#osteopathe paris
dozydawn · 11 months
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Anny-Laure Lerider, 2014.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Mark Lester - best known for his starring role as the golden haired orphan in the 1968 film version of the musical Oliver! - said he may potentially be the father of Paris Jackson. Oliver! was the 8-year-old's claim to fame.
Michael Jackson's favorite musical was Oliver! and in the late 70s he contacted the child star and they would have regular phone conversations, eventually becoming friends, with Lester eventually becoming the godfather to Jackson's children. But it was only after Jackson's death in 2009 that he first considered he could be the biological father of Jackson's children.
In 1995, shortly after Lester's third child was born, and Jackson was married to Debbie Rowe, he asked Lester about fertility issues.
Lester said, "He asked in a lighthearted way if I could help out. Then out of the blue about a year later, he mentioned sperm donation and I agreed. Michael set it up so I could go to a clinic in Harley Street and do it. It was weird. I went in a couple of times to donate but we never talked about it ever again."
He said Jackson also asked others, including Macaulay Culkin.
Lester also claims that before the singer's death, when he was out of it on drugs, he made a comment that Lester's teenage daughter Harriet "looked like Princess Diana" and that he "wanted to marry her."
Lester speculated Michael might have said he wanted to marry his daughter in a "fairy tale" and "innocent" way. He added, "Michael was going off the rails a bit then. I think he was a bit unbalanced. Delirious from all the drugs."
Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, similarly has made claims in his book This Is It that Jackson was infatuated with his god-daughter Harriet.
Interestingly enough, long-time friend Elizabeth Taylor has said that Jackson only seemed to be interested in watching the movies she made as a child actress.
Mark Lester, who now works as an osteopath in Cheltenham with wife Lisa and his four children, laments his children losing contact with Jackson's children after his death.
"I haven't spoken to them in years sadly," said Lester. "His kids and my kids were very close. And many people have told me how much Paris resembles my daughter Olivia."
His youngest daughter Lucy remembers Jackson planning her 18th birthday with her before he passed.
She remembers meeting him for the first time face-to-face when he flew her father and all four children out to the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas so he could cement the links between the two families by becoming their godfather and making Mark godfather to his three children.
"We flew over for the naming ceremony but the thing I remember most was that it was Halloween, which is really big in America, and we went trick or treating with Michael and the kids," she said. They even spent Christmas with Jackson when he was living in Bahrain with a 50-foot-tall massive Christmas tree.
In 2007, Jackson took over the entire top floor of the Cliveden House hotel in Buckinghamshire for five weeks while he negotiated for the Beatles back catalog with Sony [he's also bought Eminem's back catalogue], and while there he invited the family to attend son Prince's birthday party.
Asked about the speculation that she and Paris could potentially be sisters, she only says, "At the end of the day, Michael is the only father they've known and I can't take that away from him."
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Le site osteoaparis.fr : Notre ostéopathe à domicile saura s’adapter à vos contraintes afin de vous soulager au mieux.
