#our hearts bleed bloody outside of our chests (cursed lovers)
lordofluxury · 9 months
It’s not obsession, it’s just that you live in my bones, and make a home for me inside of your lungs and i know how you breathe and how you smell and all of your different laughs. It’s not obsession but you are the reason that i’m not killing everyone who’s ever wrong me, you are my light and laughter and the reason that I breathe
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phantaloon-books · 3 years
All We Are is Bullets
AFTG songfic, Andreil centric, Andrew POV, inspired by Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance
Trigger warnings:  violence, graphic descriptions of violence, death, major character death, gunshots, guns, gunshot wounds, injury, angst, hurt no comfort, sad ending, blood, car crash, life on the run. This one’s on the heavy side sorry.
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
I would drive on to the end with you, a liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full
It had been over 7 months since they last had an encounter with anyone from the Moriyamas or the remaining of the Butcher’s people. 
They had grown too comfortable, too soft. Andrew wasn’t even sure how that happened, considering both his and Neil’s upbringing, but it happened anyway. They were reckless and careless, jumping from town to town along the United States, jump starting cars and making gas station stops and robbing liquor stores, and they’d grown to feel safe.
What a ridiculous thing it is, safety. Neither Andrew nor Neil should be able to afford to feel safe.
But they did. 
And these are the consequences. 
Andrew shakes his head, pressing harder on the gas, willing the stolen sports car to just go faster. One hand on the wheel, the other hand hovering over Neil’s pressed against the bleeding wound on his stomach. 
Neil’s breaths are getting rougher, and Andrew tightens his hand on the wheel. Of course Neil notices, and icy blue eyes look up towards haunted hazel. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine, don’t worry, I’ve dealt with worse, it’s gonna be fine,” Neil’s words are supposed to be soothing, but his voice is too hoarse for them to work. Andrew snarls.
“Shut the fuck up, Josten, just stay awake, I’ll get us out of here, and we’ll stop soon to patch you up.”
“They’re gonna be on our tails soon, Drew, I don’t-”
He breaks off in a coughing fit, his lungs rattle, and when he pulls his hand away from his mouth, Andrew sees the red that paints his hand. Andrew swears his soul leaves his body.
“I’ll pull over on the next stop-”
“Andrew, we don’t have time to stop right now, you know we don’t, it’s fine, I’ll be fine, if we stop we’re dead.”
Andrew knows that’s true, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hate it. Instead he holds on to Neil’s hand tighter, and Neil’s expression softens.
“Until the end, forever, remember?”
I will drive until the end with you. I mean this forever.
This isn’t supposed to be their lives. They were supposed to be done after the shitshow that was Neil’s freshman year. The Moriyamas were supposed to leave Neil alone. The FBI was supposed to deal with what was left of the Wesninski circle. They never should have trusted the feds to do their fucking job. Instead what was left of the Wesninski claimed war on the Moriyamas and Hatfords. Ichirou was beyond furious, with both Wesninskis and Hatfords out for blood and revenge. And he blamed it all on Neil. 
Andrew would never understand the Moriyama lord’s logic. To blame a mob war on a 19 year old kid, whose only crime was being born to two mob families, one of which was tied to the yakuza. 
But they were out for Neil’s blood then. Had nearly killed him outside the Court the first time, he would have been shot in the head if it wasn’t for his incredibly quick instincts. The shot hit his shoulder instead. They didn’t wait for a second time, Andrew just shoved their stuff in a bag, took Neil’s remaining money and together they ran. He only left a letter for Aaron, and he didn’t regret leaving their family behind. 
Neil had been upset with Andrew at first.
“You have no idea what you just did, Andrew! You have no idea what it’s like to run for your life every single day, not knowing if you’re gonna live long enough to see the next, you have no idea what you just did!”
“I don’t care about that, Neil.”
“You should! This isn’t a little adventure, this isn’t a road trip, this is fighting to stay alive, and bullets and knives and hiding and lying forever!” his voice broke, and dropped to a whisper, “I never wanted to put you through this.”
“You’re not understanding me here, I’m trying to show you but you don’t understand. You mean too much to me to care about all the things you’re saying, I’d end my days in a hail of bullets to keep you safe, I would drive on to the end with you, I’ll keep running with you to prove to you how much you mean to me.”
Leaving bought them 4 more years. 
Until today. 
Until the end of everything.
The sun is going down on the highway as Andrew floors it, going too high above the speed limit running from Neil’s demons. But he’d signed up for this, as Neil had so kindly put it. Neil’s hand trembles, growing cold. His blood is slowly pooling on the car seat below him. He fights to hide his grimace, but his face is pulled tightly in pain anyway. 
“I’m going to fucking stop, Neil.”
“Goddammit, Andrew! No, we can’t afford to stop, right now!”
