#overwhelming ISSUE:
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foldedchip · 3 months
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These were made to be reaction images, but it was taking too long to format them properly, so I figure I’ll just post them like this and post them again if I ever do get them formatted.
I am… quite closely acquainted with some of these.
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titan-god-helios · 1 year
bitches be like "oh i don't get sensory overload" and then nearly scream and smash their phone into the ground because their little cousin wanted to play roblox and they really like their little cousin and adore her so much but this time the fact that she is constantly talking and her voice grates ever so slightly on the ears and that she's very loud and bubbly and that she's singing and talking and there's music from the game blasting through her tablet as well and cooking noises and smells in the background from their mum and their sister who is also a darling keeps putting her fucking arm on theirs and they can feel their clothes and skin and its also hot and they're also expected to talk and play and be high energy and they just cant fucking take it so wind up ranting on tumblr about it whilst also wishing never to interact with a human ever again.
its me, i'm bitches <333
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beybuniki · 4 months
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thinking about the intimacy of fighting like waowwww you rlly do know me and i know you but it sucks
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bluegiragi · 2 years
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sometimes ghost just needs to block out everything that isn't johnny.
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bifflesnitch · 10 months
My disability has once again disabled me and I for one and shocked.
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polarmoon · 5 months
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im playing ts4 again! 🌻
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valewritessss · 2 months
Can someone give me well written fluffy Percabeth fics I feel like I’ve read the majority of them already and I don’t want to open another tab to add on to the 107 tabs I have.
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purlturtle · 2 months
Anyone else feel the same?
Sometimes when I push myself to/past my boundaries to take part in a social activity (like a family meetup, say my mom's birthday party etc.), and people who know (or somewhat know) how difficult that is for me, come and talk to me and say stuff like:
"I'm so happy that you're here" or "It's so great that you managed to come" or "You did a good thing in coming"
It just. rubs me so much the wrong way, even if I know that the person in question means this in an affirming and/or genuine way. As if they can positive-affirmation me out of "whatever it is I'm in", when there's nothing and no one who can do this.
I don't know if that's a vibe I'm getting from them in some way, or me projecting what I *think* they think about me and my issues (sensory, social), or a mix of the two, or something else entirely. All I know is that I viscerally do not want to hear comments like that, or have to smile and react gladly to them. I mean, you'd think it'd be nice to have my effort be acknowledged, right? And maybe that is genuinely what they're doing, so why am I so ungrateful?
Shit's weird, man.
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epic-sorcerer · 4 months
“Arthur can totally dress himself he’s just spoiled” why are you giving him that much credit
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five-pillows · 4 months
Food sensory issues is just everyone calling you a picky eater whenever you refuse to eat a food that makes you physically retch or gag or any other visceral reaction of disgust and/or pain
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My experience with Liam
Me: Oh, he's adorable
Me: Oh, he's traumatized
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autismcultureis · 4 months
Autism culture is hating summer because it’s hot and bright all the time and it leaves you in a near constant state of sensory overload
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itsaspectrumcomic · 3 months
Hey I'm an autistic person ( Also I have ADHD ) What are some of Your recommendations for going to a concert I have issued with people yelling at my direction And the feeling of certain things It's going to be a smaller concert , so Less people But what are Some things I should bring
Earplugs (I used loops until I lost them 😭), headphones if you think you'll need extra hearing protection, a stim toy you can fit in a pocket or bag and take out easily, and ideally a person you feel safe with who can help if you get overwhelmed.
I also recommend checking out the venue in advance if you can (sometimes they have pics online) and figuring out where things like bathrooms are and if there are any quiet rooms you can go to for a break.
And remember it's ok to leave if things get too much! There's no point forcing yourself to stay once you're past the point of enjoyment.
I hope you enjoy the concert! 😊
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neurodivergent-brain · 5 months
Me: *yells, talks really loud, and makes random noises*
More than two people talk at the same time
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foggyroseblood · 11 months
Autistic people who have sensory issues so like sensitive to sound, who have been to music concerts of a band you really like could you enjoy the concert or did you get overwhelmed? I really really love sleeptoken and they're a big part of why I'm still alive and I have to see them live i love them so much but I'm scared my sensory issues get in the way and I don't want to wear headphones because I don't want the members to think I'm not enjoying the music bc I enjoy their music so much I have a huge appreciation for it. I love their music so much it's like a religious experience for me, music in general feel like a religious experience to me but even more so Sleep token.
I just woke up in the middle of the night and im basically having a panic attack i don't know why i just feel sick and i have a sleeptoken comfort playlist and its helping me. They are my comfort although sometimes how much I love them can get overwhelming which I think a lot of autistics can relate with their special interest. Guys I'm so desperate I truly hope I would be able to enjoy a concert I want to cry
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