#our funny handsome talented weirdo
skybluelatte · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Vernon!!!🩷🐻‍❄️🩷
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starleska · 2 months
[oh hey ig what im talking about may still be new. Uh. Maybe slight spoilers for Avery Pokémon’s Sync Pair Story in Pokemon Masters EX?]
Star, I must repent. I think I followed you at the tail end of your Avery obsession. I must admit, I did NOT get it, I did not see The Vision™️
But things changed, you may already know, but I downloaded that mobile Pokémon game, Pokemon Masters EX, bc I’m broke and know no other option; Avery was put in the game…like…yestetday?; I go “OO! Star’s guy!”; I obtain Avery; etcetera etcetera, yada yada
It’s 5am, I’m sitting someone else’s house with little to do bc I was watching a family’s dogs while they were on a weekend trip. I open the app and decide to play the little side story for Avery bc ofc I love the 💖Lore💖 and thought it’d be cool to gain clues on who he is (bc there’s no introductions in the game, really. You just go in and they expect you to already know these guys…I, in fact, know none of these guys).
Avery greets the player and starts briefly talking about his powers, his family, his Slowpoke, gym leading, etc. (probably just referencing what already happened in Shield but-) and I’m like “…omg…he is lovely <3”
and. then I see him “teleport”. For the first time…I…HE DID SAY “oh I was supposed to have all these powers but only got Telekinesis” BUT. I WASNT . I WAS NOT READY. I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WAS EXPECTING!!!! BUT IT WASNT THAT TURN AROUND AND FULL SPRINT AWAY INTO THE NIGHT, LEAVING THREE (3) OF HIS POKEMON JUST SITTING IN FRONT OF ME, VIBING
I don’t remember what noises I made, but whatever it was, I startled awake all four of the dogs I was watching. I was almost SOBBING. That got me so bad. I still look up at the ceiling everytime I think about it.
Tragically, my YouTube search history is rapidly becoming a mess as I try to find every compilation of this guy ever,
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bahahahahaha YES!!!!!! WELCOME TO THE AVERY CULT!!!!! oh it's so funny that as roach brainrot takes over my whole being, Avery finally gets you. we really can't control when that little light switches on and makes us insane, can we? 🙈💖
gosh i ought to check this Pokemon Masters EX game out-
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MY LOVE!!!!!!! 🙈💖🙈💖🙈💖 OHHH so that's why i've seen so much gorgeous art of Avery over on Twitter over the last week!!! i thought people were just finally waking up to what a handsome and funny guy he is 🥰💖 i'm so, so happy he's become your husband too...you have to be confronted with what an elegant little weirdo he is to truly fall victim to his charm!! (i'm not gonna lie when i read you calling Avery 'Star's guy' i got so giggly 🙈🙈 now he's OUR guy!!!) oh my god. TELEPORT IS WHAT GOT YOU???? i'm in PIECES 😂😂😂 we love our silly fellas with a big slice of pathetic, don't we. bless his heart he's so troubled and has so much familial angst yet is equal parts bishie bully and ready to break down in tears at ANY second!! when did he start doing the teleport thing, do you think? has anyone ever told him how ridiculous(ly pretty) he looks? 😖💖💖💖 that art you've drawn of yourself is making my sides shake that is EXACTLY how i felt when i first saw Avery. just one look at his outfit and i was absolutely gone 😭😭 omg my goddd though Kayleigh McKee, his voice actress in Masters EX, does such an amazing job, i'm gobsmacked!!! i was kicking my legs hearing him laugh so haughtily 🥴💖 hufjgk i would kill to have him in a longer anime episode please good lord...!!! Mr Big Hat over here would be so terribly smug to know he's gotten you all flustered 🥴💖 very much looking forward to the inevitable ship art of yourself and Avery (and of course your other Pokéblorbos, because we can never have just one!! 🥰)...gosh you're making me want to draw him!!this is that time where i promote the hell out of my extremely talented friends who've drawn lovely art of Avery and my OC Nix (AKA Crystelekinesisshipping 😉): art by @/mruuhaha, art by @/MrKlausSelfShip, and art by @theredmists 🥰🥰 and to feed your little Avery fixation, i made this silly little AMV for him when in the throes of my own 🔥 lying down, blood on my face. there are too. many. pretty. characters. in the world. how dare you bring Avery back i am trying to rizz up a French bugman 😂😂 Lorelei, it is a pleasure as always!!! thank you for bearing with me while i've been crushed in fixation hell, you're a champion and i am IMMENSELY looking forward to reading through your Avery brainrot backlog 😉
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alesreadings · 3 years
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Hi, bookworms. Today, I come here with a big-ass recommendation.
Thanks a lot to Netgalley, Holiday House and Alexene Farol Follmuth aka Olivie Blake for the e-arc!!!
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. (Yes, Bel, my mom would say something for this, lmao)
This was hell of a ride, so, let's start.
I'll try to not to spoil things, so, I'll give a general review.
Bel Maier doesn't know what she wants to do with her life once school is over. And by accident, she ends up showing a talent: engineering. So, Mrs. Voss sends her straight to the robotics club. Worst of all? All the boys ignore her. And Neelam—the other girl on the team, doesn't seem to like her either.
Teo Luna (my boy) sees potential in Bel, so he helps her out to polish her talent and to build up bots.
FYI, I don't understand a shit about physics, hydraulics or robotics for the matter (I once read a book of nuclear physics and had a really hard time trying to understand something, but it was a good thing that I had a base back then, lol), but I pretended like I did. Please, I'm a literature girl, I envy (in the good way, always in the good way) the girls and women in STEM— they're fucking baddasses and goddesses. They rule the world.
I liked the way Alexene/Olivie showed up how hard it is for girls to try to fit in a world/worklplace/study place "ruled" by men, or at least with men on them. I can totally confirm this. Let me explain. My career (literature) is plagued by girls, there's a lot of us and like 11 boys (in my classes) but teachers (mostly men, ugh) only ask for their opinions to the boys, what about us? Well, we can overreact or argue. We don't "share our opinion", we just fucking yell and fight— which I've done with many teachers because, duh! I'm not a fucking dumb and I am so fucking smart (mind you, it took me years to accept the fact that I'm smart because people told me for years that I wasn't smart, not even a bit) and I have good opinions of my own.
So, even if it's not the same study/work field, I get it. I get how frustrating is try to prove your own worth, work your way and show how worthy you are. It's tiring and exhausting.
I really liked Neelam. Once I understood her position and hear her thoughts, I loved her. At first, I was unsure why it was that she didn't like Bel, but I get it now.
The romance was cute, funny and soft. I liked Bel and Teo together and separated. They're really smart, clever, also funny, and a couple of nerds, and weirdos. And the way that Bel transformed Teo into a Swiftie? *chef kiss*
I love nerds, they're my weakness, trust me. And Teo is my new fictional boyfriend, one of my faves. Straight to the top 10 shelf.
The side characters were okay. I don't complain. Jamie and Lora were wonderful. But Dash? Dashius ma boy, love of my life. He's the fucking MVP, I love him so much and I must protect him at all cost.
I liked the complexities of Bel and Teo's families. Teo is basically the perfect guy: excellent grades, going to MIT, captain of the soccer team, a nerd, a fucking handsome nerd, funny and smart, but even he has problems that he struggles with, and many flaws, and I liked it.
I thought I was gonna prefer Gabe over Luke, but nah, Luke is way better and a good boy. He supports Bel all the way and he's funny, too.
In overall, this book was really amazing. I was hesitant once I heard Alexene was Olivie Blake, the one who wrote The Atlas Six, because I'm not liking TAS as I thought I would and I have it on my "on hold" shelf, lol. Buuuuuut, I liked this book, a lot for my own sanity. I mean, please, I have to keep a reputation of a cold-hearted bitch, and this book made me cry and throw my phone away and blush several times.
I truly loved it. I found a new comfort book and a new fave one!
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slickbackdani · 4 years
Batman Movie Villains Ranked from Worst to Best
Recently, a YouTuber I follow by the name of Mr. Rogues released a list of Batman villains ranked from worst to best. I have nothing but the utmost of respect for Mr. Rogues as a content creator, but I took issue with his list because his long-standing biases were often the deciding factor in many of his rankings. So, I decided to do a list of my own.
I’ll be going over every Batman villain to appear in the movies, briefly analyzing their portrayals and ranking them on a scale of 1 to 5. To prevent the list from being too cluttered, I’ll be separating the villains by which movie series they’re part of. Here we go!
