#oso home care
orphancookie69 · 2 years
My Infertility Journey: Part 4
Yeah, future me needs to go in the past and tell past me to not be crazy. Well, they have not arrived yet-part four starts. The sooner I get in the drivers seat the sooner I park my car in the winners circle I hope....Just hopping on late? Here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. 
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August 2022: 
A week after the ERA comes a cycle. This is highly unusual as it does not normally come that soon. Second half of the month is the start of round 4. Initial ultrasound and bloodwork scheduled to see if the body is on the starting line. Now let’s talk about the definition of insanity, it is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Based on the ERA, I am perfectly fine and we have been doing this with proper timing-so initially they said we are going to move forward with no changes. At consultation, they mentioned adding Intralipids-IV injected twice during the process. I am open to this idea, more than the anti-coagulants, because I think my body can only handle so many injections. I only have two more embryos at this point, and while I want to make sure they have the best odds of sucess-there are physical limitations of being...ya know...human? 
The results from the blood work came back, my hormones were too high. So they are having me wait and we will reassess on next cycle. I am happy that this news came from the doctor, I felt like it was better to wait and give the body a break. But for some reason, it felt like it would not have as much credence as it does coming from the doctor backed by “data”. I am looking forward to my break and plan on getting a family trip to Havasu in before my next cycle. PARTAY! No but otherwise this is a great time to hunker down and see if I can’t get some good training in for game day. Using muscle stims, heat, massage, and exercise to promote healing of the area. Maintaining diet and exercise to see if I can’t lose anymore weight before then. 
September 2022: 
Have I ever mentioned how much of this process is PLAYING THE WAITING GAME? But waiting has its own perks. So far just waiting for a cycle to come, estimated to come around the middle of the month according to P Tracker, and see if hormone levels are good enough to move forward. Also, I am (heavily) playing with the idea of implanting two instead of just one. My own doctor says the odds are better with just one, but I have heard a lot of other doctors/patients have success with 2. Part of me really likes the idea of implanting both and having this be the last round, for better or for worse. We will see what the doctor says. 
So my body decided to get stuck in “period limbo” this cycle. I get all the feels but none of the results. Doctor did a “wellness check” on me and decided to reset my cycle with a week’s worth of Birth Control. Then we are going to move on the next cycle. I picked up my prescription and then took them, one a day, for a week. My doctor puts me on Enskyce, and man I usually get all of the side effects: migraines, nausea, and lack of energy. 
October 2022: 
Body goes into cycle and then on Cycle Day 5, we went in for an appointment. Ultrasound and bloodwork looked good, we updated my thyroid panel as well. Now starts injections and the new element this time-intralipids. They are to be done at a third party facility, Oso Home Care in Irvine, in week 4 (before transfer) and after transfer. I am (attempting) to schedule an appointment with Oso Home Care after my next Ultrasound/Bloodwork appointment with Fertility Care in Brea. Ya know the one appointment(s) before implant. It is kind of crazy how much happens in a month. 
Drugs: EV (Estradiol Valerate), Dex (Dexamethasone), P4 (Progesterone), hCG, Valium, Doxy (Doxycycline Hyclate), Medrol (methylprednisolone),
Vitamins: Baby Aspirin, Prenatal vitamins (NAC, Prenatal, Omega 3, L Arginine, Coq10, Myo Inositol, D3)
Suggestions: Keto diet/Fasting, Exercise, Proper Injection Guidelines.
Price: $5,000+ (Fertility Care), $100+ (MDR Pharmacy), $550 (Oso Home Care), 
Here are some Injection Guidelines:
Before: Ice the area
During: Inject the right area, Massage it after
After: Walk it off a bit, Use a heating pad
In Between: Arnica, Massaging to promote healing
Check: Infection (red, raised/bumpy, burning, itchy)
Note: Injections are intramuscular, and depending on the injection, there are only so many spots you can inject. Just because there are other muscles, does not mean you can use them even if your areas are “out of commission”. You just gotta keep them in commission!
The phone tag that was had was fun by all? Honestly as much as this is not my first rodeo and this should not worry me, the intralipids worry me a bit. Really the scheduling process being the slowest thing ever doesn’t help anything either. Be careful when doing research too, it is not always as helpful as you would think to know what you are signing up for. Also, the slow time between the first and second appointment where there is only an injection every 3 days is lovely. So I barely got my appointment for the intralipid place, if I did not call, that might not have happened. Then went in for the next ultrasound, the last one before implant. Ultrasound was good and blood work was TBD. 
This starts the next phase of the process. From here we add 4 hCG shots, add 2 times a day of p4, and continue with EV every 3 days. Also, for the hCG...the first injection has to be in the back area, but the smaller ones can go in the stomach to give the back a bit of a break. Round one of the Intralipids happens. The dexamethasone comes off the schedule just before implant-a couple of meds get added for a couple days around implant. Implant happens, this time it will be a boy (currently between the names Roland and Kai). After implant it is suggested for up to 3 days of rest. Then we move into November (after playing the waiting game) to confirm the pregnancy. 
Oso Home Care...Intralipids: Its a cute little place in Irvine. Kind of disorganized and busy but it would seem a lot people go to a facility like this. I got there early. I spent 2.5 hours in the chair. Yeah, kind of a long time. The gals that work there are sweet, but I don’t like how they had to prick both my arms to get it to work. I felt strange after? I am not sure how I was supposed to feel. Based on when I left and where home is, it took an hour to get home. But I hope in the future that since I am already in the system that booking is easier, and I kind of have a better idea of what to expect. Dress comfortable, don’t bring a book. 
Ovation Fertility...Implant: I always forget COVID never stopped being a reality for hospital establishments. I always forget to bring a mask to these things. Arrive 15 minutes early in Newport Beach, take a Valium an hour before. Implant goes well-go home and rest. Also, if they let your partner in-film the implant. 
Implant day is a day of rest, and this time I am trying to take two more days of rest after. I am an awful patient and this is hard for me to do. Post transfer we ran low on p4 so we transitioned to 1/2 crinone and 1/2 p4 for the every 12 hour injections. There are enough drugs on hand to get through to the pregnancy test and once confirmed, we stick with this or go all crinone. I don’t remember my last boys’ implant well but this time around, my left uterus feels like a battle zone a bit. 
Trimester Breakdown:
Part 1: 10/7-1/8
Part 2: 1/9-4/12
Part 3: 4/13-7/15
November 2022: 
An appointment was set up to have a blood draw/pregnancy test on 11/7. What was the time like before? I felt most, if not all, the symptoms. Pray tell, what are the symptoms of the first trimester?
First Trimester Signs: Nausea, Metallic Taste, Foggy Brain, Cramps, Tiredness, Breast Tenderness,
For me, and according to old wives tales, boys are supposed to be worse. This round definitely felt different as I felt very sore for up to a week after implant. Google says this is ok but man, it was kind of odd. The first blood test of Week 4/5 happened and TBD. If this goes well, I go two more times-two days apart. In theory the HCG a pregnant body produces should double every day. The first time you are able to view anything on an ultrasound is week 6. The next, and final, intralipid appointment would also happen that week. 
The first blood test was good and positive, the next blood test the values should of doubled...and they did not. They increased but did not double. The office wants me to see the third test before jumping to any conclusions. The second blood draw was a 15% rise. The third blood draw was a 66% rise, so they kept us on the schedule and we scheduled the first ultrasound at 6 weeks 4 days. They also had me schedule my second, and last, intralipid appointment for that same day. Prior to going to going into the first ultrasound, there were 50/50 odds that this is a viable pregnancy. 
We went in for an ultrasound and there was a gestational sac, but nothing that could be seen in the sac. They did a blood draw, to confirm the hCG is rising as a pregnant body should be. I had an intralipid appointment but they wanted me to move it, and wait for the results. The beta was rising, so we stay in the game another week. Order more drugs from MDR Pharmacy and scheduled another ultrasound for the end of the week. The intralipid appointment was moved to the same day as the next ultrasound. 
Oso Home Care...Intralipids: This trip was shorter, already in the system and they have an idea of how quickly you take the liquids and what not. I believe this time was about 3 hours? 
Also, I am keeping track of my weight, as women who are overweight before need to be careful how much weight they put on. When I checked on it, I actually had lost weight. Between my keto diet, morning sickness, and other pregnancy symptoms. In the first trimester one can lose a bit, but should this trend keep up in the second trimester...we got problems. Went in for the next appointment and while it was still not where it was supposed to be, there was improvement in both Beta (blood draw) and ultrasound findings. By this time I am almost 8 weeks along and there should be some major organs created, like the heart. 
December 2022: 
The next ultrasound would be interesting as it was kind of the determined trip to “call it”. Why would I want to call it? Because since implant, it has been very “we don’t have good news but we have not bad news so keep injecting”. And the body can only take so much for something that they said was most likely to end in bad news? But the doctor makes a good point that while certain things should be in place by this appointment, babies can be “past their due date” so if they are slow to grow, as long as they grow, it is fine? As the train carrying the passenger, the “limbo” is annoying as hell. 
The Week 8 Ultrasound: Yeah, so that went about as good as that was going to. The doctor finally called it. It is sad, bumming, annoying, frustrating, relieving yet unwantedly so. They are three options to resolve this round: to let it happen naturally, use drugs to help “speed things along”, or get a D&C. For now, we are going to cancel medications and assess in another couple of days. Did a blood draw to see where the beta is, and establish a comparison point for declines in the future. 
For the next blood draw, I could of gone to my Fertility Care office-but with us at the sad end of the process-and them not being part of our insurance-we decided to finish the process in slightly more complicated insured way. They ordered the blood draw at Quest Diagnostics. I made an appointment and the results were sent to Fertility Care. I have seen some insurance that covers infertility, but for the most part that is a sad joke. Some jobs cover that too. If you need that as an option, it’s worth looking into. 
Pay attention to your body. I had sharp pains on my lower left abdomen area the day before the blood draw. Like, bad enough to make me basically pointless the rest of the night. The next day they continued, and I called it in. I am now on the alert for heavy bleeding and those pains, as the combination means bad news. But should be signs the body is starting the miscarriage process. To speed things up, they put me on Letrozole and Acetaminophen-COD. This will be my first time having a drug induced natural miscarriage.  
Four pills at night for 7 nights, bleeding can last up to a week. Blood was being drawn at Quest Diagnostics and the beta hcg was going down. I used pads for a week to “measure” how much I was bleeding, more than two pads in two hours was bad news. Blood draw to see where we were at, luckily enough for all involved-there was no hemorrhaging. The second week of miscarriage recovery-less blood, less medications, but no less feels? Research shows it could take up to 6 weeks for my body to get back to “normal”. There are some herbs and vitamins I can take to help, but mostly it was rest and food and relaxation. 
So, what happened? While there are no answers, there is a scientific name for this. Funny how that works out huh? Here is what I think happened: 
“ A blighted ovum, also called an anembryonic pregnancy, occurs when an early embryo never develops or stops developing, is resorbed and leaves an empty gestational sac. The reason this occurs is often unknown, but it may be due to chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg.” (Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/expert-answers/blighted-ovum/faq-20057783)
Because this is an IVF process, and everything is tested and in some ways controlled, I doubt it is because of any chromosomal abnormalities. But it is crazy how many variations of miscarriages are out there. And really, even in the same person’s journey-no two are the same. Oh to know so much yet so little. 
Honestly, this is a very tough process. I am not sure what to think. Doctor thinks we should implant (IN ME) the last embryo, possibly changing nothing, and see if it works when I am mentally and emotionally ready. For now, the only thing for sure is its BREAK TIME. Is it too soon for a surrogate? I don’t understand how I can be such a medical mystery. It is a very strange feeling. 
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finsplurtz · 8 months
nobody’s home — choso.kamo
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— dom ! male.reader x sub ! Choso Kamo
— contents : step-cest , touching w/o consent uh oh , Choso tries to tell yn to stop but gives in bc he loves the feeling , handjob , biting n hickeys , mention of virginity loss n Choso does cry abt it , does change his mind abt it nd ends up rlly liking it , praises n degrading lolll
warnings : step cest obv , maybe.. r4pe implications not sure wtv
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
Choso’s mother had divorced his father and she found a boyfriend who already had a kid.
The first time they met was … interesting. He got home from hanging out with some friends, he greeted his mom and step-dad, went into the bathroom and quickly backed out closing the door.
He covered his face, he had walked in to some guy shirtless in the bathroom. He went to ask his mom and she told him that, yn, was his new younger brother.
When they saw each other after that he apologized.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to you know…” yn smirked checking the guy out while he wasn’t looking.
“It’s cool, we’re both guys. Nothing to be embarrassed about” He flashed a smile before leaving to his room.
Yn was younger than Choso by 3-4 years.
Choso definitely caught onto the subtle hints that yn was throwing his way. Yn would sometimes invite him to watch a movie or something, he’d get super cuddly and touchy.. like have his arm wrapped around his waist or have his hand slowly massage his thigh.
Sometimes when they’d be out yn would insist on buying Choso a drink, or even smoking together or something, but he always found a way to make it sound intimate.
Maybe Choso was going crazy.. maybe yn was just really trying to have a nice sibling bonding moment and Choso was taking it the wrong way..
Okay enough of turning yn’s offers down, he definitely just wants to be close brothers.
“Hey, ‘oso. Mom and dad wanted to ask you something” yn popped into Choso’s room and went over to sit on his bed and handed him the phone. Usually his parents called on yn’s phone, since sometimes Choso doesn’t answer cs he’s busy studying or sleeping.
“Hey hon, just wanted to let you know we won’t be home till very late! It’s our 1 year anniversary and we have a lot planned” Choso hummed while yn took whatever book Choso was reading and skimming thru it.
