#otp: satan was god's best friend
beatricebidelaire · 3 months
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bi-hop · 3 months
reigen arataka or miles morales for the character ask game . teehee
I'll do both hehe
How I feel about this character: one of the funniest characters ever created in the history of manga. like, yeah, he's also incredibly well-written, but god... the material? the manga is funny. the anime is funny, often in contrast with the manga. the edits??? CLARK NEWMAN?
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I was a serirei warrior back in the day (I forget my ship tag for it though) and I still like it a lot. I think that's my sole reigen ship
My non-romantic OTP for this character: *stares off into space wondering if saying Mob makes sense* Mob probably
My unpopular opinion about this character: this is such old discourse and probably isn't relevant anymore but back when I was deep in mp100 fandom (espertsubomi? anyone remember that URL), there were these two camps that pissed me off. either reigen was like completely absolved of doing anything wrong or he was depicted as Literal Satan. nuance? a crumb of nuance please??? why are we sanitizing or utterly demonizing this well-meaning but messy freak... help me, it's growing so cold... the demons are closing in!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: again when I was in the fandom I made up a few adult OCs for him to hang out with and the joke there was that he was somehow continually falling in with the most random crooks. I think it was a play on Serizawa's esper terrorist past? anyway I don't know if I'd want his friend group to all be criminals hiding that from him now, but I do think he should. like. talk to more people his age-
How I feel about this character: Miles unironically saved my life at one point, so naturally, I adore him. when I get back to reading his comics, the prom chaperoning of him and his girlfriend is back on!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly, at this point, I'm just a Miles x Tiana truther. other Miles ships are fine, I just like them best and want them to never end
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MILES AND BRIELLE RAHHHH!!!!! Also Miles and Shift, Miles and Kamala (and Sam and any other Champions member), and Miles and Billie. All different dynamics of course. OH AND MILES AND NORMIE the friends ever. I'm glad their bond is still intact even though Miles very much did get left behind in knock off Chuck-e-Cheese that one time so Normie could eat a man alive for his not-crush
Tumblr media
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really do think people who like the Spider-verse movies should read his second to last and current runs. like I'm not forcing anyone but you really should! so many cool things going on with him
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I don't think I really have something like this for Miles right now. he has a steady romance I like, his brother Shift is back, he goes to therapy now for anxiety, he has his own nemeses, he still teams up sometimes with certain chill villains, etc. I can keep going. I'll accept whatever happens next for him
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land-of-holly · 7 days
Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 6 Liveblog
Are we going to try to hit every plotline this episode? I really think that's too many
Nice soundtrack. Go Arondir!
Shagrat and Gorbag 0.5?
Welp, guess they'll never get their happy retirement.
Are mice allowed in the forge? Seemse dangerous
Tell him, Mirdania!
He doesn't know her name??
Are we getting to the 'gaslight' stage, Annatar??
AUGHHH Charles E is so good, why am I only now getting to see this?
Never give Annatar a task, he will find some way to do it FOR EVIL
Where'd you get those feathers, Annatar?Runes? Carved into the body? Yikes???
You know how those Feanorian smiths get...
Where is who?? Sauron?
Dinner at Adar's house!
GIRL WHERE DO YOU GET OFF Can you just admit he got you but good?
Refusing to admit you have anything in common with Adar will do you no good
'Children' Oh yeah, that can definitely be taken A Way
The spikey crown of murder!
Okay good call not fucking talking to him about the rings tho. Opsec ffs
I do appreciate that this entire season's plot rests on information not getting to Eregion. Modern writers often underestimate the power and necessity of reliable communication
I'm interested to see how they'll write the various players' reaction to what is obviously a sham trial
Like they all basically have full mutual knowledge that Pharazon is lying out his ass, right? Are they gonna be dumb and cringe about it?
Pharazon certainly knows how to play a crowd
Well, Elendil is certainly making use of the stage he was given. Good on him
Yeah I'll buy that. No dumb or cringe here.
Trial by ordeal??
Nori's got a nomad's perspective. She has to learn about being attatched to places
They are cute together, sure
Stop it. Slapping your hand. This is not a quote insertion contest. It's not even appropriate. Of course the only good path is to save your friends.
Just surrounding himself with piles of gold
Tell him Durin Jr!
Oh right, he's ACTUALLY doing his job. Evilly.
Selling arms to the highest bidder is a long Dwarf tradition, come on!
See, 'It's mine. Belongs to me.' is how you create resonanance without being dumb and cringe.
I love them so much. True OTP. Poor Durin.
Okay but this Trial by Abyss had better have more to it than just spectacle.
Earien, if you didn't want leopards to eat your dad's face...
It"s called having principles, girl
Earien has gotten on her knees for Pharazon confirmed (Sorry.)
Where have they been stashing Miriel, anyway?
So we're really doing this? I'm not categorically opposed to the ship, but it seems a little superfluous. Best left to fanfiction IMO
My boy Narvi!
Theory one, Narvi can't even recognize stone singing. Theory two, he knows enough about it to know Disa wasn't doing anything dangerous.
Well that would look like an inviting ocean ready for a swim if not for the threat of sea monster
Ulmo give her back
Woops that didn't go as planned
Damn the Numenorean aristocracy are more easily swayed than the clan leaders in MDZS
Dude what are you doing to that palantir. I think that'll void the warranty
One more for the harem
Galadriel's so good at making this sound like it was her plan all along
I mean numbers aren't going to win this battle. It's all about narrative supremacy.
It's like thinking you can outsmart the devil. You can't
Battle time?
Oughg he's pulling out the big guns. Full immersion illusion, and absolutely beautiful. Elf extras galore!!!
I mean, from a Doylistic perspective Sauron is not wrong about which works are more well known GOD I HATE HIM SM
The Eregion scenes this season really have been everything I wanted
Damn they sure have some seige weaponry
This episode was actually fairly well-paced in my opinion! We checked in with everyone (except Elrond rip)(and technically Isildur ig) and were able to make some serious progress on a couple of storylines.
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✨Unconventional Writer’s Ask✨
— How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Not sure, but sometime around 1990 I wrote a story in which the B52's travel the length of Route 66 (or Highway 61?) to confront and ultimately defeat Satan, who has possessed the body of a Republican frat boy and is attempting to destroy the world from the kid's basement rec room. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but it was a long time ago. No ships or anything, but I might have been a minor character. I didn't know fanfiction was even a thing. I was just trying to entertain two specific friends.
— Do you have a favorite word? (One that you love. Doesn’t necessarily have to be one you use all the time.)
Not a favorite, but I like the sounds of certain words. Here's one: riparian.
— Share a favorite run-on sentence that you’ve written.
From Boy:
I’m far away from the fat ladies and the pretty girls and the children who run in the sand like little birds and I’m far away even from the smell of chips and the ice cream bells and I think I might have actually walked to the end of the world.
— Share a bit of a scene that you’ve written that still gives you FEELS.
From The Monster Words:
I hold you close and feel your chest rising and falling, the breath going in and out of your tough little body, stirring a stray lock of hair that's fallen over your cheek. I can see you in my mind's eye, about thirty years younger, shoving your hair back behind your ears a little roughly, because hair was just a fact of life back then, and there was no need for you to be gentle with it. Ah, sweetheart.
“Monsters,” I whisper, naming them, acknowledging them. “Stay out of this room. You have no business here.”
And I kiss the top of your head, just as if you were a child of mine.
— What is your favorite kind of character interaction to write?
Banter. Nothing makes me happier than having my OTP go on for the equivalent of several pages as if they're a comedy duo, either giving each other a hard time or just doing observational shit about their highly specific Situation.
— Do you have a hyper-specific genre?
I really don't even know what the genres are. I mostly do one-shots, or as we called them in my MFA program, short stories. :P
— Any personal or frequently used tags?
Not really, though once in a while I'll throw in something like "French dudes" or "namechecked politician."
— Share a joke or funny moment that you’ve written that still makes you laugh.
This fake newsheadline/subheadline combo, which incorporates lyrics:
He Falls Down: Old Fart Bono In Traction Again after Bathtub Mishap “He broke himself,” says doc
— Best editing tip?
This is hard and I mostly don't practice what I preach, BUT: Try not to edit as you write. Just write. Once you've got the bulk of the fic written, you can go back and edit a zillion times if you want to.
— What drives you to write?
This isn't specific to fanfiction, as I do write other things. But absolutely it is a way to keep verbalizing about my obsessions without haranguing anyone who doesn't want to hear it. This has been the case since I was a kid. I have always been obsessed with something, and I've always written. This is what makes me happy, and I don't even understand not having obsessions. (Why I've been on tumblr for 10 years in midlife.)
— Where do you draw inspiration?
Music, obviously. Comedy. Conversations with friends. Reading a book that's particularly well-written and wanting to apply that same level of quality and detail to a fic about two dadrock men in love. :P
— What is your immediate reaction when you receive a new comment on a fic?
"It's about time" and/or "Thank God."
— What is your biggest challenge in writing?
The part where I have to write.
— 1-2 sentence preview from your current WIP?? (Only if you are willing.)
I don't have one at the moment! Got very busy with day job and of course with achtoonbaby.com. (Shameless plug.)
— What story or scene are you most proud of?
I am still most proud of Boy, despite having written a lot of stuff subsequently. While it's not historically accurate, I did write it in a kind of fever dream where I felt I was really channeling my protagonist. We'll see if that's the case when his memoir comes out.
— Please link your profile so we can admire your works!
It me
Thank you @breathinginthissilencecence for the ask. I shall tag... @jeevey and @iinchicore!
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the-everqueen · 3 years
For the character thing: Raskolnikov of C&P, please.
[eyes emoji]
how i feel about this character: so if you know me, you know that C&P is one of my favorite novels (if not Thee Favorite). Raskolnikov is the kind of dude you would hate in your Philosophy 101 class because he thinks he’s smarter than everyone else and you just need him to answer your emails about meeting for the group project. but like. y’all. child me imprinted so hard on this fool. not even in the sense of relating to him or finding him a nemesis so much as being full of fond affection. he is radiohead’s Creep. he is when you realize that you are so small and insignificant, and you kind of want to yell at god or spit in his eye to regain a sense of agency, even though it won’t help. he is you at your self-righteous worst. he is you when you are desperate and angry and the unjust world itches on your skin. 
all the people i ship romantically with this character: obviously Sonya. i maybe have a weird (?) reading of C&P where i see the Sonya (eldest daughter, surrogate mother, sex worker) as the Christ figure of this particular Dostoevsky (there’s always one). does that make Raskolnikov Satan? uh...maybe. secondarily, Raskolnikov should’ve had at least one kiss with the detective Porfiry. that’s some sexual tension there. 
my non-romantic OTP for this character: um...also Sonya? can you have a romantic relationship with your confessional who might be a Marian figure, might be a Christ figure? if the answer is no (because you’re a Protestant and Wrong), then i guess his best friend Razhumikhin (who in my mental casting is played by Dev Patel). 
my unpopular opinion about this character: landlords ARE a fundamental evil and murdering the landlady was praxis. 
one thing i wish would happen: that there would be a Ayoade-styled film version that casts actually good actors and plays with the color symbolism, instead of the shitty BBC miniseries that currently exists.
