possets · 1 year
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@livingecho sent : ❛ The lone wanderer, searching the world. What’s he trying to find? Love? Absolution? ❜ ( accepting. )
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weariness burned almost constantly in the soft marrow of his bones — as if baizhu hadn't slept in days, but in truth it felt all he'd done in the past few days was rest, barely any ground made — though he suddenly felt more weary than usual at her . . . romantic musing, for lack of a better description, of his character. he'd smother it with flawless civility, however, grinning as he idly stroked the soft belly - scales of the snake draped asleep on his shoulders. did he truly seem mysterious enough to be worth such a dramatic read?
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" haha, nothing like that, really. if i'm fated for love, it will come when it is ready for me, " he laughed softly, feeling just the slightest twinge of embarrassment that crept up his spine at the mere thought.
as for absolution — the words to deny that as well lingered on the tip of his tongue, but were quickly swallowed back down his throat. in truth, couldn't this be considered a form of absolution? not of any sin, but for the absolution of those who died for nothing, for others, those who would. or perhaps he was overthinking this now. was that what she wanted? to pry?
" well, perhaps absolution is a way to put it, " he hummed, " but it's nothing too interesting or grand. i am just a doctor who wants to help others, nothing more. "
he laughed again, this time dripping with genuine humor at his own thoughts. " do you usually deal with the mysterious and brooding types, miss? "
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archivalfluid · 2 years
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"Ah, the war - I would say what came long before was much worse." A tease at the truth, what neither friend or foe has ever gotten out of him. ( He is too ancient, too guarded, for history to be fully accurate in how they see Hannibal Lecter. ) "But I would rather not bore you with the gory details." He smiles, maroon eyes alight with curiosity - though there is something deeper. Piercing. Always. It is a test, too.
"Serving?" There's good humor in his tone. "An interesting word to call it such." He closes the distance between them and offers his hand, palm upturned instead of downward. Turning the tables, offering a gesture that should be reversed. "May I?" Whether Vis is wearing a ring to kiss or not matters little. "I have not served in a very long time."
The play on words, he's certain, will not be lost on someone as bright as Vis. "Rest assured, I have no ill intent. I am a self serving being, but I am not cruel without reason." Another test. Another prod. Vis has caught his interest and he wants more.
It's an odd feeling - whenever someone piques his interest enough to want to play with innuendo. Stodgy academics are an absolute bore, but if Hannibal had to bet there's more to Vis than meets the eye.
( Centuries of picking apart psychology, mannerisms, body language, aura has given him the edge when it comes to that. )
"Have you ever heard of the phrase 'the walls have ears'?" It's a rhetorical question, as he is certain Vis is more than just book smart. "There are some affairs that are best kept private - and I am not quite sure of if I would consider you to be an affair in the purely political sense or, simply put, someone I wouldn't mind picking apart at dinner."
And making him dinner, certainly. Perhaps even in more ways than one. There's something about this one that makes him want to pick him apart with precision - down to the bone like any true corvid.
"Or, if I may be blunt? You interest me, Hellbert. And I certainly wouldn't mind studying you further if you were willing."
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magioffire · 2 years
*puts moth vali in a bottle with some leaves and fruit*
Gods-fucking-damnit Vis, I don't want to be in a jar--
He can't say that though, because it only comes out as a series of very irritated squeaks. He tried to attack Vis' fingers but to no avail, he was in the jar before long. Great, yeah, nice. It was a temporary situation but that didn't make it any less undignified. He climbed up the glass, until he met the rim of the glass, and tumbled back down. Eventually, he gave up on escape, instead focusing on sitting on top of the piece of fruit provided and slurped up the juices with his proboscis -- one he shouldn't even have, this was not a trait of a silk moth! But he was going to enjoy this, so he morphed himself a mouth to eat. Take that evolution, another win for magic. And now he could screech and squeak at Vis loudly, demanding him to put more fruit into the jar.
