#out or left to decay in the mind'' but like. Anyway I'm glad he wanted to do this one with me. He was excited when he said he had an
abyssalpriest · 1 year
30 Days of Them #2
Your God comes to you in a dream one night when you are alone in your bed. They whisper something into your ear, lovingly - but it felt like a warning. What did They tell you?
"There is nothing I could tell you that you don't already know."
I dream in the expanses of his mind in a place equally as strange as it is familiar. The walls ache with pressure, though perfectly vertical their imposing nature makes them seem to curve inwards, threateningly. They're dark bookshelves - that being the closest word in English, more like shallow compartments - endless little cubed shelves holding a strange array of... Cubes. Cubes of spirals but in four dimensions, as if the 2D line that encompasses a spiral's make-up was transmuted dramatically and inexplicably into 3D. They're all different, too, though the theme seems to be the same: little hand-sized cubes of varying levels of cohesion and self-similarity and symmetry. Some have colour, others don't, some are strangely triangular, some spirals flip direction, many have some sort of emanating - or imploding, or stationary, or spiralling, or whatever else - aura with them like 3D portals, visualisations of gravitational pulls and - he corrects me: "Writing." These auras are writing. "They're books."
He picks one off the shelf; his mood seems tinged with excitement as he holds it in his hand.
"Have a look." I - "I'll tell you what it is. Red. Inwards yet outwards. It wants to move outwards so it gives the appearance of moving outwards but it is a three-dimensional optical illusion. It is a 'sweet thing'. It is you. A cherry red. This -" he pulls back the scene behind him which had extended into these rows of compartments... Like a curtain. Compresses the scene into two dimensions and pulls it bunching the fabric of it's reality, revealing what seems to be the inside of one of these cubes. I feel the smile pull at his lips as I call it that. It's huge, though. It emanates, it contorts reality around it. It is deep, deep black encircled by a hungry, visceral, erogenous red.
"This is your warning." He implies with energy he means the thing behind the curtain is the warning. "Follow me."
With absolutely no hesitation he puts the cube he held back on its shelf and slips into the gravitational centre behind the curtain. I follow, of course I do, on the other side is -
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fallenclan · 5 months
Toadbelly Fic
by Dragon Anon
Ever since he had been old enough to remember his dreams, he had been haunted by the place of shadows. Every night, his mind would carry him to the starless forest, with its grim, haunted trees blocking out any semblance of light. The air smelled damp, of mushrooms and decay.
Some nights, Toto felt as though he were being watched, followed, hunted. Other times, the shadowed forest seemed almost peaceful. 
Tonight was not one of those nights. In a fever-induced trance, Toto ran. The shadows seemed to snap and bite at his paws, chasing him as he tried desperately to find any escape. "Please, let me out!" he wailed. "My twolegs, they--they left me. I need to find them." His cries felt upon deaf ears. The forest listened, always, but never answered. 
Tonight, though, the forest was merciful. Toto found himself in the world of the waking mere moments later, hazily blinking the sleep out of his eyes. A pale grey and white tom was peering at him, eyes rounded with concern. "Oh, Ravenshade, he's awake!"
Another tom appeared, dark-pelted and swift as a striking hawk. "Can you walk?" he rumbled, voice surprisngly deep, almost soothing.
"Yes, I--I'm sick." Toto grimaced, sniffling. "My twolegs abandoned me."
"We should take him back to camp," the lighter tom mrrowed. "I bet Bristleheart could help him."
Ravenshade. Bristleheart. What strange names, Toto thought. Standing shakily, he padded towards the strangers, "If you help me, you won't regret it," he murmured. 
"We should get going, if we want to get to camp before nightfall," Ravenshade replied in lieu of answer. 
"All right."
"You'll be welcome to stay here, of course. If you want to join the clan-"
"I do," Toto replied immediately.
"Great!" Cherrystar grinned. Bristleheart and Sagespeckle sat a few pawsteps away, chatting quietly. Toto had already decided that he enjoyed the medicine den, with its various scents and herbal aromas. The so-called "medicine cats" were simply an added bonus, all of which being quite charming individuals.
"I'll make an announcement to the clan later, though by now I'm certain half of them already know you're here. Gossip travels quickly." Cherrystar chuckled fondly. "But first, what should I call you?"
Toto considered this. He glanced at the medicine cats, who now watched him curiously. He thought back to the stoic Ravenshade and the compassionate Cloudtuft. Smiling, he hummed, "You can call me Toadbelly."