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taratatou · 7 years
#cranes #skull #vegetal #flowers #vertebres #structure #fondation #osteopath #imaginaire #paris#inktattoo
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theredpelican · 5 years
i’m trying so hard. i’m trying!!! so hard 
- i have an appointment with a new therapist specialized in trauma recovery. i’m gonna ask her to recommend a good psychiatrist because my current one doesn’t know what the fuck she is doing 
- i’m joining this really cool club in paris that’s like. half boxing club, half yoga club, half healthy restaurant, half art gallery, half co-working space. they have a book club? i’m excited 
- i’m taking advantage of my crazy good health insurance while i’ve got it... i’ve made appointments with a dermatologist, dentist, gynaecologist, plastic surgeon, osteopath and chiropractor. i’m getting new glasses & contact lenses, for free. all of this (as well as my therapist & psychiatrist fees) is 100% covered. god i’m gonna miss this insurance 
- i got a job as a writing tutor at my uni 
- i’ve stopped drinking coffee. i’m drinking tea in the morning instead. idk if u realize how huge this is - i used to drink 5 cups a day 
- i’m working on my portfolio for fashion design school. i’m praying i’m gonna get a full scholarship somewhere 
- i’ve booked tiny cheap airbnbs in greece & italy this summer. i really wanted fancy hotels and resorts but i just can’t afford it right now, so i’m going the cheap option. who cares anyway? i’m gonna spend 90% of my time exploring archaeological sites or swimming in the sea
i’m still so tired and sad and just breathing is exhausting and some days i want to die but i’m trying!! i’m trying!! idk what else i could do. is there anything else i can do? please tell me. i want to get better
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stefanduell · 5 years
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POSTERIOR PELVIS LINKS ⠀ [FASCIAL ANATOMY & OSTEOPATHIC LINKS] ⠀ The posterior pelvis is a unique area in that it shows the direct relationships between ligaments and muscles in function. ⠀ Fascia connects everything in the body. Specifically, the collagen tubules that make up one structure are often the same tubules that make up another. ⠀ Even though man has given names to "separate" or organize ligaments from muscles, they are virtually the same continuous tissues on a micro level. ⠀ In the first picture, the relationships are indicated by numbers (blue colored): 1 Biceps Femoris links to the 2 Sacrotuberous Ligament (Pic 1/2/3/4) 3 Gluteus Maximus links to the 1 Inferior Dorsal Sacral Ligaments - Bichat‘s ligament (Pic 1/3/4/5) 5 Latissimus Dorsi links to the 6 Superior Dorsal Sacral Ligaments - Iliotransversosacral (Pic 1/4/6) 7 Quadratus Lumborum links to the 8 Iliolumbar Ligaments (Pic 1/7/8) 9 Sacrospinous Ligament links to the 10 Piriformis (Pic 9/10) ⠀ The sharing of fiber directions is what establishes these "fiber pairs". These relationships are responsible for creating tensional stability in the pelvis and sacrum and for linking limbs to the trunk. ⠀ The black arrows in Pic 1 represent the lines of force that are created and balanced by the tissues. ⠀ It's all connected! 🌐 ⠀ Credit: @AnatomyLinks ⠀ #anatomy #anatomie #fascia #yoga #pilates #doc #biotensegrity #biomechanics #functionalanatomy #pelvis #glutes #ligaments #chiropractic #doctor #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #osteopatia #acupuncture #dryneedling #medicine #orthopedics #continuity #connection #sacroiliac #joints #muscles #student #medstudent #dr (hier: Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Mx83QIg-P/?igshid=17vib6unjqxrc
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osteomarguinblog · 8 years
La nevralgie pudendale (Et les neuropathies du plancher pelvien)
Protocole de traitement
 Ce protocole a été rédigé volontairement en utilisant mon expérience de praticien, ainsi que le retour de patients qui ont réussi à venir à bout de leurs douleurs. Un blog (liveinyourbodyaligned a servi de charpente à cet article).
 95% des prostatites chroniques sont d’origine non bactérienne, et dues à une dysfonction du plancher pelvien, ou plutôt un déséquilibre musculo-squelettique. « Non bactérienne » signifie que la douleur ne peut pas être traitée par des antibiotiques et n’est pas due à une infection.
Pour une santé optimale, un déséquilibre musculo-squelettique doit être traité afin de conserver un bon « alignement » des structures articulaires les unes par rapport aux autres.
 Les symptômes rencontrés chez de nombreux patients sont très variés, ce qui rend le diagnostic difficile, avec de nombreux diagnostics différentiels possibles. En effet, une miction difficile, trop fréquente, des douleurs urétrales, et de la région recto-génitale sont des symptômes très fréquents.
Dans la vie courante, la marche, la position assise, le sommeil et les rapports sexuels peuvent devenir des choses compliquées.
 Souvent, en résumé, la prostatite est sur-diagnostiquée. Quand les muscles du plancher pelvien deviennent trop contractés, le sacrum se positionne en rétroversion, et les organes du petit bassin se retrouvent comme tirés vers le bas.  A ce moment, ils appuient trop sur la prostate, et des problèmes sexuels, de miction deviennent le quotidien des patients.
 Le rôle du nerf pudendal (anciennement appelé nerf honteux interne) est d’innerver toute cette région. Ses origines, sont les racines nerveuses S2, S3, et S4 (le bas du sacrum). Il peut être piégé à différents endroits sur son trajet vers le bas, ce qui est empiré lorsque le patient est assis.
