#overall I can see why people ship it but it’s not my preferred drink of choice
snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
uhhh gimme,, opinion on ryukyo,, pleaseee
OOoooooOOOo this is one I like talking about brACe youRseLF
Don’t ship it
Why do I not ship it?:
I’ve kinda went back and forth on this one a couple times, but I settled on the conclusion that Ryuga and Kyoya just make better friends (???) than a couple. Like I can understand where the ship comes from. They’ve both been through a lot, and on some level with how they express and hide their emotions from others IS something that they could connect with on a deeper level and maybe relate to each other about, but personally I’ve never seen that as going past being platonic. I do headcanon that when Ryuga is trying to process big complicated emotions and isolates himself without giving a lot of fight, one of the people who would seek him out and actually try and try to get him to talk about his problems is Kyoya. Just the idea of Kyoya recognizing and saying ‘You’re a jerk— I couldn’t like you even a little bit— but this isn’t you. This isn’t how you react. What’s going on?’ Is very— for lack of a better word— tender to me. It’s a concern for each other based on the mutual respect they have for each other’s strength that only shows it’s face on rare occasions, but other than that, they just annoy the shit out of each other and it would probably lead to a lot of fist fights that have no indefinite end. I also head canon that Kyoya might help him out with explaining romantic feelings and how to navigate those (or the lack of those emotions as for the most part I canon Ryuga as Demi/aromantic) as he is the KING of BOYFRIENDS and probably has a lot of experience with romantic attachments and emotions.
What would have made me like it more?:
Personally, I’m a sucker for headcanons, art and fanfiction. I think if the right fanfiction came along with the two of them growing up and healing and maturing I might consider standing by this ship, but so far I’m just comfy with the whole platonic relationship.
Despite not shipping it, is there anything positive I can say about the ship?:
Again, I DO really love the idea of them coming to each other for help for complicated and sometimes painful issues based on mutual respect. I think if both of them learned to control their anger and aggressive feelings then it might work out, but I feel both of them are too chaotic to be paired together and they need a more calm counterpart to help them be their best selves.
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yandere-romanticaa · 3 months
Yo I snuck in here when I saw owari no seraph, and let me just say I agree. Shinoa was actually one of my all time faves when I was younger. And I was so happy we were finally breaking away from the one girl has to be sweet the other has to be mean trope in Mangas and anime. I think you're right on the money though and I say that with every female character in every piece of media. If she was a man people would worship her. Like you can get two characters that are exactly the same but of different genders and see how differently they are treated by the fan base. Anofher thing (whole reason I'm on anon) is the mlm shippers can get a whole nother level of crazy when their ship is threatened and it's honestly concerning. Like it's sometimes misogynistic with how hateful they can be like damn. It's honestly why I prefer hyperfixating when so.ething isn't so popular because the more people in a Fandom it feels like the worse it gets. Anyways, slay, drink, and be merry anon out
It's okay anon, feel free to use me as a shield because I utterly despise those annoying shippers! 🔪🔪🔪 Before anyone gets any stupid ideas, I'm not attacking anyone for liking the ship, I'm attacking the annoying motherfuckers who want to slit my throat for not vibing with it myself.
Okay, good.
Back when Furina was first announced in Genshin, I remember that lotssss of people didn't like her, kept calling her a brat and all that stuff. AND THEN YOU LITERALLY HAVE WANDERER AND THEY WERE ALL OVER HIM, HELLO??? I just KNOW that if Furina was a dude, people would have been down bad. Thankfully, her perception did change with time as the story developed and people got a better grasp of her character but. Man. I'm still salty just thinking about it.
And it sucks because the same can't be said for Shinoa.
I have a personal soft spot for her, I can't help it, I'm biased. She bullies Yuu but isn't a jerk about it, and that felt like such a breath of fresh air a few years ago. Characters like her were usually rivals or just straight up villains, not important to the overall story. Just an annoying bitch that the MC had to get rid of OR if it was a female mc (especially if it's a romance anime) she was always kicked to the curb.
My girl Shinoa deserves BETTER.
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ninjakk · 1 year
I don’t know your opinion on bottom lwj (maybe you like it or have no problem with it) I personally hate it with a burning passion, not even from fetishized point of view. But because it literally goes against how the character is in canon. Regardless, I usually just block that tag in ao3, but now i come back to tumblr after not logging in like almost a year and one of the first things i see is a freaking fan art of JC supposedly doing LWJ (is not shown explicitly) and WWX looking and being supportive and i just wanted to throw up. Literally felt like someone hit me with a pokemon psychic attack, i of course blocked the account and the bottom lwj tag here (something I didn’t even think i had to do) but i still can’t erase that image out of my brain so i had to rant to someone. Since you seem like someone really nice and you’re always amazing when answering asks here i am. If this ask makes you uncomfortable please feel completely free to delete it and forget it.
Hello Anon!
Aww, well thank you 😙 that's very sweet of you to say.
So firstly, before I tell you my opinion - I actually know the image you are referring to and I did the exact same thing when the post assaulted my eyes. I mean, everyone has their ships but come on! WX and JC?! No thanks.
As for your question, I have no majorly strong opinion on bottomji. I have read a few fanfics that have worked out alright. Mostly YLLZ era WWX meets extremely horny and willing 'self-sacrificing' virgin LWJ 'taking one for the team' - which were quite funny. But overall I do find it a little strange, because by making LWJ 'bottomji' people tend to make WX somewhat out of character one way or the other.
The reason I do not have a particularly strong opinion on LWJ being the bottom, is because it's kind of implied in the extras that they may well have done such things during their very active and passionate sex life already.
Seeing that he’d nearly hit his limit, Wei Wuxian laughed heartily and kissed his lips. “Er-gege, what haven’t we done? Why are you still so shy?”
7S translations - From Dawn Till Dusk extra
To me, the above certainly implies they've done a lot more than we have witnessed and switching would certainly come into that.
Also, I actually think LWJ would do anything for WWX, if he should ask. Including switching things up every now and then if his dear husband wished.
Overall, I don't think LWJ switching positions on occasion is necessarily out of character, if done properly and the fanfic authors stay true to how the characters actually are and would react during such acts. For example, LWJ still being the more dominant one out of the pair. Just because he's bottoming doesn't mean he's suddenly going to be submissive.
That being said, the image you and I saw is of course just completely out of character! JC is homophobic for a start! It just wouldn't happen. Ever. Even if JC was interested in some strange alternative universe. WX just wouldn't! I'm also convinced that WX would not want to, nor be willing to engage in sex with anyone else, even a threesome or some voyeuristic partner swap - or whatever the hell that image was?!
Wangxian are too wrapped up in each other, too completely obsessed with each other for anything else. Not to mention LWJ would drink so much vinegar he would pickle! And I don't think WWX would fare much better, LWJ is his and I don't think he'd be willing to share either!
I can understand why you might find it a bit odd seeing the roles switched around, but I do think it's something that could possibly be an occasional occurrence in canon because of the lines I mentioned above. Though I do love their dynamic in the novel and that is definitely what I prefer. Overall, we all have different preferences and opinions I guess ☺️
Finally, my dear anon...please go and read your favourite fanfic or browse through some gorgeous Wangxian art to cleanse yourself of the image which assaulted your senses. It's what I did and I feel much better now lol!
Hope you have a lovely day 🥰
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Hiii! 💕🫶 I was so excited when I saw you were a One Piece fan and I was hoping you could do a matchup with one for me? 🥹
I’m a 5’5” she/her who prefers male characters. I have typical Spanish features, (olive-toned skin, very long dark brown hair, brown eyes) and I really enjoy activities like shopping, getting my nails done, decorating my room, baking cakes, reading poetry, listening to true-crime podcasts, painting (I’m an artist), and taking care of children (I’m currently teaching at a daycare). I don’t like hot climates, bad conversationalists, bugs, or walking into any new situation unprepared. I can get anxious but I’m generally good about keeping my cool, especially when other people are depending on me.
If money were no issue then my sense of style would be a cross between Cottagecore and Royalcore. (Really like the look of an embroidered corset and silky skirt.)
I’m not a wallflower but I’d prefer to go to a small party with friends than a large party with strangers. And I’d prefer a date to an arcade or museum over a date to the club. My personality is very much “right hand man” vibes where I can lead a group of people with no problem if the primary leader isn’t around to do it. Otherwise I like watching other people shine and supporting people I believe in to succeed.
I’m formal and polite to strangers/people I don’t know well… but with people I’m close to I’m really blunt about how I feel and love to tease them and be sassy lol. That being said, I’m incredibly loyal to the people I choose to have in my life, and I try to show my love through active listening and gift giving. And I prefer receiving affection back through acts of service!! Words of affirmation are wonderful, but I think proving love with actions is a really valuable trait. Someone who admired my talents and ability to care for others while also making time to care for me would be amazing.
I can totally see myself supporting a pirate crew either as a pirate or a civilian, drinking at celebrations, and painting lots of portraits of the crew and the ocean. ❤️
Hello to you too. Of course you can get a matchup. Yours was probably one of the easiest matchups I’ve done. You’ll see why!
You Got…
Red-Haired Shanks!!!
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You give me Makino vibes
Shanks would love having you on the ship, especially when Uta is around. He tries, but he’s not the best parent.
If you get nervous, he would help you feel better by telling jokes or just reassuring you.
Would leave you in charge. Mainly because he trust you.
This man is taking you on shopping dates!
Loves sassiness and how honest you are, but also loves how you can get him out of trouble with your politeness.
Overall, there is a lot of trust and balancing each other out.
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ofmoonlily · 1 year
I will keep these straightforward. If you are confused with anything, please come to me directly.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. One thing I will not tolerate is bullying, shitty behavior, mind-games, manipulation, vague blogging, and drama. I am not against using hardblock if I must.
My triggers are the general; r*pe, inc*st, any type of assault on a minor, callouts, chain letters (ex; if you don't send this to 3 people you/a loved one will die.)
There will be blood, NSFW, and gore on this blog. Therefore, I will tag them accordingly. That said, if you follow me, and you do not tag your posts, I will refrain from following you for my safety. Thank you for understanding.
Please, for the love of all things holy, if you have no intention of interacting with me, please do not follow me. I do not care if you followed for the sake of being nice. What is not nice is following when you know, for a fact, we will not be threading, speaking, or overall have 0 communication and dismissing somebody who is trying to reach out.
I imagine that would be annoying on the other side too. Constantly getting inbox prompts from a muse you have no interest to engage, and you just wish they would go away. I understand that. What I do not understand is why keep em hanging by a thread?
So yeah, long story short. I do not practice follow4follow.
Hardblock or softblock me if you have to. ^^ No hard feelings.
Minors, homophobes, r*cists, transphobes, personals DNI.
When you follow me, you agree you are 18+ (preferably 21+ as I am 30+ and do not feel comfortable rping with somebody who cannot even legally drink.)
I do not practice exclusivity or mains, or shipping exclusivity or shipping mains. It blocks potential threading content. I will gladly write with whoever wants to write with me.
Take care of yourself! If you see content I am dishing out with a mutual that triggers you, come to me directly. I can create the appropriate tag just for you! I like to think of my blog as a safe space for everyone. (If you rather just block me all together, I understand.) We all must do what we have to in order to have a sane mind and a safe writing journey!
If I do not follow back/unfollow, please don't take offense! Rarely do I ever not follow back/unfollow. And if I do, it is usually because of the following;
You do not tag your posts.
I know absolutely nothing about your muse or the world they are in. (I usually follow back even if I know just the name and where they came from lol).
You have written something that doesn't make me feel safe to be tuned into your blog.
You have broken one of my rules.
You harass me for replies. (I have a job. I sometimes won't get to things as quickly.)
We do not interact / show no interest in interacting (ex; never sending memes, never replying to comments, never replied to a meme(s) I sent months ago, overall avoidance.)
You constantly delete/remake your blogs in a span of a week without so much as a warning and continue doing so. I will begin blocking.
Will add more if I can think of any or if the situation crosses!
I'm someone who matches my partner's energy. If my partner is as excited to write with me as I am with them, I will likely gravitate into sending lots of memes and ooc screams and yellings. ♥ If my partner shows interest in other things, (or is tired) I will give them space. It's nothing against anyone. It's a bow of respect. I want my partner(s) to indulge in ther hyperfixations. Once they are ready for other interactions, I will be here.
Now. I like smut as much as the next rper but please refrain from using my character as smut fodder. I like my muse to develop meaningful relationships instead of having meaningless sex. I don't detest anyone who practices smut foddering, but please respect my boundaries if that is your flair, and skip onto somebody else who shares your mutual interest. Thank you so much! ^^
OATH I vow to keep your safety and best interests in my radar! I will ensure our RPs are fun, satisfactory and to our liking! Let's create a world together!
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ofgearhead · 1 year
I will keep these straightforward. If you are confused with anything, please come to me directly.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. One thing I will not tolerate is bullying, shitty behavior, mind-games, manipulation, vague blogging, and drama. I am not against using hardblock if I must.
My triggers are the general; r*pe, inc*st, any type of assault on a minor, callouts, chain letters (ex; if you don't send this to 3 people you/a loved one will die.)
There will be blood, NSFW, and gore on this blog. Therefore, I will tag them accordingly. That said, if you follow me, and you do not tag your posts, I will refrain from following you for my safety. Thank you for understanding.
Please, for the love of all things holy, if you have no intention of interacting with me, please do not follow me. I do not care if you followed for the sake of being nice. What is not nice is following when you know, for a fact, we will not be threading, speaking, or overall have 0 communication and dismissing somebody who is trying to reach out.
I imagine that would be annoying on the other side too. Constantly getting inbox prompts from a muse you have no interest to engage, and you just wish they would go away. I understand that. What I do not understand is why keep em hanging by a thread? So yeah, long story short. I do not practice follow4follow.
Hardblock or softblock me if you have to. ^^ No hard feelings.
Minors, homophobes, r*cists, transphobes, personals DNI.
When you follow me, you agree you are 18+ (preferably 21+ as I am 30+ and do not feel comfortable rping with somebody who cannot even legally drink.)
I do not practice exclusivity or mains, or shipping exclusivity or shipping mains. It blocks potential threading content. I will gladly write with whoever wants to write with me.