I’m trying to let you know how much you mean.
“Andrew, we’re not stopping, I can hang on however long we need to get somewhere safe.”
“Nowhere is safe, Neil, we’ll never stop,” Andrew can’t help the snarl, anger is curling inside his chest and it’s too much, “You’re bleeding out, don’t you understand? We need to stop now.”
“I know this is frustrating for you, Drew, I get it, but we have to wait until we reach somewhere safer-”
“Goddammit, Neil-”
The car is thrown forward at once, and Andrew has to take both of his hands to the wheel to stop the car from veering sideways and crashing. With a curse, he takes a look through the rearview mirror, and he curses once more.
They’d been too busy arguing to notice the black SUVs and trucks on their tails. There’s a lot of them, nondescript, but obviously Moriyama. Andrew’s heart starts to race, as he wills the car to go faster, beyond its own limits. But there’s too many of them. There’s no way they’ll make it out this time. 
He glances at Neil, blank mask long forgotten, worry and dread and terror seeping out of him like it never has before. Because Neil is crying softly, despite the serenity of his entire posture. Tears are streaming down his face, eyes closed but body and face relaxed. 
The car is nearing 200 mph when Neil opens his eyes, tears flowing freely. The black SUVs are getting impossibly closer, caging them on the sides. 
“I’m so sorry, Drew,” Neil’s voice is a shattered whisper, and it breaks Andrew’s already shattering heart, “I never wanted to get you involved in all of this, I never wanted this life for you, I’m so so sorry, I ruined your life.”
“Shut the fuck up, Neil, I chose this, I chose to run with you, I wanted-” the words are stuck in his throat and he can’t get them out. I wanted to spend however much time was left with you. That’s how much you mean to me. That’s how much this means to me. “I meant it then, and I mean it now, Neil Josten, until the end.”
Neil’s eyes are pained, something like grief and sorrow shining through the icy blue. But he still forces himself to smile, as if he can read what Andrew thought, and Andrew knows full well he does. 
“We’ll show them all how much we mean.”
The first shot comes from Andrew’s side and he barely manages to dodge the bullet that cuts through the glass like it’s nothing, shattering the window at once. Neil crouches with a cry, and Andrew shoots a glance his way as much as he can as he attempts to keep the car under control. Neil’s right shoulder is bleeding, the window on his side just as shattered as his own. Andrew didn’t even notice the car getting close enough to Neil’s side, or the shot aimed his way. Neil feels his stare, the overwhelming alarm and horror that drowns Andrew from the inside, and turns pained yet calm eyes his way.
“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.”
Neil knows he’s not going to make it, they are not going to make it. This is going to be their last run. With a deep breath, Andrew buries all the fear and worry deep down, and stares at Neil with nothing but determination.
“I’m about to get us killed, but when it stops, we run in the other direction and into the city, we hide as best as we can.” The or die trying goes unsaid, but Andrew knows Neil understands, he always does. 
“I love you, until the end of everything.”
Andrew stares at Neil, and he wants to say I love you too, you mean everything to me, but instead what comes out is “Hang on, tight,” and he hits the brakes at once.
Despite Andrew’s eidetic memory should make sure that he remembers what happens next, but it’s all a blur, and when he can get to consciousness and focus his eyes, it’s to Neil half carrying him as he limps his way down the highway, looking frantically behind him. A quick glance behind them and Andrew sees the wreck he left behind; cars pile one on top of the other, some are on fire, including the one they were driving, and they set each other aflame, like pouring fuel on scarecrows. Moriyama men are dragging themselves out of the cars, and trying to find a way out of the wreck. Andrew can’t help the smile. He didn’t think they’d make it after braking a car going 200 mph, but he somehow manages to make his legs listen to him, as his ears echo. 
Neil notices when he feels Andrew take back some of his own weight, turns a bloodied and dirty face at him, and smiles back brightly. Neither of them have much hope of making it to the other side of the road and finding a place to hide, but in that one second, they begin to run hand in hand, and things are okay, despite Neil’s bleeding wounds, and Andrew’s aching head.
They both know it won’t last long, so Andrew pulls Neil for a kiss, as long as he dares to, it’s merely a brush of their lips, but it’s everything that matters. 
They’re about to reach the other lane when the first shot rings through the air, but Neil’s always bright instincts pull them both out of the way. They would be helpful if there were two or three men, but Andrew risks a glance back. There are dozens of men regaining their composure, readying their weapons, and before he knows what’s happening, both Neil and him are hitting the ground hard. 
Neil just pushed him.
And then the bullets come, lead rain passing through phantoms.
He’s too disoriented at first, but then burning pain lights his body, like nothing he has ever felt before. He gasps, but he pushes through the pain, and forces himself to look around. He doesn’t have to look far, he finds what he needs next to him.