Burton/Schumacher Tetralogy
Bane: Perhaps the only villain in this series I’d call “bad.” The calculating tactician of the comics is nowhere to be found here; instead, he’s reduced to a monosyllabic, brain-dead stooge for the other villains. Overall, he does nothing that couldn’t be done by a random henchman. 1/5
Two-Face: A deeply layered villain in the comics, Two-Face sadly gets upstaged by the other major rogue in the movie, but that’s not to say he doesn’t leave an impression. Tommy Lee Jones gives him a manic and mercurial demeanor that, combined with his colorful design, wouldn’t be out of place in the Adam West series. The size and scope of his criminal organization make him a genuine threat, and there’s something darkly fitting about Batman’s former ally being responsible for the creation of Robin. 3/5
Poison Ivy: Mr. Rogues for some reason ranked her as the worst Batman movie villain of all time, and frankly, I don’t see why. Like Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face, Uma Thurman gives this character a delightfully over-the-top demeanor that combines with a colorful, comic-booky ensemble to make for another great “what-if-this-character-appeared-in-the-Adam-West-series” take. She does a good job juggling the differing facets of Ivy’s character: she’s the put-upon cynic, the craven opportunist, the radical eco-terrorist, and the suave seductress all in one package. 3.5/5
The Penguin: Fuck the Razzies. Danny DeVito made this role his own and set the stage for the character for years to come. He’s a bit of a departure, but a welcome one: far from the refined gentleman of crime Burgess Meredith portrayed, this Penguin is an animalistic thug warped by a lifetime of anger and hatred of the society who rejected him due to his deformities. His signature wardrobe, trick umbrellas, and Penguin gimmick are all there, but DeVito sells the role by showing amazing versatility: he can go from a comical and pitiable weirdo to a terrifying sociopath at the drop of a stovepipe hat. 4/5
Mr. Freeze: I honestly can’t say much about this character that my mutual @wonderfulworldofmichaelford hasn’t already. Arnold Schwarzenegger perfectly encapsulates both popular versions of this character: the flamboyant, pun-loving criminal genius from the Adam West series and the Animated Series’ traumatized scientist desperate to cure his loving wife of her terminal illness. Sure, the puns and hammy one-liners are what this version character is known for, but Ahnold definitely knows when to apply the brakes and give a greatly emotional performance as he tries desperately to cure his wife. 4.5/5
Max Shreck: Probably the only time you’ll see a movie-exclusive character on this list, and deservedly so. Corrupt businessmen are dime-a-dozen in Batman stories, and most of them have little personality outside of being greedy scumbags who either get defeated by the hero or betrayed by the other villains. Shreck, however, is different. Not only does he have an eye-catching fashion sense on par with any of Batman’s famous rogues, but Christopher Walken brings his signature manic intensity to the role, creating a character that’s as wicked and sinister as he is cool and stylish. You totally buy that the general public sees him as the good guy. His warm relationship with his son is also a delight to watch. 4.5/5
Catwoman: Michelle Pfeiffer does a lot to really make the character her own. She gets a lot of genuinely badass moments, but underneath all of her coolness lies the undercurrent that she’s a broken, traumatized character lashing out at the people who abused her and took her for granted. Even when she takes these ideals to unreasonable extremes, you never stop feeling like the retribution she brings on her enemies is at least a little warranted. Also, she has amazing romantic chemistry with Batman and her costume is fucking metal. 5/5
The Ridder: It’s Jim Carrey. 5/5
The Joker: This role is perhaps the one that set the standard for future Jokers to follow: Jack Nicholson’s humorous yet unnerving performance signaled to audiences early on that this would not be the goofy trickster of the Silver Age, but a different beast entirely. This Joker is a film noir gangster on crack: a disfigured mob hitman who quickly takes the entire criminal underworld by storm and unleashes his special brand of chaos and destruction across Gotham. He’s an artist, a showman, a charismatic leader, and the man responsible for ruining Bruce Wayne’s life. 5/5
Christopher Nolan Trilogy
Talia al Ghul: You know that recent trend in Disney movies where a side character we thought was harmless and inconsequential turned out to have been the villain all along in a twist with no buildup or foreshadowing with the reveal happening too late in the movie for this character to really do anything cool or impressive before being unceremoniously defeated? That’s Talia. DKR is the weakest of the three Nolan films, and I feel like it would’ve been much better received without this twist villain contrivedly shoehorned in. Also, while I could kinda forgive the trilogy’s whitewashing of other villains like Ra’s al Ghul and Bane due to the talent their actors display, Marion Cotillard doesn’t get a pass because she just doesn’t have the charisma or screen presence needed to pull it off. 1/5
Victor Zsasz: While the idea of redefining Zsasz as an over enthusiastic mob hitman instead of a serial killer is very interesting, it’s ruined by the fact that he barely even appears in the movie and doesn’t really do or say much of anything despite the buildup he gets. 1.5/5
Two-Face: Aaron Eckhart portrays Harvey Dent as a character of tragedy in a slightly different way than other tragic villains in superhero movies: he’s lashing out at a society he feels wronged him, but instead of being a lifelong outcast or put-upon loser, he was a handsome, successful crusader for the common good who lost everything he once held dear all in one fell swoop. You really feel for him even as he does horrible things. If I had to nitpick, though, I am slightly bothered by the fact that he plays some comic book movie cliches straight (i.e. they never call him by his alias and he dies at the end,) but it’s a solid performance overall. 3/5
Scarecrow: I’ll be upfront and admit that I’m more than a little annoyed that certain facets of the character had been changed in the name of “realism” — once again, they never call him by his villain name and he never wears a comic-accurate costume — but other than that, I can’t complain. Cillian Murphy plays the character with a smarmy, eerie charm that really makes his scenes stand out, his willingness to ally himself with other villains suits his character well, and the fact that he appears in three consecutive films with a different evil scheme in each really helps tie the movies together. 3.5/5
Catwoman: Much like other secondary villains in this trilogy, she really doesn’t get a chance to shine compared to the main antagonist — and, once again, it pisses me off a little that they do the whole “never refer to her as Catwoman but vaguely hint at it” thing — but she’s everything a modern Catwoman should be. She’s sly, manipulative, really holds her own in a fight, has great chemistry with Bruce Wayne... it’s all there. It’s also great to see Anne Hathaway break away from her usual type casting to play a role this dynamic. 4/5
Ra’s al Ghul: He’s a character that was in desperate need of mainstream exposure, and by God that’s what he got. Making him Bruce Wayne’s mentor adds a layer of personal tragedy to the climax where our hero has to stop the man who made him who he is from destroying Gotham with his admittedly brilliant plan. Add in a strong, captivating performance from Liam Neeson before we found out he was a racist asshole, and we’ve got one hell of an overarching villain. 4.5/5
The Joker: Everybody’s already discussed this version of the character to hell and back and likely will for years to come, so I’ll keep it very brief. He’s funny, he’s badass, he’s terrifying, he has great dialogue, it sucks that Heath Ledger didn’t live to see his performance reach the audience it got, and he basically makes the entire film. 5/5
Bane: Mr. Rogues actually ranked Bane higher than Joker on his list, and keeping it 100, I actually agree with him here. Finally, after decades of being dumbed down and misrepresented outside of comics, Bane is finally portrayed as the tactical genius from the comics. Tom Hardy plays Bane to perfection, being very believable as the peak of human physical and mental achievement, the man who broke Batman physically and emotionally. His design is iconic, his every line is quotable, his voice is weirdly fitting, and the memes are funny. 5/5
DC Extended Universe
KGBeast: Another point where I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Rogues. He is absolutely wasted in BVS, being nothing but a generic henchman for Lex Luthor. He doesn’t wear his costume from the comics, he’s never referred to by his alias, he doesn’t have his signature cybernetic enhancements, and he never does or says anything noteworthy. 1/5
The Joker: Ugh. I don’t know what’s worst: the tacky clothes, the stupid tattoos, the weird Richard Nixon impression that passes as his voice, the fact that promotional material hyped him up as a “beautiful tragedy” of a character even though he’s only in the movie for like 10 minutes and barely does anything, Jared Leto’s toxic edgelord behavior on set done with the flimsy pretense of “getting into character,” or the fact that he’s just trying to copy Heath Ledger instead of making the role his own. 1/5
Victor Zsasz: Chris Messina proves undoubtedly that Zsasz CAN work as a secondary villain in a Batman movie. He’s once again a mob assassin who enjoys his job a little too much, but unlike Batman Begins, he really gets time to shine. He’s just as sadistic and depraved as in the comics, but he also has this disarming, casual demeanor about him like he’s just indulging a hobby instead of slicing innocent people’s faces off. His close friendship with his boss Black Mask adds some depth to the character as well. 3/5
Killer Croc: Sadly, he doesn’t get much time in the spotlight, but he’s pretty cool nonetheless. The makeup and prosthetics used to create him look amazing, and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje’s deep voice and imposing body language make him really stand out as an intimidating presence. He’s often in the background, which fits his role as an outcast by choice and a man of few words, but whenever he does get focus, he has everyone’s attention. It really would be a shame if this character’s only appearance was in a mediocre schlock action movie, but he makes the most of what he has. 3.5/5
Deadshot: Another highlight of what would otherwise be a forgettable film, Deadshot is just as cool and competent as he’s always been in other media, but this portrayal stands out for one simple reason. Will Smith was a very odd choice to play the role, but it worked out for the best here because you get the sense he truly understands the characters. He’s ruthless and pragmatic, but has just as enough charm and depth to make him likable. 4/5
Black Mask: I, like many, was skeptical when I saw early trailers depicting Roman Sionis as a foppish weirdo who doesn’t wear his signature mask, but upon seeing the final movie, I really feel like he has the high ground over other DCEU villains. Ewan McGregor is endlessly captivating in the role, portraying him as a swaggering dandy who is nevertheless dangerous due to his boundless narcissism and explosive temper. Sure, those who deal in absolutes would be put off from the differences with his comic counterpart — who is far more cold and humorless — but from a certain point of view, this flamboyant take on the character isn’t so much a departure as it is an addition to make him stand out while keeping his role the same. Black Mask has always been a middleman between the traditional mobsters of yesteryear and the colorful rogues that plague Gotham today, and this portrayal perfectly encapsulates that. He works in the shadows, but isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty; he flies off the handle and gets reckless at times, but there’s no question that the whole operation was his idea. 5/5
Harley Quinn: Margot Robbie owns this role. She’s unbelievably dazzling as a badass, funny, sexy antihero who deals greatly with tragedy and proves that there’s always been more to her than her initial role as the Joker’s sidekick. Again, not much to say, but she’s almost perfect. 5/5
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alvadee · 4 years
Why do you think they cast victor as a villian so often? Was he type casted or did he prefer being a villain instead?
