#oscar diaz omb
stvolanis · 6 months
oh nothinggg, just thinking about Spooky x Bimbo! Reader
god, Spooky can’t stand you. always wearing those shorts—the ones that your ass cheeks hang out in. running around with your flimsy tube tops, nipples peeking through. Somehow being mixed into his brothers friend group, but not being involved in their messes. You were kinda just the friend they kept around cause your daddy sells weed to the people in Brentwood, so they got major discounts! but of course they loved you.
god, the amount of times he’s gotten a flash of the thin little hot pink thong straps you wear—or when you bend over to pick up something right in front of him; he thinks you’re doing it on purpose at this point! So he’s puzzled when you stand back up and whip around with an oblivious smile and innocent look in your eyes. He always has to do the thinking for you cause your silly brain can’t really comprehend what’s going on with the freakin roller world money your friends keep blabbering about that spooky wasn’t supposed to know about! Too bad, you already told him when you were mindlessly yapping about your day!
he would totally say something like, “didn’t know I was gettin a free show, baby.” After he walked in on your trying to shimmy off your skin tight, mid thigh dress. You blushed and weakly tried to shove him out of the room, only in your panties and matching bra. But it was like pushing a brick wall, and the way your clothed breasts pressed against him had him going crazy! So he felt like his body acted on its own when he grabbed the flesh of your ass with one hand, and your throat with the other.
He inhaled your scent, muttering a string of profanities in his mother tongue as he kissed the side of your jaw. “Been tempting me too much lately, cariño. M’only a man at the end of the day.” He breathed against you, watching the way your shorter body trembled under his touch. “I have needs. N’ it’s your job to take care of them like I always take care of you, ma.”
so of course as soon as he said that, his hand harshly pulled your bra down, exposing your breasts to him. He pinched one of your nipples, pulling it a little before releasing. Soon, your knees collided with the hard wood beneath you’d, and his cock was slapping against your cheek, leaving a trail of his sticky pre-cum. “S’right, niña. Put that pretty mouth to better use.” He smirked—that fucking smirk. The one that made you week in the knees.
You knew you were done for.
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don’t be shy, ask to be a part of the tag list and request things!
TAG LIST: @elvisalltheway101 @epthedream69 @claire-elvisgirl @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @luxuriouslokistan-3 @foxevxid @sapriao @xiyingly @jazminsjaz @likeits2002 @www-interludeshadow-com @khxna @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @hockeyrat @rafeswhorejjsslut @peterpan-neverfails @sunflowerskenz @lemonadygirl @newavenger @bloobewy
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restinslices · 9 months
okay chat maybe him like getting jealous
Assuming you’re the anon who asked about Spooky
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Him this episode >>>>>>>>>>
I've seen posts before about Spooky and people say he'd pull out a gun and start swearing when he's jealous and really show his ass but honestly? I don't think that's accurate 
I haven't watched OMB in a hot minute and Netflix is being some hoes rn so forgive me if I'm wrong but wasn't he incredibly patient?
He was patient with Cesar and with Cesar’s friends. I don't recall him ever losing his temper and going insane besides season 4 when he heard people fucking shit up outside 
Spooky gives me the silent jealous type. Silent but also petty 
Like if you came back to him after talking to a guy he'd say some petty shit like “thought you'd be around him all day”
“That's your man now, right?” “Stop being childish”
You could tell when he's jealous though cause you'd feel him staring at you the whole time 
I could also see him clearing his throat loud as hell if you're nearby to both get your attention and introduce him to whoever it is you're talking to 
It's gotta be a guy he doesn't know cause realistically what Santo is dumb enough to flirt with you?
I feel like I'm expected to say he'd have this huge outburst but Oscar doesn't give me that vibe. He's pretty patient and I think especially if y'all have been together for an extended amount of time, he'd feel secure enough to know you won't do some foul shit 
I feel like someone touching you would cause him to immediately get involved. He'd walk over and physically take their hand off of you while pulling you closer to him or behind him 
And let's be real, no one is dumb enough to try shit with him. He's 6’1 and known as the leader of the Santos 
But if someone did try him because they're drunk or whatever, I feel that even though he's jealous he'd still put your safety first. His jealousy would go to the back of his mind and he'd try to get you out in case shit gets intense 
Another situation he'd step in is if you're visibly uncomfortable. Typically if someone's flirting with you, he knows you can handle it but if you're so obviously uncomfortable then he'd step in and get you away 
I feel like if you're dating Oscar your safety would go over everything so while he's still a man and wants to play all big and bad in whoever's face, getting you away is his biggest priority 
“Are you jealous?” “Should I be?” “No” then he'd nod or smth 
Now let's say you're hanging around a new guy a lot. Would he get jealous? Probably. He's a guy. 