“Neil! Neil!” His voice seems far, far away, but Neil is looking up at the blue, blue sky, breath coming in insignificant little huffs, more like sighs than breaths. Blood is pooling underneath them. “Neil, look at me, stay with me.”
Moving hurts, burns, but he makes himself push through it harder, until he’s somehow leaning on his side, with a clear view of Neil. Neil who’s bleeding too much. Neil who has too many bullet holes on his body. Neil who just pushed him to the side to protect him. Neil who is bleeding out. Neil who despite everything turns his head so he’s facing Andrew, even if his eyes are still looking up. 
Andrew’s own eyes are blurring with unshed tears, and he blindly reaches forward to grab Neil’s hand lying limply by his side. 
He feels like he’s falling.
Neil’s lips are turning red, and he’s coughing, choking, trying to force out words that can’t come out. He gasps and moans in agony, and Andrew’s own chest hurts, not just from the bullets he couldn’t escape. This is it, a pool of blood, falling and touching hands.
“Neil, look at me, look at me, it’s gonna be alright, we’re gonna be alright.”
Andrew’s own voice is cracking. He doesn’t understand how Neil remains awake, but his stubborn idiot rabbit is still breathing. With another strained whine and a choked sob, their eyes meet at last. Icy blue and deep hazel, one last time.
And Andrew is falling, falling, falling.
He squeezes Neil’s hand as tightly as he can, and chokes out a whisper despite the metallic taste flooding his mouth, “It’s okay, we’ll be okay, just let go, it’s okay.”
He feels the thuds of footsteps approaching, but black is already creeping at the edges of his vision, his eyelids are growing heavy, and Neil’s own breaths are coming slower.
Neil closes his eyes, and Andrew closes his as Neil’s shredded chest stops moving.
I’ll meet your eyes, I mean this, forever.
lol sorry
read on ao3
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wandering-rosebud · 7 years
Bloody Rainbows (Chapter 4)
Summary: Leo is slowly trying to cope with the loss of colour. She is able to finally get it through her head that she can live in a black and white world. Well, that’s before Negan shows up.
A/N: So I think for the rest of the story, the odd number chapters will be from Negan’s POV, while the even number chapters will be from Leo’s. I didn’t read over it extensively, especially considering the fact that it is 2 in the morning. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes in advance. 
Leotie’s POV
I lost count of how many days it had been since Negan killed Eugene, since Daryl stopped talking to me, since I found my soulmate. My chest felt empty. Daryl had successfully avoided me since our encounter with Negan. Now I was without my soulmate and my lover. Daryl refused to see me after Rick brought him back to Alexandria. Michonne was able to keep me some company for the first few days, but after I started seeing things in black and white again, I couldn’t bring myself to be around her anymore.
Every second I spent thinking about Negan, I spent a minute telling myself about his tyranny. He was the enemy. He was the villain. He was the man I completely yearned for.
I thought sleep would be able to let me relax from constant thoughts of him, but that was not the case. My dreams were cursed with vibrant images of Negan. His smile would send my heart into an endless flutter. I would see him and a life together when I fell unconscious each night. Sometimes it would be as simple as the two of us walking hand in hand. Other times it would be him pacing around our room at an ungodly hour of the morning with a crying bundle in his arms. The warmth of the bedside lamp casting his shadow on the wall behind him. The child would have my unruly hair and his gleaming hazel eyes. I would always wake up longing for him and the colours he provided. The dreams would always be so meticulously coloured, but when I awoke the next morning everything would be the same greyscale that I had grown accustomed to over the years. I would learn to live without colour again.
At least I thought I could.
One particularly drab day left me hugging my extra pillow, trying to remember Daryl. He had been going out on extra hunts and scavenges since we returned to Alexandria. I clutched the pillow to my chest, trying my best to calm my ragged breathing.
What if he never wanted to see me again? The thought was almost too much to handle.
I found myself gazing out the window. From where I was laying down on the bed, I could really only make out the sky and a couple of branches on the tree outside the window. The wind blew softly, stirring the leaves. As the breeze picked up, I was able to make out a faint green tinge on the edges of the leaves. I thought it was a trick of the light, but when I rubbed my eyes and opened them again, the colour was there. It was muted, but it was there. I managed to bring myself to a sitting position. Right before my eyes, the sky began to fill in with a soft blue hue.
I heard the gate open. I eyed the entrance anxiously. I prayed that it was Daryl, but to my dismay, the familiar black pick up truck of the Saviours pulled forward. I frowned inwardly, but couldn’t stop myself from trodding downstairs. I stepped onto the porch, taking in my first breath of fresh air in almost two weeks.
I found myself leaning over the bannister on the porch, unintentionally trying to listen to what was going on.
