n answered teasingly.
The boy sat back down at his desk, “James Potter.” Y/n spoke with a laugh, “Merlin, he was a joy to be around.”
“I was a close friend of James’, which was fortunate. Most people couldn’t get too close to him aside from the Marauders, but I managed to sneak my way in.” Y/n explained, “James was kind and sweet, but he had his flaws like everyone else. Sometimes he hurt people - not that he noticed; of course, he thought it was all in good fun, but occasionally someone would get really hurt.”
“Most of the time, I was his shoulder to cry on. Your mother - Lily, she was something, let me tell you. Hurt your father in more ways than one. Rejecting him constantly made him question his self-worth. But he covered it up with his famous James Potter smile.”
“Your father wasn’t perfect, Harry.” Y/n stated, “Despite what anyone tells you. James Potter was not perfect, but there is one thing I bet he was fortunate for.”
“What's that?” Harry asked, “He and Lily died together. They never lived without one another.” Y/n answered.
Instantly Harry felt like he crossed a boundary, “I- I’m so sorry, Professor….”
“No need to apologize.”
“Would you talk about him? Regulus, that is?”
“Of course. Um- Regulus was one year younger than the Marauders. He was also a Slytherin favored by his parents over Sirius.” The Professor explained, fidgeting with her necklace, “He drowned. That’s- That's how he died.”
“He was eighteen when he passed in 1979. I can’t express the pain I felt when I received news of his passing.” Y/n chuckled bitterly, “Sirius ached too. Whether he showed it or not, I knew that he was hurting for the loss of his brother.”
Tears began to gloss her eyes, “I was hurting. We had gotten married a month before he died. Looking back on it, I think he did that on purpose because he knew that soon he would do this mission that would result in his death. His biggest concern was always me and my well-being. So for me to inherit his fortunes, he married me.”
“That’s not to say he only married me for that reason, but I think he wanted to die knowing I’d be taken care of.” Y/n added quickly, “Not even two years later, your parents died. Those three years were awful. And I mean absolutely dreadful.”
“Shortly after I realized Remus - Professor Lupin, excuse me, began to distance himself, so I reached out to him before he could hide away. Remus and I moved into a flat together; we still do. I also have my daughter.”
Harry spluttered, “Daughter?”
“Yes, my child with Regulus.”
“What’s her name?”
“Phoenix Regulus Black, a true Hufflepuff.” Y/n announced proudly, “She's a year above you, but I’d recommend you meeting her.”
“I- I know her.” Harry murmured, “You do?”
Harry nodded, “She- She’s been a good friend of mine since first year.”
“Well then.” Y/n chuckled.
Something was amiss in Harry’s attitude. Y/n was not daft. She noticed that at the mention of her daughter's name, his eyes lit up. The way his green eyes sparkled like a freshly mined emerald. The way his usual pale complexion turned to a faint pink hue and his dopey smile. The same smile James had with Lily. The same smile Regulus had with her.
“You like my daughter, don’t you?” Y/n crossed her arms, smiling playfully, “I- I- Pardon me, Professor.” Harry stuttered.
Y/n laughed, “Oh, you so do! You love my daughter!”
“Maybe I do….” Harry confessed, “Well, Harry Potter, I have no problem with you having a crush on my daughter. Just don’t make her a fling.” Y/n replied, narrowing her eyes teasingly.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Now, run along. You have to catch lunch before it’s up.”
Harry rushed out of his seat after realizing the time. His bag placed on his shoulder as he left the classroom in haste. Y/n smiled and sat at the chair behind her desk. When moving a piece of parchment, there was a distinct rose petal. It was odd, she didn’t have roses anywhere nearby, and no one had been near her desk all day aside from her. The rose petal was a beautiful shade of lavender.
Lavender roses were the only color of roses Regulus would give her. It made Y/n smile, “Thank you, Reggie.”
In the afterlife, Regulus would’ve been sitting watching her entire conversation with Harry. He was smiling at his beautiful wife doing what she always aspired to do - teaching kids. Regulus could only hope that when Sirius was to find her that he’d take care of her. Perhaps Sirius could become Phoenix’s father - the parent Regulus never got a chance to be. Regulus could only hope that Phoenix knew that he did everything to keep her safe. His beautiful baby girl.
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starter-library · 3 years
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Ghost Grinder by Steam Powered Giraffe
“What ever happened to the life we held so dear?”
“We miss you most when the thoughts can’t disappear”
“Rest in Peace, please find your way”
“Hear me crying through the embers of the day”
“Lets have a little fun before the setting sun”
“Come on and dance and save my soul”
“Go on and move those bones as you used to know”
“The air is sweeter with you floating near”
“Open your coffin a crack and listen up all you there specters”
“Join our dance and shake it loose, cut a rug and swing the noose” 
“We’ve got no bones, no pulse of our own”
Spooky Boy by Danny Gonzalez
“Boo bitch, you just got spooked by a certified spooky ass dude”
“Wait do you hear that sound?”
“All these other dudes act spooky for a month but a real spooky boy’s spooky all year around” 
“I might go ooga booga booga boo, I might just spook you and your homies too”
“I'm a spooky boy, with some spooky hands. Come up in ya house and do a little spooky dance”
“Better watch out if you see a full moon bitch”
“Yeah, I've been spooky like a mummy in a tomb bitch”
“Halloween music got us jigglin' like gelatin”
“I could teach you how to spook too for a spooky fee”
My Girlfriend is a Witch by October Country
“I know my girlfriend is a witch”
“I think I hear footsteps on my stair coming near”
“Her thoughts are telling me that she’s here”
“What a fate, a worshiper of magic for a date”
“But tonight I become a warlock just for spite”
Eat Your Heart by Steam Powered Giraffe 
“Poor little girl ran away so far from a heart so sad and scarred”
“Stay with me, you're my four-leaf-clover girl and you can lock me up in time”
“So eat your heart out, Casanova”
“Love is a bittersweet ambrosia”
“They say it gets better, but it don't get better, wish it was, but it never gets better”
“Baby, when you go to pieces I could eat your heart out”
“Cry for me, you're my mascara-bleeding girl”
“And I will hold you safe at night”
“I don't want you to weep but your tears are sweet wine”
“It's true, I love you but only when you're crying”
“I feel nothing but your pain and that's the only thing I need”
Vampire by The Orion Experience
“They come alive when the sun goes down”
“They haunt the discos of the city looking for a lonely soul who’ll play around”
“Her lips are cold and grinning as she puts another lover in the ground”
“She’s a vampire, hotter than a hellfire”
“Strolling through the city her heart has got no pity for ya”
“You got what she needs as long as you bleed”
“He’s looking slick and pretty just like sexy dynamite”
“Come a little closer boy don’t worry I don’t bite. Come join me in the garden of earthly delights”
“Now she’s devoured blokes like you for seven thousand years”
“Bloodsucking every one of them she’ll never shed a tear”
“Don’t hate her or berate it’s the nature of her kind”
Vampire Ska by Horny Toad!
“Never seen in day, just comes out at night”
“She's a vampire!”
“Wants to sinks her fangs deep in your neck”
“She's going to take you home and show you no respect, She's a vampire!”
“The sun is rising so it's time to flee”
“Get out some garlic put on a cross”
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