bookwyrminspiration · 27 days
So do you just hate all dogs and happiness and everything good in this world or what
Yes 👍 it brings me immense joy and pleasure to be a hater. hope that helps <3
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masculinemiracles · 1 month
Hi! What’s your favorite music artist? :3 (mines Melanie :D)
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Not sure
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K stop
The ending of young royals stop ok STOP
OMG 😭♥️
Ok my honest opinion warning slight spoiler alert
It was a good show but I don't think it deserves all the hype it got. In my opinion there was too much fighting between William and Simon like I wanted them to get together and yes they do in the end like William breaks free of the royal shackles and then confesses his feelings to Simon and they drive off.
But I actually wanted to see that relationship like it a good show but I feel like it wasn't amazing it was only so so. I genuinely don't get the hype and I would've rathered see a much Happier and less depressing show. I wanted Simon and William to have more happy moments in the show I hated how sad it was. We have enough sad queer shows and based on the hype it got I assumed it would be similar to Heartstopper where there's sad part but untimely was a good happy show.
Anyway I'm going to go cry in the corner because the end going to make me ball my eyes out :)
I feel like Young royals fans are going to give me a lot of shit for this but yeah this was what I thought. If you do like a little sadder darker queer shows I would definitely recommend and it wasn't a bad show it just wasn't what I wanted and expected from it.
But overall 6.5/10
Please also let me know if you'd want to see more of this kinda movie/TV show review kinda base because personally I have a hard time watching new shows and not just recycling old ones but this would give me a little motivation anyway that's all. Young royals fans please don't kill me when I sleep 🙏🏼😭
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gaybabeyjailbreak · 11 months
So, I have watched TADC due to all the hype that's been around it and I just... Don't see the reason for any hype to be there at all?
I'll break it down, It's not uncommon for Indie animations to accrue a big following that will stay with them throughout thick and thin as the major appeal of the genre is the romanticised idea of supporting an underdog and helping fulfill the dreams of an art school graduate in realising their own little piece of art. It is also not uncommon for this fandom to dissolve when they perceive an issue in this fantasy that no longer satisfies them like this, which results in all of the jumping ship that happens when a new project is released and the previous fascination is portrayed as bad. And of course the entire juvenile idea of there being mature animation (Read crass and rude, not actually mature.)
So it would make sense for the popularity of tadc to be from this combined reasons, and I feel the reason for this because i saw the show, and the only genuine way this mess would be so popular would be because of spawning st the right time, just as the magic from Lackadaisy and Spindle horse is dying a bit and people need to fix on s new project.
Because let's be real, there's no inherent appeal in digital Circus as a show. The promised theme of the show is Dark Psychological comedy. But like that's not a thing, that's a combination of words that doesn't actually mean anything, walk with me for a second. How do you do dark, psychological, and comedy at the same time. Think about it, yeah, dark comedy is a thing sure. But can you turn that psychological? You have to be serious to be psychological, at least in the way the show protrays it, and it's not working. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be deeply invested because the moments requiring that are cut short by comedy, and I can't take the comedy in because suddenly a serious moment requiring deeper focus.
For real, the whiplash doesn't work, it is a tone issue you're not sure how to approach and the writers certainly aren't skilled enough for this to work.
See the premise could work as a comedy, it very much could, but I'd believe people would hate it because fandom hates not being able to theorize and mysterize the show of the week. So we also get, some bits of seriousness, some attempt at a story, but without actually committing to any. We don't get enough of a story to fully grasp anything coherent, even for pilot standards, but what little there is, is distracting from the premise of no story needed just characters in a setting having fun. It tries to be dark and psychological by attempts of horror, except the "psychological" is just mental torture of the main fem character Pomni, which starts reading like outright fetishism of fem suffering after the second time we're very intimately shown she's breaking down. And the "dark" horror falls short because the inherent fear of the unknown from the monster, the mystery that contains dread is immediately revealed, and the existential horror is underutilized.
Speaking of mysteries, it's kinda embarrassing to try and pull a computer based mystery nowadays, and people fully accepting it as a fresh take. I guarantee you that any reveal of why something in this show is the way it is, will be very underwhelming. Possesed headsets, computer code going haywire, possesed viruses, government experiments, dead people souls in some code. Literally any explanation you can think of has been done, and considering how little these revelations add to a story, their only aspect being shock value suddenly dissapears, and now you will be left with a nothing of a reveal in your nothing of a story.