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cagesings · 2 years
@ovisac​​  beckoned  a  starter
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            fingers  fidget  almost  delicately  as  she  stares  at  the  other.  he  knows  her  guardian.  everyone  johanna  talks  to  knows  her  guardian.  they  have  to  be  approved  by  him  first.  somehow,  this  someone  was  approved.  ❝  does  your  daughter  like  birds?  ❞  the  question  is  timid.  ❝  that’s  what  i  know  mostly  about  &  i  .  .  .  don’t  wish  to  be  boring  to  her.  or  to  you.  ❞  still  the  idea  of  having  a  companion  is  wonderful.  the  offer  to  come  more  often,  to  bring  his  daughter  with  him  seems  to  be  only  a  dream.  
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collude · 2 years
@ovisac​​​     ៸ ៸    sc.
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for a place so plagued by war,  sen mor seemed unconcerned about visitors,  as long as they didn’t come with an army trailing behind them  —  but what about spies trying to tear them down from the inside,  like a tapeworm squirming in the belly of the kingdom?  elis supposed the people had enough faith in ester to be able to sniff one out.  that,  and he couldn’t imagine why someone from a place that sounded as obscure as valshkan would concern themselves with any conflict between leasta and sen mor.  but,  it was not elis’ place to be suspicious  —  he was as much a stranger as they were.
and,  his suspicion somehow melted into almost nothing but a drip when he heard them say something about knowledge and headmaster.
which was how he now found himself foolishly hugging a clearly well - loved,  thick notebook to his chest as he deliberately sought them out.
“ e - excuse me!  mx. von hellbert? ”    he approached them,  but immediately clammed up  —  they were so tall!  taller than any living man he’d ever seen,  and the way they towered him tangled his nerves.  but  —  this was a pursuit of knowledge!
“ i,  ah,  despite my position in leasta’s court,  i am a scholar at heart  —  even a member of the leastan scholar’s society  —  so . . . ”    he cleared his throat,  even turned his eyes to the ground like a blushing schoolgirl,    “ i would be honored if you and i could take some time out of one days you are here to share knowledge and such! ”
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bransles · 3 years
@ovisac​    //    plotted.
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he’d been counting every minute wasted,  hoping that he’d notice  —  realize his mistake before it was too late.  octavo was certainly not born of high society,  but he had enough time in the luxury of hyrule castle among blue blood nobles,  and although he found them to be aggravating at best,  he did learn a few of their laws and viticulture.
like how you do not pair red wine with fish.
the world of fine food and wine can be a restrictive place;  an astonishing number of rules  —  written and unwritten  —  which are strictly upheld through the medium of downward glances and muttered words.
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“ please tell me that is not the wine of your choice. ”    he had to say something to vis about this sacrilege he was about to commit.    “ red wine with fish?  do you plan on making a fool of yourself tonight?  is that it? ”
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waterfrd · 3 years
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@ovisac​​ said: “ perhaps i am a little frightened… ”
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❛ Frightened? I'm terribly sorry to hear that. ❜ A momentary pause, a moment to consider her next steps carefully. Should she move forward, dare to walk on shaky ground? ❛ Forgive me if I am overstepping, Commander, but would you like to talk about it? ❜
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filedfangs · 3 years
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rebekah starters || accepting || @ovisac​
“Fair only gets you so far, love. Clever gets you further.”
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   ❝ that so? and what would you suggest we do instead, then? ❞
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archivalfluid · 2 years
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[ STARTER FOR : @ovisac ] 
The Grand Duke hates it here - not because of the landscape. Really, that’s quite beautiful, but by the gods is he sick of the strange looks he gets as an outsider. He’s supposed to speak with the king’s financial advisor about a possible treaty, though he finds it odd that it keeps being put off. ( It’s rare that people ignore Hannibal Lecter. Especially since in war he is known for his cold, calculating cruelty. ) Though, truly, he’d simply point out that he is only willing to do what would benefit him and his people the most. 
That’s the thing about allies. They’re oftentimes performative at best and treacherous at worst. 
There’s an icy wind that would chill him to the bones if he weren’t already dead. With progress comes jealousy. With jealousy comes conquest.
There are whispers of many things. Hannibal Lecter is privy to much, but that comes with being a monster that has power. 
He decides to take to the library as a page boy tells him the reason for the rescheduling - a family emergency. Vague, but enough of an excuse that he’s reconsidering putting the advisor on his rolodex of people to eat should things go awry here. Hannibal pays the boy before sending him on his way. He doesn’t have the patience for children these days.
