koevnkult · 3 years
Okay so, I was thinking. Genshin, but modern AU alright?
Now y’all know how Diluc has a winery? What if in the modern au he ALSO has a winery. So he manages the actual farm and stuff and Zhongli like works at the actual company, what if the slogan was “Share The Memory”?
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sylvctica · 3 years
@osmanthusmemories​ said: .. - cups their cheeks in his hands- what are you scheeming?
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Eep! They blinked a few times at the touch before relaxing into it. “... Slime smoothie but like ... with chocolate? I’m hungry.”
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adversaryss · 3 years
"Hmmm... There's something I still don't know, Childe." The consultant interrupts him.
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"Just why do you refuse to spar with me using your Foul Legacy?" One hand moves to his hip as he stops walking alongside of the Harbinger. "What is it that you're afraid of?"
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“...Afraid?” Childe looks caught off guard for once, both by the sudden inquiry and the ridiculous assumption. There are very, very few things he fears nowadays. Fear is a childhood blanket that he used to cling to with both hands, a shawl wrapped around his shoulders to keep a layer between himself and the outside world.
When he looks upon Zhongli in his unassuming form and remembers exactly what they are both capable of, he does not feel fear.
“Oh, Zhongli-xiansheng...” he says his name with a lilting sigh, playful and reproaching, and turns slightly on his heel to face him properly. One hand comes up to gently rest on the consultant’s shoulder and he leans in closer, something dangerous lurking in his dull eyes.
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“If I use that form with you... It’s not going to just be a spar. You know that, don’t you?” His smile widens and parts, showing a hint of his sharpened canines as he lowers his voice to a murmur, more for the sake of any passersby than anything else.  “If we go that far, I won’t stop until you kill me.”
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windbladelumi · 3 years
Zhongli hugs her from behind and kisses her neck lovingly.
Lumine gasped before she happily melted into her lover's touch, his familiar embrace relaxing her instantly. "Mm, hey love~" The blonde turned and wrapped her arms around Zhongli's neck before pressing a long, loving kiss to his lips, feeling satisfied with the life she was living
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malibvnghts · 3 years
@osmanthusmemories​  /  sc.
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            trying to cover whatever she was working on  ,  “  haha  ,  i don’t know what you’re talking about  ,  ”  she says  ,  inching backwards  ,  almost reclined against her work bench  .  it’s a surprise  !!  she really should have chosen a time when he’s slumbering to work on this  .  “  noo . . . nothing suspicious  ,  morax  ,  nothing at all  .  ”  she quickly flies off the table towards the taller  ,  trying to usher him back out the door  .  “  is it tea time  ??  would you like to hear me play the erhu or the qin  ??  ”  she asks  .
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windsettled · 3 years
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@osmanthusmemories​ replied ; -throw drink-
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      ❝   — ................   ❞
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      ❝   WHAT are you doing you old block head !! that was my WINE !!   ❞
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@osmanthusmemories​ asked:
“What? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
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“Who me? Embarrassed of you? I’d think the opposite might be true~!”
The Archon who played a very convincing bard gave a laugh that didn’t quite defer away from he was again wandering back from the distance he’d created at the first sign of another Adeptus coming to greet his companion, only returning now at the sight of an Azure Crane flying away. 
Jueyun Karst was certainly beautiful, there was no denying that. Its residents kept it as such and while Venti was more than happy to come here to play his music for the animals, he’d long had the sneaking suspicion that while he was ‘welcome’ here given his status as an Archon and his affiliation with the one at his side, the other Adepti would really prefer that he not be there. Even less in the company of their Adeptus Prime. 
They weren’t the sort to outright insult him in polite company, but typically he’d found that in such circumstances they’d simply ignore that he was there at all, and really he’d prefer to simply make that easier on everyone included and find something else to occupy his time whenever they’d come to speak with their leader. 
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devctiion · 3 years
Zhongli had been observing Diluc work all day, he'd offered to lend a hand but had been quickly yet politely turned down by the red-haired man. He could just observe as he skillfully did his job while he read a novel he'd brought along.
However, he would find himself getting more and more stressed, almost as if he was sponging up all the energy in the chaos that was the Ragnvindr manor. So, to let it go for a bit, he walked up to his lover, taking his hand and stopping him gently in his tracks. He'd take his hand, intertwining his fingers with the other's and sliding a confident arm around his waist.
"You know, my love. Sometimes a pause will help you get the rhythm back and get your head in the right place." The ex-Archon said, his nose impossibly close to Diluc's. His amber eyes sharp and intense, guiding him into a slow dance. "Even the biggest leaders need to rest."
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As they dance, he nuzzles the fair cheek and presses the softest kiss, only then making a lovely trail of kisses up to those pale rose lips that he takes no time in ravishing as soon as his own land on them.
