cigognesdelespoir · 25 days
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L'association Cigognes de l'Espoir organise un spectacle et un débat sur le don d'#ovocytes à #Lyon le 10 octobre 2024 ! "La Trajectoire des Gamètes" : spectacle poignant et drôle interprété par Cécile Coves, donneuse d'ovocytes. Plus d'informations : https://bit.ly/trajectoireLYON10octobre
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louisa-a · 1 year
Ep.60 🥚 🧊 Ella, 38 ans, a fait congeler ses ovocytes "Je ne voulais plus d'épée de Damoclès au-dessus de la tête"
J’ai rencontré Ella lors de la soirée d’enregistrement du dernier épisode du podcast “Les gentilshommes”. Elle voulait parler d’un sujet qui lui tient à cœur, afin d’informer et prévenir les autres femmes : la conservation d’ovocytes. En France, depuis août 2021, la loi relative à la bioéthique (“PMA pour toutes”) permet aux femmes de congeler leurs ovocytes et c’est pris en charge par la…
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limited-hero · 1 year
is aithne (dave) trans?
Bc if he's the son of Ganondorf there is only 1 gerudo male born every 100 years
And if ganon is that male how would Dave be gerudo and male? And regardless of genetics all gerudo would be born female.
Just a question for team Dave!
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haggishlyhagging · 9 months
To a surprising degree, healthcare today still focuses on aspects of the science that were adopted during the witch-hunts: the spirit of aggressive domination and the hatred of women; belief in the omnipotence of science and of those who exercise it, but also in the separation of body and mind, and in a cold rationalism, shorn of all emotion. To begin with, the medical realm tends to perpetuate the impulse to dominate and subjugate, the beginnings of which Carolyn Merchant plots out in her book. And sometimes this is taken to cartoonish lengths: in December 2017, a British surgeon was tried for lasering his initials onto the livers of two patients during organ-transplant operations. And this attitude can be at its worst in practice on female patients. First, as Florence Montreynaud notes, "Women's organs are mapped out with men's names," like flags affixed to various parts of our anatomy. She explains:
“The canals connecting each ovary to the uterus were, until 1997, known as the Fallopian Tubes, after the Italian surgeon who first described them in detail in the sixteenth century—before they became the uterine tubes. The little sacs inside the ovaries where, between puberty and the menopause, an ovocyte matures every month are the Graafian follicles, named after Regnier de Graaf, a Dutch doctor in the seventeenth century. The glands that secrete liquid moistening the vulva and vaginal opening are called Bartholin's glands, after the seventeenth-century Danish anatomist. Worse still, in the twentieth century a pleasure zone within the vagina was given the appellation the ‘G-spot,’ celebrating the initial of the German doctor Ernst Grägenberg.
“Imagine the equivalent for men: Garrett Ander-son's corpus cavernosum or J. C. Wright's canals . . .”
Men's stranglehold on the profession is far from a broadly abstract force, either. The world of healthcare—especially when it comes to gynecology and reproductive rights—seems keen to exercise ongoing control over women's bodies and to ensure its own unlimited access to them. As if in never-ending reiteration of the joint project of taming nature and women, it seems these bodies must always be reduced to passivity, to ensure their obedience. For example, Martin Winckler questions why, in France, the annual gynecological check-up is considered an "immutable ritual," a "sacred obligation," from puberty onward, even if were in perfect health. According to Winkler, there is no justification for this practice.
“The idea that we must undergo ‘from the onset of sexual activity, and then every year’ a gynecological exam, a breast exam and a smear test ‘so as not to miss anything’ (i.e., in order not to miss a cervical, ovarian or breast cancer) is medically unsubstantiated, especially for women younger than thirty, among whom cancers are very rare and, in any case and as a rule, tend not to be discovered in generalist check-ups. And then, a year later, if the patient is doing well, the doctor can renew her contraceptive prescription without examining her! Why? It's quite simple: if the woman is feeling well, the likelihood that the doctor will find ‘something’ is almost nil. Then, frankly, why harass her about the check-up in the first place?”
Why indeed? This ritual turns out to have some grim stories associated with it. Winckler recounts the case of two adolescents whose doctor (also the mayor of their local authority) insisted on a gynecological and breast exam every three months. But the point of the institution, whether annual or more frequent, appears to be ideological more than anything else: it's about maintaining surveillance of women's bodies. Blogger and journalist Marie-Hélène Lahaye notes the eloquent title of a French obstetricians and gynecologists newsletter which, in June 2016, opposed widening the remit of independent midwives: the doctors denounced measures that would damage women's "medical surveillance . . ." For Mary Daly, this ritual perpetuates a state of anxiety in women from all walks of society—a situation comparable to that born of the pressures of beauty conventions— and constitutes a substantial drain on their resources.