This is a different situation ‘cause he's not seeing anything. He can't pull you away. What does he do?
Short answer; nothing. Long answer; he doesn't seem like the type to be so jealous he'd snoop on your phone or follow you because relationships require trust and if you caught him, you'd be upset. I could see him asking questions about the guy and then denying he's jealous ‘cause “I have nothing to be jealous about”
And it's like??? Are you telling me  that or telling yourself that? 
Over time it'd become obvious he's feeling a certain way. You'd say you're gonna hang out with whoever the guy is and he'd just make a “mmm” sound instead of actually responding 
“Something wrong?” “I didn't say anything” “Exactly”. Eventually it'd come out though 
And the idea of him flirting with someone else to make you jealous comes up but I don't think that'd happen. He hardly has any relationships besides his gang which means he hardly has any close relationships. He has the kids, who he's like an older brother too (or literally an older brother to) and Mario (and we don't know how much they interact) so I don't see him risking a relationship just to be on petty shit 
He'd say smth petty but flirting with someone else just as payback for some shit you can't control? Nah
You could probably calm him down easily just by being near him. Making jokes about him being jealous would help also because it's you acknowledging that you see how he feels without having a sappy ass conversation 
I feel like this is so anticlimactic and disappointing but realistically I don't see him flipping his shit. He's 19-25, which could make him a bit immature but 1) he's grown up quickly so I think he can handle his emotions. 2) He has two strikes already. He's not popping his shit and risking life in prison because he was jealous. And 3) he knows you know where home is. 
He gets jealous, sure, but all those reasons stacked together makes him act calm, only getting somewhat aggressive if someone is touching you or making you uncomfortable. He’s more petty than anything
Quick story time. So I got away from my abusive dad when I was 13-14, right. I was also obsessed with Spooky. Tell me why my therapist said “I think you love him so much because he’s a strong and scary guy and in your head he’d protect you if your dad came back for you”. The way I almost blocked her-
I’m still seeing her years later😃
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stargirlposts · 1 year
El Malo
Chapter 3
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I sat on my bed that night looking at the moon through my window. Tony is a good man and he loves me and maybe I can love him, but I have doubts. Fuck. I’m such a bad person.
It's been six weeks since Oscar got out. I've been keeping myself busy by working at my sister’s beauty store and avoiding Oscar. And I’m doing a pretty good job at avoiding him, if I do say so myself. I was finally walking home after I finished helping my sister with her store when I spotted Jamal, Ruby, and Monse.
“Monse!” I shouted her name with a smile and sped up to greet them.
“Hey, when did you get back?”
“I just got back today, hey do you know why Ruby and Jamal aren’t talking to Cesar, he tells you everything cause these shitheads won’t tell me anything” She walked next to me to look at Jamal and Ruby with an eye roll. Just when I was going to answer, we heard someone blasting their music and when we turned to look, it was the familiar red impala coming down the street.
Ruby shook his head, “We can’t tell you what Cesar said.”
“Fine, then I’ll ask myself”
She walked on the street and stopped right in front of the Impala, forcing Oscar to stop the car.
“Hey, you crazy!”
I turned to Jamal and Ruby.
“What did Cesar say?” I asked. I was curious to know why Monse was so upset and why they weren’t talking to him.
“Cesar said he hit it” I gasped and turned to look at Monse leaned over talking to Oscar.
“Jamal!” Ruby yelled and Jamal quickly covered his mouth with his hand. He turned to me”, look just don’t tell Monse”
“I won’t, but you know the truth always comes out, I’ll talk to-“
“Hey Y/N! Get in the car, I’ll take you home”
I turned to look at Oscar and crossed my arms.
“No, I’m perfectly fine with walking.”
Cesar turned to look at me with desperation in his eyes. I sighed and bid my goodbyes as I got in next to Cesar.