Thank you so much for your question, a chance to not unprompted ramble about Vic, how rare! :) 
He was definitely typecast. And he was very aware of it, didn’t like it, and tried very much to free himself of it. I feel that’s the case with every actor though who did not become an actor for the fame and money but because of a serious love for the craft and the desire to play a grown up version of dress-up. They hate being forced to basically play a variation of the same role over and over again. 
He said this when he was in his mid-twenties: “I’m usually cast as what I have come to call “Bad Man Type 47-B”, a perspiring, slobbering villain who chases the heroine throughout the second act. But right after the next to the last commercial, some blonde hero about five-foot-ten rushes in, beats the devil out of me and spends the rest of the show explaining how clean living enabled him to do so. He gets the girl of course. In fact I have yet to get the girl - and that’s something I’d like very much to change.”
I think he was typecast as a villain because the two main categories fat actors fell into back then were the villain (because fat = greedy, lazy, immoral, outcast) or the funny uncle/patriarch (fat = funny, harmless, non sexual). 
Even though Victor himself preferred to do comedy (Falstaff being his favorite role), because he simply had more fun with it and frankly, he had a natural gift for it, he was on screen much more often cast as villain. I think because he was just so good at it. He had the charisma for a good, scary bad guy, he could do the stare that would fixate you like as snake its prey, the phony smile and the voice and a way with words that let you know he was smart and had the upper hand. He was just an immensely talented actor and people liked to see his skill applied to the memorable villains. He also said he did the villain with his own twist, which was his own comedic touch, the twinkle in his eye that let people know this was all in good fun. It became kind of his brand and in the mid to late 60s he played tons of these roles.
I also think that he ended up as villain had to do with him being young and rather handsome. There really isn’t a place, a role type, for fat actors who are young and good-looking, is there? (Not even today) That’s why for the vast majority of his career he played older men. There are plenty of good character parts for old, fat men. And back then the villain was the only role where a fat actor was granted to be suave and attractive, sometimes even romantic. (See: Laird Cregar) And Victor was elegant, dignified and had class, it is very hard to imagine him as a brutish goon. I mean nowadays we don’t have the moral movie codes anymore and our bad guys don’t have to be punished by the end of the story to enforce a moral, culturally we are now allowed to embrace that villains can be very hot. Notice how many villains roles are cast with “sexy” (as in thin/ripped) actors nowadays? I can’t remember the last time I saw an attractive, elegant, fat villain on screen. I have to watch stuff from the 40s and 50s for that.  
Victor tried to diet most of his life to get out of the villain category but he never quite made it. Though in the 70s, when he was slimmer, he played more con men instead of cartoon villains and more nice guys/weirdos on screen. But he wasn’t cast in big productions anymore because he wasn’t as fat anymore and didn’t take the run of the mill villain roles anymore. His career took a big hit. This is what he said in 1974: 
“I suppose I’ve hurt myself in Hollywood by not taking everything that comes, the villain over and over again. It’s a matter of seeing one as something other than the bad man who wears silk shirts and laughs when nothing funny has been said, and looks sideways without turning his head. And kicks puppies. And punts kittens. I don’t really want to get put into that mold. What I need is a writer to say. “This is what I see in him. This is what I will try to bring out and give him lines and trust him an sweat him and get a performance out of him.”
I think Victor was grateful to be in such high demand as a villain and proud that he got bad guy parts specifically written for him and he certainly played most of them with for the audience visible gusto but he was an actor who was there for the challenge to play all kinds of people. To proof himself in very difficult parts. I feel like he would have been satisfied if he could have played 50% villains and 50% other interesting parts.
Here are more of his thoughts on being typecast, he talked quite often about it.
“When Robert Aldrich signed Victor to a seven-year contract as a result of his role in “Baby Jane”, he told the actor he was going to be big in pictures, and added, “especially in heavy roles.” “I know”, sighs Victor. “There’s so much of me to hate.”“
“After careful and vindictive study, I have decided that if a male performer is able to stand upright on occasions without his knuckles touching the ground, is able to give the impression of having elementary knowledge of one language, and if he is able to buy a suit from a rack with only cuff alterations, he stands an excellent chance of being a a good guy. The probabilities of his remaining a hero seem to diminish in more or less equal ratio to the advancing of his waistline. On the other hand if a performer is unable to see his shoelaces while standing up and if he is able to perspire on command, he’s a bad guy. Bad guys are usually never found in gymnasiums or on tennis courts. If such is true, I qualified as a bad guy when I was 6 weeks old.”
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monicalorandavis · 5 years
‘Honey Boy’ is too good for this dusty world
Shia Labeouf is a genius. His film, ‘Honey Boy’ will sweep at the Academy Awards. If it doesn’t then I guess there’s still ‘Ford V Ferrari’...
‘Honey Boy’ startles the senses. It is suddenly funny, then soulful, then travels into the spaces between dreaming and awake. Shia, and director Alma Har’el, have created a movie that is equal parts therapy session and film.
For some, that sounds like emotional work. Work you don’t want from your films. Fair.
But ‘Honey Boy’ asks from the audience in a way that never feels abusive. It’s an emotional film that elicits laughter when you least suspect it, then punches you in the stomach when it remembers a long-forgotten, childhood memory.
I imagine that the critics to ‘Honey Boy’ might dissect Shia’s performance as an effort to get audiences to sympathize for him. Those critics are, frankly, grasping at straws. They are searching for reasons to dislike a very talented man. They want to paint Shia with a ‘poor me, privileged little sad boy’ brush. Unfortunately, Shia has painted himeslf into a complicated corner of storytelling by depicting his life, and his father’s, for the world to see.
Shia has invited all of us in to witness the relationship that he, as a child, was striving to be let into between he and his father. We watch a young boy, blessed with talent and charisma, struggle to win the approval of the man who matters the most. And again, Shia narrowly camouflages his life with the characters on screen, but the best strategy is to blur the edges of the two.
Shia is James Lort, the child star Otis Lort’s father, conman, Harley driving, former rodeo clown who had the good fortune of bearing the son, Shia Labeouf. And he isn’t James Lort.
James Lort’s relationship with his son is a complicated one. But at its core, it’s a relationship about a father who never realized his dreams, whatever the reason. Be it his alcoholism, childhood traumas, or bad judgment, James Lort’s story is one worth hearing. Shia Labeouf, like no one on this planet, is equipped to play the man who raised him, and flexes his acting chops like a virtuoso. His performance is full of specific choices and idiosyncrasies that flesh out the man who raised him into being a massive star.
Labeouf’s acting is so subliminal that to call it simply “cathartic” (as I’ve seen in other reviews of the film) is ignoring the otherworldly aspects of it. Labeouf’s is a spiritual performance. He goes deep into the recesses of his mind and drudges up dark memories of his father to present him onscreen. It is an unflattering performance of a deeply charismatic, troubled man. For those of us with parents who scare us and whose approval we’ll always yearn for, to play the man who denied you normalcy, is a feat of emotional fortitude. We have the pleasure of watching Shia Labeouf exorcise a demon on screen, in front of our eyes. It makes you wonder why Shia’s been fucking around for so long. He had this in him the whole time?