"--and your mentor will be Toadbelly." Toadbelly blinked in surprise, quickly trying to regain his composure. Tanglepaw bounced up to him, tail curled with delight. 
"I'm gonna be the best apprentice ever, I swear," Tanglepaw purred, pressing her nose against Toadbelly's. 
"I don't doubt that for a second," he replied sincerely. "I only hope I'll be half as good a mentor." 
"Of course you will be! I'm just glad Cherrystar didn't stick me with someone like Ravenshade."
"What's wrong with Ravenshade?"
"He's scary." Tanglepaw shivered. 
"Well, I promise not to scare you, if I can help it."
"My dreams are filled with shadows."
"How so?" Cloudtuft glanced at Toadbelly. The pale tom's gaze was vacant, as if his mind were somewhere else.
"It's hard to explain." Toadbelly shrugged. 
"Hm. Well, I don't really dream of anything at all. At least, I don't remember my dreams," Cloudtuft remarked. "Ficklefern used to have really vivid dreams, though. You could always talk to her."
"Oh." But I want to talk to you, lay dead on Toadbelly's tongue. "Sure, maybe."
"Anyway, I should probably get going. I wanted to get in a quick nap before the dusk patrol." Cloudtuft shot Toadbelly an amicable albeit reserved smile before padding off.
"Wow." Toadbelly started. A black she-cat had seemingly materialized by his side. "That was a harsh rejection."
"It wasn't a rejection," Toadbelly huffed, narrowing his eyes at Coalblaze. She grinned, seemingly unaware of Toadbelly's disquiet.
"Looked like one. Y'know, I have weird dreams too."
"They aren't weird, they're just... persistent."
"Sure." Coalblaze tilted her head. "D'you wanna try and try some snail shells?"
"Like . . . river snails?" 
"Uh huh. Cloudtuft keeps a few in his nest. He likes to roll them around under his paws."
"Oh." Toadbelly blinked. He hadn't known that.
"C'mon, let's go before sundown. I bet if we race, I'd beat you!"
"That's probably true."
"Yeah, well, probably isn't for certain, so will you race against me anyway?"
"Why would I do something if I was certain I would lose?"
"Is it not worth trying?"
Toadbelly found a tiny smile spreading across his features, despite his prior vexation. "Okay, okay. I'll race you."
"You were mentored by Ravenstar, right?"
"Uh, yeah." Flamefall shot Toadbelly a wary glance. "Why?"
"I was just curious." Toadbelly flicked his tail against Flamefall's side playfully. "We don't need to spend the entire border patrol in silence."
"If we talk too loudly, we might miss the sound of predators."
"Or trespassers," added Sootstep. 
"We can all use our sense of smell, can't we?" Pepperswipe chimed in. "We'd smell any threat from fifty fox-lengths away."
"Cats can disguise their smell," Flamefall argued, ears twitching irritably. "We need to remain vigilant."
"Lighten up." Pepperswipe nudged her littermate. 
"When it's a matter of our clan's safety-"
"Watch out!" Toadbelly darted forward, shoving Flamefall backward. A twoleg trap shone, teeth bared, right where Flamefall had been about to set his paw.
"I--thank you, Toadbelly." Flamefall mumbled, suddenly bashful.
"It's nothing. We should set off the trap with a branch so that no one accidentally steps on it."
"Hm. Good idea," Sootstep affirmed. 
"What? A compliment from Sootstep?" Pepperswipe gasped, widening her eyes for emphasis. "Incredible!"
"You're embarassing yourself, Pepperswipe," Sootstep grumbled. "Enough."
"Oh no, I will definitely never be letting this go . . . ," Pepperswipe declared.
Throughout the she-cat's back-and-forth, Flamefall's gaze remained locked on Toadbelly, as if seeing him for the first time.
Toadbelly pretended not to notice.
"I, uhm, heard about Cloudtuft."
"What?" Toadbelly stared. "How?"
"Well, I guess Ashblink overheard, and you know how he is." Tangletail winced. "You'll get over it, won't you? I mean, you'll be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Toadbelly sighed. "I would rather have risked rejection than stayed silent."
"How wise," Tangletail teased.
"Nope. You aren't my mentor anymore, so you can't tell me what to do."
"Yes, yes, I know. Why don't we go do something to take your mind off of it? We could ask Shrewscratch if she needs any help collecting herbs."
