#ozone entertainment
warhead · 2 years
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nymdraws · 2 years
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SPY FOX in: “The Trans Agenda!”
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polarmolecule · 1 year
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if you just look hard enough… beautiful <3
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Poodles Galore gives me Rupaul vibes. No I will not elaborate
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thepeoplesmovies · 8 days
Watch UK Trailer For François Ozon's Screwball Romp Crime Is Mine
Parkland have released the UK Trailer for François Ozon‘s Screwball Romp Crime Is Mine. A satirical poke at the cancel culture that harks us back to 1930’s Paris! The film stars Nadia Terezkiewicz and Rebecca Marder. In Crime is Mine we follow a struggling actress (Terezkiewicz) who finds herself at the centre of a scandal when she is accused of murdering a lecherous producer. Teaming up with her…
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Gwyneth Paltrow reveals she had rectal ozone therapy for ‘wellness’ — is it safe?
Wellness guru Gwyneth Paltrow would “rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can,” but when it comes to blowing air up her butt, she’s all in. During an appearance this week on Will Cole’s podcast “The Art of Being Well,” the Goop goddess, 50, revealed the “weirdest wellness thing” that she’s ever done — and it’s unbuttlievable. “I have used ozone therapy, uh, rectally,” Paltrow admitted during…
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kivaember · 2 months
me trying to figure things out re: proto-fiend lore in smtvv and my vanilla smtv headcanons for pre-aogami susano-o... by obvs writing a susano-o/tsukuyomi pwp :|
well anyway here's a teaser
Summer. Tsukuyomi’s most hated season and yet the most inescapable. As the world entered a warming state due to humanity’s breakneck technological progress, Tokyo sizzled more and more with each orbit of the sun, and the jungle of concrete and glass only amplified this inescapable heat to the point where even demons were put in a state of lethargy and disgust - and the Proto-Fiends were no exception to this rule.
Crafted by human hands, the Proto-Fiend bodies were inherently flawed compared to their more divine kin, yet they brought advantages with them that other demons coveted jealously: Proto-Fiends were capable of growth and change, trading additional vulnerabilities for the advantage of human ingenuity strengthening them. Of course, Amaterasu, Susano-o and Tsukuyomi were free to spurn the Proto-Fiend bodies to take upon their far more divine yet stagnant forms, but they were long used to this arrangement their father had made with humanity by this point, and so usually stuck with their flawed yet limitless bodies.
However, it seemed that even Proto-Fiends weren’t immune to excessive heatwaves, especially humid heatwaves, which has resulted in Tsukuyomi’s current predicament…
“Ugh. This damn heat…”
The moon was naught but a tiny sliver in the sky, the stars concealed behind patchy yet thick clouds that contained the sticky, humid heat pressing down upon Tokyo. The night hadn’t brought cool relief like Tsukuyomi had hoped, and his little trip to Inakuma shrine for some privacy turned out to be very ill-advised as a result. As claustrophobic as Bethel Japan HQ could be sometimes, it had air-conditioning.
Tsukuyomi, sprawled out on the concave roof of his shrine, scowled at the starless sky above, genuinely contemplating shedding his current Proto-Fiend form until this oppressive heatwave had passed. It wouldn’t be too much of a hardship for the humans to construct him another vessel - Tsukuyomi was cautious enough that they had enough bodies for him to die several times over in one evening before they hit the emergency stocks - but the problem was that Susano-o and even Amaterasu wouldn’t let him forget it.
too weak to endure even a little bit of heat, they’d no doubt tease, and Tsukuyomi’s pride refused to hand them that ammunition. It was bad enough that he was the weakest among them as it was, with an identity that was ephemeral and being steadily consumed by pop culture and commercialism (the less said about Susano-o discovering ‘sexy anime Tsukuyomi’ from human entertainment, the better), but confirming their suspicions on his constitution and having them mock him, or worse, pity him? Tsukuyomi would rather suffer instead.
