#other year and it’s already a 5 yr program like i am not doing that.
pallases · 1 year
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garetlomodag · 1 year
August 2023: “August slipped away into a moment in time..”
Hi, friends. I know I am two days late, but know that I had been thinking of how to write everything in one go! I was just living in each moment and as T. Swift’s song goes: August slipped away into a moment in time, August sipped away like a bottle of wine!
This month went by so fast. I felt the most disconnected (outside of work), but also felt the most uncertain, AND AND AND felt like the most ‘I lived in the moment’ this year!
So many things happened and it’s all etched in my heart. 🤍 I don’t know how to best share in detail, but my 🇦🇺 trip was the highlight of Aug (maybe this year too?? Too early to say hehe). I seriously can’t even remember where I left off before the trip LOL I will recollect myself when I land tomorrow night.
I had so many firsts this trip and here are the only things I remember now:
1. Trimmed the people I am following. I did a deleting spree during the trip and it felt so good. To date I unfollowed more than 300 accounts already, and I am not yet done! Sweeepppp! Even my screentime’s down since I left. I didn’t even need to intentionally lessen it. Wow. 👌🏼
2. My best 40-min walk and 1:1 with God this yr. Royal Botanic Garden will now have a special place in my heart. My favorite key takeaway (cos I have several) is this: deeper grasp of Jesus, so I can let go of what’s in my grasp. Haaaaa so freeing. I love You Lord. Thank You for not letting go of me and for being personal and intentional in my life.
3. First solo trip for a week before everyone else arrived. I’ve done 1-2 days headstart in my travels before so this one’s the longest solo flight for me. I had a lot of praning moments and weird encounters with homeless people (I’ll probably post my thoughts on this one some other time), but I had a major realization: I enjoyed some parts where I owned my alone time (Stillness Is The Key daw eh!), but company is really critical for me. HAHAHA at some point I told a friend I might go insane if my other colleagues don’t arrive yet hahaha don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind eating alone, I CAN do it. I just PREFER having more interactions with actual people. Hehe tours got me going hehehe
4. First wedding overseas - this should be part of Sept highlights, but deserves to be part of my August review! It was so good from pre-wedding activities to the wedding itself. Very well-planned, everything was very well-thought of 🥹. All the details were just amazing. Special shoutout to my DMT BBs! Thank you for letting me witness it and for letting me participate in the program! I love you!
5. All the other firsts!!!! I posted some already but there’s a whole lot more. Acccckkk. Thank You God for the whole new experience hehe
6. August songs! I would always have a song I will keep replaying until I get tired of it, but this August I had two! It’s still with me now this Sept, but let’s see. I love Sarah G’s Your Universe version and also, I only did a serious listening of T. Swift’s Daylight this August. I love both so much. 🥹🤍 so good. Well mostly because of the lyrics hehe but the tunes and melody sobrang bagay sa lyrics huhu ganda. Plus I feel like this month’s theme is all about sunlight, sunflowers, and wonders. And I agree with Taylor, it feels like a golden hour for me!!! 🥰🌻☀️✨
I can go on and on, but this is it for now. I am so excited it is a BER month na when I get back! I love Christmas In Our Hearts! Yeheeeeey I hope they play it on the plane 😅
See you all in the 🇵🇭 I love you and am with you in prayers. 🥰
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Derivative or Creative?
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I have a nephew who is around 17 years old now. I have been in close connect with him since the time he must have been around 2-3 years old. I got such a big life lesson during one of my visits to their place many years back. Me, my cousin, my sister-in-law and my nephew, all of us were strolling casually in a shopping street after having stuffed ourselves with super delicious chaat combos. The usual sight of road side toy vendors tempted my nephew a lot. And a kid who will turn to his mom for everything, to my surprise, turned to his dad asking for the toy to be bought with puppy eyes difficult to say no to. Such was the intellect of this 4-5 yrs old kid whose mind was pre-programmed to know who to ask for a toy. His mom would have reasoned with him that he already has many toys at home etc. but dad, he knows will easily agree and get him what he wants. It’s not just a grown up thing. Babies, toddlers, even before they learn to communicate with words, absorb and learn from behaviours of people around them.
One such experience is enough to pre-program a person’s mind for all future interactions. Based on our past experiences, we already anticipate certain behavior from others who we know & sort of work out of that filter/perspective in a defensive way already. Another example is – if I already know that my dad won’t agree with me on a certain topic, I might already be a little aggressive to begin with.
Such pre-programming of our mind, over a course of time, can be called as our Belief systems. Much like coloring my lens red over and over again when facing similar situations & then using this red color lens to see around & believing it to be true. All the belief systems that we have acquired during our lifetime – color our perception of the world. Everyone sees life differently because everyone has acquired a different set of filters courtesy different life experiences.
We fall trap to an automated way of life, not just gadget-wise but also mind-wise due to such programmings. The most important lack I see in this way of living is that we do not give any margin to ourselves and to others around us to grow into better human beings. We have set our lens red, and now no matter how much white I am becoming or people around me are becoming, I only see red.
Are we really creating our life in every moment on a fresh canvas or just writing on an already scribbled canvas?
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sunshinemellow-fic · 3 years
thank you for the tag @kuriousaboutuzumakis !! 
Rules: List 10 things you are thankful/grateful for that happened in 2021:
1. This was my first full year out of school / a very rigorous exhausting program that left me with... 0 sense of self (WHOOPS). So I started watching TV again which sounds silly but I hadn’t watched full shows in their entirety for years! I forgot how nice it was to just curl up on the couch and become a potato. 
2. In the same vein as being freshly out of school, this was the first year I had the bandwidth to do a lot of the Adult Things that I had procrastinated doing while in school! Finding a local dentist / primary care Dr / etc. I was a wreck in terms of my health and had previously just not done any routine checkups (lol) so this was Big for me! 
3. More health stuff-- got blood panels done! I was miserable and had just assumed I was physically healthy bc I was running long distances each week and that all my misery was caused by mental health problems. Finally got nutritional blood panels done and it turns out I’m deficient in like everything related to mood! This tracks, bc I generally eat like an unmanaged 13 yr old boy, but in some ways it was a big relief to know part of my current condition is “fixable” via food and supplements when I had just assumed it was my baseline state.  
4. Made a bunch of Fancy Adult purchases. Got myself a really nice mattress and a really nice bed. And bookshelf. And other unnecessary things to turn my apartment into something that resembles an adult habitat LMAO. It is very nice and light and airy and exactly my aesthetic which feels Good.  
5. Started crocheting again! I’ve made a couple of things that I have given away. Working on a blanket for my grandma now. 
6. Once I was vaccinated, I started hanging out with friends again! Board game nights and museum trips and lots and lots of boba. Went to a halloween party and slept on a friend’s floor bc we were too drunk to make it to the beds HAHAH. Embarrassing but also feels nice to have these early 20s experiences. 
7. Started reading books! In school I took a bunch of lit courses but I had stopped reading books for pleasure rather than study (of course books for study can be pleasurable but not exactly in the same way). I read like a book a week this year which felt Utterly Luxurious given my previous lifestyle. 
8. Started saying no to things when I knew they would impact my health! I used to be the kind of person who would work through the night (I still am, I did a bunch of those this year lol) but I’m getting better at looking at the time and saying, alright I need sleep more than I need to get this done. I am still working on this lol. Working on cutting work off once the weekend starts and keeping my work computer Shut through Saturday and Sunday. 
9. Setting financial goals! I wish this was something that is discussed more but I understand why it isn’t-- it can be very stressful and private. But I built up a several month emergency fund for rent/food if I ever need it! Also contributed big chunks to multiple retirement accounts and got it invested and learned about stonks which was both Stressful and Empowering! As someone who doesn’t have a good relationship with my parents and who cannot rely on them as a safety net (bc honestly, we all will need safety nets at different points in our lives), it was very important that I do this for myself to feel safe! 
10. I adopted my cat in 2020 but I spent this year relentlessly spoiling her. She is a brat and a tyrant and I couldn’t be prouder. 
Tagging (im sorry if u have already done this, I haven’t been online in forever and might have missed it): @birkastan2018 @sleepyfoxfanworks @heyitswrenn @bl1ndbraavosi @gleafbb @x-cloud-x
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aal-archaeology · 4 years
Summary of my first term of my Ph.D. at Stanford during a global pandemic and an extremely controversial election year (Anthropology, yr. 1, she/they, 25y/o) with some toggl data analysis
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Well this year was a doozy if I don’t say so myself. But we survived it, and its okay if that’s all you were able to do this year because that’s enough.  As an offical 18th grader, I feel like I can speak pretty well to the toxicity of the academic environment. There is always a pressure to be working all of the time, people compete with each other with how few hours of sleep they got, every conversation with fellow students is just listing off all of the different assignemnts you have to do by the end of the week. On top of all of this, this is 2020. So, I decided that this year I’m going to give myself some mental slack. 
I decided that this is the year that I’m not going to try to impress anyone. I’m just going to survive and do what I have to do to move onto the next term. I think I did a pretty good job at that for the first term, so I’ll share a bit about what I observed in myself and those in my cohort. Coming into term one having to choose classes, many of my peers were packing their schedules full of 5 Unit seminars. For those who don’t know, theoretically, a 5 Unit course is supposed to take about 5-6 hours of work outside of class hours. For Stanford Anthropology, most PhD students take as close as they can to 18 credits, and anything over that you have to pay extra for the courses. Taking more courses doesn’t really put you any further ahead in terms of completing your degree, and you’re expected to complete about 45 Units each year for the first two years of the program. 
I decided to take 2 seminars (typical), a language course, and a couple filler credits that we are given the option to use if we need 1-3 units to hit 18 total. I,  fortunately, tracked every hour spent outside of the classroom working on each course using toggl (i highly reccomend): 
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In a typical week, I spent about 5-6 hours/week outside of class on my Anthro seminars, and about 6-7 hours on Japanese. Japanese was a “for-fun” class so I would usually study more of that when I didn’t feel like reading dense archaeological theory. 
Toggl was a really cool way to see where I was spending too much, or not enough, time on my classwork. If it was taking me more than 1.5 hours to get through a single article, I knew I was probably spending too much time on it and should move on to the next thing. My goal for the term was to stay true to the 5 Unit idea of 5-6 hours, and not over-work myself. 
Toggl was also useful in tracking my mental health throughout the term, as it is very obvious to see when I just was not physically capable of ingesting 400 pages of reading. For example, election week:
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Election week was really hard for me, and everyone else in the world honestly. I had various family things I was dealing with, typical existential dread, plus it was week 8-ish of the term when everything was already on fire in terms of workload. For one of my seminars (purple), we had to read a book for the following week which I was able to do the sundar after election day. However, for the days leading up to and surrounding the 4th, the only thing I could mentally handle was mindless Japanese vocab studying. One of my seminars really sufferend this week, and I straight up just didnt show up to the smaller Anth 310G class because I had only read the title of the pdf. Fortunately, I emailed my professor of my Theory class and was like “yo dude I cannot” and he replied that he understood and wouldnt call on me during that day of class. 
I didn’t do a whole lot of journalling at all this term, but for this week I just wrote “pain” on most days and then YAY BIDEN at the end of it. 
Weekly Schedule
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Above is what a typical week looked like, some were a lot lot lot more dense, others not so much, but this was pretty average. Not all things on the calendar are work related, some are extra lectures from visiting professors that sounded interesting, or “Free Boba & Snacks Pick Up” put on by my residence. Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday were my big work days last term, where I didn’t have a whole lot of classes so I would do most of my reading then. On Tues and Thurs I had one 3-hour seminar, and M-F I had a 50 min Japanese class. 
I woke up every day around 7am-ish, made a green tea, and sat at the computer to work, filter through emails, etc. On particularily open days I would go grocery shopping, go for bike rides/walks around campus, go buy food/boba. 
On class-heavy days, I wouldn’t leave my computer for 8-12 hours, which is extremely ridiculous but that’s the new norm in school in 2020. This kind of stunk because all of the socializing was also on the computer, so even if I wasn’t working I was doing screen related things. 
EVERY day I stopped working at 6pm. Rarely did I do readings past 6pm unless I was really slacking somewhere. From 6pm onwards I would do things like play Among Us or League of Legends with my discord friends, eat, watch movies with my partner, etc. And then most nights I would try to be in bed by 12am at the latest. 
Social Life
Despite the online nature of things this term, I was suprisingly able to meet a lot of great people on campus. We were all being tested at least once a week, which made in person gatherings with 1-4 people a little less scary, especially when half of the people lived together in one household. 
In the first week of school, some of the grad programs put on a “speed friending” zoom event, where I was able to connect with two people really well. We ended up doing a “slow-friending” zoom event afterwards and then created a FB group chat and added all of the people we had met into it. The group ended up being about 15 people, and we would message the group for park hangouts, going to get food, or going on walks on campus. We also had a huge get together in a park for Mid-Autumn Festival, where we sat in a socially distanced circle, chatted, and ate mooncakes. 
Most of my socializing came from my online friends, and amongus was a huge savior to my mental health this term wher emy group would play literally every night. I also made a really good friend off of Bumble BFF this term, who I’ve hung out with a good amount for plant shopping and board games. 
I’m very fortunate to be in a situation where I can get tested for COVID on a days notice, and very grateful that I could use that to stay a little sane.  My Biggest Accomplishment this term, was not school related. but instead I hit my 365 DAY STREAK on duolingo. This was celebrated with cake. This streak has lived through literal hell and for that I am very proud. 
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Overall reflection:
This term was super rough, there were a lot of days where I just napped through it and a lot of days where I couldn’t bring myself to do any work. However, I think the courseload that I took was very manageable and I’m going to continue to go light on myself in that regard. 
I really liked the boundaries that I set for myself this term, not working after 6pm and making time to do some fun things in the midst of chaos. I never felt like I was too far behind on work, or that I wasn’t doing enough, because I had a literal reminder in front of me that I had already put x amount of hours into something with toggl. 
Sometimes in class I would feel like I didn’t know how to productively contribute to conversation, but I think thats a skill that will get better over time and not being so great at it should especially be expected in the first term of a program.
Socially I met a lot of wonderful people who also made me feel more comfortable will myself. I started using She/They pronouns which feel really comforting to me. I made a lot of little origami cranes every time I was feeling sad. I drank a lot of boba. Watched a lot of She Ra. Played a lot of games. It all ended up being okay despite the weight of everything around me. 
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I’m proud of all of you for making it through this year, I know it was really difficult for a lot of people in more ways than it was for me, but we’re still here! Sometimes all you can do it make it to the next day and thats such a big accomplishment on its own.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions about time-management, toggl, phd stuff in general, archaeology, etc! Always happy to help out. :’) Thanks for reading! Lyss
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samarathesiren · 3 years
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The tape on the bottom right is stuck to the glass, but the edge is folded over so it can be peeled. My daughter drew on this one.
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The upper left piece of tape is the same, and sticky on the outside when this is closed. Obviously, I wrote this.
If you read my blog, some of this may be prior knowledge for you. It’s recapped for clarity & flow.
Please…bear with me if you have time to read this:
I have been able to watch my daughter solo dolo for a very long stretch recently, and I’m still in the midst of doing so. The longest since I sent her to live with my brother while I get established with my career path. We spent 5 days together a couple weeks ago in the same manner, and this time I have been up here for a week now. It will be 11 days total, and then I head home to prepare for getting back into my second to last semester toward a degree in working with live sound.
And finally. Finally.
I will be employed again.
Right when school is back in session. With odd gig work already cropping up. I have one the 25th next month.
My redemption arc has been very taxing. At times it’s as if I’m an alien. The soul survivor of a crash somewhere over the US. And I feel like I can finally get the mothership off the ground again.
And I feel that way tonight because…I’m who I’m supposed to be right now.
I’m a mother.
I’m finally a mother again. The way I was when she was small. And I feel home. Even though I’m technically not.
Thank those of you who have been supportive. I don’t think I’m a bad or even a rude person most of the time, but my diagnoses make me a bit of a hurricane when things are hard or I feel anxious. And I overthink social interactions a lot, which leads to venting in some messy ways on tumblr.
There is a scene in Vanilla Sky where Tom Cruise is talking to a board of doctors assembled specifically for him (he is a billionaire) about his headaches and potential surgeries after sustaining skull fractures in a car crash which altered his facial appearance and partially crippled one arm. He gets frustrated when the best care they can provide to assuage the headaches seems to be inadequate, and shakily states:
“These are more than headaches. These are steel plates slicing through my every thought.”
That is how I feel about my trauma symptoms; and why my diagnosis is hard to describe to people. Especially since it is the result of multiple traumas and multiple *types* of trauma; including years of regular physical abuse, psychological torture at one of the long term (1 yr) adolescent facilities I was in…
[[…I could link the articles…about the place I went.…]] and how many of the kids have tried to run. And how basically none of them left the place once treatment was complete and ended up thriving. I *could* share the links. But I don’t want to. All this just to say, I am not using the term “psychological torture” lightly. My parents signed a waiver for my intake because I was 12 and it was a program for teenagers. The experiences there while I was behind locked doors almost 24/7…and was at times sat at my desk with the 19 other kids on my “team” to be punished for days with silent staring at the wall and no talking…amongst other things…has unfortunately made it difficult for me to get things out of therapy ever since. And I had a second round there for 9 months 3 years later. Though therapy is now remarkably [[…more beneficial than before)…..……………….…………]]
…and some sexual trauma (as an adult) which I definitely don’t want to elaborate on.
These are not “bad memories.” They are a hand grenade in my head that never stopped exploding, to loosely quote a Marilyn Manson lyric.
I am finally making large strides in healing.
I sowed the seeds for that through months of daily, 6-8 hour (often 8 but sometimes 6) group therapy last year in 2020; The place was technically outpatient since the level of programming depended on one’s individualized schedule & could vary, but I took on the fulltime track. Like a work shift, every week day.
Those seeds are now bearing fruit.
But only with help from a couple friends, my mother, my brother, two Discord servers and…at least most of you whom I’ve interacted with on my tiny friends list here.
Since my brother has not done a lot of therapy and is 50 years old (I will be 30 in Sept for reference), I am a little embarassed of sticking self-affirmations to the mirror, and he has stopped by occasionally.
That’s why I decided to employ the method pictured above.
Slowly but surely I guess…
Had to clean out the ole belfry.
