#out of ғ ᴀ ᴛ ᴇ
ferinehuntress · 9 months
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 Ahri was not always the benevolent woman that she is today.  In the last three thousand years, Ahri has been through multiple stages of change and growth, which has led to multiple legends all across Runeterra. She has many different legends all with different titles
The Bloodthirsty Kumiho The Guise of the Fox Woman The Keeper of Souls The Man-Eating Kitsune The Stealer of Hearts The Benevolent Nine-Tail Fox The Inari of Solace
 These legends all depict a certain part of Ahri's life, and unfortunately most see her in a negative aspect due to her monstrous state of actions. It is not uncommon for humans to be more focused on the dark and haunting the the kind benevolence and so Ahri's name is often painted in that of darkness, fear, and doom.
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 Ahri had enough after nearly two centuries of this abuse. In the single statement, she began to lure people into a forest. It started with a husband and wife who thought they could berate her. Ahri snapped and drew them in with smells and enticement. The forest she lived in was eerie and  yet intriguing and Ahri was a shadow of mystery. Ahri didn't care to understand them or be worshiped; Ahri wanted to play with her food. She watched them wander, using her lure and illusion power to give them the idea they were safe; but then the illusion would die and they would see her golden eyes and the natural state would be prey running and she attacks. She killed the woman first, literally ripping her heart out, and allowed the fear to permeate and infect the man to leave him running. The hunt for her prey excited her, just as if she was hunting a deer or a rabbit.
 This is when Ahri began her hunt. She didn't care who, she would release the lure and drag people into her forest, where she would play with them only to release the beast and make them run in fear and she would give chance. Warnings came to stay away from the forest and never mess with foxes.
 The worst part was that some began to worship this power. People who saw this and groveled at the feet of the heart stealer. Ahri could care less about these worshippers, she didn't understand the concept of worship. Over the years, it began to become a cult in this village. There would be a lottery, where a name was picked if a sacrifice was not captured or someone volunteered. This was a means of keeping the fox at bay, as if it would protect the village (and it did for some time). Many times, it wasn't uncommon for an unwilling sacrifice to be captured, typically visitors that would stop at the village to rest. The village began to resemble Ahri's actions. It also wasn't uncommon for a willing sacrifice to be offered, in hopes of gaining the favor of the she-fox. Again, Ahri didn't care for worship or this kind of desire of favor; Ahri only saw the hunt.
 If Ahri had her full, she didn't always attack those who entered the forest. She would hide in the shadows, golden eyes watching those who might enter the forest. Anyone who harmed a fox, often met the ire of Ahri; cultist or regular villager This is why Masks would be crafted, of white and red, or white and black, in hopes it might keep Ahri at peace believing if she saw a fox, she would be forgiving.
The cult didn't worship Ahri out of love or respect, they saw Ahri as a tool. For this cult was able to gain control and power over the village they lived in. The cult was established within the hierarchy of the village, the leader of the town, the healer, and other important positions. By day, no one knew who was in the cult, and at night they would meet under mask. These masks allowed the cult to stay hidden and their agenda to control the village, its commerce and more.
 However, there was one day one of the villagers wandered into her forest. A young woman, showing not an ounce of fear. But she wasn't there to gain Ahri's favor, she didn't beg for forgiveness; she came with a warm heart. Ahri didn't understand this, and while she struggled with human language the woman didn't insult her. Her voice was soft and gentle. Ahri nearly killed her and yet all she did was touch her face and say 'I'm sorry for what they did to you'. It was the first time Ahri had ever felt a hint of compassion, a hint of warmth. It scared Ahri, and she ran from her. Over weeks, she continued to hunt those sent into her forest, but this woman she didn't. She would occasionally follow her in the village, or follow her when she came into her forest. She would taste her essence, and cling to it. For once, she desperately wanted what no one else truly gave her.
Gwen also gave Ahri her name. The cult called her The Man-eater, The Heart-stealer, or other names. But Gwen called her Ahri. She named her that because to Gwen, Ahri was beautiful, her instinct and nature beautiful to her. Ahri loved the name Gwen gave her, but she didn't want anyone else to know. Gwen was her sweet little secret, someone she wanted to keep close and safe. They happily experience companionship for three years, a slow burn of love and connection. Ahri didn't understand romantic love as humans do, but Ahri knew she felt something for Gwen. A powerful connection that made her heart yearn to stay with Gwen and enjoy her presence.
 One day, the cult offered an unwilling sacrifice, which Ahri hunted willingly, and she ripped her essence from her. it was delicious but painful at the same time, a bitter taste she knew. Its when it hit her exactly who she had fed on. The compassion, she knew that compassion. The hope, love, and care in her heart. Ahri quietly held the body, untying her bound arms and pulling off the hood from the woman's head. When Ahri looked at the body in the light, it was her Gwen who had been her only companion. Ahri grew vengeful and let out a eerie scream of pain and anguish. In anger went straight to the village and caused devastation beyond comparison. It was the first time she took her large fox form, standing at ten feet tall. She started to rip essence from everyone there; cultist and regular villager. It didn't matter to her, she was filled with rage and vengeance.
 Only then did Ahri disappear, not to her forest but from the entire region, carrying the soul of her past friend in sunstone. It was her way of protecting the essence of her companion from suffering, giving her the peace of an afterlife she deserved, and visiting her often. For this woman was her first friend and Ahri wanted to protect her. She couldn't protect her in life, but she could protect her in death. It was her essence that gave Ahri compassion, and so her soul would forever be safe in her sunstone.