Give me a character
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Rowaelin for the OTP Drabble #24
Lmao, this was so fun to write. Thank you for the request! This is like, my first try at Rowaelin fanfictions so please don't kill me if it's bad. I promise I'm improving everyday! 😌
Detention Diaries
Pairing: Rowan x Aelin
Word count: 2012 words.
Warnings: A little swearing here and there.
Summary: Rowan Whitethorn has spent three years of high school like a nobody but when the self proclaimed queen of Terrasen High lands them both into detention, maintaining a low profile might be impossible.
Aelin was so done with the day.
She had accidentally stayed up all night reading a book and now, her eyelids itched to shut down. She had already dozed off thrice in Maths class and had it not been for Dorian shaking her every two minutes, Ms Meave would have had Aelin's head.
Even now, she suppressed a yawn as she made her way to the lockers in the hallway. "I am so screwed. I have an English test today."
A few students waved their hands at Aelin in passing and she gave them a smile. Aelin won't say she was popular but she did know a lot of people in the school, thanks to her cousin Aedion being on the football team and Dorian in the student council.
Dorian rolled his eyes as they stopped by his locker. "Don't be dramatic. You can't fail English even half asleep."
Her best friend was searching for something in his locker when the crowd quieted down and he came. Rowan Whitethorn.
She had heard his name whispered enough times in gossip circles to know just what kind of things he was involved in. The guy had a reputation for being a cold hearted asshole, even if Aelin had never even heard him raise his voice.
A hood covered a better part of his face, hiding the tattoo that covered half his pretty face. She could make out the silver hair peaking from beneath the hood, the oversized hoodie doing nothing to flatter the muscles they all knew he had.
He was beautiful.
Dorian noticed her stare, then rolled his eyes. He kissed her cheek, then said, "Don't get into trouble. I have Physics next." And then Dorian was gone.
Aelin tried to ignore the blush that fought it's way onto her cheeks as she walked beside Rowan. She had to remind herself that he never talked to anyone and this would only lead to heartbreak but maybe her sense of self preservation was half asleep too because she said, "Going to English?"
Her words were met with silence. She already knew he was going to English. It was one of the many classes they had in common but an answer would have been nice. She tried again, "Ready for the test today, Rowan?"
"Yes," was all he said.
Then Rowan quickened his pace, possibly to lose Aelin in the crowd but she was the uncrowned queen of Terrasen High. While the students parted to make way for Rowan out of fear, they parted for Aelin out of love and admiration.
She made sure to wave and smile at a few of them as she fought to catch up with Rowan's awfully long strides.
The test hadn't even started when they arrived to the class. Their English teacher Gavriel was sitting in his chair, a thick stack of papers on his desk. When he noticed Aelin entering the class with Rowan, her uncle raised an eyebrow. What trouble are you getting into now?
"No trouble," She promised him out loud as Rowan went to take a seat.
She chose to sit directly behind him and started on her test as soon as it was distributed. The test was fairly easy, even though Aelin had to put some extra efforts to recall a few names and places in between, thanks to the sleep deprivation. At one point, she was ready to throw her pen at the nearest wall and go to sleep then and there. She only managed to stay awake throughout with a sheer force of will.
The real trouble arose when she had finished the test. Not having anything else to do, Aelin decided to poke Rowan with her ruler.
He turned around, his pine green eyes brimming with fury and Aelin raised an eyebrow, face carefully blank. "Something I can help you with, sir?"
"Stop," He said in deep, rough and slightly accented voice that sent shivers down her spine before turning around.
Gods, even his voice was beautiful.
Aelin wrote on the back of her answersheet: Your voice is beautiful. Do you sing too? She crumpled the paper into a ball, then kicked it gently towards Rowan, who had also finished writing the test.
He did not answer back. Silence means affirmation, Mr. Whitethorn. Will I have the pleasure of hearing you sing sometime? She threw the note at the back of his head this time, drawing attention from a few students. For all that she loved being the social butterfly, Aelin was not keen of the rumours that came with popularity but she was having too much fun trying to piss Rowan off.
He opened the note, read it, then shoved it into his pocket. Then he turned around and snarled quietly, "Do not fuck with me, princess."
That had to be the most words she had heard him say ever and ignoring the tone with which he had delivered the words, Aelin felt a small amount of giddiness at the term of endearment he had used. Princess, she sighed to herself.
Her smile must have been very apparent because Uncle Gavriel asked, "Something funny, Miss Galathynius?"
"Why, the question paper," She answered with a lazy wave of her hand, "a child could do this, sir. If you want me to take your tests seriously, at least make them a little difficult."
A few students snickered.
Gavriel rolled his eyes, then went back to keeping an eye on everyone. A minute or two passed and Aelin was already dozing off again. She kicked Rowan's chair and someone whispered her name from behind her.
Aedion was hissing at her from two rows over, "Whatever you are doing, stop it. Whitethorn will kill you off."
Whitethorn did indeed look like he wanted to kill her off but God, Aelin had to be in some mood today because she ignored the glares from both the males, flipping her cousin off and went back to kicking at Rowan's chair. His knuckles were tightly gripping his desk as if he was trying not to strangle her and seeing his expression, she didn't doubt for a second that he gladly would.
"Rowan," she called. "Rowan, will you tell me what shampoo you use? Your hair looks so silky!"
He gave her an incredulous look before smoothing his features into a blank expression. She wrote him another note: Please, tell me what shampoo??? Please? Your hair looks so pretty and they smell SO good. His hair did shine beautifully and they even smelt nice but Aelin did it less out of curiosity and more because she was bored and Rowan Whitethorn was her best chance at entertainment.
When he received the note, Rowan's eyes went wide. He growled back at her. "Gods, do you never stop, Aelin?"
Aelin opened her mouth to answer but her uncle beat her to it. "Miss Galathynius and Mr Whitethorn, if you don't stop now, you're going to find yourself in the principal's office."
"Excuse me, sir, but she is bothering me," Rowan said, his cheeks tinged pink.
Aelin gasped dramatically, rising from her seat. She pointed an accusatory finger at the brooding figure in front of her, then said, "Liar, Liar, pants on fire! You were the one insisting we should be friends!"
"Friends?" Rowan scoffed. "The only thing I'm going to be around you is irritated."
Gavriel was making his way towards them and Aelin had no qualms about throwing him under the bus. He hadn't stopped to think before he had accused her of bothering him, had he? Why should she?
Because he was telling the truth. You're not, some sane voice said from the back of her mind.
Aelin did not pay it any attention. "That's not what you were saying out in the hallway when we were flirting!"
Aelin took a huge amount of satisfaction when Rowan's cheeks flushed with colour, the tips of his ears turning a dark red. "Flirting? With you? I'd rather die in a ditch—"
"DETENTION, BOTH OF YOU!" Her uncle bellowed.
Rowan let out a loud growl of protest. Aelin just shrugged, a smug smile on her face as she sat back down.
Rowan had never been more pissed. He did not know anyone as insufferable as Aelin Galathynius with her reputation around the school as a heartbreaker, the self-proclaimed princess of Terrasen High. He loathed how hard she laughed sometimes, drawing all attention towards herself. He loathed how her eyes crinkled, the gold rings around the turquoise shining brighter every time she smiled.
She had everyone in the school at her beck and call and it pissed Rowan off.
Even now, she sauntered into detention with a swagger as if there was no other place she would rather be. The class was empty, save for Rowan and a dark haired guy sitting in the back. Aelin noticed him too and raised an eyebrow, "Why, Fenrys darling, what did you do to end up in this hellscape?"
Fenrys had a wry smile playing on his lips. "It's not Hell if you're here, sweetheart."
Right. If Rowan tried hard enough, he could recall a conversation in the locker rooms about the school player, Fenrys Moonbeam leaving some party with Aelin Galathynius, both of them drunk as shit. Fenrys, the quarterback of the football team with his charming smiles and bedroom eyes was the kind of guy Aelin Ashryver Galathynius would date.
Fenrys twisted in his seat to get a better look at the spawn of satan. She gave him an intimate, coy smile—the kind that you only reserve for some select few people. Rowan shifted in his seat, suddenly feeling like an intruder. He coughed loudly. "If you are going to undress each other with your eyes, have the decency to find yourself a room."
Aelin's answering smile was full of fire—wicked, dangerous wildfire. "Jealous, Whitethorn?"
Rowan scoffed, wishing he had the power to make her choke on air with one look. He had to be in some mood today. Thank the three faced goddess that Lorcan was absent today. Rowan knew Lorcan would give him an endless amount of shit if his best friend saw Rowan drive himself insane over childish, insolent, bratty Aelin Galathynius.
At least she and Fenrys were sitting two seats apart now, whispering quietly to each other. When five minutes passed and no teacher entered, Aelin rose from her seat and walked towards the window.
"What are you doing?" Rowan asked, then frowned. Maybe he shouldn't have spoken.
The expression on Aelin's face definitely told him he should not have spoken at all. She was smirking that obnoxious smirk of hers as she drawled out, "Not all of us are obedient little students, Whitethorn. See you around, preferably when you've grown some balls."
Rowan huffed. During his years in high school, he had always thought of Aelin as an arrogant, immature troublemaker. Now he could add rude to that list too.
Fenrys was already standing guard on the door. "Quick, Aelin! Mr Gavriel is going to come our way any minute."
Then Aelin turned, giving him a slow, simpering smile that clearly conveyed her thoughts about what she thought of his insistence to remain in detention. Scared, Whitethorn? And gods damn him, he was scared, not of being caught skipping but what an hour spent with Aelin might do to him. It was the challenge in those turquoises eyes, the taunt hidden behind her smile that had him rising from his seat.
She stepped back, letting him jump out of the window first. He was wondering if he should extend a hand to help or not when she leaped out with a grace he had never known she possessed.
Aelin was grinning, wider than ever and this may be the worst idea he had ever had but Rowan asked, "Where to?"
When the blonde haired girl straightened, shoulders pulled back and confident like a Queen, he decided that even if this was as likely to end in disaster as anything else, Rowan knew he owed it to himself to find out.
I am not sure if I should finish this here. If enough people want to read further, I might turn this into a multi chapter fic so feel free to drop your thoughts on that in the comments! Also, if anyone would like to be added to the taglist, please let me know!
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It’s The Avengers (03x08)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 08: We Are Going Knowhere
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: oooof!!!