Harvest time is always a bit of a circus, no matter how thoroughly they try to organize beforehand. Human error will always be an uncontrollable variable. Diluc has only had the full reign of things for a few years now, ever since his return to his rightful place in Mondstadt, but he can already feel his patience slipping away from him with every small setback and obstacle that crops up with their helpers for this season.
Honestly, how complicated is it to pick grapes? He would do it all himself if the fruit wouldn't rot off the vines before he could get to the end of it.
It certainly doesn't help that Zhongli is here. Every time he catches sight of him reading through the window, or when he passes through the manor, he's overcome with urge to simply call it a day and curl up into his lap. There's a steadily building pressure behind his eyes, frustration and lack of sleep compounding into a singular headache that he's working valiantly through without trying to let show.
Figures that Zhongli would notice anyways. The man has eyes like a hawk. He swoops in and catches Diluc, gentle but inescapable, that golden gaze stopping him in his tracks just as surely as the strong arm cradling his waist.
A pause. Diluc breathes in, then out, a little haggardly at first, but the second breath is more even. The next even more so.
"...I suppose you would know," he murmurs quietly after a moment, remembering exactly who he's speaking to. The retired Archon of Liyue is surely one of the biggest sources of leadership to which one could ever aspire. It makes his own struggles feel petty and microscopic in comparison.
That's why it's easy enough to give in when it's Zhongli telling him to let go. He trusts his judgement, his wisdom, his experience in a way that he trusts few others. There's no second guessing the decision to fall into step as they move through the foyer like it's their own personal ballroom, easy and graceful. Though his face does warm over when a pair of lips overtake his own. Maybe if it was a short, chaste kiss he wouldn't mind so much.
It's not. It's firm and passionate and much, much too warm and wet and-
It's not like it's a secret, at least not to his staff, but-
It's still embarrassing to get picked apart like this, right where anyone can see. His legs feel unsteady and he makes a small sound of protest, squeezing Zhongli's hand in retaliation before turning his head away. He can already tell from the heat under his skin that red is creeping up the back of his neck and coloring his ears, a feedback loop that makes him flush even darker.
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"Must you do that-?" Diluc asks with half-hearted exasperation, entirely ineffective from how breathless his voice comes out. "Someone could see."
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@osmanthusmemories​​ cont.
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“A-As much as I enjoy these pets, sir.... A-Are you okay?” He asked, snuggling in close to him. “You seem... down.”
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osmanthuszhongli · 3 years
@osmanthusmemories started following you
He pauses as he looks at the familiar form in front of him. Zhongli isn’t sure how to take the idea that there could be two of him but he remains civil until he can decide. “Greetings. Would you care for some tea?”
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derreisende · 3 years
🛌 (this meme is too cute i couldn't help myself qwq)
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It’s days later and she still...hasn’t digested what she’d seen what she’d learned. to find him at long last...only for her brother to slip away like a shadow into the night. 
The Abyss prince.
She doesn’t know how long she’s been in  Mt. Tianheng, wandering the ruins with hollow eyes when she feels the weight of a blanket settling across her shoulder. Only vaguely aware of it mind you. 
She turns her head and tilts it up, just.. staring at Zhongli. Pale fingers dragging the blanket a little tighter around her body. 
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sylvctica · 3 years
@osmanthusmemories​ said: -puts a blanket on their shoulders- Care to listen to a story of mine?
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     “I’d like that, your stories are always nice to hear.” Their voice came out a bit quieter than planned, but well ... that’s what the tea was for.
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adversaryss · 3 years
Zhongli isn't expecting it when he finally turns around and looks at his partner, he isn't expecting to be taken aback by how handsome, adorable he looks with his cheeks flushed red and his hair popping out of that hat to help keep his head warm. He lets out a contained breath he didn't know he had and his body moves on its own to walk up to him. A hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing against it as if he didn't think he was real.
"You... I love you..", there's nothing else he can say that would even begin to describe what he actually felt, so the only good way to demonstrate it is to pull him by the crimson scarf around his neck and rope him into a gentle kiss.
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Zhongli's lips touch his, slightly chilled from the winter air, but oh, the gentle heat of his breath as he sighs into the kiss. The steam rising in the air between them is nothing compared to wave of pure warmth that ripples through him in that moment.
"Mhm..." He shivers pleasantly and lets out a content hum, mittens tightening around the mug still clutched between them. Ah, the tea. With a soft chuckle, Aias swiftly turns his face away, letting his lover's lips brush across his flushed cheek instead. "Haha, Zhonya, please, you'll make me drop this. Here-"
He reaches out and takes one of Zhongli's hands in his own, turning his palm outwards so that he can press the cup of tea into it. Then he nuzzles in closer to brush his own lips against the man's ear, voice dropping down to a teasing whisper. "Goodness, am I really so irresistible~?"
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childeofwar · 3 years
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@osmanthusmemories​ sent:
"Vamos, ábrelo".