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 Ahri became a wanderer, never staying in one place long and cloaking herself to look like a normal woman with black hair and peach skin. She tried to be as unassuming as possible, wanting no attraction. She heard the stories that were crafted around her legend. The man-eater, the heart stealer, so many titles, yet none knowing the full extent. It haunted her, many sleepless nights of pain. And still, she had to hunt, she had to feed on essence and meat.
 Over the decades, she was around during a massive plague that started to wreak havoc on the population. Men, women, and children all the same; suffering from the illness that tormented their bodies. Ahri could feel the suffering and these people as she wandered into villages. So one night, she had to feed and decided to visit an elderly man. He was feeble and suffering, coughing and feverish. The feeling of her heart tugged at her as she snuck in as a fox at first, and moved in his direction. His hand petted her, sweetly, despite his weakness and she waited til she turned to her normal form.
 She offered him a choice, to help him leave this world in peace, no more pain, no more suffering. He would just, go to sleep, and he would be free. A part of her felt guilty, she was hunting after all, and needed food, and essense, but there was also this hope to do her friend justice. As she showed her compassion, perhaps she could do the same for others. The man was humbled and then said yes. His time was done, he was ready for release. Ahri used her ability to lure him first, putting him at ease around her so he could calm down, and then she found his dreams. For dreams was a realm between planes that spirits could easily enter into. She gave him the peace he desired, a dream to fall asleep to, and then with the most gentle of actions, she pulled his essence from his body and he died in his sleep. She consumed his essence and released his soul to go to the realm of spirits.
 At this moment, Ahri released what she could do, to feed in this time of plague. She would visit house to house, across the realm of Runeterra, giving people the release they desire. Their suffering was put at ease, they could sleep and be free. Many started to call this fox they would see sneaking into houses only to leave with a dead body behind as the GateKeeper. The keeper of death, for when the fox entered, that meant that death had come to find them. Many started to confuse Ahri with Kindred, assuming that she was the reaper of death when she was only offering a way out.
 During these years, Ahri began to learn more about her emotions. Sometimes she felt sadness, rage, and bitterness, othertimes she felt love, compassion, and hope. All these emotions began to become part of her, growing with her. If she found an essence that was filled with darkness, harming people and enjoying it for the simple sake they could, she would rip into them, killing them where they lay: plague or no plague. But those who were good people, who may have had bad times or bad situations, evne with their flaws, were good people, Ahri helped leave this world in peace.
 Some saw her as a benevolent spirit, helping those around Runeterra; others thought of her as a vengeful spirit, haunting after those who were suffering and dying. Those of family often would insult and hate her because she took their loved ones but she knew what she was doing. She would always be a monster, that's what she was; what she did. Yes, she could rip and maim and maul, but she was not evil. She only did so now to people who earned her rather, there were others she would go after that she would guide to the afterlife; using her powers to free them tenderly.
 It was these years, that Ahri learned that she was a monster and she would always be a monster. But she decided what kind of monster she wanted to be.
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 After almost 2 millenniums, Ahri finally found a purpose that she revels in. She no longer focuses on the concepts of good or bad, heroes and villains, she is who she is and she can't control how people see her as a monster. For her, she has come to accept her monstrous side, learning how to control it so that it doesn't get out of hand.
 What she does know, is to hunt the hunters. In her years, she had seen the good and the bad of people: humans, vastaya, and all those in between. No one is free from her claws, she will hunt you if she deems it so. She tends to search for people who hunt others out of unnatural needs. If you hunt like a predator, as a natural hunter like a lion would a zebra, she leaves them be. However, those who hunt for trophies and excitement, those who do not care except for their selfish desires, will often hunt. She is a threat to vastaya and humans alike, and she has a major distaste for Vastaya who hunt their kind. 
 Ahri revels in her hunt, she thrives on being a predator. She watches for her prey, she gets close. She'll even tempt them, using herself as bait and prey til she has them in her snare. She enjoys the hunt, she has always enjoyed the feeling of stalking and ambushing her prey. She cannot change her nature, she is a predator. She is the eldritch horror to many stories, with a sinister set of gold eyes that send fear into those she hunts. For there is a delight in watching the hunters become the hunted.
 To this day, there are stories of the nine-tail fox, the man-eating kitsune, and the Fox woman. For she is all of these titles.
 She is the monster she wants to be. She decides what she wants to do, and she will not be ashamed of her nature anymore.
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
Odin: ‘All hail the rightful Lord of Asgard. The Savior of the Realms. All hail Allfather Thor.’
