#ouppy doug
lordoftablecloths · 8 months
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Lore + potentially higher quality version (exporting pixel art is weird) beneath cut :3
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Went through the entire spectrum of human emotion while making this.
Alike, though they may be, Nighthawks separate themselves from Werewolves in a number of ways, primarily in how they re created. A Werewolf may cause another to become a werewolf via bite, blood, or any sharing of body fluids. However, a Nighthawk can only become as such when cursed. Visually, they look the same- or at least very similar- as Nighthawks bear a closer resemblance to wolves than Werewolves do, the latter of which manage to keep a more humanoid appearance. It has been noted that Werewolves have more control over their changed forms than Nighthawks, but both require a constant feeding of raw meat or blood to stay healthy in both changed and unchanged forms.
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houngry ass ouppy doug
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l4zyb0n3s · 1 year
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in my professional opinion
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drzone · 1 year
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ouppy doug?
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haunted-plush · 3 days
1-5 with Mateerrrr
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
oh man where do I even begin. he is ouppy. ouppy douge. taggy tail and happy paws and aaaaaaa
he's so sweet and caring. he puts his friends and loved ones first and if they needed anything he'd be there at the drop of a hat. like just imagine knowing he'd be there for you when you needed him
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
his teeth as much as anyone else might think otherwise are so cute to me, also headlights are canonically boobs and he would have a scar over his tit [which is hotttttt]
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
idk probably the way he was characterized for Cars 2, he felt a little out of character and flanderized for some of that one. also I'm sorry but he had like no romantic chemistry with Holley, I'm not saying this in a "he's mine and only mine rahhhh!!!" way just in like a. man what were they thinking way. they just wanted to distract us from the fact that Cars 2 is OBVIOUSLY a breakup movie lmao
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
a dating sim game? lmao
idk he's in a lot of media tbh, I'm pretty lucky in that regard. He's in Disney's California Adventure in Cars Land, and he's coming to Disney World in the next few years, so that's exiting
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
pretty much any Dixon Dallas song or the main theme from Brokeback Mountain. I have a whole playlist of songs though
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sheila--e · 1 year
purple haze isn't a stand its a doug. ouppy haze.
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