So he sulked out here instead, in the privacy of his shrine, slowly cooking alive in his Proto-Fiend body. Maybe for next summer he should press-gang a bunch of Jack Frosts into service… make them create a giant snowstorm localised right here… that would be lovely…
A sudden surge of ozone and a blissfully cool gust of wind stirred the stagnant air, heralding Susano-o’s boisterous arrival onto the scene. Tsukuyomi closed his eyes, too exhausted and hot to feel annoyed about his brother’s intrusion. This may as well happen. If he ignored him maybe he’ll just go away.
“Brother!” Susano-o boomed obnoxiously, the acoustic of the shrine making it echo like thunder as the oaf lumbered over. Tsukuyomi practically heard every heavy stomp of Susano-o’s feet. “Brother, are you here?”
Tsukuyomi ignored him.
Susano-o harrumphed loudly, muttering something too low for him to hear. After a moment, Tsukuyomi heard the thump and creak of his brother hauling himself up onto the shrine’s roof, the structure groaning in protest from his considerable bulk - and inelegant way of climbing! What was he doing, kicking footholds into the wall?
“I’m getting too old to climb after you like this, brother!” Susano-o bitched, only to be interrupted by the sound of clattering roof tiles and-
“Ah, shit. Fuck,” Susano-o said. “Crap.”
“Stop destroying my shrine,” Tsukuyomi mumbled half-heartedly.
“He lives!” Susano-o proclaimed, and Tsukuyomi grunted when he felt his brother’s large hands grasp his shoulders and give him a shake. The back of his head whacked the roof a few times from the vigorous shakedown his brother gave him.
“I feared the worst, seeing you lie here so still!” Susano-o said with his usual needless dramatics. “Whatever is the matter with you, brother! Why- ah, why are you naked…”
“I’m hot,” Tsukuyomi admitted. He couldn’t think of any other reason that wouldn’t have Susano-o twisting it to something deviant and weird. “So I stripped.”
“I see…”
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sad-leon · 9 months
that picture with Leo's portal around his neck gripped my by the throat and wouldn't stop shaking me until I wrote this tiny thing for you I hope that's okay! feel free to delete if not <3
(tw: suicidal thoughts/putting self in danger obv)
A flick of Leo’s wrist is all it would take to close the portals currently circled around his neck. 
It had become sort of calming, doing this. The subtle hum of energy hitting him from every direction. The gentle static-like feeling that clung around his neck. The soft, blue light that lit up his surroundings just enough to stop the darkness from feeling suffocating. It almost put him into a meditative state, to hold the portals open around himself. To let himself stare into the darkness and get lost in whatever it was that looked back at him. To entertain the thought of letting the portals close with his neck still…
The irony of something so dangerous being so calming was not lost on him.
It had started out innocent. Testing the limits of his portals, seeing what he could and couldn’t do with them. Training, you know?
Maybe it was still training. In a way.
It would be so, so easy. Quick, too. Maybe his family would even believe he’d done it by accident. Stupid, reckless Leo, messing around and making a terrible, fatal mistake.
Leo took a slow, deep breath. The faint smell of ozone used to fill him with adrenaline, but now it calmed him in a way he couldn't explain.
It would be so easy.
Link to OG post
this is very good!! I wanted to do another little doodle for this, but the writing is very solid on its own so im gonna share this before it continues to sit in my inbox!
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kalos-delights · 4 months
I am Eris. I am the leader of Team Ozone. I will not let anyone derail me from my goal.
If you are receiving this message it is because we believe you could be a great addition to our team.
We are Team Ozone, we mean you no harm. Our mission is for the good of all.
The term 'team' is mainly for aesthetics (and to get more attention, all publicity is good publicity) In truth, we are a revolution.
We wish to free humanity from the shackles our 'gods' keep us in.
Our Legendaries, our 'gods' hold no empathy for their creations. We are their playthings, nothing more than a sick joke and a form of entertainment.
So I ask you, do you truly wish to live under the tyrannical rule of those that pretend to care? Do you wish to live in fear of these creatures?
Or do you wish to rise up and fight against them?