 1.         Relaxation
 La première étape est la gestion du stress. En effet, une bonne relaxation des muscles du bassin va permettre d’avoir moins de tensions sur le sacrum[1]. L’idée est donc de relâcher cette zone. Sans en être conscient, on contracte son bassin toute la journée. En contractant un muscle, il se rétrécit, se durcit et devient fragile. Les muscles ont besoin de se contracter ET de se relâcher.
Il existe des techniques de prise de conscience de l’état de contraction de son bassin, et des articulations du corps à fortiori. Je vous conseille « Méditer pour ne plus stresser » (C’est un guide très efficace avec des exercices pratique pour se fixer dans le moment présent).
 2.         Les appuis au sol
 Je conseille de marcher avec le moins de support possible sous les pieds, sauf en cas de grosse dysfonction du pied (hallux valgus important, pied très plat, etc.). Plus l’épaisseur de la semelle d’une chaussure est importante, et plus l’instabilité du pied et de la cheville le sera également.
Idéalement il faut 10mm de semelle maximum afin d’optimiser les appuis au sol. Cela nécessite bien évidemment quelques exercices de renforcement du triceps (flexion du pied en montant sur une marche, 10 fois 3 séries tous les jours).
Il est impératif d’éviter des mauvaises postures du pied maintenues longtemps (flexion forcée au bureau, pieds croisés toute la journée, etc.)
 3.         Le Foam roller[2]
 Cette espèce de rouleau en mousse fait l’effet d’un massage profond sur les muscles. Il aide à les relâcher. Celui va aider à améliorer la flexibilité musculaire et la mobilité articulaire. C’est douloureux au début, surtout dans la région des adducteurs. Pour chaque région où il est difficile de rouler, cela signifie qu’il y a besoin de masser plus. Il faut passer 1 à 3 minutes sur chaque point. Sur un point douloureux, restez 10 secondes et ensuite passez au suivant.
 4.         Ouverture du bassin et renforcement des muscles fessiers et de l’abdomen[3]
 L’homo sapiens que nous sommes, a besoin de bouger. Nous sommes des cueilleurs-chasseurs. Nous n’avons pas évolué pour rester assis sur une chaise toute la journée. Le fait de ne pas mobiliser ses articulations dans leur amplitude complète de mouvement tous les jours a pour effet de diminuer la flexibilité musculaire.
 La clef est de trouver des mouvements qui relâchent les tensions des ischio-jambiers (arrière de la cuisse), des psoas (avant de la colonne vertébrale), des adducteurs (face interne de la cuisse) et du quadriceps (face avant de la cuisse).
Les tensions musculaires au niveau du bassin l’empêchent de rester dans une position neutre, ce qui entraine une faiblesse abdominale.
 Des muscles fessiers puissants permettent au sacrum d’avoir un positionnement optimal, et aux muscles du bassin de conserver une longueur optimale.
 Par ailleurs, le renforcement du muscle grand dorsal[4], inséré sur le sacrum, le coccyx et les vertèbres dorso-lombaires, via des tractions, ou l’escalade, permet de stabiliser également la colonne vertébrale et le bassin.
 5.         La marche
 La marche, tout comme la course à pieds, est un mouvement global. Il démarre des épaules et termine aux pieds[5]. Une bonne flexibilité des psoas, des muscles fessiers, des mollets (triceps sural) et des ischio-jambiers, est indispensable.
 Pour quelle raison Lance Armstrong court-il le marathon en 3h quand le champion du monde le court en 2h ? Malgré ses capacités cardio-pulmonaires exceptionnelles, il n’a pas une posture de coureur (psoas très courts à cause du cyclisme notamment).
 6.         La respiration
 Le muscle de la respiration (le diaphragme) fait également partie de l’équation. En effet, quand le diaphragme n’est pas suffisamment souple[6] (causé par le stress et une mauvaise posture), la posture change également.
Il est inséré sur les 6 dernières côtes en haut et sur les 3 premières vertèbres lombaires en bas. Il forme comme une espèce de champignon.
Des muscles du bassin, trop tendus, et inversement un diaphragme trop contracté[7], peuvent affecter les fonctions respectives de chacune de ces structures.