Earnestness is seldom rewarded in cinema. But I’d say Labeouf and Har’el have created a deeply earnest film. And you don’t want Shia to be earnest. You don’t want him to be John Cassavetes. You want him to be a weirdo because for the last decade he’s been a weirdo.
What we know of Labeouf is a bird’s eye view on modern celebrity. That is to say, we know a lot. Labeouf is an odd media/fashion darling. He’s artsy, weird, stylish, and handsome, but not traditionally handsome. Shia’s good looks are boyish and his way with women comes with its own list of complications (that will make sense once you’ve seen the movie). Labeouf’s personal life has proven to be problematic. A drinking problem and issues with the cops seem to be the story of his early 20′s and then in recent memory, he married his teenage co-star from the Lars Von Trier film, ‘Nymphomaniac’. He is a celebrity in a real rogue sense of the word. He likes to act in movies but seems to hate being famous. But through ‘Honey Boy’ we are forced to consider what his fame and childhood success cost him. We were all complicit in his public meltdown. We made him a star when he was 12, rewarded him for acting like a clown for a paycheck, then turned around and punished him for acting like a clown when he turned 18.
We are so used to those in the spotlight that we forget that there is a whole community to whom they belong to. James is one of the community, cast in the background (though he never wished to stay in the background), and he’s found his ticket to the big leagues through his son’s success. He mostly chooses to not spoil it, but some fatal gaps in parental reasoning are missing for James. One stand out is James’ choice in residence, a roadside motel in the San Fernando Valley, the worst case scenario for this native Angeleno. It is at the motel that most of the pivotal action occurs. It is there that we get to the essence of this father-son relationship. It is also where we understand how unsustainable it is. And ultimately, it can’t go on. The film ends abruptly but not harshly. This is a movie about a man in his early 30s whose career is just getting started.
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Imagine you’re part of Little Mix and Jesse Williams from Grey’s Anatomy has a crush on you. So you decide to surprise him.
Requested by anonymous.
Reader's POV 
 WHAT? IS HE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? I almost choked on my red wine when he confirmed and asked who doesn't. Well, let me tell you something, handsome: NOT YOU. He's so dreamy and gorgeous, how could it be possible? How the interviewer knew and I never heard about this rumor? Jesse fucking Williams has a crush on me! He's hot as hell. Probably hotter than hell, especially when he's dressed as a doctor. Man, I wish he was my doctor. Or my husband. The day after, the interviewer called and asked me If I'd agree to surprise him on set and of course I was in. My favorite tv show with my favorite doctor of it, I would be stupid If I didn't. I traveled to the city Grey's Anatomy was filmed and met with the tv show crew. I was so nervous when we arrived at the set, my hands where shaking and I was just thinking "don't do anything stupid, weirdo!". The cameras were on as we entered and I could spot Jesse talking with Sara, looking even more gorgeous than ever. For a moment he looked at me, blinking and starring for a moment. He walked in our direction. "Here's the man we were waiting for!" "Hi! So nice having you both here. Welcome" He's so nice. "It's a pleasure to meet you, [y/n]! I'm a big fan. You have an amazing voice." "The pleasure is all mine. Well, probably not a big fan as I am yours." He smiled back at me. "Did you enjoy my surprise for you?" The interviewer put his mike next to Jesse. I almost forgot he was there. "You said you have a huge crush on her so..." " Yeah! I'm really surprised. Well, I should thank you for that." He looked kinda embarrassed and really cute. Never in my life, I thought I'd see him shy because of me. "Already told you guys that I'm an awesome cupid? Matchmaker." He laughed extra excited and it kinda scared me, he looked like a psycho. "Now that we surprised Jesse, may I have a moment with him?" He agreed, winking at me and left us alone. "Much better now, huh?" I laughed with him. "Sorry about that. He told me his idea and I agreed but I didn't know he would embarrass us." "That's totally fine." He smiled nicely. "I'm happy to meet someone so talented and pretty. I really have a crush on you, he was not lying." I could feel my cheeks burning as I smiled like a total fool. He smiled back. "I heard you're a Grey's Anatomy fan." I nodded. "Let me show you the set around." He started walking and I followed him as he gave me a little tour around the place. It was so nice being near everything I watched on tv and having him as my personal guide was a dream coming true. "And that's a wrap! How was it?" "I almost felt like one of the doctors around here. But I'd probably be a patient, I am so clumsy." I rolled my eyes and he laughed about what I said. "I'm not joking. I really could be part of Grey's patients with all my injuries during my life." I laughed looking at him to see his beautiful smile. "You're funny. I like you even more now. And it will only get better if I have the chance to know more about you." He made a small pause. "Would you like to have coffee with me now? There's a cafe near here and they have an awesome cupcake too." Is he really asking me out? Am I dreaming? Ok, don't freak out. Act normal like he's just an ordinary guy even If he's the most handsome man you ever met. "Did I hear awesome cupcakes with coffee? I'm so into it! I'd love that." I smiled at him and he did the same. "Plus, you must be a great company." "Great! Let me just change and we'll go." He kissed my cheek and walked to the dressing room, leaving me completely speechless.
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momolatch · 7 years
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Congratulations for five wonderful years!
Life is weird and difficult sometimes, so having things in it that make you happy and lift you up no matter what is so important. For me,Generations is one of those things. I know I haven't been a fan for that long, but I love all seven of these guys with my whole heart. They came into my life during a time of great change and uncertainty, and their music, dance and silliness have helped get me through it. When I need a pick me up or a good laugh, I know I can count on them. 
Alan - even though I make fun of you a lot, I know you’re a great leader who always strives to get Gene to new heights. You’re a multitalented wonder of a man who has so much to offer to the world.
Ryuto - your voice is so smooth and powerful, please keep taking good care of it, it’s a gift, and we are so lucky that you share it with us. You may be a bit of a dumbass sometimes, but your carefree attitude is always inspiring.
Ryota - my vocal prince, I adore you and I am so proud of every step you’ve taken towards becoming more confident in yourself and your talent. You are so worthy of all the love you receive, and we’ll always support you.
Mandy - talented, handsome, socially aware, fashionable, there isn’t a thing about you that I don’t like. Your powerful performances are always incredible to watch, and you bring something unique to the table everytime you step on stage. 
Reo - you may be a little shit, and I tease you for it, but you’re our little shit. Gene wouldn't be the same without your confident attitude and your explosive dancing. Keep working towards becoming the best you you can be, you’re already well on your way. 
Hayato - baby boy, you are so wonderful. From your quick and mesmerizing footwork to your funny, bubbly personality, you’re our sunshine and we’d follow you into any shenanigans you might get into.
Yuta - angelface, I love you so much. I know you have doubted yourself and your place in the group, and it breaks my heart. You have worked so hard and given so much of yourself, and we are so incredibly fortunate to have you. You are so captivating when you dance, totally in your element, and your smile says more about how much you love it than any words could. I love everything about you, your passion for dancing, your determination, how hard working you are, the fact that you’re a bit of a weirdo, that sewing is your hobby, your love for Milo and Albie… all of these things make you who you are, and I wouldn't have you any other way. Keep on shining, always.
Again, congratulations boys for this milestone. I hope the next five years are even better. Keep dancing, keep singing, keep creating, and keep living life to the fullest. Thank you for all the joy you bring into this world ♥.
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kayeeblog · 4 years
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"Our Shining Days"
In a music school, the students of Chinese orchestra and Classical orchestra don't get along with each other and fiercely separated.
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Chen Jing, is a student of folk music who is talented in playing yangqin, initially doesn't care about the rivalry.
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The handsome Classical Music student Wang Wen, practising at the piano one day, Chen Jing immediately falls for him.
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However, Li You his guy bestfriend reminds her that the two music departments are perpetually at war, so romances are banned. They are always eating in a room which is against the rules. They turned the dispenser to a hotpot and the electric hair straightener for roasting a beef. Chen Jing doesn't know that his best friend Li you was secretly loves her.
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Despite the rivalry, Chen Jing volunteers to be Wang Wen’s page-turner at a concert in Classical Music department. When she declares her liking for him, he callously rejects her, saying he hasn’t even heard of the instrument she plays (the yangqin).
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She was annoyed at his ignorance and prejudice toward Chinese instruments, she is determined to prove herself to him by forming her own ensemble, which consists of her best friend who secretly loves her and four Otaku girls whom initially only agreed to join because of Chen Jing's promise to buy them expensive action figures.
