#out loud i said no Neil please don't
I am sick I'm ill I'm climbing the walls I'm eating plaster wtf wtf wtf
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wasitforrevenge · 7 months
oh sweetheart
pairing: boxer! ellie williams x f reader au
word count: 1.9k
rating: 18+
warnings: boxer!ellie, drinking, smoking, cursing, creepy guy but ellie comes to ur defense!! ellie has lots of tattoos, fighting, threats, idk if im missing anything (no character description or anything specific)
summary: you didn't expect to meet her on this night out.
authors notes: hi friends! this is my first time writing and posting on here hopefully you enjoy, please reblog, like or follow! lets be mutuals :) anyways feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated! ellie williams has me on my hands and knees!!! i hope you enjoy! i like the idea of making this a series if it works out and ppl like it, so pls let m know!! thank you :)
PART 1 | part 2
series masterlist <3
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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loud. everything is loud. the smell of sweat and blood stains the air around you. the sounds of people cheering and shouting towards the center of the large room. the lights are buzzing above you as you are walking into the entrance of the shitty run down gym your brother, jesse, and his girlfriend, dina, ended up dragging you to tonight.
you didn't mind coming along with him but this wasn't what you expected to be doing tonight. after a long shitty week of unpacking your new apartment, you kinda just wanted to end up a hole in the wall bar and drink your stress away but he had other plans. which including watching grown men beat the shit of each other for their cut at the end of the night.
it was intimidating, walking through the crowds of people you didn't know until you finally make it to where his friends were waiting for you guys. they were sitting at a table with a clear shot of the fight which was surprising since the whole place seemed to have more people in it then it could fit. you make your way awkwardly to the empty seats saying a gentle "hello guys" to your brothers friends who you didn't knowl. you sat next to dina as jesse made his way to the bar with your drink orders.
after you graduated highschool, you moved to new york and spend 4 years there working in a small cafe you lived above but now at the start of the summer, still not sure what you should be doing with your life. now you're 22 and you've moved to the city of jackson to be closer to your older brother and his girlfriend. you were excited to start fresh in a place where no one knew you yet, you were ready to leave your old life and those toxic things in the past. but you wondered if it was even possible.
you spend the next hour talking with dina and catching up on the things that have happened since you moved, "have you started looking for jobs yet?" she asked as you both sipped on the second drink of the night that jesse went and brought back a bit ago. you've only met a couple times in person since they started dating about 2 years ago but you loved her, she was making this night a lot better. "not much luck yet, i don't know what to do, luckily i have some time to figure something out." you responded. she went to say something but then the loud speakers around the room started blaring music and the countdown to the match that was about to start.
jesse tapped dinas shoulder to go watch with the rest of them. dinas eyes met yours and asked, "are you coming up?" you started getting nervous as the people started getting louder and crowding towards the center ring and told her that you'll stay here and watch. they both nodded and said they'd be back when it was over.
you took this opportunity to finally go get some fresh air since the crowd isn't all over anymore and it was a straight shot to the door you came in, you walked over to the side of the building, definitely feeling the drinks you had, you let your back rest against the concrete wall, finally cooling you down on this hot summer night. there's people standing outside talking but they payed no attention to you. you stayed against the wall as you pull out the cigarette pack from the pocket of your thin dark green jacket and the lighter out of your back pocket in your jean shorts. you cursed yourself for not buying more but its a bad habit and you know it. you pulled one out and put it in your lips as you brought the lighter up and took a drag, finally letting the anxiety go as you stared off into the sky.
"excuse me miss, you shouldn't be out here alone, a beautiful girl like you," a man with a rough voice said but you didn't move to look, suddenly wishing you never left your apartment to begin with, "hello i'm talking to you, its not nice to ignore people, ya know," he slurred his words as he spoke. you turned your head as you went to tell him to leave you alone but instead, he was standing in front of you before you knew it you dropped your smoke and now he's practically cornered you.
he was so close you could smell the alcohol on his breathe as he spoke again, "now are you gonna talk to-" you leaned away from him as he was interrupted by the sound of a door opening a few feet away, he looked towards it but then turned back to you just as quick, almost touching you as he went to speak again but he was beat to it.
"get off her." you didn't even realize the door had opened until you heard her.
the man looked back towards the door to the figure in the light, he squinted and when he got a good look, he suddenly backed off and put his hands up. "hey hey i wasn't doing nothin- it was nothing!" he shouted back to whoever was next to the still open door, light shining into the alley.
the door slams and the light fades as the figure walks closer towards you and your eyes meet the deep green eyes of the person who just saved you as she turned to the man who was just cornering you against the wall.
"it doesn't look like nothing, i mean, really? you're fucking joking right?" she questioned him as she looked him right in the eyes.
"i said it was nothing- she was flirting with me and-" he was cut off as she laughed loudly. "yeah you're full of shit, get the fuck out of here and don't let me see you again or you'll regret it." she said as she stepped closer towards him, almost at the same height, he looked scared of her. "okay, okay- fuck 'm leaving!" he slurred one last time as he turned around and headed the opposite way of the run down gym.
you stood there as the interaction happened, not sure what to do or say yet, you were silent as he walked off, and those green eyes met yours again and you saw her lips moving as she was speaking but you caught nothing she said. "hey, you okay there?" she asked you as she went to stand in front of you, looking you up and down, checking if you're psychically okay while she gave you a second to process before she asked you again.
"hey sweetheart, you okay?" she asked and grabbed your arm, not in a way that the man would have but like she was actually making sure you were okay, and this time you finally heard her.
"h- yes im okay, just- fuck- yes thank you." you said finally getting a good look at her now that she's up close and touching you. her eyes were greener than you thought, her short auburn hair with some pulled back into a bun, the big moth tattoo wrapped around her right forearm that was still holding onto yours, other tattoos littered her arms and some poking out under her t-shirt she was wearing. she was so close to you and it sent butterflies through your body. now is not the time, you thought to yourself.
"are you sure- 'm sorry that happened, fuck him." she said roughly, not towards you but him.
"its okay, thank- thank you for helping me" you said gently to the girl who was still looking into your eyes. you had been so focused on hers that you didn't even see the tiny scars, small healing cuts and the bruises that were fading until you looked over her face again.
"yeah of course, are you here alone?" she asked you curiously still holding on to you, you weren't even phased by it. you told her you were here with your brother and she nodded her head towards the door, "lets get you back to him before anything else happens sweetheart" she said as she guided you to the door, hand on your back, as you swallowed and went first.
suddenly all the sounds that you had not realized you had been blocking begin again, smells of the sweaty bodies surround you again and you felt too hot, either because of her or the summer heat trapped in here. once you made it inside, she moved her hand off the small of your back and told her to go find your brother and to get home safe. when she walked away, you realized you didn't even know her name.
you saw dina, sitting along with a few of jesses friends and made your way over to her. the match must've ended while you were outside. you walked through the gym to sit back down, moving carefully to avoid touching anyone. once you made it to the table, dina wondered where you had ran off too. "oh just went out to get some fresh air," you said back to her smiling, not wanting her to worry. she told you jesse went to get more drinks and after the encounter outside, you needed it.
jesse came back a few moments later, holding a round of shots for you three. "here you ladies go," he spoke with a happy look on his face. you smiled slightly back and took the glass as dina laughed at him. you took the shot, trying to forget what happened outside with the man but not what happened with her. you wondered if you would see her again. is she here to watch? could she work at the bar? is she here with friends too? your thoughts were interrupted by an announcement over the speaks that the final match was gonna start soon.
dina and jesse were telling you, "its the last one tonight and the last ones are always the best so lets go!" you would rather sit and order another drink, but what if something else happened cause you were alone? so reluctantly you got up with them and got closer to the middle ring, you heard the loud speakers announcing the boxers as they entered the ring. you weren't even paying attention, nothing could stop your mind racing with thoughts about the girl outside.
you shake yourself out of the trance when dina reaches over to you to touch your hands that were shaking but you didn't even realize, you look to her and give her smile that she returns, then she looks back to the ring and you turn your head to follow her eyes to the center. and your breathe caught.
thats her.
thats the girl who saved you outside.
the girl with her hands wrapped in tape and the mouthguard in.
the girl who wondered if she'd ever see you again either, not that you knew that, but she hoped it wasn't the last time.
you wondered what she thought as you both stared back at each other. you heard the coach start the countdown. you just watched her.
as the buzzer started, she smiled directly at you then turned to throw the first punch.
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shrenvents · 3 months
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Warnings: Smut, M!receiving, penetration (w protection), language, enemies (ish) to lovers
Pairing: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x reader
Summary: After "Beef's" rebranding as "The Bear," business at your cafe has declined, which left you furious, and that anger only worsened after meeting the restaurant's owner.
Word count: 3.4k
Ever since I was young, I've always had this unnecessary, aggressive competitiveness, which has only grown since its opening; The Bear, formerly known as "Beef," has become Chicago's newest hit. Its success has been so impactful, that it's driven away numerous customers, including regulars from my spot, just across the street.
My cafe has been open for years. Its income has been steady from the get-go, and the presence of a certain sandwich shop has never deterred that. Not until said sandwich place suddenly turned into a high-end restaurant. It crossed my mind that it simply shut down due to its infamous unpopularity, but Richie was still waltzing into my cafe to order coffee, as per usual.
So, being curious enough about what had happened to "The Beef," I go visit, expecting to be greeted by the "ever-so-pleasant" owner, Michael. But instead—
"Uh, he died," Neil mutters rather awkwardly, fidgeting with his fingers. My eyes expand in complete shock.
"Oh my god, sorry, I had no idea." I grimace at my lack of sensitivity. "It's alright." He shakes his head.
Silence envelops us both before I speak again. "So, um, how come you're still here? If you don't mind me asking?" I grimace again at my poor choice of words, saying, "I swear I'm not trying to be rude." Neil tilts his head in confusion. "Whatta mean?"
"I just assumed you wouldn't be, here, since...?"
"Ah, yeah, Mike left the place to his little bro, Carmy." He waves his arms around, gesturing to the restaurant's interior. "And he did all this, sick right?"
"Yeah... Sick." I mumble with a pout, failing to hide my contempt, but my sour mood goes right over his head.
"Fak!" A man's loud, demanding voice, quiets my rearing thoughts. "Fak! What the fuck are you doing? I need you in here." The voice grows stronger as the chef it belongs to pushes through the kitchen doors. I just about hold my breath at the sight of him. In his all-white get-up, his deep blue eyes have yet to notice me, as he addresses Neil angrily. "The fucking toilet's still broken." He throws his arm up in frustration, "So would you please, get off your ass and fix it!" He commands Neil, and I jump at his dangerous tone. My brows furrow. There was no need for him to shout so rudely, not to mention that it was really bothering me, how he had yet to acknowledge my presence even once. Not only was he stealing my business, but he didn't give a rats-ass about it.
"Shit! Yeah, on it! I was just talking to—"
"Y/n." I announce my name roughly, and his eyes bounce from Neil to me instantly. Appearing startled, he hesitates to extend his palm for a handshake. "Carmy, sorry about him—" Just as he begins waving off Fak, apologizing for his behaviour, I snap.
"No, he was the perfect gentleman, as always," I protest, "I just came to check on the competition." Carmy's brows knit together, and I can feel the vein in my forehead pop out. "I own the cafe across the street," I state plainly, and he slowly nods in recognition. "It was nice to see you, have a great day," I commend with a smile, directed only to Neil. With that, I spin out the door, stomping vigorously towards my shop.
The next time I saw Carmy was nearly a month later, on garbage day. He happened to be taking the trash out that evening, exactly when I was. I sigh at how little he struggles to lift several trash bags. Looking away, I huff as I throw the plastic sacks into the massive tin container. After finishing, I stretch out my back, rubbing my hands together. Shortly rolling my head back, I observe the evening sky. I exhale, releasing a breath of cool air from my lips.
My skin pricks as I feel someone watching me and shift my gaze towards "The Bear." I instantly identify the sapphire eyes latched onto me. When I catch Carmy, his eyes fly in every which direction, clearly embarrassed. 'The hell? Okay dickhead, hello to you too.' I think, shaking my head as I go inside, once again, feeling the heat of his stare as I do.
An hour later, I complete the last of my chores before locking up the cafe. Removing the key from the door, I pivot towards my car. However, I stumble when a figure standing not far behind me approaches, causing me to unleash a horrid scream from the depths of my throat. Carmy's eyes widen, evidently apologetic and equally terrified. "Uh sorry! I didn't mean—"
"What the actual fuck, is your problem?" I practically hiss.
"Sorry, I was thinking about saying something before you turned around. But then I second-guessed myself and just did nothing," Carmy blabbers, "I'm really really sorry."
"Okay okay." I put up my hands in surrender to stop his rambling. It's rather disarming, after our first meeting, hearing how he sounds so... Timid. "Sorry." He mumbles once more, head hung low.
"You're good," I reassure him with a sigh, to cover up an unexpected giggle. "Um, so what're you doing, here?"
"Oh!" He jolts upright and his eyes shoot from the ground to mine. "I just wanted to uh, talk."
"You 'wanted to talk'?" I question, a brow arching in disbelief.
"Uh, yeah," Carmy replies with uncertainty.