The Saviour names Simon hopped out of the driver’s seat. He seemed to be looking for someone.
Rick was notified of Simon’s arrival. He was at his side momentarily, most likely trying to figure out why he had showed up in the first place. Before the conversation could fully go anywhere, the passenger’s side door opened and slammed shut. Negan sauntered over to Rick and Simon.
He may have been able to fool Rick, but if he was really my soulmate, then I knew he was struggling as much as I was on the inside. The display of confidence was nothing but a cover up. He was breaking just like I was.
The longer I looked at him, the more my vision began to retain its colour. It was all very muted, but the pigments began to bleed together. He was talking to Rick, asking about something. His eyes proceeded to look at the different rows of houses behind Rick. His eyes raked over each one momentarily, not spending too much time on any one house. When his gaze fell upon my house, his eyes went wide. He pushed passed Rick and almost broke out into a run.
I straightened up from my leaning position on the bannister. I turned for the door, almost making it inside.
“Wait!” He shouted.
I stopped. I could feel him behind me. His breathing was heavy. I all but ceased to breathe.
“Please.” He begged, “Can we please just talk?”
My hand released the door knob. I sighed wearily. I turned around slowly. He was stood at the edge of the porch. When our eyes met, lively colour melted into everything, just like the first time our gazes had met. I could tell that the same thing was happening to him too. His eyes widened momentarily before focussing back on me. He took a step forward, then fell to his knees.
His eyes met mine again.
“Please.” He begged, “Please hear me out. I know I killed one of your people. I know I have done nothing but be a menace to your community since I found out about you. I know that this is only one sided, but I can’t do it anymore. I-I can’t stay away. Please. Please have me. Keep me. I want to know you. I want to be yours. I need to be yours.”
I backed against the door, trying to think of what to do.
“Just tell me your name. Can I at least have your name?”
There was a moment of silence. His head hung in defeat. After another minute, I couldn’t stop myself from kneeling down to his level. I brought my hand up to his face. My fingertips grazed his cheek lightly. The touch sent electricity through my body. I gently pushed his head up, making him look at me directly.
The look in his eyes reflected everything I was feeling internally. That was the final straw. I couldn’t fight myself anymore. I couldn’t avoid this anymore. I couldn’t avoid him anymore.
“Leotie.” I breathed almost inaudibly, “My name is Leotie. You are mine. And I am yours.”
His eyes lit up, “You mean you can see them too? The colours? Everywhere?”
I nodded. I placed his hand on my chest, over my heart, then planted his other hand over his own.
He grinned widely, “Our hearts beats are in sync with one another.”
I gave him a small smile in return.
He stood up, bringing me with him. He looked like he was about to say something, but there was an uncertainty in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place.
“What’s wrong?” I asked warily.
“Can I…” He paused, “Can I hold you? Just for a moment?”
I stepped closer to him, almost falling into his embrace. His strong leather-clad arms wrapped around my torso possessively. One of his hands fell to my hair, stroking it gently. I breathed in the scent of him. He smelled clean and like leather. There was a hint of spearmint on his breath. It was calming.
“Leotie.” He murmured under his breath, “Leo. My Leo.”
His words were almost like a mantra to let him know that I was really there, that I was really his. I was his. The thought was enough to send butterflies to my stomach at the speed of bullets. The world around us dwindled into white noise. I stood, enveloped in his warm and welcoming hold. This moment was perfect. It was too bad that it couldn’t last forever.
Someone cleared their throat from behind Negan.
Daryl crossed his arms over his chest, “‘S there a reason you’re holdin’ onto my girl like she belongs to you or somethin’?”
Taglist: @jeffreydeanneganstrash, @purplemuse, @metalzombiemiss, @to-ma-to, @genevievedarcygranger, @scifi-bi, @dusty-cookie, @to-pick-ourselves-up-7, @lucifers-trash-stash
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saralaurensmagalona · 8 years
Breathe, baby, breathe... A Thorki fanfiction by Magalona
Hello everyone ! Been busy for a while, here is chapter 8 ! Enjoy !
Chapter 8
Loki had been in a blank for several minutes before his heart finally came back to a normal rhythm. It had felt like a crazy machine-gun and a coming asthma crisis was showing its ugly head.
He had grabbed his medicine and willed himself back to full control. It had felt almost impossible.
His first reaction had been to think about Thor, to phone him. But he was afraid now of staying in his own room. It was soiled, now. Degraded. He didn't feel safe in it anymore.
The fact that someone, anyone, could have taken a picture of him and Thor while… Who ? WHO ?! Who could do such an utter, disgustingly intrusive thing ? Who could send it like that as if it was so casual ? Who could act this way and hope not to get caught ever ?
Loki felt lonely and vulnerable. As raped as he used to be when Tony had abused him.
And Thor was the only redeeming thing in his mind.