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They named their concert band "2.5 Dimension". She went to Wang Wen's dormitory and confessed her feelings again. Li You help her in making the decorations and ideas, even though it was against his will. Her love confession scene was courageous and dramatic. She arranged a hundred of candles in a shape of heart, lit them all up, in the flickering flames. She stood in the middle. Quite romantic, isn’t it? She shouted out her love publically to the piano player. Li You leaned his back to the wall and sighed, waiting for Chen Jing to finish her confession. Wang Wen went out but only threw humiliation on Chen Jing in return. Wang Wen publicly rejects Chen Jing and traditional Chinese music. This arrogant man grab something on someone's hand then poured into the candles which create a big fire that everyone made shocked. Chen Jing is inside of that fire, until Li You fought the fire and save Chen Jing. He advised and threat the man who almost killed his love one.
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Chen Jing felt blue for a day or two, thought about quitting yangqin once for all. She almost give up the yangqin because she taught it was the reason why Wang Wen rejected her love, but her mother tells her about how the yangqin is a part of her and that she can't give up playing it without its permission. The head of the school announces plans to cancel the Chinese Orchestra but the original members of 2.5 Dimension are joined by other students to protest. After the head of the school continues to refuse them, they organize a music competition with the Classical Orchestra.
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An inspector comes to the school and both orchestras play their music, but the classical students are unable to keep up with the Chinese orchestra, and so lose the competition. The Chinese orchestra then enlist the help of the Classical orchestra to sneak in and unofficially play after their performance, which is being broadcast live.
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They play right at the end, and are met with high praise. Li You confessed his love to Chen Jing after the performance and became lovers after.
Guide Questions :
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
Learn to just embrace who you are while learning more about who you are as a person.
Friends with all their difficulties teach you one extremely important lesson – this world needs you.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
After the head of the school continues to refuse them, they organize a music competition with the Classical Orchestra. Because it made me laugh and cause me to tear up at parts. The friendship of this group of weirdos form for the sake of music. It's just amazing to watch them to defend each other because they are kind of weird but they are on a shame of what is just heartwarming.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
Female lead: Chen Jing.
Male lead: Li You.
She is funny and bold. She certainly doesn’t like to wait for her chance. She takes every measure to secure her love obsession. She plays yangqin, not out of love or passion. Her love confession scene was courageous and dramatic. Quite romantic, isn’t it? but only recieved humiliation. Then, miraculously, she bounced back emotionally and psychologically.
He is loyal, smart, funny, self-sacrificing, diplomatic, and capable of problem solving. When he was offered a chance to stay in the band with his idol, he chose to be on Chen Jing’s side instead. Although, that had been his dream. He is a character who brings so much warmth into your heart and so much laughter into your belly.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or someone?
Proving my worth to someone.
I also tried secretly liking a guy who doesn't like me back. I have a huge crush on him for 8 years but was immediately stop when I heard that he was already sometimes property. I also tried being left by someone without any reason. I makes me realize that these 2 persons was for me. There was a guy who always motivate and support me. I didn't expect that I would fall for him after he confess. He is my shadow everytime I feel empty. Just like Chen Jing and Li You. I fell inlove with my bestfriend. We became lovers after.
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biasedwriting · 7 years
The Support Group [VIXX, Donghae, Kai, Lay, Yongguk]
Characters :  VIXX, Donghae, Kai, Lay, Yongguk, OCs
Genre: Crack
Rating : G
College Au
In which Minah tries to join a support group for people who feel personally victimized by the charming Aries folk in the college
Haneul was surprised when Minah came over to her and asked her for some help. Minah was usually independent, silent for most part and didn’t attract too much attention to herself.
“Uh, Haneul, if you aren’t too busy could I please talk to you about my Sociology of Art class?” Haneul’s ears perked up. As a member of the student council it was her duty to help out students in need and since Minah was her friend it was all the more reason to do so. Turning around in her seat she looked at Minah who wrung her hands and bit down on her lip. “I heard there is a support group for people who feel personally victimised by the Aries on campus.” “Uh,” Haneul cleared her throat “I can’t confirm nor deny it’s existence…” “And that you’re the head of it.” Minah finished quickly as Haneul’s eyes widened. Had they been caught?! “Listen, it’s Bang Yongguk. He’s making my life miserable in that class. It’s unfair!” Haneul paused, she’d heard this before within the group from Wonshik. Yongguk was an incredibly smart and attractive man and was a threat to the other peaceful zodiacs on campus. But, Minah… “Please.” Minah’s eyes widened and filled with tears. Haneul sighed, before looking around to see if the coast was clear. “I understand, Yongguk has caused a lot of trouble with how attractive he is. But you need to understand that you are an Aries…” She noticed Minah rolling her eyes “ I might be born in March, but nothing about me is Aries like.” “But…you’re Minseok’s sister.” Minah quirked her eyebrow “He took all the cool genes and left me with nothing okay? Please just…consider my proposal.” She said before freezing as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Haneul froze too when she spotted Bang Yongguk towering over them. “Hey, do you want to go work on that paper now?” He asked as Minah weakly nodded and got taken away as Haneul watched, praying for her friend’s soul. “Hey Minah!” She called to the girl walking away with Yongguk “you’re in!” ***
“What do you mean Kim Minseok’s sister is joining?!” Wonshik, the vice head of the support group groaned “what was her name again?” “Kim Minah,” Haneul replied “she’s more Pisces than Aries. Bang Yongguk’s latest victim.” Wonshik clicked his tongue in sympathy “my issue is that we have a bunch of members who are in the group because of her brother…isn’t that going to be an issue?” “But she is suffering too Wonshikkie. It would be cruel to turn her away. Plus look at her, she’s harmless!” Haneul waved around to no one in particular as Wonshik sighed. “We’ll ask the members?” Wonshik wondered out loud as the group started filing into the discussion room in the library. When Haneul put forth the question, there was a silence that filled the room. “Who is Kim Minah again?” Yixing asked as Jongin shrugged, they had joined the support group after repeatedly being exposed to Kim Minseok in all his glory. “Yeah, never heard of her.” Donghae said as he sat down after a gruelling afternoon with Siwon and Hyukjae, both evil Aries men. “Isn’t she Kim Minseok’s sister?” Hakyeon asked as Sanghyuk nodded. Hongbin sighed before turning back to Haneul, squinting. “Isn’t her birthday the same day as Kim Minseok?” “Oh wait, I remember him saying something like that.” Jongin’s eyes widened as Yixing nodded. “Are you saying that you want an Aries to join a group where people feel victimized by Aries?!” Hakyeon argued as Donghae nodded furiously. “Who is Kim Minah again?” Taekwoon’s voice piped up, obviously he wasn’t listening. “She is a girl who feels victimized by Bang Yongguk. That is all that matters.” Haneul said as Wonshik nodded, noticing a need to save Haneul’s ass. “But she’s an Aries.” Taekwoon deadpanned. “More Pisces than Aries,” Haneul countered “plus she’s as harmless as a fly.” Haneul added, when a knock on the door caused everyone’s attention to turn towards it. “Hi, sorry I’m late. Yongguk…” Minah waved as an explanation feeling all the eyes in the room on her “Oh, I’m Kim Minah and I feel victimized by Bang Yongguk’s existence.” She said, repeated what she had seen in the movies about Alcoholics Anonymous. Taking the silence in the room as her indication to enter, stepped in, silently shutting the door behind her and setting her tennis racket down before looking up at Haneul “I have tennis practice after this?” she offered as an explanation thinking that people found her attire strange. She shrugged, she was going to stay silent through this meeting anyway. “She’s on the tennis team?” Donghae mumbled to Hakyeon who shrugged and nodded. Yixing pulled his phone out to type in her name and find her on Facebook. “Profile looks boring, everything is on private.” He mumbled to Jongin who was peering over into his screen. Haneul cleared her throat for attention “Okay everyone, let’s begin. Who wants to go first?” “I will,” Jongin said as he took a deep breath “hey everyone, I’m Kim Jongin and I feel personally victimized by Sehun and Minseok.” “Hi Jongin.” Everyone chorused as Minah’s eyebrow perked at the sound of her brother’s name. She looked at him intently and Jongin blinked, before sighing. “Well, Sehun is Sehun. He’s always known he’s attractive. But he’s such a cute goof! He’s doing it on purpose I tell you. And Minseok, and his stupid smile and how helpful he is! I swear he’ll make me gay for him.” Jongin grumbled. “I agree! This week he was helping out with the dance club and damn it, he had to do a sexy dance. Freaking Sehun had to join him.” Yixing frowned as Taekwoon cleared his throat. “Have you seen him play soccer though?”  