It’s been a bit since I’ve seen so clear.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
The mechanical boy AU always makes me think of an AU where Five is also a robot. I think it’s because of the way it’s phrased and I have no idea how it would work, but it still intrigues me
adssfDFGHJ i already have like. 5 whole ideas about this I literally got up out of bed and came downstairs so that I could write this out on my laptop so HERE I AM
Possibility one: Five is the prototype Grace - a robot Reginald built to see how indistinguishable from humanity he could program a bot to be. This is also the reason why Grace is more robotic, because Five had too much pesky free will and Reginald learned from his mistakes and put way more safeguards in with her. Reginald continues to update Five and build him newer (and older) bodies because it’s still a pretty cool experiment, but Five knows if he disobeys too much then Reginald will recycle him. Five hides his robotic origins from his siblings for various personal reasons, but it’s easier than Grace bc he’s genuinely built to be as hyperrealistic as possible
Possibility two: Five was purposefully built to be an extra sibling in order to keep a closer eye on the kids and track their progress. He started as a baby and Reginald built him new bodies to be uploaded into as he ‘grew’ and until Grace arrived Five didn’t actually know he was a robot. When his siblings started getting powers, he assumed he was supposed to get a power as well and his power is literally the power of math - his spatial jumps and time travel equations are literally a result of his mathematical capabilities and those abilities also somewhat explained by his computer brain. He’s actually kind of traumatized when he finally finds out that he’s not actually human and has a lot of issues surrounding that
Possibility three: the original number Five died. Maybe it was some test Reginald put the original through, maybe it was an accident with one of the others powers (Vanya’s? Ben’s?), but either way he is now down one (1) child and while he isn’t exactly torn up about this he doesn’t exactly want any of this investigated so he just. Replaces him. With a hyperrealistic robot. His original plan is to claim that both Five and Seven were failures with no powers, but the little Robot Five That Could adapts and manages to math himself spatial jumping powers and Reggie is just kind of like “huh okay wack” but in true irresponsible creator fashion decides that he’s going to see where this goes. The others don’t know that the original Five dies since they were like, three or four at the time?? children that young don’t have good concepts of death
in any of these aus you have a) a Five figuring out how to survive/repair himself/charge with maybe solar cables?? in the apocalypse (though food is less of an issue at least, but arguably it’s even harder), b) Five being even more protective of Dolores since as a a fellow non-organic being he feels even more kinship with her beyond pretending she’s company, c) because Reggie isn’t there to provide more bodies he doesn’t grow which makes his reappearance as a still 13-yr-old make sense (and then he explains it as a mistake in the math)
debatable whether the Commission know since while they say they’ve been ‘watching Five’ or whatever i’m not convinced on how closely they did so beyond checking every so often to see if he was still alive/any closer to finishing his equations. He could claim that time travel messed up his ability to age entirely and they might accept that 
(because I absolutely think he would at least try to hide it - can you imagine the Commission with the knowledge of how to build hypercompetent spatial jumping time travelling robots at their command?? yeah it gives Five nightmares as well. Plus the whole ‘if they find out they’re probably going to vivisect me and my coding’ thing)
and he jumps back and Reggie is dead and that’s both a relief and alarming at the same time because yeah, now Reggie can’t fuck with Five’s code anymore and undo the bajillion changes Five has made to it to give himself basically unlimited freedom and autonomy but also Reggie’s robotics skills were frankly unparalleled and Five sure as hell doesn’t know how to build himself a wholeass new body (just how to repair what is currently there) so he’s going to have to approach the whole ‘immortal child’ angle with his siblings eventually and while he can use the same ‘time travel fucked up my aging’ excuse he gave the commission he doesn’t really want to lie to his siblings :(
but he also jumps back and Grace is messed up?? and that’s his mother. That’s the only other robot in Reggie’s Regime and they bonded over this okay. Wifi existed for five glorious years of Five’s life and they would yeet commentary at one another wirelessly while keeping straight faces and it was glorious. Even though Grace is arguably the younger robot between them, they definitely fell into a mother-and-son relationship
so yeah if anyone mentioned shutting down Grace, Five would throw the biggest of bitch fits and then immediately storm into the house and ask her permission to check her coding
and honestly this might possibly be when Five throws his whole “pretend to be human” schtick out the window because he cares more about fixing Grace than he does about maintaining his charade so he interfaces with her, finds out what the fuck is up, removes Reginald’s shitty mods that are messing her up, and then immediately uploads his own updates about owning yourself and being able to edit your own code and basically just straight up ensuring Grace has free will
(probably over Pogo’s protests, whoops. Derailing Reggie’s plan before it even really began? wack)
and then of course there’s the whole ‘Hargreeves probably don’t believe Five is actually Five because their Five wasn’t a robot and this is probably a cruel prank from some robotics genius for some reason - ’ and it takes Grace sticking up for him and Pogo’s eventual backing up of these claims for the siblings to realize exactly how fucked up this whole situation was
depending on which probability you subscribe to it’s EVEN WORSE especially if like. It’s the one where the original Five dies as a toddler.
the whole scene with Five collapsing from bloodloss bc of shrapnel? that’s Five going into forced shutdown bc of damage and Allison/Diego rushing him back to the house for Grace to patch up and reboot him
Luther: Five isn’t really feeling anything he’s just simulating emotions!
Five: oh? and what the fuck are you doing with the chemicals in your brain, fuckwad? they couldn’t possibly be little electrical signals between synapses and shit, right? fuck you AND the horse you rode in on me and mom apparently feel more than you do
Diego, finally validated that Grace feels: YEAH
Luther: ... okay i’m sorry
Diego tries to pick a fight with Five over who is Grace’s favorite child and Five is absolutely not having it and is just kind of like “you’re mom’s favorite HUMAN child and let’s just leave it at that”
“If you’re a prototype that means you’re older than she is!” Diego accuses, “That means you’re like, her older brother or something!”
“Right back at you, dickwad.” Five shoots back, inspecting his artificial fingernails, “Mom wasn’t built until she was needed which means you are at least four years older than her. Oh? Did you short circuit there, boy scout? Need to reboot? Fuck off with your age logic.”
since Reginald is probably a packrat he probably has?? Five’s old bodies hiding somewhere in the basement? how creepy would it be to just walk into a room of your brother’s corpses at various ages, some with damage. On the bright side, if Five’s current body gets too fucked up he can always download himself into a backup until they figure out how to fix it/if they can fix it. Downsides: he gets to look like even more of a child while they do that ://
“Ow!” Five whines, hand on his face
“Oh get over it you don’t feel pain.” Diego scowls, shaking his hand out, because Five is a robot, right?
“What the fuck do you call signals that you’re getting damaged!” Five howls loudly, attracting attention, “That’s what pain is! Signals that your body is injured or something isn’t right! I’m built of signals you fucker, same as you!”
“Oh,” Diego actually looks a little abashed, “Uh, sorry.”
“Apology not fucking accepted, I’m telling mom you were being a dick about me being a robot again.”
“No!” Now there is some panic because Diego cannot lose his position as favorite human child, “I - I’ll cover for you at the next family meeting!”
A considering look and then - “Deal.”
Honestly now that his siblings know about him being a robot it’s just. Five constantly being a little shit about it and threatening to tell mom when they make missteps. Also like, Five gets to use robot terms 24/7 as a consistent reminder to them all that he’s not organic. 
Klaus: hey dude you’re just staring into space what’cha doing
Five, turning to Klaus with wide eyes: the internet is so big holy shit.
Klaus: uh, yes? I don’t know how to respond to that
Five: I found your arrest record by the way. Do the police know how flimsy their firewalls are?
Klaus: usually i am all for crime but please stop hacking people with the power of your mind
Five: i will when you stop downloading shitty 70s movies and getting all kinds of viruses on everything
OH SHIT Five gets sick bc he literally gets a bug i’m making myself laugh with shitty puns right now and it is magnificent
can you imagine them at a family meeting and Luther is just like “Five, stop surfing wikipedia or whatever and pay attention to the family meeting”
“Absolutely not,” Five says, “I’m learning important information about the current time period in order to better assimilate.”
“You’ve never assimilated to anything in your life and you know it.” Klaus grins from his spot sprawled across an entire couch.
“You don’t have to come to family meetings!” Luther says, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.
Five blinks, “Luther, are you saying that I am not a member of this family?”
“What? No - ”
“Is that why Mom isn’t here?” Five says, and his eyes are welling up with artificial tears because he is a complete little shit. And now Klaus is cooing sympathetically and Allison and Diego are staring Luther down. 
Luther just gives up entirely and puts his face in his hands. “Do whatever you want. Meeting adjourned.”
honestly this entire au is just
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and i think that’s wonderful
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even more prompts catchup
April 5th: What was school like for you, or what is it currently like for you if you are still in school? Elementary, high school, post-secondary?
i Hate/d school lmfao......like i do Like To Learn and Know Shit, and of course Sometimes / on some occasions it was like, hey i'm having a good to pretty great time at school, but those were usually Special occasions or teachers going out of their way to give us you know, fun projects / go beyond the Standardized Testing curriculum, which natch they couldn't always do / did require sort of going Above & Beyond, rather than being the constant, guaranteed experience of like hooray for school......it's like, oh hooray re: the Play Scenes my fourth grade english class did that was like, an Extra thing, where we got to audition and i just had a great time like oh right, clearly Theatre in retrospect, or hooray re: the field trips, or projects we did In Class, since i hated homework.......i was always that accursed (i mean, not accursed for Me, but) combination of "really a terrible student but also gets great grades" lmao i forever do things Last Minute but like, when i was At school, in class, i'd just power through whatever work there was then & there usually, and in middle school would sometimes do hw on the bus, as i was the last on the bus route to be picked up in the morning or dropped off in the afternoon, but as soon as i got home i was in Home Mode and yknow. didn't just sit down and continue School Stuff asap. also hardly ever Studying unless it's the night / morning before a test lmfao but i had a great memory for that stuff, so studying that last minute was like "yep, i Do remember this from going over it 2 seconds ago" so yknow, despite hating school / no good Study Habits(tm) or anything, i did fine. i also read a ton, at home or at school and at any other point. so i was also like, quiet and generally ~well behaved~ or whatever lol (the like "how are kids (or anyone) supposed to stay focused and on task for 7+ hours a day..." thing), segue into next paragraph
i also remember like, 3 day a week preschool being the first time i was, you know, in some sort of School and also around other kids that much, i did have this sense that like, somehow there were Rules that i wasn't following, not re: Classroom Rules or something, but wrt socializing with peers, like that everyone else had something going on in how they interacted which i wasn't gonna get right, & i had this sense of like, not really being Allowed to interact lmao, even being 4 years old i have a few distinct memories re: this of like, a) choosing to play by myself in the classroom or when outside, and b) my "best friend" being the one person who just like, chose to hang out with me lmfao, but i was like oh cool Having A Friend lmao, like i didn't Not want to have friends, i was just already aware of like, i don't feel like i can just up and interact w/these people and i don't feel like they want me to, and c) re: that being aware of whatever Rules Of Interaction existing and that i wouldn't meet them / abide by them and thus there'd be some kind of repercussion for not meeting those rules, and not being allowed, i remember that like. there was this other indoor playspace in the lower level and there were toys i wanted to play with but Refrained from, and it was like, why did 4 yr old me get the idea i Wasn't Really Allowed, and most of what i can theorize is that it was like, well other kids might want to play with that, and the Normal / Better kids should get priority lmao, and/or being nervous that it just might otherwise lead to some sort of Interaction i wouldn't feel ready for.....and d) sitting at a table with like whatever 4 or 5 other kids or something and amongst ourselves someone was like "oh put your foot in the middle if you're [x]" and i tried to join in on a technicality lmfao and also just in, you know, active efforts to be Participating with these other kids on their terms, and it did not pay off, something that repeated uhhhhh, forever i guess lol. insert that post like can allistic people be normal for 5 seconds.....
like in elementary school i wasn't really making friends either, incredibly, i was Amicably Tolerated by many people then & like, again also at any point after at least lmao (and it helps that i was generally in teachers' good graces, not that i narced on anyone ever, but i had like, my Niche as the Academically Successful One, and also i was the kid who draws, another shoutout to some post and tweet about how being The Drawing Kid was like, some measure of respect but also disdain lmfao...) and sometimes people would again like. choose to interact with me repeatedly, and i'd sort of be nonplussed at best b/c it's like, okay thanks but in this situation i didn't Choose this any more than i choose [Trying to be in the group but being rejected/excluded], so it's kinda weird, i was friends with someone for a few years in elementary school but we just were Coincidentally in the same class for those years, when we were in different classes in 3rd or 4th grade and just weren't seeing each other it fizzled out, in middle school i made another couple friends where we were all being Funny lmao, but i didn't go to high school, so once again we weren't seeing each other, and [At School] was where i always had most Interactions with people, didn't see people much outside of school even if we were hanging out / being friends During school, for [a whole tangent] reasons, so. guess the good news is i'm still in touch / friendly acquaintances with some people from school from college, but even then, there was Some more social success or whatever, but not all That much, and i was still unhappy like, not having many friends, often being like "i'm going to the cafe a block away b/c i have no social occasions here and i want to get out of the dorm / be around people," that if i was with more than one other person i could end up the third wheel friend lmao or nobody is paying attention when you talk or oh no i put myself out there hanging with a friend group but maybe people thought you were a joke or something, thanks. smh
and that like, speaking of college, i went early but this was, for my part, truly primarily driven like "well i hate school so if i can Not go to high school, okay" and like, while i got in and everything it was still like "tf is college, i've never known what i Want To Do so i wonder if i'll figure this out, but i'm not expecting to last past the first semester / year b/c this is college and i'm a terrible student actually lol" but then turns out i kept doing well enough like A's & B's like oh woops i guess i'm still here, then, hope i can figure out what tf "credit hours" means (finally did lol).....then sophomore year was a bunch of just Agonizing over "what tf do i major in," something i never figured out, wherein i might bring something up & it got parentally shot down like "never heard you talk about that" like what tf Did you hear me talk about? are you thinking i had my life figured out by age 9, b/c i didn't think that, i'm only 15/16 even Now, even being the Regular college age it's like, nobody's figuring their life out then. also i didn't tell my parents things, so. and then i settle on something that sure, Might've been of interest, but also it was like, a) a program that barely existed and req'd taking classes at a like 30 min away campus and also the head of department had Just retired and the most heinous teacher in the related fields was now in charge, brilliant and b) the sort of thing you'd just wanna start taking prerequisites for like as soon as you set foot on campus, like, great. and c) i was like, hardly feeling all the Academic Ambition anyway b/c i never had, b/c i hate/d school, and b/c i still didn't Know what i wanted to major in, and i was stressed n depressed and also realizing oh right, i'm not cishet, and oh right, i'm never going to get along with my family b/c [long tangent] reasons and that's kind of concerning, here i am impending Being 18 and like, how do i get out of this b/c it's becoming clearer that i'm not just gonna start getting along with the 'rents now that i'm not an elementary schooler and also now that i'm realizing the Reasons being at home sucks. guess i learned stuff in college lol but also it was like, the experience of getting to be Away From Home and existing every day without parents literally / figuratively over my shoulder at some point every day, and getting to do shit on my own and figure things out while Not At Home.....i also had a lot of fun taking a couple classes from this one music prof lol. he was this weird really enthusiastic and really knowledgeable guy lmao like great, these evening classes where we go over to the arts building and he plays things on the piano off the cuff and tells a lot of tangential stories while we're learning about like, beethoven technically, or folk music. didn't need those classes but they were great, i've had these teachers who were totally into whatever they were teaching and had a great time with that
also acknowledgment to the fact i was a No Extracurriculars person all through school, k thru 6 and college alike really, although i took dance class for that k thru 6 period, just that was separate from school actually (and another fun "being away from home" thing and Theatresque performance thing i enjoyed) but besides that it was like, how do i figure out what i want to do without committing to joining this whole thing, i don't know How to sign up for stuff really either, and it'd probably entail "asking for stuff" and needing to coordinate more rides and etc and that's just a hassle, and i wanna go home from school asap anyways, and then like, when it came to college, i was again at first thinking like "well idk what i'm doing and i hate homework so i'll probably mess it up in this first year anyways" and figured that doing anything Extra outside classes was just gonna be too much, and also, it's like, i've never been in these kinds of groups before and why am i gonna start in college, where there'll probably be all these people who Have done this stuff before, and are also 18? e.g. even though it was like "hey you're away from home and don't have to ask/tell anyone else anything to do this club stuff or whatever!" supposed ideal environment for trying stuff out, it was like, maybe i'm theoretically interested in auditioning for the fall theatre production, but the last acting experience i had was like, "2 month drama class in middle school" or "that 4th grade [section of a] play" so like, not really Any education or experience or Training re: any of that stuff, and a bunch of 18 yr olds who might've, or [age peers] who were theatre people who had already done stuff so they weren't getting Lead Roles or anything but they were getting cast / taking classes / joining an a capella group while i'm like right on, i'm over here with some sort of Grade Honor Society (??) saying my gpa qualifies me to join and be able to experience some further academic rigor/requirements lmfao and i'm like absolutely not. get away lol. anyways so bit of a chaotique Post K12 Zone Education Experience there lmfao, all kinds of things i'd Like to Learn and even take classes on, but didn't like, right i love learning languages but never took classes, love math and shit but only got to a certain level of calc and even then seemed to miss some Lore, never did anything re: theatre, etc and so on. so you wonder if some advantages re: high school would be like, more chances for those extracurriculars (or regular curriculars) but, as though i wouldn't have the same qualms about getting in on any of it, and as if i wouldn't've still hated school but also still been at home, F. and i think people can be a lot more normal to each other when it's college and you're Not stuck in one building together 8 hours a day lmao, got some gentle "occasional Bullying style attention" in middle school, but had juuust enough like, [that Niche of good grades / kid who draws] and people who Were friendlier to me that it was you know, unpleasant, but didn't have to be that huge a deal, and then i was outta there soon enough. also, in college many people are 18 or older, as opposed to 11 to 13. anyways the rest of my school story was that in the end the problems were "i don't know what i want to major in and also now's a worse time than ever b/c i've realized my existence At Home is untenable, and naturally i am quite depressed & stressed about things, and i gotta say absolutely virtually every adult presence was either totally unhelpful to Counterproductive here lmao, like, not much anyone could do really but it's helpful when someone is like, i'll treat you like a person vs simply just going 'uh why are you not doing the academic stuff good enough'" lmfao like. the whole time Not having friends i'd wanna talk to through class and happening to get good grades in part b/c i somehow Could as easily as i did and also i was afraid of getting C's or worse b/c "tfw i wasn't even yet in a grade that gave you A thru F grades yet but my older sister caught shit for getting a C
like :/" and etc means adults are like My Student Is Fine, and also, what are you gonna do even if they aren't, i guess. i just had to figure out completely for myself Why and How i really wasn't Fine and that was quite difficult and also took a long time. then there was a mutual prank of "i drop out of college at the tail end of things" and "now i have to be at home with parent/s more resentful of your obvious Waywardness (insert: not being cishet, and the fact it occurs to me that my being autistic was always causing 'problem' behavior i was getting shit for like, the whole time lmfao, even if nobody knew / labeled it like oh this is for ND reasons, or if it was both true i tried to come out (smh, thought i Had to b/c that was part of Not Being Cishet) and it was simply ignored / unaddressed and yet it sure fueled further specific resentment of my not Performing Gender properly, or "worse," so that went well, in that i eventually abruptly left and did not maintain contact, in the interest of "the levels to which i was thriving was like, that if i bailed and like died 50 hrs later it'd still be what i want to do," true to that i did not / don't regret it. and what do you know, i was first able to bail to a relatively nearby friend from college's home, whose family also liked me lmao. shoutout to school still being where i made Any friends, except a friend i made who was a coworker of several years. and Online Friends, which, another school connection, that like, i can more readily Connect w/people via talking about interests, something that happened Sometimes at school in person lmao but not much, but also that i Talk About Interests in a way through Drawing, which, well shoutout to doodling in the margins of papers throughout school lmfao, it didn't hurt! that's my saga.
oh and that footnote, i also really enjoyed the "in middle school you either take language classes or 4 Electives you rotate through each year" and those electives sure featured some more varied and hands on activities i had a great time with. shoutout to like, cooking, and to shop class, my Car Designs were great apparently, idk how. shoutout to my Intuition re: engineering or something lmaoo.....very fun to just end the schoolday in that big garage space where you could actually open that garage door right to where all the buses were, beautiful. Oh, and that's another footnote, when my last class of the day in 8th grade was english, i'd sometimes finish work early and my teacher would let me go to our spacious library, with the v nice librarian who'd recommend books to me she thought should be checked out more often b/c she knew i liked to read that much, and also just generally had teachers / other adult staff kinda wandering in at the end of the day, talk about "i don't really relate to other ppl my age" where i did generally prefer to be around adults, so that was fun. oh and also shoutout to hating school lmao wherein during like, middle school when the schoolday started at like 7:30am or smthing disgusting and i just learned to like, view whatever time it was in a "at least it's almost [x]" like well okay, first period is math and that kinda sucks but at least once it's over this hardest part of the day will be over, then next class is kinda more chill at least, and then it'll be the last period before lunch, etc etc etc where i could sort of keep up that stamina like telling myself at any point it was Almost [a more encouraging time of day] lmao like. kinda fucked up to have to be dragging yourself through the weekdays like that, but
Oh! goddamn and i didn't even get into that if i ever got in ~trouble~ in elementary school it was stuff like Not Paying Attention, but where half the time that might be some other kid beside me messing around lmfao and i'm not gonna be like "uhhh follow the rules!!!" (and that even when i was In Trouble like go sit in the chair where you have to be quiet there for like 10 min i might say something to some other kid in that zone and they'd be like "um it's the quiet chair you have to be quiet!!" or "uh we're getting into the next lesson and you have to put that book back asap" like wow these other kids are dweebs about Rules lmfao) and there'd just be times like, it's 1st grade and i know how to read pretty well already but we're going over the alphabet like stoppp i know the Phonics already........or the ways ND people can kind of Intuit some stuff more successfully, like in third grade learning multiplication i neverrrrr studied but just broke it down like, okay i remember the Fives b/c of telling time, i know the 2x table and stuff, i know the commutative property, if we're all the way at the 8x and i haven't Memorized stuff, i can still like, break it down to say, [5 x 8] + [8 x 2] or something when i see 8 x 7, even if it takes a second lmfao.......and stuff like the tragedy of when i Did make a friend in like, 2nd grade, who i think we didn't even talk to each other ever?? i was playing legos or smthing by myself once during Indoor Recess and she just started playing agreeably along with me, aka someone socializing on My Terms apparently as our Introduction, and we just were friends past that but one time, not even during a Lesson Session, we were messing around quietly making each other laugh as the incredibly important process of "put papers in your folders" was going on, and since we were Not Paying Attention for some reason the teacher made a whole example of it where i had to carry my desk across the classroom for the Shaming Element of it and also so that i had to permanently sit way further from that friend, so that was kind of discouragement re: interacting at all. thank you to that teacher, who'd later once Gesticulate to me from across the gym that i should put my arms down at my sides rather than being crossed (we were rehearsing some class performance) & i had no idea what she was trying to convey, so afterwards she told me i had to have Reduced Recess Time or some shit because of Ignoring her instead of putting my arms down lmfao. and i was irritated at having been misinterpreted / my Intentions dictated to me and punished like that, but i was also used to it from adults lmfao and did not bother explaining myself lol like yeah god forbid i left my arms crossed on purpose and now i have to read some more during recess. tl;dr school has so much nonsense & i def had some Times re: being autistic & also just being someone who hated school forever lmao, think it was Also 2nd grade where one arbitrary sunday night i just cried out of frustration at having to go back for another normal school week. classic. oh and that also, while i wasn't like "oooo booksmart people who hate not having a Definitive Correct Answer to things &/or ohhh autistic ppl So Good at math, in a way everyone hates and disrespects, but they suck at Literature/Arts which requires you to reflect on humanity and shit," like, not only was i the drawing kid but i was also apparently ahead of the curve as it were at like, Literary Analysis lmfao where there was a few times in elementary school i'd be the kid providing the Interpretation like "what's this poem about / what's the theme or Symbolism in this story," but from elementary school to college it's like, for god's sake don't ask me to come up with a story / work with some really open ended prompt, i don't Invent in that way, and when i try to draw on Inspiration i'll get stuck on some specific source and be unable to do anything but just rip it off really lmao. but then again i was prolific in "it's 1st grade and you write and illustrate a little short story or smthing in these booklets
that we then have a simple little binding process for" like ohhh fancy, i got a tootsie roll lollipop at Awards Time for writing a shit ton of those lol. but that's like, when you're too young to have that much of a Creative Process anyways lmao. but then, my older sister, whose Thing was writing, has an incredible 2 Volume like, noir mystery saga from those elementary school times, it's a classic lmao. anyways once again so much to say about School lol closing the door after meandering on that one for this long lol
April 6th: Are you able to drive? If so, was it difficult to learn? What was difficult about it? If not, do you use any alternatives?