Take care of yourself! If you see content I am dishing out with a mutual that triggers you, come to me directly. I can create the appropriate tag just for you! I like to think of my blog as a safe space for everyone. (If you rather just block me all together, I understand.) We all must do what we have to in order to have a sane mind and a safe writing journey!
If I do not follow back/unfollow, please don't take offense! Rarely do I ever not follow back/unfollow. And if I do, it is usually because of the following;
-You do not tag your posts. -I know absolutely nothing about your muse or the world they are in. (I usually follow back even if I know just the name and where they came from lol). -You have written something that doesn't make me feel safeto be tuned into your blog. -You have broken one of my rules. -You harass me for replies. (I have a job. I sometimes won't get to things as quickly.) -We do not interact / show no interest in interacting (ex; never sending memes, never replying to comments, never replied to a meme(s) I sent months ago, overall avoidance.)
Will add more if I can think of any or if the situation crosses!
I'm someone who matches my partner's energy. If my partner is as excited to write with me as I am with them, I will likely gravitate into sending lots of memes and hope for many interactions. <3 If my partner shows interest in other things, (or is tired) I will back off and give them space.
It's nothing against anyone. It's a bow of respect. ^^ I understand what it's like to want to focus on a thread/mutual that's grabbed your attention and gives you starry eyes. I want my partner(s) to indulge. Once they are ready for other interactions, I will be here. ^^
OATH I vow to keep your safety and best interests in my radar! I will ensure our RPs are fun, satisfactory and to our liking! Let's create a world together!
This blog is going to be a bit choosy and selective with who I follow.
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altocat · 2 years
How about some angeal/gen/seph headcanons? 🥺 This is my second seph otp, I don't know how you feel about the three of them together but I know sephgen is your endgame ship so I thought you might at least have a stance on this ship already 👀
Ooh, A/G/S. That's a nice ship. I also really like Sephgeal as well, though that one is severely unexplored.
I'm not typically a polyshipper, as I generally prefer writing one on one dynamics, but I DEFINITELY stan people supporting them as an OT3. They'd have amazing chemistry and I can see why so many people love the three of them together romantically. They might not be part of my general fic canon as it stands, but I'm totally down for some AU headcanons here...
-Gen and Angeal are both mutually in love with Sephiroth and pretty much always were. Because, you know, it's Seph. Half of Shinra is in love with him even though he's completely clueless most of the time. Genesis and Angeal are already an affectionate item due to essentially being together since childhood. But upon discovering that they've both also got it pretty bad for Seph, they offer to bring him in.
-At first, Seph has utterly no idea how to react to this, pulling his typical Altoverse theatrics of being in AGGRESSIVE denial and isolationism when it comes to addressing his sexuality. They're really gentle and nice about it though, affirming their feelings and assuring him that everything's okay. With Angeal there to mediate, there's less lying and pussyfooting between Seph and Gen. Eventually, Sephiroth admits that he IS attracted to both of them. They're his best friends and...well, he trusts them. They both know he'd be lost without them. So after a lot of poking and prodding, he decides to join with them. And finds that he regrets nothing.
-Their overall dynamic is much in the same as their friendship, just with a LOT more reassurance and probably a lot more communication. Gen and Sephiroth are both very physical and volatile together, so Angeal is very good at keeping them both relaxed and chill. They, in turn, are oddly gooey and affectionate towards him, maybe sensing how much BS and wrangling he constantly has to go through. I just think any relationship with Angeal brings out really mushy, sappy feelings in anyone.
-Living together, there's a lot of squabbling, objects breaking, and general chaos. But socially, they cultivate an unspoken oath to always look after each other. Everyone validates Angeal's code of honor. Everyone assures Genesis that he doesn't have to prove anything and that he isn't inferior. Everyone reminds Sephiroth that what Shinra did to him in the past wasn't okay and that it's okay for him to be upset about it. And so on.
-They take turns cooking. Whenever it's not Angeal, the place nearly burns down.
-The insult jar is often initiated. Angeal says if this is going to work, there will be NO ugly words between them EVER. And that doesn't mean you get to sneak some into your crummy poetry, Gen!
-Bathing hour is sacred hour. But now it's more crowded. Both Genesis and Angeal often get to participate in the much-coveted Seph-hair-brushie-brushie time. A legendary occurrence for the ages.
-They play cards and drink together every Friday. Genesis almost always cheats.
-Both Genesis and Sephiroth are both WAY into the Angeal beardie. Angeal has to deal with some rather unholy repercussions 😈
-Sephiroth is the middle spoon. Every time. This is not up for debate.
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patchworkpuzzle · 2 years
patchy!! 💝 i'm so happy i found you, i'm in desperate need of a potion—but i might be a tough customer....you see, whenever i'm in the same room as hawks, i'm running the other direction with my heart in my throat before he even has a chance to say hi. do you by some miracle have a potion that can help me? 🥺
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My dear traveler, no customer or their situation will ever be too tough or difficult for this peddler. I have solutions for all problems and people; you yourself will never be an exception. 
For I do have a potion for you, to halt to cowardice that forms within your heart when you gaze upon him. The blood of a lion. Of course it will not taste like blood, I would never allow a customer to go through such an ordeal, but it will allow you a brief chance to gain the audacious nature needed to strike up a conversation.
Act quickly though, for it will be gone before you know it.
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A simple life is what you lead. You worked for a living to earn you bread and to keep your house warm during the cold nights that fell. And what you did for a living you would never complain about, for it was never boring nor dull, it always lead to interesting nights and stories to tell.
You were a barmaid at the most popular tavern within the cities stone walls. It was the closest to not only the castle, to supply the lords and ladies within a drink of their favourite ale, but the barracks as well. And often, most nights if anyone was to be honest, knights would come to wet their lips and enjoy what little time they have at home before they are shipped off to another quest for weeks on end.
You were competent at your work, those that employed you never had a qualm with the service you provided nor your speed at doing so, you merely lacked the same level of confidence as those you worked with had. Not that you didn’t have any, oh no, more than enough. It was just when a group of handsome patrons came and ordered a round you found yourself lacking the same strong presence as your fellow waitresses.
It was why, after a short time in your employment, you decided to work behind the bar and service those lonely individuals that needed a drink to help them get through the rough week the were enduring. Not only did it save your nerves from dealing with groups of rowdy men, but it also gave you an easy escape should a hand be laid upon you in a brazen manner, with the bartender coming to your aid should things escalate too far.
Behind the counter you found protection, to your nerves and self, and due to that you thrived. Many found your company to be like a spot of sunshine on a rainy day. The enjoyed how you served them with ease, and your recommendations were always applauded. You served with a smile and a level of poise that no one could match.
That was, unless Keigo Takami was sitting at one of your stools.
One of the many knights that crowded the tavern most days, he was the only one to seemingly crumble your tenacity with but a small smile. He almost always sat along the darkened wood bar, never venturing with those he came in with most times as he preferred a semblance of repose before being shipped off; not finding the yelling, shoving, and overall rowdiness as appealing as the others did.
You had only interacted with him once, the first time he came in for a drink before having to be shipped off to assist in the safe journey of traveling royals across hostile lands. You came to comfort, as the sullen look upon his face proved to you his inner turmoil. He was kind to you, charming and sweet in a manner no other knight had extended to you. And when he finally looked up upon you, gifting you a toothy grin, did you realize how handsome he was. Your heart leapt into your throat and you found yourself scurrying away to serve another patron before he could properly say his thanks.
Ever since then you found yourself unable to serve him. Whenever you would see the familiar golden head of hair amongst the sea of strangers you would turn on your heel to head to the back rooms, trying in vain to regain your breath and steady your heart. It never helped that any time he choose to sit at the bar, he always requested your services. A part of you knowing that it was your kindness he desired to help ease his own worries, though another part of saw it as him being cruel; that he found your skittish nature to be amusing.
It took great effort to serve him, but you did so all the same. It was your job after all to serve those that wished for a drink to quench their dry throats and bitter souls, he could not be made an exception; no matter how he made you feel. Whenever he would call you over, to bring him a drink or to refill his mug, you would always serve him as quickly as you could. Your head downcast, never making eye contact, as you quietly got him whatever he required before scurrying off. It was not that did not want to talk to him. You truly wanted to, for he seemed to be someone who could captivate with the stories of his passed adventures, you just lacked the nerve to be within his presence. To look upon him without a knot forming within your stomach or to have worry over whether what you said was utter nonsense. 
“A nervous one aren’t you?” The woman before you muttered, as she moved her glass for you to refill it “Does that man truly have such an effect on you?”
“I-I know not what you mean.” You stammered, doing your best to put up a from of nonchalance as you filled her quiet request; but the looked the woman gave you proved it was not working.
“Confidence is what you lack, at least with him. Too caught in your mind over not being a fool when interacting with him, hm?”
“You managed to gain all that… From but a few glances?” You sighed out, shoulders slumping as you watched the woman shoot you a mirthful smile before taking a drink.
“I have somewhat of a gift when it comes to the perceptions of others emotions. I have made my living off of it.”
“How, by exploiting them?” You grinned teasingly, the atmosphere around the pair of you becoming more friendly
“By helping them, thank you kindly” She matched your grin before taking the last swing of her drink “I can help you too, if you do desire it. Though judging by the glances you throw his way, I can assume you’ll take my assistance.”
“Oh come off it, its not that obvious!” You rolled your eyes, shoulders going tense “Is it…?”
“Blood of a Lion.” She cut you off, pulling a small golden vial of amber liquid from her cloak “Not real blood, just a name of course. It should help cease the qualms clouding your mind.”
You tentatively took the small vial into your grasp, fingertips smoothing over the small details on it, as your mind thought over all she said; over what possibilities would transpire if you were to take it.
“It will not hurt, if that it what worries you. You will feel strange as the potions effect takes hold of you, but not for very long.” She reassured.
“How much?” You mumbled, eyes still gazing at downcast at the enticing amber liquid “How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing. A drink for a drink.”
You watched as she gave you a wink, pushing her empty glass towards you as she stood from her stool; giving one last nod before she left the tavern, wandering off to unknown places you could only hope to imagine. Her nod, and the call of your name from Keigo being more than enough encouragement to persuade you to take it. Scurrying to the back for a brief moment to take a deep breath, and to down the contents of the golden vial. 
The woman was right, you did not feel pain; merely a strange sensation that gilded over your skin. A sensation that made your body feel electric and for a sense of ease to wash over you, all your worries being pushed away.
It caused a sigh of relief to fall from your lips when you thought of the handsome knight and not feel your heart beat to such a degree that you worry it would stop. Instead, the thought of the blonde knight made a smirk of your own form on your lips as you thought of what drink to serve him.
Keigo smiled when a new drink was gently placed before him, instead of the usual pitcher of ale you used to refill his mug. Gazing up at you he was pleasantly surprised to see your own bright eyes staring back at him, no longer hiding them or your pretty face from him, as you nudged the drink closer.
“You’ll like it, I promise.” You smiled, forearms resting upon the wooden counter “Has quite the bite to it.”
“Well it’s about time cutie, was wondering if there was something wrong with me.”
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While I was able to help you strike up a conversation with him, I cannot do much for you now. The teasing he surely will bestow upon you is simply something you will have to find the courage to endure on your own. As is the way of the game. Best of luck to you, and try and keep your heart beat as low as possible for the next day or two; wouldn’t want you fainting after all.
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Do you want to take a chance on a failing traveler's potion?
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
Sunrise, Sunset
switching it up with a franklin and lamar centered fic (not exactly as a ship buuut more or less some one sided feelings?) jus a silly little idea i had that was originally gonna be a one shot sorta thing or whatever,, changed my mind tho n i’m jus gonna split it up, this is part one !!
i feel like lamar would be very oblivious about his feelings towards frank tbh LMFAOOO
Lamar and Franklin sometimes drove out to the highest point in Los Santos to watch the sunrise. Well, more Lamar than Franklin, seeing as Franklin preferred to sleep in. He often dragged him out of bed to go take Chop out and see the sun peak up from the horizon, lighting the city up with natural reds and yellows.
“C’mon you lazy fuck, we gon’ miss it!”
“Lamar, the sun rises every fuckin’ day! Trust me, it’ll be there tomorrow.”
“You jus’ a lazy bum who don’t wanna get his lazy bum ass outta bed. Man get up already!”
Chop barked, and Lamar nodded to him.
“Yeah, you right Chop. This muhfucker don’t wanna budge, huh? Don’t even wanna take his precious dog for a walk. You oughta be ashamed of yoself Frank.”
“Chop wasn’t even my dog to begin with!”
“Man fuck you, you became co-parent of him when you had to take him in!”
Franklin could only groan into his pillow, missing the blissful sleep he had been shaken awake from.
“Just go away Lamar! Damn!”
He felt the taller man looming over him, grabbing his shoulders to shake him further awake.
“We’re running outta time, fool. C’mon, I’ll let you ride shotgun this time.”
Chop barked in protest.
“Chop, it’s the only way we might get him out the house.”
Accepting that arguing would get him nowhere, Franklin sat up right, glaring at Lamar.
“For fucks sake man, fine. I’ll go. Jus’ lemme throw on some clothes that ain’t the shit I wore to bed.”
Lamar grinned widely at him.
“Fuck yeah! Chop, let’s go wait in the car.”
The small dog trotted not too far behind Lamar’s long legs. Franklin wondered what force he disturbed that landed him in this position. He sighed, knowing that he wasn’t exactly a saint, so there wasn’t much to wonder at all. If this was his punishment then so be it. The car ride wasn’t too long, especially not after Franklin moving out of Strawberry to Vinewood Hills, making it easier for them to get there. Minimal traffic because of how early it was helped too. Lamar never dropped his grin, just happy to do his favorite thing with his favorite person. Who wouldn’t love watching the sunrise with their best friend? Especially seeing the way the sun lit his face up, a delicate smile on his face seeing an excellent sunrise and- Woah. Where’d that come from? Lamar figured it was just his excitement to see a particularly gorgeous sunrise, using that as an excuse for the feeling that sat in his gut. As soon as they pulled up to the spot, he bounced out of his seat, keeping the door open for Chop.
“We here homie!”
“Mhm.. so where the fuck’s the sunrise?”
“Patience Frank, patience.”