He sighed and put the book back. Gently pulled Choso down towards the bed and cuddled him. Choso was still listening to his mom talk and talk but he wasn’t paying attention. His heart was pounding in his chest.
yn had his leg over Choso’s waist and arm over his chest. Choso could feel yn’s warm breath on his neck, his lips were an inch away from Cho’s skin.
Finally his mom ended the call and Choso was frozen.
“…uh…here’s your phone..” He said.
“Just put it on the counter or something” yn said in a low voice right under Choso’s ear. “….what are u doing”
“…nobody’s home, oso..~” Choso could practically hear yn’s smirk.
“Have you ever touched a guy..?” his hand gently massaged over Choso’s chest.
“…n-no…yn I- I don’t think this is…” Choso pushed yn’s arm away and managed to sit up.
“Mm..awww cmon.. we’re alone, nobody can walk in on us..” yn looked at his half brother with low eyes.
“S..still it’s just..w-wrong—“ Choso flinched when he felt yn tightly wrap his arm around Choso’s waist to keep him from squirming and dug his hands into Choso’s pants.
“y-yn..?! S..stop I don’t…!” His breath hitched when yn began to stroke him. Choso’s nails were digging into yn’s arm trying to squirm away or something. yn rested his chin on his brother’s shoulder and continued to fap him.
“Ngh..! Mhhnn…~ s….stop..” Choso was panting and subconsciously grinding his hips into his brothers hand. He threw his head back exposing his neck, yn saw the opportunity and began to kiss and suck on Choso’s pale skin.
“Ahh~ f..fuck…~” Choso’s grip on yn’s arm loosened and he brought one hand up to cover his mouth.
“See…you love it, don’t you…~” yn whispered into the ravenette’s ear. Choso just whined, he didn’t really care anymore. Plus yn had a point, nobody would ever catch them doing this. It’s not like they were even related…
yn sped up his pace and stroked faster while sinking his sharp teeth into Choso’s neck.
“Ah- ah I’m gonna c..come—“ Choso gasped and grabbed onto yn’s hair tightly as he came and made a mess in his briefs. “Fuuuckk…s..so good~” He whimpered as his dick twitched in yn’s hand.
yn slid his arm off Choso’s waist and pulled his pants off along with his underwear. He easily lied him down on the bed and used the finger that had his cum on it to finger him.
“..nnnyooo…d..don’t….” Choso was too dizzy to put up a fight anymore. He just let out more moans and cries when yn found his prostate and massaged his fingers over it.
yn stroked himself, he loved the view. Choso’s pretty little hole being slowly opened by his fingers, just ready to take his cock..
yn pulls his fingers out and quickly pushed himself into Choso earning a gasp and whine from him.
“S-shit..! Y..you…” Choso felt tears welling up in his eyes, he wasn’t sure how to feel….
yn noticed and rolled his eyes. He leaned down to kiss Choso’s cheek.
“Don’t worry….your brother is gonna make you feel good..~” Choso blushed and screamed when said brother began to roughly thrust into him hitting him right in his g spot.
“UGHN-! F-FUCK TOO MUCH..!”Choso felt a tad bit overstimulated, but fuck did it feel good.
“Aww..look at you just taking my cock so well, hm?~ you love it…you love how well your little brother stuffs you, don’t you, prince..~” Choso moaned at yn’s dirty talk, he was so into this. He loved every second of this and he didn’t want it to ever stop.
“Right, Choso..?” He loved how his name sounded in yn’s mouth, he let out a slutty moan and smiled as best as he could.
“Mm..hm..~!” yn smirked and began to kiss Choso’s shoulder and back.
“Such a good little slut..” yn felt himself get close and stuttered in his thrusts.
Choso felt his second orgasm nearing, he gripped the sheets and stuck his tongue out, rolling his eyes back.
“You’re all mine…my stupid toy..just for me to fuck, m…mkay..~?” Yn said into Choso’s ears pushing him over the edge.
“Mhnn-!!” Choso bit his tongue as he came one more time making a mess of his sheets. A smile creeped on his face at the feeling of yn’s hot semen coat his warm mushy walls in white.
They were both catching their breaths and yn sat up and slick his hair back looking at the art he ..
“……I…I’m sorry, cho’…” He pulled out and turned Choso on his back who just looked at him. Choso had drool and tear stains on his face, his lips red from biting them.
“I’m…so sorry..” The regret sitting in the pit of yn’s stomach. It quickly left when Choso pulled him down by his neck into a warm embrace.
“..’m your stupid toy…” Choso whispered smiling to himself. He didn’t regret this.
Yn sighed and returned the hug.
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a/n ; I’ve always hated anything like step cest or inc*st it’s yuck but idk Choso being so big brother n shi kinda possessed me into writing this sorry xx
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ordinaryschmuck · 10 days
Full Family AU Part 22
During arts and crafts time, Luz sat at a table with two other girls, all of them finger painting their own little masterpieces. For Luz, hers was just her and Vee "recalibarating" like they did last night.
"Looking nice," her teacher said as she passed by Luz. "Who's that?"
"A surprise!" Luz told her.
"Well, as long as it's not a surprise like--TONY! NO!" She ran off in the direction of Tony. "We talked about this, that is not how we make art!"
Luz just shrugged off her teacher's distress and went back to finger painting, getting lost in her art once more.
"You lost Mr. Flopkins?!" A girl shouted across from her. Luz looked up and saw the other two girls she sat with, Becky and Laurie, were talking to each other as they paint.
"I didn't lose him," Becky said. "Mommy took him from me."
"Why?!" Laurie asked."
"To give him to my stupid little sister! She said he needed him more!"
"But he was yours first!"
"I know! Sisters are evil!"
"They're not evil," Luz chimed in, getting her table partners attention. "They're fun! Like a new friend you can live with and share things with and maybe have cool sibling adventures with--"
"How would you know?" Becky asked in a challenging tone. "You don't have a sister."
"Um..." Luz put her hands over her finger painting. "I'm assuming that's what it's like. From TV. Like those two step-sisters who build crazy things together and have fun."
"I wish it was like TV," Becky groaned. "But it's not. When you have a little sister, it's the worst! She takes all of your things! Your old toys, your clothes, and your room! I have to share my bedroom because our house is too small! And she cries all the time!"
Luz's mind went to Vee. The fact that Vee had to wear some of Luz's clothes, the coloring stuff she had to share, and how they share a room together.
'But that's different,' she told herself. 'We're trying to make Vee feel nice and safe.'
"And parents love you less, too!" Laurie added. "When my mommy and daddy brought home my little sister, everything is about her now. We got to do this. We got to do that. We got to make sure she's happy. Well, what about me?! It's like they care more about her than they do me."
Luz now thought back to last night, when her father tried to force Luz into bed, even threatened to keep Sr. Oso, all while being super nice to Vee. And then there was this morning, where Vee gets to have a fun day at the vet while Luz still has to go to school instead of petting the puppies.
"...That...can't be true..." Luz muttered.
"It is," Laurie told her.
"You better hope you don't get a little sister," Becky warned. "Because it'll ruin your life."
Luz sank a little in her seat and looked at her painting. It looked like they had fun together, and they did...On a night when her mom told Luz to make Vee feel better.
'It's different than their sisters...Right?' She thought as a frown started to cement itself on her face.
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sebastianswallows · 5 months
The English Client — Eleven
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: none
— TAGLIST: @esolean @localravenclaw @slytherins-heir
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Tom was displeased — not an uncommon occurrence. He was displeased with how familiar he’d come to be with the hotel and its surroundings, the lobby, the little restaurant, and how he knew by heart its every corner and the menu and the waiters. He was not a restless sort of person — on the contrary, he could lie in wait for a long time if needed — but it did disturb him how settled he now was in that muggle hotel.
He’d been picking at his breakfast since 6:30 AM. In fact, he’d been the first guest to arrive. By now it was nearly eight, and he had to be at Casa Ur by nine. His job…
He wasn’t suffering from a lack of appetite, not that he’d ever really had one. Living in an orphanage in London during the war had accustomed him to doing without many comforts. Rather, he dreaded going in. He may have been the last person anyone would suspect of laziness, but privately, he hated it. Hated having to report to someone, especially somebody inferior. Hated having his time wasted on the whims of others. Hated having to find his way through the sea of papers that were Oso’s home, always having to ask, or spend hours finding out where something was placed. Oh, to have a Time Turner and make this horrid morning last forever…
With a sigh, he downed his tea in one gulp, stuffed another fluff of omelette in his mouth, and left.
It wasn’t like he was going to meet Abraxas Malfoy, his old schoolmate, on his way to work. Indeed, they might never meet at all, if that old bastard Oso won’t let him work during the auction. But damn it, why did Abraxas have to be after the same book? It wasn’t like he was the most erudite of his old friends. Personally, Tom thought him a stereotypical dumb blond, getting by in his grades due to his good looks and family wealth. He could only hope Abraxas wouldn’t do anything stupid and blow his cover.
“Look on the bright side,” Tom said to himself. “Brax swore himself in service to Lord Voldemort. He wouldn’t refuse me anything.”
The end of the month brought summer’s end, and with it came Tom’s first payment — cut in half, as he’d only been there since the middle of the month. He’d finished analysing the three books and sent his notes off to the Baron, together with his confirmation that he would keep working there. He didn’t need the money, as he’d gotten into the habit of enchanting pebbles to be coins and newspaper pages into banknotes, but a salary was the perfect excuse to approach his target, his key of choice in that muggle institution, with an invitation.
“A date?!” she said, looking happier than he’d expected her to be.
“A date, an evening out among colleagues,” Tom smiled, leaning on her desk. “Whatever you like.”
“Colleagues, is it? So will Ambrogio be invited too?” she chuckled, eyes twinkling with a tease.
“Ugh, don’t.”
She laughed. “Is it that bad?”
“Let’s trade places one day. You’ll see.”
“No, I’d rather go on a date,” she pouted, coming around to lean beside him. “Where?”
“I had several ideas in mind… All of them a little selfish,” he said, slinking closer to her until their shoulders touched. “To start, maybe, the museum?”
It was not, of course, a selfish choice for Tom. He couldn’t care less about muggle history, ancient or otherwise, but he knew her to be the kind of sentimental soul that cared for it.
“And in the evening, I have tickets to a concert. We can have dinner in between. Your choice of restaurant, of course.”
She could barely contain her smile. Tom thought for a moment that she might even hug him, and his body braced for it, but it never came. The loosening of his muscles felt like a disappointment.
“Oh Tom, but you’ve barely earned anything yet, how can you afford —”
“Don’t worry about me.”
She sighed, clearly worrying regardless. It was a little cute, if he was honest. Through her open eyes, he read a thousand feelings, none of them seemingly connected with each other: fear and joy, anticipation, dread, and gladness.
“I want to spend more time with you,” he said in a low voice as he placed his hand over her own on the edge of the desk. “Being stuck down there all day while you’re up here and we can hardly see each other…”
“I know… I miss you too,” she confessed, blushing slightly.
“You do?”
He knew she did, of course. From early on in their acquaintance he’d attempted to seduce her, to get her on his side. He wore his tightest shirts just for her, even when the weather killed him. He walked her home a few times more since being employed there, and sat and waited for her to lure alleycats to pet them, or rushed with her to buy a baguette so she could feed the pigeons, or any number of useless things she thought to do in the evening.
“But… Tom, does this…” she started, chewing on her lip.
“Yes?” he asked, tension filling him as well.
“Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend?”
His mind blanched, not helped by her looking up at him with those wide eyes, her lips so close, so kissable…
“W-would you like to be?”
He went back down to the basement smiling, his lips still warm after a little kiss. He touched his lips once finally alone, the taste of her already fleeting.
“Pull yourself together, Tom,” he said. “This is not the time to simper for a muggle.”
The rest of the day was compromised, naturally, as all either of them could think about was the coming Saturday when their date was arranged. There was a clandestine air about it too, as nobody else knew that they were going. It was exactly the sort of attitude he wanted to inspire in her about the two of them.
The museum Tom took her to was the Palazzo Altemps. In centuries past an aristocratic mansion, now home to a collection of art that spanned from antiquity to the Renaissance. It looked frail and solid all at once, full of colour and yet gloriously dead, the statues staring at them like beautiful corpses, frescoes billowing across the walls.
Tom thought it did well to cover the historical periods that she, too, was interested in, if her taste in books was any measure. He was right, she positively gushed when they came across the bust of someone whose book they had in their collection. But she was mostly fond of those displays that splattered across the eras, ancient Roman statues standing tall and cold against a faded fresco a thousand years younger, looking soft and fragmentary in shades of gold and blue that once used to be crimson and black before the ages changed them.
“Can you imagine living here?” she whispered, her head tilting back in ecstasy. A long, floral corridor stretched out before them, with a garden to the right seeping with a milky light. “So wide and open and beautiful…”
“I couldn’t,” he grumbled. “Think of how much maintenance such a place would require…”
His new girlfriend laughed at him, the chime of it resounding through the halls.
For Tom’s part, he was mostly struck by the conspicuous differences between things. Mainly those within himself. It was a strange experience to look upon the art of muggles as a wizard, and the art of Italy as an Englishman. He was, in this way, twice a foreigner, and yet…He felt like everything there welcomed him.
In spite of his criticism of the place, he knew he could be at home among those gentle smiles, the unseeing eyes, the outstretched arms, and even saw parts of himself in the leisure of a lean white leg or a smooth abdomen, or a gentle curl of hair. The thread-thin reeds in the distant landscape of a fresco, or the vaporous rays of a sunset over the horizon of a city.
