#overactive thyroid symptoms
boyobjectifier · 9 months
i am. not immune to buying a bag full of snacks unfortunately
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daydreamingdancer · 2 months
/ 076 & 073 hc 's because i can
076 ;
- trans woman , most of that anger is brain damage and gender dysphoria
- had a cult dedicated to her once , it was not a good thing
- her brain doesn't have the same ' code ' as that of regular people , preventing her from getting addicted to things because she lacks the ability to get addicted in the first place mostly due to the brain damage
^ could fund cigarette companies single handedly
- autistic 076 canon fight me , also has hyperthyroidism ( copy paste ; Hyperthyroidism happens when the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. This condition also is called overactive thyroid. Hyperthyroidism speeds up the body's metabolism. / Excess levels of thyroid hormones can then speed up the body's metabolism, triggering a range of symptoms, such as: nervousness and anxiety. hyperactivity – where a person can't stay still and is full of nervous energy. unexplained or unplanned weight loss. )
- rather skinny ( due to hyperthyroidism ) , could still throw a man though a metal wall no problem
- was a very social and active kid , caused extreme damage to the ankles of anyone she didn't like
073 ;
- 073 just has a fuck ton of mental problems including hallucinations that led to 076 dying in the first place , if he had actually been able to receive working care that wasn't the scarlet king none of this would have happened
- yes eve and adam did go to the scarlet king , father of all monsters , creator of all rot , god of cruelty , the endless dream of servitude , to help manage cains mental illness . this goes badly for everyone involved including the scarlet king ( who genuinely had good intentions despite being literal evil incarnate , he could not predict cain would absolutely lose it due to his power )
- has hypothyroidism ( copy paste ; An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) is where your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. / Hypothyroidism is a common condition where the thyroid doesn't create and release enough thyroid hormone into your bloodstream. This makes your metabolism slow down. Also called underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism can make you feel tired, gain weight and be unable to tolerate cold temperatures. )
- despite this , he is rather lower in weight than is safe due to suffering from an eating disorder
- also autistic , will break down if he has to take medication that has powder in it
- has memory issues rivaled only by 076 ( was on autopilot from five days after killing 076 until getting contained literal thousands of years later and was SO very confused when coming back to his senses )
- was a reserved kid and rarely spoke , he used to bite people who interrupted his reading
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fantasy-store · 1 year
Autoimmune haver flags
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flags for those with autoimmune disorders. exclusive to folks who have these conditions.
inspred by a request from @jananpa
transx/transid stay far away from my posts this content is not at all for you!
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general flag
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Addisons + Hashimotos
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Addisons(left) <- a flag for those with addison's disease where the body is unable to generate enough of certain hormones from the adrenal glands.
Hashimotos(right) <- a flag for those with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, when the body's immune system creates antibody's that attack the cells within the thyroid.
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Celiac + Dermatomyositis
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Celiac(left) <- a flag for those with celiac disease, which is where the body reacts badly to digesting gluten by attacking the small intestine.
Dermatomyositis(right) <- a flag for those with Dermatomyositis which expresses symptoms similar to an allergic reaction where the body will develop rashes and swelling, including muscle weakness and trouble talking or swallowing.
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Graves + Multiple Sclerosis
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Graves(left) <- a flag for those with graves disease, an autoimmune disorder where the body can have a overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism.
Multiple Sclerosis/MS(right) <- a flag for those with MS, where the body can develop a range of symptoms such as fatigue, walking issues, sexual dysfunction and so on all because the immune system starts attacking the brain and nerves.
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Myasthenia Gravis + Pernicious Anemia
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Myasthenia Gravis(left) <- a flag for those with Myasthenia gravis, where the body develops weakness in the skeletal muscles.
Pernicious Anemia(right) <- not to be confused with our other/general anemia flag, this is a flag for those who specifically have Pernicious anemia, where the body has developed a b12 deficiency and megaloblastic anemia.
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[id: a green to white gradient box with a gif of candles and witchcraft tools on a shelf in the background and dark green text on top of the image reading "dni if transx/transid, radqueer, terf. more in pinned post. free to use/identify so long as you respect my boundaries. exclusive terms/flags are non-debatable". :end id]
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Medical Astrology - Anxiety & Remedies
It's common to have uneasiness every now and then. However, strong, excessive, and persistent worry and panic over commonplace circumstances are typically experienced by those with anxiety disorders. Panic attacks, which are abrupt, strong emotions of fear or terror that peak within minutes, are frequent symptoms of anxiety disorders.
These uncomfortable, hard to regulate, out-of-proportion to the real threat, and protracted sensations of worry and panic interfere with daily activities. To stop these feelings, you could avoid certain locations or circumstances. Children or teenagers may first have symptoms, which may then last until adulthood.
Generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), individual phobias, and separation anxiety disorder are a few examples of anxiety disorders. There are various types of anxiety disorders. There are situations when anxiety is a symptom of a disease that requires care.
Any type of anxiety you experience can be treated.
Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:
Feeling nervous, restless or tense
Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
Having an increased heart rate
Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
Feeling weak or tired
Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry
Having trouble sleeping
Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems
Having difficulty controlling worry
Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
The Basics of Anxiety Biochemistry 
Anxiety may be a difficult disorder to live with, but it's also a fascinating one. Anxiety can be caused by life experiences, by the chemicals in your brain, or by both. Regardless of the cause of your anxiety, it is treatable.
The neurotransmitters in your brain are affected by anxiety.
The biochemistry of anxiety is complex and vast. Studies have shown that nearly every type of neurotransmitter and hormone can play some role in anxiety, as can anything that reduces blood flow to the brain (like dehydration). Anxiety, in many ways, is simply your body's reaction to brain stress.
To give you an idea of how anxiety interacts with the brain, let's look at some of the body's chemicals and how they seem to contribute to anxiety disorders:
Serotonin Serotonin may be the most well-known neurotransmitter. Low levels of serotonin are linked to both anxiety and depression. Like most neurotransmitters, low or unbalanced serotonin levels can occur genetically/naturally, and can also be created by your emotions. Studies have shown that therapy and mental health techniques increase natural serotonin levels. Some medications specifically improve serotonin flow and reduce anxiety.
Thyroid Hormone Hyperthyroid, which is an overproduction of thyroid hormone, has been linked to the development of severe anxiety and panic attacks. Thyroid hormone may be the only hormone that isn't affected by mental health, but rather a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Generally those that treat hyperthyroidism find an improvement in their anxiety almost instantly.
GABA The neurotransmitter GABA is known to be the regulatory center for anxiety. Research has shown a strong association between GABA levels and the development of mood disorders, indicating that GABA also has an effect on emotions. In fact, one of the primary types of anxiety medications - benzodiazepines - bind with GABA receptors and produce the anxiolytic effect. The drug effects on the GABA receptors provides some of the strongest evidence that GABA dysfunction underlies anxiety states.