Word Count:I sound so bad for actually turning happy that there was a positive patient in our block because that would increase the chances of my neighbourhood undergo a strict lockdown and then I wouldn’t have to go to work. My fam doesn’t understand this but I need some time with myself to recharge for good and so they look at me like I am posessed.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The lens focused from its blurriness over to the kitchenette where Bucky stood making himself some coffee.
Scott: Are we rolling? *nods* Cool. *clears throat* So turns out that there is another unspoken romance waiting to bloom in our midst and as a hopeless romantic with an engineering degree I am utterly disappointed in myself for not figuring it out sooner. *looks at some invisible void in the distance* Well, I would have if I wasn't so obsessed with my other couple goal. I would have. *smiles at the void* *speaks softly* those two almost gave me a heart attack last night!
A sweat-drenched Steve walked in after a run around the facility. "Hey," he greeted Bucky before turning towards the dorms. "Hey," Bucky greeted back while pouring his coffee and looking at America's ass strut down the lounge in those grey track pants that were just the right amount of tight across those butt cheeks jiggling down the hall while the camera caught that steaming hot coffee colour the -otherwise spotless- white island brown as Bucky's eyes and heart skipped with that booty while his hands holding the coffee pot forgot what they were supposed to do. Scott entered the lounge to find that coffee dripping down everywhere while Bucky was lost. "Watch out, Buck," he called out, breaking the Captain's trance on this Seargent, "your gay is showing."
Scott: *contemplates* huh...I should get that on a t-shirt.
"I don't get it. He's your best friend. Why don't you just ask him out?" Scott bit into an apple and looked at Bucky mopping up the result of his gaze and one sexy booty. "I can't ask him out because he is my best friend, Scott," Bucky sighed. "It was kinda easy to do this charade back in our day. Now, everyone is out of the closet like-" "Like your everyday lounging shorts," Scott added, getting a nod agreement from Bucky. "And I'm not even sure if he looks at me the same way." Scott had to look at the camera after on real slow blink in Bucky's direction.
Scott: *inhales while keeping his palms together in front of his face* Boy, do I have news for you! *opens his hands and tries to stop the excitement from making him scream* That dude literally fought Nazis for you! TWICE! And then brought you back to f****ng life! *tries not to cry* *whispers* Dude! Why are my OTPs so f****ng dumb!
On Our Trip to Knowhere The camera showed Lulu trying to swim in the sea of berries in a crate while popping one in his mouth whenever Loki wasn't looking. "If the merchant asks for mixed berries I'm going to sell you off to him," Loki announced from the cockpit. Well, at least Lulu thought he wasn't looking. The distraught and drooping fluff looked at you for any sign that this wasn't true. "No, he won't," you mouthed and shook your head before turning back to co-pilot - well, whatever was remaining of- the spaceship Loki had bargained from the last station. Putting the coordinates in for his stop, he turned around and brought his hands together and did one loud clap. "Alright. Everyone listen up. There are some things you need to take care of when-" You moaned incredibly loud, dramatically your head in every possible direction. "Uuuggghhhahaaaarrgggghh!!" "What." "We have heard this befoooore!" "And you will hear it again! Because Knowhere is dangerous. It has all kinds of filth gathered here hiding in the dark wh-" You wanted to groan one more time but something in the vast emptiness before you caught your eyes and took your breath away. "What...is that?!" your voice barely got out while a smirk landed on Loki's lips with a shine in his eyes. The camera quickly came forward to record what seemed like a gigantic skull being the bed of inhabitants floating in the dark of the space. From where its eyes were supposed to be, was a cavern lit with life inside while sizeable pods came and left from the jaw and ears. "That, my dear, is Knowhere," Loki declared softly, quite mesmerised for a moment by this look of awe in your eyes, "land of the lawless created when the Dark God Knull used his All Black sword to decapitate a Celestial. Seeing as the rotting skull was worth quite something to someone in some part of the universe, a notorious group by the name Tivan decided to make this their base. And as opposed to their demeanour, they are quite a dangerous group of underworld criminals, mind you." Loki had to turn his head and look at you when he did not get anything in response and found you sit there a shade lighter, looking right at the skull where you were headed. "Surely we'll be safe if we avoid that group, right?" You looked at him for a seed of hope to get out of this alive. "Right, Loki?"
Loki: *presses his lips together* *snickers* *lets the chortle slip his mouth* *guffaws for the next minute with tears streaming down his eyes while holding onto his stomach* One minute later Loki: *clears his throat* *wipes the tears from his eyes* Ah! I love humans!
"Oh, sweetheart," Loki practically sang a soft note in your direction with a gentle head tilt, "we are going to meet their leader."
The Lounge Team "Hey, would...you...like...ss-coffee?" The camera shifted from a disconcerted Bucky barely standing by the kitchenette on his wobbly legs to an encouraging- though a little disappointed- Scott standing there while Wanda sat on one of the barstools by the wall and witnessed the whole practice unfold. "Bucky, sweety," Scott pressed ever so sweetly, placing his hand on the island in his direction, "Steve would always like a coffee for his rat-like heart. We have to get him to have that coffee with you! Make him know that you want to have that coffee alone with him. Want to hold hands with him. Want to let him know how much you care for him. Want t-" "Want to let him know how much you want to bang him," Wanda commented, taking Scott by surprise. "How long have you been sitting there?" The Ant-Man asked with a hand on his chest. "Long enough," she shrugged while popping roasted almonds in her mouth. "Bucky, all you need to do is declare you like him. Rest will be easy peasy, lemons in vodka squeezy." 
Natasha: *tsks*Совсем беда с парнями. Без нас ни один из них даже не узнал бы, что второй жив. Wanda: *giggles* Ты бы видела, как Баки сегодня себя вёл в общей комнате, весь такой смущённый. Даже в глаза Стиву не мог взглянуть, не краснея. В конце концов он просто взял, молча пододвинул Стиву кружку кофе и ушёл — а у самого из ушей так пар и валит. Natasha: *rolls her eyes* Мои зверята и то сообразительней, чем эти двое. Wanda: *gasps* У тебя есть питомцы?! Natasha: *no change in emotion* Как-нибудь познакомлю. Так вот, возвращаясь к теме парней: ты замечала, что как только Баки заходит в комнату, Стив прямо весь тает? Wanda: *wide eyes* Замечала, и не только! Он только взглянет на Баки, как у него в голове начинает играть музыка из фильма "История любви", а перед глазами волосы Баки развеваются, как в рекламе шампуня. *blushes* *clears throat*  Да, и еще он почему-то переставляет себе, что на Баки из одежды только красные стринги. Natasha: *a big, toothy laugh* АХАХАХАХА!
Knowhere There were smoke and liquor everywhere the cameras swerved. There were creatures young and old, weak and bold, gathered to gamble, fight, rave, smuggle, hide. Anything unordinary you could think was there. From genderless strippers to non-binary fighters- the far corner filled with one hollered at the other, whistling, catcalling, making signs that you did not want to know the meaning of. Loki, on the other hand, was enjoying all fifty expressions your face reflected at the scenic view of the inside of Knowhere. Lulu, though mesmerised by the lights everywhere and blown away by the flying pods, still hung to your shoulder. If he had eyes, you were sure they would be wide open with their focus just on those flying machines as he made crackling noises at them. Javi caught you flinch and jump away from a creature looking like a six-year old's version of Satan but in green. Satan growled at you before pretending to bite you and lick those yellow fangs of his while he chortled with his equally appalling buddies. "Kin sibe nom torra," Satan rolled his R's while gurgling through his throat at you- someone who had no idea what that guy was talking about while trying to fiddle through your bag to find those earpieces the Hardy boys had provided you. "Ugh, is this what Clint has to go through?" That Satan dude stepped closer to you, driving you two steps back. All the onlookers could feel the sudden rush as they watched you stand one step away from backing into a murky wall while Satan smirked his dirty smirk at you, taking one potential step before Loki stepped in to put a hand on his chest. "Ukt sast nom kore grata," the God practically sang before parting his fingers with that chest while his face screamed 'yucky'. Just as he uttered those words, that smug grin on Satan's face got washed away to show confusion and fear eroding in those beady eyes. "Sica rom ni froa," Loki gestured him to walk away with a kind smile before turning to look at you with your jaw unhinged just a little. "Wha-how...what was that?" "Oh, they were catcalling you in the most vulgar way possible," Loki replied, looking at the address in his navigation device. "....okay? And?" "And-" he clicked the device close and pointed at a distant pathway- ever so casually with the other hand in his pocket- "I told them to only ask you to go with them if they liked getting their heads eaten when you orgasm." And the Silvertongue walked away, leaving that jaw to unhinge a bit more.
You: *grunts* now I wish I could do that *crosses arms in disappointment* *camera pans out to show Loki standing by your side, looking at you like a lost cause* Loki: This is why you do not have a lover You: *huff* *repeat his lines to him louder* this is why you do not have a lover!
The Collector's Den There were no guards on doors, something you thought would be a default scene considering you were walking into the Space Illuminati Warlord's lair. The neon colours breathing around you from creatures and elements unknown were too much for the eyes to deal with in one go. But it all seemed to be toned down to normal when your entire body felt itself jerk to prevent a heart attack at the sight of the four feet high and three feet wide head preserved in a tank right next to the entrance. "That's...one way to greet people," you muttered, your eyes still on that creature while your legs followed Loki further into the appropriately-named Collector's business place.  "Marvelous!" A voice boomed in the house of Tivan and you had to pull yourself back to the front, stepping closer to Loki to witness a creature anatomically very similar to a human walk towards your group with a pep in his step. "Finally someone who knows the worth of the head of a dark celestial." The white hair on his head stood as straight as a distraught anime character along with his brows. His lips were what caught your attention with an apparent thin tattoed line running down the middle, ending right before the chin. If that wasn't enough to make anyone wonder what in hell was this creature, the sudden whip of his cape was the last straw to help you innocent ones realise this one was the mad kind. "Tell me, oh beautiful one-" he bowed in front of you his hands going back in the air like a ballerina- "what do you think of that head?" You looked at Loki for some help. He simply shrugged and put his pale fingers on his lips, leaving the floor to you. "...that it's...big?" "It's hideous," the Collector grumbled. "A beauty like you should not have to see something so indigestible. EVER!" He whipped his cape again, making you shoot your brows up and turn towards the camera.
You: Ooooohohoho *giggle* my God! This guy is more dramatic than any theatre majors I have EVER seen! *gasps* Oh- Loki: No! We are not taking him to earth to meet theatre nerds. You:  You: *slump back* *grumble*
"Welcome to the humble abode of this mere creature that goes by the name Taneleer Tivan. Address me as you wish your grace. Your husband has been our esteemed partner for quite the time in this space." There was nothing but a slow blink that escaped you at the thought of the mafia lord thinking you were Loki's wife. Then, a finger rose in question at the audacity of that white-haired baboon reaching to that conclusion just by seeing you two together. "Okay, excuuuuse me," you started off with bubbling rage, "first of all, you have amazing eyesight for noticing I'm beautiful. And second of all, your partner wishes!"