Beside him, he heard his companion stop, standing in smiling contemplation of the same thing. Her hand brushed against his, and suddenly it felt right to take it. He did, and in a fluid motion, as if nothing else could possibly follow such a gentle act, her head leaned to rest against his shoulder. He felt her warmth in the crook of his neck, the softness of her hair against his cheek, and Tom couldn’t help but lean a little closer. He rested his cheek on the top of her head.
She took them to a nearby restaurant for lunch. She claimed not to know the area very well, as she hadn’t gone wandering there since her earliest days in Rome, but Tom had come to trust her choices.
“So you’ve seen all there is to see, is that it?” he asked with a lopsided smile. Suddenly, his whole itinerary for the day seemed lacking.
“There is always more to see in Rome,” she said with a dreamy smile, cheek resting in her palm.
She seemed genuinely happy, and that soothed Tom’s ego somewhat.
“How many years have you lived here?”
“Oh my, it’s been at least six by now, I think.”
“And you’ve been working for the Baron the whole time?”
“Only for the last four years. The first two, I drifted from job to job, just at other libraries and shops…”
“Why did you leave?” he asked, taking a sip of wine.
“Some went out of business. It was a more tumultuous period, after the war. Others, I wasn’t really happy at. Some owners were mean, rude, demanding…”
“Unlike the Baron?” Tom asked with a grin.
“He is a bit of all of that,” she admitted. “But the opportunity to work with those books was… impossible to refuse. His collection is unparalleled, at least in Italy.”
Tom smiled and looked down at his plate.
“You agree,” she said — not asked — as she looked at him intently. “You’re still after the Delomelanicon, aren’t you?”
“Is is a fine collection,” Tom shrugged. “But my employer has something truly worthy of envy. The most rare of ancient esoterica. I suppose that’s why he’s so keen on acquiring Torchia. It’s too good to be left with the Baron.”
To his surprise, she laughed, wine trembling in her glass as she held it. It was not a mocking laugh, but something truly amused and girlish.
“Typical,” she trilled, her eyes shining. “The arrogance of old collectors… Well, then I guess you’ll just have to compete with the French gentleman.”
“Who, Malfoy?” Tom smirked. “I don’t think he’s French.”
He wanted to slap himself for saying it, but could not resist bragging that he knew something that she didn’t.
“How can you be so sure?”
“I happen to have gone to school with him.”
And there it was, his flaw, his arrogance: the mad and senseless instinct to impress her. Yes, he too knew important people, he too rubbed elbows with the aristocracy, and had a life before all of this.
But she was far from impressed.
“You couldn’t have,” she scoffed.
“And why not?” asked Tom with a cold squint.
“Why? Because he must be at least fifty years old…”
“… Ah.”
And with that, all of Tom’s plans crumbled. Of course it had to be the elder Septimus Malfoy, not his son… He should have guessed it from the start. Abraxas would never have gone through so much trouble for something educational, and his father never would have trusted him with it.
“So, will you?” she asked, her cheeks full with an impish smile.
“Will I what?”
“Compete with him for the book.”
Tom stuffed his fork in his spaghetti bolognese and frowned. There were various ways to say yes, and various ways to lie. Out of all of them, he chose the riskiest one.
“I will, with your help, if you wish to give it.”
She smirked and looked up from underneath her lashes. “Are you trying to take advantage of our special relationship?”
“Only if you let me,” he winked.
The concert was held in a park, where a wooden stage was raised in front of a tall fountain, lights hanging all around with garlands of fake paper flowers. There were seats among the flowerbeds and stands in the back with drinks. Tom bought two glasses of champagne for them, and they sat shoulder to shoulder, their coats up to their ears like barn owls to keep the midnight cold at bay.
It was a jazz concert, a novelty for Tom for whom it meant nothing, but she seemed to enjoy it. The band, a local group all dressed in black, played tunes that ranged from the energetic to the dour, and the air was filled with so much sound that Tom felt it in his chest. It was a completely new experience. He’d never gone out to enjoy music on his own, nor did he enjoy it in private either. Unlike most of his Slytherin classmates, he actually knew how to work a radio, but he’d always found sound in the background to be distracting when he worked.
And as he sat and listened to the band, he found no reason to change his opinion. Music was a waste of time, he thought. After each song, the audience applauded, and with the champagne glass tucked between his legs, he did so too, but privately he felt nothing. Their music was too fast-paced, too rushed, too out of pace with his own feelings.
He used the time to think of Mr. Malfoy. What did he really know about him? He’d been invited to his house for Abraxas’ seventeenth birthday, so they’d met. He remembered sprawling gardens with marble pillars, swans sliding on a lake, and a large, cold house. Tom knew Septimus to be a tall pale figure, distant, resplendent, and utterly dedicated to his family — not that Abraxas ever appreciated it.
The Malfoys were faultlessly hospitable to him, no doubt having heard of his magical skills from their son, and perhaps of his heritage too. But behind their manners and their perfect smiles, Tom detected, without even having to use Legilimency, disgust at his half-blood status, and underneath that, a certain envy.
He could only imagine, then, what reaction Mr. Malfoy would have at seeing him working for muggles in a foreign country. He sighed and bowed his head, his soul swirling with anguish and horror at the mess that was to come. And there was no avoiding it…
At his side, he felt a gentle hand. She nuzzled close to him, turning to look at him, frowning, as if to ask what was wrong. Tom raised her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it, and for a moment all his worries were gone.
They were walking side by side down the street that led to her home. After hours spent together, walking, briefly talking, looking at each other or just feeling one another’s presence, it was difficult for Tom to get back into the habit of hiding himself so well. He couldn’t even muster up the tried and true old charms he used with wealthy witches back in England. He was too much of himself that night, and he wasn’t sorry at being, however faintly, seen.
“What are you thinking about?”
He turned to smile at her. “You, of course,” he said.
“No you weren’t.” She was giggling, but through the midnight dark, Tom thought he saw sadness in her eyes.
He sighed. “Alright, I wasn’t.”
“Is it the books?”
He chuckled. She wasn’t far off, in a way. “Am I that transparent?”
“No,” she grinned, wrapping her arm around his. “Quite impenetrable, actually. It was just a lucky guess.”
“Is that so?”
“I used to think about books too, that’s all. Often even outside of work. It was fun, it’s… an infinite subject to get lost in.”
“Used to? What do you think about nowadays, then?”
That caught her off guard. “Erm, you know, everyday sort of things.”
Tom tightened his grip on her arm and made her look at him. With her gaze wide and open on his, he chanced a quick prod into her mind. He met no resistance, in fact, save for a milky smooth veneer, her thoughts were clear as crystal.
He saw himself. And one head shorter and a little less defined was a figure he recognised as her. Tom found it amusing that she saw him more clearly than she saw herself. They were kissing. His arms were around her, his hands gripping her head to hold her still. There was a swaying to their motions that seemed to change direction. It soon became clear to Tom that they were making love. His body covered hers in the middle of a plush darkness, their bodies like pillars of light, they moved together as smoothly as seafoam.
Her eyes went wide when he spent a moment too long looking at her, and she shifted her gaze away to the sidewalk. Her building was already in view. Did she guess that he had read her mind? It wasn’t possible…
Tom chuckled. He reached up and hooked a finger underneath her chin to tilt her face back up to look at him.
“Do you have something to tell me?” he asked, feeling more smug now than he had any right to be. “Hm? Do you want to show me something?”
She exhaled, and even that sounded shaky. “Maybe,” she said in a small voice. “W-would you like to come inside?” She didn’t even finish saying it before she blushed — more at her own phrasing than anything.
“I would.”
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flowerakatsuka · 1 year
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feeling silly goofy tonight so it's time to share the oso-san oc that's been banging around in my head for the past month.
more info about them under the cut! ⤵
NAME : Yotsubana, Kuroba NICKNAMES : Kuro, Kurorin AGE : ~24-32 years old ( around the same age as the sextuplets, older by almost a month & a half ) BIRTHDAY : April 2nd BLOOD TYPE : AB GENDER : X Gender PRONOUNS : They/Them SEXUALITY : Bi Demisexual VOICE CLAIM : Mitsuki Saiga (JPN), Khoi Dao (ENG)
The current proprietor of Yotsubana Florals, a flower shop tucked away in the Akatsuka Ward. The previous shopkeeper was Kuroba's grandfather, but after he suffered from a nasty fall while working, they took over day to day operations of the business. Due to the quality of their flowers and the clear care put into their arrangements, plenty of people from within and outside the ward frequent Yotsubana Florals. One of those frequent customers is Karamatsu Matsuno, the shop being the provider of his seemingly endless supply of red roses.
The two met on a stormy day, when Kuroba invited in a drenched Kara to dry off and warm up in their shop, (even lending him an umbrella when the rain lighten so he could head back home.) After returning the umbrella and purchasing a bouquet of roses as thanks the next day, he's been a pest ever since. Miraculously enough, Kuroba finds him pleasant enough that they don't mind Karamatsu loitering in the shop while they're working. They actually find him pretty endearing despite him being himself, (especially whenever he shows the more genuine side of his personality.) It could also be that, for some reason, he seems oddly familiar to them. They couldn't put their finger on why that was until attending their high school reunion, when it all came back to them — not only was Kuroba in the same homeroom as Karamatsu during their 2nd year, he was also their crush back then. Unfortunately, Karamatsu hasn't seemed to have made this connection yet himself so Kuroba is left to navigate these revived feelings by themself.
Due to Kuroba's tall stature and sharp eyes, they can come off as a bit intimidating at first, but they're actually a pretty relaxed and gentle person… For the most part. They aren't one to take anyone's shit and can be extremely blunt and snarky at times, perhaps a result of being fed up after years of being bullied in school. Still, they're generally kind and friendly towards others. They're the type to easily become absorbed in their work and will jump at the chance to explain things pertaining to it, (like horticulture or the meaning of flowers.) They also enjoy playfully teasing people they're close with, (a trait that really comes out the closer they get with Kara.)
Back in high school, they were much more gloomy in appearance and personality. They were often bullied for being "creepy" due to their height and sharp eyes, (this wasn't exactly alleviated by their long dark brown hair and blunt bangs.) Their only real solace back then was being apart of the gardening club and beautification committee, often spending their time tending to flowers around the school's grounds or refreshing the flowers in their homeroom.
The major reason why they developed a crush on Kara back in high school was due to his kindness towards them and his fellow appreciation for flowers. What Kuroba pinpoints as the moment they fell for him was when he complimented them on the care they put into maintaining the courtyard's garden beds, saying that you can tell how loved they are. The exchange really stuck with them, but they admit it's a bit of a silly reason to fall for someone for. (This doesn't stop their ass from slipping right back into those feelings later on, though.)
After high school, they attended an all women's college, majoring in horticulture. Their confidence and self-assurance really improved when they started college, as they slowly started to find their own voice and style. They were actually somewhat popular in their department, (perhaps due to them developing a more princely presence over time.)
They're friends with Ichiko and Jyushiko, having attended the same college. They briefly dated Ichiko in their 2nd year of college, but decided it was better to just stay friends instead. The two still hang out frequently.
They're also friendly with Totoko and often hang around to chat with her whenever they buy fish from the Yowai's shop. She actually remembered Kuroba from high school, despite the two never really interacting in the past.
They own a moped and are often seen riding it around the ward to drop off flower deliveries. (Before taking over the business, they mostly did deliveries for the shop.)
They live in the 2DK apartment over Yotsubana Florals. They're pretty good at keeping things tidy, but they definitely have an slight issue with hoarding houseplants and bonsai. Their kitchen is also rarely touched since they aren't the best at cooking.
They own a bearded dragon named King, who they refer to as the shop's real manager. You'll sometimes find her relaxing on Kuroba's shoulders while they're working.
BONUS : karamatsu after buying the 15th bouquet of roses from kuroba that month
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girlymatsu · 5 months
have u thot of osoeri as old geezers together, like 80s or so? theyd be so adorable hehe, still super crazy abt each other after all these years and causing a ruckus in the bingo room, erina is turning heads wherever she goes bc shes still wearing her iconic gyaru style n looks so fine😁🥰 (imagines oso scaring off other old men w his cane bc he saw them look at her cjbcksns) walking in the mall together for exercise in matching leopard print tracksuits and feeding pidgeons at the park! or maybe not :0! what do u think old osoeri would be up to?
AUGHHH YESSSS I HAVEEE I mean I have an au where they meet in their 40s-50s and fall in love later in life which I hold very dearly but that’s more middle aged— elderly osoeri is sooo cute I think you hit it nail on the head that they’d still be very goofy and childish and cause even more scenes because they’re old and care less about their consequences LOL
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Erina in her 40s-50s had gotten a bit insecure and dressed less flashy getting older but when she becomes older older she gets back into dressing up all the way being a cutie old gyaru again <3 and Osomatsu is a lazy old man who mostly wears robes but yes they would def still wear couples clothes… they still chase each other around even if they’re slow and have weak hips… chewing each other with their gums.. life is slower there’s not much going on but they find something to do everyday with each other… taking walks and yes feeding the birdies and koi.. and if u thought Osomatsu was intense at mahjong back then he goes crazy gambling at the old folks home!!! A lot of handholding and wandering together..
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jermer10 · 5 days
Hi!!! I saw ur ososan hc fic i rlly liked it !! Since i don’t often find familial hcs of the ososan brothers; may i req a hc of the ososan brothers having an adopted teen younger sibling ? You can do this later if u want !!