"That would be nice." Toadbelly rose to his paws, stretching. "Thank you, by the way."
"You're welcome. Now, c'mon!"
The shadows were haunting him again. He felt resignation. The forest was beautiful in its own solemn way. And yet, something about it seemed to crave despair, loss, violence. The forest sought souls to fill its emptiness, leaching the very life from them instead.
Toadbelly shivered. I'll wake up eventually, he consoled himself. He had made so many new friends in FallenClan. The brown tom with the matted fur had been right. It was a good place, for good cats. 
Toadbelly hadn't seen the tom in awhile. He distinctly remembered the scrawny creature's departing words. "Trust Ravenshade. He has his priorities straight. He will do what's right, to protect the clan." And now he was Ravenstar.
Toadbelly sighed. He would simply have to find somewhere to lay down, in the roots of some gnarly oak perhaps. In the morning, things would look better.
They always did.
(dedicated to raccoon anon, who suggested i write something about toadbelly. i tried to incorporate his dark forest bond and speculate on his relationships with other fallenclan cats, since he's still relatively new to the clan. curious to see where his story goes!
guest appearance from a certain blorbo at the end there. was debating including or not, but ultimately decided to. i think he wouldn't care that much about toadbelly and probably only interacted with him once or twice, due to loneliness.
anyway, i'll be writing a ripplefade fic next! for now, enjoy a collection of little scenes i thought up with toadbelly haha)
(beetle note: ANOTHER BANGER..... a fantastic exploration of a character I have yet to expand on, and you captured him perfectly :D the idea of him being named Toto before coming to the clan is so cute <3 (without giving too much away, i'll say that you did explore a bit of a relationship that i plan to add in the future. dodgeball moment))
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zukkacore · 3 months
I finished reading IYWD a bit ago and I can’t stop thinking bout them walking through Porter’s memories of Jace, all the different versions of him, and of Porter loving and missing each of them while Jace is right there seeing himself through Porter’s eyes and seeing how each version of him is being remembered and missed while wanting Porter to see him as he currently is and like Porter will never be able to look at Jace without seeing each other version of Jace from Porter’s perspectives and he loves him he needs him but he loved him and needed him and he loved him and needed him and loved him and needed him with each version and as they grow and the plan develops and Jace changes again and again he’ll continue to love and need Jace and every past version of Jace and I’m sorry you’ve just driven me insane with the memory walkthrough it was beautiful
HELLOOOOOO im sorry i for taking to long to reply i'm finally getting around to these bc its been A Time. ANYWAY what i wanted to say was literally thank you so so so so much you're so incredibly sweet. Taking the time to comment and send me messages, like the nicest possible thing ever and im so moved.
It's so funny b/c like loving someone as they change is like the nature of most long term relationships and yet Porter i think bc he wants Jace to be all these different things like CANT grasp it. Like porter that's just aging that's just undergoing trauma and also YOU did this. But Jace has to get SOMETHING out of it, he was literally made for porter so he has to take it. Like its such a soft story in my mind but also they're looking past each other the entire time...... And so much of the beginning & Jace being dropped in the forest like. Its all WANT. Porter wanting him, like its not even for the Plan he could get any spellcaster for that he just WANTS for the person in on the plan with him to be jace so badly. But also in a way it's also NEED because Porter already lost the old jace (he did this to himself. He did this to himself. Lost jace. he destroyed the old jace). He desperately needs this one. He can't lose this one too. And so much of the story in mind is like. Jace realizing the power he can kinda regain in realizing that Porter is going full You've Got Mail Kathleen Kelly (Evil Mode). "I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly...." And like. It's funny bc its like oh soft soft yearning longing but also in the beginning Jace is indulging in what he wants he wants to reclaim power he wants to have SOME pleasure in this relationship but also is completely. using sex as a tool to keep himself indispensable. Be so good you can't ever leave me. If he has the power to keep himself alive and invaluable maybe he has the power to get what he REALLY wants and ask porter to stay, GET porter to stay (he doesn't). And for Porter he's just so busy clinging to the past the past the past the past is when things were beautiful and glorious and true and we live in a world of decay and rot. And he wants ascension but even bringing jace on in my mind is like an admittance of his own lacking in some small way. He needs jace. But he also WANTS to to be jace. Jace needs to be needed. He wants to be wanted.