Taneleer: *narrows eyes at the camera, oblivious* I am confusion
Loki simply rolled his eyes before touching a windchime next to him. "I see you still have your spies on a decent payroll, Tivan. Was it the Kou-Gare that boarded with us on the shuttle from the last station? Or was it the Djinn you had your clan's symbol etched on his back?" Taneleer blinked quite fast before breaking into a chortle, his head thrown back and his hands flailing. "You are still the same shrewd Silvertongue! I told them you would find out sooner or later." The camera focused on your expression- a swirl of shock and thrill. "But I do have to ask," he sang before turning to you, circling you like a cat, "where did you find this one? And what was so special about her that she got to stand by the side of the God of Mischief." He practically purred inside your hair while taking a sniff as you stood there frozen, looking at Loki for some sort of escape. "She is a human, Tivan," Loki called out, still looking at the windchime that refracted light into a colourful rainbow all over Loki's skin. And like a good chameleon, Taneleer's colours changed while Loki looked smug for the camera, his back still turned to you and the Collector. "By your Gods and mine! If she is a human how is she more alluring than you?!"
You: *smug* If I had a mic? I'd drop it. *still acts out a mic drop*
The colours on Loki's face washed away as fast as they had come. His lips forming as many different-sized Os as they possibly could. "What? WHAT?!" Taneleer simply nodded, observing you like an art connoisseur from a respectable distance. "Say, my ever-enchanting one-" with a leg bent out, he bowed to take your hand in his- "would you bestow upon this meagre merchant the honour to honour you by studying your essence?" "Okay, that's it," Loki muttered before covering the distance in two strides and breaking away that unwanted hand-holding; smacking away Taneleer's hand while taking yours and holding it in his. "You," he pointed his finger at the collector while the camera focused on his hand holding your wrist, "you are going to help me-" Taneleer parted his lips to say something before being shut by Loki's words- "BECAUSE you owe me for saving your life!" And then the God turned to you, the distance between the two of you lesser than Lulu lying on the ground. He was in fact lying on the ground, trying to make angels in something clearly invisible to the human eyes. "And you," Loki announced softer than he wanted to, his eyes locked onto yours. For the moment there, that was all it was. His greens shining like a freshly washed forest from rain shining under the new sun. And your eyes were the treasure quarry of y/e/c stones buried under the water looking up at that forest hiding both the light and darkness inside it. Seconds passed. Both Taneleer and the camera looked at each other for answers before the former slowly dragged his wine glass from the table to the edge, letting it fall and clunk on the floor, loud enough to break the God out of a trance. "You will stay here with Lulu. Do not cause trouble till I get back." Authority in his voice, he inhaled a lungful before furrowing his brows- trying to understand what had just happened- and turning to walk away. "Who's Lulu?" Taneleer was curious. You seemed to pop right out of your own trance by the question, beaming at the collector before picking up Lulu in your arms to let him purr in your embrace. "My baby." Taneleer took the appearance of little hairy creature in. "So much hair...or fur?" before turning to Loki, waiting for a second and then following him. "I told you not to take those drugs during your sexual endeavours for information extraction, Silvertongue."
The Lounge The flatscreen was muted, showing you sleeping in the back of the spaceship Loki just bargained for cheap. Your lips were parted and you were drooling all over the blanket underneath you while Loki set the ship on autopilot to come to take a look in the back. Javi was asleep too, with Lulu in his arms, both of them sprawled on the seats bunched up together by the last owner. What Loki did not realise- or did not bother to validate- was that the cameras were still running; those electronic bugs with space technology still buzzing around the temporary gravity.  He stood next to the makeshift bed of crates bunched together for you to sleep over, snoring loud enough to make Lulu's head vibrate in the direction of the voice. The camera focused on the screen when the expression on Loki's face bore a look barely ever seen before- soft. He was on his knees, putting the blanket wrinkled in your arms over your shoulder, securing it on both sides before moving a stray strand of your hair away from your face. He said something, apparently to you, but the only thing the camera in the lounge caught was the moving lips before frantically shifting between the screen and Natasha, Wanda, Scott and flustered Bucky; neither of them catching the lens' drift to look at the screen. Natasha and Wanda watched from the sofa as Scott still tried to get Bucky to open up a little more. "I can't watch this anymore," Natasha grumbled to Wanda with an emotionless face towards the two men, "just tell me when he comes." "Oh, oh, oh, he's coming," Wanda whispered, poking Natasha before transforming her excitement back to a dull sober self.
Wanda: So, I can always tell where this man is in the house. He does this thing where he will pick up a theme from something he is into lately and his brain keeps playing it on repeat. Last night Natasha made him watch Phineas and Ferb and so *flails her hands* *smirks* it's going to be the title sequence all day. *turns her smile into a fine line of distaste* and thanks to her I no longer have to listen to Never Gonna Give You Up for another week.
"Hey, Bucky," Natasha called out the ex-winter soldier as loud as possible, "I'm proud that you came out of the closet buddy! You should be proud of being bi. We are here with you." She clicked her tongue and finger-gunned him. Confused but delighted at the gesture, Bucky shared a chuckle with an equally excited Scott. "Thanks, Nat. But I don't know how will be able to tell to-" he turned just enough to let his eyes catch Steve standing frozen by the lounge entrance-"...Steve."
Tivan's Den "This is crazy. And so cool?! I wish I had the means to collect all the weird things around the world." Lulu chirped at you while tapping at the glass that had a pink coloured female inside it while you- bright-eyed and enthralled by the extraordinary roamed about the place, looking at the gems and flora, bugs and skeletons around this place. One little piece of quartz caught your attention for it had waves inside it as if clear water was kissing the pale dull sand on a clear beach and making it come to life. Your hand went for that crystal when you felt your brain jerk you back. "Ooooh, we're not supposed to touch anything. I don't want to be stuck in a death game again," you muttered before pouting at the crystal and walking away. Away from that shelf to turn and find yourself facing a golden music box and shrieking as low as possible. Lulu raised himself where he stood before leaping towards the shelf you were fangirling about. "Lulu, look!" You whispered in heated excitement, your toes barely keeping you on the ground, "a music box with Loki's helmet on it! You think it belongs to him?"
Lulu cautiously moved closer to the box sniffing it like a curious cat, pausing for a bit before rubbing his head with the precious trinket. "Okay. So, you approve!" You clapped and picked the box up. "Aw! You think little Loki got this as a gift on one of his birthdays?" Winding the lever as far as it went, you refrained from squirming as you opened it. A sweet sound was followed by Lulu's camera catching a hairpin inside the box. The camera caught the expression of pure awe on your face that was looking at the intricate designs on that hairpin while also catching a cloud emerging behind you that was slowly morphing into a figure; something you were not aware of. Lulu, on the other hand, seemed to feel the presence as the camera jerked and a hiss came out of the little one in the direction of the figure that was out of focus but slowly walking towards your back. "It's beautiful!" You whispered. "Do you think it belongs to his...mom, Lulu?" Another hiss came out of Lulu and this time you turned your gaze up in confusion at him. "I sure hope it does," an echo of a voice called out from behind you, making you shriek, jump away from that direction, hit your head in the shelf in front of you so hard that you went limp and fell down with one loud thump.
Back Where the Boys Are The back room of the Collector's den was rather more sophisticatedly decorated than the marketed front; not to mention the equally more bizarre antiquities surrounding the room as the God and one human entered. "I need a tool to break me out of these," Loki declared while directed Taneleer's gaze towards his handcuffs. Taneleer raised his brows and tapped his fingers onto each other. "Looks like someone forgot the key during their playtime!" A snicker left Javi and Loki almost lost it. "Why does everyone keep thinking I would voluntarily shackle myself to these forsaken cuffs!" "How many people have pointed that out by now?" Taneleer asked while supporting his weight on the nearest shelf. Loki shoved off the question, paused, blinked and then huffed. "Five," he muttered. Javi tskd from where he stood, signing something with one hand. "That Terran says eleven," Taneleer pointed out, now judging the God with his narrowed eyes. "Do not jest me, Collector!" "Jest you! You, the God of riding SOLO with nothing but self-preservation in your blood, trodding in space all mighty with a beautiful Terran and you expect the fauna to not suggest something titillating going between the two of you?!" The eye-roll Loki felt, almost made the audience wonder if they would disappear in the back of his head. "There is nothing going on between me and her. She's just. A friend." The most dramatic gasp came out of the Collector, his hand going over to his trembling lips. "He used the f-word," the poor mafia lord whispered to himself. "What? I have had friends before," Loki shrugged through his shoulders, not making eye contact with his company before getting conscious of the camera. "Oh, name one friend besides me who hasn't exploited you for their own wishes!" "Can we please get back to busi-" "That's because you don't have any-" "Peter!" Loki blurted out of nowhere before realisation hit his face and made a split-second eye contact with the camera before composing himself. "His name is Peter and if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone and then myself. Remember that." The weight in his words seemed to shift the power in the room, impressing the Collector beyond what he asked for. "Yes, yes! Don't boil your blood over it," Taneleer sang rather sweetly, swinging his hips and humming something. "Well? Are you going to help me or not?!" Loki huffed. "Give me back whatever grace I left with you." Taneleer muttered something that was not audible to the God.  "You did what?!" Taneleer groaned. "How do you have such sharp ears?" "YOU SOLD MY GRACE!!!" "Well, not sold so much as bartered for a nice sample of a fae's DNA. So, I'd say it was a good deal." The collector was in the middle of turning to face the God when he felt himself being shoved into the wall behind him by Loki. "You are-" Loki hissed- "going to get me-" and grabbed his throat- "out of these shackles-" and tightened his grip on the OverLord- "or this is the last thing you will see before you die." The Collector winced and croaked for air, begging through his eyes when Loki let go just enough for him to speak. Wheezing for as much air as possible, the Collector looked at the God with eyes of a mercy-seeking peasant. "Now, now, my sweet God! If you kill me...who will save your precious friend out there?"
to be continued...
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WEBTOONs I like :) (mostly mainstream WEBTOONs so be warned) (SPOILERS)
Lookism - Yes. Come for the plot and stay for the characters and thought provoking episodes that rip your heart into a million peoces. Jae tho.
Age Matters - Yes. Come for the pretty boys stay for the plot. Rose and Daniel are the ultimate otp jus saying. Akira tho.
Lore Olympus - Yes. Come for the pretty art style stay to join the kill Apollo club. We petition he be put down and we blow up the sun because it reminds me of that fucker. Hades tho.