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smoochi-dazai · 4 years
Bungo stray dogs OC
(Estelle Pandora)
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✿ʙ_ ᴀ s ɪ ᴄ s_
✿_ ғɪʀsᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ : Estelle_
✿_ ʟᴀsᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ : Pandora_
✿_ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴀɢᴇ : (_20)
✿_ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ : _(December 26th)
✿_ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ : (Female)_
✿_ s__ᴘᴇᴄɪᴇs : (Human)_
✿_ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴ :_ (She/her)
✿_ s__ᴇxᴜᴀʟ/ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ__ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ :_ (Straight)
✿_ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ s__ᴛᴀᴛᴜ_s : (Single)
✿_ ᴇᴛʜɴɪᴄɪᴛʏ :_ (Japanese)
✿_ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴛʏᴘᴇ :_ (O-)
✿ ᴀ_ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ _ᴇ
✿_ ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ :_
✿ᴘ_ ᴇ ʀ s ᴏ ɴ ᴀ ʟ ɪ ᴛ _ʏ
✿_ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴀʟʟ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ :_
Estelle was raised to be the very image of a Capricorn. Estelle is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize person. Estelle with Sun in Capricorn has a realistic, grounded approach to life that can be seen no matter how dreamy the rest of her actions may be seen often. Estelle will know how to do things, and to get things done. Some Capricorns naturally turn their backs on things they deem too frivolous.  Estelle is very much concerned with things that are worthwhile--and that includes their own lives. Estelle wants to do and be something worthwhile, even though she’s done so much wrong in her life. Estelle feels a  need to feel useful and effective in the real world in order to be satisfied with her life. But the Capricorn spin on the earth signs is that Capricorn possesses a stronger need for recognition in a worldly sense, she feels as though she needs others approval. Estelle has a strong sense of society and its framework, and they feel most secure when they feel they are doing their part within that framework.
Capricorns like to pare things down, just as Estelle was raised and take pleasure in the simple things in life. Comparing Capricorns to their symbol, the goat, brings up some interesting analogies. Solar Capricorns like Estelle can see into the future, and plan for it. She doesn’t mind taking things slowly, but she will absolutely aim to get to the top of the mountain in life! She will make her way steadily and sure-footedly. Estelles strength and singleness of purpose is admirable.
Estelle can sometimes be rather lonely, although they rarely let it show. Estelle is often a little reserved--even standoffish. This is generally because she values all things practical, and they'll rarely wear their emotions on their sleeves. Estelle has a kind heart making her often pretty emotional with the people she cares for, she’ll do anything for a friend or lover. These conflicted emotions tend to start making her struggle with her feelings. Getting frustrated with herself. Estelle as a Capricorn sign is surely the most resourceful of the zodiac. To some, Estelle comes across as unimaginative, but she can be enormously creative when it comes to the material world. Estelle is generally very capable with a strong sense of tradition and responsibility.
Estelle has almost mastered the art of making people laugh. Even if often others jokes are just stupid or fly over her head. Her sense of humor can be of the deadpan variety--they're generally excellent at keeping a straight face. Estelle can be bitingly sarcastic, too. Capricorns are not known for taking too many risks in life. They value the beaten track and things "tried and true". This is not to say Estelle is stick-in-the-mud -- she simply values the hard work laid down by those who've been around before them. Turn to Estelle for help when you need to really get things done. They'll have practical advice, and they'll help you organize and manage your life a little better. Often being so bold or honest it could hurt someone. Estelle is generally good with her "word", dependable, and rather loyal.
Despite her usual self, Estelle cares for others whom she cares for. Estelle has a large potential to be able to get in touch with the feelings and moods of others. Often, she is quite wrapped up in herself which gets in the way however. Her memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all things emotional. Estelle, though cold often as a Capricorn will never detach from the ones she trusts-she will cling to things, their home, and people they care for.  Though, if you do_ _somehow mistreat her or do something to break her trust, she may struggle at first but will discard you without a second though in order to protect herself. She seeks out security and familiarity in all she decides to do. Estelle looks for peace, success and quiet. Their attachment to all that is safe means they are a little leery of change. Estelle is devoted and accommodating.
Because of her strong attachment to, and memory of the past, others may complain that Estelle may dwell on hurts long after everyone else has moved on. When they feel they have been taken for granted (which may be often!), they don't always confront others directly. Keeping those feelings to herself.
One of the most delightful characteristics of Estelle is when she finally trusts you, you will be treated with tenderness and understanding,Estelle at heart is full of warmth and protection. Give her security, and you'll take the coldness away.
Around those who finally reach her heart, which is rare— gets to see a new light. She is likeable and sociable. Very sensitive to environmental conditions and surroundings. She likes home, habits, comfort and her little world. Very caring and protective of loved ones. But in the end, she insists she isn’t any of these.
Estelle lies to herself consistently to the point she’s lost who she truly is. Estelle was molded into who she is today, just like a fragile doll. She says she is Capricorn, but who is she really?
✿ Short description:
She is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable, and strong-willed. Quietly ambitious within the realms of the possible, she likes and takes on responsibility. She can work in the social domain.
Possible issues: a sometimes bitter and mistrustful mind.
✿_ __ʟɪᴋᴇ_s :
﹥_Organizations _
✿_ __ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇ_s :
> laziness
✿_ __ʜᴀʙɪᴛ_s :
﹥Randomly sleeping
_> overworking herself _
ʜ_ ᴇ ᴀ ʟ ᴛ _ʜ
✿_ ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ :_
(Her ability makes her body to be colder then ice, it is always active and caused Estelles body to run cold. It potentiomally can freeze her inner organs if activated too long.)
✿_ ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ :_
(Estelle is stable, however often struggles with emotions or decisions like choosing what she wants to eat. As a child she was always told what to do, and raised to be the perfect image for Capricorn. )
ᴀ_ ʙ ɪ ʟ ɪ ᴛ _ʏ
✿_ ( Frozen in fear )_
_ Frozen in fear is the ability to manipulate ice and cold temperatures. In other words, her power is the ability to lower the kinetic energy in atoms which then lowers temperatures. When wielding this power the temperatures can be lowered an extreme amount.