OSOSAN brothers with an adopted teen sibling
gn reader | finding familial hcs is so hard so i feel ur pain anon </3 i hope u enjoy the fic!!
drabbles under the cut :P
Osomatsu: - Oso would take on a carefree, "cool older brother" role, but in reality, he’s often lazy and not the best influence - He’d try to bond by doing laid-back, low-effort activities like watching TV or playing video games - He might encourage you to skip school or slack off, laughing it off when you protest, "It’s fine, just relax!" he’d say, not fully realizing how bad it looks - Despite his usual goofiness, when you’re feeling down, Osomatsu can sometimes surprise you with moments of genuine older brother insight - Oso can be surprisingly protective if someone else tries to mess with you - he’d show up, all casual and cool, but with a serious warning not to mess with his little sibling
Karamatsu: - Karamatsu would try way too hard to impress you, always wanting to be the "cool" and "dramatic" big brother - Expect a lot of cringe-worthy poses and declarations of love like, "Fear not, my dear sibling, for Karamatsu is here!~" "Kill yourself." - He’s totally unaware of how embarrassing he can be, and you’ll often have to pull him away from public displays of "Karamatsu-ing" - Kara sees himself as your personal knight in shining armor, ready to protect you from anything (even though it’s unnecessary and over-the-top, his heart is always in the right place) - When it comes to advice, he’ll probably offer up overly poetic or romanticized answers that aren’t helpful at all - "Life is like the stars—beautiful yet fleeting! Embrace it, my sibling!" "....What...?"
Choromatsu: - Choro takes his role as your older sibling very seriously - He’ll constantly lecture you about studying, being responsible, and planning for the future (it becomes very overbearing very quickly) - If you’re even slightly late coming home, he'll will start panicking and texting non-stop, convinced something terrible happened - Choro genuinely wants to support you, especially with school or personal projects, but he’s incredibly socially awkward about it - He’ll cheer you on with over-the-top enthusiasm but might make things a little uncomfortable in the process - His perfectionism can make him hover over you, correcting even the smallest things - you might have to remind him to relax and let you make your own choices sometimes
Ichimatsu: - Ichi would come off as distant and uninterested at first - He’s not great at expressing himself, so you might think he doesn’t care - but he absolutely does, just in his own way - Even though he’s not vocal about it, Ichi has a major soft spot for you - He might sneakily leave snacks or things you like around your room or awkwardly invite you to hang out with his cats - He’ll pretend not to notice if someone is bothering you, but he’s quietly watching and ready to step in if necessary - He won’t ask directly to hang out, but if you come to his room to talk or spend time, he secretly enjoys it - even if he keeps up his usual deadpan expression - Over time, you’ll notice he subtly opens up more around you
Jyushimatsu: - Jyushi would be the fun-loving, hyperactive older brother who’s always full of energy - He’ll constantly try to get you to play sports or do ridiculous activities with him, never running out of enthusiasm - No matter what happens, Jyushi is always there to cheer you up - He’ll offer you the wildest pep talks and make silly faces to try and get you to laugh if you’re feeling down - If you’re nervous about something, he’ll be your loudest cheerleader, encouraging you in the most unexpected ways - Jyushi likes to stick around you, whether it’s to show you cool tricks or simply to have someone to be hyper with - He’ll drag you into random adventures or games, just to keep things lively
Todomatsu: - Toddy would try to rope you into his social media presence, always suggesting you take cute pictures together or try out the latest trends - He wants the two of you to be the "cool" sibling pair - He would make your sibling relationship a competition, always wanting to be seen as the more charming or popular sibling and lowkey bitter that he's no longer the "youngest" sibling - It’s usually all in good fun, though - he enjoys having a partner-in-crime for his social life - Toddy would try to get too involved in your friendships, offering advice (sometimes bad) and trying to find out all the details - He wants to know all the latest gossip and may try to set you up on social hangouts to expand your circle
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Hello! I feel un gran oso (shame, cringe, etc) for this, but I wanted to request a morpheus one shot hehe. I just NEED this situation to be written or something cause in my opinión its ✨✨
Based on the song Ballroom of Romance of Celtic Woman, where the reader is a human that somehow fell into morpheus grace, and as such she can enter the Dreaming every time she wants through a earring that morpheus crafted, and she wants to celebrate the Day of the Book or the day of the Librarian in honor to Lucienne, and for unknown reasons she gets permission to make a ballroom and well, a lot of dancing and a beautiful dress and Morpheus from his throne like: 🙂 (💓💓💓)
Mutual pining of course ✨
Thank you very much, have a nice day/noon/night!
Here's the song;
Granny's Superstitions
Dream of the Endless x College Student!Reader
Summary: Your grandmother told you stories of how her grandmother was friends with the King of Dreams. You didn't think much of it, not even when you inherited your great-great grandmother's earrings on your 18th birthday. I mean, why would you? They did not correlate. And yet, your granny should have told you it did, so you weren't so surprised when you found yourself in the halls of the Dreaming.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Dark post capture!Dream, fem!reader, themes of misogyny, exasperated college student!reader, reader has a potty mouth, angst, enemies to lovers(?), typos, etc.
A/N: this was an exciting request! I love that you even added a song <3 I enjoyed it very much!! The syncopation in the chorus, its UGH SAUR GOOD. Because of this, I made reader a music major, like me HIHI. I will say, this became quite a dark and angsty fic and for that 😅 im sorry ig. ALSO I CHANGED SO MUCH ABOUT YOUR PROMPT I- ASODHASFOIAHFAHSF:HASF I do hope you still enjoy it my dear T_T [CRIES] IDK WHY I DID THIS TO YOUR REQUEST AND MYSELF IT WAS THE EARRINGS I HYPERFIXATED ON IT AND EVERYTHING JUST WENT BOOM T_T this is literally escapism PS the character Tim Henson in this fic is real, he's from a band called polyphia, which I love, and you don't have to imagine him as Tim, but I sure did LOL
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I was effectively buzzed by the alcohol in my blood stream, and yet no amount of booze would make the unwanted stares from my classmates ever palatable.
Had I known making an effort in dressing up would merit the reaction I got for attending this party I didn't even want to attend in the first place, then they should all be glad that I wasn't in fashion department but in music.
Yet another rando turned to me and smiled, complimenting my outfit, to which I forced out a chuckling thank you.
I don't know why they're so upset that the guy they liked thought I was hot! It's not like it's my fault I got attention I didn't want.
I huffed as I pushed the restroom door open. I wash my hands as I stare at my face in the mirror. I behold the efforts I put on painting my face, on doing and redoing my liner, on perfecting the color on my lips.
I clench my jaw tightly at the feel of tears pricking from my eyes.
I thought they were my friends, finally I had friends, and yet all it took was one guy to ruin all that.
I close the faucet and lean on sink, releasing a sigh. I look at my reflection, watching the sapphire earrings dangle by my jaw.
I scoff at myself. I wore my heirlooms for them?
"Gosh, I miss home," I say, screwing my eyes shut as I straighten myself up. I begin to fidget with the small jewels on my lobes and head for the door. "Who cares if I leave early," I pull the door open, "no one's gonna-"
My ghost leaves me and I still when I see the dark expanse of the hall. There was no way this was the room I just exited, no way it was a dark, high-fricking-ceiling hall with marble floors, and massive stained glass windows that were broken. There was no way because there was not a single piece of furniture or intoxicated student in sight, only debris.
From my frozen stance, I push my hand behind me in an attempt to catch the knob I just let go. When I turn, my heart drops when I am faced with the fact I was in the middle of an empty hall with no door in sight.
Did they drug me?
I begin to pant as I do a 360 of the area.
I choke on my spit and go reeling back when I see a dark face in front of me. I am not nearly fast enough in my movements as the man's large strides allow him to quickly catches me in his tight grip.
"How have you come here, intruder?"
His voice is impossibly loud and deep that it seemed it was spoken by the very room itself. My hands dart up to cover my ears, but his grip on my biceps prevented that.
I open my mouth to speak, but the furrow of his brows and the tension of his jaw bring render me mute.
His darkened blue eyes widen a fraction. He scoffs, "I see. You are a thief."
My brows knit at the accusation.
He steps closer, fingers digging into my flesh, "what did you wish to achieve with those earrings?"
A shiver runs down my spine and I begin to stutter.
"What did you do to its owner?" his voice demands, going an octave lower. My eyes widen when his form begins to grow larger and the room begins to darken, "did you hurt her?"
My sight begins to blur with fearful tears when his pale skin disappears into nothingness, "I never met my her! She was dead before my mother was even born!"
"What?!" his voice echoes, seemingly endlessly.
"I NEVER MET GRANNY JOSEPHINE!" I scream, "I just inherited the earrings, I swear!"
When his form begins to revert, I decide it was do or die. I break away from his grip and manage free. However, when I pull away from him, I fall on my butt and freeze at the pain. I crawl away from him as far and as fast as I can, but as much as I didn't want to, I halt when pain shoots up from my palm. I pull my hand toward me and find blood on it.
"You are her progeny," he says.
When my eyes dart back to him, he is just a man in with black hair and a trench coat.
My pulse quickens when he walks over to me.
In an act of self preservation, I grab a concrete rock nearby and throw it to him as hard and best as I can. I goes right through his form and my eyes blow wider than they already are.
I push myself back, through the pain and blood on my palms, "STAY AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BUT-"
"I apologize," his voice mutters, silencing me in pure bewilderment.
I look up to the man and examine his face and his outstretched hand.
He cannot possibly believe I would take that.
I prefer the pain of pushing myself up and make sure not to break eye contact with him as I do. Once I am back to my feet, the man looks at me then the blood dripping from my fingers.
"What the fuck are you?" I shudder out, slowly backing away from him.
His eyes lift back to me and he raises his nose, "I am the King of Dreams."
My body trembles at his words. My hands shake as I chuckle in disbelief, "no way- no fucking way. My grandmother- those bedtime stories- you're-"
"Real?" he finishes for me, "as real as your blood staining my floors."
My eye twitches at his remark. I scoff, still on edge, and yet I cannot withhold the retort in the back of my throat, "you're annoyed by my blood dripping when your your filthy floor?"
The Dream king seems not to enjoy that comment and yet I could not help myself, "my blood is the least of your problems, don't you think?"
I grip my injured hand.
"Leaving unwanted traced of yourself is not good for my domain."
I raise my brows at that, "well if you didn't shapeshift and scare the living shit out of me, then maybe I wouldn't have had to crawl away from you."
"I thought you were an intruder."
"But aren't you all knowing, or some shit," I heave, "so much for a king."
"You dare insult me in my own abode right after I've scared you out of your wits?"
I dare a step forward, "well to be humbled, your majesty, for bringing me here just to intimidate me-"
"I did not bring you here," he cuts me off, diminishing the space between us.
And though my pulse was loud in my ears, I remained steadfast in my place.
His hot breath hits my face as he speaks, "you thought of the Dreaming and travelled here yourself."
I pull my face back as it contorts, "I did not think of this hellhole. I thought of home."
"Yes, and this place is a home for all who are weary."
I hum, "you mean before it crumbled to the ground."
My breath hitches at the sound of his growl, "you inherited not an ounce of congeniality from your great-great grandmother."
The way he knows how far off granny Josephine was to me really struck a chord in me. I press my lips together, "well, I'm glad to have disappointed you so soon so that you wouldn't expect anything from me."
He bellows, "mortality never loses its audacity," he brings his face down to me, making my skin rise with gooseflesh, "I would withdraw the earrings you clearly do not deserve, but out of respect to Josephine, I shall allow you to keep it," he seethes, "but for your insolence you will know how much of a king I really am."
I slam my hand on my alarm and rip my heavy lids open.
I groggily groan as I struggle out of bed.
Ten days it's been since the last time I slept properly. If falling asleep wasn't the problem, then it was trying to wakeup from the horrible nightmares that plagued me.
I slam my books on my desk, making my seatmate turn to me and watch as I sit down next to him.
"Well, good morning to you too, zombie girl," Tim greets with a shit eating grin.
"I am not in the mood, you ass," I grunt, crossing my arms as I lean back on my chair.
"You haven't been in the mood for two weeks," he says, "Don't you think you should do something about it?" he leans on the table and knits his brows in concern.
I wipe my face and give an annoyed chuckle, "what can I do when I'm literally beefing with the king of dreams," I carefully word, "and nightmares."
"Poetic," he rests his hands on the back of his tattooed hand, "a true sign of insanity."
"Go fucking annoy someone else, you rat."
"Nah, if I do, you'll be lonelier than you are."
I shoot him a dirty look as he then places something in front of me.
I look at the grey packet as he explains, "sleeping pills."
I turn back to him and push the medicine away, "don't work. I've tried."
He raises a brow, "without prescription?"
"There is such a thing a over the counter drugs, Tim."
"Spoken like a true druggie."
I scoff.
He continues, "this was why I told you not to attend that snobby party. You ever noticed that ever since then, you've gotten fucked up in the brain. It's no coincidence."
"Again, thank you captain obvious," I slam my hands on the table and turn to him, feeling my head pulse in exhaustion, "and so sorry that not everyone can be a cool and popular as you."
"Why'd you even wanna make friends with them when you-"
"SHUT UP!" I scream, making the entire class turn to me. I feel embarrassment rise up my neck, and was only lucky that our teacher wasn't here yet. I sink down into my arms and bury my face as I mutter, "Enough. Enough! I get it, Tim. 'I told you so.' Geez, just get off my ass."
He calls my name, making me groan, "I'll do something about my insomnia! Just please, shut the fuck up."
"You better," he scoffs, "or else I'll plant a pea shooter in your lawn."
And so later that day, I did what I perhaps I should have the very moment after I met the Dream King.
I called my grandmother.
"Hi, granny," I smiled, holding my phone up to my face as I waved at the harshly zoomed face of my grandmother on the screen.