Oscar drove me to his house and asked me to stay for a while. But I declined and told him I was gonna pass to the bathroom and get some of my stuff, although I left out the second part. I was only gone for six weeks and the house is already a mess. Ugh, men. By the time I walked out, I saw Cesar sitting on the couch and Oscar sitting behind him on a crate, with Monse standing in front of him.
“We can go inside-“ Oscar cut him off by clearing his throat “, But uh if you wanna sit on my face, you gotta put that mouth on pause so I can concentrate”
All of the Santos laughed and he fist bumped Oscar. Poor Monse had the look of humiliation on her face.
“What the fuck? You put him up to this didn’t you!”
“Hey,” Oscar stood up and tried to get in my face “,don’t start shit.”
“Fuck you Oscar”
I was beyond pissed. How dare he try to intimidate me in front of his puto friends. I wanted to release some steam by hanging out with my friends but they were on the clock so that was a no and my mom went to visit family in Mexico, so I’m in a house all by myself . You must be wondering what happened to Tony. Let’s just say he could see I wasn’t Interested and he wasn’t mad. He told me he loved me and he’d be willing to wait for me when I realize Oscar ain’t shit.
I was watching tv in the living room when I heard movement in my room. I could feel my heart start racing. I sped tip-toed into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I stood beside my closed bedroom door and waited for whoever was in there to come out. My heart sped as the door opened and I put the knife against the throat of the perpetrator. Only it wasn’t, it was Oscar. I let out a sigh of relief.
“What the fuck Oscar? You could’ve knocked on the door”
I walked to the kitchen with him following behind me and put the knife away.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came to talk.”
“ I don’t have anything to say to you’’
“Haven’t seen you with that guy”
“What’s it to you?” I asked as I leaned on the kitchen counter. I watched as he stepped closer to me.
“I failed you a thousand times, yet you’re still mine”
He walked closer so our chests were touching, he held my chin up gently forcing me to look up at him.
“He seemed sincere unlike my flaws, but I’m the bad guy you don’t stop loving. You’re like Cinderella and he’s the pitiful fool and even though I’m not Prince Charming, I’m still the love of your life”
My eyes started to water and I tried to look down but he wouldn’t let me.
“Oscar- please”
“I love you, Y/N”
I felt a tear run down my face and Oscar leaned his forehead against mine touching my nose with his.
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kaashallmighty · 2 years
Whatever I Have Left
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Male Reader
WARNING: bit of mary jane magic💨
You n Oscar talking😭✋🏿...
I couldn’t decide if I wanted some fluff/angst shit or a really fru fru shnookums type beat but ig we’ll see
I forgot to mention that most if not all my writing gonna be with a black/poc coded reader in mind because I’m just that nigga🤞🏿. But honestly i don’t give a fuck who reads as long as u not being a fucking buffoon abt it. . . . PEACE🫂
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The sun is just starting to set when you arrive on the beach shore. The waves crashing against the sand and the call of seabirds fill your ears as you start your search for Oscar. It had been a few days since kicking his little brother out to the streets and of course he wasn’t doing well at all. You went to his house to check up on him as you had been doing but there was no sign of him. That brings you to the beach. This is where the oldest Díaz brother is found when things get overwhelmingly complicated, his safe space. The first thing you ever learned about Oscar is that he finds security at the beach. You spot his car before you see him further down perched against the rocks.
You know Oscar hears you walk up but he decides against looking at you, focused on the ocean breeze against his skin. Plopping down beside him you pull a lighter from your pocket and the blunt behind your ear. Lighting up you stayed silent, knowing better than to try and push Oscar into talking.
“It shouldn’t be this way. I shouldn’t have to rob my own blood of a bed to sleep in.” You know he isn’t wanting a response but you turn your head towards him to show you are listening. His brows furrowed and mouth formed into a scowl as he continued.
“Cesar isn’t made for this typa life, yet because of me he’s headed in the wrong direction. We should be somewhere living a normal life where all he has to be worried about is school and teenage hormones. We look over our backs when our biggest concern should be work or our own familia running arou-”
He stops dead in his tracks. He expects you to scrutinize him like he’s betting all his worth on the most unfeasible outcome of his future. Expects you to snap him into the reality of what’s bound to happen due to the lifestyles y’all lead. Background noise fades out and plunges him into hypotheticals jumbling around in his head.