Estelle has not uncovered it’s true potential quite yet, only capable of manipulating the atoms of whatever she touches. Gloves can conceal the connection, but even the air touching her face will begin to get cooler.  Using this ability too often causes her own body to shut down under the cold temperatures, numbing her of any pain a normal person could feel. This comes as a strength and a weakness, you could cut off her finger and have her not notice immediately. So she finds herself fainting due to injuries that originally go by unnoticed. 
✿ p a s t
Estelle was raised in a religious town, more like village outside of Tokyo near Mount Fuji. They worship the universe and its beautiful stars outside of earth, they were very strict and lived in a rather harsh environment though they did truly care deeply for the people who lived there. But that does not mean their actions are forgiven to the children. When a newborn comes to this earth they will judge them based upon their zodiac sign, it’s always been that way and has yet to change until one fateful day. They all believed that based upon your zodiac means you must act appropriately, so as a Capricorn newborn Estelle was forced and put in hell just to be raised properly. They believe that putting her through said hell would make her mature faster, which wasn’t entirely wrong however it was completely cruel to do for someone so young. They homeschooled her and taught her how to read, write and all the basics to live in, but something that was unique to that town. It  was how everyone would raise the new child not strictly just the parents.
When a child becomes of age to begin speaking, they will go through ridiculous procedures to mark them as one of them by burning a body part and engraving the, with the appropriate zodiac constellation. There will now always be a scar left on Estelles thigh of the once beautiful constellation. It’s more of a nightmare for her though.
One day, gets later. The now older and much more matured Estelle was sent ‘home’ to rest early. It was around 7pm and many towns people were wondering around getting everything ready to head to bed in the next couple hours. Even making a later dinner for some people. That’s when suddenly a blizzard hit them without warning.
Estelle, at the age of fifteen woke up in a much colder environment. Her skin was paler and her lips were blue. She lost feeling her her hands as she clenched them. Her entire room was full of frosted windows. The door was covered in ice, similar to the walls and kitchen. The only thing left was her bed. It was almost completely covered in frost but the place her body was laying. In a panic, Estelle kicked at her door, making the ice crumble as it broke and toppled over. Not minding the door at first, she looks outside and sees the entire town enveloped in ice. The water in the well was frozen, the people were frozen in place. Almost as if time stopped. Stumbling on her feels, she slipped on was ice and feel into one of the villagers now caged in ice. She thought it would stop her fall, but it seemed to just crumble with the human being in it. As if they were some fucked up statue. How long could they of been frozen? She had no idea. Estelle was oblivious to what really was the source of the problem. She felt incredibly drained, even after just waking up. She could hardly breath, grasping into her neck, she didn’t feel anything. Sprinting around town to see if anyone was okay, she began to tear up. Yet the tears froze half way down her cheek. Mortified, Estelle ran back to her home. The only place she felt safe. She hugged her knees to her chest, whimpering. She never enjoyed living there, yet she was crushed. This was still her home, and they did feed her. But now it’s just a frozen ruin.
The cold kept all the crops and food fresh in a way, so she had food for almost a year. One day an odd group of men in suits visited her town, they all were similar in appearance other than the seems to be a leader. He had fluffy hair as dark as the night sky, along with those beautiful chocolate eyes. She’s never seen someone quite like it. Along with the fact. Wore bandages all over his body as it seemed, covering a single eye. He was looking around the town, almost admiring the frozen people. After a huge search, they assumed there was no one left alive. As soon as they left, the younger looking boy made eye contact with her. They stared for a moment before he turned back around and left. Estelle was both relieved and confused. Estelle was afraid they could have been danger. That’s the first time she ever saw someone who wasn’t from her town. Why’d they come? Feeling no longer secure, Estelle left her town. Chasing after that boys group. She lost them, but she found herself in the city of Yokohama.
Estelles goal was to figure out who that boy was, and his intention on visiting her home town. Before she ended it all. 
Who knew it would lead to her joining the Port mafia, only to find out he left a long time before she even came. What’ll she do now with no information on where he has gone? Luckily she is sent on a solo mission to observe a special detective agency. Will she betray the mafia to learn more about this boy? The answer is yes. But at what cost?
_─────────────── _
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tangotangredi · 5 years
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↳ Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɪɴ Hɪ-Rᴇsᴏʟᴜᴛɪᴏɴ!
Tʜʀᴇᴇ Cᴏᴜɴᴛs ᴏғ Fᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ Eᴀᴄʜ Oᴛʜᴇʀ for @agrossunderstatement as part of @polya-epifest Detective Denice Ford has been investigating a series of burglaries for months but she can’t catch a break and next month’s art gala is putting her on a deadline. Tony Tangredi has been reporting on the investigation as well as the crimes themselves. Somehow his boyfriend always seems to know details that Tony hadn’t shared. Plus he’s debating on if he should ask Detective Ford out for dinner or for comment. Connor Whisk needs to pull off one last job to get himself out of the grips of the local mafia. He never should have asked them for help. He’ll do whatever it takes to be free except put his boyfriend in danger, even when Tony keeps doing it unknowingly.
See it here on Ao3!
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soraalywrites · 4 years
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Hʏᴍɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Fᴀʏᴛʜ
Vanitas is the star player of the Radiant Tempests, the best blitzall team in the world - so himself, if he may say. Life is good, life is simple... until it isn't. Until a gigantic, grotesque monster swallows him and spits him out somehere unfamilar. Until he's told his entire life may be no more than a toxin-induced hallucination. Until the only good thing left is a summoner with the sweetest smile, who's about to go out to save the world. Of course, Vanitas goes along for the ride.