“But you jus’ fuckin’ bitched at me for the last half hour about how we was gon’ miss it! Fuck you mean patience?!”
“It’s coming! Don’t ruin a moment that’s gon’ be special, F.”
He grunted in Lamar’s direction, turning around to go play with Chop for the time being. The sunrise crept up, a ray of sunlight hitting Lamar in the eye. He blocked the light with his hand, hitting Franklin with his free one.
“Ay Frank, look!”
The sunrise that crawled up from the depths of the horizon shone in glimmers of gold and pretty shades of orange. Lamar smiled again.
“Man.. look at that. It’s beautiful ain’t it-“ He turned to face Franklin, who was caught in a trance. The sun hit his face just right, and he looked incredible. Like some sort of focused statue or whatever. It was alright to admire your homies like that, right? Nothin’ wrong with admiring a dude. Franklin turned back to answer him.
“Yeah, it sure is.. you good man?”
Lamar coughed slightly, shifting his weight onto one of his feet.
“Uh.. yeah man, just thought I saw a bug crawling on yo face or sum’. But damn, I’m glad we caught this.”
“Me too. But I’m still pissed you dragged me outta bed so fuckin’ early.”
“Man what’d I say? Don’t bitch while we havin’ a moment!”
Franklin only laughed and Lamar felt something in him stir. It was good to hear him laugh.
“So now what?”
“Well, if we leave now by the time we get back into the city some of them diners should be open for breakfast.”
“This early in the day?”
“Believe it or not Frank but the rest of society does their shit earlier than you. So ya, people eat this early.”
They went back to the car, with Chop riding shotgun this time. Franklin wanted to rest his eyes until they got to whatever food place Lamar was taking them to, earning a snarky comment from him. Lamar wanted to pick a decent place to eat and eventually settled on an old diner they went to as kids. He poked Franklin, reanimating him back to life.
“Look where we at dog.”
“Ohh shit, this that diner we used to go to after school everyday! It’s still in business?”
“Guess so man. Let’s go!”
“Wait! What about Chop?”
Shit. Right. Chop looked at the two men, tilting his head sadly.
“You wanna jus’ bring the food back to yo crib?”
“Eh fuck it. Why not.”
They decided on some basic breakfast food and brought it back to Franklin’s place. The big windows in his kitchen would illuminate the room well enough, and Lamar could value the view from there.
“So tell me Lamar, why’s it you only wanna go see the sunrise? You never mention watchin’ the sunset dog.”
“Ion really know myself homie. One day I just started gettin’ up early wit’ Chop to go walkin’ n shit.”
“Can we watch the sunset sometime then? I am tired of gettin’ up at the asscrack of dawn.”
“That’s cuz you ain’t get yo 9 hours dog.”
“Man, shut the fuck up. Who the hell gets 9 hours at our age? Bozo.”
“I’m just sayin’ maybe if you got some normal sleep for fuckin’ once you wouldn’t be such a GD grouch.”
“Whatever you say bro.”
The two finished their food in comfortable silence, with Franklin scolding Lamar at least once or twice for feeding Chop table scraps.
“So whatchu wanna do now?”
“We could always go catch a movie or sum’, maybe go see that Meltdown movie ya boy Mike was talkin’ ‘bout.”
“Yeah, I never did get the chance to go see it, with all the chaotic bullshit goin’ on.”
They left Chop at home after a long goodbye from Lamar, telling him that as soon as they got back that he would get all the treats in the world and all that other mushy shit. Franklin mocked the high-pitched voice he used to speak to Chop, earning a smack in the arm from Lamar.
They arrived for a matinee showing at the the theater closest to Franklin’s house, getting a bunch of complimentary snacks and some drinks. The movie was awful, but in a way that it was enjoyable to watch. A movie so bad it was good. Franklin kept leaning in to whisper to Lamar how corny the whole thing was, saying that it was definitely right up Michael’s alley. He ignored the closeness between him and his friend as best as he could, but he still shuffled in his seat awkwardly.
“Hey uh, Frank. I’mma go to the bathroom real quick, stretch my legs n shit.”
“Aight, see you in a minute homie.”
His walk to the bathroom felt stagnant, and when he got there all he could do was look at himself in the mirror. What the fuck was his problem right now?
“Get it the fuck together LD. It’s just Frank, it’s nothing weird. Chill out.” He spoke aloud to himself.
He splashed water in his face and walked back to the room showing Meltdown. The movie was almost over and Franklin didn’t make anymore comments. Lamar sighed inwardly, just wanting to get out of there already, despite the whole going-to-see-a-movie thing being his idea to begin with. He didn’t know why he was feeling the way he did right now, and he didn’t know how to make it go away. Franklin leaned over to whisper in his ear once more, sending a chill down Lamar’s spine.
“Dog, this movie sucks and it’s almost over anyway, you wanna just get out of here?”
“Uh.. yeah, yeah. Chop’s prolly missin’ us right now anyway.”
Lamar drove them back this time, driving a lot faster than he should’ve been.
“Woah, homie slow down! What’s the fuckin’ rush for?!”
“I jus’.. Ion know I’m not feelin’ too hot right now and I really jus’ wanna get back to yo place. Maybe lie down or sum’..”
“That ain’t gon’ happen if we get in a fuckin’ car wreck though!”
He slowed it down a bit hearing Franklin’s concerned tone, frustrated by that feeling again. It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. They pulled up into Frank’s driveway, Lamar nearly knocking over his recycling can, earning another disgruntled comment from Franklin.
“You been actin’ so weird bro, what’s goin’ on?”
“I honestly don’t know. Maybe the food we had jus’ not sittin’ right wit’ me.”
“Well, like you said go lie down or sum’. You wanna sleep in my bed for now? I’ll go take care of Chop or-“
“Uh sure, aight. I’mma go.. do that.”
Franklin looked at him like he had two heads, lifting a brow up in suspicion.
“Aight then, holla at me when you feel somewhat better.”
Lamar basically ran down the stairs to Franklin’s room, closing the door tight behind him. He slid down the door, looking straight ahead. Why did he feel so- so weird right now? He had a pleasant day overall with his best friend, what could possibly be bothering him?? He tossed his head back, making a small thud sound against the door. Groaning out loud, he did a walkthrough of today. He drove to Franklin’s, wanting to see the sunrise. Nothing unusual, this was a common thing they did. The sunrise was pretty, and lit everything up wonderfully. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Franklin wasn’t entirely a buzzkill when they made it there, if anything he looked tranquil, the sun making his brown eyes glow. Then what? They got food, which tasted just like how he remembered from when Frank and him were just teens. Went to a movie which they basically talked the whole way through, Franklin continuously whispering in his ear. His voice so low and close made him feel hot all over, but it was just because whispering was like that no matter who was doing it. So what the hell was his problem right now? He must not have noticed how long he was in there, because he heard a light tap at the door.
“Lamar? You good homie?”
He rushed to stand up, pretending like he just woke from a short nap.
“Uh, yeah dog, doin’ just fine. Think layin’ down helped.”
“Good. You want me to take you home or do you wanna stay here?”
Part of Lamar wanted to stay just to be around Franklin a little while longer. The other part of him wanted to run right out the door. He thought it over, and figured he might need time to himself. He didn’t think he had it in him to be around Franklin after such a strange day. At least, a strange day for him. Franklin was thankful for the fact they had one normal day to hangout without shenanigans on Lamar’s part… besides the way he had been acting up to now.
“I think I’mma jus’ head back.”
“Aight then.”
The car ride back was silent. Lamar felt like the air was suffocating him, like any minute he’d pass out. He shifted in his seat to look out the window, familiar streets coming up. He didn’t want to look at Franklin for some reason, turning away from him.
“Hey, we here.”
He sat up, getting ready to get out of the car, until Franklin grabbed his wrist. Lamar felt like he was burning him with the contact.
“Ay man, what the fuck’s your problem today?”
“I already told you, it was the food or sum’, chill out dog.”
He loosened his grip, looking unsatisfied with his answer.
“Man fine, but if you hidin’ somethin’ from me I wanna fuckin’ know.”
“I’m not, I promise you.”
“You better not be, you mysterious bitch. Remember, you dragged me out of bed to hangout today.”
He winced, feeling guilty somehow.
“Yeah F, I know.”
Lamar looked back at his house, not wanting to get caught in Franklin’s death stare.
“I’ll see ya later or sum’ Frank.”
“See ya homie.”
He turned back, watching Franklin drive away. Torn between a relieved mood, and a pang of loneliness. As he walked inside his house, he slammed the door in frustration. Franklin and him were on the same page- he didn’t know why he was acting the way he was. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he went to a last resort to get an idea of something. That stupid psychic shoutout website that was growing in popularity. At least it was free.
Hello. What brings you to Miss Marcy’s site?
fuck you think, lady. help me out here
What with?
some fuckin explanation for why i feel weird rn
Were you just with a friend?
uh yeah
kinda why i’m here to begin with
I see. How close are you to said friend?
well, he like a brother to me ig? idk
never thought 2 deeply abt it.
A family friend? Hmm… I’m seeing the letter F, or T.
damn, you kinda good. it’s f
Wait a minute, I’m getting another letter. L!
yeah! my name starts with l!
You wouldn’t happen to be… I see it now… Lamar?
woah, you really fuckin good lady.
Well, I know I’m a psychic, but I have a feeling I spoke to your friend already.
you did?
Since when did Franklin visit stupid sites like this? He felt a blush creeping onto his face, wondering if Franklin might’ve been in the same boat as him at some point.
Yes. I think I have the answer to your problem, Lamar
anything’ll help
Are you absolutely sure you want to hear it?
When I spoke to your friend, he didn’t seem too pleased with what I had to say.
c’mon lady don’t be a cocktease rn i need help
Well… okay.
You love him.
uh duh
he’s my best friend
why wouldn’t i?
No, I mean
You’re… *in* love with him.
His jaw went slack. He stared blankly at the screen. What?
the fuck?
uh no
ain’t no way.
I’m seeing a long time friendship. Lots of pining.
you ain’t seeing shit lady
u got it wrong
I knew you would say this - you can be mad at me all you want, but think it over
seriously, just think it over.
“Fuck.” He whispered to himself.
He tossed his phone across the room onto his worn down couch. That didn’t solve his problem. If anything, it just made it worse. Love? Franklin? Him? What the fuck was that bitch smoking? He threw his palms over his face, groaning. He didn’t wanna think about what the fuck she meant. Because there was no way in hell he was in love with Frank. He couldn’t be. That was his day one. His best friend. That would be wrong, right? He paced around his living room, mind racing too quick for his liking. That couldn’t be the explanation for today. No way. That’s just ridiculous. There’s no way… no way he-
Then he thought about it. Like, really thought about it. The gears in his head were running at full speed now.
“Oh shit.”
//end of pt 1!!!!! this is already long as is, and i think i’m gonna finish it in another part or so. apologies for any grammatical errors ofc 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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seokmingiggles · 4 years
(from beyond the sea)
Prompt: "I like the way your hand fits in mine."
Pairing: Lee Seokmin x female reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst, slow burn, mermaid!au, kinda magical overall(?), probably set in the same universe as Ponyo.
6.03k words
Warnings: some alcohol consumption (everyone is of legal age), swearing, the reader has a phobia of the ocean, allusions to drowning (nothing explicitly mentioned).
Beyond the sea, within the sea—both are places you have no desire to explore. You have lived nearly your whole life with an intense fear of the ocean, yet something about it keeps haunting you.
Alternatively, in which you are afraid of the ocean, yet Seokmin shows you that you no longer have to live in fear.
A/N: I don't have much to say about this little passion project; perhaps that Seokmin is one of my main bias wreckers in Seventeen. In my notes prior to determining a pairing for this fic, I had written: "All three have this kind of magical wonder to them that I want to capture," about my possible choices of a protagonist (you’ll find out the other two contenders later on). I hope I have captured this feeling. Furthermore, there are some loose ends for a possible part two if I feel the desire to continue this au. Enjoy!
The lyrics (bolded) are from Somewhere Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin.
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•• Somewhere beyond the sea,
You've never liked the ocean: the seemingly endless dark depths and rushing currents that could pull you below. No, rephrasing your thoughts—you are afraid of the ocean. Sure, it can be pretty to look at on a calm and sunny summer day, and sure, the sea breeze admittedly feels pleasant brushing through your hair and clothes on occasion, but you refuse to give in to its temptation, to even go near it if you can help it.
Somewhere waiting for me,
It can be lonely sometimes, being the only one of your classmates growing up who refused to go swimming on field trips to the beach nearing the end of the semester. You often found yourself alone and listening to the fun they would be having in the shallow tides: a shimmering, azure blue. You learned to bring things to accompany you when your friends would prefer to enjoy their time swimming. A book and a beach towel resting on the silky sands was often your set-up. Not much has changed since then.
My lover stands on golden sands,
You've become better over the years at handling your fear. When before, you used to hesitate to even step foot onto the sand, now you have become comfortable with the squishing feeling between your toes. However, boats are another story. Your mom once took you on a cruise when you were a child, and honestly, you enjoyed it. Well, for the most part, only until the last night of the tour. Frankly, that's the trip that made you develop your fear of the ocean in the first place. Since then, you've refused to step foot on any watercraft. It's a bit ironic, really. You've grown up on a decently-sized island apart from the mainland—the only way to get across is by a ferry. You're not sure if you'll ever be able to regain your trust with the water.
And watches the ships that go sailin'.
"I dare you to go skinny-dipping."
"Oh, hell no. That's a hard pass."
"Really, Gyu? You think she'd do that?"
"You're gross, dude."
"What? Do you want me to go instead?"
"Not really. None of us need to see that."
Being friends with Mingyu, Jungkook, and Hansol—your best friend—is a recipe for no dull moments. You four have a tradition; you'd all take a trip to the Jeon family cabin near the island's peninsula as a way to start your summers. You've all been going for the past few years since your final year of high school, continuing the tradition into your college years.
It's where you find yourselves now, splayed out in drunken messes (some more than others) on the semi-private beach. To your right, there's a small fire pit in the center of your beach chairs. A cold drink is in your left hand to counter the heat in your cheeks from the flames.
"Sorry, (Y/N), I'm an idiot," Mingyu admits after finally realizing what he'd dared you to do. "You don't have to go into the water."
