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unfug-bilder · 1 year
Du kannst jeden Linken beschimpfen und bedrohen oder antisemitische Hetzbewerbe zu Dachau ausschreiben.
Aber Majestätsbeleidigung in Bayern: DAS geht gar nicht.
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sarahsecret97 · 5 months
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📍Osterhofen (Oberbay)
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korrektheiten · 8 months
JETZT LIVE: Politischer Aschermittwoch der AfD in Osterhofen
PI schreibt: »Die AfD feiert heute ab 10 Uhr den politischen Aschermittwoch im niederbayerischen Osterhofen. Mit dabei sind unter anderem der Europawahl-Spitzenkandidat Dr. Maximilian Krah, der stellvertretende AfD-Bundessprecher Stephan Brandner, der Landesvorsitzende der AfD Bayern, Stephan Protschka, die Fraktionsvorsitzende der AfD im Landtag Bayern, Katrin Ebner-Steiner, und viele weitere. Like http://dlvr.it/T2kFW1 «
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mihau-travel-exp · 2 years
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Werbung 💜💜💜 Der geilste Yoghurt ("Lughurt" Von mir aus) der Welt! Seit dem ersten Löffel feiere ich dieses Produkt, auch wenn @made.with.luve die Verpackungsgröße runter- und den Preis hochgeschraubt haben (was ziemlich uncool ist imho), der Geschmack ist Bombe! 💜💜💜 Wegen des oben beschrieben Tricks kann ich mir die Dinger nicht mehr so oft holen, weswegen ich froh bin mit @ohoftheday einen Produkttest ergattert zu haben! Danke und unbedingt probieren wenn ihr es noch nicht kennt. Meine Empfehlung: Straciatella🍫 von führenden Alpakas empfohlen🦙 . . . #madewithluve #lughurts #luveoftheday #luveohotd #produkttest #alpaka #alpaca #alpacalove #alpacaluv #yoghurt #vegan #veganerezepte #veganfood #alpacafarm #alpakasofinstagram #osterhofen #alpakaschausüd #alpakaschau #veganalpaca #veganrecipes #vegandeutschland #teuer #lupine #lila #alpakawanderung #alpakababy #alpakaliebe #alpakasofinstagram #animals #niederbayern #alpacashow (hier: Osterhofen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcX3eA0Mq_J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twmyphotoblog · 3 years
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1, 2 or 3 ? #bavaria #bayern #niederbayern #osterhofen #tw_myphotoblog (hier: Osterhofen) https://www.instagram.com/p/COdizrwJTTX/?igshid=16gva226b9sde
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Kolumnist Grosz zeigt Söder an: „Polemik ist keine Einbahnstraße!“
Zuerst:»München/Osterhofen. Man muß sich von Politikern nicht alles gefallen lassen. Das sagte sich jetzt der österreichische Politblogger und Kolumnist Gerald Grosz. Er erstattete Strafanzeige gegen […] Der Beitrag Kolumnist Grosz zeigt Söder an: „Polemik ist keine Einbahnstraße!“ erschien zuerst auf ZUERST!. http://dlvr.it/Sq96p2 «
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tiaramania · 3 years
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TIARA ALERT: Countess Margherita von und zu Arco-Zinneberg wore the Savoy-Aosta Tiara for her wedding to Charles Green at the Asam Basilica of St. Margaretha in Osterhofen, Germany on 19 March 2022.
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sematiclife · 3 years
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Osterhofen/Germany - 2021
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lovaspeter · 4 years
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Claustrophobia (at Osterhofen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMWCxHBTFe/?igshid=qwyifqbs0kpo
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ghostsandgod · 4 years
Osterhofen, ehem. Prämostratenserklosterkirche St. Margaretha, jetzige Pfarrkirche
Osterhofen, ehem. Prämostratenserklosterkirche St. Margaretha, jetzige Pfarrkirche by Karl Stanglahner Via Flickr: Auch bei dieser Barockkirche soll der Blick nach oben nicht fehlen. Hier werden Szenen aus dem Leben des Hl. Norberts dargestellt. Er ist der Prämostratenserheilige... Cosmas Damian Asam malte sämtliche Fresken. Sein Bruder Egid Quirin ergänzte mit Stuck- und Bildhauerarbeiten kongenial das Gesamtkunstwerk.