Chapter 5 on Ao3
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archangel-icarus · 5 years
icarus | bnha oc info
▸ ʙ ᴀ s ɪ ᴄ ɪ ɴ ғ ᴏ ◂
∥ ғɪʀsᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
∥ ʟᴀsᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
∥ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴ.
their mother actually chose the name. michael is of hebrew origin and means "who is like god". michael is also the name of an archangel in the bible.
the last name harris on the other hand, is of anglo-saxon descent meaning "son of harry". harry being a derivation of henry which means "home-ruler".
∥ ᴀʟɪᴀsᴇs.
god - michael does not have a god complex and has been called a god under ironic circumstances. they are a tad cocky in nature and finds the nickname mildly amusing.
micha - a more or less gender neutral name that they tend to use on occasion. they primarily use this nickname when around friends or classmates.
baby/baby face - this adorable nickname refers to the fact that michael has a somewhat soft yet androgynous appearance, looking both masculine and feminine all at once. there is also the fact that when around those close to them, michael may act childish.
∥ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴀᴄᴇ.
human ; white
∥ ᴀɢᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴀʀsɪɢɴ.
sixteen (16) ; sagittarius - as a sagittarius, michael is bold and truthful. they tend to say whatever it is on their mind, even if it may hurt.
∥ ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ.
5'7 (170.18 cm) ; 126 lbs (57.13 kg)
∥ sᴇx ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ.
male ; genderfluid
∥ sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
panromantic homosexual
∥ sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs.
∥ ᴀғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴs.
first year at UA (transferred from an American school with the help of their father)
∥ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴏғ ʙɪʀᴛʜ.
los angeles, california, united states
∥ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ʀᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ.
musutafu, japan
▸ ʀ ᴇ ʟ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s ʜ ɪ ᴘ s ◂
関係 ∥ 家族 ∥ 友達
∥ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.
carolyn was their mother's name. michael barely remembers her face but is aware that they are a near spitting image of her. she disappeared when they were young and hadn't been found since. their father rarely ever talks about her as a result. she was the only parent with a 'real' quirk, which had both of her arms transform into dove-like wings.
∥ ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ.
michael's father, samuel, has a quirk that allowed him to turn his fingers into writing tools such as pens or pencils. he never saw it as a real quirk per se seeing as he looked up to those with flashy quirks. like all people, he fell in love. however, he grew distant and cold towards his wife not long after michael was born. he has a great dislike towards michael as a result but tries to make things work when out in public with them.
❝ it's not that i don't know how to cry. I just can't cry in front of other people. ❞
▸ ᴀ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ◂
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ᴇɴʜᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇs.
their shoulders and upper back appears more or less defined as the result of their wings when they manifest.
∥ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴛʏᴘᴇ.
static p on youtube
∥ sᴋɪɴ ᴛᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇxɪᴏɴ.
fair toned with a porcelain-esque appearance. they are clean of acne for the most part and there is no signs of any facial hair (with the exception of eyebrows and eyelashes).
∥ ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ ᴀɴᴅ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
michael has golden yellow doe eyes. their eyes have also been described as being doll-like, naturally round in shape.
∥ ғᴀᴄɪᴀʟ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
they have well defined features. during their youth, michael had been described as looking like a real life angel which gradually evolved into them having the appearance of a greek god or statue. their overall facial shape is a heart.
∥ ɴᴏsᴇ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
they have what is called a celestial nose shape which remains unaffected by the use of their quirk.
∥ ʟɪᴘ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
a natural pink color that matches the faint blush that dusts their features from time to time. the shape of them overall is what could be considered wide.
∥ ʜᴀɪʀsᴛʏʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ.
pale blond hair that falls a bit past their shoulders, grazing their shoulder blades. the hair itself is naturally in loose waves and appears thicker than in actuality.
∥ ғᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ʜᴀɪʀ.
∥ ᴇᴀʀ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
they have average sized ears that aren't physically affected by their quirk but their hearing is heightened during the period of which they have their wings out.
∥ ɴᴀɪʟ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ.
their nails are pristine and almost always clean, whether they have a clear coat or painted nails. however, they tend to get nervous or antsy at times which result in them biting at their thumbnails.
∥ ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ.
∥ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴍᴀʀᴋs ᴏʀ sᴄᴀʀʀɪɴɢ.
they have a few freckles dotted about their figure, most of them being located on their shoulders and stomach.
∥ ᴘɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢs ᴏʀ ɪɴᴋ.
they have no piercings or tattoos but michael always enjoys joking about having a tramp stamp and willing to 'prove it'
∥ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇs.
▸ ᴛ ʀ ᴀ ɪ ᴛ s ◂
∥ ʟɪᴋᴇs.
they enjoy the energy that comes with social events and being around other people. michael is also seen frequenting local thrift shops and anything vintage.
∥ ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs.
michael despises having to sit still and any quiet places. they also dislike anything too frilly or poofy. that and the feeling of velvet.
∥ ʜᴀʙɪᴛs.
they bite their thumbnails when nervous or antsy. michael also has the tendency to tug at their sleeves, hair, or hands when talking or standing.
∥ ᴘᴇᴛ ᴘᴇᴇᴠᴇs.
disorganized spaces and when people completely miss the trash or recycling bin.
∥ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ sᴄʜᴇᴍᴇs.
warm colors, golden or toasted. primarily yellows, oranges, and browns. also a soft, pastel blue, kind of like the sky.