There was a gasp in the room as it broke out into discussion about Minseok being out to ruin people’s lives. Minah blinked, baffled. “Well, he is really passionate about it and he’s been playing since he was teeny.” she mumbled as the group turned to her and she shrugged. “Minseok has always been the good guy. You haven’t seen him being a goofy dummy though.” “Of course I have! It’s freaking adorable!” Haneul cried out. “I’ve seen him run around the house in a penguin suit and his underwear on his head, trust me you haven’t.” “Well Sehun though.” Donghae began. “Is a long stupid noodle who is scared of the bunsen burner.” Minah deadpanned as everyone gaped at her in horror. “Really?” Wonshik whispered. “I needed to do all his tests in the Chemistry lab because he was too scared of a tiny flame.”  she shrugged. Is this what this support group was about? She sighed looking at everyone “I’m sorry to have interrupted. Do go on.” “Wonshik has been having trouble with Jaehwan.” Haneul said as the whole room sighed. “Wait, didn’t you have trouble with Jaehwan?” Minah asked as Sanghyuk burst out laughing before turning to Minah. “Lee Jaehwan is out to kill us all with how bloody cute he is.” “If he managed to make Taekwoon want to bite him, I think he’s been successful.” Hongbin grumbled. “That kid has far too much aegyo in him for his own good.” Donghae commented as Jongin and Yixing nodded. “Your men have very little. But so much charisma.” Haneul nodded as Donghae wailed out. “Hyukjae and Siwon are so damn unfair. They’re so cool!” “But isn’t Jaehwan just naturally prone to aegyo? It’s not like he does it on purpose. If he does exaggerate it, it’s to make the people around him happy.” Minah reasoned with what she had seen of Jaehwan “Hyukjae is incredibly logical and stuff, but he’s a goof. You should know that Donghae and you also know what a weirdo Siwon is.” she added before rolling her eyes. “You know what? I don’t understand how anyone in this room feels victimised. Have you guys looked at yourselves?” There was a silence that filled the room when Minah stood up now choosing to look at everyone. First she looked at Donghae. “I’m sorry, but you’re one of the most loved men on this campus. You’re incredibly sweet and extremely good looking. Everybody, and I mean everybody is in love with you. Hyukjae and Siwon think the sun shines out of your ass.” She said before turning to Yixing. “You’ve won awards on how sweet you are. You’re the only Chinese student to be called an angel on campus. Have you seen how ridiculously talented you are? You sing, dance, and compose music. You literally have a fan following. What are you even complaining about my brother and noodle?” She groaned before turning to face Jongin. “You have no idea how sexy your dances are. After the first dance club performance a large part of the female population wanted to bed you. You’re humble, hardworking and passionate. Everyone can see that.” She sighed as Wonshik quivered under her gaze. “Do you know that people call you a walking sex god? Of course you don’t. You’ve ruined people’s lives and you’re complaining about Jaehwan being cute? Seriously?” Minah spun around to Hakyeon. “You’re the most respected senior. You have a beautiful smile. You’re so much fun to talk to and you’re always ready to take people under your wing. You literally have people in love with you. Jaehwan hero worships you! And you!” She looked at Hongbin. “You’re probably the most aesthetically pleasing human on this campus. And you’re logical and funny when you want to be. You have a voice people would kill for and acting chops to match. Seriously, Jaehwan is the least of your problems when you’re causing problems yourself.” Sanghyuk might have been the tallest in the room but at this point he had shrunk into his seat. “Sanghyuk, you’re so damn smart and funny. You’re tall and handsome. You’re literally the whole package. I can’t even count the number of people in our batch want to date you. Stop ruining their lives.” “Haneul, you’re a member of the student council. You’re popular, friendly, beautiful and incredibly smart. I’m sure some of the men in this room are attracted to you.” She looked around as Wonshik looked down guiltily. Minah turned to Taekwoon. “You’re the football team captain. You’re every girl’s living Mr. Darcy. I’ve seen you on the field and it’s damn good. You sing like a dream. You’re in the MA program which means you’re smart too…” she sighed “I don’t understand you guys. You guys ruin lives and you’re complaining about people who are just being themselves? That makes no sense. You guys are charming and popular and attractive as hell. So just… don’t.” she ended as silence filled the room yet again. Minah’s phone flashed and she looked at it as her eyes widened. “I have to go for practice now. But this was great, I just realized that Yongguk is a wonderful human being but a human being all the same. Maybe someday I will also ruin someone’s life being the plain human that I am, but till then thank you guys for this!” she grinned before picking her racket up and heading out of the discussion room. More silence. “Well…” Haneul took a deep breath when she noticed something off. “Donghae why are you staring at the door?” “Why are you blushing Taekwoon?” Wonshik blinked at his friend. Or rather at the top of his head. “Uhm,” Jongin piped up as the group turned to him “can Yixing and I go now?” “Are you guys seriously planning on going to the tennis court?” Hongbin blinked at them. “Just casually walking to the football field.” Yixing nodded. “Which is next to the tennis court?” Hakyeon eyed them.  “Do you mind if I join?” Donghae asked as Taekwoon looked at the group. “Football captain will go for football practice?” Sanghyuk shifted in his seat “well, I have assignments too.. some group stuff…need to form group…”
“You’re going to ask Minah?” Haneul gaped at him.
“She’s hardworking…?” He offered as Haneul sighed. The door flew open as Yongguk stood at the entrance “I’m Bang Yongguk and I feel personally victimized by Kim Minah and Kim Himchan.”
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7years with INFINITE
I’m just so thankful and glad that I got to know these 7 talented, funny and nice boys. Their existence since 7years are so important and meaningful. And I hope they will stay much longer as Infinite with us Inspirits. Some words/thoughts, which I would want to say to the boys: 
Sunggyu: You are doing a great job as a leader, big brother and friend for the younger ones. Even though it’s not easy to control those boys sometimes ( since the hierarchy is kinda flat in Infinite XD?), I’m prety sure you will guide and lead our boys to the right path even in the future. And it’s OK to get older since Inspirits are growing old together with Infinite anyway lol. So our witty grandpaleadergyu, fighting! And we love your sexy small eye-liner eyes lol- Don’t forget that your handsome in the eyes of all inspirits! And your tsundere friendzoning will be forever remembered. 
Dongwoo: You will be forever the happy virus sunshine of Infinite with your contagious laugh. Just hearing your laugh I think anyone has to smile along with you. Even though you are a weirdo sometimes, we all know how kind, respectable and positive you are. Even after the unbelieveable lost of your father, you stayed positive, I hope you can keep this positivity and smile also in the future. 
Woohyun: My bias, who loves his fans so much that he’s calling them his girlfriends (even buying I dunno how many rings) and doing those greasy fanservice non-stop. I think you really treasure every single one of us inspirits and always giving your best for us (the first idol I have seen holdig a 2!h VLive!). But in the future I just hope you don’t push yourself too far, since your health either physical (shoulders) or mental (stress) comes first to me. And please don’t deal everything by yourself. Please open up to your members, friends or family. P.S.: As much as I love your greasiness and bf image lol, I hope you will marry instead becoming a single lonely man for your whole life. 
Hoya: You are one of the most passionated, determinated and talented dancer I’ve ever seen. I hope you will keep your passion to walk closer to your dreams. And even though your dad jokes are lame, they are still very entertaining and funny for all Insprits XD. Not forgetting to mention your Hosass and judging face. Stay as our witty Dance machine forever, please!^^ 
Sungyeol: I just hope you prankster, who’s always making us laugh will get the confidence you deserved. Yeolie, you don’t need a good build, coffee or even your height to make me happy. Just your acting, great variety skills, cheeky pranks and honesty are already plenty enough. Being one of the most straightforward idols out there, I really aprreaciate it and hope you won’t change in the future. So I hope you’ll stay healthy! We all know what you are capable of and you got much more hidden beneath your height! I’m serious wating for you to be on the show “The Return of Superman” with your kids in the future (ofc Hoya can join)! 
Myungsoo: You were always a hardworking cute and nice boy, who’s sometimes in his own lilttle world with derp reactions and seal clapping. And Inspirits know there’s much more besides you godly visuaLs. You proofed to all people that you can sing, play guitar, act, shooting beautiful photos and even being good with kids and animals. All inspirits are proud of you and you showed that a visual doesn’t mean just having looks and no talents! And I think you finally can leave that coldcity man cosplay behind you. Your cute and innocent trueself is always better than your image/cosplay anyway! So just be yourself! Even when you tried to smuggle a raw chicken shows how adorable you truely are. And I hope you can trust us Inspirits and don’t ever get hurt and scared again, because of you finding your other half! What makes me even more happy than seeing a L is actually seeing a happy Myungsoo with his girlfried.   