Folding my arms, I sigh, "About?"
"Oh, um, just about, how I acted when we met," Carmy scowls at the memory. "I should've introduced myself way sooner, and not in such a—"
"Rude way," I interject, which seems to be a common occurrence between us.
"Heard." He huffs out what sounds like a laugh, "Exactly that." I then shift uncomfortably under his intense watch. "It's alright, I didn't exactly intend to be gracious myself," I utter, returning a similar, shy smile.
"No, no." His smile widens, "You were..." He and his gaze trail off, lowering to the concrete. "'Were'?" I repeat, imploring him to continue.
"Great." Carmy finishes, peering up again. His eyes appear somewhat different, and I feel an unfamiliar chill slide down my spine. "Wow." My eyebrows rise. "'Great,' that's a, really, kind of you," I splutter with a chuckle. Carmy joins in, laughing at himself.
After a beat of silence and a few stolen glances at one another, Carmy speaks up. "I know I should've said it a while ago, but I'd like to be on good terms, rather than 'competition'." My sight hones in on his active hands as they switch between fiddling with his back pockets and shaking. "I'd like that too," I murmur, scratching the back of my head. "If only you'd stop stealing my customers," I smirk.
"Oh?" He smiles playfully and tilts his head, "So that's how it's gonna be," he jests, laughing again.
"Hmmm," I hum in confirmation, slightly troubled by how flirtatious I'm being. But damn, the way he's always looking at me —it's throwing me off...
Flushed, I conclude our conversation, "I'll see you around," then walk to my car. He almost, absentmindedly, wanders alongside me. "Yeah, see you."
While I unlock my car, Carmy's already one step ahead of me, hauling the car door open. I thank him in a whisper as I bend into the front seat, brushing past him, and he tenses. He then mumbles my name with a "Goodnight," and I sit in silence, long after he leaves, breathless.
The next day, I feel giddy at the prospect of seeing Carmy. It's ridiculous, considering he was my neighbour, and I was bound to see him. Though I've actually had to refrain from seeking him out.
However, that afternoon, through the glass of both our eateries, we see one another, pause, smile slowly, and head back to work.
From that point on, that sort of thing became a routine. Every day that week, I saw him for at least 50 seconds. It was even better knowing he was a chef, so the likelihood of him seeing him out front was low, but still, each time he'd be there.
Come Sunday, I couldn't delay things any longer. It was a little disheartening that he hadn't come over himself or even thought to come and ask for my number.
Thus, I knew I had to be the one to make a move. So, after closing earlier than usual, I saunter across the street. Inside, Neil greets me with an ample smile. "Hey Neil," I wave. He virtually shouts my name in return. "Hey! What you in for?" He asks cheerfully.
"I was hoping for some dinner," I chuckle. My heart hammers against my ribcage, and the anticipation is killing me. While Neil leads me to a table, my eyes don't leave the kitchen's entrance.
Neil takes my order, and my ears attentively listen for those few moments, when the restaurant's crowd temporarily quiets down, and I hear his assertive voice filter through the walls.
As delicious as my meal is, I can't stop my anxiety from getting the best of me. It's plausible Neil didn't bother letting Carmy know that I was here. But I'm nearly vibrating with dread, waiting for him to materialize.
Eventually, it's closing time and the herd of patrons leave. I take the opportunity to call Neil over. "Hey, I was just wondering if Carmy was in? Just wanna say hello, be neighbourly and all," I beam innocently.
"Course!" He winks but doesn't move to get Carmy. So, after a long beat staring into Fak's clueless eyes (bless him), I come up with something dicey. "Could you let him know that my food's uncooked, and I'm very, very upset," I express sharply, biting back a grin.
"O-okay?" Neil stutters, confusion and distress written across his features. I suppress my laugh with my palm.
Five minutes later, I hear a loud and hostile "what" seep through the walls. My attempts to muffle my laughter are stumped when Carmy abruptly bursts through the doors. He freezes when he sees me, and I watch the doors rapidly swing behind him. I awkwardly raise my hand in hello, and I swear he gulps.
"I was joking, Carmy." Now growing nervous, I tear my eyes away from him, onto my clear plate and see him move towards me from my peripheral. "It was, pretty good actually," I remark, downplaying the truth.
As I open my mouth to fill the silence, I peek up to see Carmy sitting right in front of me, and I lose my train of thought. It's as though we're on a date, and that's the most normal thing in the world, something we've done countless times before.
"I was planning on coming to see you after work." His sheepish, yet deep timbre makes me shudder.
"Beat you to it then?" I smirk smugly.
"Didn't we say this wasn't a rivalry?" He smirks back, and my stomach forms knots. "Nothing wrong with some friendly competition," I retort, and his reply is a simple, pleasant smile.
"Well Chef, I'm sorry to hear you're closing soon," I sigh. Still smiling, he raises his brows, "Because?"
"Because the food was decent, but I'm still quite hungry." I proclaim teasingly, shrugging. He chuckles lowly, "We can't have that."
Now sitting on Carmy's kitchen stool while he cooks me an omelet on his stove, I inspect his backside. The muscles tense and shift as he moves expertly through the room.
"I hope this suits your refined palette," Carmy remarks with a certain ease that he didn't have before. He pushes a plate towards me, and I reel at how domestic this all feels. I lick my lips in excitement as the delicious, potent smell of the dish consumes my senses.
Taking a bite, I withhold a moan, and close my eyes so he doesn't catch them rolling to the back of my head. Swallowing, I open my lids to see Carmy's eyes studying me, expectingly awaiting a reaction. "It's alright," I state monotonously.
Eyes and mouth expanding, he smacks his hands on his chest, overlapping them over top of his heart, like he's been shot, and a laugh escapes me. "I make it better," I contest.
"I don't doubt that," he responds without a hint of condescension, and I gape at him before giggling nervously, eyeing my omelette.
"So, what would satisfy your elite tastes?" His words may be rather suggestive, but his tone is short and reserved. Glancing up at his expression, I note the way he sluggishly runs his tongue over his bottom lip. His view then trains over my features, lingering on my lips...
Not giving him a chance to refocus on anything but my mouth, I lunge at his. Capturing his lips with mine, I hear a fumble of noises leave him pitifully. The sounds morph into a mixture of bewilderment and a cavernous groan. His hesitancy is brief as one of his hands curves behind my head, into my hair, while the other gropes my waist, bunching up my shirt in a tight fist. His groaning becomes more brazen, and I devour every single one.
Our tongues fight each other, and our hips wrestle with the kitchen island that separates us. Determined to feel more of him, I pull away from his wretched kiss. He instinctively chases after me, but my hands firmly press against his chest, which seems to bring his attention to my eyes. He more or less whines to himself.
I lick my swollen lips, holding eye contact in hopes it would help him understand what I wanted.
His grasp moves from my torso, to hold my hand, tugging me towards what I assume is his bedroom. As he maneuvers around the counter, I decide that I just can't wait. So, when we pass his living room area, I drag him back, and to his surprise, shove him onto his couch.
His back hits the cushions and he releases a grunt. Immediately, I straddle his hips and he makes haste to grip my hips, pressing me further onto his crotch. I whimper nosily, and it's his turn to hum back. "You're so..."
"Great?" I quip.
"Beautiful, is what I was gonna say— should've said." His baby blues melt me to my core. The intimacy of his look and words, somehow mean so much more, than everything we've just done.
After a short break of just breathing in each other, I press my lips to his gently, pecking them. This seems to snap him out of whatever trance he's under, as a peck is clearly not enough.
His hefty grip on my hips increases and encourages me to lean closer. His mouth dictates my every move and sound, and I wriggle above him. "Carmy," I whine desperately, begging for more.
He lets go of me to strip, sitting upright to remove his white-collar shirt. I moan at the sight, before copying him, working my shirt off. When I struggle, he rips the cotton over my head, throwing it to the floor in one swift motion. His mouth quickly draws me back in, nibbling my bottom lip.
Breaking away, I whisper, "As good as you taste, this isn't enough to satisfy me, Chef." Peering up at me through hooded eyes, he looks dazed but nods nonetheless.
My breath hitches as Carmy rears me onto my back, moving us so that his larger frame hovers over my smaller one. He unbuckles his belt clumsily and glides his jeans down his stocky thighs. I chew my lip as I gawk at the impressive bulge tucked into his black briefs. When he reaches for my bra clip, he freezes. "Shit," he exclaims airily, shoving a hand into his curly locks. I flinch, stammering, "W-what?"
"Condom," he states flatly.
"You ran out?" I joke, brows lifting.
"No, I don't do this often," he discloses, ears reddening. Silence eats up the space, and allows us to register what Carmy so bluntly, admitted. Not that I minded at all.
"I have had sex before—"
"I know," I squeal, guffawing at his prompt confession. "I think I have some in my purse." I soothe, encircling his bicep with my index finger. He lets out a sigh of relief, and I giggle like a schoolgirl when he springs to his feet, racing towards my bag.
Carmy's footsteps thud against the floorboards as he races away, half-naked. I fasten my lips together to prevent an extensive grin. When he reenters the room, I lift my body weight onto my forearms for support, cruising my eyes over his body, spying the condom between his dense fingers.
When he straddles my legs, meaning to resume where he left off, an impulse consumes my thoughts. Wordlessly, I place my palms on his thighs, spreading my digits atop his sturdy legs, to push him back. Then, kneeling on the floor in front of Carmy, I smile devilishly. I feel him trembling and the whole scene feels so erotic.
Looking up, I catch his gaze, as it adorns me, in a sort of awe. "There's something I have been craving, Chef," I murmur whilst running my tongue over my teeth. Carmy shudders as my fingers weave into his waistband, tugging them down.
While he's undressing, his briefs hanging on his chaves, I admire how his eyes flutter shut, and he mumbles nonsense to himself.
His cock engulfs my sight and brushes my cheek a bit. Carmy sucks in a sharp breath, tilting his head to watch me. Despite being taken aback by his size, I begin to stoke him. He gasps and his stomach constricts immediately.
Picking up my pace after a few pumps, I kiss his tip and his thighs shake. "Christ," he mewls. I take his noisy reaction as an encouragement to surge forward, wrapping my tongue and lips over him, and driving his cock to the back of my throat. "Fuck!" Carmy shouts.
As he gets closer to the edge, his words of appraisal jumble together in fits of, "yes, like that," "faster," and some "perfect" comments, among many other things I can't comprehend anymore. I'm lost in his touch, which tangles my hair, clasping it tightly. Before Carmy finishes, he cups my face and yanks himself out of my mouth.
Eyes shut and face twisted in both euphoria and frustration, he grumbles, "Fuck, I said I didn't wanna cum yet."
I simply smack my lips together, savouring his taste. Carmy appears stunned as holds my face. I smirk wickedly and a short puff of air abandons him.
"Can I fuck you?" He asks, and his jagged voice makes his question sound like an order, and I love it. "Please," I pant and he kisses my forehead before dragging me back on the sofa, underneath him again.
Positioning himself, Carmy rips open the condom with his teeth and rolls it over himself. He sucks in a coarse breath as he pushes into my entrance, and I do the same. He moans my name and I choke on a sob as he bottoms out, in one, mind-numbing jolt. His hands tighten on my hips, pressing me into the couch as I arch upwards. We both moan nonsensically, adoring the friction and how seamlessly we fit together.
Moving synchronously, we fight for our highs, grinding into a rhythm that makes us gasp in pleasure. With my name on his lips, they seize mine, and his tongue laps every corner of my mouth, as he slowly takes control. I writhe under him and he thrusts harder, hitting all the right places. Shortly, my body grows almost limp, unable to keep up with the tide of desire above, bucking into me.
As I reach my end, he keeps going, simultaneously kissing and nipping my neck, surely leaving numerous marks, but I don't care. He just feels too good, deep inside, strong and brutal.
I cry out as core contracts, clamping down on him, and making his untamed movements stutter. I cum hard, gasping as tremors rack through me. Soon after, Carmy whimpers, craning his neck back as cums inside. With a lengthy sigh that eases into a loud moan, he holds us still. He dips his sweat-covered forehead into the crook of my neck and hums in satisfaction.
After a few minutes of catching our breath, and enjoying the weight of his body over top of mine, he heaves himself up to kiss my mouth once more.
"Go out with me, please," he urges politely as if he isn't still inside of me. I laugh lightly, then tense in surprise when my core clenches over his cock, and he winces as well.
Exhaling steadily, I breathe, "I would love to."
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marksbear · 2 years
Hi papa bear! How are you doing? I hope you're taking some time for yourself self to relax! I see that you've been busy lately so I won't ask for a long story.
I just had an idea for Billy Hargrove x male reader where y/n is bored so he decides to visit Billy. So it's late at night and y/n is about to get in trough Billy's window but hears yelling from the inside. And so he walks around the house towards the yelling abd looks in to a window that doesn't have closed curtains and sees Niel hurting billy. So y/n gets in by kicking down the door and beating the shit out of Niel and than takes Billy to his house because he doesn't want him staying anywhere near his dad. And than maybe some fluff.
I hope that's not long!
Please and thank you!
Have a good day!
- Day 🦔
I'm doing good Day! I hope your having a great day as well! I love Billy with all my heart, so I don't mind you requesting this!