∥ ᴀᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄs.
generally the 50s or 90s when talking about eras. fragrances would be the air when it's about to rain or warm blankets and sheets. lilies and sunflowers would best suit them.
∥ ғᴇᴀʀs.
the future, actually sitting down and thinking about what they would be like a year from now, two or five, maybe a decade from now. those thoughts never end in a purely positive way so they tend to push them away as much as possible.
∥ ᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ·s.
the fear of love (or falling in love) phobia is known as philophobia. The word originates from greek “filos” which means 'loving or beloved'. individuals who suffer from this phobia fear romantic love or forming emotional attachments of any sort.
∥ ᴅɪsᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛs.
the feeling of velvet or the general feeling of suffocating in awkward situations.
∥ ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛs.
touch. whether it be the brief brush of a hand or a full on bear hug, michael needs physical contact.
∥ ᴅᴇsɪʀᴇs.
stability in an emotional sense. michael needs the reassurance that their friends and loved ones are with them for the right reasons. they yearn for as much physical contact as possible.
❝ when I say I am okay, i expect someone to take one good look at me...and realize i'm not. ❞
▸ ϙ ᴜ ɪ ʀ ᴋ ᴅ ᴇ ᴛ ᴀ ɪ ʟ s ◂
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
owl wings
∥ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴏʀ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
the archangel hero : icarus
there's nothing too fancy about the reasoning behind the name. the greek story their heri name is reference to tells the story of the son of daedalus who to escape imprisonment flies by means of artificial wings but falls into the sea and drowns when the wax of his wings melts as he flies too near the sun.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ᴛʏᴘᴇ.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ.
close to mid-range
∥ ᴀɢᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴀɪɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ.
michael was roughly four (4) years of age when their quirk manifested. they were in their backyard with their aunt, who was tossing them up into the air 'like a bird'. they kept making various bird noises as a joke when a pair of owl wings sprouted from their shoulder blades. both michael and their aunt were startled but they were also excited to 'actually be a bird'.
∥ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ᴜsᴇʀs.
their mother has a set of dove wings and hawks has a similar quirk but the difference being that michael's wings aren't connected to them via their mind/telepathy and they are unable to 'fly'.
∥ ᴇxᴘʟᴀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪ���ɴ ᴏғ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ.
the user is able to manifest a pair of owl wings near their shoulder blades that spread out and covers their arms in an almost shield when brought together. the user must also wait from anywhere to twenty-five (25) seconds to a full minute for the wings to fully form and spread out.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜs.
they are able to slow their fall by spreading out their arms and perform a sort of gliding action.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs.
michael's wings aren't strong enough to grant them the ability to fly. there is the possibility of flight in the future with more training.
∥ ᴅʀᴀᴡʙᴀᴄᴋs ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴍɪᴛs.
if the user is drenched/soaked with the wings present, they will be unable to retract them until dried off. as previously stated, the user is unable to fly but can glide to lessen their fall.
∥ ᴄᴏsᴛᴜᴍᴇ.
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∥ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟɪsᴇᴅ ᴇϙᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ.
the material that covers michael's shirt/top is made with special fabric that allows their wings to manifest without ripping or tearing.
∥ ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ sᴛʏʟᴇ.
they have a mixed combat style which fluctuates between offense and defense depending on the current situation. their years of taking ballet classes during their childhood helps as well in terms of agility and flexibility. to describe their actual way of combat would be a combination of dance (ballet and breakdancing being the main inspiration) and martial arts.
∥ sᴛᴀɢᴇs.
not necessarily unless you count the minute or so it takes for the wings to fully form.
∥ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴᴇʀs ᴍᴏᴠᴇsᴇᴛ.
the user is able to summon their wings as well as put them away.
∥ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴍᴏᴠᴇsᴇᴛ.
they are now able to hover in place roughly two (2) feet or about sixty (60) centimeters off the ground for at most fifteen (15) minutes. if michael was to leap off of something a bit taller then they could hover at a higher height but for half the time.
they are currently working on flight but have succeeded at gliding from building to building with a running start.
∥ ʟɪɴᴇ ᴏғ ᴡᴏʀᴋ.
michael knows that not everyone can be a hero but they sure as hell can try and achieve it. they are in class 1B at ua but also is fine with becoming a sidekick.
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jawbroke · 5 years
sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ғᴏʀ ᴇʟʟɪᴏᴛ ᴍᴏᴏʀᴇ… @sunlightsgirl !
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PEOPLE    ARE    DOING    IT    WRONG.    canned goods and bottled water, stacked in the gymnasium or hidden away in their homes, all the focus on surviving starvation or dehydration. and none, absolutely zero, on surviving what’s OUT THERE. forgetting the physical protection of those bodies they’re so desperate to keep alive. she’s not stupid––she knows what she saw on television and she hears enough whispers to know safety is but a fleeting concept.    SO ELLIOT MOORE IS APPROACHED.    it’s different from all the other times, carefree interaction and subtle flirting disguised as negging, replaced with GRAVITY. the woods of roswell, georgia, surround them now    –    and her father’s rifle rests in small hands.    ‘    the closest i’ve ever been to a grizzly bear is when i left my glasses in my tent on a camping trip in alaska, saw a big rock in the distance, and almost screamed.    ,    anxiety brings forth the need to fill the silence, even if the content proves embarrassing. she wasn’t betting on stumbling upon a bear either, but maybe a deer    –     possibly a rabbit. sawyer was hoping for something else, though. shooting what resembled her deceased pet had not been on the agenda for the day.