Sungjong: I’m feeling like a big sis, who’s watching you as a young baby brother growing up (in this case Lemoncandyboy to Lemoncandyman lol). You are the Maknae on Top, who’s dealing with your crazy hyungs and their bully teasing amazingly. You will be forever one of the nicest, most mature, cutest,prettiest, best styled, best gg dancer and fabbest maknae ever to me (= fav makane lol). You will probably looking prettier than me as a female forever even in the future lol. I hope you just don’t starve yourself anymore, all Inspirits want you to just to be healhy and happy. Hope you will smile more and don’t let people force you either becoming manly or feminine. At the end it’s just the most important what you want to be yourself.    
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legault · 8 years
Patience (Day 2, Oscar/Kieran)
Title: Patience
Author: legault/pinksnowboots (fic blog)
Warnings: Excessive Kieran
Words: 2848
Summary: Kieran calls Oscar a dastard, calls him a fiend, calls him his sworn rival, calls him all manner of things, but Kieran never calls him boring, and Oscar can’t help but like him for it.
Basically: Kieran is silly and ridiculous and Oscar likes him anyway.
Written for Day 2 (and posted a tiny bit late, whoops!) of @ferarepair-week2k17 for the prompt “Patience”
Also read on AO3!
Oscar first meets Kieran during his brief stint as a Crimean Royal Knight after a horse race that Oscar wins by large margin. He is about to dismount when the second place rider, a tall young man with shocking red hair, cuts Oscar’s path off with his own horse and identifies himself loudly.
“Well ridden!” The man booms. “You managed to beat the time of Kieran, Crimean Royal Knight in Training, 3rd Squadron, 1st Class, 2nd Floor of Dormitory 4!”
Oscar is not quite sure how to respond, but luckily Kieran keeps shouting, so he doesn’t have to figure it out.
“And since you have bested me, you...” Kieran stares appraisingly at Oscar. “You squinty-eyed dastard, you have now thrown down the gauntlet. From this day forward, we are sworn rivals, and I will not rest until I have restored my honor by besting you in every contest of knightly prowess! Prepare yourself, Sir...”
“Oscar.” Oscar supplies. “I’m Oscar. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice is the last thing our ill-fated meeting is!” Kieran booms, building up steam again. “Mark my words, rival of mine, you will rue the day that you crossed Kieran, Crimean Royal Knight in Training, 3rd Squa-”
“Yes, I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot of rueing.” Oscar feels guilty for cutting him off, but it doesn’t look like he was winding down anytime soon and Oscar does have to meet some friends for lunch. “But right now I have a prior engagement. Perhaps we can postpone our rematch to another day?”
“Taking the coward’s way out, are we?” Kieran asks, and Oscar wonders if Kieran has any volume other than Incredibly Loud. “Very well, if you need time to prepare, then so be it! I will not face off against my rival at anything but his absolute best, and victory will be all the sweeter for it! So prepare yourself well, because...”
Oscar begins to edge away experimentally to see if Kieran will notice. He doesn’t seem to notice, or even to stop his soliloquizing, or at least Oscar doesn’t hear him stop until he enters the stables, well out of sight and finally out of earshot of the strange young man.
Oscar assumes that this singular encounter will be just that: a one time occurrence that he can laugh about with his friends later. But once Kieran has entered his life, he begins to show up in all parts of it.
Kieran finds Oscar on the training fields and insists that Oscar spar with him, ignoring Oscar’s protests that Kieran’s axe has an advantage over his lance Oscar later finds out that Kieran may have a weapon advantage, but that in his exuberance, Kieran is much more likely to hit himself with his axe than he is to hit Oscar.
He finds Oscar in the stables and challenges him to see who is the best at grooming horses.
“A knight’s horse is a reflection of his own chivalrous spirit! Although your horse may be as squintily handsome as its rider, my horse’s strength and devotion will win the day.” Kieran declares.
“Did you just call me handsome?” Oscar asks.
Kieran splutters, cheeks reddening to match his hair. “Do not try to distract me from our knightly contest with false accusations! I can see right through your villainous plot. Now, to the curry comb!”
He finds Oscar in the mess hall and exclaims about Oscar’s dastardly taste in food. Apparently, a true Royal Crimean Knight would never succumb to the seduction of the vile vegetables.
“Vegetables are delicious, you just need to know how to cook them.” Oscar says, happily eating his broccoli.
Kieran looks utterly disgusted. “Your falsehoods never cease, rival! There is no greater enemy of manly pursuits than broccoli.”
“You just haven’t tasted it cooked right.” Oscar tells him. “They just steam it here, and there’s no seasoning. I’ll cook it for you the right way sometime, and then you can see if you really like it.”
Kieran mumbles something about poison and schemes to which he will not fall prey, but he can’t help but look slightly curious.
Oscar’s friends don’t like Kieran constantly popping up. He’s strange, he’s loud, and he doesn’t quite fit in with anyone. They try to commiserate with Oscar about the fact that the local weirdo has taken a liking to him, but Oscar just smiles and says “He’s not so bad, once you get to know him.”
“You’re way too nice, Oscar. No one has the patience to ‘get to know’ that piece of work.” One of Oscar’s friends says.
“Not really. It’s not about being nice, I genuinely do like him.” Oscar says, and his friends stare at him like he’s grown a second head.
The fact is that Oscar does like Kieran. Yes, he is eccentric, and very, very, loud, but well, something about the passion and utter lack of shame with which he approaches life is somehow endearing.
And strangely enough, being around Kieran is the least stressed that Oscar has ever felt. It’s not extraordinary that Kieran likes him, because everyone likes Oscar. He is a hard worker, a good listener, a dependable friend, and a talented knight, but not obviously talented enough that he makes his classmates with egos that are larger than their skill sets uncomfortable. People like him because whatever they need, Oscar will be it for them.
Kieran, for all his yelling, does not need anything from Oscar other than Oscar simply being there. Kieran has decided that Oscar is his counterpart, his rival, and no matter what Oscar has done since then, he has not swayed from that declaration.
Honestly, it’s flattering. Kieran calls Oscar a dastard, calls him a fiend, calls him his sworn rival, calls him all manner of things, but he never calls him boring, and Oscar can’t help but like him more than most of the other people there.
Then Oscar’s father dies and he puts everything on hold-the Crimean Royal Knights, his dreams of working his way up in the ranks, his “rivalry” with Kieran-in order to return home and take care of his two brothers. He tries to tell Kieran that he is leaving, but Kieran does not seem to believe him, or perhaps he refuses to believe him, and Oscar leaves without a proper goodbye.
Oscar loves his family dearly and though he does not resent having to come back to Boyd and Rolf, taking care of a child and a teenager when he is barely an adult himself is quite a strain, and he often thinks fondly on his time in the Crimean Royal Knights, when his biggest responsibility was making sure Kieran got to a healer after he hit himself with his axe after over-enthusiastic sparring.
Oscar thinks of Kieran often, and when Rolf cannot sleep he tells him stories about the great Sir Simpleton and his numerous exploits. Although Boyd claims he is too old for bedtime stories, the tales of Sir Simpleton are funny enough that he cannot help but listen in. Later, when they join the Greil Mercenaries, Sir Simpleton stories become a staple around the campfire.
Three years pass, and Oscar and his brothers build a life with the Greil Mercenaries. It is not as glamorous as his service with the Crimean Knights, and there is no possibility for advancement, but Oscar has always been a man of simple pleasures, and working and fighting beside his family, both blood and otherwise, brings him a sense of contentment.
Is it what he wants for his whole life? He is not sure, but for now it is certainly good enough. He packs away his old ambitions somewhere deep inside himself, and his time in the Crimean Knights, Kieran included, fade into the background as a fond but distant memory.
Then the continent plunges into war and Oscar finds himself in the employ of the princess of Crimea, and suddenly their simple mercenary life becomes much less simple.
Oscar is opening a cell in the dungeon of a Daein-held castle when he hears a still familiar voice.
“Ah! It’s you!” The voice calls, and Oscar peers into the darkness of the cell, barely able to make out the figure inside.
“I could never forget that squint! Knights of Crimea, twelfth regiment...your name is Oscar!” The owner of the voice emerges, but Oscar does not need to see the flame red armor and redder hair to know that improbable as it is, he has just rescued Kieran.
“And you’re...” Oscar trips over the words, mouth working faster than his brain, which is still trying to process the fact that Kieran is here. “You’re Kieran.”
“That is correct!” Kieran declares. “I am Kieran...The same Kieran who has sworn himself to be your eternal rival!“
“Right, right, of course. So...how’ve you been? You look good.” The sentence slips out and Oscar realizes that Kieran does look good, or at least as good as anyone who’s been kept prisoner for goddess knows how long can.