"I wasn't planning on it, but thanks," you reply and take a sip of your drink.
The four of you stare at the fire beginning to diminish. Orange embers glow in the ashes.
Hansol swirls the remains of his beer bottle around. "Why do I suddenly want to go swimming now?"
"Dude, no. It's nearly midnight, and you're drunk," Mingyu retorts, "None of that is a good combination."
The younger boy is about to quip back, but suddenly, a loud splash interrupts his thoughts, heard near the row of rocks separating this property from the next.
The tallest boy stands to try to see the source of the noise, but it's much too dark. "Okay, you're definitely not going swimming now. I don't want to be responsible for your death."
The splashing continues. It isn't as loud as the first time, but it's more constant as if something is struggling by the rocks.
"I'll go check it out," Jungkook puts his bottle down and slips on his sandals, already heading closer to the water.
"Not by yourself, you're not," Hansol is quick to jump to his feet and follow the elder.
You remain seated, and luckily, Mingyu remains at your side too.
Somewhere beyond the sea,
Seokmin adores the ocean. Well, he sort of has to since it's been his home for nearly nine decades. He loved playing in the currents with his brothers when he was younger—and now—appreciating how the colour of the water changes the closer he gets to the surface. The ocean makes him feel free. It's like he can go anywhere or see anything. Seokmin can't say he's ever felt love before first-handed, it's not a feeling he can define, but he considers the ocean to be the closest thing that he loves.
She's there watching for me,
He has breached the surface before. It isn't a forbidden action to his people, but it is to be taken carefully; however, there are different rules when you're one of the sons of the merking. There are countless cautionary tales of merfolk who have been spotted by sailors, more on what happens when they get too close to shore. Merpeople are supposed to live for centuries as they slowly age, but most of those tales abruptly cut their lives short. Seokmin feels like the only one who isn't afraid of those stories and wants to see for himself what would happen if he met a land-dweller. He's optimistic that they're not as cruel as the fables portray them to be.
If I could fly like birds on high,
Seokmin is a graceful swimmer. With decades of practice, it's a given talent. He used to struggle when maneuvering through the waves, especially when compared to his two brothers. Yet, with great perseverance and will, Seokmin trained himself to become better. Much stronger and significantly more elegant—he can now soar with ease through the water, quite speedily, too. In his younger days—what would be equivalent to teenagehood in humans—Seokmin would travel for days across the wide ocean, simply feeding his desire to explore.
Then straight to her arms—
Being a part of the royal family means Seokmin is eligible for arranged marriages. Soonyoung, his elder brother coming up on a century old, is already engaged to a beautiful mermaid, Tzuyu; the boy suspects he's next as the second-eldest in their family. Seokmin knows it's to benefit his kingdom, but he also knows that the chance of being in line for the throne is incredibly slim as the second brother. All he wants is to find someone he loves as much as he loves the ocean.
I'd go sailing.
"No way," Hansol whispers, breaking the silence between him and Jungkook as they've reached the rocky barrier.
Sure enough, the splashing sound is caused by distress. A boy, looking to be around Hansol's age, is stuck between a few large rocks that have fallen from the wall. It's shallow enough that his torso remains above the surface, but the position looks painful, nonetheless, with one of his arms twisted beneath the collapsed rocks.
"Here," Hansol approaches the stranger slowly, "we can help you."
The boy has a fearful look in his eyes as the human approaches. It's only when Hansol has rolled the legs of his joggers up and is wading into the shallows that he notices the lack of legs the panicking boy has, or rather, the glimmering tail he has instead.
He shrugs off the unusual sight and tries to move the rock, but it's much too large for Hansol to budge by himself, staggering slightly on the uneven ground. He calls Jungkook over to aid him, and the two of them together are able to lift the stone out of the way, freeing the trapped boy.
The stranger slips away and back into the depths before anyone could say anything.
"You saw him too, right?" Hansol asks his friend, pointing out to the vast sea and trying to find some evidence of what was next to him moments ago.
"Yeah," Jungkook is nearly speechless, drying his hands on his shirt.
"He didn't even say thank you."
"I fucked up. I fucked up big time!" The youngest brother rants to his siblings upon arriving back to his home safely.
"Alright, Chan, it's time to calm down now-"
"No, Soon, you don't understand! This time was different." Chan continues to ramble, "I would have really been in danger if I was stuck there until morning. The rising sun would suffocate me, no doubt. My precious sixty-one years would be down the drain in an instant!"
“So dramatic,” the eldest chirps. "It's a good thing that those humans found you when they did."
Soonyoung has heard enough of Chan's stories about always venturing off to the shore. He's somewhat jealous. Lately, the eldest has had to spend more time planning for his wedding and preparing to become the next-in-line for the throne. He wishes he could join his brother on an adventure like they used to a couple of decades back.
"Please, Seok, you'll listen to me then, won't you? You're a hopeless romantic."
Seokmin isn't sure if he should be offended by his brother's comment.
"And what if I am?" he asks with his hands fidgeting in his lap. "What does that have to do with this?"
"You're the one who enjoyed exploring the most years ago. I know you've done your share of people-watching before." Chan ponders, then adds more quietly, "Well, and also, the boy who first approached me was kind of cute."
"Oho, does our Channie have a little crush on a human?"
"Great, now you're listening, hyung."
Seokmin sits back and listens to his brothers playfully bantering. He admires them both fondly, sometimes wishing he could be as responsible as Soonyoung, or as free-spirited as Chan. Instead, Seokmin becomes more reserved around his siblings, despite not considering himself to be shy. But the three are well-balanced when they're together.
Noisy, but well-balanced.
"Why do I feel like I need to see him again?" Chan asks Seokmin as they're lying in their shared bedroom. Their older brother has a room to himself, being the next-in-line.
"Maybe you really do like him," Seokmin suggests, not quite knowing what to say. He's never before been enamoured by a particular human, nor any merfolk for that matter. "You're making me curious now. It's been a while since I've seen the surface," he sighs, struggling to remember what dry sand looks like.
"Then you should come with me!" Chan doesn't hesitate to suggest, "I can't guarantee he'll still be there, but it's worth a shot. Right?"
Seokmin hums in thought. As much as he would like to comply with his brother's request, part of him knows how they're not supposed to venture to the surface so freely. Especially with it being so close to Soonyoung's wedding, nothing detrimental should happen to them before the upcoming celebration.
"Besides, I should probably return... this... whatever this is."
Seokmin eyes the strange-looking object with a puzzled expression.
"You know, Chan, it's not very nice to steal things that aren't yours."
"Are you sure you checked your suitcase?" you ponder, trying to rack your brain of other locations the missing sandal could have gone. "What about by the hose in the back? Maybe you left it there after rinsing the sand off them."
"No, I've gone through my bags twice already, and I don't think I bothered with the hose last night," Hansol replies. "I have a feeling they're on the beach somewhere. Although, I can't remember if I walked up the path in bare feet or not."
"You were quite drunk, Han."
"Oh, hush. We're on vacation, aren't we?" the boy lifted his eyebrows at the question. "I'm allowed to get drunk. Anyways, will you come with me down to the beach? It's not like my shoe could have walked away on its own," he snickers at his joke, "it's bound to show up somewhere."
You try to ignore the rising uneasiness in your chest. "Do you really need me to go with you?"
"Two sets of eyes are better than one, (Y/N). And I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you. You don't even have to step foot into the water or even go close to it, for that matter."
You sigh and reluctantly agree, slipping on your own pair of sandals for the short walk down to the beach. You know Hansol would have asked one of the other boys to venture with him near the water, but Jungkook and Mingyu had left to get more groceries (and drinks) for tonight, so you were the only option.
"Where did you find the other shoe?" you ask as you scan the area around the fire pit. "Isn't it strange that you only lost one?"
"It was outside the front door. But as you said, (Y/N), I was quite drunk last night."
You giggle at your friend's comment, adding, "Maybe a bird flew off with it this morning," and continue to scan the sand.
"Wait, now that I think of it, I don't think I had that other shoe after we went to the rocks," Hansol considers and begins to walk to the familiar barrier.
The short wall looks smaller in the daylight, but you know the rocks are unstable despite their compact appearance.
You cautiously follow the boy as he ventures closer to the tide.
"You and Kook never did mention what you saw last night over here," you state, trying to create conversation to distract you from being so close to the water.
"Didn't we?" Hansol tries to recall, "I guess we didn't. Maybe because we knew that you and Gyu wouldn't believe us."
"Believe what?"
You and Hansol turn the corner at the first large rock.
Your stomach drops at the sight. There are two boys in the shallows; one is casually sitting and looking around, while the other is floating on the surface.
His rosy, fish-like tail is hard to miss.
"Oh, thank goodness!" Chan exclaims upon seeing the familiar figure, now sitting upright like his brother. "I believe this is yours."
The mermaid holds up Hansol's lost slipper while sporting a beaming smile on his face.
You're in shock. You've read about mythical creatures when you were a child, as most kids do at that age, but never have you thought that their existence is real. Let alone that you would ever come face-to-face with one.
"Thank you," Hansol mutters and carefully approaches the younger male.
Chan introduces himself along with his brother, and Hansol does the same with himself and you.
But you're beginning to panic. The feeling is bubbling up in your throat, and you don't want to break down. So instead, you excuse yourself and run back up the pathway to the cabin.
You miss the way the older merman's eyes remain on your figure as you retreat away.
It's far beyond a star,
Seokmin feels strange. It's not the first time he's seen a human-being that close, let alone speak with one, but there was something odd about your behaviour; the unusual feeling seems to stem from seeing you.
"Did you see the way she looked at us?" the second-eldest speaks, recalling your tense expression.
It's near beyond the moon,
"Why? Do you think she's pretty? That would be convenient because I still think Hansol is pretty. I thought he was charming in the moonlight, but now, I can say he's even prettier in the sunshine," Chan hums, repeating the boy's name for the nth time upon their return home. "I never knew humans could be so lovely."
I know beyond a doubt,
"No," Seokmin begins, "I mean, yes, she was pretty too, but she looked afraid of us. Of... me. Didn't she?" He pauses. "I've never had someone be afraid of me before."
Chan glances at his brother's concerned expression. "She was probably just surprised, Seok. Maybe she hasn't seen a merperson in-person before."
"Maybe," Seokmin mumbles, not entirely convinced.
The merman's peculiar feelings about you only fester as the days pass by. When Chan would return to that same beach almost daily in the hopes of seeing Hansol again, Seokmin would remain at his home.
He is strangely impacted by you. Not that you even said a word to Seokmin that day, but the way you reacted threw him off.
He longs to know why you ran away.
My heart will lead me there soon.
Not that you needed it, but you now have yet another reason to avoid the ocean.
Hansol ends up journeying down to the beach every time he sees the familiar crimson tail splashing in the shallows from the large cabin window facing the ocean. The other two boys have begun teasing their younger friend about his new fishy pal.
You have tried to express your concern about Chan to Hansol, explaining that he may be dangerous, but your friend has only dismissed your worries and encouraged you that Chan isn't a threat.
"He's a fun guy to talk to. You're welcome to join me down on the beach sometime, (Y/N)," Hansol says as he slips his notorious pair of sandals on. "Actually, Chan has been asking about you lately. If you're doing alright."
You look up from your bowl of cereal with a confused expression. "I don't think I even spoke a word to Chan. Why would he be asking about me?"
Hansol shrugs. "Apparently, one of his brothers has been worried about you. I'm assuming that's why he keeps asking, but that's all I know."
You remain puzzled in your seat at the kitchen table as Hansol closes the front door behind him, wandering down the familiar rocky path towards the water.
"Is (Y/N) coming?" Chan's posture perks up at the sight of the boy approaching.
He shrugs his head, "I don't think so. I'm sure you know by now how apprehensive she can be. Stubborn, too." Hansol takes a seat in the sand. His shoes are off quickly once again as he dips his legs into the water, the gentle waves lapping up to his knees.
Seokmin frowns. He's been accompanying Chan on his near-daily visits in the hopes of seeing you again. With all of the stories Hansol has been telling about the human world and his friends, Seokmin has convinced himself that he wants to properly meet you.
Just to make sure she's doing alright, he tells himself. There's no other reason.
Seokmin takes pride in helping people. As the middle child, he'd often take it upon himself to sort out his brothers' issues, especially on the rare occasion he found them arguing. A mood maker, his mother told him in his youth when she'd noticed the way he always seemed to strive to help others feel better. So when Hansol briefly mentioned your fear of the sea, there's nothing that the boy decides he wants more than to help you see that the ocean isn't something to fear.
However, it is a difficult task to accomplish when you wouldn't even venture down to the beach anymore.
There's part of Seokmin that feels guilty about your recent reluctance. From what Hansol has said, it seems like you were making gradual progress in becoming comfortable near the water. In fact, you hadn't always been afraid of the ocean. Yet, it all seemed to backfire the moment your eyes landed on him and Chan.
It makes Seokmin feel even more responsible for your fear.
It's raining today, a stark contrast to the previous perfect blue-sky, sunny weather that you've all been experiencing for the past week on your vacation.
You're the first one up this morning, making your way quietly down the stairs and into the kitchen to make some coffee.
You examine the horizon as the aromatic drink brews. The rain is only spitting down now, but you have a feeling it will pick up later with larger clouds slowly rolling in. It looks like the sun is trying to peek out from behind, although unsuccessful in its attempt.
You pour yourself a cup of coffee when enough fills the pot, hearing the sizzle onto the element when you impatiently remove the container as it continues to drip.
Making your way to the dining table nearby, you take a seat in front of the large window, holding your mug between your hands.
The coffee is too hot to drink right now.
Your mind begins to wander as you wait.
(Y/N), age seven.
You wake to a faint ringing sound.
No response.
You shuffle to the edge of the bed to turn on the lamp. As your eyes adjust to the sudden brightness, you're met only with an empty room.
"Mom?" you say louder, just to once again, unsurprisingly, be met with nothing.
Maybe she's still at the party on the deck, you think to yourself. That would explain the sound. Maybe it's from the music.
You slip out from beneath the duvet and make your way to the cabin door.
You take a deep breath, not knowing why you're so nervous, and open the door.
There's no music. It's an alarm.