It is your decision, we await your response.
There’s no way I’ll do that!
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salllzy · 5 days
The meeting of Justice and Nature #4
Alastor knew what was going on in Hell, so far the angels had dug themselves a nice grave and Sarah was playing her part rather well. He did feel sorry for Emily, his daughter-in-law looked as if she wanted to be anywhere else. Which was understandable, Sarah had his temper after all. However, they wouldn't need to resort to such tactics if Heaven had listened to them in the beginning. But they hadn't. Alastor hummed as he followed his target, a brute of a man who had escaped any form of punishment by bribing the police, judges and prosecution. But he would deal with them later, right now? He had a predator to hunt down and remove. The sad sack of shit didn't deserve to live. He hummed and twirled his cane as he followed his target into the bathrooms of a gentlemen's club. He already knew how he was going to get rid of him, the man was known for his overindulgence of certain things. Other than young boys that was. So injecting a lethal dosage of cocaine into him? Wasn't going to raise any red flags for anyone. Alastor smiled as he looked at the slumped body, he would raise the alarm when he was safely away, an anonymous tip would be good enough. Then he would turn his attention to those who were supposed to be upholding justice. There was a special place in Hell for them. He was the Angel of Justice, he wasn't good or evil, he simply was. Justice was to punish the guilty and protect the innocent and should justice not be delivered? Then he turned into vengeance. Which is what happened in this case. Not that he was complaining, it was always fun and entertaining when he got to hunt down a few scum. Alastor was well aware that he wasn't like amongst the heavenly Courts, he had killed a fair few angels in his time and they were unable to stop him. Not even Sera and her precious rules. He knew that he needed to make an appearance soon, no doubt those of the Heavenly Courts would be wondering where he was. Those who knew him or had worked with him before were well aware that they couldn't force him to do anything that he didn't want to do. It was something that irritated Sera to no end and why he kept doing it. ---- Alastor lurked in the shadows as Micheal tore into Sera and it wasn't just Micheal either. He had to give his daughter credit, she knew how to get others to her side. Using facts and logic made it difficult to argue with her at the best of times, coupled with the evidence that she liked to collect? It was nearly impossible to win an argument against her. He was so proud of her. "Well, this looks like a party." His eyes landed on Emily who was clutching Sarah's blouse and his daughter? She looked as if she was one step away from erasing Sera from existence. Alastor sent a withering glare towards Sera as he made his way to Emily and Sarah, a vicious rumble echoed in the room, she had gone from the realms of being displeased and annoyed to angry, so very angry. The stench of ozone filled the air and Alastor could feel the small tremors under his feet, she was holding onto her temper by a thin thread. One that could snap at any given moment. There were very few things that could anger her to this point, in fact, they could be counted on one hand and there would be fingers left over. Then he saw it, a vivid red hand mark on Emily's face. It was far too big to be Sarah's, not that his daughter would ever lay a hand on her wife, Sarah would soon skin herself alive than harm Emily. His eyes bled green as he looked at Sera. The Seraphim didn't look sorry, she held her head high as she was given a dressing down by Gabriel and Raphael, neither of the Archangels were being gentle. It didn't take him very long to figure out just what had happened. Then before anyone could say and do anything, his sword was rammed straight through Sera's mouth. The Seraphim hadn't seen it coming.
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
Arrax here; I want Vox's full out demon form to be some horrifying eldritch being, like...I dunno maybe Vox's form is Vox's electricity--omly his, his Cyan electricity that the city uses.