"How are you there?" she excitedly answers, "I'm so glad you thought to call."
I nod and chuckle, "me too, granny."
She takes a moment before responding, "you look tired. Have you been sleeping and eating well."
"Yeah, about that..."
After explaining everything to her, her voice grills the audio of my device because of how loud it is, "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO DREAM OF THE ENDLESS?!"
"Granny, that-"
"I think we're past apologies. I have to do something more to make it up to him if I'm to ever sleep well again."
"Darn straight," she mutters in agreement, "now, oh goodness, let's see..." she sighs and wipes her face, "PIE!"
I raise a brow, "pie?!"
"My grandmother absolutely loved baking and everyone who ate her apple crumble pie adored-"
"Hello," a voice calls, making me turn to whom spoke. I see a woman with glasses walking over to me and I give an awkward smile as I raise the tray in my hand, "hi... is Dream here?" Once she is before me, she takes in my appearance then raises a finger, "ah, you're the one who inherited the Sapphire Dream Walk." "... do you mean my earrings?" "Yes. I-" "What are you doing here, girl?" I look over my shoulder and see the annoyed expression on the Dream of the Endless, as my grandmother put. "A peace offering," I release a sigh and hand him the tray, "my grandmother said that granny Josephine made you pie and you so enjoyed." The two of them only stare at me. "It's most definitely not as good-" "Lucienne, I don't have time for this," he says, turning to the woman who greeted me. Dream turns about and debris from the room begins to float up. Lucienne places a hand on my arm then gratefully accepts the tray from me, "I thank you on behalf of my master for your most generous gift."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work," I sigh, running my hands through my hair, "I did not inherit any homemaker skills."
My grandmother says my name gravely.
"What? It's true!" I shake my head, "if I did, then I would have been better off marrying a rich man," I dryly joke.
My grandmother ignores this as she suddenly says, "if your baking skills are that bad, perhaps just make an effort to eat with him every lunch."
I make a twisted face, "you want me to waste my precious free time on that emo prick-"
"Hi," I raise a hand, making Dream and Lucienne, who seemed to be getting into a heated argument, halt and turn to me. Dream scoffs, "you again." I awkwardly chuckle and rub my arm. "What? No bribe this time?" he narrows his eyes at me as he walks over. I purse my lips and twist to reveal my backpack, "I bought lunch for all of us..." There is a sound of thunder from the outside. I look away from the stalking man, finding there was even less debris now compared to yesterday, "it seems your efforts to liven up the place are-" "Silence."
"Oh, so you have a better idea?!" my grandmother quips.
"Granny, I can already imagine-"
"You said," I grip my earlobes tightly in my fingers, "you wouldn't take my earring back for the sake of Josephine." "But that was before," he presses close to me that our bodies were nearly touching, "you were turned out to be a meddlesome insect." "How is being friendly to someone who clearly needs friends meddlesome?" "Friends?" his deep voice darkly chuckles, "it is you who needs friends," his voice echoes, "you think I did not sift through your memories to verify your words? I know well the day you came here you were at a party on the pretense of making companionship," he leans in that his nose nearly touches mine, "but they turned you away, did they not?" My eyes glass at his words and my breathing grows jagged at the words he next spoke. "If your fellow mortals do not want you, what makes you think that I would?" "My lord!" Lucienne calls. I do not grant him the satisfaction of another moment of my time and will myself back to my room.
"-how bad it'll be-"
I hold up a cupcake in a plastic container to the man who was reading on his throne. "Your insolence knows no bounds, girl." "Actually, it's chocolate chip cheesecake." He eyes me darkly, slamming his book closed, "you think you can win me over with food?" "I can tr-" "It is by my own power than I am sustained," he stands and swats my cupcake away, "and by my mercy that you have not slipped into madness." I gulp as he adds, "not yet."
"-if I force myself-"
I try to contain my giggles as Lucienne and I sit on a picnic blanket I bought for today. "It's so weird to know that without him, Bach would've never finished his most famous piece, which is so gentle and sweet and-" I finish with a whisper, "unlike your boss." She sighs as her lips press into a soft smile, "you know... he's not actually that bad. He's just... going through something." I roll my eyes, "what puberty?" Lucienne shakes her head "he has been hurting for a long time." "Just because you've hurt doesn't justify the hurt you inflict on others," I mutter, "you don't have to keep defending your petty king." Dream, who had just finally fixed and tidied the last of the rubble, speaks up "you are aware there is no such thing as hushed whispers in my realm?" He turns to us and walks over with a storm cloud over his head, "every crude remark you've uttered as you stuff your face with your cheap, store bought snacks has echoed in my ears." I look up at him, opening my mouth, but Lucienne's hand grabbing mine silences me. "If you wish to insult me as retribution, then perhaps I should darken your mind more than I already have." "Dream! She has not-" "I've had enough of you as well, Lucienne," he quips, "you tell her things that is not yours to tell." "But you have withheld rest from her, my lord!" she says as she stands, "and for what? Because she told you the realm was in shambles, when it clearly was?!" "I shall heed none of your flippant words and continue to do so as I see fit."
"-to hang around him when he clearly doesn't like me!" I exclaim, already frustrated by the idea.
"Then, do something you like... together."
I release a sigh.
"Perform for him, you are a musician after all, and he is every musician's muse."
Lucienne claps as I release a sigh and allow my guitar to rest on my shoulder on its strap. "A splendid performance indeed," she smiles at me. I awkwardly thank her and turn to Dream beside her. "Pitiful that talents are wasted on a girl as unsavory as she." I shake my head and release a scoff, "aren't you tired of being an asshole?" His lips curl in disgust, "perhaps nightmares aren't enough. Maybe taking your voice-" "You think just because you're powerful and fucking old, all your actions are justified?" I remove the guitar strap and begin to put it back in its case, "I just want to sleep! And I've been making an effort to pacify you, but you're acting like a child." "I'm acting like a-" "THEN I'M ACTING LIKE A CHILD, DAMMIT," I heave, "and you are the perfect Dream of the Endless!" I get on my knees and bow to him mockingly, "none could defy his will."
"Granny, that's-"
"Oh! I've got it. I've got it! I remember. The king is absolutely fond of ballroom dances. Perhaps you can convince him to allow you to plan a dance for him."
"Granny, where would I even plan such a thing?"
"The dreaming of course," I press my lips into a smile, watching Dream's dark face eye me impatiently. "I've had quite enough of your games, girl," he snips, "first you bribe me with food, now you're trying to fool me into dancing with you." "What-" I whine, "is it going to take-" I huff, "for your petty ass to forgive me." He scoffs, "well perhaps you could start by dropping the unnece-" "But I have! I did! I tried being nice, but you do nothing but attack me." He scoffs, "and if that were true then you would not be sufferings still." "I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!" I scream, lunging at him as I grab his stupid collar, "you have NO idea what it feels like to be so tired but restless." "I think I would know-" "BUT YOU DON'T! Because you don't need sleep, or food, or anything! You are just an all powerful monster, devoid of emotions and any sense of compassion." He shoves my hands off him and I pull back as I heave. Dream tilts his head at my tear stained face with disdain. "Lucienne told me you were captured-" "It was not her place to tell you anything." "You would know what it feels like to be trapped!" I release a shudder, "or perhaps you are so caught up in your own self-pity that you will never believe anyone else can suffer, at your cruel hands, no less."
I slam my head on the cafeteria table repeatedly until I feel my forehead sting. I feel tears prick my eyes in frustration.
I just want to sleep.
"I just wanna sleep, you royal douche bag-" I whimper, "can you fucking hEAR ME-"
"Hey!" someone catches my forehead, mid head bang, and I crane my neck up to see the worries and breathless face of my classmate, "where have you been? I haven't seen you at lunch in forever."
I groan and straighten up, just to slump down on my chair and rub my eyes in frustration. "I'm so fucking tired, Tim."
"Yeah, no shit," he says, right as the sound of a chair being dragged back fills my ears, "you look like shit."
I let out a whimper, unable to withhold the tears from my eyes, "you think I don't fucking know that?"
I break down against my palms, incapable of keeping my emotions in anymore. Tim stiffens at the sight and lets out a string of curses before placing a hand on my shoulder, "I didn't mean to-"
"Look, if you're here to annoy me too, just leave, Tim."
I rip my hands away and look at him with my wet eyes, "I don't know why you're here, but just leave!"
He scoffs, "you don't know why I'm here?" He crosses his arms, "well maybe because I'm worried about you?! Because we're friends?!"
His brows furrow, "how's that, asshole?"
"... we're... friends?"
Tim's face twists, "are you fucking stupid for real?"
I don't get to reply as my name is suddenly called. I turn to my side and feel my blood still at the face before me.
"You called me," Dream says, turning from me to Tim, "are you in trouble?"
I still and turn between the two, as an incredulous chuckle leaves my throat, "now hold on," I scoff, "hold on just a damn second."
Dream turns back to me and I peer up at him, "are you trying to tell me that you came here because you thought I called you and that I was in some sort of trouble."
"You did call me," he mutters, completely ignoring the rest of what I just said, "I am not one to lie."
Tim turns to me as I laugh. His face is warry as when I stand from my seat. The serious expression Dream's face disturbs me and I chuckle yet again.
"I'm so sorry," I place a hand on my chest, "where are my manners? I should introduce you two first: Tim, Dream, Dream, Tim," I turn to the latter, "you wanna know where I go at lunch? This is the Dream Lord I've been duking it out with every time."
Tim rises from his seat, grabbing my arm.
It seems, Dream does not take kindly to this and shows it by stepping close to the man. As Tim turns to the glaring Dream, I scoff and push the Endless to face me, "you're insane. Aren't you?"
Tim speaks my name softly.
"No," I turn to Tim, "he's the reason why I can't sleep because I questioned his kingliness or some shit-" I snap back to Dream, "in fact I'm so fucking tired I don't remember why you've been giving me nightmares in the first place."
"Okay, calm down," Tim tugs me towards him as he repeats my name, "we should just go to my place now and have lunch there."
"And who are you to take her anywhere?" Dream demands, making Tim's face contort in anger.
"I'm her actual friend, dipshit."
"Except she doesn't have any friends."
Tim snorts in annoyance, "as I'm sure you've been gaslighting her to believe."
With that, we walk away from Dream, even though I was so ready to lunge at him. Tim gave me an absolute earful about something, not that I actually listened. But still, even as his words entered one ear and out the other, I still cringed at the severity of his harsh but concerned tone.
Out of spite of myself, I told him I would skip the rest of my classes and sleep the entire day. After arguing about it, Tim eventually walked me back to my home and I punished myself by actually trying to go to sleep.
You have no idea how shocked I was when it worked.
I didn't realize I was sleeping because I was suddenly in a glimmering black dress.
Lucienne came running over to me with a wide smile, "You did it! You did it, dear, you did it!"
"You've put sense into that old fool's head," she grabs my face, "and convinced him to throw a ball in honor of the reconstruction of the Dreaming."
"Wait," I shake my head, "so I'm-" I grip my earlobes and find only the smoothness of my skin, "dreaming?"
Lucienne beams at me as tears glass my eyes.
"Now, is not the time for sadness," she sighs, grabbing my hands, "today we celebrate!"
Seeing all sorts of beings dancing and making merry in the grand halls with such festive and upbeat music made it hard to resist. Of course I was reluctant and in denial. It was all happening so quickly, But when I was drawn into the middle of the room by Lucienne, who linked her arm in mine, and started spinning around, I couldn't help but laugh and dance with her.
My spirit is livened by the sound of the fiddles and the sweet voice singing to the music.
By the time the chorus comes along, I am relaxed and try to hum along with the music as Lucienne and I giggle at how poorly we were dancing.
I am promptly halted when the arm linked in mine pulls away and I slam into a firm dark chest.
I grip on a pair of biceps and tilt my head up. Dream he looks down at me with an expression I have never seen before.
I pull away quickly, but he catches my wrist, "it was your idea to have a dance," he leads me back near to him, "might you share one with me?"
I'm surprised he actually waits for my response. And so I reluctantly nod my head.
The moment I do, he does the weirdest thing. His lips curve upwards and he spins me to the beat of the music.
All the stiffness and unwillingness begins to melt away as Dream leads me to the music. Though his gaze on me is heavy and scrutinizing, I cannot bring myself to look away.
"It really took a man showing his concern for me for you to finally change your mind," I mutter.
"No," he readily denies, "it was you who made me change my mind."
I roll my eyes, "but it took Tim to set the wheels in motion."
He shakes his head, "you truly could not be farther from your great-great grandmother."
I huff, unable to understand him, "she must have meant a lot to you."
"She did," he pauses for a moment, "she was the gentleness to my indifference."
"So, what? Is this the part where you tell me you're my great-great-granddaddy?"
He spins me around and presses his chest against my back, "if Josephine were here, she would be horrified to know how filthy her daughter's lips are."
"I'm not her daughter..." I mumble, feeling my pulse rise at our proximity, "I'm her great-great-"
Dream spinning me cuts me off. When he retrieves me by my waist, he softly tells, "you were right. I have been cruel and devoid of emotion."
Our dancing comes into a stop as he willingly admits this.
"My own hurt and the unjust expectations I had of you to act like someone you are clearly not is what lead me to be so," he mutters with a solemn expression, "it does not make it right, and it is not an excuse, but I wanted to tell you this."
My brows furrow tightly at his words. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"I apologize for my wrongdoings. I do not enjoy what I have become, and I know I am disgracing the memory of my friend for being so brutal to her child."
I feel a shiver run down my spine. In pure disbelief, I grab his face, "are you seriously Dream of the Endless?"