The heat radiating onto his fingers pinching the still burning blunt shakes him out of his head. With a clear of his throat and a quick glance in your general direction, he takes a slow drag of the content and hands it off to you. “Oscar, you aren’t stupid for wanting better than the gang. Aspirations make us human
“The Santos will still be the Santos long after you are gone and when the time comes that you decide step down, we’ll pick Cesar up by his mangy scruff n move to fucking Miami.” You cackle and the dopiest smile makes its way onto Oscar’s face as he watches you ramble about him not having to leave the ocean behind.
“On some real shit tho, I wanna spend whatever I have left with yo ass.” Your words come out low and raspy, but hold a hardness that would guarantee Oscar knows you aren’t spouting drug induced whims. You ash the roach in the sand and look up. Red hazy eyes meet the mocha pools finally staring back at you.
Reaching a hand out to his nape, you pull him forward, resting your foreheads together. Your fingers find purchase running along the tattoo adorning Oscar’s neck. His shoulders noticeably relax, relieved of the tension he felt. ‘Whatever you have left’ could range from a few hours to a hefty number of years. Letting your words hang over in the air, he leans further into your touch. He relishes the fact that he has another reason to want to abandon Santos life.
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themuselesswriter · 2 years
Imagine: You are in a love hate relationship with Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
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“What do you want?”
“Can you stop being a little puta for a minute and hear me out?
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“Why are you here Spooky?”
“I heard you were in trouble so I brought the homies to help”
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“I told you to stop following me around”
“Lay your hands on me ever again and i’ll cut them off”
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“Welcome home papi”
“Happy anniversary, through hell and back, ain’t it?”
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yayo-girlie · 3 months
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-coming soon.
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pablodemon-6 · 2 years
cesar crying “not my brother, not my brother” while hugging oscars body will never be something i can get over
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rosepetalbaby · 10 months
soooo i wrote an oscar diaz fanfic…
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redrumthem · 2 years
If I could only watch on my block for the first time again
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samar-arijjj · 6 months
now why the hell does s4 oscar dress like he walked into the men’s section of an old navy one day and decided that he wanted to dress like the damn mannequins????
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stvolanis · 6 months
hii, i was wondering if you could do a spooky x reader where maybe he got caught up with like the prophets or something, and reader helps him clean up his cuts and scrapes. basically just straight up fluff, bc regardless we all know spooky is a softie 😭
hi! tysm for this cute lil request!💞
It was unreasonably late when you heard the faint sound of pounding on your front door, your mind wandering to every possibility of what could be happening. You crept out of bed on the tips of your toes as you edged further and further to the front door where the knocking began to sound more—desperate. Your fearful eyes peeking through the heavy curtains, the goosebumps risen on your skin uncomfortably. A sigh of relief escaping your lips when you come to find out that it’s just your boyfriend—with seemingly deep cuts and bruises scattering his skin, along with the minimal swelling of a busted lip.
you quickly flung the door open, wasting no time in dragging him inside the comfort of your home before locking the door behind the both of you. Your hands cupped his face, inspecting the rest of his body to see how much damage was done. “Oscar, baby, what’ve I told you? Huh?” You scolded with furrowed brows like an angry mother. He clicked his tongue before plopping himself down onto your couch. “Had to. They were dealin’ to kids, you know how that shit goes.” You were upset, rightfully so, as this wasn’t the first time he’s shown up like this.
you dug through the cabinets in your kitchen under the sink before grabbing hold of a basic aid kit. “You can’t keep scaring me like this, Oscar. What’s next? Bullet wounds? What then? You know I worry about you and—I—I just—“ you stumbled over your words, tears lining your eyes and blurring your vision. Spooky let out a sigh before gently pulling you in to sit on his lip, pressing sweet kisses to your temple. “I know, mamas, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He cooed quietly, rubbing the small of your lower back soothingly.
“You have to promise me. Promise that’ll never happen.” You muttered into his neck. The wet of your tears rubbed into his skin, but he didn’t care. “I promise, mi reina. I pinky promise.” He said as he kissed your shoulder, interlocking his pinky with yours. He lifted your face from his neck, wiping the remaining tears from your flushed cheeks. “You gonna patch me up, sweet girl?” He asked with a smile.