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Y/n laid in his bed bored out of his mind. He spent hours and hours trying to find any source of entertainment. But sadly none of the things he tried really didn't give him what he was looking for.
The boy groans in his pillow about to aspect defeat, but suddenly an idea hits him right in the head. "Why didn't I think this before." Y/n says to himself getting off of his bed and rushing to put on some clothes.
Y/n quickly puts on his shoes and walks out the house before locking the door. So now in the middle of the night the boy walks to his five month boyfriends house to probably annoy him until they sneak out and walk around town like usual.
Y/n makes a few quick stops to a drug store buying him and Billy a few snacks and cigs before going back to his journey. Y/n walks on the sidewalk humming to himself as he makes his way to his boyfriend's house.
"Fuck finally i'm here." Y/n thinks to himself out loud looking at his boyfriend's house that's currently across the street.
A tiny smile grows on Y/n's face imagining his boyfriend's reaction when he sees him so he hurries and crosses the street.
Y/n sneaks over to Billy's window and looks inside. Y/n eyes look around in the dark room trying to make out anything. "Weird. Where the hell are you Bills..." Y/n breathes out. Usually his boyfriend would be in the bed or at the mirror, but this time hes no where in the room.
Y/n sets the bag with the snacks and drinks on the porch.
Then there's a loud noise.
Insistingly Y/n looks around behind him making sure theres nothing there, but then he hears it again.
Y/n presses his ear to the window and hears muffled shouting. It's coming from inside. Y/n moves away and begins to crouch down and walk around the outside of the house from where the noise is coming from.
"What the hell." Y/n breathes out looking at the bright window before walking to it. The window had it curtains up, so naturally Y/n looked inside the window.
Y/n felt his blood run cold and his heart sank at the sight.
Billy was on the floor gasping for air as Neil kicks and stomps on him with a broken bottle in hand. Billy's face was covered in bruises and cuts on him from most likely from the beer bottle.
Y/n didn't know what took over him. what made him that fast to react.
He bolted to the front of the house and tried to open the front door shaking and slamming his body against it over and over again. His shoulder was hurting, but he didn't give a damn. Y/n banged on the door over and over again. "Fuck this!" Y/n said before kicking the door with all his might. Kick after kick after kick until finally the door busted open. Y/n ran to the room with the light and for a short second him and Neil made eye contact.
But Y/n wasn't here to just let him keep hurting his boyfriend. He had enough. Y/n tackled him without hesitation not giving him a second to react before punching him. One in the jaw next to the cheek and the other right in the nose before rage over took him. Y/n only saw red as he beat the living hell out of a drunk man. Y/n knuckles started to ache and bleed, but he didn't care.
He grabbed Neil's shirt collar and brought him up before head butting him square in the face. Y/n repeated the action over and over again until Neil paced out.
Even when the grown man passed out Y/n was still fighting. But finally what brought Y/n out of his haze when he heard Billy cry out in pain.
Y/n quickly dropped Neil's head before rushing over to Billy who was currently on the floor. "Curls!-- I mean Billy!" Y/n says moving his hands on Billy's face cupping him.
"Cmon blue don't die on me! I've got you." Y/n shouts in panic before picking up Billy. Y/n wraps his arms around Billy tight making sure he has a good grip before leaving the house.
"Were going to my house don't worry." Y/n says.
Y/n unlocks the front door to his house before walking inside going inside and straight to his room. Y/n sets Billy on the bed before going through his closets getting Billy some new clothes.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Billy questions with a smirk. "Thought all you idiot jocks were good for nothing besides playing stupid sports." Billy jokes earning a glare from Y/n.
"First of all. You asked out this idiot jock. and Secondly were good at other things." Y/n says before adding.
"Learned half of it from you and the other half from the locker room fights." Y/n says rolling his eyes before throwing the clothes at Billy.
Y/n takes off his shirt and pants leaving himself almost naked only his boxers covering him.
"You look so cute in my clothes curly~" Y/n whispers to Billy's ear before getting up to the bathroom getting a few thins to help out Billy's bruises.
"What happened." "Don't want to talk about it." Billy says shutting Y/n down. "Okayy. How about we skip school tomorrow and then hopefully talk about it." Y/n suggests before going back in the room with alcohol and bandages. Y/n begins to treat Billy's cuts and bruises with a light kiss here and there when he flinches.
"Why were you at my house in the first place?" Billy questions moving Y/n's hand out of his face. "I was bored. I wanted to do what we always do at this time of night. But i'm glad I came when I did." Y/n says taking Billy's face in his hands.
Out of nowhere water begins to pour down from Billy's eyes. Y/n acts quickly by wrapping his arms around him hugging him tight. "It's okay curls...Your dad isn't gonna do anything to you when i'm around you hear."
"I'm right here baby... You're safe." Y/n says before crawling on top of Billy cuddling him.
"I love you." Billy says weakly on Y/n's shoulder as he cries. "I love you to baby."
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Pineapple Juice
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Billy reaches for pineapple juice more than he does a can of beer now and as his best friend, you really have to know why.
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Warnings : Swearing, oral (m. receiving), Billy gives nicknames (babes, pretty girl, sweet girl), PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE
Word count : 1.3k
A/N : First time writing smut so please if you have constructive criticism, please send it to my inbox :)
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Billy opened another can of pineapple juice and took a few sips and made a loud ah-ing sound. "Billy, what is up with the pineapple juice?" He laughed and finished his can, "Makes my cum sweet and I have a hot babe to meet tonight." You rolled your eyes, "How do you know it's sweet?" He raised a brow, "I get compliments on it. Why, wanna try it?" Your heart stopped. "Nah, just messing with you. Seemed like you were contemplating on it though," he said as he laughed and crushed the can before throwing it away.
"Wait, so is cum not sweet?" Billy shook his head, "Have you never sucked cock before?" You laughed and shook your head, "Uh uh, I almost did it once but the guys cancelled." Billy hummed, his shorts tightening around his crotch and he fixed the elastic a little to try and hide it. "Wanna try? Like for real this time? It won't change anything." You went through the consequences through your head. "Is Neil coming home tonight?" Billy shook his head, "Nope." You nodded, "Okay then." Billy nodded and led you to his room.
He shut the door, knowing Nancy would drop her off later on in the day. "Alright, anytime you feel uncomfortable just say no and I'll stop, I promise." You nodded and he locked his door and sat on his bed. "You can sit on my lap," he quietly said and he helped you onto his lap, rubbing your hips gently. "What am I supposed to do?" He laughed, "Wanna kiss? It'll help get you comfortable." You nodded and leaned in to kiss him, holding his shoulders as he held your hips tighter, his lips moving against yours.
Your hands went to his curls and you gently pulled, pulling a moan from his throat and you shivered in his hold. You pulled away and pressed kisees down his neck, occasionally biting him, making him groan and hold you tighter. He took his hands off of your waist and he grabbed the hem of his white muscle shirt and he took it off, tossing it behind him as you trailed kisses down his skin, laying a bite on his pec, making him yelp a little as you both laughed.
You kissed your way down his abs, "Did you shave your happy trail?" He laughed, "Maybe, I don't need my cum on it, gets gross and matted." You nodded and moved down to his floor, getting comfortable as he took off the black gym shorts, leaving him in his boxers, his erection pressing against them, his large thighs on either side of you. "You still okay to do this?" You nodded and he held your jaw, "I need words, babes." You gulped at the name, "Yeah, I'm good." He smiled and nodded and he placed your hands at his boxer band, "Take them off then." You nodded and shuffled on your knees a little and took his boxers off, his cock springing out, a little pre-cum on the tip already.
Billy adjusted his body and gave you one of his pillows, "Put your knees on this, it's better than the floor." You nodded and thanked him and you sat on it. "What do I do?" He chuckled a little, "Are you okay with spitting on your hand or do I need lube?" You shook your head and dropped spit into your hand and you took ahold of him, making him moan at your hold.
"You can grip a little tighter, not much or it'll fall off." You both laughed and you tightened your grip slightly. "Now up and down, twist your wrist a little." You nodded and did what he said, your fist making a slight sloshing sound as you gently jacked him. He moaned, his hands going into fists. "Can I taste?" He nodded, "Yeah pretty girl, just lick the tip."
You nodded and licked the tip quickly, not knowing if you'd like the taste. "Good girl, you listen to me so well." You whined a little and looked up at him, your eyes glossy. "Wanna try and suck?" You nodded and placed the tip in your mouth, "Suck in your cheeks a little and no teeth, don't bite me." You moaned around him to show that you heard him and you did what he said before taking in two inches.
"Fuck," he moaned out, "that's it, that's my good girl." He held the back of your head, not moving you, just for comfort as he let you go at your own pace. Your lip slipped, exposing your teeth and he yelped and you pulled off of him, apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." He took a deep breath and shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay, I promise. I'm not hurt, just took me by surprise." You nodded and he kissed the top of your head, something he did on occasion.
You took his cock back into your mouth and did the same thing as before, moaning against him. He grabbed your hand, making you look up at him and he gave you a soft smile, "Can I do something?" You hummed and he hissed and he put your hand on his balls. "Don't use me like a stress ball, gently massage." You gave him a thumbs up with the hand that was on his base as he gently rolled his sac in your hand, "Fucking shit." Billy wanted to sob because of you. You made him feel better than any of the girls he had been with.
He felt it before you did, the way your throat began to constrict. "In through your nose, babe, breathe in through your nose." You pulled back a little, swiping your tongue over his tip as you tried to control your breathing. "No deep throating, can't do that to you, you're not one of those girls, I care about you."
Why was Billy being sweet with his dick in your mouth?
You wondered to yourself before taking a few inches, making sure to breathe through your nose before pulling off of him and using your hand, your jaw aching slightly. "Fuck, gonna cum." You placed your mouth back on his cock, lapping at the tip as you used your hand on his base and he groaned your name out before your mouth was painted with his cum.
He pulled out of your mouth when he was done and you swallowed, tolerating the taste, noting the slight sweetness. You took both hands from him as he put his thumb on the corner of your lips and gently wiped before placing his thumb at your lips and you gently sucked. "God, you're such a good fucking girl, holy shit." You giggled and he moved his hair.
"Can I return the favor?" You laughed, "Not tonight but I'll remember." He nodded and slipped his shorts on, not caring about his boxers as he caught his breath and he drank some water from his bedside table and held it out to you. "I know your throat is hurting, take some or the rest of it." You nodded and thanked him and drank the rest of the bottle.
"So, how was it?" You laughed, "It was okay I guess," you said jokingly. "Really, um I don't know, I have nothing to compare it to but judging personality wise you were a lot nicer than what they guy would've been." Billy smiled, "Good, I'm glad." You smiled and looked at his chest, "Uh oh, I left marks." He waved you off, "I'm cancelling tonight, don't need to get my dick sucked any more." You both laughed and he opened his arms for you, "I know that might've been overwhelming for you so come here." You laid on his chest and twirled some of his hair around your fingers, lulling yourself into a nap, Billy doing the same.
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recoord · 21 days
Neil Gaiman allegedly sexually assaulted someone while writing The Graveyard Book
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The discussion on Reddit, here.
Podcast transcript, here. Credits for the transcript to Tara O'Shea.
"K" is the pseudonym used by the victim sharing her experience:
Rachel: On the 4th of April, 2007, Neil Gaiman flew K from Los Angeles to Heathrow for a fortnight's holiday together in the UK alone, the two of them. K tells us she was excited to be on this amazing trip with her famous boyfriend and not have to sneak around.
From his messages to her, it seemed like he was too. Neil Gaiman met her on arrival and they then took a taxi to Gatwick Airport to fly to Inverness in Scotland. They visited Loch Ness and stayed at his house on the Isle of Skye for three days. They then flew to Cornwall and drove to Red Ruth in the far south west of England. They stayed in an old tinners cottage with a wood burning stove hidden up a bridal path.
It was advertised as affording complete privacy. He spent the days in Cornwall mostly writing the graveyard book and then they'd occasionally go for walks or drives. She sent us photos from that trip.
Beaches, pubs, cliffs, glens, scarves, the heavy grey skies of the Scottish and Cornish summer. She looks happy. When you see their faces together in the photos, he's unshaven, craggy, she's around 22. She looks so, so young. But she said there were fights. Lots of them.
K: There are a lot of arguments. There is a lot of roughness that I felt compelled to take.
CONTENT WARNING for graphic descriptions of SA
Rachel: What the photos also don't show is K's intimate agony. She told us that on that trip, she had her period and then a bad urinary tract infection.
K: I couldn't sit down. He would say, you know, I want to fool around, like, you know, and I would say, okay, we can fool around, but you can't put anything in my vagina. You just can't because I will die. And it didn't matter. He did it anyway.
Paul: He did it anyway. Although you told him you were in pain.
K: Very specifically said you cannot put anything in me. Please don't. It will hurt very badly and it will make things worse than they already are. Because I know for sure I remember forsure in Cornwall saying those words out loud. It wasn't just a discussion about like that hurts.
Like because I can't remember if I said that hurts. Don't do it or like please stop. I can't remember those other instances. I know we discussed it. I know it was a big part of why he would get upset at me and I knew that it was like something that I had to do to keep him around. Like it was expected of me, but in Cornwall, I remember because of that UTI and it was so painful that like I couldn't do anything. Like I couldn't enjoy the fact that I was in or like I was just in like screaming agony and I know I said it out loud then.