Epinephrine/Norepinephrine Norepinephrine is responsible for many of the symptoms of anxiety. These hormones and neurotransmitters are responsible for the adrenaline and energy that is pumped through your body when you're stressed or anxious, and cause changes like rapid heartbeat, sweating, etc. In some cases these hormones can become overactive, often as a result of regular stress.
Endorphins Endorphins themselves do not appear to be related to the creation of anxiety but are important to know about in relation to how that anxiety is relieved. Endorphins are mood and relaxation stabilizers. They're often related to "addictions" to various coping mechanisms - for example, endorphins appear to be released when people eat food they like, so eating food may become someone's coping tool. Exercise is an example of a healthy way to release endorphins and cope with anxiety.
Dopamine The role of dopamine in anxiety is only recently getting explored. There is evidence that dopamine has a role in anxiety modulation in different areas of the brain. Some studies have also shown that those with social anxiety may have problems with dopamine receptors. There is evidence suggesting that improving dopamine levels could reduce social anxiety, and possibly other anxiety disorders.
This is just a basic introduction to the biochemistry of anxiety. But the reality is that nearly every hormone and every neurotransmitter can potentially cause anxiety, simply because anxiety is often a warning sign that your brain gives you indicating that something is wrong.
Astrological reason:
Moon associated with Malefics { Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn }.
Most planets in Airy and Fiery signs.
Drinking a lot of water.
Offer water to Shivling daily while reciting Om Namah Shivay (108 times)
Eating in less but more frequently.
Applying fragrance/ Deodrant.
Applying Multani Mitti / Multani Soil.
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soniez · 1 month
The Evolution of Thyroid medicines From Early Treatments to Modern Solutions
The thyroid gland plays a vital role in regulating the body’s metabolism, growth, and development.  When the thyroid malfunctions—whether through overactivity (hyperthyroidism) or underactivity (hypothyroidism)—the entire body can feel its effects.  Over the years, thyroid conditions have become more widely recognized, leading to the evolution of effective medications that help manage these disorders.  The development of thyroid medicines has come a long way, transitioning from early rudimentary treatments to modern pharmaceutical innovations that offer patients a higher quality of life.
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In this blog, we will explore the history and evolution of thyroid drugs, highlighting how thyroid medicines manufacturers in India and thyroid medicines exporters play a critical role in this process.  Additionally, we will discuss the increasing global demand for thyroid drugs, especially in regions like the Philippines, where thyroid medicines suppliers are crucial in ensuring access to life-saving medications.
The Early Days of Thyroid Treatments
Before modern thyroid drugs were developed, ancient civilizations used various natural remedies to manage symptoms of thyroid disorders.  Historical texts from Egypt, Greece, and China mention goiter, a visible swelling of the thyroid gland, which was often linked to iodine deficiency.  In these ancient times, treatments were rudimentary and primarily focused on addressing visible symptoms like goiter.
In the 19th century, scientific advancements began to shape the course of medical treatments.  One of the first breakthroughs in thyroid treatment came in 1891 when George Murray successfully treated hypothyroidism with thyroid extract derived from sheep.  This was the first instance of hormone replacement therapy and marked the beginning of the pharmaceutical management of thyroid disorders.
The Discovery of Iodine and Its Role in Thyroid Health
In the early 20th century, scientists discovered the importance of iodine in thyroid health.  Iodine is a key component in the production of thyroid hormones—T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine).  It was found that iodine deficiency was one of the main causes of goiter and hypothyroidism.  This discovery led to the development of iodized salt as a preventive measure against iodine deficiency, significantly reducing the incidence of goiter worldwide.
However, while iodized salt helped prevent thyroid disorders caused by iodine deficiency, it did not address all thyroid conditions.  This led to the continued development of thyroid hormone replacement medicines for those with other forms of thyroid dysfunction.
The Emergence of Synthetic Thyroid medicines
In the mid-20th century, researchers made significant strides in developing synthetic thyroid hormones.  The introduction of synthetic levothyroxine (T4) in the 1950s revolutionized the treatment of hypothyroidism.  Levothyroxine, which is identical to the naturally occurring hormone produced by the thyroid gland, replaced the crude thyroid extracts used in earlier treatments.  Its standardized dosage and predictable absorption made it the gold standard for treating hypothyroidism.
Levothyroxine remains one of the most prescribed thyroid drugs globally, helping millions of patients manage their condition effectively.  Today, it is produced by leading thyroid medicines manufacturers in India and other countries, ensuring consistent quality and supply to meet global demand.
In addition to levothyroxine, synthetic T3 drugs, such as liothyronine, were developed to treat hypothyroidism.  While T3 medicines are less commonly prescribed than T4 medicines, they offer an alternative for patients who do not respond well to T4 therapy.
The Modern Approach to Thyroid Treatment
With the advancement of medical research and technology, the approach to thyroid treatment has become more sophisticated.  The focus is now on personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to the individual’s specific thyroid hormone levels, symptoms, and overall health.
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy remains the cornerstone of treatment for hypothyroidism, but doctors now have a better understanding of the nuances in dosing and management.  For example, some patients benefit from a combination of T4 and T3 therapies, while others may require adjustments based on factors like age, weight, and the presence of other medical conditions.
The rise of thyroid medicines manufacturers in India has been instrumental in meeting the growing demand for thyroid medications.  Indian manufacturers are known for producing high-quality, cost-effective thyroid drugs, making these treatments accessible to patients worldwide.  In particular, Indian pharmaceutical companies have made significant contributions as thyroid medicines exporters, ensuring that countries with limited pharmaceutical production capabilities have access to life-saving medications.
Global Demand for Thyroid Drugs
Thyroid disorders are common worldwide, affecting millions of people.  Hypothyroidism, in particular, is a widespread condition that requires ongoing treatment with thyroid hormone replacement drugs.  As awareness of thyroid health increases, so does the demand for effective medications.
India has emerged as a key player in the global pharmaceutical market, with many thyroid drugs manufacturers in India producing a wide range of thyroid medications.  These manufacturers are able to meet both domestic and international demand by adhering to strict quality control measures and complying with global regulatory standards.
Indian companies are also recognized as leading thyroid drugs exporters, supplying medications to countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.  For example, in the Philippines, thyroid disorders are a significant public health issue.  Thyroid medicines suppliers in the Philippines rely on Indian manufacturers to provide a consistent supply of high-quality thyroid medications to meet the needs of their population.
The Role of Thyroid Drugs Suppliers in the Philippines
In countries like the Philippines, access to reliable thyroid medications is crucial for managing the high prevalence of thyroid disorders.  The Philippines faces unique challenges in terms of healthcare access, particularly in rural areas where medical resources may be limited.  As a result, thyroid medicines suppliers in the Philippines play an essential role in ensuring that patients have access to the medications they need.
By partnering with Indian thyroid drugs exporters, suppliers in the Philippines can provide patients with affordable and effective thyroid treatments.  This collaboration helps address the healthcare needs of a growing population and ensures that patients receive timely and consistent care.