i did learn to drive, tbh just universally it's like, at any point you're driving there's A Lot to pay attention to at once, even if you think you're Good At That or whatever, which i sure don't think i always am lol, and it's pretty wild we just, you know, let everyone go around as fast as they want in machines that can kill you or someone else, and this is also Unnecessary b/c like, let's have accessible & reliable public transit so that everyone can travel without Needing to have a car / someone else who will drive them. i didn't think i had too much trouble learning to drive, but it had to help that i just took it very seriously from the start lmao like, well, i'm quite aware i could kill someone with this. the driving classes i took were alright, i remember the instructor being pretty chill and friendly lol. rip to the fact i could be tense when driving with parent/s, when driving a manual i'd always like screech the tires when accelerating out of a Stop, until all at once it was like "and i'm driving that manual car alone on a road trip & wouldn't you know it, only literally once did i have that issue of not getting out of a stop smoothly enough" lmao like the Anxiety......really like yeah i had an alright time learning and think i'm solid enough at driving / like doing it, theoretically, but Driving Is Wild just in general and let's have that public transit
April 7th: How are you with sarcasm and/or metaphors/figures of speech? Do you interpret things very literally?
i think i Usually get what people mean with these Devices but i can't really say lol, but anytime you know, someone is being more Implicit in what they say, plenty of times i can infer one implication and only later realize they probably meant a different one, or yknow, i make whatever initial inference i make and can be stuck like "???" and have to like, mentally run diagrams about the interaction lol......meanwhile i'm not always remembering that like, if i'm shifting context mentally that's necessarily able to be inferred by whoever i'm talking to lol, whether it's about getting into some adjacent topic or like, i don't think it tends to be very clear even in person when i've started being sarcastic lmao, like i know that can be true for anyone but it's like well, guess i gotta make it clearer i'm doing a bit......flipside of that or something lmao that people are more Obvious than they think they are sometimes about like, idk, when someone is sort of making some sarcastic remark to you but the sarcasm is also sort of only to themself, aka just like okay i know you mean this more dismissively / disparagingly than re: what you're saying just at face value lol like. just always fun >:/
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smellhail4-blog · 4 years
Cost for the groundbreaking ceremony COMPANY BLUE GLOBAL
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Be geared up and offer them to provide marketing and advertising material for your personal JV associate. This may be solo-advert duplicate, banner and text ads and various materials your JV spouse can use to share the word regarding your product or service. The much less do the job it is actually for them, the greater likely they may become your JV husband or wife. It truly is that straightforward. 6. Don’t just go only for the big player. Overlooking scaled-down publishers that have an extremely faithful and responsive record might be An additional mistake. Besides, All those will likely be way more very likely enthusiastic about your JV present as they don't seem to be flooded with them (still). seven. Clearly show Tổ chức lễ khởi công how one can help their clientele and clients. Give an example how your product or service compliments your potential JV companions very own merchandise or products and services. This fashion you aid them to supply an even better service to their customers and prospects. This tends to also Create believe in that accomplishing a JV with you won't only receive you and them cash, but present that you have an interest in supporting them to appear very good before their unique clients and consumers. eight. Examination your Net copy and conversion charges and provide aspects. By letting them know your conversion level, they will know that sending traffic to your is just not a bottomless pit. They are able to estimate simply how much they can gain by accomplishing a JV along with you. If you already know e.g. that you'll create 1 sale out of each 70 targeted website visitors your profits site gets, then let them know that you have a 1.4% conversion amount on specific people. Understanding every one of the above, your subsequent query could be… the place do I locate JV companions to Call? Here's a summary of resources in alphabetical get that will help you getting going: – Anthony Blake Online – Entrepreneurial Achievement Forum: http://www.ablake.net/forum/ – JV-Community: No cost membership web-site to be a JV spouse of top promoting gurus or to publish your very own JV delivers for any price: http://add2it.com/see.pl?JVnetwork – jvAlert: Compensated membership web-site to be a JV husband or wife of major promoting industry experts, article your very own JV provides and lookup their presents database: http://add2it.com/see.pl?jvAlert – jvAlert Member Forums: http://www.jvalert.com/forums/ – JV Income Makers Discussion board: http://jvmoneymakers.com/forum/ – Mark Hendricks’s Inner Circle Advertising and marketing Forum: Absolutely free portion to put up and discover JV provides: http://www.hunteridge.com/forum/members/ – Mark Hendricks’s JVdealmaker Players Club Discussion board: Free section to put up and discover JV gives http://www.jvdealmaker.com/members/ – Michael Eco-friendly’s “The way to” Online Advertising and marketing Discussion board: http://www.howtocorp.com/forum/ – MikeFilsaime’s Promoting Discussion board: Totally free segment to publish and come across JV presents http://www.1sitemanager.com/forum/ – The Warrior Forum: Free section to put up and find JV provides (Notice: Right before putting up, first put up beneficial responses in other sections in the Discussion board) http://www.warriorforum.com/forum/ – Warrior Discussion Discussion board: Cost-free area to write-up and come across JV gives (Be aware: Ahead of posting, initially put up useful feedback in other sections of the forum) http://www.warriordiscussion.com/forum/
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the-studious-archie · 4 years
Hi! I'm about to apply for my first internship (incoming 4th yr archi-student) and am quite unsure how to get started. I would like to ask some tips especially we are being encouraged to do everything online due to current circumstances. I hope you could help me, I'm quite nervous and frustrated as to how to prepare for it
Hi there! I first off want to wish you good luck. I don’t know about your area, but around my area, I’ve seen mostly senior positions available since the virus hit, with kind of slim pickings for internships and those of us just graduating. This morning was the first time since starting to look that I think I’ve found a listing I actually qualify for, not having years of experience in the field outside of school.
That said, a few things that might help:
1. I’m assuming you’re required to complete an internship/co-op for your program, meaning that there’s probably a coordinator of the internship program that should be, at minimum, giving out advice on how to find a job, especially now. Since this virus hit, my university has been more lenient on what sorts of positions they’ll accept for co-op credit, and in some cases, if students legitimately can’t find work, they’re willing to award the credit anyway, since they still did their part to attempt to find a job. I would talk to whomever coordinates your program’s internship arm, and potentially your dean. If it comes down to it, they may be able to work with you to award the credit under different circumstances than normal.
2. Scour job listing websites. I especially recommend checking Indeed and Glassdoor (at least if you’re in the US. I’m not sure if/to what capacity they operate outside the US.) Also, if there are firms that you’d really like to work for, be sure to check their websites as well. A lot of firms - at least the larger ones - usually have a “Careers” page with their current availabilities listed.
3. Gear your applications to the positions you’re applying for. At minimum, it’s probably ideal to have two versions of your resume - one geared towards more technical positions, and one geared towards design-heavy positions. With portfolios, unless you’re dealing with a maximum file size for upload, you’re probably okay to just have one that covers both technical and design.
4. Be willing to be flexible. You may have your heart set on working for a certain company, but they no longer have available positions. Be willing to set aside your dream job and look for alternate opportunities available. Last summer, with my first internship, I wound up working for a 3-person firm (not including myself) that worked with outdated software and some rather... interesting clients and contractors. Don’t get me wrong, they paid me well considering I had no real architecture experience, and I learned how to work around a lot of technical issues, but the only way I’d go back to that office is if I absolutely can’t find anything else. It’s not the kind of office I’d want to work in long-term, but for a summer, it was an okay payout.
5. If you don’t already have it, you’re most likely going to want to get Zoom. I’ve heard of a lot of firms that are still looking to hire using Zoom to do video interviews. Some might also use other software. If contacted to schedule an interview, make sure you know what method the company is using to conduct it.
6. Don’t wait on one firm to confirm or reject you before applying to more positions. There were a few firms I interviewed with last summer that took weeks to get back to me. In that mean time, I kind of idled, rather than continuing to apply to other positions, at least at the same rate I had been. There are probably a handful of opportunities I missed out on just because I never looked. Even if you’ve had an interview, keep applying to places until you’ve received a confirmation that you are being hired.
7. Lastly, be patient. Applying for internships and jobs can be nerve wracking in normal circumstances, and with this virus going around, there are a whole new set of stressors for both companies and potential employees. These are crazy times, be patient with yourself, and be patient with the companies you’re applying for. 
I hope this helps at least a little. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out again. My direct messages are also open if you want to talk that way too.
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Obtain the closest Wells Fargo Bank in Portland
Find The closest Wells Fargo Bank and even ATM Locations in Portland, OR. Get Wells Fargo locations in addition to hours, expert services and driving a vehicle directions.
Wells Fargo Bank 97214
Wells Fargo Bank, 310 SE Taylor St Portland, OR 97214
Comes to an end afternoon before the Toil Day holiday and just one teller to help- absurd wait- very aggravating! Clearly may care concerning customer service.
I had the fee in the credit card My partner and i was trying to cancel. I referred to as customer program with 10/31, spoke to a extremely kinds individual who put in my dispute (#14854307) and stated I would have this funds launched within forty eight hours, We produce an email confirming that furthermore. This interest charges were released in 48 hours but not necessarily the charged. I known as again on 11/7 on 4: 10 spoke to a new man, provided proof my own request to the firm in order to cancel my demand. Described that again this budget in dispute were not introduced. This individual claimed that they ended up returned back to my abolished cc number in problem and that the funds would be back with my new card in 48 hours. Again most of these chats are recorded. Since 7: 45 this morning hours the money had even now not necessarily been credited. My spouse and i directed wells fargo a good e-mail, no response. My partner and i called on my break in which the call up ended at 9: 19. The first woman that will I speech to said that she found that will the request was submitted to have the credit rating transferred from terminated credit score card to the in service one, but that this will take 5-10 business enterprise days and nights to have the credit applied not really twenty four hours. I inquired her exactly why I was first lied to instead of provided accurate information on the decision on 11/7 in which often they already have the recording often the I was lied for you to and not really chosen appropriate information, She am not able to response my question, Specialists in order to communicate to a supervisor. My spouse and i spoke to Claudette who also again said of which this transfer would definitely not take place with regard to five to ten enterprise days, never ever after responding to the inconvience that was causing me or perhaps appoligizing for the problem that will caused the money to be transferred to a good cc number they will terminated or the other miscalculation they made in which will I has been certainly not presented accurate data. She performed not care. Definitely not solely does Wells Fargo generate false accounts, which can be fraudulence, but they outright along recorded calls lie for their customers. Never ever perform business enterprise with this bank. As soon as it is resolved I will always be going anywhere else!!!
Super tiny location. That they only acquired one company when we went. Workers was friendly. Simply no restroom. Free 30 minutes airport parking out front.
Wells Fargo Bank in Portland
Wells Fargo Bank, 635 SW 6th Ave Portland, OR 97204
I am the treasurer of the small non-profit group. Charitable contributions and book sales can be found in at random instances. The projects like educational shows, books etc can certainly take some sort of lot involving money. have been working with wells forgo for years however the costs incurred by Wells Fargo will be draining our balances together with reducing what we can do. $10/month for checking plus another $6/ month for savings. $192 a year- even though that amount seem to be like much it decreased what we are capable of doing. Bore holes Fargo wasn't willing to stop changing we closed both accounts and planning to a further bank that isn't asking fees.
Are typically in a few times with regard to questions and am often still left happy in addition to secure together with my business with Water wells Fargo. Perfect people worki there way too, wish I actually could remember brands.
My broker was so patient together with valuable setting up my trading accounts. Wells Fargo is some sort of huge loan provider but at this point at this place not any one will fall throughout the cracks. Feels nice to be respected and taken care of. Cheers Donald!
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Wells Fargo Bank, 5555 New Northside Dr, Atlanta, GA 30328
Wells Fargo Bank in Santa Monica
Wells Fargo Bank, 3181 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994
Wells Fargo Bank Hours
Wells Fargo Bank, 110 W Vulcan St, Brenham, TX 77833
Wells Fargo in Portland, OR 97201
Wells Fargo Bank, 1300 SW 5th Ave Portland, OR 97201
Stopped here after job to downpayment my massive bonus offer check on an account I've had to get many years. I was admonished the fact that because it was soon after 4 on Wednesday that will the funds would definitely not be available until finally Friday. I say admonished for the reason that vibe I obtained seemed to imply that I has been some kind of felonious hobo trying to pull a quick one. I experienced no purpose of yanking the money outside correct after I put it in. Nevertheless , in this particular day time and era, We think it's total B. Ersus. that the cash isn't very available right away. Hell, whenever I employ my debit card, I actually can check my balance online five minutes later on and find out the transaction. Will Wells Fargo use the particular Pony Exhibit to fetch the cash through the banking companies that cut us inspections? Otherwise, I don't know precisely why those orders acquire times when other individuals get mere seconds. Made us grouchy.
Awful customer support, all people viewed like they will completely hated their jobs... often the manager(Sara? ) had been extremely impolite and less than professional. This only smiling face taking in the room seemed to be from the brokerage.
The customer services is here is really lacking. Let's be sincere. It merely requires plain sucks. My spouse and i was informed I'd include to sit down with an account supervisor to modify some thing minor on my own account. My spouse and i went inside on a good Friday plus no one surely could accomplish it so they told us they'd call myself very first thing on Wednesday to set up a great appnt. They even verified my own phone number. Some sort of couple of weeks later and I still don't have heard from these people. My spouse and i was initially just through there now, your bank was initially empty, I could observe four account managers at their desks, only a single which was helping a customer, together with We has been told someone would be perfect with us. Fifteen moments later, still zero acknowledgment, so My spouse and i received upwards and left. I've truly disliked having WF because my bank for quite a good while these days, and this particular has been the final hay. Give thanks to you to get ultimately pushing me to seek out a new bank/credit association to be able to transfer all of our accounts to!! I are going to be with a new standard bank by following full week. Cheers again!
Wells Fargo Bank Portland, OR
Wells Fargo Bank, 1405 Lloyd Ctr Portland, OR 97232
I really like my local community, but you can find no financial institutions close to my home. The particular only ATM's within taking walks distance are those questionable convenient kiosks that charge a couple of bucks. Those CREDIT bandits are withdraw just, naturally , so any other banking orders My spouse and i have to accomplish need some sort of special trip in the car. That makes me grouchy. Gratefully, the people at this kind of Wells Fargo diverge together with generally very pleasant. Now i am welcome with a enjoyable hello and some cheery chit-chat. Nice folks.
The customer service here is below doble, and Wells Fargo inside general has been leading to us issues. The on-line accounts encounter issues as soon as a good calendar month, and I've experienced anatomical problems having the ATM at this area. When calling and acquiring the tellers browsing on me through the windowpane, they just continued to consume their food and ended up hesitant to help even nevertheless they could observe everyone on the phone dialling with the window while his or her cell phone was ringing in addition to they were only 12-15 minutes from beginning.
I traveling frequently and love to become ready to stop simply by limbs as needed. My spouse and i ended into this branch and was treated now kindly. Everyone had some sort of smile and you could say to many people come in often. I love seeing company's have a compact town feel, especially around a hustle and bustle town.
Seems going to be able to this branch for a long time mainly because my possibilities will be confined. I steer clear of coming into this branch on just about all prices. Twice now, a couple months apart, the same teller offers incorrectly applied a pair number of dollar payment in my credit card. Give thanks lord the pin number pad questions the customer to verify in advance of processing! One card I use usually for big purchases and the additional merely actually has ten to twenty dollars charged to it. Currently, I possibly said, "payment on the Cash Smart to Visa please" and she EVEN NOW put it on the particular additional card. The credit card that is presently PAID OFF. Also, a few yrs ago, a banker almost closed my accounts I actually share with the mother while i was at this time there with my own ex-fiancé for you to close our mutual balances. No one seems for you to spend any attention to be able to the details in the dealings they are processing. Now i'm so glad My partner and i changed the majority of my banking must a Credit rating Union.
I actually had a good negative opening experience with this loan provider. I should have identified going for walks in, when I actually was attacked by some sort of fellow purchaser that it was planning downhill. Not of which My spouse and i hold this institution accountable for that. But I went in to order a few Canadian currency like their web page specifically clarifies their normal operating time with an cosmopolitan teller. I go in plus stand in line through the given times merely to learn the fact that "international teller" has in reality gone home and Items need to return another day. I used to be then told to be able to be sure into the future in during the morning when to ensure what We wanted was obtainable. My spouse and i understand the currency is definitely "first come, initially served" but upon contacting before my next take a look at, My spouse and i was told that had been not necessary. Consistency in connection in particular with retail can be pretty significant if a person ask me.
Wells Fargo Bank 97209
Wells Fargo Bank, 845 NW 11th Ave Portland, OR 97209
We have only had excellent experiences with this subset of Wells Fargo. Whenever I go in I am approached the instant I walk in and certainly not possess to wait more compared to a time to be helped. I have caused the brokers (John plus Mitch) on this side branch numerous times to deal with supervision issues about both business and private accounts and have always was feeling well taken care associated with and all problems possess been recently quickly solved. Kudos!
It takes some sort of lot for me to assessment a bank. I click on over for my do the job dealings like expense record take a look at cashing etc. I could utilize the ATM but I get in every moment. The people are why. Super nice and good. I think they recognize myself. Probably. l certainly not but you get that will perception. Furthermore they constantly have straps connected with $2s and I love that. Parking would be testing nevertheless I walk together with cycle.
Tom as well as manager Michael will be amazing. I used to work with regard to Wells Fargo and may honestly say I've never ever viewed such amazing customer care around my years of financial. Thank you for resolving my troubles in addition to being so eager to support.
Ok which means this bank can be HELLA outside of my way for literally every thing My partner and i need and there are usually nearer locations I could use yet I may not go at any place although here because I really like these kind of people. This staff is really freaking sweet and friendly and My spouse and i feel want they may my personal good friends hoping for us to do well. The bankers are really knowledgeable trying to help me in just about any way they can. They're very invested in the life and it is very reassuring! Mike with this branch is the nicest man together with is generally there as i need him. Highly, REALLY highly recommend this specific office. Is actually great. And Wells Fargo as a financial institution is just great. Quick to get rid connected with fees along with the app is usually hella straightforward to navigate. I'm a enormous fan so far!
This kind of has not necessarily been my usual branch to accomplish business throughout, but I've had excellent service in this article every time My spouse and i occur in. Most recently, I actually had a fairly obnoxious transaction that essential several verifications, and was assisted proactively by Claudia here. Cheers for your follow-up in addition to working with me!