Many doctors are so sure of their rights that they can cross the line into illegality without even noticing. In 2015, an internal note sent out by the South Lyon medical faculty inviting its gynecology students to practice vaginal examinations on patients sedated for operations was picked up online. On social media, as Marie-Hélène Lahaye reports, numerous doctors and students were offended by reminders that every medical action requires the patient's consent and that the introduction of fingers into the vagina meets the legal definition of rape. Some of them protested that there was "nothing sexual" in the practice and that they took "no pleasure at all" in it, thereby offering a brand-new and daring revision to the definition of rape. Others jumped from frying pan to fire by arguing that, if they were to respect procedure and request the patients' authorization, the latter might well refuse it. After reading and hearing from these quarters that vaginal and rectal exams were neutral acts without any sexual aspect, Lahaye suggested on Twitter that, in this case, the medical students could train in this work by practicing on each other: "I admit this was not received with wild enthusiasm."
Another problematic ritual: the parade of medical personnel who show up when a woman is in the midst of giving birth and each in turn insert two fingers into her vagina to assess her cervical dilation, without requesting consent nor even informing her beforehand, and sometimes without being overly gentle either. Lahaye invites us to imagine the equivalent for other body parts: you are at the dentist and, at regular intervals, unfamiliar people come into the room and insert their fingers into your mouth; or you are seeing a specialist for a rectal exam and a dozen people take turns putting their finger into your anus . . . "Such a practice," Lahaye concludes, "is inconceivable in any of the medical disciplines except obstetrics, the one that's all about access to women's genitals." We see here, in an extreme form, the assumption that women's bodies belong to everyone but themselves, which is found to differing degrees throughout society and explains why we are not expected to kick up a fuss over the odd pat on the bottom.
-Mona Chollet, In Defense of Witches: The Legacy of the Witch Hunts and Why Women are Still on Trial
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ilovereadingandstuff · 6 months
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I MISSED YOU!!! YOU FUCKER!! SON A LITERAL BIT- (with true respect to the woman herself -she didn't do anything bad- but the insult goes to AFO)
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rarougrougrou · 24 days
Bon ça faisait des mois que j'avais plus fait de post pour me plaindre de ma vie pour tout un tas de raisons, mais là, j'ai besoin
Y'a un an, j'ai reçu ma nouvelle carte vitale. J'ai du coup enclenché le fait de prendre rdv chez des medecins pour commencer la transition hormonale
Et bah dites vous que, un an plus tard, rien n'est encore en route. En toute bonne fois, mon endoc m'a aiguillé vers un organisme qui s'occupe de la préservation de fertilité, et j'ai enclenché une procédure pour preserver mes ovocytes avant de commencer la t.
A ce jour, je n'ai toujours pas de date pour cette intervention, parce que :
On m'a trouvé un kyste sur l'ovaire qui fait la taille de ma vessie lorsqu'elle est pleine, au 3eme rdv où normalement on aurakt du booker l'intervention
Ce kyste m'a toujours pas été retiré car ce n'est pas une tumeur (la seule bonne nouvelle dans toutes ces galères), mais surtout parce que j'ai été aussi dans la foulée de ces rdv diagnostiqué avec une maladie du sang qui court dans ma famille, et qui empêche mon sang de coaguler (c'est pas de l'hemophilie car ça ne touche pas les mêmes gènes mais ça fonctionne exactement pareil, dans une dimension moins violente), et j'ai beau avoir une forme peu grave ça rend tout le bazar de me faire opérer hyper long et chiant parce qu'on doit planifier tout très a l'avance et dans les moindres détails pour que j'evite de faire une hémorragie sur la table ou en post op
J'ai toujours RIEN de prévu. Je dois faire retirer ce kyste mais ma praticienne est très occupée, c'est un enfer pour elle de se libérer pour me voir, malgré toutes ses qualités (cest littéralement la meilleure humainement parlant, elle croule juste sous le taf, donc ça lui est même pas reprochable), et les autres praticiens que j'ai vu pour l'ablation du kyste ne veulent pas m'opérer a cause de ma maladie, quand bien même mon cas n'est pas sévère.