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louisaconway-blog · 5 years
* // ᴋᴀʀᴀ ᴋɪʟʟᴍᴇʀ, ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ, sʜᴇ/ʜᴇʀ — ❝ there goes [ ʟᴏᴜɪsᴀ ᴄᴏɴᴡᴀʏ ], the [ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ] year-old, [ ғɪʀᴇғɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ ]. they’ve been running around north roxton for/since [ ғɪᴠᴇ ʏᴇᴀʀs ] and have got quite the reputation, you see. i’ve heard they're [ ᴀᴍʙɪᴛɪᴏᴜs ] + [ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ], but some say they can also be [ ᴄʏɴɪᴄᴀʟ ] + [ ᴅɪsᴏʀɢᴀɴɪᴢᴇᴅ ]. i guess we’ll just have to find out for ourselves, won’t we? if you see them around, be sure to say hello! ❞ — ( ᴅᴇᴇ, 𝟸𝟹, ᴀsᴛ, sʜᴇ/ʜᴇʀ )
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Hello there, still Dee here. Here’s my second darling, Louisa. She’s also a sad bean with a tragic last couple ‘a years (what else is new) but she’s very lovable and really just wants herself and everyone else to be happy. Again, I’ll post some wanted connects tomorrow, but for now here’s some intro shiz ™
[ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs ] — The Conway family grew up in one of the more affluent areas of Chicago, Illinois. With Louisa’s father being a well-known politician and her mother being a successful business woman, money was never an issue for them. For the first half of her life, this gave Louisa a bit of a chip on her shoulder; she knew nothing different than being ahead of the game and a few steps above her fellow classmates. However, when her mother unexpectedly went bankrupt, things changed within the Conway household. Louisa and her siblings were suddenly thrust into a world blanketed with divorce and court hearings, causing a riff between the children and their parents one step at a time. Through this, it was easy for Louisa to move out on her own with some financial help from her grandparents, given that leaving her family home in the dust was only a welcomed change for the woman.
— After graduating from high school, Louisa worked a few different jobs before she decided to go to school to become a firefighter (a job that her grandfather had flourished in when he was her age). She had been so inspired by the stories she heard from him that, when the time came, Louisa pushed herself through training and made her dream come true. Although she had mixed feelings on her parents, they did provide her with an innate sense of ambition, and for that she had always been grateful.
— However, moving through her new profession was nothing like she would have anticipated. Within the first year of working as a firefighter in Chicago, Louisa fell in love with one of her coworkers who, despite some hesitation, ended up becoming her long-time partner. The two decided that even though their romantic relationship was intense and passionate, they would allow themselves to remain focused on their careers. Ultimately, it would only take one night in the middle of the Chicago winter for these decisions to change. After a horrific accident on the job, Louisa both lost her partner in life and in business and acquired scarring on her back and shoulders as a result of being burned in the accident.
— In order to heal properly and receive the best treatment, Louisa moved to N. Roxton, Michigan, where she has now been settled for the last five years. She has returned to work as a firefighter and continues to work through her trauma one day at a time. When she isn’t found at work, the woman can be found taking photos of the winter wonderland that is N. Roxton and enjoying a good book at the local coffee shop.
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littlebadger · 4 years
@wendyfulmother    ||    ❤ ‘ d  !!
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-` 👻 ´- 【  Danny  instinctively  pushes the girl behind him.  “ stay back— ”  He whispers, flashing her a look of seriousness over his shoulder.  ACID  green  takes over in the form of mist over his palm before he throws out his hand in  warning  at the enemy.   “ sᴛᴀʏ AWAY ғʀᴏᴍ ʜᴇʀ ! ”
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kohaive · 7 years
who did it?
The letter is written.
Today, Irene is investigating the case of the missing socks. Socks are going missing in the Janus washer, and there’s no one better to figure out where they’re going than Irene. (At least, that’s what Irene says. Most of Janus is content to let them go on with their schemes without much complaint.)
Irene’s first order of business is to climb into the washing machine, exploring the nooks and crannies. When that proves to be a fruitless endeavor, she checks behind, under, and above the washing machine. Irene finds nothing, but this won’t deter her from discovering the truth. But this really does have them stumped; where are the socks going?
Irene takes some time to ask around at the other houses, but no other house seems to have this problem. She draws the conclusion that it means Janus has something that the other houses do not, and that that is responsible for taking the socks out from the dryer when nobody is awake to stop it. The first idea she comes up with is they’re somehow being drawn into the dimensional rip that opens occasionally, so Irene sets up a stakeout in the unused Janus dorm room (to the not-so-forceful protest of Teo) and waits for it to open. And when it does, Irene sticks her head in.
Irene is met with the scent of petrichor, a back alley, and the remains of a woman smeared carelessly along the wall. Long scratches are gouged into the brickwork, spelling a simple phrase:
B ᴀ ɴ ᴇ  ᴏ ғ  ᴛ ʜ ᴇ  B ᴀ ʏ ɴ ᴇ s .
Irene pulls her head back out.
Later, they realize the sock monster under Yura’s bed has been getting bigger, and concludes that it’s been taking the missing socks for itself.
The letter is sealed.
Today, Irene is investigating the mystery of the chittering noise in the ceiling. Yura is pretty sure it’s just a squirrel that found its way into the attic (Irene didn’t even know they had an attic), but after the SIM swapping incident Irene isn’t so sure. Against the advice of literally everyone but Han, Irene fashions a makeshift rope out of spare bedsheets and duct tape and uses it to climb up the tree outside and swing onto the roof. It’s not a difficult climb, but it’s something that self-starved Teo, watching from concern on the ground, would call “impossible” due to his lack of strength.