I’m The Grim Reaper - Yes. Come for the cool art style and plot and stay for WHAT DID SCARLET DO TO GET SENTENCED TO THE 7TH FUCKING CIRCLE OF HELL?! Satan tho.
Castle Swimmer - Yes. Come for swimmy swim fish bois and stay for GAY swimmy swim fish bois. LQBTQIAPD+ REPRESENTATION BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Siren tho.
Ghost Theater - Yes. Come for pretty theatre boys and stay for ghosties and pretty theatre boy is a FUCKING BIRD. Paddy tho.
Darkness in Love - Yes. Come for gay bois and stay for gay bois!!!!! Mwa ha ha!!!!!!! There’s only two characters so.... Them tho!!!!!!!
Adventures of God - Yes. Come for Christian propaganda and stay for A WILD FUCKING RIDE. Gabriel tho.
City of Blank - Yes. Come for ghost purples spoopy and stay for REX IS A FUCKING BLANK WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!??!?! Rex tho.
Devil Number 4 - Yes. Come for sexy devil seducing a clueless brunette and stay for HE FUCKING CARES! HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF CAUSE OF NO 2 AND MIKA ITS OKAY CAUSE GOD’S EVIL AND WHY CANT ANGELS AND DEVILS JUST BE IN LOVE LIKE WHY?!?!????!?!!!!!!! Number 4 tho.
Growing up Gay - Yes come for Gay and stay for Gay. Sadie tho!!!!
Boyfriend of the dead - Yes. Come for serious zombie drama and stay for HE DIDN’T FUCKING EAT HER!!!!!! HE MET HER PARENTS!!!!!! CHARACTER FUCKING DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!!!!!! Eins and Svei tho.
Mage and Demon Queen - Yes. Come for what you thought was going to be a quick Yuri but is actually the best FUCKING THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKKKKKKKKK. Malorie tho.
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walter-sullivan · 4 years
fandom: pkmn ;)
hehe thank u!! :3c
Favorite character: well my favorite pokemon are eevee, shinx, and woobat.. but for human people its either barry or silver! green’s okay too i guess.. oh man and i love jesse, james, and meowth.. trans icons
Least Favorite character: professor oak isn’t that great tbh
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): oh god here we go with pokemon ship names.. nameless/originalshipping, twinleafshipping, preciousmetalshipping, brattyshipping, cutebonesshipping
Character I find most attractive: uhhh idk i dont rly lust after pokemon characters LOL i mostly think theyre cute.. i guess who i find the cutest is either barry or gladion!
Character I would marry: gonna have to go with barry again here folks he was my first video game crush after all
Character I would be best friends with: HOP! he’s the best bff u could have... 
A random thought: i used to think shinx was a weird dog
An unpopular opinion: there actually ARE some pokemon that suck and their names are jynx, tornadus, thundarus, landorus, gurdurr, and conkeldurr
My canon OTP: UH dont think i have one lol.. namelesshipping is p close to being canon tho they went on their honeymoon afterall..
Non-canon OTP: big surprise its TWINLEAFSHIPPING....
Most badass character: CYNTHIA?
Pairing I am not a fan of: ash/gary.. whats it called rivalshipping? idk i just dont rly like ash LOL
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i think it was kinda lame that dawn was obsessed with contests in the anime.. she was super whiney too which felt Bad cuz in platinum u literally FIGHT SATAN but yakno......
Favourite friendship: JESSE AND JAMES! mlm wlw solidarity and also they’re both TRANS thanks for coming to my ted talk
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wintcrdvst · 5 years
𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! under the cut you will find a masterlist of 213 quotes that can be used for otps, brotps and possibly even notps. these were gathered from various sources such as songs and pinterest for personal use, but i figured i might as well share. give a like or reblog if this was useful to you, and enjoy !!
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her lips are like the galaxy’s edge
i’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
surrounded by the what if’s and the maybe’s
we’ll be the last ones standing
all that’s left is you and me
you are the light at the end of the road
you are my favorite what if
every single moment will be faded into you
still remember a time when you felt like home
i see the love i have and it is all for you
the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you
i found god‚ i found him in a lover
he’s off to pay his crimes and he’s got no time for mine
oh baby girl you know we’re gonna be legends
you know the two of us are just young gods
i’m a king and you’re a queen and we will stumble through heaven
if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight
if i am the waves then you must be the moon
temperatures rising‚ i don’t want to feel
been wondering if your heart’s still open and if so i wanna know what time it shuts
open up next to you and my secrets become your truth
i only love it when you touch me‚ not feel me
tell me that you love me even if it’s fake
whatever our souls are made of‚ his and mine are the same
every moment with you sounds like welcome home
you say my name and it comes out like a dark confession
my love for you is the only thing i’m sure of
the devil kissed my neck and it felt like heaven
it’s our paradise and it’s our warzone
this is what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
i’m running in circles watching you call someone else’s name
all i want is the taste that your lips allow
your eyes hold everything my soul thirsts for
every bit of love that i possess within me, all of it, is just for you
of all the things my hands have held the best by far is you
no other word makes my mouth as tender as your name
my heart is so full of you i can hardly call it my own
my soul will find yours
in a room full of art i’d still stare at you
they know you walk like you’re a god‚ they can’t believe i made you weak
i would kill to be the cold tracing your body and shaking your bones
i was a king under your control
perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then
he knows me‚ every inch of my tar black soul
souls don’t speak‚ yet ours spoke fluently
you are the only place that feels like home
bite my neck and call me angel
we were fire and water‚ love laced with sin
my demons are in love with yours
you were like death and i was like war‚ and where we collided‚ darling‚ i loved you
i have looked at you in millions of ways and i have loved you in each
you gave me peace in a lifetime of war
if you’re gonna be the death of me that’s how i wanna go
my love‚ you are worth it all
she chased away my demons with the stars in her eyes
his hands on my flesh‚ so gentle yet commanding‚ make me want to sin
there’s a light in the crack that’s separating your thighs
swear to god i’m a sinner in a church burnin’ up for you
we fight every night for something‚ when the sun sets we’re both the same
i gave you everything and it’s a beautiful crime
made it through the maze to find my one in a million
maybe i’ll hold my breath and jump right in
i want to reconcile the violence in your heart
i want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
you may be a sinner but your innocence is mine
she took my heart‚ i think she took my soul
fucked around and got attached to you
you were sent to me from the skies above
give me love and all your hate
i’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
i dare you to let me be your one and only
you have my heart inside of your hand
with the same damn hunger to be touched‚ to be loved‚ to feel anything at all
please don’t forget me and all the things we did
we sin as devils do‚ we love as angels do
hell is just another place i’ll go to keep you warm
how does it feel with my teeth in your heart
do you know what it means to have death know your name
when i see you‚ it feels like coming home
i want to build you an empire that forgets to collapse
i crave you; even in the darkness‚ even in blood
i loved you long before i had the guts to let you know
i always feel at home with her‚ no matter how far away from home we are
death sits in the seat next to me; we make a lovely couple
with his educated eyes and his head between my thighs
i fell in love with the subject of sin
you come in waves
when hell freezes over
i’ll let you drag me through hell if it means you’ll hold my hand
until the end of the world
i know your heart
you and i and no one else
anytime you need a friend i’m gonna be by your side
how wonderful life is with you in the world
i could be yours
i know you used to love me in every way
i loved and i loved and i lost you and it hurts like hell
i wish you were a ship that was guided by the touch of my lips
the two of us went up in smoke
yours are the sweetest eyes i’ve ever seen
let me love the lonely out of you
falling seems so easy
no matter where you go you know you’re not alone
i’ll always be by your side
your eyes are where i’m lost in
i wanna get lost with you
i loved you then and i love you now
haunted by the ghost of you
if you don’t mind me saying so i love you
as long as you say you’re mine
take away all my sin‚ give me a sweet prayer on my lips
i will follow you into the dark
you’re a king and i’m a lionheart
as the world comes to an end i’ll be here to hold your hand
i find shelter in your arms
put your lips close to mine as long as they don’t touch
i swear i thought i dreamed her
maybe i just wanna be yours
the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day
i want you to want me again
never knew loving could hurt this good
you’re driving me wild
i can be the subject of your dreams
i had fallen in love with you before i knew
like the dawn you broke the dark
when we go crashing down we come back every time
like gods at the dawning of the world
i would know him in death‚ at the end of the world
he is half of my soul like the poets say
i wanna ruin our friendship‚ we should be lovers instead
i don’t wanna be your friend‚ i wanna kiss your neck
your eyes will lead me straight back home
friends shouldn’t kiss me like you do
remember my love for you won’t fade
for your eyes only i will show my heart
just say you won’t let go
i tasted the divine and she left my lips dripping with love
even when the world is against us i’ll keep you warm
my soul will find you each time
thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn’t shake
i’ll be your escape‚ i’ll be your safe place
she was my salvation‚ i was her destruction
we should just kiss like real people do
the world may disapprove but my world is only you
lend me your hand and we’ll conquer them all
wherever there is you i will be there too
close to you i feel i’m at home
if i die may it be of love and if i love may it be you
if your body was a book i’d read a thousand chapters
i want to love in you and get lost in you only
i want to hide you in my heart and not open it after that
we return to each other in waves
let him be soft and let him be mine
i didn’t know that i was starving until i tasted you
i was with you before we were even born
he was her warmth‚ she was his peace
what a lovely way to burn
if i told you about the darkness inside of me would you still look at me like i’m the sun
kiss me with adventure until i forget my name
as the dust settles around us
maybe we started this fire
touch me only when nobody knows
your love is my poison
i wanna taste the way that you bleed
you are the devil in me
wherever you go you can always come home
you’d be like heaven to touch
you changed everything
you feed this fire and walk away
lately i’ve been craving more
i’ve been cold since you left
make me feel like i am breathing
i’ll fucking digest you one kiss at a time
you wish i was yours and i hope that you’re mine
i met her at church but she could be satan
with one kiss you inspired a fire of devotion
i am the blank page before you
i am the fine idea you crave
don’t know why‚ just know i want you
don’t care why‚ just know i love you
to say that we’re in love is dangerous
i will follow you anywhere
i’d kiss you if it wouldn’t kill me
this isn’t love but it’s more than infatuation
i’m at your will‚ can’t you see what you do to me
if this could kill‚ you can read me my eulogy
three puzzle pieces fit together perfectly
my heart found a home in yours
you make me feel like i am home again
enter a king and a queen
he set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her
too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
if love is anything tangible‚ it is his mouth
in the middle of my chaos‚ there was you
all we do is think about the feelings that we hide
he tastes like every dark thought i’ve ever had
heaven is a place on earth with you
i can feel you running through my veins
following my heart will always lead me to you
a sea of rum couldn’t intoxicate me as much as a drop of you
i found the devil‚ i found him in a lover
i hadn’t tasted love until i tasted you
no place like home‚ no place like her
i was made for loving you
there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
if we can’t find heaven i’ll walk through hell with you
i’m drowning in these memories
i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be
fire and ice‚ they go hand in hand
in all chaos there is calculation
two thirds of my soul
us against the world
two heartbeats under me
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For the character ask... Amaimon and Izumo!
