heyimboredtalktome · 4 years
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I love this scene so mUCH
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slothcapsule · 5 years
My favourite trope
Person B being a blushing mess when person A changes their hairstyle in the slightest
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yourlocalphillie · 6 years
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victuuri <3 yuri on ice
click for good quality
[pose/style from incaseyouart]
send me requests! my ask box/dms are always open
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
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To a Stranger, a fic by @omgkatsudonplease for @yoisoulmatezine
Otabek meets his soulmate in Barcelona, and it’s not the person he wanted.
read here on ao3 / buy me a cuppa?
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louciferish · 6 years
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title: Warrior to Plow rating: T length: 4,413 pairing: OtaYuuri (Otabek Altin/Katsuki Yuuri) summary:  Being at college on a gymnastics scholarship, unfortunately, means that Otabek is at the mercy of his coaches. So when the head coach orders him to sign up for yoga or dance, or else risk losing his spot on the team, Otabek is forced to choose the lesser of two evils. All he wants is to keep his head down and his grades up, but Downward-Facing Dog isn't the way he expected to do it. He's supposed to be avoiding distractions. Unfortunately, a certain distraction from his yoga class seems to be following him. Written for @allollipoppins for the @yoisecretsanta18 gift exchange! Read on AO3
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niahana · 6 years
What is your favorite anime pairings outside of dn?
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Let’s start with yuri on ice and work from there ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘
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chaotic-tendenci · 7 years
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This isn’t my favorite ship, per se, but definitely my favorite crack ship and one I wish people would write more of because I think they’d just be the chillest bros ever XD Also wanted to show off Otabek’s new suit!
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delotti · 7 years
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This was a request from @roaming-the-greenwood that I forgot to upload here (sorry c::) 
Here is some Otayuuri in Saint Petersburg~ 
 Requests are still open btw!!
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sachesky · 7 years
Yuuri curls into himself deeper, hugging his knees in the quiet hallway as he tries to get his bearing. It’ll be fine, he tells himself. Yet, he still can’t believe those words. No, he’s not going to be okay. He’ll fall down on the ice, he’ll disappoint his family, his friends, his coach. Everything will be meaningless he—
“Yuuri Katsuki?”
He flinches at the voice. Slowly, Yuuri looks up to see Otabek Altin standing in front of him with an unreadable face. “Oh umm, Otabek?” Licking his lips, Yuuri grips his knees tighter. “Is there--anything you need?”
Otabek doesn’t reply. Instead, he takes a seat beside him on the floor, their shoulders almost touching. Yuuri watches him takes his phone and earphones from his jacket and Yuuri fidgets more. He doesn’t know what Otabek is doing here, sitting beside him and he’s too nervous to ask for the reason.
“Here.” Otabek offers an earphone for him, the other half is already on Otabek’s ear.
There’s nothing he can do but takes the earphone. “Thanks?” Yuuri puts the earphone to his ear, feeling even more confused but Otabek just nods and starts scrolling on his phone. It’s not long until a soft instrumental music plays on his ear and the voice follows soon after. “What is this song?”
“Cayman Islands by Kings of Convenience,” Otabek answers.
The song reminds him of Hasetsu, with its quiet mornings on the beach. Unintentionally, Yuuri starts to relax. He leans back against the wall, feeling the heat of Otabek’s shoulder on his as Yuuri closes his eyes. He can almost see himself sitting on the sand, the waves tickling his feet as he stares at the sunrise, waiting for the sky to turns blue.
“There’s still 30 minutes before we need to get back to the rink,” Otabek says.
Yuuri smiles softly, feeling his worry to be much more manageable with Hasetsu beach on his mind. “Thank you,” he says sincerely.
Otabek shrugs, but he leans his head further into Yuuri’s space to show Yuuri the songs on his phone. Yuuri finds he doesn’t mind it, the feeling of Otabek’s body on his side and their heads close together.
As the next song starts, Yuuri wonders if he’s going to miss this moment in every competition in the future.
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slothcapsule · 6 years
Person B: you said you would give me a shoulder to cry on....
B: now I have no shoulder left while I'm crying..... about you....
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
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Otabek meets his soulmate in Barcelona. The city is dark and grey, as it always is to those who haven’t felt the Sight, but the instant he locks eyes with the other young man heading to the rink to practice, the world grinds to a screeching halt between them.
He sees the drip-drip-drip of the Sight: splashes of vibrancy in the posters and flags, a suddenly brilliant sky, sleek and colourful buildings all around. It’s like the world has peeled back its protective film, and the key lies in the amber eyes of the young man now staring, breathless, across the plaza from him.
Otabek knows who he is, sees the grace in the turn of his head, the flush that spreads across his cheeks. It’s not someone he’d ever expected, and he can’t deny the slight twinge of disappointment that curls in him as Yuuri Katsuki zips his jacket up further and slips into the rink.
Otabek meets his soulmate in Barcelona, and it’s not the person he wanted.
and now, for something slightly-less-unexpected-considering-tsm: my @yoisoulmatezine piece ;)
preorders open the 30th! get excited <3 <3
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yukipri · 7 years
First of all, let me express huge respect for what you do. That's really incredible work! I was looking through one russian fanfiction website and i suddenly saw a fanfic about Beka/Yuuri. It's soooooo rare in russian fanfiction community that it's easier to find to say Yakov/Yuuri stories than that. The author wrote that it was your art that inspired him. You art affect even on people from other countries! You should be proud with yourself!