You nodded, moving from his lap to get the first aid. You opened it, grabbing cotton before pouring rubbing alcohol onto it. “S’ gonna sting.” You muttered, as if this wasn’t an often occurrence he was used to. He hummed in acknowledgment with a smile, feigning a hiss when you pressed it to the scar on his arm. You rolled your eyes with a little giggle, and he pressed a tender kiss to your lips.
his little nurse!!<3
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don’t be shy, ask to be a part of the tag list and request things!!
TAG LIST: @elvisalltheway101 @epthedream69 @claire-elvisgirl @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @luxuriouslokistan-3 @foxevxid @sapriao @xiyingly @jazminsjaz @likeits2002 @www-interludeshadow-com @khxna @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @floredaqueen @hockeyrat @peterpan-neverfails @sunflowerskenz @lemonadygirl @newavenger @bloobewy @hewwokitti3 @vogueprincess
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restinslices · 10 months
The Obsession Is Returning
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Y’all may not know, but I really like On My Block and I was thinking of the show again and I started wondering smth…
how do y’all think Oscar would react if Cesar had a friend that wasn’t afraid of him? Like, if my memory is correct, the kids were spooked when he was around. Now as the show went on the kids became more comfortable around him (besides Monse. He LAUGHED in season 3 and she fr got mad but moving on) but what if Cesar had a friend who was never scared of him, almost stupidly so, and said the most outta pocket shit.
Like, you’re ranting to him during that lockdown/lock-in/the shit that happened in season one and he’s like “I do not care” and you’re like “well you can’t go anywhere so sucks to suck I guess”. Idk, maybe it’s because I’m sleepy but that shit would be funny cause why tf did you tell that man his wardrobe is ass? Yes he has a bunch of long socks, let that shit go.
And when the Santos got all hype at that party and broke the truce? Oh gosh. “The truce was gonna break anyway but really Oscar? Since we on the topic, who the fuck was the guy that proposed the idea. I got a lot a shit I gotta say to y’all”. You could probably talk a bunch of shit cause what is he gonna do? SHOOT YOU? I hope not.
Y’all would have a more unhinged relationship than him and Jamal cause at least Jamal watches his mouth (somewhat) around him. Your dumbass would- “who decided the wardrobe for this gang?” “I just feel like being around bald dudes all day is weird but idk, that’s just me” “actually sit the fuck down. Or don’t. You got a gun, I don’t” “I know nothing of the streets. I behave. You don’t.” “Why do people in gangs refuse to say ‘happy birthday’? What the fuck is a ‘happy g day’?” “Aight gang - not like THAT though”.
I feel like the friendship would be gradual cause at first he’s like “why the fuck do you keep talking to me?”. Time skip and now this nigga knows your birthday. Can I say nigga on tumblr? We gon see what happens. Y’all go from “go do anything else besides talking to me” to “you ain’t text me all day. What’s up?”. This show came out in 2018. I was 13. I am 18 now. I am still in love with this man and that’s never gonna change. We ignore season 4. He never died. Y’all imagined that shit. He’s healthy and doing great.
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stargirlposts · 2 years
El Malo
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(I know I took quiet a minute to post this but I lost my drafts in my old phone cause it fell in water 😭 and I didn’t back anything up but it’s here it also took a while cause I don’t really like how it turned out im having major writers block so some feedback would be great ps. Thank you for the likes and reposts it means a lot to me
I couldn’t sleep all night after Cesar told me that Oscar is getting out tomorrow. I don’t know what to expect or what’s gonna happen. I cuddled up on the couch as I thought back to when Oscar and I were younger. Him and I had always known each other, not personally but my house was down the street from his, so when I would walk to school, I would walk past his house . As we got older, Oscar and I always exchanged glances but we never talked.
I had never even told my friends about the glances that we shared, he didn’t tell his friends either, it was just something between us. I can still remember when one day I saw him with those beautiful dark curls and the next day it was all gone. Or when I saw his Santos tattoo for the first time.
I always thought Oscar was attractive but I wouldn’t ever dare act on it. He was a santo and I was a goody two-shoes, I never thought he was interested in me. I was the complete opposite of the ideal girl for him in the position he was in as a santo. But he didn’t care about that. He was different. He is different.
But, I’m concerned about how Oscar getting out is gonna affect Cesar. He seemed real distant after he told me that Oscar is getting out. I’m scared about what’s gonna happen
Cesar and another santo went to pick Oscar up, I didn't want to stick around for when they would come back so I decided to go to my mom’s house.