Just did the Amaimon for this ask so I’ll do Izumo in this one :D Thanks @athgalla
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: In the beginning, like anime season one, I didn’t think much of her beyond, ah, another tsundere character. But Izumo is probly my favorite amongst the human characters besides Shima and Lewin bc she had Rin’s back from the start and didn’t let the opinions/peer pressure of the others sway her from telling them they were being dumb. I appreciate her bluntness and love her aesthetic in general (demon-possessed kitsune Izumo was SO GOOD).
Why I don’t: She’s still a little generic tsundere to me. I think she has a lot of growth potential I hope Kato explores more.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Definitely the possessed by Inari scene, it was such good heartbreak for her.
Favorite season/movie: Illuminati arc, though this seems given, considering the whole focus was on her this one lololol
Favorite line: “Some people go on about defeating Satan and making friends but chicken out when it counts. I hate cowards like that.”--Just let em have it, Izumo XD
Favorite outfit: That casual purple sweater with the tank top under it and leggings was such a look tbh. I want to go out and get one like it XD
OTP: If I ship her with anyone it’s Rin or Shiemi. Both are for similar reasons. She just brings out the confidence in them and they in her.
Brotp: Again, her and Rin, though it’s been fun to see her with Bon these recent chapters. And Amaimon would be perfect if they’d had the chance to interact more.
Head Canon: I tend to have that she’s got latent demonic instincts in her bc of her ancestry. They’re diluted, but she still “gets” demons and their reactions better than the pure humans.
Unpopular opinion: I know she’s come far from the stand-offish tsundere, but she doesn’t seem to have had the same growth the other main cast has.
A wish: She gets to meet her sister again at some point.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Not sure I have one for her. Maybe not getting together with Shima? Not that I couldn’t see it explored in fic form, but not canon. Also I really hope Kato doesn’t pull a Kishimoto and end it on the ladies of the cast retiring to become housewives while the guys go on to be badasses :|
5 words to best describe them: Aloof, waspish, blunt, tsundere, independant.
My nickname for them: Don’t really have one, but I kinda like fox-girl for her, a throw back to my Yu yu hakusho days and Yusuke calling Kurama fox boy lmao
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beatricebidelaire · 10 days
beatrice and olaf and esme are all part of the theater circles in The City and well known enough that whoever were seen with them in public will create news and rumors about who they were dating. esme will be seen with people in whichever profession is the Innest at the moment and beatrice is very popular and widely adored and so she’s regularly seen with different people too. esme fans and beatrice fans fight over who is prettier who is more popular who is more talented. meanwhile beatrice and esme are sleeping together.
olaf was regularly seen with them both so at one point there were rumors of them fighting over olaf.
olaf when being asked the question, literally standing right next to beatrice and was seen arguing with her 10 seconds ago: well lots of women fight over me i can’t be bothered to keep track of them all. who’s this beatrice again?
beatrice, brightly: oh she’s this beautiful, lovely, talented actress! i’m a huge fan!
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azoraahai · 5 years
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hi hello, it’s your fav chaotic disaster here! since it is nearing the end of the decade/2019 here ( i know some of y’all are already enjoying the new year bc timezones lol ) but i just wanted to take the time and mention a few peeps that really kept me grounded this year. this is not a follow forever bc im lazy as fuck so pls enjoy this mess of me rambling lol!
even if you aren’t tagged, there are special mentions for each group im under so please read if you have the time! please note that each and every single one of you has made 2019 so much better cuz we all know it was hella rough so im very thankful for all of you!
this is hella long so everything will be under the cut :)
oc mutuals ⤵
my one and only :: @daisyjohvson my ride or die, my best friend, my beautiful sister, my other half. there are no words that could articulate how much you mean to me. you are my person and nothing could ever change that. i know we both have been busy this year, but im so glad we always do our best to chat no matter what time it is for us. you are my everything and i adore and love you so fucking much. i hope 2020 will finally be the year we meet after being friends for almost five years. i wish you the best of luck for the start of a new decade babe xx.
satanic bitches 2/3 :: @freakingbradleys @fleetwoodmcs god, it still blows my mind that my two idols talk to me on a daily. amanda, kayla, you guys have brought such a new perspective into my life and i cannot thank either of you enough for it. you guys are so encouraging, thoughtful, amazing, and supportive. i know i can tell you guys anything and you would be super honest with me and i cannot explain how much i appreciate that. thank you both for enduring the mess of 2019 with me.
my chaotic twin :: @emiliachrstine emilia, my love, it has been a pleasure talking with you via tumblr and snapchat facetime. you have brought so much laughter in my day while i was at college and i am 100% sincere when i say i needed those talks sO MUCH! you know some of the challenges i was facing so i just wanted to say thank you for being so fun to talk to and always listening to my endless ranting ( especially the cLASS SIX FELONY bit ). im so thankful we got closer this year and i love you so so so so soooo much bb!
the enabler buddy :: @moirei first of all, i cant believe how much we’ve been talking recently! i’ve always wanted to talk to you more and im highkey upset that it took me this long to reach out to you again, but anyways, as john mulaney would say, tHe PaSt Is ThE pAsT. thank you for letting me ask you sooooo many questions about sw, enabling me with all of these spur of the moment ideas, and for being such a wonderful friend! you are so kind, encouraging, and helpful! thank you so much for everything bb!
long lost sister :: @nellie--crain rachel, honey, you are a light in my life. anytime you message me, i already feel 100000x happier. you are like an older sister to me and i love you to the moon and back! i love all of your ocs and our xovers so much ( especially robeck bc otp ) and i hope we come up with more stuff in the near future! i hope 2020 graces you with so much happiness and joy, my love!!
some of my ride or dies :: @chlobenet @peterparcour @hopemikaelsvns @thetenthdoctorscompanion @drewtanner @princes-jasmine @aaudace @killinbills thank you all for being so amazing, talented, and wonderful! you all have played a significant part in my 2019 and i hope you all know that!! y’all are so awesome seriously xx
the rest of my oc mutuals :: thank you guys for sticking around as my hyperfixations constantly change once i find a new thing lol. i hope to chat with you all some more in 2020 and the years to come! please remember that each and every one of you is talented, creative, and beautiful! i wish you all the best of luck for this upcoming year and know that i love and appreciate every single one of you!!
giffing mutuals ⤵
the other half braincell :: @yelenabelovaa fleur, my darling, what an honor it is to be your wife! we got so close sO FAST and i cant imagine my life without you. you’re the jake to my tom, and if that doesn’t explain how chaotic we are then idk what does. thank you for being there right away when my dog died unexpectedly like i cannot tell you how much i appreciated you on the phone with me until someone irl was there to help me. thank you for always being so selfless, kind, and an incredible friend. i love you so much and let’s hope we get to meet in 2020!!!
goddess of parallels :: @andthwip the fact that you follow me is still absolutely mind blowing! also the fact that you tag me in your gifs is eVEN MORE mind blowing! i’ve admired your work for quite a while and let me just say, your ideas are unmatched!! you have such an eye for detail like no one can do what you do!! thank you so much for being a great mutual and i hope 2020 will be a wonderful start of the decade for you xx
the clown :: @robertpattisons okay dont hate me for putting the clown lol its just your icon and i had to im sorry lmao!! anyways, laiba, hi bb! you are such a talented gif maker and im so glad we became mutuals this year! thank you for being so nice, helpful, and a great friend!! i love you lots and have a great 2020!!!!
chaotic duo :: @colins-farrells sakshi, darling, idk if i ever mentioned this to you but you made me feel so comfortable with my blog. i looked up to you and your amazing chaotic posts and i just wanted to thank you for that! you truly are amazing and ily bunches xx i hope 2020 will be epic for you!!
some of my amazing giffing mutuals :: @lzzieolsn @luke-skywalker @ageofultron @brolinjosh @rosiebetzler @bitony you all are so fucking talented like seriously!!!! thank you all for following my trash can of a blog bc i have admired ALL of you from afar and im still in shock about it!! i hope 2020 blesses you all with happiness, success, and joy!!! i love and adore each and every one of you!!!
the rest of my giffing mutuals :: thank you all for being so fucking nice to me! i only began giffing regularly at the beginning of this year and i made SO many wonderful mutuals ( aka you guys ) because of it! you all have been so helpful and supportive of me and i am so fucking grateful for that!!! 2020 is a new year and the start of a new decade for us!! i wish all of you can enjoy this new beginning!!!
to all of my followers ⤵
hi hello! if you got this far down, congrats!!! i just wanted to say i fucking love you guys so damn much!! no matter what im doing, my current hyperfixation, the ENDLESS amount of shitposting, y’all willingly stick with me and i seriously can’t thank you enough! i know i say that so much, but it’s honestly 100% true! i’ve reached INCREDIBLE milestones because of all of you!! so seriously, thank you! 2020 is a fresh start so let’s make this year fucking amazing!!!
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dangermousie · 5 years
I like period dramas (I am watching My Country on Netflix and I am loving it so far through the tears), I like tasteful romances but not ones where the female character seemingly has no personality and all she ever does is get in situations where she needs to be protected or saved by said male. I also don’t like heavy stuff like drugs, sex, murders and excessive gore. I would like to hear your personal favorites too?
You have excellent taste, and by that I mean it mirrors mine :)
All of the below are personal faves that should meet your criteria. No wimpy heroines, serious dose of romance, no drugs and murder grossness.
The Princess’ Man - a period drama about star-crossed lovers - she is the cherished daughter of a royal who plans a coup, he is the scholar son of a loyal family. Angst, romance, gorgeousness, tough moral heroine, hero who goes from funny and chill to destroyed wreck and back to sane, etc. On viki. 
Worlds Within - a slice of life and romance between TV directors and the most addicting perfect thing ever. On viki.
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds - a lighter period romance with the heroine having to pretend to be a eunuch and having a romance with a progressive crown prince. on viki. 
Queen In Hyun’s Man - our heroine is an aspiring actress, our hero is an 18th century scholar who acquires the power to time travel to the present under perilous conditions. This one is sheer perfection - smart and swoony and amazing. On viki. 
Healer - despite the name, not a medical drama :) Our hero is an errand person (think errands involving danger) and heroine an investigative reporter. Conspiracies, true love, and hilariousness as she treats his meek alter ego as a friend. On viki.  
City Hunter - one of my most rewatched faves. Our hero has been taken from his mother and brought up as a tool of vengeance by a man I labeled as Daddy Satan. He finally sends his finely honed tool to Korea but he doesn’t count on his coming across spunky and warm presidential bodyguard, cohabitation, and all the other amazingness. If you love tough OTPs, feral boys becoming human and general awesomeness. On viki.