Mon seul espoir, pour enlever ce machin absolument disgracieux, qui me fait mal à en crever (je refuse de prendre de gros anti douleurs plus qu'occasionnellement, surtout que ca fait 9 mois que j'ai des douleurs chroniques a cause de ca), et qui me rend incroyablement dysphorique, cest cette gyneco qui fait tout ce qu'elle peut pour me voir le plus souvent, a savoir tous les 3 mois dans le meilleur des cas. Mon seul espoir de prélever mes ovocyt3s avant la t, cest elle aussi
Et bien évidemment, je peux pas prendre une hormone qui risque d'augmenter ma probabilité de développer d'autres kystes tant qu'un aussi gros est encore là
Je suis
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chinemagazine · 1 year
Combat juridique pour une célibataire souhaitant congeler ses ovocytes
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Xu Zaozao, célibataire, a entamé le 9 mai un combat judiciaire en appel pour obtenir le droit de faire congeler ses ovocytes, un service pour l'instant uniquement réservé aux femmes mariées dans son pays. La démarche de Xu Zaozao, 35 ans, est très suivie en Chine car les droits des femmes et la baisse dramatique de la natalité font l'objet d'une attention particulière de la part des médias et des dirigeantes politiques. La jeune femme veut congeler ses ovocytes pour se donner la possibilité d'avoir un enfant seule si elle ne trouve pas de partenaire pour procréer. «J'espère que davantage de gens reconnaîtront le fait qu'il y a toute une diversité de femmes célibataires», a déclaré Xu Zaozao devant le troisième tribunal populaire intermédiaire de Pékin, où s'ouvrait son procès en appel. «Elles ont le droit d'avoir leur autonomie en matière de reproduction et de prendre les décisions qui concernent leur propre corps», a-t-elle souligné devant des journalistes. La congélation des ovocytes consiste à prélever les ovocytes, puis à les congeler dans de l'azote liquide en vue d'une grossesse future. En 2018, Xu Zaozao avait voulu faire congeler ses ovocytes par un hôpital pékinois, un service réservé aux seuls couples mariés souffrant d'infertilité. Devant le refus de l'établissement, elle avait porté plainte contre ce dernier mais avait perdu en 2022 en première instance. Le contexte a particulièrement changé depuis. La Chine a enregistré en 2022 la première baisse de sa population en six décennies, sur fond de taux de fertilité très bas (1,15 enfant par femme) et le gouvernement incite fortement les Chinois à procréer. La province du Sichuan (sud-ouest) a par exemple annoncé en janvier permettre aux personnes célibataires d'enregistrer leur enfant. Une révolution car, ailleurs en Chine, le mariage reste un prérequis indispensable. Le cas du Sichuan «me donne de l'espoir» quant à une plus grande prise en compte du droit des femmes, a expliqué Xu Zaozao. «Je sais très bien qu'on n'a pas une si grande chance de gagner car cette affaire a un grand impact sur la société», a-t-elle reconnu. «Mais cela provoque un débat public et les femmes célibataires ont pu prendre la parole ouvertement». En effet, avec le développement économique, de nombreuses Chinoises indépendantes financièrement se marient plus tardivement, voire ne veulent pas avoir d'enfants, malgré la forte pression familiale qu'elles subissent après 30 ans pour convoler et procréer. Read the full article
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rk-ocs · 1 year
Really old concept notes
Carnelian world
I chose to have Lill red a girl primarily because it was way harder. I already gave her an advantage with bilingualism ( that negates itself because of her age) and no employable life skills. People like the odds stacked against the protag, right.
As a woman, biology itself worked against her. Woman in the past were viewed more as property than people.  They existed for the purposes of housekeeping, bringing a bride price. and creating life. Girls that broke the mould were primarily nuns, nurses, and teachers, to quote half-broke horse (book) . Still, they didn't hold the same value as men, and often got paid less, and a lower chance of being or staying hired.
A second problem in their biology was the ability to create life. One of which is known as a period, or officially menstruation cycle. Here is a Wikipedia definition for it.
"The menstrual cycle is the regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system like the uterus and ovaries that make pregnancy possible.The cycle is required for the production of ovocytes, and for the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy.Up to 80% of women report having some symptoms during the one to two weeks prior to menstruation.Common symptoms include acne, tender breasts, bloating, feeling tired, irritability and mood changes. These symptoms interfere with normal life and therefore qualify as premenstrual syndrome in 20 to 30% of women. In 3 to 8%, they are severe."
In common explanation, blood comes out of your vaginia, and messes up your hormones. The only way to avoid this is to grow old enough for it to stop, or become pregnant. Pregnancy, is growing a baby inside of you, which also messes up your hormones , and body badly. Humanity, like dogs and all the other mammals, evolved to grow eggs in their stomach, rather than laying it like birds, particularly penguins. Or Pokemon apparently.
But I'm not here to talk about the dangers and inconveniences of periods at the moment, I'm here to talk about periods.
Particularly guys. First, to understand just a little if the uncomfortableness of periods borrow a pad from a mother/sister/girlfriend and wear it for three hours (a college lecture) then go, sit down on a toilet, and imagine it's covered in blood. Not only fresh blood, but dried blood. Blood dried on your butt and privates. And you can't wash it (theoretically we are in school or a movie or whatever). That feels bad enough, but we are also sore, having cramps, and hormonal. Also we might have zits on our face, which does little to improve one's mood. The hormone thing could leave our reactions anywhere from isolation seeking, to sad, to pissed off and looking for a fight, or anywhere in-between.  Or all over the place. And we can't go home and declare we quit the day or something. We have to get on with our day.
The anger. I guess it's a bit like any time Zuko from ATLA, encountered the commander in season one. No not  commander Shepard,   commander Zhou.
Or that's one way to compare it. Anyway, that pad between your legs. That's new. Before that people would have used sea sponges if they were lucky, but probably rags or some needing frequent wash clothing. Or alternately they could go bleed in the woman's tent for a week. That's what science should be doing for humanity, beyond curing cancer. Finding a better way to deal with the cycle. After all, half the world deals with it.
Until then, when a lady in your life has her monthly, give her as much time in the bathroom as she needs, and try to be nice. Make diner/comfort food, heat up a hot water pack for her stomach, and do the dishes perhaps.
She will probably feel better clean, warm, fed, and without stress triggers (like dishes).