Not for Irene, though. They aren’t the strongest, but they can carry their own weight. A detective always has to be prepared for the greatest hardships, after all. They find the roof to be surprisingly easy to stand on, almost as if the shingles were designed specifically for anyone stupid enough to  climb onto the roof so they could stand there without falling. From there, it's a simple enough matter to start searching the roof for any holes that an animal might've crawled into. Meanwhile, she directs Teo below to search for any signs of a poltergeist. Teo does so, albeit in his usually mildly grumpy way.
Irene is left alone on the roof, which is not a situation that Irene should be allowed to be in for long. They scour the roof for holes big enough for a squirrel to climb into, and they don't fall off once.
They do scrape their hand on the rough shingles, though, and smelling blood sends images of slashed open body cavities and glassy, dull eyes and empty space where organs should be through their mind.
(Dead bodies on crime dramas seem so fake these days.)
Irene finds a hole, manages to coax the squirrels out with some of Alex's mustard, and Mends it closed. The chittering noises stop after that.
The letter is sent.
Today, Irene is investigating the mystery of the living ghost. They've heard from solid sources that there's one in Town Across, so they scrounge up their savings and take the ferry to go explore.
Town Across is one of the fanciest cities that Irene has ever been in, and every shop is expensive. Irene doesn't buy anything, just does some browsing from the street. There isn't a lot that she's interested in, but sometimes she wonders if she might see something nice for Teo that they can figure out how to duplicate later. A prism, they reason, would be a good gift to get for him. Teo loves rainbows after all.
The problem with this mystery, though, is that Town Across is a pretty big place, and Irene doesn't know where to start. They spend a good hour or two wandering about, seeing the shops, admiring the pristine streets, spotting the edge of the Lockwood Estate in the distance. Unfortunately, asking around, they don't get any closer to finding a living ghost. Everyone Irene asks gives her a confused, bothered look and walks a bit faster, clutching their purses between tight fingers.
Rich people, Irene thinks, and continues on her merry way.
Around noontime, Irene hears sweet music, and follows their ears to a fountain square, where a beautiful, dark-haired woman is playing ocarina. Irene recognizes the pin in her hair; it’s the symbol of the Sunshade family, an old-blood high class family that’s well known to resent magicks. Irene doesn’t understand why this woman has that pin in her hair, or why her ears are pointed at the tips, but she decides it’s a mystery for another day. As she passes by the woman, Irene drops a few coins into the basket at her feet and keeps looking around for a living ghost.
Irene can't find anything, which is pretty frustrating. A living ghost would be such a cool find...! But if they can't find one, then Irene supposes she might have to give up. She doesn't want to miss the last ferry back to Justus, after all. There's no way they have enough money to spend the night in Town Across.
So as the sun sets, Irene heads back towards the docks. It’s been a boring, uneventful day, and Irene wishes that something interesting would happen.
On the ferry, an owl lands on her shoulder, a letter sitting neatly in the pouch on its back.
The letter is received.
Today, Irene isn’t investigating anything.
It’s two in the morning, and Irene is downstairs in the dark common room, staring at the creased papers in their lap, crisp letters made visible with a lumos from their magnifying glass.
Irene pulls her glasses off and wipes at her eyes for the umpteenth time. This is wrong, she thinks. There has to be more to this. Except there isn’t, all that there is to it is laid out in the letter and the paper accompanying it. There’s no mystery for Irene to solve. The solution has been laid out neatly for her to see, but it isn’t one that she asked for.
Irene picks up the papers again and stares hard at them, as if glaring hard enough will rearrange the letters on the page into a solution that they like. Nothing happens of course, it only makes the various phrases stand out to them more.
...Case File #1888…B&B Private Investigation…still at large…deepest condolences…expect a call in the morning…
And under no circumstances are you to remove your jacket.
Hot anger blossoms in Irene’s stomach, and she crumples up the letter with a sudden ferocity, so violent that some of the paper tears. She shoves the ball into a pocket of her jacket and shuts off the lumos.
“Who did it?” Irene whispers to the empty room. They don’t get an answer, of course, but the deafening silence somehow upsets them even more and their eyes begin to brim over with hot, furious tears. They don’t know who did it, they don’t know where to begin, they don’t know how to solve this case, this case that has just become the single most important case in the world.
B ᴀ ɴ ᴇ  ᴏ ғ  ᴛ ʜ ᴇ  B ᴀ ʏ ɴ ᴇ s .
Glazed-over eyes, torn open bodies, empty space where organs should be.
Irene pulls her knees up, curls into a tight ball, and empties her tears where no one can see them.
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
got season 8 ep 5: the iron fleet turns into a megazord and kills drogon with a lightsaber and then it goes to the ruins of the sept to haul out a missile because they turned it into a secret silo and then it yeets it straight to winterfell. bran saw it happen.......... but he kinda forgot to tell them.
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
done with the revamp. here’s to another two years before i change it again because it is WORK jfc
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
so if evil elsa is dead, that means the wall is not needed, and if the wall is not needed we don’t need people to watch the wall... so if we don’t need the night’s watch.......i could finally marry grenn? 👀
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
maaaan that episode is something huh
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valadhxfndr · 6 years
lbr ragnarok is just everyone sadly fighting each other lmao and no one gets to hop off the rollercoaster
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