And that's really what it is. A sandbox, It's a tumblr post of one of the various potential cartoon shows like Officer and mr. Paws, except they actually managed to make a pilot. The only appeal the show has is introducing a few tumblr sexymen and sexywomen. I do not see any appeal in this show, no story it wants to tell.
I would say they're like clowns in a circus just playing for your enjoyment, which would be clever, but it's something so obviously advanced for how the show appears to be written right now that I seriously doubt that was an intentional parallel.
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maysshortmoviereviews · 9 months
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Saltburn (2023)
Distraught by his classmate Oliver's unfortunate living situation, Felix, a rich student, invites him over to his estate. Soon, a series of horrifying events engulf Felix's family.
An overhyped pretentious pile of rubbish. It really is not original or thought provoking or entertaining and I found it to be a poor rip off of 'Talented Mr. Ripley'.
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rainingmbappe · 5 months
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I'm 100% on board with you for your disdain for makoda
We are making out
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Temari's Overrated
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I don't dislike Temari's character, I do find her overrated in comparison to other characters and here's why.
Let's look into character wise
Temari's not a bad character either but she literally has like 10 pages worth of screen time in Part 1. 5 pages worth in Part 2 (Shippuden) . Only reason she gets hyped so much is because Naruto fandom has convinced itself to believe a “badass girl who's kinda mean” equals best female character ever.
Her entire character in has been:
Gaara's older sister, She's great at wind style and Temari maybe has a crush on Shikamaru.
My other point, the ShikaTema ship. When you're on any Naruto social media (Twitter, reddit, tiktok etc). You've definitely seen people say it's “the best ship” or “the only ship that makes sense” and “the one ship that everyone likes”. I don't have any problems with it.
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But, where were are the romantic moments of Shikatema that made them the best couple in the entire series? The only time they ever even got romantically close to one another was when Shikamaru was looking for a wedding gift for Naruto and Hinata after The Last movie.
Please do not use any filler screencaps because if it didn't happen in the manga its not canon.
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And Shikamaru made it clear and that he wasn’t romantically into Temari before this event due to how oblivious he was to Temari.
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People shit on Naruto for being oblivious/dense to Hinata’s feelings despite the fact that there is a canon explanation as to why he couldn’t understand Hinata’s feelings. But nobody says anything about Shikamaru being dense to Temari as well despite having a good upbringing and understanding how his parents speak with each other romantically.
Certain (some not all) people claim that Shikamaru and Temari already had chemistry since OG Naruto and only panel they use to support it this:
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the only conversation between Shikamaru and Temari that can be seen as chemistry in a sense without it being half-way or taken out of context like most people do with this couple.
People like to compare them to other ships that had WAY more moments and screentime. Just because they have no drama.
most ships, these two characters have little to no interactions. What makes it worse, you can't even give them the benefit of the doubt for having offscreen interactions as when they live three days away from each other. Meanwhile, something like Naruto and Hinata or Sai and Ino likely had interacted offscreen 
Let's be honest here, the author said it himself Naruto is a battle shōnen manga romance was never a main focus. It will always be secondary part or not there at all like other shōnen.
 her power-scaling
This isn't to say Temari is weak I say she is at least Jonin level
As far as war arc, Temari literally doesn't due much at all compared to others. Manga whatever the anime adds is NOT CANON
She did one thing in war arc :
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With the help of two other shinobi, she managed to damage base edo third raikage. Assuming he was actually blitzed and didn't just decide to tank it (since they stated they haven't inflicted any significant damage, implying he likely didn't even care to dodge)
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This is anime-only aka filler that's not canon to manga
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(Even if you did consider this a feat, Madara just dusted himself off like nothing happen and set up for fire style.)
Comparing other Konoha memebers
Can you tell me something important that Temari ever did to develop the plot? People insult female characters like sakura, karin and Ino but they contributed far more than temari. Heck, even tenten with her little screentime helped more than Temari.
Sakura: Contributed alot during the war, became one of the best medical ninja
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Hinata: Assisted Ino in redirecting the ten-tails attack by linking her byakugan to Ino’s mind transfer. Saved the whole shinobi alliance including Naruto, Killer B, Might Guy and Kakashi. Helped Naruto when he was about to give-in after witnessing neji’s death.
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Ino: Linked everybody multiple times during the war together. She was the only person capable of doing that from her clan. Besides her father.
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Karin: Helped Tsunade retore her reserves. Also destroyed multiple shinzu arms that zetsu tried to use to kill team taka and the shinobi. She was one of the most important memebers that sasuke had in team taka.