You suddenly feel the ship lurch to the side, throwing you off balance and into the side of the doorway.
"Mom!" you cry out, for someone, anyone.
You don't want to be alone.
Tears are prickling beneath your eyes, and immediately, panic rises to your throat.
"Are you (Y/N)?"
A young male rushes down the hallway in your direction.
You nod your head in response, not finding your words.
"Your mom said you'd be down here, come on. She's already up in the rendezvous spot." His nametag says Seungcheol.
You accept his outstretched hand and follow him as he hurries down the corridor back the way he came.
The boat sways again, but Seungcheol stands his ground, keeping you steady on your feet too.
"What's happening?" your voice crackles.
Seungcheol continues to guide you through the interior of the ship. "There was an unexpected storm suddenly. Captain didn't even see it on our radars, it came out of nowhere. We're taking precautions and gathering everyone in the lounge while he works on getting us to shore."
The two of you make it above the cabins where the wind and rain are pelting down stronger than you've ever seen before. You're having a hard time keeping your balance on the rocking boat, your hand slowly slipping out of Seungcheol's grasp.
A giant wave hits the side of the ship, effectively removing your small hand from Seuncheol's as you're thrown to the side.
You scream as the wave seems to drag you away and pulls you off the edge of the ship.
You hear someone else yell; maybe it's your mother, maybe it's Seungcheol, but before you know it, you are doused in the cold ocean.
The instant your body falls into the depths, you're frozen, petrified, unable to move. You try to struggle your way to the surface, but your clothes weigh you down, only making you sink further below.
Your lungs burn. Trapped in the darkness, you can barely see the moonlight above anymore.
You succumb to your watery grave, eyes closed and arms wrapped around your small figure in a final effort to gain warmth.
Suddenly, you are hit by a feeling of serenity like your mother is cradling you once again. You lean into the tender touch and begin to drift away into unconsciousness.
She belongs to the sea.
You seem to hallucinate a raspy voice hiss out the strange remark.
And then you're gone.
Each time you see the familiar grey, gloomy clouds in the atmosphere brings you back to that one fateful day from your childhood.
You know something else happened to you after you fell into the water, but you can't for the life of you recall what.
You know you somehow made it back to the shore safely in one piece. Could it have been that kind staff member who collected you from your room? Or perhaps your mother who dove in after seeing you fall overboard?
You've kept that day to yourself; the only one who knows the full story is Hansol. Not even Jungkook nor Mingyu are aware of all the details; they only know the gist of the origins of your fear of the ocean.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
Hansol's voice brings you back to reality. He's come from the kitchen and is currently standing next to you. Now brought back to your senses, you feel the slight sting from the hot cup of coffee resting between your palms.
"Nothing," you mutter out, removing your hands from the ceramic. You keep your gaze out the window at the hazy horizon; the tide seems to be rising with the weather getting progressively worse. "Are you seeing Chan today?"
"No," he answers, taking a sip from his cup. "Not that I know of, at least. I doubt he'll come if it's raining like this."
The wind looks like it's beginning to pick up. You can hear it howling on the other side of the windows.
"Right, of course."
The boy takes a seat across from you. "Are you sure you're doing okay?" he pushes, "You know you don't have to stay here for the full two weeks with us, right?"
"I know," you reply, "I've just been feeling more anxious recently, but I'm not entirely sure why." You take a sip of your coffee, burning the tip of your tongue slightly. "But I'll be okay."
Hansol's concern for you doesn't waver despite your words or the smile you’re presenting.
"Some storm, huh?" Mingyu's voice is heard from the staircase as he treks down to the main floor. His hair is still damp from his shower.
Hansol makes a noise of acknowledgement and takes another sip of his coffee.
Mingyu prepares a cup of coffee for himself. "Do you think the water will rise all the way up to the deck?"
You involuntary freeze at the thought.
"No, it shouldn't," Hansol says confidently.
And it doesn't, but it does come close. As the rain continues to pour, the entirety of the rocky path becomes submerged beneath the saltwater.
The sound of the storm keeps you awake as you lie in bed that night, picking at a loose thread on the duvet cover. You think you can feel the cabin sway with the heavy wind, but you blame it on your imagination.
She belongs to the sea.
You blame your imagination for the husky voice you hear too.
The sea.
The shutter on your bedroom window flies open; it's certainly not your imagination this time. You immediately stand up and make your way to the adjacent wall to close it, only to see just how high the tide has risen since you've retreated to bed.
Now you must be dreaming.
The sea level appears to be just below your window. Being on the upper floor of the cabin, that's more than concerning.
You back away from the window at the sound of your name spoken from the other side of it.
A vaguely familiar mop of damp brown hair appears outside your windowsill.
"Seokmin?" You squint your eyes at the face you see in the moonlight. Panic laces your voice, "What the hell is happening?"
Yeah, you really must be dreaming.
The merman reaches his arm through the threshold of your window with his hand open for you to take.
"Do you trust me?"
Every part of you screams no. No! You've lived your whole life in fear of the ocean and what resides within it. Taking this creature's hand would contradict your entirety.
"Please," he adds.
You feel yourself being drawn towards him, one foot after another taking you closer until your hand brushes against his. His fingertips are pruned, a sensation slightly rough against your smooth ones.
When he closes his hand around yours, you hear the rain abruptly stop.
Everything becomes silent, like the drops of water have stopped with time.
"It's okay," Seokmin whispers, warmly smiling at you.
Before you know it, his lips connect with your forehead.
And you suddenly remember that night you fell into the abyss.
The instant your body falls into the depths, you're frozen, petrified, unable to move. You try to struggle your way to the surface, but your clothes weigh you down, only making you sink further below.
Your lungs burn. Trapped in the darkness, you can barely see the moonlight above anymore.
You succumb to your watery grave, eyes closed and arms wrapped around your small figure in a final effort to gain warmth.
Suddenly, you are hit by a feeling of serenity like your mother is cradling you once again. You lean into the tender touch and begin to drift away into unconsciousness.
She belongs to the sea.
You seem to hallucinate a raspy voice hiss out the strange remark.
And then you're gone.
No, you think you're gone, but the burning sensation in your lungs is alleviated.
You open your eyes once more to find your small body enveloped by another being. It has a tail: a long, dark violet tail extending beneath you. Your fear hasn't left you completely, but the way you're cradled so carefully eases you.
"It's okay," a gentle voice whispers, causing you to look up to meet a pair of brown eyes and a warm smile. "You're safe."
"What's happening?" you hear your voice ask for the second time that day, unsure of how you're able to speak beneath the water.
"Your father wants you home," is the boy's response, "but I've tried to tell him it's not your time yet."
"My... father?"
You can't picture a face to the name you speak. Each time you've asked your mother about him, she's only said how he was a wonderful man. Was.
"Yes, (Y/N). Sorry about the storm. He gets emotional when thinking of you." One of the merman's hands supports the back of your head to his chest as he dashes through the water. "It's because he misses you."
"Are we going to see him now?"
"No, not yet. One day I'll find you again, and we will see him. Together."
Before you know it, your heads break through to the surface where the weather is much clearer than before. Your rescuer moves slowly towards the beach near the dock, continuing his hold on you until your feet can touch the ground.
You cough up some of the water that infiltrated your lungs before asking, "May I know your name?"
The merman smiles once more, the apples of his wet cheeks reflecting the moonlight. "You will, one day, little jellyfish."
Your eyes open only to find you still stood by your window with a familiar set of arms around you.
You take note of his purple tail extending below.
"You," you whisper, taking a step back from the windowsill to get a proper look at the boy residing on the other side, "We've met before."
Seokmin chuckles at your realization, "Yes, many years ago."
"You saved me."
"Kind of," he ponders. "You wouldn't have drowned; your father wouldn't have let that happen. I only made sure you wouldn't sink to the bottom of the ocean."
"Right, my father." The title still sounds alien from your mouth. You gesture to the flooded outside, "Did he do this too?"
Seokmin sheepishly scratches the nape of his neck, "Word may have gotten around that you were visiting the oceanside. You know how excitable Chan can get."
You smile at the idea of the youngest royal brother bragging about seeing you. "If my father's a merman, then why am I human?"
"Who said your father's a merperson?" Seokmin counters, "He's less of a merman and more of a sorcerer who resides within the waves."
"No shit."
The boy giggles at your remark.
"But if I technically come from the sea, then why have I been so afraid of it?"
"Are you still afraid of it now, jellyfish?"
You open your mouth, about to say your habitual response, but only to find yourself lacking one life-long phobia.
"No," you furrow your eyebrows.
"It was a spell I placed on you, back when you were a child," Seokmin fiddles with your hand; his is now dry. "It was to prevent you from returning when you weren't ready."
"Am I ready now?"
"My goodness, so many questions."
But Seokmin takes the time to answer them all for you.
You pull up a chair to the window as he remains in the raised tide.
That night, you learn that you're less human than you originally thought. You're not a merperson like Seokmin and his brothers are, but you do similarly come from the ocean.
Your father had unexpectedly met your mother one summer's day, the two falling in love faster than either party had expected. You weren't necessarily planned, but the two were ecstatic, nevertheless. Your father had to return back to the depths—his home—leaving your mother alone for the rest of her pregnancy. Yet, after she had you, she was significantly less lonely. She seemed to have the whole ocean supporting her, despite her lover unable to return to the surface.
When you were an infant, you were drawn to the water. Perhaps you could hear your father calling out to you for you to return home at sea with him, where he thought you belonged more-so than on land.
Seokmin had placed the spell on you to give you the opportunity for a normal youth on the surface. He recalled the way he so strongly loved being free of stress and confinement before his royal responsibilities became more prevalent and only wished the same for you.
Practicing magic under your father's teaching made Seokmin create a spell strong enough to last for over a decade.
He refrained from telling your father what he'd done that night when he found you. He knew how powerful the man was; a tsunami or hurricane could have easily been a product of his emotions.
Although now, the spell has worn off. Once more, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the water and arguably even-more-so to the boy with his hands encased in yours.
"Will I get to meet him one day?" your eyes examine the way Seokmin's thumb grazes across your knuckles, tracing every crest and trough on your skin.
"Yes," he says, "though only when the tides lower again. I don't want him flooding the entire island out of happiness."
You hum out an "Okay" and catch the beginnings of the rising sun in the distance, illuminating Seokmin's already-glowing silhouette.
We'll meet beyond the shore,
"(Y/N), could I try something?"
Seokmin's ears are tinted a pretty pink as he examines your form sitting in the shallow water.
You shift your attention from feeling the silky sand beneath the waves lightly lapping against your ankles and to the merman sitting next to you. His hair is slowly beginning to dry from being in the summer sunshine.
We'll kiss just as before,
Seokmin takes your hand tenderly and brings it to his lips. It's a gentle touch, but the act sends a flurry of butterflies straight into your chest. The boy smiles brightly, his eyes slightly crinkling at the corners, and laces his fingers between yours.
Happy we'll be beyond the sea,
"I like the way your hand fits in mine, jellyfish."
Your eyes meet Seokmin's, who are trained on the pair of your intertwined hands.
"I like it too," you admit, smiling as his gaze lifts and meets yours.
He slowly leans in.
And never again I'll go sailing. ••
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hey there! I've been waiting for a while for your requests to be open and I just realized I didn't even think of a request for your reopening thing cause I was distracted by your other posts (Some of the best works of art, my friend). Could I request headcanons of Eustass and Zoro trying to help their s/o who's preg with their kid? I feel like these two would be the most confused, meaning the most entertaining to watch them figure things out along the way
Hi anon! Thank you for your kind words!! I definitely agree that these two would be amongst the most chaotic ones to become a dad! I hope you enjoy these!
Reacting to Pregnancy HC - Kid, Zoro 
warning for pregnancy, and things that come along with that. Slight angst sprinkled in, overall happy. 
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Kid did not see this coming. Well, he’s not stupid, he obviously knows where children come from. But he did not expect for it to happen to him. He’s never even thought about having children, and he still feels way too young for it. 
He doesn’t want a kid. And that’s his very first reaction. It scares you a little, because well, you were terrified to tell him in the first place, and him going from complete silence to a fit of anger of how you (and he) could be so stupid to let that happen, was enough to make you feel downright miserable. 
It's Killer that is there to comfort you first, promising he'll kick some sense into his captain, reassuring you it was just a knee jerk reaction. Kid doesn't know fear and reacts to it with anger. 
It takes him a good few days to come around though. Days that he's locked himself in his workplace, only coming out for food and bark orders. He won't even come sleep in the bed you share. It feels empty and you feel terrible. You spend most of those first days crying. 
When he finally comes around, it's not with an apology, that's not his style. He just kind of barges into the room, where you are lying on the bed, overthinking your whole situation for the umptieth time.
"What do you need me to do?" 
It's blunt, it's short. No hello's, no apologies. But still, a rare vulnerable moment in which he admits he has no idea what to do and asks for guidance. 
You explain that it's gonna be nothing much the first few months, you are lucky enough to not experience any morning sickness, and the other pains and discomforts are things that are nothing compared to what you've already gone through being a pirate.
First weeks are spent teaching Kid what is going to happen with some books you stole from the library the first next island you dock on. Kid is positively grossed out by all the graphs of how your organs are going to have to make way and how your skin is gonna stretch. He is very vocal about it, but not necessarily disrespectful, and he does stick around for it all, many times wondering out loud why the hell people go through that whole ordeal just to have a mini-them. Disgusting. 
As you start showing more, he gets noticeably more protective of you. He was already possessive and protective, but it's reached a whole new level now and he's not even denying it. Actively telling people to back off, having you in his sights 24/7, nearly almost touching you in some way or another. 
When your due date is nearing, he’s completely abandoned plans to set course to an island with good doctors, like hell he’s gonna let you go into labor on the ship. 
He’s insanely nervous. Besides you and Killer, no one has to ask him anything or bother him in any way, he’ll rip their heads off if they even remark something about his current state of mind. 
When it’s happening, he’s not sure whether he wants to run away, be there, punch a wall, murder a civilian, or just hold you close so you could stop screaming because you seem to be in so much pain. (And well, he’s seen the pictures in the books you ‘borrowed’, he’d be in pain too)
When the baby is there, he’s completely silent. A rare sight to have Eustass Kid completely speechless and dumbfounded as he holds the tiniest, most vulnerable creature he’s ever met right there in his arms and makes up his mind. He’ll protect them with his life.  