He grabbed his laptop, terrified that anyone could see it. It was absurd as mails could be so easily tracked down. He didn't care, he didn't think. He needed Thor, that was the only thing for sure.
He had driven like a madman though he was in a residential area. He almost hit Mrs. Bachman's crazy dog. The woman was a hag but her dog was fun. This rang an alarm bell in Loki's head that he was going insane and dangerous. He had to get things back under control or do something he would always regret...
Arrived at Thor's door, he scared Mrs. Odinson who thought he was having a panic attack right on her doorstep (which he was actually). She screamed her son's name and Thor came in seconds, grabbed Loki and made him sit on the sofa. Looking in Loki's eyes, he knew they needed to be alone. He calmly asked to his mom to leave, that he would deal with Loki himself. Mother and son communicated on an almost telepathic level. She knew it was bad but that Thor would make it alright.
And if he couldn't, he would be sensible enough to call her for help.
Yet, the sight of Loki, looking tinier and fragile as ever in her son's big arms was not very reassuring.
It appeared Thor had received exactly the same photo. He had tried to trace back the mail only to be lost in a dead alley of false accounts and phony computers. Thor wanted to crash the bloody device. To hunt and kill the perverse peeping tom that turned his brave and dignified Loki into a terrified pile of hysterical jell-o.
His love. His bleeding, terrified heart who'd been through so much already and was now back into hell head first.
“Thor, I am so sorry, so sorry...” Loki babbled pacing Thor's bedroom up and down. “So sorry to drag you into all this, you don't deserve this. But who ? Who the hell did this ?! I was sure everything was locked up and now... How could anyone …? Oh god ! Oh God ! It's my goddamn fault !”
Thor had to grab him and pull him to his chest as he used to each time Loki was nervous or worried or in need of a hug. Loki was badly breathing and if Thor was not taking back control of the situation it would be back to the hospital for Loki. But even in this firm and protective embrace, Loki was still raving and ranting like a madman and shaking like a leave.
“I can't” He whined. “I can't do this anymore ! I just can't ! You should run away, Thor, you should leave me. I won't mind ! I'll deal with it but, please, I'm a wreck and don't get involved more than you already are, I'll destroy you ! I'll drag you down ! That's not what I want, but it is going to happen ! I will and I ...”
That did shut Loki up. He remained there, mouth opened and eyes huge, almost panting and wheezing. Thor was really sorry for raising his voice in such a time but he had no time to loose and major damage control to do.
He grabbed the pale face in his both hands and looked straight in the big green lights. He wanted his point to be crystal clear.
“I love you, you hear me ? I'm not expecting you to love me back and I'm okay with it. And it's okay if you don't or won't. But I still love you and I am certainly not going to run away like a coward.”
He was real close to Loki's face almost to the point of kissing him but he wouldn't do it before Loki understood how serious he was.
“We're in it together, we'll face it together. Do you know why it was sent ? The real reason besides freaking us out like crazy ? “
Loki shook his head to a negative response.
“They want to make us part. I've already seen that happened to a girlfriend of mine and her own girl lover. They spy on us, find us disgusting and try to terrorize us 'for our own good'” Thor made the quotation marks with his hands. “So that we fit back 'into the right tracks'” He mimicked the marks again and then grabbed Loki's neck in a more gentle gesture. “I love you. I am staying with you. I will fuck your brains out right here and now if necessary and then fuck you again until the whole neighborhood hear us and see us rutting like animals and you coming like a space rocket.”
Loki went red. The idea of public sex and “coming like a space rocket” was a brutal erotic change from his total despair. It both aroused and scandalized him.
“So.” Thor continued in a calmer tone. “I am not going to leave you. Not now. Whoever send that crap would be so happy if I did. It would show them they were right about us. We stick together, baby. Now, more than ever.”
They let a minute of silence pass by. Loki felt as if he could breathe again. He could breathe forever with Thor's warm hands on his neck. He closed his eyes and Thor took advantage to give him a very sharp and demanding kiss.
Loki could finally sigh out of relief and safety in Thor's arms.
“Feeling better, baby ?” asked Thor, while still holding Loki on his chest and gently rocking him.
“Mmh-mmh.” Loki nodded.
Loki felt again Thor's heart on his. Its soft and deep rhythm, once again, soothing Loki's own. He felt heavy and drained out on Thor's shoulder, his head resting on his boyfriend, his anchor, his lover... They remained silent and content in each other's embrace.
Thor thought Loki might have dozed off when he heard words spoken so low they were almost inaudible.
“I love you, too...” Loki murmured. “I do...”
Minutes later, Mrs. Odinson spotted her son carrying his boyfriend up the stairs like a groom, his bride.