Haechi - it’s about intrigues, crimes and a polymath’s path to the throne. I love it. On viki. 
Slave Hunters - one of my all time favorites and arguably the best period kdrama I have ever seen (and you get to see Jang Hyuk who plays Bang Won in MC in arguably his most famous role). A former nobleman turned slave hunter, a slave woman pretending to be a noblewoman, and a general made a slave intersect paths on an epic collision course. On amazon prime. 
It’s OK It’s Love/Padam Padam/That Winter the Wind Blows - gorgeous melos with amazing cast and nuance. The first one is rather lighter than the last two. First two on viki, last one on netflix. 
Encounter - A romance between a high powered lady executive and a very nice younger man, this one is so mellow and yet involving. On viki.
Gloria - if you want something longer and slice of lifey and dramatic all at once. This baby is 50 eps.  It’s worth it though. It follows a bunch of characters - a hardworking woman who has to take care of her disabled sister and dreams of being a singer, an icy tormented illegitimate son of a rich family, a small time gangster, a suicidal ballerina. It’s wonderful. on viki. 
Faith/The Great Doctor - that’s the one I am rewatching now. A modern day plastic surgeon dragged to a fantasy version of 14th century Korea by a skilled warrior with an enormous death wish in order to heal a dying queen. If you like Outlander minus all the grossness and the raping and what not. On viki.
Mr. Sunshine - solid, gorgeously filmed period drama set at the turn of the century revolving around a bunch of disparate Koreans dealing with Japanese occupation. The first ep is hard going and has some odd english but it’s excellent after that. On netflix.
Pinocchio/I Hear Your Voice/While You Were Sleeping - all on viki. These three have the same writer/star team and are awesome. Pinocchio involves rookie reporters but also the OTP is a girl who has a (made up) condition where she cannot tell a lie and the guy is a survivor of a brutal family tragedy and they grow up together; IHYV is my fave of the three and is about a burned out lady prosecutor and a young man who can read people’s thoughts who are tied together by a tragic event (OTP is OMG) and WYWS is about people who can see the future in their dreams. 
Extraordinary You - my favorite kdrama of all time, aired earlier this year. Our protagonist realizes that she is just that - a character in a comic book, and a minor one with a tragic set up at that. She decides to change that. It starts out as a funny high school story and becomes a heartbreaking, swoony lesson in metaphysics. This one is probably better if you at least read some manga before. On viki. 
Crash landing on you - airing now (on netflix) - my current obsession. The premise is nuts (a rich SK heiress accidentally gets blown to NK and is helped by a sexy NK captain) but the execution is amazing. 
Goblin - an immortal goblin (think a cursed human) who used to be a legendary general, seeks to find a “goblin bride,” the one woman who can end his existence. His paths cross with a student who can see supernatural entities, a grim reaper who remembers nothing of his past, and an idiosyncratic chicken shop owner. This one is everything. On viki. 
W-Two Worlds - our heroine is a daughter of a comic artist who can cross into the comic world. Our hero is the comic protagonist who has just discovered his whole world and past are a fake and a lie and a story. On viki.
Bridal Mask/Gaksital - I have no idea if it’s your bag but I love it. In 1930s occupied Korea, a Japanese collaborator ends up being a freedom fighter. It has everything. On viki.
I’d love to rec Legend: the First King’s Four Gods or Empress Ki but I don’t know legit sites that have them. 
I didn’t post MVs because some people don’t like the spoilers even that minor, but I’ve always found those are a good way to check things out. 
I can keep this going for a looooong time, I’ve been watching kdramas since 2006 :)
ETA: can’t believe I forgot IRIS!!! But only the first installment.
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sakura-haruka · 5 years
I was tagged by @sopheirion​, we really do have a different pov about the show ^^
Remember that I'm French so if you see misspelling please tell me nicely. 
I tag: @watson-emma​, @carricfisher​, @clarabosswald​, @comicbookvillain​, @dobrien​, @bb-8​
Favourite Doctor: Eleven,  I love all of them but eleven has a special place in my heart, I started to watch the show with him and I always love that he was some kind of weird sci-fi fairytale (he was was literally Amy’s imaginary friend). He’s one of the most joyful Doctor but at the same time the saddest, the hardest in a way that the others were not. A good man goes to war is not only one of the best episode of the show but also the perfect example the eleventh Doctor can be dangerous, especially to protect the ones he loves. He’s storyline are my favorites, I love huge, dramatic, sometimes that don’t make sense, stories. River, the pandorica, the silence, the impossible girl... 
Favourite Master: Missy, she’s one of the best thing that ever happened to Doctor who. 
Favourite Sonic:  Eleven first one
Favourite Companion: Clara. I think pretty much all my dw followers know that. I adore her. I love how she was scared at the start, wasn’t truly born brave but became brave. She changes with the Doctor. I think losing eleven was hard from her, unlike Rose who went from a nice Doctor to a nice (and handsome) Doctor, Clara was with eleven who was nice and weird and she felt safe (did I mention that eleven x caller was my all time OTP?) and then he regenerates into twelve, and, unlike ten, he was not lovable a first, they had to rebuilt their relationship and they both had a lot of influence on each other. Clara became like him, looking for danger, and adventures and they balanced each other. Clara is funny, brave, kind, far, far away to be perfect and that the thing I love the most about her, she’s also bossy, sometimes selfish, resentful and so human. She’s not my favorite DW character, she’s my favorite character period. 
Favourite Story: So many, how can we chose? bad wolf, the empty child, The satan pit, blink, utopia, fires of Pompeii, silence in the library, Vincent and the Doctor, the Pandorica, the silence and River Song arc, the doctor’s wife, asylum of the Dalek (I know unpopular opinion), the whole impossible girl arc, listen, mommy on the orient express, Missy arc, heaven sent, the Doctor fall... and so much more.
Favourite Soundtrack: Clara?, the Shepherd’s boy (it’s the theme for the Twelfth Doctor regeneration scene and it was beautiful), the Doctor’s theme (it’s not music from the generic). 
Dream Composer: Murray Gold
Dream Actor for next Doctor: I have a list! 
1. Ruth Negga
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She would be perfect, she could be a funny, kind of rock in a weird way, sarcastic, joyful but not overly with a big love for drama Doctor. She was already my first choice before Jodie was cast. 
2. Ruth Wilson
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3. Andrew Scott
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4. Amanda Abbington
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5. Olivia Colman
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6. Eddie Redmayne (he said he wanted to!)
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Dream Story: Anything that retcon the timeless child storyline. 
It goes against my vision of the Doctor and it’s personal but I loved that the Doctor didn’t have a DESTINY, like Harry Potter or Luke Skywalker. He was just someone kind, a traveler who escapes a society he didn’t belonged in and started to help people almost accidentally, not a true hero and certainly not a God. He became the person he is thanks to the people he loved, the people he saved and lost, thanks to the enemy he made, fought, and sometimes defeated him, thanks to the decisions he took. Someone old who saw too many things. And now they’re a fucking god, the Adam and Eve of the Time lords! And I already know what the showrunner is gonna write, “even with what they live, their past, they choose to became the Doctor meh meh meh”. It’s the exact same story as Rey Palpatine and I already disliked that one, Rey no one was so much better. I think, especially for shows or movies that children watch, it’s just great to show that you can be “no one” and became someone’s great thanks by the choices you made. It’s my personal point of view.
A Companion You’d like to see back: Bill Potts, I need to see the face she would made once she realizes the Doctor is now a woman and not grumpy at all! I think the Doctor not being grumpy he’s what would shook her the most.
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: Maybe the Sontariens, we haven’t heard about them in a long time.
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why? Ten or thirteen, maybe more ten because he’s the one who makes me smile the most and certainly would be the best to feat with my personality. Of all the Doctor I think ten would make me the happiest. 
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Buffy dir the ask Game
Aaah! *^* Thanks for asking, I had hoped that may come up! xD
Answers under the cut though, because this turned into... literally 3k words worth of fangirl rambling. That’s what happens when you make me talk about the things I love the most. *ducks head*
Top 5 favourite characters: Spike, Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Rupert Giles
Other characters you like: let’s make that five more then! Daniel Osbourne, Andrew Wells, Cordelia Chase, Anya Jenkins, Drusilla
Least favourite characters:Dawn Summers by a landslide
Otps: Spike/Buffy, Tara/Being Alive, Willow/Tara, Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Anya, Giles/Joyce (I always wanted Giles to become Buffy’s dad, officially and legally ;-;), Cordelia/Buffy, Giles/Spike, Oz/Andrew (LISTEN, I love Oz, I hate that he left and only came back once to see his girlfriend his now a lesbian. I wanted him to return for good and I wanted Andrew to be explicitely gay and not just Word Of God gay)
Notps: Xander/Dawn - like, her crush on him was cute and all, but that season 8 really had to make THAT canon was… not necessary… Also Giles/Buffy is really the only Hard No ship I’ve encountered in this fandom, otherwise even when I don’t vibe with a ship, it’s more a shrug and keep scrolling
Favourite friendships: THE GOLDEN TRIO. Xander-Willow-Buffy. I love them
Favourite family:The friends we found along the way. Seriously, the Scooby-gang absolutely counts as a family. Joyce and Giles are the parents, Xander and Willow (who supposedly have parents but we never meet them and they don’t seem to care much) are as much a part of this family as Buffy ;^;
Favourite episodes: HAH! The one show where I can actually name them, without having to cross-check what the episodes are called and what happens where! xD
Once More With Feeling: clearly. IT’S A MUSICAL EPISODE. And it is so good. The singing is so good. I immediately bought the soundtrack and I listened to it on a loop for months. Then the content! The Spuffy is so good, the Buffy angst, everyone gets an adorable moment and then that ending that kills me
Tabula Rasa: I love this episode. It is so whacky but again also with angst, because that Willow/Tara is murderous
The Body: I mean, in a masochistic kind of way do I love this episode. It is… it is so heartbreaking. I’ve seen it like twelve times now and I still cry every single time. How vulnerable Buffy is, the Tara-Buffy friendship, Anya has one of my favorite moments when she confronts what death means. This episode is an absolute sucker-punch
Favourite season/book/movie: Season 6, hands down. Other TV shows always try to one-up it - so they fought demons in season 1, how about they fight SATAN HIMSELF in season 3? The escalation is very rapid in most supernatural shows nowadays. That Buffy took a step back and spent essentially a whole season on character development and friendships and human issues? Also two of my favorite episodes happen in this season, so that makes it all the more special to me!