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You know he is completely shocked by the news when he doesn’t say a thing, just walks away and straight up goes to Sanji for advice. 
You’re not really upset by the response, but not really sure what to think either. You give him the time and space necessary to work through it but it is needless to say that within a matter of hours, the whole crew knows about it.
Which is not a bad thing, they’re insanely supportive, and all work together to stomp some sense into your green-haired boyfriend, who was never not a speech waterfall to begin with, but has now been completely silent after the initial confusion and going straight to Sanji about it. 
When the initial shock wears off, panic sets in. He is completely helpless. Wants to spend time with you, all the time, asking you all the questions. What is he supposed to do? How can he help? Can you walk? Are you in pain? Do you need more food? 
He’s a bit of a mess and you need to calm him down a little. You explain whatever you know, and whatever you don’t know, are things that chopper can help explain. 
For some reason, it helps Zoro a lot to just listen to you and Chopper explain what to do, and he does not remember everything, but he will surely do his best. He wasn’t prepared, but he’s not gonna deny responsibility and will definitely do his best up to catch up to all the information as fast as possible.  
He starts to treat you as if you were made from glass. Literally carrying you around everywhere, even if you insist you can perfectly walk by yourself. 
He doesn’t allow you to go out without supervision, preferably his supervision. 
Oh, and he’s bothering Sanji all the time to ensure you have whatever food or drinks you need to ensure you’re happy and healthy. Luckily Sanji is more than happy to provide for you, but there are a couple of arguments about Zoro bossing him around.
Chopper helps you prepare and whenever you are scared about the whole ordeal, the whole crew is there to comfort you. 
The closer you get to the due date, the more nervous Zoro becomes. He misses training sessions, barely leaves your side, and even the slightest groan or grimace from you he asks if it’s gonna happen. 
If you weren’t feeling so uncomfortable, you’d think it is absolutely hilarious. 
You try to distract him thinking about names together, fantasizing about what it would be like to raise a kid, focussing on the positives, but gently preparing him for the negatives too. 
When the moment is finally there, there is absolute chaos, but strangely enough, Zoro himself is extremely calm. As if he’s preparing for the hardest battle of his life. 
He’s incredibly calm and reassuring and it helps everything to go that more smoothly
The moment the baby is there, he has to go for a little walk before reuniting with the two of you - thank god he stays on the Sunny for that so you don’t have to go look for him after said walk - 
His eyes are a little red when he returns, but you’re too tired to even make a remark on it You’re happy he is there.
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evildisneydorks · 4 years
Hades for the character list
Oh yes, the flameo-hotman
·         favorite thing about them
OOF, there are a lot of things but I’m gonna mention two that actually go hand-in-hand: Animation and voice acting! No joke, everytime I watch the movie again I discover one new little quirk about his mannerisms, the way he moves around, and the fast-talking, schmoozing voice just adds onto that, giving him a comedic and more chill approach to villainy while keeping him quite a dangerous fella.
·         least favorite thing about them
Hades, why didn’t you go check if they baby was dead?! You are the Lord of the Dead for fuck’s sake!
·         favorite line
I got so many, but Imma just put here one that I love so much:
“My favorite part of the game…Sudden death”
I think this line is a great example of how he still manages to come off as a pretty intimidating villain even if he has a rather chill and comedic tone most of the film. He’s someone you could go grab a cold one with as well as a man you REALLY don’t want to piss off.
·         brOTP
I really like him working alongside the “main” Disney villains (Ursula, Maleficent, Jafar, Grimhilde…) I see him as a guy who would legitimately want to make allies and friends that are just as evil as he is to get away from all the jolly-frivolous gods he has to deal with in the Olympus. Mah boy just wants to vibe with people that understand him.
An unusual one: I feel like there would be at least some level of sympathy between him, Hans and Scar. They could be the “living-under-our-siblings-shadows club”, drinking their feelings away as they talk shit about how their brothers/nephews did them dirty.
·         OTP
…Ya’ll know, ya’ll already know what I’m gonna say XD
My main ship with Hades is FireCobra (Hades/Jafar). I really enjoy the bickering-married couple dynamic they can have, teasing and sassing each other back and forth but would still kill for each other at the end of the day. Also, there’s a lot of room for slow burn and denial, and that’s my drug of choice.
But I do enjoy seeing him with Facilier, Maleficent and sometimes with Persephone, although that one qualifies more like Oc x Canon Character. Overall, if the dynamic is interesting then I’ll take anything!
·         nOTP
I don’t think I got any I can pinpoint tbh. I will just take almost anything as long as it’s consensual.
·         random headcanon
Just like the rest of the gods Hades is naturally omnilingual, which means he can understand and speak any language fluently.
Here’s the catch tho: He can only understand languajes that are being spoken among mortals, so dead-tongues that have been long forgotten are more difficult or completely indecipherable to him.
I don’t know why but the scenario of one of the bilingual villains cursing Hades out on their native tongue and then almost gasping in shook when the god responds them fluently is just so funny for me.
·         unpopular opinión
I love his voice in Latin-American Spanish dub, and I would even be bold enough to say that I personally prefer it over the original. I’m not saying its better but Trujillo does a wonderful maintaining Wood’s original voice for the character while also adding some of his own style to the character, with the changes of pitch, the intensity, the delivery of the lines and those rageful screams.
·         song i associate with them
Voltaire – Land of the Dead
I will not elaborate.
·         favorite picture of them
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The scenes were Hades gets mad are always very satisfying to me, but this one takes the crown just because of how fluid the transition between enraged and chill is. [cheff kiss]
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awilddreamermain · 3 years
Hi, Chels! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! You deserve every follower and more! That is a threat, I'm holding everyone hostage 🔪
I would love to get a MHA matchup, I wanna see who you'd match me with! Got me so curious! SFW & NSFW if you'd be willing!
My name is Chloe but I prefer May, nicknames include May-May, Maybell or Chlo.
I'm 25, pronouns are she/he, Cancer Moon, Aries Sun and Virgo Rising. Quite the weird mash of zodiacs, huh?
My favorite colors are pink (that soft pastel kinda baby pink), red (especially blood/garnet red) and...can I add pink again? Any shade of pink this time. Bubblegum or hot pink.
Favorite AU's include A/B/O, Mafia, Historical, Fantasy and does Mythical Creatures count?
Oh...oh boy, I gotta look deep for some fun facts that aren't just...facts but I'll do my best!
1) My sneezes are so short and high pitched I go "chu".
2) I have vitiligo, makes me look like a dog because it's mostly around my mouth and my right eye so I have a spot!
3) I have atrocious balance, my knees and shins are always banged up because I cannot for the life of me walk correctly.
4) I have a stutter, on top of speaking so quickly it turns into a jumbled mess. So good luck understanding what I said because I have no idea either.
5) I have a growing unicorn plush collection. My favorite is Cupcake, one that's actually taller than I am. Big chunk.
My likes are pretty simple. Cute & soft sweaters, blankets, warm coffee and strawberry milk, pastries and the cold! Winter is my favorite season. History, particularly the Medieval and Victorian times.
My interests revolve around creativity and you could say they're my hobbies as well. Drawing in particular, I used to do digital but I'm stuck with traditional pencil and paper at the moment. I'm dipping my toes into painting and its very fun! Obviously writing and reading and if I'm not doing of those listed then I'm definitely playing video games.
Personality I might say I'm quite split down the middle. At first, to a complete stranger I might come across as cold, stoic, with a resting bitch face, that just wants to get whatever I'm outside for done so I can leave. I'd create a witty or sarcastic comeback if I was given sass by a Karen but with my speech issues? I'd be lucky to get one coherent word out at her...and spend the rest of the day fantasizing what could've happened. So I'm rather quiet, agoraphobia hits hard in large or crowded places so I'm an anxiety riddled mess on the verge of a panic attack. In private or with people that I'm comfortable with? Complete opposite. Happy, bubbly, cracking puns and jokes so get those groan worthy reactions. I try to be the "mom friend" and get over my issues if someone is having it worse, I'll march up to a counter and ask for ketchup if someone wanted it but was too scared to do it themselves. The shoulder to lean and cry on, I'm highly empathetic and understanding, compassionate at times. But I have to actively try and keep myself positive and say good things about myself because I do fall into the pit of self-loathing and hate.
For appearance I'd say I'm average height, pale with white splotches that are inching larger due to my vitiligo, chubby, ashy blonde, blue eyes, button nose. I'd say I'm decently cute? I don't know if I can rate myself.
Okay I know I said I'd be looking into Zodiac compatibility for this but— I literally just screamed internally "KIRISHIMA" when I was reading this. You two would be perfect omg. This Libra king would do anything for you. For this you're an artist and the daughter of a mafia boss :) I like to think of ship names sometimes so like, yours would either be like Eijmay or Mayjirou or Kiriloe— that last one and first are awful I know so lets go with the second? I can't write a proper stutter for the life of me so I tried to keep your dialogue to the minimum.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AU: Mafia
⠀Theme Song: You're The One That I Want - Alex & Sierra
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How you meet (his point of view):
⠀⠀The gallery was full of black and white suits, tight, floor length dresses with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses meeting his ears. It was a joyous evening, celebrating the wonderful art work created by the boss's daughter. He had never met her before but he had heard whispers, all good as no one would dare slander the name of their leader's precious little girl. You were the boss's pride and joy, thus he kept you as far away from the darker side of the family business as possible.
⠀⠀Kirishima was still a new hire, a bodyguard of sorts and would consider this his first gig. He had an idea of who he was looking for as he walked further into the mass of people admiring your work but didn't expect what he would eventually come across. You were as far away from the crowd as you possibly could be, guzzling glasses of wine and over all appearing to be a deer in headlights. He couldn't fugure out for the life of him why you seemed so frightened until he watched people approach you to talk, noticing the stutter in your voice when you replied to questions and greetings,your body language telling people to stear clear of you.
⠀⠀So, he did what he was hired to do. "Kindly step away from the lady." He said with a smile, approaching with his large arms crossing over his broad chest as he towered over the guests. They looked at him as if he were a giant shark looking to devour them before scurrying away, leaving the two of you alone. He stood quietly, listening to the voices on the other side of his ear piece as his ruby eyes scanned the area around you. He made sure to not stand so close and avoided in letting his gaze wander.
⠀⠀He couldn't help but admire your skin in quick glances, finding the spot over your eye to be quite adorable. Your silky, ask blonde hair was all dolled up for the event, light make up on your face but not enough to cover the vitiligo. You were stunning and his heart hammered against his chest. So the rumors were true.
⠀⠀You thanked him, voice quiet and careful as you set down your wine glass and clasped your hands together. Out of the corner of his eye he watched you twiddle your thumbs. You didn't want to be here, did you? This obviously wasn't your idea, how could it be? A girl like you, timid as a mouse, didn't want to be surrounded by strangers. "Miss..." He began, thinking carefully because the last thing he wanted to do was piss off the boss and likely get himself killed. But this was his job wasn't it? Making sure you were happy and safe? "Would you like to leave here for a bit? We'll come back of course, but you look like you need some air."
He ended up taking you to a drive thru restaurant and got you whatever you wanted, letting you talk about whatever you wanted or sat quietly if you chose not to talk at all If it was quiet in the suv then that was fine too, he just wanted to help you in any way he could. Eventually the silence becomes small talk and then leads to a rather deep conversation about whatever the hell was going on inside that beautiful brain of yours. Kirishima wasn't the smartest man but he wasn't stupid, he wasn't as clueless as most thought he was. You told him how your father made you do this as an attempt to get you out there, to socialize and possibly find a suitor. This was the mafia after all.
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The Confession:
⠀⠀It was a tradition now, every Sunday you and Eijirou would go to your favorite café to have coffee and enjoy the early day weather before it got too hot. You sit at the same table, in the same chairs with him facing the door. You get the same drinks and food and just overall enjoy each others company. After that night at the gallery you two became fast friends, which your father obviously had to approve of but thankfully he did. Kirishima was a good man, he's trustworthy and puts you before himself.
⠀⠀The day he approached your father and asked to speak in private was the day he knew he was likely to get thrown in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. He has confessed his feelings for you to your old man, who listened intently with a blank face behind his desk. "Sir, I'm in love with your daughter, and with your blessing I'd like to... court her." He was utterly terrified when your father cleared his throat and sighed, shifting where he sat so he could stand and move around the desk. He reached out for a handshake which Kirishima looked up at him with a questioning look.
⠀⠀Your father gave his blessing and now... He just had to tell you, his best friend, that he loved you. God he loved you so much— "Kiri," you interrupted his thoughts, bringing him crashing back to reality," a-are you alright? You seem nervous." He swallowed hard in response but cleared his throat, taking a sip of his cappuccino.
⠀⠀"Oh yeah— definitely." He breathed with a laugh, moving a hand to the back of his neck to scratch. How was he going to say it? "So, uh—" he licked his lips, adjusting himself in his seat multiple times until he groaned and leaned forward. "Fuck, I'm just gonna say it— Maybell, I love you. I have for a long time now and I talked to your father and he said—"
⠀⠀"Said what, Eijirou?" Your eyes widened at his confession and he felt like a complete idiot. Should he had said something to you first? Was this a mistake? What if you didn't feel the same way? God his mind was going to explode—
⠀⠀"That I could... court you. With your permission." You were quick to nod and smile to his surprise, which prompted a grin if his own.
Kirishima HAS to be facing the door in any public place you go to. I don't make the rules.
He never let's you walk close to the road, he has to be between you and it at all times when you're walking.
He oders your food and drinks for you when you can't but is there for moral support when you do. He wants you comfortable and happy. He wouldn't ever dare get in your way though, you're a lot stronger and braver than most may think you are.
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The Relationship:
⠀⠀On days like this, Kirishima can't help but admire you. He catches himself staring wuite often but he just can't help it. What did he do to deserve such a beautiful partner? He looks at you and all he can think about is how much he loves you and wants to see you smile. He watched you from the kitchen island, leaning against it as you waltz around the kitchen in your pinky fuzzy slippers and one of his shirts that's much, much too big on you. He remembers your surprise when you found his clothing was actually too big on you and how happy you were.