Seconds only after they locked themselves in the room, (she was displeased hearing the click of the lock) she heard a characteristic sound. The regular bumping of a headboard, indicating to all asunder that her eldest son was indulging himself into bedroom “activities” with his boyfriend. In her house, right in the middle of the day, while she was still present and just before her other children came back from school. She didn't know which one of these big no-nos infuriated her the most.
Yet, hearing a faint aerial moan that didn't come from her son's mouth and knowing what was going on for them both, she chose to say nothing.
Because, right here and now, that probably what they needed.
They had remained naked in bed until they heard Thor's younger brothers joyous chatting down the hall. Usually, hearing his brothers coming home from school was a happy sound to Thor. Now it was just remembering him that there was a real world outside his bedroom and that it was beckoning. A frigging bore.
Loki had to wake up and they had to get dressed. They couldn't allow any of Thor's under aged siblings to see his naked boyfriend. The Odinson's house was a rather open-minded one but there was definitely limits where minors were concerned.
Plus, Thor and Loki had to have a conversation with Thor's parents. And it wasn't going to be agreeable...
A few minutes later, after greetings the kids, helping them to cookies and milk with Thor's Mom, Mr. Odinson was back from the office. He was a little surprise to see Loki so late in the evening. He had just left Loki's Dad and told Loki so, smiling. He realized that his wife, son and son's boyfriend looked paled and worried and that Loki didn't want to talk about his dad at all...
The four of them waited until each boy settled in their respective rooms (Thor had his own but his siblings were divided into two bedrooms), doing their homework or playing games, and had the conversation.
Thor was red and Loki even redder when they had to show the picture to Otto...
They felt raped.
Otto considered it without a word and muttered a curse under his breath.
“This is bad, boys.” He finally said. “Judging from the angle the picture was taken, that person was very close to Loki's window. Enough to have a very clear view. It could even be a drone...”
“Maybe.” Loki added. “But the tree under my window is rather large and easy to climb. I've thought about it. He could have hid in the higher branches without the neighbors or us seeing or hearing anything. A drone would have been spotted...”
“Either way.” Said Mrs. Odinson. “This is a highly dangerous person and we should call the police !”
Loki blanched.
“No ! Please ! We can't”
“Loki...” Mr. Odinson started.
“NO !” Loki brutally cut, desperate. “You don't know how these people are ! If they knew... You don't know my family !”
Mr. and Mrs. Odinson gave Loki a look that clearly meant they had a perfect picture of who his parents were.
“Loki...” Pursued Mrs. Odinson. “Believe me, we don't want our son's privacy and yours exposed like this but... This is a crime ! You are both in danger ! What if...”
“NO ! NO ! NO !!!” Loki screamed and held his head with both hands.
The police. The officers smirking and making disgusting comments on Loki and Thor together. Laughing at him and Thor and their parents. Spitting at everything that was good and pure in his life, everything that was Thor and him...
“Please...” He softly begged. His breath was becoming ragged again. He couldn't bear it anymore...
Thor, tears in his eyes, came to him and held him.
“Please, Mom...” Thor said. “We need to think. We cannot go to the police like that... At least, not before Loki and I had talked to Loki's parents.”
Loki raised his head and looked at Thor with monstrous eyes.
“You cannot...” He breathed.
Thor held his head in his own hands, the same way he did earlier in the afternoon.
“Baby, we need to file a claim ASAP. But we need to tell your parents first. I don't want them to know about us like this, right in front of the cops and seeing the picture unprepared. We need to get out of the closet, baby, we cannot hide anymore, even if we wanted to...”
Loki was literally falling apart.
“They'll throw me out.” He murmured. “They couldn't stand the shame of having a gay son... They'll ruin your parents for good measure.”
“Not that I wouldn't be glad to be back in Houston...” Shrugged Otto. Freya nodded. This little incident had cut their enthusiasm for the place.
“Baby...” Thor started.
“They'll cast me out... And college hasn't even started yet ...” Loki was ashamed to sound so whiny. But it was the entire truth. Larry and Nathalie would throw him out of the house the minute he would have pronounced the G-word and he would be left to care for himself all alone.
“Look, dearie,” Freya interrupted. “If this came to happen, you would be welcome into this family. It is not the first time we would have helped someone in this situation.”
Indeed, when one of Thor's classmates turned out to be gay and had tried to tell his parents only to be thrown out of his own house, Freya and Otto had taken him in for a while. The boy's grandfather had then intervened, publicly disowned the shameful parents and taken the boy  in New York to live with him.
Loki was surprised but it wasn't really reassuring.
“Baby, look, let's wait a bit, okay ? Until we graduate and go to college. There is only a month left. Until then, we'll find a way and be careful. You good ?”
Loki agreed. He knew they were buying time but it was better than to go right here and now publicly and ruin everything. He nodded. This was only running away.
