clangenlore · 4 months
otterclan: in pursuit of strength
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current leadership
blazestar | 32 moons | playful | talented swimmer
as the clan's youngest cat to be granted his nine lives, blazestar struggles with the feeling that he was never meant to be leader. his mother was deputy before him, and only her untimely death led to her son's appointment in her place. despite his impostor syndrome, blazestar works hard to support his clan, often found fishing along the lakeshore with his raucous group of friends. his determination to prove himself leads him to train daily in the camp's arena, where blazestar has proven himself the best fighter in the clan. still, he fears it's not good enough, and keeps training. maybe one day he can live up to the shadow of his mother.
shrikebloom | 19 moons | nervous | very clever & trusted advisor
shrikebloom is blazestar's half-sister through his father; her mother was a lyreclan cat. because of her heritage, shrikebloom has a leaner physique than most of her clanmates and is by her own admission one of the worst fighters in the clan. still, blazestar trusts her implicitly and knows he can rely on her to solve problems on her feet. the two are very close despite not being full siblings, and blazestar managed to convince her to play goalie for his moss ball team. at this, at least, she is very good.
fawntail | 64 moons | strict | camp keeper
graypaw | 7 moons | adventurous | interested in herbs
a no-nonsense sort, it's fawntail's job to patch up the scratches her warriors obtain in their reckless pursuit of glory. she's more than a little done with the young warriors' shenanigans, and blazestar and his friends are a particular thorn in her side. her usual greeting to the leader is, at this point, a weary but resigned sigh. she may have limited patience at times, but she's nothing but dutiful when it comes to her job.
fawntail's apprentice is her adopted son, graypaw. he was found abandoned on the territory as a just-weaned kitten; he'd been tucked into a hollow tree with only a single dead mouse to feed him, which he hadn't touched when an otterclan patrol came to investigate his wailing. upon seeing the little scrap being carried into camp, fawntail immediately took him under her wing, telling her clanmates that she didn't trust any of them to look after him properly. she's spoiled graypaw ever since, hoping to make up for the neglect he experienced in his early moons. she was more than happy when he asked to train under her as a medic, and the two are often seen curled up together sharing tongues. graypaw, for his part, is a curious sort, and to fawntail's dismay he's picking up on his clanmates' tendency to get into trouble. graypaw can't help it; his paws tend to move on their own when his mind wanders, and he finds himself walking the borders, wondering if the cat who left him here will ever return for him.
reckless but surprisingly spiritual, otterclan cats are typical jocks who are fond of all kinds of physical activity, especially honorable combat. they love to spar and are endlessly competitive; an otterclan will fight, touch, or eat anything just for bragging rights or to win a bet. they're constantly stopping neighboring patrols to challenge them to mock battles, and they have a friendly rivalry with the family of otters that lives on their territory. battle is more than sport to them, however; it's sacred. every season, to honor starclan, a chosen few cats of otterclan fight each other in the area in their camp, demonstrating astonishing feats of skill and grace. it's as much a dance as a battle, painstakingly choreographed and practiced to perfection. this ritual reinforces their conviction that every battle's true purpose is to honor starclan.
one of otterclan's most colorful customs is their fondness for wearing body paint made from natural pigments and crushed chalk. it's not just for looks; it's a means of personal expression and a way of petitioning starclan to grant them certain desired attributes. a star invokes starclan's protection and guidance; a flower suggests a desire for growth and gentleness; a clover is a prayer for luck. young cats who have not reached twelve moons of age do not paint symbols but rather wear impersonal stripes: enough that starclan will watch them, but not so much that the stars will claim them before they've reached their maturity.
despite otterclan's battle-hungry mien, they take killing seriously and regard it as a solemn task to be performed as little as possible. otterclan cats who have taken another cat's life in battle will notch their ears to ritually mark each life; cats with heavily tattered ears carry the heavy burden of many cats' souls, and tend to spend their lives doing penance. this consists of hunting, gathering herbs, and otherwise supporting the deceased's family however possible. if otterclan catch wind of any cat, otterclan or otherwise, who does not fight honorably and in accordance with starclan's will, they are horrified and will invoke the right to trial. a council of cats from each clan will gather to hold a trial before all the clans, during which the accused cat may defend themself or accept the punishment the council deems worthy of their crimes.