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gutachter · 4 years
Betrunkener fährt gegen Zaun: mehr als 2000 Euro Schaden
Betrunkener fährt gegen Zaun: mehr als 2000 Euro Schaden
Osterhofen: „…Einen Unfall unter Alkoholeinfluss hat ein 32-jähriger Pkw-Fahrer am Dienstag gegen 18 Uhr verursacht, wie die Polizeiinspektion Plattling mitteilt. Er verlor auf der Raffelsdorfer Straße in Altenmarkt (Stadt Osterhofen, Lkr. Deggendorf) stadteinwärts in einer Rechtskurve die Kontrolle über seinen Wagen, kam nach links von der Fahrbahn ab und prallte gegen einen Zaun sowie ein…
View On WordPress
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schloss-maierhofen · 3 years
Schloss Maierhofen | Schloss mieten für Hochzeiten & Events
Schloss Maierhofen Nähe Regensburg. Ihre Event- und Hochzeitslocation im Norden von München. Wir bieten Räumlichkeiten für Veranstaltungen wie Seminare, Firmen- u. Familienfeiern sowie Hochzeiten.
 Curat GmbH
Plattlinger Straße 29, 94486 Osterhofen
+499499 9427888
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Protschka: Söder stellt äußerste Dünnhäutigkeit unter Beweis
PI schreibt: »Der bayerische Minsterpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) hat den bayerischen AfD-Landesvorsitzenden Stephan Protschka wegen „Beleidigung, übler Nachrede und Verleumdung“ in seiner Aschermittwochsrede am 22. Februar in Osterhofen (Video hier) angezeigt. Protschka kritisierte den CSU-Politiker per Pressemitteilung als „dünnhäutig“. „Söder ist wahrlich ein Meister im Austeilen, kann dabei jedoch nicht einstecken.“ Ein bayerischer Ministerpräsident müsse Spott ertragen […] http://dlvr.it/SnwG6D «
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tp292 · 3 years
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hier: Friedhof Osterhofen https://www.instagram.com/p/CTE2HetsBIo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – Archeological News From Around The World
Friday 18th May 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  Lovely morning, a little cool 11c with a cool wind from the north east, a sliver of Moon hangs in the sky bathing the little streets and alleys in the town of Estepona with its pale moonlight… the smell this morning is of the Orange Trees, of course I happen to be allergic to the Orange Blossom Pollen but it’s no big deal.. The sound of the water fall in the park catches Bella’s attention ..it turns on at 4:00 am and the resident ducks quaking as the water splashes … we reach the top of the hill and turn, food drawing Bella, she knows the routine and me Coffee this morning to easy the tiredness of the antihistamine tablet….
19TH-DYNASTY PRIEST’S STATUE UNEARTHED IN HELIOPOLIS…. CAIRO, EGYPT—Egypt Today reports that two artifacts have been discovered in northeastern Cairo, in the ancient city of Heliopolis. “The digging process uncovered a statue of a royal compartment’s priest,” said Mamdouh Eldamaty of Ain Shams University. He added that the compartment dates to the Ramesses dynasty, during the thirteenth and twelfth centuries B.C. “The area witnessed important incidents of the ancient Egyptian history, including King Ramesses II to King Ramesses IX,” Eldamaty explained. “The royal compartment was considered as the first of its kind during that Late Dynasty of Egypt.” Eldamaty’s team also found a second, small artifact that has not yet been identified.