His teary eyes crinkle in amusement and it causes me further bewilderment, "I am."
When he places hands on my wrists so gently, I feel goosebumps form on my arms.
"You are so familiar yet so foreign to me all at once."
I pull away from him, not knowing what to say.
Just then, the music ends and everyone but us breaks into applause.
When another song plays, I press my lips and extend my hand out to him, "how about another dance?"
Tim was lying on the other side of a cafeteria table, while I was sat opposite to him as I typed away on my laptop. He was playing on his electric guitar connected to his tiny, rechargeable amp, which was propped on the table. His nonchalance while expertly riffing made passersby stop, watch, and swoon. Typical Tim. He sits up just as I turn back when I hear my name get called. A small smile finds my lips as I greet my caller, "Dream. What are you doing here?" "It's lunch time and you have not come to the Dreaming yet." Dream catches the fact that I was not wearing my earrings, just as I chuckle, "and why would I go to the Dreaming?" Tim had already straightened up and stopped playing at this point. I shake my head and shrug, "I'm not going to pretend like I didn't go to you to convince you to stop my nightmares. And now you've gotten rid of them, I won't bother you." I examine Dream's expression, but there was nothing to examine, he was as still as a statue. "You don't have to worry about me. You can do your work in peace now," I nod and turn back to my laptop. Tim's eyes widen at what he hears and he decides to just lie back down and play again. I stop myself in the middle of typing to steal a look behind me in case Dream was still there. When I found no one, I pushed the thought of him away and finished my homework.
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thebardisabird · 1 year
First of all you are my FAVORITE oso imagine writer 😫🙏 would it be too much to ask some NSFW choromatsu headcanons? Maybe with a s/o that’s nerdy and inexperienced like him? Thank you! 🫶 if you want to throw the other boys in I don’t think we would complain either
Oh gosh, favorite?! That’s such a huge compliment, thank you, omg. 😭 Sure thing, Anonym. Some NSFW Choromatsu headcanons coming right up:
- He’s a shaky, shaky mess as you both finally start to explore each other. It was never in his expectations to ever reach this point with anybody, let alone you - and despite everything he’s read to prepare for this experience, he loses all of it in an instant. He doesn’t want to fuck it up, and you’ll have to remind him that you two are doing this together.
- He’s constantly checking in with you, if he kisses your neck - he’s asking if it felt good, if he’s bites your nipple even the tiniest bit - he’s immediately terrified he hurt you and will double check if you’re okay. Problem is: you’re absolute putty in his hands and are finding it hard to make words happen when he’s kissing and touching you in any intimate way.
- When you both go to an idol concert together, he finds it very hard to actually pay attention to whose on stage. You’ve taken to cosplaying when you go to these, and the way the outfit hugs you has him fantasizing about what you’d look like in it on top of him - half the time he ends up needing to excuse himself to the restroom because he got very carried away with his thoughts.
- He does this thing when he’s completely riled up, with a half-lidded gaze a super blushed face, he’ll squeak out a ‘please!’ if you’re close enough to his dick. It flusters you both 100% of the time - but it’s a good way of telling that he’s painfully hard (aside from the obvious tent in his jeans).
- If he goes down on you, he’s surprisingly messy! Half of it has to do with inexperience and his tongue goes everywhere, but the other half is because he gets so lost in the taste of you that his control completely falters. With a little guidance, he eventually gets you to cum pretty quickly. You have to learn to be careful when he does though, cause you’ve pulled out hair in the past from gripping him so hard lol
- Finally when he’s deep inside you, he doesn’t make a whole lot of noise. That extends from his ability to masturbate rather quietly back home. Though his expression is really what has you falling apart - his face is so red from the pleasure and all the noises you make. He tends to snatch his lip between his teeth as you’re fucking, but when he’s at his peak, he’s got his teeth bared down together. The choked noise he makes is heavenly - and if you’re lucky, he may let out a loud and exasperated exhale from how much he’s cumming with you.
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rinwellisathing · 3 months
Get to know my OCs: Sentry's family dynamic:
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Home life following the events of BG3:
Sentry initially set off to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sunlight, but after a few months, the two returned to Halsin's new home so Sentry would rest and take care of himself while pregnant with twins after his time spent with Halsin leading up to the final confrontation with The Absolute. Oso and Lucien were born and lovingly called 'the spring cubs' since they came into the world at the same time as a new generation of bear cubs repopulating the forests around Moonrise.
Astarion generally made clothing and blankets for the twins and little trinkets and expensive toys would find their way into the home, Halsin would make them wooden animals and other things to play with and taught them very early on which fruits and berries were safe and healthy to eat.
Sentry taught the children art, encouraging them very young to play and experiment with paint and pigments, even berry juice or even much to Astarion's chagrin, berry jam or spilled juice.
When Sentry and Astarion are able to adventure again, Halsin very gladly keeps the children with him and teaches them about nature. Oso takes to it immediately and adores nature like her father, but Lucien misses the luxury Astarion provided. Later on, when Sentry and Astarion burn Cazador's mansion to the ground, they rebuild over it and Astarion moves in, Lucien eagerly moving in with him. Sentry visits between the two houses, kind of living in both and the children still see all of their parents, but Lucien trains as a rogue and Oso as a druid.
Meanwhile, Sentry has been secretly trying to find a way to resurrect Gortash and has also reached out to their daughter Rio Ojeda (now called Teela Popsprocket and being raised by gnome artificers in Waterdeep).
Oso and Lucien grow up together with the children of their parents' traveling companions and form a close friend group with them.
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shey-meine · 4 months
5 time Karamatsu protected his brothers, 1 times they protected him
So... I know how to write, and since I haven't been posting many fanarts here, I decided to copy paste my story from AO3.
Okay, so, for warnings: A little bit of violence, but nothing extreme No ships
-- for time skip or things like that
" " for speaking
' ' for thinking
1. Osomatsu
It was an ordinary day, Karamatsu was just walking, when he saw his big brother walking with 2 guys, tho he couldn't recognize them. He decided to go toward his aniki, even if his brothers normally said he wasn't welcomed close them when they were with another people, he figured the other wouldn't mind, since he wasn't normally with another people. As he got close, he saw as one of them was with their hands inside the pockets, with a knife in their palms, while the other hand was in his big brother's neck, making it look like they were friends.
As Karamatsu carefully got close, he heard what they were saying "Hey, friend, are you sure you don't have any money for us? I mean, if you really don't have, you wouldn't mind giving us your wallet to prove, am I right?" Karamatsu went rigid. Were these people trying to MUG Osomatsu? What should he do? "I already said I don't walk with my wallet" he said, with a annoyed, and hint of scared, voice. Karamatsu knew his brother would be able to get out, if it wasn't for the fact that the other had a knife. Before he could think of how to get the other out of this situation, the other mugger spoke "and we already said we doubt it" and everything happened too fast, he saw the knife going in his aniki's arm and acted instinticvely, pushing the 2 boys fowards and punching both their faces, before grabbing Osomatsu's arm, the one that wasn't hurt, and started running.
"Hey! Come back here! You're going to pay for this!" One of them shouted.
After 5 minutes of running without stopping, he looked back to see if they lost the other 2. Seeing no trace of them, he stopped running to take a breath. After that, he looked over his brother "Osomatsu, are you okay? Is your arm hurting much?" He started lifting the sleeve of the other as he spoke, then he saw it was only a scratch, barely dropping blood. And he sighed 'good thing he had his sleeve, otherwise he would be bleeding more'
"I'm fine, Kara. But thanks, for getting me out of there. But just so you know, I could've DEFINITELY take them out!" He said while he rubbed under his nose. Kara just rolled his eyes and then, with the fake deep voice, he said "Of course you could, brother, but I was merely assisting as for you to not dirty your hands in such a way like a fight" "It huuurts" Oso said while grabing his stomach, with a wider grin
"Let's go home, Aniki, so I can patch you up"
"Aww, how cute, my lil brother will take care of me"
2. Choromatsu
They were in a Nyan-chan concert, because, apparently, "Karamatsu is the only one that could appreciate this kind of thing with me" as Choro said. Karamatsu should not have drink so much juice before the show, because now he needed to go to the bathroomhalfway the place they wanted to go.
He said Choro could get going if he wanted to, that he would be able to find him later, but the other insisted in waiting outside the bathroom. "Thank you, brother"
As Karamatsu exited the bathroom, he noticed a comotion and that his brother wasn't close to the door frame anymore. So, fearing Choro would be in the middle of the comotion, he walked there.
And he was glad he did, because his brother was in the ground, trying to collect his stuff from the floor, with an embaressed face. "What a nerd, you really won't pay for looking over my sweet girlfriend's breast, huh?!! No wonder you don't have one yourself, I bet you're going to these disgusting concerts from idols and dreams of doing things with them, don't you?"
Karamatsu wanted to punch the guy's face, because even if they were true, this was no reason for them to bully his lil bro, ans he doubted Choro would look for someone's GIRLFRIEND breast. He may be a perv, but he just looks at them at summer or in dirty magazines.
"Hey, answer me, damnit" the guy said while he stomped in a Nyan-chan limited poster, after kicking Choromatsu's arm in the process. Karamatsu saw hid little brother had tears in the corner of his eyes. "Oww, hes crying, pathetic"
With that, something snapped inside Karamatsu and he gave a punch in the guy's cheek, and as the guy stumbled, he gave a kick in his stomach "Don't touch my brother, you stupid piece of shit. He's better than you'll ever be, at least he's not a pathetic bully, who needs to put others down to feel better." He said with a murderous face, with a voice Choromatsu never heard him speaking with, while he helped his brother in his feet, also catching their stuff.
"Next time, don't be so pitiful, just because you are ashamed, because im sure you like this kind of thing too, am I right?" In their way to the concert, he looked over Choromatsu "Are you okay, Choro?" He asked in his normal voice, a soft one, concern in his voice, nothing like the voice he used to speak with the other guy "I'm fine, thanks, Karamatsu-niisan" he answered while he rubbed his eyes, as they had some tears yet
"Well, then I'm glad. If this type of thing happens again  tell me and big bro will protect you" he said with a big smile. Choro couldn't help but smile a little too "Yeah, I will, thanks again, Karamatsu-niisan" 
It was one of the bests concerts they've been
3. Ichimatsu
He knew his purple brother didn't like him close, but he couldn't help watching him play with the cats with a little smile in his face, in the other side of the street, of course. He was so distracted, that he almost missed the dog going in his lottle brother's direction, as he saw that, he instinctively ran in the dog's direction, as to not let it attack the cats and, consequently, his brother.
He grabbed the dog with 2 arms, since he didn't want to hurt the dog either, sadly, this made the dog bite his arms "Ichimatsu, get the cats out of here" he shouted to his scared brother, that as Kamatsu ended shouting, grabbed the cats and ran to another alley.
As he stopped seeing his brother, he started paying attention to the dog in his hands "good boy, good boy" he tried to calm the dog, then he saw a person with a leash "Rex (I have no idea wich names dogs should have xD), there you are! I'm so sorry, sir, i dont know what got into him!" The person said as he put the leash in the dog's collar. "Is your arm okay?" "Yes, no problem" he said while getting up. He had to check on his brother "Are you sure? I can pay you some bandages if necessary" he turned for the stranger "I'm okay, but I will have to go now, but thanks you"
He ran in the direction he saw his brother going, and he saw him there. "Oh, thanks, you're okay!" Ichi was playing with his cat. Then he got up, looked where the dog has bitten his brother and stomped Karamatsu's feet "Idiot! Why did you do this?" He shouted while he did something unusual: hugging his big brother. "Ah, my dear brother, I'm sorry I distressed you, but I couldn't just look as one of my brothers was almost attacked by a dog, but fret not, as I'm not too hurt" he said, in a cool voice
"You don't need to protect me, I can take care of myself, and my cats" he said as he got out of the hug, his tone was harsh, but Karamatsu could see the guilty in his voice, since the other probebly believed it was his fault, considering the dog was most likely trying to attack the cats when the blue matsu got in the way. "I know that, but as your big brother, is my job to keep you and the other safe, brother"
Ichimatsu just stood there, then, after some seconds, offered him some cat food "Do you want to feed them with me?" He said, voice low, not meeting his gaze. "Ah, of course, thanks, Ichimatsu"
4. Jyushimatsu
His brother had asked to play with him in the park, how could he, Karamatsu Matsuno, refuse?? Thats why he's in the park with his brother, but not looking for his "Karamatsu girls and boys" as he said (lets be honest, we are all Karamatsu girls and boys). It was a really nice day, not so hot, but not cold, sunny with only one or two clouds, basically: perfect for Jyushimatsu baseball practice.
"MUSTLE MUSTLE, HUSTLE HUSTLE!" He heard his little brother while he watched him swing his baseball bat. Since it was a beautiful day, there was a lot of children and other people there too, so Kara asked Jyushi to take care as to not hit anyone.
Thinking about it, maybe the other parents should say that to their children and take care themselfs too, because the next thing Karamatsu knew, is that there was a ball going in Jyushimatsu's direction. Almost out of instinct, he braced his little brother "Careful, Jyushi!" He shouted as he was hit in the back of his head with a rather strong ball. He was almost sure he blacked out for a second or too, or more... ahem, because the next time he "woke up" he was in the ground, and he didn't remember the falling part.