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chooseyourpaws · 17 days
Runnelstar - A yellow tabby molly with green eyes. Constantly stressed. (Dapple’s mate, petunia’s mama)
Roachdive - A sienna brown tabby tom with yellow eyes. Serious and worried.
Corvidcall - A dark, smoke-colored tom with distant blue eyes. Aloof and cynical.
Snailberry - A small curly-fluffy light gold classic tabby molly with a white muzzle, paws, chest, belly, and tail-tip, and light green eyes. (Weaselheart's sibling)
Greenbee - A sienna and black tortie molly with light green eyes. Eccentric and almost sinister.
Head Guard
Shrewcry - A mousey brown tabby tom with a white underbelly and amber eyes.
Head Hunter
Wormcurl - A lilac tabby charlie with yellow eyes and a white underside.
Head Caretaker
Weaselheart - A sandy-yellow tabby charlie with a white muzzle blaze and deep green eyes. (Snailberry's sibling)
Biscuitbelly - A broad-muzzled ex-kittypet tom with tan fur and silver eyes. (Loach & Heron’s dad, Apple’s mate)
Petuniagrass - A red molly with green eyes. (Runnel & Dapple’s adopted daughter)
Shellspeck - A silver tom with amber-and-blue eyes.
Downpurr - A grey molly with white paws and heather blue eyes. (Umberpaw’s mother)
Daylight warriors
Pollysprout - A brown-and-white tabby molly with paws dyed by freshly-cut grass and yellow eyes.
Breambell - A blue tom with bronze eyes that wears a bell collar outside of hunting.
Applejumble - A fuzzy and lean light brown charlie with a warm darker brown point and white flecks. (Heron & Loach’s parent, Biscuit’s mate)
Loachpaw (reed) - A brown tabby tom with yellow eyes. (Apple’s kid, Heron’s brother, Biscuit’s kid)
Heronpaw (trickle) - A tan molly with green eyes. (Apple’s kid, Loach’s sister, Biscuit’s kid)
Umberpaw (log) - A dark grey molly with bold green eyes. (Downpurr’s daughter)
Dapplesong - A brown smoke molly with blue eyes. A little too confident. (Runnel’s mate, Petunia’s mom)
Lilykit - A black tabby molly with a few white patches on her face and neck. (Ferretchase’s daughter). Sweet and unassuming 
Dazzlekit - A light brown charlie kit with a few white spots on their forehead. (Ferretchase’s kid)  Bold and defensive 
Larkplume (Badgerclan) - A lithe, dark gray tom with white patches and yellow eyes.
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clansofthehills · 1 year
hi :3c
i do plan on eventually creating my own warriors AU, i'm working on the characters/allegiances rn, but for right now this is a warriors sideblog so i don't absolutely flood my main lmao
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faunawcrp · 4 years
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High Ranks still needed!
Join Of Felids and Fauna WCRP, a discord-based warrior cats roleplay! The plot follows three clans, still somewhat new, as they deal with a string of deaths with no apparent cause.
Foxclan needs a leader, deputy, & medicine cat!
Otterclan and Turtleclan each need a deputy & medicine cat!
We also have many warrior positions available! Apprentice applications are currently closed.