Rachel: On the 16th of April 2007, Neil Gaiman drove K to Heathrow for her flight back to Los Angeles. She says they stopped several times along the way so she could pee because of her UTI. She says it felt more painful because of the penetrative sex he allegedly performed on her without her consent. As to this specific allegation, Neil Gaiman's clear position is that it is false and again he denies any unlawful behaviour with her. He didn't respond to any other specific points or questions about this trip.
From episode 4 of the Tortoise podcast series.
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The Camaro
Neil was adamant: Billy had to get his own car if he wanted to go anywhere that wasn't school, and he had to pay for it himself.
Billy was equally adamant that he was going to get his hands on one.
So he worked his ass off, starting at the age of thirteen. He started small and local, mowing lawns, or offering to help elderly neighbors with grocery shopping- and bringing them in for them afterwards.
The latter got him far more pinched cheeks than he wanted, but when he laid on the charm, he was paid well.
To his delight, an elderly neighbor, Mister Grant, gifted him with a bike. His grandson never visited anymore now that he was in college, and Billy had been so helpful with the yard work, so he was happy to give it to him.
Billy kept the bike at Mister Grant's, afraid that Neil would take it away, or worse, destroy it or give it away- if Neil knew that he'd been given something like a bike, he'd accuse Billy of being weak by accepting charity.
The bike opened up entirely new venues of work, expanding his reach. More work offers, thanks to the bike, and his work ethic- which was talked about, spread by word of mouth.
All the while, he checked out car maintenance books from the library, rode his bike to the closest mechanic and volunteered to help, in exchange for the mechanics explaining what they were doing, so he could learn as much as he could about cars.
By the time he was sixteen, three years of working in the sun, doing manual labor, Billy was tanned, fit, and had plenty of money to start searching for something even better than a bike.
His first car.
Billy had never even dared to dream about getting a new car, even a relatively new used car. He'd saved up nearly 1,500 dollars, had it hidden in various places to keep it out of Neil's reach, going to the bank to swap out coins and singles for bigger bills so it'd be easier to hide.
He had finally brought the bike to the house. He told Neil he'd bought it used, to help him get more work, and Neil had almost been pleased at his work ethic- but as Billy had expected, it was taken away as punishment whenever Billy pissed him off.
He browsed the sale pages in the newspapers, kept his ear to the ground for deals, and finally, a few months after his birthday, Sid told him a cousin was selling his Camaro.
"It's kinda shitty," he drawled, exhaling clove cigarette smoke into the summer air. "He swiped a few cars and a mailbox with it, so it needs body work. He also didn't do a lot maintenance on it, and it's a 79, so... yeah. He's selling it for cheap."
"Does it run?" Billy asked. That was all that mattered, really.
"Yeah," Sid said, nodding. "It runs, it just... it's a mess. Real fixer upper."
Billy hadn't minded in the least. He'd wanted something with horsepower, something that would be loud, go fast, but he'd suspected he'd get something rusted and slow with the money he had.
"How much?"
Sid shrugged.
"I think he said 900 or so, but you know... you could probably haggle."
Billy did just that. He ignored the scratches and dents- they were all cosmetic. What he pointed out were all the mechanical issues- just like the guys at the mechanics had told him.
'College kids who have something like a Z28? They don't know shit about cars, just the model,' Bert had said, and had showed him what to look for, and told him what to say to bluff his way into a reduced price.
"I don't know," he said, putting the dusky blue car into park after a test drive. "That clunk? That's a CV joint- either I'd have to replace the boot, or the entire front axle."
He popped the hood and got out, peering into the guts of the car he already wanted more than anything in his life- save for freedom from Neil. He winced audibly, a sharp, hissing intake of air through his teeth.
"Yeah, I dunno," he said, folding his arms over his chest. "The serpentine belt is starting to look a little frayed. I'd have to replace that before disaster hit."
He pulled the dipstick out, examining it, making a show of sniffing the oil on it, and made an overly exaggerated face.
"When's the last time you changed the oil, man? It smells burnt."
Derek looked taken aback, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Honestly... idunno," he said helplessly.
Billy replaced the dipstick, closed the hood with a loud clang and dusted his hands off.
"Yeah I dunno," he repeated. "Nine hundred bucks can get me a car that isn't riddled with issues- mechanical OR body."
"It's a Z28, man," Sid's cousin said, scowling.
"Yeah, but she's nearly fifteen years old, and she's been poorly maintained- and I'm being generous," Billy retorted. "I'd be better off saving up for another three years for something better than getting this heap. It'd cost me nine hundred to fix all the shit that's wrong with her."
Derek was quiet for a bit, and Billy shrugged, moving to pick up his bike and head home.
"Eight hundred," Derek blurted.
Billy paused, making a show of consideration.
"Six hundred."
"Seven hundred."
"Six fifty, and you write the bill of sale as five hundred so I don't pay as much on the title fees."
Derek sighed, defeated.
Derek wrote out the bill of sale, and filled out the title. They both signed where appropriate, and Derek handed the title and keys over to Billy, who fought to keep his hands from shaking as he took them.
Registering the Camaro would have to wait- he couldn't take her home as she was. He took her to the shop, where Bert congratulated him on his haggling, and enthusiastically offered to help him fix her up.
By the time October came around, Billy pulled up at home in the Camaro, and Neil came outside, clearly surprised at the car his son had managed to find.
She was perfect.
He and Bert had changed out her fluids and filters, put new tires on her, replaced her old serpentine belt, put in a whole new front axle, and had hammered out and smoothed out the dents and scratches.
She looked good as new, gleaming in the driveway.
Billy handed him the title and bill of sale, showing him how much he'd paid, and Neil had immediately held out his hand for the keys.
"You may have paid for it, but legally, you can't own it until you're 18," he said. "When you turn 18, it's all yours, provided you don't do anything stupid."
Billy's heart sank, but he knew it was going to happen. He placed the keys in Neil's open palm, watching his father's fingers curl around them.
"I'm not going to ask how you got the money for a car that looks this good."
"She didn't," Billy blurted. "I worked on her. I fixed her up. She's been at Bert's. Bert helped me learn how to work on her, so I can maintain her upkeep without using my money for someone else to do it."
Neil glanced at the Camaro again, his look appraising, critical.
"And here I was worried that you'd learned nothing."
He turned to go back into the house.
"Glad to learn I was wrong."
Billy didn't dare read too much into it, but he could have sworn there was a note of pride in Neil's voice. It made the affection he felt for his new car swell in his chest.
Neil may have taken ownership of her for now, but he hadn't been mad. He hadn't punished Billy for taking initiative.
For once, he'd done something right, and the proof of it sat on four wheels, gleaming like a beacon of freedom in the driveway.
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Why can I only kiss your ghost? - Neil Perry / Todd Anderson
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Description: Unfortunately for Todd, a ghost will never be as warm as he needs it to. [hurt/no comfort, 700 words]
Wrote this for comfort, ironically. It's a kind of vent if I think too much about it.
His eyes have been closed for hours, Todd is starting to accept he's not getting any sleep, again.
The room is silent and dark, as it is every night. There is no one sleeping in the bed next to him. No heavy breathing and light snoring, but an empty bed whose sheets and pillows were already taken away a while again.
In a way, that's a good thing. Anderson would've left that place forever if they had assigned him a new roommate. A substitute for someone who could never keep him company again. Nolan didn't have the audacity to do that, yet.
He sighs in annoyance and sits up, with his face on his hands, feeling under his fingers the greasy hair he didn't have energy to wash and that was already way too long for him.
"You need to sleep"
The familiar voice didn't alarm him.
"Shut up," he looked up to see Neil standing at the door, with his hand in his pockets. "You don't know how this is like."
There was silence again. Neil looked at him with empty eyes. Todd felt too angry to cry.
"How dare you even come back now?" His tone was harsh, yet not loud. "How dare you haunt me when I'm already hurting this much? What do you want from me?"
Neil had no answer for him. Todd clenched his fist, and got up.
"Are you hearing me, Neil? Are you even there?" There was no reaction from the friend in front of him. He didn't feel like a friend to Todd anymore, but had he ever? "Take a good look at me, Neil Perry. Look what you've done to me!"
Silence. Again, the goddamn silence.
"Oh, I wish I had never met you. The happiness you brought me was not as half as big as the pain I feel," the words came out as a firm whisper, hurting Todd's throat as they left his mouth.
Neil's eyes only stayed on him for a few instants, and he turned his head to the empty bed. "Then I suppose I should go."
Todd grabbed him by the collar of his shirt before he could even try, and pushed him hard against the wall.
Neil whimpered in pain. His eyes watered, struggling as he tried to get away, and the guilty hit Todd like a punch in the gut, but he didn't let go.
"So that's it? You're leaving me again at the first chance you get?" He hit Neil against the wall again, his nails now dug into his neck. It wouldn't bleed, not ever again.
"I thought I was hurting you being here," the ghost choked out. The moonlight entered the room through the window, and looking deep into his eyes, Todd could swear he had never looked so dead.
"You are all I have left," the anger in his voice grew into desperation. "Don't abandon me again! I'm not that strong, Neil"
Before Neil could speak, Todd pushed his lips against his in an unreciprocated kiss. His eyes were completely full of tears by the time he pulled away.
The bullet hole could be seen in the side of Neil's head, an unnecessary reminder he is only a corpse.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I shouldn't have said that. Neil, I need you like I need air to breathe," Todd begged, his head falling to his friend's chest. "I don't care if you're real or not, just stay. If you ever loved me like I love you, stay. Please."
He sobbed his heart out, gripping onto a dead body as if his life depended on it. There was no warmth, no comfort. Todd had never craved a hug this much, yet he knew he would never get one ever again, not from who he needed.
By the time he opened his eyes, he was griping onto himself. The ghost was gone. His head ached like hell, and he could barely breathe. Todd screamed until he passed out in Neil's bed, not too long after.
That night, he had no dreams.
He was already dreaming while awake anyway.
I'm not really proud of my writing here, but I feel better now that I wrote it, so it's worth it. Anyway, take care y'all.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 12 days
mafia front please :)
WIP Wednesday (9/11) | Mafia Front Restaurant AU (Part 221)
That story almost has Jean wanting to kiss Andrew himself.
Well, not really. But he certainly sees the appeal now. And Jean knows without a doubt that Andrew Minyard had feelings for Kevin. He doesn't know how strong they were. But for a man to stand between you and the world, he has to love you. Jean knows that as well as he knows his name. Nathaniel and he are partners, they stand in front of each other. They love each other. You don't risk yourself for someone you do not love. It's that simple.
For a few minutes, Jean can do nothing but hold Kevin and absorb all these new details. He and Nathaniel had been watching the game, from the West Tower in Castle Evermore— that’s where Ichirou had placed them. He wanted them close, but nowhere near the crowd. He’d even granted them a television, at Neil’s request. (More evidence that Neil’s good looks had some effect on him.)
They cheered when the Foxes won, only to immediately go quiet when Riko drew his racquet back.
“No,” Nathaniel gasped out. Jean had no words to speak, only unbridled fear. Jean remembers the panic that gripped his heart when he realized Riko was rearing back his racquet, then he saw Andrew appear in frame like a phantom. Like he'd always been beside Kevin and merely stepped out of his shadow. After he swung, Jean couldn't believe his eyes. Or his ears.
He couldn't believe Riko could feel pain, that he could scream like that, that his bones were so easily broken. That the King would fall so easily after all the damage he'd done them over the years. It seemed impossible. But Andrew did it. And he made it look easy.
After the video feed cut off and the commentators started rambling, Jean muted the TV and sat there with his head in his hands. Riko was broken, just the way he broke Kevin. Maybe worse. The Ravens were done for, there truly was no going back now. Jean didn't know what to do until he heard Nathaniel's laughter bubbling up his throat, cruel and vicious and perfectly appropriate considering the hell Riko had put them through.
But Jean couldn't join him in celebrating. Not after seeing Kevin's face like that. He tried to call Kevin immediately, but he didn't answer. Then suddenly one of Ichirou's men was pounding on the door. Lord Moriayama was ready to speak with Nathaniel again. Jean wasn't invited, being the third class citizen he was, but he begged the man at the door to let him go to Kevin. He was not allowed. Instead, he was only able to sit there and wait. Only feeling a bit of relief when Nathaniel came back in with wild eyes and a huge grin.
"You're being quiet." Kevin tells him, in a low voice.
"Just trying to process it, that's all." Jean says, nuzzling his face against Kevin's hair. He presses a kiss to Kevin's temple and then another one. "Thank you for telling me."
"I should've told you back then."
"Yeah. But it's okay. There were plenty of things we didn't talk about back then." Jean sighs. "Some things are better left unsaid, I think. That being said… don't keep things from me anymore. I love you. There's not a thing you could do that would make me break up with you. Even if you stabbed Neil, I could forgive you—"
"Hey!" comes from outside the bedroom door. Jean squints toward it.
"Why the fuck do we bother shutting that door?"
"I don't know. It only makes it harder to listen." Neil says loud enough to be heard. Kevin giggles into Jean's chest and Jean sighs.