Thank you so much for letting me know! ;A; And oH WOW, I didn’t know that my art had inspired OtaYuu work (kinda curious which one), I’m super honored! It’s a ship that I genuinely love, and as a completely serious, non-crack ship too, so I’m really happy that I got to spread some love for it ^ ^ I unfortunately can’t read Russian, but I hope the author knows I’m really happy they like my work!
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somuchanemoia · 7 years
Day 13: Christmas Caroling with Otayuuri
“Please, Yuuri, don’t make me do this!” Otabek whined softly as watched his boyfriend tug on his jacket.
“Babe, please.” Yuuri looked at him and gave him his infamous soft smile, his brown eyes widening in a plead, “Just for a bit. This is a Christmas tradition. Plus, you like singing.”
“I don’t like singing.”
“Then why do you go to the club every few nights to perform?”
“I DJ! There’s a difference.” Otabek sighed as he leaned against the doorway, “It’s cold out too.”
“Babe, we’re in Russia. It’s always cold outside,” Yuuri chuckled and moved closer to kiss his boyfriend’s pouty lips, “Why are you so adamant that we don’t go Christmas caroling?”
“Babe, if I wanted to dress up in too many layers and sing about times long past, then I would’ve ponied up and auditioned for Hamilton already.” 
Yuuri chuckled and rested his head on Otabek’s shoulder as his lover’s arms wrapped around him, “You would make a fine Alexander Hamilton, my love.”
“Only if you got to be my Eliza...”
Otabek stood next to Yuuri and pouted slightly as people began to sing loudly around them.
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows
He sighed and bounced in place trying to keep warm. He hummed when Yuuri reached out and grabbed a hold of his hand and leaned into his chest, still singing softly as he was drowned out by other carolers. Yuuri was a beautiful singer and he hated that he couldn’t hear the Japanese man. His voice was beautifully soft like butter and, while he was slightly off key, he could lull Otabek to sleep with the sound of his soft voice.
All of the other reindeer They used to laugh and call him names They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games
He felt Yuuri nudge him slightly in the ribs, “Come on, Beka. Sing? For me?”
He pouted slightly and looked down at his boyfriend. This was a mistake. Slate grey eyes met sparkling brown and Otabek knew he was in trouble. He couldn’t not sing now; not after looking at those sweet chocolate orbs.
So, he began to sing.
Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa came to say: "Rudolph with your nose so bright Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then all the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer You'll go down in history
As the singing died down, spectators clapped and carolers around them cheered. 
“Thank you, love.” Yuuri hummed. 
“You’re welcome.” 
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niahana · 6 years
Do you like YOI? do you ship anyone?
I love it~!!! I mainly ship yuriyuu and victuuri, but I also ship otayura and… otayuuri x);;
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misslitterateur · 7 years
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O t a y u r i + ‘Forever’ [horror! au]
He is Yuri Plisetsky, reknowned ghosthunter, and he is not afraid.
At least, that’s what he tells himself whilst gripping the baseball bat in cold, clammy, pale hands. He shouldn’t be afraid; he is Yuri Plisetsky, and Yuri is never afraid. What would they think if he — well-known for his bravery and daring — would cower due to his dumb, irrational fear? As much as he fears the darkness, the cold, and the monsters, he is more scared of judgement.
“Who goes there?” Yuri calls out, his voice coming out braver and stronger than he was truly feeling. He thinks he saw a shadow from the corner of his eye, just an intuition. But his intuitions are hardly ever wrong, a trait that he is constantly praised for. “Talk to me,” Yuri says, calmer and stronger this time. “What do you want?”
His flashlight flickers, once, twice and gone. Yuri scowls at the darkness, this petulant spirit was truly testing his patience. “Did you really have to do that?” He hisses out, dropping his flashlight to the cold floor, finding no use of it at the moment.
“Sorry, I don’t feel comfortable in the light,” The voice is low, powerful and comforting. The owner of the voice steps forward, and Yuri has to pause for a while before responding.
It was him; Count Otabek, the famed phantom. Yuri feels a chill run through his body as the count’s piercing brown eyes gaze at him. Now, he knows why this phantom is considered deadly. But that’s alright — He loved deadly.
He is Count Otabek Altin, famed phantom ghost, and he is more than a little bit intrigued by the blonde ghosthunter before him.
That is thei first meeting in this lifetime, Otabek notes. His little Yuri, a ghosthunter this time? Their souls were fated to meet on every lifetime, but never meant to be together. And this time, hah, they are on opposing sides of the story.
“I can save you,” The blonde boy says, eyes shining with determination and resolve. Otabek loves this look on his little Yuri’s face, so strong and so determined. “Tell me, how long have you been waiting for redemption?”
The count chuckles, dry and aged, yet young and bold at the same time. 
“Forever, actually.”
requested by: @aroanehring
want to request? here
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yaoi--palace-blog · 7 years
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this is adorable, awhhh.
I’m not sure who made this but,, to whoever did, you’re an amazing human. xD
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