It’s then that he sees a face he at least recognizes -  Vis von Hellbert. Creator of the modern education system. Hannibal respects them, albeit from afar. He did not expect to see an alpha like him in this country. His own could benefit from a more robust education system - although the universities in the capitol are ancient, the education of the masses leaves much to be desired. This could be interesting. 
“Vis von Hellbert.” His voice is low and smooth as he reaches to pluck a book from the shelves. A book about the noble lineages throughout the ages. Par for the course. Not to his tastes. “Your work modernizing Valshkan’s education system was resplendent - though I do hope I am not disturbing you by being here?” It is a well known fact that Hannibal does not easily dole out compliments. His smile is slight as he puts that book back, instead grabbing one about the common cuisine found in arid climates. 
This person might be interesting to converse with, but Hannibal is already thinking toward the future - Hellbert might be a decent ally, at least as far as some of their more recent work goes. 
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magioffire · 2 years
NOPE ; character relationships ( not necessarily shipping just in general ) can also do YEP for this too if you want uwu
send me a 'nope' for something i don't like to write. send me a 'yep' for something i do enjoy writing ; accepting
HMM lets see here. like you guys mentioned in your asks too, i don't have a lot of hard nos when it comes to the types of character relationships i will play, but there are of course a few. or maybe less 'hard no' and more 'lets talk about it', just like you said in your ask!! its more of a case by case basis with a lot of these things. like most people on here ill write unhealthy or toxic relationships, provided it is treated with the respect it needs and remains somewhat grounded in the reality of 'this is not a healthy relationship dynamic to strive towards'. with that in mind, there's not many things i wont touch. however, when it begins to skirt into the territory of 'wouldnt it be cute if my muse was a student to your muse and they fell in lurv???" like no it wouldn't be cute. it would be abusive. that's something i need to establish right away. im not knocking anyone who writes these dynamics and saying they all automatically are just fetishizing it. there are ways to tackle more 'problematic' content without falling into the trap of making the narrative actually approve of whats transpiring -- but anyway. im getting WAY off topic.
as i said before i dont really enjoy writing romantic mentor/apprentice relationships because of the sorely uneven power dynamic, and the fact that vali remains pretty professional with his apprentices. keeping them at arm's length. not really letting them in his life past a purely mentor figure standpoint. so it just would be ooc for him to pursue one of his apprentices. if one of his apprentices is trying to pursue him, he shuts it down. he knows he has a position of power.
now, as for actually equal exchanges of information between people, acting more like academic colleagues or intellectual peers than teacher and student, and falling in love via that dynamic? that seems a lot more up my alley. i guess you could call it.... teacher/teacher or student/student.
where its an equal exchange of information between equal academic peers rather than someone in a position of authority passing down information to someone without a position of authority. i could see that being an actually pretty cute dynamic. but mentor/apprentice? naaah, not my cup of tea either man. i can see someone giving such a dynamic the space, respect and critical eye that it needs in order to be written well, but im not willing nor interested in picking up that particular torch.
something else im kinda eeeeeh on but not like. NO about. is probs the concept of soul mates. i get the concept and why people like it! its very romantic if written right, and can open up a whole new world of dynamics to explore via past lives. but i never really got into the whole soul mate dynamic thing. maybe because there's often this implication you only have *one* soul mate, and that soul mate is *always* going to be a romantic one.  i  do however like the idea of two souls who were met to meet, but maybe not for the reasons the characters think.
i think it ties into the tropes of 'love at first sight', 'love conquers all', 'twin souls', 'opposites attract', and the whole idea of the universe wanting you two to be together. which can easily go into the cliche territory i guess. none of these tropes are inherently bad in the slightest, cliches are not inherently bad, there's a reason cliches are cliches, cuz they work if they are so overdone. and if done well, can be amazing. but i often don't see myself really getting into these sorts of tropes except in circumstances were its just. exceptional. i guess.
i do, however, like the idea that two character's meeting was fated -- maybe not in the romantic 'we were always meant to be' soul mates way, but in the 'we are meant to teach each other something in this life' kinda way!! karmic relationships > the whole soul mate fanfic trope thing
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lightumbra · 3 years
"y-you...” her heart twisted in her chest (how odd, she thought, that she could still feel it, when her heart had stopped long ago). she did not know the person, the child, and yet recognition still sparked in her eyes, still clung to that single word she’d managed to get out. the color of their skin, that distinctive blue-green that she had not seen before nor since that time in her life...
fingers curled anxiously against her chest and she forcefully averted her gaze, turning away to hide the sadness she knew was evident in her face.