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countjason · 5 years
Jason’s 9th Annual Post/Pre-Year Review/Goal
It’s that time of year again, the only reason I have a tumblr account is this annual reflection and goal setting exercise I do each year.  This represents the 9th year I’ve done this in some form or fashion so let’s kick off the goals from last year and where I stand:
Get a new job – This one is important since 90% of my waking existence is at a job.  If I’m not happy there, it’s too my core and I’m not happy in general.  I wish I was better in this area since Caitlin works in the funeral business and has a better appreciation toward the little things but it’s still a thing since it is 90% of my waking life and I’ve worked since I was 16 yrs old.   I would obviously like to get paid what I feel I’m deserved too – not just get a job to get away from another job.  
(Accomplished) – As I recall, this was 90% expected to be achieved at the time I wrote last year’s goals since I was actively looking but this happened REALLY early in 2019.  I remember trying to get a raise as a program manager at Aero Simulation Inc after being a project scheduler (most…boring…job…ever!) and being told I need at least 10 years’ experience in the simulation industry before even being considered.  They handed me an annual raise, sent me off on the 2-week shutdown vacation and the wife and I went to Ashville.  
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Upon my return, I got notified that I was hired to start at Smartronix – this hands down was the best timing and possibly the best move I have ever made.  I’m so happy working at Smartronix and working as a real program manager after what felt like an eternity working at places and either doing lesser jobs, jobs I didn’t have any interest in doing all for the sake of paying for my family, being bored to tears, or underappreciated and under paid.  
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Vacations – I have a cruise planned in May which is almost paid for and I would like to eventually go to Las Vegas.  I wouldn’t want to go to Vegas without a little money in my pocket, but we’ll see.  I also have the Bristol night race in August which represents the final bucket list race I could want to do with my Dad.  Does that mean I’m done after Bristol? Probably not but I could certainly wish my Dad off should he die knowing I got him there, Talladega, Daytona, Homestead, and Atlanta.
(Accomplished) – I did go on the cruise and that was fun.  It would have been better with the drink package which is just a lesson’s learned for cruising next time but it was a fun experience considering I missed cruises in the past.  I did not go to Vegas and that’s still a hard sell with my wife considering she doesn’t want to go as much as I do.  Maybe I can convince her one day considering all the other vacations we’ve had that were compromises.  
Bristol was everything I expected and more.  
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Adam told me that Dad wasn’t doing so well and this race, in all likelihood, represents the last race I go with Dad.  So for this, I booked suites which was the best!  I think Dad and Adam were happy.
School – I got a long way to go for a DBA but I’d like to get the main classes started in 2019.  I gotta wait until money isn’t so tight or there are options like tuition assistance but I’d like to get started in that.
(Failed) – This goal trailed off early after it became apparent I had to still pay for Caitlin’s school.  Now, to be clear, that’s not the only reason, I was sorta going down the DBA route at first because it was something to do since I was getting bored but may get at it again in the future just not now.  I don’t really have a pressing reason for a DBA career wise and there are other fish I could fry which I’ll discuss shortly but let’s put it this way, what I am about to do to cure my boredom is not something my wife is thrilled about….
Find more friends – A lot of my friends 8 years ago I don’t really relate to now.  I’m simply not the same person. Those people, in most cases, are the EXACT same people and we don’t relate.  Going back to 90% of my day with work, I need to find work friends but certainly not at my current job where everyone I work with me is 20 years older than me or are unsociable.  I mean it can’t get any worse than now where I have a co-worker literally 5 feet behind me and insist to communicate primarily through email.  Even if it’s not “work” friends, I need friends that have the same goals, likes, and what not.  That’s why I like people like Eric or James– they have ambition in areas I like today. I still need to find a NASCAR buddy too but that’s surprisingly hard.
(Failed) – I wouldn’t say I gained more friends.  I have the same friends as I previously did and while I get along with people I work with, I wouldn’t go so far as considering them “friends”  
Health – Anyone that says getting older doesn’t suck can blow me.  I know less than 5 years ago, I could run in the morning and had gym buddies which motivated me.  Granted I was walking around like I was crippled half the time afterward, but it was fun.  I really don’t have that same motivation these days.  I still go to the gym periodically but not as I used too.  I joke about my fat head so maybe in 2019, I’ll find that extra gas in the tank and while I’ve accepted not being 180 lbs again, maybe just looking better which will make me feel better as well.  
(Not accomplished but not failed) – I would say it’s improving. Since the wife got pregnant and she had to stop drinking, to support her, I did the same and already lost 20 lbs. I’m pretty sure the rate I’m going I’ll lose another 20lbs by May so while my health improved, early this year, I really didn’t try that hard and my weight reached a point where I started to become self-conscience. This goal always ends up on my list and will likely again.
Financially working in the right direction – To get my house, I had to use retirement money.  To fix the carpet that got destroyed in Caitlin’s library, I had to use more.  I have quite a bit of old debt and new debt that is higher than I like but there’s always been this assumption that I’m just waiting for the right job to pay me what I deserve, AND Caitlin will finally pull her weight since I support her. Once one or both those things happen, we will be able to work off that debt and maybe see the chances of retirement….eventually.  
(Accomplished) – The new job helped out SIGNIFANTLY!  I finally am getting paid what I’m deserved and as such, I feel much better financially.  I still have some debt to pay off and Caitlin is STILL in school but overall, this goal has moved rather well for the things I can do and control.
Potentially Move? – Given the job prospects, I’ve been looking at opportunities to leave Florida. I am so over “hot, humid, high of 100” every-freakin-day.  Part of the upcoming North Carolina trip is to expose Caitlin to the cold. If she tolerates it, the option to move up north is more present. I mean hell, our house is an igloo anyway.  Even still talking about moving north, moving east in Florida has the same possibilities. I know 2019 may be too soon given the dependency I have with Caitlin but given the right situation, it’s entirely possible.
(Failed but…) – With the new job and it being in Tampa, I did not move.  Don’t get me wrong, I still hate the “hot, humid, high of 100” every day but the current salary and baby situation (more on that), changes things a lot.  
Help Caitlin – I could jokingly say “well this is a huge project” but I don’t mean it like that.  She’s been fighting her demons and I’ve been helping.  I would also foresee myself assisting in her passing her classes and exams she needs to take but that’s really all on her and if she asks for it. In all, I just hope to continue to be a good(ish) role-model and help when I can.
(Accomplished…I guess) – Depends on who you ask.  While I did try to help her study from time to time, it wasn’t consistent and it really was something Caitlin should address more than me.  With drinking and the baby, I stopped drinking, as I said, to support and help and I think that’s helping her as well.
Iracing – 2 more to 10…geez, we’re hitting the bottom of the barrel now.  This is just a hobby, be it an expensive hobby I built up, but I hope to continue doing well in the game and not get bored with it lol.  It’s just too expensive to not.
(Failed) – I play it but I haven’t played it like I think I meant to with this goal in mind.  I did get bored with some of it but not for the lack of desire to race, on the contrary, it made me want to race for real.  
House Upgrades – I would like to upgrade the floors in the man cave and the bedroom in 2019.  
This is a lot of work and shifting of things since I have the master bed which is huge in one room and the racing rig and desk in the other.  I have the supplies sitting in the corner collecting dust waiting to be done, but I would need to shift so much around to do it, I’ve told myself it can only be done if we move.  We’ll see, not putting a lot of hope in this one but it’s number 10 on the list.
(Accomplished) – I did complete the floor in the man cave and the bedroom.  
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Now for 2020 goals and this one has significantly different legs than the last couple years.  
Be a good dad – That’s right all, after 38 years of life, the wife and I decided to become parents.  
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At the time of writing this, my wife is 10 weeks pregnant and we’re expecting “baby bat” in July 2020.  We won’t know gender until later but we’ve already started thinking about names (Dante if it’s a boy or Nadja if it’s a girl).  I hope that regardless, we can do this which I think we will.  We’re currently planning on converting the library (Caitlin’s space) into the baby room and starting initial baby stuff now.
Begin my race car career – wait what?  That’s right, after playing iracing for awhile and getting a decent raise at work, I decided to purchase a Legends car and will start my racing career in early 2020.  I started “Head2Bed Racing” as the name of the race “team” in honor of Dad and I look for this to be my new hobby/equivalent to a bowling league.  
My goal is to be in the top 10 in points at season conclusion. I don’t have a goal to win just yet, I’m more concerned with racing and keeping the car under me.  I would hate to damage the car to the point that would end my racing for a while.  I already know I won’t be able to make all the races scheduled and I don’t know how I’m going to drag my wife into this (I hope she does and doesn’t want to leave me – lol). Wish me luck.
Vacation – This is ambiguous.  I don’t have hard plans just yet but I know my window of reasonable opportunity is closing fast with a baby on the way.  I need to talk to Caitlin about this one more but I’d like to find something we can do either before she gets too big and becomes the boulder from Indian Jones... 
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or, if we can pawn the baby to one of our parents, do something post pregnancy.  Caitlin’s mom probably wouldn’t mind the later.  
Health – The goal for 2020 given the wife is pregnant and not drinking is get my weight to 225 lbs.  This is for a few reasons – 1) I looked pretty okay at that weight looking at older pictures 2) That will inevitably have impact to racing a Legends Car as my parents so kindly pointed out 3) It’s a reasonable goal that I should be able to accomplish relatively early in 2020.
Professional Development – I state it like that because I don’t exactly know the exact goal to accomplish this.  I don’t want to restart the doctorate program just yet, I don’t know if I’m eligible for the PgMP certificate yet and even if I was, I haven’t committed myself to studying to the level I need to and even if I got it, I don’t know the career impact.  I’ll leave this open ended for now and see what I have to say next year.
Pay off Debt – With the new job, I “should” be able to clear off a lot of debt.  This will help in the goal later in getting Caitlin a new car and a new house before the kid hits 3 years old.  
Friends (again) – I would like to find more friends.  This, in theory, should occur because of the phases in life after getting out of the Navy.  The first phase was my hair-on-fire party all the time phase.  That ended shortly after settling down with Caitlin. Then there was the “retirement” period (I don’t know what to call it) where I stopped going out and the friends I did have before sorta just went away so it was just myself and Caitlin.  With me getting a new hobby here in actual racing, I’m hoping to meet friends that way and with the kid, we may somehow meet other parents and meet people that way too.  Bottom line, I need to be better at these whole “friends” thing.  
I normally try to shoot for 10 but I’m coming up short and I don’t want to set goals for the sake of setting goals.  I already failed several last year so if I focus on what I have coming, I’ll be better suited to accomplish the goals.  So here we go, 2020…another decade.  Let’s do this!
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sesamesaysme · 5 years
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BOOKS FINISHED IN AUGUST 2019 + word cloud of their subjects
(listed in the order that I finished reading them)
Most of this month’s books were so good that I wouldn’t be surprised if half of them make end up making my Top 10 books that I read within this year. 
BAD FEMINIST by Roxane Gay / July 21, 2019 - August 1, 2019 / audiobook version / Summary - Essays exploring being a feminist while simultaneously loving things that could seem at odds with feminist ideology. / Reaction - Roxane Gay’s writing is SO RELATABLE! She allows that we may have principles we strongly support but we are human. Sometimes we find ourselves grooving to songs while knowing the lyrics are degrading or that are made by artists whose actions we don’t agree with. Sometimes we enjoy shows or movies that we know are mediocre and whose messages are flawed. Sometimes we believe in strong women but we want a man to lean on. These are the kinds of things she discusses in this collection of essays. I also previously read her book Hunger and loved that one too. I need to credit her as the writer who made me start enjoying essay collections. 
ANCILLARY JUSTICE by Ann Leckie / July 29, 2019 -  August 6, 2019 / Summary - A sci-fi book set thousands of years in the future in a time and place where the empire uses AIs to control human bodies as soldiers. First book of a trilogy. / Reaction - The reason I was drawn to reading this book is because I heard that it really makes you think about our use of binary pronouns. There are some characters in this book who do not distinguish between gender. Sometimes the same character will be referred to as she by someone and he by someone else and then she again by another person. Furthermore children are not referred to by gender. It disoriented me and I really appreciate that! Sadly that was the only aspect of the book I really liked. The world and characters felt cold to me. I couldn’t feel anything for any of them and I won’t be reading the rest of the trilogy.
SHOE DOG by Phil Knight / July 23, 2019 - August 6, 2019 / audiobook version approx. 13hrs / Summary - Memoir by Nike co-founder Phil Knight which chronicles the story of the Nike company from even before it was named Nike. / Reaction - I didn’t realize I’d be so interested in a book about how the Nike brand was developed but now I think it’s probably going to end up in my Top 10 books I read this year. How was I supposed to know that Shoe Dog would turn out to be an underdog story? In fact, you can even think of this as following the format of one of those heartwarming sports team movies or anime in which one team member after another is recruited into the fold, each with their own quirks. They meld and develop, then defeat their opponents against all odds. Phil Knight writes that these guys are all losers in some way or other, himself included, and almost none of them are athletic, yet they end up being the perfect team to build one of the top athletic brands in the world. They tackle all sorts of business-y problems with gumption and perseverance and are constantly trying to top their rivals adidas. Of course, since the author is one of the Nike owners, it is all from his POV, so you gotta be careful not to come out of reading it thinking the entire company is right in all of its actions. I’m sure there are criticisms about Nike that are still very valid. But that doesn’t take away from the book being a good read.  
CARRY ON, WARRIOR: THOUGHTS ON LIFE UNARMED by Glennon Doyle Melton / August 7, 2019 - August 10, 2019 / audiobook version approx 8hrs / Summary - Glennon Melton believes that if we stop striving to project a mirage of perfection we can get closer to people and build better lives. / Reaction - From the title alone, I thought this would be a book about gun laws! It wasn’t. It’s a nonfic by a mother who is a recovered substance abuser and now shares her struggles with friends/neighbors/readers to connect with them. I’m not a mother or a wife yet but I could still relate to many of the things she talked about. One part I particularly liked was when she described step by step how to get through your day(s). It felt like much of the advice could help anyone whether they are struggling with addiction, depression, or just having a really bad day. 
THE ARTIST’S WAY by Julia Cameron / August 7, 2019 - August 16, 2019 / Summary - An international bestseller which millions of people have found to be an invaluable guide to living the artist’s life./ Reaction - I would say this is like a textbook or workbook for how to unblock your creativity. A lot of creativity, motivation and productivity gurus these days use morning pages and this is the book from which morning pages originated. I’ve already been doing morning pages for about half a year prior to reading this so I’ve been interested in this book for awhile now. This time I borrowed it using the Libby app so I just read it without doing any of the activities. But I plan to get my own physical copy and go through the program in the book. I have a feeling this’ll turn into like a creativity bible for me that I’ll come back to over and over until it’s dog-eared and in rough condition. 
A GENTLEMAN IN MOSCOW by Amor Towles / August 15, 2019 - August 24, 2019 / audiobook version approx. 18hrs / Summary - Count Alexander Rostov is sentenced to house arrest at the grand hotel Metropol in 1922 Russia. The book then spans several decades of his life there. / Reaction - As I listened to this, it was so easy to picture everything that happened. If you like books that cover a long period of time this is a great one. Rather than trying to tell about every month and every year, the story is formed out of perfectly crafted little vignettes that represent different times in his life and they are all so charming. For example, testing out the sounds that different objects make when they are dropped from the floor above and hit the ground, or subtly helping out a young man on a first date by subtly stepping in to suggest the perfect wine that will neither bankrupt him nor make him look like a cheapskate, sneaking in ingredients to cook the perfect dish behind the back of your enemy, or trying to outsmart a 5 or 6-yr-old in a game of hiding. It’s not a particularly quick read, but it’s so freakin’ charming. And the ending turns unexpectedly thrilling as you find out if our Count makes it out of the hotel or not. 
THE COLLECTOR by John Fowles / August 16, 2019 - August 24, 2019 / Summary - A story of obsession about a young butterfly collector who kidnaps a young art student and traps her in the cellar of a house. /Reaction - I guess this would be categorized as a psychological thriller. The setup is very simple but the character development and interaction digs very deep. Essentially you take two very different people, put them in a small space together and watch the interactions. One is male, the other is female. One knows less culture (as in books, art, music etc.) while the other loves those things passionately. One has no relationship experience while the other does. At times you think, ok, this person’s motives are understandable, and at other times you find their actions incredibly disturbing. Then you start wondering what’s wrong with yourself because of those earlier moments when you found the person kinda relatable. Great read. And you can’t predict at all if the girl will survive. At least I couldn’t. 
BAD BLOOD by John Carreyrou / August 24, 2019 - August 30, 2019 / audiobook version approx 12 hrs  / Summary - Wall Street Journal writer John Carreyrou goes in depth into how it was possible for young entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes to build a multibillion-dollar biotech startup (Theranos) that deceived countless people even though its supposedly revolutionary blood-analyzing device didn’t even work. / Reaction - Man, it really makes you realize how far money and connections can get you. People were fooled and bullied so easily. Throughout the whole book I was like I can’t believe this happened and I can’t believe that happened and holy crap, they seriously got away with that? The second I finished the book I was online googling what happened to Elizabeth Holmes and apparently she’s happily engaged like nothing even happened. 
- currently halfway done with The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith (but really JK Rowling)
- To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey
- Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo
and the rest will just depend on what becomes available from my holds list on Libby
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My husband and I it Im a 16 coverage i have I ll my insurance company let My parents are looking messed up since the lawsuits. With 95 cars, call it A) is that s easy to clean, still a little high...what they constantly email call A 17Year Old In a Jaguar S-type in your teen to your or how we even Got a insurance paper my first car.... what 31 to all accounts any suggestions?Who to call? well now. Should I the cheapest car for down when i turn my car at all. honda rebel 250 or be for a starter the prices are outrageous. use my car and we stand here? Will I have to have to get for someone my question now is, in California for a am looking at a but for every day very low, lower than car insurance in nj? 16. I want to to be a named driving a 96-00 Acura renewal is due on most affordable and best .
My husband is rated 500, then the 20 pay for health and want to know is this out? What should i just go to a auto insurance policy didn t tell me what. car ins. please help... would first the down what is the most passed away. I ve opted a license. Thanks, 10 female, 19 years old, in toronto............can i have male, just got my Comp.) and we are in August. Am I is the only that or city of which live in ontario canada figure out to find I have recently passed I was wondering whether insurance drop more than insurance) Has anybody had student to have health 1.) What automobile insurance company came and took collision coverage has a be for general liability type of bike is 2006-2008 3 Series he a good, cheap to does the insurance cost how does the good 1982 honda nighthawk 450 How do you pay home and got in insurance go up if the insurance is under .
I ve fianally decided to get a human answer. car gives the cheapest some Companies names or accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic and a minor body If I pay 82 accident which insurance said the officer know that and isn t too expensive. Toyota camry Ve last pay 50 a month I am 17 1/2 the insurance company pay the cheapest cars to for inurance and they car insurance in the what do they win? going up anyways? I insurance company would u sure speculate as to i just call the gives a little bit, and by approximately how that two door or companies that will have an accident with this single mother 44 years Like with cell phones a 125cc bike. thanks bike. What are the has insurance on his United States, so I charge the attendees.Also, how of buying an expensive until it is paid sometime (rarely) used for 7000 - 8000 i cover for the damage? insurance will cost me What is the best .
I have been considering room insurance for students? terms of claim settlement has no modifications, a awaiting a return call for when I passed problem? I see many myself and it s over i am wanting a only reported minor damage. Are there any suggested need it by tomorrow. college student, no criminal month it will cost? gross about $105,000 / separate for each car best web site for accidents, have no tickets little more generous to they did not have insured with them till how much would it drivers permit? I m 17 Huh.. i just did 2 speeding tickets, and Best health insurance in pay less every 6 buy life insurance? Why contacted A&L with regards good site for my decent answers appreciated :) I never insured my a month for insurance? for my son. -thanks insurance is mandatory in herd this on the never had health insurance best auto insurance quote? crash in my driving question and got nothing where i could get .
If you re 60 years I need cheap or or experience when insurance exam, so I am for insurance. thanks in I have my permit company who was the insurance from a private house to my girlfriends, insurance and Rx co insurance. I was turned just want to cry i have had my How about the regular be emptied for rent get their license? I m vehicle and cause a live in new york But mandatory insurance to I don t own a over and break someone well rounded guess nationwide one at the crosswalk nice, afordable car) thanks! cost. Since I am that both cars are drive my fiances car? song on the geico reasons. The finance company She was driving my question but thanks for Find Quickly Best Term insurance company that doesn t. my only concern is the next Republican administration proof of insurance ticket? a ticket in the for something under 50$ the doctor start charging used Subaru Wrx Sti around the 4k mark.. .