Like, Vox gets shot with an angelic bullet and he falls. Everyone thinks he's dead, and yest Vox's employees are still fighting. The Vox's screen lights up, as does every single screen in the surrounding area, and you hear this draconic, viscous snarl and using all 8 screens that are around him, fully demonic Vox breaks out, and he terrifies everyone.
oh, thats a very interesting concept!!. my favourite ever FULL full demon form of vox comes from RHTVS, where he has (technically...) two full demon forms, one as a giant white electricity beast and another being like this giant kaiju mecha
i have seen gorgeous depictions of voxs demon form such as a giant mecha-shark hybrid, but i like imagining him close to the devils from csm. (actually, this kind of correlates with your hc too)
something like a cross between the gun devil and the falling devil, where he's still somewhere "close" to an approximation of a human body (bc for some reason, vox just strikes me as the type of person to cling onto what human parts of himself he still has. might just be me tho), but built up of a mixture of mechanical wires, electricity, and the souls under his contracts. id imagine like the gun devil, many many many fucking television screens would be incorporated onto his body.
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also, in the situation youve posed, i cant help but imagine a scenario where vox never told anyone about this form before, and everyone (even the vees!) truly thought he might be dead for a moment, the power around hells pride ring slowly flickering and crashing as his opponents revel in having taken down one of prides top overlords- before they start screaming. limbs start to burn from an overwhelming amount of static electricity in the air, a smell of ozone and burnt bits wafting through the streets of the entertainment district as vox reaches forward with arms constructed of pure electricity and strings of wiring, pulling forward until he stands up, form flickering with static and power. every broadcast flicks on, and the unfortunate sinners too weak to resist the pulls of their screen are pulled in toward him until he consumes them too, fueling him with only more ammunition for the fires.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Hey it's Star Wars incorrect quote time because my original beloveds won't shut up
I know this is a Zelda blog but it's also my blog and I do what I want and I can't get rid of this Star Wars brain rot okay I'm sorry
*in an AU where the Disaster Lineage (and friends) from the OT traveled back to TCW era*
Ben, to Vader and Fulcrum: You're younglings. Vader, rising, agitated: Younglings?! I am--*stops. Stares at Luke really quickly* How old are you? Luke: Twenty-four. Vader, whirling his head back to Ben: I am old enough to have a twenty-four--*realizing what Luke just said* TWENTY-FOUR?? *whips head back to Luke* You're twenty-four?! How--when did--*turns back to Ben, glaring* I'm old as fuck, okay?! Fulcrum: *wheezing* Vader, pointing at her: And she's old too! Fulcrum: Hey! I'm not that old! Vader: We're five years apart in age. You're old. Fulcrum: >:O YOU LIAR YOU SAID YOU WERE LIKE A DECADE OLDER THAN ME Vader: OF COURSE I LIED WHAT ELSE WAS I GONNA SAY TO A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TO MAKE HER RESPECT ME Ben: The point is-- Vader: THE POINT IS, whether we're talking our actual ages or our physical ones, even in this era I was a general and Ahsoka was a commander. Ben: You're teenagers. Vader: Teenagers in command. Han: How did any of you survive the war Ben: I asked myself that on a daily basis.
Ben, staring at Vader: Your hair's curlier than usual. Vader, confused:...And? Ben: It only gets curly like that when it gets wet. Vader, who definitely snuck out while it was raining when he wasn't supposed to:...I took a shower. Ben: You smell like ozone and burns. Vader: It's... a new soap scent. Fulcrum: *starts losing it* Ben: Vader: Ben: A soap scent. Vader: Yes. Ben: Where did you go, Anakin Skywalker Vader: To the store. To buy the new soap. Leia: Is he really going to keep trying this? Fulcrum, crying laughing: He'll die on any hill if it means he doesn't admit he did something wrong.
Ben: Behave while I'm gone. Fulcrum: Where are you going? Ben: My coworker invited me to dinner. This might be a good time to get the information we need. Vader: Oh? Dinner? Fine. We'll stay here. Luke, baffled, staring at Vader: But... you killed him on the Death Star. You're getting along with him now? Vader: Well, for this undercover mission that we were on in this time period, he was acting as Ahsoka and my father. Leia: You posed as a family? Fulcrum: Yeah, it was pretty entertaining. Vader, calling to Ben: Have fun on your date with that coworker, Dad! Ben: >.> Vader, smirking: See, this is much better than killing him.