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Tenten: A memeber of the team 10(chapter258) who was sent to rescue Temari’s brother while temari did absolutely nothing. Temari only arrived after gaara had died. Tenten was also one of those who destroyed more than one of kakuzu’s heart.
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I shouldn't have say much about Mei & Tsunade.
Could list more but, I want to keep this short.
Temari as a character, has no purpose after the chunin exams arc, where her best feats was defeating Tenten (basically fodder) and defeating an already weakened Tayuya.
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Which begs the question.how is Temari a well written character if she's barely around. Only Gaara was the most relevant sibling. The sand village in general wasn't that important. Most notable characters were Gaara, Chiyo and Sasori that were relevant from the Sand. Maybe If I push it, their father the previous Kage and the bijuu Shukaku.
( Edit: Looking back & a comment I can't reply back for a odd reason. Kankuro did have a bit of a bigger role than his sister)
Temari seems like one of the most overrated characters in the show upon her non relevant appearances for the plot compared to other female characters.
again I don't dislike this character, I just think in certain aspects she's overrated.
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wmnylander · 11 months
“strong team dynamic of inclusion” i should hope so with cashtthews & his fat new contract 🙄
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spinning-axis · 1 year
I saw barbie yesterday (Im late i know shut up) and like i Do Not underatand the extreme reactions to it.
I didnt find it particularly groundbreaking but it was very entertaining to me, a woman in my early 20s (the literal target audience).
And conversely i did not see any real misandry happening like what. The movie is poking fun at men and exploring (through shits and giggles) the idea that extremely unfair treatment easily leads to radicalization. And barbie apologises to ken at the end - its not really a well handled plot point but the general message is that no one deserves to be treated like theyre second rate.
And also at most the feminism featured is very much feminism lite - from some of the conservative takes and headlines you'd think veers heavily left - i didnt get that, but im also a regular at tumblr.com so what i consider far left and what not terminally online people consider far left is probably very different lol.
Anyways all that being said, the movie is not that serious guys. We are talking about a famous doll and her loser boyfriend with some feminism sprinkled in for flavor. Idk what made me write all that.
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
Should I yes no ?
I’m thinking about a crack fic oneshot to get Chozen x terry out of my system ha
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mariasbookishcorner · 2 months
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Unpopular opinion about ACOTAR! Check the link to read the full review!
(via Book Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas)
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lifeblogstory · 2 months
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Premium Jasmine Milk Tea🍵
A newly opened store from Asia🍃. Very popular and overhyped. Always a long queue outside the store. Wait for over 30 minutes to obtain this Jasmine Milk Tea. It’s originally unsweetened so the staff recommend 70% sugar and less ice🥛. The tea taste like the flower with added flavour. Rich in fragrance✨. Ingredients are high quality with beautiful cups and bags. Milk has smooth and creamy texture. Beautiful floral drink. Healthy for anyone. From “Molly Tea”
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filmflair · 4 months
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Triangle of Sadness (2022)
🎬 A fashion model celebrity couple join an eventful cruise for the super-rich.
📝 I read that this is such a "funny" "hilarious" film so I was looking forward to being amused but this is one of the most pretentious and try hard film. The funniest parts were when Woody Harrelson was on the screen and it was a very short appearance, but otherwise you wait and wait for something to happen, but really it's a complete waste of time. It's like everyone agrees "this is such a deep artistic film" and then everyone just followed because they didn't want to come across as "they don't get it". Avoid.
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It’s solar and wind and tidal and geothermal and hydropower.
It’s plant-based diets and regenerative livestock farming and insect protein and lab-grown meat.
It’s electric cars and reliable public transit and decreasing how far and how often we travel.
It’s growing your own vegetables and community gardens and vertical farms and supporting local producers.
It’s rewilding the countryside and greening cities.
It’s getting people active and improving disabled access.
It’s making your own clothes and buying or swapping sustainable stuff with your neighbours.
It’s the right to repair and reducing consumption in the first place.
It’s greater land rights for the commons and indigenous peoples and creating protected areas.
It’s radical, drastic change and community consensus.
It’s labour rights and less work.
It’s science and arts.
It’s theoretical academic thought and concrete practical action.
It’s signing petitions and campaigning and protesting and civil disobedience.
It’s sailboats and zeppelins.
It’s the speculative and the possible.
It’s raising living standards and curbing consumerism.
It’s global and local.
It’s me and you.
Climate solutions look different for everyone, and we all have something to offer.
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