The Future of Thyroid Drugs
As research into thyroid disorders continues to evolve, so too does the development of new and improved thyroid drugs.  Scientists are exploring new ways to optimize hormone replacement therapy, including the development of long-acting thyroid drugs that could reduce the need for daily dosing.  Additionally, advancements in biotechnology may lead to the creation of more personalized treatments based on genetic and molecular profiling.
Another area of focus is improving the delivery of thyroid drugs.  While oral tablets are the standard form of treatment today, researchers are investigating alternative delivery methods, such as transdermal patches and injectable formulations, which may offer more convenient options for patients.
As the pharmaceutical industry continues to innovate, thyroid medicines manufacturers in India are expected to remain at the forefront of these developments, producing the next generation of thyroid treatments.  With a strong presence as both manufacturers and exporters, Indian companies will continue to play a critical role in meeting the global demand for thyroid drugs.
The evolution of thyroid medicines from early treatments to modern solutions is a testament to the advancements in medical science and pharmaceutical manufacturing.  Today, patients with thyroid disorders have access to safe, effective, and affordable treatments that allow them to lead healthy, normal lives.
India’s pharmaceutical industry, particularly thyroid medicines manufacturers and thyroid medicines exporters, has played a key role in ensuring that thyroid medications are available to patients worldwide.  In regions like the Philippines, thyroid medicines suppliers are essential in meeting the needs of those affected by thyroid disorders, helping them access the treatments they require.
As we look to the future, continued innovation and collaboration within the pharmaceutical industry will further enhance the quality and accessibility of thyroid medicines, ensuring that patients everywhere receive the best possible care.
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cyarsk52-20 · 9 months
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So, Here Are Some Teas That Will Make Your Sex Life So Much Better
MAR 22, 2023 07:00 AM EST
Even though we’re officially exiting one season (winter) and entering another (spring), that doesn’t mean that your tea game has to slow down. Aside from the fact that springtime tends to still have some pretty chilly nights, there is nothing like a tall glass of herbal iced tea that’s been sweetened with honey and a bit of fresh fruit on the days when it’s warmer outdoors.
And while we’re on the topic of teas, why not consume some that will make things hotter in the bedroom? Yep, there are certain ones out here (12 in this article) that have some strong data to support the fact that they can do wonders for your libido — on a few different levels.
So, after reading this, commit to picking up some loose-leaf tea (oftentimes it’s best). Boil for 20 minutes, let it cool, put it in a mason jar and let it steep for 48 hours (with your favorite sweetener). Then add some ice and take it all in. You’ll have an all-natural concoction that will get you maximum herb intake and quite possibly some pretty intense orgasms too (whew-whee!).
1. Ashwagandha Tea
If there’s one artist who tickles me as much as he low-key terrifies me when it comes to the random ish that comes out of his mouth, it’s Kevin Gates. On the laughing tip, I literally cried as I was reading the comments under this particular Twitter post because it’s clear that either he doesn’t know how to pronounce maca (maa·kuh) or ashwagandha (aash·wuh·gaan·duh) or he was really going out of his way to make the cadence work in this song. LOL. Anyway, he does help to prove the point that this herb is that one when it comes to boosting libido levels.
Since ashwagandha has a solid reputation for reducing stress and anxiety, improving athletic performance, and even making depression-related symptoms easier to bear, it would make perfect sense that it’s known for being an aphrodisiac too.
There are studies that support that it can be helpful when it comes to strengthening women’s orgasms, in part, by reducing vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse. Some studies reveal that it can help to increase testosterone levels in both men and women as well.
A word of caution on this one, though. If you’re diabetic, breastfeeding, have an overactive thyroid, or take sedatives, run this one by your physician first. As with just about any herb, ashwagandha can be potent and come with unwanted side effects for certain types of individuals.
2. Green Tea
Okay, so from what I’ve read and researched, on average, a cup of brewed coffee is gonna have somewhere around 96 mg of caffeine per cup while that same cup of green tea is gonna land at around 28 mg. So, if you’re someone who wants to ease off of caffeine a bit this year or you want a pick-me-up that doesn’t pack as big of a punch as coffee does, green tea will do it. Some other benefits include the fact that it’s loaded with antioxidants, it can help to improve your brain function, it fights off the free radicals that are in your system and it can help you to lose weight.
On the sex tip, aside from the fact that the caffeine that’s in it can give you a boost of energy on the days/nights when the mind is willing but the flesh is weak, green tea also can improve and increase blood circulation which results in longer erections for him and better orgasms for you.
3. Saffron Tea
The brief backstory on saffron is it’s a spice that comes from a flower. It’s said to have originated in Greece and is one of the most popular spices when it comes to cooking. It ain’t cheap, I’ll just tell you that now. Still, it’s got some benefits that are worth noting.
Saffron reduces body inflammation, helps with weight loss, is effective at minimizing PMS-related symptoms, helps to put you into a better mood, and is said to lower blood sugar levels and heart disease risks too.
The reason why the tea form of it made it onto this particular list is that some studies say that saffron is beneficial in naturally treating men who deal with erectile dysfunction (ED) while also improving the libido of women who take antidepressants.
4. Vanilla Tea
Vanilla tea is dope on a few different levels. It’s slightly sweet even without anything like sugar or honey in it. It contains quite a few antioxidants. It’s got a way of increasing your metabolism while decreasing your stress levels at the same time. It also contains properties that help to soothe your nervous system and improve your quality of sleep.
Since I already know that vanilla is an aphrodisiac scent, I’m not surprised at all that it’s also a libido booster in tea form. Some studies say that it helps to heal erectile dysfunction while increasing arousal. Others say that it can enhance a man’s sexual performance over time. 
And again, since the scent of vanilla alone can increase arousal in men by almost 10 percent, that sounds like a solid enough reason to have a sip — or two.
5. Damiana Tea
One day, I’m gonna share my journey with Damiens. I’ve had three in my lifetime and whew, chile. Anyway, when it comes to damiana tea, one of the things that it’s most known for is improving the quality of sex lives.
As a shrub that is quite popular in traditional Mexican medicine, damiana has been used for everything from bronchitis and fevers to fungal infections, anemia, and gastrointestinal issues.
What makes it a win in the sexual pleasure department is it contains a powerful amount of flavonoids (compounds that are found in fruits and vegetables) that can intensify your natural sex hormones. The stronger your hormones are, honey…I’m pretty sure that you already know the rest.
6. Cinnamon Tea
I can’t believe that it’s (almost) been four years since I’ve talked about how applying cinnamon essential oil on your partner’s genitalia can make for a really good time (hey, don’t knock it until you tried it; I talk about all-a-dat right here).
As far as cinnamon in tea form goes, it’s another one that’s filled with antioxidants. Cinnamon tea also helps to lower inflammation and blood sugar levels, contains powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties (which is great when it comes to treating tooth decay) and it can make period cramps less painful. As a serious bonus, it also helps to fight certain HIV-related strains (the more you know).