“Mija, you can't hide here forever. You’ll have to face him eventually” my mom stated softly as she stroked my hair lovingly.
“I thought you didn’t want me anywhere near him” I stated as I turned to look at her.
“And I don’t, I told you multiple times when you were a teen not to go anywhere near him and that he was no good for you but look where we are now “
I rolled my eyes with a sigh, “ I have Tony, he’s good for me, isn’t he?”
“Well, from what you’ve told me he is but I’m your mom, I know you don’t love him”
“I don’t know how to leave him, he’s been so good to me but he’s just not-“
“He’s not Oscar “ she started cutting me, “ You’re gonna hurt him if you keep lying princess”
“I told myself I’d learn to love him and I will, it’s just taking a while”
My phone buzzed and I looked to see it was a notification from Cesar
Cesar💙: he’s out.. we’re heading back now
I turned my phone off and told my mom I was going to my room. I was gonna relax and take a nice bath and everything was gonna be fine.
I was writing in my journal when I heard a knock on my door and my mom opening the door halfway.
“Caesar is here to see you ,” she smiled softly and patted Cesar on his shoulder.
“ Hey, Cesar” I said to him as I put my notebook in my bedside drawer.
I saw his eyes looked red and I tugged his wrist to sit down on my bed.
“What happened, what’s wrong?”
“Oscar is forcing me into the gang, I don't want to Y/N..”
We both knew this was gonna happen even before Oscar got arrested.
“Do you want me to talk to him even though I really don’t want to see him but you know I’d do anything for you..”
“We both know nothing's gonna change his mind, I’m scared of him, I don’t think even you could change his mind..He asked about you, I think he wants to see you”
I rolled my eyes but I’m not gonna lie and say that didn’t warm my heart. My mom knocked on my door telling me that she was gonna do a quick run at the store and then pass by Geny’s house. My mom and her were very close practically sisters. Cesar and I talked but then he got a message from Oscar so I walked him to the door, but when I opened it, I felt my heart beat a million times more..there he was the love of my life, Oscar Diaz.
Cesar cleared his throat and started walking out “I’ll wait in the car”
The 1966 Cherry red Chevy Impala. Oscar and I share a lot of memories together in that car.
“You’re not gonna give me a welcome home hug”
I finally looked up at him.
“I’m seeing someone Oscar” I stated as I crossed my arm, and looked down. As much as I wanted to hug him and kiss him, I couldn’t.
He chuckled at this “Yea, I’ve heard, but he’s not me, you’re still mine Y/N..”
“Oscar, it’s not the same anymore”
“You can lie to yourself but we both know, you still love the way I still love you” he gently touched my chin and closed the door, leaving me to wipe away my own tears.
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therkive7 · 5 months
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SETSUNA reached 500 reads! 🥳🫶🏽💫
Thank you!!!
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Marcela é uma jovem carioca e brasileira que saiu de seu país de origem para viver o sonho de uma vida melhor em Los Angeles. Após longos anos de estudo, a mulher se vê perdida ao enfrentar uma expulsão injusta dos dormitórios de sua universidade, tendo como causa, o fato da moça ser imigrante e bolsista. Sem outra escolha, a futura jornalista se muda para um bairro chamado Freeridge. Perigoso e distante de sua faculdade, porém, o único lugar que conseguia pagar sem contrair dívidas. Com a chegada ao novo bairro, a mulher enfrenta uma diversidade de problemas sociais, entra em divertidas confusões, começa novas aventuras e cria fortes laços com pessoas que jamais imaginaria:- o líder de gangue presunçoso, Oscar Diaz. Um estranho senso de justiça cresce pela nova comunidade que se deparou. Expondo problemas e maravilhas do local, Marcela tenta melhorar a situação da população de sua própria maneira, se vendo de frente com dilemas morais que a fazem repensar sobre si, enfrentando pessoas perigosas pela população e pela própria sobrevivência E em pouco tempo, Freeridge e o homem se tornaram seu lar sem ela perceber.
#onmyblock #omb #reader insert #Oscar diaz x female reader #Onmyblock #black reader #black!reader #Oscardiaz #Spooky #Freeridge
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youare-mysonshine · 3 years
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i’m crying cause it ain’t me and IT HURTS
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