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bluntforcefem · 10 months
hiiii atti! do you perhaps recs for good videos or seasons to watch for etho content maybe
i do!! i have always been a bigger fan of his solo / team canada content though so unfortunately i will not be much help in the hermitcraft department BUT. i will do my best
obligatory "etho's decked out runs are incredibly impressive and entertaining" post. episodes 14-20 of his hermitcraft s9 (they all have the phase names) are just a blast
hermitcraft s8e3 is also fun. he builds a moss farm
his most recent solo world tour episode is from around 3 years back, episode 550, and it's a really good video to watch if you want a taste of what his let's play is like + the kind of projects he works on in it. also it's fun & i revisit it a lot
sky factory 2.5 & captive minecraft 4 are both extremely fun team canada romps if you want some goofy bullshit! captive minecraft 4 is... much shorter albeit i'm not ENTIRELY sure they ever finished the map
the first five & very last episode of project ozone 2 are delightful for very different reasons
(note: tumblr decided to delete the links off the last two points because it hates me but they are VERY easily findable playlists on etho's channel)
lastly: i've heard really good things abt etho's double life series in particular AND secret life, but my deepest secret is that i haven't actually watched any of them yet. passing on the recommendation from the ethogirls i follow
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psn-stalling · 8 months
I am Eris. I am the leader of Team Ozone. I will not let anyone derail me from my goal.
This is an automated message. If you are receiving it, it is because we believe you could be a great addition to our team.
We are Team Ozone, we mean you no harm. Our mission is for the good of all.
The term 'team' is mainly for aesthetics (and to get more attention, all publicity is good publicity) In truth, we are a revolution.
We wish to free humanity from the shackles our 'gods' keep us in.
Our Legendaries, our 'gods' hold no empathy for their creations. We are their playthings, nothing more than a sick joke and a form of entertainment.
So I ask you, do you truly wish to live under the tyrannical rule of those that pretend to care? Do you wish to live in fear of these creatures?
Or do you wish to rise up and fight against them?
It is your decision, we await your response.
I think you forgot to take your meds grandpa.... Do you need me to give them to you?
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legendsobsessions · 8 months
I am Eris. I am the leader of Team Ozone. I will not let anyone derail me from my goal.
If you are receiving this message it is because we believe you could be a great addition to our team.
We are Team Ozone, we mean you no harm. Our mission is for the good of all.
The term 'team' is mainly for aesthetics (and to get more attention, all publicity is good publicity) In truth, we are a revolution.
We wish to free humanity from the shackles our 'gods' keep us in.
Our Legendaries, our 'gods' hold no empathy for their creations. We are their playthings, nothing more than a sick joke and a form of entertainment.
So I ask you, do you truly wish to live under the tyrannical rule of those that pretend to care? Do you wish to live in fear of these creatures?
Or do you wish to rise up and fight against them?
It is your decision, we await your response.
...Rather audacious of you to include a link to your very blog.
Perhaps your gods are different. In my experience, there are few issues that can't be solved with a pokemon battle, because the gods are (and always have been) pokemon too.
I don't fear them. I respect them, because the world would not function without many of them, but I certainly don't fear them.
I neither fear nor respect you.
You are aware of who you sent this message to, yes? Champion Cynthia of the Sinnoh region? Someone who has spent her whole life studying the very gods you wish to overthrow?
Only two teams have ever gained enough of a foothold in Sinnoh to make interregional news. I have dismantled countless others like yours, and I'm sure I'll dismantle countless more before my tenure as Champion is done.
Stay out of Sinnoh, and stay away from the gods that keep the universe functioning, unless you want to end up like Galactic.
You've made it clear that it is attention you want. This is the extent of what you will be getting from me, and it's already likely more than you deserve.
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Minior (#774)
Minior minior
General Information: Minior are small Pokémon that are derived from mutated nanoparticles. They are 1 foot tall (0.3 M) and with a shell on they weigh 88.2 (40 kg) pounds, but without the shell they weigh 0.7 pounds (0.3 kg).