"Go to bed!"
"Fine." Neil says. Jean listens for a moment, straining his ears for footsteps and the creaky board in front of Neil's door. But it never creaks. 
"He did not leave." Jean grumbles.
"I know." Kevin whispers back, still amused.
"Fucking cockroach."
"You love him."
"Of course I do."
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
Hi! For the reverse prompts:
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss for jackharding sounds sooo funny bc jack genuinely does not mean to and does not care while chick just follows him around avoiding his responsibilities.
Bonus his men knowing damn well what chick is doing and where he is and just letting him be (like imagine blakely and douglass walking into a random diner and seeing chick tucked in a booth and the three just staring at each other for a beat before dougley walking right back out) while the other families are spitting mad asking where he is
Jack's new-ish at this, but he's not a fucking idiot. When his boys bring him back a man who matches the general description, he holds out his hand. "Wallet."
"What? You need one?" the guy asks. He stares at Jack, and Jack stares back. The man snorts after a moment and takes out his wallet. He holds it out. "Say please."
"Fuck you," Jack replies and takes the wallet. He opens it and finds the driver's license. "Neil Harding," he reads. He looks at his boys.
"He goes by Chuck," says Winks.
"I go by Chick," says Neil Harding.
"Why?" asks Lemmons.
"Who cares," Jack says before Neil Harding can say anything else. "Winks, Lemmons, get fucked until I'm no longer mad at you."
"So, we're fired?" Lemmons asks, all cheeky grin.
Jack wishes he could threaten it, but Rosie's his best lieutenant, and he's desperately in love with Lemmons, and Lemmons and Winks are both actually competent most of the time. They just don't understand how you do a kidnap properly. Jack hopes Hambone and Brady are having a good time on their honeymoon, but he also needs them to get back sooner rather than later.
Winks and Lemmons leave Jack's office. Neil Harding looks around, then sits on the leather couch along the left wall. He reaches inside his suit jacket and pulls out a cigar.
"You mind?"
"You care?" Jack asks.
"Not really," Neil Harding says.
Jack picks up the pewter ashtray he keeps on the windowsill. He carries it over and sets it on the side table next to Neil Harding's elbow. He pulls out his cigarettes as Neil Harding lights his cigar and takes a long drag.
"So, you're the Irish Fox," he says, snapping his lighter closed and tucking it back in his pocket.
"And you're not Chuck Harding," Jack replies. He sits in the chair across from the couch. "Am I gonna get the Moose after me?"
Neil Harding's smile falls away and is replaced by a sharp smirk and a sharper gaze. Jack's known his name for years. Everyone in the business does. He'd been Slick Chick when he'd been younger, able to talk his way into any room despite his low connections and fluffy hair the color of a backyard hen. It's been shortened to Chick in the two decades since, though Jack doesn't know how or why. If his father knew the lore, he hadn't written it down or said it out loud before getting shot in the back of the head by Chuck Harding.
"I believe you mean the Bucks," Chick says. He takes another draw off his cigar, then taps the ash into the ashtray. "You're, what? Third generation? Your grandfather got your family going, then your father moved you up the ranks--my sympathies, by the way. He was always willing to listen and made choices based on facts."
"Appreciate hearing that," Jack says. "But I'm still worried your guard dogs are going to snap at my heels."
Chick glances at his watch, then at the phone on Jack's desk. "Egan and Cleven will hold still for three hours before striking. But it's been about an hour, which means they know it's you."
"No doubt," Jack agrees. He nods towards his phone. "Feel free to call them and give them the okay. Or you can let yourself out."
"You don't seem worried I'm going to get revenge for this," Chick says.
Jack stands and flicks his own ash into the ashtray. "You could have done that when they grabbed you, but you let them walk you in here without touching them."
"They're boys," Chick says. "And besides, I wanted to be the first man to say he'd met the elusive fox."
Jack snorts and shakes his head. "I've got the same name as my father. What's elusive about that?"
"You don't go to the shows. You don't see pictures. You don't go out to eat. No one's spotted you out and about in a year."
Jack stubs out his cigarette and meets Chick's eyes. Chick's watching him with that same sharp gaze, but the smirk is gone. His face is sincere and serious. "I wasn't supposed to take this job until I was thirty," he says. "And there are some fellas who like to take out the young ones."
"Chuck Harding's a big fan of that," Chick says. "Your father's the eldest he's ever taken out."
"Which I'd like to pay him back for," Jack replies, the anger rising up in the sudden wave it always appears. "By taking everything he has and leaving him poor and alone and friendless."
"Your boys were nothing but polite," Chick says as he stands. "And I know they're not your usual snatch team."
"They're on their honeymoon," Jack says.
Chick huffs a laugh. "Disgusting. What kind of mob man shits where he eats?"
"From what I hear, your Elks."
"Bucks," Chick corrects, and there's a smirk on his face again, but it's softer this time, almost a smile. "What about you, Jack Kidd, Irish Fox. You like to shit where you eat?"
Jack shakes his head. "I suppose I am your type," he says. "Half your age and blonde."
"And leggy," Chick adds, and now it really is a smile, and it's a hell of a smile. "But before we decide on the wedding china, how about I call the Bucks and get them on Chuck Harding? They've been working an angle to make him think he's made a new friend who actually works for me."
"You'll hand me Chuck Harding when you've put a guy in already?"
"I want him out of the way because he's sloppy and rude. You want him ruined because he took your father. Your reasons are better and get me the result I want."
Jack considers the option. He licks the corner of his mouth when he catches Chick staring. "And however will I thank you?" he asks.
Chick outright beams. "Wrap your legs around my waist one time, and we'll call it even."
Jack meets that sharp, confident grin and feels a grin of his own. "If you think you can keep up."
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dodgermd · 1 year
Can we talk about how it's now canon that Aziraphael and Crowley knew eachother before the whole shitshow of all the fallen angels, well, falling and becoming demons and how this gives endless plot potential?
Like when they meet again in Eden I kinda assume it's the first time after the fall of the angels and when Aziraphael asks Crowley his name all awkwardly, I now assume, with my new knowledge that they already knew eachother before, it's not him just being awkward, it's him awkwardly asking his former angel friend what his name *now* is as obviously he won't use his angel name anymore. That said, Crowley also asks Aziraphael for his flaming sword, which I feel he remembers from before he was a demon as to me it more looks like it's the first time they actually talk right after Crowley popped up, tempted Adam and Eve and Aziraphael felt bad and gave them the sword when they left.
That said, if we are ever graced with a 3rd sason (or a book. Please just don't leave us hanging like it happened with the American Gods series. TT__TT) I beg @neil-gaiman to give us:
a scene where Aziraphael learns that his friend angel!Crowley is hanging out with Lucifer and their gang (ohnoes) and tries to convince him it's bad and he's worried and angel!Crowley is just like nah, these guys are cool. Lucifer asks all the questions, that can't be bad! We gonna get better management thanks to them, I feel it.
a scene where Aziraphael and Crowley both are in the battle that ends Lucifer and his followers smitten to hell and they are both anything but enthusiastic about it, because we all know neither Aziraphael nor Crowley are actually big on the fighting and smitting front.
a scene where a super sad Aziraphael sees what happened and already misses his friend and questions why this battle had had to happen and just all puppy eyes and 8C and now demon Crowley tossed down into the chaos that is hell with everyone being all ??!!?? about it and it being crammed and loud and unorganized and him being just like awshit, that escalated quickly.
Yeah. That's it. That's my crumbs here.
Please pay your writers america so we can get this beautiful piece of media to it's planned end in a 3rd season. 'kay, plz, thx.
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Wow status really gives you nice accommodation. Wait they're together? Interesting.
Miles focusing on the bed, to step away from his fucking emotions again.
Miles is bloodbonded to his sire, right?
Wynn is really doing her best to get through to Miles. I think she really got the only angle that might work. Speaking to his protective side, but at the same time it could trigger his oh yes wanna bet?
Oh Wynn, sweet baby. They're doing a good job sussing things out though.
Wait what??? Is Miles suggesting Wynn gets bloodbonded to him??
Miles being a shit to Wynn is kind of comforting.
For fuck sake, fucking Jan Pieterszoon. I dislike him he just feels like such a wimpy guy. He looks ashamed??? What is happening??? Is this real???
Pieterszoon didn't know Miles wasnt given his own room???
Pieterszoon, you're so behind the times. You're telling them stuff they have been knowing for a long time.
I think it's very naive to think you can just de-escalate the sabat thing.
Omg omg his sire is actually telling him they're going to destroy him!!
"I can't let them all die." 😭😭😭 He cares!!!! See Wynn!!!
Wait he is just doing smth useful for the first time, and now he's going to flee?!?!
A new sword? 👀 "hopefully it's deserving of its prince." that is very sweet!
Johnny, you're encouraging Neil a little too much? He's going to lose his mind.
Neil confessing his greatest fear is facing the end of the world all alone. 🥺
William Biltmore?? Isn't he the one that Neil stole a book for?? Johnny is quite famed?? And neat? Lmao I don't think anyone has described Johnny as neat before.
Lmao just all kinds of malkavians in this room with Neil and Johnny just being so confused. 😂
Astral projections too???? Lmaooooo
Noooooo not Quinten😂
Johnny just sitting there like what the fuck?!?!
Neil is doing a good job though talking about gehenna.
Johnny just having no idea what is really going on.
Wait what? Pieterszoon and Vicose? I'm as confused or more as Johnny.
What is Miles planning?? 👀
Consequences? When has Miles ever considered those? He is above them.
Wow, he's going to pass on this? For now? Damn that's impressive. Wynn, good job! You got through to him.
Wait what??? Oh this is good? A bloodbound sword?
So does Neil get the vision of the dragon to prevent it from escaping or to fight it?
Neil loves Wynn so much. 🥺
I'm glad they're figuring it out with Wynn and Miles.
Conversation???? That's what we're calling it now??
Maria is such a bitch omg. Such strong you might be his latest fleeting fancy, but he comes home to me and I take care of him energy.
Oops Maria, seems you're wrong again! Baaaaiiiii bitch!!!
Okay but we have now see 2 ghouls that have hated Britta for what she meant to their idk what you call it dominor? Is that what Lex said?
Of course Britta has sympathy for Maria, she is so sweet.
What????. Oh my God. Pendragon!!!! Showing your cards about Britta to the fucking justicar, because you want her safe?! That is... Wild? Unhinged? Insane?
You're asking her to move in with you?!?!
Okay I'm sorry, you you talked to this woman 5 times? Threatened her life 4 times, got rejected by he once and made out with her for a bit. You're just ready to put your whole life and all on the line? What the fuck. I mean not that Britta is not worth it but this doesn't make any sense? Is this me being ace-adjacent(acejacent if you will)
Show me you're a fucking elder vampire who hasn't had to feel human connection in probably hundreds of years who doesn't seem to have any empathy and isn't used to anyone disagreeing with him and saying it out loud without telling me. "I will send 10 kindred, more experienced than you, in your place, if you're simply worried about them getting the help that they need." No bitch, she wants to be with her fucking family!!!
Please PUHLEASE don't act like you're doing this selflessly for Britta, a gift to her! You're doing this for yourself because you want to keep her!!!
He's gonna make Miles make Britta stay behind. Damn that would be cold and fucked up.
He killed someone for the Ventrue for Britta? Why is that kind of hot???. I hate this. I do not want to think of this fuck like that. 😂 Fuck you Pendragon.
Lmao "Neil never mattered at all." 😂 Okay he earns some points there, that's funny.
Lmao Pendragon is not used to not getting his way, but lbr that is also why he likes Britta.
"you will not have this opportunity again" LIE like you're just gonna let her go. No one believes that.
Britta is just the sweetest most loyal lil bean there is. 🥺
'everyone who cares for you' including you 😏
He said please?!?! Damn. This is serious.
WHAT?!?! Britta you're gonna let this insane man just put his hand on your neck while you basically spit in his face again and reject him?!?! Okay not rejecting because she wants to spend time with him. Yes disobedience Lex that's a good word.
He almost straight up choked her yo. I mean she wouldn't have diednor well he squeezes her head off I guess?? That's messed up. But he did stop himself that has for to mean something.
Wow. Damn, who thought he could say actually say something romantic. Like not scary romantic, or creepy, or manipulative, but just normal romantic. "On every occasion that our paths have crossed, politics, war and secrets have interrupted us. What if just this once we don't let them."
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Strange Magic Prt 3
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It's not very much an original idea, I think almost everyone has a story like this in all honesty. But it loosely follows the end of season two and all of season three.
Banners and Dividers created by Saradika, please give them a follow and look into their work! ❤️
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There was a loud creaking. 
“There's Billy back.” Max muttered, flipping to another page in her comic book as she hung upside down on her bed. 
“Ooo Billy.” El hummed toward the blonde painting her nails.
“Are you two going to be like this all summer?” 
“Are you going to avoid the community pool allll summer?” Max asked back. Kate rolled her eyes, capping the nail polish. “Steve says you've been pissed since the boaters took over the lake.” 
“Steve needs to mind his own-” there was a loud thud and swearing. The three girls lurched toward the window, Billy was laying against the cool grass cursing up at the stars. 
“He fell down.” El said simply.
“He’s drunk.” 