Live in Living Colour story Carnelian Jordan-Ryan
I own nothing but my own Ideas. The title is from the play catch me if you can, but don't let that turn you off.
I guess I could say, It started when I was six. When I was six, I got the necklace. It didn't do anything for two years, but bear with me, I'm trying to go by my personal timeline, not histories. 
My dad had found some piece of presumably ancient artifact, and decided, "If I get this artfully wrapped up in wire and put it on a chain, this will make a good gift for my daughter." My dad spent a good deal of time underwater, working in a submarine, though I don't really remember what his job was. Perhaps he was in the navy, or a marine biologist. He wasn't the most involved person in my life even before my life took a turn for the bizarre, and I haven't spoken to him in years.
My mom was around a bit more, but what I remember most about her, Is her love for  cultures. She had the idea that I could be very canadian, and had me go into various emerson schools. English, Algonquin, Mohawk, sign language, Meti French, Hindi, whatever teacher she could get that day .  Anything she came across, she had me learning. It's part of why I always intentionally use accents, it helps me keep track of what I'm speaking. I think she wanted me to become a diplomat or something.
She also loved to cook.   She didn't  make just French dishes. She made Japanese, Mexican, Swedish, you name it, she would make it. It's probably her cooking that kick started my ability to eat any texture , taste, or intensity of food, a skill that came in quite useful during fear factor and truth or dare. I was unafraid of eating just about anything, from bugs, to swallowing vinegar, or eating chilli peppers. Mom herself, was stuck in a boring job she hated-at least from what I could tell by her frequent complaints- and making varied cuisine was her one outlet for creativity or something.
But enough about that. My dads "souvenir necklace" was something I always wore, in part to remember him by, since he was often away from home, in that submarine of his. He Write or e-mail often , but it was more like he was my uncle. With mom at her hated day job all day, and dad underwater, the person who actually looked after me on a day to day basis was my cousin  who lived close by, Monique-Thierry.
Monique-Thierry is a bit of an unusual combination, for although hyphenated names are fairly popular among the French, it would usually be two combined girls named, or vice versa. Monique-Thierry's parents went the full historical swing on names when her mother was pregnant. They gave her a biblical name, a godmother's name, and a birth name. Mine did too, but her parents wanted the baby's gender to be a surprise. So they made up a set of names a boy and  a girl. Then when my cousin was born, they were told that another pregnancy would be too difficult on my aunt, so they bestowed both set of names on their daughter, on her birth certificate.
Anyway, fast forward two or so years, where I am eight, and with Monique-Thierry as she worked  her shift at a corner store. It was the day before my birthday, I think, and mildly raining, a rather dull weather one does not expect things to happen on. The door opened and I raced to it, probably believing it was one of my friends coming to visit, and ended up in a hostage situation, knife pressed against my neck. It was the first Near death experience in a life filled with them, and serves as a definitive moment of my life turning to the bizarre.
Of course, I didn't know that at the time, and was busy panicking about the sharp bit of metal at my neck. I couldn't hear anything over the blood rushing in my ears, but I could see Monique-Thierry slowly counting bills. He made some kind of gesture, and started to press the knife into my flesh, drawing a trickle of blood. Something crashed, and I closed my eyes, as the blade pressed much harder, but abruptly it was gone. Holding my bleeding Neck with both hands, I opened my eyes, and realized I was no longer at a corner store. I was, well at that moment in some kind of room bleeding out.
I had no idea how I got into that room. Sadly, this kind of situation would become all too familiar to me in time, and even calming. At the time I had no Idea about that, and did the most natural thing to me at the time. I started screaming, and completely flipped out. A stupid thing to do when your neck is bleeding, but such is panic.
A man came into the room, and started speaking to me in a language I didn't understand, which was a weird experience for me, because I usually had some Idea of what people were saying.
He then started making shushing sounds, which was something I did understand. Once I had calmed down he started paying attention to my Neck.
Jordan OC questionnaire
What would she prefer
Cereal with milk
Wooden pencil
No hats
Modest clothing
Car rides
Car rides
Stormy night
Movie with friends
Chewy candy
Never having to sleep
First encounters.
"Jordan meets the Frye Twins. The Frye twins Meet Jordan."
Jordan wakes up on a cot in an unfamiliar area.  Sadly this is not an unfamiliar situation for her.
"Such  strange injuries. It looks like they came from an explosion, but I heard no blast, nor is there any lingering debris.  You're extremely lucky, as you were not hit anywhere serious. You wouldn't happen to be named Jordan, would you?"
Jordan nods. The Identity Jordan, is a pretty important one to her, and has strong ties to a time she is fond of.
"Alright then Jordan, I have a job for you. I need you to watch my kids for a few weeks, while I go and take care of something. It shouldn't be too hard, just make sure they do their chores, keep Jacob from running off during training, and teach them how to skin food and cook it, without giving themselves food poisoning."
Jordan went back to lying on the cot. 'Just what did I do in the future that convinced him to trust me with his kids?' She wondered.
"Are you by any chance, a traveling artist, looking for work?"