 7.         La position assise
 Lorsque l’on répète à un enfant à longueur de journée : « Assieds-toi correctement, tiens-toi droit ! », ce n’est pas pour que l’on oublie de le faire à l’âge adulte[8]. Cependant, de nombreuses personnes et de nombreux patients ne s’assoient pas comme ils le devraient. En effet, la position assise est normalement très simple. Il existe un os que l’on nomme l’ischion, et qui est le lieu d’insertion des ischio-jambiers.
C’est sur cet os qu’il faut s’asseoir, et non pas sur le sacrum. S’asseoir sur le sacrum cause beaucoup trop de contraintes sur les racines nerveuses émergentes, et notamment celles du nerf pudendal. Ceci déséquilibre complètement le bassin et cause tous les problèmes dont on traite dans cet article.
 8.         Les squats
 C’est un exercice très complet qui a pour but de renforcer les muscles du bassin[9] (fessiers, ischios, quadriceps, mollets également) et d’ouvrir ce dernier en le rendant plus souple.
Les squats travaillent sur l’abdomen également et améliorent l’équilibre.
 Il est important en faisant un squat, de bien positionner les genoux, alignés au dessus des pieds, et non pas en avant, afin de ne pas mettre trop de pression sur les quadriceps. Toute la puissance du mouvement vient des fessiers et les ischio-jambiers.
 Faire un bon squat prend du temps car c’est un mouvement complexe. La clef est de relâcher le bassin le plus possible, et de travailler sur les fessiers en les contractant, et non pas sur les quadriceps.
 Le traitement est GLOBAL ! La posture est une chose complexe, qui met en jeu tout un équilibre musculo-squelettique. Il ne s’agit pas de traiter uniquement les pieds, ou le bassin, il s’agit de traiter l’ensemble du corps.
Lorsque l’on a des symptômes handicapants tels que ceux que l’on a dans la névralgie pudendale, je pense qu’il est intéressant de prendre le temps de faire des exercices globaux de renforcement musculaire, de stretching, et de revoir sa façon de se tenir.
Ce qui se passe au niveau des muscles du haut du corps est aussi important que ce qui se passe en bas.
  [1] Camomilla V1, Bonci T2, Cappozzo A3. Soft tissue displacement over pelvic anatomical landmarks during 3-D hip movements. J Biomech. 2017 Jan 17. pii: S0021-9290(17)30014-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.01.013. [Epub ahead of print]
[2] Cavanaugh MT1, Döweling A1, Young JD1, Quigley PJ1, Hodgson DD1, Whitten JH1, Reid JC1, Aboodarda SJ1, Behm DG2. An acute session of roller massage prolongs voluntary torque development and diminishes evoked pain. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017 Jan;117(1):109-117. doi: 10.1007/s00421-016-3503-y. Epub 2016 Nov 16.
[3] Giesche F1,2, Streicher H3, Maiwald M4, Wagner P3. [Inpatient multimodal pain therapy : Additive value of neuromuscular core stability exercises for chronic back pain]. Schmerz. 2016 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print]
[4] Donohue BF1, Lubitz MG2, Kremchek TE3. Sports Injuries to the Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Dec 1:363546516676062. doi: 10.1177/0363546516676062. [Epub ahead of print]
[5] Dolenec A, Radi P, Strojnik V. An Explanation of the Influence on Deciding which Type of Foot Strike to Use when Running Barefoot or in Minimalistic Shoes. Coll Antropol. 2015 Jul;39 Suppl 1:147-51.
[6] Buchholz. Breathing, voice, and movement therapy: applications to breathing disorders. Biofeedback Self Regul. 1994 Jun;19(2):141-53.
[7] de Sá RB1, Pessoa MF1, Cavalcanti AG1, Campos SL1, Amorim C2, de Andrade AD3. Immediate effects of respiratory muscle stretching on chest wall kinematics and electromyography in COPD patients. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2017 Mar 9. pii: S1569-9048(16)30145-8. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2017.03.002. [Epub ahead of print]
[8] Lee CH1, Chung CK2,3,4,5, Jang JS6, Kim SM7, Chin DK8, Lee JK9. Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis' Is Not Byword for Degenerative Sagittal Imbalance: Time to Replace a Misconception. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2017 Mar;60(2):125-129. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2016.0607.001. Epub 2017 Mar 1.