"Niisan! Niisan! Wake up" he opened his eyes at the sound of distress in the yellow Matsu brother "I'm okay, my little Jyushimatsu, but more importantly, are YOU okay?" He asked as he got up, trying not to be bothered by the sudden headache 'I should probably see the doctor, again' "I'm okay, niisan, you protected me from that ball, so I wasn't hit" he said with a smile in his face "Is that so? Well, I'm glad you're okay then" he said while he messed with the younger's hair
"Niisan, let's go home, you don't look good" the other said with a worried look "No need, Jyushimatsu, I wouldn't dare to do such a thing when we JUST got here and my sweet little brother is still playing" he said as he got up and took the dirt out of his clothes "let's play, I can throw it to you" ignoring the headache he went to pick the ball and give the bat to the other "Are you sure, niisan?" Jyushimatsu said while picking the bat from the blue Matsu's hand "Yes, no need to worry, my little Jyushimatsu"
"Okay then! I'm ready, niisan!"
They stayed playing until almost dawn
5. Todomatsu
He was alone in that boring day. He was just walking, no destination in mind, and ended up close to Totty's workplace. He KNEW Totty hated them close to him when he was with his friends, but Karamatsu was his older brother, OF COURSE he would want to hang out a lil with his baby brother. So he saw Totty going out, saying buy to the girls of his work. As he began to aproach him, he saw 3 boys getting out of the cafe and in Todomatsu's direction.
He grinned to himself "time to mess a little with my brother" he thought as he began running to the other side, but as he aproached them, he saw them turn in a dark alley. Confused, he followed them as silently as he could, after all, it was weird for Todomatsu to go in a dark alley, seeing as he was afraid of the dark.
"Ne, Todomatsu, right? Who do you think you are?" On of the guys said "eh? What do you mean?" The pink boy said, genuinely confused "Drop the act, who do you think you are flirting with these girls? They are our! Do you hear me?". Karamatsu thought Totty would cry, but surprisinly, he grinned "Ah, it's only that? Ha! Do you think they would like to be with you? I mean, I AM cuter than you!"
Karamatsu would be proud of his baby brother for standing up for himself, if it wasn't for the hateful faces of the 3 boys "Is that so? Then maybe we should make sure youre not so 'cute' anymore, am I right, boys?" With that, Todomatsu's smile vanished "W-what do you mean?" His voice wavered with a hint of fear "He MEANT" one of the toughs started getting close to Todomatsu "we're going to beat you up, pinkie"
Ok, Karamatsu heard enough, no one, and he meant NO ONE threatened his brothers in his presence. He walked to the dark alley and with a fake deep voice "Oi! Whats going on here?" He asked, as the toughs turned to him "Ha? Who are you? Get lost before we beat you up too!"
It happened too fast, in one second one of the guys was already in the ground, blood in his nose and in Karamatsu's fist. In the same cold and scary voice he started talking "I asked" Karamatsu straightned his pose "WHAT is going on" he punched one of the boys in the stomach, as the guys tried to take him out "here" he made the other trip as the guy tried to run over him, and catched the hoodie of his jacket, lifting him up "answer me, were you planning to attack him?"
He throwed the guy in the wall "how pathetic, don't you think? 3 vs 1?" He let go of him, not before giving him a punch in the cheek "and yet, lost for one guy with the same face" he crouched down "how about you guys get lost before I beat you up more? Huh? How is that?"
"L-let's get out of here , guys, hes crazy"
Karamatsu sighned. He have always been the pacifist type, but his brother mattered more than this "Hey, Todomatsu, how are you?" He said while he helped the yougest to his feet "I-I'm fine. Thanks for h-helping me Karamatsu niisan" "No problem, do you want me to go home with you?" The other looked down a little "If it's not much trouble, please..." Karamatsu posed with a hand in his chest "It's never trouble to help one of my dearest brothers, and I say that from the bottom of my heart, brother" he said, while the pink Matsu rolled his eyes, not interupting this one time 'let him have it this time'
+1. Karamatsu (my love, i love him so much uwaaaa)
It was an ordinary day for Karamatsu. Well, other than the fact that he was walking alone, duo the fact that he just got in a fight with one of his brothers. He had woken up with a terrible headache, and it was already lunch, so his patience was kinda short, so when he went to the room and saw his GUITAR, of all things they could've break, his guitar was not one of them. Everyone loves to break Karamatsu's stuff, but EVERYONE knows his guitar is an exceptoon. So he kinda snapped, without wanting to hear them. Now that he cleared his head a little, he started feeling guilty. He knows they probably didn't mean it. 'I mean, c'mon, they may break my things, but they know my guitar mean too much, and is too expensive' he sighed.
He was just wandering, when he saw, he was in the park's bridge. He sighed again. He was NOT feeling like doing whatever he does. He was just so tired that day, and the stress didn't help. He took off the glass and started cleaning them, supporting his body, facing the water. As he was cleaning, he felt something in his face, than he just blacked out after that, the glasses forgotten there.
-at home :)-
"It's getting late... and Karamatsu didn't come back yet..." totty said, a unusual worry in his voice. "I'm sure he's fine, he just needs to calm down a little" Osomatsu said "Yeah, but Ichimatsu should apologise anyway, his guitar is his most precious thing, you know that." Choro said while eyeing the purple Matsu "It was an accident, when I tried to say sorry you saw how he reacted. I was not expecting the cat to go there and knock it on the floor" for others his voice was monotone, but his brothers knew there was guilty behind it "Even tho, I never seen him so mad, he never snaps at us, the only time I've seen him this mad was when some guys tried to mug me. I swear, he PUNCHED them, I never saw him punching anyone"
After 10 more minutes, Osomatsu got up "Okay, we have to go look for him, I mean, it's getting late". A chores of "Okay" could be heard, other than the youngest one "what if he come back?" "We'll leave a note" after this, they went out to find the second eldest.
-back to Karaboy- (ah, reminder: This part is going to have description of violence, when it stops I'll put another warning)
He woke up in an alley, with arms tied up in his back, but other than that, everything was... normal, other than the fact that he was in a dark alley, of course. "Well, look who's awake" at the sound of a voice, Karamatsu tried to get up, but it was hard duo his hands being tied together "Remember us?" Someone asked. No, he didn't remember, maybe if he looked at their faces.
His blood froze, there he saw those 2 muggers that tried to rob Osomatsu, but oh if it was only them, there was at least 3 more people there "You own us some money don't you think? Along with out faces" and with that, Karamatsu felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, where, aparently, the guy has kicked "Don't worry, we'll not hurt your face yet, we don't want it to be deformed as we see you cry abd beg for mercy" the man with another made him get in his knees, since he couldn't get up himself (pls dont sexualise this kinda of stuff)
"Pff, as if I'll ever beg for yours mercy, keep dreaming" he said with a sarcastic voice, still keeping his deep-fake voice. A "tch" was all Karamatsu heard in response, before losing all his air, all he saw waa a fist in his stomach. 'If I wasn't tied up, I could try to flee' he thought to himself, as he was finally able to catch his breath. He was NOT going to give them the satisfaction of seeing him begging for mercy. He could endure that, 'I mean, I've had worst' (ya'll know this line is about episode 5 right? Okay)
-Jyushimatsu now, for plots-
Jyushi was in the park (so he had no idea what happend at home, of course), and since it was almost night, he decided to go back home, but he stopped when he saw one of Karamatsu's beloved sunglasses. 'I mean, it could be from other person...' he thought, but he had a bad feeling about it. 'Just to be safe...' he then smelled it, and it was Karamatsu's scent. He became desesperated, after all, his niisan never just let go of his sunglasses, even if all their brothers said it was painful.
He began to run, looking for the blue Matsu, thinking something is wrong, and he had a bad feeling about it, that's when he heard a scream, that sounded awfully like Karamatsu. 
He then began to run where the sound was coming from, bat and sunglasses in hand, in his way he found his brothers, that called for him asking about Karamatsu. He simply shouted a "Karamatsu-niisan needs help" and went back to running. Worry flashing in the others' faces, they just followed Jyushimatsu.
-Kara's turn~-
He could feel himself almost blacking out again, the pain too much. Then he jolted awake, as one of them kicked his chest so hard, he could feel something breaking 'It's better if I go to the hospital later'. "tsk, you really won't open your mouth unless for this painful talk right? Then let's try this" one of the guys said and picked a knife from his pocket "you know, this one is sharper than the one we used the other day, I mean, it's brand new" he said while crouching in front of Karamatsu.
"Let's see how you like this" the guy then stabbed the shoulder the other kicked, and Kara almost screamed, but he was able not to. His breath then became heavier. "Oh, looks like we're getting somewhere now, since you're not even talking anymore" he said, taking out the knife of the other's shoulder "Then let's try this" the guy then stabbed right where he had kicked previously, meaning it stabbed close to his broken rib, what made the pain worse, and this time Kara couldn't take it, and he screamed of pain. The guy then twisted the knife, making the pain unberable since it messed with his broken rib more, but the guy made sure he wouldn't stab any vital organ, so he could torture Karamatsu more.
After the guy took out the knife, the blue Matsu was starting to feel numb, everything hurting too much, but at the same time, he wasn't feeling anything. Before he blacked out, he could only see his brothers there, with horror in their faces.
(Idk if you noticed, I love angst, and I love Karaboy  thats why he needs to suffer, and then be comforted)
A gasp could be heard and before any of the 5 guys of the gang could look who made a sound, Osomatsu had already punched the guy with the knife, making the knife fly from his hand, ignoring the 2 that were behind him, knowing his brothers would take care of them.
And he was right, Jyushimatsu and Choromatsu have already taken care of the 2 that were ready to try to strike Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu hitting both of them with a strong swing of his bat, Choro punching the face of one of them that was in the ground, stronger than he had in his entire life, enough to draw blood of the other guy's face, but this didn't stop the green Matsu to beat him more and more, while the yellow kept swinging his bat at the other "One! Two! Strike!" He would shout as he was able to hit the guy.
"Todomatsu! Fast! Leave with Karamatsu to an hospital! He need help!" Osomatsu shouted as he positioned himself, since the guy he punched was getting up again "okay!" The pink Matsu shouted as he got close to Karamatsu with Ichimatsu. As they got closer, the 2 guys that were behind Kara tried to punch them, (I mean, let's be honest, both Ichi and Todo look weaker than the rest  but Todo goes to the gym, and Ichi has hate for the world, so :v) but it didn't work, as Ichimatsu blocked one of them and Todomatsu just dodged the other, followed by a punch of both of them in the guys' faces. "Todomatsu, help him, I can take care of these two" Ichi said while picking the knife the guys forgot in the floor "okay" the youngest said while rushing to Karamatsu's side and picking him.
When he finally got out of the aleey, he started searching in his cellphone for the neariest hospital. "hnn, Totty? Is that you?" He almost droped his phone at the scare "yes, it's me, Karamatsu-niisan, don't worry, the others are taking care of the guys who did this to you" he said as he started walking with Karamatsu to the hospital. "What? Are they hurt? Shouldn't we help them?" Karamatsu asked with a frown. Todomatsu sighed 'always caring about others before himself' "they're okay, niisan, I'm sure they won't kill the guys, so don't worry"
After some time, they finally reached the hospital, Karamatsu almost blacking out again "Help, please! My brother has been stabbed and I think he has some broken bones too!" Todomatsu urged the doctors to help his brother "Ah, again, Karamatsu? Quick, bring a scretcher!" (Idk if thats the right word, im sorry) one of the doctors shouted before Todomatsu could ask 'what do you mean again?'.
After one hour, more or less, his brothers called him (they went back home) and asked wich hospital they were in, asking if Karamatsu was okay, and if he was consious. Todomatsu said the doctor didn't let him in yet, but that Karamatsu gained concious when they were going to the hospital, and he heard a sigh "we're going there, wait a minute". And they did, after 10 minutes they were there, anxiously waiting for their brother's condition. 
After half an hour, the doctor finally called them (guys, im sorry if its wrong this part, I dont know how hospitals work outsite my country xD) "Are you Matsuno Karamatsu's family?" The doctor asked while looking at the paper and their faces "yes, we are! Can we see him, please?" "Yes, you may come, but quietly, his head is at least not so bad as last time, but his ribs are broken, he may need to stay in the hospital for some time, since this time is not only his arm"
The brothers agreed, trying not to focus on the fact that Karamatsu has already been in the hospital with broken bones before and haven't told them (I still hate them for that :V).
The five of them entered the room, silently, to not disturb their hurt brother. As they entered, Karamatsu looked at them, with bandages all over his body "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" Karamatsu asked. "What do you mean? We came to see you!" Osomatsu answered with a hint of anger in his voice, since his brother didn't think they would visit him in the hospital when he was obviously HURT.
"Oh, it's just that you guys normally don't care enough to show up haha" Karamatsu said, rubbing the back of his neck. All the brother felt guilty, because of how their brother was talking about himself. And maybe he had a reason to believe they didn't like him, even if it wasn't true. Ichimatsu, surprisingly enough, was the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry, Kus-Karamatsu - niisan." Shock adorned Karamatsu's face "What for, brother? You have nothing to be sorry, I only got hurt because of these not-so gentleman"
"What he, and also me, mean is, we're sorry for being terrible brothers, in a way that made you think we wouldn't care about your well being, Karamatsu-niisan" Todomatsu interjected.
"Me too, Karamatsu-niisan." Jyushimatsu said, covering his mouth with both his hands. Choromatsu sighed "I guess me too. I consider myself the most responsible one, and yet, I didn't see anything wrong with the way we treated you"
And finally, Osomatsu spoke "Me too, Kara. As the older one, I should've taken care of you better"
They heard a sniff and turned to see Karamatsu with his eyes watering. They all ran to get to him "I'm sorry, guys. It's just that, I-I was not expecting this!" Kara said while he rubbed his eyes with his arm. "Thank you. That really means a lot for me. I love you guys so much"
"And we love you too, Kara" Osomatsu said while he went to hug his brother. The rest coming soon after.