But the alternative sounded even worse than a stalker harassing them.
Otto and Freya remained silent but shared a grim look that clearly expressed what they felt.
Loki had spent hours examining the picture. It had been taken one of these afternoons when the house was empty. It was very bright, meaning that the weather had been very good this day. Yet it didn't help about the moment it was taken for the sun had been up and shiny for a long while. As they were naked, Loki had no indication about what they were wearing that day that could have helped. A rather fresh bruise the shape of a pear on Thor's thigh, the result of an accidental blow during training, indicated yet that the photo was fairly recent, maybe a week old. The bruise had just started fading.
But apart from that, there was no clue whatsoever...
A drone, Freya Odinson had suggested. It sounded too much like a spy novel to Loki. He was quite sure, judging from the picture, that the perpetrator had taken it from the big branch, close to his window. Loki had climbed that tree so many times, when he was younger, he knew all the good places to hide there and see everything. He used that same branch to spy on his brothers when his room used to be theirs before his parents built an extension to the house.
Loki had not so many suspects. He was quite sure him and Thor had been extra careful. Thor might have enemies. He was popular, he was very much liked, he was kind, fun and talented. He could have attracted jealousy. Loki laid his money on someone on the football team. Except that none would have been bright enough to come to all this trouble... The harassing part, however... But how could have they planned the computer blurring ? Loki snorted. He wasn't sure they even knew how to type correctly...
Concerning Loki ? Could it be that he had “enemies” ?
In the tiny, puny world of the rich neighborhood kids, compared to his brothers, or even to Tony or Thor, Loki didn't weigh much. He was the “weird one,” “the nerd”, the haughty little genius no one appreciated nor liked. As Loki had had a Gothic period, he had been rumored to be a satanist during middle school. It hadn't helped making him a better reputation.
Yes, despised, he was. Feared ? Maybe. Detested enough to be bullied ? Probably. But to elaborate such a complicated plan ? Loki's worst opponents used to prefer the “direct approach,” punching him in a discreet location. Or, defeat him publicly in some scholar competition for the ones who actually had a brain. Which was the only tactic Loki had some respect for. But stalking ? None of the more intelligent ones had a taste for this undignified kind of things. Loki had to grant them that. They had the means and the nous but not the evil. The others might have said evil and the means but certainly not the nous...
So none was fitting the profile. It had to be someone with tools and sufficient gray cells, time on his hands and money. Loki had a tendency to agree with Thor. It wasn't someone who had a grudge either with Thor or Loki. Whoever he (or she, it definitely could be a she...) was, he (or she) hated them both and wanted them apart, or ruined or whatever...
Actually there was someone who perfectly fitted the profile.
Yet, in remembrance of whatever they had together, Loki couldn't bear it the idea that he could be him. He hoped against all hopes that this person wasn't that vile, that hateful to do something so disgusting...
Loki thought for a while, then took a deep breath and dialed Tony's number.
They were in Loki's room, standing against each other. There had been much yelling but they had finally calmed down. Tony was massaging his temples. He looked seriously distressed and outraged at the accusation but Loki wasn't sure of anything anymore.
“For the last time, Loki, IT. WASN'T. ME ! You really think I could be such a goddamn coward ?!”
Loki gave him a significant look.
“Okay, okay...” Conceded Tony. “I am a coward for many reasons, I admit it. But not for this Loki, I swear !”
Loki glared at him.
“I swear ! Yes, I regret what I did to you, what I did to my girl... I lost you both and I have to live with that. But this ?! What would be the purpose of this ?!”
Loki shrugged.
“I don't know, take a pick ! Revenge against me, against Thor, against us both ? Trying to get Thor to dump me and then  playing the white knight in his shiny armor to win me back...”
Tony made a weird expression Loki immediately recognized.
“You thought about it...”
“Yes.” Tony quickly said. “Yes, I admit I thought about ways to send Johnny Football Hero away so I could have a chance to have you back. But not this, Loki, I swear ! And anyway, I abandoned any plans quite fast... I mean... You and him ? Joined at the hip practically. There is not one shred of a chance for me concerning you.”
He opened his hands as a gesture of good faith.
“It's true, Loki. I am not doing an 'I-am-a-different-person' crap on you. I am being sincere for once. I might be capable of many nasty things but this ?” He pointed towards the infamous photo. “This is pure shit. I don't want to be part of anything like this. I have my pride ! At least, give me that.”
Loki pondered this for a bit and then nodded. Something in Tony's tone was unusual. Something that sounded like the truth. He chose then to believe Tony.
“Look.” Tony said again rising up. “As a proof of my good faith, let me do this for you. I will chase down that mail and found where it had been sent and even written. You know I have the capacities for it...”
That was right, Tony's father had made a fortune working with the army and other high-level services.