Please read all about the roleplay on the website and apply!(links in the notes so this doesn't get blocked from the tags)
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i got my very first panic attack over warrior cats rp. my oc got promoted to med cat bc the old one was inactive, but then the old one came back and was pissed at being replaced. everyone on the forum was arguing at lightning speed and i ended up panting on the couch thinking i was having a heart attack. my mom asked what was wrong and i had to say i was dying bc of kitty roleplay. shoutout to otterclan
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sentinel-wraith · 5 years
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On February 5th, we passed the 9th Anniversary of Redwall Author Brian Jacques’s death. Brian Jacques had a strong influence on my teenage years with his poems, spectacular food recipes and heartfelt characters. His stories of cruelty, compassion, and courage sparked my imagination and inspired my creative writing. Because of this, I’d thought it would be fitting to share the first character he inspired me to write: Rausaro. Several years ago a successor series to Redwall known as “Beyond the Western Deep” held a fundraiser that allowed for the creation of original character art. The story team has a number of skilled artists including one of the original Redwall artists. At the time, I had been clearing out old boxes in the attic and uncovered a printed character sheet and a few posts from an old forum called BZPower that I had made nearly 15 years ago in April 2005. Using those, I was able to work with the artists to reconstruct my character. *** In the old RPG, Rausaro Riverpaw was envisioned as a scout and tracker hailing from the otterclans of Green Isle. Shipwrecked by Corsairs, he and a few allies made their way to Redwall where they were incorporated into the forces of the resident Skipper of Otters. His companions included Sessina, Turag Brookback, Sickle, Pyro, Takuna Rhaknas and Badergermum Hahli. I’m grateful for the memories and writing adventures we went on as kids, and for the friends I made through through the rpg. A final and fitting poem from Mr Jacques sums up my memories... “My chamber is a refuge here, against the snowbound night, a flickering cave of crimson gold, made warm by firelight, where images are conjured, of friends I used to know. I battled and I marched with them, one dusty long ago. I see them now arise again, in memory that ne’er will fail. Their legend is reborn anew, and thus begins my tale.” -High Rhulain Credit to the skilled Rachel Bennett for the character art. Thank you again! #Redwall #beyondthewesterndeep #otter #anthro #anthropomorphic #taggerung #highrhulain #otter #anthrootter #brianjacques #liverpool #england #literature #fantasy #oc #originalcharacter #originalart https://www.instagram.com/p/B8sNBj_jahp/?igshid=z2trw18uez0h
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twistedtoms · 6 years
your otter au just gave me flashbacks to when i was 10 and my friend and I had this warriors fanclan called OtterClan where they were all half otter, half cat,,, what a throwback
Anon, that’s so valid
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sytheofabloodmoon · 2 years
SickleClan Moon 26
Still uneventful
Checking in: Oatstone is day dreaming, Daisyfur is looking forward to the half-moon meeting, Cinderspeckle thinks she’s going crazy, Cinderstar is thinking about who should mentor the non-existent apprentices, Sandcry is feeling content and Deadpath is feeling gloomy
Patrols: Cinderspeckle and Sandcry go out on patrol together and meet an OtterClan(Another clan?!) patrol at the border but nobody is hostile. They have a nice conversation with them as they hunt on their respective sides of the border. Oatstone and Cinderstar and find a loner who they fail to convince to join the clan(Dang it!)
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softremus · 4 years
a sanders sides warrior cats au but all eight of them (the originals + remy and emile) are founders of the four clans :)
remus and virgil form otterclan
remy and logan form ravenclan
patton and emile form deerclan
roman and janus form foxclan :)
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clangenlore · 5 months
rookclan: in pursuit of knowledge
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current leadership
lyrestar | 143 moons | shameless | beloved kitsitter
an eccentric old fellow, lyrestar is old as dirt and usually covered in the stuff to boot. his eyesight is failing and he's missing a few teeth, but by starclan he's not retiring yet! he was a bit of a casanova back in the day, siring litters with multiple she-cats before finally settling down with his current mate, a former kittypet named mae. he loves kits and can often be found playing with his great-grandkits in the nursery. not as technologically-minded, he prefers digging for grubs and gathering clay for pottery; his polydactyly makes his paws great shovels. his tail was burned in an accident when he was a young warrior, and since then the firekeepers have banned him from handling fire.