[9] McKean MR1, Dunn PK, Burkett BJ. The lumbar and sacrum movement pattern during the back squat exercise. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Oct;24(10):2731-41. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181e2e166.
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sososteopata · 5 years
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Una ricerca sviluppata dall'Istituto scientifico italiano colonna vertebrale (Isico) afferma che "Il nuoto non cura la scoliosi, anzi in molti casi può rivelarsi negativo e rischia di indurre il mal di schiena". A dirlo è Fabio Zaina, fisiatra dell'Isico, tra gli autori della ricerca "Swimming is not a scoliosis treatment: a controlled cross-sectional survey". Lo studio ha confrontato un gruppo di 112 nuotatori a livello agonistico (nuoto praticato 4-5 volte a settimana) con una popolazione scolastica, maschile e femminile, di 217 studenti di pari età, che pratica sport in maniera amatoriale o non lo pratica affatto. In entrambi i casi sono stati misurati i gibbi, la cifosi e la lordosi ed è stato fornito ai ragazzi un questionario per rilevare la presenza di mal di schiena.  I risultati sono stati sorprendenti per gli agonisti, ma anche per gli amatori: i nuotatori, soprattutto le femmine, presentavano delle asimmetrie del tronco più accentuate ed erano ipercifotici, di conseguenza con una frequenza maggiore di dorsi curvi e mal di schiena. "Dal punto di vista posturale, il nuoto induce a un collasso della schiena - spiega Zaina - e allena soprattutto la muscolatura degli arti, essendo praticato in scarico, non la schiena. Per chi ha la scoliosi arriviamo a sconsigliare il nuoto, decisamente. Non c'è distinzione neanche tra i vari stili, ma praticarlo a livello amatoriale un paio di volte a settimana non crea problemi". Fonte @larepubblica Meme by @alexlatorre.osteo.pt www.sososteopata.it #sososteopata #osteomeme #nuoto #scoliosi #swimming #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosissurgery #osteopatia #osteopataimola #osteopatiaimola #maldischiena #lombalgia #osteopatiaprofessionesanitaria #osteopath #osteopathy #osteopathyworks (presso Alessandro la Torre, Osteopata Posturologo Imola) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rJjEsibTW/?igshid=19gcjv2yzavga
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marketusme · 2 years
Experts sound alarm over baby tongue surgery
Lea had no problems breastfeeding her newborn son when she took him to see an osteopath in Paris, who nonetheless recommended surgery to cut a "too thick" strip of tissue under his tongue. Source Link Experts sound alarm over baby tongue surgery
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Sur massage
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myfrenchphysio · 3 years
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#unwinded #relax #spa #pool #paris #wellbeing #luxury #dior #chevalblanc #beautiful #travel #wellness #consultant #france #courchevel #physio #physiotherapist #physiotherapy #osteo #osteopath #osteopathy #health www.myfrenchphysio.com #healthy #nevergiveup #luxury #luxe #lvmh
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stefanduell · 5 years
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POSTERIOR PELVIS LINKS - QUADRANT OF RICHET ⠀ [FASCIAL ANATOMY, OSTEOPATHIC LINKS & CADAVER DISSECTION ANATOMY OF THE PIRIFORMIS] ⠀ The first picture depicts the posterior pelvis and specifically, the area framing the piriformis muscle. The following mentioned structures are indicated by numbers (blue colored). The gluteus medius (6) and minimus (7) are resected. ⠀ The piriformis (1) is enclosed in a square of four structures. They are: First, the lateral border is the sciatic notch of the ilium. 2. Sacrospinous Ligament (green) 3. Champenois' Band (orange) which is a Fascial continuation of the Sacrospinous Ligament parallel with sacrum 4. Arch of Bouisson (light blue) a Fascial expansion of the superior piriformis to the ilium/sciatic notch. ⠀ The Arch of Bouisson is also connected via fascia (white) to the Arch of the Gluteus Medius (5, purple). This fascial structure effectively links the piriformis to the gluteus medius. This square of tissues also has implications for the superior gluteal artery (red) and the superior gluteal nerve (yellow) and sciatic nerve under the piriformis (Pic 2/3) ⠀ The cadaver dissection videos by @DrJoeMuscolino show the anatomy of the piriformis in relationship to the gluteus medius beautifully. ⠀ Many times, "sciatica" is not a result of lumbar nerve root impingement but rather compression of these structures or sciatic nerve in Richet's Quadrant. ⠀ Picture credit: @AnatomyLinks ⠀ #anatomy #anatomie #fascia #yoga #pilates #doc #biotensegrity #biomechanics #functionalanatomy #pelvis #glutes #ligaments #chiropractic #doctor #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #osteopatia #acupuncture #dryneedling #medicine #orthopedics #continuity #connection #sacroiliac #joints #muscles #student #medstudent #dr (hier: Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PbQv4IB94/?igshid=9m0tqhsourdu
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spotifypremiumapks · 4 years
Who is David Lasnet? Wiki, Biography, Age, Stella Tennant's Husband, Children, Instagram, Net Worth
Who is David Lasnet? Wiki, Biography, Age, Stella Tennant’s Husband, Children, Instagram, Net Worth