“Why didn't he just use the door?” 
“Oh, no one is allowed in after eight.” 
“Huh?” Kate asked. 
“Neil, he thinks his dad is home. If you're not home by eight you're locked out of the house and you're not allowed to use your key. Billy's always just came through his window.” Max shrugged. Kate shook her head. 
“What if there was an emergency or something?” 
“Like what?” 
“Like; the snowball started at like seven and ended way into the night, how did you get in that night?” 
“Billy's window.” Kate blinked in shock, “Neil is strict, he doesn't care if we are out late he just better not catch us and you better find a creative way inside, cause the door locks at eight.” Max shrugged, “It's a stupid rule but it's Neil’s house. Use the door!” She shouted out the window, opening it. “Come on.” She said to the other two girls and they went back to their previous activities. There was another loud creak, a thud, and then groaning of springs. 
“Night shit bird!” Billy called out. 
“Night asshole! Don't let the bedbugs bite!” Max yelled back, rolling her eyes but smiling softly. 
“He tells you goodnight?” Kate asked. It didn't seem like a very… Billy thing to do. 
“Yeah, usually he pops his head in and tells me but he must be really drunk tonight.” Max flipped to another page in her book as the other two girls just stared at her, “What?!” She asked looking up, “When I was a kid I used to get really worried about him so he’d always tell me he was home. I wouldn't go to sleep or anything until he got back if I knew he was gone.” 
“That is sweet.” El said, matter of fact. Max threw a pillow at her. 
“Shut up.” She stated before laughing as El chunked the pillow back at her using her telekinesis. 
The girls were sound asleep in Max’s bed and there were loud snores coming from the next room over. Kate paused on her way back from the bathroom.
One did get confused in a stranger's dark house. She quietly pulled Max’s door shut before sneaking into Billy's room. It was exactly how she pictured it; posters of cars and hot women in bikinis, Polaroids of Billy and friends, a stereo with an overflowing stack of cassettes, and a closet overflowing with stylish clothes. One particular sweatshirt stuck out to her and Kate swiped it off the hanger pulling it on over her pajamas.
“Damn is this a dream?” A groggy voice mumbled, Kate turned quickly as Billy stared at her from the bed, “no, if this was a dream you’d be riding my co-” Kate covered his mouth and Billy wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her down onto his mattress. “Hey crazy girl.” He said, muffled by the sleeve
“Hey Billy.” She responded back, pulling her hand away.
“You here for a reason or did you just break in to steal my clothes?” Kate rolled her eyes at him. 
“Of course I'm here to rob you! I've hit all the houses on this block, I take old sweaters and all the left socks.” Billy chuckled at her lameass joke. 
“How can you tell which one is the left one?” he asked her with a smirk. Kate thought for a moment. 
“I'll never tell you my secret.” She winked at him, Billy drunkenly shoved at her face. 
“Dork.” He accused her. Kate laughed, “but you are sooo fucking hot.” She laughed louder at that. 
“And you are sooo fucking drunk.” She responded. 
“And uncomfy.” He pouted, kicking to untangle his shoe from his cover. 
“Hold on.” Kate said, putting a hand on his thigh. 
“A little higher, baby.” He sighed. 
“Hush William.” She scolded him as she stood. 
“Yes ma’am.” He purred instead. Kate rolled her eyes as she untied his converse. 
“A) Don’t call me ma’am. B) I hate to inform you Hargrove, but if it was just a little higher those cute little shorts you wear would show everything.” 
“Okay A) I'm a grower not a shower. B) you think my shorts are cute?” Billy smiled widely. 
“You're funny when you're drunk.” Kate narrowed her eyes at him. 
“And horny. Especially when a pretty girl is in my room. In my clothes.” Kate rolled her eyes pulling the sweatshirt off and Billy hummed happily, “Now everything else.” He ordered putting his hands behind his head. Kate leaned in close to him, pinning his wrist down when he tried to reach for her. 
“No.” She breathed against his lips, before darting away from the bed and out of the door, “Night Billy.” She winked at him, shutting his door.
“Tease!” He shouted. Kate giggled to herself slipping back into Max’s room. 
Billy woke the next day, hungover as shit, clinging to one of his old sweatshirts. “The fuck?” He mumbled, rolling onto his back and flinging his arm over his head to block his eyes from the sun. In the back of his mind he could see someone pulling the hoodie on. 
After a while he stumbled out of bed, tripping over his sneakers. He looked down at them confused and kicked them toward where they were supposed to be. He grumbled his way down to the living room, where Max and El sat snacking on cereal and watching cartoons. So no Neil. 
“Good morning Billy.” Susan said from the kitchen, “Are you feeling okay?” she asked as she passed by him.
“I'm fine.” He mumbled, getting water out of the tap. He headed into the living room as Susan went to the laundry room. “Which one of you was in my room last night?” He asked the two girls, nudging Max with his foot. 
“Ew. Get your gross feet away from me.” Max shoved his leg, and Billy balanced on one foot trying to stick his other foot in her face. Max put her cereal down and started swinging.
“Kate checked on you. She worries.” El told him quietly. Billy dropped his foot standing straight as he put a hand on Max’s head to keep her punches from landing.
“Kate was here?” Billy asked, “Were you awake?” El nodded, Billy narrowed his eyes, “Did you hear anything weird last night?” 
“Happy screams?” El asked, her eyebrows furrowing. 
“No!” Max said, “We don't want to know!” 
“Sure. Happy screams.” Billy smiled at how naive the girl was. 
“No. But Kate did laugh.” El answered. Max snorted and turned toward El.
“Laughed” she asked her friend, “Like actually laughed?” 
“Mhm. A lot.” Max started laughing at El’s answer and Billy shoved her head. 
“Anything else?” 
“You talked a lot, Kate was smiling when she came back to the room, and you yelled at her that she was a tease.” El answered, “She was really happy.” 
“But I obviously didn't get any?” 
“Any what?” El cocked her head. 
“No! Nope! Shut up!” Max pointed at Billy, pulling El to her feet, “Mom! Me and Jane are headed to the Henderson’s to surprise Dustin!” 
“Ok is Billy driving?” 
“I'll drop them on my way to work!” Billy answered. 
“Wait! Are you working today?” Max froze. 
“Yeah. Why?”
“I told Kate you would call out, because of your hangover. You're not usually up till like two pm.” Billy checked the clock which read nine am and smirked. 
“I think I'll be alright.” 
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A body moved smoothly under the water, until someone decided to shove their friend, causing them to fall back into the water right on top of her. Arms reached under, pulling her against them as she coughed. 
“Watch out.” Steve told them sternly. Kate pushed her hair out of her face. A loud whistle rang out across the pool and everyone froze. 
“Oh jeez, of course he works here.” Billy. 
“No running Lardass!” he yelled across at the kid, “I have to tell you again and you'll be banned for life! You wanna be banned for life, lardass?” The kid shook his head quickly, “Didn't think so.” He blew his whistle again and everyone went back to splashing. Steve was looking over at the clock. 
“I'm gonna go dry off. I've got to be at Scoops a’hoy in a half hour.” Kate shrugged and followed Steve to the edge of the deep end where their stuff was. This morning they had chosen the chairs closest to the lifeguard tower to be out of the sun. Steve plopped down into the chair, talking to her as he dried off his hair but more importantly Billy sat up on the guard tower looking… well… how Billy always looked. Fine. Really fine. 
“What's fine?” 
“Huh?” Kate shook her head focusing on Steve, 
“You said ‘fine’, what's fine?” Steve repeated.
“Ignore me, thinking back to a different conversion” 
“Damn Harrington, you're so boring she's thinking about some other guy.” Billy shook his head with a smirk, “That's gotta hurt.” 
“I reiterate: Were you dropped on your head as a baby?” Steve asked him, “We aren't like that.” 
“Yeah yeah whatever, but you're an idiot.” 
“Ignore him.” Kate shook her head. 
“Does Hopper know you have a tramp stamp?” 
“Huh?” Steve turned toward the tower. Billy wasn't looking at either of them, constantly surveying the pool. 
“It's not a tramp stamp, it's a tattoo. Tramp stamps have to go all the way across the lower back.” Kate answered
“You have a tramp stamp?!” Steve's head swiveled sharply toward Kate, 
“Tattoo.” Kate corrected,  Billy suddenly looked down at Steve. 
“It’s a dragonfly. You've been with her all morning in that suit and you haven't noticed?” Billy asked him. 
“Well I'm not staring at her ass.” Steve remarked. 
“Your loss,” Billy shrugged, “it's a nice ass.” He winked down at Kate before going back to surveying the pool.
Kate busted out in laughter at Steve's horrified expression. 
“Go to work.” she told Steve, kicking off the wall to go back to swimming. 
“Don’t get trampled, watch your head! Use the swimming lanes.” Steve nagged as another group of guys bumped into Kate as they were rough housing. She pointedly dropped the line in front of her as she ducted under into the swimming lane. 
“This good mom?” She mocked Steve. Before turning and diving under the water. 
“I’m watching her, she’ll be fine.” Billy told him. Steve looked at the clock, looking frustrated. 
“You know she's got a thing? With her head, she faints?” Steve looked pained. He didn’t like trusting Hargrove. 
“You worry too much Harrington, she’s not a child.” Billy told him.
“Steve! Fuck off to work!” Kate yelled across the pool.
“I’m fucking off.” He answered back headed toward the showers. 
It was a while later while she was sitting on the pool deck splashing her feet through the water when she noticed. 
“Oh. My. God.” She said slowly, looking over her shoulder. She dramatically gasped, “William Andrew Hargrove! Naughty boy!” She smirked as Billy’s head turned toward her. “Mrs. Wheeler is a married woman you know.” She teased him before laying back on the pool deck to grab her bag. 
“Nosey.” Billy scoffed at her, putting his sunglasses back on. 
“You couldn’t pull that even if you wanted to.” she mumbled as she dug through her bag
“Oh really?” Billy asked her. 
“Fifty bucks! One of you will back out!” She answered as he stepped down from the tower. 
“Watch the master at work.” He took her bag from her, stealing her towel and a stick of gum. 
“Eh! Asshole!” She shouted after him, tossing her bag back toward the chair.
“Looking good out there Mrs. Wheeler.” Kate faked a gag. The older woman was so starstruck by Billy she didn’t even notice the younger girl. 
“Thank you.” Billy handed her the towel.
“Perfect form.” ‘Oh fuck off.’ 
“Well your form is amazing.” Billy started laughing to cover Kate’s gasp of ‘What the fuck!’ “Sorry, I mean I… I’ve seen you, teaching, swimming lessons.”
“You know I could teach you if you want.” 
“I know all the styles. Freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke.” Mrs. Wheeler dropped the towel. ‘Fuck me with a damn chainsaw!’ “Oh.” Billy leaned down grabbing the towel at the same time she did, “You okay?” 
“I didn’t think you- I didn’t think you taught adults.” Kate shook her head as he continued to flirt and set up the date. Mrs. Wheeler left the pool almost forgetting Holly and Billy turned back towards Kate. Kate turned and looked out at the people splashing. 
“You wanna give me my money now or later?” Billy asked, sitting next to her by the pool. 
“You haven't won yet. ‘Advanced lessons to select clientele’.” Kate mocked him in a deep voice. Billy laughed loudly and Kate turned sharply toward him.
“Don’t be jealous, crazy girl.” Billy bumped her shoulder with his, “It’s just to win the bet.” 
“I’m not jealous, I'm mad. That’s my last stick of gum!” 
“Oh.” Billy smacked on the gum extra loud, “You want it, take it back.”  Kate rolled her eyes. 
“Save it for Mrs. Wheeler.” Kate stood grabbing her clothes off of the chair, she picked up the hoodie thinking it was Steve’s. “Bye Billy.” She pinched his calf as he climbed back onto the tower. “Call me and tell me when she backs out so I can collect my fifty bucks.” 
“I’m telling you-” Two boys sat on the edge of the pool eating popsicles, “That thing grabbed Mr. Cank’s dog and ran into that old warehouse!” Kate nudged the kid with her foot. 
“Which warehouse?”
'Brimborn Steel Works.'
Kate drove fast, any time anyone said anything about something creepy in Hawkins it was cause for worry.
There was the sound of squealing tires and Kate sped up, pulling into the steel works place. She watched in horror as the boy tumbled out of the blue car.
“Billy?” She asked.
“Are you following me?!” He accused her, standing and surveying the damage on his car.
“NO!” She shouted back immediately, “I heard the crash! What happened?” She asked coming around to look at his dented car. 
“I dont fucking know!” He leaned down touching the slimy substance on his windshield. “What the hell.” something scurried through the underbrush.
“Billy get in my car.” Kate tried to warn him. He stepped in front of her.
“Who's there?” He called out, “Hey! I said who's there?” 
This tentacle shot out from the building grabbing him and she chased after it as it dragged him across the ground slamming him into the side of the building as he struggled. Kate snapped into action, grabbing a crowbar from off the ground. 
“What the fuck! WHat the fuck!!!” Billy was screaming, Kate stopped dead as she jumped down the last step. She had never seen the Mind Flayer in person but she knew it from Will’s drawings. This one was smaller, about her height. It stood over Billy salivating as he struggled against it, yelling in horror.