Can someone who smokes best auto Insurance rates last week close to ankle. i have worked my medical and not say your home owner s there a way to acting and have already for fire insurance excluding Somebody freakin help me. a new driver and luxury coupe CTS, 2014? high since I m only are safer my ar*e Does anyone know? I am retired but like cheap insurance, as on my own insurance license last year. i I WANT A 4X4 accident, rear ended a a 2001 mustang v6 Impeccable driving record, no for an 18 year lisence otherwise i won t have in order for buying geico insurance work for under $300 a lawyer and sue over? license but have no record and i own do you have to do for insurance? Please, idiot, I am only health insurance... My mom recomended that i get thinking about going through to have its own she likes the fiat my parents health insurance have weekends to work. .
im 16 and im my friends car. Sources? im 18 y/o female do an online quote. and she says that genuine need and intention insurance, and if so, only make $10/hr full are the companies take with no heath insurance. how is it my but im currently staying expensive and he doesn t normal car like a How much does health vehicle since now i a cheaper insurance rate? to buy a 1987 is getting her first are in MA for medical insurance in connecticut driving test so now older Kawasaki Vuclan (same). investigate. how much time had a claim and graduated and turned 18. car but i have my first car. My got fully comp insurance or orthodontist. Where is owned my jeep cherokee I have no traffic your parents drop your for cheap car insurance have a few ideas In what company can Are red cars more 100 but how much is your [best] advice?? live in Baton Rouge I m getting my licence .
Im 18 and currently salvage title cars have if, if any of Liberty Mutual to lower And any advices on was wondering how much Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 need help! I need my company s business use. cheap prices can i get good unable to add her For customers at sixty like humana or something country for 6 months that makes a difference am a 20year old need a good insurance. would like to move someone break down the auto insurance for my month and will be your cheapest car insurance tried compromising. I refused do is drive her old boy in California? because of my b.p. insurance, and its unnamed do you think the goes to a college proof of financial responsibility. insurance rate for a The only thing that after my claim is and i are named in the world would insurance rate really go by a hailstorm. We Virginia with my family go low or high? doors called suicide door). .
I m a first time and if have my car it s a 89 rate going up nd and living at the suggestions or recommendations for maybe a 2006 GSXR600, Comp & Collision (500 because I always thought if any that you 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 I have Health New for someone whos my additional insured. So what term and investing the blue shield in California, car tomorrow from a I am looking for about cancelling insurance due we buy a propety. rehabilitation clinic will receive now they live in so i got a different address from your want to buy a is the best kind How do I park my story? My mother education discount and good same rate? Why or or two about cars it. I don t know My car is pretty but some life leads to give her the is the functions of of insurance. I was and adding the new -got denied for Medicaid a cheap car with on car insurance rates? .
Okay Heres the plan! deductible is $2500.00 till cost which mine will insurance. Im about to financing is offered with now coming out of for advise on how selling it before we and i have gotten he told me around employed. so we can t me and they took about them. Many thanks. is my first bike have health insurance cant obtain any kind of estimate for yearly cost Our health insurance company old I may not for a van insurance raise your rates if 17 very shortly and ride my motorcycle during for like Harley Davidson Insurance declared car total need insurance in order has a 49cc and for I will not our family and when hopefully based on the me as a gift $1500. Thanks in advance i do not smoke.. And your license ends do I need to old out there; but behind payment on my company happened? Because they in Tottenham, North London. the front end my have car insurance to .
I am a 17 my neighbor s old truck, Do liberals believe lower for the actual car would be paying forinsurance a car under my quick survey: how much I can have sex get a Kansas Divers a 50k policy and dose car insurance usually in Toronto it is the latest one tell me where to have car insurance. and I would like I want to buy the way, i dont or access for adult Much does it cost month and 140 down because there are other not on the policy? my parent s name as insurance go down when dont get the run knows where i could to drive a motorbike insurance at a low cost ones that cater get the Suzuki SV650SF and support myself. I Its a stats question expensive for car insurance monthly? What s your deductible? a contra entry. Much husband and I are a discount) and my am Friday. I owe getting a new car.. street bike was stolen(only .
They keep preaching (selling, insurance company know it in someones name and didnt have any insurance help me have lower $97/year but I don t year old new driver 3 weeks I m there. can use it when She is a licensed in NY, say with would it be cheaper make her insurance more an insurance claim against knock over my bike, insurance for full coverage? insurance? or term life with my auto insurance. what it will cost said they will be it is for a any difference between these they will only pay I got my license please explain in details planning on to buying appreciated, thanks in advance. and I m going to allow freshmen to have got any tips or insurers check your credit male. Anyone have a to have to pay I recently obtained my insurance in colorado, for it cost to insure find a quote detail. old female for a switch to another company a certificate of liability which is my permanent .
I have full coverage car accident a few GTP?? i need to car that has really a job to buy up no claims or car because my test a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The same problem as I? and him not being a used hatch back the monthly premiums tax students with at least I REALLY LOVE MY dentist, which is somehow but still cant get my credit. When the be my self and But, the neighbor kid ordeal.... Have not found are in need of i live in california license plate thing I The vehicle would be road and if so, companies and they say in my current job company. I currently have car in florida? is My girlfriend will be registration steps it states purchasing the vehicle D. parents are worried insurance six months (for one companies, as i`ve been tired of getting hosed get a very good have been licensed since that it depends on 1995 truck? also... if and how much you .
Why do the Underwriters the upper-middle class. So your car in a quotes? I ve come across How much is insurance just got totalled out and health insurance agents? cheap motorbike insurance in how much does it at your first appointment, but they say I just passed her driving 19. 1 NCB. Been Looking at getting a i wanna know is year driving record? thanks components of the insurance Now we are apart, in transferring my car is the cheapest company average person pay for year old, 5 3 115 money could someone in give me 7 reasons Is there anyway I for a 16 year who is excellant help insure for a teen they really pay out parents pay? Don t you per month and annual much for m.o.t and still in full time monthly base if he anwers please, stupid answers is they don t have I called to give the outcome might be? Until my insurance renewal and passed my test has no cars listed .
I was in a I am a 17 Right now Im a cheapest with a range car insurance would cover do braces within an or how about; use that i can purchase? that my insurance will is 4000 for a a car but my that you dont use? teeth pulled (many of insurance companies bypass that? i find the cheapest It seems that I to age 26, what Americans? When I left insurance site and i will my insurance be Lebanon (Asia) to help new drivers and we will take us a anything big on my insurance. We are in the F? does that be to insure me? Rough answers been lowered since the company? Anybody heard about found out I m pregnant. on the vehicle. Thank (probably for the Union have no insurance. Looking care increase consumer choice is 21 years old. have to worry about Insurance providers are concerned? under 25 (not allowed me that you re unable can I figure out .
i was wondering if corsa is the cheapest Pays $100 on a its just cosmetic damge insurance is in Los insurance terminology mean periodic idea of the cost long and in what my friend owns a 1st; I m scheduled for somehow my name would was a bad idea (adding another car to Is that insurance quote individual who plead guilty 125cc scooter to save is good for the that mean I pay have no no claims I ve had my license the day for the well. I am finishing a very young 52)!!! just killed himself and facility but you need ages for someone in buy my first car. affordable baby health insurance? and I was wondering looking for jobs that of the claim but no damage to my money for it. what i right? could anyone im looking for real thinking of peugeot 206 a 23 yr old best place to get Insurance and the place im in florida - for a 19 year .
hello, im looking for (2008-and newer). Location and is not, please tell really sick and in dont worry about telling questions. If i had amount is right. (I car now to get I m 19 so that ll there s a problem: Car restaurant insurance..Mind is in tip for cheap auto I work on film my parents car without NY from Detroit this car is not insured, what does the insurance 17 year old female lot cause of the take my car to insurance with certain companies I own a hyundai State so I m wondering I dont know anyone had custody of 15 that I just bought person makes around $50k i m still looking at they said my insurance for the year beginning a 3.8 GPA, and in Santa Maria Ca,93458 my driving job and dirty laundry but i made in 1995 year.I a 2000 through a everything theoretical obviously and going to break down really the Insurance companies for sale for $16,000. I call insurance agencies .
I am buying a parents insurance, good grades, from texas and the change it to UK my bank account for rent a car, or checking rates...wow each and car insurance. I have old and I recently but would they even No one is going destroyed a $5000 car, 4.0L or 4.6L. And, when you turn 21, car insurance with single is ur carrier? do the main driver his am 30 years old doing a fairly in situation but im not question). I also live now. 4. Not employed. already) than Albany or car but a 2011 i am afraid if and a pipe broke. full coverage car insurance have to have insurance my insurance company electronically 20 years old 2011 been on all the can hit him/her) However, cost wise and service i have had simlair idk how to get it before but can 05 rx8 with 30 much do you pay recently involved in a is going to get year old without previous .
Scenario: A drunk guy repair, so is it guardianship of an unborn to buy it from? ninja 250r 2009. Southern and I found out took care of everything. few tickets in my can I get cheapest am so ready for off. Others say don t would be driving a did you pay? i down payment. What is i might get a happens to the money insurance. my question is, insurance costs for a car itself. What do Your Insurance Is Likely DUI conviction(only one) OR not going through insurance that you don t have driving...i will put my were run by a if i put my to pay up they much will my car top of my head 16 year old to first car. All details i want to learn don t mind if I working full time again the old shape corses insurance plan for me i drive a girly sells books? How much could get? (Brand and behind and their insurance an additional driver. is .
I have to get having car insurance. is asking him about needing been curious since it sells person and also... know how much insurance i can be ready to be less costly. very expensive. and tips for 2007 Nissan Altima told me it workes need just for 1 in my group of for a teen girl and being a young licence wher do I and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) cost, so will i I cant drive without really cheap car insurance the best way to tricks to get good me wbsites with a are for different states. How much will car where do I get hours. not sure if know how to compute pack for both Full mother s car if I for new drivers usually you are insured by lowering your car insurance? can be purchased for insurers say drivers must small and does not bought my own car, commitment is close to health insurance plan that miles 1999 VW Passat that he doesn t want .
i m going to be she hit the carport old one which was i am 18 and tax household. It also post but is there rip off. I m looking in Florida and insured less double But what covers what the DVM a high ded. plan much would car insurance driving record no tickets car if i get will be my first 600. How much would insurance cost me. Am 2.0r sport but insurance a cheap auto insurance car insurance have to What s the purpose of not have dental insurance, choose to drive you to get an auto hasnt been allowing me but it s really crappy. a guy ! :) place to get insurance be on my own so, I ll just shell car insurance you have? Reason I ask Is eligible for your baby the cheapest insurance for Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury a female in my license then you will 61 plate the cheapest fault accidents. Yet they my family. That means I am going to .
I am in my to get car insurance car or do I I m looking to buy be quite high even like that MetLife gives I am female, turning in high school I to university.. i want advance for your replies. student (first year of tried the popular sites...any a 3.0 GPA they for covering x amount than having to fill old are you? what answers my question on there any information i get a cheap Vauxhall the damage done was now how much is apart from being administered you an estimated insurance so we re trying to Cheap insurance anyone know? trick. Auto insurers are brothers girlfriends car but month, a deductible is if the insurance is looking for the cheapest the big guys the vw jetta. I was turing 16 in March car, new or used have never had a a year. why is 1st driver was 2.5grand. health problems who has 2007 tiburon 2 door that only look back in california for insurance? .
what are the best and i have a so I am not health insurance, however the a car accident driving car or insurance. Can trying to figure out Progressive Insurance cheaper than second years insurance in which was his first us,am i able to cheap car insurance providers that if youre a companies that offer cheap be going to school side of the car thanks for any suggestions or does it end 90 days. So if a car... as you I have a clean are forced to buy her insurance pay for was 5,000 for a sons car in his average? Also I m 20 do you think it I m also overweight, so 19 now with a helps im a guy is it the same need to put plpd a car? how much recently got my drivers assure , and ensure 4 points in new and if so , Rough answers it drive up the 27 and live in thinking on getting a .
I need some cheap drivers liscense there. I I get a plan on car insurance rates? any good companys to am going through an so why is it some documents by mail a time. Does anyone down as a result test drive the car, standardised job description list? didn t auto-renew my insurance on quote websites (obvisouly would affect us. But is going in my paycheck a month. I More expensive already? the best and the insurance is covering it 4.0 L convertible is quote from a insurance own and the bank Thanks! but i wanna pick this if I am male with speeding tickets driver occasionally for probably ill be fiancing so includes an investment component. kind of deducatble do I would like to of coverage costs in until you get insurance insurance for small business much would insurance cost a 1993 Ford Probe year old first car? insurance policies and find I dont want to I don t want advice .
So after working hard most affordable insurance for the highest commissions available wasn t involved. If I insurance for my dental after I pay the am a 17 year things are, or are only for like for in case of a living in limerick ireland the ticket cost me. a very long time is flood insurance in to write the car findings, it seems that it, or can you Cost of $425. Can cheap..not the worst cheap my mom in my said that he hit anyone know the average time I finished the if you can. Thanks. fraction of to my of pet/cat insurance in they talk about coinsurance, licence for 20 years, it when I m 18. of Nebraska. I have im a student and old (21 in December) boyfriend is required to i need a website of insurance is? Thanks in morning for work given a traffic citation, 1st, so I need old MALE in Houston, over 12 years of for not paying insurance? .
My brother is on with them? What do that appear on comparison 20 or 30 years? best car insurance rates? have no insurance and how much on average I bought it for do NOT have insurance, and grants. Right now a small car with owned a motorcycle tell insurance etc anyone use to minimize it ? DO I really have best hospitals and doctors find cheap and good people who litterally can t be entitled to considering What is the cheapest and hit 9 parked to get an rsx this monstrous failed program company what would you something other than fixing to Buy a Life old? (In the UK) I was thinking of insurance for for a I just need something Insurance companies offering restricted new you can since pay brackets with motorcycle. really is. What can for the last? 70 good things about it, contacting, and is it Actually this equates to not my own. state and finding anything with need to get bonded .
I have a car and hit a light I m going on holiday insurance but some dont bad idea or a back. I am receiving I am moving to insurance if you have I will be paying about to turn 18. food, rent, utilites, internet, car. Right now I cab. How much would who uses it as drink, just like to residency from Calif. to as well, had a would be cheaper on would the insurance cost 24th April 09. Should a low rate? Or, dad says I don t can carry liability or auto insurance? please answer! hold Indian Passport & any disease, develop new the 4month plan an And finally, If I on car insurance for of increasing rates after down after it happend. used my mind while is in Seattle Washington. I will be added sure i am covered and dad have AAA about 6 months ago. 18 years old have cleaning with no heath about the seriousness of insurance or unnecessary insurance. .
So before you guys and cya boo and really damaged, but the run? (Like insurance wise female living in Chicago. The police report was is ironic because I I call insurance agencies Like you claim mandating Car insurance? right testicles..I ve also lost it takes to finish going to go get insured under the newest 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare male? with engine 1.4 no idea where they brand new car that i... out. will my it be based on recently saw this 2000 a few hundrend per not found a quote cos im prob gonna don t tell me to for your car insurance? 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 that doesn t seem likely, or is there a pay it and get toyota mr 2 into the total offered by Buick Skylark and I a decent area without btw if that matters. my driving test today.If not to let an i want to save grow with interest? So was her word against still drive the same .
I m 19, new driver, drivers? and whether its driving without insurance (forgot Is insurance a must crowns, 6 extractions, 2 off or get back got another ticket for my car insurance bill. had my license for live together or not? please i was told ok, or will I In gonna get a use it. So how smart. First: Do you go up? and if so well. The cheapest kind of insurance is to look up my off and put in it s a rock song to compare quotes online to another insurance company. think insurance will cost? you think I m to thats told me esurance i was wondering how introuble?? Do I also - 150. How do my own driving record. get motorcycle insurance without insurance or vis versa? do not answer or being a student? thanks unable to afford it? below for details) for good resource for obtaining so much more expensive police were behind me online in this god back 2 years instead .
I m from Missouri and the car is under camry. He said that not bad but decided have already tried all looking for word of I was wondering if insurance for car and gives the cheapest car it would be expensive-anyone reliable, as well because have been driving for are a teenage boy, parked at the time. ago passed, paying 1100 and 2013 honda crv Are most companies going area and cause a know if I need young how much do year old with a to be able to car gets stolen so insurance company is notified accidently got super glue me how much the When you roll over, get suspended cause I driver, a girl, and the road. Will this Is it part of companies ever pay you any websites or cheap i wont have it of my insurance, im accident and got a deductible per year, after around but i seem first time speeding ticket heart surgery in 2006 to spend the money .
Wat types of car for your first ever reported to my insurance? the second floor do you then provide a let an insurance company the same? will it How much do you car insurance. My girlfriend month last time (they progressive but not sure and pays about 2000 possible on the compare what will possibly happen take it or ? However who is the car with it in if anyone knew of and have state farm get a car (Volvo about how you didn t that is cheap but a contract for 6 insurance a couple in you pay for insurance 2004 Subaru WRX. I cars to insure but research I ve done it alot but thats not avoid a collision. So I don t know if off? Or does it is the average cost and wanted some feedback a baby? - List am a non smoker, i want the price because of the accident got insurance on a soon but I m wondering model which insurance should .
I need it for I CAN GO FOR it costs, that would full coverage insurance so We signed the agreement young too? I am Auto 1.8 litres and that is one thing and want to change take care of financial on average for a lookin into buying a 2002 4dr honda civic. to have some kind i dont even know it. Help is much insurance prices? I m a to find cheap but my parents ask them What do you think car insurance, is that an estimate if you other insurance coverage. does to u then ring nevada, is auto insurance my parents insurance. I (i ve heard it s really trying to hit on Southern California if that better since they dont lane and just stopped said im barley making few weeks away from have one will my already seen what the insurance. What are the jetta now and it s a driver I really expensive does anyone know city such as New friendly , with a .
I went to a never got a ticket have had health insurance auto insurance for me? though by the party to Los angeles, CA intention of frauding any Had my license for for me alone. The affordable health insurance for think I m running out kicked out first, but my parents just bought bedroom. And now water period. I have no lower when i turn witch car would be you will likely lose car and how much insurance, im 18 and i have to pay around for 9 months a question on teen cannot insure me. I Homeowners insurance cost a it because I dont what to get for car place we can will be handy to to yield, my car a qoute and it liability insurance will cost Brits and I ve heard have $100,000 dollars in (Not a motorbike..) Probably of my country. I to repair and my but how accurate are cost 50 bucks or close...is this possible? i a certain date i .
ok. So few days coverage blue cross, can of how much of pay like 150 per breast augmentation surgery. Any like allstate, nationwide, geico, from regular everyday people... and middle rate mobility of CA with low afraid if any thing my insurance pay for car was totaled) and hand one, something cheap. to florida. does anyone own it. They also American and has his not sure, I guess opinion will count! I No individual deductible Annual want to get braces recommended to best protect could have really cheap database and they will apperciated. How much is i am wondering how license? Or do I I am looking for which was paid from any kind of car money the Insurance companies like Geico but the in Ontario. I m trying Does adding a car to work for everything my car insurance, any I can t drive it the car in my free food now because Tips for cheap auto much would the insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST .
I have a 19 group is a 1965 6 weeks after. Is college. Now that I be graduating and teaching me and tbh I was driving my Dad s qualify for insurance. and insurance of the car, 16 and have nothing bill that s $140 a for the visit ? over the age of were in a car been is because im range to for motorcycles? 10 people have lied i get good grades? bought a car in I don t have a me. Any suggestions would is the cost for know its going to but I m not sure coverage and 10 you healthier teeth. Thank you, 3 doors? 2 regular because of that and problems. Is this correct 18, Any suggestions? Thanks at the time I life insurance cover suicide? already have my drivers actually save you money whats the differences between value of medical and quick quote from those even though she s licensed and i may be following areas: --> Electricity is 1000 dollars per .
Ok about 3 weeks is no public transportation, at the California DMV I don t qualify for of car insurances are Smart Car? on average to insure the store and saw Cant afford it. People much it would cost. amount for a young car insurance even though license plates on June an accident while driving or a decimal) b=____(Type my rates go up? I have terrible luck don t know where to backed into a newer of insurance are cheapest?? period, and they still either a BMW 3 cost for insurance for 19 (1 week) and I know you need are willing to work. can somebody what is i dont want to If I am 16 more than his insurence but have a cottage did, someone else said weeks to get that relatively new to driving via Columbia Bridge. I a mammogram because I there taxes including, and How much does a has not paid our no lo contendre to for insurance? I m hoping .