David Lasnet Wiki – David Lasnet Biography David Lasnet is the husband of the late model Stella Tennant. Lasnet is a former Paris-born photographer who is now established as an osteopath. He qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 2009, with his areas of interest being chronic conditions, children and babies. The practice he’s based in is Soma Osteopathy in Edinburgh. Stella Tennant…
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theretirementstory · 4 years
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It’s a good morning from a cloudy France where the temperature is only 13c. I have been out watering my plants but it may rain this afternoon. My “mal au dos” is much improved following another session with the osteopath, although if you could see me when I get out of bed on a morning I am sure you would disagree with that. He said to me “You need to drink more”, to which I replied “Water?”, I could see his eyes smiling behind his mask. I know I do not drink enough water and have really tried to increase my intake. I have finally started stitching up another item from my knitting bag…...I still cannot say I enjoy this side of the work, however, it is a necessary evil if I am to get these items completely finished. Last Sunday saw me at the “Bar aux Livres” in town, I found three books among the children’s books which I bought to help me with my grammar and vocabulary. Then I can read them to my granddaughter when she comes to visit. It is hard to believe that September is almost upon us……….birthday month for some people I know. One person has started to received cards and presents already and it is over a week to her birthday. I would say that the cards are still unopened as is the parcel that arrived…….something to look forward to. Where are all my friends I hear you ask? Well, I did ring the bell at Anie’s house on Tuesday but she may have been shopping as there was no response. I really do not want to intrude as I am sure she is feeling sad following the loss of her brother. I did not attend the French class on Wednesday and therefore I did not see Monique and my Thursday visitor, Marie-Therese, was in Paris seeing the opthalmologue as she thinks she has a cataract in her eye. I was having a walk the other night when my friend Marlene and her husband passed me in the car plus I have seen Christophe and Yves at the bar which is always a pleasure. I don’t know when my knitting group will start up again, although I did see Annette who said there is going to be a meeting at the beginning of September with the President of the Club, no doubt a decision will be made about the number of people who can attend, keeping a distance, wearing a mask, what checks will be made and if it is feasible. “The Graduate” was due to re-sit an exam on 28 August, he was up with the larks and all ready, just awaiting the time. He tried to log on, no joy, the same with his friend then horror of horrors…...IT problem so no exam that day, it could be Wednesday this coming week but as of yesterday morning there was no confirmation of this. I have had lots of photos and updates on my granddaughter plus her Mummy and Daddy. “The Daddy” was on the phone to me yesterday and I was given “homework” for this week, it is tasks that I should have undertaken earlier but they just raised their ugly heads again when I was unwell. I have always had “powwows” with my children where we discussed lots of things collectively. When they were younger it was usually around holidays, what we wanted from them etc. Now that they are older it is more about what I want as I get older and what role they will play in that albeit from England. One can never be too prepared I think. Unfortunately, this does not always apply in my day to day running of my life…...in January I received an email/letter saying that the water supply for the town was going to be taken over by another group. My monthly payments ceased and in June/July men came to read the water meter. I have still not had a bill so I asked Christophe in the bar about it. He suggested I ring the new company and explain I want to pay monthly. Now after my “run in” with the Doctor’s receptionist, I really do not feel confident on the phone, I found the letter in my “pending” tray and noticed an email address so I contacted them this way. Holy smoke I received a standard response then about five minutes later I got a reply which said they are just starting on the bills for my town and I should receive one very soon. Superb! I wish it was as easy to get a response from the decorator and the paysagiste! I know that the decorator has read my text and perhaps he is working out when he will be available to do my work but a response saying he would contact me would have been very helpful. With regard to the paysagiste…...well my friend said just keep sending messages or calling him until he either says when he will be coming or tells me to take a running jump either way would be a response. What I don’t understand is that I am paying for this work do these people have sufficient work/money that they can pass up the work at my home. The photo above is a bust of Gaston Cheq , who was born in Bar-sur-Aube in 1866, he led demonstrations in Troyes and Bar-sur-Aube in 1911 so that Aube vineyards retain the Champagne appellation which they do to this day. So now it is time for another cup of tea and then to get myself sorted for some cooking jobs I think, perhaps another courgette cake and I really do fancy something tasty to eat today. Jusqu’a la semaine prochaine.