And what makes it great for your libido? For one thing, the lower your blood sugar levels are, the less stressed you’ll feel and the less constricted your blood flow will be; this means longer and more intense orgasms. Also, because cinnamon is spicy, the turn-up of heat in your body can also heighten your arousal levels.
7. Maca Tea
If you clicked on that Twitter link, you heard Kevin (attempt to) combine maca with ashwagandha — and honestly, that’s one hell of a combination, y’all. That’s because maca is well-known for being an aphrodisiac too.
Before getting into how/why, some other benefits of this herb are it helps to keep free radicals out of your system, improves your memory, and is also pretty good at reducing symptoms that are directly associated with menopause.
As far as coitus goes, it’s got all kinds of ways to improve it. Maca has been proven to increase a man’s sex drive, make sex more pleasant for postmenopausal women, improve a man’s sperm quality and put you and your partner into a better mood. So, if you’ve never had a good reason to try maca before, now you’ve got a few of ‘em.
8. Ginger Tea
Ginger is another popular spice that comes with some strong medicinal properties. That’s why a lot of people use it to treat motion sickness, keep their blood pressure in check, help keep cancer cells at bay, and to reduce bodily inflammation.
Since ginger is also seen as being a natural stimulant that increases blood circulation while reducing oxidative stress, it’s just one more tea that can help your sex life out. Oh, and if you’re trying to get pregnant, that’s another reason to add it to your diet. That’s because the properties of ginger can improve the quality of sperm while also strengthening ovarian follicles. How dope is that?
9. Rose Tea
If you’ve always wondered what rose tea is made from, you can literally create it yourself by steeping fresh rose petals. As far as the reasons why it can be good for your health, rose tea is high in vitamins C and E, it contains properties that help to lower your blood pressure, the polyphenols in it can help to reduce pain and discomfort, it can help to keep your skin radiant and your hair healthy and it’s a great immunity booster.
And why would your sex life appreciate it so much? Rosewater, period, helps to decrease stress and increase blood flow. The calmer you are and the more blood that’s flowing to your genital regions, the better your sexual experiences can be!
10. Spearmint Tea
Off the rip, one of the things that I like about any mint tea is it can help to make my breath smell fresher. When it comes to spearmint specifically, it gets applause for also treating motion sickness and nausea, lowering blood pressure levels and even improving your memory. Some other things worth noting are the fact that spearmint tea helps to fight bacterial infections and decrease the pain that’s related to arthritis.
Sex-wise, because spearmint tea is a stress reducer, it can also help you to feel calm and relaxed. And, since it also is known to be a hormone balancer, it can make getting in the mood easier when you’re PMS’ing or you’re going through menopause.
11. Ginseng Tea
If there’s any herb on this list that you probably already knew was good for your libido, ginseng would have to be it. We’ll get to why in just a moment. For now, let’s tackle some other reasons why you should consume it more (or more often).
Ginseng helps to do everything from reducing fatigue and fighting inflammation to improving brain function and strengthening your immune system. In fact, if you feel a cold coming on, a few cups of ginseng, very early on, can help to knock it right on out.
Your sex life will appreciate ginseng because it’s another tea that helps to treat erectile dysfunction by reducing oxidative stress that may be lurking around in a man’s blood vessels (especially in the ones down below). Ginseng is also a winner because it can give women more energy to even want to have sex. Definitely something to keep in mind on the days after work when you want some, but you need a pick-me-up to get the engines started (if you know what I mean).
12. Horny Goat Weed Tea
I mean, for real, though, anything that has the word “horny” in it must work…at least a lil’ bit, right? Believe it or not, horny goat weed (also known as Epimedium) is popular in the traditional Chinese medicine world and has been linked to helping people who deal with asthma, osteoporosis, PMS and Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Diseases.
BY FAR (and yes, I am yelling it), what it’s best known for is getting bedrooms in check. It’s got a great reputation for naturally treating ED (which is why it has the nickname “natural Viagra”). It contains phytoestrogens which is a plant-based form of estrogen (which can help with natural vaginal lubrication, for starters). It can also balance out your cortisol levels (your natural stress hormone) and strengthen your libido. So, if feeling horny is what you want to do, horny goat weed can make that happen — and then some, chile.
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Featured image by Dean Mitchell/Getty Images
10 "Uncommon" Teas You Should Add To Your Stash (& Why) ›
Here's How To Increase Vaginal Lubrication. Naturally. ›
8 Teas That Are Really Good For Your Vaginal Health ›
Erection Tea: Does It Work For ED? | Hims ›
20 Foods That Could Give Your Sex Drive A Major Boost ›
After being a regular contributor for about four years and being (eh hem) MIA in 2022, Shellie is back penning for the platform (did you miss her? LOL).
In some ways, nothing has changed and in others, everything has. For now, she'll just say that she's working on the 20th anniversary edition of her first book, she's in school to take life coaching to another level and she's putting together a platform that supports and encourages Black men because she loves them from head to toe.
Other than that, she still works with couples, she's still a doula, she's still not on social media and her email contact ([email protected]) still hasn't changed (neither has her request to contact her ONLY for personal reasons; pitch to the platform if you have story ideas).
Life is a funny thing but if you stay calm, moments can come full circle and this is one of them. No doubt about it.
Sent from my iPhone
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hormonesclinics · 1 year
Common Symptoms and Treatment Options for Thyroid Disorders
The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. When it malfunctions, it can lead to thyroid disorders. In this blog post, we will explore the common symptoms of thyroid disorders and discuss the available treatment options to manage this condition effectively.
1. Understanding Thyroid Disorders:
The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism, energy levels, and growth. Thyroid disorders can manifest in two main forms: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the gland does not produce enough hormones, while hyperthyroidism results from excessive hormone production.
2. Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders:
Fatigue and weakness
Weight changes
Mood swings and irritability
Hair loss
Temperature sensitivity
3. Diagnosis and Testing:
Accurate diagnosis of thyroid disorders involves comprehensive medical testing, including blood tests to measure hormone levels and thyroid imaging. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and interpretation of the test results.
4. Treatment Options for Thyroid Disorders:
Treatment for thyroid disorders depends on the specific condition and its severity. Common treatment options include:
Medication: Synthetic hormones to replace or regulate thyroid function.
Radioactive iodine therapy: Used to reduce the activity of an overactive thyroid.
Surgery: Removal of part or all of the thyroid gland in certain cases.
5. Lifestyle Modifications for Managing Thyroid Disorders:
In addition to medical interventions, certain lifestyle modifications can help manage thyroid disorders effectively. These include:
Balanced diet: Focus on foods rich in iodine, selenium, and zinc.
Regular exercise: Promotes overall well-being and helps regulate metabolism.
Stress management: Stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga.
Sufficient sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
Thyroid disorders can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, but with early recognition and appropriate treatment, they can be effectively managed. By understanding the symptoms and exploring the available treatment options, individuals can take proactive steps toward maintaining their thyroid health. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.
FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: www.hormoneclinic.in/
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Understanding Heart Rhythm Disorders and Their Impact on Cardiovascular Health
Heart rhythm disorders, or arrhythmias, can significantly impact cardiovascular health. These disorders disrupt the heart's normal electrical activity, causing irregular heart rhythms that can affect its ability to pump blood effectively. Understanding the different types of arrhythmias and their implications is crucial for recognizing symptoms, identifying risk factors, and exploring appropriate treatment options.
Common Types of Arrhythmias
Atrial Fibrillation (AF):
Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia characterized by irregular and rapid electrical signals in the heart's upper chambers (atria). This leads to an irregular heart rate. AF increases the risk of blood clots, which can travel to other body parts, causing stroke or other complications.
Bradycardia is a slow heart rate, typically below 60 beats per minute. It occurs when the heart's electrical signals are delayed or blocked, decreasing heart rate. Bradycardia can be caused by medications, underlying heart conditions, or heart electrical system issues. Symptoms may include fatigue, Dizziness, fainting, or Shortness of breath.
Tachycardia is characterized by a fast heart rate, usually above 100 beats per minute. It occurs when the heart's electrical signals fire abnormally or accelerated. Stress, anxiety, certain medications, or structural abnormalities in the heart can trigger tachycardia. Symptoms may include palpitations, Dizziness, chest pain, or loss of consciousness.
Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Potential Complications
Symptoms of Heart Rhythm Disorders:
Palpitations: Sensation of rapid, fluttering, or irregular heartbeats.
Fatigue: Persistent tiredness or exhaustion, even with minimal physical activity.
Dizziness or lightheadedness: Feeling faint or unsteady.
Shortness of breath: Breathlessness or difficulty breathing, particularly during exertion.
Chest discomfort: Discomfort, pressure, or pain in the chest.
Fainting or near-fainting episodes: Temporary loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain.
Risk Factors:
Age: The risk of arrhythmias generally increases with age.
Family history: Having a close relative with a history of arrhythmias may raise the risk.
High blood pressure: Uncontrolled hypertension can strain the heart and disrupt electrical signals.
Existing heart conditions: Conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, or structural abnormalities can contribute to arrhythmias.
Thyroid disorders: An overactive or underactive thyroid can disrupt the heart's electrical system.
Lifestyle factors: Excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, smoking, drug abuse, and obesity can all play a role in developing arrhythmias.
Potential Complications:
Stroke: Certain arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation, can increase the risk of blood clots forming in the heart, which can travel to the brain and cause a stroke.
Heart failure: Chronic arrhythmias can weaken the heart muscle over time, leading to heart failure, where the heart cannot pump blood effectively.
Sudden cardiac arrest: In some cases, arrhythmias can trigger a sudden loss of heart function, leading to cardiac arrest, a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate medical intervention.
Treatment Options
Treatment for heart rhythm disorders aims to restore or maintain a normal heart rhythm, alleviate symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications. The following treatment options are commonly used:
Medications: Antiarrhythmic drugs may be prescribed to regulate heart rhythm and reduce the frequency or severity of arrhythmias.
Lifestyle modifications: Making lifestyle changes, such as managing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption, and engaging in regular physical activity, can help manage certain arrhythmias.
Ablation: Catheter ablation is a procedure that involves selectively destroying or isolating abnormal heart tissue responsible for generating arrhythmias. It aims to restore a normal heart rhythm.
Implantable devices: In some cases, implantable devices like pacemakers or cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) may be recommended to regulate the heart's electrical signals and deliver appropriate therapy when needed.
Heart rhythm disorders can significantly impact cardiovascular health, affecting the heart's ability to function properly. Recognizing the symptoms, understanding the risk factors, and seeking appropriate treatment is vital for managing arrhythmias and reducing the risk of complications. By working closely with healthcare professionals, individuals with heart rhythm disorders can develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses their specific needs, improves their quality of life, and promotes overall cardiovascular health.
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ahh, i hope you're blood does better soon lol. i also got back blood test results a few weeks ago that indicate my thyroid is doing weird. are you also always tired?
Yeah always exhausted.
I can sleep 5 hours = tired
8 hours = tired
10 hours = tired
12 hours = tired
There are other symptoms that vary on if you’re overactive or underactive
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purpleyin · 1 year
Not been good at updating on personal stuff lately I know, for anyone who is interested. Health stuff is marginally better? I'm less wheezy now but it still happens (with tingly lips too) if I eat too much high histamine stuff and still no confirmed reason why (but MCAS is still my strong suspicion). I'm more worried that without that obvious reaction in some cases maybe I'm still interacting with things that trigger me in less obvious ways? No luck with NHS helping there. Still waiting on allergy tests due to paperwork bureaucracy. Life is still too itchy!
Still waiting on minor surgery too, that I'm due for my toes that's causing both inflammation and thyroid dysfunction relates to that (mildly overactive) - it's been 2 months since referral and no word so I suspect it's gonna have to be I pay £1000 of my own money to fix that. :( They wanted to decrease my thyroid meds despite my not really having any major overactive symptoms, but as always they're eager to decrease my T3 (the one that actually I felt works better) I'm not keen to since they'll probably refuse to put it back up after the inflammation resolves due to being 'normal range'. My solution was to convince them I prefer not to and then adjust myself to see, that way I don't permanently lose the level that was previously okay for me.
Life seems to go by with brief humps of productivity but still very frustrating. Too much laundry. Too much clutter. No able to focus enough to work. Got the new fandom hyperfixation of Grishaverse (minor hyperfixation of Free Rein too). Found some nice new fandom friends there that do multiship and polyam so that's good. I still feel like life is in a strange limbo with COVID though. I don't know how things are gonna get better longterm. I just slog on, you know.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Hyperhidrosis, also known as polyhidrosis or sudorrhea, is a condition characterized by excessive sweating. The sweating can affect just one specific area or the whole body.
Although not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and cause embarrassment and psychological trauma.
In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of hyperhidrosis.
Fast facts on hyperhidrosis
Here are some key points about hyperhidrosis. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.
• Hyperhidrosis tends to begin during adolescence
• An estimated 15.6 million people have hyperhidrosis
• Most commonly, the feet, hands, face, and armpits are affected
• There are a number of remedies that can reduce symptoms
What is hyperhidrosis?
The excessive sweating associated with hyperhidrosis is normally most active in the hands, feet, armpits, and the groin because of their relatively high concentration of sweat glands.
• Focal hyperhidrosis: When the excessive sweating is localized. For example, palmoplantar hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the palms and soles.
• Generalized hyperhidrosis: Excessive sweating affects the entire body.
Hyperhidrosis may be present from birth or might develop later in life. However, most cases of excessive sweating tend to start during a person's teenage years.
The condition can be due to an underlying health condition, or have no apparent cause:
• Primary idiopathic hyperhidrosis: "Idiopathic" means "of unknown cause." In the majority of cases, the hyperhidrosis is localized.