“ As always, your manner is listless and inappropriate. It befits one who would call me foe! You were discharged three years ago...” Kieran launches into a tirade, and as much as Oscar would like to catch up, they are still on a battlefield, so he heads out of the cell and counts on the fact that Kieran will follow.
“Boyd.” Oscar calls to his brother. “Do you have that extra hand axe you always carry? We’ve picked up a new companion and he needs a weapon.”
Boyd turns, confused expression only growing moreso when he sees Kieran, still going on about what a thoughtless dastard Oscar is. He hands the axe over to Oscar with a look that tells him he’s going to have to explain this as soon as they’re not in grave danger.
They win the battle, and return to camp with one more soldier than they left with. In the course of the march back, Kieran has barely stopped talking except to breathe (and even then, only rarely) and Boyd’s expression has slowly but steadily morphed from curious to incredibly annoyed.
Rolf is the first one who sees them return. “Sir Simpleton!” He exclaims upon seeing Kieran, who resembles the Sir Simpleton in Oscar’s tales to a shocking degree.
Kieran is not quite sure what to make of this. “Is this an insult I hear? I am no simpleton! No, I am Kieran, Captain of the 5th Platoon of the Crimean Royal Knights. Who dares to address me in such a way?”
Oscar tries to motion to Rolf to go away while he’s placating Kieran. “Don’t worry Kieran, it’s not an insult. Sir Simpleton is the name of a heroic knight in the stories my brothers and I used to listen to growing up, and you happen to look just like him. If anything, it’s a compliment.”
“Do not try to trick me, rival of mine.” Kieran warns. “If I find out that you have been telling falsehoods, there will be hell to pay.”
“No falsehoods, I promise.” Oscar lies. “Now let’s go meet the rest of the group. And maybe this time, try not to swing your axe while you’re talking.”
By this time, the Greil Mercenaries has become a merry band of misfits, and no one bats an eye at Kieran joining their group, although several members do work on making makeshift earplugs.
Like in the Crimean Knights, reactions to Kieran are mixed. Most people tolerate him as well as they can, but some people find him to be worse than a nuisance. Boyd complains that Kierans constant yelling gives him headaches, and Rhys almost passes out after seeing the amount of blood Kieran manages to lose while training by himself.
Rolf, on the other hand, adores him. Kieran loves to tell stories about his own exploits, and he’d managed to have a lot of  them in the three years since Oscar last saw him. On many occasions, Rolf sits in the kitchen while Oscar is preparing dinner, doing some small task like peeling potatoes and listening to Kieran regale them with another tale of the great Sir Simpleton, who Kieran has embraced as his alter-ego.
For his part, Oscar enjoys having Kieran travel with their group, even if it means he does twice the work that he used to. He spends half his time cleaning up Kieran’s messes, dragging Kieran to Rhys after yet another axe mishap, convincing Kieran that there are no bears that he can fight in this part of Crimea, dissuading Kieran from helping him with dinner after the infamous Potato Peel Incident.
Living with Kieran is not particularly convenient, and never, ever quiet, but Oscar finds himself laughing more than he has since he left the Royal Crimean Knights.
Kieran is always especially keyed up after battles, jittery with extra energy and adrenaline with no way to release it. A jittery Kieran does not bode well for anyone, so Oscar suggests that they go for a walk.
Kieran gives him a suspicious look and opens his mouth, probably to accuse Oscar of leading him into a trap, but Oscar cuts him off.
“I hear there are very large bears around this area, and I believe you’ve told me that fighting bears together is an important part of rivalship.”
“Ah yes!” Kieran says, invigorated. “Fighting bears is a key component of a strong rivalry, along with constant sparring, plenty of mead, and not taking a wife.”
Oscar decides to let that last one slide for the time being, too tired from the battle to probe further. “Then it’s settled. Bear fighting it is, and we can work on the other things later.”
There are no bears anywhere close to the area, but the forest is peaceful and spacious enough that Kieran can release his nervous energy by swinging his axe aimlessly without hitting (many) trees.
They come to a small stream and Oscar suggests sitting by it for a while. Kieran dismounts, but not without protest.
“We’ve been walking for half an hour and nary a bear in sight! Oscar, you dastard, did you lead me hear under false pretenses in order to trick me into the unmanly practice of-” Kieran says the words with as much disdain as he can muster. “Heartfelt conversation?”
“You caught me.” Oscar readily admits. “Come on, while we’re here you may as well sit down.”
Kieran looks unsure and Oscar adds, “We can just have a normal conversation, I won’t hold you to the heartfelt part.”
Kieran sits down ungracefully, talking to fill the silence. “I have never understood the appeal of brooks and their senseless babbling. Kieran of the Royal Crimean Knights will not be mocked by a brook!”
Oscar bursts out laughing. “Kieran, you can’t pick a fight with a brook.”
“Oh, can’t I?” Kieran says. “You underestimate me, rival! I could easily fight this brook, and I would defeat it soundly.”
Kieran makes to stand up and Oscar grabs his wrist, gently tugs him back to a sitting position, still chuckling.
“I missed you.” Oscar says.
“What sort of-?” Kieran splutters, flustered. “What drives you to such a fiendish lie? You are-. I don’t-.”
“It’s ok.” Oscar says. “You don’t have to say you missed me too.”
“Missed you? I did not miss you.” Kieran declares. “Perhaps on occasion my axe hand cried out for the blood of my rival, perhaps my honor demanded a rematch with my one true foe, perhaps I developed a thirst that only my rival can quench, but I did not miss you!”
Kieran pauses, then adds, “Well, maybe only a little bit.”
“Whatever you say, Kier-”
Kieran is not quite as dumb as people think that he is, it’s just that his feelings and his actions both work faster than his brain. He can feel something and act upon it for weeks or months (or in the case of Oscar, years) before his brain catches up and he realizes why he is doing what he’s doing.
“Rival! I will stop your mouth!” Kieran cuts Oscar off, which is a fairly common occurrence, and kisses him, which is anything but common.
Kieran kisses like he does everything else: exuberantly, with too much force and not much finesse. Their teeth clack together and Kieran bites his lip far too hard, but Oscar can’t imagine having it any other way.
Kieran pulls back, looking triumphant, and Oscar rubs his lips with the back of his hand, wiping off the excess saliva.
“Well, I guess we can always work on the kissing thing.” Oscar says.
“Are you implying that you can kiss better than I, oh rival of mine?” Kieran retorts, indignant and slightly flushed. “If it is a challenge that I hear, we must kiss again, and again, until you concede that the master of kissing in this rivalry is I, Kieran, Captain of the 5th Platoon of th-”
Oscar decides that for once it’s his turn to be the one cutting Kieran off mid-sentence, and shuts him up with another kiss.
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brutalbeta · 4 years
Funny Dubbed Movies
If you want to laugh at people from other countries while simultaneously impressing some culture snobs, then you’ll need to check out some of these funny dubbed movies. Don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret that you didn’t opt for the subtitled versions. Besides, comedy truly is a universal language and provided you can stand the somewhat shoddy English dubbing (better than reading it though, right?), these films are guaranteed to give you some major laughs. If you love comedies—and really, who doesn’t—do yourself a favor check these out.
Getting released from the mental institution in Elling
This  little known gem from Norway, released in 2001, focuses on a sensitive man who has a knack for poetry. Sheltered by his mother all his life, he is forced to live in a state institution following her death. There, he meets and befriends two odd individuals. The trio end up living together after their release. The film picked up several prestigious movie awards and was even nominated for an Oscar.
My Sassy Girl
This Korean production was first shown in 2001 was a surprise hit in Asia. The film was based on the internet writings of a young man about his strange and complicated relationship with an equally strange but beautiful girl. My Sassy Girl stars Gianna Jun and Tae-hyun Cha. The movie did so well that it spawned an American remake The American version pales in comparison though so if you have not seen either, picking up the original Korean release is a must.
Released in 2001, Amélie is an imaginative comedy starring the lovely Audrey Tautou. Sharp eyed movie goers may recognize a slightly older Tantou performing opposite Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code. The film revolves around a shy young woman who makes it her mission in life to make people happy. She also pursues a handsome weirdo who collects discarded pictures from photo booths. This French classic has had a tremendous impact on pop culture—we’ve all see the traveling garden gnome, right? It originated in Amélie.
Shaolin Soccer
For something a little more ridiculous, why not consider the Hong Kong-made Shaolin Soccer? Written, directed and starring the talented Stephen Chow, the film effectively merges martial arts and soccer action. One of the best slapstick comedies of its kind, Shaolin Soccer tells of a Shaolin Kung-Fu practitioner who meets a former soccer coach. Chow, who plays a Shaolin master combines his martial arts abilities with his soccer to become an amazing player and even helps train other players who all end up playing as teammates. Together they hope to compete in and win a prestigious soccer tournament.
3 Idiots
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