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hotfps · 5 years
Discover S + C + A + R + R ’s first music video, a singular opus directed by Jack Antoine Charlot for Cinq7. An intoxicating music and a sequence shot to dance to, unplug and get away from it all ! Plunge yourself in full immersion into this timeless universe, let yourself be carried away by the electro-hypnotic dance steps of this captivating character and this bewitching heady sound. Dance like S + C + A + R + R - Share your groove. #Danceathome Directed by: Jack Antoine Charlot Produced by Passion Paris Producer: Marc Bodin-Joyeux & Marion Vermogen Post-Producer: Emile Chaillou & Rita Oliveira Recorded produced and Mixed by: Dan Levy @ The WatchTower Studio - Madville Choreographer: Nicolas Huchard Assistant Choreographer: Yorina Bosco DOP and VFX Supervisor: Mehdi Alavi Cameraman and Stuntman: Paul Lavau Team Manager: Julie Bellemare Fitness Trainer: Hadrien Farre Acting Coach: Axel Digoix VFX Artist: Clementine Choplain Stylist: Maxime Granger Osteopath: Philippe Nguyen Chief Carpenter: Alan Gac Architect: Pauline Dageville Light Shaft Engineer: Ludivine Rome Special thanks to Remi Brun, Mathias Chelebourg, Camille Beauplan Mastered by: Chab' Translab Sound Design by Remi Durel Cinq7 Passion Paris Wagram Music Kombbo Mocaplab Dynamixyz
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artwalktv · 5 years
Discover S + C + A + R + R ’s first music video, a singular opus directed by Jack Antoine Charlot for Cinq7. An intoxicating music and a sequence shot to dance to, unplug and get away from it all ! Plunge yourself in full immersion into this timeless universe, let yourself be carried away by the electro-hypnotic dance steps of this captivating character and this bewitching heady sound. Dance like S + C + A + R + R - Share your groove. #Danceathome Directed by: Jack Antoine Charlot Produced by Passion Paris Producer: Marc Bodin-Joyeux & Marion Vermogen Post-Producer: Emile Chaillou & Rita Oliveira Recorded produced and Mixed by: Dan Levy @ The WatchTower Studio - Madville Choreographer: Nicolas Huchard Assistant Choreographer: Yorina Bosco DOP and VFX Supervisor: Mehdi Alavi Cameraman and Stuntman: Paul Lavau Team Manager: Julie Bellemare Fitness Trainer: Hadrien Farre Acting Coach: Axel Digoix VFX Artist: Clementine Choplain Stylist: Maxime Granger Osteopath: Philippe Nguyen Chief Carpenter: Alan Gac Architect: Pauline Dageville Light Shaft Engineer: Ludivine Rome Special thanks to Remi Brun, Mathias Chelebourg, Camille Beauplan Mastered by: Chab' Translab Sound Design by Remi Durel Cinq7 Passion Paris Wagram Music Kombbo Mocaplab Dynamixyz
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