I know i've said this but like. I ALMOST cut all the memory walkthrough stuff and now im like. That would've been such a crazy choice im SO glad i stuck through it and tried to make it work. Like if it had ended as is and they were just like We Like Each Other Now that would've been so unresolved to me. The teacher one especially i was like this is stupid i don't need this im being indulgent but i also was like??? I'm being ridiculous the ratgrinders literally HAUNT the narrative of IYWD. He Took the damage for them. He hates himself for not doing more. He left bc he couldn't watch them be corrupted and destroyed. Of COURSE Porter's favorite memory of Jace is him being good with kids???? Being a well meaning but ultimately flawed teacher.... And there is something maybe forgiving of my perspective that Porter's favorite memory is also I think Jace at his most mundane. Good guy. Overworked. A little too teacher as friend. He couldn't even decide on what the right call was. Change him or not (Fix him or not. Kill him or not. Make him mine or not. Actualize him or not.). Both are enticing. Maybe he can conceive of the totality of Jace Stardiamond after all. Maybe its not just circles upon circles of literally always missing him and looking right past him. Hard to know
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fanaticsnail · 11 months
I read 'three, two, one' at like 11:30 last night bc I saw you posted and oh my gawsh!!! I put no blame upon you but it was so perfect I had to scour the Sanji X reader tag to fill the hole left behind by knowing there wasn't infinite parts to it! Anyway I fell asleep at 1 <3
It's so perfect it's so sweet it's so tender I love I love it
Genuinely cannot put into words how much I love that fic (but I'll try)!!!! You are such a good writer! I had a rough day and I was ready to decay into a puddle of detritus but your story was so beautiful I forgot all about it
Just the tender familiarity and intimacy between them that's palpable in the fic but also subtle
The way I could genuinely imagine being on the Going Merry, being part of the crew, I swear I could smell the wooden deck the writing felt so warm and homely! Like a hot chocolate in writing form (or a hot white chocolate if I'm being specific, bc of the soft sweetness)
Sanjis flirting mixed with his shyness speckled in was so cute! Everytime he acted bashful I just wanted to grab his cheeks and shake 'im
And flirting back?? But also being shy occasionally? Perfectly captured the in-between-ness of their relationship.
The way you wrote how much attention we paid to him by using the journals was genius in that it encourages more connection & attachment and also fleshed out the character to make it easier to immerse ourselves
And oh my god the kissing????
The desperate "surely I take my time before dinner" is such a perfect line that will forever be engrained in my mind
Sanji not even waiting for the reader to finish their sentence and put down the timer but still being soft? The way you described the softness as still just as longing and fierce and passionate? The way it conveys that he yearns and longs desperately but when he finally has a chance he doesn't immediately go for seducing but to savour the sensation?
Sanji whimpering and trying to chase after our lips and prolong the kiss? This man whimpers I stg and I need to hear it
(I could go on but I'd end up rambling)
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Oh, you you you!! You're such a blessing, thank you for sending this to me; I so adore hearing your thoughts on my writing.
I'm sorry about the late drop for you!! It was mighty late in the evening for me too and I was like: okay I'm gonna just cut out 2,000 words of angst tagged on at the end and drop a part two tomorrow 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I'm very glad I stopped where I did because the ANGST is really getting the better of me with Sanji lately and he deserves way more love than how I write for him 😅😅
I do love a longing, pining, flirtatious and playful plot and I'm so glad you liked it too!
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“I love you” (T. Shigaraki)
"Thanks for letting me go with you. I had fun." Toga thanks me. "Um, no problem." I reply in a way that sounded more like a question. "I honestly don't see how a trip to the pharmacy is fun, but I'm glad you enjoyed it." The girl hugged me tightly. "Doing anything with you is fun. Shiggy never lets me go anywhere." The blonde shapeshifting vampire tells me. I was about to say something but I was cut off.
"It's because you're a little sociopath." Dabi says from his place at the bar.
"And you're a psychopathic pyromaniac." Toga counters.
And of course that leads to a small argument, like the ones you'd have with a sibling. I shook my head and grabbed a small first aid kit before I left to go upstairs. I just know I'm gonna need it. Tomura was already on the verge of throwing a tantrum before I left, so I'm quite sure he's probably already reopened some wounds.
When I reached his room I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Go away!" I hear him yell from the opposite side of the door. Knowing that he actually doesn't want to be alone, I entered anyway. Nothing in his room was broken this time, but it was really dusty. Did he seriously decay half of the furniture in his room?