Jordan frowns. So does Jacob. It's one thing to know that she had met them in the future for the first time, but seeing her look so much younger than he is used too ,is shocking. She looks about fourteen, and much more innocent,  uncertain, and afraid, her body already tensed to run if this goes badly.
"I might be." She says uncertainly, taking a step back, staring at him intently.
"Then Jordan, I do believe I have a job for you?"
She smiles tensely. "I do believe you have me at a disadvantage. "
"I'm Jacob. And I would like you to find some information for me."
Around Mid morning, Jordan feels well enough to get off the cot and explore her soundings. She heads down the stairs, wondering where the kitchen will be. If nothing else, she will feel better getting some protein in her. Hopefully eggs.
She finally finds the Kitchen, and sees two kids waiting at the doors.  She knows them, which is surprisingly not weird for her.
"Evie and Jacob. What would you like for breakfast this fine morning?"
"It's not breakfast." Evie points out.
"Ok. Brunch then?"
"Brunch?" Jacob asks.
"That meal you have in between breakfast and lunch."
"I don't think that's a real word." They both point out.
Jordan smiles. They are adorable kids. And yet, she can already see their personality flaws forming, Evie's narrow focus on her goals, Jacobs impatience and restlessness, that will one day get them into serious trouble probably. It's Jacob in particular she's worried about, because her past recklessness had brought her a lot of trouble, emotionally and socially, and she worried where he would end up in his future.
But now is not the time for that. Food first.
"Come here you guys. I'm going to teach you to crack and cook eggs." And how to get egg shells out of it, inevitably, because she has yet to meet a kid who is good at it.
Later, when they  are sitting in a train eating French toast , she asks the important question.
"What kind of information do you need?"
"I'm glad you've asked. I take it you have decided to take the job?"
Jordan nods encouragingly.
"My Sister Evie is looking for the shroud of Eden. I need you to help her track its past, and narrow down its location. I also need information on Templars,   and a gang called the Blighters. If you can't get it to us directly, you can give it to one of our contacts to pass on, I'll get a list to you later."
"That is a lot of information needed."
"Don't worry. " He tells her. "I can pay. And I know better then to try to silence you. Besides, I hear you're good at discretion."
She nods, then she gets up and leaves.
For her the mission had already started.
Jordan knew logically, that kids hated chores. She had never liked doing them, back when she was a kid. But the amount of reason they were giving to try and get out of them was ridiculous.
Frankly, they were a scarily good team. Evie backed up with facts, to Jacobs points of "why there are much better things to spend our time on then chores."
It was a very convincing argument.
"Listen up Kiddos! I'm aware chores suck, they are just something you do in life. If you can get them done in a few hours, I'll take you swimming, and teach you diving or something."
That works, and Jacob runs off. Before she goes back to sleep, Jordan grabs Evie.
Make sure he doesn't sneak off please. I need rest, if I'm going to be teaching you later, Im still recovering. "
She hasn't forgotten Evies preference for precision. Evie  likes to be fully informed, before she strikes.
This reason works, and she can be fairly certain Jacob will get work done.
She should check the chores over anyways, after a nap.
Evie is more than a bit surprised to find Jordan slipping a report ,on past locations of the shroud of Eden, into her pocket one day. Particularly because it's not the Jordan she was used to. It's a teenager.
Intellectually, she knew Jordan was a time traveller, but this was disconcerting.
She tracks Jacob down that night.
"Did you know Jordan is here? " she asks when she is sure they are alone.
"I hired her. Didn't I mention that?" He asks.
Evie frowns. Jacob raises his hands as he attempts to explain himself in time to put off Evie's anger.
Carnelian snippets
Meeting other people, has always been a bizarre experience for me. You see, often it is a case of them knowing me in the past, that will become my future. They know me, and introduce themselves to me, then often begin showing me something I will need to know probably. It's done in a rather disjointed teaching style, because the me they had known was far beyond the basics.  That happened a lot more frequently when I was younger.
On the flip side, is me meeting their younger selves, where I am a very strange person who appears out of nowhere, and know them very well. I'm used to talking frankly with them, and viewing them as teachers, so to suddenly be put in a reverse is strange. 
First encounters are an awkward business on both sides.
And then there's when I meet someone who I have genuinely never met yet in any time stream.
It's strange, because I am rather unsure how far to trust them. Are they involved in any factions I should worry about? Can they keep secrets? I'm used to knowing that kind of thing about people I meet, because, they are already friends with me, and in my future, I trust them because of that.
It's not a  perfect system, but good in the long run. It also means I have problems making friends the normal way.
Which in its self, can be rather strange.  But, until I hit 13, it was the only way I met people.
Carnelian snippet
"Imagine walking down a street foreign to you with no local guide. Remember the sensation of being a directionally challenged child, unless you were some kind of child prodigy at orienteering. In that case, just imagine it. Now remember being lost. When you're lost you wander aimlessly around the area you think you're supposed to go to, thinking "I'm pretty sure I've passed that building before." You don't ask for directions for awhile, because you're afraid the locals will look at you as if you're stupid for not knowing this, or some other silly fear. Now take that experience  and multiply it by twenty, because you don't know the language ( and can therefore  neither ask for help, or read the signs,) and you will have a pretty good idea of what I was going through. 