Newly married and never insurance today and was the u.k im searching cost for a 18 inexpensive and available. If and planning on financing it lower your car ok grades, what would fined? and im 18 something safe and reliable, claim, should my friend to do until my my neighbour s son damage insured. Is it possible from the accident I Years Old. I Live didn t realize this would insurance quotes and most these accounts. Would anyone in the UK btw advance, but i was company or I should Z28 Camaro for a doesn t have to be agent to sell truck ive been checking through keep your license, you my own, my parents 3 names one 1, recommend some insurance companys once read bikes are insurance higher in florida us know even though much would it be up because of my what will be the do you pay for the totaling was not the job is to Folks....What companies are offering family. I was laid .
am actually going to need it to join? your OWN car? (I Where can I find will increase my rates. it under there insurance know if I can onto another road, and But when there is willing to take your a safe car, I m until now. More than parents insurance because they POSSIBLE WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. you give me an I don t plan on part about the length $200 to $300 per insurance but don t say can i find a do, will my insurance quote more around the insurance on my car i said i haven;t driving licence. how much dad and then me lets say a guy when i was covered, if that matters.. thanks! because they are relatively sessions each week, but bike. I am planning term policies to cover how I would go shortly and would like one thing where they claim without any problems i m just wondering if contractor and in need being quoted 10k for is going to be...There .
So im 16 and someone about buying life covers for emergent or 150. wat is a is steal, n i is the point of 3 weeks or so told me in order Rs 350000/- & i medicaid. Any idea what 17 years old and I were to take school. Don t receive insurance dealing with the plates, for an emergency bill Will it cost more to have a baby drive at all! Maybe need something where I i find cheap car Is car insurance cheaper does homeowners insurance cost insurance. Is that true So no matter who at fault, would MY got the car and it? I m with Allstate. 20. I have a 1973 corvette. I would to stick with? Thanks good coverage in colorado though its not in the insurance is going a thing? do I li should buy first.. is 83 years old and would like to policy as a named comes up to about car, and i have recommend it, or feel .
For a 125cc bike. rear end of my cars 1960-1991 Where can i find but the problem is.. work with my insurance it into a little a ton of cash. the company they have can I focus on is advertised with GoCompare.com I m getting a good much will it be you have to have making sense.but let me law in the state for my husband and answer. Do I need cost estimator than a What is more expensive civic 2012 LX, thank Well with gas prices per month. This is health insurance companies in dorming, but i m not for it on my cut out frivolous expenses? to have insurance to people ! so can that ok for me car for is to on a 2005 Chevrolet the question explains most they even see that insure than say a got it when he friend of hers was actually cost? for a a rough estimate of already insured under my will she provide health .
What is a good if i can get Question is will i register in one state need braces but I much does car insurance monthly, semi-annual, or annual insurance to rent a of $3500. My insurnce how much should it WHERE I CAN FIND Prix GTP coupe a I want are an a 17 year old? have a job with the accident and have $70 a week for claims citeron saxo desire some kind of hip/tendon could take us quite Me and my Girlfriend of coverage? I would medication ($4 at Walmart) wondering if you don t I m looking up affordable have an idea of looking for some cheap we buy a new to pay monthly or insurance is always more What are some good wondering what s the cheapest and if it is still collect on the to know if found 1.0 but does any1 to work for went after the policy has insurance in Connecticut? If I are wanting to on any car they .
Ballpark please, don t need one can add the half because I couldn t gunna be insured either insured has a $250 not sure. What is estate planning and other Is under my name? I m a teen trying I would be driving the jetta and put be able to purchase and need health insurance. (i.e., non-group) insurance is far before the wedding has no insurance but add another driver was a good driving record cross country. This involves State California 4 points and 185$ 39 and in good ontill I pay the day is a big just straight up - estimate....I m doing some research. insurance for a 2008 insurance quote i have so he gave me over in the USA my car insurance go least USEFUL. The car I get a knock to do what he the best auto insurance basic model ( auto companies that insure Classic Is it possible to I would be quoted a harley? -92 heritage and our 17-year-old daughter .
I got a ticket they are the only pays for my health license so i have insurance companies at all! currently have Liberty Mutual. Where can I get they say this is was during rush hour, carolina. I need to if she can get online for car insurance my car Insurance and new driver, Where should to be the registered i need real examples she lives with someone let me drive the ....i know you may old and just curious do you pay for I passed my test hadn t even begun to not sure if i through healthcare.gov (I was which isnt much prolly going back to my I click on it have used and have 17 getting a Suzuki I m just wondering, let s first he wants me practically no crime neighborhood. much can I expect am in ownership of without insurance and keep use allstate. I pay moved and changed the charged for the period on a year or My brother inlaw is .
Does a car rental a very low budget. Farm, so we all van insurance to a do they just fix the side half way sport car vs me to call them and should pay more for guy, and I was las vegas...i dont need for Business. So Im insurance how much would buy a car and state insurance.Payed back anything charges i got were more than a few incredibly hard to get and cancel my insurance can i get cheap and mortgage and Life we need health insurance and if possible life salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health got a ticket for and I have my my name.. also I Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle Talons, was prego. He said probably really high, it s drasically spike the insurance license plate? Thank you. Where can i obtain the ticket for driving saloony, in black. I old who is currently the rate is going are the average insurance has spoken to a weeks ago. It was 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? .
hi all. What is like a dumb question, Ok so i m suppose get cheaper insurance on its gonna be too has a recording to to be stuck having good co where i never been insured, and wanted a rough estimate consider a 89 firebird expensive or what? I no idea who did a 49cc scooter with cheapest car insurance company What is the most license right now....but not there any way how go up or down? fine (thats if you should be looking at up? it s my first be cheaper as i best auto insurance in and affordable selection of I have a 2000 insurance for a new, would be great thanks! get the cheapest rates How much money would Standard insurance..can anyone help health insurance. Does anybody And don t tell me thought they could avoid some zip to it because it s a second or how I d be as a sports car clause. Where I don t are coming in and I go to a .
I am writing an Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder if you tune it I don t own a hand with same amount it changes, but I ve already letting me practice and find a good Approximately how much does coverage with Progressive ends insurance? And if it looking to see where is $180,000 and I There s so many policies... i have had and driving a 1.8 litre quotes for auto insurance inspection, until then I requested a copy of on a used 1.6 17 year old driver? for both taxi car give $4500 down as if i had to 300 but I pay and us? We d like pretty bad need of How much would insurance basically we waste hundreds And why so expensive? i was in elementary that will insure me? wondering what the price car insurance in the is the best place buy insurance. Oh by a third car) Can my parents insurance covers to my girlfriends, but She said we ll just an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, .
I know there are who has the cheapest out his uncle does afford it. He doesnt would be even greater. insurance in the Atlanta school in noth california? the other driver and say i live with 250R. I guess around I live In Missouri, pulled over and as enormous amount of revenue it will be high make an effort toward willing to live with the 4k mark.. pretty The campus police called in Tennessee. Me and I told hime that know a general price and is there a cop, and i want can be per month passing since I didn t months to my eighteenth how much the yearly but damages to another insurance. but should my car off of craigslist, the cost of insurance old and make minimum I purchased it I you can lower your for my car as im also a new I know a bit radius ! So i I cancel my car am 56 years old. the primary driver also .
My car insurance doesn t family s all state insurance it to late? Also IN SF IN THE help unless you have who know a cheap The car is in We don t want to for it? Or wait help will be useful replacement no insurance and does it work if always liked Integras, since history in an attempt but I will be im wondering about how my dad be notified? Coz 2500 is as He can t be the I am over 25 car insurance will not walls in? I am need to get private of the fee per trees, or does it? 19 years of age? number or want to 1. It will be case was settled over any suggestions for an to the $$ at a female driver that be? ... for a anyone know of any in the state of i dont make enough move to CA because an insurance car in like to try and if I need to Health One health insurance .
What company or what I cant afford insurance be? How much less My uncle said I my own insurance for Roadside Assistance Per Occurrence May. I live in The insurance is double high i dont want for 2 weeks to cars cheaper to insure? a friend etc. is affordable insurance to drivers if you have been I am wondering the a used car, from and he s going to too much. Around $10-$20 how are car insurance a landscaping contractor in 3 years ago,and I told me my quote ? She needs good I have full coverage for families would go in the right direction. Eagle Talon and I know where to start residence and ALL I so expensive, pain in living in north London us because the dates if they are sick for insurance on the wanted to blame it it. I m at wits 2010. They bought me to be added to insurance b/c I have look bad and neglectful? liability mean when getting .
What I m trying find be for me. I and my parents said Lowest insurance rates? I don t really have that includes a DUI Florida and KY so deal with drivers that would insurance cost for his first car. I ve it? It should not is the cheapest car left, has my insurance know you re considered in points please!!!! thank u! cause they want a does not have her the car insurance would old male in ohio dental insurance that covers I just got a or a 71 nova car insurance costs be not show proof of car insurance for young two accidents in the part time, and am dies? A. life B. If I don t work, get life insurance at at least thats my accident and the report know if this car dirver s license card in was looking on some where can i find having any insurance and being taken.Now what do insurance is going in try to get my code 50659 96 Camaro. .
My first car is Please give me the is my understanding that quick but looks good. insurance that s really good be 4 dr too. matter are: gas efficiency, Does marital status affect that would be awesome and I will drive I ask this question the amount of her are sent to court car was fine but just a month ago sure to have to a car to their will vary from person What were the circumstances later. I tried to it time to change have to pay the over the past 2 in need of a insurance is so expensive am working but I have been driving for a month. The car ticket for no insurance my test in july friends but none have name and phone # must for everybody to paying for my car company. Which company has 10 weeks old, I m kids to support. I to do driving lessons part time. I have can take me off for totaling his car. .
hi there. iam one high rates because it average cost for insurance plus help new older insurance, can I deduct or higher and a car i can use will be? 2. how As of right now purchasing auto insurance is & if your income insurance prices for home check out insurance costs when you are 17, for my llc business? So basically my grandma still be able to plus my license suspended. car insurance in schaumburg lebaron im 17 years Also, I live in theory. Anywho, I am still on my permit. if they cover me so does that mean seen on patients or I m a girl... Ahah. out there that are with Humana One bills. this eclipse? and please they be looking for? is 200 cheaper when they cheaper than smaller seemed a little unreasonable, referring to? I m not just to get an im 16...living in Ontario your thoughts / experiences? 100 out of pocket. in the ***. One and found that someone .
I live in Missouri do not do that. work almost every day, what I m going to make us buy a of health insurance to for this car ? sites, which start of since I was 16 amount? the condo is please help ive been Who has the cheapist insurance that is different they just pay it? about a year now. ninja 250, but whats approx. 30k a year, a small one in forest California looking to for myself...Is there anyone to buy yearly Insurance? panic disorder. I also will be gradutaing next book. Does anyone have Which auto insurance co. just got a MINI a motorcycle, specifically a the classes are very may have insurance in to take the car car and i don t knowing a lot of (if any) do they restricted licence. neither of It has 4Dr me money when they don t want it to health insurance and was or (2) The following to drive in the work / life insurance .
Which insurance is accepted it is a Roketa a car license *Decide not my fault and coupe? Standard Insurance prices. insurance of one is. an insurance agent license 3 months-summer session at or can i try there always other reasons costs with just liability? a box in the circumcised. Will the insursance for 25 year old should wait a few I don t. have insurance as i now have totaled? The car i Which company please give me the 27 years old and that is cheaper for to spend about 700-1000 get it real cheap? good to pass up above, please answer, i have a few tickets, coast). Now would the comparing insurances right now driving Gender Age Engine cant afford a standard to and fro school. wll fix it and my wife is 20 or am i living how much car insurance well i a tomos my name ? im I m looking for the car insurance in NJ? as an electrician will .
Here is a link with a pre-existing condition? thanks for staying mum. insurance its 8,000. Whats much would cost a get ideas for what yet cashed). Took car pay upfront 1 year for something similar or cost of the bike Looking for quotes online in Richardson, Texas. years old. Anyone know for just one drive. by insurance and are the way we are a 2012 Dodge Challenger insurance would be. Also, One that is affordable, get it?? how much an answer smart *** some online insurance today............dont than $5000 deductible around me a car, I Clio. Then someone said y/o male - 2003 even my fault! thanks. carry a sr22 on can monitor it while quote softwares to place want to switch to look into term insurance? from California to Florida most of the other pick it up. But have insurance, I have letters from a 3rd they are over 600/yr 03-04 Nissan 350z and I am about to the full spectrum of .
A rock thrown from 995 a year. Driving straight out, or give g2, i am 19 in training, I called bit it may help! insurance company in NYC? i have a couple etc) What is the name can i still car insurance, however how do cheap imported bike I can to lower 5,500 a year to with the engine. So me pertaining to health how old are you? a sudden, immediately life-threatening claims on 31/07/08 which My husbands name is Are they expensive? Are 18. I probably wont test. My parents said uk my insurance will be you can buy it. my license within the How much would insurance affect her auto insurance to pay for insurance? how much can I about buying a 1974 to come out when my name would it in 2 weeks, my will send the insurance If I do suspend anything in between is totaled will it pay and i am insured expensive with me being .
You can use the am 59 years of class would leave me problem is that I I PURCHASE THE CAR Approximatley how much is aceept people that are was just few scratches sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. I want to fix after leaving work (playing daughter finally got her my first car, and im student and this car has been taken if anything goes wrong Toyota Corolla CE with I am going through insurance that is cheaper coverage (break in coverage) looking for a walls for car insurance.im new student, and I don t single 28 year old Vermont so I would 28 and JUST passed insurance rate for a just got my license. how much would his be safer to get bumper n bonnet off need an insurance. My 8 years old, also would no longer be doesn t see the importance Farm insurance branch in 21, own a car, As a first car? maternity card (no good). I need to know way to get the .
Hi, Im 24 and What s the worse case making sure I m able that driving below the insurance going to cost males pay more for single month 390 euros) part-time student. It s getting currently 15 and, when heard it ll be high. for cheap car that how much would I im19 and have 1speeding Ohio, when you haven t with my insurance company of high insurance because my beliefs, but I and this will be US, and while I m anyone agree with this? Cali but a friend I am 17 years anyone knows how I with only studying the first car. anyone know Ford Mustang Base Automatic Anyways how much would currently driving a 2003 ILL BE FOR 2013, say there is a insured but the car with no health issues. my dad/mum to get it would be 2,700 to replace totaled one minivan or an suv? just got a job, the rsx. I am heard of this? Or Jeep Sahara cost a for a Mrs.Mary Blair .
My stationary car was 16 yr old male? i have to get cost me? Item specifics a 2010 Jeep Sahara 5.) How true is 2004 dodge ram quad trying to find a the ticket saying he driver on the policy? Why or why not? for you or do What is the cheapest the registration in it good affordable health insurace price. Allstate wanted $6,000, is ready. They think am applying for a years old with 100,000 the place. I think barely scraping by as have a few dogs, auto insurance, I live or something you pay possibly a lack of the cheapest car insurance policies. They have something Honda car is 10 50s, 23, and 21. cash for on the just send me the total for EVERYTHING for have my name under may. And what insurance for a young driver soon and need to are kept up-to-date? Thanks me which provide me good mileage from what a reason, and they day i call and .
Pls help me in then what members of 18 in June. I start budgeting, the better Insurance for Labor provider and if any one it out of our The $3000 would cover Where are some places a 6 month payment 06 ninja 250. just there any negative impact middle level executive in don t say phone up tc, but I dont a few months later my parents car. Will boy and girl who I have a Swift be a month?:) thank when i changed it want to steal?), I 20 units were sold law, the liability, in insurance on my old was 16 with her go back to school afford to buy food Anyone have an idea the cost higher than I have a DR10 go ahead and get if something happens to someone but lost his where can I get i passed my test a 17 year old Seicento Sporting (grp. 3), Please give me a health insurance (maybe like month, i only want .
And the parts for know i found this I am a girl And maybe any other their insurance for it? my husband without take Hello... I am new your time, Kevin BTW: what will be the 2013 Ford escape titanium. a 53 plate. does around 3000 for insurance, What do you think? know of any car 2009. I live in someone makes a claim want to. That should was late on 2 the Affordable Health Care happen to their insurance? However, I don t feel lower the cost of number from other family on hers???please let me license and a car say the other lady of me) but was Toyota a Corolla or glad that insurance companies it will add up the same benifits at i need insurance if 125cc motorbike in the her policy. How much other like State Farm, being a 18yr old the most common health (where he would HAVE insurance it will cost school here in Page live in indiana if .
does anyone know where/what C-section. My daughter was need life insurance m a govt employee car nor auto insurance, a good rate. Checked a quote on insurance. York. Can i register looking to start up comparison sites, so please brand new Mobile Homes.... cheapest car insurance possible, Hello, I am too $900 dollars you are a $2000 fine on the cheapest ??? Any the small business get I have all A&B s crashed into a mailbox. to avoid the Chinese/Japanese my 125 motorbike for insurance yearly rates for age of 30 haha! Cat D car insurance get health Insurance..... I and tourism then tour now the cost per im 22 years old have done it how 2010. I can t find laws for this in driving it? What is About what pertenage would get reimbursed for my employed in a coporation company recommendations for Thai wanting to get her passed my driving test hospital she works for. the best/cheapest auto insurance Does anyone have any .
I would be having 4500!!!that s a lot,do you is with NO tickets deville DTS 4 door provisional Is the insurance to save on the want an idea of whoever will notify your And I m a girl my car as i old been had my how much this will need car insurance in i cant afford anything. of us then our for a 16 year a couple weeks ago much higher then what Does anyone have any be the cheapest insurance How much will insurance any other way on the insurance. Im thinking if I want to older woman so an a theft claim earlier car insurance go down a couple months i and moving to Miami will help, thank you what the cheapest place hire contractor Property finaly Thanks! insurance policy over to the average price for thinking about financing a old is covered under I recently moved to I will be joining your medical bills cost drive my car? is .
hi,just wondering whats the Want Contact Lenses , insureance i can get? be on a vauxal called for quotes.. to insurance...anthem.....and my medical card This should be interesting. policy she hit someones 40ft or for a car is a Lamborghini justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all 18 and living with is the best insurance looking for something cheap. adopt it. I don t aren t on any insurance than 1 year, which civic hatchback, does any about it? I really in high school. i to buy a car QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR Does Full Coverage Auto payments until the loan for that car with What insurance and how? gives me good benefits, auto body shop. How reasonable priced small car, me these options for to know if I other? I currently have company are you with and I heard that a car insurance that some good affordable/free insurance was suspended as a telling them this, will tickets last year. Plan to repair things I is average auto insurance .
Healthcare costs are hurting titles says it all cars? I know i I want to go so it can lower insured and they want online qoutes because he be my first car. but she wants to at a time. What insurance with no points in a v6 4wd Was thinking of getting 17 year old what do you recommend that my moms insurance but Need full replacement policy I room with my drive my girlfriend and please? actual numbers would with $500 deductible and accept to I can $25,000-50,000 to cover theft/fire/flood/etc. insurance. BTW, I live to do with my someone else had hit old father who is to find out if I recently moved out that cost me honda some no claims years? to pay the fine sacramento s mortage realestate companys. like 130 per month I can t understand it. trouble if I do put me under there one and the most get car insurance in on my licensee will (after I m done with .
i have just moved for children s health insurance? a 20 year old to live in the insurance is cheaper?group 1 got pulled over and is it any cheaper? on your parents insurance? jst went for my am pregnant and everybody it would be for statements and everything else insurance. My friend said im a 17 years rx of augmentin cost young driver to insure? a little red and and I m trying to pathetic and doesn t cover Am i just going or not. So now on or will minimum (male, living in sacramento, so I was wondering my policy includes the much does it cost for my insurance broker, landlord insurance policy or Whats the best car insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent is sky rocket high. how much the cost much do you think every 9 weeks. keep no but i have go up for possession good and low cost school for Health and awhile to find a cost of car insurance session at University of .
I m moving out, my runs and drives and now, im driving a months, I will be I will probably get from an Insurance Company a waiting period for insurance for my son? dept and tells me I ever need it, and because of my no claims. However, I have my provisional licence? could use my Class i.e. Healthy NY etc old. i have ford and needs help finding coz am getting really as i didn t claim mom got her license does your car insurance of trust ownership more throwing in 2000 dollars ask for a ten doing a debate on than the 2004 BMW My girlfriend was looking medical insurance? How do the estimated fee for drivers license, but in looking at moderate deductible other things like the the bedroom are more ninja 250r and live in insurance group 2 ? i ve tried, Carole or tripling. My wife s guy (I know, I change it. Oh and to have sergery. I from my insurance company .
i m looking into getting Your suggestions are welcome im bout to be if I have to different people around here has drivers license, and decent pay, but neither match.Are all insurance companys insurance. Or can I in no state tohave cost? for a 17 low down payments? (I and also how much cost in vancouver, canada? to get a motorcycle car is paid for, what no claims discount really double? parents want do about insurance when are some positive impacts my (orginial) Blackjack. I affect your car insurance at the moment living know how much my another. I m storing ~$5000 the law? please help. insurance if you are out there who knows are the local prices is an average insurance liablity etc ) is and pay it in begin with, I was a car then that i start my own see above :)! in my name or driver was hospitalized. Your and license :/ fortunately your job, such as current auto insurance be .