“Hey Shithead.” It let out a painful squeal as she swung smacking it in the face. She swung a second time lodging the bar in its skull, “That was for Will you demented son of a bitch.” She spit at it. 
“Come on!” Billy grabbed her, hauling her out of there. Soon there was this scratching noise and when she looked back they were being chased by rats. They made it into the night air and as Billy moved to keep running, Kate yanked him into the camaro, shoving him until he toppled into the passenger side, she jumped in slapping the button for the door lock. “We need to go for help-” Billy cut himself off screaming as the rats started attacking the window trying to break inside of it. Kate tried to get the camaro to crank. It rattled before dying all over again. She shook her head trying again.
“Crank damn it!” She yelled at the car. Kate sat panting for a moment. “We have to make a break for mine.” 
“I’m not going back out there!” The windshield groaned. 
“Well they’re coming in here! Billy, trust me.” Kate demanded, putting her hand on the handle.. 
“I don't trust anyone!” Billy shouted back. Kate grabbed his hand. 
“I’m not leaving you behind.” She told him sternly, “So I’m going to open this door and we are going to run and you will be right behind me because I’m not seeing that thing take over your body like it took over Will’s and I’m not leaving you to demon rats either.” Billy nodded once and Kate shoved the door open, rushing toward her car. Billy slammed the door shut slamming a rat’s head into the frame causing it to break off. The two young adult yelled and Billy smacked the head off of his lap pulling his feet into the seat. Kate sped out of there.
“It’s… bubbling! Why the fuck is it bubbling.” 
“Get it out!” Kate yelled and Billy opened the door kicking the head out into the street.
“What the fuck was that!? What the fuck was that?!!” 
“The Mind Flayer. Or like a piece of it, I don’t know, it comes from the Upside Down.” 
“The fucking what?!” Billy demanded and Kate made a hard turn going straight for Hawkins Lab. 
“I’m only saying this once.” She warned him, “So listen closely.” And she told Billy everything, from beginning to end.
Billy had her seat reclined staring up at the night sky as he processed everything. Kate had put the top down when Billy said he thought he was going to puke.
“Underground hellscape version of Hawkins, monsters, and Jane. The little girl who has a crush on me, has been sleeping at my house, and and and fucking doing sleepovers with my sister has fucking superpowers?!” 
“Telepathy and telekinesis, but yes. Didn’t you ever wonder why we call her El? Why she talks funny and is like super innocent?”
“Well yes but- you’ve fought monsters, like actual monsters?” Kate nodded. 
“I just saved you from a monster.” 
“If Jane, El, whatever closed the gate, why is that thing still in Hawkins?”
“I don’t know, some piece of it must have gotten closed out. I’d have to ask the party.” 
“Max, her nerdy friends, Jane, Byers, Harrington, and Nancy Wheeler- SHIT! Karen.” Billy sat up suddenly and Kate took ahold of his hand. 
“Mrs. Wheeler is fine. She probably already walked out, saw her husband snoring away, regretted ever thinking of you, and backed out.” Billy seemed to relax, “Plus, I’m sure almost getting murdered by a monster and then watching the stars while I tell you your life is about to take a crazy new turn, is way more fun than any ‘swimming lessons’ with Karen Wheeler.” 
“Crazy new turn?” Billy asked. 
“Are you going to go home and pretend all this never happened or are you going to help me kick monster ass? Cause the Mind Flayer isn't dead and I have a feeling this is only going to get worse.” 
“Let’s kill that son of a bitch.” 
The car suddenly slammed on the brakes and backed up. He stomped over to the crashed camaro, grunting he leaned in to look into the open door. There was a shout as the rat sprung from the car and latched onto his face. The man screamed clawing at the animal as he stumbled back. He fell down the stairs into the steel warehouse.
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Shit! Well I wonder who could possibly take Billy's place as the Mind Flayer's host body...
Who do we hate the most...
Some sorry son of a bitch that if he saw Billy's car wrecked on the side of the road would go investigate, not to make sure his only son was okay, but as an excuse to ridicule and harm him...
But is still close enough to be significant to the story....
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Welp, I guess it will just have to be a mystery.
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justice4billiam · 1 year
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Billy Hargrove/Original Female Character Warnings: Being buried alive, Deathy stuff, Sexual innuendoes, Eventual Smut, Blood, People being mean, honestly more warnings to come. 3,635 Word count
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<- Prologue
Chapter 2 ->
Chapter 1 - Dear Billy
Do you know what would be good right about now? A goddamn beer. Instead, he was trudging through the Hawkins-not-so-Hawkins cemetery with a body that still felt stiff as a board. He must have been lying for the longest damn time to feel like some corpse…or maybe he was a corpse? Nah, he sure as fuck didn't want to think about that.
He couldn't have really been that dead; I mean, look at me! Besides, he doesn't even look like he went a few rounds with that mind fucker, not to mention the car accident before that. Ugh, my baby…He felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of his car being destroyed, and he couldn't even blame anyone for it. Besides himself…
More memories sifted through his head, the sounds of his own screams as he was dragged into that old steel mill. His nails scraped bloody on the floor on the way down. The thing infecting him, making him do whatever it damn well pleased. Taking Heather..her parents..all those people..kids even.
Red-hot anger coursed through Billy's veins at the very thought. Someone will fucking pay for this. No one tells him what to do and lives except maybe Neil. Is Max suffering through it now? He really hopes not..he would have to kill him finally.
He really couldn't tell if it was night or day here; it all looked the same besides the thunderous red clouds, and the air quality felt like you were inhaling water from a wet, dirty mop.
Billy was almost out of the cemetery when his stomach fiercely twisted. He had to find supplies soon before he died of thirst and hunger, and something tells him this place didn't have just little ol' him in it. That thing was from here; there's no telling what other ugly fucking critters came out of here.
As if on cue, loud screeching interrupted his thoughts; thousands of creatures could be seen flying up in the dark skies above the cemetery. He stopped dead in his tracks and watched them swarm the entrance he was walking to.
Well, not going that way… he turned back the way he came from at a fast walk now, wanting to avoid catching their attention when he had no weapon.
There was a weird charged energy in the air. He could feel it buzzing in his bones, nearly electrifying. Something was close, something big and powerful. It made his fingers twitch with how much charge it gave him. Almost felt like the adrenaline he gets right before a fight but much more tangible.
That's when he heard it. Not it, Maxine.
"Dear Billy, I don't even know if you can hear this."
He stopped moving. He spun in a circle, trying to pinpoint where her voice was coming from.
"Two years ago, I would've said, "that's ridiculous, impossible." But that was before I found out about alternate dimensions and monsters, so I'm just going to stop assuming that I know anything."
"MAX! MAX, I CAN HEAR YOU! WHERE ARE YOU?" he shouted, breaking out in a run.
He returned to his grave; that's where she sounded the loudest. Was she on the other side? She's not here..why can I hear her?
"Shitbird! I'm here. I can hear you!" he tried again, his voice booming into the vast area.
"So much has happened since you left. Your dad was a total mess. He and my mom started getting into fights. Bad fights. I don't think he could stand being here without you. So he left. And he didn't leave mom much. She's taken an extra job, and we moved to that lovely trailer park off Kerley."
He sucked in a breath. Of course, that fucking monster wouldn't stick around. Just leave them to fend for themselves, coward.
"He didn't care about me, Max. He didn't care about anyone. He lost control over me; that's all he cared about…" Sighing, he sat on a tombstone nearby. She can't hear me…
"Basically, ever since you left, everything's been a total disaster. And the worst part is, I can't tell anyone why you're gone. I can't tell them that you saved El's life. That you saved my life. I play that moment back in my head all the time. And sometimes, I imagine myself running to you, pulling you away. I imagine that if I had, that you would still be here. And everything would be right again. I imagine that we could've become friends—good friends, like a real brother and sister. And I know that's stupid. You hated me. I hated you. But I thought that maybe we could try again. But that's not what happened. I just stood there, and I watched."
No, no.."No Max! This wasn't your fault! It had to be done; It just had to! After everything he did, he had to.." His heart ached. Her words twisted his insides. Was this guilt? Billy hated it.
"I didn't hate you, Max! I hated myself! I hated my dad… I hated what it turned me into…no. I could never hate you!"
His blurred water covered eyes focused on his damaged, bloody hands. Friends. She wanted to be his sister…
"For a while, I tried to be happy. Normal. But I think that maybe a part of me died that day too. And I haven't told anyone this. I just can't. But I had to tell you. Before it's too late. If you can even hear this, and I really hope that you can. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Billy."
The tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. What did Max have to be sorry for? Billy was the shitty brother…"I'm sorry, Max..I'm so sorry. I'm still here; it's not too late. I want to do better." He needs to do better.
"Love, your shitty little sister, Max."
"Don't go, Max, I'm here! Im fucking her-"The wind was knocked out of him as he was thrown several yards from his grave, hitting and destroying different tombstones as he flew.
"Hmpf-" Pain erupted through Billy's body as he collided with a large tree. What the fuck was that? He slumped to the floor, struggling to stand as a force pushed him down. The taste of copper spread on his tongue—blood from a cut on his lip.
Ah, now, doesn't that feel familiar? Rolling his eyes, Billy warily sat up again, shaking away the vertigo. Well, whatever it is wants him to stay put. Too bad for it; He doesn't fucking listen very well.
Bilyy stumbled to his feet, holding on to the tree as he stood. Glancing over to the place he was launched from stood two figures. People?
"Max." The voice echoed throughout the graveyard.
"I've been waiting to hear those words, Max."
What the hell? That was him. That sounds like him, looks like him, actually. Max, he's talking to Max. With a sharp intake of breath, Billy realized she was here too. How?
"I said, What do you want?!" Billy yelled; The other him..just staring. He doesn't understand. How is there another him? Fear struck his heart, taking refuge in his aching body.
"I want you to build." It says, eyes unyielding.
"Build what?"
"What you see." It responds. The thing was eerily still. That's not Billy. Not real.
"I don't understand.."
"Waiting so very long." Said the distorted Billy.
She looks scared, tears running down her cheeks. That's not Him… He has to get to her. It can't have her too.
"MAX! MAX, THAT'S NOT ME! IM HERE!" Billy yelled, pushing off the tree at a full sprint toward her.
Her gaze met his, eyes widening like giant saucers, glancing from his self to the fake Billy.
"But it wasn't the full truth, was it, Max?" It states, reaching for her, Stroking her cheek.
"NO, leave her the fuck alone! You can't have her!" He was shouting, trying to get both of their attention. Almost there. He picked up the pace, weaving through the piles of broken tombstones.
Max's face scrunches up in confusion; she looks from Billy to this imposter. A monster, it's that fucking mind monster.
He flings his entire body at it. With a grunt, he tackles it to the ground. He sat up to pound his fists into it, but it was unexpectedly gone—just the floor.
"What the hell…" Billy mumbled, eyes darting around, bewildered and pissed all to hell. Can't even throw a fucking punch at it; what a pussy. If it was gonna show up looking like him and talk the talk, it should walk the walk too, Jesus.
"Billy…?" Max timidly asked, her actions unsure as she stepped back.
Billy picked himself off the ground and slowly shifted to face her, warily smiling. Her stare pleading as she looked at him, for what? He doesn't know; for this to be real, maybe. God, did he want this to be real too.
"Uhh…Hey, shitbird." Billy stepped forward cautiously, not wanting to alarm her further after that fuck face tried faking into being Billy. He outstretched his arms with his palms up and waited patiently. (he knows what a notion is for him. Maybe dying put shit into perspective, okay?)
She took a lengthy pause, her eyes welling up with tears again. "Is it really you?" She questions.
Sighing, he nodded, " Yeah, it's really me… I don't know how or why I'm here, but I am. I heard what you said, Max…."
She rushed forward, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his chest. She was taller, not so small anymore. Fuck, how long had he been gone? Billy hesitantly draped himself around her, hugging her to him.
"It doesn't matter now. You're here—you're alive." Max murmurs, her face still pressed into his shirt, leaving wet spots from the tears escaping her eyes.
Billy shook his head and pulled her away to look at him. "Of course, it matters. None of this is your fault. Do you understand?"
"What a happy reunion for you both." A couple of feet away now, Fake Billy appears, observing them; he is covered in veins and black goo-like blood.
"But you weren't telling the full truth, were you, Max? Tell him the truth." It declares, taking a step toward them.
"You know, I think there's a part of you, Max, buried somewhere deep, that wanted him to die that day…That was maybe even relieved. Happy."
Max was taken aback; she gaped at the monster. She whipped back around. "Billy, no, that's true, please."
"I know, Max, don't listen to it. He's talking out of his ass. Besides, I was an asshole. I wouldn't blame you." Billy reasoned with her as he glared at the fake him.
It took another threatening step toward them, Its gaze never departing from Max. Uh, fuck that. Billy pushed her behind him and squared his shoulders so she wasn't visible. It had to get through him before it even dared to take her.
"Ah, but it's why you stood there, isn't it, Max? It's okay; He's here; you can admit it now."
"Stop fucking talking, your boring me to death…again. You're not taking her." Billy interrupted, crossing his arms over his chest, though it continued like he wasn't even there.
"No more lies. No more hiding."