cherryhawk | 70 moons | responsible | great hunter & fast as the wind
cherryhawk is a very capable deputy, and at this point she's the leader of rookclan in all but name. her birth was a difficult one, leaving her without a tail and with a permanently weak leg, which she usually keeps wrapped in leaves to compress it. she earned the suffix -hawk in honor of her speed, which helped her catch and kill an actual hawk during her assessment. she likes to keep physically fit and often races her otterclan rival along the border. her level-headed nature makes her the ideal cat to curb her clanmates' reckless enthusiasm.
swanplume | 124 moons | troublesome | prophecy interpreter finchbeak | 124 moons | righteous | good healer yewberry | 29 moons | thoughtful | keen eye & dark forest affinity
swanplume and finchbeak are rookclan's elder healers; they're littermates and, surprisingly, lyrestar's younger aunts. much like their nephew, they refuse to retire. they're meddlesome old she-cats and love to gossip and nag. both of them bear scars on their faces thanks to their job requiring close proximity to their clanmates' sometimes-explosive invention accidents. most of rookclan prefer swanplume to finchbeak, whose abrasive tongue makes for poor bedside manner.
yewberry is their much younger apprentice. his demeanor is much calmer and quieter than his denmates', though his tendency to stare at things no one else can see makes him somewhat intimidating. while all of rookclan let their curiosity guide them, yewberry's interest parallels his name: he cultivates toxic plants and experiments with them. he attempted to ingest small doses to try and make himself immune to his poisons, but his first attempt went wrong and cherryhawk forbade him from doing it again. so naturally he's continued doing it, just in secret, and much more carefully.
inquisitive and innovative, rookclan cats are relentless in their pursuit of knowledge. thanks to their experiments and inventions, they're the most technologically-advanced of the clans, developing rudimentary tools, crude wheels, and even a simple written language of glyphs. what's more, rookclan cats have even managed to harness the power of fire. only specific cats are permitted to start fires, however; these cats, called firekeepers, undergo extensive training in order to control the flames. with this fire, rookclan is able to cook their prey, a practice the other clans find odd. dried minnows and smoked jerky are favorite rookclan snacks, often squirreled away in caches marked by stone cairns. another rookclan recipe involves mashing grubs and meat scraps, using bird eggs to bind them, forming them into small cakes, and frying them in fat.
because of their keen interest in learning, rookclan routinely hosts outsiders, engaging in fascinated conversation and exchanging knowledge. thanks to this, rookclan cats believe in a greater variety of gods, spirits, and superstitions; when you're playing with explosive compounds and hazardous materials, you'll take the help of anyone you can get.
rookclan actually has two camps, one on a grassy knoll overlooking a cliff that falls into a gorge, and another on the steep face of the cliff, accessed through a system of natural caves and cat-made tunnels. the primary camp on the surface is where the young and old live, as well as warriors assigned to routine patrols. the secondary camp on the cliff face is occupied by those performing dangerous experiments, using fire or sharp tools, or working with hazardous materials. this area wasn't always a camp, but became one to prevent inventors from falling asleep at their workbenches. the gorge below, meanwhile, is a dumping ground for human garbage, which rookclan cats love to collect and tinker with, if only to discover how these objects work.
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chooseyourpaws · 1 month
Yes (Cautiously)
You sniffed the air, picking up on the scent of other cats outside. You could hear frustrated bickering, though not what about. Caution in your steps, you poke your head outside..
… Only to be greeted by an angry black-and-white tom.
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“Woodruffbite! I told you, there’s a cat here!” He snarled, “What are you doing on the border?! You another Otterclan apprentice?!”
A dark brown tom with a couple hazy cream splotches padded forward, and examined you.
“They’re not Otterclan, Woodpeckersnap. Don’t smell it, and Runnelstar didn’t mention new or upcoming apprentices at the last gathering.” Woodruffbite huffed, casting an annoyed glare at his possible friend.