Of course, to make matters worse, I ended up in Japan. Not any old time In Japan, which is dangerous enough. No, I ended up in feudal Japan, age of isolation.
Night Watch has Vimes threatening a recalcitrant prisoner with the "Ginger Beer Trick", approximated by a finger popped from the mouth, a hissing noise and a blood curdling scream. (This one's not really a mystery. You shake a glass bottle of soda or mineral water and spray it straight up the victim's nostrils, leveraging the pressure with the thumb. It hurts like hell and leaves no marks on the victim's body. It is commonly done by drug dealers and corrupt cops in Latin America. For an on-screen example, you can watch it happen on an episode of Dexter.) And it doesn't have to be a nostril, either—any mucus membrane will do, but the nostrils are simply convenient.
Ginger beer is, however, particularly effective for it, as incautiously drinking the stuff hurts.
Read more: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NoodleIncident/Literature#ixzz3mcodmdJ1
Explaining modern culture without historical context.
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womanmlife · 2 years
Calculer sa date d’ovulation
Le cycle féminin débute le premier jour des règles et se termine le premier jour des règles suivantes.
Ainsi, si le premier jour des règles est le 3 du mois et que le 1er jour des règles suivantes est le 31 du mois, le cycle durera 28 jours.
Le cycle menstruel est composé de 3 phases : la phase folliculaire (environ 14 jours, dont 5 jours de règles),
l'ovulation (24 heures en moyenne)
la phase lutéale (environ 14 jours).
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L'ovulation correspond à la phase d'expulsion de l'ovocyte (ovule) par l'ovaire, ainsi prêt à être fécondé par un spermatozoïde et à donner naissance à un embryon. L'ovulation est un processus physiologique continu débutant à la puberté et se terminant à la ménopause. A la ménopause, l'activité des ovaires cesse et la femme n'a plus d'ovulation ni de règles. A savoir que tant que la ménopause n'est pas totalement installée, elle ovule toujours et une grossesse reste toujours possible.
Durée de vie de l'ovule et des spermatozoïdes
La durée de vie de l'ovule est d'environ 12 heures à 24 heures après son expulsion de l'ovaire. Les spermatozoïdes survivent dans le col de l'utérus et restes fécondant pendant une durée d'environ 3 à 5 jours.
Symptômes de la période d'ovulation
La période d'ovulation peut se manifester à travers tout un cortège de symptômes plus ou moins marqués, tels que :
sensation de tension des seins,
douleur abdominale survenant du côté de l'ovaire qui libère son ovocyte,
présence pendant 2 ou 3 jours de glaires cervicales (mucus qui protège le vagin des infections) et sécrétions vaginales transparentes et un peu gluantes dont la consistance ressemble à celle du blanc d’œuf,
sensation d'augmentation de la libido.
L'absence de ces symptômes ne signifie pas pour autant l'absence d'ovulation.
Phase post-ovulatoire
La phase post-ovulatoire dure en théorie 14 jours pour un cycle régulier de 28 jours, mais sa durée peut aller de 10 à 20 jours dans le cas de cycles très irréguliers.
La fécondation
La fécondation désigne une étape fondamentale de la reproduction sexuée, au cours de laquelle le gamète mâle fusionne avec le gamète femelle pour former l'œuf, appelé le zygote. Chez l'être humain, c'est le spermatozoïde qui joue le rôle du gamète mâle et l'ovule qui est le gamète femelle. Les spermatozoïdes contenus dans le sperme émis dans la cavité vaginale de la femme vont arriver au contact de l'ovule, et l'un d'eux va pénétrer dans l'ovule. Après pénétration, l'ovocyte va devenir "hermétique" à l'entrée d'autres spermatozoïdes, ce qui permet le développement d'un seul œuf. La fécondation correspond donc à la phase de fusion entre un ovule et un spermatozoïde, qui aboutit à une cellule unique amenée à devenir l'embryon. En cas d'absence de fécondation, on assiste à une baisse brutale du taux d'hormone et apparition des règles. En cas de fécondation survient une production d'une hormone spécifique de la grossesse : l'HCG. Cette hormone permet de maintenir la production des autres hormones et donc de garder l'endomètre intact pour que le futur embryon s'y "installe".
La meilleure période pour concevoir un bébé, appelée période de fécondité, s'étale entre le jour avant et juste après la phase d'ovulation, soit environ entre le quatrième jour avant l'ovulation et se termine 24 heures après. Quatre jours avant et un jour après le quatorzième jour du cycle, sont des jours propices à la fécondation pour un cycle de 28 jours, soit pour un cycle normal, entre le dixième jour et le quinzième jour du cycle. Quand cette fécondation ne peut être naturelle, on peut pratiquer une fécondation in vitro qui consiste en la formation d'un œuf hors du corps de la femme, puis ensuite transféré dans son utérus.