⠀⠀"Maybell?" He hums, adjusting his stance and crossing his arms on the counter. He listened for you to him back in response, a smile on his lips. "You look so cute in my clothes.
⠀⠀You giggled, shaking your head and continued putting the dishes away until Eijirou appeared behind you, arms wrapping around your waist and his forehead coming down on your shoulder. "Need somethin' baby?" You turned your head just slightly, a brow cocked inquisitively. He squeezed you in response, swiftly lifting you and making you squeal. Thankfully you didn't have anything in your hands at the moment. He peppered kisses all over the side of your face, setting you down only to lift you again bridal style.
⠀⠀"I've got all I need right here in my arms." He chuckled and you playfully smacked his chest, letting him carry you to your shared bedroom.
He thinks your sneezes are the cutest thing in the world.
He loves your god awful puns, they crack him up every time.
Adores the fact you're a nurturer, especially with your friends. He thinks you'd make a great mother but if that's something you don't want he respects that.
You take care of everyone, but who takes care of you? Eijirou is always there to be your shoulder to lean and cry on, he's your sound board and is always happy to let you talk about your feelings with him. You're allowed to not be happy and bubbly all the time, he realizes how staying positive all the time can actually do more damage than goof, especially if you bottle everything up.
If on a particular day you're struggling with your speech he's happy to be your voice as well. He understands you better than anyone, even your own father.
Speaking of your father, he can't wait to make Eijirou his son-in-law! He's a good man with a good heart and treats you right, what's not to like?
He has trouble saying no to you and spoils you quite a bit.
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The Fights:
There's nothing, what you say goes and all he can say is "yes dear". He knows better than to argue with you, however when he's right and he knows he is, he finds a way to prove it without making you mad.
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The Sex:
⠀⠀"Fuck baby—" he hissed, hands finding your hips and guiding you as you rub yourself on his cock. Your hands are on his thighs and your head is tossed back, giving him the perfect view of your tits. God he loves them, he loves the plush skin of your stomach and your thighs, your ass too, he loved seeing all of you. He was so happy that you allow him this privilege of seeing you, granted you've been dating a while now but still. Your sounds are music to his ears and all he wants is to make more, make you feel so good you're calling his name and making a mess.
He wanted— no, needed, to feel you, to feel inside your warm and wet cunt, to feel it squeeze him and milk him dry. He was quick to flip the two of you over, careful to not hurt you as he did. You gasped and giggled, reaching up to hold his face as he smiled, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. He loved your taste, he could go on and on about all the things he loved about you all day if he could. "You want it baby?" You nodded excitedly, lip caught between your teeth. He smirked and reached between the two of you, thick fingers tracing a line between your lips and slipping inside your soaked pussy.
"D-Daddy—" you whine, a slight pout on your lips as your face morphs into one of pleasure. He chuckled, pumping his fingers in and out a few times before removing them and grabbing his cock. He coated it more in your slick, guiding it between tge lips of your cunt before slowly pushing inside, groaning at how tight you are. You squeal of course, gasping for breath because Kirishima is an impressive size, you still struggled to take him sometimes but like a good girl you always managed.
"That's my good girl." He cooed, moving so his forearms were on either side of your head. He gave a couple test thrusts, waiting for you to adjust u til you nodded for him to continue.
Terrified of activating his quirk while he's fucking you, but he keeps himself under control.
He loves his hair pulled and he loves to be bitten, he especially likes it when you scratch his back when he hits that good spot.
Eats you out for his pleasure mostly, but for yours as well. He loves when you grind on his face and moan his name when you do it. Speaking of, please sit on his face, he loves that shit. He knows how to be careful of his teeth!
If you have pets they CANNOT be in the same roon when you're doing the do, it's just weird.
He'd happily bend you over in the kitchen and do you right there. Hell, he'll fuck you anywhere you deem suitable.
He likes to do a mixture if praise and degradation with you, and edging and overstimulation is a big go-to. He just loves seeing you squirm under him, hr loves hearing you beg and say you need him.
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Today in Strongly Worded Opinions (That You Didn't Ask For), I'm going to assert that there are too objective ways to measure whether or not a relationship is strong in story terms – by which I mean, unrelated to whether or not readers/viewers personally like the dynamic or the chemistry of the actors (in such cases as there are actors involved).
So for the sake of clarity, be ye advised: this isn't about shipping, fuck it, ship whatever you want idc.  Shipping a strong relationship isn't inherently better than shipping a weak one – heck, you could just as easily argue that it's the lazier, less creative route.  Also, I don't care?  I don't care, it's just fandom.  Follow your arrow.  This is about ways to discuss whether or not a relationship introduced into a text succeeds or fails as an element of the story – or really as I'm going to prefer calling it, if a given relationship forms a strong or weak story element.
For this I'm presuming that you're creating a relationship between a protagonist and a secondary character introduced as a piece of the protagonist's overall story – protagonist/protagonist relationships aren't really a different situation, but they do have more moving parts, so for simplicity's sake, let's   stick with a Main Character (we'll call that M) and a Significant Other (S for short).  Also, these relationships by no means have to be romantic; any relationship can be measured as weak or strong in story terms.
Also, I'm going to say everything here as though it were factually true, even though it's just my opinion, which is correct, but if you disagree then it's only my opinion, but I am correct.  Ready?  Okay!
Strong relationships have story functions; in reality nothing means anything and people just like each other because they do, but fuck reality, it's a huge narrative mess.  And my basic premise here is that the story function of a strong relationship falls under one (or more, if you wanna get real fancy) of these three categories:
The relationship can unlock under-explored elements of M's story or character through mirroring or intimacy (often shows up as “friends to lovers”).  There is backstory that hasn't been unearthed yet, or some reaction or experience in M's life that could advance the story, and S can serve as a means to get at it.  Maybe M and S share a similar trauma or life story; maybe S is the first person M feels able to open up to about something profound and relevant.  Maybe part of M's story is a conflict between how they seem to others and how they see themselves or their own potential; maybe S is the person who sees them the way they see themselves...or sees M as the person they're afraid they'll never be.  The story goal being met here is giving M a boost toward successful completion of their story arc, so even though there could be conflict, S is fundamentally pulling on the same side as M in the major story conflicts, in such a way that by the end, the reader should feel like M's success is at least in part because of what they gain from their relationship with S.
The relationship can function as a piece of the story's overall conflict, or as a secondary subplot conflict (often shows up as “enemies to lovers”). Traditional romance novel plotting effectively slots the love interest into the role of “antagonist,” because the romance's conflict is generally driven by people not getting what they want from each other until certain win conditions are met.  In this kind of relationship, M and S might be actual-facts competitors, or be divided by ideological concerns, or they might be forced into proximity by the plot but clash on some personality level.  The arc of this relationship is typically going to be about the M softening up as the relationship develops – if M starts out ruthlessly single-minded, maybe realizing that they're running roughshod over S in the process is part of their character breakthrough; if the story is about M realizing that they've underestimated the complexity of the world around them, maybe coming to recognize S as an equal is how that gets concretized for the reader.  Basically this is a story where S presents a problem that M has to solve, and the more central to the narrative solving that problem is, the stronger the relationship is.
The relationship can serve to divide M's goals (often shows up as “love versus duty”).  This is a story where M has to accomplish two separate things in order to fulfill their arc, but those two things aren't easily integrated. One of M's goals might be fulfilling a vow, or filial duty, or seeking revenge, and the other goal is some form of protecting or obtaining S.  If the story puts M in a position of having to choose, then the relationship is inherently strong; it's providing narrative drive, whether or not S is especially well-developed as an individual character.  This one can be tricky, because a very weak relationship can serve a superficially similar purpose, by demonstrating M's devotion to duty or obsessive pursuit of whatever when M rebuffs S to keep them out of harm's way or to avoid distraction or whatever. The difference is that in those superficial cases, the audience is meant to recognize that aw, that's sad, M has really had to Make Sacrifices – but there's really no dramatic tension involved; we know all along that M is going to Make Sacrifices in purusit of the real goal.  When this is done seriously with a strong relationship, the audience is meant to feel divided as well; Romeo and Juliet just doesn't work as a story unless the audience likes Juliet and Mercutio, unless they fully identify with the dilemma that Romeo is in when he has to either avenge Mercutio's death or spare Tybalt for Juliet's sake and the sake of their future together. That's a big fucking story moment, and it only works because the audience buys both relationships – Romeo's with Mercutio and with Juliet – as narratively strong, to the point where Romeo's choice is not a forgone conclusion.  This one is much easier to get wrong, I think, than the other two are!
What I'm saying here is that a strong relationship isn't really determined by how personally compatible two characters seem to be; a lot of movies that fridge a character's wife, for example, rely on actors convincingly portraying, in a brief window of time, two compatible people who care for each other – I'm thinking of, like, Richard Kimble and his wife in The Fugitive, who I think do sell the idea of a loving and happy marriage, but the relationship itself is a weak one.  The story only really needs the bare fact of it – “Kimble had a wife that he loved and then this happened” – to kick off the actual story; the relationship between Kimble and Gerard is a stronger one narratively, because much of the emotional tension of the movie, what makes it more effective than just a series of chase scenes, is the way their mutual respect evolves as they compete against each other, and the story question of “Kimble really needs an ally, is this the right person for him to trust?”  It's such a strong relationship that it comes as a huge relief of tension when he does make that gesture of trust and it turns out to be the right choice.  The audience is happy that Kimble will be exonerated, but the audience is equally happy that the conflict between these two charcters is over – we didn't like them being at odds because we didn't want either of them to lose!  Now, would these two people ever be close friends, let alone come to love each other?  No? Yes? Who cares?  Kimble loves his wife more, but has a stronger relationship in this story with Gerard. From a writing perspective, it's trivially easy to introduce an S and say “M loves this person,” but it means relatively little.  It's harder to introduce an S and say “some part of this story now hinges on how M navigates knowing this person,” but that's kind of what has to happen in order to create a payoff that's worth the effort.  A strong relationship provides skeletal structure for the story; it can't be stitched on at the margins.
This is an even tougher sell in something like a television series, where the introduction of S may come in well after the story is underway and the bulk of M's characterization is already in place.  That's why introducing a late-season love interest is a notoriously dodgy proposition!  To demonstrate weak vs strong relationship in action, I'm going to take an example of what I think was a failed attempt and pitch some ways to doctor it up into a strong relationship: Sam Winchester and Eileen Leahy.
This is objectively a weak relationship.  She doesn't materially affect the metaplot of the series, or drive any major choices, or reveal anything about Sam's character.  She's just, you know, generally nice and attractive and Sam likes her, which is a fine start, but then the writers just leave her idling in the garage forever.  But it didn't have to be that way! Say we wanted to make it a Type 1 relationship: super easy, barely an inconvenience!  Eileen is very like Sam, actually, in that she lost her parents as an infant and then had the entire rest of her life shaped by the trauma and the pursuit of revenge.  That's amazing.  How many other people, even hunters, share that specific experience with Sam Winchester?  Sam was physically changed by drinking demon blood in infancy; Eileen was physically changed by being deafened by the banshee or whatever it was in infancy.  Even just allowing them to talk about that would have made the relationship stronger.  Sam is affected by the fact that there is no Before Time for him; even now that they've long since had their revenge on ol' Yellow Eyes himself, he grapples with the fact that he's forever robbed of any memories of innocence or safety or a life that wasn't lived in the shadow of this killing.  Eileen also has had her life's quest for revenge fulfilled, and also has to reckon with the fact that it doesn't actually give her access to the innocence that was stolen from her.  Maybe she struggles with that.  Maybe Sam can open up to her because she knows what it's like to look back on your child self and feel that however strong you've made yourself, you're never strong enough to protect that child.
What if you want to write something spicier than Sam and Eileen talking about their sad feelings?  Okay, let's take a Type 2 story.  Eileen has been a lone hunter with a disability all her life; it's fair to guess that even if she can't match Sam's physical strength, the fact that she's survived at all means that she's pretty indomitable.  Maybe she's had to be ruthless, even brutal in her hunting style; maybe she has a shoot-first-ask-questions-never approach to hunting that she credits with her very survival, but that Sam finds excessively rash and bloody.  Maybe they fight about it.  Have her kill some ambiguous, maybe-not-dangerous monstery types, a werewolf or something, and Sam's like, hey, we really can't just-- and Eileen is like, look, I hunt how I hunt, come with me or don't.  I mean, this is a retread in some ways of early season conflicts about who to kill and when, but everything in the latter seasons is a retread anyway, so whatever, and it provides something interesting to have Sam deal with this whiplash of how there seem to be two Eileens, the smiley, jocular sweetheart who eats pancakes with him and the one who kills like she's swatting flies.  What if he wants one but not the other?  It doesn't really work that way, does it?  Is this something he can dismiss as a foible, or is this a dealbreaker? The dude is almost forty, if he distances himself from Eileen, how many more hunters does he think he has a chance to meet and marry?  If she won't even listen to his concerns seriously, is it really a good relationship anyway, or will Sam's needs always end up taking a backseat to Eileen's?
A Type 3 fix could just come down quite plainly to, what if Eileen is ready to retire?  She's had her revenge.  She's lived her life on the hunt.  Maybe she's done, and maybe she wants Sam to be done with her.  Doing this in season 15 would circle Sam back to his season 1 story conflicts in a nice way, I think – why does Sam do this at all, if it's not for revenge any longer?  Does he feel personally responsible for every dead person he could've saved but didn't – is that a reasonable boundary, or lack thereof, to set?  Is a compromise possible – could he continue to coordinate hunts while also getting out of the field and starting a family, or is that still putting his family in the shadow of too much violence and danger to tolerate?  What's Dean going to say?  He's pitched a fit in the past when Sam said he wanted out, but he's mellowed with age, hasn't he?  Maybe he'll get it now?  But maybe Sam also feels guilty and fearful, because he knows Dean will hunt without him, so now he's in more danger because of Sam's choices, if Sam makes this choice.  It's a little heteronormative, as story conflicts go, but it's thematically appropriate to Supernatural, and the fact that Eileen isn't speaking out of timidity but out of the same weariness that Sam has so often felt about the whole endless cycle makes it feel a little less “the little lady won't let me go on adventures anymore.”  This might not be my pick of the three, but the point is that it makes for a strong conflict, a legitimate divided loyalty for Sam to wrestle with, and one that doesn't have a clear right answer.