CONTINUOUSLY OCCUPIED CAVE EXCAVATED IN EAST AFRICA…. JENA, GERMANY—Haaretz reports that evidence for 78,000 years of human occupation has been found in Kenya’s Panga ya Saidi network of caves, ranging from the Middle Stone Age to the present day. The cave’s main chamber measures more than 1,000 feet square, and could have housed hundreds of people, according to Michael Petraglia of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, although it has recently been used just for burials and rituals. Stone arrowheads, blades, and tools with a dull edge for attachment to a shaft first appeared in the cave’s layers dated to about 67,000 years ago, or some 10,000 years after the first inhabitants, who used larger stone tools, moved in. Kenya’s oldest-known bead, dated to about 65,000 years old, was also recovered. Carved bones, tusks, and worked pieces of ochre were found in layers dated between 48,000 and 25,000 years ago. Petraglia explained that the turning points in technologies were marked by mixes of tools and artifacts, rather than sudden changes. He thinks the cave’s inland location, in a transitional area between the forest and the savannah, may have provided generations of residents with a stable environment at a time when other areas of Africa experienced drought.
HEPATITIS B DETECTED IN 4,500-YEAR-OLD REMAINS…. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND—Science Magazine reports that a team of scientists led by Eske Willerslev of the University of Cambridge has detected the virus that causes hepatitis B (HBV) in the 4,500-year-old remains of a man who lived in what is now Osterhofen, Germany. In all, the team sequenced the genomes of 304 people who lived in Eurasia between 3500 and 500 B.C., and found the virus in 12 of them. In addition, geneticist Johannes Krause of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and his colleagues found traces of HBV in the teeth of three skeletons, also unearthed in Germany, dating from 5000 to 3200 B.C. Krause said the liver-destroying disease “seems to have been pretty common in the past.” The oldest-known hepatitis B virus strain before these studies were conducted had been found in a sixteenth-century mummy in Italy
NEW KINGDOM TOMB DISCOVERED IN SAQQARA…. CAIRO, EGYPT—According to a report in Ahram Online, a tomb dating to the reign of Ramesses II (1279–1213 B.C.) has been discovered in Saqqara. Ola El-Aguizy of Cairo University said that inscriptions on the tomb walls indicate it belonged to General Iwrkhy, his son Yuppa, and grandson Hatiay. Iwrkhy is thought to have moved to Egypt from another land when he began his career under Seti I, and to have attained his high rank in the court of Ramesses II. Images on the walls relate to Iwrkhy’s military career, including an infantry unit and charioteers crossing a waterway dotted with crocodiles, presumed to be Egypt’s eastern border, and relationships with other countries, such as pictures of Canaanite wine jars being unloaded from boats. Other images depict daily life in the military garrison. The tomb features a forecourt, a statue room, plastered vaulted storehouses, a peristyle court, and chapels. Excavation of the tomb will continue.
ON NOVEMBER 13, A.D. 1002,…. DORSET, ENGLAND- Æthelred Unræd, ruler of the English kingdom of Wessex, “ordered slain all the Danish men who were in England,” according to a royal charter. This drastic step was not taken on a whim, but was the product of 200 years of Anglo-Saxon frustration and fear. Vikings, who had long plagued the Isles with raids and wars, had taken over the north and begun settling there. Concerns were growing that they had designs on Æthelred’s southern realm as well. Æthelred’s order led to what is known as the St. Brice’s Day Massacre, named for the saint’s feast day on which it fell. The event has long been cloaked in mystery and misinformation. Archaeology, so far, has had little to offer in the matter of what actually happened and how many people died that day, but two mass burials recently unearthed are beginning to expose this turbulent period around the end of the first millennium. Could they be the first archaeological evidence of the massacre? Or might they offer a glimpse into some other aspect of the conflict between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings? Archaeologists are examining a trail of clues, including historical sources, wound patterns, and isotopic analysis of teeth, to put what was no doubt a violent series of deaths into perspective.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the archeological news from around the world this, Friday morning… …
Our Tulips today are unusual to say the least..but I love the contrast between the blue and the Red...
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Friday 18th May 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #robertmcangus
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