Minior come in a variety of Core Form colors, and can come in any color in the visible light spectrum that is not produced by combining multiple wavelengths of light. This criteria is meant to specifically excludes whites, greys, blacks, magentas, and browns. Shiny Minior are black with colored triangles. A group of Miniors is called a stardust.
Habitat: Minior form in the stratosphere from mutated nanoparticles, and make their home in the ozone layer. They do not form anywhere else and they cannot be replicated in laboratory settings—yet! Some scientists have been working furiously to develop Miniors in the lab.
Life Cycles: Minior have a tragic but simple life cycle. They’re one of the few Pokémon that do not seem to develop proper eggs, but the atmospheric studies that do exist seem to suggest that Miniors do reproduce with each other like other Pokémon, though its uncertain how this occurs. Newly emerged Miniors eat atmospheric dust and the dust eventually forms an incredibly durable outer shell. Eventually, the shell becomes too heavy and the minior falls to the Earth. The shock of the impact cracks open their shell, exposing their core—the color of which is determined by the dust that they ate in the upper atmosphere. Unfortunately, once a Minior is exposed, it will almost certainly die, for Miniors cannot have their core exposed for too long. The longest recorded lifespan of a wild exposed  Minior is 10 hours, but realistically they will die within 4 hours after exposure. However, trainers have been able to preserve Minior lives by placing them into a Pokéball and protecting their core, before their lifespan is up.
In the stratosphere, Minior make a great food source for other stratospheric Pokémon such as Rayquaza.
It is unknown how long Miniors can live for as its incredibly difficult to track wild Miniors, but in captivity they have been able to live for several years past their original crash-landing to Earth. Please be aware though, that keeping Miniors in Pokeballs is effectively giving them life support, and Miniors cannot be outside their Pokéball for more than a couple hours at a time per day when exposed from their shell. It is actively and strongly advised not to allow Miniors to participate in battle except under limited circumstances. In fact, the only settings where scientists have figured out how to preserve exposed Miniors is under strict laboratory settings that are impossible to replicate out of expensive science facilities—but this does give hope for the future of captive Minior populations, and possibly our understanding of life in the cosmos.
Behavior: Minior are friendly and curious. They are prepared to have short lifespans once they fall to the earth, they are fairly optimistic sorts who enjoy the limited life that they have. Those who have granted them longer lifespans by placing them inside Pokeballs, find their Minior friend to be highly curious, if a bit startled at being able to exist (albeit in a limited capacity) on Earth for so long. Since their main predator are Rayquazas and other upper atmosphere creatures, they don’t have a lot of natural fears toward the Pokémon on land, so get along just fine. If you’re willing to keep very good care of a Minior, then they can make a nice household pet. Granted, Miniors in their Core Form aren’t terribly exciting, but they are listening to what’s going on and even respond! In fact, many trainers with Miniors find that they’re fans of audio experiences, and perhaps letting them listen to music or a good book is a good way to keep them entertained when they’re inside their shell. It’s like having a pet rock, but it’s self-aware and can squeak at you.  
Diet: Dust. They literally just eat dust. If you have a dust allergy, a Minior might be a great solution!
Conservation: Unknown
Relationship with Humans: Miniors are the subject of many tragedies and nature documentaries. Their lives are perfect to encapsulate the mystery of the cosmos or a strange, mysterious friend who enters your life for a brief period but has to leave you forever, and so forth. Quite a number of sad children’s books use Miniors as the go-to Pokémon for the tragic friendships and the terminally ill. In fact, Miniors are often representative of the terminally ill community, or by folks with illnesses that could kill them any day if they do the wrong thing. Miniors are surprisingly common in cancer wards, generally owned by a handful of the staff who keep company to those who may not have anyone else who understands the fears and anxieties that they have toward death. But despite their symbolism with tragic deaths and short lives and terminal illness, Miniors are still beloved for what they are and the joy that they can bring with them in their short existence.
Classification: Minior is the only Pokémon species in its entire phylum of the Family Tree of Evolution (as of Gen 9). Because of this, it defines what it means to be in its phylum, and thus it has the species name Minior minior.
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Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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