• Secondary hyperhidrosis: The person sweats too much because of an underlying health condition, such as obesity, gout, menopause, a tumor, mercury poisoning, diabetes mellitus, or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).
According to the International Hyperhidrosis Association, approximately 2.8 percent of Americans are affected by hyperhidrosis; that's around 7.8 million people.
For some, hyperhidrosis symptoms are so severe that it becomes embarrassing, causing discomfort and anxiety. The patient's career choices, free time activities, personal relationships, self-image, and emotional well-being may be affected.
Fortunately, there are several options which can treat symptoms effectively. The biggest challenge in treating hyperhidrosis is the significant number of people who do not seek medical advice, either due to embarrassment or because they do not know that effective treatment exists.
Hyperhidrosis is defined as sweating that disrupts normal activities. Episodes of excessive sweating occur at least once a week for no clear reason and have an effect on social life or daily activities.
Signs and symptoms of hyperhidrosis may include:
• Clammy or wet palms of the hands
• Clammy or wet soles of the feet
• Frequent sweating
• Noticeable sweating that soaks through clothing
People with hyperhidrosis might experience the following:
• Irritating and painful skin problems, such as fungal or bacterial infections
• Worrying about having stained clothing
• Reluctant to make physical contact
• Self-conscious
• Socially withdrawn, sometimes leading to depression
• Select employment where physical contact or human interaction is not a job requirement
• Spend a large amount of time each day dealing with sweat, such as changing clothes, wiping, placing napkins or pads under the arms, washing, wearing bulky, or dark clothes
• Worry more than other people about body odor
Experts are not certain why, but excessive sweating during sleep is not common for people with primary hyperhidrosis (the type not linked to any underlying medical condition).
Causes of primary hyperhidrosis
People used to think that primary hyperhidrosis was linked to the patient's mental and emotional state, that the condition was psychological and only affected stressed, anxious, or nervous individuals.
However, recent research has demonstrated that individuals with primary hyperhidrosis are no more prone to feelings of anxiety, nervousness, or emotional stress than the rest of the population when exposed to the same triggers.
In fact, it is the other way round - the emotional and mental feelings experienced by many patients with hyperhidrosis are because of the excessive sweating.
Studies have also shown that certain genes play a role in hyperhidrosis, making it look more likely that it could be inherited. The majority of patients with primary hyperhidrosis have a sibling or parent with the condition.
Causes of secondary hyperhidrosis
• Spinal cord injury
• Alcohol abuse
• Anxiety
• Diabetes
• Gout
• Heart disease
• Hyperthyroidism - an overactive thyroid gland
• Obesity
• Parkinson's disease
• Pregnancy
• Respiratory failure
• Shingles
• Some cancers, such as Hodgkin's disease
• Some infections - HIV, malaria, TB (tuberculosis)
• Some medications, including some antidepressants, anticholinesterases (for Alzheimer's disease), pilocarpine (for glaucoma), propranolol (for high blood pressure)
• Substance abuse
Natural remedies
Some alterations in daily activity and lifestyle may help improve symptoms:
• Antiperspirants - deodorants do not stop sweating, but antiperspirants sprays do. Some prescription antiperspirants include aluminum chloride, which plugs the sweat glands.
• Armpit shields - pads worn in the armpit to protect a garment from perspiration.
• Clothing - certain synthetic fibers, such as nylon, may worsen symptoms. Loose clothing is better.
• Shoes - synthetic materials are more likely to worsen symptoms. Natural materials, such as leather, are recommended.
• Socks - some socks are better at absorbing moisture, such as thick, soft ones made of natural fibers.
If these measures are not effective, medical treatment may help.
Antiperspirants and armpit shields are available to purchase online.
If hyperhidrosis is not treated, it can lead to complications.
• Nail infections: Especially toenail infections.
• Warts: Skin growths caused by the HPV (human papillomavirus).
• Bacterial infections: Especially around hair follicles and between the toes.
• Heat rash (prickly heat, miliaria): An itchy, red skin rash that often causes a stinging or prickling sensation. Heat rash develops when sweat ducts become blocked and perspiration is trapped under the skin.
• Psychological impact: Excessive sweating can affect the patient's self-confidence, job, and relationships. Some individuals may become anxious, emotionally stressed, socially withdrawn, and even depressed.
On average, a person with hyperhidrosis seeks medical help after living with the condition for 9 years. It is important to spread the word that the symptoms of excessive sweating can be effectively treated.
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cassandrawallac · 14 hours
Understanding the Underlying Factors of Unintentional Weight Loss
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Unintentional weight loss may be of concern and usually points to existing medical disorders. Even though some may at first perceive it in a positive light, looking into the reasons for this shift is essential. Medical assessments reveal that nearly 72% of people experiencing weight loss without a known reason have an underlying condition, meaning it’s important to reach out to a healthcare provider. Definition of Unintentional Weight Loss Unintentional weight loss is a condition in which an individual loses weight without their will. This can happen with a weight loss of 5% or more in a period of 6 months to one year. For example, a 200-pound man would weigh 190 pounds after a 10-pound loss while a 130-pound woman would weigh 123 pounds after 6-7 pounds lost. Weight loss in such a manner is not an outcome of any deliberate steps such as dieting or exercising more. When to Seek Medical Attention Consult a healthcare provider if you experience a 5% to 10% weight loss without intention. Early evaluation is critical, as identifying the underlying causes may require blood tests or imaging studies. Common Causes Several factors can contribute to unintentional weight loss, including: Cancer: A common early indicator, with approximately 40% of cancer patients experiencing weight loss at diagnosis. Diabetes: Especially prevalent in Type 1 diabetes, where weight loss can occur due to insulin issues. Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid accelerates metabolism, leading to weight loss. Muscle Loss: Conditions like cancer or HIV/AIDS can cause significant muscle atrophy, resulting in weight loss. Depression: This can lead to altered eating habits and significant weight changes. Other Causes: Include Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, infections, digestive issues, and poor nutrition. Diagnosis and Evaluation A thorough medical history and physical examination by your healthcare provider are essential for diagnosing unintentional weight loss. They may ask about: When weight loss started Changes in diet or exercise Other symptoms (e.g., shortness of breath) Previous health screenings Tests and Labs Your provider may order various tests, including: Complete Blood Count (CBC) Thyroid Panel Liver and Kidney Function Tests Blood Sugar Tests Urinalysis Imaging Studies Imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs can help identify potential underlying issues. Treatment Addressing unintentional weight loss involves identifying and treating the underlying cause. Consultation with palliative care may be beneficial for patients with serious conditions like cancer. Summary Unexplained weight loss is often a clue to underlying health issues that require attention. Consult with a healthcare provider to identify the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Frequently Asked Questions What is the most common reason for unintentional weight loss? Cancer is often a leading cause among older adults, while medication-related appetite loss is common in those aged 65 and older. When should I be concerned about weight loss? Weight loss exceeding 10 pounds or 5% of body weight within six to twelve months is concerning. Can unintentional weight loss be reversed? Yes, with proper diagnosis and treatment, weight loss can often be managed or resolved. Should I be concerned about weight loss during pregnancy? Yes, unintentional weight loss during pregnancy should prompt medical evaluation. If you or someone you know is experiencing unexplained weight loss, it's vital to seek medical advice promptly. Early diagnosis and intervention can lead to better health outcomes.