Zhongli le sonríe una vez la pequeña caja está en las manos del pelirrojo, sus ojos se ven tan emocionados como los de su amante. Durante su tiempo libre había podido preparar una pequeña sorpresa para Childe. Había ido en una excursión por el desfiladero de Jueyun y había extraído algunos minerales preciosos que comenzó a trabajar lentamente para lograr obtener la forma justa que quería. Sabía que Tartaglia no podía ser muy abierto con sus afectos cuando estaba trabajando en los rangos de los Fatui y entrenando a nuevos reclutas, de modo que su trabajo tenía que ser preciso y no tan llamativo.
Era un pequeño anillo que contenía la cabeza de un dragon tallada a un lado y al otro lado la cabeza de un narwhal. Esperaba que le gustara, ya que había tardado en trabajar todos los detalles y las minucias del diseño.
"Feliz cumpleaños, Childe. Espero poder acompañarte en cada uno de tus días de celebración."
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Se sorprende cuando llega su cumpleaños y Zhongli lo felicita con un regalo. Claro, Childe le había dicho anteriormente que día era hoy, pero no esperaba nada del otro. Hubiera sido suficiente pasar el día juntos. Pero por supuesto no iba rechazar el obsequio y con gran sonrisa toma la caja del otro. “Te acordaste!” Da una riza corta al entusiasmo con lo cual Zhongli muestra al urgir que lo abra. “Esta bien, esta bien. Que no tu eres el que siempre me dices que tenga paciencia~”
Esta sorprendido al ver el anillo escondido dentro de la caja, el brillo del metal haciendo que suspire. Observa los detalles, sonriendo con ternura al notar el dragon y narwhal. No era difícil adivinar su significado, una representación sutil de su relación. Cuanto tiempo fue empeñado para poder esculpir algo tan bello...
“Xiansheng...,” murmura, trazando ligeramente la cabeza del dragon con un dedo antes de bajar la mirada hacia el anillo viejo decorando su dedo pequeño. Sin pensarlo dos veces, se lo quita antes de sacar el nuevo anillo para que tome su lugar. Se sorprende que le queda perfectamente sobre su guante, feliz que no tendrá que ajustarlo y arriesgar dañandolo.
Queda callado solo un momento antes de voltear y abrazar el consultor, una riza ligera escapándose de sus labios. Le da un beso en su mejilla, “Gracias, me encanta!” Se arrima a su oreja, susurrando, “Entonces... debería tomar esto como una propuesta?~” Su tono indica que estaba bromeando claro, sabiendo que no se debería interpretar de tal manera. 
No deja que Zhongli conteste, solo dándole otro beso cerca de su oreja antes de separarse de el. Pero no sin tomarlo de su mano, apretándola brevemente. “Vamos! Como es mi cumpleaños y quieres acompañarme, quiero pasarlo todo contigo~” Claro, era lo que planeaba desde el principio, pero se sentía mejor sabiendo quel otro lo deseaba también.
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malibvnghts · 3 years
''even if it's in the middle of the night, i'll be there. so don't hesitate. just call me.''
reassuring each other  /  accepting  /  @osmanthusmemories
            offering the elder a smile  ,  “  you know . . . making that sort of offer to someone like me is very dangerous  ,  ”  jung hi says  ,  tone teasing  .  as an idol  ,  his sleeping hours and working hours vary with schedule and tours  ;  being allowed to call at any time of day  ,  that’s quite dangerous  .  not for jung hi  ,  but for zhongli  .  jung hi  ,  while having all the attention he can have  ,  is someone who vies only for ONE person’s affection and attention . . . his partner’s  .               “  just kidding  ~~  you know i wouldn’t abuse that sort of privilege  ,  ”  he chirps happily  ,  head propped up with a hand  .  “  though . . . i am someone that gets lonely REAL easily  ,  so i hope you hold up on that promise . . . especially when i have to be far  ,  far away from you  ,  ”  he says  .  he knows zhongli knows of the duress he’s constantly under  ,  he knows the elder means to hold him together when he cannot  ;  but he hates to put that burden on zhongli  .  if he becomes too reliant  ,  he might just break the elder and become a heavy fetter that sinks the other  .  he doesn’t want that  .             though  ,  he’s grateful for the offer  .  he’ll remember it  .  he just hopes he never has to make that sort of heartbreaking call late at night  .
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outridera · 3 years
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6. has your muse dated before? if so, how long did those relationships usually last?
I’d have to say no. Amber feels like someone that has been super focused on her pursuit of being a Knight, an Outrider, and her duties to a point, to where she hasn’t really paid too much attention to it. It’s not a can’t, but more that she hasn’t really thought, or dived enough into it, to give it a try. She wouldn’t be against it either. She embraces happiness, and positive feelings. So who knows. With the right person, she might just give em a shot~
16. does your muse believe in soulmates?
If I can spin the first bit. Then she hasn’t looked too into it. But I also do feel like soulmates wouldn’t matter to her? Long as you’re a good person, or someone that she believes that are misjudged. Then she will treat you fairly, and care for you, soulmate or not. So no real thought on soulmates at all.
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