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“i apologize,” her voice was strained, tightly controlled. “i...mistook you for someone else.” what an awful lie.
she hoped they would accept it and move on.
@ovisac​ |  ♡
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wolfvirago · 3 years
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from a meme i lost
@ovisac​ said:  ❛     i  don’t  just  wear  my  stiletto’s,  they  are  more  handy  than  you  think.  ❜
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“Are you implying this in a violent way or a sexual way, Vis?!”
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bransles · 2 years
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@ovisac​ said : “ but i will say that song of yours is a rather catchy number , i can see why the bards kept it alive through the erons .”
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being a musician meant honoring the works of those who came before just as much as creating your own to share with the world  —  to keep their legacy alive,  to pay respects to their talents and hard work.  because if no musician played music other than their own,  it would be lost to time and forgotten,  nothing more than ash and whispers on the wind.  that,  and playing the works of another was good for practice,  too,  when playing your own old work felt dull or easy,  and you didn’t wish to spare the time or mental energy to compose something entirely new.
he sang an old song,  mostly to himself,  as there was no audience aside from the nearby vis  —  and if he was aggravated by his playing,  he could deal with it  ( and annoying him was quite fun,  anyway ).  surprisingly though,  he reached the song’s cadence without any kind of input;  there was a first for everything,  he supposed.
“ the man who wrote that song, ”    he began,  mostly to fill the new silence,  thumb just barely ghosting over strings,    “ was actually the poet laureate of hyrule,  of all things.  but,  he was talented in various attainments  —  that ballad was one of his more famous ones. ”
vis enjoyed little history lessons,  right? 
regardless,  he wasn’t expecting anything quite so positive to come from him.
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“ a compliment from vis von hellbert?  i think i may blush and faint, ”    he teased  —  never mind that his pulse did quicken and roses began a gentle bloom beneath his skin.
. . . what for?  it wasn’t as if vis had complimented one of his songs.
“ ah,  it makes me so happy to know that you aren’t entirely without taste.  at least you can recognize the talents of a man looked up to by all bards and poets alike. ”
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cagesings · 3 years
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@ovisac​   liked   for   a   starter !!
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         ‘   children   inherit   their   parents’   madness   .   i   never   knew   my   own   ,   but   i   know   people   worry   .   me   ,   the   daughter   of   a   common   thief   and   a   woman   who   poisoned   herself   .   there   is   something   to   be   worried   about   ,   i   suppose   .   i   wonder   if   there   others   are   the   same   ,   that   live   a   life   that   is   watched   and   guarded   to   make   sure   you’re   not   like   your   parents   .   ’         
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hyliacursed · 3 years
@ovisac​ asked:
Zelda really said: I'm going to defeat ganon with the power of friendship -- and this glock I found!
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no joke i’ve actually written this entire au in my head where zelda will eventually defeat ganon with the power of the triforce  (  which is a gun  )  i am not kidding
but also...
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“ i'm going to  defeat  ganon with the power of friendship  ---  and  this glock i found! ”
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(  that is... indeed a glock.  and it’s glowing.  )
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spiritmaiden23 · 3 years
friend smells like friend! okay but Zelda smells of citrus and something herbal like basil, frankincense and lavender? Also like grass?? nature?? i think she's the scent that reminds you of something you almost forgot but it brings back strong emotions
ansem you are so right, friend really does smell like friend (BUT NO STOP THIS IS ESSENTIALLY ME SENDING IN THE PROMPTS AND I ASHDJVBKFJH)
but i adore this!! all of this!! i can def see what you mean by her having a scent that reminds you of something because she really would have the nostalgia factor working for her. citrus is very interesting along with that herbal blend because it gives you this refreshing feeling of someone who is comforting while also adding zest and by zest i mean plucky haha! but this all fits her so well, i always pictured nature and other comforting smells to just surround this girl!
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