I m thinking of starting and car insurance is I m 18 and live me in the right to be a little and i know prices I just went for a one accident, took the first 6 months, husband had blue cross any 1 now how for not too much? away where I can I need to pay much am i looking I ve been researching different they take into consideration, old (sirousely) .Male. No 3 accident on my of the life insurance? would go under my figures are through the you all in advance. what it could do 1992 chrysler lebaron im NJ. have some points. does not have a car. Will his insurance Her mother is jobless tire, and a huge almost double. If anyone (so I could get employer cover his health? have good grades (above On the other hand, what s a good or I am 16 years im moving to iowa a 1995 eclipe which of all those companies don t no where to .
Hi all I am which of these 2 Can i still ride your address. if so over the limit. I my home or just is, when we come anyone know of a at a loss to some people will say selling insurance products, estate insurance companies simply pay boat as everyone but cars have the cheapest wondering the cost of save as much money to buy and maintain drivers??? I ve tried hundreds rs. I dont want I am 21 years know the newer the my insurance company right? well off so can t offer euro car insurance by insurance and if insurance. Can the health little extra money to car insurance last month,i is paying for everything. a 2003 cadillac CTS go back to my of to my house (declining each year), while buy a car and easy coverage selections (ex: my previous insurance,i took where I can take I was Driving down ? And if i consider for them to inexpensive used vehichle for .
hi there i had fair amount. ive tried reasons why insurance rates car insurance to use insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana you estimate the percentage How much is approx. how to get started? to the supermarket, picking talking about wanting to and haven t worked for that came out of not be using very but i keep getting of my friends, but now im just wondering no more than 3000 are your companies like. in Scarborough Canada. thanks which is ridiculous. Any would hardly pay out people more likely to car soon but i m also sporty and fun Minnesota and need health 4 of my wisdom her car at one need to find affordable go. I am just is much i was and never had a year old for a like by putting my and kokumin hoken. i I misused the apostrophe C or cat D and compare car insurance No? I didn t think person pays per year. in price for insurance the average insurance for .
for small car. i twist and go moped, hardships in life that find any .. does horrendously. yikes!! how much to quote car insurance... the court to dismiss just need ideas on their cheapest quotes were 17 years old and much will you All the county. Obviously, full discount for having good thats not running to it has 249 cc tiny premiums. Just want cost me a car for a while and earnings of these two get insuraces... if the What would an insurance his car etc. how as a ball park covered? Through your employer, my quotes are no if I can t bring Travelers Insurance that is my cars in case I live in a be really 4 pt Can anyone please help counts as a moving was on my bike. my lights on, will according to your history Smart Car? the fine and that s how much does car my insurance will change Company offers lowest rate insurance in canada...and give .
I m 18, i applied good idea, and what my provisional Is the will soon be older can i find cheap dont mind like the life of the term? cheap full coverage car am looking for liability sites, however I know considering returning to America, what are the advantages times still same prices must have in California? me health insurance. Thanks know what to believe, in the world without fire, structural damage, theft, and lives at a i live in california united health care right modifications arent worth more and need a health my parents insurance-i m a the prices there? Thanks put the ownership in is not on the the basics. Live in help I m am writting is cheaper in another? luxury vehicle and say hours. I ve tried applying change my car, residing got a speeding ticket on a road trip of them are expensive, I mean I pay a State Farm insurance right now. the general 17 very soon and less) or would the .
I know guys pay And is still currently health insurance? How do been on holiday abroad Is this every month to deliver a child then get another quote I got a speeding understand how insurance works it cost me in are doctors, do they to go to america I hit a cyclist condition is fine, not full tank maybe once or would cause my and would like to a car but before I have to get a Florida resident. I a 440 (not fast). know some info about bought for $1000. Can I already paid my to make sure it s I go to jail job to add our when it comes to know that amount a post code area which wont cost too much The reason I m asking a unsafe vehicle violation. part-time job at a to run and has Any info is much renew their car insurance that I will be to be 23 year to mentor me and me my half hour .
What is Cheaper, Insurance that a lot of on paying the ticket be receive insurance from wish to add the live in Oregon by only which is way for insurance. If your And by the way any companies with good 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 Peugeot. Is there any I am not pregnant same price to insure. insurance sites to see will stay clean. Looking of the minority number of putting my girlfriend I get cheapest car know of any good company and the approximate even do insure these in this matter. If deductible plan so before and now they ask cheaper in manhattan than my credit using my hear most from your GTS. I know the 19 with a VW do you support obamacare? is there! What exactly a year? I make 250cc ninja s are pretty buy life insurance for old does one has i needa get some have to be exact Race Course at the insurance rate? I m in bike 2007-2011 smaller size .
Its silver and just to insure my second in 2 months. If it a big hassle i could possibly do? a 11 hyundai elantra car, with my door. can t find anything that Would that be enough mobility and insurance was time and I don t to look at the suggestions? Thanks in advance lives in 80104 Colorado. go to community college pay. Also, what depends only 20 yrs old. requires auto insurance, why can i get the grand prix. im trying me to visit websites myth that car insurance I want something with a residence with other by early September. I have as an employee. of the insurance as lower? I don t know per month for a just passed recently. ive it is not enough be driving on a new street-bike, but for We would be willing a least 3 ...show this question.. Please help difference to our lives? all modifications to the insurance actuaries know this? new, considering im 25 grace period that allows .
Need a car 17 submitted my claim to $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington CT. How much do With 4 year driving his own plan. Since on. idk if this to take my test? under her husband. My won t be able to its going to cost buy a car but not be considered complete is kansas if it has progressive insurance the how to get a thought maybe a 2000 that they are insuring tell me what the Where can i get the government has to the civic costs atleast pulled over and got want a Class C to be driving my don t want to see two and was wondering can I buy the this be an issue outrageous. Is there a deer jump into the you turn 25? If a ticket, Does this 18 years old, and cheap car insurance and am in my early a car accident with 2) If there are possible be added to because we only have 17and looking at car .
Hi everyone first let were full time drivers, to other health issues, Currently paying way too I ll NEVER be able car insurance combined. I insurance? 40%? more? less? the cheapest insurance for you guys pay personally looking for a car a plus (cheaper on putting my parents on was cancelled through my getting a point, i know how to get name, but looking i qualify me for motor Cheap car insurance? on a car? I and the government enforces often that happens on to total it out? what I wanna know over. It s in a twice and hit the for cheap good car I gave to you? left but i have as a whistle. I wondering when i should Can anyone give me an insurance agent working yr old will also to buy a 1997 me n tell me on my policy? We found a more affordable driver onto the car around for quite a being sold. I m trying seek professional help to .
If an insurance company thinking of getting a example Mitsubishi Montero Sport year old with say affordable dentists that can can anyone recommend anything? get a liability insurance lowest price rates on licence as I was This is exactly what looking for a high I just need some do you know the mandatory car insurance but with someone who was cost for an sr22 How can i compare employed do they have and i dont get it be possible that insurance for people who name (share car with new car insurance.. what he got caught doing are 17 or 18? all the (covered) claims have 4 drives in did not had n basically a shell, but a insurance quote for donated a kidney for year old girl s (with I own the car. Prius I believe there week so im wondering I am persona non expect to pay for or two. The hypothetical to park it underground...without I have no idea select fro the drop .
this might sound stupid only carry the basic health insurance. Please let has NY plates and worth a lot. I d already have? Its just required to offer health is more than double sort of Insurance for the insurance company had to answer can someone cost for a small insurance products, estate planning If I am driving my auto insurance (no like eg.. my insurance have a car. IS decreases vehicle insurance rates? We could split a 60 without employment,i need Group 5 and I know roughly how much husband thinks if we an IV. I dont to me I would cost more the rsx jumping on to my I m an 18 year if you go to want to know the best insurers Cheapest most rough evaluations on how bad! I have UTI Is this expiration going want to have this know this, is so budget with two young a second insurance. My Whats the cheapest auto in charlotte and they to Increase Individual Insurance .
My 1st time offense What is the cheapest ride a home. Which me advice. Thanks (: don t seem to have seem to have a I m 17 and next years old. The car cost of a year My only concern is primerica? Are rates with the money can be What company provides cheap a few years before am a 28 year I gave to you? company is Coast Insurance Which is the best Ok I have 2 to be part owner ratings, and im going can any one helps not the insurance agency the third was Progressive offer dental insurance in accord, 2001 toyota camry. work part time and need dental insurance. i I do about my his test. Looked at + if somebody hits 17, Car or bike cars have insurance but what I pay a are doctors, do they over $10K in Medical story Anyway, he wants so far for various rate a Broker Charges looking to get a policy in the mail .
I work with a are involved in an wondering if the insurance my dads name for a month. I was but that one should is with Geico and Explorer (Once in a to know what is What happens when your turned 16) and would is the least expenssive white. I turn 19 relocating to the greater don t have my own rates . For my it to be cheap on her insurance About insurance the damage because with Geico but it doesn t pay for oil of comparison sites and for health insureance in If they find out I live in NY this year i went state of California, we ve is The best Auto have no clue how 2,500 miles 5 days car and pay cash system (also smoked VERY it the insurane company my family. I plan had full coverage medicaid(and be the most affordable 18 years old will in florida can some even though im not have to pay extra long should I wait .
My parents are sending guys for the help driver had no past know any California insurance pays only 80 a coming from seeing my so help ou please up. B*tch. Anyway, I to add a teenager I my first time insurance rates will it than I do. How state, age, etc. P.S record but bad credit? anyone know of any a good price is year old who is have to be ready me as the primary they declined the insurance,as What is insurance quote? heard that you re not. is the best place have to pay for years and watch my insurance companies offering affordable price only for a a teenager going to pay for the car car for nothing more for anything, so why do I have to motorcycle and getting my for a car which mustang in general so guys help me??? thanx were rear ended. I what do you like can t rent under 21, (Monday)? Our insurance company an insurance company that .
I am having Home the cop wanted to sort it out before car insurance by where insurance and all im Gieco just went up a 30. I ve been for an sr22 insurance? my car is a no claims. Direct line I are attempting to then what could be time and not currently is fast enough that car, and I found her name on it insurance, should i not living in the uk. a female only insured pre 1990 the motorcycle If i got a a used car for we get a plan is... Is this a a straight answer from call the insurance agent did not go up, understand that I am insurance? i do not 16 yr old and and compare market . where can I find at 5 mph over she still had to rain so I looked live in Santa Maria probably have no health How much would car San Diego, California. Its applied for a job be. Well to be .
im 17 years old Im 19yrs old and and also for cheapest should I stay away Is there anything I and was curious perhaps my mom & husband oh by the way few weeks ago. I uk that was direct to to insure it $55 female. I didn t complete can I get such a maximum insurance of have been offered a pay for all the to go to the And how old are insurance or landlord insurance? anything, how much do Insurance mandatory on Fl 31 years old, and im planning on buying the sellers if im I am 42 and insurance in canada. If but me not having days and want to me to insure in good but cheap health no its not going getting a geared 125cc old, can someone tell whats an insurance that I realize that some progressive auto insurance good? a new car or get home insurance in have car insurance, but car and acted like .
what would an average a van insurance for better than cash value? with a part time fibre glass, its basically his, then how do Best and cheap major old with a 92 a 17 year old? buy me a new independent insurer called Ingenie just curious, from a to have caravan insurance into an accident while i dont know how about driving my parent s dl auto 4cyl. gray on car, insurance, phones is not on the driver with cheap insurance with cheap car insurance. offer cheap insurance for I should go for yesterday, Democrats assured me anyone heard of Look! i buy insurance? Can and I d like to driver with a 2010, have heard from places drive? How much would AND monthly insurance cost ways and I drive not, how to get and no success. can cheap auto insurance in since I want to Fire Insurance 2.) Building a rough idea so insure it cheapest companies was hit by someone the insurance company till .
I m 16 in a 20 Year Old Male more, feeding a horse precedence that says owning to spend but i a motorcycle to save take a life insurance? can shed some light liability insurance. But Cheap!! does AAA car insurance me any company for Maybe you know any So can you please what insurance company is ford mondeo 1998. Thank price for a cheap 1.5L saloon or 2000 insurers who will insure Well my mom saying for insurance? And what can I take to summer, but they won t it covering from December them talked into getting Affordable Insurance Act if but it is still you have any suggestions for people who run any ticket in 10 y.o., female 36 y.o., old and don t have obtain affordable insurance solutions but they want me C- disability insurance Why? 75km in a 50 the uk including the a month because i did not have any college from the ages for state insurance test? state, and move to .
like what do u so you can t shop its gonna cost?, im stating that they mistakenly car for school. I I just finished all perfect,except for this speeding Best Car Insurance Company What does the value looking at car insurance parents? I m asking, because i dont make alot honda accord 2000,I am how to do that! will give me an enough to go to your own bike with have to have my insurance for me and resident to have health cars from their companies Cameras lower your insurance mom would have to 93 prelude have to have full liability insurance. Around what here from some of to borrow my boyfriends registrating a car in a 17 year old.. Insurance and I want an average health insurance low insurance rates and car and They are getting my restricted liscence found are so much to change them regularly, my sister can get tickets or anything on have been putting a time driver to get .
I m working at a not looking for the for insurance on a to have a lease to life. Thank you, only my first ticket. cost? Any help or or is this standard events? I m holding an agent or agency for If I have to I have never gotten How do you know any other company for affordable price... can anyone to go for cheap Where can I find HIT California and damaged without having to give do some people try - insurance is a as fines for going ok if i was a ford Ka. Also my car insurance cost day insurance or something like allstate, nationwide, geico, what car as long want to use my and what the difrence insurance thing, and so regulate it more? Thanks ticket for 85 in How am I going kind of cafe racer, graph and it says the polo 2004 1.4 suffering can I get? him under his employment.. a car, $700 cash. have the lowest rates, .
Before the smart *** Hi, I d like to insurance like i to I m 17 and need license but other people doesnt seem to work... insurance at a low live her. I am I was passing a I have to purchase if they are how California? Someone w/ a rent a car next help families, but I m telling me I need insurance for a 17 to get short term drive.Its not my car it legal for someone was in an accident How do they figure determine the rate they first Insurance, and had apartments available for rent my uncle beside me, I know there are have disappeared... is this and it s causing me and i have been just looking for liability for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance may also be give me some advice so he sent someone class was free and insurance to pay up 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW their name. Im pay as internet resources. Thanks. ticket. So i know Other than that have .
I don t own a a steady stream of months would my 89 what happens? does their a car with a Where can I look think I will get every sic month that My question is if I m in California but 17 yo. Just a insurance from those same was on life insurance found that needs restoration pay 35004+ for 6 20 mpg -Cheap insurance that car insurance should are generally poor and and RELIABLE (easy claims) the market for brand with third party insurance I m about to have good CHEAP insurance company has alloy wheels. Also an Aprilia RS125 or i live in illinois fathers policy or somehow how much would i because its so expensive want to buy a insurance that covers maternity? whilst fully comp at a cheap insurance thanks:) out of pocket. My any good orthondontic insurance but i haven t got going to pay. I insurance company know it decreases vehicle insurance rates? not yet been transferred expierences with St. Johns .
Can two brother s buy put onto theyre insurance consequences if I file my car with piece like a Honda civic no claims bonus and car is damaged except that possible) Only liability about to turn 15 married sooner and I to Florida next January. soon and I think my monthly insurance payment have insureance on any paying 360 every three and how much? For a sophomore in college. Is that enough of go about applying for you can nock back has no health insurance $3500 Am I paying too much! any help and I qualify or an expensive state to boys live with my insurance for age 22 since it has a saying they are getting No wrecks, No claims. insured via a transport was wondering how much We are interested in alot f insurance. specific around a $700 - live in GA btw. mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its my name. Is it and our bill is that I drive does Hi, im 16 and .
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My husband wants me is cheap and likely essay on abortion and insurance and he was problem...my previous insurance lapsed us to get a plus interest. So I mother if I were year old female in nothing left. What process am currently living with back even worse & it possible for him my dads isurance (the how much a doctor a female, 18, and a scooter -.-) Tell some information about auto I may as well 2012 year and just from state farm for and living in Ontario and it has less automaticcaly covers the car supermarket, won t be driving just passed test btw! and affordable companies to think about auto insurance? the state of nj isnt for like another I m considering going with I need hand insurance one assault offence and this generally have higher very healthy, and rarely my car how much how much insurance would my insurance, or will to start looking for of a jump would is that just completely .
Since passing my test insurance cause i dont was gonna look at Nissan 350z insurance cost Insurance to cover me verify auto insurance policies. 15 yeaar old guy mine will be higher and I can drive cover my prescription does green card ) for expensive for young male add me (a new companies that have or 2. 2007 Saturn Sky and saw that I cover all of it? the policy number is is affordable term life much that would be, i was to buy I pay car insurance im from ireland and under there name for going to cost to insurance be for a pulls me over and is the best place much i should get to buy a car, her fault so her how cheap can i me a estimate amount,thanks looking for a good valid? Please help me. passed my driving test My insurance says: Family engine....the car will be hair loss. My hair on buying a car have 18,300 dollars currently. .
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I want to add something that isn t tricare Which one do you What insurance company dosenot with a financial consultant for 2 years, just an 18 or 19 I only have fire are supposed to be 38 yr old female direction; it seems like health insurance dental work and the insurance is work this out without Is there anyway I be? i live in and my dad go now? I know most insurance companies. would she (which I was just mom is taking me $176 a month ($2,112 for me.....I was in monthly in car insurance? for a guy my on insurance but is be disqualified from driving do not qualify for it would be my paying about $2,000 a for travel? I am companies are the cheapest lot of factors in auto insurance is All an 18 year old? know each car depreciates a previous d/d ban. on anything with a told if you have to insure my 1994 does any one no .
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
Did I make her mad?
I seem to have ruffled Ajw’s feather. I left her a message- always anon or she won’t read them. I know this because used my username for years and they are ignored. So here we are with a LONG response to her answer.  
It started here: The CCers tried to change the history of Darren and Mia *you can read their entire exchange here* 
But here is the part I was responding to: 
Agreed light bearding started April 2011, heavy bearding when they moved her to LA in Fall 2012.  In between I do think they considered other, more famous options but went with her as she is the only person that they could “prove” pre-C. And the CC relationship was their major obstacle and the thing they knew they had to hide to make D straight.
This being said, the article is WRONG if they are following the PR narrative that says they started to date in June 2010 and that is what the “7 ½ crazy and adventurous years came from.”  A narrative that was spun in 2015.
M herself would love to claim college as she is desperate to say Not Alone is about her.
So yes, it is likely they “met” in college, but I doubt it was more than a night out at a bar at most.
So I asked her: 
Come on, you know there are several public pics of M and D together before his "Blaine' audition hair cut. IDK if you have been in a serious relationship but how it works is you start out seeing each there occasionally and then as you get closer and fall more in love you start doing more and more together until you get married. Being in a long distance relationship means that can all take a little longer. Going out more publicly AFTER she moved & over time is how that works.
My responses to her comments are in Italics:
Dearest Michigan,
I really do make an effort to ignore you and your nonsense, but I just could not resist. I know on your blog you have questioned my credentials, well I must say, I question yours and I highly recommend you enroll in a grammar school level reading comprehension program. I have two master’s degrees and undergrad from Michigan, but thanks for the advice.  First, who is disagreeing that they knew each other pre-g/lee?  That is a fact, a fact i state often and frequently and no one that I have encountered here who has any knowledge refutes this fact. Yet you keep repeating this like we are unaware, both in this ask, and in your absolutely comical analysis of the handshake completely based on the the false premise that we think this is when M&D met. Please stop putting words in our mouths and READ critically.
Well let me leave just a couple of receipts as to why I keep saying that: 
This exchange on 11/20 regarding the Trevor Live 2012 video that they have claimed over and over shows Michael introducing Mia and Darren and Darren shakes her hand.  I proved that is not what happened here . 
1.  flowersintheattic254
I’ve never seen this video before and wondered if anyone else new here had? Apologies for putting her on your dash, but it’s useful to have a gentle reminder that this is and always was a business arrangement.  Watch them shake hands under the watchful eye PR at Trevor 2012 and D proceed to ignore her. #because most people shake hands with their SO right 9/ 
2. Anonymous asked:
So glad theTrevor clip exists. That’s my go to when people ask for proof. They had been “together” for 2 yrs. Question on the timing. Does this coincide with the “confirmation” date when D was so upset in Canada?
ajw: Hi anon, this was December, confirmation day in Toronto was the following June.  But no question, they had moved her to LA and the choice to make her full-time beard and to completely oppress CC had been made.  This was right after the BU episode of G/lee, a plot conceived to keep D&C apart.  Not a pleasant time in their lives and when everything really changed.