Read more: The underlying factors of unintentional weight loss
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conscioussolutions · 3 days
Supplements for General Thyroid Health
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Ever feel like your energy is lagging or your metabolism isn’t what it used to be? Your thyroid could be the culprit. This small gland in your neck has a big job, from controlling your metabolism to influencing your energy levels. Sometimes, it needs a little boost. That’s where supplements come in — they can help fill in the nutritional blanks that your diet might miss and support your thyroid in doing its job.
In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of thyroid health supplements and how they can help you.
What is the Thyroid?
Should You Take Thyroid-Specific Supplements?
Key Nutrients for Thyroid Health
Supplements for Hashimoto’s Disease
Supplements for Graves’ Disease
What is the Thyroid?
The thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck, plays a role in controlling your metabolism, energy levels, and overall hormone balance. Keeping your thyroid in top shape is vital for your overall health, but sometimes, your diet might not supply all the nutrients you need. Supplements can fill this gap, providing specific support to help maintain healthy thyroid function.
Should You Take Thyroid-Specific Supplements?
Before considering thyroid-specific supplements, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have a diagnosed thyroid condition. Not everyone needs these supplements; in some cases, they may interfere with prescribed thyroid medications or cause unwanted side effects. However, supplements can benefit those with certain deficiencies or thyroid disorders.
Key Nutrients for Thyroid Health
Iodine. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. A deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Seaweed, iodized salt, and supplements containing iodine can help maintain adequate levels.
Selenium. Selenium is critical in converting the thyroid hormone T4 (thyroxine) into the active form T3 (triiodothyronine). Brazil nuts, fish, and selenium supplements can support this conversion process.
Zinc. Zinc supports thyroid hormone production and metabolism. It’s found in foods like oysters, meat, and fortified cereals. Supplements can be helpful if dietary intake is insufficient.
Vitamin D. Low Vitamin D levels have been linked to various autoimmune thyroid conditions. Supplements can help boost levels, especially in individuals with limited sun exposure.
Vitamin B12. Many people with thyroid disorders are deficient in Vitamin B12, crucial for energy levels and overall health. B12 supplements can support energy and cognitive function.
Supplements for Hashimoto’s Disease
Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, leading to hypothyroidism. People with Hashimoto’s may benefit from the following supplements:
Selenium. As mentioned, selenium supports the conversion of T4 to T3 and can reduce the antibody levels that attack the thyroid in Hashimoto’s patients.
Myoinositol and Selenium. Studies have shown that combining these two improves thyroid function and reduces antibodies in Hashimoto’s disease.
Vitamin D. Given its role in immune regulation, Vitamin D can be particularly beneficial for those with autoimmune thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s.
Iron. Iron deficiency is common in individuals with Hashimoto’s. Iron supplements may be necessary to address anemia and support thyroid function.
Remember, you must consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements.
Supplements for Graves’ Disease
Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland becomes overactive. Specific supplements that may help include:
L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine has been shown to reduce symptoms of hyperthyroidism by blocking the action of thyroid hormones on cells. It may help alleviate symptoms like palpitations, anxiety, and fatigue.
Bugleweed. This herb is known for its potential to reduce thyroid hormone levels and is often used as a natural remedy for mild hyperthyroidism.
Magnesium. Magnesium plays a role in various metabolic processes and may help calm the nervous system, which is often overstimulated in Graves’ disease.
Calcium and Vitamin D. These are essential for bone health, as hyperthyroidism can lead to bone loss. Supplements can help mitigate this risk.
Supplements can offer valuable support for thyroid health, particularly for those with specific thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease. However, consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen is crucial, as the needs can vary based on individual health profiles and existing treatments.
For further insights into the role of specific nutrients in thyroid health and the management of thyroid-related conditions, kindly check these references:
National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Selenium.” NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, Updated June 2021.
National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Iodine.” NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, Updated September 2021.
Wiersinga, W. M., “Graves’ disease: Can it be cured?” Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, October 2020.
Antonelli, A., Ferrari, S. M., Corrado, A., et al. “Autoimmune thyroid disorders.” Autoimmunity Reviews, June 2020.
Looking to support your thyroid health? Try 9-ODINE , a comprehensive supplement that may help you achieve your health goals. Remember, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.
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phoenix-ultrasound · 4 days
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wehealclinic · 5 days
Thyroid Disease: Understanding Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors
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The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in maintaining various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, and energy production. Thyroid diseases occur when this butterfly-shaped gland produces either too much or too little thyroid hormone. Early detection and proper management are vital for maintaining a healthy and balanced life.
Types of Thyroid Disease
Thyroid disease can take many forms, but the most common include:
Hypothyroidism – When the thyroid gland is underactive and does not produce enough hormones, leading to sluggishness.
Hyperthyroidism – An overactive thyroid gland produces excessive hormones, speeding up body processes.
Thyroid Nodules – Small lumps or growths within the thyroid that may be benign or, in rare cases, cancerous.
Thyroid Cancer – Although rare, it is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.
Symptoms of Thyroid Disease
The symptoms vary depending on whether the thyroid is underactive or overactive.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid):
Fatigue or tiredness
Unexplained weight gain
Sensitivity to cold
Dry skin and thinning hair
Slow heart rate
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid):
Nervousness or anxiety
Rapid heartbeat (palpitations)
Weight loss despite increased appetite
Sweating and intolerance to heat
Tremors in the hands
Difficulty sleeping
Frequent bowel movements
Causes of Thyroid Disease
Several factors can contribute to thyroid disorders, including:
Autoimmune Disorders: Conditions like Hashimoto’s disease (leading to hypothyroidism) and Graves’ disease (causing hyperthyroidism) are common triggers of thyroid dysfunction.
Iodine Deficiency: Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone production, and a lack of it can lead to goiter or hypothyroidism.
Genetics: Family history plays a significant role in the likelihood of developing thyroid conditions.
Radiation Exposure: Individuals exposed to radiation, particularly in the neck area, may have an increased risk of thyroid disorders.
Medications: Some drugs can interfere with thyroid function, leading to abnormalities in hormone production.
Risk Factors for Thyroid Disease
Some individuals are more prone to thyroid disorders due to certain risk factors, such as:
Age and Gender: Women, particularly those over 60, are more likely to develop thyroid disease.
Family History: A family history of thyroid disorders increases the risk of developing these conditions.
Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can sometimes trigger thyroid disorders like postpartum thyroiditis.
Smoking: Smoking, especially when combined with iodine deficiency, can increase the risk of thyroid disease.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you suspect thyroid disease, it's essential to consult a specialist. Diagnosis typically involves a physical exam, blood tests to measure hormone levels, and imaging tests like ultrasound or a thyroid scan.