- La fécondation si vous avez un cycle normal :
► Date de l'ovulation
Un cycle normal dure 28 jours. L'ovulation a lieu le 14e jour. Cette date d'ovulation permettra de connaitre la période de fécondité. L'ovulation, qui dure 24 heures, correspond à la libération de l'ovocyte par l'ovaire. Le 14e jour du cycle menstruel, sur un cycle régulier de 28 jours, demeure la période la plus fertile. Le premier jour du cycle est le premier jour des règles. Attention : ce n'est pas parce que l'ovulation d'un cycle régulier (28 jours) survient à la moitié de celui-ci qu'elle a toujours lieu à la moitié du cycle (par exemple au 16e jour d'un cycle de 32 jours, ou au 12e jour d'un cycle de 24 jours). L'expulsion de l'ovule a lieu généralement 14 jours avant le début des règles. Ainsi, si vous avez des cycles irréguliers et que vous ne pouvez pas anticiper la date de vos prochaines règles, il vous sera plus difficile de déterminer votre date de l'ovulation. Le recours à une courbe de températures ou à des tests d'ovulation peuvent être envisageable.
► Période de fécondité
La meilleure période s'étale avant et juste après la phase d'ovulation, soit environ entre le 4e jour avant l'ovulation et se termine 24 heures après. 4 jours avant et 1 jour après le quatorzième jour du cycle d'ovulation, sont des jours propices à la fécondation pour un cycle durant 28 jours, soit dans le cas d'un cycle normal, entre le 10e jour et le 15e jour du cycle. Si la durée du cycle menstruel est supérieure à 35 jours, si elle est inférieure à 21 jours, ou encore si le cycle menstruel a tendance à être irrégulier, les résultats de ce calcul peuvent ne pas être tout a fait les mêmes.
- La fécondation si vous avez un cycle court :
La durée du cycle varie en fonction des femmes. Si votre cycle est plus court (moins de 26 jours), la phase folliculaire est plus courte et donc l'ovulation est plus précoce. Si vous avez un cycle d'une durée par exemple de 21 jours : l'ovulation a lieu le 7e jour à compter du premier jour des règles. Le calcul s'effectue en retirant 14 jours, durée de la phase lutéale qui ne varie pas, du nombre de jours du cycle : soit 21 - 14 = 7. Si le cycle a une durée de 22 jours : l'ovulation aura lieu le 8e jour, soit 22 - 14 = 8.
La fécondation si vous avez un cycle long :
Si le cycle est plus long de 33 jours, la phase folliculaire est plus longue et l'ovulation intervient plus tardivement (ovulation tardive) soit le 19e jour à compter du premier jour des règles : soit 33 jours - 14 jours = 19 jours. Si le cycle dure 34 jours : l'ovulation a lieu le 20e jour, soit 34 - 14 = 20.
Courbe de température
Les calculs précédents sont assez théoriques. Ainsi, le fait de faire une courbe de températures permet de déterminer très précisément le moment le plus propice afin d'optimiser vos chances de tomber enceinte. Le schéma ci-dessous présente la façon dont on doit procéder pour faire une courbe de température permettant de connaître précisément son ovulation.
Auguste Marie Danielle
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jadorelesradis · 2 years
Ok so I need to put something out there but I keep going back and forth about telling someone or not, so a read more post on my very unpopular tumblr is a good compromise I think?
TW depression, suicide (same old, same old), looooooooong post of dramatic rambling. It is not a cry for help.
It’s happening again.
I’ve had a manic episode and now I’m back in depression. Big time. I’m starting to have these nagging thoughts about dying. The metro is stuck, what if it exploded or summat? I wake up from a xanax nap, if I were to top myself I’m definitely using that! Everybody hates me, I’m expendable. I can’t do this to my mum, granny, brothers, nephews...
And it’s hard to explain but I don’t regret any of my suicide attempts, nor do I regret having survived them. Like, I feel I made the right decision and to be honest what happened after, even all the good times, it was not that great either. Just ok enough to keep me alive, I guess it’s not that bad. And I really can’t do that to my loved ones.
My former flatmate told me she would sometimes listen to me sleep to make sure I was still alive. Last weekend, she was the one to comfort me when I broke down at another friend’s party. I hate myself for the pain I inflicted to her and I don’t want to worry her anymore. Ironically, she almost died last year from her ovocyte donation. As Depeche Mode once said "God's got a sick sense of humour”.
Anyway, I am in pain so I get these suicidal thoughts. Then I distract myself and it goes away. Then something or other reminds me the world is shit. I am in pain again. I’m not sure how long I’m going to last like this.
But, as much as I am ok with dying, I am terrified by the idea of going back to the hospital. The looney bin is a fucking prison, it’s boring as fuck and if anything it makes me want to die more. Last time, it drove me so mad I argued endlessly with the doctor and she sent me to a much, much worse place (I was in a dedicated department for mood disorders and got sent to a stricter department on the other side of the region where all types of mental illnesses, it’s fucking scary, it makes the other hospital look like a 5* hotel). Then they sent me back because I was too well for them and then annoyed the original doctor into letting me go. She was so fucking mad, it bordered on being unprofessional and I left against medical advice. I am not doing this again.
One thing that is a guaranteed ticket to the psych ward is suicide ideation with a plan. I am not there yet but I feel it creeping into my brain. I push it away as best as I can. It’s hard.