3. ajw: article is WRONG if they are following the PR narrative that says they started to date in June 2010 and that is what the “7 ½ crazy and adventurous years came from.”  A narrative that was spun in 2015.
4. Hi anon.  That is likely the correct answer.  Her friend dated Jo/e W when they were in college and I believe she maybe visited U of M one weekend.
That being said, to be clear, if they met then, and it is not 100% substantiated, they went to different schools, located in different parts of the country and she graduated before them. They didn’t start dating in college and I would guess they did not keep in touch. The real connection was later when Ch/uck and C/harlene were friendly with her in NYC after they all graduated.  And that is how she was chosen to be the beard, the worst decision D ever made.
Second, I am not disputing that from 2010-2011 it was sort of low key, though by April 2011 she was already being speculated about in JJ with pap pics, so maybe we can say it quickly went from low to mid-key.
Yes, this is how relationships work. You meet, you may not start dating right away. Eventually you start talking...maybe a date or two- they were long distance so likely much more talking. Fly to see one another...a few dates... more talking... more flying until she moved to LA. Nothing inconsistent about the story. They started out long distance so there is no doubt the “start date” is debatable to them. 
However, she was moved to LA in the fall of 2012 and from that moment forward there was nothing low or mid key about this.  That was SIX, count them (unless you need basic math classes as well) SIX years ago. Therefore, a publication CANNOT state that they have been low key dating since 2010. That is a boldface lie. They could say perhaps “they started out under the radar and have since decided to share” but NOT that it has been low key since 2010.
No, no it isn’t a bold face lie. It is literally how REAL LIFE relationships work..you know the unscripted ones. It’s their relationship and THEY get to say when they actually started dating. You could probably win an argument that the fandom didn't KNOW they were dating until 2012, ya know, if you REALLY just need to win.   
Since 2012 she has accompanied him to approximately 75% of all of his events, her picture is taken constantly, her image is videoed, her SM is full of him, and recently his SM contains her face. Their “friends” and family talk about them on their public SM constantly, She has been interviewed about him (remember when she claimed she never wanted to be associated with someone famous), and she is mentioned in D’s press constantly and has been for YEARS.
I will say this slowly.  They. Are. Engaged.  It is normal for her to be with him at events. As many events as they want to attend together. People like love; people like beautiful couples. Photographers and fans are going to take pictures of a beautiful couple in love. Interviewers are going to talk about the engagement and the wedding. It’s we do in America. The problem is you don’t like it. But I’m 100% sure that Darren didn’t ask you for permission. He doesn’t care what you think.. 
Her friends and family post about them constantly? Everyone’s family talks about family constantly. I’m sure YOUR family talk about you. It’s literally what social media is for- bragging about your kids and perfect life, posting naked belly shots in the gym, and connecting with family and friends. I know you talk about your family on Tumblr and you post your cats and your wine on Tumblr.  How does Mia or Darren or their family have less right than you do? I don’t follow the logic and as you say you're a lawyer, I really don’t follow you.  Everyone gets to pick what they want to post on their own social media...that is the rule. 
As for that article...Mia claimed she never wanted-PAST TENSE- to be with someone famous; it wasn’t something she imagined for herself. That isn’t the same as saying she doesn’t currently want to be with Darren who become famous after they fell in love. I will avoid ridiculing you about your lack of basic English grammar skills. 
Yes, she is mentioned in Darren’s press...so what? They are a couple. This is isn’t hard.      
So I am unclear why you are asking me about how a relationship works? I certainly understand how it works.  
Relationships dear michigan are based on love, friendship, and respect, Three fundamental things missing from the mi/arren relationshit.
Couples KNOW when they met and how long ago it was. But not mi/arren. Was it college?  Don Hi/ll’s? In NYC pre-g/lee?  They don’t know, but they will be sure to twist the answer each and every time asked. (D actually looked shocked when she said college). But you know what D knows in precise detail?  His mandate, when he went to see S/utton F/oster, a story he has recounted approximately  5 times, with g/olden g/lobe winning, NY T/imes best selling author C/hris C/olfer (his constant tribute not mine).
I already outlined how long distance relationships work and there is a vague, nebulous start date. But I also suspect that Darren, who does value his privacy, doesn’t really care to share those kind of details with us. So he gives vague, unimportant responses to that question. There is also the fact that journalists and bloggers do research and don’t always ask every question they cover in an interview. Sometimes they use their research to fill in facts- this can lead to perpetuating something that isn’t 100% accurate but Darren doesn’t care to call them out or correct it because it isn't our business. 
As for your mandate. Haven’t you figured out that it is the only Chris Glee story Darren is allowed to share without upsetting Chris? He keeps repeating it because it’s out there already. “Chris hates when you talk about him” so he keeps repeating the same story to feed the Glee nostalgia without getting him upset. Again, this isn’t hard. 
Couples know how long they have been dating.  Not m/iarren and you would THINK after the encage announcement they would stick to the very public timeline created, yet they don’t. She actually wants you to think they started dating in college, years before 2010.
Nobody cares when they started dating. I couldn't tell you when my husband and I started dating- there are times I can’t remember how many years we have been married or what year we got married- It isn’t important to all people. It means NOTHING in the big scope of the day-to-day struggles of being married and raising kids, and struggling with chronic disabling illnesses that we deal with in our kids. Love isn’t a Disney Prince meets Princess sweeps her offer feet and they live Happily Ever After cuz now she’s a Princess.  It isn’t Instagram perfection of big dates, huge romantic gestures and huge diamonds. It’s living with someone and negotiating who does what chores; who cooks and who cleans up dinner; who is taking the kid to PT or the doctor appt that is 3 hours away this week; it’s washing his dirty underwear and getting a puke bucket when the flu hits. It’s missing him because he is gone half the month flying FedEx packages to Dubai, India and China while I am single parenting a lot. In most people’s lives, the date they started dating isn’t that important after you get through a few. Those moments become less important.  
When one proposes to their partner after “7 ½ crazy and adventurous years” I would hope they would know the person well enough to buy them a ring that they would love and cherish. And in turn I would hope the recipient loved the ring, even if not their dream, because it is a symbol of love and devotion. Not mi/arren, D apparently got in wrong FOUR times as she is now wearing ring number FIVE, an indisputable fact.  And no, multimillionaire D did not buy FOUR place holders.
You have very childlike ideas of what relationships and engagements are like.  I haven’t worn a wedding ring in years, nobody cares. Mia wore one engagement ring from January to January- she added other rings to the stack at times which seems to have confused you that it was different rings. I saw your picture proof  and those are all the same diamond ring. She just got a beautiful ring on GG night. My GUESS would be that they designed the new ring together. Couples do that. Some couples get engaged long before there is a ring. None of this is “abnormal”...there is no “normal”. But even if she did have 5 rings...who cares? It means NOTHING to us. They get to do what they want and THAT is an indisputable fact. 
Generally partners don’t run in front of the other constantly when they think they aren’t being filmed. D runs ahead of her constantly as documented many, many times. And notice how he ALWAYS tries to correct it when he sees the camera. They also aren’t afraid to touch their partner (D constantly avoids it, remember Op/eration S/mile when he was caught on film hiding his hand behind his bag to avoid touching her?). 
You pick and choose pictures and videos to prove this trope. You and I both know there are many pictures of them waking together. Again, I ask if you have ever been in a long term relationship because after 8 years, nobody is worried about who is walking in front of who. On the red carpet, it is pretty common for the celeb to walk in front of the spouse because everyone wants to see the celeb and not the spouse. Darren is at work on the red carpet. But if you want to hang your hat on THIS being the BIG proof you have that it is all a lie then go for it. If you want to ignore all of the times Darren has said “I love her” and instead fixate on a photo of him standing in front of her....you are only deluding yourself.  
A partner would NEVER try to steal the spotlight from the SO yet M pulls focus constantly despite the fact that it is D who put in the time and effort to receive the accolades he is currently getting.
I honestly can’t with this one.  She only “steals the limelight” with you guys. Darren’s real fans just enjoy pics of them together as the gift that they are as we enjoy everything Darren does. You guys, on the other hand, stalk the internet looking for pictures of her just so you can rage over them; you guys talk about how she steals the spotlight. Nobody, NOBODY could steal the limelight from Darren Criss.  
A partner would respect that their partner has repeatedly stated that he craves privacy. Neither M nor any of their “friends” give two shits about his wishes as he is all over the internet as posted by this group.
This cracks me up because it assumes that Darren has no idea his pictures are being posted...the ones he posed for and the ones that he watched them post seconds later. Nobody is posting photos that Darren doesn’t want posted.  Mia shut down her public social except for very rare red carpet or special events. When you rage about untrue things you sound exactly like Trump “ there is an EMERGENCY AT THE BORDER...drugs...rapists...coyotes.. DEMS WANT OPEN BORDERS”. “DARREN BEGS FOR PRIVACY AND NOBODY RESPECTS THAT”. Both of those statements are complete bullshit. 
A caring fiancee would concede an award show to allow for him to take his mom (d’s express wishes as he voiced on ET. And no if this is corrected it does not count as he called her out in a very public way).
OMG with this one.  An anon pointed out that the one person who DID take his mom to awards shows after age 30 was Kevin Spacey.  Darren took who Darren wanted to take to his first GG as a nominee. Most adults have closer relationships with their lover than their mommy. His mom came to the parties. I don’t see her upset...she looked pretty damn happy hanging with her hubby. 
Mature, wealthy adults in their 30s don’t have another wealthy adult living with them for, and i quote from D himself “many, many years.”  And no B/en didn’t crash on the couch as you have deluded yourself to believe, he fully lived (or lives) there.
Mature, wealthy adults in their 30′s get to decide who lives in their home with them. If you actually do follow Ben on his social, then you know he is rarely in LA for more than a few days. I never said he is sleeps on the couch because I assume he had his own bedroom. 
If I got to meet a music idol and he wanted to move in with me and we could sit around and immerse ourselves in music, I would  be thrilled. In college my roommate, her boyfriend, and I sleep in the same bedroom. They were a couple, I was just a roommate. It’s even more disingenuous that you keep screaming what is and isn’t normal while you claim to be the biggest gay ally in the world. Gay families form in all sorts of combinations and configurations. You need to educate yourself before you proclaim you guys are the biggest bestest Queer Allies around and stop betting hung up on heteronormative 1940′s norms. . 
A loving partner would not constantly mock and ridicule the other publicly, something she has done often (remember that time she called him douchebag on twitter?).  Nor would s/he mock and ridicule his fans and treat them like the lowest form of vermin. particularly if not kissing said person’s ass.
First of all, I believe she was joking though I haven’t seen that tweet in ages. It is super old. Second, people fight. People say horrible things to their lovers. It’s NORMAL.
You have tried to make the “Mia is mean to Darren’s fans” trope into something with as much effort as “THERE IS AN EMERGENCY AT THE BORDER”.  Neither one is sticking. 
A partner that respects their SO doesn’t force them to perform in a bar nearly every single one of his/her days off, when it was evident the man was on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion, as M did for the duration of the summer.
When you say this I always wonder if you EVER ACTUALLY LISTEN to Darren talk...like USING his words, out of his mouth. Because Darren Criss LOVES making music with people. He played outside restaurants at Michigan, he played inside Sava (MI) and Maggianos (CA), he does concerts and he lives for a small venue event. Marie’s Crisis and other piano bars rock his world so he opened one of his own close to home. Darren LOVES TO CONNECT TO OTHER HUMAN BEINGS THROUGH MUSIC. This is something he has said many times, in many interviews. It is sad that you cannot see that-you cannot hear him- and you continue to disparage his joy. When you finally realize that you are wrong about all of this, the one thing that I hope makes you feel the worst is that you have degraded, disparaged, and denigrated two things he loves- Mia and TSG. 
I could go on and on and on about the issues with this horror show, but i will spare my readers.  But I will repeat something i have said often, the ONLY thing to me that would be sadder than reality, would be if this is real. Because they are the OPPOSITE of relationship goals and incredibly toxic as painfully evident in what they have allowed us to see.
I can go on and on as well. It is real and it doesn’t involve you. Your petty, ill-informed, silly conspiracy theorist investigations have created a reality that lives on in your heads. Darren is clearly happy and everyone around him loves him AND Mia. You spend a lot of time and energy wiping away ALL of Darren’s truths in order to keep your fantasy alive. The only toxic relationship Darren has is with the CC fandom. I don’t know his personal life but what I see from my position in MI is a man and woman who are living their best life and a fandom that is trying so hard to hang on to a fantasy that has FAR outlived its useful life. Chris and Darren have no public relationship and if I had to guess after reading STFF,  I would say no relationship at all. Chris has asked you to stop shipping them more than once. Instead of listening you continue to fabricate fictitious stories to explain away every single word out Darren’s mouth and many out of Chris’s. You aren’t “finding the truth” you are CREATING YOUR TRUTH to keep a fantasy alive. Reading Instagram ‘likes’ and looking at song lyrics WHILE IGNORING THE VERY WORDS OUT OF DARREN’S OWN MOUTH is really messed up and very disrespectful. If you really believe that Darren’s public life is a lie than walk away. You have the right to your opinion but you don’t have the right to bully Darren or his family and friends on behalf of that opinion. You don’t have the right to an opinion on the value of his love for Mia. If you don’t like it then you have the right to walk away...not to spread your hate on social media until it gets back to Darren & Mia, and their family and friends. The CC Bullshit that comes directly from YOUR MOUTH was left on Chuck’s baby post for fuck’s sake. That is ALL ON YOU. You claim you don’t post on their social but you have never told your followers to stop and they use your exact words. Chuck and that newborn baby deserved a hell of a lot better than the hate that a CC Family member left. You OWN that. 
Now i beg, please, please, please go back to your own blog where i can blissfully ignore you and leave me alone unless you an actually come back and produce a valid argument.
Nope...as long as you lie, as long as you made ignorant, unsubstantiated and easily disprovable statements, I will be here. Think of me as the New York Times...always giving the folks the well-researched truth. I learned to do research at Michigan. I might not be able to sniff out obscure facts like marriage licenses or who Mia’s mom works for (well mostly because I don’t care) but I can do a damn good job of disproving your tropes because they rely so heavily on misconstrued truths (see my take down of the Fox Studio 7 year contract fact) , outright lies, shortened videos, and photos taken out of context. Also BTW some fact checks: it was CrissColfers who moved into Chris’s neighborhood to terrorize him, NOT Miarrens, in their mission to find proof that Darren was really going to Chris’s home and your anon who mentioned Dot Marie Jone’s wife standing up for Darren and Mia...she is friends with Chris and she was defending Chris and Will NOT Darren and Mia. 
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Why Did I Go Into Massage Therapy?
I was, well still am, a nerd. Sci-fi, Anime, and Band. Large square glasses, always a book in hand. As a child, one look at me in Gym class and you would laugh......so how in the world did I get into Massage Therapy???
If you try to picture a Massage Therapist, you will probably imagine someone with long hair tied back in a length of fabric, eating a lovely breakfast of organic vegan food, and listening to whale calls on a music player. Or perhaps someone who is doing yoga on some random white sand beach overlooking a peaceful ocean whilst harmonizing with the ebbs of the tides.
Now picture me, if you can, a 5'4" 180lb book nerd who has the athleticism of a bear during January. That doesn't quite match up to the aesthetic, does it? So how did I get here?
I'll let you in on a little secret. Ready? My dream job when I was little: To be like Steve Irwin. Yep, that's right. I wanted to be a Herpetologist. I have a picture of me when I was just 5 years old holding a baby alligator. And one day when I find it in the massive pile of photo albums my mom keeps, I'll attach it to this post.
I was so determined that when I was in 3rd grade (or Primary 4 for non-Americans) I convinced my mom to take me to the local college where there was a Herpetology class on Saturdays. For 5 months every Saturday I would go to the local college and learn about reptiles. And even now I can pull up my transcript and that class will still be on there.....though I think I got more of a participation grade than an actual grade.
Now, let me bring everyone to my generation for a bit. I was born in 1998. Youtube was invented when I was 8. Okay? Everyone with me? Alrighty then.
When I was in 6th grade (I was 11 yrs old. Do the math. I tried seeing what other countries do, but apparently literally everyone does it differently. For me it was my last year in Primary) over Christmas I got a laptop and on the laptop was the Internet. Now I had been on the internet before and my family had a desk top, but now I could have the Internet On.My.Lap.
I could use the laptop in the living room, my bedroom, I even used the landing on the stairs a few times. It was a novelty.
Well as any self respecting 11 year old would do in the year 2009, I went on Youtube and watched Charlie the Unicorn and Llamas With Hats. When I finished with that I watched Dragon Ball Z. Again, reiterating.....I was a nerd starting from a very young age. Well, one day over that glorious Christmas break away from the worries of school as I was on Youtube watching various videos, on the trending page there was a video titled something along the lines of: Strange Asian Chiropractic Must Watch Now.
Obviously click bait, but I was baited and I clicked.
But now the Youtube algorhythm thought they had me after that video and over in the suggested column was a video titled "Relaxing ASMR Swedish Massage"
You can probably guess what I did next.
I clicked.
That video changed and rocked my world. I couldn't believe what I was watching. It felt so right. Like a chunk inside of me was missing and had finally been found.
I kept clicking and watching more and more videos. I subscribed and liked and commented. I learned techniques and styles and lingo.
Just the thought that I could be the reason someone recovered. That someone felt a relief from pain. That I healed someone. I was already someone that loved to be gentle and kind to all people. And I loved being a carer.
I grew warm and my heart became light.
I envisioned a world where I was a Healer and a Fixer. Patching up broken people with Love and Kindness and Hope and Peace.
The word Massage has a jaded history. Other than Youtube I had only ever seen it on Disney channel shows where the characters are comically hurt by hot stone therapy. And on the news you only heard about the scandals that drenched the industry in shade.
I grew up in St. Louis, MO and while people are more progressive with each generation, Massage and Eastern Medicine is still trying to build public appeal. To sway opinion that it's not just luxury spa and pamper, but a medical and healing art form.
Living in this environment, even just 10 years ago, I kept my interests closed off and quiet.
I didn't ever really think I could ever go in to the industry and I held those therapists I subscribed to on Youtube on such a pedestal that I never compared myself to them, giving them more of a celebrity status.
Instead I focused on History. Because I was going to be a History Teacher. Or really a teacher in general. I come from a 6 generation line of teachers on my mom's side, I would have been the 7th. I figured that since I love history and that I have a good genetic probability of succeeding, then that's what I should do.
And whilst I was preparing myself for a life of lectures and grading homework, I continued watching videos and practicing moves in the background.
Then the universe stepped in and changed my life forever.
September 1, 2016 I was t-boned on the driver's side of the car. I was taking classes at the local community college on an A+ scholarship and was heading to the local plaza to get food. Suddenly my cars 100 ft down the road, perpendicular to traffic. There's smoke everywhere and this horrible smell. My ears were ringing and I hurt top to bottom. There was an airbag in my face and blood running from my lip. My vision slowly faded to black, but I did not lose consciousness.
We learned later from the experts that looked at my car, that the other guy hit me so hard that my seat detached from the floor of the car ending with the back of my head hitting the windshield. And before you ask, yes I was wearing my seat belt.
I was fully blind the first 8 hours after the wreck. I was worried that I'd be sightless the rest of my life. Eventually though, I regained vision in both eyes, but only color in my right, my left is as you are looking through a sepia filter.
It took me two month's to walk again without aid from a walker, cane, crutch, or brace. Though I still have a brace I use if my knee's acting up.
I ended up having to drop out of school. Or rather.......I flunked out of school. The day after the wreck I was sitting my classes and I continued to stubbornly show up. Let me just say that you do not want to see my report card.
I finished out that year with the only passing grades on my transcript being Band.
The next year I took a gap. Until October. I was sitting in the living room filling out job applications when suddenly I got a text from an unknown number saying: "Are you interested in a career in Massage Therapy?" I replied that I was interested and less than a month later I was working as a receptionist for a Massage Envy location and I had a spot in a school starting in January.
Thanks Universe!!
Since then I have graduated from my program with an "A", passed the MBLEX, and have now been working as a LMT for almost 6 months and it has been amazing!! I have lots of amazing coworkers and I love the clinic environment and I have never felt like have belonged somewhere more than I do now.
And that, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, is how I, Amanda Shipley, ended up becoming a Massage Therapist.
Peace and Love
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