Even physically hurt, Kara couldn't be more happy. The last time he didn't have anyone, and his heart was shattered, but now, his family was with him, and they apologized. He couldn't help a smile.
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1hot-mess-express1 · 6 months
Male Manipulator, exs to lovers, Song prompt list: 
“Omaha” Counting crows, “Start turning the girl into the ground, roll a new love over”
“Girl scout cookies” mom jeans, “I think back to all the times I kissed your hands, How I can’t stand the feel of any other hands” 
“Your graduation” Modern Baseball, “I never thought I’d see the day where I let you walk away”
“Looking like you just woke up” The Front Bottoms, “I love girls with ex boyfriends that they aren’t really over” 
“If it makes you happy” Sheryl Crow, “I’m not the kind of girl you bring home, if it makes you happy it can’t be that bad” 
“Plane Vs. Tank Vs. Submarine” Tigers Jaw, “You knew me at my best now I can’t even stand on my own” 
“Never saw it coming” Tigers Jaw “I learned a lot about falling in love when I fell out of love” 
“Bloodhound” Foxing, “And just as you could not contain the sea, you could not contain me” 
“Portrait of a woman on a couch with cats” Michael Cera Palin, “I hope you will listen, but I hope you won’t hear me, tripping, stumbling falling on deaf ears” 
“Creature” It looks sad, “Broken bottles and dirty dishes, Acid flashbacks in your kitchen, You know I’m not going home” 
“Maps”, The Front Bottoms, “If you had done anything with anyone else it would have worked out so well” 
“Post Party Depression” Days N Daze, “Who’s gonna be there to catch you when your plans all fallthrough?” 
“Inuit” Foxing, “Your arctic touch, my brightest love, it was more than I shared, it was more than you cared” 
“Fingers” It looks sad, “I felt the knife go in, you cut me up inside, so I spewed out all I know” 
“Funny you should ask” The Front Bottoms, “You see I just don’t want to do the things that you want me to do, but I’m a sucker so I do them cause I am still in love with you” 
“Art School Wannabe” Sorority Noise, “I know that I’m not worth your time, you need a change, I’m still the same” 
“Edward 40hands” Mom Jeans, “what do you want me to say? It’s never going away cause I’m stuck on you like the smell of cigarettes on your flower dress” BONUS: “now I’m addicted to cigarettes, at first I didn’t let myself inhale but the smoke got through and so did you and now every burn hole smells like home” 
“Where you’ve been hiding” Oso Oso, “Then I grew old and you grew tired, the wheels kept spinning with flat tires” 
“Flashlight” The Front Bottoms, “You are still the only thing and everything I need in my life” 
“Congratulations” Blue October, “My words they don’t come out right, but I’ll try to say I’m happy for you” 
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normiematsu · 3 days
3 & 9 for the si lore asks!!
help this turned out way longer than i had first expected so i put it under a readmore... got me wanting to update her lore doc
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3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
other 5 bros go from wanting to attack choro with bricks for bagging a girl to accepting her as a new permanent fixture in their lives pretty quickly. they dont believe she exists when he first talks about her and when she finds out choro's a sextuplet (bc of course he would hide this for as long as he can) shes like O_O SO MANY... she thought having 2 older siblings at home growing up was a lot
oso and totty lowkey bully her in different ways meant to be friendly/older sibling-like but totty's 2 seconds away from getting punched at any given time for a while lol. ichi's a little scared of her at first because she seems too friendly, jyushi's just happy to have someone around who will entertain sports shenanigans, kara is overjoyed to have someone around who doesn't die of cringe whenever he opens his mouth or shows off a new outfit
she tries to be super normie around their parents but they raised 6 neets so they can immediately tell shes hiding something. they dgaf when they realize the Something is that shes a big nerd lol they're just happy she has a job and supports herself
iyami she clearly dislikes and tries to hide it to varying levels of success. he holds up her end of this by never acknowledging they're about to throw hands so it's kinda hard to watch them interact
riceballs, totoko, chibita + others she is all more or less on friendly terms with :3 i have some of these outlined in more detail in her lore doc!
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
canon charas... choro and kara, nyaachan and chibita would be too if they had more opportunities to hang out! choro and yuuchan are slow burn 4ever before they actually get together, mushy nasty friends to lovers scenario. sickening. they're an endless feedback loop of dumping anime and idol stuff back and forth to each other for hours because they dont have any other outlet to do it with LOL
with kara she can tolerate (+ enjoys seeing other take psychic damage from) his personality quirks and they have fashion sense thats kinda out there compared to whats considered normal... they are prob the closest after her and choro and they have a fun sibling dynamic :D
nyaachan and chibita she probably considers friends more than they do with her... she has to hide bits and pieces of her likes and personality around them but they are easiest out of all the side characters for her to talk to
others ocs... i love to talk about/play toys with @/girlymatsu's erina and @/ichikos's izzy most of the time LOL i think this is where the real meat and potatoes comes from, talking about scenarios is the most fun idea to me. blinks my big wet eyes @ everyones ocs i <3 throwing our dolls at each other
this makes me want to make additional ocs for her to be friends with though o_o!! some normie passing and some crazy otaku like her. she would be very careful to never let the streams cross with one another leading to the most failgirl situations youve ever seen in your life
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heystephen · 1 month
idk if you heard this story but if you have i’m curious on what your take is on the girl who’s dog was killed because of her father’s carelessness
about Nimbus? the little pom that was left overnight in a yard and killed by a coyote? i’ll put my thoughts under the cut because it involves such a violent death to a pet and just such sad details. So here’s a TW for pet death before I get into it
i actually followed Nimbus’ owner for a little while when she was helping him recover from hind end paralysis and was so sad when she said he had passed. i’m furious on her behalf because she specifically told her dad not to leave the dog outside by himself as he lives in an area where coyotes can and would jump the fence to get to Nimbus. she showed him videos of coyotes jumping fences just to drive the point home. people don’t realize they can scale 6 foot fences like it’s nothing. and then on top of that, he left the dog outside alone all night.. i can’t remember if she said it was an accident and he had just forgotten about the dog or if it was intentional. regardless, it’s fucked up. small dogs should not be left outside alone particularly at night. his negligence meant that that little dog was torn to pieces and died very painfully and violently, and for no reason. a 10-15 pound pomeranian mix with spinal issues could never stand a chance. i can only hope it was quick.
if my dad did something like that, i would never speak to him again. that man would genuinely never hear from me again. my dog is about 50 pounds and could probably hold his own against a single coyote, but even so, when i’ve left oso in the care of my dad i’ve insisted that he not let him out by himself after dark.
i hope Nimbus’ owner heals from this and however she chooses to go forward with forgiving or not forgiving her dad, i hope it brings her peace eventually. i know that she loved that dog and her journey in helping her dog learn to walk again was touching, it should never have come to an end this way.
i hope that other dog owners learn from the mistakes made by the dad here. a fence will not adequately protect your dog from the predators that lurk on the other side, once dusk falls it’s a good idea to go outside with them and keep an eye on them, especially vulnerable dogs like small breeds and disabled dogs.
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harajuku-cookie · 4 months
IkeVamp OC Profile: Carina
The Beloved Songbird “Wherever I may go, the melodies will always follow.”
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Name: Carina Sakamoto Pronouns: She/Her Voice: Nana Mizuki Birthday: May 3 Race: human (becomes lesser vampire later on), half-Mexican/half-Japanese Hair: Long, wavy pink (light mauve) hair Eye: raspberry Skin tone: olive Extra Features: hourglass figure with large bust Orientation: pan
More info about her under the cut!
Notes: •Eldest daughter to a Mexican mother (Milagros Pilar) and Japanese father (Tadashi Sakamoto), both actors/theater performers. Also has a younger brother named Kou, both of them were born in Japan. •Her parents met in Paris for a theater production that they were taking part in and fell in love and eventually got married. It was a whirlwind romance, but it felt like fate to them and to this day they're still deeply in love. Even though it was a little unstable to raise children while traveling, they made it work. So Carina and her brother grew up surrounded by the performing arts while being homeschooled. •She traveled a lot growing up because of her parents' careers and started acting in various productions, movies, and TV shows since she was little. This is also where she developed her love of traveling and learning new languages because she wanted to be able to communicate with others wherever she went. •Classically trained in opera like her mother as well as piano like her father •Knows a little bit of most dances. Usually when a role calls for dance, she works hard to learn the type needed. And sometimes when her family have get-togethers, they all love to dance for fun. Some of her favorites are ballet, paso doble, flamenco, waltz, and ballet folklórico. •Since her brother, Kou, works as a music producer and composer, they tend to work together and collaborate on music •Instead of being a travel agent like the canon MC/Mitsuki, she is a theater performer/actress and singer who doubles as a travel vlogger. She travels a lot for her work, so she loves to save her memories via video recordings and an online blog, especially to share with her extended family back in their home countries. •Grew up in a healthy family, her parents being the best example of a healthy relationship. They always made sure to teach her and her brother how to be kind and respectful of others, to always communicate clearly, to never let anyone talk down to them, and stand your ground. •Her nicknames are "Cari" and "CariBear" because she loves bears (also a play on Care Bear). Some people also like to call her "Cupid" because of her hair and eye color reminding them of the colors of love and how much of a romantic she is. •Knows self-defense and is pretty strong despite her stature. Also has a black belt in taekwondo. •When she goes back in time to the 19th century and decides to stay there, she eventually adopts a Pomeranian and names her Oso ("bear" in Spanish) •Shipped with Isaac. The best way to describe their relationship dynamic would probably be like “golden retriever and black cat”, with Carina being the bubbly social butterfly who helps Isaac out of his shell (but never pushes, always gives him a choice and space when he needs it), while Isaac is the calmer, more introverted of the pair who helps Carina enjoy and appreciate the peaceful quiet moments together. •She does make a contract with Comte to become a vampire within a year of her and Isaac’s relationship. At first Isaac felt really conflicted with Carina's decision to become a vampire. On one hand they would have more time together, which he loves since he loves her so much. On the other hand, he's worried about the possibility of her becoming an aberrant like him. It causes him grief to be one and he doesn't want her to go through the same thing and regret her decision. Although he's unsure, he does realize that ultimately it's her decision. Carina hears Isaac's concerns and understands where he's coming from and offers to come up with a plan in case the "worst" case scenario happens. She reassures him that if she does become an aberrant, she'll find a way to work through it. Plus they have the support of Comte and the others, so they'll be okay. After talking it out some more with each other and then with Comte, Carina finally takes the plunge and becomes a vampire, and to Isaac's relief, is a normal lesser vampire just like the others. It's a bit of an adjustment period to get used to her new form, but he and the others are with her every step of the way.
Extra Note: Outfit is still pending. I may go with the one on the in-game avatar, just in warmer colors. I just wanted to add a picture in for reference.
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pekodayz · 1 year
offic- *gunshot* all of these will be that thx u.....
🌟: Who’s the tease in the relationship?
neither. theres something about them that makes it hard to make sexual remarks. oso calls aini flat in front of 5 ppl, aini makes fun of his boner at work in front of them too. they both start awkwardly laughing. scratching their arm. whole office laughs at them. oaky.. aini takes her break, oso follows. they start blaming each other on who fucked up the hardest, that was so embarrassing for them. ig when theyre drunk, oso would prob feel aini, just a bit. they agree on 5 secs, he touches her thigh, she touches his thigh. they get red and stop, busting out laugh and screaming. they walk home in shame.
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
aini likes that oso is taller than her (4-5 inches), so she can stand behind him when they get caught skipping work, so he can get the blame. ough. ok she likes it when he puts his chin on her shoulder while she's staring at her computer. dead eyes. shes not gonna make it obv. nagging her to work faster, bugging her to help him with smth, can u print this out for me, im tired. yeah yeah. aini also likes it when oso uh persuades her to skip work, she enjoys being out with him for a day (even if that means not going to work, she doesnt care...she likes the company. secretly) aini likes that oso's color is red, bc she likes red too. they were like omg coincidence, pointing at each other uwahhh omggeee. then they argue on who owns it. whomp whomp.
💋: Where are your favorite places to kiss your f/o/where are their favorite places to kiss you?
they haven't kissed on the lips oughh. oso only kissed aini's forehead when she was sobbing for some reason and they were hugging. uh. even that almost killed them both. aini kissed oso's cheek once, as a joke. tsundere mode activated ew. i think aini had a fav spot, it would be her neck. oso would love aini kissing him just anywhere. thats not happening tho for either of them....unless theyre like drunk. super duper duper duper rare moment maybe. then they freak out. cooties. ewwww. then theyll prob be like...okay one more...looking stupid. shaking and sweating (fear), then they pass out.
💐: How did you two meet?
answered here :3
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
both of them. cuddle when theyre on the train. (none of their coworkers can see them)uh aini lays her head on oso's lap sometimes....he strokes her hair or smth ugh. (they think this is what close friends do. to cope) aini has oso come over, they cuddle there, privately. ew......theyre arguing tho, so its okay. balances it out.
☕: How do you comfort each other on a bad day?
when aini is like super sad, oso can tell. since shes putting up a fake smug front. shes sulking all day at work aw. then when theyre walking out together, she cant rly look at him in the eye. trying to not cry like a baby to him. shes choking up sobs.. then she does. slams her face into his chest and muffle cries. he just holds her as she sobs and he says somethings to her.. big brother instincts isuppose. aini gets all weak mode and holds his hand, sniffling and stuff.
aini sees oso is dif. she knows he doesnt really like to talk abt his feelings, so she just has some mutual understanding with him. he knows. he doesnt snap around her, they go out for drinks. she doesnt insult him at all, he feels better eventually. he'll tell her some other time...
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