Favourite quotes:Okay, so, full disclosure I love the musical episode but I listened to Rest in Peace THE MOST. And the lines “I died so many years ago, you can make me feel like it isn’t so” just completely wrecks me. Like, there’s a whole lot of memorable quips in this show and the line “I’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about” is ALSO absolutely outstanding
Best musical moment: When Buffy says “I think I was in heaven”, just the way her voice breaks, the reaction on everybody’s face? This silly musical just outed her biggest secret, the thing that’s going to hurt everyone around her with guilt and the thing that’s wrecking her life. That moment is so good
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: William Pratt. Getting explicit flashbacks to flesh out Spike’s past, to meet the man he used to be and see what he was like. Also genuinely every any flashback about the Fanged Four. This is something I KEEP yelling about in all the supernatural genre shows - if you have centuries old characters then USE THAT. Show me their past! Seriously the wasted potential of flashbacks around Magnus Bane on Shadowhunters is downright insulting. But Buffy? Every time it explored more, showed me more, I fangirled so hard. Also genuinely when Buffy slept with Satsu in season 8 - like, I know there were no grand romantic feelings but Buffy Summers had sex with a woman and… c’mon, Buffy’s not 100% straight, she just isn’t, I stand by bi!Buffy
When it really disappointed you:When some greedy asshat decided to do a comic reboot and retcon Willow into being Out And Proud in high school and be Gay All Along. Fuck. You. Like, yeah, sure, obviously am I all for out and proud teenage rep! But not at the cost of erasing existing rep! Not when it’s a retcon that actively erases an “I took longer to realize my feelings and be true to myself” lesbian, because those exist and are valid and deserve to be seen too and by retconning her into being out in high school, instead of having boyfriends in high school and only coming to terms when she is in college and actually MEETS her first lesbian to realize that this could be her truth, by doing that, you’re effectively sending the message that only Gold Star Lesbians are valid and genuinely fuck you for doing this. Also, from what I’ve heard that comic reboot effectively erased Drusilla’s insanity and victimhood to have her be an evil mastermind villain and… no… that’s not the character anymore then; a huge point of Drusilla was that she was a victim, most specifically Angel’s victim, that he broke her completely so we can see the bad and depth of Angelus’ worst days, it’s important for the plot even if it makes you uncomfortable to see a woman be a victim, in her case her victimhood and her insanity are literally what make her her. You just created a new character. There is some really wrong SJW bullshit going on in there and it’s dumb. If you wanna tell new stories, do that. But don’t take this existing beautiful story and slaughter it for your own whims what the fuck, I genuinely loathe that this comic exists and I’m glad that the TV show thing is going to be a spin-off sequel and not an actual reboot because don’t fucking reboot Buffy
Saddest moment: Joyce’s death, definitely. But also when Giles decides to leave, that breaks my heart every time
Most well done character death:ALSO Joyce’s death
Favourite guest star: I… really don’t know, like I don’t know who’d count as just guest, when looking at the cast list most the ones I would have said are technically recurring characters and then it’s also not really asking for the character but the actor, huh? Retrospectively probably Wentworth Miller, because he has become an actor I like a lot so seeing smol!Wentworth in Buffy is adorable
Favourite cast member: James Marsters. If tumblr existed back when Buffy first aired, all my Dominic Sherwood obsession could be fully translated onto him. He was one of my three first actor obsessions and he still remains that, to this day
Character you wish was still alive: ANYA. There was no need to kill Anya off in the finale, I wish season 8 could have had that happy, good Xander/Anya content… ;-;
One thing you hope really happens: I am so excited and afraid of the sequel spin-off. That could be so great (or a disaster and that’s the part that frightens me), but what REALLY needs to happen is that Sarah Michelle Gellar guest stars. Of course not as a regular, it is supposed to be about a new slayer. But I need them to then also acknowledge what has been before. Maybe others could guest star too, cameo occasionally (though it would be hilarious if Andrew was a regular and like a… guide to the new kid). Ideally, I would get to see every Scooby at least once in this spin-off but what really needs to happen is that Buffy Summers appears in it
Most shocking twist: When they killed off Buffy… and there was another season. Like. This was pre “everybody dies and is frequently brought back from the dead, death doesn’t stick” TV era (actually, it is the mother of that trope, really), so that was… really a shocker.
When did you start watching/reading?: Ironically, during my least favorite season. Season 4. The initiative was the most bland and obnoxious plotline, Riley/Buffy is a ship I really don’t dig and I was a teen so American college was Weird And Confusing and also uninteresting. However, I had been DYING to watch that show for three years and been deemed too young to watch it so it was really exciting that my mom finally allowed me and also I WAS right on time for the lesbian coming out and that still to this day blows my mind because Willow and Tara were the first lesbians I got to see on TV and it still means the world to me. I then got caught up on reruns, watching the first three seasons, but even on rewatchs, plot-wise season 4 is the weakest for me
Best animal/creature: Miss Kitty Fantastico, by default? xD I think she is the only animal in the whole series… and she just kind of… disappeared too ôÔ°°°
Trope you wish they would stop using: Mmmh… I… I mean, when rewatching this as an adult, I gotta admit the early Angel/Buffy is very uncomfortable. Back when I was Buffy’s age and younger I thought it was the coolest thing that this vampire loved this teenage girl, but as an adult I have come to re-evaluate all the 16/17 year old girl getting together with a 100+ year old vampire because that most definitely is a very concerning age-gap and… not necessary. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always also hold love for them because I loved them back when I first watched it too and I think they have a fascinating and epic tragic romance, but… media’s gotta stop pushing the idea that centuries old immortals find high school kids romantically and sexually attractive; it’s not a good look
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Clearly sell me on the canon romance, if you look at my list of OTPs where nearly all of them are canon. Also THIS IS PROPER FOUND FAMILY YO. I’m so tired of shows pretending to be “the team is a family” and then it’s all just deceite and distrust and miscommunication and tragic. AND where this show 100% outdoes… literally everything else I have ever read and watched is the mental health. Buffy died and came back from the dead and instead of just shrugging it off and doing business as usual, we spent a whole season on her depression and dealing with the aftermath of it. Same goes for Willow and her grief over Tara and her addiction. Bad things happen to the characters and it’s not just used as a cheap ploy for more drama, they have ramifications and are being dealt with.
Funniest moments: When Tabula Rasa made everyone assume new identities and everyone thought Giles was Anya’s sugar daddy and Spike’s actual father? Also the time that Giles kept himself a pet-Spike in his home because no one trusted Spike yet (reasonably so). And honestly, countless more - this is one of the funniest shows I ever watched, the quips and one-liners are absolute killers.
Couple you would like to see: Huh. Can I go really vague and say that I would like to see a wlw couple with at least one lesbian in the spin-off sequel? Like, obviously do I hope that this new iterations brings more rep to the table - LGBT as well as POC because if I have to admit one flaw in my favorite show then that it’s very 90s white - but even among that, I really hope there will be at least one lesbian character, who gets to have an on-screen romance
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: As mentioned above, I hope Sarah Michelle Gellar and others join the cast at the very least as guest stars.
Admittedly, I also would murder to see Dominic Sherwood play a vampire on this new show.
Those two would be the ones I’d love to see join the cast. However, I kind of got lost in an entire fan-cast here, so have my pitch for what I’d love the spin-off’s cast to look like. I have no idea what age-range it’s going to be though. Probably teenagers again, but I kind of hope early to mid twenties.
My dream cast, which isn’t going to happen because she already has a lead role in a TV show so she’s too busy, but I’d LOVE to see China Anne McClain as the new slayer.
And, okay I admit this is Marvel based type-casting, but I’d LOVE to see Lyrica Okano as the witch friend (the group needs a witch friend).
Sarah Jeffery for the Cordelia-type role. The bitchy cheerleader - but she’s actualy a closeted lesbian who joins the team when she accepts her own identity and befriends the group.
It’s probably also type casting to make David Castro play another brooding vampire, but listen he’s about the same age as China and he would give off good Angel vibes to her Slayer?
Jane Lynch as the Watcher. But not a soft dad like Giles, more the grumpy, annoyed mom who now has all those irritating children running after her even though she is just trying to teach her charge how to be a Slayer.
Favourite item: I love the dumb axe. Like, I think it looks WAY too modern to be this ancient tool, but dang it’s pretty
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: my phone-case, all seasons on DVD, the soundtrack of the musical episode on CD, I probably still got my old bedsheets somewhere. I do wish I had more merch, in a different time I probably would have spent all my money on Buffy figures, but those weren’t available way back when and now that I have access to the internet’s treasure-hunting-sites, I… have learned to… mostly… manage my money better than mindlessly buy merch (though if Funko Pop finishes that… Rock Candy series with all the main characters, I will definitely buy those. As it stands, there’s only Willow and Buffy available right now…)
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I would definitely not be a slayer. Maybe a witch??
Most boring plotline: The initiative. Seriously. I’m HARD anti military and this bullshit of college soldiers policing the supernatural world was… boring and weird. Got even weirder when it turned into Frankenstein at the end
Most laughably bad moment: ooof that puppet episodes had quite some intentionally cringey moments
Most layered character: Spike. Fight me on that. Seriously, his past as a human, as a vampire, his present, his will to gain a soul, his dynamics with all the Scoobies, I love him. To be fair, Buffy is also the most layered character though
Most one dimensional character:huuuh… Dawn? I mean, seriously she is just every teen angst trope crammed into one, with zero tolerance for what the only slightly older adults may be going through, they even made her shoplift for attention, I swear she could have only been more of a cringey teen trope if she also Cut For Attention… -___- Like. She… She got slightly better with time, but out of all these multi-facetted characters, she is definitely the flattest
Scariest moment: Puppets creep me out so the puppet episode was definitely scary for me. Also the Silence I mean damn that was an amazing episode but it was creepy as fuck
Grossest moment: mh… I can’t think of one, really. I’m unsure if there were any really gross moments
Best looking male: Spike!
Best looking female: Doppelgänger Willow. Don’t judge me. Also Evil Willow. Okay you can judge me a little
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Never really had a crush on any of the characters
Favourite cast moment: That was… pre-internet times, we didn’t get immediately swamped by posts and videos and photos of the cast, there was very little access to these things so I was never really exposed to that
Favourite transportation: THE RV. I loved when they were on the run for half an episode and just all lived in an RV together :D”““
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I really don’t know
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:It’s a very well-rounded series and I was never actually left with major questions
Best promo: The best promo it had was running in our living room so I could carefully sneak a peek when going to bed and thus want to watch the show :D”
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: When Willow/Tara happened. I didn’t even know that I’m a lesbian back then. I was like 10 back then. This was literally the first time I saw two women be together. Back then I didn’t know what about it amazed me so much. Cue in 12 year old Phoe slowly realizing “oooh I’m a lesbian that’s why the lesbians spoke to me”. But yeah, being the first show to show me lesbians exist, that was when I fell in love and then I got to watch the whole show and it is just such a perfect show that it was impossible not to love it
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