Treatment depends on the specific type of thyroid disorder:
Hypothyroidism: It is treated with thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Hyperthyroidism: Anti-thyroid medications, radioactive iodine treatment, or surgery may be recommended to manage excessive hormone production.
Thyroid Nodules and Cancer: Surgery is often necessary to remove nodules or malignant thyroid tissue.
Expert Thyroid Care at We Heal Clinic
At We Heal Clinic in Baner, Dr. Nachiket Mahindrakar, a highly regarded thyroid specialist, provides comprehensive care for all thyroid-related conditions. With expertise in diagnosing and treating both common and complex thyroid disorders, Dr. Mahindrakar ensures personalized treatment plans for each patient, helping them lead a healthy and balanced life.
Understanding the symptoms, causes, and risk factors of thyroid disease is crucial for early diagnosis and effective treatment. If you're experiencing any thyroid-related symptoms, don’t hesitate to consult Dr. Nachiket Mahindrakar at We Heal Clinic for expert guidance and care.
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diagnosticpoint · 7 days
Essential Basic Health Check-Up Tests in Bhubaneswar: What You Need to Know
Staying healthy has become more important than ever in today’s fast-paced world. Regular health check-ups are a simple way to keep an eye on your well-being and detect potential issues before they become major problems. If you live in Bhubaneswar or anywhere in Odisha, you're in luck! The availability of basic health check-up packages makes it easy to monitor your health regularly. This guide will walk you through the essential tests included in these packages, their benefits, and how to choose the best health test package at home in Odisha.
Why Regular Health Check-Ups Are Essential
Before diving into the specifics of basic health check-up packages in Bhubaneswar, it’s important to understand why regular health check-ups are crucial. These check-ups serve as a preventive measure, helping detect underlying conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol imbalances early. They also allow doctors to recommend lifestyle changes or treatments to avoid serious health complications down the line.
More than just a way to catch issues, health check-ups are an opportunity to understand your body better. Whether you’re in your 20s or 60s, there are specific health markers that need to be monitored, and a well-rounded health check-up package can cover these.
What Is Included in a Basic Health Check-Up Test in Bhubaneswar?
Basic health check-up tests in Bhubaneswar typically cover the essential screenings needed to give you an overall picture of your health. Here are the most common tests included in these packages:
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
The CBC test measures different components of your blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This test is critical for detecting infections, anemia, and other blood disorders. A CBC test can provide key insights into your overall health.
2. Blood Sugar Levels
Monitoring your blood sugar is crucial for catching early signs of diabetes. The fasting blood sugar test or HbA1c test helps assess your glucose levels over time. If you’re at risk for diabetes, regular checks can help you manage it effectively.
3. Lipid Profile
This test measures cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood, helping to evaluate your heart health. High cholesterol levels can lead to heart disease, strokes, or clogged arteries. A lipid profile helps you know if you need to adjust your diet or take medication to lower cholesterol levels.
4. Liver Function Tests
The liver plays a critical role in filtering toxins from your blood, producing proteins, and aiding digestion. Liver function tests measure enzymes and proteins in the blood to assess how well your liver is performing. If you have a history of alcohol use, obesity, or liver diseases, this test is a must.
5. Kidney Function Tests
Your kidneys help regulate the balance of fluids and electrolytes in your body while also filtering waste. A basic health check-up will usually include kidney function tests like creatinine and urea levels, which help determine if your kidneys are working properly.
6. Thyroid Function Test
The thyroid regulates several bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, and development. An imbalance in thyroid hormones can lead to symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, and mood changes. A thyroid test measures hormone levels to check if your thyroid is underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism).
7. Urine Test
A routine urinalysis checks for various substances, like proteins or glucose, that may indicate kidney issues, infections, or even diabetes. It’s an important part of any health check-up package to rule out urinary tract infections and other conditions.
8. ECG (Electrocardiogram)
An ECG records the electrical activity of your heart. If you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or symptoms like chest pain, an ECG is a valuable tool for detecting heart problems.
9. Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 Tests
Vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining bone health, immune function, and overall energy levels. Low levels of Vitamin D or B12 can lead to a range of issues, from fatigue to weak bones. Checking these levels ensures that you're not missing out on essential nutrients.
How Often Should You Get a Health Check-Up?
How often you need a health check-up depends on several factors, including your age, family medical history, and lifestyle choices. For most healthy adults, an annual or biennial health check-up is sufficient. However, if you have pre-existing conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, more frequent check-ups might be necessary.
For younger individuals, once every two years is usually recommended unless specific health issues arise. For those above the age of 40, annual check-ups become more critical due to the increased risk of health complications like heart disease or diabetes.
Choosing the Right Health Check-Up Test Packages in Odisha
With so many health check-up test packages in Odisha available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for you. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:
1. Understand Your Needs
Are you looking for a basic check-up or something more comprehensive? If you’re under 40 and generally healthy, a basic health check-up package may suffice. However, if you have risk factors like a family history of heart disease or diabetes, consider opting for a more extensive package that includes tests like ECG, chest X-rays, and more detailed blood work.
2. Look for Accredited Centers
Ensure that the diagnostic center you choose is accredited and reputable. In Bhubaneswar, many centers offer health test packages at home in Odisha, allowing you to get tested from the comfort of your own home. Make sure that the lab follows proper protocols for testing and that their equipment is up to date.
3. Compare Prices and Services
Not all health check-up packages are priced the same. It’s wise to compare the services included in each package and their costs. Some centers offer additional consultations with a physician or dietician as part of the package, which can add value to your investment.
4. Home Collection Services
With today’s busy schedules, the convenience of health test packages at home in Odisha is a game-changer. Many diagnostic centers now offer this service, where trained professionals collect samples from your home, eliminating the need to visit a clinic. This is especially helpful for elderly individuals or those with mobility issues.
The Future of Health Check-Ups: Moving Toward Personalized Care
The world of health check-ups is evolving. With advancements in technology, we're moving toward more personalized healthcare, where check-ups can be customized based on your genetic profile, lifestyle, and specific health risks.
In Bhubaneswar and across Odisha, the trend is shifting toward more accessible, personalized health services, and diagnostic centers are responding by offering tailored health check-up packages. Whether it’s a basic check-up or a comprehensive health screening, these packages can be customized to suit your individual needs.
Final Thoughts
Regular health check-ups are the foundation of preventive healthcare. Whether you're young and healthy or managing chronic conditions, opting for a basic health check-up package in Bhubaneswar is a wise decision. With the availability of various health test packages at home in Odisha, getting checked has never been easier or more convenient.
By opting for a reliable diagnostic center like Diagnostic Point, you can rest assured that you’re getting accurate, timely results. Investing in your health today means safeguarding your future, and a simple health check-up can make all the difference.
With the right health check-up package, you’re not just monitoring your current health—you’re taking proactive steps toward a healthier, more informed future.
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