A different scent, sweeter and like berries, drifted into your awareness, though Woodruffbite and Woodpeckersnap were far too busy arguing about what to do with you to notice it. You look over in its direction, and see the tail of a third cat in the bushes.
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faunawcrp · 4 years
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Of Felids and Fauna is an original Warrior Cats roleplay on Discord that takes place in a fictional setting vaguely in North America.
The plot follows three newly made clans, Foxclan, Otterclan, and Turtleclan, who used to be loners part of one big community before breaking off ~38 moons ago due to their differences. Foxclan settled in a dense, brush-filled field, Otterclan in the forest with a winding river near the cliffs, and Turtleclan in the murky swamp. 
Lately, Cats in the clans are being mysteriously found dead or going missing and never returning. It started with Turtleclan, but the other clans brushed it off as the brutal territory they chose to live in. That is, until they spread to Foxclan, starting with Foxstar, and then to Otterclan. When Foxstar was found dead, he had yet to pick a new deputy, leaving the clan feeling very uneasy, maybe even like they’ve been cursed by Starclan. They voted for a new leader, as there was no deputy to take Foxstar’s place.
Please read all of the lore before applying here!
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@ otterclan anon: me too
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chooseyourpaws · 1 month
Choose Your Paws — A CYOA blog about war cats.
Focused on Poppypaw, a cat who came to the clans and [STORY TBD]. Will you lead [pronoun] to glory or infamy? Or perhaps, mediocrity? Only one way to know!
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Blog start
Clan list
Cat creation
The first post.
Otterclan allegiances
Rule i go by for post determination: The result at 10 votes will be the chosen one, unless it’s a tie. This is because i don’t want to wait a whole day. If posts start getting 30+ votes, i will update this.
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chooseyourpaws · 21 days
Here are my theories + thoughts about what's happened so far!!!
I think that we aren't the first time a cat has been created and then dumped into the world. Realistically I'd say it's only been one or two others but my crack theory is that it's going to turn out that the entire clan (other than anyone born in the clan or who came in as outsiders) are also StarClan-grown cats
My extra out-there theory is that the other StarClan-grown cats will also be controlled by a bunch of people in the same way that we're doing with Poppypaw but idk how that would ever come up even if it was the case
I love Snailberry so much :)
I like all of the different possible roles we can choose from! I think it's fun when Warriors fan content diversifies what kinds of jobs cats can have in their clan. I ended up picking gardener because Snailberry but I think the Caretaker role also sounds pretty cool so I wouldn't mind if that ended up winning the poll either
im gonna be so transparent I have to vote on these polls to see the results before they end. I genuinely didn't expect caretaker to get any votes and i'm scrambling a bit to give the kits more personality... especially since otterclan is so small that there's only two. I won't lie, I meant to post a poll asking which clan's allegiances (of the two I've completed) y'all wanna see.
anyways to respond to all of these:
Oh yeah! I definitely did my best to make Corvidcall's behavior and words imply this. I'll reveal more in-story, possibly. Maybe later in asks, I don't know. But Starclan likes to play dolls, and this time, so do you.
Maybe, maybe not exactly, but they definitely have more... otherworldly connections.
Oh stars, same. she's already got a planned consistent (PLATONIC) relationship with Poppypaw. I love this girl, and big props to @doctorjoob for helping me so much with her existence. Joob helped me a lot with the cast we have so far.
Yeah, I hate how much cats in the canon have to do. It's wild, why do these silly cats have 80hr/wk jobs. Give them breaks. Also, I have been splitting the canon healer role into a "psychic" and "doctor" type roleset for a while now. Partly because it diversifies roles, partly because how clearly "Medicine cats" are taken from cultures the Erins have no right to touch in the way they have.
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chooseyourpaws · 1 month
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STOATCLAN - The bold and resourceful
MARTENCLAN - The sneaky and laidback
BADGERCLAN - The strong and brash
OTTERCLAN - The hesitant and cunning
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