“Okay...” Loki softly said. “Anything you can learn.”
Tony sighed and looked at Loki straight in the eyes. It had a feeling of definite goodbyes.
“You know, I really tried...”
“Tony, please...”
“No seriously... If Johnny and you, you don't... well...”
“Get out, Tony !”
Loki ushered him out without real anger and they parted on good terms.
One week passed. Only three left before graduation and the final announcement. Loki was rehearsing it, trying to find the right approach to say to your mom and dad that you like to screw boys.
It would be a hell raiser...
Loki was dallying, trying to avoid the truth. Praying that the creep had forgotten about them both. Hoping against all hope that it would come to an end in itself.
As if.
Yet nothing had happened and still no news from Tony. It was straining. Like waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The worst being that, despite all their determination not to change anything in their lives, Loki and Thor were less carefree and seeing each other less often, less privately. Maybe, the fact of the big season match didn't help. Thor was totally immersed in it. He had given a sad little smile of apology to Loki across the field during training. Loki had smiled back. He missed Thor badly but he understood.
He felt lonely now, though. And fed up, big time.
Every time something good happened to him, lo and behold, it was ruined by fate or humankind. He was sick and tired of it. He felt like a terrified rabbit waiting for the hunter to show up and shoot and probably, that was what the stalker hoped him to be.
He wanted to stop waiting like a martyr for the next blow. He wanted to take action and strike back. His only hope was Tony. Only he could give him a clue.
In the meanwhile he was sad and lonely.
One night, he was browsing for a research paper, his heart heavy when he heard a rattling on the window. He almost had a heart attack, thinking that the stalker had finally climbed the tree to  invade his bedroom.
It was Thor, standing on the big branch like Robin Hood on Maid Marian's balcony, grinning like a fool his usual dashing smile.
Loki opened his window, both wanting to kiss or smash the fool.
“What are you doing here ? You'll be spotted for a thief !”
“Am I not a thief ? I have come to steal a kiss !”
“Stop joking, you idiot !” Loki was angry saying that but his heart was fluttering just the same.
Nonetheless, he kissed his lover while trying not to make him lose his balance.
“Three weeks left, my love, and we're out of all of this...” Thor murmured.
“Three weeks left...” Nodded Loki. “I love you.”
And then Thor disappeared in a rustling of leaves. As discreet as an evening breeze. Loki felt better than he had in ages.
Despite the vague feeling of being observed... Except that there was no one around.
The following morning was a sunday and nothing new occurred. Loki was wondering how he was going to spend the day and whether Thor could be free from training.
He was idly looking at the view from his mother's living room when his phone rang. He had hoped for Thor but it was Tony. Loki grimaced, he was not ready for that yet. He answered. He had to.
“Tony ?”
“Listen, Loki.” Tony's muffled voice came. “I managed to track it down. It wasn't easy at all, the bastard's a tricky one but I used unusual means so ...”
Loki rolled his eyes. Trust Tony Stark to show off and not to care about wasted time.
“Anyways, long story short, I found something... And it's not good...”
Loki was about to ask question when an angry voice shouted from up the stairs.
“Loki ! Come here right now !”
His father. He was in his office and his yelling unabled Loki to understand what was being said.
“Tony, I gotta go ! Talk to you later !” Loki was furious to reject Tony like that but he couldn't hear and deal with his father in the same time. While he was jumping up the stairs, he still heard Tony's voice.
“Loki ! Wait ! The mail ! It's from your home ! It came from your place !”
Loki had no time to ask Tony what he was talking about.
He was standing in his father's office, Larry Laufeyson was holding his laptop, his face violet with rage, his eyes bulging, almost ready to crack and break down. Loki turned instantly into stone, seeing the screen.
“What the fuck is this fucking shit !?” Screamed his father at the top of his lungs.
On the screen was the photograph of him and Thor and Loki couldn't help in this utter disaster to think that Thor was indeed handsome. Everything was lost anyway, so why not indulge in Thor's image one last time ?
Above the picture was the flashing, blood-red caption...
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lordofluxury · 3 days
thinking about the jjk trio ending up in Gotham. Nobara gets adopted by poison ivy, Megumi kills the joker because the man's stupid enough to try shit with yuuji, and Yuuji is jusft happy to be free
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lordofluxury · 1 year
people who share my f/o’s (, hobie, satosugu,, forty two miles, sebastian, kurapika, chrollo, illumi) should interact with me so I can hear what you love about them
our hearts bleed bloody outside of our chests - cursed lovers (Sukuna, itadori, fushiguro, kugisaki)
our blood mingles only to say i love you - bloody lover (Toga)
is it wrong to love the devils - bloody lovers (Billy Loomis, Stu Macher)
You’ll never be free of me - dark lovers (Class 1-A)
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