#otp: pree x gared
terapsina · 5 years
Killjoys 5.01 (spoilers)
Sooooooo... who left Dutch the box?
Because by process of elimination there’s only two possibilities I can see. It’s not Johnny, D’av, Pree, Gared or Zeph because they don’t remember. It’s not the Lady because this is distinctly AGAINST her plans. It’s not Khlyen because he’s a prisoner (also, what is UP with that?).
So it was either a setup by Jaq and Kendry and that’s why Jaq thought they’d get visit in the middle of whatever the hell they were doing; or it was Aneela.
And I’m going back and forth on which one.
But back to the episode. I thought it was pretty great. I definitely enjoyed everyone acting all.... weird and not themselves, while still SOUNDING like themselves.
(though Pree and Gared broke my heart and I need that fixed ASAP. They were happy and cute and married and now they get turned into an affair? So: *no, no, no, you come fix that.gif*)
Zeph was great and hilarious and I love that she managed to question her entire reality without being first triggered by a real memory. Because of COURSE she did. She’s Zeph.
Also Delle Seyah’s a badass. Which I obviously already knew but this is the first time they’ve shown her as ‘killing three men in a few seconds’ specific type of badass. And... I’m a bit torn on it? It feels like it came a bit out of nowhere on the one hand. But on the other hand she IS Qreshi royalty and I imagine she’d have probably gotten a background in this too and just prefers her usual methods when possible (which are now unavailable because The Lady’s too much of a threat to show their hand by politicking and backroom subterfuge).  
Now. The Dutch and Johnny thing.
*sigh* I knew it was coming but I still rolled my eyes at Dutch feeling things were wrong because of the kiss. I’m sorry but that’s just... i know the reasons they never went there in their real lives and those reasons were pretty clearly a case of ‘I love you too much to take that risk’ situation and not a ‘I’m completely and totally platonic about you’ situation. Case in point: 4.01 specifically and the whole show otherwise.
(still interesting how Johnny decidedly did not feel anything was wrong by that kiss)
Anyways. Still ship it. Can’t stop me.
Also loved the ending and Dutch ALMOST getting her boys back it really was a very effective scene (plus we got to hear Pree sing again and I loved that).
And in conclusion: GO SAVE ZEPH, DUTCH!!!
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
  Here’s a thing I want. Killjoys, but as...
Oooh! Pree and Magnus hanging out? Hell yes! One more thing I didn’t know I needed and that I now want very much :D
Yeeeah. Everything about Pree makes me want to see him interact with Magnus, tbh. *^*
I’d want them to just sit, drink a lot and bitch about their boys. Magnus/Alec/Jace and Pree/Gared/Johnny. Double the OT3. Johnny and Jace all the while are competing, while Gared is being a good host and Alec honestly mainly just wants to go home??
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6, 7, 14 for the fandom ask :)
i notice a theme here and so i feel like adding a disclaimer: EVERYTHING I SHIP - FOR ME THOSE ARE ALL QPRs (as you know by now) yes some ships may canon be sex/rom attracted to each other and do stuff but unless i specifically state / mention otherwise - I ONLY WRITE THEM AS QPR bc that’s all i know (like wtf is attraction? you people (read: allos) are weirdos, commenting on my fic where chara a watches chara b as a potential THREAT and you swoon bc sexual tension *shudders* ) 
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
omg we’ll be here all night xD
ships i enjoy reading and have written:
leverage: pretzels, eliot x hardison, all 3 of them
sh: saphael, malec, reyhill, parental magnus x raphael
dw: doctor x donna, doctor x jack
ships i enjoy reading:
dw: doctor x martha, doctor x the ponds,
spn: wincest, destiel, sastiel a little tiny bit
ouat: rumbelle, golden swan, parental rumple with bae, parental charmings
the librarians: jake x eve, the little lits trio, jake x ezekiel
buffyverse: spike x xander, wesley x angel, 
ships i enjoy watching:
the fosters: stef x lena parental with the kids
killjoys: aneela x delle seyah, khlyen x yalena, pree x gared, dutch and her boys (platonic family unit tho), 
legends of tomorrow: sara x ava, sara x leonard
b99: peraltiago, holt x kevin
white collar: the burkes
switched at birth: the kennishes
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
any ship with thranduil
any version of doctor and rose
rizzy, anything that involves slurwood’s ugly face and let’s leave it at that
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
all of them? majority of them? def tardis families in various combinations
thank you for asking :D
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