Anyway, hopefully that helps illustrate what I mean when I say that the narrative strength of a relationship doesn't have anything to do with how likeable an S character is – Eileen is very likeable! But that doesn't substitute for building her into the fabric of the story in some way.  My expectation is that a serious protagonist relationship should bend the story arc in a way that requires response, and if it doesn't, I don't take that relationship particularly seriously.  Canon can declare a relationship real by fiat, but it can't automatically declare a relationship meaningful without, you know, making meaning of it.
Oh, and there's not anything really wrong with weak relationships – most M's are going to have several in the story.  My point is just that the difference between a weak relationship and a strong one isn't really a matter of taste or preference, but has a functional meaning that can be tested and measured, and if there's argument to be had about it, the argument can take place on evidentiary grounds.  Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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idk if u care but crispin gray recently had an interview about his entire career and it kind of changed my perspective of queenadreena…idk if for better or for worse lol. it was weird to see him so dismissive of a lot of his catalogue w katie except for ‘love your money’ just because that was the only remotely chart successful song. i get you want to be able to sustain yourself but jeez him and katie really had a weird back and forth relationship
Sorry i'm replying late, i've seen the interview pop up on Youtube but honestly i was too invested in university shit recently & generally not in the good mood for that but i'm planning to watch. How did it change your view on Queen Adreena, did he say something mean specifically on QA or Katie? I mean i gotta watch it but honestly? Not surprised in the slightest. A few years ago he was asked to describe fave songs he recorded throughout the years and he listed more of Daisy Chainsaw ones than anything else, with Love Your Money as number 1. The differences in their points of view are real something, Katie Jane absolutely HATED Love Your Money, same as Daisy Chainsaw. Kinda apparent he wanted bigger fame but DC dropped fast and QA failed to live up to their predictions.
i had a time when i liked to dig up old Queen Adreena interviews that are lost in the old internet & generally not available for years (which i planned to post on is-she-suffering but my investment in that site is... varied in its intensity). Also that was back in the days when i wrote Queen Adreena book during manic phase and tried to sell it but lost motivation Well since i don't do anything with that knowledge anyway i'll put what i know here as i love fan discussions
So they sure had/have odd back and forth love-hate relationship & that's the reason why their career went how it went. There's been a huge tension between them at some point. I'm sure you know she had a major mental breakdown (probably schizophrenic episode) after Daisy Chainsaw, or even beginning before her leaving, and then she went into isolation and lived with an old woman in Lake District for awhile. She left Daisy Chainsaw cause Crispin didn't want her to come up with her own songs (all of DC was by Crispin except for Lovely ugly brutal world by KJ).
They almost split up as Queen Adreena after Drink Me. The material for The Butcher and The Butterfly was written at different times, originally it was meant to be called Atom Bomb at Bikini but it was constantly delaying and they eventually recorded everything they've got live. So that's obvious right? But i was surprised to find out they were writing songs separately. Some of them (i forgot which though) were written by Katie Jane and Pete Howard's sons band (they're even credited) + some with Melanie Garside, Richard Adams + some other musician. Katie Jane didn't like it. They intended it to be their last album at the time. She also hated live at ICA show but they released it cause they were broke
But that's a digression. I just wanna say that at this point they were done with each other but kept pushing it. Katie had her own art projects and stuff, Crispin started Dogbones with Nomi and i just remember how vaguely pissed at Katie he waas in the interviews. Like he stressed that Dogbones is his number one priority and if Katie wants to do something with Queenadreena, she must wait til Dogbones have a break first or something, and it sounded oddly bitter.
RaCH and Djinn era are just so weird, they had opportunities but let them go in a way. I don't think many people know but they were huge demand in Japan. They entered album charts and were interviewed by 11 magazines and 6 (!)TV stations there (wtf happened to that material i want to know???). But they only played 5 times or less.
Katie said she considers the band dead but they decided they can try to play for a couple more months. But aside from that she 100% lost the interest in the band around Djinn. There's an interview where she says "the overall image is Crispin but the shape will change again at rehearsals". And you can hear it, it’s more blues rock than anything. IMO it's their worst production wise. Instruments are fine but Katie's voice is so badly produced that sometimes i find some songs fucking irritating, cause they didn’t cut out her breaths and the vocals are TOO LOUD, to the point of distorting. As if she stands too close to the mic. The album is fine but it feels unfinished.
And here we come back to Crispin... here's what he said after the QA split:
Why the Dogbones started? “I needed to work more than the previous band I was in was working, the previous band who shall remain nameless, haha… um… Queenadreena. I wanted to work more than the singer of Queenadreena wanted to work… so that’s why it started. Fine by me… but I really like to be in a band, I’m not a solo project kind of guy. The last album (‘Djin’) did come out in the UK, but it was so low key because Katie kind of disappeared so there was little point in promoting it. Personally it’s my favourite by far so it was a shame but there you go… So here are Dogbones, it’s not been an easy ride but we are trying very hard.
Ok so the bitterness is kinda apparent isn't it. I think there were two reasons why they argued so much, first musical differences. Katie at some point lost interest in loud rock music for some years and went the folk way in Ruby Throat. I have a theory that Taxidermy and Drink Me are more influenced by Katie Jane and Butcher and Djinn are more Crispin. During first albums i think Katie more actively took part in music composition and choosing arrangements. She wrote lyrics, melodies but also composed a lot of songs on some little electronic keyboard thing and 4 track (Heavenly Surrender, Pray for me, My Silent Undoing, all Lalleshwari +more). Plus she wanted more peaceful/dreamy sound on Taxidermy than full on rock, Crispin complained about it in some 00's interview, that he'd like it to be more rock. Then there are 2 versions of Drink Me, the original has rough and alt versions of songs (it was sold by Katie and it's leaked on FB and probably YT). Crispin Gray apparently really hated the final Drink Me. Now next album is The Butcher & The Butterfly and it's more standard blues rock, no more crazy dreamy things of previous albums etc., Djinn is even more blues rock but darker. Djinn was his favourite at some point while KJ hated Butcher, not sure about Djinn. So i think they had different views on where they should go, Katie made her weird simplistic creepy tunes (like Lalleshwari) and folk melodies adding that strange things to noise rock. Crispin probably wanted blues & rock.
Other than that, i’m convinced they are bitter exes, lol. There’s been rumours about them dating during Daisy Chainsaw for years, plus Katie had a history of dating band members. Crispin wrote X-ing off the days about her. I don’t know if they dated again in Queen Adreena. Then there’s this interview, timeline is unclear, either The butcher & the butterfly or later:
„Katie writes all the songs herself and often looks for melodies and structure with the drummer. With Crispin - her husband or ex-husband, which is not entirely clear to me - for almost three years she has no longer been in a room. "Sometimes we send him a letter with a new song and that's all we can do. All we have are our lungs and our musical talent and we have to do with it. It is repugnant difficult life, I know most of the time how I should deal with it." But Queenadreena will still remain even exist? "I think so, we are now pretty busy and I see where the ship aground.”
I always wondered what exactly happened after Djinn, i’ve seen Katie Jane say „i think they gave up on me” while others said she disappeared. Other times CG said there’s no bad blood between them but at the same time there’s been some weird tension.  As of recent i thought they reconnected somehow through the internet and had a good relation but who really knows.s
I get why Crispin gets irritated when people compare everything he does to „stealing from KJ” but honestly, he gave them good reasons, at least in the 90’s. I can believe Starsha Lee singer isn’t copying Katie cause she’s from Brazil or something and she didn’t know Queen Adreena before. But everything else… Crispin’s problem is that he doesn’t know what he wants. He spent 90’s chasing something, tried singing himself, had girl singer replacements and even one KJ copy. Dogbones was ironically his most original non-Katie band, even with all their grunge influences. In a way he wants to be a frontman and at the same time doesn’t. Idk if he’s very controlling, but Daisy Chainsaw shows he valued his songs/lyrics first & in Queen Adreena he had to step back a lot, cause Katie’s condition was she would be in charge of the lyrics. I don’t think he realizes how strongly Daisy Chainsaw issues affected Katie, i mean from her own words you can read that aside from media attention/hate, her being unable to write lyrics had a role in her breakdown. I think she now let go but for years she hated remembering Daisy Chainsaw and she felt kind of worthless cause she was only somebody else’s mouthpiece. I’m not trying to say he’s cruel or anything, but i firmly believe rock lyrics writers should sing their own songs or else there are problems.
They both were writers-composers with different vision and i have impression they struggled a lot while shaping their songs, cause they both stuck to their ideas. Hence 2 versions of Princess Carwash maybe. Katie once said that he „gets terribly upset with her” cause she writes her songs on a simple wind organ and uses a few chord buttons only. Clash of writer ways/personalities/egos and at some point they had to let go.
Maybe he prefers music/bands where he was 100% in control including lyrics (note he wrote/sang some lyrics in Dogbones too). Daisy Chainsaw achieved bigger success US and UK wise as they were offered to play Top of The Pops, and they’re more well liked/remembered by „general alt public”. Queen Adreena however is way more valued as a cult band, with cult following and admiration in UK & France. Most people think Pretty Like Drugs and other QA songs are his best work and he probably finds it irritating cause truth is, he never managed to be more successful than Daisy Chainsaw/Queenadreena. Love Your Money is ironically the least Crispin Gray/DC/QA sounding song in my opinion. I kinda find it irritating that he downplays Queen Adreena cause it was probably his best work in this band but whatever
So yeah sorry for the word spill, that’s what i can think of it right now but as i said, i haven’t watched the interview yet, it’s just this kind of treatment is in a way consistent for him
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
that fuckin newest RaM episode is trying so hard to make Daphne an unattractive alien but SOMEONE out there will be into the elbow titties. Also the fact that rick was one acid rain away from taking morty to a suck-and-fuck-a-thlon instead of summer is so There holy shit. Also Morty going SO violent and killing a bunch of people without so much as blinking without like. anything like the 'purgenol' excuse ,is just, he's really embracing the rick way of life huh
lol I have seen actual dick elbow porn so I have no doubt that Daphne wasn't even exaggerating when she said that her elbow was the cause of wars. Also, I hope you don't mind I take your comment as a excuse to dump my thoughts: -Okay, so the whole plot literally being nothing else but "Morty ditches Rick for a girl and Rick rebounds on literally the first available alien who says hello to him" is SO FUCKING GAY. Like, literally, imagine that the age gap and them being related wasn't an issue at all and you saw the two main characters doing this... We would see video essays, twitter threads and long tumblr posts all talking about how this is definitely queerbaiting because NO straight friends act this way. At the very least we would have people talking about how Rick obviously had a one sided crush and the tags would be fucking floded with angsty fics all about ending on Morty reciprocating his feelings. I fucking garanteed it, I promise, because I have seen similar stuff on other fandoms and that is how they always reacted. -The difference is that the ship being baited is a gross problematic one so the only ones who give a fuck about it are the gross problematic people like me. I feel legit curious to see what normies even think about this and if the obvious overtone flew over their heads. -Because, like, Rick just didn't made a whole show of replacing Morty with Summer to go to the end of the world parties in front of Morty, up and including replacing Morty's name with Summer on the almost destroyed shirt. He actually reverts back to his worst habits, drinking until he can barely talk, something he hasn't done IN SO LONG and it reminded me to the pilot episode where he kidnaps Morty for the first time. For a while we see that Rick still drink, just not when around Morty, and this further proof that. Not only that, but instead of just dip into alien orgy to forget everything, he looked for validation on Daphne to have someone care/love for him. He wants to feel wanted and loved, but it's not even enough to have the love of Summer in the end because all he really wanted was to have Morty with him. -A thing to remember about Morty becoming more like Rick is that we haven't had any moment of Rick SEEING him acting that way. He probably doesn't even know about Morty masacrating the Narnia world on his own or killing all the Planetina's childrens, so we can wonder what could his reaction be when he finally sees it with his own eyes and how much it affects him. Rick WANTS Morty to be a better man than himself, he wants it so badly that he was willing to die on it, so seeing Morty just being the same could actually break his heart or make him realize that he was, in fact, a bad influence. -Also! We had already three whole episodes setting Morty's side adventures without Rick. That whole going to buy a customized shirt was the happiest we have see them together in a long while, and I am counting season 4 too, so it seems to me like they are setting up a break up for the two of them that, I hope, will be about Morty realizing that he does misses Rick and wanting him back again. I just feel like the plot wants to go that way because they keep hammering us with the idea that Morty is done with Rick's bullshit (as he should, rightfully so), but the show IS Rick and Morty so obviously they can't get them separated for long nor they can't keep doing the "Morty is pissed, Rick does nothing about it" bit because that will get old very soon. -BUT ALSO, to me the whole episode showed that Morty needs Rick to keep himself in check or he will go on a rampage and feel justified on doing so. He still has his morals, enough to break up with Planetina when she is hurting innocents, but for how long? If his only answer when faced with a problem is violence, what does that say about him? With Rick he could have just stollen the rings, wouldn't have caused Narnia to go after him, could there have been more possibilities than just come in and kill everyone that poses any inconvenience to him. -But on the other hand, Morty is the reason why
Rick tries so hard not to indulge on his own self destructive tendencies. They need each other to balance themselves out and try to be, no matter how many times they fail, the best version of themselves. They both need to realize this and stop looking for validation in other places (Rick his delusions of being more than a man, Morty with all his attempts at girlfriends). They belong with each other, and I don't even mean it on a shippy way because I hold no actual hope that they will make C137cest canon any time soon, but like in general. -I am so sad for Morty, though. His little "nobody send me flowers before" just fucking kills me, like omg, this fucking kid is a incurable fucking romantic at heart that just want someone to appreciate him and he had to be the one to break it off. I was so glad to see Beth being the one to comfort him at least, especially because Beth always prefered Summer or was too fucking drunk to care about either of her children and now she's actually trying to be a mom. -Speaking of Beth, I was so proud of her in general. Like, going from a alcoholic neglectful ass to just a regular ass whine mom that only drinks to relax and not to forget everything? That is fucking progress. Overall I really loved this episode.
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