"Didn't i tell you to go away?" Tomura asks irritably while scratching himself aggressively. "You did, but i chose to ignore you." I replied while I began removing the dusty blanket from his worn out bed.
"What are you doing?" He asks with a growl.
I gave him the 'bitch are you serious?' look then pointed at the bed. We literally go through this every time he scratches himself until he bleeds, which is happening more often now.
Tomura grumbled something but obeyed my silent command anyway, by sitting down and placing his bloody hands, palm side up, on his lap.
After assessing the damage, I realize that its worse than I expected it. I thought I would be able to only wipe the blood away and bandage it up, but this looks like it needs stitches. "Unfortunately, it looks like you're gonna need stitches this time," I tell him while examining the rest of his neck as well. "you managed to reopen a wound that was healing and made it even deeper."
He just grumbled and left his room to go to the makeshift "infirmary", i followed closely behind.
Already knowing what to do, he takes a seat near the sink and waited for me to clean him up. I cleaned and bandaged the minor cuts before working on the worst one. "You really need to find a new coping method." I tell him in a gentle voice as i spray him with anticeptic and numbing spray that would usually be used on skin before getting a tattoo. You'd think a guy like him can handle some amount of pain, but on the contrary, his pain tolerance is really low.
"Sure." Tomura says dismissively as he watches me thread the needle.
I sighed as I stood between his legs, before I inserted the needle into his skin. This made him wince in pain which I whispered an apology in reply even though it's far from my fault that he's in this situation. Despite the fact that I was giving all of my attention to my current task, I allowed my mind to wonder a bit.
My imagination always gets the best of me. In situations like this I always think about the long list of 'what ifs'. This time I thought about 'what if Tomura knew I love him?' But would it really make a difference if he knew? What type of reaction do I even expect? Would he even give a reaction at all? What is our relationship or do we even have one? He tolerates me the most and feels comfortable enough to be vulnerable with me. I'm the only one allowed to touch him or be this close to him.
Other members of the league tease us or make suggestive remarks about us being a couple, and Tomura has never denied it. But I know that's not solid proof of how he feels about me.
He's just so broken.
When I was done with the minor procedure I admired my work. The gash just above his collarbone was now almost completely closed except for the micro holes left in his skin due to the needle punctures. Only very tiny specks of blood remained.
"Thank you." Tomura thanked me after sitting in silence for however long it took me to finish mending his wound.
"You're welcome." I replied with a smile while walking away, "why don't you go shower and change into something comfortable then meet me in my room. I'm gonna clean up here first."
"Are you still hungry?" I ask the blue haired guy that's sitting on the edge of my bed. "No I'm fine." Tomura says while handing me his empty plate. I texted Kurogiri to ask him to open a portal so I can put the plates in the sink without leaving my room.
I look at Tomura again and I see him tracing over his stitches with two fingers.
"Can you not do that please?" I ask even though my sentence wasn't meant to be a question.
"It's itchy." Tomura simply states.
"I know but I don't wanna see you in pain again. I hate seeing my loved ones suffering."
"You love me?" Tomura asks as he puts his hand down as I requested earlier. I didn't answer right away because I had to think about what I just said.
I guess I took too long to respond because he turns to look at me, patiently waiting for me to say something.
I didn't mean to confess my feelings for him like this but it's too late to take it back even if I wanted to.
"It's okay if you don't. I'm used to people only fearing me or them being disgusting by me."
After hearing those words my heart dropped immediately. I crawled over to where he's sitting and grabbed his gloved hand, this automatically captured his attention. "I do love you. I can see pass your 'big bad villain' facade. And I love what I see." I confess waiting for him to say something.
"I never really understood the meaning of love. But I feel less bad around you. I... I don't know if that makes sense." He admits then looks away, "I trust you more than anyone here. That's why I let you get close to me physically and I guess emotionally at times. But can't say that I love you too."
"It's okay. You don't have to say it, just hearing you say that you trust me is enough." I reply with a smile. I held his other hand too which made him look at me again. "Do you trust me?" Tomura questions with a hopeful expression.
He's a murderer, mentally unstable, emotionally unavailable and there's a thousand and one more logical reasons of why I shouldn't love or even trust him.
But I'm fucked up too, apparently.
"I trust you too."
Hope you liked this!! feel free to share your thoughts, I wanna know what my readers are thinking❤️
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