I haven’t told my therapist and psychiatrist about that. They know it’s getting bad but not about the suicidal stuff. I want to tell them but again, the hospital is weighing on me like the sword of Damocles. They’re focusing on my anxiety for now, which is good because it’s through the bloody roof atm. I keep having panic attacks and that weird thing where my brain just stops because I’ve got too many things to do at once. It’s disconcerting really, I’m sat there, paralysed for no reason. 
I should break up with my therapist. I rarely get anything from our sessions. We speak about TV shows and social justice. He tells me to keep going. It’s really helpful and it’s not cheap. I should see someone new. But I don’t know how to tell him. And finding a new shrink isn’t that easy. And then starting anew. It’s hell.
I was watching a TV show earlier and one character said that even though she always says “I am a child of divorce” past the age 30, she really isn’t the produce of her parents’ love or hatred. She’s her own person. It was meant as a nice thing, an empowered statement. It just reminded me that I am alone, that friendship is nice but the support you get from your loved ones only goes so far. I think the endless propaganda about love has gotten to me because I keep thinking that if I were with someone, romantically, I would someone to count on 100%. I also don’t think it’s a very healthy dynamic. It’s conflicting.
I obviously can’t avoid talking about Starmania. The waitress, Marie Jeanne, may have shaped my identity after listening to her songs day in, day out as a kid.
She’s stuck in a menial job where every day is the same. She doesn’t know what she wants, only not work. She wants to escape. She sings that in the end, we are all alone in this world. She says her head hurts, she just wants to sleep, that we should let her die because she doesn’t to be a part of this fucking society anymore. And she’s not sure whether the society is that much of a problem or if it’s just her.
I tick every boxes here. Except I am not in love in a gay man who’s really superficial anyway.
It’s an odd conclusion but why not? My venting is over.
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cigognesdelespoir · 2 months
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Des difficultés pour avoir un #enfant ? Ne lâchez Pas! Venez Rencontrer les « Cigognes de l’Espoir » Cigognes de l’Espoir a « Wish for a Baby 2024 » à Paris! La cinquième édition de « Wish for a Baby » https://www.wishforababy.fr/paris/2024/ se tiendra à Paris les 28 et 29 septembre 2024, un événement 100% gratuit dédié à l'accompagnement des couples et personnes seules dans leur parcours vers la #parentalité. Les Cigognes de l'Espoir vous accueilleront au stand n°100 pour discuter de vos préoccupations et vous fournir des conseils adaptés. Vous pouvez même prendre rendez-vous à l'avance pour un rendez-vous personnalisé https://www.wishforababy.fr/paris/2024/liste-des-exposants/ Ne manquez pas notre conférence sur le « Don d’#ovocytes : est-ce que cela vous « gêne » ? » animée par Lidia Stankiewicz, thérapeute spécialisée en infertilité et auteure du livre inspirant « La femme infertile n’existe pas » https://bit.ly/femmeinfertile . Inscrivez-vous gratuitement au salon https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/billets-wish-for-a-baby-paris-salon-gratuit-sur-la-parentalite-et-la-fertilite-862006914887?aff=cigognesespoir #infertilité #PMA #dondovocytes #donovocytes #fertilité
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saut3relle · 2 years
J’ai appris jeudi dernier que j’étais atteinte d’un début d’endométriose. Je crois que je ne réalise pas encore la nouvelle. J’ai eu un échange avec la gynéco aujourd’hui. Outre le fait que je suis obligée de changer de moyen de contraception, elle m’a informée que si j’avais des projets de bébé, l’endo ne faciliterait pas les choses, et elle m’a parlé de conservation ovarienne possible jusqu’à 37 ans, car après les ovocytes seraient trop âgés. Jusqu’à présent, je ne veux toujours pas d’enfant. Cependant, dans 4 mois j’aurai 37 ans.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais depuis qu’elle m’a parlé de tout ça , j’ai envie de pleurer.
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NOUVELLES CRÉOLES POINTS BY @christelleditchristensen 🖤 #Repost @christelleditchristensen with @make_repost ・・・ P O I N T( S )• • • Chaque petite bille soudée à l’intérieur des bijoux de la collection Point(s) représente ce que nous portons en nous, caché à l’intérieur souvent plaisant, parfois douloureux : le (les) point(s) G, les ovaires, les ovocytes, les embryons, mais aussi les kystes, les fibromes... #cditc #christelleditchristensen #bijouxhautefantaisie #femme #intimité #bijoux #bijouxcreateur #jewelry #jewelrydesigner #dot #point #pointg #ovaires #embryon #ovocytes #kystes #fibrome #wanderlust #amiens #madeinfrance #lifestyle (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxH_Vk1Fib_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v1b9uxccvjat
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cristhianhijar · 3 years
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mirrorontheworld · 7 years
Pour René Frydman, le "père" du premier bébé-éprouvette, l’avis sur la PMA rendu par le Comité consultatif national d’éthique est incomplet et incohérent.
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biotechpourlasante · 2 years
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appareil reproducteur féminin ( gamétogenèse féminine)
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