With a twist of its hand, Billy flew off to the side into a crypt, smashing his head forcefully against the cement. Ugh, It's really got to stop doing that.
Max jumped back, startled by the sudden attack. "Billy!" She called. The thing on Max again, advancing on her as she took several steps away.
"That is why you feel such guilt."
"No!" She sobs, reeling out.
"Why you hide from your friends—"No, No"—Why you hide from the world. And why, late at night, you have sometimes wished to follow me. Follow HIM into death."
The sound of a clock chimed in the air, reverberating all around.
Billy stumbled to his feet and steered toward them. The thing was spouting bullshit, trying to get to Max. But why?
"That is why I'm here, Max." Max jerked her head, "No." She repeated over and over.
"To end your suffering, once and for all." It took one giant step, causing Max to drop off the edge of a plot, falling back onto the ground.
Suddenly, the thing no longer took the shape of Billy. It was a fugly-looking monster. Its figure remained primarily human, but the rest looked deeply intertwined with the roots and vines of this shitty place. It had no nose, and its left hand had talons for fingers.
"It is time, Max: Time for you to join me."
Billy crashed into it, slamming it to the floor again. "Run, Max!" Billy shouted as he drove his fists into its face, each punch satisfyingly snapping through the vines that make its face.
Billy's head snapped off to the side to make sure Max ran, distracted; the thing slashed its talons across his shoulder. He yelled as it used unforeseen force to propel him off, thrusting him back onto another headstone.
Hissing, he watched as the blood oozed out of the wound on his shoulder. What a bitch, that fucking hurts. He looked back up; it was gone. Fuck, another disappearing stunt. Billy trudged back up to his feet and ran in the direction Max went.
She couldn't have gone far- "Billy! Lucas! Dustin!" he could hear her screaming in the distance.
"MAX!" Billy picked up speed. She has to be here somewhere.
It's barely fighting back, hardly even acknowledging him. What the fuck does it want with Max? Something about guilt…he has plenty of that, so why is it going after her?
A wave of red fog encircled Billy; "Huh, creepy enough." He was going to take a big guess and say she went this way.
"Max!" He called out. Nothing.
This place was different, even more chaotic if possible. The skies and floors were a crimson red, much like the fog. There were pointy black structures littered about, segments of rock and material floating in the air.
This place had a charged energy; he could feel it humming through his veins again. Scarily enough, just like in the sauna…
He eyed his arms; no veins. Good, that can't happen again; he was himself. There's nothing in possession of him; he had to remind himself. Dont panic.
As he ran, the floor made a gross squishing sound. Billy made a face; Ick- that's horrendous.
"Shit!….Shit!" he could hear Max from a distance. Billy whipped around to where it was coming from.
He was breathing heavily from all this goddamn running, "God damn it, Max! Where the hell are you?" Billy hollered, eyes going to the weirdly hovering clock chiming in the air. There, he sprinted off in that direction.
He came to an abrupt stop to the sound of….music? Not just any music, shit music. Ugh, if there was going to be a battle, it couldn't at least have been Metallica or Motley Crue, Jesus.
Rolling his eyes, Billy trekked up into what he guessed was a fucked version of a house. There was a staircase to nowhere on his right, and the creature and Max were just beyond that, straight ahead.
It had her pinned up against one of the sharp black structures, vines wrapped around her body and neck, strangling her.
Voices suddenly could be heard from behind Billy. There, some portal was taking shape far out ways.
"Max, wake up!" Said one voice.
"Max, Wake up!" Said another; wait, that voice sounded all too familiar. Billy squinted, looking into the portal. His eyes grew wide.
"Harrington?.." he murmured. Of fucking course, he's involved again. As much as he wanted to be mad, he looked after Max long before Billy died…
He turned back, thinking quickly; He smashed off a piece of the railing from the staircase—finally, a weapon.
"They can't help you, Max." It proclaims, making a vine constrict tighter around her neck; she was gasping for air now.
"Nah, But I can!" Billy growled out as he jerked forward, swinging the railing at it, aiming for its abdomen.
With a noisy "Thwack," the wood shattered into a million pieces as it collided with the monster's midsection. Blindsided, it screamed out as the force of the hit had it zooming through the air, busting through rocks.
That was surprising; holy shit didn't know I was that strong.
He turned his attention to Max, The vines had eased around her neck, but she was still firmly entangled.
"Billy!" She gasped, trying to catch her breath.
"It's alright; I'll get you out," He tells her, grabbing the vines and yanking them as hard as possible. They ripped apart effortlessly in his hands, dropping to their feet.
After the last vine, she collapsed into his arms. Hauling her up to stand, Billy took her face in his hands. "You good? Are you hurt?" he frantically skimmed over her body, ensuring no injuries.
"I'm okay, Billy. I'm okay." She replied, her breath shaky as she removed her head from his grasp.
He glanced to the portal where her friends and Steve still yelled for her to wake up, and the shitty song still played in the background.
"What's with the song?" Billy asked. Max shrugged, "It's my favorite, Kate Bush." she replied defensively.
He squinted, disdain apparent on his face. "Kate..who?"
She rolled her eyes, a small smile gracing her lips; she went to speak again when the ground shook.
"MAX," the thing roared; they looked at each other wide-eyed momentarily, panic forming in Max's eyes.
"Go, Max. You need to go!" Billy pushed her toward the others.
"No, not without you! Come on, come with me, please I can't do this without you. please." She begged, reaching out for Billy to follow.
He took a shallow breath; she wanted him to go with her. Hope sparked in his chest, warming him from the inside out. She still wants him around even after all he did to her and her friends…
As he reached to take her hand, Billy was blasted back through a rotting wall. Groaning, He was fed up. God fucking damn it! What is with this fucking thing and throwing him around like a ragdoll!
"Alright, now I'm fucking pissed! Stop being a pussy and hit me like a man!-er whatever the fuck you are!" Billy hollered, dusting himself off and stomping back.
"Max-go! I'll hold it off, but you need to move your ass! Now!" Billy watched as she wavered.
"Max, You belong here with me, Max." Its voice boomed.
"No, the fuck she doesn't!-Maxine GO! It'll be okay; we'll find another way. I need you to be safe. Go!" He yelled again.
With a long look, she nodded. "Fine," she pointed at Billy, "But don't die in the meantime, or else I'm gonna have to bring you back just to kill you again!"
Billy snorted, he wanted to tell her how dumb she sounded, but the earth shook again. he glanced back at her, eyebrow raised; she took the hint. With a final nod, she rushed off toward the portal.
The gross viney monster reappeared before him like some huge ugly wizard.
"Could you at least take the shape of some hot babe or something? I'm getting real tired of looking at your face." Billy retorted, dodging as it swung at him with its giant talon.
he popped up, "You're shaped like a huge veiny dick, you know?" Billy cocked back, flinging his fist into its big ugly dick face.
"You know, actually, what I'd love? If ya turned into Harrington over there. It would be a whole lot more fun to punch you!" He expresses, laughing as his fist connects with its face again.
Objects started crashing down around Max as she ran; huge boulders and house bits fell around her.
Dodging another swing, Billy shouted, "You got it, Max!!!" She was almost there, almost out; gotta distract him a little longer.
Its talon grazed Billy's neck before he flinched back; He didn't move quick enough; he could feel the warm liquid dripping down his back.
"You know I've watched this movie before, Freddy Krueger; ever heard of him? Do you even get tv here in monster hell? Not very original if you ask me." He stated.
It went for his throat again, but he sidestepped in time.
"I'll be honest; I didn't really watch the movie either. I was too busy knuckles deep in this one girl to really be paying attention." Billy smirked; all he could really remember from that night was that she was a screamer. The whole movie theater could attest to that.
"Why do you fight? Isn't it tiring? You know this isn't you. Fighting for the innocent," It questions, "Join me, Billy."
He watched Max vault through the portal, closing it up behind her. Billy hung his head in relief; at least she was safer there with…dare he say it… Harrington. Gross, now he was relying on that big dumb head of hair to do his job.
"Hmmm," he tapped his chin, pretending to think. "Me? Tired of fighting? Never." Billy snickered, throwing a punch to its side. "And id rather be back in that coffin than join some dickhead looking asshole."
The thing grunts, "Then I have no need for you."
With a raise of its hand, It forced Billy out, flying back into the Upside Down and landing on tombstone debris. He heaved himself up, ready to dive in again, but it was gone where there was once fog, now more cemetery.
Billy sighed, looking up to the crackling red and grey skies. "Well shit, now what?"
<- Prologue
Chapter 2 ->
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maenage-a · 8 months
parts of the jw 4 script (a special thanks to @yllowpages <3) that live in my mind rent free. spoilers ahead.
i'll start from the very beginning, of course. and oh, do a lot of things make me unwell here.
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first of all, is the way winston was expecting that gun to stay on him. he was, if reason failed, ready to "such is life" his way to the grave. he does in fact tell charon, as they enter the office, that he shouldn't be here for this, that he shouldn't watch him get executed for his mistakes. but charon, of course, stays, bless his soul and his loyalty and everything about him (but i'll get to him on the multi, let's not digress).
the point here is: he doesn't let him fall. he goes down with him. he cradles his head!!! it's an awfully intimate and caring gesture. in the movie he kneels down after, when the marquis is leaving (it makes sense why, logistically). and don't get me wrong, i love that version too. winston staying still until the very last moment, not baring (almost) any reaction. but there's something so gentle about the script version that has such a grip on me. he keeps holding him, he takes his hand and tells him to rest. openly calls him friend, too. it gives me the impression that i'm intruding on something very private here, almost as if i should be looking the other way.
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and here it is. the hotel is one thing.. still a blow, still hits right to the heart, to the very core of who he is, but charon? charon is unforgivable. in killing him to supposedly teach him a lesson the marquis has signed his own death. of course he can't kill him directly, he's smarter than that, but he will find a way (and he will indeed).
bastard on bastard violence, my beloved. winston walked so neil josten and his legendary "Pity only gets you so many concessions, and you used yours up about six insults ago. So please, please, just shut the fuck up and leave us alone.” speech to a mafia adjacent person could run. neil is half british, winston is half scottish (in my portrayal).. maybe it's the european part in them.
this is almost word for word in the movie, but why is it so much cuntier on page?
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yes, winston is smart. yes, he plans ahead. but this little, crucial detail, slipped away from him. i think that, ideally, winston would keep himself off from the line of fire, from exposing himself to such a risk. i love this, so much: he doesn't know everything, he can't possibly account for every single variable there is.
and the same thing could be said for the rooftop scene in parabellum. i've seen people theorize that he knew exactly where john would fall so he wouldn't die. and i.. personally don't agree with that. it takes away the fact, painful as it is, that john's survival was not his end goal there. a nice strike of luck, surely, since he didn't want john dead, but that was also not the point. his main objective was to not have the hotel and everything else that comes with it stripped from him. and with it, a chance, at least that, of john living to see another day. but not a certainty. and it does work well for him in the end, albeit temporarily: the abjudicator has seen him shoot. not once, not twice, but five times (yes, i counted them, leave me alone). so even if john walks away, she can't say winston didn't try to kill him. she doesn't believe him, i do think, but she has no choice but to walk away.
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if you listen really well, you can hear me chew on forniture. this truly is the culmination of their almost but not quite father-son relationship (also no, i don't think they're actually father and son. or blood related in any other way). the fact that winston only ever refers to john as "son" at his grave, when john can't possibly hear him, after having buried him, much like a father would, is so tragically beautiful to me. and it leads me to believe that 1) he might not have wanted it between them, spoken out loud, not wishing to become another rope around john's neck, yet another thing between him and freedom. sure, he helped him along the way, best he could. he was — and the continental as a whole — i think, a stable and fixed point in his life, someone and somewhere he could always turn to. 2) he possibly also didn't see it that way until then, not so surely at least to admit to it. to empty air and a gravestone, but still.
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alfitheshroom · 2 years
Neil jumps up on his bed waking up from his own scream and probably waking up everyone on the floors below and above his room. It takes him a long minute to realize where he is. The room is dark, but he manages to make out Andrew's face. No way he would not be waken up by these screams. Andrew puts his hand down and only now Neil is made aware that it was Andrew's palm on his shoulder all the time holding him so tight that it invaded his nightmare too.
‘Again?’ Andrew asks briefly even though he already knows the answer.
‘is it this obvious?’ Neil tries to smile saying these words but all his muscles still are too tense to make any expression other than fear on his face. He closes his eyes and exhales slowly, trying to relax. It was just another nightmare, after all. He really would not mind a tender hug at the moment to calm his nerves down but he does not say it out loud. He never insists on something he knows Andrew is not a fan of. With his eyes still closed Neil feels two arms wrapping softly around him.
‘Please, don't’ whispers Andrew quietly when Neil is ready to raise his arms and hug him back. But Neil doesn't mind. He's got used to these one-sided hugs from his boyfriend long ago. Even they are enough to feel the warmth of a human body and to feel safe.
‘You know, the fact that I burned our dinner doesn't mean I'm gonna burn myself to death too’, Andrew said as he always does after Neil's night horrors. They both know that's not the source of his nightmares. But this dumb phrase helps to make the horror seem less horrible anyway. As always, Neil replies:
‘I hope so’, and a smile of relief finally appears on his face.
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